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Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) vs Zog Daos vs Auron Roxis Rosencrantz vs Frog Mia Ausa vs Bartre
Eirika vs Lucia Serge vs Jeremy Non Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII vs Gijimu Zell Dincht vs Kongol
Tibarn vs Kratos Aurion Asellus vs Kresnik Ahtreide Nash Rumack vs Mog Skelly vs Palmer
Guv vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Angelo vs Yuber Blastoise vs Slade Macha vs Locke Cole
Week 2 - Eliminations

Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) (XG) Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) vs Zog Zog (BoF1)

Sometimes, when you win, you lose.

Certainly, an emperor of a vast and mighty empire would have contingencies.

Ways to make Citan pay, even if he somehow lost.

Summoning his vast armies to destroy all that he loved, perhaps.

Or perhaps showing him the power of his Goddess, Myria.


"Or maybe just laughing at him when he's laid up from exhaustion from the effort of beating me to death." Zog chuckled softly from his hospital bed. "The winners don't get the free healers." He added, looking at the picture of Citan, unconcious from the exertion, a full two days after the match.

Sometimes when you win, you lose.

Other times, sometimes it just ain't worth the effort. I mean, seriously.

Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau): 45
Zog: 9

Eirika (FE8) Eirika vs Lucia Lucia (Suikos)

"So, if I attack you, I get countered and stabbed to death." Lucia mused, as the judges readied themselves for the ensuing battle.

"Yeah, I think so." Eirika nodded, wondering where this was going.

"And if I cast spells, you can dodge them. And then I get stabbed to death." "Yeah. I don't really get why anyone else here can't, but..." "And if I stand still, you just stab me to death." "I guess I'd have to." Eirika shrugged.

"So, we're agreed that this is pointless and that there's only one thing to do." "...Um...yeah, I think I know what you mean." Eirika nodded, as she turned her back on Lucia.

And so, Eirika stabbed the hiding Sten to death while Lucia proceeded to casually snag Sephiroth's clothes off with a remarkably well placed whip crack, then run out of the the arena.

(Nearby witnesses claim that she was saying something about woobs. None of them thought they heard that right though.)

There may have been a lack of communication there, between Eirika and Lucia, as well. Regardless, both got what they wanted, and Eirika won on both technicality of ringout and due to the fact that Sephiroth was one of the judges.

Eirika: 36
Lucia: 21

Tibarn (FE9) Tibarn vs Kratos Aurion Kratos Aurion (ToS)

Boy, Kratos sure does love that double damage to humans sword he has now, doesn't he?

Wait, what do you mean Tibarn is a bird? It doesn't work?

Back to heavy you go, mister.

Tibarn: 27
Kratos Aurion: 16

Guv (DQ8) Guv vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHs)

Guv, disqualified and in a holding cell.

Yuri, brutally slaughtered, given the win by default.


"Yeah, one girlfriend died and I... probably don't want to date the other, all things considered." Yuri shrugged. "Granted, Alice is alive here, so that sorts itself out. And you?"

Guv mused for a moment, before waving his hands in the air and bringing them downward. "Judgment from above?" Yuri frowned. Guv shook his head slightly, before making a weird face. "Oh, a punk did something to her?" A nod, followed by a gesture to his lower back. Yuri frowned. "She... turned into your pants?" Guv made a face, before pantomiming riding a carriage, then pointing ahead and down. "Oh, a horse! She... got turned into a horse? Man, that's shit luck there. She at least normal again?" Guv nodded happily.

"That's good, that's good." Yuri nodded, before pausing. "Say, while she was a horse, did you..."

Guv simply stared, confused.

"You know. Did you two, ah..." Yuri grinned.

A glimmer of understanding came into Guv's eyes...

Guv: 17
Yuri Volte Hyuga: 35

Daos (Lufias) Daos vs Auron Auron (FFX)

These two have a lot in common. Both have some red on them, both have died before, and, once Daos is finished, both will have had their asses kicked by a (however brief) bearer of the Dual Blade. Yeah, bet Mr. Unsent wishes he'd gone for something like that instead of yet another sword called the Masamune. The Sinistral of Terror takes the win.

Daos: 36
Auron: 21

Serge (CC) Serge vs Jeremy Non Jeremy Non (WA4)

Youthful spirit.

The power of creation come to earth.

For, indeed, what is the embodiment of creation more than that creation just after it's birth?

The power of all the universe in one's heart.

This great power, the power that, if one keeps faith in it, that can level mountains, destroy oceans and rend minds.

Yet, it is also a power of unbelievable creation as well.

A power that can turn people from worthless shells to forces of pure good and honesty.

A power that can recreate the very soul.


"...um...Lenneth..." Lucian mumbled, as he watched.

"Yes?" "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but..." Lucian stumbled over his words, trying to think of a polite way to phrase his question.

"Since when do I have a sense of humor?" Lenneth supplied. "That's about what I was going for." Lucian agreed.

"You should know as well as anyone by now that I truly despise those that moan and whine about reality as it is, and those that take pointless anger out on those souls that do not deserve it." Lenneth noted.

"Yeah, but...I mean...seriously." Lucian gestured vaguely at the arena, where a stunned young girl in schoolgirl clothes was still looking down at herself, while Serge scratched his head in confusion.

"It was obvious that Serge's youthful spirit has won him another match. I clearly had nothing to do with it. Nothing that anyone will care to prove." Lenneth shrugged.

"...I still don't get it." Lucian mumbled, as he watched the girl run shrieking out of the arena.

"Besides, I had to get a sense of humor after all that Lezard put me through." Lenneth finished calmly, as she walked out of the arena.

"Right." Lucian nodded, his mystification gone.

Serge: 23
Jeremy Non: 22

Asellus (Saga) Asellus vs Kresnik Ahtreide Kresnik Ahtreide (WA4)

"Edge? No. I said we would NEVER bring that up again."


"Do you want to sleep on the couch?"


"Until Sten gets a date with Piastol?"

"...Sigh. I'll be good. Can we at least watch the fight?"

"Sure. I can't see that causing any harm."


The arena was packed to the gills. Asellus's charms- both mystic and otherwise- were legendary. The DL knew that something had happened to royally piss off Rydia the last time Asellus got in the arena (but not what!), and thustly the crowd started buzzing as soon as Edge and Rydia made their entery into the arena.

It -exploded- when Asellus walked into the arena and ignored Kresnik. The half mystic instead went over towards Rydia and said something to her at a whisper. While the crowd couldn't hear a whisper, -everyone- could see Asellus's more than friendly smile and her hands on Rydia's face. The summoner had turned beet red, and Edge sat there, jaw hanging open, for once without any kind of rebuttal. Asellus then leaned in and..


The crowd roared.


Rydia's face was beet red, her body posture screamed morification. "H... how DARE SHE. EDDDDDDGGGGGE!"

Edge picked his jaw up off the floor and gathered himself. The prince knew that if he didn't do something and fast to fix this, he would likely end up with an extremely initmate relationship with Bahamut and an extremely distant one with Rydia. Edge reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, heavily engraved scroll that was etched with mystic runes.


Time Magic could freeze time, slow it down, and speed it up. But reversing time for any notable length was beyond even the powers of the TimeLord. However, a small scroll blessed with the full powers of a mystic noble could reverse time for 30 seconds. While it can't alter the memories of those who are directly effected by the spell (A flaw making it near useless in combat), it is a long enough piece of time to correct one mistake.


Asellus walked over to Edge and Rydia. Mmm, she did so love the brash prince and his lovely lady. Perhaps a good luck kiss would be just the thing to give her an edge over Kresnik. She blinked. Hadn't she already gone up to Rydia?

More to the point, why was Edge leaping out of his seat and charging her?


A hail of Fumas shredded Asellus before she could so much as move, DQing Kresnik. The crowd gasped in shock at this- why would Edge attack Asellus?


Edge limped into his room and shut the door wearily behind him. Boy, you wouldn't think a crowd would take it's bisexual crazy half mystic women that seriously. At least Rydia will speak to him within the next decade or so, not that it'll help with the pain from the beatings.

Asellus: 29
Kresnik Ahtreide: 14

Angelo (DQ8) Angelo vs Yuber Yuber (S3)

"Yaoi prism power!"

Those words have a terrible power, with their ability to draw perverts of the female gender far and wide. Angelo possesses the raw beauty and number of rabid fangirls for such a call to work. What would stand in Ultimecia and co's way from getting some -very- hot Angelo/Yuber action?


"Thanks Jess. I knew you'd be willing to strike a blow against perversion."

Indeed, Miss Albert would not let such foulness occur. Her whip and powers quickly tought Ultimecia, Edea, and other women that men are not sex objectS.

Which of course sent Yuber running in the opposite direction. Any attractive Suikoden male knows to run screaming when the yaoi fiends are on the prowl.

Angelo: 35
Yuber: 15

Roxis Rosencrantz (MK) Roxis Rosencrantz vs Frog Frog (CT)

A talented, skilled warrior with healing magic and a legendary sword.

A snot-nosed student with an attitude and little competency on his own.

Turns out the Mana of Light likes French cuisine. Bye, Frog.

Roxis Rosencrantz: 34
Frog: 12

Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII (MK) Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII vs Gijimu Gijimu (S2)

As we all know, clay is much, much less durable than bone.

An axe to the face breaks bones.

Poor Muppy never stood a chance.

Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII: 20
Gijimu: 24

Nash Rumack (Lunar1) Nash Rumack vs Mog Mog (FF6)

In the end, it wasn't Mog's dancing, or Nash's magic, that resolved this match.

It was the fact that only Mog showed up. Nash won the match.



"So, kupopo, this'll give me magic even in the DL? Kupo! Sounds good!" Mog smiled. Nash grinned as well, before passing the contract over. "Yep, just sign on the dotted line, little buddy!"

"Kupo! But... I can't read or write, kupo..." Mog frowned. Nash seemed startled. "No worries! Then we can start there. Just make an X on the dotted line, like this! See?"

"Kupo!" Mog signed on the bottom line before handing the contract back. Nash smiled gaily. "See, these letters? They're..."


"So you inserted a clause that he'd lose the match for you? That's mean." Jessica scolded Nash. "I oughta clobber you..."

"Hey, I actually wanted to have him show off his magic for everyone - he learned quickly!" Nash protested. "Honest! I mean, yes, I put the clause in there, but I intended to show up and explain! And he knew that he was going to lose by signing it, but he wanted magic!"

"Wait. What stopped you, then?"

"Terra and Celes beat me up for the contract already." Nash admitted miserably.


The Mogdance Concert will be next week! Be absolutely spellbound as master dancer and mage Mog electrifies the entire audience and leaves them petrified with glee! $29/ticket.

Nash Rumack: 45
Mog: 16

Blastoise (PKMN) Blastoise vs Slade Slade (SF2)

An epic fight between a ninja and an armored tank. A battle that would be long and grueling...

...if Blastoise didn't resign immediately after he saw Slade.

Hey, Blastoise knows his master when he sees him.

Blastoise: 21
Slade: 26

Mia Ausa (Lunar1) Mia Ausa vs Bartre Bartre (FE7)

"So. You're saying I won't be able to hurt her?" Bartre repeated. Lyn sighed. "Correct, lummox. Now will you please resign already?"

"...I still want to try this." With that, Bartre walked out, leaving a frustrated Lyn shaking her head.


Bartre advanced into the arena, hands behind his back. Mia, clutching her cane, nodded. "Welcome. Are you read- ohmigod, they're BEAUTIFUL!"

As the flowers Bartre came in with were accepted, he smiled bashfully. "Thanks. Thought you'd like them..."

"I do! Thank you so much, Bartre!" Mia gushed, as Bartre shuffled back. "I, uh, know you're seeing that Nash kid. I wish you two the best of luck."

"Uh. Actually, we're... kinda not talking right now. ...Y-y-you doing anything after the match?" Mia stuttered. Bartre beamed. "Not a thing! Shall we? Oh, and you can have the match."

The two left, giggling, as Lyn stood there, slackjawed. "How the... there's no way... how did he... what the..."

Mia Ausa: 48
Bartre: 10

Zell Dincht (FF8) Zell Dincht vs Kongol Kongol (LoD)


Kongol couldn't possibly stand a chance.

Circumstances in this battle...just weren't right for him.


"But why was there a train going through the arena?" Quistis asked, baffled, as Zell waved to the crowd from atop the train he had, successfully, punched onto Kongol.

"Well, Selphie hasn't been bothering me the last few days..." Irvine noted grimly.

"Yeah, I'd heard she was pestering some Godlike or another about there not being enough trains here." Squall noted with a headshake.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" A distant squeal of joy could be heard from somewhere within the train. "Let's do it again!"

"Why do we let her breathe again?" Squall noted.

His friends, kindly, stayed silent.

Zell Dincht: 26
Kongol: 24

Skelly (CC) Skelly vs Palmer Palmer (FF7)

Inside every fat man, there's said to be a thin man, trying to get out. In a surprisingly brutal move, Skelly thought his own interpretation of this might make for good comedy and put it into practice during the fight: he pulled out Lard Lad's skeleton. Though victorious, he expressed regret that only Kefka seemed to "get it."

Skelly: 36
Palmer: 18

Palmer is a joke, Skelly is a zombie.

Macha (CC) Macha vs Locke Cole Locke Cole (FF6)

*Locke used Steal*
*Stole Plumed Hat X 1!*
*Stole her clothing, too!!*
Locke: Here we go!
Locke: These are... something, but the colors bring out my eyes.
Wh... Whew!!
*Fanfare as Macha!Locke spins and victory dances*
*Audience boos*

Macha: 21
Locke Cole: 38