Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 194398 times)

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2300 on: October 18, 2014, 09:17:34 PM »
Smash:  Got first in Smash Run with all characters.  Insert generic complaint about Smash Run randomness.

Also got 4 kills in Cruel Melee with Shulk Counter cheese.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2301 on: October 19, 2014, 01:09:59 AM »
FFX-2 Yattaf Solo: I'm in the last chapter!
Chocobo breeding is terrible, worse than the cactuar sidequest. And still better than FFX minigames.

The cactuar sidequest boss has an attack that does 10 hits of 20% mHP damage, so it's guaranteed death. It can be prevented by killing its sentient arms, but I need to do that right at the beginning of the battle which I can't.
I'll try using a strategy like "Start as Alchemist, use some OP item to kill the arms, then while he's trying to resurrect, change clothes like Arturo Brachetti to get a bunch of + strength bonuses, then switch to Dark Knight and spam Darkness every round"
We'll see how it goes.

I got an Iphone 6 as a gift.

Terra Battle: This is some free to play game made by Mistwalker.

It is Othello (the board game) as a free to play RPG.
Surprisingly it gets pretty varied and strategic.

Free to play elements are not terrible so far.
In your character roster you get named characters with backstories and monsters.
Monsters, as in every RPG ever, are vastly inferior. You get 2 initial named characters, plus 1 later in the story, otherwise you're stuck with monsters unless you spend FTP Coinz for named characters. BUT so far I got enough FTP Coinz (They're also given for ending chapters and entering some code) for 4 other named characters, so it's not like I have to be stuck with crappy monsters. The only problem is that these 7 named characters don't really synergize well (I have 3 sword users in a game with a weapon triangle, and 2 healers) but it's not like FTP Coinz would have given me some big advantage.

It is definitely not a game for completionists anyway as finishing everything must take hundreds of real cash + hundreds of hours.

Worse is that the game doesn't let you play forever. This sucks.
Also basically every girl is fanservice (except the underage ones, thank god) Artwork is overall nice, as it's made by the Drakengard guy. Since the game has no animations whatsoever that's pretty important.

Super Hexagon: I think that's the only game I bought 3 times? It's really a classic for me. I think I'll have the most nostalgia for this game out of all of them, when I grow old.

Little Inferno: To quote Tristan, I've seen some fucked up shit in my life, but that is the fucked upest
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 01:23:52 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2302 on: October 19, 2014, 01:50:14 AM »
Little Inferno was beautiful the first time I played it and still held up 12 months later when I did it again.

Pokedudes - Beat normal game.  I didn't realise they had difficulty modes in BW2 until I as near the end.  That is because you need to beat the game to unlock it and trade with the other version to get the other difficulty mode.  This is really fucking stupid and is the most Pokemon thing ever.  Basic functionality that should really be in the game forever if you are going to do it!  Arbitrarily locked away and requires trading.

SMT: Strange Journey - picked this back up.  It is dense and unintelligible in ways I expect.

VP: Lenneth - picking up play I had sitting at chapter 7 to play while I nod off since SMT aren't great for that.  PSP controls for platforming are worse that I remembered.  I was raging at Amenti pretty hard.  Nearly wanted to break things in the part with the floating heads that teleport you, but found out that Timer Ring seemed to completely break them.  They would slowly hover around barely moving then reset position after a few seconds, so pretty much eliminating them as a thing even.  Weird.

Got to chapter 8 and save scammed for a Gram.  Current party is Bow Lenneth, Grey, Jayle (for the bounce) and Lyseria.  Will probably swap to Gandar for giggles after Dragon Palace.  Stay tuned for me raging about the Dinosaur jump when I am not using spear people.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2303 on: October 19, 2014, 02:52:08 AM »
Little Inferno was beautiful the first time I played it and still held up 12 months later when I did it again.

Did you just want a hug?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2304 on: October 19, 2014, 05:39:35 AM »
Pokedudes - Beat normal game.  I didn't realise they had difficulty modes in BW2 until I as near the end.  That is because you need to beat the game to unlock it and trade with the other version to get the other difficulty mode.  This is really fucking stupid and is the most Pokemon thing ever.  Basic functionality that should really be in the game forever if you are going to do it!  Arbitrarily locked away and requires trading.

I think the worst part is that you have to delete all your data to start a new game, so you can't even use Expert Mode on replays unless you know someone with Expert Mode unlocked to transfer it over.  Unlockable difficulty modes is nothing new for Video Games in general, but Pokemon took it to a new level of stupid.  Much as I will rave about BW2 being one of the best entries in the franchise, I will never defend how they handled the difficulty modes here.  I find it hard to even defend it on a "better than not existing at all" level because it functionally doesn't exist for most people until the aftergame, and worse, it only helps Black 2 players because that gets Expert mode.  White 2 gets UNLOCKABLE EASY MODE for aftergame which is stupid unless you are compulsive about 100%ing the after-game and the Super E4 and such scare you.


FF10 HD:  Zombie Seymour just got defeated.  Ok, NOW I'm pretty sure I'm done with him for good; Zombies are being rekillified is usually being deaded and such.

So we open with Tidus running around Airship.  The only thing noting here is the discussion with Donna, notably where he says "Who cares what everyone else says? Do what you want with your life" and she agrees despite the disgrace.  Why is this line meaningful?  Well, earlier in the game, Tidus has a flashback with Jecht where he's telling Jecht that people are saying he's getting worse due to drinking and Jecht's response is "let them talk!"  Tidus having the same mindset of "Who cares what everyone else thinks?" fits in with this because first off, he is a celebrity too; he knows the public talks.  Secondly, this demonstrates he has more in common with Jecht than meets the eye, since he's pretty much taking the mindset of "who cares what the public says?" and telling Donna that.

So the rest of the Airship stuff is nothing major.  We have Wakka finally learning Yuna is half Al Bhed, Auron and Cid arguing over the pilgrimage (further proving that Cid's concern is for Yuna, and not the pilgrimages themselves), and then AWESOME ACTION SEQUENCE WITH WEDDING!!! Well no, we do see Rikku's back to her fun-self again when she openly imitates Cid to show how ridiculous a notion of "BLOW UP THE AIRSHIP AND TAKE THEM DOWN WITH US!" which was an amusing scene, in character, and just a good example "This is how you do a fun energetic character!"  I can't stress enough how FF10 Rikku is so painful not because she's bad a character, but because she's a GOOD character, and we know she turns into...well..., I won't stop with this nonsense.  Taking a fun character and ruining them horribly is nothing I will ever drop and damn it, you're all going to suffer with me, either through reminders about this change, or the fact that I will simply piss you off with the repetitiveness!

But enough of that, ACTION SEQUENCE!

I think that covers everything.

Bevelle Cloister happens, proof Yevon is lying out of their asses, Yuna basically tells the Maester's how it is, then gets in trouble because SHE KNOWS TOO MUCH!!!  Honestly, while this sequence isn't bad or anything, there really isn't much to talk about; it's a straight forward "Yevon is corrupt, Seymour is even more corrupt, and the team breaks out of jail.  Oh yeah, Isaaru is incapable of saying no" so I won't follow up.

So onto Seymour Natus!  Now, neat thing here is Auron tells the team to run as Kimhari holds Seymour off, obviously with the intent of "Kimhari is going to die, he's buying us time so we can retreat, don't let his sacrifice be in vain!"  Then Yuna goes "Wait, I'm the one in charge!" about half way down the bridge and says "we're going back to help him!"  Tidus' response is of course to whine and moan and be a little bitch about it because that's what the haters would assume!

...or, you know, calmly state "I'm your guardian, I'll follow you wherever you go!"  It's almost like Tidus is understanding his position as a guardian.  The rest of the team agrees, and Auron just has a chuckle to himself before following suit.  Well good to know he's not entirely against Yuna's decision!

This part stands out to me for a reason that only came up recently, not because of FF10 itself, but rather things as a whole.  Namely, Yuna's role in FF10.

See, I casually stated that Yuna is proof that characters like Rosa are awful; she's a soft spoken, nice girl healer who is the Main Character's love interest, but that description is only surface level for Yuna, where as for Rosa, it's the ENTIRE CHARACTER.  Yuna has depth, Rosa does not...this isn't anything new, but the angle I'm thinking of is directly related to this scene.

In FF4, it's stated Rosa became a White Mage for Cecil.  She left Baron to look for Cecil.  She got kidnapped for the expressed purpose of baiting and taunting Cecil.  Her entire character is hinged upon beyond Cecil's girl.  There's literally one scene where she elevates above this, and that's Mt. Hobbs where she actually encourages Rydia to use Fire, being nice and supportive of her.  Unfortunately, one exceptional scene does not override the fact that Rosa's entire character is otherwise linked entirely to Cecil.  To make matters worse, the only reason you care about rescuing her (both times) is because she's Cecil's girlfriend.  Heck, she's even introduced into the game with "Cecil, are you alright? I was worried sick!" 

Now look at Yuna.  Her role in the game is entirely independent of the other characters...quite the reverse, the other characters exist around Yuna.  Notice how Tidus said "I'll follow you!"; Yuna makes the decisions, Tidus is following her.  Yuna on multiple occasions calls the shots in the team, as she should since being the Summoner, she's the de facto leader.  When she gets in-trouble, the incentive to rescue her isn't because "Tidus loves her!", it's because she's literally the only person on the team capable of finishing the pilgrimage.  Guardians are expendable demonstrated when Kimhari attacked Seymour and was willing to stand alone, with Auron mostly agreeing.  Yuna would never admit to this of course, and that's fine; Yuna puts value in her guardians are more than just warm bodies to take bullets for her.  That's part of her character after in, she actually has a character to be able to make a statement like that about. 

It's the complete opposite scenario of Rosa, really, because Tidus does a lot of actions for Yuna's sake...or really, the entire cast as a whole acts on Yuna's behalf.  Contrast to Rosa where everything related to her leads to "because Cecil."

What made me think of this is when someone argued that from a certain perspective, Peach and Zelda could be argued not "Distressed Damsels" because part of what makes the trope is the female needs to be an object of desire for the male's personal reasons.  In Peach/Zelda's case, they also play a larger role in the grand scheme of things, being political leaders of their countries, and so even if Mario/Link didn't have personal reasons to care, they have universal ones and being the only competent enough individual to save the day, they'd go out and do it anyway (in fact, half the time, Zelda isn't even Link's Love Interest!)  Not sure I agree with this perspective, but it's an interesting way to look at it, namely "Do these characters serve a purpose other than being the love interest to the main?" and when it comes down to it, Rosa completely fails at this. 

And that's where I left off!  Next up, Tidus and Yuna make out underwater and GAMEPLAY SEGMENT IN THE CALM LANDS!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2305 on: October 19, 2014, 12:03:14 PM »
Did you just want a hug?

I wanted something to kick my arse and get me to do something with my life.

And yeah Meeo, easy mode was very specifically the one that really bothers me.  I suppose you can use it to grind BP easier in the PWT or something?

SMT:Strange Journey - Asura kicking my arse going in blind.  Need to make some better suited demons.

Since you have just recently played early SMT games Fenrir, do they have anything as rude a Macca Beam?  Losing 10k of your stock of 50-60k of macca is rough.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2306 on: October 19, 2014, 02:58:13 PM »
I haven't finished MegaTen 2 yet!

MegaTen 1 has the Sea of Flames I mentioned earlier, with tough enemies + Stone/Paralysis on your only healer/teleporter = Death + Delevelling enemies + Damage every step (unless you do some sidequest I couldn't find)

SMT2 has Satan. I don't remember why but I just couldn't get past him in like 20+ tries. To be fair I rollercoasted the rest of the game so I didn't pay attention and anything challenging would have kicked my ass. (SMT 1 and 2 have the most broken normal weapons I've seen in an RPG outside of some obscure japanese-only Dragon Slayer spinoff)

I'd say Early Megaten games are actually a bit easier than Late Megaten, with slightly harsher earlygame (where they expect you to grind I suppose. But you don't have to) Nocturne, P3, Strange Journey, Devil Survivor definitely have nastier stuff.

Asura is really fun. If you can't beat him, try soloing him
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 03:11:17 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2307 on: October 19, 2014, 03:33:30 PM »
Defense Grid 2- Finished. Fun game, there is a lot of replay value in there as well. The maps are well designed, gameplay is a fantastic tweak on the defense grid 1 model. The plot's awfully busy with a bunch of empty personalities talking over each other, but hey. I appreciate the effort put in there.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2308 on: October 20, 2014, 12:09:04 AM »
FFX-2 Yattaf solo: For the first time ever, 1000 needles has been not only useful but absolutely necessary.

Incidentally that Via Infinito level 40 boss was dumb. He can just cast Ultima whenever he wants.
Nothing like starting the battle and getting immediately hit by max damage on everyone.
As far as I know there is nothing to be done, there's no Auto-life in this gale. Dude just decides to use Ultima, you're dead. Boss design, guys.

He also has monster defenses but only 9999 HP. I just slapped an auto-reflect ring to reflect his Flare, and spammed 1000 needles. After about 10 tries he didn't use Ultima, so I won. Yay.

There are way too many awesome accessories and I can only equip two! I have:
- Status immunity (except death)
- Death immunity
- 2x max HP (can be stacked for 3x max HP)
- Auto Reflect
- Auto Haste

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2309 on: October 20, 2014, 02:09:43 AM »
I recall it having some obscure usefulness in FFV also.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2310 on: October 20, 2014, 08:25:12 AM »
SMT:Strange Journey - Up to Eriadnus which the game insists is completely and totally the last zone.  I named my main character Bitch Please all those years ago.  "Yo Bitch, I see you made it past the dark area.  The place up ahead is a bitch, too.  I've been having problems with the floor traps."

10/10 from Jimenez.  Weird punctuation aside I would do that all day every day.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2311 on: October 20, 2014, 08:45:10 PM »
I really can't remember 1000 needles possibly being useful in FF5.

I could beat the level 60 via infinito boss easily if something showed me when physical immunity runs out. As is I don't really know how to handle him. He does 63000 unevadable physical damage. And this isn't Valkyrie Profile so I don't have 63000 HPs.
I might allow the super-sphere for bosses like this. I'll see.

Anyway I got another great accessory by complete luck.
It was a drop from an oversouled uber-cactuar (what were the odds that I would run into that monster)
The accessory raises luck by 100, which sounds bad (Luck in an RPG) but basically urns Yattaf into Gladstone Gander. She always hits, and evades any evadable attack, which means nearly any status in the game.

I've now used every dressphere extensively, and they are not equal. At all. Berserker is my new favourite class. I just beat the super hard arena by equipping the auto reflect and 100 luck accessories, and only using Berserk. Counters everything, with high speed and high damage.

Terra Battle:

I give this guy's sword a rating of Kingdom Hearts / 10

BTW, is that a kilt?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 08:47:31 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2312 on: October 20, 2014, 09:10:39 PM »
Started up Divinity: Original Sin yesterday, played through tutorial stuff to the first town. You get to make two sexy alternate self protagonists instead of just one*, which is neat because come on you guys you know that's a substantial part of the attraction with games like this. Also apparently you can have them disagree in dialogue? This hasn't actually happened yet because it's me and I'll always pick the nicest option, but I guess I should make a point of doing it just to see where deliberate intra-party conflict leads (maybe it's more of a multiplayer thing, I dunno).

EDIT: apparently if your protagonists persist in disagreeing, they rock/paper/scissors (not the sexy kind) it out. The net result of this first attempt is that I first encouraged a starving man to steal to survive and then turned him over to the guard when I won/lost successive internal arguments. ...Not exactly the desired outcome, but I'm amused in a horrible way.

Anyway, I built a possibly obvious wizard/knight combo, switched out the wizard's "INT bonus but bad at talking to people" trait because I don't want to be bad at talking people. Actually I didn't need to do this because I could just use the other character as the party front because NPCs respond to whomever you direct to talk to them. Also I eschewed some of the more tactically useful starting perks in order to take one that lets me talk to animals. I already found a draft animal that can see the future! But he refused to tell me how I die (no Clyde Bruckman, this one).

God this game has so much random shit to pick up, it's just terrible for me. There's a million random things in my inventory already and I have no patience to check what they all do. It's very pretty, but plot looks like the most generic fantasy setup. Also I really have no idea where I am in relation to anything or whether there are proper countries or whatever, and if this is one of those games where most of the setting flavor is conveyed through dry textdumps (hi Dragon Age/Skyrim) then I'll never find out, either. Also just based on poking around the front gates of the starting town I already want the townie NPCs to quit repeating their soundbytes every five seconds. Obsessive and regular repetition of noises is something that seriously irritates me in any context.

But it's overhead turn-based combat, so that's promising enough mechanically (real-time with pause would be close enough for my preferences, but I really can't stand anything purely real-time in point-and-click format).

(*But there's a perk that makes you run solo instead, so it's still Yattaf-friendly.)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 09:35:05 PM by El Cideon »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2313 on: October 20, 2014, 09:47:28 PM »
Bro, that belt isn't fooling anyone, we can all see you are wearing the scabbard so high to try and hide your gut, we can all see your overhang there.  Nice "pecs".  I think we can all tell from this that your brooding head tilt and beard are just an attempt to hide your jowls at this point.
BTW, is that a kilt?

See how low it rides on his hips?  It isn't just a kilt (with the furrrrrrrr).  It is a kilt for sluts.  Also it appears to be some kind of kilt of plates or some other form of armouring.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2314 on: October 20, 2014, 11:58:54 PM »
I actually find the ridiculous KH sword to be quite contrasting with the older, bearded artstyle I would associate more with something quite non-Nomura indeed. It's a bit jarring.

Also 1000 Needles has definite uses in FF5 if you get it in World 1 via Control, where 1000 damage is still quite impressive. If you miss it there then you won't get it until World 3, at which point it has the odd corner use on challenges (e.g. against Omega if you don't have lightning or other good ITD available) but yeah isn't actually any good.

Smash Bros 4 - I finally unlocked the second challenge board and instantly qualified for like half the challenges on that. On the plus side I can now turn off stages I don't like on random stage select! Mains: Bowser, Palutena, Bowser Jr./Roy, Peach. Also messing around with Lucina, ZSS, Sheik, Mega Man, and various others.

FE10 - Three maps left! Nobody has died since 4-P.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2315 on: October 21, 2014, 12:11:39 AM »
I just found out that if you are really adamant about abandoning Nanami in Suikoden II after you get to your hometown, you can actually do it.  Just fucking leave her behind.  It was GLORIOUS.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2316 on: October 21, 2014, 12:39:13 AM »
Smash 4 - Have 3 leaderboards unlocked, and it is good times. Playing it here and there between other things and just trying to unlock challenges, currently. Beat Classic with everybody, and did Target Blast with everybody. One was more fun than the other, and I'll leave it to your imaginations which is which. >_>

Mains are Robin, Lucina, and Little Mac. Villager and Megaman also make appearances, though significantly less so, though I'm trying to learn how to play Villager more so I can commit mass murder with that charming smile on their face~

C. Falcon is now far too good to be a goofy PAUNCH play, so that now falls squarely on Ganondorf's shoulders. He has yet to fail me in amusement.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Been playing this a lot. Tried out all 4 characters to level 6, and got Nisha to 10 before deciding I like Wilhelm best, at least for solo playthroughs. He also punches things with a robotic exploding extendo-fist, and bulks up laser weaponry. How can I say no to that!?

Gameplay is definitely solid and the writing is good, but the game is a lot quicker paced than either of the previous games. You start out action-packed, and you get Action Skills at level 3 now. I'd say it's Borderlands 2+ in terms of how I'd rate it. Looking forward to the DLC, which will hopefully be more on par with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep from BL2. Not done the game by a long shot though, as I've been accomplishing all the sidequests when they show up, when possible.

If anybody else has it, let me know. This game is built so much more towards co-op than BL2 was.

Chrono Trigger - Decided to pick this up and see where I had left it off. Turns out I was in the middle of finishing endgame quests, but can't remember for the life of me what I had left to do, so I just up and killed Lavos, which had each and every battle/form/whatever you want to call them either dying horrendously easily to my Chrono/Ayla/Marle team, or else almost causing a game over in about 2 turns.

Now I am in Black Omen, going through battle after battle of OMNILOCK. Seriously. Fuck Omnilock. It's annoying, and that's about as far as it goes. I have fucking Chrono and Ayla. EVERYTHING WILL STILL DIE, WATCHERS. EVERYTHING. WILL. STILL. DIE.

Flight Rising - It's technically a website, but it has Dragon breeding, and games on it, and I'd call it a game same as Neopets. Only prettier. And with dragons. I get to breed dragons, okay? It's glorious. 10/10 will play into eternity.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2317 on: October 21, 2014, 04:57:22 AM »
Bro, that belt isn't fooling anyone, we can all see you are wearing the scabbard so high to try and hide your gut, we can all see your overhang there.  Nice "pecs".  I think we can all tell from this that your brooding head tilt and beard are just an attempt to hide your jowls at this point.
BTW, is that a kilt?

See how low it rides on his hips?  It isn't just a kilt (with the furrrrrrrr).  It is a kilt for sluts.  Also it appears to be some kind of kilt of plates or some other form of armouring.

I wonder if the hourglass in his sword is functional? Either way, I freakin love that sword completely unironically.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2318 on: October 21, 2014, 05:11:47 AM »
Well presumably there is an air gap in the hourglass between both ends and we can clearly see sand in it.  Basic physics covers off the rest of it "working".  We have no idea how long a time period it goes for though.

What I can guarantee is that a slowly shifting balance point losing a sword like that is going to make it a serious motherfucker to use.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2319 on: October 21, 2014, 05:32:48 AM »
Dude he even has a roman numeral.  X... I think that's Luxord.  The time dude!  IT ALL FITS.  THIS IS CLEARLY LOURD THE SOMEBODY THEREOF
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2320 on: October 21, 2014, 06:13:30 AM »
Why are you guys looking at the obese when there are better old man to look at in that game?

Try Ellvern and Sorman.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2321 on: October 21, 2014, 06:35:41 AM »

I agree, Mark Ruffalo is hot as hell.

Edit - And that isn't just because we have the same hair cut.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2322 on: October 21, 2014, 06:41:31 AM »
Grefter's life has really improved since he discovered he too could hulk out.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2323 on: October 21, 2014, 06:42:14 AM »
It isn't a secret that I am always angry.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2324 on: October 21, 2014, 06:45:04 AM »
Thanks Gref.

The hourglass works, you can see the sand flowing.

I think now that there's an actual hourglass inside a sword, all rules have been broken and there can't be anything more ridiculous.
Like, I don't know, a tofu-elemental sword? No, less ridiculous

Why are you guys looking at the obese when there are better old man to look at in that game?

Try Ellvern and Sorman.

- That guy only looks 40ish. I guess Spanish people aren't credible as evil masterminds so he brought out the tackiest colors he could find for his outfit.
- Pure nightmare fuel. Thanks Niu

I looked at all the UOMs in that game and I much prefer Old Elven DJ Adam Jansen.