Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 194351 times)

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1375 on: May 19, 2014, 08:42:27 AM »
Link's Awakening - Almost done I think. Just finished the eighth dungeon.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1376 on: May 19, 2014, 09:59:46 AM »
Devs use crazy racism because it is set in a place full of mega crazies in a time where crazy racism is a thing.  The game is in no way about crazy racism.  Crazy racism is a vehicle to shower you in crazy though and crazy IS very important to the central plot.

Unfortunately for the devs, "we present to you this racism without commentary" is still commentary, and at the bare minimum it was such a huge distraction as to detract from the game as a whole. It's too bad, because actually the whole "George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson are all religious figures here" was both absolutely insane and really entertaining. It made one feel uncomfortable in a way that didn't beg any real world value judgements, and so ended up working really well to showcase the crazy. The racism without comment was at best distracting and at worst really fucking terrible. And frankly, there are interdimensional wormholes everywhere, a giant fucking robot pigeon keeps taking me out of the skies, and I drink liquids that make me deformed and then I can shoot crows, ghosts, and water tentacles out of my hand. "They were trying to portray the time period accurately" isn't a valid excuse.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1377 on: May 19, 2014, 10:23:29 AM »
I don't think it is necessarily without comment.  It is pretty much "this is terrible obv".  It definitely isn't commentary, barely even a statement really.  They don't go out of their way to say it is justified in any way either. They might try to humanize your day to day citizens, but it is very much saying "it was another time.  A stupid time." It is shallow as fuck, which I have said I. The past I think is okay for a tertiary story element. 

It does serve a purpose though with that being the only "realistic" thingIt very solidly dates the time period in a way that a game set in a flying city with deliberately anachronistic media.  There isn't really much that grounds it in the era otherwise, everything you see outside of the main city is the lighthouse and dream sequences.

Without it how much even shittier would the revolution have been?  (Straight query, not defense of it, because I would agree that since the racism is unnecessary to the plot and game would be better leaner.)
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1378 on: May 19, 2014, 12:11:58 PM »
Sounds like it's similar to Bioshock 1's commentary on extreme liberalism.
Next on Bioshock Unfinite Indiscovery (2017):  "People sure can be misogynistic"

The DS2 laughing vases are great because you're just running around and you suddendly hear that ... woman's cackle. It is the exact same sound of a woman mocking you. It talks directly to your part of your brain that has nightmares about being humiliated in public. Then you realize it's just a fucking vase that you can break and feel like even more of a fool.
Anyway that was my experience. Pretty nice stuff.

El Cid: It's a trap, you should actually fight the armor at short range even with a ranged character. Obviously every player is too scared to do that in game.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 12:13:39 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1379 on: May 19, 2014, 01:04:15 PM »
Sounds like it's similar to Bioshock 1's commentary on extreme liberalism.
Next on Bioshock Unfinite Indiscovery (2017):  "People sure can be misogynistic"

The DS2 laughing vases are great because you're just running around and you suddendly hear that ... woman's cackle. It is the exact same sound of a woman mocking you. It talks directly to your part of your brain that has nightmares about being humiliated in public. Then you realize it's just a fucking vase that you can break and feel like even more of a fool.
Anyway that was my experience. Pretty nice stuff.

El Cid: It's a trap, you should actually fight the armor at short range even with a ranged character. Obviously every player is too scared to do that in game.

I want you to have all my babies.  I am supposed to be losing weight anyway.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1380 on: May 19, 2014, 01:54:50 PM »
My experience mirrored Zenny's to be honest, so you are saying Crow trap works like this?

It's a light grenade that flies around and touches you instead of you picking it up, and then makes more light grenades.  That stay in the area forever for the next set of enemies that spawn to run into.  It's ridiculous, but doesn't work on automatons or Crows.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1381 on: May 19, 2014, 09:01:03 PM »
KH3D: No, screw you Tron World.  Glad I'm done with you because you were not fun, your plot sucked, your characters are unrecognizable non-classic people from the new movie, and your aesthetic was totally wasted.  GOOD BYE FOREVER!

Next Up: Hunchback, aka where I was suppose to go to first but didn't notice the game had an "BATTLE LEVEL" indicator in the top...why couldn't we just do what KH1 did and have Stars indicate difficulty?  Easier to notice immediately.

FF10HD: Just saw FF10's best attempt to reinact a typical Army vs. Godzilla Scene.  It didn't occur to me until just now how shockingly similar Project Mii'hen is to your typical Toho Kaiju scene in that regard, even down to special weapons meant to destroy the monster backfiring spectacularly (usually Masers, because for some reason, Toho decided the Japanese Military loves Masers even though they NEVER WORK!  What's the point of cool Sci-fi weapons if they don't work!?)

Anyway, Tidus hasn't really done much to analyze in regards to his whinieness.  Mostly go "hey, give Gatta more of a chance" but that's him being naive and such.  He did chase after Sin like a moron, but the narrative pretty much has him saying "...yeah, I am not going to even pretend to defend that action; it was really stupid in retrospect"; that's fine though because emotional outbursts and reactions as a result often aren't accompanied by rational thought, and being able to look at it and go "Man, that WAS stupid of me" is about the best we'll without feeling contrived, and it was in-character because, again, Tidus is not suppose to be super smart or anything, just kind of average in that regard.

What I found most interesting though is that while to the player, Seymour definitely feels off during these scenes, partially because it's so obvious based off design, tropes, etc., it's actually very believable from the character stand point, at least once you consider just how brainwashed Spiran Society is.  Seymour does seem to act on behalf of both Yevon and the people of Spira, and his "I'll turn the other cheek of this blasphemy if it means Sin is defeated" is said in a very simple and logical manner.  He's doesn't try to sugar coat it or anything, just simply goes "Sin dies = good for everyone, who cares if the method if blasphemous?"  When you add this to the way Spiran culture is, yes, it works very well in context that the entire party trusts Seymour, and when Wakka second guesses him (out of shear hate for Machina and Al Bhed, mind you, not because "Seymour is the evilz!"), Seymour just responds as I stated above.

There is one person who does, in fact, think Seymour is off...and that's know, the one guy in the game who is completely free of Yevon Brainwashing?  It makes sense that to him, "Maester Seymour" is just another guy with a title, and makes sense he'd be the only one thinking "I don't like this guy; he seems bad" though at the same time, Tidus keeps it to himself, but for two reasons.  One is because Tidus by this point has enough brains to respect Spiran culture and beliefs; he has no reason to uproot society.  Second guess it, sure, but try to change people's beliefs?  Everything is alien to him, but that doesn't mean he views it as wrong.  The other reason, he pretty much explains outright in the narrative:

Seymour's logic makes sense.  He's not going to call Seymour out on something that actually makes sense and considering how little stuff makes sense to Tidus in Spira, due to cultural differences, it'd be crazy for him to speak up on the one thing he DOES seem agree with. 

And yes, I am aware it's very possible Auron is suspicious of Seymour considering Auron's...well...everything, but there's no way the game really implies it.  It's also possible Auron thinks Seymour is just young and naive for believing this will work, and given Seymour's position, he's in no state to question it.  Kinnoc, now, Auron does reciprocate the discussion there, because he's someone who should know better, and Auron's also a lot more acquainted with Kinnoc than Seymour, so he has a better sense of what's going on his mind.  Not really meaningful here of course, just something to think about.

Still, I mostly bring this up because I remember someone somewhere going "SEYMOUR'S TRANSPARENTLY EVIL! HOW DO YOU TRUST THIS GUY!?" Yes, he's the player, that's called Dramatic Irony.  He's also off to Tidus, the one character who knows as much about Spira as the player, and is the only character completely free of Yevon's Brainwashing...I think it's safe to say the reason he isn't "Transparently Evil" is a sign of the state of Spira's Citizens. 

As a side note, I had forgotten Tidus mentions Sin's Toxins here!  Not that it's meaningful, but mostly just trying to pay attention to references to Sin's Toxins whenever because I've been convinced for a while that Sin's Toxins don't actually exist, it's just one of Yevon's many lies for "Any mental trauma caused by Sin Attacks."  This ranges from PTSD to memory loss from head trauma to whatever.  Not that Tidus would know the answer to this himself; he knows jack all about Sin, so of course he's going to assume the civilization that has been dealing with Sin for 1000 years knows a thing or two about the monster.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1382 on: May 20, 2014, 12:52:32 AM »
Kirby Triple Deluxe - Got it, binge played it into the ground. Beat the main game, almost done with DeDeDetour, which is great fun. I definitely prefer DeDeDetour to the Meta Knightmare from Nightmare in Dreamland. Triple D's version of hammer is the right mix of powerful without being so OP that the run becomes a snoozefest, and it invites taking more risks to get in on bosses due to his power moves being such short range.

Volcano Frog strongest boss in the game by miles. Dude refuses to stay on the screen where you can hit him for longer than 1-2 seconds at a time. >_<

Anyway, new powers:

Bell - Fun to use, but not really that effective, I think? I usually just dash attack everywhere with it, and send bells bouncing all over the place for the lulz.

Archer - Great defensively, not so hot offensively. Comparable to Leaf, only trading leaf's damage potential for range. Fairly even trade. Note that Leaf remains OP as hell, so comparable to Leaf is a big compliment.

Circus - WHY. It's a neat gimmick set, but the way it moves with its attacks just drives me nuts. Really hard to control and not all that strong.

Beetle - Okay, this power is straight up FUN. High damage, good mobility, grabbing mooks and throwing them all over the place is always amusing. The King of Insects indeed. Probably in the top 5 powers for the game, its only weaknesses are no real range(common problem) and no perfect defense moves(even MORE common problem). That's it. Easily my favorite power in the game~

Lack of Beetle in Kirby Fighters mode is sadness, though I can understand WHY. Stalling out on Very Hard for that, cleared Easy/Normal/Hard with various powers. I thiiiiink Archer will be my best bet for Very Hard, but that's such a boring answer.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1383 on: May 20, 2014, 03:26:41 AM »
Child of Light: What's inside? Homicide.

Recruited 1x swordgirl's elder sister. Slow is dominating. Feeding all the stat-up items to Aurora because hey she's the protagonist and that's what you do with these things, but she's actually fairly deficient in a number of them anyway? I dunno, I went straight for the attack upgrades in her skill tree, maybe I should've focused on laser beams instead (you should always focus on laser beams instead).

Hard mode probably like doubles enemy offense? Not!Measles actually died a couple times today. Not sure it does anything to enemy durability, think not, but it's basically reminiscent of Mana Khemia in this way--engage hard mode to enable modicum of enemy competence, not to mention rapid party switching is a thing once you have multiple PCs. Also visible, evadable random encounters, inactive PCs level along with everyone else, etc. So mechanically the game basically cherrypicks necessary conveniences from JRPGs, doesn't do much of anything complex with it but it's entertaining enough a combination. That's cool and all but personality is really the game's selling point.

Stopped in rat country.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1384 on: May 20, 2014, 05:47:38 AM »
Without it how much even shittier would the revolution have been?  (Straight query, not defense of it, because I would agree that since the racism is unnecessary to the plot and game would be better leaner.)

Well, they could have done more focus on the class disparity than anything. Finkerton was really good about that. As for how much shittier it would have been... considering the last 5 hours have been spent shooting these revolutionaries instead of the Colombians, infinitely less. At this point, they basically made you sympathize with the revolutionaries as much as they could with how horrible their lot in Colombia is and now you have to shoot them all in the face. It's pretty poorly handled.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1385 on: May 20, 2014, 07:01:45 AM »
Soul Nomad - Demon Path, got to Thuris and got MT OHKOed. Maybe level 32 isn't good enough. So... woohoo grinding. This is doing a pretty good job of killing my interest in the game. It's not -that- bad (Exp+50% decor and some ones to boost stats to handle enemies notably above my level = it goes quickly enough) but I have no patience for this garbage in RPGs any more.

Bravely Default - Punching the C8 sidequests in the face. I actually had quite a bit of trouble with the ninja+performer one (My Hero + first strike actions is not something my team is really built to deal with too well) but otherwise Dark Nebula backed by the usual tactics has generally taken care of business pretty well; everything else fell on the first try. I've done all the non-Eternian High Command fights and three of the High Command ones. Definitely enjoying this; I just needed a break after long-game-is-long or I might have done this much sooner.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1386 on: May 20, 2014, 11:24:31 AM »
Soul Nomad - Demon Path, got to Thuris and got MT OHKOed. Maybe level 32 isn't good enough. So... woohoo grinding. This is doing a pretty good job of killing my interest in the game. It's not -that- bad (Exp+50% decor and some ones to boost stats to handle enemies notably above my level = it goes quickly enough) but I have no patience for this garbage in RPGs any more.

If you do want to play the rest of the plot, kick everyone else out of your party, put the loner decor (and silent walk/something that let you use skills more IIRC? optimally) on the hero and just nuke floor bosses with the map blast to get to level 2000 in 2 hours. Just 150 takes care of the demon path fine, the rest is for the post-postgame plot (beating Feinne 1+storebought battles)

Also there are split endings based on whether you win or lose the last battle of the scenario.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 11:33:08 AM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1387 on: May 20, 2014, 01:03:54 PM »
I knew you'd understand Gref.

Rogue's Souls:
Deaths so far:
- Seriously, never underestimate these plague babies. Fuck all those items in 5-3 I'm never trying to get them again.
- Getting pushed by a monster off a ledge in the Valley of Defilement
- The backstep (Tapping the circle button without pushing in a direction) seriously only exists to make you die

I'm rocking with a Kilij now. Weapon options are sadly pretty damn limited! But the Kilij is pretty awesome honestly.

Somehow it feels less non linear than Dark Souls 2 at the beginning, which is not good for Rogue's Souls. (It's at least less linear than Dark Souls)
In Dark 2 you can go in any direction and get enough stuff really.
In Demon's:
World 1 has all the herbs
World 2 has all the upgrade ores (except the shitty ones you have to farm that only matter if you min/max)
World 3 has all the spices
World 4 has all the souls (And the OP regen items)
World 5 has all the misery
You have to do 1-1 first, and then doing anything but 2 / 4 is totally counterproductive unless you want to go get a particular weapon in another world, or are seriously running out of herbs.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1388 on: May 20, 2014, 02:01:43 PM »
Bioshock Infinite:

Holy shit that was stupid. Literally John you are the demons... except you're not... except you are? God I don't care. The point is that the game managed to out-shitty Deus Ex: Human Revolution's ending, and that's an achievement. It would probably knock the game down an arbitrary ranking point if I weren't already prepared for absolute retardation. Actually, the game manages to be consistently more retarded than Bioshock 1, which is kind of impressive.

It doesn't even answer everything, much less make sense. Why is Booker completely unaware of Colombia at the start of the game? What are the Luteces all about? So if Bookstock is killed before the game starts then how does Elizabanna still exist? These aren't even INTERESTING questions, they're just questions. Fuck Ken Levine is pretty good at crawling up his own ass and checking for corpses but I wish he'd be less pleased with himself about it.
At least the Luteces are entertaining?

I realized in the final battle that if I hit O I could change my gear... yay menu I never had to open at all for anything else bound to a stupid key that I couldn't rebind. But still that knocks the game up a point because I actually CAN change my gear. Oh well.  This menu also let me count how many guns there were... about 14, which is only slightly more than the weapon count of Half Life 2, which doesn't limit you to two guns at a time. So there isn't really an excuse for it, at least not on the PC port. There are plenty of bindings to use. I guess to the game's credit it would have made the finale a lot less difficult, since the only reason it was hard was because I had to keep scavenging for ammo and new guns. Still, it's a design decision that ultimately holds the game back.

All and all... a good game for 10 bucks but I would be piiiiiiiiissed if I paid full retail. I would be lying if I said I didn't have fun while playing it though, even if I thought it was very, very stupid. I may replay in 1999 mode at some point but meh.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 02:05:11 PM by Makkotah »


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1389 on: May 20, 2014, 03:04:35 PM »
The Luteces were alternate universe copies of the same person. Male Lutece (forget first names by now) got stuck on distaff counterpart's side or something. I don't really recall what exactly they were trying to accomplish other than generally reversing Comstock's scheme because I dunno remorse or something? I didn't expend much effort trying to puzzle it out because no one's motivations make any sense in Bioshock Infinite anyway. They were amusing while they were onscreen, I give them that much credit. Best character(s) in the game for what that's worth.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1390 on: May 20, 2014, 06:13:42 PM »
Hearthstone:  It is mind-boggling how often I lose with my opponent at exactly 1 health.  It's like they put the magic pixel from Marvel vs Capcom 3 in this game, and it gives you super Heart of the Cards when it happens.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1391 on: May 20, 2014, 11:01:02 PM »
Booker doesn't know about Colombia because there is no universe where Booker exists that Colombia does.

Nothing explains really how the Luteces keep getting new Bookers though.  Presumably they don't care about the damage they do to a bunch I universes they ultimately want to unmake when they kill Booker before he can become Comstock and prevent Elizabeth from being stuck in two dimensions.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1392 on: May 21, 2014, 12:31:10 AM »
Thanks for the advice, Tonfa. :) And yeah I definitely do want to see more of the story so I will be playing on.

Bravely Default - And all the C8 sidequests beat. That last one was pretty tough; definitely had to change the way I thought about fights. It probably would be easier to people who regularly used Hasten World I imagine. Anyway, fun collection of fights, that. Now I'm finally done with the game until inevitable replays.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1393 on: May 21, 2014, 01:50:59 AM »
Demon's Souls: Died in a mine cart explosion, restarted, and won in 5 hours.

How this went:
- Got through 1-1
- Went to 4-1 and grabbed all the shinies (Big long bow, kilij, regen shield, regen ring)
- Got to 2-1, bought a bunch of upgrade stones and upgraded the kilij to +3. Kilij is now nearly always two handed and Regen Shield only used against skeletons. (And for the regen obviously)
- Finished 2-1 Bought a bunch of other upgrade ores from 2-2 and upgraded the Kilij to +6. So much damage.
- Went through all of the Valley of Defilement at once to unlock 5-3. Ignoring every side path because Valley of Defilement.
- Fought BP Garl for fun (Holy shit that damage), killed Selen after she gave me one fucking herb for her sidequest, then raised endurance to 35 to equip that badass armor 24/7 (I actually consider it fairly Fashion Soulsesque)
- Went through 1-3 (lol penetrator with Biorr), killed a few lizards in 1-4 to get the Kilij to 10. I could actually get the bow to +10 too!
- At this point I had way too many herbs and fully upgraded weapons. I didn't need anything but levels! Souls! MORE SOULS. I fled through all of World 4 and 3, and the rest of world 1 and 2, ignoring every item, in like one hour, spending all the souls in vitality and lengthening that already gross as hell HP bar.
Amazingly I almost died against a BP Cthulhu monstrosity which was the freaking third to last thing I fought.  (Old Monk was my last boss)
- Killed the Maiden in Black for more souls.

41 Vit 35 Endurance 25 Dex.

So yeah Demon's Souls is so much easier than Dark Souls 1/2. At least on replays.
I still don't know how to fight all the non-gimmick bosses because I could just get up to their faces and R1 R1 R1 to oblivion.
Healing is so ultra fast that you can't possibly die to straight damage unless you don't have enough herbs (And I still had SO MANY at the end)
I actually now consider False King Allant easier than the Dark Souls 2 final boss.

Not looking forward to trying to go through Dark Souls 1 without dying. Not sure I want to. Anor Londo archers. Gwyn. Sen's Fortress. Bed of Motherfucking Chaos.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1394 on: May 21, 2014, 02:20:26 AM »
Booker doesn't know about Colombia because there is no universe where Booker exists that Colombia does.

Nothing explains really how the Luteces keep getting new Bookers though.  Presumably they don't care about the damage they do to a bunch I universes they ultimately want to unmake when they kill Booker before he can become Comstock and prevent Elizabeth from being stuck in two dimensions.

Ah, that makes sense. I guess also that I missed making the connection that the Luteces must have just brought Booker into the first iteration of the B:I universe when they're rowing that boat, which explains why he's so confused and thinks he needs to get to Elizabeth to New York.

Wrapping up my ability to give a damn about the Bioshock universe, I read recaps of the Burial at Sea DLCs and watched the Endings. Lolololol so bad. A version of Comstock that killed Elizabeth is sent to Rapture and becomes Booker again, but has all of Booker's motivations and personality because that makes sense? And he's there with a different Elizabeth for some reason... k.

Also, if amnesia is a common side effect of swapping universes (except for Elizabeth for some reason that is never explained) it calls into question why Booker doesn't zonk out when they travel through the universes where Chen Lin is alternately dead, alive, then dead again... and in the ending where he is transported to a universe where Elizabeth destroys New York.

And if there are infinite universes and the Luteces were killed in the one the Bioshock: Infinite we play is in, why do they care about getting revenge on this Comstock? Clearly there are more Comstocks out there, as Burial at Sea shows... and for that matter, doesn't the fact that Elizabeth still exists AND there's a Comstock running around in Rapture utterly invalidate the reason why Booker let himself get offed in the end of Infinite?

Again, these aren't interesting questions, just questions. I have spent way too much brainpower (re: any) trying to salvage this clusterfuck and I am done. On the bright side, it seems that Ken Levine has run his studio into the ground, so hopefully he isn't given creative control over another game ever again.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1395 on: May 21, 2014, 02:25:45 AM »
Link's Awakening - Apparently I was supposed to do more in the trade quest in order to figure out how to get to the final dungeon boss. Oh well, FAQed it, got to final boss. The last form with the eye was pretty interesting and entertaining.

Awoke the fish by playing all of the Instruments. Hooray.

I feel like Zelda is probably something you had to play when you were younger to really enjoy. I just found the game tedious with some occasionally interesting enemies and bosses.

Super Metroid - Fighting Dagon. F this guy.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1396 on: May 21, 2014, 03:32:02 AM »
KH3D: Yay! Almost done with Riku's section of the Hunback Wo-*gets dropped back into Sora's* DAH!  I really don't like the Drop mechanic at all.  Not the worst time it happened; at least this time I was all the wiser to recognize it was almost done and avoided going into a boss fight, but the fact that it can happen in a boss fight (AND DID TWICE FOR ME) is dumb; worse is how it happening in a boss fight makes you literally lose all your progress in the boss and start over.

Really feels like the game would be better off with a more episodic style, eg. use Sora until you reach a certain plot point, then it forces you to swap back to Riku, and keep this up.  The fact that you can get dicked out on boss fights (as I mentioned above) and Challenges (happened at least once, was almost done then DROP!  And the challenge disappears as a result) shows just how poorly conceived it was.  Alternatively, turn off the mechanic entirely, stalling it during the aforementioned scenarios (as well as any forced fight); if you're in bonus time, just cancel out Bonus Time during those situations as so it's not abused. 

FF10 HD: Ok, yeah, the Gatta Dies is way better than the Luzu Dies scene.  I especially like the part where he shouts "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY PAIN!" to Wakka, and my thoughts were "wait what? Of all people to say that to, he's the ONE PERSON who does"...and sure enough, Wakka responds in kind with an "I do."

So...about Tidus whining related shenanigans...

Ok, so Kimhari speaks for the first time!  This is provoked by Tidus saying "She seems cheerful" and him being the only one there, and probably the person who understands Yuna most, it actually worked for a sudden "Kimhari finally opens his mouth" moment.  While Yuna is usually pretty cheerful, Tidus' analysis here actually works because considering the context, this is one moment where you'd expect Yuna NOT to be in her usual happy self.  Kimhari's line of course just further reaffirms what Yuna told Tidus before: She tries her hardest to smile no matter what, and Kimhari adds in that the darker the times, the bigger the happier Yuna acts (regardless of how she feels on the inside), because she knows she's the hope of Spira.  Tidus dose sort of mock the mindset with "Don't worry, be happy?"; not really whining, just a "That's kind of a hard to follow considering the circumstances."

Next off, speaking to Auron about Jecht.  First off, Tidus admits he did in fact feel Jecht's presence in Sin, but still doubts Auron.  While it's true that Auron showed some proof, it's understandable why Tidus is in denial; "Your father is an evil whale Kaiju!"  Also, Auron mentions that Jecht wants Tidus to kill him, because Jecht himself hates doing this, but being Sin, he can't control it.  Tidus of course has a "Great..." reaction.  It's hard to call Tidus whiny here because the circumstances are not exactly something anyone would cope with easily, and he's able to keep himself in control pretty well.  So basically, here's how Tidus reacts to everything:

Sin = Jecht, now with proof: Denial.  That's really all he CAN do at this point is "I still don't believe you" implying he's not willing to accept the truth.  Ok, fair, he's still only learned the news.
Jecht wants Tidus to kill him: Depression.  Considering what happened at Project Mii'hen, and the fact that, despite hating him, Jecht is still his dad, and Tidus is still a "newbee" at killing Fiends, how do you expect him to react?  The alternative would be to kick and scream at it, but he actually just has a calm reaction.
"Don't tell Yuna" = Reluctant agreement.  Hey look, Tidus showing an understanding of characters he's just met! Proof he's not entirely stupid.  His first thought is "they wouldn't believe me anyway" which considering how they reacted to "I'm from Zanarkand" is perfectly reasonable...except of course Yuna, who does believe him.  Auron is quick to respond with "Yuna would" and Tidus goes "Good point..." because Yuna basically believes everything Tidus says to her, whether it's true faith or some kind of naivete (though Tidus hasn't told any lies thus far, and Yuna's reason for believing Tidus is because his story matches up with what Jecht claims, so it actually is pretty logical because two people wouldn't have very similar stories, so chances are it's legitimate faith)

This is also where Tidus asks WHY Auron told him so soon, and what good it would do, and Auron responds with essentially "better sooner rather than later."  Both perspectives make sense though Auron's makes more sense, so you can't fault either character here.  Tidus is clearly thinking "ignorance is bliss", which is fair; there's enough problems he has to deal with Spira right now, why add such a big one on top of all the other issues?  It just makes everything worse.  Auron's side of course is telling Tidus then meant Tidus could get the emotional outbursts out then, and they'd still be reasonable, as opposed to a different moment where he could have a legitimate mental break down.  The "Me, emotional? HA!" response was pretty amusing because yes, you are emotional Tidus, but whose going to admit to something like that?  Auron of course completely owns him by "You were quite the cry baby..." and narrative Tidus even tries to deflect it, ending with a "Well...maybe still a little then..." which is his way of admitting Auron is right without actually admitting "I am a cry baby."

One thing to note is that when Tidus is NOT dealing with all the Sin related nonsense, he is constantly having a positive attitude.  Two examples just passed that demonstrate it:
-Djose temple, when it activates, he is fascinated by it, as opposed to a reaction of fear.
-Moonflow, Tidus actually wants to see the Pyreflies Light Show that supposedly happens at night, though of course Auron says no, since they are on a mission, and can't afford to waste time.

So yeah, current moment, Tidus still isn't very whiny at all.  The moments he does whine are understandable and really few and far between.  What may kick in, though, is that sometimes his voice comes off that way, but if you actually looked at the context, he's not actually complaining or anything.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1397 on: May 21, 2014, 03:40:43 AM »
That's sure a lot of words to defend a character from a 14 year old game against detractors.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1398 on: May 21, 2014, 03:47:04 AM »
WGAYP: kinda the place to go for a lot of words about games.

I'm enjoying reading these, for what it's worth, Meeple.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #1399 on: May 21, 2014, 05:00:44 AM »
Fenrir: Why would you ever jump in the plague baby pool. I mean, I don't actually know what the items in there are, but seriously why would you do that. And yeah Selen's armor is the nicest looking gear in Demon's Souls. It's just a pity that it's, you know, Demon's Souls armor, I'll wear flashy swag that's just useless, but not mechanically kneecapping myself for it. Re: roguelike Dark Souls, man just Homeward Bone out of Bed of Chaos after fragging each of the shield generators. That's basically what I do in a normal run just because fuck Bed of Chaos.

Child of Light: Oh god dammit. Yeah, the skill overlap was suspicious, but don't expect me to not complain about the style downgrade anyway.