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Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Tide on March 14, 2024, 03:50:53 PM »
Maybe we just have different definitions then. Your deck doesn't look like any Tribunal decks I've seen - it looks more like a Shuri mold but adding in Tribunal over Tasky so it goes wide versus tall. Not running Armor with Shuri? You're a much braver man than me. I've seen enough Negasonics that I'm always weary about making such a telegraphed play - let alone Shang. Do you like not see Shang at all?

1) I think with your deck, you're giving up the ability explode in power (we're talking like 50-100+) but adding in Shuri as an alt. No Onslaught and a bunch of big bodies - so yeah, no worries about Pigs or old Leech.
2) Your deck isn't a typical Tribunal deck that needs to cheat energy out. Not sure why you would discount this as an actual issue in Tribunal though. His power is pretty limited if you're not playing him out with force multipliers.
3) Again, are we playing in different pocket metas? I've definitely seen my share of Enchantresses. She's like a staple in Sera Miracle and yeah that deck isn't meta, but it's pretty frequent since it is easy to put together. Echo you can delay drop on Turn 5-6 if need be to basically kill the big stack. You don't have to slam her out on Turn 1.
4) I've seen Shuri decks cut out Cosmo after her nerf. It still comes in on occasion just not that often obviously since Tasky can't copy a card if you Cosmo the lane.
5) Traditional Tribunal definitely needs Magik. Try playing it without her. You just simply don't have time to play what you need. One Shuri deck that I came across in conquest had Shang/Abs Man as subs and which gave it a Turn 7 contingency play and was pretty amazing. I've since added that into my own deck. It lets you have a massive Turn 7 play on your own. But it's not really Tribunal.
6) Really? You never play against anything with Surfer? They carry Spiderman and Juggs pretty regularly considering Storm is also a staple in those. Stregon I'll give you. Just noting he is also bad for traditional Tribunal. Also if you're using Super Skrull, Rogue or Mystique, Magneto can totally spoil you as well and he's pretty common thanks to all the Thanos running around recently.
7) Traditional Tribunal doesn't really have time. The curve is extremely tight. Assuming no Magik, you're looking to play Wave on 3, Onslaught on 4, IM on 5 and Tribunal on 6. If you have Zabu and Ravonna, they help immensely by making the curve more flexible but playing them after 3 is pretty much a no-go. Also in general, I am not a fan of not playing anything in 3. Having your first card to be played on 4 makes for an extremely fragile win in my experience.
8) When are you playing Cage in traditional Tribunal? In Shuri...maybe. But I feel like you're better served playing Armor and Sauron over Cage personally. Certainly easier to fit on curve (Armor into Sauron into Shuri is obvious) where as Luke is more clunky (in your case, you just play Luke cause you're not running Sauron).

I rather try playing a deck to see how it works personally. I'm always a bit weary on stats. Between a combination of bots and bad players (yours incluced) and varying opponents on Collection Level and MLM Rank, that tends to skew the percentages.
Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Captain K on March 14, 2024, 02:08:18 PM »
I run Ebony Maw, Baron Mordo (I know, he's kind of my mascot card), Maximus, Lizard, Luke Cage, Namor, Shuri, Iron Man, Crossbones, Red Skull, Dr. Doom, Living Tribunal. Main thing is you're not limited to playing one combo. Just putting up big numbers everywhere. Ebony Maw and Maximus on turn 3 is 13 power your opponent has to deal with in one lane. Namor can hold a lane by himself. Shuri+Lizard or Maximus works on turn 6 if you've got nothing else.

1) Hurts, but isn't a deal breaker. A third of my deck benefits from Spider-Ham lol.
2) Not applicable.
3) Nobody plays Enchantress. Echo you can drop Maw, Lizard, Skull on. Rogue is a problem at times.
4) Not applicable.
5) I don't need Magik, and if my opponent plays her it tends to benefit me more.
6) Nobody plays any of these.
7) Not a big problem, although it's not unusual to have nothing to play first three turns.
8) Luke Cage. Give me my money, honey. has Tribunal at Seen: 5.36%(#79)
Won when Played: 61.13%(#15)
Won when Drawn: 51.93%(#186)
Won in Deck: 50.89%(#205)

Not amazing but not terrible certainly. I probably win 75%+ with this deck. I only play in Conquest though.
Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Tide on March 13, 2024, 03:19:34 PM »
Well we haven't see any new patches to Jubilee and Magik yet, so I don't consider myself some kind of Doomsayer. Are we playing in completely different pocket metas? Tribunal in my experience is so incredibly fragile. The main issue with that deck is needing to play 17 Energy worth of cards and since you can't energy store, you have to cheat the cards out in some way. It dies to any of the following:

1) Anything that takes away Tribunal, Onslaught or Iron Man because your power just isn't competitive without one of these 3 (Spiderham, Moon Knight, etc.)
2) Anything that stops you from cheating cards out early. Even a disabled Ravonna can be bad because it means you can't play Iron Man on 4 or Iron Man/Mystique on 6
3) Ongoing hate tech - all of them are bad for you. This is also a case where Echo can be even played late because you almost always have to stack those core 3 cards together. Super Skrull let's you counter an opponent's Rogue and wins mirrors, but you just lose so badly to Enchantress. The deck can run Cosmo but that can cause you to lose in other ways if you need Jubilee or Iron Lad to pull cards from the bottom of the deck. PLus that's giving up a slot for added consistency with another energy cheating card.
4) On that note, Cosmo is also very mixed. As noted above, he stops Enchantress and Rogue but you still lose to Echo and you block your own Mystique, Jubilee and Iron Lad.
5) Location tech - Magik is almost a requirement. It is very bad for you if Limbo is disabled in some way
6) Any sort of Move/relocation tech - Since you need to stack the 3 big bois together. Juggernaut is bad. Spiderman is bad. Stregon is also bad.
7) A natural bad draw line really messes up your power output due to how fragile your curve is. Certain cards have to be played on certain windows or you just lose.
8) Related to the above, any sort of debuff is also bad because Iron Man doubles the loss and Onslaught quadruples it. So even a single -1 is bad for your overall power output.

You can't pack any protection of your own other than like Cosmo because the deck simply doesn't have the time to play a tech card other than on like Turn 3. But Turn 3 is also the best time to play out one of your cheats (Wave/Magik) since you're going to be busy every other turn trying to land the 3 big cards all together.

I'd be interested in hearing what version of the deck you are playing. Unless it's some sort of hybrid like Hela Tribunal, Tribunal has always been about going super tall. In this current meta with Discard and Destroy reigning, Tribunal does well because neither deck really packs any tech and the only tech they do pack is mostly Shang..which Tribunal normally is immune to since all their cards are under Shang's updated threshold.
Unicorn Overlord: Liked the demo so I bought the game. Nice to see a tactics game that goes back to Ogre Battle rather than being another FFT clone. The variety of conditions you can put on your skills is quite nice. Also a lot of freedom in terms of which stages you can tackle when you wish.

Just got enormous boob girl back, cleaning up a bit on the first area before I head to a second.
Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Captain K on March 12, 2024, 09:12:23 PM »
Tribunal? It's been one of the top decks in past months. My own version is quite successful.

I am now convinced that any card you review will be changed in the following balance patch.

Apparently there is a new style now in lategme TvZ that goes much heavier firebat, like 20%-50% firebat over marine.  Artosis casts a game here:
Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Tide on March 11, 2024, 02:50:33 PM »
Yeah, Mill can be powerful because denying card draw is strong. The issue is that the cards that do mill in SNAP right now are all too slow. You have to be actually taking away enough cards from the deck so that your opponent starts losing draw for the analogy I posted above to not be true. Yondu and Cable on Wong is interesting, but probably falters in our current day game where Discard and Destroy are currently reigning. I mean, you'll get Tribunal players, but Tribunal is a bit of a meme anyway. That deck loses to like any form of disruption that it's honestly kind of amazing it exists.
I suppose as long as we're mentioning classic tetris stuff, two different people just cracked 2 million with the 39 double killscreen cap.

Sidnev did it first:

And then Blue Scuti beat her score two days later:

On paper this has been doable for a while--if you added together the best pace anyone had playing from 18-28, with the best practice run anyone had done from 29-38, you actually got something like 2.3 million.  But up until fairly recently the record was something like 1.89 million, so actually getting performances like that back to back has clearly been fairly hard.
Discussion / Re: Marvel Snap - Cards, Analysis, etc.
« Last post by Captain K on March 10, 2024, 03:09:04 PM »
I actually fought a Yondu deck that was pretty wacky. Wong, Yondu, Cable and I forget what else and it was milling my deck pretty effectively.
FFX HD Remaster

  Picked up my postgame file again and finished up a bunch of captures for Nemesis.  Down to about 7 more species to go; one of the unfortunately being Tonberry so that's going to suck.  Beat up Earth Eater a few times for more Fortune Spheres during the process.  Somewhere, decided to give Dark Shiva a try.  Pulled off a victory with an underleveled party, to my pleasant surprise.  Well, underleveled relative to what the guides suggest for it.  The stat benchmarks:

Strength: 149 for Wakka, 255 for Anima.  Immaterial for everyone else.  Tidus and Auron both with over 160 weren't cracking 100k damage with Slice and Dice and Tornado anyways.  (doesn't help that I flubbed the Tornado input)
Defense: Doesn't matter as everything Dark Shiva did killed the target.
Magic: 100 or so for Kimahri for reliable 99999 Nova.  Ended up unused on anyone else.  Dark Shiva has extreme magic defense so spell weren't going to be doing a whole lot anyways.
Magic Defense: Doesn't matter, no attacks are subject to magic defense here.
Agility: 160ish for Rikku, 110-130 for Tidus, Yuna, Wakka.  Kimahri was on the right side of 98 with Auron and Lulu trailing around 90.  (those familiar with the game mechanics will know there's no really functional difference between 110 and 160 for a character not starting the fight)
Accuracy and Evasion don't matter as I never used a standard physical and every incoming attack ignores evasion.
Luck doesn't matter either but I have done a bit of Luck boosting and everyone has values in the 20s.

HP was at 9999 for all but Lulu but the only value that matters is anything above zero.
MP is whatever as I didn't use a single MP dependent skill in the winning attempt.

I've knocked off enough Greater Spheres to have Auto-Phoenix armor for everyone besides Yuna.  Yuna sticks with her Auto-Haste + Auto-Protect setup.

Overdrive mode is Comrade for all.  Auron, Yuna, Rikku is the starting lineup.

Auron goes first thanks to First Strike.  Swap in Wakka and Attack Reels.
Yuna gets a turn thanks to auto-haste.  Swap in Tidus and Slice and Dice; the delay on Blitz Ace is too monsterous here.
Rikku may or may not get a turn depending on starting RNG.  Use it on an overdrive from Kimahri or Auron.

  Attack Reels was doing around 200k damage, which was my best offense by far.  After that opening, it's let auto-phoenix handle revival and pray I get a turn.  Dark Shiva is constantly double-acting and may get a triple or quad action depending on how it spreads out who its murdering.  Hopefully, I get a turn right before its Overdrive to swap in Rikku for Hyper Mighty G.  Otherwise, splat.

  Things actually came together in only two tries.  On the first go, got into a situation where one more attack would fill up Dark Shiva's Overdrive but I only had one turn.  So I went for Jinx and prayed that someone could sneak in an action after the next attack.  Oops, it turns out even the non-damaging Jinx charges the boss' Overdrive meter.  Total annihilation follows.

  So basically, my turns are spent attacking with Overdrives: Entrusing Overdrive to Wakka if his was empty, the user's full, and his turn was coming up before the boss' (this situation never came up): or Hyper Mighty G to live through Diamond Dust.  Lulu stole once to meet the action quota and did nothing else of note.  Yuna's only role is to summon Anima to drop Oblivion as a finisher for the Overkill.  4 Attack Reels and some other overdrives from the dudes and Dark Shiva is worn down enough for Anima to deliver the killshot.

  Auto-Phoenix MVP; it was the decisive factor in being able to manage (read: flub) my way past this fight.  Had a good run where Dark Shiva tended to avoid bullying Wakka long enough for him to get turns to fire off Attack Reels and only needed to endure one Diamond Dust.  12 Phoenix Downs spent, a good return on item investment.  Equipment drop was a trashy weapon with only Icestrike but no way am I redoing this battle to try for something better. This marks my 4th dark aeon kill.  4 left though I don't know if I'll ever go after them for real.  I thought I'd peace out before Dark Shiva but it turns out I had the tools to win it without an enormous resource drain.
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