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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Ryu vs Ted Lynx vs Claus F. Lester Peter vs Queen Rude vs Mia Ausa
Celes Chere vs Jade Barbarossa vs Gades Nash Rumack vs Karin Koenig Gepetto vs Lucia
Berle vs Kratos Aurion Nina Wyndia vs Hojo Shiba vs Bright Ricardo Gomez vs Kelvena
Guv vs Yuna Rutee Katrea vs Yuber Lute vs Bebedora Dahna vs Frank Goldfinger
Week 1 - Eliminations

Ryu (BoF3) Ryu vs Ted Ted (S4)

The power of darkness.



And yet, there is something more flashy to be said of the power of the dragon, isn't there?

It's horrific flaming breath, it's massive, flashing fangs, it's terrifying stature.

No, there's no question who is the most impressive in this match.


"...doesn't that beat all. I didn't think he'd hold his liquor that poorly." Rei sighed.

Ted, curiously, poked the small grub-like legless lizard in front of him.

No, there's no question who is the most impressive in this match, that's certain.

Ultimately, drunken Pygmy Ryu did score a bit of a moral victory, in that he set Ted's hair and clothes on fire as the curious Ted poked, prodded, and generally acted irrationally curious about him. But the match ended the same way it would have anyways, with an unhappy Ryu passed out on the floor.

The main difference is he probably wouldn't have vomitted the other way.

And he probably would have also been killed, too, instead of just passing out after his dragon form was killed.

Still, overall, it's not so bad. Ryu's pain was dulled, Ted was ogled by a bunch of girls before he realized just how much of his clothes had burned off, and Rei has learned to not subject his friend to chains of impossible-to-say-no-to questions except when it's exceptionally funny. It could have been far worse.

Ryu: 6
Ted: 48

To long a hiatus but at long last we return

What a match Ryu III vs Ted... okay maybe not so much a match as a hey... look Ryu is bitch slapping Ted... poor Ted

Celes Chere (FF6) Celes Chere vs Jade Jade (BoF1)

"In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!" "I'll finish the beast with my healing powers!" "Moon Prism Power Make Up!" "Oooh, impressive, Celes! But! MOON GORGEOUS MEDITATION!"

Well. Jade and Celes couldn't in honesty face each other; not after they found each other on the Sailor Moon Cosplay LJ community. So, they instead had a contest!

Beating up Marguilis for silver- er, Moon points. Or something. All the judges (an amused Yuri, confused Robo and hungry Ayla) knew was that the stadium was packed to the gills with fans, watching Celes and Jade go at the rather confused Marguilis. (Jin had been more than happy to lure him there, especially when he learned he got to wear a tuxedo.)
Eventually, however, Celes was forced to use the line she had hoped to avoid.

"I'll finish the beast with my healing powers! ...and that ends the match, since I fail to do anything of use to him with it. You're good, Jade!"

Jade tossed back his hair. "'course I am. You're hardly a slouch, though. Saturday, the local group of bosses is having a marathon; you can come with, okay?"

"Sure. I've got no real plans. I'll drag along Locke if you guys want a chew toy."

"Just have him dress up like Jin or, alternately, Usagi, and there won't be many problems."

Ah, relatively peaceful conflict resolution. Or so everyone but Marguilis thought.

Getting hit by a sword infused with the power of Bolt-X (A favor from Jade to Jin as payment) must be... shocking.

Celes Chere: 20
Jade: 43

Berle (SO2) Berle vs Kratos Aurion Kratos Aurion (ToS)

CO Raven
It could be said that Kratos is built to fight tank like opponents. His cruxis crystal affords him an incredible amount of physical strength, lightning fast reflexes, and ridiculous endurance. Due to damage scaling, Kratos doesn't even use neverending locking combos. He strikes hard and fast with the elemental blade techs hurricane thrust, lightning blade, hell pyre, etc. Its all a matter of teleport, unleash a harsh combo attack, retreat, and repeat.

Berle: 19
Kratos Aurion: 21

Guv (DQ8) Guv vs Yuna Yuna (FFX)

Do you know that one song?

Anything You Can Do?

Of course you do.

The parallels for this match are obvious.

Yuna has better monster pets.

Yuna has better damage. Yuna has more healing.

Yuna probably takes both kinds of attack better, between evasion and magical defense.

Yuna is faster.

Yuna has mastered the art of fanservice far better than Guv could ever hope to.

What possible advantage could Guv have ever had?

Well, Yuna has mastered the art of fanservice far better than Guv could ever hope to.

When you're a Toriyama character who bursts into yellow-haired golden-aura superpower occasionally, that is a fairly large positive. Guv may be somewhere under Bahamut's rear right now, but at least he has his dignity. Sort of.

Guv: 18
Yuna: 44

Lynx (CC) Lynx vs Claus F. Lester Claus F. Lester (ToP)

"So you say you're a human who was transformed into the shape of a cat, -and- you can use magic?"

"And you? You're a time-traveller? We may just be able to work something out here...."

And really, at the point where both of them realized the other had something they wanted, the match just didn't seem important anymore. Lynx decided to forfeit so he use his newfound insights into time travel to go back in time and make it so the Chrono Cross scenario writer died a horrible tragic death before finishing his work.

Lynx: 22
Claus F. Lester: 23

Barbarossa (S1) Barbarossa vs Gades Gades (Lufias)

Two mighty titans.

A massive, golden dragon, the raw surging power of the Sovereign Rune, combating a very god.

There would be no quarter given, no lives spared, no regard for those in the audience, no mercy.

There would only be flames.


Posted 2/29/2008 3:14:47 PM
omg joo ****tard you don't no nothing lol

Posted 2/29/2008 4:06:23 PM
IO cegtryaisionly doi kn oiwlk tghingsd!@

Posted 2/29/2008 4:08:54 PM
lol ur'such an idiot and it takes you so long to type lol

Posted 2/29/2008 6:32:09 PM
THjhis maqtgcvhkl ioqws ritgl;lllded!~Q IJ cxnnnopt beliklervbe trhis!

Posted 2/29/2008 6:35:38 PM
roflmao j00 suxors!


"...Why do we let the Profound Darkness ever, ever refferee a match?" Nate Nanjo asked, in a combination of scream and groan. "I had buisiness meetings to attend today, and I was hoping to eat something as well."

"Well, people actually like her matches. For some reason." Beatrix shrugged. "It is different, I'll give it that."

"GWOOOOOOOOOOON!" "I don't get why Kyogre's up here, however." Beatrix finished.

"It's in the contract, actually. Everyone in Godlike will be a referee at some to be determined date." Nate shrugged. "They usually pick matches like this for it."

The Profound Darkness, from her judge's box next to Kyogre, simply smiled, as a maniacally laughing Gades occasionally typed flames-and far more often railed curses at-a giant, three-headed dragon that was desperately and very slowly attempting to flame him back.

Eventually, the match was decided in Gades' favor, for the simple reason that he was better at flaming; While Barbarossa's typing did get some points for idiocy, it was nothing compared to Gades' might on paper.

Profound Darkness, in celebration, dropped Kyogre on both of them.

And there was much rejoicing.

Barbarossa: 23
Gades: 34

Nina Wyndia (BoF2) Nina Wyndia vs Hojo Hojo (FF7)

A young, nubile girl wearing a scanty outfit.

A monstrous tendril-sporting mad scientist.

The usual results occured.


"No! You can't do that to her! You promised it'd just be our special thing!"

"...Your special thing? What about me!?"

"What? He promised that to you, too?"


"HOJO!" "HOJO!?" "L..ladies, calm...hey, stop! Stop that!"

"...I swear to god, Hojo fangirls are the most disturbing thing ever." Brey said with a shudder, as he watched the crowd of generic NPC women pack in around Hojo.

Cristo nodded solemnly, as the women descended upon Hojo.

Nina, on the other side of the arena, breathed a loud sigh of relief, and proceeded to BoltX both Hojo and NPCs repeatedly, getting her an easy win.

What's that you say?

Nina's one of the heroes?

You don't think that electrocuting Hojo fangirls is heroic?

What's wrong with you!?

Nina Wyndia: 37
Hojo: 26

Rutee Katrea (ToD) Rutee Katrea vs Yuber Yuber (S3)

In a fit of whimsy, the DL judges decided to determine the winner of the Yuber/Rutee match as a film-making contest. Both contestants were given 30 minutes to write, cast, perform, film, and edit their masterpieces. So, of course, both of them blatantly stole ideas from already-existing movies, just like real professional filmmakers.
Rutee decided to cast herself as the female lead of "There's Something About Rutee", a romantic comedy with all the makings of a blockbuster. The film culminated in the scene where Rutee's pet Swordian somehow viciously mauls the face of her dopey would-be boyfriend Stahn - to the great amusement of nearly everyone - until Stahn eventually gets the upper hand and tosses the poor defenseless Swordian out of a window. This particular part of the scene did not go over well with the sword-wielding duelists of the league, which is to say, nearly everyone.
Yuber, however, went with the idea of a Suikoverse version of "The Godfather", where Yuber, now cast as a mafioso (and wearing the same clothes...) and his 'family' go an systematic mission of "offing" the 27 True Runes, bringing about chaos and fulfilling all of Yuber's desires. The Godlike division's large number of final bosses really respected the work he put into the film and truly appreciated seeing an evil scheme go off without nary a repercussion for Yuber. So impressed, in fact, that they bullied the judges into a unanimous vote in favor of the Suikoden series' lovable Chaos Demon. Not that he needed it.

Rutee Katrea: 16
Yuber: 31

Peter (SF2) Peter vs Queen Queen (S3)

The majestic phoenix.

Beautiful, yet deadly. A creature capable of destroying all that oppose it.

Queen was only going to be a roadblock on Peter's flight to victory!


"Wait a second. He actually won? But he's been saying stuff like that every single time he gets into a match." Tao said, stunned.

"I guess the motivational tapes finally paid off." Lowe answered, with a shrug.

That's right, for the low cost of 3000 Gil, Kenji's motivational speaking tapes can place you, too, onto the path to both fitness and the championship! Because if anyone knows how to stay motivated in the face of getting pummeled senseless, it's Kenji! Order today!

Peter: 29
Queen: 12

Nash Rumack (Lunar1) Nash Rumack vs Karin Koenig Karin Koenig (SH2)

Joou Ranbu
Nash Rumack was anxious for his newest test in the arena. Karin would be nothing against his magical prowess and speed, he was prepared and sharp for anything that dared cross his razor reflexes!

Sadly, a relationship crisis struck. Upon hearing news of Mia creating a rather... erm, -suggestive- clay sculpture of Alex in her match the day before his fight against Karin, the Vane magician steamed through the DL corridors in order to extract an explanation from his sweetheart. They argued and fought for about fourteen hours before fainting in exhaustion and being taken to a hospital, which made Karin the winner by default.

They did manage to make up and patch misunderstandings while in the hospital, though. Mia even gave Nash another sculpture of a clay piranha, which he found endearing until it was stolen. Rumor says it's been found in a Gemity dumpster alongside two punch-drunk lushes whose names shall not be revealed.

Nash Rumack: 13
Karin Koenig: 39

Shiba (S3) Shiba vs Bright Bright (S3)

Bright losing to some lizard?! He's much higher-level being, he can't lose to any creature because he's a DRAGON!!

Shiba: 13
Bright: 51

Lute (FE8) Lute vs Bebedora Bebedora (AtL4)

Much to the dismay of all the perverts in the DL, despite it being yet another Female vs. Female match, there was nothing sexy about this fight.

This is despite how Lute ended up frying off most of what Bebedora was wearing at that. Needless to say, not a pretty much in...any sense, really. Well, I guess it was pretty for Lute since she won, but whose counting?

Lute: 28
Bebedora: 12

Rude (FF7) Rude vs Mia Ausa Mia Ausa (Lunar1)

Joou Ranbu
It was a brutal and intense contest. Dextrous and nimble fingers swept and wavered through the air and earth, the two competitors heavily focused in their tasks. Sparks and flares flew and countless droplets of clay were strewn around.

Wait, clay?

Yes. Apparently, Deis and Opera were the referees for the match, and they were bored. Thus, they decided that this match would be decided through the display of Mia and Rude's skills at handcraft - more specifically, pottery.

Well, that's not quite specific. If you really want to be specific, it was a display of erotic pottery, for extra embarassment and an excuse for Opera to bring beer to the judges' booth.

In the end, neither of them could really muster anything even resembling renaissance Michaelangelo sculptures - or anything resembling erotica, really. But Opera and Deis were so drunk by the end of the contest that they looked at Mia's clay piranha (hey, she thinks they're cute, and the judges were never very specific on the definition of "beauty" that they were seeking) and thought it was actually a naked rendition of Alex. Rude's crooked vase was considered to be a Rabite by them, getting Rude banned from the DL for the next three seasons under accusations of furryism. You do not want to indulge in strange fetishes at the Duelling League.

Two days later, Deis and Opera were found at a dumpster somewhere in the vicinity of Gemity, hugging a clay piranha while singing "Little Spanish Flea" in their sleep.

Rude: 28
Mia Ausa: 31

Gepetto (SH2) Gepetto vs Lucia Lucia (SH2)

"Gee...I don't really want to do this," Lucia said to Gepetto as soon as their match began. "I mean, you're a nice old man and I really like your puppet shows. And we did save the world together and everything. Do we really have to fight each other?"

"Hrm, well, I don't want to do this any more than you do," Gepetto answered, one hand stroking his beard. "Maybe we could just decide the match some other way besides fighting. Any ideas?"

"Huh...oh, I know!" Lucia said as she pulled out her trusty deck of tarot cards. "Why don't I just pick a card? If it's positive I win, but if it's negative you win. That way we won't even have to fight each other. Tee hee!"

"Yes, yes, that sounds fine to me," Gepetto winced as Lucia's 'tee hee' bounced around inside his skull like a handful of thumb tacks in a dishwasher. "Just get on with it, will you?"

"Sure thing!" Lucia said cheerily as she pulled a card from the deck.

It was the Justice card.

Lucia's HP immediately dropped to zero. As she fell to the ground, stone dead, Gepetto found that his health has been fully restored. (Of course, he was already at full health, but hey, he certainly wasn't going to object to some free healing.)

"Well, that's one way to get the job done," Gepetto mumbled to himself as the judges announced him as the winner. "Come on, Cornelia, let's get out of here before she wakes up. My God, if I hear that girl's laugh one more time I'm going to keel over...."

Gepetto: 47
Lucia: 10

Ricardo Gomez (SH3) Ricardo Gomez vs Kelvena Kelvena (XG)

Ricardo knows how to charm the ladies.

His beautiful guitar playing, his smouldering good looks, his flamethrower, all have been known to be a draw to the ladies.

(Not like that, for the flamethrower.

Not like that either.)

Of course, Kelvena was, well, cool, towards his advances.

How could Ricardo ever win her heart!?


"...Look, man, I know you're on the rebound a bit, here." Johnny whispered to Ricardo. "But bashing her in the head until she gets amnesia and dates you?"

"It's just a fling, boy, and it's none of your buisiness." Ricardo said, annoyed, as he held Kelvena's hand.

The moral?

Unless you're as badass as Ricardo, don't take plans from Sten.

That, and watch out for those smouldering good looks fellows. They're dangerous on the rebound.

Sten, meanwhile, is on his twelfth attempt at the Magnificent Sten Hotty Capturing Maneuver(As he calls it). Presumably, his success will probably be no better than the other eleven. His current best results out of it was copping a feel from a dazed Quistis before he got shoved down a toilet.

Ricardo Gomez: 29
Kelvena: 7

Dahna (G3) Dahna vs Frank Goldfinger Frank Goldfinger (SH3)

You know what the problem with relying on the powers of being...well...pretty are?

You eventually come up to someone who is so absentminded, so caught up in themselves, that they COMPLETELY IGNORE YOU and your ability to use that to your advantage.

It just so happens this also describes Frank perfectly.

Dahna: 13
Frank Goldfinger: 19

Clash of the Great Ones

Magic Fanatic
Very little here is to be feared... Except for the Rabite. The Black Rabite is the scariest thing in existance.

Balloon: 6
Mettaur: 19
Rabite: 25
Eye Goo: 5

Lezard Valeth
Mettaur simply let the other three duke it out while he's sleeping on the match. After all three "devastate" each other Mettaur just left the match after being declare a winner.

Ignorance folks is bliss, sometimes and this is one of those times.

Mettaur wins. The other three may have their arguments, but Mettaur has the one thing you cannot argue against: An (pick)axe to the face.

Mettaur for Godlike and such. Man, why is there no Kirby RPG so we can get Waddle Dee into this fight? Why?