Arc the Lad 4 (AtL4)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 3.39
Wins: 0
Losses: 3

Bebedora is another member of the Deimos clan. She is a creepy little girl who likes to control the minds of all of her opponents, and without doubt she’s one of scariest people to ever use a baby doll as a weapon. While at first she is a ruthless killing machine, only caring about her desires and design to take over the world, through Maru, she learns to feel compassion, and maybe even a twinge of love. An interesting dueller all around, Bebedora can use drain and mind control to destroy her enemies, or just use her supernatural magical powers to kill them quickly. While bad luck has plagued her so far, the ever creepy puppet will be sure to turn things around soon!

Season 8 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Nina Wyndia, 13 to 7
Downgraded to Middle
Season 31 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Katt, 46 to 16
Season 41 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Lute, 28 to 12
Fighter is currently not ranked