Bart Fatima
Xenogears (XG)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.2
Wins: 2
Losses: 3

Hot tempered and impulsive, the crown Prince of Aveh cuts a dashing image that’s photo-perfect for a pirate. A more average fighter than your typical warrior royalty, Bart can still tackle his share of foes, especially aided by his award-winning Wild Smile, dazzling opponents until they can scarcely see him as he expertly whips them into submission. Though he’s had little chance to put this into practice in the Arena, it’s a winning strategy that’s sure to attract attention in the future.

Season 8 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Crowley, 28 to 4
Season 23 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Leehalt Alceste, 31 to 20
Season 45 Week 2 Middle Defeated Dekar, 33 to 25
Season 45 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Jean, 33 to 14
Season 63 Week 2 Middle Defeated Aigis, 9 to 6