Season 23, Week 2
Bart Fatima
The cocky young ruler of Aveh faces an opponent that can return all of his damage back to him this week. What's a monarch to do? Fortunately, this match is far from a wash; Bart has his own aces up his sleeve. White Cologne gives him a counter attack to rival Rule of Vengeance, and Wild Smile helps him guard against Leehalt's own damage. With their HP and speed being roughly equal, this will be an exciting match from wire to wire!



As if Virginia and her endless enthusiasm wasn't enough, Leehalt Alceste now finds himself tasked with dispatching another ill-mannered upstart. Fortunately, Bart Fatima is a far less impressive foe than the four Drifters. With his utter lack of healing, the King of Aveh could do nothing as every scrap of his damage is retorted by Leehalt's Rule of Vengeance. With the occasional Eliminate Scanner for variety, the Prophet has the definite upper hand in this match.

Ahhh, Bart, you never learn.

Bart isn't totally stupid, or anything-he realized that battling someone that could return all his damage back to him has limited appeal.

(After all, who really wants to get whipped to death?)

So, Bart challenged Leehalt to a no-holds-barred full out match with no rules or regulations.

Leehalt agreed.

So, when it came time for the match, the Yggdrasil IV landed on Leehalt.

It looked like it was pretty over at that point.

Then the Yggdrasil IV crumpled like a tin can.

An easy to forget fact is that Leehalt got beaten to a pulp not once, but many times-in the Duelling League, normally, this doesn't matter.

But if someone can use outside interference, the other party can use plot power.

And, so, Leehalt used his plot power to not die for no real reason, despite how much damage he takes, to blast a giant mecha with Law of Vengance after it stepped on him.

It's not really fair-bosses get all the fun plot powers-but hey.

Bart's at least sworn off dropping his battleships on things. Do you know how much it costs to repair a mech the size of a city?

Bart Fatima: 20
Leehalt Alceste: 31