Quina Quen
Final Fantasy IX (FF9)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.63
Wins: 1
Losses: 4

Freaky frog-eating tongue-wagging creature or magnificent blue mage, Quina Quen is known by many names, not all of them so fond. It is kind of a pointless character, and most of its plot time is spent chasing after frogs rather than doing any sort of rational and sane activity. But frogs are pretty tasty and nutritious, so this Quen is about as happy as it can be! It hits people with frog-related attacks and occasionally eats people as a mid-morning snack, just for the fun of it. It is about as random as characters come, but there’s not a thing wrong with it!

Season 15 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Gades, 24 to 22
Season 28 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Kasumi, 57 to 42
Season 28 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Red, 43 to 38
Season 51 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Worker 8, 48 to 13
Season 58 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Sharon, 29 to 19
Season 58 Week 7 Heavy Defeated by Jude Maverick, 20 to 19
Downgraded to Middle