
Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 205822 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3775 on: November 08, 2015, 01:13:57 AM »
Tales of Encount:

Stocke: ...what the hell am I doing here?
Narrator: I'm not doing this, because...
Stocke: get attacked everytime?  And why should I suffer?
Narrator: Well, you are a time traveler so if something goes wrong you know...
Stocke: Fine, geez.  Anyway *checks script* The part of Milla will be played by "A. Milla" and "P. Milla."  Wait what the hell does that even mean?
Lippti: TURN LEFT!!!
Stocke: ...yeah, screw it, I'm out.

Ludger: No.
Teepo: Hey we're trying to get through this place, can you give us a moment to concentrate?
Voice: ...sorry, my bad, I was...wait a minute! I'M THE ONE WHO...
Ludger: Done. Hi Odin.
*Odin is a big guy in armor*
Odin: ...that's not fair! How'd you get here so fast?
A. Milla: Fast!? It took us 6 hours to do this!
Voice: And it took me 3 years to build this place!
Leia: You...built this place?
Odin: Sort of...look, it's not important! What is important is I AM THE GUARDIAN OF THOR, ARK OF TIME, THE LOST CIVILIZATION OF 38,362 YEARS AGO!
A. Milla: That's awfully specific.
Odin: QUIET! Now, please leave me in peace because this is the only Dimension where we are alive.
Elize: Wait, you know about us? How?
Odin: You guys have fought me multiple times and always lost!
Leia: So versions of us thinking they were from the Prime Dimension came and failed...well good we are totally from the Prime Dimension!
Odin: NOPE! THIS WILL END THE SAME WAY! But hey, if you want, I can lock you up for centuries until the people of Thor rise.  You live, I don't have to kill you, and we all go home happy...
*Ludger stabs Odin in the face with his lance*
Ludger: Quiet.
Odin: ARGH! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT-...wait, why can't I feel my heart?
*sees Ludger holding the divergence catalyst in his lance*
Odin: ...well crap...

*fractured Dimension finished*
Leia: Well...that's Waymarker found, so just one more to go right?
Ludger: Yes.
Rollo: Meow.
Rollo: Meow.
Rollo 2: Meow? *disappears*
A. Milla: seems two of the same thing can't exist in the Prime Dimension...well that's certainly ominous.  I sure hope that doesn't come up soon!

*one debt repayment later, we will spare you Nova*
Vera: We've found a fractured dimension with a Waymarker!
Ludger: Yay!
Vera: But we can't get into it; come to Spirius Corps. so we can discuss this!
Gaius: Take me with you; I want to meet the head myself.
*at Spirius Corps.*
Bakur: Well I'll be damned, we have royalty in our presence.
Gaius: You don't seem that flustered.
Bakur: Well I do basically own the half of the world you don't rule over...
Gaius: ...touche...
A. Milla: So what's going on with the Fractured Dimension?
Bakur: Seems someone is preventing us from entering...namely MAXWELL!
Jude: Milla's doing this? But why?
Muzet: Yeah, she should be able to leave at any time!
Gaius: Probably not that she won't, but she can't.  Something must be preventing her from doing this...
*everyone looks at A. Milla*
A. Milla: ...yes, yes, I get it; I'm the cause.  What are you going to do, KILL ME!?
Jude: We could never do that!
Bakur: We'll figure that part out later; what matters the big ceremony happening in Marksburg that our highness should be attending.
Gaius: ...rub it in why don't you...
Jude: Wait, where did THAT come from!? This is first we've heard of it.
Bakur: Well, we have reason to believe Exodus is there and well...
Alvin: Yeah, yeah, we go kill Exodus, prevent the Peace Making Ceremony from going horribly wrong and be awesome.  Can we just skip the in between stuff and...
*Transition to Marksburg*
Alvin: ...not complaining!
Alvin:'re working with Exodus again aren't you?
A. Milla: This a bad man?
Alvin: Nah, he just always chooses the wrong crowd...every-time.  I mean, I was a mercenary, so I didn't really PICK my clients, they picked me!  He's the other way around...and a wimp...which is why we're going to force him to tell us everything he knows.
Marcus: You'll never get any information out of me!
*30 seconds later*
Alvin: See? Was that so hard!? Ok, Marcus, you're going to row us over to that ship now!
Gaius: I'll stay here with Rowen; be dumb to have multiple diplomats on there.
Jude: Right, so I'll help Ludger and Alvin and...
A. Milla: Oh come on, I'm totally going too.  Someone has to make you second guess destroying another world.
Alvin: We're going to stop a terrorist organization, not a fractured dimension, I don't think that's necessary...
A. Milla: Oh quiet, I'm doing you a favor by putting myself into a dangerous situation so YOUR Milla can return!
Elle: But I like you most! You're my favorite Milla!

*half a gimmicky dungeon later that we're skipping*
A. Milla: This would be so much easier if YOUR Milla destroyed all of Exodus herself!
Jude: If she did, I wouldn't be born.  My father was a former agent who turned over a new leaf when he met my mom.
A. Milla: ( that means I killed Jude in my world...maybe I deserve to die...) know...forget I said anything!
Riddeaux: By the way, I'm here!
Alvin: Where'd you come from?
Riddeaux: Well you see...
*shift to earlier*
Riddeaux: HA! They're totally falling for my plan of attacking the ship and stopping Exodus and...wait, that's not what I wanted at all! Crap, better find a way to use this to my advantage...
*Shift to now*
Riddeaux:'s not important!  What is important is we SUMMON MAXWELL HERE!  That will REQUIRE A SACRIFICE AND TWO CONDUITS AND...oh hell *just punches Alvin and Jude into a wall, and throws Milla into a hole after a fight sequence* There, now it's almost done!
*Ludger grabs A. Milla's hand*
A. Milla: Let me go! If I die, your Milla can return, isn't that what you want?
Ludger: No.
A. Milla: But why?
Ludger: You're my friend.
A. Milla: I see...
Elle: STOP THAT YOU BIG MEANIE *starts beating on Riddeaux with Milla's sword, Riddeaux KICKS ELLE*
A. Milla: ...take care of Elle for me... *Milla forcefully let's go*
Ludger: ...crap...
*A. Milla crosses P. Milla*
A. Milla: ...knew I'd hate you *disappears*
*P. Milla comes out of the hole all epic and awesome and HOLY CRAP THE 4 GREAT SPIRITS AND WHY IS HER OUTFIT DIFFERENT!?*
P. Milla: ...I'll be taking THAT *grabs A. Milla's sword from Elle* Now, where were we...
Jude: Oh hi Milla, it's been a while.
P. Milla: You didn't answer my question...
Alvin: Glad to see nothing's changed...
Ludger: Hm?
Alvin: Oh, right, that.  Let's fight!
*Boss Fight later*
Ludger: *Dialog prompt: You won't get away with this!*
Riddeaux: And yet, they always do!
Elle: Wait, if your Milla is here, WHERE'S MY MILLA!?
P. Milla: She's...gone...I'm sorry...she did it for you I'm sure...
Jude: Uh, we spent an entire game calling this one Milla, and she's kind of the protagonist of the previous game alongside myself...
Alvin: Yeah, kid, you missed an entire game, who are you to call this Milla fake?
*phone ring*
Nova: So Ludger...honey...
Ludger: Debt?
Nova: Debt.
Ludger: Hate.
Nova: Love ^_^

*one debt payment later*
Vera: Bakur wants to meet the REAL Maxwell, also Fractured Dimension stuff.
Ludger: Ok.
*Ludger brings the whole team*
Bakur: I wanted Ludger and Maxwell only, NOT everyone.
Jude: It's not like we trust you or anything...
Bakur: ...a fair point...
P. Milla: Ok, let me explain, Chronos threw me into a rift and that made things hard on me. I was searching for him because he's a jerk, had to use Mana to make a physical form, and I can only do this temporarily. 
Jude: So you're probably leaving us when this game is over again?
P. Milla: Pretty much.
Jude: Figures.
Ludger: Hey kid?
Elle: Yeah?
Ludger: ...shut up...
Elle: OK!
Bakur: Anyway, go get that last Waymarker!

*Fractured Dimension hop later*
Rowen: Well, we're in Sharliton!
Shopkeeper: OMG! ARE YOU ROWEN!?
Rowen: Indeed I am, the steward to lady...
Rowen: ...well that's morbid. 
Jude: Let's take a look around then?
Rowen: Agreed.

*at Marksburg*
Woman: Hey! Help me get that!
Ludger: Cute.
Woman: Thanks.
Jude: Hey, it's a Spyrite.
Woman: what's so big about that? They're everywhere! They've been that way for the last 8 years all thanks to that Jude Mathis!
Jude: Really? Where can we find this Jude Mathis fellow? I'd like to learn his secrets!
Woman: Oh he was sadly murdered 8 years ago.
Jude: this Fractured Dimension is at least 8 years ahead of our own...and two of us are dead...I wonder if our death's are linked?

*at Drelin*
Man: Oh man, look what I fished up!?  It's that stuffed animal from that little girl who died 8 years ago!
*holds up a moldy, bustered Teepo*
Jude: ...
Rowen: ...
P. Milla: ...
Ludger: ...
Elle: Why is everyone silent!? TELL ME!
Rowen: Er...I think it's safe to say that...
Jude:, don't say it, I'd rather convince myself I can pretend that's not the case...
Ludger: To lake.
Jude: ...yes, let's go to the scene of the murder!

*at the lake where they fought Odin in the ruins...yeah, that's where they are, deal with it*
Jude: Well, there's an actual lake here now.  Spyrite sure are amazing...
Rowen: That house was definitely NOT there in our dimension though.
Ludger: Summer home?
Elle: No stupid! That's MY home! I'M HOME! DADDY!!!!
Jude: ...wait, so this is...
Rowen: And that means that Elle...
P. Milla: ...there must be a mistake, I mean, she's only 12 and...
Elle's Dad: Thank you for watching over my daughter, welcome friends...and Ludger.  I'm Victor!
*Victor is a dark haired man with a black suit a stupid mask*
Ludger: Huh!?
Elle: Daddy is awesome! SHOW THEM YOUR BEST SOUP EVER ^_^
Rowen: ...I don't like where this is going...
P. Milla: That mask...hmm...
Ludger: Catalyst.
Rowen: You think so?
Ludger: Certain.
Jude: So...Victor...can you know...everything?
Victor: Oh, simply put, Elle has special powers part of the Kresnik line but that power only manifests itself once every...well...ambiguous time frame really, what matters is SHE CAN TRANSCEND SPACE AND TIME!
P. Milla: And I have a question for you...
Victor: About the Mask? Oh, I got myself hurt and well...
P. Milla: ...that wasn't my question at all.  I was going to ask if you have always been so full of yourself and lying out of your ass.
Victor: Actually, I use to only speak in one word phrases at a time...sometimes two if I felt like it...
Ludger: ...
Victor: But then, you would know that better than any of us...right Ludger?
Jude: Why are you acting this way?
Victor: Oh look, my daughter's asleep! Convenient excuse to go outside so I can explain everything to you!
Ludger: Boss fight?
Rowen: Seems so...

Victor: So...simply put...I killed you JUDE and ROWEN and ALVIN and ELIZE and LEIA!
P. Milla: left me off that list...
Victor: Oh I didn't kill you because you didn't appear.  You got lucky.
Jude: Wait, why did you kill me?
Rowen: I'm still confused.
Victor: ...oh come on, is it not obvious yet?
Jude: Not really; you haven't todl us anything, just rambled like a typical super villain.
Victor: ...hate...
Rowen: And that means Elle is Ludger's future daughter?
Ludger: ...excuse me...
*Ludger goes to barf for 5 straight minutes*
Ludger: ...still sick...
P. Milla: But why did you kill everyone Not!Ludger?
Victor: BECAUSE ELLE THAT'S WHY! I'm going to use her power and my WAYMARKER to reach Canaan and make a wish that would allow us to exist in the prime dimension and...
P. Milla: ...that plan is stupid.  You're stupid.  STOP BEING STUPID!
Rowen: My sentiments exactly.
Victor: Bah, Julius said the same thing! He sided with you guys!
Jude: Maybe because it IS incredibly stupid...and evil?
*Attacks with dual blades, Ludger blocks, gets kicked down*
Elle: Daddy, what's going on?
Victor: Nothing sweety! Just having a talk*kicks Ludger while he's down* Trust me, nothing to see!
Ludger: Jerk.
Victor: Oh, but remember, I am you! So when you call me a jerk, are you not really insulting yourself!? And then whose the villain!?
Victor: ...that was a rhetorical question...
Jude: Not...really; I mean, it had a very clear answer...
Rowen: Now I can see why Ludger doesn't talk much; his vocabulary must be legitimately very low...
Victor: HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! *Attacks Jude, Ludger blocks* Hey, stop that! You want a piece of me!?
Ludger: *dons a stylish gun pose* Let's Rock!
*cue DMC style fight scene between Ludger and Victor; Jude and P. Milla join in after a point*
Elle: NO! Don't hurt Daddy!  WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?
Victor: Stay out of this Elle! THEY MUST DIE!
*Victor fires a straight shot that almost hits Elle, Ludger saves her*
Elle: Daddy...but why?
Ludger: Devil Trigger!
*charges Victor, who also goes Devil Trigger*
Jude: ...can we just get to the gameplay part already?
Victor: YES!!!
*one really annoying boss fight later*
Rowen: Technically, you were fighting yourself and someone you didn't fight, so only two of us were defeated.
Victor: Shut up! I WON'T LOSE!
*Victor charges again, Ludger goes DT again, Devil Trigger fight, Ludger stabs Victor killing him*
Jude: ...I've heard of killing yourself but this is ridiculous...
P. Milla: ...I'm getting a strange sense of Deja Vu...
Rowen: Well you did see the other Milla die when you finally came back to us, remember?
Victor: ...screw you all...*dies*
*Fractured Dimension disappears*

Stocke: Ok, no, I'm just jumping in here and summarizing.  Elle is upset, Ludger gets burned accidentally dropping soup on her...don't ask just go with it, more emo cutscenes, eventually the two make up, and we learn Elle is the nature of Ludger's power and she's turning into a catalyst herself.  There, done, can we finally move on?  Also, I am not doing this again.
Ludger: Good.
Stocke: where...did you come from?
Ludger: Over there.
Stocke: what are you going to do about Elle?
Ludger: I dunno.
Stocke: ...yeah, I'm out, GOOD BYE!

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3776 on: November 08, 2015, 05:57:19 AM »
Oh hey, Chapter 12.  Did you spot the plot hole so appallingly huge it took me months to recognize it for what it was?


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3777 on: November 08, 2015, 01:47:02 PM »
So I supposedly sent El Cid an item in d5.

Used the bill, "send item to friend."

Then it didn't let me pick an item, and now the bill is who knows!

Yeah I dunno, man. I logged in last night and didn't see any special notification about receiving an item. For what it's worth, I decided to try passing the same bill on my side too. It also didn't ask what I wanted to send, just passed the bill and then called it done. So...who knows.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3778 on: November 08, 2015, 07:28:54 PM »
It looks like you don't actually have to reincarnate generics to get to the next tier class in their line? They just sort of autopromote at some point. I don't actually see the mechanics of this communicated clearly anywhere, but it seems to be based on mana accumulation rather than raw level (it would have to be detached from level since you can now hire generics at something like protag level -3 or whatever). You can still reincarnate dudes if you want to grind stats? But the periodic whelp time to grind up all my flunkies from level 1 again because everyone unlocked a new class tier thing that was familiar to like every other Disgaea is apparently no longer necessary.

This feature actually originates from Disgaea D2, though in that game you had to pass a bill to do the promotion manually.  The Vita port of Disgaea 4 also inherited it.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3779 on: November 09, 2015, 07:50:27 AM »
Remember that post I made about Talisman?

This time copy paste the assassin/pirate stuff only change "pirate" to "Sorceress", and this time I was the assassin.

Same fucking thing.

Assassin is arbitrarily crippled in this game and I don't understand why. Everyone else can use their fucking abilities on the final space, why can't he? It's not any better than Beguile or press-gang. This is a broken character and there's no reason to select him if you aren't playing randomly. If you're playing SEMI randomly? Take the other guy. Assassin can't fight on his own merits.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3780 on: November 09, 2015, 11:21:12 PM »
Tales of Encount:

Samanosuke: want me to...
Narrator: yes, yes I do.
Samanosuke: ...why me?
Narrator: Because you have dealt with parallel time skipping nonsense thus sort of fit into the thematic.
Samanosuke: That's a stretch and you know it!
Narrator: Look, just do it ok?
Samanosuke: What's in it for me?
Narrator: You won't have to deal with Ranmaru for at least an hour?
Samanosuke: Ludger learned that Elle was his daughter in an alternate reality future and thus we continue onward with a debt repayment!  ...ok, seriously, I only read one line and I'm already confused...

*One debt payment later*
Nova: Ludger, look, about your debt...
Nova: ...what...killed your...Ludger! It's just money! Don't go suicidal on me! Please don-*cut off*
Vera: Go to Marksburg, agent Kresnik; the CEO will give you instructions from there.
Ludger: No choice?
Vera: None.
Ludger: Great...

*at Marksburg*
Jude: So Bisley is suppose to be here now?
Milla: I sense a disturbance in the Deus Ex Machina...
Alvin: ...I refuse to believe that's actually a thing.
Muzet: Well, actually it is!  But you wouldn't know this because you're not a spirit!
Gaius: ...for some reason, I doubt it even more.
Muzet: Meanie!
Muzet: Deal with it, wimp!
Elle: Stupid lady!
Muzet: Little brat!
Ludger: Ugh...*phone call*
Bakur: Yes...Agent Kresnik, put down the Waymarkers and the way to Canaan shall be revealed!  NOTHING CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG TRUST ME!
*they do exactly that, Canaan appears, it's basically a giant world shaped like a fetus...I'm not making this up*
Milla: So...I guess that's Origin's Trial...getting UP THERE.
Cronos: No, that's just part of it.
Elize: How did you...
Cronos: Lord of Time.
Elize: Right!
Cronos: So...yeah, you humans need to die, not letting you pass it!
Jude: Not without a boss fight you will!
*boss fight*
Cronos: HA! You can't beat me, see!? *turns back time, heals wounds, gets into a more stronger state*
Ludger: Shut up!
*another fight later, this time with Chromatus*
Cronos: Aaawww, using your Chromatus and hurting the girl?  See, it's exactly like I planned. HUMANS CAN'T RESIST POWER! MWAHAHAH!
Bakur: Uh, yeah, I can do that too!
Cronos: Do what?
Bakur: Get to Canaan, I know how!
Cronos: ...well poop, I'll see you there! *leaves*
Milla: So you could use the Chromatus all along
Bakur: No time to explain!
Milla: What do you mean no time?  The explaination is pretty obvious that you're also a descendant of Kresnik but haven't been open about it.
Jude: Milla, give up, he's not going to reveal plot details to us.
Bakur: That's least not until we're at Spirius Corps, please go there now while I open the path mean, cover some odds and ends in shops here, YES! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING!
Alvin: do realize I'm a professional at that kind of thing right?
Bakur: Look, just go because we need to advance the story.
Alvin: Fine fine.
Bakur: By the way, you did good Ludger.  You are no longer needed, I have given you a big reward, THIS IS IN NO WAY SUSPICIOUS TRUST ME!
*They all leave except Elle*
Elle: Canaan's there, but I'm just a fake, I serve no purpose.
Bakur: Ok, good, wanna work for me and thus get us to Canaan?
Elle: Ok.
Bakur: Excellent!

*at Spirius Corps.*
Vera: Yeah, Ludger, your debt's been cancelled, you're a free man.
Ludger: SWEET! *phone call*
Nova: YOu don't have a debt!? HOW CAN I BOTHER YOU NOW ;_;
Ludger: LATER! *turns off phone*
Vera: So, VICE PRESIDENT KRESNIK, the CEO wishes to speak to you in his office.
Ludger: Vice...President?
Vera: Yes, you are now VICE PRESIDENT of Spirius Corps., effectively immediately!
Ludger: Cha-ching!
*at the office, Bakur is on Video Conference*
Bakur: So...we're going to Canaan and telling Origin that our wish is going to be to have all Spirits SERVE MANKIND!
Milla: ...that's horrible, how can you make such a wish?
Bakur: It's for the good of mankind!
Muzet: ...and horrible for Spiritkind...
Milla: Look, I'm pro-Humans and all that...but I'm also're doing this just to spite Cronos aren't you?
Bakur: Yes, yes I am.  Now Vice President, look around the company!

Riddeaux: Ah, Vice President, what can I do for you?
Ludger: Truth, now.
Riddeaux: Oh, well, you see, a Kresnik must die to open the path to Canaan.  The Key of Kresnik appears once every few generations in the family line, the last one being the CEOs Wife who, I might add, clearly has no relation to you whatsoever.
Ludger: ...suspicious...
Riddeaux: So...yeah, he's going to kill a Kresnik...not your alt-reallity futuristic daughter mind you; he needs her to kill Cronos.  Oh no, he's going to kill...
Ludger: Julius?
Riddeaux: You said it, not me!
*Bottom floor*
Jude: Hey Ludger, what's up?
Gaius: Yes, you're vice president now, I guess that puts you on par with Rowen...which is still lower than me.   It's good to be the king!
Ludger: Leaving.
Milla: So soon?
Ludger: Yes.
Muzet: Awww, I wanted to see more.
Gaius: You can cut through space and time at will; you could literally phase in, see what you want, and phase out immediately, why do YOU need permission of all people?  Heck, your Near-Omnipotently powerful Sister can't even do that without some form of sacrifice.  Though, now that I've said all that, I have to wonder why we couldn't just have used Muzet to solve like all these issues with Fractured Dimensions...
Muzet: Well, clearly it's because I'm not a Kresnik, so I can't do anything involving Space, Time and Dimensions!
Gaius: about that "let's leave" thing...
Milla: Yes, let's...but before we do...FIGHT ME LUDGER!?
Ludger: Wait what!?
*they fight, Ludger activates his Chromatus somehow*
Milla: Good, just as planned.  I see your resolve as strong as ever!  Just had to come up with a way to force you to go all out.
Ludger: ...that's stupid
Milla: Really? I thought it was pretty clever.
Jude: Well, you could have just...I dunno...ASKED HIM.
Riddeaux: yeah, not happening.  The CEO has explicitly told me to NOT LET YOU LEAVE!
Ludger: yes, but...Vice President...
Milla: What kind of sad existence is that?
*Gaius stares at Muzet*
Muzet: ...what!?
Ivar:'re the REAL Milla!?
Milla: Hi Ivar, nice to see you again.
Ivar: I don't work for you anymore!  I'm a JUNIOR AGENT!
Milla: do realize that's a demotion from Handmaid to a deity, right?
Ivar: SHUT UP!
Jude: Well, we're in a predicament, how do we get out of here?
Ludger: Basement.
Jude: I mean, how are we going to get there?
Gaius: Path is clearly free...
Jude: ...look, we have 5 characters and only 4 can fit into a party, so one of us has to stay behind to hold the guys off ineffectively...
*everyone stares at Jude*
Jude: ...oh I see how it is; because being a former protagonist who clearly lost a fair amount of his power due to loss of the power source from the previous game CLEARLY makes me the most viable option to solo an army.  No sir! Let's not call upon the Strongest Warrior of a nation filled with bad asses, or the spirit who controls space and time who can FLY no less and thus escape at will no problem if the going gets rough, or FREAKING MAXWELL HERSELF WHO IS AIDED BY THE FOUR GREAT SPIRITS! Nope, let's rely on the half-Elympian scientist from Rieze Maxia who punches things!  Yep, great idea there guys!
Milla: Glad you understand, later!
*They all leave*
Jude: ...she still doesn't understand sarcasm...

*Jude fights off army, fade away, one dungeon later*
Gaius: Wait, how did you get here before us?
Riddeaux: Uhh...Ivar?
Ivar: ...well, you certainly got me. *pulls up map showing the heroes taking the most efficient route and the villains would have had to take a huge detour* By all accounts, it doesn't make any sense.
Riddeaux: ...whatever.  Now, SUFFER MY WRATH!
Gaius: do realize there's no possible way the two of you can beat us four right?  Do I have recount what you're up against?
Milla: I agree, this fight is oddly stacked in our favor.
*Riddeaux snaps fingers, bunch of nameless minions appear*
Gaius: I don't think that really changes the situation...
Muzet: There's a name for those kind of guys, what are they called?
Ludger: Cannon fodder?
Muzet: Yes, that's it! Thank you!
Riddeaux: Ah, but I have one more trick up my sleeve! Behold my Chomatus power!
Ludger: ...seen that already...
Riddeaux: Ah, but aren't you curious HOW I can do that!?
Ludger: No.
Riddeaux: Oh come, really?
Ludger: No.
Riddeaux: Well you see, I was once injured really badly, then SPECIAL SPYRIX BY DR. MATTHIS...
Milla: ...Jude's father?
Riddeaux: Maybe, I don't care, anyway, he used it on me to create artificial organs and NOW I MODIFIED THEM TO HAVE CHROMATUS POWER!
Gaius: None of that makes any sense.
Gaius: ...and here I thought Wingul was nonsensical when he powered up...
Milla: Ivar, look, I appreciate your loyalty to me but...we're enemies, and to respect you...even though you really don't deserve it...I won't hold anything back.
Ivar: I WILL MAKE YOU RESPECT ME MILLA WHEN I BEAT YOU UP! THAT'LL PROVE MY AFFECTION TO YOU! ...wait, something about that doesn't sound right...
*one boss fight later*
Riddeaux: No, how could I lose!?
Gaius: ...because you're an evil scumbag?  Look, I did the antagonist thing but I at least knew that being evil = you die by the end of the game, which is why I totally stayed on the line of sympathetic.  And look at me now, I'm one of the main characters!
Ludger: ...supporting cast...
Gaius: Main character.
Ludger: Supporting cast.
Gaius: ...fine, fine, supporting cast member, but a good guy nonetheless!  Either way, Ludger, shall I kill him or should you?
Ludger: Saved my life.
Riddeaux: Don't you dare be sentimental with me! KILL ME NOW!
Gaius: ...and because you asked, I'll spare you, since it makes you suffer more.  Being King, I feel it is my right to choose whether people live or die...
Milla: This is Elympios though, you don't exactly have any political authority here.
Gaius: Shh!
Ivar: Damn it Milla, why?
Milla: You're a pathetic failure, Ivar...but you are loyal to me, so I can't really hurt you, and I never did fire you so...uhh...good bye?
Ivar: What the hell does that even mean?
Milla: The same thing everything else you've ever said means?
Ivar: But...I...oh...
*the heroes leave*
Riddeaux: Well crap, what am I going to do now.
Spirius Agent: CEO wants you.
Riddeaux: NOT ON MY DEAD BODY! *Transforms*
*They click a button, he detransforms*
Riddeaux: Wait what?
Spirius Agent: As if we didn't have control over your fake organs.  Come now, you're going to be sacrificed to Canaan.
*They drag him out without dignity*

*At Spirius Corps. Entrance*
Jude: Oh hey guys, I'm alive.  Julius saved me.
Ludger: Where's Julius?
Jude: He left already.  Said to go check your room for one final letter, so...let's do that?
*at Ludger's house*
Julius' Letter: Yeah, Ludger, hi, I'm proud of you, come and kill me so you can open the land to Canaan.  Also bring your weapons because we're totally going to duel because shut up and do it I'M YOUR BIG BROTHER LISTEN TO ME!  Ps. I love your cooking, it's awesome.
Ludger: ...crapbaskets...
Gaius: Can you really kill your brother?
Ludger: ...why me...

*at Marksburg*
Julius: Nice to see you again Ludger, so you ready to KILL ME and SAVE ELLE?
Ludger: No.
Julius: Why?
Ludger: Hate Elle.
Julius: ...rephrase.  You ready to kill me and SAVE THE WORLD?
Ludger: I have to?
Julius: Yes, yes you do.
Ludger: If I refuse?
Julius: Bad ending.
Ludger: Crap.
*one epic Tales duel later, which is stylish as hell, etc., ends in Ludger getting Chromatus mk3*
Ludger: ...Fractured Dimension? *starts walking around, gets to room*
Alt Julius: Hold on there, little brother.  Don't rush out, it won't be that bad.
Alt Ludger: I know but...well...look, I need to get going, I'll make it up to you with an awesome pasta dish later!
Alt Julius: ...always trying to butter me up...
*Ludger follows*
Alt Julius: Forget something?
Ludger: No.
Alt Julius: ...oh, I see, you're...well, that's great.  I understand, go ahead, you earned it!  Kill me now and save the world, it's totally cool bro.
Ludger: GRAAAAH! *stabs Julius, fractured dimension disappears*
Jude: Is it done?
Rowen: It would appear so.
Gaius: How sad, but necessary.
Elize: This was a cruel fate indeed...
Alvin: Hey, on the bright side, we can save Elle, right?
Elize: Alvin!!!
Teepo: TOO SOON!!!
Muzet: Milla...are you going to do the same to me at some point?
Milla: Wait what? Why would I try to kill you?
Muzet: We were enemies in the last game!
Milla: But that was over a year ago and...
Milla: I'm the Lord of Spirits yet somehow I have absolutely no control over THAT one over there...great, now I'm questioning my powers again, thanks a lot Muzet.
Muzet: You're welcome ^_^

Samanosuke: And thus, the team sets off for the final dungeon, Canaan and to complete ORIGIN'S TRIAL!  CAN THEY DO IT BEFORE...
Ranmaru: SAMANOSUKE!!!!
Samanosuke: ...I thought said...
Narrator: I tried...
Samanosuke: Yes, thank you.
Ivar: God damn he was annoying, who the hell is he anyway?
Milla You know, there's a human saying that applies here, but I can't think what it is...
Jude: The Pot calling the kettle black?
Milla: That's the one!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3781 on: November 09, 2015, 11:55:00 PM »
Clicker heroes

Disclaimer: Zenny do not play this

So this is an idle game like Cookie Clicker. I've been thinking about it, and I feel like idle gales are the best, natural evolution of the NIS game. They shed all the unnecessary / bad parts of NIS games (battle system, story) to focus on the numbers going up. Very much like Disgaea, the question is not "can i win, making my numbers go up" but "can my numbers go up faster if I do this or that?" . Numbers ARE going up. It is inevitable. But you can make them go up even more faster better.
And trying to find the most optimal levelling route is fun ! Especially if you don't have to go through a subpar battle system for it!

The three idle games I've played also have the same plot I basically love: you are some unclear nebulous force that wants numbers to go up, and your numbers going up related selfish satisfaction will eventually cause our doom

Ok the bad part is that idle games take over your life more than Disgaea. BUT they take over your life less than FFRK at least, so that's something. An idle game might be a vaccine to FFRK. (And like a vaccine you might end up playing both games and being far worse for it)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3782 on: November 09, 2015, 11:58:50 PM »
Bisley is the real hero.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3783 on: November 10, 2015, 12:05:30 AM »
Rollo is the True Key of Kresnik ~
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3784 on: November 10, 2015, 12:07:14 AM »
They shed all the unnecessary / bad parts of NIS games (battle system, story) to focus on the numbers going up.

At this point are we really not better off just typing out the biggest number we can think of?

EDIT: I should post about something I'm actually playing too, I guess.

Shadows Over Mordor: Kinda winding down on this. Having fun, still, but I think I spent too much time dicking around. Not sure I'll make it to the end.

I feel wrong having a different opinion than Grefter, as I'm enjoying the game more than Assassin's Creed stuff? Play just feels a lot smoother, combat is a surprising blast, etc but I wonder if this is from only playing older AC games? Plot is totally nonsense and being ignored (though the Ratbag stuff was enjoyable).

Warchief assassinations irritate me and I wonder if I just don't understand how to do them. Pretty much always have to fight a billion goddamn orcs at once.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 12:15:08 AM by AndrewRogue »

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3785 on: November 10, 2015, 12:09:18 AM »
Clicker heroes

Disclaimer: Zenny do not play this

So this is an idle game like Cookie Clicker. I've been thinking about it, and I feel like idle gales are the best, natural evolution of the NIS game. They shed all the unnecessary / bad parts of NIS games (battle system, story) to focus on the numbers going up. Very much like Disgaea, the question is not "can i win, making my numbers go up" but "can my numbers go up faster if I do this or that?" . Numbers ARE going up. It is inevitable. But you can make them go up even more faster better.
And trying to find the most optimal levelling route is fun ! Especially if you don't have to go through a subpar battle system for it!

The three idle games I've played also have the same plot I basically love: you are some unclear nebulous force that wants numbers to go up, and your numbers going up related selfish satisfaction will eventually cause our doom

Ok the bad part is that idle games take over your life more than Disgaea. BUT they take over your life less than FFRK at least, so that's something. An idle game might be a vaccine to FFRK. (And like a vaccine you might end up playing both games and being far worse for it)
dude I made fun of you guys for ffrk but I've put months into this horseshit. this and timeclickers


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3786 on: November 10, 2015, 01:10:05 AM »
Yeah I got my idle game itch out when I got all the achievements in Cookie Clicker. No worries about me there.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3787 on: November 10, 2015, 02:27:16 AM »
Shadows Over Mordor: Kinda winding down on this. Having fun, still, but I think I spent too much time dicking around. Not sure I'll make it to the end.

I feel wrong having a different opinion than Grefter, as I'm enjoying the game more than Assassin's Creed stuff? Play just feels a lot smoother, combat is a surprising blast, etc but I wonder if this is from only playing older AC games? Plot is totally nonsense and being ignored (though the Ratbag stuff was enjoyable).

It is.  AC actively polished and smoothed out the combat loop significantly over the first 3 games.  The jump from 1-2 is massive, 2-Bro is pretty big as well.  Revelations is about where I would peg Moredoores at (Batman finishers are not as good in a stealth/climbing primary game compared to Asylum's railroad action game).  Revelations-3 is probably where the series plateaus in changes, but AC3 is pretty streamlined.

Warchief assassinations irritate me and I wonder if I just don't understand how to do them. Pretty much always have to fight a billion goddamn orcs at once.

Try running away.  Blind corners or bushes are your best friend.  But yeah, mostly it is going to be lots of orcs.  The main thing is you can reset the mobs and mostly pick your engagement.   There is also a whole chunk of play involved that will unlock later.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 02:29:45 AM by Grefter »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3788 on: November 10, 2015, 02:49:26 AM »
Tales of Zestiria:

Finished the four trials. Now at the, probably' "Big Fetchquest" but we'll see.

I'm really not sure how I feel about this game, about 30 hours in. I've played all of the previous Tales games from Vesperia on, and they each do something well and screw something else up.

Graces had the most fun combat - I played Malik the whole time and enjoyed it. The plot was boring.
Xillia had an interesting plot and felt the most similar to Vesperia - just an all around "good" game. Played Leia.
Xillia 2's plot is absolutely ridiculous and has plotholes, but it absolutely was entertaining and interesting. I feel like I like it more than it deserves, but it's probably my favorite of the recent tales games. But it has a mostly silent main for... some reason. Tried to play Leia, didn't do well really. Ended up playing Rowen and was much more effective.
Zestiria... The plot is better than Graces, at least, but I'm still not sure where it's going to go, 30 hours in? Which is strange. And the gameplay is... It's like graces - but not as good. I'm not really sure, but it just feels like your characters skillsets aren't wide enough. There are things I like - the whole charge up a spell for another spell thing let's you have a lot of moves on your buttons at once - which would be great if I had more moves. Usually play Mikleo, sometimes switch to Dezel or Lailah depending on elemental resists.

Oh, and also, the equipment system is just weird. It's convoluted for no good reason.

I always "Like" the Tales games, but they always feel like they could be better than they are. I'm still enjoying Zestiria, but it has weird flaws (Also, the maps are way too big - and empty.)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3789 on: November 10, 2015, 10:16:15 AM »
Clicker heroes

Disclaimer: Zenny do not play this

So this is an idle game like Cookie Clicker. I've been thinking about it, and I feel like idle gales are the best, natural evolution of the NIS game. They shed all the unnecessary / bad parts of NIS games (battle system, story) to focus on the numbers going up. Very much like Disgaea, the question is not "can i win, making my numbers go up" but "can my numbers go up faster if I do this or that?" . Numbers ARE going up. It is inevitable. But you can make them go up even more faster better.
And trying to find the most optimal levelling route is fun ! Especially if you don't have to go through a subpar battle system for it!

The three idle games I've played also have the same plot I basically love: you are some unclear nebulous force that wants numbers to go up, and your numbers going up related selfish satisfaction will eventually cause our doom

Ok the bad part is that idle games take over your life more than Disgaea. BUT they take over your life less than FFRK at least, so that's something. An idle game might be a vaccine to FFRK. (And like a vaccine you might end up playing both games and being far worse for it)

I kind of hate everything you just said in this post. You're bad and you should feel bad. That is all.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3790 on: November 10, 2015, 12:29:41 PM »
Rollo is the True Key of Kresnik ~

Having just completed Tales of Encount, that would have made the game significantly better.  I'll get the last update up later tonight, as well as legitimate thoughts. I WILL say that the ending scenario needs a kick and thank god for youtube (doesn't help the "True" Ending isn't very good.)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3791 on: November 10, 2015, 01:24:24 PM »
Oh I played Clicker Heroes a little bit, sunk a few days into learning the play cycle with idling and stuff.  It was boring and intrusive after that.  It is fun to scratch that part of your brain that likes exponents, but that is about all.  After a few cycles through it gets really degenerate fast.

Also getting 50 rubies is the most important hurdle in the game.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3792 on: November 10, 2015, 02:11:02 PM »
Rollo is the True Key of Kresnik ~

Having just completed Tales of Encount, that would have made the game significantly better.  I'll get the last update up later tonight, as well as legitimate thoughts. I WILL say that the ending scenario needs a kick and thank god for youtube (doesn't help the "True" Ending isn't very good.)

But the feels man!  THE FEELS!  Who cares if nothing in the ending makes sense!  THE FEEEEEEEELS!


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3793 on: November 10, 2015, 02:27:31 PM »
Tales of Zestiria:

Finished the four trials. Now at the, probably' "Big Fetchquest" but we'll see.

I'm really not sure how I feel about this game, about 30 hours in. I've played all of the previous Tales games from Vesperia on, and they each do something well and screw something else up.

Graces had the most fun combat - I played Malik the whole time and enjoyed it. The plot was boring.
Xillia had an interesting plot and felt the most similar to Vesperia - just an all around "good" game. Played Leia.
Xillia 2's plot is absolutely ridiculous and has plotholes, but it absolutely was entertaining and interesting. I feel like I like it more than it deserves, but it's probably my favorite of the recent tales games. But it has a mostly silent main for... some reason. Tried to play Leia, didn't do well really. Ended up playing Rowen and was much more effective.
Zestiria... The plot is better than Graces, at least, but I'm still not sure where it's going to go, 30 hours in? Which is strange. And the gameplay is... It's like graces - but not as good. I'm not really sure, but it just feels like your characters skillsets aren't wide enough. There are things I like - the whole charge up a spell for another spell thing let's you have a lot of moves on your buttons at once - which would be great if I had more moves. Usually play Mikleo, sometimes switch to Dezel or Lailah depending on elemental resists.

Oh, and also, the equipment system is just weird. It's convoluted for no good reason.

I always "Like" the Tales games, but they always feel like they could be better than they are. I'm still enjoying Zestiria, but it has weird flaws (Also, the maps are way too big - and empty.)

I'm not as far, but I'm feeling the same about this game more or less.

Combat is fun, but it's just armatize to win most often. Exploit a weakness and cheese.

Since I only play multiplayer, the camera is still the biggest gripe I have about the game.

Graces isy favorite tales, but at least the cast had fun with each other. This cast hasn't done it for me yet.

X2 might be silly, but you get to play as big boss man, which is cool. He's cool and his ignorance of many things is amusing.

Vesperia is had a fun story. Abyss had great character development. here. It's gonna take a while to beat this one. I just reached that town with the silly knight who needs my help to take down the pope? I dunno.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3794 on: November 10, 2015, 06:41:30 PM »

Everybody feels shameful about idle games because they're obvious skinner boxes and there's no challenge in the traditional sense (as in the win/lose) but I definitely think you can see making numbers going up more efficiently as an interesting form of challenge itself.

I should note that while Cookie Clicker has no challenge in the traditional sense, in Clicker Heroes you have to beat some bosses in 30 seconds, and if you can't you need to go back and get your numbers higher before trying again, so we have about the same level of challenge as Disgaea here but much faster. Lol

Andrew: No because the point is the journey and not the destination. A fantastic journey to keep these numbers going up exponentiallish-y instead of logarithmicallish-y.

Gourry: Glad to see you have a weak point!

This one was just released for mobile and I feel it is a way better (/worse) platform for idle games than PC

I'm in the Dread Knight Hell Grind part of the game right now and it's pretty fun.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3795 on: November 10, 2015, 07:36:49 PM »
Rayman Legends - Finished everything. Kinda surprised that there was no optional super-stage a la Origins, although the drug-induced visual fuckery of the final music stages works as an adequate substitute.

Anyway modern Rayman is a pretty excellent platformer and is highly recommended to those of you who like such games (or just want to check out where the genre is these days). Both Origins and Legends are excellent, I don't feel strongly about which is better. Time for a comparison!

+Tricky treasure stages are great
+I liked the way you unlocked the powers as the game went on, it's definitely a better introduction to the series than Legends would be
+Moskito stages are both better than Murfy stages, and there are fewer of them, a net positive since the core gameplay is what you're here for

+Doesn't have Origins' terrible boss fights
+The daily/weekly challenges are a neat idea and some are really fun; the invasion stages are also a welcome addition
+Far better musical stages

Origins also makes it far trickier to get the highest award via lum-collection in its stages, so you certainly have more work cut out for you if you go for max completion (or just want to unlock the Land of the Livid Dead). I'm pretty neutral on this difference, but it's important enough to mention. The core is similar though, stage design is pretty excellent in both, as is the wonderful surreal feel the games go for. While still being just generally a lot of fun and colourful etc.

Legend of Legacy - Further along now, just gained access to the second set of elemental spells (finally!). Game's... interesting, I'm not sure how much I recommend it. It's very Saga so you definitely get some interesting choices to make in battle. But compared to say, Saga Frontier, the game feels really slow; I'm seven hours in and don't feel like I've accomplished much, and I even thought about putting the game down early before the battle system started to evolve to something more interesting as you get more options. The game kinda feels like Saga Frontier, FF13, and Dark Souls in a blender (clearly something Rob should play), obviously with Saga dominating, with Saga contributing the core battle system, levelling system, art style, and weird mechanics, FF13 the musical style and a paradigm-esque system, and Dark Souls the setting work (which is a pretty terrible thing to pull from Dark Souls IMO, but I know some people disagree). It's... certainly not going to be a great game, but is holding my attention well enough now that I'll finish one path at least.

Bayonetta - I've actually gotten two platinum ratings now! I'm having a lot of fun. Just beat chapter 9.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3796 on: November 10, 2015, 08:34:14 PM »
Rollo is the True Key of Kresnik ~

Having just completed Tales of Encount, that would have made the game significantly better.


True ending still has catitude at least, can't remember for Normal end, also the poor woman was barely even in the door Ludger please~

Tales of Zestiria - (EN) On the subject of the Big Fetchquest, just collected the last three Iris gems and have to report back to Mayven Due to forknowledge and experience from JP version I was able to phase this quest out through the game and story so when it came to the game actually wanting me to find the rest, I only had three iris gem episodes left to do, so it wasn't as much as a chore as it could have been overall, oh and big spoiler I chose to get some extra ones with Dezel instead of with Zaveid, which is a neat choice you can make, depending on your preferences at the time I need to report in but I don't want to because I know what's coming next, and I still have at least two ruins left to explore from everything I've found so far~
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 08:38:26 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3797 on: November 10, 2015, 10:40:10 PM »
Tales of Encount:

WARNING: Apologies about this episode.  It is probably the single worst idea I've ever come up with.

Narrator: So...yeah, unfortunately, the footage of the last chapter has been lost.  It seems a certain SOMEONE who is totally not the "sort of" silent protagonist of the game refuses to let me show it.  As result, the last chapter will be reinacted by various others!  We apologize for any confusion that may come from this!
Lightning: Wait what? How did I get roped into this?
Hope's Voice: Oh just go with it; near as I can tell, you're suppose to play this "Milla" fellow.
Lumina: I guess that makes ME Muzet ^_^!
Lightning: ...yeah, I'm going to have to kill God again after this...
War: Who the hell is "Gaius" and who do I kill for putting me in this role?
Lymle: I'm Elle, 'kay.
Stocke: Wait, how'd I get back here?  This is not another bad end is it?
Lippti: TURN LEFT!
Stocke:'s see this script thing? *checks* Jude? Ok.  But what is she doing here?
Teo: Well, apparently, she's playing Teepo...
Stocke: And you are?
Jacques: So...I'm Rowen? Can I still do this in French?
Narrator:  Wait, we didn't cast a Ludger, did we? 
Edge: ...why is everyone staring at me? Wait how did I even get here?
Narrator: You've been drafted to play a near-silent protagonist.
Reimi: Oh, uh, I signed you up for it because I thought it'd be fun to play Leia!  Also Faize is playing Alvin.
Faize: Wait what!? I CAN'T PLAY THAT ROLE!!

Edge: Uh...Let's go? (was that too many words?)

Lightning: We're already in it, can we just get this over with?
War: So who do we have to kill to end this story?
Stocke: Uh...*checks script* Some guy...named...Bakur? Origin? I can't even tell what we're suppose to be doing, HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO PLAY THIS ROLE!?
Stocke: Wait, if you're Teepo, whose playing Elize?
Lippti: Shut up idiot and DO IT ALREADY!!!
Jacques: I think you somehow are playing double duty.
Stocke: Does anyone else understand him?
Lumina: Oh let's just jump into the portal and finish this ^_^
Faize: Yeah, let's do that.

*They jump in*
Faize: There's a lot of mist here...anyone know what this stuff is...don't check the script Stocke, that just wastes more time.
Stocke: (Damn it)
Lightning: It looks like Chaos...which means it's and i should kill it now because savior duties and all...
Hope's Voice: It's called Miasma, apparently it's deadly to everyone but spirits which means you and Lumina but that would be a bad idea.
War: But I'm not human and divine and...*shoved* what!? YOU MEAN MY CHARACTER IS HUMAN! HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO DO THAT?!
Stocke: No one correct her, PLEASE!
Teo's voice: I heard that.
Stocke: Wait, why do you care about her? I mean, yeah, she's your sister, but I can't imagine she...
Teo's Voice: Are you the last of your kind?
War: I kind of am.
Teo's Voice: Shut up I wasn't...wait, you can hear me?
Lightning: Yes?
Teo's Voice: ...I'M OUT!
Faize: I got an idea!  We use the power of the FOUR SPIRITS that apparently exist in this world and 4 of us...and a cat...can run through!
Lightning: ...shouldn't I have been the one to come up with that plan? I am playing that role after all!
Faize: Ooops sorry, I'm just use to being the smart guy on the team.
Reimi: Don't mean to Faize, he's still getting over being the whole "Final Boss" thing...
Faize: You know, wouldn't it have made more sense I was playing Gaius based on that logic?
Faize: But I thought you hated that role.
Watcher: Oh please, as if tehre's any logical thought in his brain beyond "who do I kill" and the follow up of "what's the messiest way to do so?"
Faize: You...weren't there 5 seconds ago...were you?
Watcher: I have my ways!
Lumina: *Grabs popcorn* Keep fighting, this is funny ^_^
Edge: Can I choose?
*Edge picks Lightning, Lumina and War*
Edge: Let's go!

*one dungeon later that involved fake floors and such*
Abadon: Wait, where is this? Who are you? Where'd I come from...oh hi War.
War: Yo.
Hope's Voice: Uh...yeah, Abadon, according to my records, you're suppose to be playing Bisley Bakur.
Abadon: What the hell is a Bisley Bakur?
Hope's Voice: I dunno, I think he's a villain?
Lymle: Final Boss, 'kay.
Heiss: NO BEFORE FIGHTING ME!  See, because I can travel through time, that make me a TIMELORD.  Therefor, I AM PLAYING CHRONOS!
NOTE: Heiss is suppose to sound like Jeremy Irons from Dungeons and Dragons.
Stocke's voice from a distance: DAMN IT! THAT'S MY ROLE JERK!
Lightning: Wait, you VOLUNTEERED for this?
Heiss: Yes, yes I did!
War: ...ok, killing him first, any objections?
Lumina: Whee, finally a boss fight ^_^
Lightning:'re an NPC, how the hell are you suppose to fight?
*one boss fight later*
Heiss: HA! But there's still 999,999 Fractured Dimensions, one more and you lose the trial! CAN"T BEAT ME BECAUSE "ELLE" WILL BECOME A DIVERGENCE CATALYST AND...
Abadon: *stabs Heiss through the stomach* SHUT UP AND GIVE ME A CHANCE TO SAY SOMETHING! *ahem, in the most monotone, reading off script voice possible* No humans have passed origin's trial therefor we win.  You are a sore loser, "Cronos."
Abadon: No you are not you have lost and i have the key of kresnik get him
Lymle: You lose, 'kay?
Edge: "Elle"!
Lymle: Hi, "Ludger", 'kay?
Abadon: no you will not get origin's wish i will spirits must be stopped let's fight now
Lightning: FINALLY, this sequence was starting to make sense.
Hope's Voice: it wasn't....
Lightning: QUIET YOU!
*Boss fight later, epic stuff happens*
Abadon: oh no i lose blech *he falls down*
Reimi: Oh, hi, didn't want to miss the ending everyone!
Jacques: Wait how did we get here?
Stocke: fly though...
Lippti: Nuh uh! I totally can walk!
Stocke: But that doesn't...why do I even bother?
Faize: So uh...where's this Origin guy?
Godbert Manderville: Right here! As a true Gentleman, I will grant you ONE WISH! For you see, the TRUE power of the Mandervilles is the ability to destroy realities which is exactly what you want!
Lightning: ...that actually explains a lot...
Faize: You're telling me!
Edge: Uhh...kill all universes but this one?
Godbert: Agreed! "Elle" must die though!
Edge: Ok.
Lymle: 'kay.
*Normal Ending, "Ludger" meets his future wife and becomes President of Spirius*
Stocke: ...screw that! I want the TRUE ENDING! *Turns time back to right before the decision*
Godbert Manderville: Right here! As a true Gentleman, I will grant you ONE WISH! For you see, the TRUE power of the Mandervilles is the ability to destroy realities which is exactly what you want!
Lightning: ...that actually explains a lot...
Faize: You're telling me!
Edge: Uhh...kill all universes but this one?
Jacques: Wait, haven't we done this already?
Lumina: SHHH! You're distracting me from admiring the raw sexiness of "Origin!"
War: Can I just...kill one of those two guys already?  It's getting boring just sitting here.
Edge: Fine, kill me.
Godbert: And so, you wish to SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR "ELLE'S" sake!?
Edge: No, I didn't...
Reimi: "Ludger" I didn't know you were suicidal ;_;
Faize: Can we just skip the melodrama and jump straight to the epilogue?
Narrator: Fine! "Elle" lives and gets older, "Ludger" dies and we get philosophical exposition upon the SACRIFICIAL SPECIAL NATURE OF HUMANS, happy?
Ludger: No.
Narrator: Wait, where'd yo come from?
Ludger: Episode is stupid.
Ludger: Too bad.
*mallets Narrator*


Serious thoughts?  Gameplay is more Tales of Xillia which is fine, though the obsession with status on bosses is obnoxious ESPECIALLY since Tales Confusion (which...did that even exist before this game?) is like the worst thing ever.  Hey lose control of your character for a good deal of time AND there's no way to recover other than wait on it, whee!  I swear there were many moments where I was hit by ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and whoops! Ludger confused!

As you may have heard me say before, Ludger is a half-decent Silent Protagonist standards anyway.  I get they made him Silent because the theme of the game was all about choices and impact and they wanted you to actually choose how the character acts, but at least they tried to give him some sense of characterization and the dialog choices felt legitimately unique, not just "There's this option, and there's the opposite!"  That was my issue with Persona 4; despite all the dialog options, you never got a sense of Souji's personality other than "HE'S YOU!" and he was a total Mary Sue.  This made the character quests a lot better than S-links to me as well, especially since all Characters have a Quest Partner, so it's not just Character Monologue To Our Silent Protagonist Until They Find A Revelation About themselves!  And heck, Ludger's generally superficial element in this; it's the character discovering things on their own and Ludger just happens to witness the events, it's not "YOU HELPED ME FIND MYSELF, THANK YOU!"  For example, Rowen's story about accepting he's getting old and won't be able to accomplish as much as wishes he could in the time he has?  It's fully established he came up with this on his own, and the events that triggered this had nothing to do with Ludger, Ludger was just the guy who, along with Elize (Rowen's Quest partner), aided Rowen and witnessed him change.
Basically, they made Ludger actually feel meaningful and not in a Mary sue way.  He's still the worst playable character in the game from a writing stand point but not as much as you'd expect, despite ToX1's strong cast returning.

The rest of the ToX1 cast felt like logical +1 year extensions of themselves.  Gaius and Muzet were surprisingly really fun, with Gaius having a legitimate sense of humor that managed to mesh well with the cast and Muzet being the "spirit trying to understand humanity" taken in a completely different, more comical direction than Milla.  Overall, they were well utilized and it did a nice balance of using them while not overshadowing the new characters.

...and then there's Elle.  All I can say is everything wrong with this game's writing hinges upon her in some way.  She's a poorly written character who the game WANTS you to like, but they really failed at giving her a personality that is actually like-able.  She's an annoying brat who also happens to be central to everything, and any sort of ludicrous plot element is related to her.  Even the MAJOR PLOT TWIST with her didn't feel necessary.  If you remove her from the equation, the game still works fine.

We don't need her for the opening; Ludger gets on the train with Jude and by chance, crap happens.  The pocket watch works as a macguffin for him to transform, and even Bakur's actual plan is enough of a "...we need to stop this...FAST!"  You don't need this KEY TO KRESNIK crap, just have it that Chronos is your typical Careless Deity because he thinks he's invincible, and let's his guard down for the Deus Ex Machina super powers to overcome.  Chapter 12 was ONLY necessary because ELLE EXISTS.   They were aiming too much for an emotional attachment and the way the ending is structured, they want you to care more about Elle than Ludger, even though Ludger is the guy who had life shit on him completely by chance and we've been seeing him do this the entire way while Elle has been a spoiled brat.

Oh, and Fractured Milla stuff?  Works fine without Elle.  That was just there to make you FEEL BAD WE HAVE A LITTLE GIRL CRYING!  If we remove Elle,  F. Milla's still going to constantly guilt trip you, and when you see her sacrifice herself for Prime Milla, you're likely to get the same emotional reaction anyway, since the whole point of that was a microcosm of "fractured dimensions must be sacrificed for the Prime dimension to continue!"  Here we have F. Milla, sole survivor of her dimension, dying for the sake of P. Milla coming back, and we've been with F. Milla long enough that her dying will have an impact, enough that it gives you mixed feelings with the "yay! OUR Milla is back!" aspect.  You could easily have Jude and Co. being depressed instead of excited to see P. Milla, and her recognizing that her return cost the life of someone else, and you get the point across.  WE DON'T NEED ELLE TO PORTRAY THIS!

Also, what the hell?  You choose Elle for the true ending or get a bullshit halfassed one?  Yes, I am fine with the "Choose Your Life or the Girl's!" but put effort into both.  Nier did the same thing but had two major differences:

-Massive warnings about your decision's consequences. 
-The Developer actually said he wanted the player to have the choice which character should live, rather than decide for them which is right/wrong.

If you give a choice like this, you DON'T make one option blatantly wrong unless you're going to give a decent amount of forewarning.  See, in chapter 15, the bad end actually gives you a shit ton of chances to not pussy out, having the same "Yes" option word for word each time, as a hint towards "THIS IS WHAT WE WANT YOU TO SAY!"  That's fine!  Furthermore, YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SAVE BEFORE THIS!  The final boss sequence of ToX2 is not trivial though, so requiring you to do it a 2nd time is just bullshit.

Seriously, the rest of the game's writing would be fine if Elle didn't exist.  All the game's problems stem from her in some way or another.  It's like they wrote the game first, then went "...we totally need a little girl in this game, let's shoe-horn her in and make her important!" forgetting we already had Elize as the little girl, and one who wasn't TOO young to be annoying.  It says something that Elle is more annoying than Teepo, the character that to some degree definitely feels like he was made INTENTIONALLY annoying.

...oh yeah, Nova's annoying but in a more "meh, whatever" sense, Vera's just there, Riddeaux's a ham, Bakur's so blatantly "I'M THE VILLAIN!" from the moment he appears (CEO of a corporation that basically runs half the world, if that isn't a red flag for "eventual villain" I don't know what is) and Julius...was surprisingly like-able.  No really, here I was expecting your typical shonen rival douche older brother, but they did a good job making him NOT antagonistic most of the game, his aim being more "I don't want Ludger involved, let me handle this!" and ultimately his fight came off as him giving Ludger a final farewell, and a chance for Ludger to actually prove himself to his bigger brother, something he never had the chance to, before inevitably getting rid of him.  It should have been a good indicator in the first scene after the prologue, honestly, where even though Julius was a total dick to you at the test, he's completely friendly and supportive of Ludger at home and comes off like a legitimate older brother. 

Overall, it's actually a decent sequel, but Elle alone brings the score down, not just for being an awful character, but because, as I said, she outright plays a negative role on the plot.  It's very rare that a character is not only badly written, but all the bad elements of the game can be linked back to her!
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3798 on: November 11, 2015, 12:30:38 AM »
It is.  AC actively polished and smoothed out the combat loop significantly over the first 3 games.  The jump from 1-2 is massive, 2-Bro is pretty big as well.  Revelations is about where I would peg Moredoores at (Batman finishers are not as good in a stealth/climbing primary game compared to Asylum's railroad action game).  Revelations-3 is probably where the series plateaus in changes, but AC3 is pretty streamlined.

That'd do it then. I only played 1 and 2.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 04:32:37 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #3799 on: November 11, 2015, 12:37:13 AM »
Seriously, the rest of the game's writing would be fine if Elle didn't exist.

It really, really wouldn't be good ever.  Every single plot mechanic has a huge gaping plot hole associated with it.  The story thrives on contrivances and can't keep anything consistent.  I have to vehemently disagree on everyone being X1+1 year later on development (save Elize).  Everyone has a huuuuuuuuuge backslide due to the Trial's nature and just blandly accepting that, going viciously against what actually happened in X1.

Even before you're done with the Striborg Line, you have a dozen plot holes involving the Watch Situation.  By game's law, Victor's Watch should have disappeared immediately upon entering the Prime, but it keeps blinking in and out by convenience.  And instead of returning where it was (in the middle of nowhere because they're on a speeding train) it keeps popping up around Elle's neck.  Then, when the game sets up its big return in the endgame, it once again completely ignores mechanics to do so.  Victor's Watch should be destroyed with Victor's Dimension!   Just like Elle should have when she was in her Home Dimension when it was destroyed!  But the game ignores alllllllll this shit constantly to keep going with its own patented level of retardation.

Ludger sacrificing himself for Elle is BRAVE AND NOBLE!  But Elle sacrificing herself for Ludger is apparently not nearly as honorable.  To say nothing of Elle just dying anyway because of the 1 Million hit.  Except, oh wait, once the Trials doors open no more Fractured Dimensions can form, which means Ludger's sacrifice doesn't even work, Origin saves her.  All because winning the Trial doesn't stop transformations, but losing it does?  What contrived dopey reasoning.

And of course, Bisley suddenly decides to drop his manipulator self and suddenly confront Ludger.  He directly antagonizes Ludger and forces him into a fight for NO REASON!  All Bisley had to do was say, "once I have Origin enslaved I'll save Elle" and BAM he'd win.  Even if he's lying that's still better than picking a pointless fight.

Then we have the miasma and soul energy excuses for why the Trial must end.  The latter of which doesn't exist outside one cutscene and is blatantly made worse by FD destruction as is.  The miasma meanwhile, relies on all the souls of Fractured people not being displaced by the Prime variant.  Alt Milla and Prime Milla are two different beings, human and spirit, and can't coexist, so neither should fractured souls and Prime souls but the game just ignores that.  And even if the did, the Fractured Miasma would be pushed aside by the Prime miasma.

FEELS!  FEELS!  The writers didn't give a shit.  FEELS!