Author Topic: What Games are you playing 2015?  (Read 205953 times)


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1150 on: May 13, 2015, 01:03:42 AM »
El Cid, did you only get the Bloodborne platinum trophy because I taunted you?

Nah, I probably would've done it eventually anyway. My own obsessiveness would've seen to that. I generally play these games until I run out of things to do with them and it just happens that three runs is about as much variance as Bloodborne's character building would even support. Altogether I think this took...only marginally longer than my first attempt at Dark Souls 1 did in full. I'm not sure if this says more about the brevity of the former or my initial incompetence at the latter.

GGXS: Elphelt is amazing.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1151 on: May 13, 2015, 01:30:46 AM »
I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 3  (but actually I don't want to, she's kind of cute)

So... this game.  How do I explain this game.

Here's the current latest version of the game, 1.30, for starters.

I think I can safely assume that in the year of our lord 2015, most every video gamer on the internet has heard of I Wanna Be The Guy, that trippy, bug-filled masochism adventure.  Many people liked IWBTG, and tried to make games like it.  Many games like it. 

Many, many, many, many games like it, as Japan and Korea got in on the action.  Holy tuna there are a lot of fangames.

These spun off in two main directions: long, inventive jokefests filled with video game references and custom bosses (I Wanna Be the Boshy is the best and most well known of these), and ultra-masocore subpixel precision jump-through-spikes platformers, sometimes with vocaloid fruit danmaku avoidance boss fights.  About 95% of these fangames fit the latter category. 

The I Wanna Kill the Kamilia series are compilation games that assemble the hardest and most memorable areas and bosses from popular fangames, slightly remix them and add extra polish and difficulty cherries on top.  Kamilia 1 was not a very good game.  Kamilia 2 was an excellent game, albeit very difficult, and is widely recommended as a capstone for people who find themselves enjoying fangames.

Kamilia 3 is beyond that.  This game's intensity goes to 11.  "Too hard" for any sane person is a vast understatement.  This is a game where the very best fangame players, people who live and breathe these games and can toss off no-death runs of Boshy and Guy like they were nothing, people who can speedrun Kamilia 2 in sub-3 hours, THESE players take 10+ hours to clear single screen subareas.  This is the kaizo of kaizos.

I don't recommend anyone else try to play this game.

For giving my fingers something repetitive to do during depressive fugue hours though?  Great stuff.

It has some really neat and fun boss fights.
Some that look easier than they are.
Some that shouldn't exist, even for this game.  This player is so lucky... other videos can take 30 minutes on the last phase.  I was somewhere in between.
Most of it is more like this, though.
This is just a really nice song that I was very pleasantly surprised to see made into a fun fight.

The four devas are wayyyyyyyy too difficult and the rest of the lategame is easier than them.  I didn't find the hidden bosses.  That's all I have to say, really.  This game.  *shakes head*

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1152 on: May 13, 2015, 05:03:20 AM »
Westerado: I played a bit of this and it is pretty hilarious. It has a pretty good western feel, especially the soundtrack, but it doesn't seem to take anything seriously, kind of like having a game set in the town in Blazing Saddles or the western town the Simpsons visit in the grandpa/kidney episode (bloothbath gulch). Guns are used to open locks and you can just accuse everyone of murdering your family willynilly, including children. The townsfolk are really goofy and you can pull your gun on basically everyone as a conversational option. One nice touch is that if you pull a gun out in the saloon, the women and bodyguards will brandish their shotguns at you in response. You can kill your uncle and he just appears as a ghost and serves the same function otherwise (if you shoot the ghost he gets a little hole in his tummy before reforming again). Doing sidequests seems to get you one little detail about the person who killed your family. I only have a handful of clues so far but it could be an interesting thing later on.

I haven't made much real headway but I have robbed the bank and killed large sections of the town in this run.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1153 on: May 13, 2015, 06:09:41 AM »
Just beat the A Path in Rondo of Swords, watching through the epilogue as everyone leaves me at the same time because Reasons. Going to replay in New Game+ as Ruthless Protagonist. Only the PCs I want to use will be recruited, the rest go to the meat grinder.

Final Party was Altrius, Margus (fully upgraded), Ansom (fully upgraded with full card quests done), Cotton, Marie, and Igraine (fully upgraded). Levels ranged around 48-52 generally, with Marrgus being 43 and Ansom being 57 despite the two being my MVPs at totally opposite things. I ran through with minimal FAQing, mostly just making sure I didn't miss anything super important. I also tried to recruit every character I could. Except Elmer. Because fuck Elmer. Or was it Selmer? Whichever is optional, neither ever saw use anyway.

Thoughts on characters on this path: Protagonist: Okay stats, but doesn't excel at anything. Gets basically all of his usefulness out of items and skills, which holy crap the number of skills he can learn. I focused on defensive ones mainly, so that his early-game wouldn't be too awful. He never truly got tanky even with all of that, but I could throw him in the way of a decent number of mooks to bait them in before blowing them up, so definitely useful.

Ansom: Holy Pincushions, Batman! He gets a point of Attack almost every level (which is CRAZY HIGH) and can have a threat range of up to 19 squares, 9 of which are his actual attack range. Get him his full quest and almost everything ever just blew up. Best part was building him so offense heavy, I found out you can only raise a character's stats up to +99. Without building him as such, though, the final boss would have been an awful, boring slugfest. Luckily, getting him 9 range allowed him to poke down the final. (For the record, this meant that his OHKO vs the tankiest enemies became a 8-9HKO against an enemy who one-shots almost everyone on my team) MVP for sure.

Margus: Tanky as fuck. I really wish characters gained exp from taking hits, or at least from activating skills, because then Margus would probably be the highest. As it was, he did a great job of baiting enemies in as he ran straight ahead into a big cluster, and allowing allies to nuke them thereafter while the enemies had reduced stats. Second best character, because I feel he's almost necessary for any team that runs even one mage or healer. Being able to bait the enemy into running into a line of squishies that Margus is at the front of is also hilarious. It works far more often than it should.

Cotton: Really strong, short-range nuke. Paired with Margus means that I have a small area of the battlefield permanently locked down. And by that I mean it becomes a smoking crater. AoE 1-2HKO damage (usually OHKO) that has IFF is kinda good. Also the only mage who can take even one hit from a physical enemy. Falls off a bit lategame due to range issues, but too good not to value highly.

Marie: Healer with %mMP regen is kinda good. I buffed her mana pool and her heal, then her teleport, and paired her with Margus mostly. Though once she got Martyr I started pairing her with Igraine because Endless Dark Magic.

Igraine: Has a low MP pool and can't compete very well with Arios for Magic either, but she gets an MP regen skill, and Dark Magic has hilarious range (10 and 8 for maxed out spells). Took some babying, but her extra Move is pretty great all things considered. She didn't end up falling really far behind like Marie tended to, in terms of moving around the map. Usually I ended up sticking Marie and her together and they'd just nuke things from the center of the map efficiently enough anyway.

Honorable Mentions: Alberich has good range but kinda frail, Alicia seemed like a mix of the offense of Kay and the Defense of Margus but is outclassed, Izuna hurts  enemies REAL bad but has short range, Shino was useful when I needed a warm body, and Alhambra would've been better but she needs a bunch of work put into her and gets absolute lowest priority for Class Seal

Dishonorable Mentions: Elmer and Selmer are fuckers, Owl is a heap of wasted time and effort, Rukia is worthless forever, and what is even up with Simon.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1154 on: May 13, 2015, 06:49:48 AM »
Re: Code Name Steam
For Randolph, while he's the only one who doesn't get a forced weapon that can deal damage, it is notable that in multiplayer mode, his Lure turns into an explosive disguised as a powerup. So if an enemy runs into it, they take explosive damage like a land mine. Might be worth considering its damage since Randolph can also shoot a few of them in a row to wall off openings and such as well. Especially if you're going to be harsh and not hand him a steam rifle like the other no damage main weapon PCs.

Re: Rondo of Swords
I see you discovered the fun of this game once it's firing on all cylinders (and you know, once you know how to play it...)
Getting Alhambra to promote is difficult and is one of those things where you want to NOT recruit certain PCs so that they aren't clogging up the promotion list. Simon is also usable and is generally Kay+ but lends himself to a physical-heavy team. You also wanna pick up his ZOC for a turn skill.

No Aegil? I hope you're gonna use Laser Pope for the second run. Also B Path is totally cooler.

Oh, and while +99 is the highest the stat will display, I'm pretty sure you can raise it higher and it still functions correctly but it's been a while since I tested that.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1155 on: May 13, 2015, 08:20:37 AM »
I used Aegil a bit but then realized I was going to be keeping Marie around anyway, and she was surprisingly high level by the time I got Aegil. She -will- see use in my next playthrough though.

I still hate Simon. It's irrational, but I dunno. I've just always hated Yumiluna and Simon. They feel like people who try to fill in a niche that other people fill in better.

If you've hit +99, and you're still going higher, chances are things are dead anyhow. But yeah, no, it's totally an actual cap. Maxed out Lion's Rage on 70 bAtk Ansom when already at +93 and damage barely changed (on the only enemy who could survive the lower number). Dealing 800+ damage to tanky enemies is kind of insane. Just saying.

Not sure how much I'll change up my party in the long run. I think I can afford to try and give Owl a fair shake and see if his third class is worth anything though, since it seems pretty much nobody in the world has ever bothered with that. Also, as long as I have Cotton/Ansom/Margus I'm pretty solid on my team and can afford to faff about a bit. >_>


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1156 on: May 13, 2015, 09:19:32 AM »
FF4: The After Years (PC version)

Yang's tale next.  The Adamantite in this one comes early, in the impact crater.  Not that it's a long tale or anything.  Don't miss the first Lustful Lali-Ho either, it's in someone's bed in Fabul's east tower.

I think the impact crater dungeon was a bit shorter this time around.

Yang and Ursula maxed out the Five Star Crimson Palm band on the way out of the tale's final dungeon (+30% damage), but Twin Wing Frenzy only got to level 2 (two more battles needed for level 3).  Not too bad considering the latter is learned after beating the chapter's final boss.

Stats now -
Ceodore's Tale: Clear time 3:33, levels - Hooded Man 24, Ceodore 25
Rydia's Tale: Clear time 4:09, levels - Luca 25, Rydia 26
Yang's Tale: Clear time 2:17, levels - Yang 21, Ursula 20

Also, for fun, I'm going to do in-game use ratings for the cast in their individual chapters.

Ceodore's Tale

Ceodore: 4/10.  He's okay.  His good tricks aren't till much higher levels than this tale sees him reach and Hi-Potions heal better than his Cura.  He lags a bit in damage, too, at this stage.
Hooded Man: 6/10.  Doesn't do anything but physical damage, but he can OHKO most of the chapter on the +attack moon phase, which is good enough for me.
White Mage: 2/10.  She's not an appreciably better healer than Ceodore and she has no offense of note.
Black Mage: 4/10.  While he's limited quite a bit by MP and spell selection, he faces weaker enemies than Rydia and can often reliably OHKO with MT -aras.  Good enough for me.

Rydia's Tale

Luca: 5/10.  Doesn't do anything but physical damage and doesn't OHKO most of the chapter.  However, she can do consistent damage regardless of the moon phase, which isn't too bad.  Her bands tear a hole in everything you point them at, but she doesn't really have the MP to spam them in randoms, so they're a boss-only thing pretty much.
Rydia: 3/10.  No, seriously, she's just awful in her own tale.  Early-to-midgame Black Magic in FF4 is terrible and she doesn't have summons to save her.  MT -aras fail to OHKO most of the Sealed Cave without a beneficial moon phase, and largely fail to OHKO things in her final dungeon even WITH a beneficial moon phase.  This is a big deal with how expensive they are to cast.  Bio would help, but she learns it at level Not Happening In This Tale.  She wishes you could get a third dancing dagger without screwing Luca's weapon upgrades over, because it's better than -aras when not hitting a weakness and free.
Calca/Brina: 3/10.  They don't get separate ratings because they basically do the exact same thing: spam the Dancing Dagger itemcast. 

Yang's Tale

Yang: 7/10.  Uh... shrug?  He OHKOs everything in the chapter that isn't a boss.
Ursula: 8/10.  She also OHKOs everything in the chapter that isn't a boss when equipped properly (you have to tweak for multipliers a bit on her) and she's faster than her father.  FF4 Speed is a great stat.  Plus, Chakra is free Cura, which is nice.
The generic monks: 5/10.  They don't OHKO everything in the chapter, but they largely do get 2HKOs.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 10:02:40 AM by Reiska »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1157 on: May 13, 2015, 08:05:08 PM »
Ansom: Holy Pincushions, Batman! He gets a point of Attack almost every level (which is CRAZY HIGH) and can have a threat range of up to 19 squares, 9 of which are his actual attack range. Get him his full quest and almost everything ever just blew up. Best part was building him so offense heavy, I found out you can only raise a character's stats up to +99. Without building him as such, though, the final boss would have been an awful, boring slugfest. Luckily, getting him 9 range allowed him to poke down the final. (For the record, this meant that his OHKO vs the tankiest enemies became a 8-9HKO against an enemy who one-shots almost everyone on my team) MVP for sure.

Wait, how did you do this? Last boss's OHKO spell should have 10 or is it 11 range? The only thing that can snipe him out of his range is Alberich's super.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1158 on: May 13, 2015, 09:44:31 PM »
Ansom: Holy Pincushions, Batman! He gets a point of Attack almost every level (which is CRAZY HIGH) and can have a threat range of up to 19 squares, 9 of which are his actual attack range. Get him his full quest and almost everything ever just blew up. Best part was building him so offense heavy, I found out you can only raise a character's stats up to +99. Without building him as such, though, the final boss would have been an awful, boring slugfest. Luckily, getting him 9 range allowed him to poke down the final. (For the record, this meant that his OHKO vs the tankiest enemies became a 8-9HKO against an enemy who one-shots almost everyone on my team) MVP for sure.

Wait, how did you do this? Last boss's OHKO spell should have 10 or is it 11 range? The only thing that can snipe him out of his range is Alberich's super.

For the record, I'm talking about the final boss of Arch-Paladin Route Mephreyu and his range is a max of 8. So you can sit Igraine and max-range Ansom just outside his range and whittle down his resources until you can finally go in for the kill.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1159 on: May 13, 2015, 10:00:44 PM »
Wait whaaa!? So they toned him down in the US Release?
That map took me forever to figure out a way to beat it in minimum turns thanks to his ridiculous range (as I want the boss drop).
And it took me countless tries until I noticed the boss AI while always choose run whenever he is in Cedric's attack range (as Cedric ignores his invisible defense buff) that allows me to finish him off quickly.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1160 on: May 13, 2015, 10:08:01 PM »
For whatever it's worth, I believe the RoS LP recommended Selmer's overbreak of all things as another tool to deal with the A-path final.  Even a badly underlevel Selmer can grant enough magic resist with Eidos Curse or whatever that the final boss can't OHKO as you move into range, then you finish him up in one turn ideally before he can heal back up.

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1161 on: May 13, 2015, 10:59:14 PM »
Atelier Shallie: Been stuck on the last chapter for a month now. Mostly because I'm trying to synth all the uberstuff, as is normal. Ultimate weapons properties gotten, but the best Quality I can put up right now is ~500. Armor properties are less abundant. Got 2 of 3, but waiting on Benevolent Soul. Accessory properties, just need Night Lord Soul. Going with One Angel Mascara for stats and Mirage Talisman for those delicious crit multipliers. Can't get the same Quality as I can imbuing though. ~85 in Alchemist level, so while Miruca's Max Chain is 7k, Stera's is only 5k.

On the plus side, on normal enemies I can hit for 9k on regular physicals, and I managed 90k on Wilbel's ultimate and nearly 150k on a Jurie Variable Strike.

Already beaten one of the superbosses on NO HOPE difficulty, barely. Prototype and Abyss boss will have to wait. But suffice to say I'm nearing done.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1162 on: May 14, 2015, 12:42:45 AM »
For the record, I'm talking about the final boss of Arch-Paladin Route Mephreyu and his range is a max of 8. So you can sit Igraine and max-range Ansom just outside his range and whittle down his resources until you can finally go in for the kill.

Back in the day at least his range was totally 9. I don't know what was happening in your playthrough.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1163 on: May 14, 2015, 12:44:02 AM »
Maybe Mage is just better at games than you guys.
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1164 on: May 14, 2015, 12:58:34 AM »
Igraine's third-tier class gave her access to the Null ZOC ability, and I thought back to all the times I wished I could have Igraine run through ZOCcing enemies WHICH WAS NEVER BECAUSE SHE IS A LOW-MOVE FRAGILE GIT THAT SHOULD NEVER BE ANYWHERE NEAR ANY SORT OF ENEMIES

Good times.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1165 on: May 14, 2015, 01:10:20 AM »
Rondo of Swords is just this game that is excellent at producing these sorts of amusing and fond memories.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1166 on: May 14, 2015, 02:36:21 AM »
Suikoden Tierkreis: A bunch of stuff happened, and I'm not going to recount it all, so: brief detours to random topics, like child abuse.  Earlier in the game there's this ~12 year old (hard to say?  but absolutely younger than her half-brother who's a teenager at best) who is dying due to magic but we rescue her.  So what better way to have her go out then making her part of my army and making her continue to use magic & such?  Hey, if you're going to die anyway, might as well go out a blazing star.  She's pretty good, actually, mostly because Sleep is really good in this game and works on nearly everything.

Speaking of which, how old am I, anyway?!  It's implied Liu, one of the kids from the starting Citro village's gang, is a peer & friend to Our Hero.  He joined the village ~3 years ago.  More recently in game, it's revealed that he left his own hometown before he could get gnarly tattoos, which happens at age 12.  So he left at age 11, then, let's say (yikes, 11 year-old alone in the world?!).  Now, you might think that perhaps it was simply a 2-year journey to Citro Village seeing the world, but nope, people in his hometown confirm he left 3 years ago for them, too.  So he's 14?!  Does that mean I'm also 14, or perhaps 15?!  Okay yes I know in actually realistic Renaissance-y settings you're already working or being an apprentice then and there's no such thing as an education beyond elementary school for the vast majority of the citizenry, but still.  This is some precociousness.  And I guess if I'm already throwing my 14-15 year old self into deadly peril, not a big deal to take along the 12-year olds too.

On a slightly different note.  One of the tactics the antagonists in Tierkreis use relates to their uncanny ability to predict various natural disasters.  This is used largely for military purposes, doing things like tricking armies from Astrasia (in the backstory) and Janam into getting blow'd up by this.  Everybody in the party agrees this is horrible and beyond the pale, and people wonder if the "honorable" general types on the other side could possibly have agreed to this.  I find this a little strange; didn't the narrative approve when the Prince drowned an entire fortress by smashing a dam in Suikoden V, an *unnatural* disaster caused by us if you will?  Like...  this is war guys.  Killing your opponent with a landslide or whatever rather than risking your own soldiers' lives seems crafty, not necessarily evil.  Granted, the weird thing where they released prisoners first is a bit off...  the game tries to portray this as a strategem, but it's more like an anti-strategem in that it tips off at least some of the group (aka Our Heroes) that something is amiss.  It's not like the prisoners are particularly a threat while captive, so it is pretty dishonorable to just get them killed, even if weirdly indirectly, so I can see holding that against 'em.  But the other soldiers, not really.  I suppose that perhaps the game is assuming that close-quarters fighting happens with nerf bats and is basically harmless posturing, while these natural disasters can really kill people, which might explain the difference.  It's certainly how things look elsewhere: after fighting General Honorable later on and defeating his two unnamed mook buddies, his reaction after the battle is a hearty laugh and compliment and friendly chat about the plot, not "oh my god you slew Eugene & Fred, what will I tell their families".  (And...  yes, the bad guys do something incredibly villainous and horrible LATER, but everyone's mad at them before that.)

I've got quite the international coalition now.  People from all over just want to join my army, especially nobles.  Lots of 'em.

All young, beautiful, and wanting to play down their titles and just be treated like a normal girl, of course.  Because that's always so common.  Still, you can do the sophomoric "take a party of 3 princesses with you to your hometown bed, take a nap...  ladies?", or alternatively a Maoist "send all princesses into the fields for backbreaking labor to grow food".  Or both.

On the international relations note, the princess from the really really Hawaiian sounding place that has a chain of islands is of course a pale blonde.  She also complains about being shorter than her real age.  Thanks, Japan.  There's also an isolationist country far-off that's super warlike and is run by a shogun seven generals and maintains no diplomatic contact with anybody, BUT we researched them and they're actually super-cool and sugoi and here have a lady samurai war priestess princess in a kimono who'll join up.  Uh huh.

I still like the narrative slant to the game so far, at least.  More on this later when I see how the game continues, but the hero trying to demonstrate to Dirk that their actions *aren't* that of yon average teen superheroes drunk on power, but rather because they're right and they'd be done anyway (e.g. letting a non-Mark of the Stars person fight him), was pretty good.  The right thing, morally, shouldn't change whether you have superpowers or not, a distinction often missed in other games.

In actual spoilers...  marking this down now so those who played the game can make fun of me, don't reply to this speculation.  By narrative law, you're supposed to already have met the villain by now.  (I mean, sure, it can be a Zeemus/Zeromus type twist where The One King is just some guy, but no shame in missing that.)  The obvious suspects from early in the game are the Hero, Liu, & Atrie.  But now I dunno if any of 'em fit.  The Hero doesn't seem to really work anymore.  Liu acted super-sketchy early like he discovered he was the Dark Messiah or something, and later used a mysterious blast of unknown power, but they've since kinda explained it away differently with his whole plotline in his hometown.  Liu does allegedly know the "true form" of the One King, which might be an oblique way of saying "himself", but then the elder was a moron to give Liu the power, so seems unlikely.  Atrie has very conspicuously never helped directly at all and merely been monitoring Our Hero because...  look he knew Alternate Reality Hero or something, or he's time-travelling future Hero from a bad future, or whatever.  Possible.  But it was also possible it was because he was the villain slowly trying to get let into the world or the like.  Yet there was a quest to visit Atrie's world and he's apparently a good guy there also fighting the One King.  Furthermore, the Chronicle scene in the Scribe's Village showed a *blonde* guy...  none of these three are blonde.  Possible the blonde guy isn't the One King of course, just someone talking to him, but still.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 02:37:58 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1167 on: May 14, 2015, 02:49:13 AM »
In actual spoilers...  marking this down now so those who played the game can make fun of me, don't reply to this speculation.  By narrative law, you're supposed to already have met the villain by now.  (I mean, sure, it can be a Zeemus/Zeromus type twist where The One King is just some guy, but no shame in missing that.)  The obvious suspects from early in the game are the Hero, Liu, & Atrie.  But now I dunno if any of 'em fit.  The Hero doesn't seem to really work anymore.  Liu acted super-sketchy early like he discovered he was the Dark Messiah or something, and later used a mysterious blast of unknown power, but they've since kinda explained it away differently with his whole plotline in his hometown.  Liu does allegedly know the "true form" of the One King, which might be an oblique way of saying "himself", but then the elder was a moron to give Liu the power, so seems unlikely.  Atrie has very conspicuously never helped directly at all and merely been monitoring Our Hero because...  look he knew Alternate Reality Hero or something, or he's time-travelling future Hero from a bad future, or whatever.  Possible.  But it was also possible it was because he was the villain slowly trying to get let into the world or the like.  Yet there was a quest to visit Atrie's world and he's apparently a good guy there also fighting the One King.  Furthermore, the Chronicle scene in the Scribe's Village showed a *blonde* guy...  none of these three are blonde.  Possible the blonde guy isn't the One King of course, just someone talking to him, but still.


(Oddly enough you're not totally wrong in that guess.  But I think it'll be interesting anyway.)
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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1168 on: May 14, 2015, 05:28:15 AM »
I seem to recall an implication that Liu was slightly younger than Hero/Marica/Jale, but yeah, he is 14 certainly. The hero I would peg as 15-16 offhand? He's very much still a teenager. I didn't have a problem with it even as someone who isn't a huge fan of the over-common teenage male main trope, because I felt he was a pretty well-written teenager.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1169 on: May 14, 2015, 05:49:40 AM »
Yeah, his writing is good.  To be clear, I *thought* he was written as a 16-17 year old, and that particular development with Liu made me wonder if he was "actually" 14 the whole time.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1170 on: May 14, 2015, 06:12:35 AM »

Porom's tale next, jumping around a bit.  It'll be a nice change of pace after Yang's.

You'd think with all the shortened dungeons they could have trimmed the Underground Waterway a bit, but no such luck :(  Cooler Mammoth wasn't too bad once I remembered it was weak to fire and the tentacles could be silenced.

Tale of the Revolving Door Party continues.  For our next act, we head to the Feymarch with Rydia, who sucks less in this tale than she does in her own.  Palom and Rydia need 6 battles together to learn Thunderstorm.  (Yes, the game will tell you right away what potential bands you can learn when you put PCs together - you don't need to grind to see what happens.)  It doesn't level up at all while they're together in this filler dungeon.

Forgot to unequip Palom, so he ran off with my Lightning Arrows.  Bummer.  Not that I'll especially need them, now or ever.  Pretty sure I can buy extras in some other chapter if I really need to.  Ordeals isn't hard even if the party sucks.  No other Bands in this chapter other than the twins' automatic Twincast as children, either. 

Ceodore's Tale: Clear time 3:33, levels - Hooded Man 24, Ceodore 25
Rydia's Tale: Clear time 4:09, levels - Luca 25, Rydia 26
Yang's Tale: Clear time 2:17, levels - Yang 21, Ursula 20
Porom's Tale: Clear time 2:44, levels - Porom 22

Porom's Tale in-game use:

It's really hard to score anyone in this chapter because all of the combat is so pathetically easy.

Porom: 7/10.  On the one hand, she's basically a worse Rosa in this tale.  This would be a bad thing, but at every point of this chapter you either really badly need her healing (and Cura is adequate), her status (Slow and Silence work wonders against Cooler Mammoth), or you're facing undead enemies, against which she has surprisingly decent offense (either with Cura or Great Bow + Holy Arrows).  Basically, the whole chapter plays to her strengths.  Makes sense, given its her chapter.
Palom (temp): 7/10.  Anything he faces either dies to an MT -ara, or if it doesn't, it dies to Break.  And all the things that don't die to MT -aras he's with Rydia, so she can use the MT -ara and he can Break the stragglers.
Rydia (temp): 7/10.  She faces nothing she can't somehow OHKO.  Only MP issues hold her back, really (and you _don't_ get a surplus of Ethers in this chapter).
White Mage: 4/10.  Strictly worse than Porom in every way, and you can't really afford a second Great Bow either so she's stuck with a Crossbow.  Still an extra stock of MP for white magic, at least, even if she has a bit worse of a spell list.
Black Mage: 6/10.  Strictly worse than Rydia or Palom in every way, but still doesn't face much he can't OHKO.  Whatever, this works.
Kain (temp): Uhhh, 8/10 I guess?  He OHKOs all randoms he faces, and fights one boss who is weak against his physical.  Kind of a borderline DNR though.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1171 on: May 14, 2015, 07:28:50 AM »
Rondo of Swords

Started my New Game+ run. Decided to chance it and grab the Black/Green Rings on the first map, and have otherwise mostly been trying to rush maps to get through them quicker. I just re-recruited Ansom and Marie, and killed the boss that got me the Robber Proof with a Laser Blast from Marie, which was GLORIOUS. And also got her 3 levels.

As for final boss stuff, he had 4 spells. I don't know the range on his unique spell, but Seven Menace is a max range of 8, and that was his biggest range spell I could see. And enemies never cheat when it comes to spells. I mean, they may have cheating items and semi-cheating skills, but the spells themselves are always the same as for PCs! Even looking up the skills, nothing Final Boss has is greater than 8 range at max level.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1172 on: May 14, 2015, 10:45:20 AM »
Code Name S.T.E.A.M - So, I decided to test attack ranges in order to understand precisely what each level meant. Maximum range results are as follows (do keep in mind this likely applies to vertical range as well):

D Range - 3-4 panels
D+ Range - 4-5 panels
C Range - 5 panels
B Range - 6 panels
A Range - 7 panels
S Range - 10-11 panels (wtf)

Just food for thought.

EDIT: Also, trying to figure out optimum subweapons for the folks who don't start with offensive primaries. My first impression is that, no matter what, Tiger Lily's best saddled with the Steam Musket, since it plays perfectly into her stalling game as far as action economy goes and its actual damage-per-steam ratio actually isn't terrible (12.5 per steam off B range is actually quite solid for what it is). Scarecrow... my kneejerk is that, if you factor in criticals in -any- way, he'll want the Steam Crossbow. Makes use of the Ninja Boiler's quirks and also, idepending on stun testing, it may play into damage-maxing strats involving Pumpkin Stunner. Tin Man and Randolph are the question marks, though: I don't know which weapon would play ideally with their niches, which have no DL translation at all, and they share the same boiler type, so they likely want the same weapon. I'd like some sort of external input here.

Also, nagging suspicion: the Punch Gun's stun rate goes through the roof if an enemy's already stunned. From testing, I already managed to land a lot of stunlocks with startling ease in spite of the low rate on the status at base. This would be easier to test if most healing didn't also heal stun. Sigh.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 02:02:34 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1173 on: May 14, 2015, 12:30:54 PM »
Researching the internet seems to find that Mephreyu's Pandemonium's range is an 11x11 square (presumably centered on himself). So he can't hit you with it if you're 6 squares directly in front of him, but has no problem hitting you if you're five squares away diagonally (a.k.a. ten squares in gameplay terms).

Rondo Of Swords is the worst.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - played through

It was fine. But I feel like I don't really care for its specific style of gameplay, sadly. Didn't have any real interest in the mainline Far Cry games beforehand, and this hasn't changed that in either direction.

A lot of the dialog (including - especially? - the tutorial messages) was very funny, but that may be the best thing it had going for it? Takedowns and sniping were enjoyable, but not really a fan of the regular gunplay. The shotgun especially seemed kind of poor.

I did pretty much all the open world stuff before doing any of the missions I wasn't forced to do first - may have been a bad idea as the missions weren't particularly good. The open world stuff wasn't particularly good either, but it was often better. Missions also include the terrible gauntlet mission, which I guess I can't complain about too much as it does seem like something that would have been in those sort of movies. The final vehicle segment starts off fine, but once it ends and you find out what the next part is (it's the villain being killed in a cutscene then the credits) it just seems like a let down. Especially considering that I'm not sure if you can even die during that segment.

Pistol was mediocre, assault rifle was fine, sniper rifle was great then got exploding bullets which I never took off even though it would probably have made hostage rescue missions easier because explosive sniping, shotgun was bad, chaingun was mediocre, flamethrower was mediocre, never used the final weapon outside the point where it was mandatory, still no idea how people time or aim grenades in any game, land mines were fine in extremely situational situations I guess, as was C4.


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Re: What Games are you playing 2015?
« Reply #1174 on: May 14, 2015, 10:59:51 PM »
I played a couple hours of Blood Dragon. The gameplay didn't really catch me enough to keep going, but it was an entertaining couple hours. It's just that once I'd had Michael Biehn kill one zombie cyborg tyrannosaur, it felt like the game's mission statement had already been fully realized.