Dude what? What the fuck? Seriously? You are going to pull the "oh it is just words on the internet lol it doesn't mean anything" card?
What you are doing is textbook blaming the victim. You say it is a real shame that domestic abuse happens, so I am going to go out on a limb and assume that you think it is a bad thing. Now here is a fun fact for you. The most frequent reason victims of abuse don't report it is exactly that kind of attitude. They are probably making it up, they asked for it, they probably hit their attacker first, they were provoking them and so on. That kind of justification is not fucking cool because it leads to people pulling complaints or possibly worse of all ISOLATING AND DEMEANING A PERSON THAT JUST GOT THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF THEM and now you is getting no support from the community.
You know why it is even worse to call them a whore? Because sex workers are the most frequently abused people in the world and the least likely to report it because they then get brought in on other charges. Cops don't have to bother finding evidence on the other guy and they have an arrest already. So great. So what you are doing is looking at a situation with a known abuser who has a diagnosed mental disorder and dismissing the claims of a potential assault victim and demeaning them and calling them the exact thing that is most likely in your country to get assaulted and either have it ignored or to not report it.
This isn't about Rob having a stick up his arse about shit you are saying on the internet because that doesn't matter. This is about him expecting you to be a decent fucking human being.
You know what you should have done? Said fucking nothing about it. You don't have to pick sides on this shit. You can still regret that a player from your favourite team isn't playing. To use that as a reason to spout baseless aggressive bullshit about some woman that you know nothing about who may be an abuse victim is fucking low, vile, petty and pathetic. You should know better and are better than that.
You don't have to walk on egg shells because people know someone that got abused. You just need to not be a raging arsehole about situations you know nothing about involving people you don't know just because one of them happens to play football for a team you like. How about instead you just don't be a dick?