Finished Outstretched Shadow right around May 21 and it's about how I typed it in my partial review. I'll get around to reading the other books in the trilogy, but I'm not particularly motivated.
Since then:
New Moon from the Twilight series. I can't help it -- I like vampire/werewolf stories and I hate being out of the loop on book hype for people my age. I remember the first one was like eating a sugar cube: pretty basically structured, thin on the outside, gives you a temporary rush and has no substance whatsoever. This book is the same. And yet... I am looking forward to the next book. Side rant: AHMGOD romance heroines are dippy. Fuck.
About A Boy. Meh? It was okay. I totally didn't realize the author was British, so that really threw me for a loop. Once I found that out (and it's pretty obvious early on), it read like a British novel. Don't ask me to explain that, it was just... typical of British fiction.
Ella Minnow Pea HOLY SAT WORDS, BATMAN. I bought it because it was $1 and I remembered selling a few copies for high school reading back when I worked at Barnes and Noble. It's intriguing, and I love that someone thought to use the epistolary format. I couldn't shake the feeling it was a book with an Agenda, though, which really took away from the story. The SAT words also annoyed me to no end. Vocabulary is one thing, but Jesus.
Guns of Avalon I really love Roger Zelazny, and it's because of the Princes of Amber series. I read it a long time ago (maybe 10 years? goddamnit, I'm too young to refer back to things like that) and I recently picked it up again because Andrew's dad bought the first book for Andrew. I'll note, by the way, that Andrew hasn't touched it yet. Heathen. ;_;
What's up next: a lot of other trashy novels I picked up. House of Sand and Fog, Damia, The Ship Who Did Something Or Other (Anne McCaffrey), and whatever else I pick up along the way.