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Topics - Laggy

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Unranked Games / Tonfa Fantasy 7 - Bosses
« on: April 04, 2017, 06:04:00 AM »
More of a reference topic for me than anything, no fancy pictures or nonsense this time. Maybe I'll unlazy at some point.

Forum Games / mafia thing
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:27:45 PM »
magey wants to play mafia but can't post because of topic posting restrictions

so have at thee

Discussion / "Who am I?" Personality Test, mainly visual based
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:13:33 AM »
I know these are like a dime a dozen but this one was kinda interesting so I wanted to share it and see the collective DL neurosis ratings. Plus taking them is kind of brainlessly entertaining.

35% Openness - Your low level of openness suggests that you draw your strength from tradition and familiarity. You are down to earth and prefer clear, straightforward direction to abstract or theoretical thinking.
14% Conscientiousness - You like to act immediately on impulse, which can be both effective and fun. But if taken to the extreme this can produce undesirable long term consequences for yourself and others.
45% Extraversion - Your low level of extraversion suggests you are likely to be more reserved than other people, enjoy time alone and value maintaining strong relationships with a few close friends.
34% Agreeableness - You have a healthy sense of skepticism, and a strong resolve. You don’t shy away from making those tough decisions which can’t please everyone but still need to be made.
45% Neuroticism - You are calm, emotionally stable and are less easily upset than people with high levels of neuroticism. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you experience more positive feelings than them.

Cool-headed people have very calm dispositions, and tend not to succumb to emotional extremes at all. A thoughtful, measured approach can help anyone to keep a cool head in any situation, but too much emotional stoicism can seem distant and unhelpful to other people. It’s important to be sure that your good intentions and suggestions come across as just that.

Indulgent people might have a tendency to be more concerned with their own comfort and pleasure than other people’s. But they can also sometimes have problems identifying when their indulgences have become undesirable and unhealthy habits. You may fall into this category if you find it difficult to identify areas of self improvement from time to time.

You keep your cards close to your chest and usually seem very laid back, but you know exactly what’s going on around you. When you take offence at something you may not show it there and then, but you’re likely to seek a way to even the score somehow. Be careful to maintain a sense of proportion and think about how other people might view your actions out of context.

Easy-going people are very laid back about life and don’t really see a need to be overly serious about things. This means they can often lean towards the easiest route or option in any situation. It’s important to overcome a lack of self-motivation you may feel and put in the extra effort when you know it’s really worth it.

You’re very content in your own world, or in the company of a select few other people. People who share this characteristic enjoy simple pleasures in life, and are more likely to look for excitement and adventure in their own heads than by heading out into the wilderness for thrills.

People with this characteristic can sometimes be a bit competitive when interacting with other people. Also, they value their privacy and sense of respect very highly, so can come across as quite distant and closed off figures. If you recognize this trait in yourself it’s important to think about the different ways of getting what you want from people, and giving them what they want too.

Laid back
Laid back people don’t worry too much about big plans and goals. They’re much more likely to keep a fairly clean slate so they’re able to respond to those sudden important jobs that always seem to crop up. You might sometimes lack the motivation to take charge or avoid coming up with new ideas, but you know deep down that putting in the effort will benefit you in the long run.

People with disciplined attitudes have strong and firm beliefs about things like society and morality. For them, there is a right way of doing things and a proper way to behave, so they support firm discipline when people step out of line. It sounds like you follow the rules and you expect everyone else to follow them as well.

Drifters tend not to be particularly interested in academic or intellectual challenges, and need a clear idea of incentive, outcome and reward to keep them focused on a task they’re not naturally inclined towards. If this sounds like you sometimes, you could perhaps benefit from some help organising and keeping track of your work.

Practical people are unlikely to be derailed when they come up against difficulties. Rather than focus on any negative emotions that might be thrown up, they prefer to push them aside and focus on concrete actions and problem-solving, that will help them overcome the situation. Having faith in your ability to get through things is key.

General Chat / Path of Exile
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:12:30 AM »

It's an indie free-to-download/play D2 clone that (finally) came out into open beta recently with three Acts, six classes.

The game's most notable feature is likely its enormous passive skill tree, resembling something like FFX's Sphere Grid. One level equates to one point on the skill tree. You can view it here. In fact, aside from sprites and starting location on the skill tree, classes are otherwise all identical, which makes it a pretty flexible system open to a wealth of builds.

Skills are not learned innately to the character, but activated through skill gems which are slotted into equipment. Gems can be freely removed/added and support gems in linked slots can enhance them (think the Materia system from FF7). Skill gems also level up, again much like Materia.

Otherwise it's a D2 clone with everything you'd expect: emphasis on loot, lots of clicking, randomized attributes on monsters, and so forth. Areas are fully instanced.

Anyway, a few of us (at least Tallychu and I, possibly others) were likely going to waltz around a bit on this game, so throwing this out here in case anyone else's interested.

(note for the below character name list, you only need to invite one char to friend the entire account)

Cynthias (Laggy)
Sanaki (Talaysen)
MoonTiaraAction (Nitori)
Zillywigh (Zenny)
Tiltyuu (Trance)
NotKallen (Carthrat)
YiuNegato (Tide)
Captain_K (CapnK)
ScarletPimp (OK)
Marguerrite (Neph)

General Chat / Four Job Fiesta: Battle Logs!
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:46:27 PM »
I figure we may as well use this as a placeholder topic for generic 4JF discussion. Also going to shamelessly plug the adventures of Richard and Laggy, in the void.

We're running hard mode, berserker risk (obv) with an additional twist. In boss fights (defined as fights with either the boss music theme, Gilgamesh, and Exdeath), if the fight concludes with both PCs of one team dead, the surviving player gains a point. Richard has Bartz (aptly named CHONBO) and Faris, while I have Lenna and Galuf. In the interest of fairness we will exclude boss fights that don't include all 4 PCs. This means that we will be trying to simultaneously kill each other during fights (without wiping).

To avoid continually wiping over and over to self-inflicted losses, there is an instigator rule. Instigation is defined as the first offensive action against the opposing team's PCs (if you're hitting someone out of charm/confusion or something then it's okay if the other player consents; also, doing stuff like attacking into enemies' counter phases is A-OK and not considered instigation). Should a boss fight result in a wipe, the instigator (if any) will lose 0.5 points. PLAN YOUR BACKSTABS CAREFULLY RICHARD

Wing Raptor

So technically the challenge isn't in place yet but in glorious honor of our past shenanigans I immediately have Lenna and Galuf attack into the counter phase. Claw ensues, they hit Richard's dudes, he flips out. Some minor shenanigans ensues as we scramble to use the precious Potion supply we have and I kill off Faris, but Richard simply kills Wing Raptor shortly afterwards to end the fight with 3 PCs still standing. At this point we formalize the challenge.

Wind Crystal - we roll Black Mages. I keep Galuf front row'd and barefisted because he is too manly.


My staunch refusal to buy any Potions makes Richard go into conniptions during this entire segment. We reach the boss relatively unscathed though, and start wailing on it with Bolt. Unfortunately Karl decides to pick on my dudes more and Richard picks an opportune moment to preempt me with treachery, killing both of my PCs. There's a tense moment my last-moment attack on Richard causes Karl to knock out Faris as well, leaving him with only 1 PC and less than 30 HP, but he gets stupidly lucky and eats Tailscrew instead of a physical. Lame !!



So form 1 is kind of hilarious and takes 0 damage from all spells, resulting in front row Galuf fisting away and knife physicals. Siren opens with Mute on Lenna to boot causing me to swear profusely. Fortunately Mute wears off, and undead form is kind of wrecked by Fire. We eye each other for a while but being so far away from a save point we decide to take the safe boring route and just murder Siren before she becomes a problem.



Richard decides to open with double MT Sleep on our entire party for his first two turns. Fortunately the balance of the cosmos is on my side, and he ends up literally sleeping his own casting PC both times, leaving me with essentially just my team versus Magisa. She only cast spells, so I take my time killing Richard and wailing on her before she summons her hubby. Drain hurts like hell and OHKOs Lenna, but fortunately it happens before the summon. Hubby, likewise, is sleep vulnerable, letting me stop him from taking more than a single action and killing Magisa before slowly shredding him apart with Ice. You snooze, you lose.



Once again Richard shows his traitorous ways as he starts the fight essentially trying to screw me immediately, putting both of my PCs to sleep. They get knocked out of it by Galura eventually, but the turns lost and turn gauge being lost means I basically never see actions as Richard is intent to keep me down. Too bad this causes him to just get ingloriously murdered by Galura as he tries to futilely sleep it as well. (Note - this was before the instigation rule, thus Richard did not lose any points).

Second time around we agree to cooperate for at least a little bit before turning on each other, as we hog turns using Potions to not lurk dangerously low on HP. Once Galura gets into his counter phase it starts becoming extremely dicey, though... and as Richard ONCE AGAIN attempts to off me with sleep in what would doubtlessly end with his face plastered over the floor, he gets himself killed and leaves me with a 2 HP Lenna. Forcing my hand, I break the Ice Rod equipped on her, overkilling Galura with over 1200+ damage. He is not happy about this.


Water Crystal - We get Knights and are glad we haven't actually fled from any fights yet.


After a hilariously one-sided wipe despite landing MT sleep on everything, we agree that Shiva is too threatening a boss to not cooperate with for the majority of the fight. We split up two PCs per row to mitigate the effects of her Ice 2 and open by putting all of the Commanders to sleep, then conservatively chipping away with Fire while Potion spam keeps us out of Ice 2 death range. Unfortunately Ice 2 does outpace Potion healing, and at a juncture where it would take 2 Potions on a single PC to keep him/her out of being killed, we go all out Fire blitzing. Shiva gets a last turn in, but fortunately decides not to nuke the two PCs at 20 HP, opting to hit our better healed team members and then dying.


Richard gets a turn on Faris. She's at 110+ while everyone else is at 20-30 HP. I already know what's coming.

Fortunately he FATALLY MISCALCULATES and the resulting MT Fire on our team does not end up actually being lethal to anyone. I follow up with my two PCs' turns coming back to back, and use them to knock out Faris. Stuck in a 2 vs 1 situation, Richard deliberates for a while before deciding to spitefully kill Galuf. I off Bartz and, because sleep apparently never wears off, cast MT Fire like 7 times to win the fight, and walk out with a 26 HP Lenna.


Unranked Games / SLRPG Bosses
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:13:12 PM »
Because I need to spend all my time making in-depth statistical compilations of imaginary enemies from a self-made hack of a multidecades-old SNES RPG. It's just what we do here at the DL.

Some notes:
* If it costs FP (including 0!), it's magic and thus powered by MAtk and subject to MDef. Otherwise, it's physical.
* All status is 100% hit rate if the attack itself hits (most attacks in SLRPG are anywhere from 80-95% accuracy).
* Time blockable attacks are marked with a star. Successful blocking halves the damage. For analysis, I assume all attacks are successfully blocked, but the full damage is listed for reference.
* Status vulnerabilities for enemies are Mute, Sleep, Poison, and Fear. If an immunity isn't listed, it's implied that they're vulnerable.
* Instant death immunity is assumed unless otherwise noted.
* PC HP durabilities are calculated by dividing boss HP with average damage (versus randoms), multiplying by number of PCs fought (usually 3) and then divided by 2.5. Alter them accordingly if you use different scaling rules.
* For Def and MDef averages, I took the average of randoms in the current or last immediate dungeon, throwing out any enemies that appeared in previous dungeons (i.e. no Goombas or Sky Troopas for Bandit's Way). If there are any crazy outliers, they get thrown out.
* Effective durability numbers are listed as multipliers. Lower thus is better, with a 0.5 multiplier meaning halved damage. I assume the hardest hitting PC physical and spell, respectively, to calculate these numbers (SMRPG runs off of subtractive defense).
* For PC level up bonuses, I'm going with a generally balanced spread, favoring what I feel is more useful immediately for what gets priority.
* I factor in optimal accessories for PC stat averages. This is somewhat arbitrary and I won't bother to make it an exact science, but they will be represented in some way. Lazy Shell (the armor) will be ignored.
* For averages, I list basic physicals as a reference for damage. Unless they are also the current best source of damage, I do not factor them into overall damage averages.
* For timed hits, I assume successful (but not perfect) on physicals, i.e. 1.5x multiplier. For button mashing, I assume 12 hits for Fire Orb, 24 hits for Super Flame and Ultra Flame, and 8 hits for Psych Bomb and Bowser Crush. For the Super/Ultra Jump series and Star Rain, I assume 12 consecutive button presses. For rotations, I assume 12 rotations. For Geno's charge specials, I assume near-perfect charge (1.75x multiplier). For timed specials (Shocker, Crusher) I assume near-perfect timing (1.25x multiplier), and for simple ones (Thunderbolt, Geno Whirl) I assume timing succeeds.

"Fungah! Foiled again!"
HP: 320 (3.56 PCHP)
FP: 100
Attack: 5
Defense: 12 (avg 8, effective 0.67 physical)
Mg.Attack: 0
Mg.Defense: 0 (avg 1, effective 1.03 magical)
Speed: 15 (slower than Mario)
Evade: 0%
Immune to all status

- Physical: *4 damage
- Spike: *6 damage

After 5 turns ("What a joke!!"), Bowser gains permanent invincibility (invulnerable to all damage and negative effects).

Bowser is accompanied by Kinklink.

HP: 60 (0.67 PCHP)
FP: 100
Attack: 20
Defense: 10 (avg 8, effective 0.83 physical)
Mg.Attack: 10
Mg.Defense: 0 (avg 1, effective 1.03 magical)
Speed: 99 (irrelevant)
Evade: 0%
Immune to all status

- Big Bang (0 FP): 108 damage, MT. Self-destructs user. Used only as a counter to Jump. (Removed from current version, but stays here in fond memory of Tide.)

Defeating Kinklink ends the battle.

Party Averages
HP: 20   Def: 0   MDef: 2   Spd: 20
FP: 10

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(Mario - Atk 20, MAtk 10)
Mario's Jump: 36 (37)
Mario's physical: 18 (12)

Notes: If you conveniently ignore Kinklink, I think he prefers this over his PC form. Kinklink of course is an amazing Kain spoiler.

Hammer Bros (x2)
"HEY! Are YOU lookin' at me? My hammer and I don't like you!"
HP: 50 (0.45 PCHP)
FP: 1
Attack: 9
Defense: 13 (avg 10, effective 0.76 physical)
Mg.Attack: 6
Mg.Defense: 8 (avg 2, effective 0.86 magical)
Speed: 10 (slower than Mario)
Evade: 10%
Immune to Sleep

- Physical: *5 damage
- Hammer Time: *10 damage. Can be used as a free action after Valor Up.
- Valor Up: Halves all damage, permanent, OPB. Can be dispelled. Usable only when alone.

Party Averages
HP: 25   Def: 4   MDef: 4   Spd: 20
FP: 10

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L2 Mario - Atk 24, MAtk 12)
Mario's Jump: 44 (38)
Mario's physical: 21 (16)

Notes: At a pretty sad 5HKO unless you're much more generous on blockable attacks than I am, Hammer Bros isn't winning any awards for damage. The good news is that he doesn't lose an entire turn to activate Valor Up, but he's not going first in most matches either and thus likely losing a chunk of his HP before it kicks in. Did I mention his HP is horrible? Because it is. Light.

Croco 1
"You fools couldn't chase down a pumpkin!"
HP: 320 (1.28 PC HP)
FP: 12
Attack: 23
Defense: 18 (avg 11, effective 0.72 physical)
Mg.Attack: 30
Mg.Defense: 28 (avg 9, effective 0.53 magical)
Speed: 16 (slightly slower than Mallow)
Evade: 20%
Immune to Sleep
Weak to Fire

- Physical: *10 damage. Can be used as a free action after Weird Mushroom.
- Bomb Throw: 15 damage
- Weird Mushroom (0 FP): 90 healing, OPB. Can only be used below 100 HP.

If below 100 HP, Croco can doubleact, always opening with his physical.

If struck by fire elemental damage ("Croco's dousing a tail fire..."), Croco loses his next turn. This is OPB.

Party Averages
HP: 29   Def: 13  MDef: 15  Spd: 20
FP: 18

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L3 Mario - Atk 37, MAtk 20)
(L3 Mallow - Atk 24, MAtk 17)
Mario's Fire Orb: 72 (77)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 29 (5)
Mario's physical: 39 (28)
Mallow's physical: 19 (9)

Notes: Unblockable 2HKO (albeit a low one), strong durability (especially magic!) that he can prop up more during his limit phase... Croco slugs decently well as long as he isn't dealing with fire. He's entirely one-dimensional, though. Middle/Heavy.

"These guys are gonna put a stop to OUR party! Are we happy about this?!"
HP: 380 (1.46 PCHP)
FP: 40
Attack: 29
Defense: 25 (avg 26, effective 1.05 physical)
Mg.Attack: 16
Mg.Defense: 20 (avg 10, effective 0.77 magical)
Speed: 8 (goes last)
Evade: 0%
Immune to all status
Weak to Lightning

- Physical: *12 damage. Can be used as a free action before Jump, and after Summon Bodyguards.
- Flame (3 FP): 9 fire damage
- Flame Wall (2 FP): 5 fire damage, MT
- Summon Bodyguards: Spawns 4 Bodyguards, who act on the following round. Bodyguards have 35 HP, 22 Def, 14 MDef, and can physical for *5 or use Drain for 6 fire damage. Usable only when alone.
- Jump: Removes himself from the fight until all Bodyguards are killed. This checks at the start of his turn, so he can act immediately upon coming back. Usable only when at least one Bodyguard is alive.

Mack is accompanied by four Bodyguards. They are Speed 15 (slightly slower than Mallow).

Mack can doubleact with any combination of his physical, Flame, and Flame Wall.

If alone, he can tripleact, always opening with his physical.

If struck by lightning elemental damage ("Mack's stunned!!"), Mack loses his next turn. This is OPB.

Party Averages
HP: 36   Def: 17  MDef: 19  Spd: 20
FP: 24

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L4 Mario - Atk 40, MAtk 22)
(L4 Mallow - Atk 26, MAtk 20)
Mario's Fire Orb: 73 (56)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 31 (37)
Mario's physical: 21 (22)
Mallow's physical: 1 (1)

Notes: Triple his original damage while making concentrated Bodyguard spam pretty scary, and you have new and improved Mack in a nutshell. He has a variety of stalling tricks now where he can chip away while hiding behind summons (or the implicit threat of leaving a full retinue of Bodyguards alive for a round), for all that most of the time he'll do fine spamming damage that adds up to a solid 2HKO, turning into overkill if you aren't packing MT. His unimpressive speed keeps him reined in, but Heavy anyway.

Belome 1
"Ack! It's a snack attack! And YOU'RE it!"
HP: 600 (2.80 PCHP)
FP: 60
Attack: 40
Defense: 12 (avg 20, effective 1.35 physical)
Mg.Attack: 12
Mg.Defense: 24 (avg 16, effective 0.78 magical)
Speed: 4 (goes last)
Evade: 0%
Immune to Sleep
Weak to Lightning

- Physical: *18 damage
- Sleep-Sauce: *18 damage, inflicts Sleep
- S'crow Funk: Inflicts Scarecrow
- Light Beam (7 FP): 15 damage, MT, inflicts Sleep

Belome can devour Mallow, removing him from the fight until attacked thrice (or twice with a spell). He can only use his physical in the interim, and loses his ability to doubleact. He can't use this unless both Mario and Mallow are alive, so the relevance of this in a duel is highly questionable.

Belome can doubleact, always ending with his physical.

Party Averages
HP: 40   Def: 22  MDef: 21  Spd: 19
FP: 28

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L5 Mario - Atk 43, MAtk 20)
(L5 Mallow - Atk 29, MAtk 23)
Mario's Fire Orb: 59 (46)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 27 (35)
Mario's physical: 34 (46)
Mallow's physical: 13 (25)

Notes: Light Beam instantly kills the sleep vulnerable, so there's that. S'crow Funk also screws fighters over, letting Belome shore up his lousy physical defense. Bereft of those, Belome isn't a total lost cause... Light Beam + physical amount to an effective 2HKO. He's the slowest boss thus far, and is glad he has a bucketload of HP to compensate. It's enough that the durability and status whoring likely let him edge into Heavy.

"A stranger you are... and strange looking at that! Teach you, we must, who's in charge!"
HP: 700 (1.00 PCHP)
FP: 250
Attack: 55
Defense: 40 (avg 26, effective 0.59 physical)
Mg.Attack: 25
Mg.Defense: 35 (avg 15, effective 0.66 magical)
Speed: 10 (goes last)
Evade: 0%
Immune to all status

- Physical: *27 damage
- G'night: Inflicts Sleep
- Bolt (4 FP): 26 lightning damage, ITD
- Static E! (4 FP): 10 lightning damage, MT
- Dispelling Orb (2 FP): 18 lightning damage, dispels
- Summon Buttons: Enables the use of Button Disable. OPB.
- Button Disable: Disables either physicals, spells, or items used by PCs. Used as a free action at the start of Bowyer's turn following every two turns. Subsequent usages reenable up the previously disabled ability.

Bowyer can doubleact, always using at least one action on his physical or G'night.

Party Averages
HP: 46   Def: 28  MDef: 27  Spd: 23
FP: 36

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L6 Mario - Atk 57, MAtk 28)
(L6 Mallow - Atk 51, MAtk 28)
(L6 Geno - Atk 60, MAtk 25)
Mario's Super Jump: 145 (95)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 35 (10)
Geno's Geno Beam: 96 (61)
Mario's physical: 46 (25)
Mallow's physical: 37 (16)
Geno's physical: 51 (30)

Notes: Like Belome, Bowyer has all but a free win against anyone vulnerable to sleep (get used to this from SLRPG bosses). Otherwise he trades a lot of relative durability for better damage, and swaps out one status gimmick for a slower but more potentially debilitating gimmick. It's a losing trade (he's the first boss to face a full party and damage has spiked, thus he bites the dust considerably faster), but dispel's a nice trick, at least. He's still pretty lightning reliant and suffers from speed woes. Low Heavy.

Croco 2
"You want them back? You've got to take me down first!"
HP: 500 (0.76 PCHP)
FP: 12
Attack: 58
Defense: 55 (avg 50, effective 0.81 physical)
Mg.Attack: 30
Mg.Defense: 40 (avg 24, effective 0.68 magical)
Speed: 20 (slightly faster than Mario)
Evade: 20%
Immune to Sleep
Weak to Fire

- Physical: *17 damage
- Bomb Throw: 25 damage
- Chomp: *34 damage. Usable only after using Steal.
- Weird Mushroom (0 FP): 90 healing. Usable only below 150 (20%) HP.
- Steal: Steals all items from party's inventory, effectively disabling the Item command. Used only as a counter to damage. OPB.

Croco can doubleact after having used Steal, always opening with his physical or Chomp.

When below 150 HP, Croco has a 1/3 chance of ending his turn with Weird Mushroom.

Party Averages
HP: 53   Def: 41  MDef: 30  Spd: 23
FP: 50

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L7 Mario - Atk 73, MAtk 31)
(L7 Mallow - Atk 64, MAtk 46)
(L7 Geno - Atk 78, MAtk 29)
Mario's Super Jump: 130 (90)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 46 (26)
Geno's Geno Beam: 87 (59)
Mario's physical: 34 (27)
Mallow's physical: 21 (13)
Geno's physical: 42 (34)

Notes: Well, he spoils Rikku-types. Otherwise he doesn't take hits quite as well as he used to. However, his damage has gotten better (Bomb Throw plus Chomp add up to a strong 2HKO) in return for this, and it's downright scary if you DO knock him into limit phase. That durability hit is a big deal, though. Middle.

"They say I'm a hot head, but I'll show them! You... YOU will make me famous!"
HP: 1200 (1.82 PCHP)
FP: 50
Attack: 62
Defense: 47 (avg 50, effective 1.10 physical)
Mg.Attack: 22
Mg.Defense: 40 (avg 24, effective 0.68 magical)
Speed: 15 (slightly slower than Mallow)
Evade: 0%
Immune to all status
Immune to Jump

- Physical: *21 damage
- Sand Storm (6 FP): 8 damage, inflicts Fear, MT
- Summon Microbombs: Spawns 4 Microbombs, which have 60 HP, 30 Def, 10 MDef, and can self-destruct for *17 or *34 damage. Their speed is dependent on the current turn order and they have a 1/2 chance of exploding. Usable only when alone.
- Summon Bob-ombs: Spawns 4 Bob-ombs (and destroys any previous bombs on the field), which have 100 HP, 38 Def, 10 MDef, and can self-destruct for *25 damage. Their speed is dependent on the current turn order and they have a 2/3 chance of exploding. Usable only under 800 (67%) HP, and as a counter to the first attack that brings him to that HP range.
- Summon Mezzo Bombs: Spawns 3 Mezzo Bombs (and destroys any previous bombs on the field), which have have 140 HP, 40 Def, 10 MDef, and can self-destruct for *36 damage. Their speed is dependent on the current turn order and they have a 2/3 chance of exploding. Usable only under 400 (33%) HP, and as a counter to the first attack that brings him to that HP range.
- Vigor up!: Increases all damage dealt by 50%, permanent, OPB. Can be dispelled. Used only as a free action after Summon Mezzo Bombs.

Punchinello can tripleact when using only his physical.

Party Averages
HP: 53   Def: 41  MDef: 30  Spd: 23
FP: 50

Party Damage
Listed against the average of current randoms, figures in parentheses is against the boss.
(L7 Mario - Atk 73, MAtk 31)
(L7 Mallow - Atk 64, MAtk 46)
(L7 Geno - Atk 78, MAtk 29)
Mario's Super Jump: 130 (0, 90 w/ Jump Shoes)
Mallow's Thunderbolt: 46 (26)
Geno's Geno Beam: 87 (59)
Mario's physical: 34 (39)
Mallow's physical: 21 (25)
Geno's physical: 42 (46)

Notes: If all else fails, bomb more - it's a mantra that Punchinello has taken to heart. While being punched in the face by a giant fuse/eggplant/thing repeatedly is bad enough (it's a 2HKO before the potentially crippling Fear status), the bombs add a whole new layer of danger. Good MT takes them out, but his own offense spikes at low HP again, and keeping the bombs at bay could make chipping hard, especially with his good durability. He wishes he was faster and really hates people who spoil physicals, but Heavy/Godlike anyway.

Discussion / DL subhosting for SaGa modding community
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:19:33 AM »
To get to the point, there is a small but dedicated SaGa Frontier hacking/modding community that's been in the works for years. It started initially as a data mining project by a few prominent folks over at GFAQs and is still going strong. Everyone knows how much of an utter SaGa fanboy I am, so it should come as no surprise that I have a personal interest in this.

They've recently posted on several boards asking for possible hosts for their forumboards, as they'd prefer to have as opposed to being a subsection of another board. I've spoken with Tallychu to see if he has any qualms about offering to share our hosting, and he's fine with the idea. On the technical side and actual work involved, I'm volunteering to handle this.

Links to the thread in question:,13617.0.html

Ultimately, I feel the goal of this is to generate more exposure and intercommunity interaction on both of our ends. Everyone probably knows that I and several others have had on and off interaction with other modding communities (FFH as of recent) and frankly I think the chance to see some new faces is a good thing. (And of course I want to see their delicious work bear fruit.)

Please throw in your two cents if you have any concerns or topics you'd like to see addressed.


Q. Will the prospective SaGa Frontier modding forum at the RPGDL be a part of their current forums, or will we just inhabit the same hard drive as them, and otherwise have really nothing to do with them (besides giving them all the ad revenue in exchange for hosting us)?

A: You'll have your own forumboard rather than being a subforum of the DL forums, since I was under the impression that that was what you wanted set up. Unless you purchase your own domain name, though, the forum link will be subset of the domain (something like with the directory name up to your discretion).

The DL has no advertisements and generates no revenue; we subsist entirely on our own community contributions to pay for hosting. We're offering to host you in hopes of assisting on the SaGa hacking/modding project and growth of its community in general, and while there will be no direct ties to the DL site/boards this is partially being done in hopes of seeing some intercommunity interaction, if nothing else. We do have an IRC channel and it's always great to see new faces. As I mentioned before, there are a number of us who are quite dedicated SaGa Frontier fans.

Q. *Will the RPGDL help maintain backups of our forum, since we're on the same hard drive as them?

A: Yes. In the event that the hosting situation ends up not working on either of our ends, I will provide an entire copy of the forum's files in the case that you decide to migrate elsewhere.

Q. *Do you have experience in web mastering and administration of web sites, and internet message boards and forums? Will you be our admin?

I have some experience with site hosting (I am a system administrator by profession), but it's not my expertise, nor do I wish to maintain a web site. That's an entirely different can of worms unto itself (Talaysen handles the DL site, which is largely quiet, and I pitch in when needed). This proposal is to set up an SMF forumboard with the version you're requesting and adding in mods for it where possible; I'm quite confident that I can figure out most of what you're after in that regards. If you're looking for a dedicated webmaster with your own site that integrates with the boards, though (like, that's beyond the scope of what I'd prefer to do and, to be quite honest, asking a lot of one person. This is for just a forum board.

As I'll be doing the majority of the work here, I will be your technical admin and the one with actual access to server files, but for actual forum administration I'd rather stay out of that and let someone who actually knows the SaGa modding community and project manage the board. I can step in as necessary if requested and will address technical concerns (board downtime, etc.), but anything that can be handled either through moderation or through the Admin features of SMF should be addressed by this person.

Q. *I'm kinda hardheaded about some things, but I have my reasons. I want the Hacks portion of our forum to be unpostable, at least directly. Specifically, if you want to add a hack, I want you to have to fill out a set of custom forms, detailing info about the hack and what platforms you tested it on - among other things - after which the hack will be added to a searchable/browsable database, and a topic will be created in the Hacks forum. After someone posts a bug report or update or recommendation or request on the hack via another set of custom forms, a post featuring the aforementioned info will be added to the relevant topic.

If all of this can be done within the confines of SMF's forum administration tools, then it's possible. Posting restrictions is certainly dead easy to do through it. I'm not so sure about the forms stuff (if you have a mod or plugin that integrates into SMF for that, then I can install it); so long as it doesn't require stepping into the field of hosting a separate site it should be fine.

I will caution that I think it's much more prudent to stay relatively restriction-free and loose about who can post what and where as the project grows. It's only when things have really matured and organization becomes a necessity rather than a luxury that you need to worry about those things. To my knowledge, no actual hacks (outside of hex edits) or mods for SaGa currently exist, it's generally better to let things develop as they will and cohesively piece it all together once there's enough work in progress to justify it. Honestly, a judicious use of stickied topics and forum organization will likely suffice to begin with.


This all, of course, comes with the mandatory disclaimer that all of us (you, myself, anyone involved in the project) are doing all of this out of our free time, and our dedication is largely dependant on our personal vested interests and motivation. If it ever ends up not working out for whatever reason, we can agree to settle things amiably and I will never withhold any kind of work (the forum's files and database in this particular case) from you guys if it comes to that. Flipside, I ask that you recognize that I am just one person and I may not be able to cater to every single technical request you want, or that things may just take time.

The other thing is that Talaysen, as our main admin host (aka he pays for stuff), has the right to bring up any concerns regarding proper use of resources such as bandwidth, space and all of that; these will have to be resolved promptly. I sincerely doubt that any of these will be a concern assuming you're not going to be uploading entire ISOs, though you should utilize off-site data storage (large images and other files, etc.) whenever possible.

If you frequent IRC, please drop by at #rpgdl and fire off a PM to me and we can discuss in real-time if there's further topics that need to be clarified. I think this is a little more efficient than cross-posting on three separate boards.


Last updated: 4/27/2015
WHAT IS IT: An SMRPG hack made by the Lazy Shell editor.
WHERE TO DOWNLOAD: Right here! This is an .ips patch, so you need to use Lunar IPS to apply it. Also, if you need an SNES emulator, snes9x can be downloaded here and ZSNES 1.42 can be downloaded here.
PROGRESS: It's pretty much done.
GOAL: Just a general rebalance and difficulty tweak. Meant for players who have beaten SMRPG at least once and know the game pretty well. Kind of slammed this one out quickly for Tide and lulz.

- Timed blocking is considerably harder. Most attacks will have be re-learned, though the sweet spot of timing for all attacks is the same (roughly where perfect blocking was before).
- Perfect blocking removed.
- Level up bonuses changed to require some actual thought and preference instead of autopilot to the best number. Details further below.
- Character changes:
... Mario - Mostly unchanged, emphasis on being well-rounded in stats, cost effective, gets some unique equips. Still a bland skillset but hits some weaknesses no one else can.
... Mallow - Stick-type weapons now boost M.Def. Glove-type weapons raised in Atk noticeably. Instruments now boost M.Atk. HP Rain now cures status. Snowy and Star Rain now do lots more damage.
... Geno - Geno Boost can no longer self-target. Geno Blast is learned before Geno Whirl. Geno Flash now dispels.
... Bowser - Armor is now no longer totally outclassed by Work Pants. Emphasis placed on tanking ability. Specials are quite good but FP intensive.
... Toadstool - Glove-type weapons now boost Def. Prop-type weapons now raise M.Atk and/or Speed. Healing abilities no longer cure status. Group Hug lowered in power and raised in FP cost.
- Pick Me Ups are no longer storebought (can be purchased for Frog Coins, dropped by many bosses in the game).
- Maple Syrups now cure 30 FP instead of 40. Royal Syrups now cure 50 FP instead of full.
- KeroKeroColas now fully heal the party and cure all status, but no longer restore FP.
- Mid Mushrooms and Max Mushrooms (ST healing consumables) now cost 8 and 16 coins.
- Freshen Ups now only cure Poison, Sleep, and Fear.
- FroggieDrinks, Elixirs, and Megalixirs (MT healing consumables) available at the Juice Bar now heal 20/40/70 HP, and cost 24/36/48 coins respectively.
- Frog Coin costs at the Frog Emporium and Frog Disciple Shop have been overhauled, primarily reduced.
- Equipment documentation added. No more guessing what the hidden properties of stuff are.
- General weapon and armor rebalancing to cut down on useless sidegrades (i.e. Super Hammer vs Masher, Work Pants vs too many things).
- Accessory/unique armor tweaking (nerfs got handed out to the egregious stuff like Lazy Shell and Safety Ring. Stuff like the Attack Scarf and Super Suit got downtoned, though are still quite obviously some of the best equips in the game. Other stuff that was passed over got looked at and tweaked.)
- Randoms generally just improved all around (more damage, more durability, sometimes a few more tricks).
- Pretty much all bosses now multiact and were improved.
- Lightning Orb and Storm were renamed to Dispelling Orb and Disjunction, respectively, to clearly denote that these moves now dispel their targets.

- NOTE: This is an emulator issue. Try using snes9x 1.53 or ZSNES 1.42. Random freezeups involving the inventory screen. I have no idea what causes this and have not seen it myself throughout all testing but several players have reported it. Suggest liberal use of savestating before venturing into your inventory/equips.
- If you die in the middle of an enemy's multiact, they will continue to attempt to finish their multiacting without going to the Game over... prompt. Sometimes this results in just weird/glitched animations, sometimes this will cause the game to lock up. It doesn't terribly matter other than forcing you to reset/load from savestate (which the game over would have done anyway), but it's a bit of a nuisance. This may be addressed eventually if I have the time to go through every monster script in the game and modify them to check for valid targets (unlikely).

Psychopath - 1FP, scans HP
Therapy - 1FP, power 40, heals
Thunderbolt - 2FP, power 15, thunder-elemental, MT
HP Rain - 2FP, power 10, heals, cures status
Mute - 2FP, inflicts Mute, max rotates 16
Jump - 3FP, power 20, powers up with more uses
Geno Beam - 3FP, power 45
Fire Orb - 4FP, power 30, fire-elemental, max hits 16
Shocker - 5FP, power 60, thunder-elemental
Geno Boost - 6FP, boosts stats, can't self-target
Sleepy Time - 6FP, inflicts Sleep, MT, max rotates 16
Super Jump - 7FP, power 45, jump-elemental, max hits 100
Geno Blast - 7FP, power 50, MT
Super Flame - 8FP, power 45, fire-elemental, max 24 hits
Terrorize - 8FP, power 10, inflicts Fear, MT, max rotates 16
Geno Whirl - 8FP, power 95, inflicts ID
Come Back - 8FP, revives
Poison Gas - 9FP, power 20, inflicts Poison, powers up with more uses, MT, max rotates 16
Group Hug - 10FP, power 5, heals, MT
Ultra Jump - 11FP, power 75, jump-elemental, split targets, max hits 100
Ultra Flame - 12FP, power 75, fire-elemental, split targets, max hits 32
Psych Bomb - 12FP, power 60, MT, max hits 16
Crusher - 13FP, power 120
Geno Flash - 14FP, power 75, dispels, MT
Snowy - 15FP, ice-elemental, power 70, MT, max rotates 16
Bowser Crush - 16FP, power 48, ITD, max hits 16
Star Rain - 18FP, power 100, max hits 16

Arrow Rain - 64 power, MT
Aurora Flash - 50 power, MT, inflicts Sleep
Big Bang - 100 power, MT
Blast - 89 power
Blizzard - 32 power, ice-elemental, MT
Bolt - 1 power, thunder-elemental, ITD
Boulder - 72 power, MT
Breaker Beam - 80 power, MT
Corona - 88 power, fire-elemental, MT
Crystal - 25 power, ice-elemental
Dark Star - 160 power
Diamond Saw - 60 power
Disjunction - 108 power, dispels
Dispelling Orb - 20 power, thunder-elemental, dispels
Drain - 4 power, fire-elemental
Drain Beam - 26 power, MT
Electroshock - 72 power, thunder-elemental
Flame - 12 power, fire-elemental
Flame Stone - 32 power, fire-elemental
Flame Wall - 8 power, fire-elemental, MT
Ice Rock - 130 power, ice-elemental
Knock Out - inflicts ID
Light Beam - 24 power, inflicts Sleep, MT
Mega Drain - 12 power, fire-elemental, ITD
Mega Recover - 255 power, heals
Meteor Blast - 34 power, MT
Meteor Swarm - 90 power, MT
Petal Blast - 40 power, inflicts Mushroom, MT
Recover - 125 power, heals
Sand Storm - 16 power, inflicts Fear, MT
Shredder - dispels, MT
Sledge - 10 power, ITD, MT
Solidify - 47 power, ice-elemental, MT
Spear Rain - 60 power, MT
Static E! - 12 power, thunder-elemental, MT
Sword Rain - 80 power, MT
Water Blast - 39 power, MT
Weird Mushroom - 60 power, heals
Willy Wisp - 24 power, ITD

Amulet - Speed -5, Attack/Defense/M.Attack/M.Defense +7, halves fire/ice
Antidote Pin - Defense/M.Defense +4, immunes Mute & Poison
Attack Scarf - Attack/M.Attack +30, Mario only
B'tub Ring - M.Attack +20, halves ice, nulls fire, Toadstool only
Chomp - Attack +10, variance 4, Bowser weapon
Chomp Shell - Attack +12, variance 3, Bowser weapon
Coin Trick - doubles coins won, immunes ID, Mario only
Courage Shell - Defense +32, M.Defense +14, immunes Fear, Bowser armor
Double Punch - Attack +35, variance 5, Geno weapon
Drill Claw - Attack +65, variance 25, Bowser weapon
Exp. Booster - doubles Exp earned
Fearless Pin - Defense/M.Defense +5, immunes Fear
Feather - Speed +20, Attack/M.Attack +15, Defense/M.Defense -5
Finger Shot - Attack +12, variance 3, Geno weapon
Fire Cape - Defense +30, M.Defense +15, halves fire, Geno armor
Fire Dress - Defense +42, M.Defense +21, halves fire, Toadstool armor
Fire Pants - Defense +42, M.Defense +21, halves fire, Mallow armor
Fire Shell - Defense +46, M.Defense +24, halves fire, Bowser armor
Fire Shirt - Defense +42, M.Defense +21, halves fire, Mario armor
FroggieStick - Attack +20, M.Defense +10, variance 2, Mallow weapon
Frying Pan - Attack +90, variance 20, Toadstool weapon
Fuzzy Cape - Defense +24, M.Defense +12, Geno armor
Fuzzy Dress - Defense +36, M.Defense +18, Toadstool armor
Fuzzy Pants - Defense +36, M.Defense +18, Mallow armor
Fuzzy Shirt - Defense +36, M.Defense +18, Mario armor
Ghost Medal - auto-boosts Defense
Hammer (Hammer Bros) - Attack +10, variance 1, Mario weapon
Hammer (Seaside) - M.Attack -50, variance 100, inflicts Lucky status, immunes all status, Mario weapon
Hand Cannon - Attack +45, variance 6, Geno weapon
Hand Gun - Attack +24, variance 4, Geno weapon
Happy Cape - Defense +12, M.Defense +6, Geno armor
Happy Pants - Defense +24, M.Defense +12, Mallow armor
Happy Shell - Defense +16, M.Defense +10, Bowser armor
Happy Shirt - Defense +24, M.Defense +12, Mario armor
Heal Shell - Defense +60, M.Defense +30, Bowser armor
Hero Shirt - Defense +48, M.Defense +24, Mario armor
Hurly Gloves - Attack +20, variance 5, Bowser weapon
Jinx Belt - Attack/Defense +30, immunes Fear
Jump Shoes - Speed +2, Defense/M.Defense +1, M.Attack +5, bypasses Jump immunity, Mario only
Lazy Shell (weapon) - Attack +90, variance 40, Mario weapon
Lazy Shell (armor) - Speed/Attack/M.Attack -20, Defense/M.Defense +75, halves all elements, universal armor
Masher - Attack +50, variance 30, Mario weapon
Mega Cape - Defense +12, M.Defense +3, Geno armor
Mega Glove - Attack +64, variance 6, Mario weapon
Mega Pants - Defense +18, M.Defense +9, Mallow armor
Mega Shirt - Defense +18, M.Defense +10, Mario armor
NauticaDress - Defense +30, M.Defense +15, Toadstool armor
NokNok Shell - Attack +20, variance 2, Mario weapon
Pants - Defense +6, M.Defense +3, Mallow armor
Parasol - Attack +50, M.Attack +10, Speed +5, variance 4, Toadstool weapon
Polka Dress - Defense +24, M.Defense +12, Toadstool armor
Prince Pants - Defense +48, M.Defense +24, Mallow armor
Punch Gloves - Attack +30, variance 3, Mario weapon
Quartz Charm - auto-boosts Attack and Defense
Rare Scarf - Defense/M.Defense +20
Ribbit Stick - Attack +50, M.Defense +25, variance 5, Mallow weapon
Royal Dress - Defense +48, M.Defense +24, Toadstool armor
Safety Badge - Defense/M.Defense +10, immunes Mushroom/Sleep
Safety Ring - Halves ice/thunder, immunes ID
Sailor Cape - Defense +18, M.Defense +9, Geno armor
Sailor Pants - Defense +30, M.Defense +15, Mallow armor
Sailor Shirt - Defense +30, M.Defense +15, Mario armor
Scrooge Ring - cuts FP use in half during battle
Shirt - Defense +6, M.Defense +6, Mario armor
Signal Ring - Speed +30, nulls thunder, noise indicates hidden chest
Slap Glove - Attack +40, Defense +4, variance 4, Toadstool weapon
Sonic Cymbal - Attack +70, M.Attack +35, variance 7, Mallow weapon
Spiked Link - Attack +30, variance 6, Bowser weapon
Star Cape - Defense +36, M.Defense +18, Geno armor
Star Gun - Attack +60, Defense/M.Attack/M.Defense +3, variance 6, Geno weapon
Sticky Glove - Attack +90, variance 15, Mallow weapon
Super Hammer - Attack +48, Defense +8, variance 4, Mario weapon
Super Slap - Attack +80, Defense +8, variance 8, Toadstool weapon
Super Suit - Speed/Attack/Defense/M.Attack/M.Defense +15, nulls all elements
Thick Pants - Defense +12, M.Defense +6, Mallow armor
Thick Shirt - Defense +12, M.Defense +8, Mario armor
Troopa Pin - M.Attack/M.Defense +5, auto-boosts Attack
Troopa Shell - Attack +56, variance 5, Mario weapon
Trueform Pin - Defense/M.Defense +4, immunes Mushroom/Scarecrow
Ultra Hammer - Attack +100, variance 7, Mario weapon
Wake Up Pin - Defense/M.Defense +3, immunes Sleep
War Fan - Attack +70, M.Attack +15, variance 16, Toadstool weapon
Whomp Glove - Attack +60, variance 20, Mallow weapon
Work Pants - Speed -3, Attack/M.Attack +10, Defense/M.Defense +5, immunes ID, universal armor
Zoom Shoes - Speed/Defense +10, M.Defense +5

All level up bonuses rotate through the following bonuses.

Phase 1: Attack +1/Defense +2, HP +3, M.Attack +1/M.Defense +2
Phase 2: Attack +1/Defense +1, HP +2, M.Attack +1/M.Defense +1
Phase 3 is char-dependent.

Mario: Attack +2/Defense +2, HP +5, M.Attack +2/M.Defense +2
Toadstool: Attack +1/Defense +2, HP +4, M.Attack +2/M.Defense +1
Bowser: Attack +3/Defense +2, HP +5, M.Attack +4/M.Defense +1
Geno: Attack +2/Defense +1, HP +4, M.Attack +2/M.Defense +1
Mallow: Attack +2/Defense +2, HP +4, M.Attack +2/M.Defense +1

Hammer Bros: L2
Croco 1: L3
Mack: L4-5
Belome 1: L5
Bowyer: L6
Croco 2/Punchinello: L7
Guys/Bundt: L8-9
King Calamari: L10
Johnny/Yaridovich: L11
Belome 2: L13-14
Megasmilax: L14-15
Birdo: L15-L16
Valentina & Dodo: L16-17
Czar Dragon/Axems: L17-18
Magikoopa/Boomer/Exor: L18-20
Count Down/Domino & Cloaker: L19-21
Gunyolk & Factory Chief: L20-L22
Smithy: L21+

Booster: L8-9
Jinx 1: L13
Jinx 2: L14-15
Jinx 3: L16-18
Culex: L20+

Spoilers! Boss stat topic.

Tournaments / Ice Cream Tournament: With Bonus Match, Round 2
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:11:07 PM »
Butter Pecan vs Mint Chocolate Chip, 10-21
Strawberry vs Pistachio, 15-11
Cookie Dough vs Rocky Road, 21-11
Moose Tracks vs Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, 8-17
Rum and Raisin vs Peach, 6-12
Chocolate vs Vanilla, 11-21
Peppermint vs Coffee, 14-12
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough vs Cookies and Cream, 16-15


Mint Chocolate Chip vs Cookie Dough
Strawberry vs Peach
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup vs Vanilla
Peppermint vs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Butter Pecan vs Rocky Road
Pistachio vs Moose Tracks
Rum and Raisin vs Coffee
Chocolate vs Cookies and Cream

Cup vs Cone

(Note, plain cones, not sugar cones or M&M coated cones or any of that nonsense that would charge you extra)

Tournaments / Ice Cream Tournament: In the name of Dairy, ROUND 1
« on: December 10, 2009, 04:49:42 AM »
This will be quick, short, and sweet.


Butter Pecan vs Mint Chocolate Chip
Strawberry vs Pistachio
Cookie Dough vs Rocky Road
Moose Tracks vs Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Rum and Raisin vs Peach
Chocolate vs Vanilla
Peppermint vs Coffee
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough vs Cookies and Cream

Tournaments / Ice Cream Nominations
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:41:42 PM »
Yes that's right.

This will be a battle of the taste buds.


Post up to 3 ice cream flavors. Try to make them recognizable and generic flavors that people can identify without having to go to a company site or some such. I would like to group similar flavors where possible and all.

An ice cream flavor must get at least 3 nominations to be considered.


Forum Games / [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:53:43 PM »
This is war.

This is madness.

This is...

Play nice in hilarious trainwreck potential to the amusement of all involved and those not as well. Have fun. Aim to win. Rules are in the signups thread.

Brave Warriors of Boggy B, Living
2. Glen
7. Soppy
8. Smodge
9. Tom
11. Kilga

Incinerated into Post-Nuclear Ash


The game is over. Town wins!

Previous Day End links:
Day 1 Final Votecount
Day 2 Final Votecount
Day 3 Final Votecount
Day 4 Final Votecount
Day 5 Game End

(Note: Smashy will be co-modding. And throwing-a-nade.)

Forum Games / Worms Mafia Signups (Start Date: Wed 8/19)
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:33:18 AM »
Many moons have passed since the worms went to war.
Onwards and upwards, bigger weapons than before.
Boggy B took cover, he shivered on patrol.
The arms race crazy, simply way out of control.

Then his friend threw it, the latest device.
Boggy B went and got it, against all advice - 'What the...?'
His tail was split, and his energy lost.
How many more will this dreaded war cost?

Then came the nuke, and the disease tumbling down.
If the bug didn't get to you, you'd probably drown.
But the worms battled on, through hunger and pain.
Living to fight, just to victor again.

And now it's the curtain call, the final onslaught,
no better bullet could you possibly have bought.
But spare a thought for Boggy and with it his friend.
So fight with their honour, and fight until the end

(Semi-open setup, stolen FROM Rat)

- Town must lynch; ties are resolved via sudden death.
- Scum must kill
- Serial killers must kill
- Days will be 48 hours, subject to extension if desired by popular demand. Post ##Extension if you want one and if at least half of you want it it will happen. LYLO will have no time limit.
- Replacements will only be permitted on days one and two. Any hardcore lurkers or people who want to quit will simply be killed after that.
- Play to win
- Don't be lame
- Don't edit your posts
- If you're not sure, ask, especially if you want role clarifications.

Town (Town wins by killing all other factions, excluding any survivors.)
Doctor (May or may not be able to protect self. May or may not be able to protect the same person twice in a row.)
Cop (Sane, Insane)
Vigilante (Nightvig only, may be compulsive, may have limited shots)
Bomb (Kills anyone who hammers him; kills anyone attempting to kill him at night.)
Jailer (Doc+Roleblocker, can't self-target)
Miller (Special, may be attached to any of the above roles.)

Scum (One scum must go on the kill, they lose any powers they have that night if so. Scum can talk to each other out of the thread. Scum wins by killing everyone else, except any Survivors.)
Doctor (The scumdoc will only appear if an SK or another scumteam exists. You can't use the scumdoc to protect against your own scumkill.)
Hitman (May ignore protections of any kind if sent on the kill. May have limited uses.)
Roleblocker (Blocks passive roles for that night as well, i.e. bomb, bulletproof, miller)

Third Party (None will exist in a game with less than 13 people in it, guaranteed.)
Serial Killer (May be bulletproof, may flip town to investigations.)
Survivor (Doesn't need to be eliminated by either side, may possess any other role.)

1. Birthday Rat
2. Glen, wears a veil
3. Bard "Scum MVP" Diche
4. The number of Alex's it takes to screw in a light bulb
5. The Vice President of the Great United States of America
6. Ex "Vanilla Townie N1 Kill" Cal
7. Soppy, who forgot his coat on Tuesday
9. Dread Thomas
10. It's Mage-tastic
12. The Unfortunate Hybrid of Dinosaur and Martial Artist
13. That guy whose name starts with X
14. Alice out of Wonderland
15. Kiro (yeah okay I ran out of witty things to say)

General Chat / Mahjong tutorial
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:39:14 AM »
So I made this in response to some of us getting around and playing on Tenhou again, a Japanese Mahjong online simulator (it's free and fairly easy to use once you know which buttons to click). And giving the mightily steep and daunting learning curve Mahjong has, I decided to write this up.

Oh, quick link before I forget, Tenhou's link is here:

I will write a second post on how to use the interface shortly.


Step 1. Watch Akagi.

No I'm not kidding. It is often confusing as to why people would put so much effort to learn a game as complicated as Mahjong. The reason is because they have watched Akagi. Have you watched Akagi? No? Solve this.

(Note that Akagi is worth watching even if you have no interest in playing the game. In fact you may develop an interest to do so AFTER watching it. I had zero knowledge and/or interest in Mahjong initially, this show changed that.)

Convenient link:

If you are reading this and still think I am joking, I am not. I only got the motivation to learn this game after watching Akagi. Try it first. Really.

Step 2. Actually learning Mahjong.

Well hopefully you actually went and watched Akagi and thus have some idea of what it means when people scream RON! RON! RON! ROOOOOOOOON! at each other and all that nonsense. This will make adjusting to the game much more comfortable. If not, I hope you're patient! It's a fun game once you learn it, though, really.


In a lot of ways Mahjong plays like Gin Rummy. The objective of the game is to arrange your tiles in such a manner that you have favorable sequences/combinations that add up to a winning hand.

At the start of the game, you are dealt 13 tiles. Every turn you draw a tile, and end your turn by discarding a tile.

There are two very basic patterns that you want in Mahjong - sequences (for example, 4-5-6 of the same suit) or three-of-a-kinds (three of the same tile). Tiles arranged in this pattern are called melds. There are also four-of-a-kinds (four of the same tile, as you'd expect). Shorthand, these are referred to as seqs, tris, and quads, respectively.

Of 12 of your tiles, you want to form 4 melds (note that quads effectively count as tris because everytime you form a quad, you draw an extra tile). The remaining 2 tiles (1 from your original 13, and 1 from your draw) need to form a pair. Thus, 4 melds and 1 pair result in a winning hand.

The tileset is as follows:

The first three rows on that chart are the equivalent of suits in playing cards - the pin (dots), sou (bams), and man (craks) tiles. There are nine of them, numbered from 1 to 9. The pin and sou tiles are fairly easy to read, but man tiles take a while to get used to, so don't be afraid to keep this chart handy for reference.

The remaining tiles are called character tiles (or honor tiles). The wind tiles represent the four cardinal directions - east, south, west, north (in that order). The element tiles (or dragon tiles) represent three colors - haku (white), hatsu (green), and chun (red) respectively.

These tiles are special and valuable in ways that will be explained further on; just note for now that they are not like the suits, and do not form sequences, only three-of-a-kinds. You also do not need to concern yourself with reading the wind tiles and figuring out what direction they are, as Tenhou renders it moot for you.


A player can win with a hand by the two following methods:

1. Won on discard (ron). This happens when another player discards a tile that happens to be your winning tile. In such a case, the money earned from your hand is paid directly from the discarding player (this is called a direct hit).
2. Won on self-draw (tsumo). This happens when the winning tile is drawn on your turn. In such a case, the money earned from your hand is paid from all other players.

In addition, your hand must have a score multiplier (yaku) of at least 1. This is hands down the most important thing to realize as a starting player in Mahjong. See the Multipliers section later on for more detail.

A unique rule to keep in mind is furiten. Basically, this rule states that you cannot win on discard with a tile that you have already discarded sometime that round. (For example, if your wait is a 5-pin but you discarded a 5-pin earlier, you CANNOT ron off someone else who discards a 5-pin. You can, however, still tsumo by drawing a 5-pin.) This basically means that players can look at your discard pile and toss tiles you've already discarded as "safe" discards if you are in tenpai (and especially if you are in riichi).


Aside from the standard draw-and-discard you get every turn, you can also call on other people's tiles. This is the main element of strategy in the game. Essentially, calling is taking a player's discarded tile and forming a meld from it. Calling immediately changes the current turn to yours (no matter what the current order was, making it possible to skip other player's turns) and replaces your drawn tile.

The following forms of calling exist:

chi - Calling on a tile that forms a sequence for you (for example, you have a 4-pin and a 5-pin and the tile discarded is a 3-pin or a 6-pin. This also works for something like 3-sou and 5-sou, and the tile discarded is a 4-sou). You can only call chi on discarded tiles from the player that goes before you. This is not true for other forms of calling.
pon - Calling on a tile that forms a tri for you (for example, you have two chuns and a player discards a chun).
kan - Calling on a tile that forms a quad for you (same as above, except you have three in hand). Forming a quad will cause you to immediately draw an extra tile as well.
self-called kan - This is not a normal form of calling, but it bears mentioning. You can call kan on your own turn if you have a quad from naturally drawn tiles. The advantages (and disadvantages) of this are explained further under the Dora section.

There is a consequence to calling tiles, and it goes back to hand composition: the concept of closed and open hands.

Closed hands are ones where you never call on other people's discarded tiles (essentially, you never call chi, pon, or kan, although self-called kans are fine, and so is ron). In essence, your hand remains "closed" because it is composed entirely of tiles you drew yourself. Closed hands have a strong score advantage in that you can earn multipliers much more easily with them, since they are harder to compose and maintain.

Open hands are the opposite - hands where you HAVE called chi, pon, or kan. Other than the flexibility of being able to use other people's discards (and the fact that, once you open a hand, you can't make it 'more' open, so you have no reason not to call as much as you want) open hands are worth less and best avoided if possible if you're trying to score high. Usually, people go for open hands if they are trying to score a quick win (perhaps to prevent another player from winning) or if they are struggling to get at least 1 multiplier on their hands (beginners often have trouble doing that).

See the Multipliers section below as to the exact consequences of having closed and open hands.


As stated earlier, in order to have a winning hand in Mahjong, you need to have 4 melds and 1 pair. You also need to have 1 multiplier (yaku). What is a multiplier? Well, essentially, certain patterns and combinations give more yaku, just like in poker where certain hands are worth more than others.

In this case, think of it this way: in poker, you can still win a hand in theory even if you don't have something as measly as a two pair. In Mahjong, this is not true. You MUST have the equivalent of at least a two pair to win a hand, if not better.

In addition, unlike in Poker, Mahjong allows you to combine patterns. To continue using the poker analogy, if you had a four-of-a-kind, it would be just that. But in Mahjong, it would be a four-of-a-kind, a three-of-a-kind, *and* two pairs all at once. This results in a huge range of possible multiplier combinations.

Multipliers are listed below. Note that many, many multipliers are worth more on a closed hand instead of an open hand.

Additionally, this page provides much more detailed explanation and examples of multipliers than this tutorial will. I will summarize briefly, but all of the information below is drawn more or less from that page and that particular section.

I am also only listing the most common combinations that will likely come up. There are many weird ways to score (for example, winning on the very last tile in the round is worth 1 yaku) that I am excluding for sake of brevity.

Common multipliers to look for as a beginner: riichi (keep a closed hand, Tenhou will automatically tell you if you have a winning hand!), special chars (three of any of the dragon tiles - haku, hatsu, chun - are worth 1 multiplier, as well as your seat wind or the round wind), end-less (no 1's or 9's of any suit, and no character tiles), seven pairs (just that - seven pairs), double-double (no sequences at all, only tris and quads).

When you are 1 tile away from winning (your hand is composed in such a way that one remaining tile will complete the last meld or pair you need to have), you are considered to be in tenpai ('waiting on tiles'). When in tenpai and with a closed hand, you can declare riichi. It costs 1000 to declare riichi.

Once you declare riichi, you auto-discard every tile you draw that isn't your winning tile. You essentially wait until you draw your winning tile or someone discards it. In exchange, if you win through riichi, you get 1 yaku, plus you get ura-dora (reverse dora) - see the Dora section for more details on that.

SPECIAL CHARS - 1 yaku. Tri or quad of an honor tile (haku, hatsu, chun). Also tri or quad of your seat wind, or the round wind. (See Tenhou interface picture to figure out what those are.)
END-LESS - 1 yaku. No end cards (1's and 9's of any suit and character tiles).

STRONGLY CLOSED HAND - 1 yaku. A hand that is closed and won on self-draw (tsumo).
ALL SEQUENCE - 1 yaku. Must be closed. No tris or melds in hand. Pair cannot be a character tile. Winning tile must complete a sequence with both sides open (for example, a 2-pin and 3-pin where you're waiting on a 1-pin or an 4-pin whereas 1-2 waiting on 3 is NOT legal)
DOUBLE SEQUENCE - 1 yaku. Must be closed. Two completely identical sequences of the same suit (i.e. 4-sou, 5-sou, 6-sou twice).

DRAGON'S BREATH - 1 yaku (2 if closed). 1 through 9 of the same suit.
DIRTY END-FULL - 1 yaku (2 if closed). Every meld has at least one end card and the pair is composed of end cards (1's and 9's of any suit and character tiles).
THREE SUIT SAME SEQUENCE - 1 yaku (2 if closed). The same sequence in all three suits (i.e. 2-3-4 of pins, sous, and mans).

THREE SUIT SAME TRIPLE - 2 yaku. The same tri in all three suits (i.e. three 4-pins, three 4-sous, three 4-mans).
SEVEN PAIRS - 2 yaku. No melds, just have 7 pairs that are distinct (four of a kinds don't count as two pairs). This is an exception to the 4 melds, 1 pair for winning hand rule. Closed by necessity (you can't call pairs).
DOUBLE-DOUBLE - 2 yaku. No sequences in your melds.
THREE QUADS - 2 yaku. Three quads.

THREE CLOSED TRIPLES - 2 yaku. Must be closed. Three tris or quads.

DIRTY ONE-SUITER - 2 yaku (3 if closed). All tiles are of the same suit or is a character tile.
PURE END-FULL - 2 yaku (3 if closed). All tiles have at least one terminal (a 1 or 9 of a suit). Cannot contain character tiles (this distinguishes it from the DIRTY END-FULL).

DOUBLE DOUBLE SEQUENCE - 3 yaku. Must be closed. Two pairs of identical sequences (i.e. 3-4-5 pin twice, 1-2-3 man twice).
LITTLE THREE ELEMENTS - 4 yaku. Two melds (tris) and a pair of the dragon tiles (haku, hatsu, chun).
DIRTY TERMINALS - 5 yaku. All tiles are ends (1's and 9's of any suit and character tiles).
ONE-SUITER - 5 yaku (6 if closed). All tiles are of the same suit. No character tiles, which distinguishes it from the DIRTY ONE-SUITER.

Yakuman Hands
These hands are basically instant win on the scoreboard and iconic. You see them a lot in Akagi! The equivalent of Straight/Royal Flushes in Poker.

BIG THREE ELEMENTS (Daisangen) - Three melds of the dragon tiles (haku, hatsu, chun).
LITTLE FOUR JOYS - Three melds and a pair of the winds.
BIG FOUR JOYS - Four melds of the winds.
FOUR CLOSED TRIPLES - Must be closed. Four tris/quads.
FOUR QUADRUPLES - Four quads. Incredibly hard to attain (the fourth kan causes the game to end in a draw, so you must draw the winning tile from the kan).
PURE CHARS - All character tiles.
PURE TERMINALS - All terminal tiles (1's and 9's of suits).
PURE GREEN - All "green" tiles only (hatsu, 2-sou, 3-sou, 4-sou, 6-sou, 8-sou).
THE NINE LANTERNS - 1112345678999 in one suit and any other tile in that suit.
PEERLESS KINGDOM/13 ENDS - One of each of the ends (1's, 9's, char tiles) and any other end.


Dora is another scoring mechanic. It is not as important as multipliers to beginners because you don't need dora in a winning hand. However, it plays a big role in making cheap hands worth much much more, and thus should be taken into consideration.

At the start of every round, one tile is flipped on the dead wall - the dora indicator. The tile that comes immediately AFTER this tile is the dora (for example, a 4-pin indicator would mean the 5-pin is the dora; a chun indicator would make the haku the dora).

If you have dora tiles in your hand, it's worth more. The basic principle is to work them into your hand if you can. This only matters if you win, of course, and dora tiles do NOT meet the 1 yaku requirement to make a hand legally winnable.

Additionally, whenever a player calls kan (a quad), an additional dora indicator is flipped. This leads to potential craziness where you have many possible dora tiles and can cause hand values to skyrocket. Note that calling kan four times in one round (and revealing four dora indicators) will cause the game to draw.

Finally, when a player wins with riichi, he gets ura-dora (reverse dora). The dead wall is flipped, and the tiles beneath the dora indicator(s) are also counted as dora indicators (this is particularly devastating when combined with kans). There is no way to predict in advance which ura-doras will show up, so it's a crapshoot, but with a potentially big payoff.

NOTE TO NEW VISITORS: For a cleaner, less obtuse version of this post and the attached changelog below, check out LFT's front page.


Last Patch Update: 08/13/2013
- Download the LFT patch here. This requires a fresh vanilla FFT ISO and can be applied with the program linked directly below (PPF-O-Matic). (LFT patch with in-game music disabled.)
- Download PPF-O-MATIC here to apply the patch to an FFT ISO. Remember that you must apply it to a clean (unpatched) ISO or it will not function properly!
- Download the LFT patch w/ PSP translation included (combines FFT Complete with LFT). Note gameplay-related terms and documentation have not been changed (classes, items, abilities and whatnot still use vanilla translation, but story scenes, character names and locations use the WotL translation). Credit goes to Cheetah, creator of FFT Complete, for making this possible, as well as Tonfa for spending the time to compile this together. (LFT+Complete patch with in-game music disabled.)

* LFT Abilities Reference Document. A list of all abilities in LFT for every PC-playable job, including formulas for each ability, their effects, JP costs, range/CT/MP/effect area values, and what abilities are learnable on what class. Innate RSM for jobs are also documented.
* LFT Equipment Reference Document. A list of all equipment in LFT (weapons, armor, accessories) and their effects.
* LFT Stats Reference Document. A list of all stat values in LFT for every PC-playable job, including growth and stat multipliers, job unlocks, and wearable equipment.
* LFT Monster Affinities Reference Document. A list of all elemental properties and innate status properties in LFT for PC-playable monsters.


LFT is a modification of Final Fantasy Tactics, making some dramatic changes to its gameplay while preserving non-gameplay aspects (the story, characters, etc. have all been left unmodified). Through all these changes I would like to believe that I have preserved the spirit of the gameplay itself - the vast array of options it offers, the tactical potential it has always boasted over most SRPGs out there, and above all else, the things that make it such an enjoyable game that has weathered the test of time admirably.

LFT has three main goals:
1. To improve the usability and balance in all aspects of gameplay, without removing options or impeding on personal preference whenever possible. (classes, items, etc.)
2. To reduce the necessity of grind and other tedious aspects of the game. (faster JP gain, easier class unlocks, better poaches, etc.)
3. To streamline the game's difficulty so that it remained challenging to a player who previously played FFT, without forcing optimization or any extraneous leveling.

Furthermore, to accomplish these goals while keeping things fun was readily kept in mind. An all too easy trap to fall into is the idea that everything has to be made hard when fan-made. (Special thanks to m.c. for correcting the course for me whenever it looked like I was about to fall into that!)

As far as what was deemed "broken" and what wasn't, the ease at which something could be abused was heavily factored into any balance changes made. Things like Brave/Faith modification and the like were preserved simply because of the amount of effort required to take advantage of them and the decision to leave extensive twinking options available to the player should they feel that was the most enjoyable way to play the game. On the other hand, a good number of abilities that were brutal in terms of power and efficiency (early summons, Auto-Potion, etc.) were nerfed, whether directly or through making them harder to get, because they were simultaneously powerful and easy to obtain. Whenever possible, though, options were either refined or moved in difficulty to acquire, rather than removed from the game outright.

A summary of changes follows:
- Classes have been revamped significantly in every factor - stat multipliers and growths, wearable equipment, ability effects, JP costs, unlock requirements, innate RSM, etc.; they are all still very recognizable from their FFT designs, but have been retooled and rebalanced to all be viable. Special jobs are included in this criteria.
- Monsters have been reworked in a similar manner and are more challenging than their FFT incarnations, as well as being worthwhile PC replacements in their own right. All monsters have innate Monster Skill, which allows them to access new abilities when near each other. Random encounters are no longer complete fodder.
- Equipment has been tweaked to be more versatile and offer a wider range of effects available. Traditionally underused equipment was given special emphasis in finding new niches and roles to fill.
- All of these changes apply to the enemy side as well, making them more well-rounded and generally more challenging on their own, as even the common Knight and Archer are respectable foes now.
- In-game documentation changes for all of the above have been included in-game. Rare battle directions are noted on location descriptions. Additional information that was previously invisible to players (such as innate abilities on PC classes or actual CT values on spells) has been added for greater transparency.
- Storyline encounters have had enemy job selection diversified to give a wider range of enemies and strategies you face against.
- Bosses have been improved in general (the majority now have innate Defense UP and Magic DefendUP) to give them more of a fighting chance, especially in assassination missions.
- Random encounters now only occur when you deliberately select to move to the map location with the random encounter (i.e. you will never get random encounters while transitioning over a spot). The direction of your approach still matters for which encounters you can get.
- Move-Find Item rewards for non-DD locations have been altered to be more worthwhile (the panel locations themselves are unchanged). You may find some fun stuff at some of the more unique panels (like the previously inaccessible one in Bervenia Volcano!) DD panels remain mostly unchanged with a few shuffles.
- The Beowulf sidequest (Colliery, Nevelska) has been modified to fit with aftergame content and the fights have been redesigned from scratch to be appropriately challenging for optional encounters.
- The Deep Dungeon has 1 specially designed fight per floor (out of 4) designed as optional superfights. END has been changed entirely to custom fights. All Deep Dungeon maps are now automatically lit with a crystal.

Credit goes to:
* metroid composite, for her endless wealth of FFT mechanical knowledge and expertise and for many, many test playthroughs during the infancy of the mod. Without m.c., this would not have been completed or expanded as far as it did.
* Tonfa, for working closely with me on feedback and suggestions for months and doing extensive testing and sanity checking whenever I needed it, as well as helping me with the reference documents. He's done many playthroughs and contributed direct work on the mod, and is practically a co-author at this point.
* The FFHacktics community in general, for helping me out with several technical problems I was stuck on and for providing such wonderful editing tools that made this mod possible.
* Everyone who played the mod. You all know who you are, and in the end you were the reason I kept this thing up for more than a whole year.


What follows is a brief section of LFT's changelog.

NOTE: This is a non-complete summation of the primary job changes to get a feel of what's been altered; for detailed specifics, and for other changes such as equipment, it is highly recommended you view the reference documents linked at the start of this post.

* All equipment, abilities, job wheel prerequisites, etc. have had their in-game documentation modified to reflect LFT's changes. The select button is reliable for finding nearly all changes. The SP values in abilities' documentation have been converted to CT values.
* For complete detailed information, especially on equipment and stat changes, refer to the reference documents at the start of this post.

* All PC classes have innate [Gained JP Up]
* Poison and Regen status CT increased from 36 to 52
* The Oil status now functions as intended (take 2x from fire damage)
* A new status, Wall, exists (reduces all damage to 1, lasts for 12 CT)
* JP scroll glitch has been fixed
* [Secret Hunt] ability is not required to enter the Fur Shop

(The following changes apply only to the base Squire.)
* Can equip Knight Swords, Crossbows, Sticks, and Robes
* HP Multiplier increased from 100 to 110
* MP Growth improved from 15 to 11
* MP Multiplier increased from 75 to 110
* Speed Multiplier increased from 100 to 110
* PA Growth improved from 60 to 48
* PA Multiplier increased from 90 to 110
* MA Multiplier increased from 80 to 110
* Acquired innate [Monster Skill]
* [Yell] added to ability list
* [Replenish] added to ability list, 1 range, 2 vertical, restores MP (MA*8)
* [Reinforce] added to ability list, 1 range, 2 vertical, can't self-target, adds Defending and Reraise status (100%)
* [Throw Stone], [Dash], and [Counter Tackle] now inflict 100% knockback (barring terrain/special char concerns)
* [Heal] cures additional statuses (Petrify, Confusion, Berserk, Oil, Frog, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act)
* [Yell] can no longer be self-targeted
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Accumulate: 300 -> 150 JP
  ... Yell: 200 -> 250 JP
  ... Replenish: 400 JP
  ... Reinforce: 800 JP

(The following changes apply to all base Jobs, including base Squires.)
* [Defend] removed from ability list
* [Move +1] removed from ability list
* [Gained JP Up] removed from ability list
* [Gained Exp Up] added to ability list
* [Move-Get Exp] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Counter Tackle: 180 -> 100 JP
  ... Equip Axe: 170 -> 150 JP
  ... Monster Skill: 200 -> 50 JP
  ... Move-Get Exp: 400 -> 200 JP

* HP Growth improved from 12 to 11
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [Distribute] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Hi-Potion: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Ether: 300 -> 100 JP
  ... Hi-Ether: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... Elixir: 900 -> 300 JP
  ... Eye Drop: 80 -> 10 JP
  ... Antidote: 70 -> 20 JP
  ... Echo Grass: 120 -> 30 JP
  ... Maiden's Kiss: 200 -> 40 JP
  ... Soft: 250 -> 50 JP
  ... Holy Water: 400 -> 60 JP
  ... Remedy: 700 -> 200 JP
  ... Phoenix Down: 90 -> 250 JP
  ... Distribute: 200 -> 50 JP
  ... Auto Potion: 400 -> 1000 JP
  ... Throw Item: 350 -> 150 JP
  ... Maintenance: 250 -> 150 JP

* Move increased from 3 to 4
* Speed Multiplier decreased from 100 to 90
* Acquired innate [Defense UP] and [Magic DefendUP]
* [Defend] added to ability list
* [Move +1] added to ability list
* [Weapon Guard] removed from ability list
* All "Break" skill accuracies increased to 100% (still subject to evade)
* [Magic Break] now dispels all positive status (ala Dispel Magic) plus Innocent
* [Speed Break] Speed damage decreased from 2 to 1
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Head Break: 300 -> 150 JP
  ... Armor Break: 400 -> 150 JP
  ... Shield Break: 300 -> 50 JP
  ... Weapon Break: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Magic Break: 250 -> 200 JP
  ... Speed Break: 250 -> 400 JP
  ... Power Break: 250 -> 200 JP
  ... Mind Break: 250 -> 100 JP
  ... Equip Armor: 500 -> 300 JP
  ... Equip Shield: 250 -> 200 JP
  ... Equip Sword: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... Move +1: 200 -> 400 JP

* Can equip Robes
* MP Multiplier increased from 65 to 100
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* MA Multiplier increased from 80 to 100
* C.Evade increased from 10% to 30%
* Acquired innate [Ignore Height]
* [Charge+1] removed from ability list
* [Jump +1] removed from ability list
* [Speed Save] removed from ability list
* [Charge+6] added to ability list, adds 6 power for 5 CT
* [Ignore Height] added to ability list
* [Charge+2] changed from +5 CT to +1 CT
* [Charge+3] changed from +6 CT to +2 CT
* [Charge+4] changed from +8 CT to +3 CT
* [Charge+5] changed from +10 CT to +4 CT
* [Charge+7] changed from +14 CT to +6 CT
* [Charge+10] changed from +20 CT to +9 CT
* [Charge+20] changed from +35 CT to +15 CT
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Charge+2: 150 -> 100 JP
  ... Charge+3: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Charge+4: 250 -> 200 JP
  ... Charge+5: 300 -> 250 JP
  ... Charge+6: 300 JP
  ... Charge+7: 400 -> 350 JP
  ... Charge+10: 600 -> 400 JP
  ... Charge+20: 1000 -> 500 JP
  ... Arrow Guard: 450 -> 250 JP
  ... Equip Bow: 350 -> 150 JP
  ... Ignore Height: 700 -> 300 JP

* Move increased from 3 to 4
* [Move HP-Up] removed from ability list
* [Jump +3] added to ability list
* [Spin Fist] effect area increased from 2v0 to 3v1
* [Revive] vertical tolerance increased from 0 to 1
* [Secret Fist] hit rate increased from +50 to +70, now also inflicts Don't Move
* [Stigma Magic] status cured changed to Undead, Petrify, Frog, Poison, Slow, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Spin Fist: 150 -> 100 JP
  ... Repeating Fist: 300 -> 150 JP
  ... Wave Fist: 300 -> 200 JP
  ... Earth Slash: 600 -> 500 JP
  ... Secret Fist: 300 -> 100 JP
  ... Stigma Magic: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Chakra: 350 -> 250 JP
  ... Revive: 500 -> 250 JP
  ... HP Restore: 500 -> 300 JP
  ... Hamedo: 1200 -> 700 JP
  ... Jump +3: 1000 -> 200 JP

* Can equip Flails
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* [Wall] removed from ability list
* [Move-HP Up] added to ability list
* [Cure] MP cost decreased from 6 to 4, CT decreased from 4 to 2, multiplier decreased from 14 to 10
* [Cure 2] vertical tolerance increased from 1 to 2, MP cost decreased from 10 to 8, CT decreased from 5 to 4
* [Cure 3] effect area increased from 2v1 to 3v3, MP cost decreased from 16 to 12, CT decreased from 7 to 6
* [Cure 4] effect area increased from 2v2 to 4v4, MP cost decreased from 20 to 16, CT decreased from 10 to 8
* [Raise 2] hit rate increased from +160 to +250, CT decreased from 10 to 7, MP cost increased from 20 to 32, made not reflectable
* [Reraise] hit rate increased from +140 to +200, CT decreased from 7 to 6
* [Regen] hit rate increased from +170 to +200, effect area increased from 2 to 3, MP cost decreased from 8 to 4
* [Protect 2] and [Shell 2] effect area increased from 2 to 3, hit rate increased from +120 to +220, CT decreased from 7 to 2, MP cost decreased from 24/20 to 20
* [Esuna] no longer cures Don't Move
* [Holy] MP cost increased from 56 to 60
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Cure 2: 180 -> 150 JP
  ... Cure 3: 400 -> 250 JP
  ... Cure 4: 700 -> 350 JP
  ... Raise: 180 -> 100 JP
  ... Raise 2: 500 -> 400 JP
  ... Reraise: 800 -> 300 JP
  ... Regen: 300 -> 50 JP
  ... Shell: 70 -> 60 JP
  ... Protect 2: 500 -> 300 JP
  ... Shell 2: 500 -> 250 JP
  ... Esuna: 280 -> 200 JP
  ... Holy: 600 -> 800 JP
  ... Regenerator: 400 -> 150 JP
  ... Magic DefendUP: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... Move-HP Up: 300 -> 200 JP

* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* MA Multiplier decreased from 150 to 140
* [Fire], [Ice], and [Bolt] CT decreased from 4 to 3, multiplier decreased from 14 to 12
* [Fire 2], [Ice 2], and [Bolt 2] CT decreased from 5 to 4
* [Bolt 2] MP cost increased from 10 to 12
* [Fire 3], [Bolt 3], and [Ice 3] CT decreased from 7 to 5
* [Fire 4], [Bolt 4], and [Ice 4] range increased from 4 to 5, multiplier decreased from 32 to 30, effect area changed from 3v3 to 2v4, CT decreased from 10 to 6, MP cost decreased from 48 to 36
* [Poison] hit rate increased from +160 to +200, effect area increased from 2v2 to 4v3, CT decreased from 3 to 2, MP cost decreased from 6 to 4
* [Death] hit rate increased from +100 to +180, range increased from 4 to 8, CT increased from 10 to 14, MP cost increased from 24 to 48
* [Flare] multiplier increased from 46 to 52
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Fire 2: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Fire 3: 480 -> 250 JP
  ... Fire 4: 850 -> 350 JP
  ... Bolt 2: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Bolt 3: 480 -> 250 JP
  ... Bolt 4: 850 -> 350 JP
  ... Ice 2: 200 -> 150 JP
  ... Ice 3: 480 -> 250 JP
  ... Ice 4: 850 -> 350 JP
  ... Poison: 150 -> 50 JP
  ... Frog: 500 -> 150 JP
  ... Death: 600 -> 400 JP
  ... Flare: 900 -> 700 JP
  ... Counter Magic: 800 -> 200 JP
  ... Magic AttackUP: 400 -> 600 JP

-Time Mage-
* Can equip Books
* MP Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 43
* Acquired innate [Float]
* [Haste] CT increased from 2 to 4, hit rate increased from +180 to +200
* [Haste 2] effect area changed from 2v3 to 3v1, CT decreased from 7 to 2, hit rate decreased from +240 to +220
* [Slow] CT increased from 2 to 4, hit rate increased from +180 to +200
* [Slow 2] effect area changed from 2v3 to 3v1, CT decreased from 7 to 2, hit rate decreased from +240 to +220
* [Stop] CT decreased from 7 to 5, hit rate increased from +110 to +160
* [Float] range decreased from 4 to 3, effect area increased to 3v2, hit rate increased from +140 to +200
* [Reflect] hit rate increased from +180 to +250
* [Quick] MP cost decreased from 24 to 12, hit rate increased from 140 to 170
* [Demi] MP cost decreased from 24 to 16, added dark-elemental attribute
* [Demi 2] hit rate increased from +120 to +160, CT decreased from 9 to 7, MP cost decreased from 50 to 32, added dark-elemental attribute
* [Meteor] MP cost increased from 70 to 80
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Haste 2: 550 -> 350 JP
  ... Slow 2: 520 -> 300 JP
  ... Stop: 330 -> 150 JP
  ... Float (spell): 200 -> 50 JP
  ... Reflect: 300 -> 50 JP
  ... Quick: 800 -> 200 JP
  ... Demi 2: 550 -> 350 JP
  ... Meteor: 1500 -> 1200 JP
  ... Critical Quick: 700 -> 100 JP
  ... Short Charge: 800 -> 600 JP
  ... Teleport: 600 -> 1200 JP
  ... Float (movement): 540 -> 100 JP

* MP Multiplier increased from 125 to 175
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [MA Save] added to ability list
* [Fly] added to ability list
* [Moogle] MP cost increased from 8 to 12
* [Shiva], [Ramuh], and [Ifrit] multiplier decreased from 24 to 22, CT increased from 4 to 7, MP cost increased from 24 to 28
* [Titan] multiplier decreased from 28 to 24, CT decreased from 5 to 4, MP cost increased from 30 to 40
* [Golem] MP cost increased from 40 to 60, CT increased from 3 to 6
* [Carbunkle] CT decreased from 4 to 3, effect area increased from 3v2 to 4v3, hit rate increased from +150 to +180
* [Bahamut] multiplier decreased from 46 to 39, MP cost increased from 60 to 76, effect area increased from 4 to 5
* [Odin] multiplier decreased from 40 to 36, CT decreased from 9 to 5, MP cost increased from 50 to 98, vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 2
* [Leviathan] multiplier decreased from 38 to 30, MP cost decreased from 48 to 44
* [Salamander] multiplier decreased from 38 to 33, CT decreased from 9 to 6, MP cost increased from 48 to 56, effect area increased from 3v2 to 3v∞
* [Silf] changed from status to damage (mult 28), 32 MP, 8 CT, effect area 3v3, wind-elemental
* [Fairy] CT increased from 4 to 5, MP cost increased from 28 to 34
* [Lich] MP cost decreased from 40 to 30
* [Cyclops] multiplier decreased from 50 to 45, CT decreased from 9 to 8, MP cost increased from 62 to 64
* [Zodiac] CT decreased from 10 to 7, MP cost increased from 99 to 120
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Moogle: 110 -> 100 JP
  ... Silf: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Carbunkle: 350 -> 150 JP
  ... Leviathan: 850 -> 400 JP
  ... Titan: 220 -> 450 JP
  ... Lich: 600 -> 450 JP
  ... Salamander: 820 -> 500 JP
  ... Cyclops: 1000 -> 600 JP
  ... Bahamut: 1200 -> 700 JP
  ... Odin: 900 -> 800 JP
  ... MP Restore: 400 -> 50 JP
  ... MA Save: 450 -> 100 JP
  ... Half of MP: 900 -> 300 JP
  ... Fly: 1200 -> 500 JP

* HP Multiplier increased from 90 to 100
* PA Multiplier decreased from 100 to 90
* C.Evade increased from 25% to 40%
* Acquired innate [Two Swords] and [Secret Hunt]
* [Gil Taking] removed from ability list
* [Jump +2] removed from ability list
* [Quick Attack] added to ability list, 1v1 physical attack that uses formula SP*WP, ignores evasion and countergrasp reactions
* [Steal Helmet] base hit rate changed from +40 to +50
* [Steal Armor] base hit rate changed from +35 to +55
* [Steal Shield] base hit rate changed from +35 to +45
* [Steal Weapon] base hit rate changed from +30 to +40
* [Steal Accessory] base hit rate changed from +40 to +60
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Quick Attack: 300 JP
  ... Steal Helmet: 350 -> 200 JP
  ... Steal Armor: 450 -> 200 JP
  ... Steal Shield: 350 -> 200 JP
  ... Steal Weapon: 600 -> 300 JP
  ... Steal Accessory: 500 -> 300 JP
  ... Steal Exp: 250 -> 50 JP
  ... Caution: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Gilgame Heart: 200 -> 0 JP
  ... Catch: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Move +2: 520 -> 900 JP

* Can equip Books
* HP Multiplier increased from 80 to 95
* MP Growth improved from 18 to 11
* MP Multiplier decreased from 70 to 65
* Speed Multiplier increased from 100 to 105
* PA Multiplier increased from 75 to 105
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* MA Multiplier increased from 75 to 105
* Acquired innate [Train]
* [Brave Up] added to ability list
* [Faith Up] added to ability list
* [Praise], [Preach], [Threaten], and [Solution] hit rate increased to 100%
* [Invite] hit rate decreased from +20 to +15
* [Death Sentence] hit rate increased from +30 to +65, effect area increased from 1 to 2
* [Negotiate] hit rate decreased from +90 to +55, added Add: Stop, works on sleeping targets
* [Persuade] effect area increased from 1 to 2
* [Insult] hit rate increased from +40 to +60
* [Mimic Daravon] hit rate increased from +40 to +45
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Invite: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Threaten: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Solution: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Death Sentence: 500 -> 100 JP
  ... Negotiate: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Insult: 300 -> 100 JP
  ... Finger Guard: 300 -> 50 JP
  ... Brave Up: 500 -> 100 JP
  ... Faith Up: 500 -> 100 JP
  ... Mimic Daravon: 300 -> 200 JP
  ... Equip Gun: 750 -> 300 JP
  ... Train: 450 -> 200 JP
  ... Monster Talk: 100 -> 0 JP

* MP Multiplier decreased from 110 to 90
* PA Growth improved from 60 to 55
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* Acquired innate [Any Weather] and [Move-MP Up]
* [Blind Rage] removed from ability list
* [Defense UP] removed from ability list
* [Charm Song] added to ability list, hit rate +140, adds Charm, range 4, effect area 2v0, CT 7, MP cost 16
* [Weapon Guard] added to ability list
* [Blind] hit rate increased from +200 to +220, effect area increased from 2 to 3, vertical tolerance increased from 2 to 3
* [Spell Absorb] range decreased from 4 to 3, MP drained increased from 33% to 40%, made reflectable
* [Life Drain] range decreased from 4 to 3, made reflectable
* [Pray Faith] range increased from 4 to 5
* [Doubt Faith] range increased from 4 to 5
* [Zombie] hit rate increased from +100 to +210, effect area increased from 1 to 2v1, CT decreased from 5 to 3, MP cost decreased from 20 to 10
* [Silence Song] hit rate increased from +180 to +200, MP cost increased from 16 to 20, CT decreased from 3 to 2
* [Foxbird] hit rate increased from +140 to +200, MP cost decreased from 20 to 12, Brave drop increased from 30 to 40
* [Confusion Song] effect area increased from 1 to 2v2, CT decreased from 5 to 4, hit rate increased from +130 to +190, MP cost decreased from 20 to 14
* [Dispel Magic] hit rate increased from +200 to +250, effect area increased from 1 to 2v1, MP cost decreased from 34 to 8
* [Paralyze] hit rate increased from +185 to +200
* [Sleep] hit rate increased from +170 to +190
* [Petrify] hit rate increased from +120 to +130, CT decreased from 9 to 8
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Pray Faith: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Doubt Faith: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Zombie: 300 -> 100 JP
  ... Charm Song: 400 JP
  ... Foxbird: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Confusion Song: 400 -> 150 JP
  ... Dispel Magic: 700 -> 100 JP
  ... Paralyze: 100 -> 150 JP
  ... Petrify: 580 -> 270 JP
  ... Absorb Used MP: 250 -> 100 JP
  ... Any Weather: 200 -> 0 JP
  ... Move-MP Up: 350 -> 400 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Monk JLV2
* HP Multiplier increased from 110 to 120
* PA Multiplier increased from 110 to 120
* MA Multiplier increased from 105 to 120
* Acquired innate [Move on Lava]
* Removed [Any Ground] from ability list
* [Lava Ball] multiplier increased from 2 to 5
* [Quicksand], [Sand Storm] multipliers increased from 2 to 4
* [Pitfall], [Local Quake], [Blizzard], [Gusty Wind] multipliers increased from 2 to 3
* JP Cost Changes
  ... All "Elemental" abilities: 150 -> 100 JP
  ... Attack UP: 400 -> 500 JP
  ... Move on Lava: 150 -> 0 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Thief JLV2
* Jump increased from 4 to 5
* HP Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* [Level Jump3] removed from ability list
* [Level Jump5] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump3] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump5] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump6] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump7] removed from ability list
* [Ignore Height] removed from ability list
* [PA Save] added to ability list
* [Defense UP] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Level Jump2: 150 -> 100 JP
  ... Level Jump4: 450 -> 300 JP
  ... Vertical Jump2: 100 -> 50 JP
  ... Vertical Jump4: 300 -> 150 JP
  ... Vertical Jump8: 900 -> 450 JP
  ... Dragon Spirit: 560 -> 400 JP
  ... PA Save: 550 -> 150 JP
  ... Equip Spear: 400 -> 250 JP
  ... Defense UP: 400 -> 300 JP

* HP Multiplier decreased from 75 to 56
* MP Multiplier decreased from 90 to 56
* PA Multiplier decreased from 128 to 112
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* MA Multiplier increased from 90 to 112
* Speed Multiplier decreased from 100 to 95
* Acquired innate [Concentrate], [Two Hands], and [Walk on Water]
* All "Draw Out" moves now hit both allies and enemies, and if damaging, do not affect the user
* [Asura] now Adds: Dead
* [Koutetsu] multiplier decreased from 12 to 11, now Adds: Slow
* [Bizen Boat] multiplier increased from 4 to 10, area of effect changed to be identical to Kikuichimoji's (linear range 6v3)
* [Murasame] multiplier decreased from 12 to 10
* [Heaven's Cloud] no longer Adds: Slow, now Adds: Sleep
* [Muramasa] multiplier decreased from 18 to 17, no longer adds: Confusion/Death Sentence, now Adds: Death Sentence
* [Kikuichimoji] multiplier decreased from 16 to 12, range decreased from 8 to 6
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Bizen Boat: 260 -> 180 JP
  ... Koutetsu: 180 -> 260 JP
  ... Meatbone Slash: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Equip Katana: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Two Hands: 900 -> 500 JP
  ... Walk on Water: 400 -> 50 JP

* Move increased from 4 to 5
* Jump decreased from 4 to 3
* HP Multiplier decreased from 60 to 50
* PA Multiplier decreased from 122 to 102
* MP Multiplier increased from 50 to 120
* MA Multiplier increased from 75 to 100
* Speed Growth nerfed from 80 to 95
* C.Evade decreased from 30% to 25%
* Acquired innate [Move on Water]
* [Speed Save] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Speed Save: 800 -> 350 JP
  ... Sunken State: 900 -> 400 JP
  ... Two Swords: 900 -> 1000 JP
  ... Move in Water: 400 -> 50 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Summoner JLV3, Mediator JLV3
* Can equip Knives
* When performing Songs, evasion is now retained but incoming physical damage is increased to 150%
* Songs are no longer affected by Miming
* MP Growth improved from 20 to 9
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* Acquired innate [Magic Attack UP]
* [Faith Up] removed from ability list
* [MA Save] removed from ability list
* [Fly] removed from ability list
* [Life Song] HP restored increased from 10 to 20
* [Cheer Song] CT increased from 8 to 12, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Battle Song] hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Magic Song] CT decreased from 10 to 8, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Nameless Song] hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Last Song] CT decreased from 20 to 15, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Cheer Song: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Nameless Song: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Move +3: 1000 -> 1500 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Geomancer JLV3, Lancer JLV3
* When performing Dances, evasion is now retained but incoming physical damage is increased to 150%
* Dances are no longer affected by Miming
* HP Growth improved from 20 to 9
* PA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* Acquired innate [Attack UP]
* [Brave Up] removed from ability list
* [PA Save] removed from ability list
* [Fly] removed from ability list
* [Jump +3] removed from ability list
* [Move +3] added to ability list
* [Slow Dance] CT increased from 8 to 10, hit rate increased from 50% to 67%
* [Polka Polka] CT decreased from 8 to 6, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Disillusion] CT decreased from 10 to 6, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Nameless Dance] can now inflict Undead, Oil, Berserk, Charm, Don't Move in addition to normal statuses, can no longer inflict Stop
* [Last Dance] CT decreased from 20 to 15, hit rate increased from 34% to 67%
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Slow Dance: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Nameless Dance: 100 -> 200 JP
  ... Move +3: 1000 -> 1500 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Squire JLV4, Chemist JLV4
* Move and Jump increased from 4 to 5
* HP Multiplier increased from 140 to 200
* MP Growth improved from 30 to 6
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 150
* MA Growth improved from 40 to 35
* MA Multiplier increased from 115 to 160
* Removed innate [Concentrate], [Monster Skill], and [Martial Arts]
* Acquired innate [Monster Talk]

* MA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* Acquired innate [Teleport 2] and [Non-charge]
* [Distribute] removed from ability list
* [Gained Exp Up] removed from ability list
* [Move-Get Exp] removed from ability list
* [Move-Get JP] removed from ability list
* [Non-charge] added to ability list
* [Math Skill] now has the following spells (and only these) available:
  White Magic    ... Cure, Cure 2, Regen, Protect, Shell, Esuna
  Black Magic    ... Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison
  Time Magic     ... Haste, Slow, Don't Move, Float, Reflect, Demi
  Yin-Yang Magic ... Blind, Pray Faith, Doubt Faith, Zombie, Dispel Magic
* JP Cost Changes
  ... CT: 250 -> 900 JP
  ... Level: 350 -> 200 JP
  ... Exp: 300 -> 100 JP
  ... Height: 250 -> 200 JP
  ... Prime Number: 300 -> 200 JP
  ... 4: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... 3: 600 -> 200 JP
  ... Non-charge: 3000 -> 9999 JP

-Ubersquire- (Ramza)
* Can equip Knight Swords in C1-C3 forms
* Can equip Bags, Perfumes, and Hair Adornments in C4 form
* [Wish] CT increased from 0 to 5, no longer heals or takes self-damage but now Cancels: Dead
* [Cheer Up] no longer increases Brave but now grants 100 CT (Quick effect), MA and faith-based, +180 hit rate, can't be self-targetted, CT increased from 0 to 5
* [Ultima] multiplier decreased from 23 to 15, effect area increased from 2v1 to 2v2, CT decreased from 5 to 4, no longer Faith-dependent

-Engineer- (Mustadio)
* Starts with Mime JLV1 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 4
* Speed Growth improved from 100 to 70
* Acquired innate [Equip Change]
* [Equip Gun] added to ability list
* [Leg Aim] base hit rate increased from +50 to +70
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Equip Gun: 750 -> 300 JP

-Holy Knight- (Agrias)
* Starts with Geomancer JLV1 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 4
* PA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [Split Punch] now adds Don't Move instead of Death Sentence, can be used without a sword
* [Crush Punch] can be used without a sword
* [Lightning Stab] now adds Undead instead of Silence, range decreased from 3 to 2
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Split Punch: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... Crush Punch: 500 -> 300 JP

-Hell Knight- (Malak)
* Starts with Samurai JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Rods; can no longer equip Sticks
* Acquired innate [Magic DefendUP] and [Two Swords]
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 30
* Number of hits of Un-Truth attacks increased from 6 to 10, range increased from 4 to 5, no longer hits allies, CT decreased by 1, MP cost added (10/12/14/16/18/20)
* [Exploding Frog] added to ability list, range 2v1, effect area 1, CT 0, adds Oil/Reraise/Transparent/Frog/Faith at 100% probability (not Faith-dependent)
* [Space Storage Back] vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 1
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Asura Back: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Diamond Sword Back: 300 -> 200 JP
  ... Hydragon Pit Back: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Space Storage Back: 500 -> 400 JP
  ... Sky Demon Back: 600 -> 500 JP
  ... Exploding Frog: 700 JP

-Heaven Knight- (Rafa)
* Starts with Ninja JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Swords and Shields
* Acquired innate [Magic DefendUP]
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 30
* Number of hits of Truth attacks increased from 6 to 10, range increased from 4 to 5, no longer hits allies, CT decreased by 1, MP cost added (10/12/14/16/18/20)
* [Scorpio's Blessing] added to ability list, range 8, CT 5, revives with 25% mHP restored at +200 hit rate
* [Space Storage] vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 1
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Asura: 200 -> 100 JP
  ... Diamond Sword: 300 -> 200 JP
  ... Hydragon Pit: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Space Storage: 500 -> 400 JP
  ... Sky Demon: 600 -> 500 JP
  ... Scorpio's Blessing: 700 JP

-Holy Swordsman- (Orlandu)
* Starts with Holy Swordsman JLV8 unlocked
* [Shellbust Stab] removed from ability list
* [Blastar Punch] removed from ability list
* [Hellcry Punch] removed from ability list
* [Icewolf Bite] removed from ability list
* [Split Punch] now adds Don't Move instead of Death Sentence, can be used without a sword
* [Crush Punch] can be used without a sword
* [Lightning Stab] now adds Undead instead of Silence, range decreased from 3 to 2
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Split Punch: 400 -> 200 JP
  ... Crush Punch: 500 -> 300 JP
  ... Dark Sword: 500 -> 300 JP

-Divine Knight- (Meliadoul)
* Starts with Dancer JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Hats
* Acquired innate [Defense UP] and [Magic DefendUP]
* HP Multiplier increased from 125 to 175
* MP Multiplier increased from 90 to 175
* [Magic Ruin] added to ability list, MP cost decreased from 20 to 10
* [Speed Ruin] added to ability list, MP cost increased from 20 to 30
* [Power Ruin] added to ability list
* [Mind Ruin] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Blastar Punch: 400 -> 300 JP
  ... Hellcry Punch: 500 -> 400 JP
  ... Icewolf Bite: 800 -> 500 JP
  ... Magic Ruin: 0 -> 150 JP
  ... Speed Ruin: 0 -> 600 JP
  ... Power Ruin: 0 -> 300 JP
  ... Mind Ruin: 0 -> 300 JP

-Temple Knight- (Beowulf)
* Starts with Bard JLV1 unlocked
* Magic Sword abilities now have spell quotes
* [Berserk] removed from ability list
* [Charm] added to ability list, hit rate +140, adds Charm, MP cost 16, identical to other Magic Sword mechanics
* [Aspel] now drains 50% mMP instead of 25%
* [Drain] now drains 33% mHP instead of 25%
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Chicken: 500 -> 200 JP
  ... Charm: 400 JP
  ... Despair: 300 -> 100 JP

-Dragoner- (Reis)
* Starts with Dragoner JLV8 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 5
* PA Growth improved from 39 to 30
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 160
* MA Growth improved from 38 to 30
* MA Multiplier increased from 110 to 160
* Removed innate [Train] (for Gained JP Up)
* Added innate Absorb: Holy
* Added innate Cancel: Fire/Lightning/Ice
* [Ice Breath] now adds Slow (25%)
* [Fire Breath] now adds Death Sentence (25%)
* [Thunder Breath] now adds Don't Act (25%)
* [Dragon Power Up] now adds 15 Brave (instead of 5) and +3 PA/MA/Speed (instead of 1)
* [Holy Breath] number of hits increased from 4 to 10

-Soldier- (Cloud)
* Starts with Calculator JLV1 unlocked
* Joins at Party Level rather than Level 1
* Materia Blade no longer required to use Limit
* Can equip Robes and Perfumes
* Acquired innate [Short Charge]
* [Cherry Blossom] removed from ability list
* JP Cost Changes
  ... Climhazzard: 450 -> 300 JP
  ... Meteorain: 560 -> 400 JP
  ... Finish Touch: 670 -> 500 JP
  ... Omnislash: 900 -> 600 JP

-Steel Giant- (Worker 8)
* Move increased from 3 to 5
* Removed innate Cancel: Oil, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act
* Removed innate [Any Ground]
* HP Multiplier increased from 115 to 165
* [Barrier] added to ability list, self-centered, effect area 3v0, adds Wall status (100%) and does not affect self

-Byblos- (Byblos)
* Move increased from 3 to 7
* Jump increased from 6 to 7
* HP Growth improved from 6 to 4
* MP Growth improved from 7 to 1
* MA Growth improved from 35 to 5
* Lost innate [Counter]
* Acquired innate [Sunken State]
* [Energy] removed from ability list
* [Mbarrier] added to ability list
* [Mbarrier] MP cost decreased from 30 to 20

(Monster changes and cameos in the next post.)

Writeup Graveyard / Ayla (vs T260G)
« on: September 05, 2008, 07:29:17 PM »
It's a battle of the eras as a prehistoric muscle woman goes toe to steel toe with the Mec-and-former-ship-computer T260G! Though she has a few other tricks up her sleeves, Ayla's winning strategy here is sure and simple: spin. Tail Spin, that is. Her normally devastating physical attacks are blunted by T260G's formidable defenses, so she'll spin~ to victory instead with her magical-damage tech! Combine this with the little fact that V-MAX is bound to wear off eventually, whereas she has healing to keep her afloat, and you can see why she's not intimidated by her foe. With the Heavy championship so close, she won't cut it (her?) any slack!

Forum Games / Succinct Mafia - Game over
« on: September 01, 2008, 07:13:58 PM »
In true spirit of the game, there will be no witty flavor here. Just an impending sense of doom.

The game is over! Third-party (Kilga) wins!


Still Alive

Resting in Pieces
1. Corwin, VANILLA TOWNIE (modkilled Day 1)
2. Bardiche, CONDITIONAL ROLEBLOCKER SCUM (lynched Day 1)
3. Excal, TOWN COP (nightkilled Night 1)
4. Ciato, GODFATHER SCUM (lynched Day 2)
5. Dread Thomas, VANILLA TOWNIE (lynched Day 3)
6. Soppy, TOWN DOCTOR (nightkilled Night 3)
8. El Cid, VANILLA TOWNIE (lynched Day 5) (end of game)


Rules of the Game
- Do not exceed the general area of 300 words on your posts.
- Do not post consecutively aside from errors in your previous post or to clarify something you feel is critical.
- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread about the game, unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts. Period.
- Don't directly quote your role PM. This will result in a modkill.
- Vote using ##Vote: name and ##Unvote: name (with the bold). I will ignore all other formats.
- There may or may not be third parties.
- There will be no extensions barring a 30-minute autoextend granted on the last post. Don't abuse this.
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. There will be no time limit on LYLO days.
- There are roles in this game. This is a closed setup.
- There may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that change the rules of the game and things like that.
- Town must lynch. If there is a deadlock at deadline, the Hatbot will decide. You have been warned. Autoextend should resolve this from ever happening but still.
- Modkills may result in an instant end of the day phase depending on circumstances and subject to my discretion. Modkills are bad for the game and potentially for both sides. Please don't make them happen.
- All days will be 48 hours. There will be a Night 0.

Unranked Games / Vanguard Bandits
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:42:10 PM »
Vanguard Bandits is an SRPG (translated by Working Designs of Lunar fame), and thus, there are a ton of interpretation issues to work out - sadly, many many elements of the game either translate horribly to the DL, or not at all. Additionally, there's lots of things left in the air mechanics wise - the game uses a stat allocation system for level-ups, there's a limited amount of EXP available (as there are no random encounters or any missions with a theoretical infinite number of enemies), and even the battle system is wonky compared to traditional RPGs/SRPGs. With all this said, though, I'll try to explain things as clearly as I can and give reasoning behind the interpretation I've ultimately decided on.

Also, one big issue is that VB has characters fighting out in mecha. There is no actual human combat, which makes a stat topic applicable but probably kills any chances of being ranked, ever (like that was plausible >_>). As such, things like status from other games, etc. may or may not make sense to you against them; keep this in mind. VB has this fairly evident given that all status (mostly stat downs) in the game is minor, with no lethal or particularly vicious ones, that all wear off over time.

For cast members, I've included all playable PCs that stay in your party until the end of a track (this means that Ione, Kamorge, and Galvas are out, and none of them have anything particularly unique anyway). All characters with unique ATACs (and thus weapons/stones) get them, obviously; otherwise, they're limited to their initial. As for stones, characters with a special attack keyed to one particular element (Devlin's Burning Soul attached to fire stones) get that stone on their ATAC; characters without any (Barlow, Franco, etc.) get whatever initial stone they have upgraded to the best storebought version. Weapons are best storebought or unique, as there's no variety at all and it's dependant completely on the ATAC. I don't allow storebought accessories, all of which are useless in the DL save for the stat boosters which do nothing to change the average anyway. (There are no status blockers in Vanguard Bandits, and the few statuses that exist - stat downs and disabled movement - aren't blocked by any unit in-game, even the final boss). Initial accessories get a nod, of course.

I've included the major endgame antagonists (Duyere, Zakov, Logan, Faulkner) at the end of the post. As usual, boss interpretation in an SRPG is a headache, moreso in that VB makes absolutely -no- distinction between them and a PC unit, so you may be tempted to take them literally, save for durability. There is no permanent unit loss in Vanguard Bandits (taking casualties in a mission is fairly standard), so keep that in mind.

More on the somewhat mystifying battle system now (it's very intuitive in-game, but a bit complicated on paper) and how I've worked out an interpretation of it in the DL format.

HP: lik omg, I duno what dis does!!1
BAS: This primarily effects your HP score, but seems to effect a lot of other things as well, such as speed (hence, "base" stat).
POW: Damage. Yeah, nothing awfully complicated here. Effects damage way more than WEP.
DEX: Accuracy. Pretty damn important in-game, for what it's worth.
AGL: Evasion and speed. VB uses a linear CTB system, much like FFT's. Evasion matters significantly in-game, like accuracy.
DEF: Defense. Der. Seems like a diminishing percentiles system.
WEP: I'm honestly not sure why this stat exists, or more notably why it's something you can raise at level-up. You never want to raise this stat in-game; weapons do that for you enough. It effects your damage, obviously, but not nearly as much as POW does.

(Indepth formulas, for the mathematically inclined. I derived these myself (with a lot of help from Neph), so yeah. ^_^)

Formulae derived so far:
Damage = factors involve POW, WEP, enemy DEF, and attack multiplier.
HP = Level*2 + BAS*4 + 10 + bonuses
Speed = AGL*0.24 + BAS*0.04 + 2.5 + bonuses

And now for the other two fun stats.
AP: Ability Points. Every turn, a character is given 100 AP. AP is spent for movement, attacking, and Support Skills. In-game, AP cost for movement is very noticeable; not so much in a duel. When a character's turn ends, two-thirds of the remaining AP they have is used to eliminate an equal amount of FP (that is, if you ended your turn with 50 AP, you would reduce your FP by 33).
FP: Fatigue Points. What makes VB characters unique. It starts at 0, and goes up whenever you use most attacks, and whenever you use a reaction ability (see below). If a character's FP count ever reaches 100 following an action, they are frozen, their turn ends immediately and they lose their next turn, plus all attacks against them have a 100% chance to hit, do additional damage, and cannot be reacted to. After that lost turn, their FP is reset to 0 (it is important to note that enemy only gets 1 round to take advantage of this, not 2, under the assumption that the two units have equal speed. This is relevant because VB characters can counterattack, and thus regain their ability to do so after the round of being frozen expires, not at the beginning of their next turn). FP is reduced by having leftover AP at the end of a turn; see the AP stat description.

Note that VB chars can choose to "wait" a turn and get their next turn twice as fast, as per most SRPGs. This is especially important since it allows for FP cooldown without entirely losing a round's worth of speed. In-game, they can also get this benefit by moving and not attacking... irrelevant in the DL.

Attack Types
All VB attacks are one of four types - Normal, Effect, Knockdown, and Collision. These are relevant to reaction abilities (and damage interpretation, later). Normal attacks are just that; they can be reacted in any way. Effects are just the same as normal, except they carry some kind of status along with the attack (stat down, etc.). Knockdown is a trait that counters the Attack reaction ability - on a successful hit, the enemy ATAC gets knocked to the ground and thus can't counterattack. Collision is an impact-type attack which counters both Attack and Defend - like Knockdown, it stops an enemy from counterattacking if it hits successfully, and additionally ignores the damage reduction that the Defend command gives. Flipside, Collision-type moves generally have less accuracy than normal. Note that if Knockdown or Collision misses, the enemy is able to counterattack if that's what they had inputted as their reaction command.

DL-wise? It would be safe to say that Normal moves are just that, normal; Effect moves are status moves; Knockdown moves ignore counters; and Collision moves ignore counters, plus any defend command bonuses (what you define that is up to you). In terms of keeping true to in-game performance, collisions are by far the best type due to getting past the powerful VB Defend reaction ability, and thus are generally superior to Knockdown even if they have notably lower attack multipliers. How you wish to treat this in the DL is up to you.

All attacks also have a range from 1-4 panels. For purposes of simplicity, I have dubbed any move with a range greater than 1 to be "ranged".

Like most SRPGs, VB has facing. It's quite important, as well, in that both hit rate and damage changes noticeably depending on where you hit (or where you're hit); there's frontal, side, and rear attacks. And like in most SRPGs, side attacks are the most common and thus what I consider default. For those who take facing into account, just keep in mind that frontal attacks have a far higher chance to be evaded (especially with Reflect Attack), and that rear attacks usually hit, do significant damage and can't be Defended or Attacked (see reaction abilities). Also, many Dormant Skills apply to frontal and rear attacks, so check those if you deem it necessary.

In case you're interested:
Frontal attacks = 100% (x1) chance to hit, 100% (x1) damage
Side attacks = 133% (x1.33) chance to hit, 110% (x1.1) damage
Rear attacks = 166% (x1.66) chance to hit, 120% (x1.2) damage

Reaction Abilities[/u]
All VB units have the ability to react to an enemy attack, that is, whenever they're the target of something, they can choose one of these reactions in response as a free action. This sounds absolutely great for them in a duel... until you take into account that these reaction abilities cost deadly FP, and that VB characters MUST use one (in other words, any attack on them causes them to accumulate 20 FP at the very least - which makes it that much more likely they'll get stunned eventually from FP buildup). Definitely the defining trait of the system.

The reaction abilities are...
Attack (FP cost varies) - The unit gets to counterattack the enemy unit with any move of their choice, provided that it has the range to do so (so if you're hit with a Range 3 attack, you can only counter with a Range 3 or better attack, etc.) The attack's cost is applied to the counterattacking ATAC... converted completely to FP. This means that if you're counterattacking with Str. Slash, a move that normally costs 50 AP and 10 FP to use, it'll cost 60 FP as a counterattack! ATACs who go this route generally have to spend their next turn "resting" (doing nothing and letting all their AP be used to reduce FP) given the high cost of it. The other common use is using an overexpensive move that pushes you way beyond 100 FP (like Soaring Dance or Bursting Fire) but is lethal to the opponent, thus giving you the win anyway. Counterattacks cannot be reacted, and thus have a full chance to hit. The Attack command fails if the opponent lands a successful hit with a Knockdown- or Collision-type attack.
Defend (30 FP) - The character gives the opponent the full chance to hit, but damage is halved. This reduction doesn't apply if they're hit with a Collision-type attack.
Avoid (20 FP) - The character attempts to evade the attack. Avoid doubles the character's chances of evading something, and is the default reaction choice. (So an attack that normally hits 80% of the time, and would were you Defending or Attacking, would hit only 40% of the time with Avoid.)
Counter (20 FP) - Attempts a preemptive attack (1.25x power) with a rather low success rate which carries a Knockdown effect, thus negating the opponent's attack completely. If you fail to counter, you take additional damage from the attack (FAIL). Useless ingame, and in the DL, by sheer fact that this can only be used in reaction to a frontal attack. Also, the Reflect Attack and/or Parry dormant skills takes precedence over this, which makes it even more useless, as half the time you'll just deflect the attack and won't even counter.

Whew. That's enough on the battle system for now, I think. Someone punt me if I've missed anything vital. Moving on...

Universal Moves
Some of these are relisted on characters I feel may have applicable use for them, with relevant damage figures.

Slash (30 AP, 5 FP) - 0.80x, +20% hit rate
Thrust (30 AP, 5 FP) - 1.00x, +0% hit rate
Tackle (35 AP, 5 FP) - 1.15x, -40% hit rate, collision
Long Thrust (35 AP, 5 FP) - 1.00x, -20% hit rate, ranged (spears only)
Str. Slash (50 AP, 10 FP) - 1.25x, +10% hit rate
Str. Thrust (50 AP, 10 FP) - 1.40x, +0% hit rate (spears only)
Kick (15 AP, 10 FP) - 0.60x, -20% hit rate

Dormant Skills
Every Dormant Skill is useless and/or inapplicable in the DL, save for Second Attack. That's right, every single one. Go figure! (To be fair, Second Attack is extremely godly ingame; it makes sense that it would be here, too.) I've added their descriptions for for the idly curious. If you do a different take on facing, a lot of these do actually matter.

Reflect Attack - Allows deflection of frontal normal and knockdown attacks.
Parry - Increased evasion of frontal attacks.
Assassinate - Raises damage on rear attacks.
Mental Vision - Raises the odds of Counter (the reaction ability, not counterattacks).
Hoverjets - Movement of one panel costs 10 AP regardless of terrain.
Bad Back - Take additional damage when struck in the back. Best dormant skill EVAR.
Second Attack - Attack up to twice in one turn. Doesn't apply for counterattacks.
Forward Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter the panel in front of the ATAC.
Rear Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter the panel behind the ATAC.
Mass Menace - Enemies must stop if they enter any panel adjacent to the ATAC.
Stealth Motion - Allows movement through enemy units for an extra 10 AP.
Rapid Motion - Adds 1 Move to your ATAC.
Snow Motion - Movement on snow terrain costs 10 AP per panel.
Forest Motion - Movement on forest terrain costs 10 AP per panel.
Desert Motion - Movement on desert terrain costs 10 AP per panel.

Support Skills
Support Skills are nifty, and some play a fairly important role in-game, and seem very applicable in the DL... until you realize that none of them are self-targetable. YAY! Again, for the sake of completion they're here anyway. Support Skills are actions taken during a turn, and do not count as attacks, so given you have enough AP you can use one and attack on the same round.

(Oh wait, I forgot. Turn Quake is targeted on an enemy. This means it can be used in the DL. OMG NANA HAS A 25% CHANCE OF GETTING A REAR ATTACK IF SHE GIVES UP 50 AP. GODLIKE BEYOND WORDS.)

Turn Quake (50 AP) - Randomly changes the facing direction of an enemy unit.
Gaia Protect (30 AP) - Raises DEF of an ally unit.
Earth Heal (60 AP) - Restores HP of an ally unit.
Cooling Mist (55 AP) - Reduces FP of all allied units within range.
Pouring Rain (33 AP) - Raises AGL of an ally unit.
Searing Flame (40 AP) - Raises WEP of an ally unit.
Blazing Phoenix (60 AP) - Self-sacrifice to restore an ally unit's HP and reduce FP.
Roaring Wind (40 AP) - Raises DEX of an ally unit.
Holy Light (90 AP) - Restores HP and reduces FP of an ally unit.

Unranked Games / Starcraft
« on: August 27, 2008, 08:30:16 PM »
Holy shit, this thing took a while. Anyway, welcome to the SC stat topic. Much thanks to Alex for helping me compile this and test things.

All abilities take what I consider a standard turn (~3 seconds), taking into account being forced to click, target, and move appropriately with an ability, unless noted otherwise. Abilities that can be "used instantly" are what I would take as initiative moves. I have listed approximate time figures by the second where appropriate, so to convert into a number of turns simply consider 3 seconds equal to 1 turn.

For SC players: The 3-second damage output is on Normal playing speed. This is because cooldown figures are listed for Normal rather than Fastest. As such, some abilities may seem even slower than they normally are (Siege Mode, for instance...)

All Starcraft units have one, two, or no weapons at all. All weapons are assumed to hit ground units only (which means flying units own a large percentage of the cast), unless stated otherwise - some can hit both ground and air, and some can also hit only air. These weapons have been noted in their descriptions.

Unit size is mostly irrelevant in the DL unless against each other, but matters much more importantly for weapons. All weapon damage is dealt in three flavors: normal, explosive, or concussive. Normal damage is the simplest, damage which can be taken at face value. Explosive damage deals 75% of its normal damage to Medium units, and 50% to Small units. Concussive deals 50% to Medium units, and 25% to Large units. Note that a human-sized unit in Starcraft (the Marine, for example) is considered Small. I have listed damage values for all size types in the case of explosive and concussive weapons, so use your own judgment.

Range 1-2 is generally considered melee, and anything beyond that is ranged. Range 8 and beyond is extremely long-range (FFT gun-esque range). All targeting abilities are considered to be long ranged unless noted otherwise.

Armor in Starcraft reduces all damage equal to its value. More in the averages section about how I deal with that when converting to DL format.

Energy is Starcraft's MP equivalent. All units with actual Energy values (the only ones with a use for it) have 250 of it (when fully upgraded, which I assume as default). Energy regenerates naturally, for 1 energy every 2 seconds or so - in other words, largely irrelevant, except in the case of the Arbiter and perhaps the Ghost.

Starcraft has two designations for its unit "race" - biological or mechanical. These translate pretty cleanly to the DL, especially when compared to similar-thinking games like PS4. All units have their race listed. Additionally, some units are aerial, equivalent to flying/hover status in other games. Others are also detectors, which is explained below under cloaking and burrowing. (Note that all "mechanical" units are still piloted or operated by humanoids inside as well, and are thus most likely still subject to things like confusion, charm, etc. but immune to things like petrify or poison, the latter of which is clearly indicated in the game. Only the Reaver and Probe are truly fully mechanical.)

All Terran mechanical units have the capability to be repaired by an SCV (irrelevant in the DL). All Zerg units slowly regenerate HP over time, but the rate is absolutely pathetic (akin to Serge's regen), and usually only considered as a factor by existing rather than of any real significance in terms of numbers. All Protoss units have shields, which are equal to HP except in that they take full damage from all damage typing (i.e. explosive and concussive damage do 100% damage to them regardless of size), and they regenerate in a similar manner to Zerg HP. For their sake, shields do regenerate a bit more quickly, but only matters really for the case of the Archon (whose durability can be taken favorably due to it) and the Arbiter (who has options which allow regen to become a factor). They can also be recharged rapidly with a nearby Shield Battery (again, DL-irrelevant).

Two more important abilities that come up often enough to receive their own section here:
Cloak - A cloaked unit disappears completely from visual sight, and cannot be targeted by any ability or effect which requires a specific target. This translates as targeting immunity in the DL. When they move, they leave a visible ripple which can be caught by a player's keen eye, but really serves no other purpose as they still cannot be targeted. Abilities which require no targeting, such as field effects or a High Templar's Psionic Storm, function fine on cloaked units - they are perfectly vulnerable to damage, if you can somehow pinpoint and hit them. Cloaked units can move, attack, use their abilities at will and remain cloaked. Terran cloakable units (the Ghost and the Wraith) have an ability to cloak and decloak. While cloaked, they lose 1 energy per second (and thus 3 energy per turn under this interpretation) and lose natural energy regeneration. If they ever reach 0 energy, they immediately decloak. Protoss cloaked units (the Dark Templar, units near an Arbiter) are permanently cloaked at no energy cost.
Burrow - Most Zerg ground units (the Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk and the Lurker - who learns it even without the ability researched) have the ability to burrow. Burrowing is a fairly quick action, taking less than a second or so (I'd consider it just a high-speed action), in which the unit is buried underground and gains targeting immunity just like a cloaked unit. There are key differences, however, in that burrowed units can't do -anything- except unburrow (except the Lurker, who possesses the unique ability to only be able to attack while burrowed). There is no limit as to how long a Zerg unit can remain burrowed, and they do regenerate their HP in doing so - which means that theoretically they could heal to full, unburrow and fight again! (Thankfully, the units that have these are all horribly low durability anyway, and there are those who may lack respect for this strategy, so >_>) Of course, while burrowed, the enemy unit is free to do whatever he wish, including heal or cast buffs or whatever, so this is hardly a failproof strategy. If a burrowed unit is detected and attacked, it automatically unburrows.

Both cloaked and burrowed units are rendered visible by the presence of a detector and lose all of their benefits while being detected. There are a few things that one could consider translating to detection, such as BG's See Invisibility spell, and so forth.

Whew. That's all. On to the units!

Terran Units

"I told 'em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!"
60 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological)
Fusion Cutter: 5 normal damage, cooldown 15, range 1
3-second damage output (Fusion Cutter): 10

Gather - He can pick up stuff. Godlike.
Repair - He can repair mechanical stuff too... but not himself. OMG UNSTOPPABLE WITH T260G.

Comments: The tankiest of the workers! SCV WORKER RUSH FTW! Light.

"I vote we frag this commander."
40 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological)
Gauss Rifle: 6+3 normal damage, cooldown 15, range 5 (can hit air)
3-second damage output (Gauss Rifle): 18
3-second damage output w/ Stim Pack (Gauss Rifle): 36

Stim Packs - Sacrifice 10 HP to halve cooldown firing rate and double movement speed. Does not stack, can't be used if at 10 HP or less. Lasts for 10 seconds. Usuable instantly.


"Got any questions about propane? Or... propane accessories?"
50 HP, Armor 1 (Small, Biological)
Flame Thrower: 8+3 x3 concussive damage, cooldown 22, range 2
3-second damage output (Flame Thrower): 45 (22 to medium, 11 to large)
3-second damage output w/ Stim Pack (Flame Thrower): 90 (45 to medium, 22 to large)

Stim Packs - Sacrifice 10 HP to halve cooldown firing rate and double movement speed. Does not stack, can't be used if at 10 HP or less. Lasts for 10 seconds. Usuable instantly.

Comments: Hey, damage! Firebat's actually not all that bad on dishing it out, able to effectively fry things with an OHKO after Stim... pity about it being concussive of all damage types. If the target isn't Small-sized, he's screwed (he's lucky most are). And Luc-level durability, like all Terran infantry - that durability don't fly. Middle.

"I'm about to overload my aggression inhibitors."
45 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological) (Energy 250)
C-10 Canister Rifle: 10+3 concussive damage, cooldown 22, range 7 (can hit air)
3-second damage output (C-10 Canister Rifle): 17 (8 to medium, 4 to large)

Cloak - Gain cloaked status. Usuable instantly. (Cost: 25 energy, 1 energy/second while cloaked.)
Decloak - Cancels cloaked status. Usuable instantly.
Lockdown - Paralyzes a mechanical target. Lasts for 60 seconds. (Cost: 100 energy.)
Nuclear Strike - Sights a "red dot" on a designated point. 18 seconds later, a nuclear missile falls, causing 500 damage or 66.6% (2/3) mHP damage  whichever is higher. It is noteworthy to point out that nuclear missiles take 100 seconds to arm if you don't allow it to be armed before the match, and that if the arena is large enough, a target could move out of range - and if it isn't, Ghost will be killed without enough room to escape the blast radius himself. Questionable DL use.

Comments: Nuking someone is a hell of a way to check out. Other than that... Cloak is always neat, but Ghost has pathetic damage - concussive damage at that. Lockdown could have probable use to ... uh, for lack of a better word, lockdown 'bots who heal. (Robo, maybe?) But with that offense... yeaaah. A cute Middle, on sheer account of cheesing out non-healers with Cloak, but little else.

"I've already checked you out, commander..."
60 HP, Armor 1 (Small, Biological) (Energy 250)

Heal - Heals 2 HP to a biological, friendly unit at close range. Happens automatically, at quite a fast rate (roughly ~42 HP in 3 seconds). (Cost: 1 energy.)
Restoration - Cures all status effects on a target. Cannot self-target. (Cost: 100 energy.)
Optical Flare - Inflicts blind on a target. Permanent. (Cost: 75 energy.)

Comments: No damage! DNR. A theoretical team-oriented Light, maybe? I dunno, with those energy costs, she'd run out of steam fast... and dies to a sneeze, at that, and can't even cure herself of status... -_-

"You keep pushin' me, boy!"
80 HP, Armor 0 (Medium, Mechanical)
Fragmentation Grenade: 20+6 concussive damage, cooldown 30, range 5
3-second damage output (Fragmentation Grenade): 26 (13 to medium, 6 to large)

Spider Mine - Plants a mine into the ground that self-burrows after 4.5 seconds. When an enemy comes within range, the mine unburrows itself and zips towards the target in a process that also takes roughly 4.5 seconds, exploding for 120 damage. While burrowing or unburrowing, the mine is vulnerable to damage. Spider Mines have 20 HP, and can only be realistically destroyed by ranged damage (they explode too fast if you try to melee it). Usuable three times.

Comments: If you take Spider Mines into account... he still sucks. Damage that takes time to go off is not good with that durability, even if it is OHKO damage, when you have that HP. And his normal attack fails at life, like all concussive damage. Light.

Siege Tank
"What IS your major malfunction?"
150 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical)
Arclite Cannon: 30+9 explosive damage, cooldown 37, range 7
*Arclite Shock Cannon: 70+15 explosive damage, cooldown 75, range 12
3-second damage output (Arclite Cannon): 31 (23 to medium, 15 to small)
*The Arclite Shock Cannon cannot be fired at close range; in other words, melee attacks screw it. Additionally, it is so slow to fire that one should take it at face value damage, and consider the cooldown to cost Siege Tank the next 4.5 seconds. Not like it'd ever have any DL use past killing the likes of Zeon. >_> <_<

Siege Mode - Enables siege mode, causing the Siege Tank to become stationary, disables Arclite Cannon and enables Arclite Shock Cannon. 4 second charge time. Usuable instantly.
Tank Mode - Disables siege mode. 4 second charge time. Usuable instantly (in other words, you can start transforming right after a Siege Mode shot and ignore the Arclite Shock Cannon's cooldown).

Comments: Well, Siege Mode is nigh worthless in the DL, which means he has bad explosive damage coupled with not so hot durability. Pity too, as they rock in-game. Light.

"Checklist completed... S.O.B..."
125 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical)
Twin Autocannons: 12+3 normal damage, cooldown 22, range 5
Hellfire Missile Pack: 10+6 x2 explosive damage, cooldown 22, range 8 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Twin Autocannons): 20
3-second damage output (Hellfire Missile Pack): 43 (32 to medium, 21 to small)

Comments: Supposedly anti-air, the Goliath fails to translate well to the DL, just like... everything else so far. Lousy durability, unimpressive damage (though better than some), and no saving graces. Light.

"I am invincible. That's right."
120 HP, Armor 0 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial) (Energy 250)
Burst Lasers: 8+3 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 5
Gemini Missiles: 20+6 explosive damage, cooldown 22, range 5 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Burst Lasers): 11
3-second damage output (Gemini Missiles): 35 (26 to medium, 17 to small)

Cloak - Gain cloaking status. Usuable instantly. (Cost: 25 energy, 1 energy/second while cloaked.)
Decloak - Cancel cloaking status. Usuable instantly.

Comments: Still failing damage, even worse than the Ghost (against Small sizes, anyway). But at least the Wraith flies as well, which is essentially melee immunity and has... marginally more durability to not die to a poke like the other cloaker does. Thus, Wraith arguably breaks Middle to me due to spoiling enough Lights.

"In case of a water landing, you may be used as a floatation device."
150 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial)

Board - Pick up frirendly ground units into capacity. So very useful.
Drop - Drop units currently boarded back onto the ground. Equally useful! At least, in-game.

Comments: She flies. DNR.

Science Vessel
"E = MC... doh, let me get my notepad..."
200 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial, Detector) (Energy 250)

Defensive Matrix - Erects a barrier that surrounds a target unit, causing all damage to it to be reduced to 1. Absorbs up to 150 potential damage (before the reduction), and automatically expires after 80 seconds. Doesn't stack, but can be recharged. Cannot self-target ;_; (Cost: 100 energy.)
Irradiate - Infects a target with a cloud of radiation which gradually lowers the HP of all biological units near that unit, including itself if it is biological as well. Under the status, 6 damage is inflicted every second. Expires after 250 damage has been dealt (or potentially dealt), and can kill. Doesn't stack. (Cost: 75 energy.)
EMP Shockwave - Reduces target's shields and energy values to 0. (Cost: 100 energy.)

Comments: Status whoring and invincibility cheese at its finest! Pity about the total lack of, you know, non-status damage there, and the fact that the invincibility can't be used on itself. And anything not biological and can hit air instawins. Still, a good poison status, flying trait and MP busting are nice things. And unlike all units before now, Science Vessel can take a hit. Middle.

"This is vewy funny... but stupid."
200 HP, Armor 2 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial)
Halo Rockets: 6+3 x8 explosive damage, cooldown 64, range 6 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Halo Rockets): 33 (25 to medium, 16 to small)

Comments: Air-to-air unit only. And not even that good at it in a duel. Still, Russian check ftw. DNR.

"Shields up, weapons online. Not equipped with shields? Well then, buckle up!"
500 HP, Armor 3 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial) (Energy 250)
ATS Laser Battery: 25+9 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 6
ATA Laser Battery: 25+9 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 6 (hits air only. I have no idea why they bothered with two weapons...)
3-second damage output (ATS Laser Battery): 34
3-second damage output (ATA Laser Battery): 34 (pointless, I know)

Yamato Cannon - 255 damage to a single target. 3 second charge time. (Cost: 150 energy.)

Comments: Starcraft's best overall unit by sheer numbers both in-game and in this cast. Its main flaw, that being horribly expensive/slow to produce, is removed here. Yamato Cannon overkills, 1 turn charge notwithstanding. Godlike.

Zerg Units

40 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological)
Spines: 5 normal damage, cooldown 22, range 1
3-second damage output (Spines): 6

- Burrow: Gain burrowed status. Takes less than 1 second.
- Unburrow: Cancels burrowed status. Takes 1 second.

Comments: WHOAMG it can regen! Light.

200 HP, Armor 0 (Large, Biological, Aerial, Detector)

Board - Pick up frirendly ground units into capacity.
Drop - Drop units currently boarded back onto the ground.

Comments: WHOAMG it can fly! DNR.

35 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological)
Claws: 5+3 normal damage, cooldown 6, range 1
3-second damage output (Claws): 40

- Burrow: Gain burrowed status. Takes less than 1 second.
- Unburrow: Cancels burrowed status. Takes 1 second.

Comments: Hey, ling has some form of 2HKO damage! Pity 'bout that durability, there. Burrow cheese sure isn't going to save you. Light.

80 HP, Armor 0 (Medium, Biological)
Needle Spines: 10+3 explosive damage, cooldown 15, range 5 (can hit air)
3-second damage output (Needle Spines): 26 (19 to medium, 13 to small)

- Burrow: Gain burrowed status. Takes less than 1 second.
- Unburrow: Cancels burrowed status. Takes 1 second.

Comments: Doesn't die to a Jogurt physical, so maybe Hydralisk can take advantage of burrow. Maybe? No, that (explosive) damage still isn't much. And when your claim to potential regen cheese is barely over half PC HP, things are bad anyway. Light.

125 HP, Armor 1 (Medium, Biological)
*Subterranean Spines: 20+6 normal damage, cooldown 37, range 6
3-second damage output (Subterranean Spines): 21
*Can only be used while burrowed. Does not break Lurker from being burrowed, nor make him targetable or any such sort.

- Lurker Burrow: Gain burrowed status. Takes 3 seconds, unlike normal burrow.
- Unburrow: Cancels burrowed status.

Comments: Finally, competent burrow cheeze - on the unit that was SUPPOSED to use it, anyway. Lurker's strategy is simple: survive a turn, burrow and laugh at opponent while it pokes it to death. Works on things that don't fly, can't target it while burrowed, and don't OHKO/status it out. Middle.

25 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological, Aerial)
*Suicide: 110 normal damage, range 1 (hits air only)
*See attack name for the unfortunate side effect of this attack.

Comments: Beats all the legendary birds so obviously a misunderstood Heavy. Never mind that it kills itself doing so anyway making it technically DNR. >_>

120 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological, Aerial)
Glave Wurm: 9+3 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 3
3-second damage output (Glave Wurm): 12

Comments: Sad damage. Poor durability. The Godlike Zerg flyers continue. Light.

250 HP, Armor 2 (Large, Biological, Aerial)
*Acid Spore: 25+6 explosive damage, cooldown 100, range 6 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Corrosive Acid): 9.3
*Every successful hit of Corrosive Acid adds an Acid Spore to the struck target. Acid Spores increase the damage of all attacks on said target by 1. Acid Spores stack, up to 9 on the same victim, and individually last for 60 seconds. Additionally, given the massive cooldown time of Acid Spore one would take the damage value at face value and consider the Devourer to lose turns inbetween attacks for cooldown, in this case roughly 2.3 turns.

Comments: Fail. Even against flyers, sucks supremely, as he works best in numbers with Mutalisks for maximum potential. Obviously not happening here. DNR.

150 HP, Armor 2 (Large, Biological, Aerial)
Acid Spore: 20+6 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 8
3-second damage output (Acid Spore): 26

Comments: Lacks the vaguely tanky hit points of its cousin, the Devourer, but the Guardian makes up for this by actually having applicable damage. Flying is always nice, enough of a trait that... an okay Middle, I suppose.

150 HP, Armor 2 (Medium, Biological, Aerial) (Energy 250)

Parasite - Infected target shares its vision and sight range with your own, including detector capabilities if present. No DL use. (Cost: 75 energy)
Ensnare - Inflicts targets with a non-targeting splash effect that inflicts slow and reveals cloaked/hidden units hit by it. Lasts for 45 seconds. (Cost: 100 energy)
Spawn Broodlings - Instant death on any partially organic ground target. In other words, things like Goliaths and Tanks are affected due to having humans inside, as are Dragoons, but not Probes and Reavers. Creates two Broodlings on death, which is rather irrelevant. (Cost: 150 energy)

Comments: Yay 100% ID that works on most things. But the damage! It is not there! At ALL! But hey, Nina2 got to Heavy due to nothing but a Death spell that wasn't even nearly as accurate, so Queen should belong there too, right? Maybe? Mm, sure. Heavy.

400 HP, Armor 3 (Large, Biological)
Kaiser Blades: 20+9 normal damage, cooldown 15, range 1
3-second damage output (Kaiser Blades): 58

Comments: Ultra SMASH. Ridiculous HP score topped with the best weapon damage to date there is, and good armor along with it. Ultry dominates the rest of the rather sad Zerg cast, easily possessing the raw might to compete in Heavy.

80 HP, Armor 1 (Medium, Biological) (Energy 250)

Consume - Eats one of your own ground units for energy. Now we can have Defiler x Kerrigan sce - *shot*
Dark Swarm - Creates a large field of mist that causes all ranged attacks to miss centered on a target point. Splash/area effects still function normally even if ranged. Lasts 60 seconds. (Cost: 100 energy)
Plague - Inflicts a poison-esque status that works on anything (even full mechanical units or buildings) steadily doing 8 damage/sec, up to 300 damage in one casting. Doesn't drop the target below 1 HP in this manner. (Cost: 150 energy)
Burrow - Gain burrowed status. Takes less than 1 second.
Unburrow - Cancels burrowed status. Takes 1 second.

Comments: Some killer moves there. A weaker form of HP->1 that's still brutal nonetheless coupled with Burrow, and Dark Swarm lets it deal with those annoying Rebeccas. Consume is obviously the star skill of them all, of course. And Defiler needs no puny damage to win. It will win with its dashing good looks as the opponent beats on it after a Plague'd 1 HP, unable to do anything. Or will it? DNR.

Infested Terran
"For the Swarm!"
60 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological)
*Suicide: 500 (...) normal damage, range 1
*Gee, I wonder.

- Burrow: Gain burrowed status. Takes less than 1 second.
- Unburrow: Cancels burrowed status. Takes 1 second.

Comments: OHKOs Myria1.

Protoss Units

"What is your name!"
20/20 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Mechanical)
Particle Beam: 5 normal damage, cooldown 22, range 1
3-second damage output (Particle Beam): 6

Comments: Yawn. Best worker, in theory, for a game format. Most fail in the DL. Light.

"Doom to all who threaten the homeworld!"
100/60 HP, Armor 1 (Small, Biological)
Psi Blades: 8+3 x2 normal damage, cooldown 22, range 1
3-second damage output (Psi Blades): 30
Comments: Non-fail for first infantry unit, with slightly above average stats and damage. Pure melee slugfester though. Decent Light.

"Drop your weapon - you have fifteen seconds to comply."
100/80 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical)
Phase Disruptor: 20+6 explosive damage, cooldown 30, range 6 (can hit air)
3-second damage output (Phase Disruptor): 26 (19 to medium, 13 to small)

Comments: Zealot who trades damage for the ability to hit air and marginally better durability. It's a fair trade, though the ewness of explosive damage draws it back somewhat. Still Light though.

High Templar
"But I found your lack of control disturbing."
40/40 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Biological) (Energy 250)

Psionic Storm - Field, non-targeting splash ITD damage. Deals 25 damage/second for over a 5 second period, 125 overall. Doesn't stack. (Cost: 75 energy)
Hallucination - Creates two copies of target unit, which cannot inflict damage or use any abilities, only act as confusing meat shields. The effect is staggeringly obvious in-game if created in a duel environment, so thus DL use is all but none. Illusions start with 250 energy, steadily losing energy and disappear when they run out. (Cost: 100 energy)
Merge - Merges two High Templars into an Archon. Uh, yeah.

Comments: Insane damage with the trustworthy Psi Storm, killing most things just by the first brunt of it the spell (75 ITD damage? Yeow), and almost assuredly by the end of their next turn... but if the target survives, they could be dead themselves before that happens due to their lackluster durability. An odd form of ball lightning; though templars can get several shots of storm, it generally never comes up. Solid mage Heavy.

Dark Templar
"Your taunts are ill-advised, templar."
80/40 HP, Armor 1 (Small, Biological)
Warp Blades: 40+9 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 1
3-second damage output (Warp Blades): 49

Permanently cloaked.

Comments: Cloak on someone with actual damage - in fact, very good damage. And is permanent. Falls a bit for being pure melee, but very scary otherwise, spoiling an awful lot. Heavy.

"They should have sent a poet."
10/350 HP, Armor 0 (Large, Non-Typed)
Psionic Shockwave: 30+9 normal damage, cooldown 20, range 2 (can hit air)
3-second damage output (Psionic Shockwave): 58

Comments: TANK. High 2HKO damage. Doesn't get screwed over by melee immunity. The Protoss absolutely win after the past two races' relative failures. Non-typed also means "immune to Spawn Broodlings", which means it may or may not be immune to ID in your eyes as well. Note that anything that can only hit biologicals and/or mechanicals fail on Archons. Heavy/Godlike depending on that.

Dark Archon
25/200 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Non-Typed) (Energy 250)

Feedback - Converts all energy on target unit into literal self-inflicted HP damage. (Cost: 50 energy)
Maelstrom - Paralyzes biological units. Lasts 10 seconds. (Cost: 100 energy)
Mind Control - Control target unit. Permanent. Can be seen as the equivalent of FFT Invite. Lasts even if Dark Archon dies. (Cost: 150 energy)

Comments: Hello, 100% status whore. And really, he has nothing beyond that - after all, whose MP scores are higher than their HP scores? And without any more damage, Dark Archon instaloses to someone who immunes his Mind Control... but that's an interpretation issue all in itself, as Mind Control works on any unit in the game, including hero units and "boss" units. Granted, Dark Archon autowins against any SO3 PCs. >_> Regardless, such assured status whoring coupled with tankishness and non-typeness leads DA to be a Heavy.

80/60 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial)

Board/Drop - In the words of Meeple: God Like

Comments: Sick of this yet? DNR.

100/80 HP, Armor 0 (Large, Mechanical)
Scarab: 100+25 normal damage, cooldown 60, range 8
*3-second damage output (Scarab): 62
*Scarab damage should be taken at face value, with a 3 second wait time inbetween shots. In other words, it basically skips a turn after an attack.

Build Scarab - Builds a scarab. Reavers start with no scarabs, and they consume one every time to attack. Takes about 3 seconds to build one, but they can be built during cooldown phases as well. Can carry up to five scarabs.

Comments: Hey, Reaver is pretty neat as a dueler! Interesting wait times inbetween attacks, it needs one turn to even start off, but after that unleashes crazy damage every other turn (overkills average nearly twice over). Good enough durability to handle this strategy as well. And if you allow scarabs to to be pre-built, all the better for it. Heavy.

"That's one small step for man, one giant - stop poking me!"
40/20 HP, Armor 0 (Small, Mechanical, Aerial, Detector)

Permanently cloaked.


Comments: Fear incarnate. YOU CAN'T SEE IT. Uber supreme Godlike, without a doubt. Really.

"Sabotage inhibitors re-engaged!"
150/100 HP, Armor 0 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial)
Dual Photon Blasters: 8+3 normal damage, cooldown 30, range 4
Anti-matter Missiles: 14+3 x2 explosive damage, cooldown 22, range 4 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Dual Photon Blasters): 11
3-second damage output (Anti-matter Missiles): 46 (34 to medium, 23 to small)

Comments: Excellent durability, puny damage. Unless he runs into Florina, but heck. Too bad about that ground attack sucking ass. Light.

"Look at all the pretty lights..."
100/80 HP, Armor 1 (Medium, Mechanical, Aerial) (Energy 250)
Neutron Flare: 5+3 explosive damage, cooldown 8, range 5 (hits air only)
3-second damage output (Neutron Flare): 30

Disruption Web - Creates a small field effect whereupon any units inside cannot attack. Lasts for 20 seconds. Note that units can generally walk out of it easily enough in a quarter of that time. (Cost: 125 energy)

Comments: The third, and final, of our air to air only units. Its ability fails against things that move, anyway. DNR.

"Command, or you will be relieved."
300/150 HP, Armor 4 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial)
*Interceptor's Pulse Cannon: 6+3 normal damage, range 8
*Interceptors only attack once, and then return to the Carrier before being sent out again.

Build Interceptor - Builds an Interceptor. To attack, Carrier launches all of its current Interceptors at once, which swarm about and attack any enemy unit within range, then return to the Carrier. Interceptors have 40/40 HP, and are fully repaired when they return, but are vulnerable to enemy fire when they attack. Every round of attack is roughly 3 seconds, or one turn in other words. Carrier starts with no Interceptors and can hold up to 8. Build time is roughly 15 seconds.

Comments: Takes hits like nothing else, but the damage... oy. The damage does not even exist at first, and takes FOREVER to even get started, and attacking with one Interceptor is all but asking for it if the target has good enough damage to blow it out of the sky. Decent MT damage also ruins the day rather badly should even the Carrier not fall for this. 450 effective hit points goes a long way, but... way, way too slow. Light. (If you let it go in fully equipped, though? 72 damage a round...quite easily Heavy/Godlike, with that massive HP score; its only real weakness being blown by a strong MT attack. Both views are perfectly valid.)

"We sense a soul in search of answers."
200/150 HP, Armor 1 (Large, Mechanical, Aerial) (Energy 250)
Phase Disruptor Cannon: 10+3 explosive damage, cooldown 45, range 5
3-second damage output (Neutron Flare): 8 (6 to medium, 4 to small)

All same-player-controlled units near Arbiter gain cloaked status, which persists as long as they stay close.

Recall - Transports all same-player-controlled units at a target point instantly to the Arbiter. (Cost: 150 energy.) No DL use.
Stasis Field - Freezes units in a stasis field, where they cannot be effected by anything, including damage, but cannot do anything. Lasts for 60 seconds. (Cost: 100 energy)

Comments: The last, and probably the strangest Starcraft dueler ever. The Arbiter lacks this thing we call damage - 10 base explosive, with that cooldown time? Nearly as bad as workers, for crying out loud. And yet it doesn't quite automatically fall under Puny due to two things - durability, for starters, and more notably Stasis Field. Stasis Field allows the Arbiter to abuse what would otherwise be considered laughable: shield regeneration. And unlike the burrowing Zerg units, it actually has enough raw numbers to make a fair amount of use for it. Anyone who cannot go past borderline 2HKO damage against the Arbiter's shields, and cannot heal, is in for a long, slow, stasis-filled death. Unfortunately for it, Arbiter's actual spotlight assets - Recall and its ability to cloak everyone nearby - become completely irrelevant in DL format, and because of that it is still resigned to be a Light. An amusing one, nonetheless.

RPG Stats Forum / SaGa Frontier Bosses
« on: August 27, 2008, 08:20:27 PM »
Boss Index (50)
Blue's Quest (4)
. Kylin
. TimeLord
. DragonLord
. Hell'sLord - final boss
Red's Quest (16)
. Armorpilla
. Sphinx
. Platyhooks
. Goblin
. MBlack
. Blackgarb
. Arachne aka Campbell
. Cyclops
. Shuzer form 1
. Shuzer form 2
. Berva form 1
. Berva form 2
. MBlackII
. BlackX
. MBlackIII
. BossX - final boss
Emelia's Quest (4)
. Nidheg
. Goblin
. Gargantu
. Diva - final boss
Asellus's Quest (12)
. DevilSquid
. FireSage
. WaterSage
. GreenSage
. LionPrincess form 1
. HunterKnight aka Ciato
. Giant
. Griffin
. BatKnight aka Ciato
. LionPrincess form 2
. *BlackKnight aka Rastaban
. Orlouge - final boss
T260G's Quest (5)
. Vulcan
. SirDemon
. VulcanII
. MecGod
. GenocideHeart - final boss
Riki's Quest (7)
. VulcanII (see T260G listing)
. Platyhooks
. Tanzer
. Mollasite
. DevilSquid
. Virgil
. MasterRing - final boss
Lute's Quest (2)
. Giant (see Asellus listing)
. Spriggan aka Mondo - final boss

*Not finished.

First off, a big thanks to all those who helped me compile this: Niu, Neph, and Infinity in particular. Much of the stat information was gathered thanks to their efforts.

All bosses are taken against what I consider to be a "standard" party. I generally exclude monsters entirely (save Riki, for obvious reasons); I attempt to make a party of three humans, one mystic, and one mec. Cases where that's not possible has me throw in an appropriate filler character according to the plot (a mystic for Asellus, a mec for T260G, etc.) All characters are raised in one obvious skill tree (swords, guns, fists, magic, physical/magical mystic, Mec weaponry), and kept training in that area for a better spread. As the game encourages it through its character selection, swordsmen are favored the most out of everything, and their damage tends to best represent "average".

Equipment is vital in SaGa. It heavily affects damage taken, and allows even extremely underleveled characters to beat a quest with relative ease if you know what you're doing. In-game, storebought items are quite expensive and there is no easy way to gather money save the Takonomics trick (more on that later). In general, I use three tiers of equipment choice: the earlygame, where one makes do with whatever one can have - mostly initial equipment; the midgame, where I assume the best equipment choices from the Junk Shop (a money-friendly trick to load up for your party); and the endgame, where I assume best storebought equips, period. For the latter two, the items worn to calculate boss damage are taken against a CyberSuit/any shirt (for midgame) or a PowerSuit/HyperWear (for endgame). Shields are also available (ShellShields storebought, ExcelShields by Junk Shop), and more often than not play a large role in blocking enemy attacks; nearly every physical listed in this topic is blockable by a shield, and a character can equip multiple shields. Take this as you will.

As far as "maximum level" goes, I generally target 750 HP as the preferable average as endgame. Some may see it higher, some lower, but playing the game blindly (that is, without abuse of the many known exploits such as Takonomics) generally sees a party around that strength when the final boss comes around. It is notable that the last tier of random encounters, famous for monsters such as Dullahans, Krakens and/or Suzakus, tend to start appearing around the 600 HP range. Certain quests may find this number to be higher or lower depending on difficulty (Asellus's quest is exceptionally long, Lute's quest is exceptionally short, and so forth), so my own playstyle may change things a bit there.

Speed is semirandom in SaGa, and as such, take any figures listed with a grain of salt as far as that goes. I have attempted to simplify enemy speed to the best of my ability, but there is really no good way to do it. Given the volatile and highly dynamic nature of SaGa's system - from everything to party building, enemy stats, and damage figures - the numbers can easily differ depending on your experience and play style. This stat topic is intended to serve mainly as a refresher and memorance of a particular boss's skillset; forgetting crucial moves is quite easily done, since in general SaGa bosses tend to fall fast ingame and rarely use their entire moveset to its maximum potential. (It is good that they don't, because they have a startling trait to possess seldom-used MT OHKO attacks.)

All bosses are generally immune to instant death and statuses. Exceptions have been noted. Additional immunities are also listed, as are notable equipment (shields, for instance).

Attack terminology that I have used:
magical - what falls as traditional magic. Such attacks have a spellcasting animation associated with the mainstream spells in SaGa (Light, Realm, Mystic, etc.) Note that this is pretty much the only distinction SaGa ever makes to separate non-magical and magical attacks. Attributes play no part in distinguishing an attack from being magical or not.
line effect, area affect - attacks that aren't truly MT but can strike multiple targets due to position. This generally has no impact in the DL.
initiative move - always goes first in the round. In the case of multiple initiative moves being used on the same round, normal checks to Qui scores are made.

Status effects (all status effects except Stone wear off in time):
Stun - Lose your turn for that round. Only works if the stunner goes first, obviously.
Venom - Ye basic poison, lose 10% mHP at the end of every round. Can be lethal.
Sleep - Standard RPG sleep; character doesn't act. Any damage effect cancels it.
Palsy - Paralysis. The character cannot act until it wears off.
Blue Mess - Randomly lose turns (the inputted action doesn't go off). Happens seldomly, generally worthless.
Red Mess - Confusion. Can use any move on any target, including self-harmful ones.
Charm - Always do beneficial actions for the enemy or harmful ones against the PCs, including self-harm. Damage doesn't remove this, it has to wear off.
Angry - Essentially silence. Reduced to only basic physicals/weapons.
Stone - Petrify. Character is immune to all damage and effects while petrified. Permanent, game over status.
(Fire/Ice/Bolt)Barrier - Elemental shields that can be created by certain effects, often by getting hit with the appropriate elemental attack. While a shield is active, the character has effectively 99 resist in the corresponding element (Heat/Cold/Electricity) and counters all contact attacks with roughly 300~ damage of the appropriate element. Wears off after three rounds.

Elements (called attributes) in SaGa consist of the following:

Slash, Strike, Pierce - The generic physical attack types. Slash attribute attacks are associated with swords, Strike associated with fists, and Pierce associated with guns.
Heat - The equivalent of the fire element.
Cold - The equivalent of the ice element (not water, which gets its own distinction in SaGa.)
Electric - The equivalent of the lightning element.
Light - Debatable. Light in SaGa extends to many things, far from the generic holy-elemental definition (both Re-Al-Phoenix and TimeEclipse are Light attribute attacks, to give you a hint...)

Note that attacks can consist of more than one attribute (and often do). An attack with multiple attributes always hits the weakest defense of the target. Bosses' resistance to attributes have been listed where possible; these numbers are essentially their defense values. How much a resistance actually reduces damage of a particular attribute is unknown (albeit scores of 99 are generally effective immunity).

VIT is SaGa's universal defensive stat. The formula for damage reduction is: [VIT/4]/128 percent reduction.

Additionally, special types of attack exist in SaGa that are worth noting: Water, Ground, Sonic, Gaze, and Psychic attacks. Several items immune these in-game, storebought at that, and sometimes are more often than not -needed- to survive some particularly vicious attacks from enemies or bosses. Take this as you will. They are not elements or attributes, however.

Forum Games / Succinct Mafia
« on: August 27, 2008, 06:32:01 AM »
Role PMs have been sent. Please confirm by posting in thread. Send in Night 0 actions if applicable.

Game start is slated for 11:00am PST, Monday, 9/1.

Seeing as there seems to be few bites in other games, and how much more I prefer modding to playing, I wanted to give this game concept a spin.

Succinct Mafia is just that. The game premise is that everything meaningful can be said in a short, concise post. This game is pointedly rallying against walls of text and/or quotes and aims for both a civil and straightforward discussion.

It will be a closed setup, and lean away (EDIT: Andrew is a dirty ENGLISH MAJOR) from role madness, though there will be roles. I will say that powers will be based off traditional mafia roles at the most extreme (you're not going to see anything completely out of the box).

Days will be 48 hours, with unlimited time on LYLO (and if you think factors will prevent you from being able to participate in a timely manner please do not sign up. I view signing up as a form of commitment, so unless you want an angry Laggy, do your best to participate.) Day ends WILL be auto-extended by 30 minutes from the latest post (that is, day will not end until 30 minutes have passed and no hammer is in sight). I feel this is a reasonable compromise as to not suddenly curtail the end of the day in the middle of discussion. Please do not abuse this (wrap up the day if it's already come to deadline) or I may decide not to show such leniency in the future.


* All posts should be less than 300 words. This isn't a post restriction rule - that is, I'm not going to modkill you if you accidentally break it by a few dozen - but you'll be warned the first time, and potentially modkilled if your posts really do start looking like walls of text after said warning. By the way, quoted words count towards this limit, so quote very sparingly/selectively if at all!
* Don't post consecutively. Double posts to correct/add thoughts are fine, but you're cheating the whole idea if you do it more than that. Back and forth posts between two people (as often happens) is fine so long as your posts aren't becoming gargantuan quote debates (aka adhering to the first rule).
* Be civil. Be active. Very important. Since your word count isn't going to be that high, your content and your punctuality to the game will presumably make up for it. With days clocking at 48 hours, I'd say you're expected to view and respond to the thread and current happenings at least three times a day, preferably more.

Otherwise, a straightforward concept. I'm looking for at least 13 people, with more the better. Game will be aborted if I don't have enough signups by a week (and will also start then, if I have.)

P.S. This post was 448 words! More now that dirty English majors made me fix grammatical errors.

1. That non-elf Canuck from up there yonder (confirmed)
2. FFT Female Chemist SCC (quadruple the fun) (confirmed)
3. Cid Highwind was a coincidence! I swear! (confirmed)
4. +9 Zakum Helm or bust (confirmed)
5. Gave me an actual point at DLC3 music quiz (confirmed)
6. Impeccable anonymity? Voteless terror? Isn't it sad, Sacchin? (confirmed)
7. Fly better airlines, por favor (confirmed)
8. Sir Alex is not a meme (confirmed)
9. YOU SPOONY BARD (confirmed)
10. All hail Britannia (confirmed)
11. Fakeclaim doc on day 1, this plan cannot possibly fail (confirmed)

Forum Games / GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:02:22 AM »
SUDDENLY, there were nine.

Nine gathered in an abandoned building set upon an isolated location cast in a desolate region in a remote world that none would ever find themselves happening upon. Except now, as the Plot Powers That Be agreed that these nine, no more, no less, would be cast upon this rock.

They were varied indeed.

A detective sleuth, who found all things but elementary.

A lieutenant of Starfleet, battle-born of honor.

A prodigy prosecutor, whose whiplash speed arguably surpassed that of her attorney skills.

A pirate captain, familiar with castaway isolation.

A Jedi Master, of stature that belied of size mattering not.

A leader of not men but machine.

A trashtalking, cigarette chomping pilot and inspiring astronaut.

A lost and tortured prisoner to a magical ring of an overencompassing Dark Lord.

A man who pitied the fools and understood well the virtues of milk.

Their individual tales, trials and tribulations are much too lengthy to discuss, save the common feature that they all... well... somehow had ended up here. Then Abraham Lincoln rose from the grave and spoke (AK-47 nowhere in sight).

"The nine of ye gathered here. Let it be known that there are some amongst you who claim to be not who they are! Root out this evil, and ye shall be set free and allowed back to the place ye belong. Fail, and ye shall find your numbers dwindling, till none left stand but the imposters!"

Well, Abraham fucking Lincoln just gave you an order, man. Wouldn't -you- get down to it?

Rules: (full details in signup thread located at
- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread about the game, unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting under anything but your assigned account name. Be very careful that you post under your Mafia account and not your normal DL account; failing to do so, even by accident, will result in modkill.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts. Period.
- Don't directly quote your role PM. This will result in a modkill.
- Vote using ##Vote: name and ##Unvote: name (with the bold). I will ignore all other formats.
- There will be no third parties.
- There will be no extensions.
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. There will be no time limit on LYLO days.
- There are roles in this game. This is a semi-open setup. See above for more information.
- There may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that change the rules of the game and things like that.
- Town must lynch. If there is a deadlock at deadline, sudden death will occur. (Sudden death means the first relevant vote or unvote will result in hammer.)
- All modkills will result in an instant end of the day. Modkills are bad for the game and potentially for both sides. Please don't make them happen. Read signup disclaimer many times.
- Day 1 will be 48 hours, future days will last 72 hours.
- EDIT: Rat is now co-mod due to massive failure and my own possible limited availability upcoming.


Alive and anonymous:
1. Sherlock Holmes
2. Worf
3. Yoda
4. Cid Highwind
5. Mr. T

Dead and unmasked:
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Franziska von Karma, Vanilla Townie (TOWN)
3. Gollum, One-shot Vigilante (TOWN)
4. Megatron, Vanilla Townie (TOWN)
5. Jack Sparrow, Doctor (TOWN)

Current day: 3
Deadline: None (LYLO)

Good luck. Be anonymous!

Forum Games / Anonymous Mafia Signups! (# of anonymous: 9)
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:54:41 AM »


Fine I was convinced to try this. ;_;

Alright, here's the deal. The goal of this game is to provide an atmosphere where metagaming is at an extreme minimum, and you play as though you were dealing with a crowd of strangers.

No more saying "Man x is being scummy cuz he's not acting at all like he usually does!" or "y is scummy because y always does this when he is scum!" These and various others are the issues that I hope not to see come up in this game. Hopefully by creating an unbiased environment (or at least a good deal less biased than usual) we will have an environment closer to what Mafia is supposed to be played in.

To accomplish, I will pre-create accounts before the game and assign them to you in your role PM. You are to use these accounts to post in this game and only with these accounts.

Please log into these accounts using invisible mode as well (so no one tries to figure out who's who via looking at online board members).

I ask that anyone playing in this make a conscious effort to not sound like themselves in their posts. After so many years of reading each other's posts, you start being able to figure out (or at least guess) whose post it is without actually looking at the name (re: Meeple) and to do so would defeat the point of the setup. Feel free to be creative about this. Use the account name I give you to "get into character" as it were if it helps. Just don't get carried away and forget that this is Mafia and not Roleplay.

Also, account names will not be indicative of the role or alignment. At all. Don't think it will. Metagaming! Is! Bad!

Other things...

There will be no role madness. There will be roles. Possible roles in this game follows. Note that this does not mean all of the roles listed will be used, just that they could be. You will not see roles outside of the ones right here.
- Doctor. Town role. Can protect one person from being killed during night. Cannot self-protect. May or may not be able to protect the same person two nights in a row.
- Cop. Town role. Can investigate someone and get an alignment return (town or scum). Possible sanities: sane (gets proper result), insane (gets opposite result), naive (always gets town), paranoid (always gets scum).
- Vigilante. Town role. Can make one kill at night (optional). May or may not be one-shot.
- Watcher. Town role. Can designate someone to watch during night. If that person is targeted by anyone else with a night action (including a kill), learns identity of the targeter.
- Tracker. Town role. Can designate someone to watch during that night. If that person targets anyone else with a night action (including a kill), learns identity of the target.
- Miller. Town role. Returns scum on cop investigations. Always combined with another town role.
- Bulletproof. Town role. Immune to night kills.
- Freemasons. Town role. Able to converse with other freemasons outside of the thread about the game.
- Ghost. Town role. Can make 1 post during the day, 100 words or less, after being killed.
- Godfather. Scum role. Returns town on cop investigation. Loses this benefit if he goes on the kill at night.
- Roleblocker. Scum role. Can target someone and prevent them from having or using any of their role's powers for the night. Cannot do this if he goes on the kill at night.
- Rolecop. Scum role. Can investigate someone and get information on their role and its powers. Cannot do this if he goes on the kill at night.
- Silencer. Scum role. Targets someone at night; the next day that person 1) cannot post twice in a row and 2) can only do "##Vote", "##Unvote", or "##Unvote, ##Vote" in their posts. AKA no morse-code here. Cannot do this if he goes on the kill at night. NOTE: Faking silence will not result in modkill. Be vigilant!

Someone asked to clarify cop investigations, so here it is: paranoid and naive always get scum/town respectively on their investigations, even if the person they're investigating is oddball like miller or godfather. Insane will get the opposite result of what they'd normally get (so miller would return town and godfather would return scum).

Full flips will be given on death.

Rules in advance:
- No editing your posts.
- No talking outside the thread about the game, unless your role specifically states that you may.
- No posting under anything but your assigned account name. Be very careful that you post under your Mafia account and not your normal DL account; failing to do so, even by accident, will result in modkill.
- No posting during game nights.
- No spectator posts. Period.
- Don't directly quote your role PM. This will result in a modkill.
- Vote using ##Vote: name and ##Unvote: name (with the bold). I will ignore all other formats.
- There will be no third parties.
- There will be no extensions.
- LYLO and potential LYLO will be announced. There will be no time limit on LYLO days.
- There are roles in this game. This is a semi-open setup. See above for more information.
- There may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that change the rules of the game and things like that.
- Town must lynch. If there is a deadlock at deadline, sudden death will occur. (Sudden death means the first relevant vote or unvote will result in hammer.)
- All modkills will result in an instant end of the day. Modkills are bad for the game and potentially for both sides. Please don't make them happen. Read signup disclaimer many times.
- Day 1 will be 48 hours, future days will last 72 hours.

Target goal: 11 players. Would really like to hit this, 9 is my bare minimum. More is -always- welcome; heck I'd be happy running a large game, if I get enough signups, though I'm not holding my breath on this. >_> Should this somehow miraculously happen though, the above rules may change and I will post stating so.

SIGNUP DISCLAIMER: Please do not sign up in this game if you feel that real life circumstances may limit your ability to be online/post frequently, or that your interest may wane. I want to avoid modkills and replacements as much as possible and I have seen this issue rear its head a troubling number of times in the history of DL Mafia games. I would rather be safe than sorry. If you have any doubts about your ability to actively participate, please do not sign up. A smaller turnout of dedicated players is better than a larger one that ends up getting cropped down by modkills anyway.


To sign up, please PM me either on the forums or in IRC. Due to the game's nature all signups will, of course, be completely and totally anonymous. I will edit the thread topic as I get signups to keep count.

General Chat / The Touhou Topic
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:58:40 AM »
As revived from the last board. A place to mark your progress in Touhoudom and general shenanigans.

All of the Touhou games can be downloaded off of Hal's fserv on IRC. Just do /ctcp Yukari-sama has Tohou! (For those seeking the awesome music of the series, /ctcp Yukari-sama Tohoumusik will get you your needs as well.)

Those wanting to find Touhoutalk are always welcome to stop by at #gensokyo (on dejatoons), where you'll find both other DLers and people from branching Touhou communities. IaMP and Mahjong are currently popular games of request, as is PoFV.

Feel free to steal my format or somethin'.

Replay archive can be find here:

Touhou wiki (oodles of information on characters, world, etc.) here:

Random statistics. These are the percentage of players (taken from a Japanese survey, roughly 8000 participants) who have played Touhou and managed to clear the listed difficulty setting on the Window games.

Quote from:
IN Easy - 92.75%
PCB Easy - 88.02%
EoSD Easy - 86.56%
MoF Easy - 85.35%
IN Normal - 75.24%
PCB Normal - 70.19%
MoF Normal - 68.64%
EoSD Normal - 68.6%
PCB Extra - 46.52%
IN Extra - 46.06%
MoF Extra - 36.43%
EoSD Extra - 32.81%
PCB Phantasm - 30.28%
IN Hard - 30.99%
PCB Hard - 22.5%
EoSD Hard - 17.42%
MoF Hard - 15.95%
IN Lunatic - 10.93%
PCB Lunatic - 6.79%
MoF Lunatic - 4.65%
EoSD Lunatic - 4.53%

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