Author Topic: What games are you playing 2014?  (Read 211742 times)


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2350 on: October 24, 2014, 11:44:20 AM »
Actually it isn't that bad in either game really.  It is far from optimal, but it is also hella far from the worst.  It is a little dull a lot of the time, but it has peaks of stupid (see my rant on 2nd Edition scaling and Level being prominent in spell scaling last time I played BG...).  If you see it all the way through to BG2 end game then there is only three things you really need to know for crazy stupid degenerate cheese.  Enhanced Bard Song effects the entire map.  Enhanced Bard Song stacks with other Enhanced Bard Songs.  Mislead clones can sing.

At the start of BG1, man you think it is going to be bad?  You are a Mage with better THACO, can use Bows, throw on a suit of armour after you blow your load, have D6 HP will level literally twice as fast for a long time in the game where Magic Missile is still a decent spell by end game for mages.  Add in the ability to pick pocket some of the nicer hidden treasures without the opportunity cost on your thief?  Bard is a pretty legitimately decent choice for BG1.  You will not be shining quite as much once you get to the city itself (I personally think Bards taper off around level 7 through to HLA in BG2, which is why Haer Daelis is kind of bland), but on the way there man?  You will be a fucking rock star if you play your cards right.  BG2 you might spend most of your time throwing Skull Traps at dudes and debating whether to even bother with Melf's Acid Arrow or not, but it pays off okay in the end.

Also straight bard or Skald/Blade?  (Jester... Man Jester is straight up broken in BG1Tutu, I forget if EE did anything to hiner the OP power of AoE IFF Confusion at level 1).
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2351 on: October 24, 2014, 12:45:08 PM »
Fen, I honestly don't think The Gods Will Be Watching is worth the frustration. Later stages can take upwards of 40 to 60 minutes, and some of the stage mechanics are really nonsensical/inscrutable or subject to randomness that can really just screw you over even if you know the optimal strategy. One stage in particular is randomized each time, which makes success less about skill and more about hoping that you get a favorable random generation. It is kind of a shame because there are some interesting things they do with level design/situational tension and some of the moral choices can be interesting... for the first time. Again, once you fail a stage a lot, these choices become really rote and uninteresting (which may be the point?).

I did beat it but mostly out of begrudging spite.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2352 on: October 24, 2014, 02:41:36 PM »
Yeah ok I'll stop. Shame about that pixel art.

I really like the idea of random things being completely entirely out of your control in a game like this, but this probably shouldn't have that much of an impact on whether you can continue playing the game or have to restart. (over and over)

They did add some easier difficulties but I wanted to play the game as intended?


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2353 on: October 24, 2014, 06:32:50 PM »
Adding easier difficulties seems to me to have been something of an admission that they way they intended it to be was not really a way that people could actually get the message of the game.  Unless quitting in frustration halfway through is part of the message.  And who knows?  For this game perhaps more than any other I could see how that might be part of what they were going for.

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« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 06:35:52 PM by NotMiki »
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2354 on: October 24, 2014, 08:47:57 PM »
Also straight bard or Skald/Blade?  (Jester... Man Jester is straight up broken in BG1Tutu, I forget if EE did anything to hiner the OP power of AoE IFF Confusion at level 1).

I was just asking out of curiosity really, since it's one of the few classes I've never really had in the party. Probably not actually touching BG again for a very long time, played it twice through the whole saga in the past year or so and it's a huge time commitment and now I have a computer that can actually play some of the shinier things my Steam library has accumulated the past couple years, so. Wasteland 2 is probably up whenever I finish Divinity, jumped in to have a look at character creation yesterday (probably didn't min-max to anywhere near the degree I should, will likely restart whenever I get around to playing the game proper) and obviously After the End is a setup I've always been greatly attracted to.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2355 on: October 24, 2014, 10:23:12 PM »
Ahh well then, to get a finer answer.  Straight Bard works like I described.  Blade is okay with some applications of cheese (Ring of Free Movement overwriting the snare on Defensive SPin for example).  Mostly works like regular Bard and then in the middling sections can be OKAY at fighting with Offensive Spin.  Skald is just regular bard.  So if you ever did play again I would pretty much recommend Jester.  They are broke as fuck early on, play like normal bards otherwise (Enhanced Bard Song overwrites Jester's one and you get OP stacking song buffs right when it starts to blossom into stupid broken).
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2356 on: October 25, 2014, 01:03:03 AM »
Is there any reason Fenrir couldn't use the Auto Life garment grids or the Lady Luck trick for Auto Life slots for the FFX-2 run?~

I'm guessing some of the new dress spheres give some of Songstress's benefits such as MP 0, Magical Immunity, etc hence the lack of Songstress/dance love also?~
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 01:06:28 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2357 on: October 25, 2014, 01:32:10 AM »
Adding easier difficulties seems to me to have been something of an admission that they way they intended it to be was not really a way that people could actually get the message of the game.  Unless quitting in frustration halfway through is part of the message.  And who knows?  For this game perhaps more than any other I could see how that might be part of what they were going for.

Totes the Vito Acconcis of videogames amirite

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Is there any reason Fenrir couldn't use the Auto Life garment grids or the Lady Luck trick for Auto Life slots for the FFX-2 run?~

I'm guessing some of the new dress spheres give some of Songstress's benefits such as MP 0, Magical Immunity, etc hence the lack of Songstress/dance love also?~

One of the new jobs does have magical immunity. I'm not sold on MP 0 being that good in a game with awesome MP restoration skills. Few games are as generous with MP as FFX-2

I didn't find any Auto Life garment grid so far.
I had checked a guide for slots and somehow missed Auto-Life! Huh. Thanks! This might help beat other bosses (though probably not the arena, sadly) Another great, possibly even better slot result is the one that gives you Mighty Guard +, which is completely awesome.

The pause trick is definitely super annoying to pull off, not something I'd use if I could use any other strategy.
The reason why I don't care that much for slots in this game is that you get severely screwed for not getting any combos with slots (Every PC gets their HPs reduced by 3/4), unlike FF6 in which you just get weak healing.

I just beat the level 60 via infinito boss the weirdest way:
Fighting its oversouled (supposedly way better) form, which loses its 60000 damage attack, and gets more HPs and a lot of reflectable spells. Reflect ring, haste ring, defense + songs= Berserker could auto battle this with his weak regen

Let's find out if the level 80 boss is an even bigger bastard


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2358 on: October 25, 2014, 03:33:00 AM »
Level 80 boss is Yunalesca and she's extremely angry.

I could beat her by getting an absurdly awesome accessory by beating one annoying minigame

I'm so out of here.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2359 on: October 25, 2014, 04:37:21 AM »
Getting this absurdly awesome accessory by beating one annoying minigame.  AVOID!
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2360 on: October 25, 2014, 03:14:05 PM »
FF10 HD: So not much plot happened here...but there was some!

Tidus goes to find Yuna, she's having second thought about the pilgrimage.  Tidus now of course says "hey, why not quit!  Forget it all, let's go to my Zanarkand and have fun!"  Tidus is being irresponsible here of course because he's basically saying "Fun over duty, huzzah!" but he does mean well; he doesn't want Yuna to die or worry, and is trying to make things right, but he's also still a teenager so his judgment isn't the greatest of things.  I know I keep saying Tidus isn't an idiot...but I've also kept emphasizing he's not super smart either; he's very average, so naturally, a bad idea is to be expected on occasion.  Yuna eventually declines and the two make out underwater to the game's vocal theme because "Well shit, we need SOMEWAY to prove they're totally a thing now and there's no awkward anti-gravity spaceship situation going on!"

The real thing to get out of this is just how...jarring Tidus' lines are compared to everything else.  He's been pretty honest to Yuna before this point, mostly because he never had a reason to lie.  "Hey, we'll get to Zanarkand, you'll defeat Sin, I'll go home, everything will be awesome!"  He's being optimistic, but still, he means what he says.
Then here, he's lying to Yuna for the first time so openly...and to himself.  You can tell by the way he's saying things, he's struggling to convince himself of all these things.  As far back as Macalania Temple at the latest, Tidus has resigned himself to the fact that "I'm never going home" so really, his whole "LET'S HAVE FUN IN ZANARKAND!" lying to Yuna is a way to express his own homesickness in a way that isn't "WAAAH! I WANNA GO HOME ;_;."  As's the complete opposite of whining; he's twisting homesickness in a positive light, such that the feelings are entirely internalized but he's making it sound like a good thing.

Yuna, of course, is too impressed by everything he says to see through Tidus' own lies and what is really going on.  This isn't Yuna being stupid but more Tidus talking about things she didn't even consider.  "Wait, you mean people stay up that late in Zanarkand? IT MUST BE AMAZING!"  Of course, Yuna then says "no" to giving up, and then Tidus is brought back to reality.  Following that, Tidus reminds Yuna he'll follow her, no matter what decision and protect her; he's his guardian.  He then tells Rikku later "we just need to think of a way!"

CALM LANDS!  Ok, so Yuna's predecessor, in the sense that Wakka/Lulu were his guardians, appears and is clearly Pro-Yuna, nice way to give a little bit of backstory to Lulu and Wakka because they had a pilgrimage but we know nothing about it.  Here we see the summoner in question, and he clearly has no ill-feelings towards either of them.  Not much to say here.  Tidus then tells Rikku to stop complaining about the failing and just to "KEEP ON THINKING! IF WE CAN'T THINK OF A WAY...WE'LL THINK OF ANOTHER WAY!" Uh, Tidus, to think of ANOTHER way you need to think ONE WAY.  That might be an oddly translated line like it could have been "If the first way doesn't work, we'll think of another!"  Either way, it seems clear Tidus' #1 goal is "make sure Yuna doesn't die."

The rest of this sequence way to sum it up?

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2361 on: October 25, 2014, 10:56:57 PM »
Bravely Default: Finally.  It is finished.  104 hours later.

Final boss was weird; for the most part he's freaking pathetic, yet he still managed to make me use Bravely Second toward the end.  Minor gameplay spoilers: Most of his skillset is just *trash*, for all that solo bosses in any RPG have this problem in general.  Physical is not scary, Demonic Touch is waste-a-turn on buffs (oh noes), Celestial Touch trades 1:1 with Dispel giving me 3 other turns, Divergence is worthless, etc.  Disaster is an MT OHKO, but because this is BD, MT OHKOs are strangely not that scary - oh no, MT 4HKO thanks to Default Guard, revive anyone who wasn't Defaulting.  Well, unless he uses Disaster 2 turns in a row - then both the healer and the revived person die.  Still, the remaining party members can easily patch up - oh wait, there might be a 3rd Disaster so somebody *must* Default, crap.  Despite his AI fairly rarely using Disaster before (1 in every 5 turns, perhaps?) I had a sequence of him using Disaster 4 or 5 times in a row, which is not survivable without some Bravely Seconding in there, hence the battle taking a few extra days of real time to get the SP back.

As a side note, Spiritmaster strangely kinda worthless in the final sequence, despite being awesome for Bugzilla 1 & 2 (both in Finale: LA, and the earlier battle in Finale: Bravely Default).  Bugzilla 3 spams Acedia way too often to bother trying to undo it, and Singing for MDef boosts would have been far more useful for the Beast, although I guess the MT status immunity is vaguely okay vs. Zero Dimension.

Plotwise, Finale: Bravely Default was frustrating, although the one plot twist they saved for it (rather than in Finale: LA) was amusing, I thought.  I thought the implication toward the end of C6 was that if you continue onward, the party is "in on it" who the Deceiver is, but are playing along because they have a Cunning Plan, or trust Agnes to do something surprising.  They have to lure out Oury to end this once and for all, or they need to steal the power of the connected worlds themselves to restart Creation, or something.  Instead everyone acts just as surprised as if you do the ending earlier.  Sigh. 

The "invade the Celestial Realm" stuff was amusing though.  Haha at using the 3DS facecam for that, I see what you did there.  So Tiz has the fragment of a celestial = he's being controlled by me, and Oury wants to invade the real world.  Got it, Hideo Kojima would approve, etc.  Except...  they seem to go a different direction in the ending ending?  Which may be fine, I suppose it does have more sequel possibilities.  So...  Tiz was in a tank remote-controlling zombie Tiz the whole time, and being really really coy about it?  Is where "real Tiz" is from the Celestial Realm?  Or is it the future, hence the comment about "the same era as me?"  Future would be weird though, since I know Agnes is supposed to show up in Bravely Second...   for all that I'd rather they tell a different story, sigh.  If it's set in a new world, that'd be fine by me, though, move on.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2362 on: October 26, 2014, 12:39:27 AM »
Shadowrun Dragonfall, Director's Cut:

Got scared at the skill select screen and closed the game.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2363 on: October 26, 2014, 12:45:50 AM »
Re Spiritmaster and the penultimate boss, they cancel Acedia, which I'm really surprised you didn't find worth it (though you can use Dispel as well of course)? Once debuffed, Exaflare will overkill anyone not defaulting and 2HKO anyone who is, that just feels an insurmountable situation for the exact same reason you found out with Disaster spam (which yes is the only good thing about the final. It's even worse if he opens with it several times in a row! Well, Divergence is okay) since she can certainly spam that and/or mix it up with Slaughter. Guess you got it to work, and I dunno what the rest of your level/setup was so maybe it was more possible for you than it was for me.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2364 on: October 26, 2014, 01:25:57 AM »
Shadowrun Dragonfall, Director's Cut:

Got scared at the skill select screen and closed the game.

To break the game, choose a Elf, pump Quickness, Dodge, and Rifles. Congratulations you can now one-shot anything from halfway across the map while never getting hit, ever. Though it does take awhile to get to that point.

If you want a good build that isn't quite as OP try some sort of melee build or mage. Decker is more useful than the vanilla game but still not that great.

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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2365 on: October 26, 2014, 01:50:12 AM »
I actually just decided on having a human decker with a shotgun (I want to cyberjack into the haxtrix. And I like shotguns), so I just might have made the worst build.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2366 on: October 26, 2014, 02:25:11 AM »
Human is the best race. They get 3 bonus stat points, trolls get 2, everyone else gets 1. Caps don't matter because there's not enough experience to hit them even at the very end.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2367 on: October 26, 2014, 02:26:59 AM »
Acedia is undone by *death* as well.  And death is not that bad.

Okay, I was a bit unfair, being able to use Spirit Guard / Adaptation on my healer was useful, but not attempting to undo it everywhere, which would be a turn-negative trade (boss uses 1 turn, I spend 4 turns on my healer - ouch).  Default Guard on everyone, which makes Acedia'd Zeta Flare quite survivable via spamming Default (as it better be, as her Acedia->Zeta Flare combo is gg otherwise).   So...  just default a lot, then have 1 person at 3 BP bravely smash in (but only for 3x actions) a round.  If they die from MT doom, whatever, just revive & heal 'em back up afterward.  It felt like 1 out of every 3 turns or so was spent on Acedia, so if I just accept it and harvest BP, it's not so bad.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2368 on: October 26, 2014, 02:55:47 PM »
Gods Will Be Watching yarr

I have not played the game, but this conversation sparked a binge-watching of a let's play of it. I'd recommend doing at least that much of it since the plot itself is kinda cute if hamfisted as my anus on Sunday. A couple of the puzzles actually looked pretty neat to figure out (chapters 2, 3, 4, and maaaaaaybe the second to last one) but yeah definitely look like they took too fucking long. Definitely a neat concept that I am disappointed to hear (and kinda see secondhand) is pretty dang lame in execution.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2369 on: October 26, 2014, 03:01:12 PM »
Shadowrun Dragonfall, Director's Cut:

Got scared at the skill select screen and closed the game.

To break the game, choose a Elf, pump Quickness, Dodge, and Rifles. Congratulations you can now one-shot anything from halfway across the map while never getting hit, ever. Though it does take awhile to get to that point.

If you want a good build that isn't quite as OP try some sort of melee build or mage. Decker is more useful than the vanilla game but still not that great.

Yeah, fast elf rifle(wo)man was exactly what I ran through Dead Man's Switch and it was crazy good. Melee's decent (I went ork melee brute for Dragonfall), especially if you main the slashing weapons that negate enemy turns, but it really can't compete.

I always left hacking for the hires. It's usually a means to complete secondary objectives or get extra goodies rather than mandatory, and Dragonfall gives you a perfectly decent NPC decker pretty early.


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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2370 on: October 26, 2014, 03:57:34 PM »
Snowfire: His big MT damage move really is the only scary thing he has, but the fact that he can whip it out at a moment's notice and do so multiple turns in a row is alone an issue, leading to a reset you really have no way around.  I myself had only one PC survive an instance like this, managed to pull through thanks to Bravex3 -> Phoenix Down x3 + Megalixir.

I wouldn't mind this so much if not for the fact that the entire final boss arc takes forever.  Reset against a final boss?  Fine.  Reset against a final boss with multiple forms? Frustrating but this is a final boss.  Reset against a final boss who has a long cutscene you can't skip beforehand?  Annoying, but I can overlook that (Valkyrie Profile comes to mind here, for all that I've never lost to Loki.)  Reset against a Final Boss with multiple forms, several of which are scripted fights AND there's long cutscenes in-between that you can only partially sceneskip?  Go die please.

Shame too because BD was really good at being fair about the bullshit.  Even deaths through back attacks, annoying as they are, is fair because of both auto-saves and how often enemies use things you can prepare against once you know they're coming.  The Final Boss sequence just irked me because there really had to be a better way how to handle that.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2371 on: October 26, 2014, 05:58:01 PM »
It isn't like wiping to Cloud of Darkness though right?  I died to the final fight once to something I could have Bravely Seconded out of and it was kind of annoying but for the game to fuck it up once isn't that colossally damning to me., but it does make it stand out significantly more (since the game does have a Hard Mode and legitimately strong optional boss fights that could likely have caused wipes so you likely have run into a reset or two before).
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2372 on: October 26, 2014, 07:37:32 PM »
All I have to say is that I thank the lord for the Time Mage reset battle ability. Saved my ass in both of the multiform boss fights. It starts you at the form you died to, which is pretty awesome.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2373 on: October 26, 2014, 10:26:04 PM »
SMT:SJ - Just beat Maya in Grus, so nearly done.  This zone being all about illusion and hammering home the usual Chaos/Law split of SMT is mixing two pretty great things.  The illusion thing is a fairly whatever excuse to use palette swaps of old zones, right up until you fight Maya and her background is this which is a pretty fantastic image and is going to be my new lock screen for a while.

I started rolling Law because apparently I forgot just how much Law always ends up grating on me in SMT and how great Chaos is at being a bunch of Bros when they aren't killing you in the face.  Also Loisa Ferre is way better than Loius Cypher, but I think I am going to be gunning for Neutral.  Partly because Chaos is going to end poorly and mostly because I want to see more of Zombie Gore becoming Neo in the Matrix.
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Re: What games are you playing 2014?
« Reply #2374 on: October 26, 2014, 11:54:59 PM »
It isn't like wiping to Cloud of Darkness though right?  I died to the final fight once to something I could have Bravely Seconded out of and it was kind of annoying but for the game to fuck it up once isn't that colossally damning to me., but it does make it stand out significantly more (since the game does have a Hard Mode and legitimately strong optional boss fights that could likely have caused wipes so you likely have run into a reset or two before).

I don't hold this too heavily against the game, no, but it's not a note you want to end the game on either.  Dying to Cloud of Darkness is way worse, I'll grant, to the point where it's not comparable (and yeah, BD does have Timeslip to alleviate it some, though you shouldn't be expected to use that.)

It is like you said though; it stands out a lot more in a game like this because it's the only time it happens.  Now arguably, that's a statement about the rest of the game being good at handling that and I'd agree to an extent.  And yes, on Hard Mode, I expect plenty of resets throughout because lots of unexpected ways to die, just BD is generally very good at handling resets.  Either you use Auto Save and lose very little progress, or you don't, and just take note of what killed you and prepare for it from there (or be like me, NOT prepare for it despite dying 3 times, and just stubbornly keep trying until it frustrates you enough that you give in.  This isn't the game's fault, to be clear, it's totally my own!)

But like I said, I don't hold this too heavily against the game, but still leaves a sour taste in my mouth after the game was overall very positive about things like this.  Think of it as a very "the exceptions stand out more than the norm" scenario.
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