Quick Links
Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Myria vs Asgard Rika vs Vyse Rune Walsh vs Edge Eblan Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus vs Ard
Fei Fong Wong vs Ness Hector vs Amon Rikku vs Barret Wallace Ward Zabac vs Gryz
Seymour vs Kefka Zalbag Beoulve vs Glenn Karsh vs Kyle Pikachu vs Viktor
Ryu vs Indalecio Garland vs Auron Guntz vs Ragnar Shiho vs Rhett
Week 3 - Quarterfinals

Myria (BoFs) Myria vs Asgard Asgard (WA3)

El Cideon
Asgard's combat programs may let him learn from every battle, but this does him little good if he doesn't survive the battle. One brief analysis of his opponent suggested only one successful course of action: flee, compute data for a few years, and return once he's figured out how the hell Wide Barrier is supposed to deal with an immortal, thirty-foot tall roach-snake-hybrid. His tactical withdrawal cost him the match, but hey, better to live to fight another day, right?

Myria: 37
Asgard: 4

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Greetings to all on this, the holiest of unholiest days, Halloween! Let the rivers flow blood, and the Goblins out of the closets. For it is a time for ghouls and ghosts of might to show you a fright... and it is time... yes time... for... THE COIN OF FATE!!!

As Myria and Asgard do battle, the Coin of Fate shall decide how these two battle... will Asgard's barriers prove to disrupt Myria long enough to retain a win? Or will Myria Holocaust him into the next World of existence. ALL IS DETERMINED BY THE COIN!!!

*Flips the coin*

Myria shall be successful. It is fortold.



Fei Fong Wong (XG) Fei Fong Wong vs Ness Ness (EB)

Once again, Ness strategy is clear: against a physical attacker, he always uses Shield Beta, which cuts his damage taken by half and reflects the half he doesn't take back at the attacker.

Fei Fong Wong: 17
Ness: 28

I have only one thing to say. Poor Ness.

Seymour (FFX) Seymour vs Kefka Kefka (FF6)

An Uncharacteristically Pretentious Wr

"My son," said Daedalus. "The time has come for your escape. Take great care not to fly too close to the sea, for your wings will soak. Yet also do not fly so close to the sun, where the wax holding them together would melt."

Icarus took the wings from his father, and strapped them onto his back. Long had he dreamt of the escape from Crete, where he and his father, Daedalus were stranded. Icarus had resented his father for his prior achievements, and secretely wished to become even more respected, but before his glory would come his escape.
* * * * *
Kefka rose into the sky, staring down Seymour. His critics believed that he could win this fight, but he would have to not get too reckless, as he often would.

Kefka laughed maniacally however, feeling that all of his critics would be silenced during his performance. For a long time, Kefka resented his previous DL losses, and he felt long overdue for a championship. It was his time.
* * * * *
Icarus dove into the sky, flapping his manmade wings, and soaring miraculously through the air. He began to feel the elation of flight, though he still sped away to make his escape.
* * * * *
The self-made god flapped his unmatched wings, and made a powerful, relentless dive directly into his opponent, the force of the blow turning Seymour's head, but having little more effect. Kefka was not deterred, though. A second time, he rose high into the air, and struck Seymour directly with his wing.

Seymour still stood, however, so cruel and unyielding, as though he were there since the creation of the Earth.

Kefka once again took to the sky, but now, Seymour had finished his casting. Once, before he could advance, Kefka was struck by a powerful blast of heat. This would not deter him, however. Revelling in the injury, Kefka dove for Seymour yet again, this time gaining great speed. Seymour's second blast of flame caught Kefka full on in the face, but would not slow his advance. A third conflagration lept from the unsent Guado's hand, this time blistering Kefka's face, and flaying part of his flesh from his body.

Kefka merely revelled in this sensation, though reason told him he should pull up. Long since forsaking other emotions, pain was one of the few sensations Kefka could understand, and as he continued his assault, face and body wrecked with the damage from the flame, Kefka knew great pleasure. This was all he lived for, this would be his triumph.
* * * * *
Icarus rose higher into the sky, his body filling with sensations too pleasurable for words. Never before had he knew the feelings coursing through him. He soared higher in the air, wishing the world to see him. Here he was, finally as glorious as his father was.

Higher he rose, and higher still. Icarus felt that all the world was watching his flight, witnessing his splender. His body burned in the fire of the relentless sun, but still he rose, the warmth giving him a great sense of majesty. His lips chapped, and his eyes water, but Icarus merely threw back his head. He raised his face to the heavens, and allowed the ecstasy fill his whole body. He knew great pleasure, then; perhaps more pleasure than man should know, as his wax bindings slowly melted, and the last of his feathers drifted out of their holdings.

And Icarus fell.

Seymour: 36
Kefka: 29

Kefka came into the arena and instead of seeing one of Seymour's forms he simply saw the PC Seymour. Kefka's confusion gave the slower Seymour a chance to summon Anima. Seeing a creature as evil as Anima caused Kefka to become like a little schoolgirl who had just bought a new Ashlee Simpson I-Pod. Kefka of course lost the match due to not even wanting to fight Anima.

Ryu (BoF4) Ryu vs Indalecio Indalecio (SO2)

Indalecio stared down the foolish whelp that stood in his way. Breaking all natural rules he cast the most powerful earthquake seen to man destroying most of the arena and Ryu with it...

Floating in the air Indalecio's laugh was cut short when he saw Kaiser floating above the ground. Kaiser rushed at Indalecio as he unloaded spells on the mighty dragon. Kaiser takes the spells and slams intself into Indalecio sending him flying right through one of the few walls remaining and out of the arena.
Ryu- 2 Long haired baddies- 0

Ryu: 25
Indalecio: 23

Indalecio sighed. Last time he entered, Worker 8 robbed him of victory.

Now, he faces not only a mere fisherman, but now half of a god.

Indy doesn't care if his enemy is god, half-god, or even an embodiment of the apocalypse, he refuses to lose.

As he took damage from the mighty dragon's breath, his true form arose to smite his opposition once more.

"....... You fool. Your luck shall be sour for an eternity!" cried the wise man, and he nuked him clear out of the arena with his vast array of magic.


Indalecio sighed, and asked Filia:

"When will I face someone worthy of my time?"

"I don't know father, that Myria looks very powerful....."

"...... Hm. Perhaps......"

Rika (PS4) Rika vs Vyse Vyse (SoA)

Vyse may have overcome his fear of instant death, but he hasn't overcome his fear of physical beatings.

Oh well. The new claw scars will match the old ones quite well, Vyse.

Rika: 25
Vyse: 14

metriod composite
"Oh how boring; just some kid without instant death protection."

For once, the audience agreed with Rika.

Hector (FE7) Hector vs Amon Amon (Lufias)

If you ask me, Hector seems like the kinda guy who could eat legendary demons, wizards, etc. for breakfast. The man is impressive in Fire Emblem, and a nasty dueller in the DL. Amon, on the other hand, is a low-level Sinistrial, not exactly the most impressive bunch of battlers this side of the 16-bit era. Sure, they get revived before you could so much as say "FRUE DESTRUCTION", but that's not relevent in the DL.

So it should be a surprise to everyone when Amon, Sinistral of Chaos, beats Hector into submission and gets a win, not to mention bragging rights over his comrades in evil.

Hector: 21
Amon: 22

The Axeman
Hector knew he was more than a little outmatched, but in a display of discipline that was rare for the young lord, he decided to get help from the Tactician.

Together, they worked out a plan... an unbeatable plan to defeat Amon. It was long and complicated, but it was completely flawless, as all of the Tactician's plans were. Hector came into the arena with confidence.

Amon unleashed his Chaos Wave technique, and Hector promptly forgot everything.

Then he hit Amon in the face with his axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Being able to confuse and obscure your opponents tactics is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Hector has a challenge this time, but not enough of one. He'll still be splitting poor Amon right down the middle and moving on to the next match. Hector for Heavy all the way! Oh, shoot, now I'm making it sound like the election!!!

Zalbag Beoulve (FFT) Zalbag Beoulve vs Glenn Glenn (CC)

Jo ou Ranbu
*Blinks.* Wow. A Chrono Cross character.... against someone with an actual skillset? Spank my ass and call me Judy. Now let's all pretend we're surprised that Glenn lost and will spend the rest of his days eating Viper Churros and becoming morbidly obese.

Zalbag Beoulve: 38
Glenn: 15

metriod composite
Can an Auron SCC beat Choco-Eater? Not easily; it's nigh-guaranteed that he'd be knocked off the cliff. What's Garland's trademark? Like he claims, he will "KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!" Auron is so screwed....

Garland (FF9) Garland vs Auron Auron (FFX)

Tonfa Baton
Auron entered the arena. He was about to fight a status-whore boss...he recalled the time he fought Yunalesca alone...he probably would have no chance. But at least he could earn some style points by losing in a very badass way.

"Now! This is the time to choose! Lose the match and be free of pain, or live to fight the evil that created Zidane!" he yelled, and charged at Garland.

His fans cheered. Garland remained calm.

"And now is the end of that time." Garland used his trademark(?) Stop spell.

But Auron was no longer there. Garland looked around...to find his opponent pinned to the arena wall by shurikens and getting his ass kicked by a ninja squad.

Poor Auron. Losing the match in a humiliating way is bad. Getting your ass kicked because you forgot the existence of the RPGDL Spoiler Squad is worse.

Garland: 42
Auron: 18

metroid composite
Can an Auron SCC beat Choco-Eater? Not easily; it's nigh-guaranteed that he'd be knocked off the cliff. What's Garland's trademark? Like he claims, he will "KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN!" Auron is so screwed....

Rune Walsh (PS4) Rune Walsh vs Edge Eblan Edge Eblan (FF4)

Rune was prepared for this battle. He had come to his seat by the ring a full 12 hours ahead of time, and was just going to sit.. six and prepare. Sit and focus. He only had one chance to fell the fearful ninja and earn his upgrade, and he wouldn't let this chance slip through his fingers. Striking his usual stylish pose, Rune sat down and fell into his magic... deeper and deeper...

"Hi, Rune!" The sound of a young teen's voice broke the esper's laser like concentration, sending both his mood and grasp on magic to the floor in jagged shards. "I thought you might be here. Why be along right before a big battle? It's no fun to begin an adventure like this by yourself! Why, this reminds me of the time I scaled the End of the World..."

Rune grabbed his head in pain. This moron's blathering was more painful than Zio's deadly energy attacks, Lasheic's otherworldy strikes, and it even outmatched the very touch of the Profound Darkness! There was only one thing he could do. Rest be damned.. a few uses of Legeon wouldn't affect him much today. As he prepared to blast Justin out of the arena, he sensed an immense wave of energy behind him. Groaning, Rune looked around, and saw a very annoyed looking Feena glaring in his direction. As soon as Justin stopped talking and paided attention, Feena smiled at her husband.

"Sweetie, go get yourself something to drink. I want to speak with Rune alone."

Justin left in a hurry. As soon as that happened, Feena's wings came out, and her face contorted. "If you hurt my husband in the slightest way..it'll be the end of your world Am I making myself clear? Be nice to him."

Rune's a powerful mage. The beck and call of various magics are at his fingertips, along with a few crippling statuses. Even with that, he knew he stood not a chance against Feena, and her insane assault. The esper was trapped. If he left the arena, he'd lose face, which he can't stand. But... if he listened for Justin for 12 hours, he'd either be insane or death. Sighing, Rune sat back down, and attempted to find his magic center. Just as he had found his grasp on his spells... "Rune! Hey Rune! I found this great new drink on the way, and it was an adventure getting back here! Why.." His hold on the magic broken, Rune sighed and put his head in his hands. It was going to be a long day.

-11 hours later-

Edge stood in his room, a frozen expression on his face. He knew that Rune was a far tougher foe than Rude, and that Rydia's fair hand was his prize if he could take down the Esper. Strapping on his catclaws and making sure he had enough Fumas was the last bit of prep work he needed. All that was left was to go out to the arena, and see if he could find any... advantages, before the match started. Edge sprinted out of his room, with the grace and silence that is a ninja trademark. Just as Edge had gotten a few feet away from his room...


The Ninja Prince turned around, and was utterly stunned at what he saw. Where his room stood, there was a giant, several stories tall monster. It was covered in red scales, and seemed to create a whirlpool around it's feet. In front of the monster stood an eldery looking man in a brown robe, with shining armor underneith. In his hands stood a massive sword, with glowed with a faint holy energy. It only took a second for Edge to figure out what he faced, and why. For first time since Rydia had kissed him over a week ago, Edge's calm mask slipped.

Orlandu saw the look under Edge's veil, and laughed. "Boy, I see you remember who I am. That's good, because I won't want to have to waste time on you. I've decided that your little run through middle ends here. I have just the creature to assist.. meet Ruby WEAPON." Orlandu patted the creature on it's foot, and got a earth shattering roar in response. "It seems that he wasn't happy that you were the one who slayed Emereld WEAPON, boy. You can can talk about your differences.."

"Gulp..." Edge was a bit scared. Fleeing in front of him was his chances at a middle title. His chances with Rydia. His chances to live to see another day. And unlike when he fought Emerald, he had nothing besides his basic DL equipment on him.

The ninja made a dash to try and take out Orlandu, but was stopped by yet another roar of Ruby WEAPON's. Orlandu walked behind the creature, and addressed Edge. "Boy, you've got two hours to make to the arena. Oh... and don't try to escape. I have the area sealed off, and security won't respond. Being a godlike champ has it's perks, eh? Orlandu pointed Excalibur up to the high ceiling. "This building's also got an enchantment spell cast upon it, so that your 'battle' with the dragon will be broadcast throughout the arena." Orlandu laughed, and reached into his armor. He took out a battered album, which Edge knew as soon it was taken out. "I'll be holding onto this for you. Try and take it back from me... boy." Orlandu left the sealed off area, with his laughter burning in Edge's ears.

"He... took...my...photos....again...." Edge's eyes turned a bright shade of red, and all fears fled from his body. His prized possessions were stolen.. again. His chance at Rydia.. stolen again. There would be revenge.

With a twisted grin, Edge stood tall and glared at the WEAPON that stood in his way. "I'll show you the true power of the Eblan Ninjas!"

-In the arena-

Rune's slight doze was broken by the sounds of the arena, slowing filling up for his epic match. Of course, they, the people, had come to see Rune smite his way to glory.
"And then, the enemy attacked again! I thought I was a goner at that point.." Rune's train of thought was broken by the warbeling of Justin. "He's.. still at it?" The esper looked completely stunned. He had fallen asleep a few hours ago. Apparently, the young man hadn't even noticed that Rune had fallen asleep, and was still relating stories!

Rune's attention was quickly placed elsewhere. In the center of the ring, a giant screen was being placed, with a viewing crystal underneith it. Orlandu stood in front of the viewscreen, and made a call for attention. The quickly filling arena hushed, as Orlandu prepared his statement.

"For many a season, a foul Ninja has been in our midst, causing trouble, harassing women, and stealing wins Not only that.. a few short weeks ago, this Ninja struck down one of the natural wonders of the world, in an attempt to impress a girl. It is time for this Ninja to pay for his crimes, and to do so in a public fashion."

Orlandu motioned, and the viewscreen came to live. In the screen stood Edge, who was facing down a giant red creature. The crowd gasped at once; everyone knew that Edge had somehow managed to strike Emerald WEAPON, and of course people knew about the terror of the desert, Ruby WEAPON.

"This befouled ninja is about to g-" "Oooh. An adventure. Rune, let's go help out Edge!"

Rune looked over in immense annoyance, Orlandu's voice blotted out by Justin's high pitched voice. Rune sighed. This wasn't what he needed... "Seals!"

Justin's voice was shut down by Rune's magic. "Now hush! "I'm trying to hear this!"

"..This shall be entertaining, and proof that no one is above the law of the DL." Orlandu stopped speaking, and stepped aside. Rune, the now silent Justin, and the crowd stood at the viewscreen, watching...

..Edge danced around his foe, throwing Fuma after Fuma at his foe. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up with this.. he was so tired, and beaten... and he only had two Fumas left. "I...want...my...photos!" Looking around, Edge saw a crack in the wall, and knew that he could win this... he just had once chance. Looking directly into the viewscreen, Edge flashed a battered smile. "Ladies... I'll be right back." Edge reached into his pocket, and threw a Fuma at the viewscreen...

...Rune was startled. His opponent had disabled the viewscreen. Glancing up at the giant clock that kept track of things in the DL, the esper smiled. Only a few mintues left to go. He walked to the center of the ring, and stood proudly. His victory was all but assured..

...The doors to the DL arena opened, and the crowd gasped in shock. Out of the doors came Edge, but as none of the crowd had ever seen him. He was covered in head to toe with red dust, and covered in deep cuts. His left arm hung limply, and his trademark veil was nowhere to be found. Each slow, painful footstep seemed to take pain the Ninja, although his face gave away nothing but the look of a man who had won. Edge walked into the ring, and limped his way to Orlandu. Spitting out blood, Edge readied himself.

"You... can't... get the best of me. A WEAPON can't stop me, and none of your other tricks can."

Orlandu looked utterly shocked, a rare expression on such a seasoned veteran. "Ho...how did you defeat the WEAPON, boy?! HOW?!"

"...I...didn't, you old fool!" With those words, Edge moved with a sudden burst of energy, and quickly slashed Orlandu across with his good arm, causing minor damage. However... "Wha...what....sleepy..." Orlandu dropped Excalibur, and fell to the ground, asleep from the cursed strike of the Catclaw. Edge quickly reached over, and grabbed the legendary sword. With a quick heft, Edge throw the priceless sword into the air. The blade arched over and over in the air. It easily split the walls, and landed with a dull *THUNK*. The arena was deadly quiet for a second... and then a loud roar shattered the silence. A large red creature roared into the arena, tearing out chunks of the crowd. A pitched battle was had, and the creature was quickly put down by the godlike section. However...

The arena stood in ruins. Most of the crowd had felt the short, pitched battle, and the others were attempting to clean up. However, the arena was fairly undamaged.. in it stood an immensely stunned and annoyed esper, and perhaps the world's most abused Ninja. Rune shook his head in wonder at the scene. "Ho...how did you manage to escape the creature? Or the barrier? Or know that throwing Excalibur would work?"

Edge looked at Rune, and laughed. "It was simple for such a brilliant fighter as myself.. that old fool used Excalibur as the trigger to get in and out of the sealed area, as shown by him pointing the blade. I threw that Fuma in hopes that it'd distract the monster.. who'd think such a big thing could be stopped by a bunch of magic energy?" With a battered nod, Edge walked over to Orlandu, and reached into his armor. "That's MY set of photos. Don't you forget it, you old freak!" Edge stood up, and lifted the still sleeping Thundergod up with his good arm. He cocked his arm back, and punched Orlandu as hard as he could. "And don't forget- that's what you get for stealing from me!"

The few members of the crowd still left looked at the ring in utter shock. Not only had Edge somehow escaped the trap.. but he had once again gotten the better of TG Cid! The utter silence coming from the crowd was a balm to the battered Ninja Prince. Edge limped away from the ring, obviously at the last edges of his strength, but as a man who had proved his point. Edge stopped for a second, hearing something coming his way. "My match!" The energy struck home, and Edge collapsed into the rubble, broken by the power of Legeon.

...Rune sighed. That Ninja may have been tough, but he was stupid. Who else would escape a WEAPON, beat down Orlandu, then forget about his match? Too bad for him. It was yet another win for him. His reputation would be restored... oh yes. He'd get his chance at Justin, to-

Rune's world was filled with a sudden, burning pain. The Esper was thrown against a large piece of rubble. He opened his eyes, and saw a green haired woman stand over Edge, her hands just coming down from her Bahamut spell. "..Don't touch Edge again." Rydia reached up, and shook Edge on his battered shoulder. "Did.. I win?" Edge attempted to sit up, and was stopped by Rydia's hands. "You did well.." Rydia's smiled, and patted Edge's cheek. Now... go back and get Bowman to look at you. I'll be waiting for you in my room. I'll be wearing something... special."

Edge grinned, and quickly limped out of the arena with Rydia's help. He may been beaten by a weapon, hit by a massive energy spell, and lost his match.. but damned if he didn't feel like a winner.

Rune staggered up, leaning on one of his Psy Shields for support. It wasn't the way he expected to win, but a win was a win. He stood up, coughing. Damn.. where did the red haired idiot go?

"...You couldn't leave him alone, could you?" Feena's voice was filled with anger, and her wings were out. "Poor, sweet Justin did nothing wrong, and you had to hurt him!"

Rune looked around, and saw what Feena meant. Justin was knocked out cold, and covered in magic burns.. from Rydia's summon. "Damn it, he must have been too close to me.. the one time I shut him up, and it backfires!" Rune then looked up, and time froze.

His last thought for a long while was that he hated Ninjas, WEAPONS, Justin.... and especially green haired magic using women.

Rune Walsh: 30
Edge Eblan: 27

Rikku (FFX) Rikku vs Barret Wallace Barret Wallace (FF7)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Welcome to this, the Day of the Dead. Here we are witness to Rikku and Barret performing a match in which the loser shall be sacrificed in honor of the Great Coin of Fate. Well... not really, but it sounds cool, right?

As for the match, the great Coin of Fate divines... what?! Barret?! BLASPHEMY!!! Rikku would be able to destroy Mr. T's protege in a matter of Al Bhed Potions and Status Weapons later! How dare you speak sacrilege of Goddess Rikku!


DON'T YOU DARE BRING UP FFX-2 AS AN EXCUSE!!! DIE!!! *Wrestles with the Great Coin of Fate*

The Jury: Starphoenix decides the battle goes to Rikku.

Rikku: 42
Barret Wallace: 20

Barret has a short fuse...
Rikku is annoying as hell...
Do you honestly think Barret will stay in the ring long enough to even try and fight Rikku?

Barret sized up his opponent as the match began: quick, to be sure, but lacking in the damage department. Nothing a few shots from his trusty gatling gun wouldn't solve. As expected, Rikku got in the first hit on him. Barret swung his gun arm around to fire a mighty shot, and was surprised by two things.

First: instead of bracing for an attack, his opponent was waving at him, holding something in her hand.

Second: his gun armn felt about 20 lbs. lighter than it ought to.

Rikku called across to him, "I don't think you're going to be doing much fighting without this!"

"Wha.. but.. um... @%#$!"

And with that, Barret hightailed it out of the arena, holding on to all the remaining pieces of his dismantled gun arm, and wondering why it was that the central component of his arm had been, of all things, an Al Bhed Potion.

Karsh (CC) Karsh vs Kyle Kyle (Lunar1)

The Axeman
Karsh entered the arena, and much to his disgust, his second opponent was smiling nearly as much as his first was. Kyle practically beamed at Karsh, who merely scowled back, because he was really good at scowling.

Kyle shook his head. "Man," he said. "You've really got to learn how to relax." He had his blade drawn. "Now, see, you could look at this as just another 'oh, it's all business' deal, yeah? A paycheck?" When he spoke for Karsh, he had made a funny voice. He took a step forward after a brief pause. "This is one of the easiest jobs in the world. Have some fun with it! And after I beat you, I'll buy you a beer. How about it?" He flashed a winning look at Karsh.

Who promptly hit him in the face with an axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Socialization and reaching out to others is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Karsh: 25
Kyle: 24


Very little can match the cries of terror that sprang forth from Karsh when Kyle "unleashed the weasel" behind doors one last time after the match was finished. Hey he had been fighting with Jessica before the match so he hadn't been getting much chance to unleash his "weasel" much. Sometimes a guy has gotta do whatever he can to unleash it lest he hurt something.

Karsh walked in confident, his Axe at hand. It brought him through a nearly failed CC invasion, and he hoped his next enemy wasn't going to stop him.

Unfortunately for him, his opponent could use his best attack more than once. Sorry Karsh, Axe-To-The-Face is not helping against someone who has even more HP than the fabled Dragonmaster himself.

Guntz (SF1) Guntz vs Ragnar Ragnar (DW4)

This is quite the battle. Two well-known and respected tanks. One would think that such a battle would be a long, ardous affair with lots of hard hits and feats of strength.

However, it ended quickly when Guntz was blinded by Ragnar's bright pink armor and Ragnar, being somewhat quicker, managed to lop off his head with a single, clean stroke.

Notch one up for Ragnar.

Guntz: 16
Ragnar: 18

Ragnar you are the best

Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus (WA2) Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus vs Ard Ard (WA2)

metroid composite
Vinsfield and Ard were in a dead heat. Of course, just at that moment Liz decided to yell "Fight harder you incompotent numbskull; you should be tearing this lesser being to pieces" and threw a Chef's Whimsey bomb into the arena. The problem is that Liz' bombs do the same damage to everyone, and while he may have more offence, Ard undoubtably can't take hits the way Vinsfield can. Losing no opportunity at this huge advantage, Vinsfield took one last stab at Ard for the win.

Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus: 36
Ard: 10

Ward Zabac (FF8) Ward Zabac vs Gryz Gryz (PS4)

The Axeman
The two fighters, man and motavian stared each other down, each hefting their weapons. Ward towered over Gryz, but Gryz would not be intimidated by size alone.

"Hey," he said, "Good luck." Gryz was never a whiz with words, though he wanted to be sportsmanlike about things, and didn't know what else to say.

Ward, of course, didn't say anything at all. He merely blinked and picked up his anchor.

This did rattle Gryz a little bit. Though the taller man was huge, he made hardly a sound, not just counting his lack of speech.

They traded a few blows, not gaining much footing against each other, before pulling away. "You're pretty good," Gryz said, not at all used to being more chatty than an opponent.

Ward said nothing, merely closed his eyes very slowly, then opened them again.

"Dang that's creepy," Gryz said, and then he hit Ward in the face with an axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Being the strong, silent type is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Ward Zabac: 10
Gryz: 40

Pikachu (PKMN) Pikachu vs Viktor Viktor (Suikos)

Viktor. Versus. Pikachu. Please. And the only other people he might have to fight are Shiho and Rhett. Congrats in advance to Viktor for claiming the light title!

Pikachu: 25
Viktor: 26

metroid composite
Wild VIKTOR appeared
VIKTOR became paralyzed
VIKTOR attacks
VIKTOR is fully paralyzed
All right, VIKTOR was caught!
Do you wish to rename your VIKTOR?

Hunter Sopko
Viktor's mother always used to tell him. "Night night, and don't let the bedbugs bite," before he went to bed. He never listened.

So when he gets tucked into bed the night before the match, and his mommy tells him, "Night night, and don't let the Pikachu's paralyze," he also doesn't listen.

You should really listen to your mother.

If pikachu beats Vikor then it will be offical, the world is over.

Shiho (VP1) Shiho vs Rhett Rhett (S3)

The Axeman
Rhett waited in the arena once again, not remembering who his opponent was, because he kept forgetting to look. To his surprise, a young girl slowly shuffled into the room, and looked at him.

Rather, she would have been looking at him, if she could see.

Rhett's opponent was Shiho, and he was shocked when he found this out. Rhett had heard stories of her, the blind songstress who fought entirely with the aid of her familiar.

To his amazement, she got into her fighting stance, and sent her little bird to attack Rhett, and though it didn't hurt much, a little trickle of blood ran down his body, where the smaller bird had pecked him.

It was then that Rhett finally realized just how much of a coward he really was. Here he was, one of the strongest warriors in the grasslands, though he was loathe to admit it, and yet he had attempted to dodge recruitment into the war against Harmonia. Yet, opposing him was Shiho -- little Shiho, who had no sight, no weapon, not even an attack spell to call her own. She stood with only her own courage, and her little familiar.

And Rhett felt very small, then. His whole life was brought into question, and he felt as though he had led a very empty life. He was still stuck in wondering, when the little bird pecked him a second time, and he remembered he was in a fight.

Whereupon he hit Shiho in the face with his axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Being a symbol of hope and courage is one way to get ahead in life, but it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Shiho: 9
Rhett: 40

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
By the power of the night, the great Coin of Fate commands thee! On Halloween, if you find that such a light match bores you, why not subscribe to a local cult magazine. Find new ways for those blood rituals and summoning the unspeakable horrors of Lovecraft mythos, who cares if you lost you mind... you weren't using it anyhow! :-P

As for the match... oh great coin, show us the winner... *Flips a number of times*

Shiho shall prevail. It has been forseen. It has been decreed by the great Coin of Fate. Do not question the Coin's judgment... >_> <_< *Slips the coin a few bills*

Shiho was feeling confident. She had already beaten a boss, and her next opponent was a mere PC. After all, if he had a solid offense, he wouldn't be in Light. There shouldn't be anything to prevent her previous tactics from working once again. Needless to say, she never saw it coming.

Jo ou Ranbu
Shiho should have the best Axeman writeup in this season. Thinking about it, this season has been very good for axe wielders so far. Probably the whole Halloween spirit thing.

Don't Fear the Reaper
Shadow and Magus WANT YOUR SOUL


Ya know, Shadow is a ninja. Whereas Magus is just some warlock who hops about time.

Now, one would think that with time travel, Magus wins with ease, right?


Shadow is the REAL DEAL when it comes to assassinations, and knows just how pointy of an object needs to be to kill something.

With this kind of knowledge in mind, Shadow wins by a landslide.

Shadow: 31
Magus: 27

Shadow is accustomed to hunting people down. Magus is accustomed to waiting around while gathering power to wreak vengeance upon a single foe. The Zeal kid could try to make up for this disadvantage by taking Shadow on in single combat before beginning the hunt, but nothing would prevent the ninja from running off and completing more assassinations instead.

El Cideon
As anyone who's ever read a Discworld book knows, Death's apprentices always wind up out of work as soon as their boss snaps out of whatever mid-eternity crisis has him in its throes. However, given the choice between messers Arrowny and Zeal...while Shadow has a wide reputation as a nasty piece of work in his own world and Magus, well, got owned by a frog on his, it's important to note that only Magus has the proper equipment for the job. Who ever heard of a shuriken-throwing Grim Reaper?

On Shadow's behalf, he wastes less time slitting other people's throat. Magus has all those Chrono Trigger conventions to attend and get the extra bucks to pay the rent for the Epoch and find Schala. The nerdy fanboys just can't stop drooling when he says "A black wind howls", even when he is nearly aphonic and dressed like a Mary Sue - carrying a Lambchop look-alike on his hand. The things a badass must do to pay the rent.

Fighting in an arena is OK for big, flashy mage types. Killin' folks who don't know you're coming? Gotta go with the guy in the black pajamas.