Skies of Arcadia (SoA)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.93
Wins: 1
Losses: 3

Vyse, King of the Pirates! Vyse the Legend! The hero who led the pirates of the world on the warpath against Galcian and his mad schemes to use the Gigas, Zelos (not related to the red-haired pervert in any way), to subjugate the whole world - and ultimately defeat both Zelos itself and its master, Galcian's right hand man Ramirez. A fountain of optimism who believes that the word 'impossible' only exists so that people have an excuse to give up, he has the lofty goal of seeing what's beyond the horizon, tales of monsters be damned. And when he finds out that the only thing beyond the horizon is really just where he's already been? He keeps making more goals, the pinnacle of Blue Roguery even after the battles have ended.

Now if only he were interested in putting to rest the question of choosing Fina or Aika (or both!) for the adoring fans.

Speaking of fans, Vyse aims to impress. It's no wonder the Rogue was placed in heavy - Vyse's Super Moves are devastating even there. Cutlass Fury is sure to put a dent in the toughest of foes, and even Godlikes fear a Pirate's Wrath. He even gets Red Magic, providing him with the ample offensive and defensive buffing of Increm, as well as... fire magic, though here's hoping that he doesn't have to fall back on that. Good speed, swords carrying lethal status effects, and trickier moves like Skull Shield round out a powerful Heavy skill set. He just needs to find a few opponents who will take it easy enough to actually let him build up to his stronger Super Moves, and maybe he can turn his losing record around!

Season 13 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Nina Wyndia, 23 to 20
Season 13 Week 3 Heavy Defeated by Rika, 25 to 14
Season 19 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Surt, 30 to 29
Season 40 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Ted, 32 to 11