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Kyogre vs Diekbeck Kanon vs Kevin Lyon vs Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear Black Wizard vs Solt
Ryu vs Royce Mirage Koas vs Tosh Ivan vs Opera Vectra Tim Rhymeless vs Llewelyn
Genevieve vs Mewtwo Cloud Strife vs Gau Margarete Zelle vs Lance Chiepoo vs Gwyn
Miguel vs False Althena Alys Brangwin vs Wakka Mara vs Robo Josephine vs Chuck Preston
Week 2 - Eliminations

Kyogre (PKMN) Kyogre vs Diekbeck Diekbeck (AtLC)

Lezard Valeth
Just as Diekbeck throws the pokeball at Kyogre the usual Kyogre goes berserk occurs. What surprises most of the spectators is that the target somehow manages to bounce said pokeball to the thrower and capturing him instead.

"So I take it that Kyogre wins," Deis asked Bowser who happens to be this week's judge?

She gets no response but the look in his eyes made her felt uneasy.

Kyogre: 22
Diekbeck: 9

Ryu (BoF2) Ryu vs Royce Royce (Lunar1)

"I know what you did last summer." Royce purred to Ryu, seductively.

Ryu stared at her, mute.

"And I know it wasn't with your dear Nina..."

"YOU PIG!" Nina bellowed, blasting Ryu from behind with an arcane word of Death. As Ryu crumpled, Nina turned to Royce. "Thanks. I had had my suspicions..."

"No problem, dear." Royce smiled, putting her crystal ball away. "I'll expect the arranged fee by next week?"

"Of course. You know where I live, worst comes to worst." A pause, before Nina glanced to Royce. "Was it... Katt?"

"Oh, no, dear." Royce kept her smile on, seraphic, almost cheshire. "But... I don't think you need to worry about the other's punishment. They will receive their own, in due time; a far more fitting one than any that you could give them."

"Alright." Nina said, fluffing her wings. "Thanks."

Royce nodded and headed out, leaving Nina the Second to glower over Ryu's body... "Poor dear would never have believed it was an honest hunting trip, anyway." the fortune teller murmured as she left.

Ryu: 11
Royce: 34

Genevieve (VP1) Genevieve vs Mewtwo Mewtwo (PKMN)

An ancient mistress of the dead.

An immensely powerful psychic genetic construct.


"Oh who's such a cute little kitty~ Yes, you~! Oh, you're so adorable~"

>*peep* simply divine *peep* fingernails, ma'*peep*am, I tell *peep* ~fingernaaiiiiiiils~ *peep peep peep*<

"Oh, how absolutely adorable~ just like a koala~"


After the resulting psychic waves of contentment crushed all activity within a five hundred mile radius, the battle was awarded to Mewtwo.

Genevieve has officially "caught" Mewtwo, and the two enjoy ear skritches and long swathes of destruction by the beach.

Genevieve: 12
Mewtwo: 36

Miguel (CC) Miguel vs False Althena False Althena (Lunar2)

It is hard to beat a goddess with a lightsabre when you have AN AXE IN THE FACE.

Miguel: 12
False Althena: 34

Kanon (WA2) Kanon vs Kevin Kevin (SD3)


It is hard to beat a cyborg with a fist when you have AN AXE IN THE FACE.

Kanon: 18
Kevin: 17

Mirage Koas (SO3) Mirage Koas vs Tosh Tosh (AtLC)

It is hard to beat a swordsman to death with your fists when you have AN AXE IN THE FACE.


Oh like you haven't stolen other people's nonsensical running jokes before.

Don't give me that look.

Mirage Koas: 9
Tosh: 23

Cloud Strife (FF7) Cloud Strife vs Gau Gau (FF6)


Cloud went insane. Again. Really, what did you expect?

Well, the Nightshade Rage probably didn't help there, but.

Cloud Strife: 22
Gau: 42

Alys Brangwin (PS4) Alys Brangwin vs Wakka Wakka (FFX)


Wakka loses by being tied up with ropes and beaten. Wait loses? Sexy losers.

Alys Brangwin: 33
Wakka: 12

Lyon (FE8) Lyon vs Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear (TotA)

You know, it's tough, when you only get a few shots.

You have to carefully decide where to place them, for maximum efficiency.

Therein lies the problem.


"Well, I could just plant them all in the groin, but that doesn't seem sporting..." Natalia mused, from across the arena.

Lyon sighed. "You've been puzzling this out for two hours. Are you ever going to shut up and come into range so you can be counter-attacked and die?"

"Well, not until I've decided the optimal method of atta-" "There is no optimal method. You. Die. Anyways." "Well, there is a matter of pride in utilizing the best options, in putting up the best fight, before losing, even if that is s-"

"Look, I'll give you a large pile of gold if you forfeit." "I'm a princess. I don't really need that."

"Well, what do you need!?" Lyon snapped, annoyed.


Natalia giggled to herself.

"Wow, that worked way too well." She laughed softly, eying the scantily clad picture in her hands. "He's really not the patient type. Or anything but the eat babies type. But, still, he's pretty. Not my type at all, but pretty. Mmmm, bishies. Now, to taunt Anise with the picture and the fact that I turned up a large pile of gold from the guy. Hopefully she'll just drop dead."

Lyon: 23
Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear: 17

Ivan (GS) Ivan vs Opera Vectra Opera Vectra (SO2)

Opera was baffled. After all her speeches about not wanting to hurt a child, especially knowing that she had no trouble resisting his strongest elements... That little brat starts throwing his PETS at her. So stunned by the action that she as might as well be called 'paralyzed', the young boy simply picked her up and tossed her out of the ring for a non-fatal win.

Opera was glad to at least see the boy had some manners, but she wasn't happy about the mongrel interference and her looming fate in a possible downgrade pool.

Chisato will -never- let her hear the end of it...

Ivan: 17
Opera Vectra: 16

DragonKnight Zero
Ivan vs Opera

Ivan is no match for Opera's feminine wiles.

He's also easily distracted by members of the audience commenting that his head is shaped like a melon. Opera shoots him in the back like a rat.

Margarete Zelle (SH1) Margarete Zelle vs Lance Lance (Brig)

Lance was an idealistic prince. He knew of Margarete's less-than-honorable past as a treacherous spy, but he wanted to believe that, here in the tournament, we would see a fair fight.

As they walked into the arena, Lance was surprised at how lightly-armored she was. Surely she knew that he would bring his sword to this match?

Perhaps it was best not to underestimate her, though? He knew first-hand that women fighters were often skilled at Holy magic. And many were even more skilled summoners of great dragons or swift wolves.

However, he was a bit puzzled by Margarete's summoning ritual. She pulled out a strange metal bauble and pressed it to her ear before chanting some unusual magic words.

The horrid metal monster that rained fire and explosions from the sky was more than enough to convince Lance that Margarete's summoning abilities were more advanced than his.

He and his Salamander decided to go home.

Margarete Zelle: 17
Lance: 12

Mara (DW4) Mara vs Robo Robo (CT)


Unfortunately for Mara, however, Robo is perhaps more passionate than Cristo ever was.


"And that makes a full house, and I believe... yes, that ends the game, Mara. My apologies." Robo bowed as Mara sat back, clearly surprised.

"I'm impressed. Did you calculate all this? If you did... well. I didn't give Cristo enough credit." Mara said after a short, embarrassed silence.

"No. I... have actually long been impressed with ladies like you and Princess Nadia. So I, how did she phrase it...?" Robo paused. "Malfunction: cannot recall memory clip. Regardless, I chose to trust my base thought processes, and let the cards play as they would. Calculation seemed dishonest and unproductive."

"Oh! Well, if you want to come with me and Nara, we can rake a fortune in at the casinos!" Mara cheered up. "Interested?"

"Certainly!" Robo nodded. "I will perform better than expectations!"


And thus was Robo, The Poker Player, unleashed upon the world.

Mara: 14
Robo: 34

Black Wizard (FF1) Black Wizard vs Solt Solt (CC)

And so, Black Wizard makes Solt match his companion, Peppor.

By making him black, hot, and capable of making people sneeze if blown at them.

Actually, Peppor wishes he was that. He'd get more girls. Never mind.

Black Wizard: 46
Solt: 3

Tim Rhymeless (WA2) Tim Rhymeless vs Llewelyn Llewelyn (VP1)

The match never took place. Raftina and Lenneth decided to duke it out instead, because Tim had the bubonic pig and Llewelyn had a minor case of deific pneumonia.

Lenneth sent Loki in her stead because she had to deal with some Wyl chap.

Loki sent Freya because he was too busy dating SvaĆ°ilfari.

Freya stood there for long enough repeating the same line over and over that she never got around to calling Odin in, so Raftina beat her head in with a raft, giving Tim the win.

Tim Rhymeless: 34
Llewelyn: 11

Chiepoo (S4) Chiepoo vs Gwyn Gwyn (Lunar2)

Chiepoo came into this prepared. He had Gwyn dropped down a well and everyone forgot he existed so as to win by default. Money will get you far in this world. Almost as far as underground connections with the Shady Thousand will.

Nobody fucks with the Thousand and gets away with it. Gwyn had a loud mouth that needed to be silenced, Chiepoo knew this and took advantage of it by making a tidy donation. Also he is going to eat your children and sacrifice them to his dark master, but that is unrelated.

Chiepoo: 25
Gwyn: 12

Josephine (S5) Josephine vs Chuck Preston Chuck Preston (WA5)

Josephine is a fashion diva and noble lady of the Vayla house. What she isn't is a gifted fighter- the girl may have a Red Rose Rune, but lacks the strength or skill to wield it. Even a walking faux pas like Chuck should be able to put Josephine down in record time.

Josephine: 8
Chuck Preston: 20