Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.28
Wins: 0
Losses: 4

Woring under the famously famous Karsh, Solt and his shakingly shaking friend were fortunately fortunate soldiers who were respectedly respected in the mightily mighty Acacia Army. That is, until their unfortunately unfortunate encounter with that atrociously atrocious dead boy walking named Serge. Oh, such horrifically horrific battles they were that made them look like laughably laughable clowns. Such an unfairly unfair twist of fate had turned them into comically comical comic reliefs in the eyes of others. Their formerly former prestige was now gone because of a few minutely minute mistakes.

But Solt's proudly proud heart will never give up so easily! The DL is more than suitably suitable for his honor to be redeemed! He may have been beaten up in a brutally brutal way by some powerfully powerful duellers so far, but with his trustilly trusty halberd and spells, he'll eventually find a properly proper opponent to fight.

Season 4 Week 1 Light Defeated by Gremio, 8 to 3
Season 20 Week 1 Light Defeated by Etna, 60 to 4
Season 27 Week 1 Light Defeated by Vaida, 84 to 12
Season 56 Week 2 Light Defeated by Black Wizard, 46 to 3