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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Nate Nanjo vs Lugia Barubary vs Lyon Nanaki vs Sharmista Soren vs Cinnamon
Kurando Inugami vs Orlandu, Cidolfas Princess Toadstool vs Joshua Dekar vs Landis Steena vs Irvine Kinneas
Dhoulmagus vs Brahms Yosuke Hanamura vs Tony Eisler Massimo vs Tear Grants Rebecca Streisand vs Relm Arrowny
Yunalesca vs Empyrea Cristo vs Rayquaza Elaine vs Nergal Colette Brunel vs Dominia
Week 2 - Eliminations

Nate Nanjo (Pers) Nate Nanjo vs Lugia Lugia (PKMN)

The fight was remarkably silly, even by Dueling League standards. Granted, that says little.

The recorded match is as follows: Lugia prepared herself... and then got put to sleep by Nate's persona. What then followed was unexpected. Nate lobbed a Pokeball at Lugia... which bounced off her head and fell to the ground.

*Did... you just throw at me what I think you just threw at me?* Lugia queried mentally.

"Wait, you're awake?" Nate replied.

*I'm a psychic, twit. You put my body to sleep. Can't manage to use my psychic techniques either like this, my mind's kinda fuzzy. But I recognize a pokeball hitting my skull when I feel it.* Lugia muttered darkly. *Lord knows that kid wasted like 240 or so balls trying to catch me. But at least -he- knew to press the button to make it activa-*

A second pokeball hit Lugia's skull, entertaining briefly the thought of attempting to absorb Lugia before giving up in despair.

*... Oh, for the love of christ. Don't be a thief, Nate; my life is my own.*

"Eh, I'm out of pokeballs." Nate shrugged, before grinning to himself. Lugia, sleeping, didn't see it...

...as the two pokeballs exploded, releasing huge plumes of smoke and dust.


Lugia's "capture" in the smoke (no one knows quite how it was managed, though a few people saw helicopters emerge from the smoke) has resulted in Nate riding Lugia like a steed for the next few weeks, solely to annoy Lugia and the rest of the Godlikes.

Nate Nanjo: 24
Lugia: 7

Kurando Inugami (SH2) Kurando Inugami vs Orlandu, Cidolfas Orlandu, Cidolfas (FFT)


It was easy. Too easy. Kurando's powers were impressive, but no match for the power of the Thundergod. No shenanigans, hijinks, or other disapproved behavior happened much to the disappointment of the crowd.

When Count Orlandu inquired where the usual three ring circus was off to, the schedule makers pointed to Edge's appearance in Heavy. Cid was just happy to be spared the headache of Edge for once.

Kurando Inugami: 8
Orlandu, Cidolfas: 42

Thundergod Cid is a legend on the battlefield, but even he's never faced a true demon; those Zodiacs don't count.

Inugami is one of the few people who can tank Orlandu's powerful strikes, so TG Cid will be eating the flat of that big, hunky sword of Kurando's.

Dhoulmagus (DQ8) Dhoulmagus vs Brahms Brahms (VPs)

Dhoulmagus's very participation in the DL is something of a legal gray area. It is common knowledge by now that in the only recorded battle Dhoulmagus participated in, he was being lent power by Rhapthorne. No, more than that. The two were inexorably tied together. That kind of thing gets a lot of characters rejected when people petition to have them ranked, but Dhoulmagus's charisma and flair bought him an exception. But not an airtight one. There is still someone with the power to keep Dhoulmagus out of competition, and that is his benefactor - Rhapthorne.

Usually Rhapthorne is happy enough to steer Dhoulmagus into the arena and let him fight when they temporarily reform their bond, but Rhapthorne's last opponent, False Althena, being a contestant this season threw a wrench into things.

Did Rhapmagus go seeking FA to get revenge over his loss? To plan more carnage? To just reminisce and shoot the shit? We don't know yet. All we know so far is that Brahms showed up and his opponent didn't, so he won by default.

Dhoulmagus: 13
Brahms: 33

Yunalesca (FFX) Yunalesca vs Empyrea Empyrea (DQ8)

The dominating queen of undeath and ancient summoner of yore.
A godly bird of immense renown.


"You're a bird. The cast of your game summoned your dead child as a mount. Therefore you are a summon." Yunalesca said through gritted unteeth.

Empyrea simply gazed on placidly from her perch on top of Yunalesca's face.

"So LISTEN to me, you DAMN BIRD, when I say you are DISMI- OW, THAT WAS MY UNEYEBALL!"

"You're noisy for something I'm currently using as roosting material." Empyrea replied calmly.

Yunalesca eventually gave up and disappeared, giving Empyrea the win.

Yunalesca: 16
Empyrea: 37

Barubary (BoF2) Barubary vs Lyon Lyon (S5)

A horrendous, hooked horror.

An innocent, helpless girl.

The humanity.


"...I don't get it." Lyon blinked up at her opponent. "What is this, again?"

"A giant enemy crab, what the hell does it look like." Jecht quietly stated.

"So, it is what it looks like. What's going on here?" Lyon sighed, as the crab clicked it's pincers in anticipation.

"Look, it's not Barubary's fault I drunk the bastard under the table. The pansy's still passed out somewhere, and we couldn't find his sorry butt." Jecht nodded slightly. "So I did him a favor and gave him a stand in. The first random battle I could find."

"..." "Look, it's kosher, it's better than just losing, isn't it?"

"...What the hell is wrong with you?" "...please don't do that." "What, yell really loudly?" "...yeah. That. Look, he was the first thing in ages that came close to beating me. My head hurts worse than Simone's body after one of his sessions with all his narccisist friends because of this hangover. Could we just get on with it?" Jecht quietly asked in a pained tone of voice.

And so, Barubary's stand-in lost miserably.



No, I'm not going to say it.

Barubary: 9
Lyon: 26

Hey lets read my name... why its Barubary... I wonder who I voted this week

Anyhow I do it not out of fandom but rather out of lets face the honest facts here. Lyon ain't got a shot in hell. I mean Barubary can beat a godlike *We lookin at you Ryu II* in a one on one match. Lyon is barely a heavy. Game set match.

Barubary wins in a one on one duel

Princess Toadstool (SMRPG) Princess Toadstool vs Joshua Joshua (FE8)

With his legendary sword and awesome hat, Joshua always cut a fine figure in battle.

Unfortunately for Princess Toadstool, the figure he was cutting this time was hers.

Hey, at least she was wanting to lose some weight before the next Mario sports title came out anyway...

Princess Toadstool: 15
Joshua: 38

Yosuke Hanamura (Pers4) Yosuke Hanamura vs Tony Eisler Tony Eisler (MK)

Chie buried her head in her hands, "Okay, let me get this straight. Your opponent got in your face in the locker room, beat you up for your lunch money, gave you a swirlie and then stuffed you in a locker?"

Yosuke grumbled but nodded, "...yeah."

Chie shook her head in disgust, "How did you let this happen?"

"Look, it's not like I didn't try to fight back, okay? He just overpowered me."

Naoto could only shrug and sigh, "Well, if he beat you there I guess we know how things would have gone in the match."

"That's what pisses me off, dammit!" Yosuke slammed his fist on the table, "I know I could have taken him in the arena! I know it!"

Naoto and Chie kept silent, just flatly staring at their teammate.


Naoto broke the silence, "You did remember that we can use our Persona everywhere here, right? Not just in the arena or the TV World?"

All the color and dignity drained right away from Yosuke as she asked that simple question, and he answered by way of planting his face on the table and groaning.

Chie stared a moment longer before getting up and just storming off, "I hate you SO much sometimes..."

Yosuke Hanamura: 12
Tony Eisler: 20

Cristo (DW4) Cristo vs Rayquaza Rayquaza (PKMN)

A healer with an attrition-based style versus a legendary pokemon? Yep, old hat. Cristo, knowing that such a match involving a stronger pokemon would be taking place before his own, watched Nate fight, looking for good anti-pokemon strategies.


Cristo stepped into the ring, braced himself for a dragon claw, took one, shook it off, and hucked a pokeball at Rayquaza as he flew back to take another pass.

Far more ornery and hot tempered than the gentle guardian of the ocean, Rayquaza burst out of the ball, caught cristo in his jaws, flew up as high as he could without getting a ring out, then slammed cristo down to the hard arena floor over and over, tearing at the priest with his teeth the entire time. Well after the judges called the match in his favor, Rayquaza stopped, let Cristo go, flew upwards, fired a hyper beam into the whimpering Cristo's back, picked Cristo up again, flew out of the arena and over to Brahne's quarters, and bodily flung Cristo through the window.

Tired of having pokeballs thrown at him and his brethren, Rayquaza had decided to make an example out of Cristo. Did he succeed with his brutal attack? Probably not. Trainers and DL combatants alike are quite the incorrigible bunch.

Cristo: 10
Rayquaza: 32

Nanaki (FF7) Nanaki vs Sharmista Sharmista (S5)

NANAKI IS A CUTE AND VERY COOL RED PANTHER!!! And he belongs to an incredibly rare and unique race of Ancients...he alone beat Ruby weapon!!!! At least thanks to my help:) How could someone so cool and cute lose against some fashionable lovely lady?!!!

Nanaki: 35
Sharmista: 8

Dekar (Lufia2) Dekar vs Landis Landis (S3)

There are times where one must give one's all.

Everything you have.

Every little scrap of power you can muster.

For both combatants, this is their time.


Dekar wasn't really surprised when Landis hadn't shown up.

After all, Dekar had, on the way to the arena: fallen down stairs, into a spiked pit, whose walls crushed him before the floor gave out, dumping him seventy feet into a lake of acid, whose horrific, magically modified shark inhabitants were more at home than any mere human. The lake whose highly advanced magical sensors would, upon sensing an arrival, heat the lake to vaporization within a few minutes, before splitting several atoms of helium with highly focused mystical precision.

The explosion was heard for miles.

Unfortunately, Dekar has the mystical power of deus ex machina and ended up riding one of the sharks into the arena.

(The arena was pretty close to the explosion, you see. It was lake front property now.)

No, Dekar wasn't surprised that his cowardly opponent would fear the law and his mighty stature enough to not show.

Landis, exhausted, was still sleeping in his room. To heck with fear. That was way more work than he's used to.

Dekar: 30
Landis: 14

Massimo (MMXCM) Massimo vs Tear Grants Tear Grants (TotA)

The usual law of RPGs states that the young "staff chick" who is the game's female lead is generally superior to the big hulking, practically plotless tank. So what's different about this fight?

Massimo is a robot. You'd be surprised how much "Being Mecha" changes the situation.

Massimo: 26
Tear Grants: 7

Elaine (S3) Elaine vs Nergal Nergal (FE7)

Silent Lake was up. Nergal's might magic had been shut down and hard. He was out of options, unable to use his power to stop this puny little woman from poking him to death with her tiny sword. It was so unfair. Nergal was the better fighter, Nergal was the stronger Middile, Nergal was the only one of the two who could even hope for a championship. But he is the one who was getting beaten in the very first round by one insidious little trick. It was just too much. It was one thing to be foiled by an archsage and a bunch of heroes he was giving legendary weapons to, but quite another to be taken down by some random mercenary.

His ego simply couldn't take it. Somewhere, something inside the Dark Druid snapped. With bloodshot eyes, he raised his mighty tome above his head and let loose a primal scream of battle...


So it turns out that Erishkigal is really heavy and hurts quite a bit when flung by a rampaging druid.

Of course, getting hit by a flying book only made Elaine mad so she beat him even harder, but hey, at least he went down fighting.

Elaine: 29
Nergal: 16

Soren (FE9) Soren vs Cinnamon Cinnamon (MMXCM)

Soren had done his research. He knew walking in that this robot/reploid was resistant to his arcane magic. As such, he thought, he will have to try something completely different. After all, a true tactician is never caught unprepared. Unfortunately for Soren, he never tried cutting metal with a knife. Let alone metal that moves and can heal on a day he decided not to sacrifice something to the RNG gods. Oh well, at least Cinnamon has the courtesy to heal him up after their match was over.

Soren: 13
Cinnamon: 16

Steena (CC) Steena vs Irvine Kinneas Irvine Kinneas (FF8)

One shot.

Just one shot.

All he had to do was take the shot.

He had the skill. He had the precision, the sharp mind and keen wit.

There was no reason to be nervous. Calm down. Calm your mind. Be one with the gun.

Just. Take. The. Shot.


"Nice shot." Steena winced, holding her shoulder.

"Too bad it takes more than one shot to kill me." She finished grimly, as Garai's Shadow decended upon Irvine.

Irvine needs better personal mantras.

Steena: 34
Irvine Kinneas: 15

Steena is not totally ignorant of guns, however she would definitely be baffled when dealing with Irving, his rifle, and his possessive girlfriend.

Rebecca Streisand (WA5) Rebecca Streisand vs Relm Arrowny Relm Arrowny (FF6)


It didn't occur to Rebecca how ridiculous her outfit really was until Relm actually painted an exact portrait of her on the spot. Due to the embarrassment factor, Rebecca had no choice but to quit the fight, and hopefully salvage her dignity in some other means.

Rebecca Streisand: 15
Relm Arrowny: 17

Colette Brunel (ToS) Colette Brunel vs Dominia Dominia (XG)

Unfortunately, Dominia tripped on the way to the match and couldn't make it, giving Colette the win.

This is what happens when you drink something Seraphita gives you.

Dominia can't remember anything from her trip except making out with Zidane, and she's pretty sure that didn't happen.

She's right.

Sneff isn't Zidane.

Colette Brunel: 26
Dominia: 10

Dominia better pray that there is nothing even remotely in the area that would be serve to make her part of a comedy routine. Otherwise much like Sheena she'll find out what a mine shaft is really like.