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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Fou-Lu vs Heat Zeal, Queen vs Beowulf Kadmus Lin vs Jet Enduro Oulan vs Tink
Chris Lightfellow vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Alicia vs Keith Valentine Fred Maximilian vs Aigis Starky vs Mel
Cloud of Darkness vs Violetta Maya Amano vs Hallec Eileen vs Barret Wallace Snowe vs Bartre
Patriarch Sergius XVII vs Sephiroth Dycedarg Beoulve vs Claude Kenni Sania vs Ronnie Bell Melody Vilente vs Titania
Week 3 - Quarterfinals

Fou-Lu (BoF4) Fou-Lu vs Heat Heat (DDS)

Fou had quickly forfeited the match as he heard one thing:

Fangirls of a given...persuasion...would be rigging and judging the match.

...and Vritra had tentacles.

While Fou was willing to win matches, even his dignity had limits.

Fou-Lu: 14
Heat: 24

Chris Lightfellow (S3) Chris Lightfellow vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHs)

Everyone by now knows Yuri and Edge and the antics they can cause. Outfighting them is possible, outsmarting them is possible, but doing both and winning your fight is nearly impossible.

Like any problem, it can be beaten if you break it down into pieces.

Edge was easily handled. "Easily." It's amazing what having a small army of loyal knights can do. Borus walks up to Edge a day before the fight and insults Rydia, the claws come out (literally), Roland, Leo, and Percival jump in. Edge is good, but battling four of the Zexen Knights is insanely tough for him. A hail of Fumas and a barrage of catclaw physicals don't do more than keep him alive against the pressing attack. The knights had picked the fight in a narrow, poorly lit hallway near the back of the arena. The perfect place for one man to fight off several at one time.


Many theories about why Edge has been so successful in general troublemaking in the DL have been proposed. Everything from a burning desire to win to hormones to a complete disregard for conquences have all been proposed. Is it that? Some of it. The real reason?


Sure, it took the use of some highly illegal hidden weapondry, including blowing a TimeEclipse scroll to finally freaking kill Percival, but Edge had managed to at least fight the four Zexen Knights to a bloody draw.

Chris stepped out from the shadows in the back of the hallway where the fight had taken place. She looked suitably impressed- a single man had managed to avoid getting killed by four of her best troops. She walked up to Edge and stuck out her hand. "Congratulations on a good fight; not many men can claim to have fought some of the Zexen Knights to a draw. That was a most enjoyable display of martial skills."


All of the above reasons were true, but one truth overshadows all that. In the DL, Edge is immortal. The man who attacked the elemental fiend of fire (With fire), hit on women who had tactical nuclear grade attack magic when he feared getting looked at sideways by a magic spell, and who had the time of his life in a ninja castle in the ruins of second moon that had literally thousands of traps.. this man had been placed in an environment where he couldn't be permanently killed and had literally all the time in the world to do what he wanted. An environment where you were rewarded for beating your foes in the most traumatic way possible, a world decidated to countless fighters battling for glory nonstop?

Is it at all surprising- that he would try to have as much 'fun' as possible? Where else could he align himself with a lord of time, a demonic godslayer -and- a perverted band of misfits who's idea of a good time was to beat the living hell out of Zidane?


Edge was stunned by Chris's words. No, the fight had no subtle context or meaning. She had been watching her men while doing some mental preparations for her fight with Yuri, and decided to not step in. It was just a fight, nothing more. What was this woman on? She watched several of her allies jump him, and then congratulated him on a good fight after he fought them to a draw?!?!?! No hard feelings? NOTHING ELSE, JUST THAT?!!?!?!?!


What would be more effective against such a man than a simple olive branch and boring, peaceful words? No drama, no endless fighting and drama stretched out over the seasons.

He didn't even look twice at Chris or her outstretched hand. Edge left in the opposite direction of the arena, muttering about going to go take a nap and having a headache.


Once Edge had wandered off, Chris waved her hand towards the shadow- where Yuri Volte Hyuga, Godslayer and master of the Seraphic Radiance had stood watching silently. Chris's words got to the heart of the matter with the same directness that had served her so well in her military career.


"If I can stop Edge outside of the arena without drawing a weapon or pissing him off beyond belief, what can I do to you in the arena under SL? Mmm, options."

Yuri's forfeit followed shortly after.

Breaking down large problems into small ones is the job of a good stratgiest. Roland's all expenses paid trip to Ivoire for solving the Edge/Yuri problem had been well earned.

Chris Lightfellow: 28
Yuri Volte Hyuga: 20

Cloud of Darkness (FF3) Cloud of Darkness vs Violetta Violetta (G3)

The Cloud of Darkness requires not just Warriors of Light to defeat, but Warriors of Darkness as well. Still, the standards are high. No ordinary warrior can beat her up... why... you need to be... orphans or something at least.

Okay so maybe the standards are not high. Which is good since it's not like the Grandia III cast is brimming with personality and the shining light of hope. Still, after an emotional pre-battle scene where Yuki, Alfina, Ulf, and Dahna neutralized the Cloud's powers and then got crushed by a Particle Beam, the path was clear for Violetta, Kornell, Emelious, and La-Ilim to defeat the Cloud of Darkness and save the world! Because.... wait, what was the plan again? So that Xorn can be the one to seal the world in stone, and then Emelious will love Vioetta? Yeah, let's go with that.

Look, we're doing our best here. Crazy lovesick scythe girl drops Meteors on tentacles, film at 11.

Cloud of Darkness: 14
Violetta: 17

No one can beat the forces of entropy. Cloud of Darkness wins.

Patriarch Sergius XVII (XS2) Patriarch Sergius XVII vs Sephiroth Sephiroth (FF7)

What happens when you pour millions of Gil into Alenia, making her into an incredible killing machine while entirely ignoring prepration for your battle with a space pope? If you're Sephiroth, you carve Sergius to death with a couple of masamune strikes and watch as Alenia picks a fight with Luca Blight, the bully of the Suikoverse. Well, watch Luca Blight cut off Alenia's arms and break every bone in her body while screaming about pigs. It turns out that money -can't- buy you competency. Sephy's fund is going to have to aim a little higher next time.

Patriarch Sergius XVII: 9
Sephiroth: 31

Zeal, Queen (CT) Zeal, Queen vs Beowulf Kadmus Beowulf Kadmus (FFT)


And so, Beowulf was utterly and totally defeated, without any hope of survival.

Of course, his arrogance got him, in the end.

Seriously, why did he think he would win a Best Translated contest? Seriously.

Maybe he was an anti-localization fan.

Zeal, Queen: 48
Beowulf Kadmus: 9

Alicia (VP2) Alicia vs Keith Valentine Keith Valentine (SH1)

The pecking order of undead goes sorta like this:
Liches > Vampires > Banshees > Ghosts > Zombies.

Keith sits pretty high up there in the pecking order as a Vampire, and Alicia is more like a Zombie Goddess, which...

Wait, Zombie Goddess? If a Dragon Zombie beats out Vampires, what do you think a Goddess is going to do?

Alicia: 25
Keith Valentine: 16

Maya Amano (Pers2) Maya Amano vs Hallec Hallec (S3)

Hallec stood strong and tall.

He towered over his competition incredibly. Two massive axes in hand, his Rune's power enabled to drive him into berserk fury, he rushed to drive his axe home.

Maya hit him in the face with a dimensional distortion.

Axes to the face are one way to get ahead in life, but honestly, that meme's overdone.

It is, however, fun.

Maya Amano: 21
Hallec: 15

Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) Dycedarg Beoulve vs Claude Kenni Claude Kenni (SO2)


Okay, this match revolves around Dycedarg breaking Claude's sword, right? Claude's sword which was dug up from some monster-infested mine and specially made? And that's so powerful it causes even other people's weapons to break some kind of super-science barrier that the Wisemen use? And that, the Sacred Tear, is Claude's backup weapon to the Eternal Sphere?

Shouldn't we be asking if if isn't Dycedarg's equipment that should be getting broken here?

Stick with the poison, Dycedarg. (That or the demonic transformation. That would work too.)

Dycedarg Beoulve: 11
Claude Kenni: 37

Lin (BoF5) Lin vs Jet Enduro Jet Enduro (WA3)

The focused, carefully aiming shooter beats the retard spray-and-pray-er every time. Lin took a few nasty bullet wounds from Jet's frantic machine gunning, but it was worth it to instantly drop him with a well-placed shot to the head.

Lin: 30
Jet Enduro: 4

Fred Maximilian (S3) Fred Maximilian vs Aigis Aigis (Pers3)

It had looked to everyone that Aigis had gone in with intents to forfeit--no gun equipped, with a strange bracer on the arm where it would be mounted. Everyone looked upon the match in confusion, as if either she had insulted Mitsuru or was suffering from a fatal error of sorts...

That changed as soon as the match started, whereas Aigis' arm--not her entire body, as is typical for Orgia mode--glowed with yellow energy...Fred, in total shock, had no opportunity to defend himself before he was kicked in the groin, and then pummeled into submission.

Citan sighed from the judges' box, marking a disqualification already. Jade Curtiss could only comment, "Well, she was at least creative..."

...the victory was short-lived for Aigis, however, as the world turned grey around her, and in Fred's place appeared a massive four-armed demon, which promptly proceeded to tear the robot apart. Immediately, to stop the menace, several combatants proceeded to attack the fiend...

The truly horrible thing about today, was that Axel not only got the final, killing blow on the beast...but the match recordings caught it all. And the League and everyone involved wouldn't stop hearing about it for ages...

Fred Maximilian: 26
Aigis: 13

Eileen (S1) Eileen vs Barret Wallace Barret Wallace (FF7)

Eileen quickly encased her flesh in a layer of impenetrable metal, which the barrage of bullets Barret fired shortly after bounced off of. Eileen shook the earth with incredible force, knocking down and heavily wounding Barrett, who felt a surge of power flow through him. He gathered a blowing blue sphere on the end of his gun and fired it on Eileen, destroying her spellcasting ability through the metal barrier.

And that is how Barrett Wallace earned himself a fatal beating from a scrawny suikoden mage with a staff who he couldn't hurt no matter how many bullets he fired off. Sometimes, the best thought out strategies earn you nothing but humiliation.

Eileen: 38
Barret Wallace: 15

Sania (AtLC) Sania vs Ronnie Bell Ronnie Bell (S1)

RONNIE BELL. She hits like a tank and has bigger muscles than bodybuilder Hank. She's going to plow through anything in her path! With her muscles and fighting spirit she's invincible!

Oh wait, Sania is a dark mage. Destroying Ronnie's spirit is quite doable for her. Splat.

Sania: 24
Ronnie Bell: 7

Oulan (S2) Oulan vs Tink Tink (Disgaea2)

A butch-as-they-come woman of considerable physical stature, hell-bent on protecting the virtues of innocent girls everywhere... Facing a lecherous toad that falls within Morte's league of womanizing?

Can this end any way other than Oulan putting poor Tink through the arena floor with her fist of Universal Suffrage +2?

Come to think of it, she may just beat him senseless for his drink alone...

Oulan: 28
Tink: 5

Starky (CC) Starky vs Mel Mel (S3)

Starky was nowhere to be seen, the day of the match.

Mel was on the scene, although she was apparently missing her doll, Branky.

Upon cursory examination, Starky was found weeping over the remains of his starship, which had cost him long hours of suffering and hardship to rebuild. Evidence showed that it had been...rended, by sharp teeth.

A simple, crudly scrawled note-apparently in blood, source unknown-warned Starky that he would be next if he made it to the match.

Mel found Branky on the dresser a few days later. She figured she'd just missed him a few times.


Everyone just thinks the doll's cute, even when it's clearly a living weapon.

How wrong they are.

Starky: 21
Mel: 25

Snowe (S4) Snowe vs Bartre Bartre (FE7)

"Come on, you gotta help me out here!"

Erk sighed as his oafish castmate kept loudly pleading in his ear for assistance. "You're not going to go away, are you?"

Bartre, pleased at finally getting any sort of response from the irate made, grinned widely, "Of course not! Real men never quit once they set their mind on something!"

"...right." His headache growing worse by the moment, Erk decided that it was probably just for the best for him to answer Bartre's questions, "Look, you want to know how I managed to claim a championship in light, yes?"


"I accomplished what I did through long years of study, some natural talent, and the inherent superiority of the arts arcane. You have...perhaps one of those three. But your natural talent is more for the wild swinging of axes then anything particularly useful."

Bartre nodded along with Erk's breakdown, "Okay, so how do I make that win?"

The mage blinked, "I...you...um...what? You don't, Bartre. You don't."

"So I have to lose to win? Or some thinky tacticy thing like that?"

"...with every word that comes out of your mouth, my headache gets worse." Erk sighed, "Look, Snowe's weakness is being fired at by rune cannons. Apparently makes his arm useless or something. Just paint the words rune cannon on your axe and the rest should take care of itself."

"Hey, thanks! You're a real pal, you know that?"

"Just go away."

- - -

Erk played a video of the match for the fourth time, watching Snowe's arm somehow go limp as soon as Bartre pulled his axe out. He didn't bother watching the next five minutes of footage, as it contained nothing but Snowe running around like a madman trying to stay away from the axe wielding brute that was chasing him. Instead, he rewound the tape to the very moment where Snowe's arm lost all function, watching it again and again, trying to figure out one simple thing.

"How in Elimine's name did that actually WORK!?"

Snowe: 17
Bartre: 22

Melody Vilente (WA3) Melody Vilente vs Titania Titania (FE9)

"Villainous witch!"

"Muscle-bound she-man!"

"Shallow harlot!"

"Thuggish cavewoman!"

From his vantage point at the judges table, Justin simply remained very, very quiet. He might be dumb, sure. But even he was smart enough not to get in the middle of what was looking to end up as a nasty catfight.

"Narcissistic harpy!"

"Horseloving harridan!"

"Self absorbed slut!"


Titania smirked, "What's that, run out of clever insults? Did I hit too close to home there?"

Melody just smiled, "Oh no, I just can't decide weather I want to accuse you of robbing the cradle or the grave."

The paladin's face turned red with rage, "You wretched BITCH! How DARE you!?"

Now it was Melody's turn to smirk. There was really no chance that Titiania was going to be able to out-insult her, and it was oh so satisfying to see that stuck up paladin shocked into a frothing rage.

Of course there was one small mistake with Melody's plan.

And that was when Titiania hit her in the face with an axe really hard.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Eternal good looks, intelligence and a sharp tongue are all good ways to get ahead in life. But it's hard to argue with an axe to the face.

Melody Vilente: 16
Titania: 19