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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Ghaleon vs Celes Chere Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Dryst Aelia vs Viktor Kimahri Ronso vs Freed Yamamoto
Fujin vs Chris Lightfellow Lenus vs Scias Momo vs Saki Amy Sage vs Lulu
Indalecio vs Worker 8 Liete vs Sgt. Joe Ziggy vs Alys Brangwin Shiro vs Noel Chandler
Rem vs Jade Cecil Harvey vs Beatrix Edge Eblan vs Robo Rhett vs Jayle
Week 2 - Eliminations

Ghaleon (Lunars) Ghaleon vs Celes Chere Celes Chere (FF6)

Celes, being a General of the Empire, thus having common sense of war to study your opponent before hand, read up on Ghaleon. She was reading how Ghaleon can Double Cast spells, has a strong physical, and a weak parasitic attack. None of those threatened her, especially when she read he was a total Slug. But then, she read up on the Chaos Shield. She felt this might be a bit of a problem, so she decided to think how to get through it...until she later realized her loss was inevitable when she read about Ghaleon's "Fate Storm"
"An Instant Death attac that never fails, AGAIN! But I just had to face Tir with that in the Upgrade pool to God Like. *Sigh* I guess I am destined to never get further than Heavy"

However, backing out a fight wasn't exactly honorable, so she decided to AT LEAST deal Ghaleon a blow so that she would win in SOME way.

Match started, Celes, instead of opening with some sort of Magic Spell, Charged Ghaleon, with her Sword in Hand, flipped over his back sided, and did something quite unexepected.

Ghaleon didn't feel a thing and asked "What was the point of that, young lady?"

"Oh, why don't you look in my Pocket Mirror" Celes handed it to Ghaleon

Ghaleon looked into it, *gasp* Celes had given him that ridiculous Hair Cut Mewt Had from Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced!

"Why you...you little Brat! How dare you insult me, the Magic Emperor, in such manner!"
Ghaleon withdrew his Ghaleon Sword, and Impaled Celes with it, not yelling his infamous 3 words that drive people nuts. And walked out the fight disgusted.
CEles, while being Hospitalized, was smiling as while she DID lose the fight, she had, in a sense, won a war, as Ghaleon is stuck with that Accurrsed Hair Cut for the rest of the season...

Ghaleon: 25
Celes Chere: 1

option A. Celes uses runic which abosorbs Fate Storm and Ghaleon uses chaos shield... Celes uses a few spells since Ghaleon is slow. Ghaleon casts double FS and wins.
B. Celes runics Shield and dies to FS.
C. Celes casts a spell and loses to FS.

Cyril ((ultima287@yahoo.com)
Ghaleon, supremely confident as always and garbed for full battle - his customary purple spiked plate armor - stepped into the arena and glanced around.

Celes was nowhere in sight.

The Magic Emperor shrugged, not terribly concerned as the judge of the arena declared him the winner by default. He promptly teleported out, attending to his more important plans of world domination.


Meanwhile, on a busy street of Meribia, Royce had apparently acquired a new hobby. Rather than the boring old fortune teller guise, she now sold exquisitively crafted works of stone, which were never in short supply courtesy of her sister. The latest masterpiece sent by Xenobia was one magnificent depicting of a former Imperial Magitek General.

Dark Holy Elf
"Time to die!" called the Magic Emperor from across the arena, as he chanted his Fate Storm spell. Half the fans in the arena covered their eyes, knowing what was about to follow. The other half watched with fiendish glee, as the dark waves of the Fate Storm spell made their way to the Magitek Knight, waiting to claim their victim...

... and instead get absorbed. Celes wore a smirk as she held her runic blade aloft.

"My, my, my..." said the Magic Emperor. "You are truly impressive. I can see why you scored a serious victories in the so-called 'Heavy' division. That said..." he finished his doublecast, and the waves of Fate Storm flew again. "Godlike is, as they say, a whole different game, my dear."

Fujin (FF8) Fujin vs Chris Lightfellow Chris Lightfellow (S3)

Chris likes Silent Lake first thing in battle. Fujin likes to cast Sai first thing in battle.

After Silent Lake, Chris can't heal herself to full. After Sai, Fujin doesn't need to do much more than poke someone to win.

Fujin: 13
Chris Lightfellow: 6

Dark Holy Elf
As was her trademark, Chris Lightfellow opened the match with a casting of Silent Lake.

"FOOL," said Fujin, preparing to throw her pinwheel into a Sai attack. "There is more to me than MAGIC!"

Chris watched the pinwheel approach, then calmly deflected it with her sword at the last second. "And," Fujin heard Chris say as the knight's sword entered her, "There is more to me than Silent Lake."

Sir Alex
Yes, I'm voting Fujin over Chris, despite not playing S3. I know Chris well enough. Either tell me how she can beat "Sai every turn till Chris doesn't heal, then kill", or, in the words of Super, bite me.

Indalecio (SO2) Indalecio vs Worker 8 Worker 8 (FFT)

This is too funny... Indalecio... possibly the strongest thing in the RPGDL... possibly the only untwinked character that can go 1 on 1 with an FF7 weapon... and he has to draw the only fighter I can think of totally immune to all magic... such a shame... was this match set up randomly just to spite Indy?

Indalecio: 8
Worker 8: 18

Rem (ToE) Rem vs Jade Jade (BoF1)

Jade, you yaoi bait bastard. How did you beat Rem?

.........It turns out that even craymels aren't immune to the charms of Doijin power. A few Ryu/Ryu/Ryu/Ryu/Ryu mangas later, Jade had won, while Rem was... ah... distracted.

Rem: 4
Jade: 5

Victory came easy to Rem this time, as she had thought about the match, and came to a very simple conclusion.

Before the match, she saw that Jade was leaving to take care of some 'business'.

...doesn't it just suck when someone steals all the toilet paper, and you're stuck in a stall?

Jade certainly thought so.

Magus (Janus Zeal) (CT) Magus (Janus Zeal) vs Dryst Dryst (Brig)

Dryst defends against dark attacks. Good for Dryst.

Magus defends against anything he wants to. Good for Magus.

Dryst's physicals won't hurt Magus. Bad for Dryst.

Dryst's magic won't hurt Magus. Worse for Dryst.

Magus' magic and physicals will hurt Dryst. Even better for Magus.

Magus' HP is a lot higher than Dryst. Death for Dryst.

Magus (Janus Zeal): 13
Dryst: 1

Lenus (LoD) Lenus vs Scias Scias (BoF4)

Lenus has silver hair. Scias doesn't.

Scias has Shining Blade. Lenus doesn't.

Lenus: 2
Scias: 10

Liete (G1) Liete vs Sgt. Joe Sgt. Joe (S3)

Dark Holy Elf
Joe has Silent Lake. That stops spells, and is impossible to defend against. Definitely useful to have.

Liete has Enclose. That stops spells, and is impossible to defend against. Equal match?

Well, no. Since Enclose stops skills and physical attacks, too... in fact, it stops pretty much everything. Everything, that is, except the spell-spamming death that follows...

Liete: 11
Sgt. Joe: 3

Cecil Harvey (FF4) Cecil Harvey vs Beatrix Beatrix (FF9)

Dark Holy Elf
Cecil has faced many things in his career as a paladin. The incarnation of hatred, vengeful demons from hell, and even an incarnation of the dark side of himself. With all these fiendish foes in his past experience, he came into his match with Beatrix ready for anything...

Except a high-powered Holy spell. Though Cecil survived the attack just fine, he was so shocked at facing his own power for once, that he fainted on the spot, leaving a somewhat sheepish Alexandrian Holy Knight to accept the win.

Cecil Harvey: 5
Beatrix: 21

Aelia (VP1) Aelia vs Viktor Viktor (Suikos)

Poor Viktor. He just thought it would be so easy to thump Aelia out with the Star Dragon Sword. It's just a shame that the Sword got sick of being used like that, and thumped him out.

Aelia: 10
Viktor: 9

Momo (BoF3) Momo vs Saki Saki (G1)

Dark Holy Elf
What's the risk of relying entirely on stat-boosting spells? You run the risk of running into someone who can cast them better than you. And can heal. Two Speeds, four Protects, and four Mights later, and Saki is reminded why it is that Grandia bosses get mocked.

Momo: 15
Saki: 1

Ziggy (XS) Ziggy vs Alys Brangwin Alys Brangwin (PS4)

Dark Holy Elf
Alys was worried about her match. She was up against Ziggy, an accomplished warrior, but more importantly, a cyborg. Part man, part machine.

Alys twirled a slicer in her hand. Men posed no threat to her... but machines were another matter entirely. The effectiveness of her 'Death' technique was legendary, but it was worthless against machines. Alys didn't know whether or not Ziggy would fall to the attack. But she knew she wouldn't have time to find out once the match began. Even the slightest miscalculation would get her killed. Still. Ziggy was part man, part machine... surely there was a way to take advantage of this?

Suddenly, Alys had an idea. She ruffled through her closet, found a box hidden at the bottom, and opened it. She leafed through the pictures within... shots of Chaz when he was far too drunk at his last birthday party, shots of Gryz cowering in terror of Rika's pet hamster when it had gotten loose last... ah, there it was. The picture of Demi when she had removed her armour for cleaning.


"This idea is becoming a little tired, I think," mused Alys, as she handed the picture to Ziggy before the match began. "But it's hardly my fault if it works." Her suspicions were immediately proven correct, as Ziggy was too distracted too fight, leaving him easy prey for the hunter. "Even if my skills do not, the cliche of dirty old men and pictures of little girls applies just as well to the robotic world as the human one, apparently..."

Ziggy: 2
Alys Brangwin: 11

Edge Eblan (FF4) Edge Eblan vs Robo Robo (CT)

Edge was ready for his robotic opponent this week. Not only did he have a stack of Fumas ready for easy tossing, he had even thought to rig the ring with a few well placed traps, in case things started going badly. What he didn't expect was..

"Edge Eblan! Front and Center!"

Edge looked up, and turned ghost white. standing right in front of him was none other than Cidolfas Orlandu, aka Thundergod Cid. Behind Orlandu stood a smiling Kasumi, a grinning Rydia, a laughing Rosa, a chuckling Alys...

Edge gulped. It appeared that the ghosts of past.. perversions had come back to haunt him. Unlike most ghosts, they didn't present any risk of haunting. Edge had to worry about getting nuked by Orlandu, or a Tactical Nuclear Holy, or Flare, or a Slicer to the face..

When Edge fully turned around to speak, he was all smiles and charm. "Ladies, what are you doing here? Came to cheer me on? And Orlandu.. what brings you here? You wanted to take a close look at the next RPGDL middle champion?"

Orlandu shook his head, and stood up a bit straighter.

"Edge Eblan, you have been hereby stripped of all authorty by the RPGDL Ninja Council. All powers to demand kisses, harass female Ninjas, and to wear purple without being laughed at are null and void."

Edge felt slightly relieved. Although Orlandu had stripped his powers of perversion, he hadn't lost his true vaulables.. and he hadn't gotten fried by a swordskill.

"And... as one final punishment for your deeds, I've confiscated all of your dirty photos. Including the ones taken while Rosa and Rydia were in the bath.."

Orlandu reached into his back pocket, and withdrew a battered looking book of photos.

A red haze fell over Edge's vision. It had taken him months to get those photos! Now.. they were all taken away in a flash?

"You...you.. you're not even a Ninja! When did you get elected to the council, anyway?!"

Orlandu deftly plucked one of Edge's Ninja swords from his belt, and began twirling it around, showing skill that defied his age.

"Boy, you forget that Ninja mastery is a requirement of my class. As far as the council goes.. they were happy to let me lead it. The plight of these poor girls broke my heart. They convinced me that I, Orlandu, was the only one who could stop your foul deeds. As far as getting back your title... I'll give it to you if you somehow manage to beat me. Good luck, boy."

Orlandu sheathed Edge's sword, turned around, and walked back to the locker room with the girls. The girls were making faces at Edge behind Orlandu's back, and laughing at the obviously crestfallen Ninja.

Photos.. gone. Girls... gone. Status as leader, gone. Pride.. never there. That isn't the point, though. Edge was never the most even tempered fellow, and he had been pushed far beyond his limit. He didn't care if Orlandu kicked his ass, or if he lost his fight. He was going to get some revenge.

Edge reached into his pouch, and began throwing a stack of Fumas at the direction of Orlandu and the girls.


Remarkbly, none of the darts hit Orlandu and the girls. Robo, who was lumbering into the ring, walked right in front of the hail of darts.

He never had a chance.

The Fumas quickly cut Robo into scrap metal, giving Edge his first RPGDL win. The RPGDL was the last thing on Edge's mind, though.

Edge grabbed Masamune and Murasame, and threw them at Orlandu. Orlandu had turned around to hear what the noise was about... only to catch Edge's Ninja swords in the face, hilt first.

Somewhere across the universe, a bird cried. A star died. And hell froze over. For Edge Eblan had just knocked out Thundergod Cid.

Edge struck while the fire was still hot, and everyone was still in shock. Running over and lifting up Orlandu by his shirt, Edge glared at him in the eye. "Give me back by title, you geezer!"

Orlandu couldn't do much of anything, so he simply nodded, and simply passed out from the blow to the head.

Edge stood up, and grinned. He was back. Now that he was back..

He sprinted over to the girls, who were as stunned by what had happened as everyone else.

Moving quickly, Edge kissed Alys on the lips, and added a smack to the rear for good measure. "Seeya later, sweet cheeks!"

Edge threw a quick wink at Kasumi, followed by an inviting gesture. He yelled at Rosa and Rydia while he picked up his photos and swords from Orlandu.

"I'll see you two in the bath tonight!"

Edge then fled the scene while everyone was still recovering from had what happened.

Edge knew in his heart that he would pay dearly for this. Angry girls, angry boyfriends... let alone what Orlandu would do to him for torching him like that. But.. for once, Edge Eblan, Ninja Prince, had come out on top, and he was damn sure that he was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

Edge Eblan: 15
Robo: 14

Kimahri Ronso (FFX) Kimahri Ronso vs Freed Yamamoto Freed Yamamoto (S2)

Freed always acted as if he had a stick shoved somewhere.
After this match, he really does.

Kimahri Ronso: 22
Freed Yamamoto: 0

Amy Sage (PS2) Amy Sage vs Lulu Lulu (S3)

While she isn't Dr Death, Amy Sage proved to be too much for Lulu. A few well placed staff twacks will put the young Kayaran away for the count.

Amy Sage: 7
Lulu: 2

Shiro (S2) Shiro vs Noel Chandler Noel Chandler (SO2)

Noel is kind to all animals, and Shiro being a wolf of the wild is an ANimal. Thus, NOel refuses to fight Shiro on said principle. Doesn't it just suck that Shiro doesn't share the same views of harmony as Noel, and decides to rip him to shreds?

Shiro: 10
Noel Chandler: 7

Rhett (S3) Rhett vs Jayle Jayle (VP1)

When someone says, "In the name of my lord!", it's much more effective when it's not a gurgled death whisper on the end of a halberd they ran into...

Rhett: 10
Jayle: 4

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy: RPGDL-Style!

On the one hand, history has shown that, under sufficent pressure, Squall can be worn down and turned perfectly malleable.
On the other, the writeup shows that Squall has become immune to Rinoa's pestering.
Let that sink in. Immune to the pestering of Rinoa.
I dunno about you, but I can't envision a world in which 5 queers (even ones as flaming as this crew) can match Rinoa in pestering power.
Ironically, I predict that the Flamers will succeed in one respect though- they'll eventually piss Squall off enough that he'll fetch the old master Junction from the closet, and give the queer crew the sort of thrashing that only a Triple-to-speed auto-haste Ultima-to-strength Squall can deliver, snapping him out of his funk.
Of course, that may not be for the best...

The Flamer Crew turns Squall into a Thuper Guy!: 14
Squall stays a lazy, worthless, piece of crap: 18

Not only does the Flamer Crew turn Squall into "thuper guy", he goes home with them. I guess a few years of Rinoa is enough to convince anyone to give up on women. On a similar note it only took a week for Rinoa to make her lesbian relationship with Selphie known public.

Squall is indeed a very stubborn person.

However, a corpse shows little argument.

So, a few hours after the Fab Five beat him up, he finds himself clean, well-dressed, and his house full of fantastical new wallpaper.

And after hearing a promise that they would be back if he didn't shape up and start being a good husband, his attitude improved immensly.

Poor Squall. Maybe he'll get lucky and his significant other will fall off a cliff.

Hunter Sopko
Hold on... Squall needs influence to become a Thuper Guy? Within 5 minutes he'll become one of the Flamers themselves.