Lloyd Irving
Tales of Symphonia (ToS)

Division: Heavy
Ranking: 3.86
Wins: 2
Losses: 3

A bit slow when it comes to the books, and perhaps not a very inventive or creative person, Lloyd Irving is nonetheless a respected and beloved hero of the Tales universe. A general good guy, Lloyd followed and protected his childhood friend/sweetheart Colette, the Chosen, to the ends of the earth and beyond. Lloyd's deductive reasoning and capable heart were great boons on the journey that cemented his spot as the group leader. Fighting injustice, discovering the secrets of the world, meeting new friends and family - Lloyd's adventure throughout Sylvarant and it's opposite world Tethe'alla is a story for the ages. His strong will and burning desire to help others truly enamour him among those he meets as a hero to remember.

Armed with the logic that two swords are better than one, the dual-wielding Lloyd is a force to be reckoned with in battle. His Material Blades or other assortment of weapons allows him to fight any foe with little abandon, and his swordplay is beyond compare. Relying on his deadly swordskill and the terrifying Falcon Crest should he need it, Lloyd's ready to mark Heavy as his territory and prove that two swords really are better than one.

Season 21 Week 1 Heavy Defeated Bowie, 30 to 18
Season 21 Week 3 Heavy Defeated Dycedarg Beoulve, 31 to 29
Season 21 Week 4 Heavy Defeated by Jack van Burace, 31 to 22
Season 40 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Marcello, 35 to 15
Season 58 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Masaji Kato, 22 to 12