Season 40, Week 1
(Suikoden IV)
The Soul Eater. Does anyone need to know more about Ted than that he is the bearer of this deadly and revered True Rune? While he may not have access to the instant death powers that his good friend Tir Mcdohl does, the not-so-young Ted does have something he harnessed in the war for the island nations that is just as good: the dark light of the Judgement spell. The sky pirate that stands in Ted's way may be fast and capable of unleashing powerful cutlass techniques, but those require him to build up power beforehand. He won't get the chance. With Judgement at the ready, Ted will feed the Soul Eater yet another pitiful mortal.



A legend in his own time, none from the sky-bound world of Arcadia would fail to recognize Vyse. While the sky pirate is not quite so infamous in his DL exploits, a match against someone like Ted is just the thing to make your mark in the Arena with. The power of the Soul Eater is undeniable to anyone who has heard about it, but even a True Rune is only as powerful as the one wielding it, and like so many spell-slingers of his world, Ted withstands punishment about as well as a wet tissue. With his decisive agility and a jaunty tip of his Captain's Hat, Vyse should easily get the drop on the fragile mage lad and end the match in a single stroke.

Ted was no stranger to working with pirates, particularly ones of the Noble Rogue variety, so the runebearer had no real issues with Vyse going into this fight. However, unlike most of his fellow heroic types, Ted did not enjoy the prospect of having a nice friendly duel with another good guy in the least. After all, in order to win, he would have to turn the life shattering power of the Soul Eater Rune onto Vyse, which was something that the Blue Rogue really didn't deserve at all.

Now, Ted being Ted, he was more inclined to angst about having to use the Soul Eater on a hero then to actually get up and be proactive and figure out a way to avoid it. Thankfully for him, Vyse was very much the type to socialize with his opponents before the match, and once he heard about Ted's reservations, he was all about finding another way to settle this match. This may have been fuelled as much by a desire to not be force fed a Judgment spell as a desire to help Ted out, but no matter his reasons, Vyse was more then happy to help.

The first few ideas they came up with were quickly discarded. A straight up, no special abilities at all fight? No, too stacked in Vyse's favor. A sharp shooting contest, perhaps? No, too stacked in Ted's. What about a monster killing race then? No, also stacked for Ted, with his area spells.

After a bit of brainstorming, Ted just shrugged, "We need to come up with something where it's not just a given who's going to win. But...I can't think of anything we're both good at. We just have such different specialties."

Considering, Vyse began to get the basis of an idea, "Maybe, just maybe, we're going about this wrong. What about, oh, a skateboarding contest?"

Ted blinked, "Huh? But, I don't know how to skateboard."

And now Vyse grinned, "Neither do I! It's perfect! Instead of looking for something we're both good at, we pick something we're both BAD at, and the win goes to the person who sucks less! How about it, huh?"

Slowly, Ted began to crack a smile and then start chuckling, "That's just inane enough to work. What the hey, sounds like it could be amusing at least. Sure, you're on."

And so, the gathered fans who were expecting a standard Soul Eater style Judgment splatter, were instead treated to a pair of completely amateur skaters trying to pull off tricks, falling off their boards a lot, and generally laughing the whole time. Some were pissed at the lack of Judgment SMASH, but most actually found this more entertaining then the one sided match they were expecting.

As for the winner, well, while Vyse has enough charisma to look cool even while he's wiping out over and over and Ted mainly looked like a bumbling kid on a skateboard, Ted actually managed to pull off a full 360 spin and land it without falling. Vyse, on the other hand, had no such luck, and managed to fall flat on his face and break his nose when attempting to duplicate Ted's success. Ah well, at least Vyse managed to look stylish and have fun, even if he lost, and that's what's important, right?

Or at least that's what he tried to explain to Aika when she wanted a few words with him about losing in the first round, anyway.

Ted: 32
Vyse: 11