Shadow Hearts: From the New World (SH3)

Division: Godlike
Ranking: 4.56
Wins: 1
Losses: 3

Most people, when they think of a college professor, wouldn't think of a diminuitive, hook-nosed, fat, balding freak like Gilbert, but then again, people thought Paris Hilton was an upstanding citizen at one point, so mistakes can be made. While his looks aren't exactly intimidating or attractive, Professor Gilbert makes up for this with a cunning mind. Able to manipulate his way into anything, and possessing arcane knowledge that even the all-powerful Roger Bacon fears, there's lots behind the man called the Penguin. Though his motives for following the enigmatic Lady were shady at best, the fact remains the villainous three would not have been able to raise the Gate without Gilbert's help. Despite that the arrival of the dimensional door would bring about the mutation of humanity, Gilbert didn't care - after all, now everyone would look like him! Isn't that wonderful?

Apparently, this angered a lot of supermodels, and thus an army of them overran his house, breaking everything, putting itching powder in his socks, pouring chicken blood all over his pants, and gluing his toilet seats. However, these pranks would never reach Gilbert, who died at the hands of Johnny Garland and crew before accomplishing his twisted aim.

Despite his grotesque appearance, Gilbert possesses a great power few can even control. The aptly named Deep Grudge and Malice Dirge combine for a devastating magical attack that few foes can withstand, and should they live through it, Gilbert can fire off another, and another, punishing any who feel that they can tango with such a super-genius. Backed up by his Evil Crest to crush the magically reliant and Gathering to completely disorient the mobile fighters he faces, there is no doubt in Gilbert's mind that he's off to accomplish great things - now if only one of them was to put on some damn make-up.

Season 37 Week 2 Godlike Defeated by Piastol, 47 to 1
Season 56 Week 1 Godlike Defeated Jecht, 22 to 20
Season 56 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Cecilia Lyne Adelhyde, 19 to 17
Season 61 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Johnny Garland, 14 to 13