Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FE9)

Division: Godlike
Ranking: 4.54
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

The King of Kilvas has never been the most loyal of people - he betrayed his childhood friend, Reyson, selling him to the greedy Duke Tanas, and has turned his beak against many a Laguz in order to make some money from the filthy humans of Daein, all in the name of making Kilvas a great nation to be respected and feared. However, regardless of his personal qualities, he remains a king, and he has the skills to back it up.

Naesala boasts a particularly wide range of skills for a Fire Emblem character, with brilliant strength and the magical Vortex to hit foes from afar, as well as being able to make use of the Vantage ability, preventing enemies from starting the fight with the upper-hand. However, his real strength lies not in his strength or skills, but in his speed - it'll take a damn good opponent to get more attacks in than him, and an even better one to hit with the majority of them.

Season 50 Week 1 Godlike Defeated Luther Lansfeld, 24 to 23
Season 50 Week 3 Godlike Defeated by Ghaleon, 39 to 10
Season 59 Week 1 Godlike Defeated by Elvis, 10 to 9