
Author Topic: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)  (Read 10205 times)


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Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« on: April 05, 2008, 10:05:27 PM »
Best way to make sure your alchemist doesn't get nerfed again?  Make everyone alchemists!

Wiki here:

Blah blah blah spoiler warning.  But that's obvious.  Not much spoilery in the PC part though, I don't think.

Stuff on top

Mana Khemia uses a CTB-style battle system, basically similar to Atelier Iris 3.  Worth noting is that the first turn order is determined by numerical speed, and the distance between everyone's first turns is always constant regardless of speed differences (187 speed would take their first turn x ticks after 188 speed, while 1 speed would also take their first turn x ticks after 188 speed, assuming only those two are in battle).

Burst mode: After every hit, the Burst Gauge is increased.  If the attack criticals or hits weakness, the increase is much larger.  Once the Gauge fills, the party enters Burst Mode, which increases all damage done by 75% (this includes healing skills but not parasitic healing or % based healing), and each action then reduces the Burst Gauge until it hits 0, in which case Burst Mode ends (the reduction rate is determined by the speed of the action).  Also, a certain "condition" is displayed on the screen, such as attacking consecutively, hitting weakness, buffing, healing, debuffing, or criticalling.  Every time this condition is met, the Finishing Burst Gauge increases (rate also depends on the condition).  Once THAT is full, a character can activate a Finishing Burst skill, which will deal damage and immediately end Burst mode, regardless of how much was left in the Burst Gauge.  This also resets the Burst Gauge and Finishing Burst Gauge.

The Burst Gauge is not carried over between battles, but the Finishing Burst Gauge is.

In the DL, this will only see use in long matches, really.

Break: Every attack has a certain amount of Break damage, and every enemy has a certain Break threshhold.  Once an enemy accumulates enough Break damage, they enter Break status.  Under Break status, the enemy's speed becomes 0 and all attacks will critical.  Break status is cured after about a turn (varies from enemy to enemy) or when attacked.  Bosses do NOT immune Break, but they do resist it heavily.

Timed Cards: These are created from certain skills and basically act on their own for the caster.  For the most part they cannot be targetted or anything.  Same as Timed Cards from Atelier Iris 3 and similar to field effects in Atelier Iris 2.

Support: Not applicable in the DL, but I'll mention it here.  After an ally initiates an attack, an ally in the Support row can also attack and swap positions with the original attacking character.  Likewise, when an ally is targeted by an attack, an ally in Support can jump in and take the blow for them.  Each character has unique Support Attack and Support Defend skills.

Characters in Support also regain HP and SP.

Another note: The damages on the Support skills are likely higher than I noted here.  They don't matter in the DL so I'm not too worried about testing them.

Physical Damage = ATK*x/(1+DEF/200) [Where x is a multiplier for the skill, 1 for basic physicals.]
Magical Damage = MGK*x/(1+RES/200) [Where x is a multiplier for the skill, 1 for basic physicals.]
Speed = SPD+350

Enemy DEF/RES assumed: 114 (36% reduction).

Critical = DEF/RES -> 0 in damage equation [52% more damage against assumed average enemy DEF/RES.]

Status effects
Poison: Causes 4% mHP damage at the beginning of every turn.  Lasts 3 turns.
Curse: Immunity to healing.  Lasts 3 turns.
Seal: Skill block.  Lasts 3 turns.
Sleep: Cannot act.  Wears off if attacked or after the next turn (which is skipped).
Slow: Wait time drastically increased.  Basically, the character has the maximum amount of wait allowed, putting their turn at the very end of the card bar.  This is probably around a third average speed or so.  Does not take effect until after the next turn.  Last 3 turns.
Instant Death: Guess.

HP: Lose these and you become a ghost.
SP: Used for special skills.
ATK: Determines physical damage.  Effective attack = ATK.
MGK: Determines magical damage.  Effective magic = MGK.
DEF: Decreases damage received by physical attacks.  Effective defense = 200+DEF (or 1+DEF/200 if you prefer).
RES: Decreases damage received by magical attacks.  Effective resistance = 200+RES (or 1+RES/200 if you prefer).
SPD: Determines CTB speed.  Effective speed = 350+SPD.

All characters are assumed to have their Grow Book completely learned.  Weapons and armor used are the best you can get at endgame (they're all unique anyways).  No Ether traits are assumed to be attached to the equipment, though they are quite arguably legal.  I just ignored them for now to save headaches, but may add them in later.  Most just increase stats, but there are others to note: Stun (increases Break damage), Daze (delay), Critical (increase critical rate), and Fatal Attack (adds ID to normal attack).

Vayne Aurelius
Sulpher, please!
HP: 540
SP: 375
ATK: 401 (280 base)
MGK: 341 (280 base)
DEF: 460 (200 base) [Takes 91% (67%) from physical attacks.]
RES: 396 (155 base) [Takes 96% (72%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 134 (100 base) [103% (117%)] [+0.38 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Brisingamen - 121 ATK, 61 MGK, 61 DEF, 61 RES, 30 SPD
Bleak Veil - 199 DEF, 180 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Crown Breastplate - 22 ATK, 173 DEF, 115 RES (armor) [105% physical damage dealt, 104% physical damage taken, 112% magical damage taken]

Attack - 264 physical damage over 7 hits.
Analyze (8 SP) - 501 physical damage over 3 hits.  Displays enemy's HP (unless it's a boss), weaknesses, resistances, immunities, and status immunities (not including instant death).
Eluding Thorn (13 SP) - 369 physical damage over 2 hits, AoE(L)
Jade Shift (24 SP) - Time Card Skill.  1 timed card at 4.0, which lasts 3 turns and lets Vayne act during it.  Vayne's next turn comes 4x as fast.
Chaos Devotion (140 SP) - 2372 physical damage over 7 hits.
Over Realm (54 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  Vayne gets 3 consecutive actions.
Blade Pillar (25 SP) - 791 physical damage over 2 hits.
Rising Pillar (55 SP) - 949 physical damage over 3 hits, Row(L).
Violent Pillar (100 SP) - 1370 physical damage over 5 hits, MT.

Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Dragon Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against dragon types.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Strong Chain (Passive) - Damage from Support Action increased.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (M) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.

Einzelkampf (Finishing Burst) - 6072 physical damage over 9 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Valiant Claw (ATK Support) - 264 physical damage over 2 hits, Knockback.
Massive Guard (DEF Support) - Block physical attack.

Jessica Philomele (Jess)
It won't hurt! ...I think.
HP: 440
SP: 340
ATK: 193
MGK: 456 (305 base)
DEF: 339 (160 base) [Takes 111% from physical attacks.]
RES: 371 (173 base) [Takes 100% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 103 [96%] [-0.53 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Dimension Bag - 151 MGK
Biohair Wig - 179 DEF, 198 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Plate Bag - 96 MGK, 48 DEF (weapon) [88% magical damage/healing dealt, 92% physical damage taken]
Lucifer's Leotard - 25 MGK, 67 DEF, 201 RES (armor) [105% magical damage/healing dealt, 126% physical damage taken, 99% magical damage taken]
Saint's Garb - 27 MGK, 71 DEF, 214 RES (armor) [106% magical damage/healing dealt, 125% physical damage taken, 97% magical damage taken]

Attack - 599 magical damage over 7 hits. [No, that's not a typo, Jess gets a 100% bonus to her basic attack for no reason.]
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Flamer (5 Black Powder) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1498 fire damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Icer Bomb (5 Glacier Stone) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1498 ice damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Donor Bomb (5 Thunder Stone) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  2247 lightning damage over 3 hits, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->N-A (2 Big Uni) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1199 magical damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Healing Vase (5 Spinacherb) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1349 healing, MT.
Thundering Hammer (20 SP) - 674 magical damage, 75% chance of Seal.
Minimum Tornado (50 SP) - 824 magical damage over 6 hits, AoE(S).
Funny Pouch (15 SP) - 599 magical damage over 4 hits.  If enemy is killed by this, they are turned into candy.  Mmm, candy~
Sky Present (100 SP) - Timed card skill.  Places 3 timed cards at 0.5, 0.8, and 1.1.  One deals 1199 magical damage over 3 hits, one deals 1498 magical damage over 4 hits, and one deals 300 magical damage.
Healing Echo alpha (16 SP) - Timed card skill.  228 healing.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.
Healing Echo beta (48 SP) - Timed card skill.  365 healing.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.
Healing Echo omega (130 SP) - Timed card skill.  365 healing, MT.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.

+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Auto Mixer Stick (Passive) - Activate on-the-spot synthesis faster (already factored in).
Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
+ Drop Rate (Passive) - Higher drop rate on items.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Wind's Whisper (Finishing Burst) - 5990 magical damage over 9 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Mana Blast (ATK Support) - 300 magical damage over 4 hits, Range(L).
Cheer Healing (DEF Support) - 228 healing, MT.

Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki)
Ah ha!  One, two, three, and you're mine!
HP: 618
SP: 260
ATK: 463 (343 base)
MGK: 198
DEF: 382 (175 base) [Takes 103% (77%) from physical attacks.]
RES: 310 (133 base) [Takes 112% (86%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 185 (125 base) [114% (133%)] [+1.87 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Thor Hammer - 120 ATK, 60 SPD
Holy Beast Hide - 207 DEF, 177 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Angel Cloth - 19 ATK, 151 DEF, 134 RES (armor) [104% physical damage dealt, 111% physical damage taken, 109% magical damage taken]

Attack - 304 physical damage over 7 hits.
Summon Friend->Team Kobold (2 Kobold Thoughts) - 426 physical damage over 4 hits, steals an item.
Summon Friend->Kobold Hero (15 Kobold Thoughts) - Double Up Skill (1 turn charge).  1826 physical damage over 2 hits, MT.  Knockback.
Summon Friend->Panther Raid (4 Panther Pathos) - 609 physical damage over 3 hits, Row(S).
Summon Friend->Panther Beat (13 Panther Pathos) - Timed card skill.  1521 physical damage over 4 hits.  1 timed card at 1.2, which acts once and does the same thing.
Summon Friend->Harpy Sisters (4 Harpy's Heart) - 304 physical damage over 3 hits, MT.  Knockback.
Summon Friend->Harpy Dive (11 Harpy's Heart) - Double Up Skill (1 turn charge, cannot be targeted).  1004 physical damage over 2 hits, AoE(L).
Summon Friend->Bear Homerun (5 Bear Hug) - 974 physical damage over 2 hits, 50% chance of instant death.
Summon Friend->Bear Charge (19 Bear Hug) - 2252 physical damage over 6 hits.
Summon Friend->Koalaria Knock (2 Koalaria Spirit) - 456 physical damage over 3 hits, target becomes easier to stun.
Summon Friend->Koalaria Screw (10 Koalaria Spirit) - 1065 physical damage over 6 hits, target becomes easier to stun.
Heart Cracker (10 SP) - 456 physical damage over 5 hits, if enemy is a beast type and killed by this, Nikki gains items used for Summon Friend.
Heartful Action (75 SP) - 1217 physical damage over 6 hits, if enemy is a beast type and killed by this, Nikki gains items used for Summon Friend.
Wood Shake (28 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  974 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Wood Swing (45 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  1704 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Wood Storm (70 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  2343 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Decoy Shield (25 SP) - Makes an ally randomly immune damage (around 20% of the time) for about 3 turns.

Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Beast Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against beast types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Beast's Heart (Passive) - Use less hearts for Summon Friend (already factored in).
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Super Nikki Punch (Finishing Burst) - 4864 physical damage over 11 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Wild Rush (ATK Support) - 304 physical damage, Knockback.
Life Guard (DEF Support) - Adds Regen status (10% mHP/round).

Pamela Ibis
My, my, I thought I was going to die!
HP: 388
SP: 407 (310 base)
ATK: 200
MGK: 384 (245 base)
DEF: 287 (168 base) [Takes 123% from physical attacks (she immunes them anyways...).]
RES: 443 (175 base) [Takes 89% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 95 [94%] [-0.76 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Hellclaw - 97 SP, 139 MGK
Robe of Life - 119 DEF, 268 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Lucifer's Leotard - 25 MGK, 67 DEF, 201 RES (armor) [107% magical damage dealt, 112% physical damage taken, 112% magical damage taken]
Saint's Garb - 27 MGK, 71 DEF, 214 RES (armor) [107% magical damage/healing dealt, 111% physical damage taken, 109% magical damage taken]
Aurora Curtain - 150 DEF, 150 RES (armor) [94% physical damage taken, 122% magical damage taken]

Attack - 245 (367) magical damage over 7 hits.
Chomp Chomp (40 SP) - 636 (954) magical damage over 2 hits, 50% chance of Curse.
Poltergeist (21 SP) - 367 (550) magical damage, large break damage, AoE(M).
No Bullying! (75 SP) - 489 magical damage at full HP, increases to 6115 (with The Grudge) magical damage at 0 HP.  [See this post for details.  Multiplying those damage figures by 4/3 will give DL damage with default setup.]
Have Fun->Slimy Poof (159 HP) - 660 (991) ice damage, 80% chance of Poison, MT.
Have Fun->Happy Twins (85 HP) - 660 (991) magical damage, 70% chance of Seal.
Have Fun->Seeker (271 HP) - Removes target's traits and damage weaknesses/resistances/immunities.
Have Fun->Goopy Drop (65 HP) - 538 (807) magical damage, AoE(M).  Cole gain up.
Have Fun->Friends (139 HP) - Timed card skill.  428 (642) magical damage over 4 hits, 1 timed card at 1.1, which acts twice and does the same thing.
Have Fun->Bear (248 HP) - 1565 (2348) magical damage over 7 hits.
Have Fun->Freeze Bomb (54 HP) - 929 (1394) ice damage, 80% chance of Sleep.
Have Fun->Let's Be Friends (120 HP) - 979 (1468) magical damage, 70% chance of Slow.
Kiss 2 Bear (40 SP) - 489 (734) magical damage over 4 hits, heals Pamela for half the damage dealt.
Kiss 3 Bear (80 SP) - 636 (954) magical damage over 3 hits, heals Pamela for half the damage dealt.
Kiss 2 Everyone (163 SP) - 611 (917) magical damage over 4 hits, MT, heals the party for 40% of the total damage dealt.

Immortal Body (Auto) - After approximately 0.8 turns after Pamela dies, she revives with 40% HP and refills 40% SP.
Reincarnation (Passive) - Activate immortal body faster (already factored in).
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Physical Immunity (Passive) - Immunity to physical attacks, including status (but not stat debuffs) attached to them.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
The Grudge (Passive) - ATK and MGK increased by 50% when HP is below 50%.
+SP Recovery (S) [x4] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (L) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

My Gift To You (Finishing Burst) - 5381 magical damage over 5 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Phantom Touch (ATK Support) - 252 (379) magical damage over 2 hits, heals SP equal to 1/3 this amount.
Bear Shift (DEF Support) - Block attack.

Flay Gunnar
Strike of justice!
HP: 670
SP: 290
ATK: 459 (293 base)
MGK: 220
DEF: 448 (210 base) [Takes 92% (69%) [52%] from physical attacks.]
RES: 299 (150 base) [Takes 114% (88%) [69%] from magical attacks.]
SPD: 98 [95% (106%)] [-0.67 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Deus ex Machina - 166 ATK
Gallant Mantle - 238 DEF, 149 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Crown Breastplate - 22 ATK, 173 DEF, 115 RES (armor) [105% physical damage dealt, 111% physical damage taken, 107% magical damage taken]

Attack - 302 [422] physical damage over 7 hits.
Starshot (30 SP) - Timed card skill.  422 [591] physical damage over 5 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.8, and 1.1, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Big Impact (50 SP) - 905 [1277] physical damage over 3 hits.
Buster Star (87 SP) - Timed card skill.  905 [1277] physical damage over 7 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.8, and 1.1, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Drill Twist (74 SP) - 1056 [1478] physical damage over 5 hits, lowers defense by 40%. Against randoms this ends up to be 17% more damage, but is closer to 25%-30% against bosses.
Raiden Charge (20 SP) - Increases ATK (and damage) by 40% and adds lightning element to attacks and skills, Flay's next turn comes 2x quicker.
Mega Screw (25 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  452 [633] physical damage over 2 hits.  Knockback.
Hyper Screw (84 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1508 [2112] physical damage over 5 hits.  Knockback.
Screwdriver (112 SP) - 1735 [2428] physical damage over 6 hits, AoE(S).  Knockback.

Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Demon Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against demon types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Super Guts (Passive) - Adds ATK Up, MGK Up, DEF Up, RES Up (all 40%) when Guts activates.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Maximum Counter (Finishing Burst) - 4832 [7248] physical damage over 6 hits  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Armor Break (ATK Support) - 302 [422] physical damage, Defense Down, 100%.
Double Counter (DEF Support) - Counter for 302 [422] physical damage over 7 hits.

Roxis Rosenkrantz
I won't lose, not to him!
HP: 498
SP: 405
ATK: 193
MGK: 421 (303 base)
DEF: 332 (183 base) [Takes 112% from physical attacks.]
RES: 462 (165 base) [Takes 86% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 110 [98%] [-0.32 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Type Solomon - 118 MGK, 59 RES
Grand Alchemist - 149 DEF, 238 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Solingen - 50 ATK, 22 RES (weapon) [126% physical damage dealt, 72% magical damage dealt, 106% magical damage taken]
Imperial Cloak - 20 MGK, 103 DEF, 155 RES (armor) [105% magical damage dealt, 109% physical damage taken, 114% magical damage taken]
Aurora Curtain - 150 DEF, 150 RES (armor) [99.81% physical damage taken, 115% magical damage taken]

Attack - 277 magical damage over 7 hits.
Purifying (33 SP) - Card Gauge Select Skill.  443 magical damage, removes all enemy timed cards in the range, 5 card range.
Retraction (67 SP) - Card Gauge Select Skill.  Allies in the range get immediate turns, 5 card range.
Judgement (135 SP) - Timed Card skill.  1 timed card at 0.8, which acts 3 times and deals 1660 magical damage over 5 hits.
Trick Edge (121 SP) - Deals damage based on number of blank cards on the bar.  With only Roxis and an opponent, this does 1939 damage.
Prevention (27 SP) - Cures all status and grants immunity to status for ~4 turns, MT.
Moon Drive (22 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  3 timed cards at 0.9, 1.2, and 1.4, all of which act once and deal 415 magical damage.  Roxis's next turn comes atbout 2x as quick.
Lunar Drive (43 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  581 magical damage over 5 hits, AoE(S).  3 timed cards at 0.8, 0.9, and 1.2, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Chrona Drive (81 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  719 magical damage over 5 hits, AoE(M).  4 timed cards at 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3, all of which act once and do the same thing.

Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Spirit Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against spirit types.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
- SP Consumption - Lowers SP cost by 10% (already factored in).
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (L) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Duelist (Finishing Burst) - 5263 magical damage over 6 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Energy Seal (ATK Support) - 232 magical damage, Seal (50%?).
Swift Change (DEF Support) - Adds Blessed status (increases number of hits on basic attack by 2).

Anna Lemouri
You will not be able to see my moves!
HP: 495
SP: 310
ATK: 382 (285 base)
MGK: 367 (270 base)
DEF: 338 (159 base) [Takes 111% (85%} from physical attacks.]
RES: 323 (144 base) [Takes 109% (83%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 155 (115 base) [107% (124%)] [+1 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Pellucian - 97 ATK, 97 MGK
Knight's Waistcoat - 179 DEF, 179 RES, 40 SPD
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Angel Cloth - 19 ATK, 151 DEF, 134 RES (armor) [105% physical damage dealt, 105% physical damage taken, 109% magical damage taken, 92% speed]

Attack - 251 physical damage over 7 hits.
S-type Quick Dream (36 SP) - 351 physical damage, chance of taking another turn.  Chances is 100% for the first turn and lowers after each consecutive turn.  Multiplied by 0.8, perhaps?
S-type Shadow Chase (93 SP) - 1067 physical damage over 2 hits, chance of instant death depending on target's remaining HP, Row(S).  Chance appears to be at least 1-cHP/mHP.
S-type Slash Wave (28 SP) - 452 physical damage, Row(S)
Dimension Slice W (51 SP) - Lowers damage dealt by elements by 40% for ~4 turns, MT.
Blade Flow W (45 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.25 turn charge, cannot be targetted, activation time may be selected as long as it's after the normal charge).  276 physical damage.
Side Seal Chaos (25 SP) - 628 physical damage over 4 hits.
Helm Bash Chaos (51 SP) - 879 physical damage over 8 hits.
Dancing Blade Chaos (130 SP) - 1757 physical damage over 10 hits.

Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Undead Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against undead types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Quick Dash (Passive) - 33% chance for initiative, lowers enemy's initial speed, and fully recharges all support actions at the beginning of battle..
+SP Recovery (S) [x4] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (L) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x5] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Centiflora X (Finishing Burst) - 4267 physical damage over 6 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Ready At Will (ATK Support) - 251 physical damage.  Immediately take a turn.
Flurry Rush (DEF Support) - Immediately take a turn.

Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII
Lock on!
HP: 580
SP: 300
ATK: 203
MGK: 414 (303 base)
DEF: 594 (233 base) [Takes 75% from physical attacks.]
RES: 361 (205 base) [Takes 102% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 88 [93%] [-0.97 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Crown Pot - 111 MGK, 111 DEF
Rejuvenator Skin - 250 DEF, 156 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Attack - 272 magical damage over 7 hits.
Change! (40 SP) - Changes enemies into punis, MT.  Muppy's next turn comes about 0.5x as quick.
Flying Pot (100 SP) - Makes the target unable to move.
Revenge Cannon (90 SP) - Double Up Skill (1.2 turn charge).  1007 magical damage over 2 hits, MT.  Damage increases based on number of allies attacked during charge.
Impact Heaven (65 SP) - 952 magical damage, enemy becomes easier to stun.
Muppy Cannon (30 SP) - 571 fire damage, AoE(S).
Muppy Cannon mk2 (56 SP) - 871 fire damage, AoE(M).
New Type "KSMM" (110 SP) - 1496 fire damage over 3 hits, MT.  Muppy's next turn comes about 0.5x as quick.

Good Bye Bomb (Auto) - Deals 1088 fire damage, MT, when killed.
Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Puni Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against puni types.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
+ Drop Money (Passive) - More money obtained from monsters.
+SP Recovery (S) [x2] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (M) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Ruler's Prison (Finishing Burst) - 4896 magical damage over 8 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

King's Wrath (ATK Support) - 272 magical damage over 6 hits, Sleep (50%?).
King's Protection (DEF SUpport) - Takes attack for all allies.

Aroma Material - Anomaly immune.
Bunny Ears - Stun Immune.
Tangerine Hat - Poison Immune.
Lando Cap - Seal Immune.
Yubana Cover - Sleep and Curse Immune.

HP: 528.63
SP: 335.88
ATK: 311.75
MGK: 350.13
DEF: 397.5
RES: 370.63
SPD: 121 (SD: 34.14)
Damage (3+ shots only): 1304.88
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 05:03:16 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2008, 10:10:52 PM »
I only got forced fights.  Deal with it.  Also SPOILER ALERT.  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Seriously.

Platinum Puni
HP: 241
Speed: ~35

Attack: 18 physical damage.
Puni Press: 31 physical damage.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

HP: 63
SP: 53
ATK: 58
MGK: 59
DEF: 81
RES: 94
SPD: 58
Damage: 82 (247/round)

Lore Beast
HP: 1036
Speed: ~65
Beast type.
Weak (25%) to ice.

Takes ~5% less from physical attacks.

Howling: 30 physical damage, knockback.
Bite: 29 physical damage.
Tail Whip: 30 physical damage over 4 hits.

Quick: Passive, 50% chance to reduce waiting time in half.

HP: 63
SP: 70
ATK: 64
MGK: 63
DEF: 83
RES: 97
SPD: 63
Damage: 90 (271/round)

HP: 990
Speed: ~55

Ice Rain: Time Card skill.  20 ice damage over 3 hits, 0% chance of Slow.  2 cards, at 0.5 and 1.2, both acting once and having the same effect.
Megaheal: Heals 351 HP.
Purify Ring: 32 magical damage, causes Break status.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

HP: 133
SP: 83
ATK: 100
MGK: 80
DEF: 123
RES: 118
SPD: 62
Damage: 147 (441/round)

Fallen Lover
HP: 2517
Speed: ~60
undead type.

Takes ~10% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~5% less from magical attacks.

Love AttacK: 53 physical damage.
Love Hurricane, 22 magical SP damage, MT.
Nightmare: 27 magical damage, 33% chance of Sleep, MT.
Megaheal: Heals 145 HP.

HP: 134
SP: 97
ATK: 109
MGK: 90
DEF: 142
RES: 136
SPD: 72
Damage: 223 (670/round)

Fourth and fifth party members join here, so Support actions start showing up.  Numbers in brackets are approximations of damage including Support actions and Burst and whatever the hell else you can do to break the game.  Which is a lot.

Stone Watcher
HP: 2453
Speed: ~60
Spirit type.
Weak (25%) to fire, ice, and lightning.
Immune to curse and seal.

Takes ~15% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~15% less from magical attacks.

Calamity: 40 magical damage, knockback, MT.

HP: 118
SP: 153
ATK: 107
MGK: 110
DEF: 149
RES: 168
SPD: 78
Damage: 233 (698/round) [1100]

HP: 1909
Speed: ~85
Immune to Sleep and Instant Death.

Takes ~25% less damage from physical attacks.
Takes ~5% more damage from magical attacks.

Summoning: Summons an Azureflame Mana, who acts immediately.
Girl Attack: 32 physical damage over 2 hits.
Full Power Blade: Double Up skill (1 turn charge).  70 physical damage over 2 hits.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

Azureflame Mana
HP: 1670
Speed: ~80
Spirit type.
Immune to Poison, Sleep, and Curse.

Takes ~20% less damage from physical attacks.

Attack: 30 physical damage.
Hellwave: 18 fire damage, MT.
Boost: Increases ATK and MGK, Azureflame Mana's next turn comes twice as fast.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

HP: 127
SP: 156
ATK: 115
MGK: 114
DEF: 161
RES: 179
SPD: 89
Damage: 209 (628/round)

Fights with Roxis.

HP: 1683
Speed: ~60
Immune to Seal and Instant Death.

Takes ~5% less damage from physical attacks.

Hyphen: 16 physical damage, 50% accuracy.
Wall Upper: 18 magical damage over 3 hits, 90% accuracy.
Twisted Flare: 33 fire damage over 3 hits, AoE.

Roxis 2
Fights with Tony.

HP: 1312
Speed: ~65

Attack: 28 magical damage.
Ice Volley: 30 ice damage over 6 hits, MT, 95% accuracy.
Megaheal: Heals 368 HP.
Purify Ring: 34 magical damage, large stun damage.

HP: 130
SP: 148
ATK: 149
MGK: 98
DEF: 202
RES: 192
SPD: 78
Damage: 343 (686/round)

Two more party members show up here, but you can only use six total.

Grandwing Drake 1
HP: ???
Speed: ~115
Dragon type.
Immune to all status.

Winning condition: Survive until Great Beast's fourth turn.

Reduces all non-ITD damage to 1.

Gattling Flare: 48 fire damage over 3 hits.

HP: 176
SP: 162
ATK: 134
MGK: 136
DEF: 187
RES: 192
SPD: 97
Damage: 399 (1196/round) [1700]

Grandwing Drake 2
HP: 8480
Speed: ~115
Dragon type.
Immune to all status.

Takes ~25% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~10% more from magical attacks.

Note: Great Beast uses Assault on initiative.
Note: Battle starts in Burst Mode.
Note: Variable Strike and Final Burst are unlocked here, both of which are easily accessible since the battle starts in Burst mode.

Assault: Forces all support members to switch in.
Sonic Impulse: 63 physical damage over 3 hits, knockback, MT, 85% accuracy.
Fire Cannon: 71 fire damage.
Flare Ray: Double Up Skill (1 turn charge).  180 fire damage, MT.  Unlocked at half HP.

HP: 176
SP: 162
ATK: 134
MGK: 136
DEF: 187
RES: 192
SPD: 97
Damage: 399 (1196/round) [1700]
Variable Strike: 799 (under Burst)
Finishing Burst: 1944

Tony 2
Fights with Renee.

HP: 7266
Speed: ~100
Immune to Seal and Instant Death.

Takes ~10% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~5% more from magical attacks.

Hyphen: 30 physical damage.
Twisted Flare: 66 fire damage over 3 hits, AoE.
Path of Evil: Auto skill.  Unlocks Master Blade.  Does not take a turn.
Master Combo: 170 physical damage over 10 hits.

Renee 2
Fights with Tony.

HP: 5864
Speed: ~105
Immune to Sleep and Instant Death.

Takes ~5% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~5% more from magical attacks.

Summoning: Summons an Azureflame Mana, which acts immediately.
Big Orange Bomb: 16 magical damage, 33% chance of Sleep, MT.
Bobomb Ice: 54 ice damage, MT.
Full Power Blade: Double Up Skill, 1 turn charge.  158 physical damage over 2 hits.

Azureflame Mana
HP: 5505
Speed: ~90
Spirit type.
Immune to Poison, Sleep, and Curse.

Takes ~10% less from magical attacks.

Hellwave: 23 fire damage, MT.
Attack: 36 physical damage.
Flare Rain: Time Card Skill.  19 fire damage.  3 cards, at 0.75, 1.1, 1.2, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Boost: Increases ATK and MGK, Azureflame Mana's next turn comes twice as fast.

HP: 226
SP: 218
ATK: 150
MGK: 172
DEF: 199
RES: 224
SPD: 105
Damage: 450 (1350/round) [2200]
Finishing Burst: 2100

Eighth party member joins.  Doesn't matter since you can still only use six.

Tony 3
Fights with Renee.

HP: 1683
Speed: ~60
Immune to Seal and Instant Death.

Takes ~5% more from magical attacks.

Hyphen: 16 physical damage, 50% accuracy.
Wall Upper: 20 magical damage over 3 hits.
Twisted Flare: 33 fire damage over 3 hits, AoE.

Renee 3
Fights with Tony.

HP: 1909
Speed: ~85
Immune to Sleep and Instant Death.

Takes ~5% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~5% more from magical attacks.

Girl Attack: 28 physical damage over 2 hits.
Full Power Blade: Double Up skill (1 turn charge).  61 physical damage over 2 hits.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

HP: 216
SP: 207
ATK: 152
MGK: 175
DEF: 214
RES: 222
SPD: 104
Damage: 565 (1695/round) [2600]

These are their first forms unscaled...

HP: 17702
Speed: ~110
Beast type.
Resists (25%) fire.
*Status immunities unknown.

Takes ~15% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~20% less from magical attacks.

Disaster: Timed card skill.  110 physical damage over 5 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.5, 0.9, 1.2, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Vortec Lore: Timed card skill.  69 lightning damage.  1 timed card at 1.2, which acts 3 times and does the same thing.

HP: 359
SP: 222
ATK: 205
MGK: 208
DEF: 271
RES: 252
SPD: 117
Damage: 819 (2458/round) [3600]
Finishing Burst: 3204

Zweis Monde
HP: 22869
Speed: ~120
Spirit type.
Resists (40%) physical/magic.*
Immune to all status.

*Note: Zweis Monde has two forms, indicated by whether it resists physical or magical attacks.

Turn Slide: Turn Slide: Switches from physical to magic form or vice versa.  This is used after every 1/6 of its health is lost, immediately after the turn finishes.  This can also be used outside of the aforementioned condition.
Command Placer: Turns all timed cards into Riot Storm timed cards.  These deal 68 physical and 124 SP damage, MT.  Can be used at any time, even if it is not ZM's turn, as long as there is a timed card on the card bar.
Heaven's Gate: Timed card skill.  Deals 18% of the target's max HP in magic damage, MT.  1 timed card at 0.8, which acts once and does the same thing.

Physical form only Skills:
Blade Wheel: 165 physical damage over 3 hits, MT.
Piercing Needle: Time card skill.  140 physical damage over 5 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.9, and 1.4, all of which act once and do the same thing.

Magical form only skills:
Hell Flame: 148 magical damage, MT.
Malice Scrap: 210 magical damage over 3 hits, Poison (deals 30% mHP damage at the beginning of every turn).

HP: 435
SP: 246
ATK: 289
MGK: 239
DEF: 296
RES: 264
SPD: 122
Damage: 1350 (4051/round) [6500]
Finishing Burst: 3904


HP: 25270
Speed: ~130
Resists (90%) lightning.
Immune to all status.

Takes ~40% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~45% less from magical attacks.

Sword Creation: 462 magical damage over 6 hits, ~10% chance of adding Poison.  Isolde's next turn comes 2x as quick.  Can be used on the first turn and then only below 50% HP afterwards.
Grand Gaze: Timed card skill.  128 magical damage over 2 hits, large stun damage, 25% chance of Slow.  1 timed card at 1.0, which acts 3 times and does the same thing.
Nail Blow: 93 magical damage over 3 hits, medium stun damage, MT.
Baxim Bite: 191 magical damage, lowers RES.
Gravity Burst: Double up skill (1 turn charge).  300 magical damage, MT.  Unlocked at 50% HP.

HP: 466
SP: 257
ATK: 297
MGK: 256
DEF: 305
RES: 308
SPD: 123
Damage: 1696 (4968/round) [7600]
Finishing Burst: 5093

Isolde 2
HP: 31065
Speed: ~160
Resists (90%) lightning.
Immune to all status.

Takes ~35% less damage from physical attacks.
Takes ~35% less damage from magical attacks.

Baxim Bite: 212 magical damage, lowers resistance.
Nail Blow: 117 physical damage over 3 hits, MT.
Grand Gaze: Timed card skill.  192 magical damage over 2 hits, large stun damage, 25% chance of Slow.  1 timed card at 1.0, which acts 3 times and does the same thing.
Choke: 50 damage, 1/3 chance of Seal, MT.

Thunder Rain: Timed card skill.  80 lightning damage, MT.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3, which all act once and do the same thing.  Unlocked at 75% HP.
Ancient Secret: Triple act for one turn.  Unlocked below 75% HP.  Next three actions are Choke, Thunder Rain, and Grand Ray.
Grand Ray: 250 magical damage over 5 hits, Line.  Only used after Ancient Secret.
Gravity Burst: Double Up skill (1 turn charge).  600 magical damage, MT.  Unlocked at 75% HP.

Bunker Pillar: 300 magical damage over 3 hits, causes Break status.  Unlocked at 50% HP.

HP: 511
SP: 320
ATK: 360
MGK: 398
DEF: 327
RES: 326
SPD: 123
Damage: 2006 (6015/round) [9000]

Tony 4
Fights with Renee.

HP: 22957
Speed: ~110
Immune to all status.

Takes ~25% less from physical attacks.

Hyphen: 50 physical damage.
Twisted Flare: 141 fire damage over 3 hits, AoE.
Path of Evil: Auto skill.  Activates immediately after losing 25% HP, even if it is not Tony's turn.
Master Combo: 280 damage over 10 hits.  Unlocked after Path of Evil is used.

Renee 4
Fights with Tony.

HP: 17273
Speed: ~120
Immune to all status.

Takes ~20% less from physical attacks.

Summoning: Summons an Azureflame Mana, which acts immediately.
Big Orange Bomb: 30 magical damage, 33% chance of sleep, MT.
Bobomb Ice: 90 ice damage, MT.
Full Power Blade: Double Up Skill, 1 turn charge.  260 physical damage over 2 hits.

Azureflame Mana
HP: 24748
Speed: ~90
Spirit type.
Immune to all status.

Takes ~20% less damage from physical attacks.
Takes ~10% less damage from magical attacks.

Hellwave: 95 fire damage, MT.
Attack: 149 physical damage.
Boost: Increases ATK and MGK, Azureflame Mana's next turn comes twice as fast.  Unlocked below 50% HP.
Flare Rain: Timed card skill.  85 fire damage.  3 timed cards at 0.5, 1.1, and 1.2, all of which act once and do the same thing.

HP: 542
SP: 338
ATK: 373
MGK: 411
DEF: 402
RES: 388
SPD: 127
Damage: 2263 (6789/round) [10000]
Finishing Burst: 8262

Grandwing Drake 3
HP: 38273
Speed: ~120
Dragon type.
Immune to all status.

Takes ~35% less from physical attacks.

Sonic Impulse: 201 physical damage over 3 hits, Knockback, MT.
Grand Soar: 300 physical damage over 2 hits.
Fire Cannon: 230 fire damage.
Flare Ray: Double Up Skill, 1 turn charge.  570 fire damage, MT.  Unlocked at 50% HP.

HP: 549
SP: 341
ATK: 382
MGK: 429
DEF: 406
RES: 391
SPD: 128
Damage: 2300 (6900/round) [11000]

Zweis Monde 2
HP: 33845
Speed: ~120
Spirit type.
Resists (40%) physical/magic.*

*Note: Zweis Monde has two forms, indicated by whether it resists physical or magical attacks.

Takes ~10% less from magical attacks.

Turn Slide: Turn Slide: Switches from physical to magic form or vice versa.  This is after every 1/6 of its HP is dealt, immediately after the turn finishes.  Can be used outside of the above condition as well.
Command Placer: Turns all timed cards into Riot Storm timed cards.  These deal 80 physical and 150 SP damage, MT.  Can be used at any time, even if it
is not ZM's turn, as long as there is a PC timed card on the card bar.
Heaven's Gate: Timed card skill.  Deals 18% of the target's max HP in magical damage, MT.  1 timed card at 0.8, which acts once and does the same thing.

Physical form only skills:
Piercing Needle: Timed card skill.  165 physical damage over 5 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.5, 0.9, and 1.4, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Blade Wheel: 190 physical damage over 3 hits, MT.

Magical form only skills:
Hell Flame: 172 magical damage, MT.
Malice Scrap: 226 magical damage over 3 hits. 50% chance of poison (deals 30% mHP damage at the beginning of every turn).

HP: 552
SP: 341
ATK: 384
MGK: 431
DEF: 409
RES: 391
SPD: 128
Damage: 2300 (6900/round) [11000]

HP: 27590
Speed: ~95
Immune to all status.

Takes ~25% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~15% less from magical attacks.

Twin Breath: 195 magical damage over 3 hits, knockback, MT.
Summon Meteor: Timed Card skill.  1 timed card at 6.0, which deals 130 magical damage, MT, and acts once.  Next turn comes about 6x faster.  Can be used 3 times.  Unlocked below 50% HP.

HP: 557
SP: 342
ATK: 361
MGK: 458
DEF: 404
RES: 390
SPD: 129
Damage: 1952 (5855/round) [8800]

Crazed Eye
HP: 61335
Speed: ~120
Immune to all status.

Takes ~25% less from physical attacks.
Takes ~15% less from physical attacks.

Tears of Wrath: Summons two Lazes.  Crazed Eye's next turn comes almost instantly.  OPB.
Twin Breath: 195 magical damage over 3 hits, knockback, MT.
Wave of Despair: 165 physical damage and 80 magical SP damage over a bunch of hits, MT.  Physical immunity blocks the SP damage as well.
Brieftrunks: Timed card skill.  136 physical damage, MT.  1 timed card at 1.2, which acts once and does the same thing.

Premonition: Unlocks Tears of Despair and Lightless World.  Used automatically after losing 28000 HP.
Tears of Despair: Summon two Despairs.  Crazed Eye's next turn comes almost instantly.  OPB.
Lightless World: Double Up Skill (1 turn charge).  Field effect.  Everyone becomes immune to healing, including SP healing, whether or not they are actually active in battle when this is cast.  Lasts until Crazed Eye's next turn.

Urge to Destroy: Unlocks Mirror of Desire and Grand Cross.  Used automatically after losing 50000 HP.
Mirror of Desire: Summons a Shadow, which is a clone of one of the PCs currently in battle, possessing the same skills and has about 8000 HP and half average speed.  Might depend on the copied PC's stats though.  Damage appears to hover in the 2HKO range.  Crazed Eye's next turn comes almost instantly.  OPB.
Grand Cross: 515 non-typed damage over 3 hits.  Large Break damage.

HP: 2500
Speed: ~120
Resist (20%) fire.
Immune to all status.

Suffocate: 15 magical damage, 0/3 chance of Seal, MT.

HP: 8000
Speed: ~120
Resist (20%) lightning.
Immune to all status.

Earth Crack: 123 physical damage.
Blind Ray: 119 magical damage.

HP: 561
SP: 346
ATK: 388
MGK: 444
DEF: 411
RES: 392
SPD: 129
Damage: 2300 (6900/round) [11000]

HP: 400
Speed: ~130, loses initiative.
*Instant Death immunity unknown.

Attack: 15 physical damage.
S-type Quick Dream: 8 physical damage.  Chance of gaining another turn, starting from 100% and decrease afterwards (I think the chance is multiplied by 0.8 each time).  She will never use this unless the chance kicks in (yes, she cheats and knows when it will happen).
S-type Slash Wave: 16 physical damage, Line(S).

HP: 460
SP: 375
ATK: 528
MGK: 314
DEF: 368
RES: 292
SPD: 117
Damage: 3842 (3842/round)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 11:44:42 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 05:03:50 AM »
Postgame stats!

Vayne Aurelius
Sulpher, please!
HP: 615 (540 base)
SP: 450 (375 base)
ATK: 480 (280 base)
MGK: 405 (280 base)
DEF: 500 (200 base) [Takes 88% (65%) from physical attacks.]
RES: 380 (155 base) [Takes 96% (72%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 157 (100 base) [106% (122%)] [+0.76 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Mana Torque - 75 HP, 75 SP, 150 ATK, 75 DEF, 150 MGK, 75 RES, 32 SPD
Mana-eurism Coat - 50 ATK, 150 DEF, 50 MGK, 150 RES, 25 SPD
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equips:
Bleak Veil - 199 DEF, 180 RES (armor)
Crown Breastplate - 22 ATK, 173 DEF, 115 RES (armor)

Attack - 306 physical damage over 7 hits.
Analyze (8 SP) - 581 physical damage over 3 hits.  Displays enemy's HP (unless it's a boss), weaknesses, resistances, immunities, and status immunities (not including instant death).
Eluding Thorn (13 SP) - 428 physical damage over 2 hits, AoE(L)
Jade Shift (24 SP) - Time Card Skill.  1 timed card at 4.0, which lasts 3 turns and lets Vayne act during it.  Vayne's next turn comes 4x as fast.
Chaos Devotion (140 SP) - 2752 physical damage over 7 hits.
Over Realm (54 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  Vayne gets 3 consecutive actions.
Blade Pillar (25 SP) - 917 physical damage over 2 hits.
Rising Pillar (55 SP) - 1101 physical damage over 3 hits, Row(L).
Violent Pillar (100 SP) - 1590 physical damage over 5 hits, MT.

Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Dragon Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against dragon types.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Strong Chain (Passive) - Damage from Support Action increased.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (M) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.

Einzelkampf (Finishing Burst) - 7032 physical damage over 9 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Valiant Claw (ATK Support) - 306 physical damage over 2 hits, Knockback.
Massive Guard (DEF Support) - Block physical attack.

Jessica Philomele (Jess)
It won't hurt! ...I think.
HP: 440
SP: 440 (340 base)
ATK: 193
MGK: 555 (305 base)
DEF: 489 (160 base) [Takes 90% from physical attacks.]
RES: 371 (173 base) [Takes 97% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 103 [94%] [-0.77 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Shopping Basket - 100 SP, 150 DEF, 250 MGK
Biohair Wig - 179 DEF, 198 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Dame's Hair - 120 DEF, 80 MGK, 160 RES (armor)
Lucifer's Leotard - 25 MGK, 67 DEF, 201 RES (armor)
Saint's Garb - 27 MGK, 71 DEF, 214 RES (armor)

Attack - 707 magical damage over 7 hits. [No, that's not a typo, Jess gets a 100% bonus to her basic attack for no reason.]
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Flamer (5 Black Powder) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1768 fire damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Icer Bomb (5 Glacier Stone) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1768 ice damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Donor Bomb (5 Thunder Stone) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  2651 lightning damage over 3 hits, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->N-A (2 Big Uni) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1414 magical damage, MT.
On-the-Spot Synthesis->Healing Vase (5 Spinacherb) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  1665 healing, MT.
Thundering Hammer (20 SP) - 795 magical damage, 75% chance of Seal.
Minimum Tornado (50 SP) - 972 magical damage over 6 hits, AoE(S).
Funny Pouch (15 SP) - 707 magical damage over 4 hits.  If enemy is killed by this, they are turned into candy.  Mmm, candy~
Sky Present (100 SP) - Timed card skill.  Places 3 timed cards at 0.5, 0.8, and 1.1.  One deals 1414 magical damage over 3 hits, one deals 1768 magical damage over 4 hits, and one deals 354 magical damage.
Healing Echo alpha (16 SP) - Timed card skill.  278 healing.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.
Healing Echo beta (48 SP) - Timed card skill.  444 healing.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.
Healing Echo omega (130 SP) - Timed card skill.  444 healing, MT.  1 timed card at 1.0 that does the same thing and acts twice.

+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Auto Mixer Stick (Passive) - Activate on-the-spot synthesis faster (already factored in).
Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
+ Drop Rate (Passive) - Higher drop rate on items.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Wind's Whisper (Finishing Burst) - 7070 magical damage over 9 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Mana Blast (ATK Support) - 354 magical damage over 4 hits, Range(L).
Cheer Healing (DEF Support) - 278 healing, MT.

Nicole Mimi Tithel (Nikki)
Ah ha!  One, two, three, and you're mine!
HP: 718 (618 base)
SP: 260
ATK: 593 (343 base)
MGK: 248 (198 base)
DEF: 450 (175 base) [Takes 95% (71%) from physical attacks.]
RES: 308 (133 base) [Takes 110% (84%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 125 [99% (112%)] [-0.14 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Ultimate Mace - 100 HP, 150 ATK, 100 DEF, 50 MGK, 50 RES
Beast Leather - 100 ATK, 175 DEF, 125 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Thor Hammer - 120 ATK, 60 SPD (weapon)
Holy Beast Hide - 207 DEF, 177 RES (armor)
Angel Cloth - 19 ATK, 151 DEF, 134 RES (armor)

Attack - 378 physical damage over 7 hits.
Summon Friend->Team Kobold (2 Kobold Thoughts) - 529 physical damage over 4 hits, steals an item.
Summon Friend->Kobold Hero (15 Kobold Thoughts) - Double Up Skill (1 turn charge).  2266 physical damage over 2 hits, MT.  Knockback.
Summon Friend->Panther Raid (4 Panther Pathos) - 755 physical damage over 3 hits, Row(S).
Summon Friend->Panther Beat (13 Panther Pathos) - Timed card skill.  1889 physical damage over 4 hits.  1 timed card at 1.2, which acts once and does the same thing.
Summon Friend->Harpy Sisters (4 Harpy's Heart) - 378 physical damage over 3 hits, MT.  Knockback.
Summon Friend->Harpy Dive (11 Harpy's Heart) - Double Up Skill (1 turn charge, cannot be targeted).  1246 physical damage over 2 hits, AoE(L).
Summon Friend->Bear Homerun (5 Bear Hug) - 1209 physical damage over 2 hits, 50% chance of instant death.
Summon Friend->Bear Charge (19 Bear Hug) - 2795 physical damage over 6 hits.
Summon Friend->Koalaria Knock (2 Koalaria Spirit) - 567 physical damage over 3 hits, target becomes easier to stun.
Summon Friend->Koalaria Screw (10 Koalaria Spirit) - 1322 physical damage over 6 hits, target becomes easier to stun.
Heart Cracker (10 SP) - 567 physical damage over 5 hits, if enemy is a beast type and killed by this, Nikki gains items used for Summon Friend.
Heartful Action (75 SP) - 1511 physical damage over 6 hits, if enemy is a beast type and killed by this, Nikki gains items used for Summon Friend.
Wood Shake (28 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  1209 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Wood Swing (45 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  2115 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Wood Storm (70 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.75 turn charge).  2908 physical damage over 6 hits, split randomly across the enemies.
Decoy Shield (25 SP) - Makes an ally randomly immune damage (around 20% of the time) for about 3 turns.

Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Beast Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against beast types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Beast's Heart (Passive) - Use less hearts for Summon Friend (already factored in).
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Super Nikki Punch (Finishing Burst) - 6043 physical damage over 11 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Wild Rush (ATK Support) - 378 physical damage, Knockback.
Life Guard (DEF Support) - Adds Regen status (10% mHP/round).

Pamela Ibis
My, my, I thought I was going to die!
HP: 388
SP: 610 (310 base)
ATK: 200
MGK: 395 (245 base)
DEF: 287 (168 base) [Takes 127% from physical attacks (she immunes them anyways...).]
RES: 493 (175 base) [Takes 80% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 95 [93%] [-0.99 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Platinum Claw - 300 SP, 150 MGK, 50 RES
Robe of Life - 119 DEF, 268 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equips:
Platinum Robe - 100 SP, 75 MGK, 150 RES (armor)
Lucifer's Leotard - 25 MGK, 67 DEF, 201 RES (armor)
Aurora Curtain - 150 DEF, 150 RES (armor)

Attack - 252 (379) magical damage over 7 hits.
Chomp Chomp (40 SP) - 656 (984) magical damage over 2 hits, 50% chance of Curse.
Poltergeist (21 SP) - 379 (568) magical damage, large break damage, AoE(M).
No Bullying! (75 SP) - 505 magical damage at full HP, increases to 6300 (with The Grudge) magical damage at 0 HP.  [See this post for details.  Multiplying those damage figures by 4/3 will give DL damage with default setup.]
Have Fun->Slimy Poof (159 HP) - 681 (1022) ice damage, 80% chance of Poison, MT.
Have Fun->Happy Twins (85 HP) - 681 (1022) magical damage, 70% chance of Seal.
Have Fun->Seeker (271 HP) - Removes target's traits and damage weaknesses/resistances/immunities.
Have Fun->Goopy Drop (65 HP) - 555 (833) magical damage, AoE(M).  Cole gain up.
Have Fun->Friends (139 HP) - Timed card skill.  442 (662) magical damage over 4 hits, 1 timed card at 1.1, which acts twice and does the same thing.
Have Fun->Bear (248 HP) - 1615 (2423) magical damage over 7 hits.
Have Fun->Freeze Bomb (54 HP) - 959 (1439) ice damage, 80% chance of Sleep.
Have Fun->Let's Be Friends (120 HP) - 1009 (1514) magical damage, 70% chance of Slow.
Kiss 2 Bear (40 SP) - 505 (757) magical damage over 4 hits, heals Pamela for half the damage dealt.
Kiss 3 Bear (80 SP) - 656 (984) magical damage over 3 hits, heals Pamela for half the damage dealt.
Kiss 2 Everyone (163 SP) - 631 (946) magical damage over 4 hits, MT, heals the party for 40% of the total damage dealt.

Immortal Body (Auto) - After approximately 0.8 turns after Pamela dies, she revives with 40% HP and refills 40% SP.
Reincarnation (Passive) - Activate immortal body faster (already factored in).
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Physical Immunity (Passive) - Immunity to physical attacks, including status (but not stat debuffs) attached to them.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
The Grudge (Passive) - ATK and MGK increased by 50% when HP is below 50%.
+SP Recovery (S) [x4] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (L) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

My Gift To You (Finishing Burst) - 5544 magical damage over 5 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Phantom Touch (ATK Support) - 252 (379) magical damage over 2 hits, heals SP equal to 1/3 this amount.
Bear Shift (DEF Support) - Block attack.

Flay Gunnar
Strike of justice!
HP: 999 (670 base)
SP: 290
ATK: 743 (293 base)
MGK: 220
DEF: 310 (210 base) [Takes 121% (93%) [73%] from physical attacks.]
RES: 150 [Takes 159% (121%) [108%] from magical attacks.]
SPD: 98 [93% (104%)] [-0.91 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Dandy Blade - 200 HP, 200 ATK, 100 DEF
Men's Clothes - 150 HP, 250 ATK
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equips:
Gallant Mantle - 238 DEF, 149 RES (armor)
Crown Breastplate - 22 ATK, 173 DEF, 115 RES (armor)

Attack - 473 [663] physical damage over 7 hits.
Starshot (30 SP) - Timed card skill.  663 [928] physical damage over 5 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.8, and 1.1, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Big Impact (50 SP) - 1420 [1988] physical damage over 3 hits.
Buster Star (87 SP) - Timed card skill.  1420 [1988] physical damage over 7 hits.  3 timed cards at 0.7, 0.8, and 1.1, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Drill Twist (74 SP) - 1656 [2319] physical damage over 5 hits, lowers defense by 40%. Against randoms this ends up to be 17% more damage, but is closer to 25%-30% against bosses.
Raiden Charge (20 SP) - Increases ATK (and damage) by 40% and adds lightning element to attacks and skills, Flay's next turn comes 2x quicker.
Mega Screw (25 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  710 [994] physical damage over 2 hits.  Knockback.
Hyper Screw (84 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.5 turn charge).  2366 [3313] physical damage over 5 hits.  Knockback.
Screwdriver (112 SP) - 2721 [3810] physical damage over 6 hits, AoE(S).  Knockback.

Blocking (Passive) - 25% chance to block any physical attack.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Demon Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against demon types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Super Guts (Passive) - Adds ATK Up, MGK Up, DEF Up, RES Up (all 40%) when Guts activates.
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Maximum Counter (Finishing Burst) - 7572 [10601] physical damage over 6 hits  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Armor Break (ATK Support) - 473 [663] physical damage, Defense Down, 100%.
Double Counter (DEF Support) - Counter for 473 [663] physical damage over 7 hits.

Roxis Rosenkrantz
I won't lose, not to him!
HP: 498
SP: 505 (405 base)
ATK: 193
MGK: 503 (303 base)
DEF: 333 (183 base) [Takes 116% from physical attacks.]
RES: 515 (165 base) [Takes 78% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 160 (110 base) [106%] [+0.84 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Fate Spinner - 100 SP, 50 DEF, 150 MGK, 150 RES, 25 SPD
Meister Cloak - 100 DEF, 50 MGK, 200 RES, 25 SPD
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Solingen - 50 ATK, 22 RES (weapon)
Grand Alchemist - 149 DEF, 238 RES (armor)
Imperial Cloak - 20 MGK, 103 DEF, 155 RES (armor)
Aurora Curtain - 150 DEF, 150 RES (armor)

Attack - 320 magical damage over 7 hits.
Purifying (33 SP) - Card Gauge Select Skill.  513 magical damage, removes all enemy timed cards in the range, 5 card range.
Retraction (67 SP) - Card Gauge Select Skill.  Allies in the range get immediate turns, 5 card range.
Judgement (135 SP) - Timed Card skill.  1 timed card at 0.8, which acts 3 times and deals 1922 magical damage over 5 hits.
Trick Edge (121 SP) - Deals damage based on number of blank cards on the bar.  With only Roxis and an opponent, this does 2243 damage.
Prevention (27 SP) - Cures all status and grants immunity to status for ~4 turns, MT.
Moon Drive (22 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  3 timed cards at 0.9, 1.2, and 1.4, all of which act once and deal 481 magical damage.  Roxis's next turn comes atbout 2x as quick.
Lunar Drive (43 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  673 magical damage over 5 hits, AoE(S).  3 timed cards at 0.8, 0.9, and 1.2, all of which act once and do the same thing.
Chrona Drive (81 SP) - Timed Card Skill.  833 magical damage over 5 hits, AoE(M).  4 timed cards at 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3, all of which act once and do the same thing.

Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Guts (Passive) - 30% chance to live with 1 HP after death.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Spirit Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against spirit types.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
- SP Consumption - Lowers SP cost by 10% (already factored in).
+SP Recovery (S) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (L) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x4] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Duelist (Finishing Burst) - 6087 magical damage over 6 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Energy Seal (ATK Support) - 320 magical damage, Seal (50%?).
Swift Change (DEF Support) - Adds Blessed status (increases number of hits on basic attack by 2).

Anna Lemouri
You will not be able to see my moves!
HP: 495
SP: 410 (310 base)
ATK: 545 (285 base)
MGK: 320 (270 base)
DEF: 379 (159 base) [Takes 107% (80%} from physical attacks.]
RES: 264 (144 base) [Takes 120% (93%) from magical attacks.]
SPD: 215 (115 base) [118% (140%)] [+2.4 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Stargazer - 100 SP, 200 ATK, 100 DEF, 50 MGK, 50 SPD
Swiftwing Garb - 60 ATK, 120 DEF, 120 RES, 50 SPD
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equips:
Pellucian - 97 ATK, 97 MGK (weapon)
Knight's Waistcoat - 179 DEF, 179 RES, 40 SPD (armor)
Angel Cloth - 19 ATK, 151 DEF, 134 RES (armor)

Attack - 347 physical damage over 7 hits.
S-type Quick Dream (36 SP) - 486 physical damage, chance of taking another turn.  Chances is 100% for the first turn and lowers after each consecutive turn.  Multiplied by 0.8, perhaps?
S-type Shadow Chase (93 SP) - 1475 physical damage over 2 hits, chance of instant death depending on target's remaining HP, Row(S).  Chance appears to be at least 1-cHP/mHP.
S-type Slash Wave (28 SP) - 625 physical damage, Row(S)
Dimension Slice W (51 SP) - Lowers damage dealt by elements by 40% for ~4 turns, MT.
Blade Flow W (45 SP) - Double Up Skill (0.25 turn charge, cannot be targetted, activation time may be selected as long as it's after the normal charge).  382 physical damage.
Side Seal Chaos (25 SP) - 868 physical damage over 4 hits.
Helm Bash Chaos (51 SP) - 1215 physical damage over 8 hits.
Dancing Blade Chaos (130 SP) - 2430 physical damage over 10 hits.

Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Item Knowledge (Passive) - Item effectiveness increased by 30% in battle.
Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Undead Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against undead types.
Last Stand (Passive) - Increases DEF, RES, and SPD by 50% when below 50% HP.  Also increases evasion.
Quick Dash (Passive) - 33% chance for initiative, lowers enemy's initial speed, and fully recharges all support actions at the beginning of battle..
+SP Recovery (S) [x4] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (L) (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x5] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Centiflora X (Finishing Burst) - 5901 physical damage over 6 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

Ready At Will (ATK Support) - 347 physical damage.  Immediately take a turn.
Flurry Rush (DEF Support) - Immediately take a turn.

Muppy Oktavia Vondercheck VII
Lock on!
HP: 999 (580 base)
SP: 300
ATK: 203
MGK: 503 (303 base)
DEF: 599 (233 base) [Takes 77% from physical attacks.]
RES: 371 (205 base) [Takes 97% from magical attacks.]
SPD: 88 [91%] [-1.19 SD]

10% base critical rate.

Pleasant Pot - 300 HP, 200 DEF, MGK 200
Future Suit - 166 HP, 166 DEF, 166 RES
Aroma Material - Immunity to all status (not including instant death).

Alternate equipment:
Crown Pot - 111 MGK, 111 DEF (weapon)
Rejuvenator Skin - 250 DEF, 156 RES (armor)

Attack - 320 magical damage over 7 hits.
Change! (40 SP) - Changes enemies into punis, MT.  Muppy's next turn comes about 0.5x as quick.
Flying Pot (100 SP) - Makes the target unable to move.
Revenge Cannon (90 SP) - Double Up Skill (1.2 turn charge).  1185 magical damage over 2 hits, MT.  Damage increases based on number of allies attacked during charge.
Impact Heaven (65 SP) - 1121 magical damage, enemy becomes easier to stun.
Muppy Cannon (30 SP) - 673 fire damage, AoE(S).
Muppy Cannon mk2 (56 SP) - 1025 fire damage, AoE(M).
New Type "KSMM" (110 SP) - 1782 fire damage over 3 hits, MT.  Muppy's next turn comes about 0.5x as quick.

Good Bye Bomb (Auto) - Deals 1282 fire damage, MT, when killed.
Counter (Passive) - 25% chance to counter attack when attacked.
Item Quick (Passive) - Quicker response after using item.
Quick (Passive) - 50% chance to halve action speed.
Supporter Recovery (Passive) - Recover HP if you are Support.
Puni Striker (Passive) - Normal attack hits weakness (50%) against puni types.
+ Status Recovery (Passive) - Faster recovery from stat anomaly.
+ Drop Money (Passive) - More money obtained from monsters.
+SP Recovery (S) [x2] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+SP Recovery (M) [x3] (Passive) - SP Recovery rate increased as Support.
+Support Speed (S) [x3] (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Support Speed (M) (Passive) - Support actions become faster.
+Gathering Skill (Passive) - Items gathered when scheduled increases.
+Synthesis Skill (Passive) - Items created when scheduled increases.

Ruler's Prison (Finishing Burst) - 5767 magical damage over 8 hits.  Requires Burst Mode and ends Burst Mode immediately afterward, regardless of how much the Burst Gauge has left.

King's Wrath (ATK Support) - 320 magical damage over 6 hits, Sleep (50%?).
King's Protection (DEF SUpport) - Takes attack for all allies.

Aroma Material - Anomaly immune.
Bunny Ears - Stun Immune.
Tangerine Hat - Poison Immune.
Lando Cap - Seal Immune.
Yubana Cover - Sleep and Curse Immune.

HP: 644
SP: 408.13
ATK: 393.75
MGK: 393.63
DEF: 418.38
RES: 356.5
SPD: 130.13 (SD: 35.41)
Damage (3+ shots only): 1872.25
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 05:02:46 PM by Talaysen »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 10:08:51 PM »
Since I now have a pretty firm grasp on the mechanics and I'm nearly done with the game, having all the skillsets and money duelling abilities collected in my own game, I'll add tentative rankings for the PCs.

Vayne Aurelius - Heavy. Hey look ma, I can pump 3.5x average damage in a single turn with Overrealm! Too bad it has a half-turn charge time and Vayne isn't truly special at any stat, if vaguely above average at all of the relevant ones. He also loathes the evasive, and surviving his initial assault makes him utter bait (MANA KHEMIA BASIC PHYSICALS AW YEAH). It kinda sucks, but hey, what can you do. The limit can let him deal more damage if the enemy isn't careful about chipping, but it's largely unlikely to be relevant.

Nicole Mimi Tithel - Heavy. And pretty good at that. Solid speed, durability and deceptively strong pressure. Quick lets her pile on something like 2x PC HP before the enemy gets his third turn, and she also has Last Stand shenanigans to make her even more dangerous if not approached carefully. The turn two ID functions well to pressure healers, and she's effectively well off in a pure slugfest with off-the-bat solid 2HKO damage. The evasive, once again, put a damper in her strategy, but them's the breaks.

Jessica Philomele - Middle/Heavy. Incredibly borderlinish. On-the-spot Synthesis would be insanely badass if not for the charge time (and they're still useful anyway), but timed healing by itself is pretty awesome. Then, there's the Silence status, which is pretty accurate and lets her handle more threats. The issue is that she is kinda frail: 2HKOed by average physicals, nearly 2HKOed by magic and below average speed to boot. Not to mention MK PCs resource woes, which seriously dampens her stalling potential. She can also finish matches somewhat quickly with Sky Present, but never quickly enough to make up for the resource-chewing it does.

Flay Gunnar - Middle/Heavy. Flay's game is simple: Raiden Charge, 2HKO off good durability. Problems with that game: Lightning resistance puts a damper on that. Evasion, as usual, is an issue, and he lacks real tricks to go along. The defense-busting is kinda neat, but not really enough. On the other hand, the second timed card stars are pretty good against Middle healers. Kinda like a physical take on Roxis who trades hitting the less easily dodged/tanked stat, Quick and an anti-status measure for more durability, a limit and a slightly double-edged buff. Pretty even trade overall.

Pamela Ibis - High Heavy. Absolute physical immunity solves so many problems it's not even funny. To the people with magic, she gets to use Silence that, under The Grudge, is easily turn one, and a wonderful draining game coupled with the threat of an annoying limit. She's noticeably frail to magic, slightly below average speed and her other statuses are largely impractical, though. The spoiling game is just too strong, on the other hand. Silence+physical immunity is a brilliant combo.

Anna Lemouri - High Middle. She has two shots of borderline 2HKO damage and the option of IDing non-healers effectively at turn two - against healers, it's turn three, which is all she needs. With Quick Dream, she can also hax in a bit more damage, and Quick will let her land a kill before an enemy gets a third turn as long as the speed difference isn't too huge against her. However, healers with concrete durability screw the ID strategy really badly, and Anna herself is slightly frail. Her anti-elemental option doesn't feel too useful, due to chewing through valuable resources, but her limit stat boosts and not being 2HKOed by average damage of either type help when a Middle slugfest gets heated.

Roxis Rosenkrantz - Middle/Heavy. Chrona Drive+Trick Edge. With these two, Roxis essentially kills an average dueller in a strange damage spread by his second turn. And his third turn usually comes under Quick, which lets him pile even more damage. The strange damage spread actually lets him pressure healers enough in Middle to be problematic, and he has the MDef to tank one turn of status then proceed to immune them all with Prevention. What mitigates him is the slightly below average speed and subpar physical durability. As such, he feels really strong in Middle but can't do Heavy at all. Borderline material, but in a different way than Jess.

Muppy - High Middle/Low Light. Assuming you allow it: CHANGE! Pretty much all there is to it. Immune (not resist, -immune-) transformation status or die is the order of the day, and Muppy is tanky as well. Issue, though, is that he faaaaaaaaaaaaails if he faces immunity. The damage sucks and the best damage has a horrible recharge to boot, not to mention the fire reliance. Kinda like a worse Cait Sith. Hilariously, Quick is kinda pointless on him. Now, if you don't? He's baaaaaaaaaaaaad. 4HKO off crappy resources that is easily resisted and shoddy speed? Yeah, that's gonna work reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal well.

EDIT: Okay, so I want to rank the best boss in the game I've seen so far as well.


Isolde (first form) - Godlike. Hey, look, it's a limit boss. However, Isolde has a couple catches. First, she gets an opening salvo of Sword Creation (Sword Creation being her limit-unlocked attack), which is really gross. Borderline OHKO non-elemental magic that turns her into a WA4-like speed demon due to the insane recharge off slightly above average speed is really scary, and, with that as an opener available, she gets to actually handle those pesky buffers who usually mock limit bosses, such as Raquel, Momo and Lilka, which is hilarious - not to mention a nice opening edge in a straight slugfest. Then, there's her durability: the raw HP isn't too special, just 1.4x PC HP. However, pair those with the defenses and you have a tank. Isolde is Raquel-like at taking physicals sans the evade, and, against magic, she's a nearly 3x~ PC HP monstrosity - in other words, avoiding her limit is -really- hard unless your damage is badass ITD. Once her opening salvo is done, she sucks against non-PCs until 50% HP (whee 3HKO damage without Break shenanigans, which keep her offense afloat against PCs), but she -does- have effectively turn-two Slow status, and MK Slow is -retarded-. If a boss is unlucky enough to not immune it, she's crushing unless the offense is too ridiculous. To top it off, she has 90% resistance to Lightning for extra spoiling - that+the low-accuracy slow let her beat Jade, for an example, which is a barrel of monkeys. Really neat and powerful limit boss who bludgeons most mages and a lot of fighters into a pulp, if entirely magically reliant - much to her chagrin.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 05:24:59 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2008, 10:32:11 AM »
Played through the Isolde fight last night, for fun. NEWS FLASH: Sword Creation can inflict POIZN. Clearly she needed to be even more Godlike. Also, Gravity Burst is full MT and did around 300 damage to my team. Useless in a duel because of the charge time, though.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2008, 06:47:44 PM »
Played through the Isolde fight last night, for fun. NEWS FLASH: Sword Creation can inflict POIZN. Clearly she needed to be even more Godlike.



Anyways, do you know if it was the 25% POIZN or the 4% POIZN and the hitrate?  I'm not even sure any of this matters though...

Also, Gravity Burst is full MT and did around 300 damage to my team. Useless in a duel because of the charge time, though.

For great Belial owning?  I'll add it in, thanks.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2008, 08:34:04 PM »
Played through the Isolde fight last night, for fun. NEWS FLASH: Sword Creation can inflict POIZN. Clearly she needed to be even more Godlike.



That was pretty much my reaction. I have no idea about the hitrate or what kind of poison it was. I'll check again sometime tonight.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2008, 10:01:37 PM »
...Or, maybe I could just do it right now. So yeah, the hit rate is bad. Like, maybe 10% bad. And it's the wimpy variety of poison. I'm mainly just amused that they tossed status onto something that was close to a one-hit kill in the first place. (Baxim Bite hype goes here--with RES Down in place, Sword Creation is horrific overkill. Everything she has is magic, so the debuff helps her a lot in a long slugfest).

Also, I suspect Gravity Burst unlocks at 50% HP. I've only seen her use it when she's heavily damaged. And do note that plenty of my PCs have RES Up factors on their equipment, so the damage figure might look higher against the PCs in the stat topic.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2008, 11:43:27 PM »
...Or, maybe I could just do it right now. So yeah, the hit rate is bad. Like, maybe 10% bad. And it's the wimpy variety of poison. I'm mainly just amused that they tossed status onto something that was close to a one-hit kill in the first place. (Baxim Bite hype goes here--with RES Down in place, Sword Creation is horrific overkill. Everything she has is magic, so the debuff helps her a lot in a long slugfest).

Wouldn't be the first time it's happened.  Etrian Odyssey has a boss with MT 5x overkill damage that causes binds (move-block).  >.>

Also, just because all the attacks are magic-element, doesn't mean that they don't hit physical defense.  I think they do, but I never formally tested that (because it's a bitch to do so).

Also, I suspect Gravity Burst unlocks at 50% HP. I've only seen her use it when she's heavily damaged. And do note that plenty of my PCs have RES Up factors on their equipment, so the damage figure might look higher against the PCs in the stat topic.

Well, I used both DEF Up/RES Up for PCs in this topic, so if they do have higher RES I don't think it's a whole lot.

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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2009, 02:57:31 AM »
First of all, Trick Edge with two living PCs in the card gauge: 1662.

I take the move this way for the same reason I don't allow other powerups from dead or non-existent allies such as Magus' DoomSickle.

Second of all, Pamela's Let's Be Friends damages her about as much as it damages herself. The move is still useful (lowers her to limit range, adds Slow), but I have issues with it as a slugfesting move, and wouldn't use it in the average, so instead I'd use Kiss 3 Bear's 656.

One-turn average with this factored in: 1230

Two-turn damage average. Tal already listed the one-turn, but I've seen complaints about this inflating the cast, so for those people, here goes. Note that I still won't consider anything that drains resources quickly; any of these two-turn combos presented must be usable at least twice in full.

Nikki: Panther Beat acts twice, and Bear Charge acts once on turn 2. Dividing their total damage by two gives 2647. Nikki has no resource issues.
Roxis: His optimum damage is Chrona Drive -> Trick Edge, but this means he uses TE with two extra cards in the gauge, dropping it by a further 277. Average damage over these two turns is thus 2490 (2628 for you folks who don't consider phantom PCs).
Flay: Buster Star + Big Impact is 905x5 over two turns, so 2262. He can use this twice (i.e. keep going for four rounds), so it seems reasonable enough.
Jess: Sky Present + Minimum Tornado, divided over two turns, averages 1870. Again, she can do this twice.
Vayne: Violent Pillar at 1370 works fine. Overrealm isn't the kind of thing I would consider in averages, and Chaos Devotion is 2PB.
(Jess, again!: If Sky Present ends up not being worth anything, then Jess can always fall back on Donor Bomb. Even dividing that by 2 (instead of 1.5, given its charge time) leaves it with 1128.)
Anna: Fails at damage more than I'd expect based on in-game, but it makes some sense. Anyway, 1067 with her ID move.
Muppy: Another one-turn copy, this time for 952.
Pamela: And another, this one 656.

Average: 1664 (1682 with full Trick Edge)
(Drops by up to 93 if Sky Present fails)

Of course, this average has some problems. Namely that it overrates what the PC cast can do turn 1, and a few timed cards do go slightly after that second turn (as late as 1.3), so I wouldn't consider it fully.

Average of turn 1 and turn 2 averages: 1447 (1473)
(Drops by up to 46 if Sky Present fails)
Kill point: 3617 (3683)
(Drops by up to 116 if Sky Present fails)

That's probably what I consider.

Next up, durabilities! Lower is better.

Physical durability:
Muppy 0.68
Flay 0.73
Nikki 0.88
Vayne 0.89
Anna 1.19
Roxis 1.19 (fractionally worse than Anna, if you care!)
Jess 1.33
Pamela 1.68 (when it's not 0)

Magical durability:
Flay 0.90
Roxis 0.91
Muppy 0.93
Vayne 0.94
Nikki 0.96
Anna 1.16
Jess 1.20
Pamela 1.21

I need to collect more boss stuff.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 03:42:59 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2009, 04:49:32 AM »
Tony 2 has Break Stomp, which does about 55 NE magic damage. A bit weaker than Twisted Flare, but a NE option is always handy.
Renee 2 has Girl Attack, which does about 80 physical damage (I'd imagine it's half of Full Power Blade).
Tony 2 can use Master Combo without using Path of Evil. That or I somehow missed him using it (EDIT: this is more likely). Regardless, he can use it at full HP.
Renee's Full Power Attack does enough break damage to send a fresh PC into the deep red. Almost any other damage (her Mana's Hellflame, for instance) will push them all the way into Break. Tony can probably break things in ~3 attacks, though this is very hard to test.
Azureflame Mana is immune to Instant Death.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 04:56:38 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2009, 09:28:52 PM »
Pamela's No Bullying damages: Tested on Giant Punis, not because they have any notable defensive stats but because they can't hurt Pamela, and so I can manipulate HP to my heart's content. Final armor/weapon equipped, Megingjorz equipped as well. Pretty sure Atk doesn't influence her damage but I might be wrong, it's on her for the skills and boosts other than Attack anyway.

Basic physical: 189.

383 HP: 381
370 HP: 385
330 HP: 465
259 HP: 579
205 HP: 575
---- 50% HP ----
160 HP: 696 over 8-9 hits.
138 HP: 778 over 8-9 hits.
105 HP: 926 over 9-10 hits.
100 HP: 1288 over 9-10 hits.
---- 25% HP ----
95 HP: 1333 damage over 9-10 hits.
85 HP: 1462 damage over 9-10 hits.
73 HP: 1728 (...???) damage over 9-10 hits.
71 HP: 1681 (...?) damage over 9-10 hits
57 HP: 1464 damage over 9-10 hits.
56 HP: 1990 (...???) damage over 9-10 hits.
49 HP: 1661 damage over 9-10 hits.
---- 12.5% HP ----
46 HP: 2300 damage over 9-10 hits.
42 HP: 2660 damage over 9-10 hits
35 HP: 2802 damage over 9-10 hits.
30 HP: 3192 damage over 9-10 hits.
---- 6.25% HP ----
20 HP: 4370 damage over 9-10 hits.
16 HP: 4830 (probably had a crit) damage over 9-10 hits.
15 HP: 4770 damage over 9-10 hits.
8 HP: 4770 damage over 9-10 hits.
1 HP: 4740 damage over 9-10 hits.

Summary: I really don't get the damages between 90 and 50 HP (lot of crits?) Otherwise, however, the damage starts accelerating around 110 or so HP, and jumps again at about 47 HP (~25% and ~12.5% HP, respectively.) There is likely a final damage jump at 6.25% HP (about 24 HP); it looks like it caps off around there.

Anna's elemental wall move: Lasts ~4 rounds ingame, reduces Lightning/Ice/Fire damage by 40%.
Roxis' debuff immunity move: Lasts ~4 rounds ingame, dispels and negates debuffs.

Jess: 18/14/14/14/14 from Plasma Ray, 81 from Lightning Storm
After wearing the Lightning+ resistor: 7 from Lightning Storm.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 10:03:43 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 03:54:48 AM »
Spoilersboss also has Brieftrunks, 110 or so physical damage.

Nikki's Decoy Shield fails massively - 2 or 3/15 activations.
Roxis' buff does not prevent ID.
Change! works on humans. I have not seen a formation in which Change! did not result in an instant-win for Muppy - he would need to have more than four Giant Punis against him (else quick triggers on his first MT Fire attack, he uses it again, then finishers and kills all on the field; odds are no more than one would get an action in the Quick time, and they less than 9HKO his brutal physical durability). The Fire-resistant Puni is OHKOd through the resistance and has no damage, so Giant Puni is the only chance. To give you an idea of Change!'s chance of popping up a Giant Puni, it's given me one in forty tests, out of ~140 or so punis. Not seeing it.

I think Flying Pot is species-dependent; against species vulnerable to it it's... probably 75% or so? Against nonvulnerable it's 0%. Humans are in the former category. Endgame dungeon monsters are in the latter. I can't figure out any other logic behind Flying Pot workings. Non-biological/non-undead/non-spirit units I think are all immune? Flying Pot turns the opponent into a pot and makes them lose one turn (I think it's a shortened recharge time - about 0.8? - to their next turn). In the DL, Wren/W8/Demi are the notable immune PCs, is my feeling. This skill is way too SP-reliant to be useful for Muppy, unless you for some bizarre reason allow Fatal Blow on the PCs.

Crazed Eye's Tears of Despair is not OPB - he used it twice in a row, and right after he triggered Lightless World's No Healing Field. This almost fucked me over big-time in game, so.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 04:12:52 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2009, 09:13:29 PM »
Dropping a link to the wiki:

I editted the first post with the link too.


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2009, 04:26:18 AM »
Updated with alternate equips.  Also added postgame setups into the third post (for the OKs).

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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2009, 06:14:27 AM »
Jade Shift's recharge is 0.25x, actually. Sorta weird, but it is pretty ridiculously fast.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2009, 09:04:19 PM »
Can Tony use Master Combo every round? It definitely looked like every other round to me when I was testing.
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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2009, 12:10:51 AM »
Pretty sure he can, since I saw it near the end in my replay with him spamming it every round.  Full Power is every other, but that's just the charge time - from what I can tell, both can keep spamming them.

On a random note, I have tested quick on all the characters that had it over 100 actions, and it's come out to about 25% on all of them (except Muppy, which was 33%, but I assume that might have been luck, since him having a different one would be weird)

Exact data:
Nicole - 26/100
Roxis - 24/100
Anna - 25/100
Muppy - 33/100
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2009, 04:45:44 AM »
Isolde 2's Bunker Pillar and Choke also have 0.5x recharge time. This isn't terribly relevant for Choke! On the other hand, for Bunker Pillar, it sorta is against some PCs. Grand Gaze seemed more accurate than 25% to me, but this was probably just it hitting Nikki of the epic MDef twice in a row.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al Revis~ (PCs, forced bosses)
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2009, 06:48:55 AM »
Pretty sure he can, since I saw it near the end in my replay with him spamming it every round.  Full Power is every other, but that's just the charge time - from what I can tell, both can keep spamming them.

On a random note, I have tested quick on all the characters that had it over 100 actions, and it's come out to about 25% on all of them (except Muppy, which was 33%, but I assume that might have been luck, since him having a different one would be weird)

Exact data:
Nicole - 26/100
Roxis - 24/100
Anna - 25/100
Muppy - 33/100

I've run Quick tests before, and my own tests generally came out in the same area (20% IIRC, but a fairly small difference).
...into the nightfall.