Author Topic: Wild ARMS 3 Random Boss topic - PLAN YOUR BACKSTABS CAREFULLY RICHARD - DONE  (Read 2558 times)


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So it occurred to me that we do not have a Wild ARMS 3 random boss topic. The other stat topic is pretty cluttered with information all over the place, so I thought I would create a new one for the various random boss encounters you come across in this game! Trust me, it will be pretty loaded by the time we're done, so making a new topic should make things easier to follow.

There's some good news and some bad news for Wild ARMS 3 bosses. The bad news is that scaling them can be quite difficult. Not so much for Chapter 1 and early Chapter 2, but for late Chapter 2 all the way until the end of the game. The main reason for this is because in Chapter 3, the game becomes open ended at one point and lets you tackle objectives in a variety of different ways. This means that what you have on one playthrough maybe different than what another person has. Later on it gets compounded by the elephant in room, Finest Arts. In late Chapter 2, you also need to consider how to take Valiant into consideration. Then of course, there's the always present Lucky Cards in Wild ARMS games. It's much more of an issue here due to the variety of different things you could do and that FP values are super important for determining damage taken/dealt. Since starting FP is based on levels, well, the bosses don't like it if you end up like in the original topic at level 61! As if that wasn't enough, since FP builds up as battle progresses, bosses tend to do less and less damage as they go on so finding out how much they do on average is tough as well. If you're expending more FP, they will deal more. If you're expending less FP, they will deal less. 

So what's the good news? Well, most Wild ARMS 3 random bosses (and even some plot ones) are largely based on their gimmicks. Some of these gimmicks are very good (Angolmois)! Some of these are awful (Monoeye Titan). However, due to the fact that they are largely gimmick based, the stats/damage that they have matter a bit less since most of how they work in the DL is going to be largely from their gimmick anyway. Second, lucky for them, this topic is being drafted by yours truly. As a reminder, I do know the speedrun route of this game, so I am familiar with a few things that could otherwise hurt them. This includes (but is not limited to):

1) Excessive Lucky Card use. End Levels by Nightmare Castle will be 50.
2) Negates possibility of being over leveled from getting lost/excessive grinding/etc
3) Capable of ending battles quickly, which means less likelihood of ballooning your FP pool and reducing their damage notably. Since the speedrun kills most bosses within 4 rounds, I know approximately what the damage should look like (and can note the cheese strat, which at least notes where possible overscaling could occur).

The one downside is that because I am so familiar with the game, their durability is possibly going to look a little worse for the wear. However, this isn't exactly too much of a concern because some of these durability issues will exist regardless of who does the topic (Valiant/Gold Mediums/Finest Arts).

Medium Boosts
Mediums provide stat boosts when set. However, the boosts provided are relative to how good the PC are at those stats on base. Setting Gale Claw on Clive versus putting it on Ginny produces a big change in the raw actual number of the RFX set since Clive's base is so low. So where do the mediums go to determine where the average is? I've conversed with Tal briefly about this but we both agreed that Medium Boosts should be taken at a point that is generally going to be a little harsher on the bosses (so no putting your Aqua Wisp on Jet and taking damage from spells there). I also subscribe to what I call the "set theory", which means that Mediums are grouped together by function and not just going to which character is good at the stat. So for example, since Fiery Rage and Brave Seal both boost attack, they should stick together. This results in a medium distribution that looks somewhat like this:

Physical - Fiery Rage/Brave Seal/Lucky Hand
Magical - Aqua Wisp/Lust Jaw/Love Charm
Defensive - Terra Roar/Hope Shard/Flash Hit
Miscellaneous - Cosmic Cog/Moon Spark/Gale Claw

The 4 mediums at the tail end of each set are the least important and will typically move around. However, as is usual  for me, I'll note down the mediums used so people can reverse engineer stuff it they want to. These sets I find are usually true for how you want to play the game more efficiently because it stacks boosts of the same stat and purpose together, which maximizes offensive and defensive capabilities. As to who gets what set, well, Clive/Gallows are typically better at bosses while Jet and Virginia are better on randoms. So the Physical/Magical sets are typically given to Clive/Gallows and Virginia usually takes the defensive set, while Jet takes the Miscellaneous one for utility. But again as noted before, this may not always be the case. As a general rule, stacking is a very effective way of playing, especially early, because the game doesn't expect you to load someone down with all your mediums. Note that since PC damage tends to improve as the fight goes on, I might end up doing a three turn average for what the approximate damage you can do looks like. We'll see.

Finest Arts
The elephant in the room. Dealing with this sucker is an issue in and of itself since it is so centralizing in late game strategies. Should you factor it in? I'm of the opinion that yes, you should. It's right there in the game and the main issue that comes up is that using it might be a little confusing. However, the DL typically assumes that bosses are fought against somewhat who knows what they are doing in general so the instructions of using Finest Arts shouldn't cause you to ban it. But if that's the case, how exactly should you take it? Well, remember how I mentioned that one of the advantage of this topic being drafted by me is that I am quite familiar with the game? Here's where this issue has a simple solution as well.

The actual problem here comes from Gardening. The Secret Garden is a subquest that can be taken and lets you generate healing/restorative items. Typically, people will do this quest, which is fine. However, the degree of the amount of farming done afterwards for crops varies from player to player. If you farm a lot of Full Carrots, then all bosses starting about Mid Chapter 2 start sucking hardcore as a Mystic Full Carrot pretty much doubles offensive/defensive power. Most importantly, these carrots provide 100 FP, which is the cost needed for this ability. Without it, it's actually not too terrible for bosses because it takes a while to reach 100 FP. Since I am a speedrunner and mock having to grind for crops (as its not even efficient - the route doesn't do it and is a waste of time), this topic assumes that there is no garden use. Unfortunately for bosses though, there are other set ups that let you utilize Finest Arts - most notable amongst them late is Force Charge, which generates 25 FP when you guard. You also have Mini Carrots, which the game gives you a fair handful of and a few Full Carrots, so using it within a short period of time is certainly not out of the question.

So then, how does one factor Finest Arts then? The most logical method to me is to take it as the damage dealt by Finest Arts divided by the number of character actions needed to set it up. So with Carrots, this number will typically be 3-5 (2-4 for Clive to unload his ARM, 1 person to throw a Carrot on Clive before Finest Arts). This number should not exceed 5 as 5 character actions are all you need to set up Finest Arts (Clive Guards twice with Force Charge, then unloads two shots) even without carrots. It's not the most elegant of solutions, but it does allow you to see the damage being dealt per effective action that sets up the kill. Another is to divide it by the total number of character actions. I'm not 100% onboard with this idea because due to the stacking, its typically more effective to have the two characters loaded with your offensive mediums to be the damage dealers. All it really does is inflate boss durability. I don't think most people have Virginia poke bosses to death for 50 damage a round or whatever. You're going to do some set up and then blast it with a Summon/Gatling. Which speaking of, I believe Clive/Gallows' damage should really represent the damage average, similar to how Raquel represents the average in Wild ARMS 4. You're just much more likely to have the two of them do most of the offensive pot shots when not setting up for a Gatling/Summon kill.

As a reminder, damage formula for the game is  (((Mult * ATT - DEF) * RNV) * (1+FP/100+Q))*K).

When using magic, replace ATT and DEF with MAG and MGR. RNV stands for Random Number Variable which for these purposes is always 1. Q stands for additive multipliers after defense (mainly Hyper). K stands for Elemental modifier, which is either 1/3, 0, 1 or 3 (depending on Resist, Null, Neutral or Weakness).

Formula for damage taken is calculated as ((Mult * Attacking Stat - Defensive stat) * RNV) * (100/(100+FP)). Basically the same thing as above, only you swap the FP multiplier from the numerator to the denominator. And yes, for those of you that are good at math, this is why Wild ARMS 3 defense is largely garbo. Due note that most attack multipliers are 2, so it *is* of some use against basic physicals. It just sucks against anything really dangerous (Rising Nova/Calamity Jane/etc.)

Accuracy is kind of nebulous and I'm not 100% certain, but I wager that it is determined exactly as Attacker's HIT/ Target EVA. I know that PC accuracy is determined in this fashion (which is why Hit > Eva means everything hits), so logically, enemy accuracy should be the same. My calculations kind of confirm my suspicions, so I'm sticking to this hypothesis for now.

Anyway, that's about it for the framework. I'll post more once I have more stuff laid out. For now though, enjoy the horrors to come :D. And yes, I promise, there is a reason the title in the thread is what it is.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 04:04:01 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
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<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

Dark Holy Elf

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« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2016, 06:46:02 AM »
I personally found Finest Arts' description more than a little vague and would not factor it in, since I generally don't agree with holding anything against bosses which I consider to be obscure (e.g. Quick in FF6 for a blatant example). Not too big a deal since it only really affects the last ~20% of bosses or so (of which Beatrice is the only one typically nommed in the DL, though Siegfried is notable too). So I would ask that you at least show the damage without it, which shouldn't be too hard.

One other thing I'm pretty big on is doing the gold mediums after you get flight, since it makes the sidequests far easier to do, and the levels of the bosses suggests this is indeed the intended order (IIRC the guardians have a higher level than Lombardia, and every other boss leading up to her). Getting them earlier is of course a valid option too, so both should be noted.

I would aim to list boss damage against starting FP, since that's the one value you can be assured exists at some point in the fight; the rest is determined by player strategy. As you note, blowing FP quickly on things like Lock-On (or even just spamming magic as opposed to physicals) reduces boss durability but raises their damage, and vice versa if you store up for a while with lots of physical attacks.

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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2016, 06:06:05 PM »
Prologue - All prologue bosses are fought solo. So for those you that scale for support, do keep that in mind. A couple of them also have an 'Event Trigger'. All this means is that the boss has infinite HP when the trigger kicks in and must be defeated in some other fashion. You could take these literally (lol) or throw it out all together.

HP  - 100 HP but...
DEF - 22 (average)
MGR - 7 (irrelevant)
RFX - 20 (Would be slower than Jet)
ACC - 14 (~52% against Virginia)
EVA - 12 (Doesn't evade)

*Fought against Virginia only

Battle Axe - 13 damage
Tackle - 13 damage

Party Averages
HP: 31
DEF: 11
MGR: 16
RFX: 29

Virginia's Attack - ~19 per round over 3 rounds.

**After 100 damage has been dealt, Hobgob Boss gains infinite HP and can only be killed by the Gatling Command. If 5 rounds pass, cutscene is triggered which auto gives Virginia 100 FP. Hobgob Boss actually dies at anytime when hit by Gatling, but you don't have the FP to use it at the start...

What a prologue boss. Pretty bad, dies to 6 hits guaranteed unless you force people to use Multi-attacks ala Gatling to win. Then he's a spoiler, wrecking everyone who doesn't but loses pretty much otherwise. Below average speed and inaccurate and only 3HKOs. Light.

HP  - Event Trigger
DEF - 24 (average)
MGR - 18 (awful)
RFX - 999 (Guaranteed initiative)
ACC - 26 (Solid, almost always hits Jet)
EVA - 30 (Doesn't evade)

*Fought against Jet only

Heave - 10 damage
Baking Breath - 18 Fire magic damage.

Party Averages
HP: 71
DEF: 26
MGR: 13
RFX: 26

Jet's Attack - ~48 per round over 3 rounds.

*Tatzlewurm has infinite HP and will die the moment he is hit by any Accelerator attack.

Uh. Unless you take him literally, he's unrankable. Infinite HP means that he literally can't be killed. If you take him literally, he basically exists to spoil anyone who doesn't have a priority move (such as Pokemon Quick Attack) or ITD (which Accelerator attacks become). Also, he's an absolute speed god in this notion and would be whatever your see TB turn caps to be. DNR.

HP  - 250
DEF - 31(Above average)
MGR - 26 (Irrelevant)
RFX - 32 (Average - would tie Jet at equal levels)
ACC - 4 (Almost never hits - 12% accuracy on Clive)
EVA - 999 (Perfect Evade)

*Fought against Clive only

Glider Dive - 43 damage
Toxic Breath - 100% chance to Poison. OPB.

Party Averages
HP: 153
DEF: 39
MGR: 27
RFX: 15

Clive's Attack - ~74 per round over 3 rounds (if he could hit...)
Clive Lock On - 134 damage

Well, he's rankable! Perfect evade means he's likely a Middle. But holy god, the accuracy issues. He makes Gallows look like Clive. And thanks to his amazing shoddy accuracy, Poison is a legit thing he wants to hit people with since at least that kills them in 5 rounds. He's basically dollar store Kimahri, with basically no offense whatsoever. Scratch that, make that 5 cent Kimahri. But if you can't hit him, he wins. Eventually.

KESARAN PASARAN :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
HP  - 54
DEF - 18(Below average)
MGR - 3 (Awful)
RFX - 0 (Guaranteed last strike)
ACC - 8 (Bad - 57% accuracy on Gallows)
EVA - 27 (Average)

*Fought against Gallows only

Split - Anytime there are less than 4 :) s on the field, :) can use this ability and create an identical copy of itself. Maximum of 4 only.

Party Averages
HP: 117
DEF: 23
MGR: 28
RFX: 21

Gallows' Attack - ~64 per round over 3 rounds (about 1/2 this amount on average after accuracy)
Gallows' Magic - 45 damage

*Despite their stats, :) will also instantly be KO'd upon taking MT damage of any kind.

Less rankable than his WA4 form, but still not a complete mess. Check out his amazing offense by the way. 13HKO off sub 60% accuracy! But if you don't bring MT, you won't win unless you are some super fast offensive dude that can take out 3 of them at once, since otherwise they'll just keep cloning themselves. 0 RFX too by the way, so getting a potential triple turn him might not be hard depending on how you see TB speed interacting with CTB. Alternative, you may see it that only one of them exists initially, in which case, all you need to be is faster and have decent offense to win. Light is my kneejerk due to the complete anemic offense and exists as a spoiler. Could go anywhere.

Chapter 1 - The gimmicks don't end! The first random boss(es) in Chapter 1 are actually the Guardians. They are unique in that they can be fought in any order, so your level average will actually change for the latter 2. For the sake of consistency though, I'm taking them all at level 5, which is about the party average when you can first fight them (Virginia is lower, Clive is higher). All 4 Guardians follow a pattern. First turn is to use their MT attack. Next turn is used on a buff, then the next two turns are a physical or magic attack if they have it. After that on the 5th turn, they will repeat this pattern. YMMV on if you want to hold them to this.

HP  - 800
DEF - 38 (Above average)
MGR - 2 (Awful)
RFX - 8 (Extraordinarily slow. -1.5x SDs)
ACC - 6 (Marginally better than Goldrake - 18% to hit vs average!)
EVA - 16 (Bad. Should be an accuracy bonus. Gallows has a 93.75% accuracy rate here. GALLOWS)

Grudiev is weak to Wind

Planet breaker - MT. 47 Earth magic damage.
Megasmash - 58 damage. Used as a Counterattack 100% of the time.
Shield - Cuts physical damage by approximately 33%

Party Averages
HP: 143
DEF: 31
MGR: 27
RFX: 32

Virginia Magic - 50
Jet Attack - 44 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - ~67 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - ~58

Clive Lock On - 120/135/150 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Epic. Check out that amazing accuracy, part 2! Even worse, in Wild ARMS 3, evading gives the target 12 FP, which as already noted in the preface, boosts Offense and Defense. So in practice, those counters actually get him killed even faster than normal. Otherwise, he's clearly the scrub of the Guardians. Slow, Inaccurate, low damage and no tricks to speak of. The other 3 have at least something to speak of, as we shall soon see. Light.

HP  - 880
DEF - 2 (Awful)
MGR - 4 (Awful)
RFX - 102 (Bad ass. +5.6x SDs)
ACC - 32 (Solid - very low change to miss)
EVA - 90 (Bad ass. Clive only has a 60% chance to hit.)

Fengalon is weak to Water and Earth

High Speed Ripper - MT. 39 Wind magic damage.
Sonic Scratch - 50 damage. Used as a Counterattack ~33% of the time.
Turbulence - Doubles EVA. Makes him near unhittable. Lasts 3 rounds.
Inspire - 29 Lightning magic damage.

Party Averages
HP: 143
DEF: 31
MGR: 27
RFX: 32

Virginia Magic - 48 damage
Jet Attack - ~84 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - ~106 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - ~59 damage

Clive Lock On - 192/216/240 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

All his agility based stats are all very high at the cost of pretty much all the other ones. Those of you who don't put a cap on TB speed might want to consider doing so after seeing Fengalon. He's crazy fast, beating even Virginia by a notable amount. Physical fighters will have a rough time with him since he's so evasive and he can further buff it, making him only vulnerable to magic. Bad damage, but the occasional counters do help and probably help him 4HKO as a result. Kneejerk is some sort of Middle. Could be Low Heavy, but might be worth a PG or something to see how he stacks up.

HP  - 960
DEF - 50 (High)
MGR - 6 (Awful)
RFX - 20 (Slow. -0.8 SDs)
ACC - 4 (...)
EVA - 19 (Poor. Gallows has a 78% accuracy rate on it.)

Schturdark is weak to Fire and Lightning

Assault Tide - MT. 62 Water magic damage.
Big Press - 81 damage. Used as a Counterattack 100% of the time against physicals.
Heal - Restores 69 HP. Used as Magic Counter 100% of the time, when hit with weakness. Cannot be used normally.
Pressure/Refridgerate - 46 Water/Ice magic damage.

Party Averages
HP: 143
DEF: 31
MGR: 27
RFX: 32

Virginia Magic - 46 damage
Jet Attack - ~31 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - ~53 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - ~58 damage

Clive Lock On - 96/108/120 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Schturdark is the tank of the guardians, as hard as that is to believe. Highest HP, even better Defense than Grudiev and its magic counter means that in-game, it offsets weakness hitting by almost a third of what is dealt. How you want to treat this up to you. Regardless, he should still last a while with his defenses. On offense, it will want to use its magic attacks and will typically 4HKO. It does have a physical, but uh...amazing accuracy is amazing. The weakness to 2 common elements does suck and probably relegates him to a High Light/Low Middle.

HP  - 780
DEF - 3 (Awful)
MGR - 5 (Awful)
RFX - 22 (Sluggish. -0.66 SDs)
ACC - 56 (Very accurate, doesn't miss even Ginny )
EVA - 34 (Average. Only Gallows has Hit issues)

Moor Gault is weak to Ice

Vapor Blast - MT. 85 Fire magic damage.
Vulcan Beak - 92 damage. Used as a Counterattack ~33% of the time.
Cremate - 64 Fire magic damage.

Party Averages
HP: 143
DEF: 31
MGR: 27
RFX: 32

Virginia Magic - 47 damage
Jet Attack -  - ~83 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - ~105 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - ~59 damage

Clive Lock On - 190/214/238 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Speed sucks, but he's the best Guardian easily. High 2HKOs with a high 2HKO counter off great accuracy. Defenses are crap so he'll be relying on that 2HKO a lot. Weakness to Ice is a bummer, but he's far better than Grudiev and not that far off from Fengalon. Middle.

Now that we have mediums, I'll note who has what in the notes. As a general rule, Ginny has Terra Roar (TR), Clive has Fiery Rage (FR), Jet has Gale Claw (GC) and Gallows has Aqua Wisp (AW). Bosses are scaled like that for now this way until more mediums appear. Also, Clive has 1 Level of SHT upgrade, which boosts the damage that he deals.

HP  - 820
DEF - 51 (Average)
MGR - 61 (Good)
RFX - 79 (Very Fast. +1.5 SD)
ACC - 73 (Very Accurate. Does not miss even Virginia)
EVA - 68 (Decent. Reduces Jet to 73%)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile (100%/75%)

Throwing star - 40 damage.

*Fights alongside Dario and Janus.

Party Averages - Lv 8
Virginia: Has TR
Clive: Has FR
Jet: Has GC
Gallows: Has AW

HP: 289
DEF: 43
MGR: 36
RFX: 47

Virginia Magic - 20 damage
Jet Attack - 49 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 147 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 59 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 179 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 130 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 258/290/322 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

He's the better of the two of Janus' lackeys, but the complete lack of damage pretty much sinks him. Better in-game cause he has two allies who can pile the damage up. By himself, high 8HKO doesn't save the rest of the package, but hey, he's probably a High Light as the rest of his stats don't suck.

HP  - 910
DEF - 63 (Good)
MGR - 38 (Below Average)
RFX - 27 (Slow. -1.0 SD)
ACC - 29 (Below average, about 65% Accuracy)
EVA - 21 (Bad. Gallows has 90% Accuracy on him)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile (75%/100%)

Gillius H12/23 - 79 damage.

*Fights alongside Romero and Janus.

Party Averages - Lv 8
See Romero

Virginia Magic - 39 damage
Jet Attack - 35 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 133 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 74 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 200 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 130 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 234/263/293 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Fails. 4HKO, bad speed, vulnerable to magic. He has double Romero's damage but considering the fact that his own damage isn't exactly great either, Romero probably ends up the better of the two. Light.

HP  - 1510
DEF - 999 (Nulls Physicals at this point)
MGR - 0 (Awful)
RFX - 29 (Slow. -1.0 SD)
ACC - 18 (Bad, about 34% Accuracy)
EVA - 23 (Bad. Gallows has 91% Accuracy on him)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile (100%)
Resist all elements.

Big Press - 56 damage. Physical. Used as a Counterattack 100% of the time to physical damage.
Bio Missile - 107 damage. Unevadable Physical. Used as a Counterattack 100% of the time to magic damage. Cannot be used normally.*
Toxic Breath - 100% chance to inflict Poison

*Does not counter Summons/Gems

Trask's shell can be broken, reducing his defense to 0 and elemental resistances to neutral IF he is hit first by a FIRE attack and then an ICE attack. The two attacks must go in this order, but do not necessarily have to be used in succession.

Party Averages - Lv 10
Virginia: Has TR
Clive: Has FR
Jet: Has GC
Gallows: Has AW

HP: 375
DEF: 50
MGR: 42
RFX: 54

Virginia Magic - 81 damage (Assuming Neutral)
Jet Attack - 123 damage per round over 3 rounds (after defense is broken)
Clive's Attack - 274 per round over 3 rounds  (after defense is broken)
Gallows' Magic - 127 damage (Assuming Neutral)
Gallows' Devastate - 277 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 190 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 472/531/590 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Well, he wrecks physical duelers unless they are ITD. That's a good start. 100% counterattack rates are bad news, even when the damage is terrible since it essentially doubles his damage a round. Mages have to be careful too, since he cuts all elements by 1/2 and the counters do add up. Oh and if you can't block Poison, then he racks up damage surprisingly quickly to boot, since that's 20% + his counters + his own turn. His gimmick isn't really easy to exploit in the DL (many characters are usually mono or dual element at best) but he does have one other notable flaw. That accuracy might be better than Grudiev/Goldrake but 34% is still shoddy. Heavy most likely due to strength of his tricks.

JANUS (Final Human form)
HP  - 1800
DEF - 58 (Average)
MGR - 56 (Average)
RFX - 65 (Above average. +0.25 SD)
ACC - 62 (Above average. Can reliably hit Jet (but is only 1 point above him))
EVA - 57 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile (50%)

Heretic Stab - 67 damage. Physical. Can be used as a Counterattack. Melee in flavor.
Sniper Shark RX23 - 67 damage. Physical. Can be used as a Counterattack. Ranged in flavor.
MultiBlast - 67 damage. MT Physical. Can be used as a Counterattack. Unevadable.
Rising Nova - 240 damage. Unevadable Physical. Chance of Janus to use this attack is dependent on how injured he is or (1-CHP/MHP) = chance of use
Heal Berry - Restores 300 HP. Used as a counterattack to magic.

Janus has a 100% counterattack rate, to which he can counter with 1 of 3 attacks (they all do the same damage, but one is MT).

Party Averages - Lv 11
Virginia: Has TR
Clive: Has FR
Jet: Has GC
Gallows: Has AW

HP: 419
DEF: 54
MGR: 45
RFX: 58

Virginia Magic - 40 damage
Jet Attack - 63 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 206 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 90 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 245 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 200 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 372/419/465 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

This is the form I personally hold Janus to so I just got some updated notes on him compared to Meeple. Anyway, end of C1 Janus is actually not too terrible. The damage is only 6HKO, but having a 100% counterattack rate means that in practice, its a 3RKO so you better be faster than him if you only 3HKO. Actually 3HKOing probably isn't enough due to Rising Nova. Not sure how other people see it, but I treat it as an unlock after 50% of his HP (since that's when the odds of it are more likely than not), at which point, he gains spammable high 2HKO damage to add on to his counter game. So uh...hope you have solid durability too or it's going to suck. The Heal Berry counter is cute, and means he's essentially immune to magic at this point but you may choose not to scale it (or to scale it only against his HP) in which case, he takes the sting out of some magical hits so mages have to deal with his counters some more and have a greater risk of knocking him into his Rising Nova phase. Rides the High Middle/Low Heavy I think.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 05:24:41 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

Dark Holy Elf

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« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2016, 02:26:00 AM »
Can you provide an estimate for what Virginia and Jet are doing damage-wise under your listed setups? Since they're certainly a factor in how one views boss durability, whether one scales bosses against average damage dealt by PCs (which requires all four) or damage done per round. Presumably it's less than Gallows/Clive, but how much less makes a big difference.

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« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2016, 05:37:08 AM »
NEB - Your wish is my command. Damage figures for the other 2 are added. Note that I used Virginia's Magic and Jet's physical since that's the stat they are stronger in respectively. If you want other figures, I can probably crunch them since I built a spreadsheet for this.

Onward to Chapter 2! So things start to get more complex due to more Mediums. In addition, you have more money for ARM upgrades so this is weird too. Note that Virginia gains much less mileage on SHT and much more on WGT for longer Gatling bursts. Likewise, SHT upgrades are prohibitively expensive, so Clive is probably substituting some SHT upgrades with CRT. How much should Jet get a piece of this pie? Optimal play says he should only get 1 SHT/1 HIT but that's kind of underselling things. I presume he would have 1/2 of the upgrades that Clive does as a guess (since if you do have money, Clive takes precedence). This does make him less good, but I feel this is pretty reflective of what typically happens. As for Gallows, well lol to him.

Speaking of, Clive gets a 2nd SHT upgrade at this point. Jet gets 1 SHT.

MELODY (Robed Woman form)
HP  - 1200
DEF - 51 (Average)
MGR - 74 (Above Average)
RFX - 65 (Above average. +0.25 SD)
ACC - 35 (Irrelevant. Magic only)
EVA - 62 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile (50%)
Melody's Aggro is drawn to Clive in this fight as long as Clive is alive.

Eliminate Scanner - 331 damage. ST Magical.
Annihilator - 331 damage. MT Magical. Is not used until Clive is dead.

Party Averages - Lv 12
Virginia: Has TR
Clive: Has FR
Jet: Has GC
Gallows: Has AW

HP: 462
DEF: 588
MGR: 49
RFX: 62

Virginia Magic - 32 damage
Jet Attack - 112 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 240 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 84 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 249 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 200 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 406/457/508 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

High 2HKOs off good speed. This is a very rare combination for a Wild ARMS 3 boss! I'm actually surprised that no one votes off this form since its by far her strongest form although it lacks her trademark barrier and Poison status. On the downside, durability is not very good. 600 HP less than Janus and faces better offense. This probably keeps her in Middle but she'll be a nasty one lest you have good offense yourself or high magic defense to tank the hits.

NOTE: Moon Spark (MS) is received before the next battle!

HP  - 10000
DEF - 72 (Above Average)
MGR - 69 (Average)
RFX - 80 (Above average. +0.25 SD)
ACC - 41 (Irrelevant. Magic only)
EVA - 29 (Very Bad. Gallows has a 86% chance to hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Sleep at 50%
Vulnerable to Grav 100% - Note that this is a rare vulnerability, especially this high. You may see this as weak to Gravity.

Agony Effect - 199 damage. ST Non-Elemental Magic attack.
Screaming Mad - 199 damage. ST Dark Magic attack.
Seventh Moon - 199 damage. MT Non-Elemental Magic attack. Stops being used once he's sustained 2500 damage.

Party Averages - Lv 13
Virginia: Has TR
Clive: Has FR
Jet: Has GC
Gallows: Has AW/MS

HP: 564
DEF: 61
MGR: 57
RFX: 66

Virginia Magic - 42 damage
Jet Attack - 95 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 226 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 113 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 307 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 220 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 380/428/475 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Note - Grav's damage is limited to MAG*20, so maximum that could be dealt is 2020 damage
Note 2  - Celesdue summon deals a max damage of MAG*50, making the maximum damage dealt to be 5050, prorated by FP/100

Hahaha, okay, there's a couple of ways you can take this boss. In game, you are given Moon Spark immediately before this fight, and while the Grav vulnerability is hidden, you may end up trying every single attack in this fight just because of his crazy HP. If you scale him without the Grav consideration, he probably ends up being some form of High Heavy/Low Godlike due to just monstrous durability. He only 3HKOs, but given his ridiculous durability, he will live through pretty much most assaults and easily kill before you can drop him. His vulnerabilities keep in check from really advancing more, but if you don't have any of those available, he'll just tank everything and keep going.

On the other hand, if you scale him with the Grav consideration, he's much worse. In this case, probably some form of Middle. It takes at least 5 rounds in game to kill him (4 Gravs  + Celesdue summon), so that's probably the absolute minimum I would see needed to kill him. This turns him probably into a bad Middle since the offense is kind of middling, the vulnerabilities hurt and he loses to any healer ever as a result.

The next fight is against the Huskarls, who are fought 3 times. I'm just getting their final battle stats since they are largely the same. Speaking of the same, their stats are nearly identical as well. So I'm only listing the damages against them once. It's roughly around the same ball park for all 4. Also, I expect an ARM upgrade at this point, giving Clive an extra level in SHT and Jet 1 level in Hit. This mitigates any Hit issues he will have for the rest of the game and is a low cost investment.

HP  - 840
DEF - 63 (Average)
MGR - 53 (Below Average)
RFX - 82 (Sluggish. -0.30 SD)
ACC - 41 (Bad. 58% Hit rate against average evade)
EVA - 78 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Sleep at 75%

Wizardry Brand - 138 damage. Physical.
Deathbringer - ST 100% Instant Death physical
Heal - Restores 107 HP

Jasna does not begin healing until one of the knights has received over half its HP in damage.

HP  - 840
DEF - 65 (Average)
MGR - 50 (Below Average)
RFX - 40 (Slow. -0.80 SD)
ACC - 74 (Decent. Will generally tend to hit)
EVA - 80 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Sleep at 75%

Wizardry Brand - 159 damage. Physical.
Brass Zapper - 232 damage. Physical.
Eraser - MT Dispel

Vendidurt will cast Dispel 100% of the time if an enemy has any buff on it.

HP  - 840
DEF - 61 (Average)
MGR - 56 (Below Average)
RFX - 113 (Fast. +0.80 SD)
ACC - 77 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 84 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Sleep at 75%

Wizardry Brand - 143 damage. Physical.
Weasel Size - ST Unevadable Physical. Cancels target if they haven't act
Protect - Cuts Magical damage received by 1/3

Wisrapt will cast Protect 100% if not already under its effects

HP  - 840
DEF - 66 (Average)
MGR - 59 (Below Average)
RFX - 130 (Very Fast. +1.20 SD)
ACC - 73 (Decent. Generally hits)
EVA - 82 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Sleep at 100%

Wizardry Brand - 154 damage. Physical.
Khorda Avesta - 147 damage. Non-elemental MT Magical.

Jasteuch will use his magic attack every 3 turns and follows this pattern all the time.

Party Averages - Lv 15
Virginia: TR/MS/GC
Clive: FR
Jet: Nil
Gallows: AW

HP: 633
DEF: 69
MGR: 62
RFX: 76

Virginia Magic - 75 damage
Jet Attack - 116 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 305 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 128 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 330 damage (note this drops Clive down to about 290 damage or so assuming Clive has +18 FP at this point)

Clive Lock On - 504/567/630 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

In-game, this is one of the toughest fights to deal with due to the fact the knights have skills that complement each other and Jasna has freaking Deathbringer. At a time when there is no ID ward and having it hit is really bad in general. In the DL, they're all over the place. The best of the set is Wisrapt. All he does is Action Cancel with Weasel Size until a Double, then he hits you. Repeat this until you die. Of course, it's all physical and his damage sucks and people faster than him spoil it, but off his speed, that tends not to happen. Heavy.

As for Jasna, he probably makes Middle. The Instant Death is long as he hits. Evade gives him huge problems. The healing is junk and will basically never be used, so he's all about the ID before getting killed. That might not be easy for  him given his sluggish nature.

Jastech is probably right afterwards. Excellent speed but 100% open to Sleep means he loses to people like Elly and other sleep inducers. Damage sucks, but can probably swing High Light/Low Middle. Vendidurt sucks and is a Light. 3HKO damage at best and slow. What a winning combination ala HobGob Boss. Doesn't even have the Event Trigger!

HP  - 2000
DEF - 78 (Above Average)
MGR - 75 (Average)
RFX - 88 (Above average. +0.30 SD)
ACC - 86 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 80 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Light

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav 25%

Mono Eye Titan has a passive where he will get 10% stronger after every round. OMG SNOWFIRE SPOILER.

Dark Matter - 68 damage. ST Dark Elemental Magic attack.
Eyeball - 108 damage. ST Physical attack.

Party Averages - Lv 16
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR
Jet: GC
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 708
DEF: 72
MGR: 67
RFX: 78

Virginia Magic - 55 damage
Jet Attack - 110 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 303 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 141 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 376 damage (From here, note that Gallows using Devastate means Clive loses about 18% damage - I don't want to keep copypasting the same thing)

Clive Lock On - 496/558/620 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Actually, I'm not even sure with the full 100% boost if he really gets any better. The damage is really awful to begin with so even doubling it isn't impressive. The rest of his stats are pretty bad outside of accuracy. Probably Light.

NOTE: Flash Hit is received at this point. Valiant becomes available. How you want to scale Valiant is a tough call, but I will list the amount of extra damage you can do from 3 of its best attacks assuming its survivable. Note that now that we are into the mid-stages of the game, Virginia will likely start getting upgrades to WGT, which allows her to unleash devastating bursts in conjunction with Valiant. I will note when this becomes more feasible, but just be aware that while the format of presenting info will look similar, your damage shoots up from this point.

HP  - 2400
DEF - 82 (Above Average)
MGR - 78 (Average)
RFX - 92 (Above average. +0.30 SD)
ACC - 88 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 82 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Dark

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Sleep/Grav 25%

Hecto Eye Titan has a passive where he will get 10% stronger after every round. OMG SNOWFIRE SPOILER.

Dark Matter - 74 damage. SMT Dark Elemental Magic attack.
Eyeball - 115 damage. ST Physical attack.

Party Averages - Lv 17
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR
Jet: GC
Gallows: AW/MS/FH

HP: 808
DEF: 76
MGR: 70
RFX: 81

Virginia Magic - 60 damage
Jet Attack - 113 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 310 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 151 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 399 damage

Clive Lock On - 504/56/630 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 345 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals

There is a chain of bad bosses, and it starts right about here. Check out that godlike 7HKO damage. However, it is so fragile, it will be lucky to ever make use of its passive. Or get anywhere really. The randoms in this dungeon are scarier than it. Light.

At this point, there is a bit of free reign and you can choose to tackle 2 objectives, in whichever order you want. I'm going to assume that you head to Fortune Gear next and fight Diobarg because he's easy and gives you good rewards in general. Note that Clive has 4 SHT levels at this point (so Jet is assumed to have 2).

HP  - 4000
DEF - 143 (Good)
MGR - 114 (Average)
RFX - 108 (Above average. +0.375 SD)
ACC - 111 (In practice, about a 68% chance to hit. See below)
EVA - 94 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Ice/Wind

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)

This battle is fought on horseback. While on a horse, there are benefits granted to the party and some disadvantages. The major advantages includes avoiding Danger/Ambush battles and being immune to Paralysis. Disadvantages include no longer being able to use unarmed physicals. A side effect of being on horses is that it seems to cut enemy accuracy rates by multiplying it by 50%, essentially halving hit rates.  Thus, despite its good accuracy, in practice, Diobarg will tend to miss about a third of its attacks.

Ram - 185 damage. ST Physical
Paralysis Bite - Should paralyze but because you're on a horse, does nothing.

Party Averages - Lv 18
Virginia: TR/GC
Clive: FR
Jet: FH
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 843
DEF: 79
MGR: 73
RFX: 89

Virginia Magic - 53 damage
Jet Attack - 81 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 294 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 149 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 408 damage

Clive Lock On - 474/533/593 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 555 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals

The failtrain continues its journey. Bad damage, weak to 2 elements and all it can do is flail at you with its 7HKO damage? Light.

HP  - 3700
DEF - 131 (Average)
MGR - 84 (Below Average)
RFX - 83 (Above average. +0.375 SD)
ACC - 90 (Decent. Tends to hit)
EVA - 73 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Absorbs all Elements but...(see below)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)

Although Olivier absorbs all elements, each time he is hit by one, his body size will expand. After being hit 8 times by any elemental attack, he will explode, killing him and reward the party with a victory.

Bwaaargh! - 97 damage. MT Non-Elemental Magic attack. Adds Disease at about 70% chance
Prohibited Play - ST 100% Poison. Physical.

Party Averages - Lv 20
Virginia: TR/GC
Clive: FR
Jet: FH
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 944
DEF: 86
MGR: 80
RFX: 97

Virginia Magic - 74 damage (theoretical. Physical doesn't break defense)
Jet Attack - 112 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 336 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Attack - 54 damage (Accuracy factored in)
Gallows' Devastate - 472 damage

Clive Lock On - 534/601/668 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 291 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals

Probably loses a fight to Palmer. Topkek. Puny/Low Light.

NOTE: Lucky Hand is received at this point. Going to grab the Secret Garden boss since most people will fight it around this time (if they are planning to garden).

HP  - 4800
DEF - 103 (Below Average)
MGR - 96 (Below Average)
RFX - 111 (Negligibly above average. +0.05 SD)
ACC - 115 (Decent. Tends to hit)
EVA - 88 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Light, Null Dark.

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)

Mighty Swing - 230 damage. Physical
Phantom Hazard - 215 MT Dark Elemental Magic attack.
Anti-Arcana Zone - Shuts down PC spellcasting for 3 rounds (he can still use his own magic)

Party Averages - Lv 24
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/FH
Jet: FH/GC
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 1146
DEF: 101
MGR: 93
RFX: 109

Virginia Magic - 91 damage
Jet Attack - 178 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 428 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 221 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 571 damage

Clive Lock On - 658/740/823 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 690 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals

Anti-Arcana zone is like Silent Lake+ since he can still use his own spells while its in effect. Unfortunately for him, that's about all he has. Unimpressive damage, and average durability at best. Probably a High Light/Low Middle?

As is the case for the Huskarls, up next, another multi-target boss, where all the boss defensive stats are around the same area. So one entry for damage. Clive has 5 SHT upgrades now. Presumably, Ginny should have some WGT upgrades now too to burst down enemies.

HP  - 1300
DEF - 103 (Below Average)
MGR - 95 (Below Average)
RFX - 143 (Above Average. +0.375 SD)
ACC - 123 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 98 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Wind

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Sleep at 25%

Bite - 127 damage. Physical.
Decelerate - MT RFX -50%

HP  - 1100
DEF - 96 (Below Average)
MGR - 103 (Below Average)
RFX - 149 (Above Average. +0.45 SD)
ACC - 112 (Decent. Generally hits)
EVA - 101 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Water

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Sleep at 25%

Toy with a Cat - 118 damage. Physical.
Quicken - Adds RFX+50% to a target

HP  - 1400
DEF - 106 (Below Average)
MGR - 92 (Below Average)
RFX - 160 (Fast. +0.625 SD)
ACC - 115 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 94 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Fire

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Sleep at 25%

Stampede - 135 damage. Physical.
Walpurgis Night - Summons a Witch from Magical Girl Puella to kill all 4 of these losers out of their misery. MT Disease that has a very low hit rate (10% chance at most?)

HP  - 1200
DEF - 99 (Below Average)
MGR - 98 (Below Average)
RFX - 154 (Fast. +0.50 SD)
ACC - 119 (Good. Doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 105 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Earth

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Sleep at 25%

Peck - 105 damage. Physical.
Eraser - MT Dispel

After 3 rounds, ~350 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals if one of them focus fires. 

Party Averages - Lv 25
Virginia: TR/MS/GC
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: FH
Gallows: AW

HP: 1153
DEF: 105
MGR: 95
RFX: 114

Virginia Magic - 120 damage
Jet Attack - 187 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 491 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 211 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 550 damage

Clive Lock On - 750/844/938 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

Let me put this way, all 4 of them together wouldn't be scary as Melody 1, and that was at the START of this Chapter. These 4 losers are all bad, and are somehow WORSE than Alfred Shroedinger. At least Alfred doesn't have elemental weaknesses or some vulnerabilities to things like Sleep and Grav like these losers. And when you're losing in the tiering to freaking ALFRED Shroedinger, you know you should just do everyone a favour and kill yourself to save the other dueler the effort. Puny for all 4.

HP  - 3600
DEF - 100 (Below Average)
MGR - 127 (Average)
RFX - 119 (Negligibly below average. -0.05 SD)
ACC - 61 (Irrelevant. Magic only)
EVA - 106 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Light, Null Dark.

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)

MT Elemental Attack - 322 MT Magic damage. Can be Fire/Water/Earth/Wind or Dark.

Party Averages - Lv 26
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: GC/MS
Gallows: AW/FH

HP: 1236
DEF: 108
MGR: 95
RFX: 117

Virginia Magic - 76 damage
Jet Attack - 200 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 512 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 191 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 540 damage

Clive Lock On - 776/873/970 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 966 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals (note this is very close to killing Jet)

He fights alongside Humpty, but Humpty has no attacks and is literally a pure support unit, so I didn't get numbers for him as he is DNR. As for the guy with actual offense, he's a little slower than average, but has MT Magic damage that 4HKOs. This is pretty good for a Wild ARMS 3 boss! Mind his own damage makes it very dangerous for himself since at this point, you do have Valiant and it can be MT to the team, letting someone like Ginny burst  him down in record time on Round 3 almost certainly. Not sure where he goes. I assume it's some form of Light once Valiant is considered. Probably won't make Middle under any sort of interp, but that's the typical mid-game trash WA3 boss for you.

HP  - 7000
DEF - 109 (Below Average)
MGR - 108 (Slightly Below Average)
RFX - 123 (Negligibly average. +0.05 SD)
ACC - 127 (Decent. Tends to hit)
EVA - 108 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Ice, Null Fire.

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Grav (50%)

The giant groans - 194 damage. Physical
Volcannon Trap - 257 MT Fire Elemental Magic attack. Used as counter 100% of the time to Ice attacks.
Caloric Sphere - 257 ST Fire Elemental Magic attack.

Party Averages - Lv 27
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: MS/GC
Gallows: AW/FH

HP: 1286
DEF: 112
MGR: 99
RFX: 121

Virginia Magic - 101 damage
Jet Attack - 198 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 515 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 225 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 592 damage

Clive Lock On - 774/871/968 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 771 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals

The Fire counters are nice to anyone who thinks that hitting the weakness goes without consequence. Shame about y'know the damage. 6HKO of the common elemental variety, oh noes. Still he's better than Malik's freaking animals, not that it's saying much. Light, continuing the trend of bad Mid-game Wild ARMS 3 bosses.

At this point, you finally have Cosmic Cog (CC). CC is interesting because of the Replay spell. Most of the time, it won't be relevant, but when paired with FP advance, it's possible for the character to start casting Replay and basically doubling up your best repeatable damage source. This will typically be Clive/Gallows. So expect offense to shoot  up later on in Chapter 3. In the meantime, you will have some extra money and probably can get Virginia to at least a 7 or 8 WGT upgrade. This lets her burst enemies down at level 30 for about 3 hits, which with Valiant chops through enemy HP pretty quick. Keep this mind.

HP  - 8000
DEF - 120 (Average)
MGR - 111 (Slightly Below Average)
RFX - 134 (Negligibly above average. +0.10 SD)
ACC - 138 (Decent. Tends to hit)
EVA - 107 (Average. Everyone sans Gallows hit.)

Weak to Dark and Light.

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)
Vulnerable to Grav (50)%

Mow Down - 145 damage. Physical
Downhearted - 100% chance to inflict Misery
Luminous Moss - 100% chance to inflict Confusion.

Party Averages - Lv 28
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: GC/CC
Gallows: AW/FH/MS

HP: 1371
DEF: 118
MGR: 107
RFX: 128

Virginia Magic - 107 damage
Jet Attack - 190 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 517 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 258 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 667 damage

Clive Lock On - 772/869/965 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 435 damage would be sustained and can be added to physicals. Virginia can do 1305 damage with a Gatling.

You fight this guy twice, but he sucks both times. I guess his HP is okay, but it seems like every Wild ARMS 3 boss took schools from Alfred Shroedinger in damage. 10HKO, and the Confusion doesn't do anything in a duel (since WA3 confusion forces you to physicals and can't self target). He's bad. Low Light and that might be generous.

HP  - 3200
DEF - 73 (Low)
MGR - 41 (Very Low)
RFX - 181 (Fast. +0.725 SD)
ACC - 62 (Irrelevant, magic only)
EVA - 48 (Never. Everyone hits. Even Gallows.)

Vulnerable to Decelerate (100%)
Vulnerable to Fragile/Feeble Mind (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav (25%)

Outer World - MT. Deals CHP/2. Makes Balazs Invincible until end of the round.
Agony Effect - 227 MT Non-Elemental Magic attack.

Balazs always does 3 Outer Worlds into Agony Effect on Turn 4.

Party Averages - Lv 30
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: CC/GC
Gallows: AW/FH/MS

HP: 1473
DEF: 126
MGR: 113
RFX: 136

Virginia Magic - 190 damage
Jet Attack - 273 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 611 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 354 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 800 damage

Clive Lock On - 898/1010/1122 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, would add 3/4s of HP as damage, or 1289 with Valiant. Yes, this means Virginia potentially one shots him

Holy crap, a mid-game WA3 random boss that isn't utter shit. What is this tomfoolery?  Balazs lives by a very simple game plan, and he asks a really simple question: "Are you faster than me?" If the answer to that question is 'No', you're screwed. He just spams Outer World forever and then once your HP is low enough, hits you with Agony Effect for the kill. And given he's nearly +0.75 SDs, that's not an easy task to accomplish. If the answer to the question is 'Yes', then you will probably kill him unless your own offense is Cristo level bad since his HP is atrocious. In game, Valiant and Virginia plus a properly set up Jet (like here) can spoil his fun, but in the DL, he's a gimmicky dueler that is most likely a High Heavy

JANUS (Final Demon form)
HP  - 6800
DEF - 184 (High)
MGR - 121 (Average)
RFX - 186 (Fast. +0.70 SD)
ACC - 116 (Mediocre. 82% hit rate vs average)
EVA - 127 (Average. Everyone but Gallows hits.)

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind (100%)

Note that Janus is fought immediately after Leehalt 2. Because the fight is a chain battle in-game, your FP values will typically be a bit higher than normal. I am using starting FP for damages because figuring out how much FP you should have after Leehalt is very difficult.

Dark Spear - ST 219 damage physical.
Negative Rainbow - MT 392 Non-Elemental Magic attack.

Party Averages - Lv 31
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Jet: CC/GC
Gallows: AW/FH/MS

HP: 1524
DEF: 129
MGR: 117
RFX: 140

Virginia Magic - 119 damage
Jet Attack - 129 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 477 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 292 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 750 damage

Clive Lock On - 696/783/870 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively)

After 3 rounds, 1176 with Valiant. This is fatal on Jet and very close to killing Ginny, though a reshuffling of mediums will make it survivable on both. A 3 hit Gatling with Ginny would do about 3528 damage.

Requested by NEB/Random. Final demon Janus is significantly worse than Final human Janus IMO. Loses his cute magic counter, the Rising Nova damage (even if it is a limit unlock) for...better speed. Definite losing trade. Negative Rainbow unlike its ACF counterpart is unblockable, but in return, it's also much weaker. He does 4HKO and can do it relatively quickly, but considering Valiant is also in this chapter, his durability is also probably worse too. Middle and probably more on the lower end.

And THAT is Chapter 2! Good way to round off the failure with someone competent before Janus at least.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 04:58:40 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself

DragonKnight Zero

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« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2016, 06:02:35 AM »
FP gain when damaged:

(Damage dealt * 10 / Character's Max HP)

I believe this is accurate.  Certain attacks (such as Rule of Vengance) do not follow this formula and will increase FP by 0 or 1 (depending on attack) regardless of damage done.

So an attack must deal 20% or more to raise FP by more than 1. (before FP Plus PS modifier)

There is a way to consistently set up Finest Arts on turn 1 for use on turn 2 for an item cost of 2 Mini Carrots, Lv 30, and some other prerequisites.  Feel like I've derailied the topic enough though.  Tide probably already knows this method anyways.

Oh what the heck...

Clive with 2 bullets, Finest Arts, and FP Plus active.  At Lv 30, 2 levels of FP Plus is enough though I assume all 4.
Jet with Moon Spark and Cosmic Cog.  FP Save at max.  Also has Power Cancel active (there is a Baselord in Yggdrasil in a chest)

Jet and Gallows can switch roles.  I don't really see a need to, flavor perhaps.

In battle, turn 1:
Virginia Mystics a Mini Carrot.
Jet does whatever besides Item or Guard.
Gallows gives Clive a Mini Carrot.
Clive Shoots.

On Jet's action, Inertia Cancel and cast Replay on Clive.

Turn 2: Clive is set up to release the elephant.   :D

Ummmm.... game broken.  FP Plus is not needed at Lv 38.  At Lv 51 with max FP Plus, only one Mini Carrot needed ((also can cast Replay skipping the Inertia Cancel step); Lv 46 will suffice if the enemy damages Clive on turn 1.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 04:01:29 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2016, 08:13:21 AM »
And Chapter 3. So this is probably the part of the stat topic that has the most variance. You can choose to get the Gold Mediums early (which you should since it gives you a big boost), or you can do them piecemeal, one at a time. Then, there's the order which you tackle the Guardian Lords since they open up a new avenue of offense with Weaken. Up till now, I haven't listed anything about elemental physicals because the only reliable way to do it is to Mystic the Dark Ring you get from the Eyeball boss. It's Dark elemental only AND as an added caveat,requires you to have not used its Gear effect to null Dark damage. But with Weaken and more time in the Sandcraft, this becomes more available territory. Don't forget that Luceid also has Weakness PS, which quadruples the damage you deal on weakness now, so it makes Weaken surpass Valiant for damage output when its available. If all else fails, there is still Hyper as well. And of course, Finest Arts exist late.

The itinerary which I use is to tackle the Guardian Lords as soon as we are done killing Buer. This is the earliest you can do it. To make it more reasonable as NEB alluded to, we'll be tackling Lombardia next. Then we go through 3 Guardian Lords  + World's Footprint for the last Weather Vane before we take on the Abyss and get the Dragon Idol for the last Guardian Lord. Plot resumes once we have all 4.

Whew, that's about it for disclaimers in this chapter. Note that, Clive and Jet's ARM upgrades will slow down quite a bit. This is just due to the relative cost of upgrading SHT being very expensive. Likely, you can expect some boost to CRT on Clive to make up for this and Virginia should be topping out a pretty mean Gatling by this point. So I expect Clive may maintain a Lv 7 SHT pretty much for the rest of the game until the final dungeon maybe. Speaking of, Clive hits Lv 6 for SHT and Jet hits Lv 3 at this point. Anyway, onward:

HP  - 2000
DEF - 500/1 (Very high, nulls most physicals. Clive barely damages him)
MGR - 500/2 (Very High, nulls most magic)
RFX - 150 (Negligibly above average. +0.05 SD)
ACC - 72 (Irrelevant, magic only)
EVA - 52 (Really bad. Gallows has a 92% hit rate here)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind when closed (100%)
Vulnerable to Decelerate (100%) when open
Vulnerable to Grav (25%) if open

Buer has two forms. His open form and a closed form. He begins the fight in the closed form, which is the first set of defensive values. When struck with a Light attack, he will go to  his open form and take on his second set of  defensive values. He also gains new attacks between the forms. This form switch is instantaneous and not voluntary. In addition, at the end of every round, Buer will go back to his closed form.

Baryon Corrida - 293 Non-Elemental Magic damage. Only available when closed.
Evil Eye - 100% chance of causing Paralysis. Only available when closed.
Cocytus Pain - 399 MT Ice Elemental damage. Only available when open

Party Averages - Lv 33
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 1600
DEF: 137
MGR: 123
RFX: 148

Only Clive breaks defense, doing 120 damage per round over 3 rounds and Gallows with Devastate (about 379 damage).

When OPEN -
Virginia Magic - 253 damage
Jet Attack - 443 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 813 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 437 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 878 damage

Clive Lock On - 1170/1316/1463 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively). Assume you only use these when open. Otherwise, cut the damage by about 90%.

After 3 rounds, would add about 1197 with Valiant if you assume he attacks in his open form. Note that Valiant goes through defense, so this is really potent.

Block Paralysis or bring ITD. He has really really bad HP, getting legit 2HKO'd in game if he is in his open form. However, if you don't have a Light attack or lack ITD, he can be somewhat competent. The defense isn't insurmountable, but it is quite good, so your offense needs to be very good to break it. Oh and of course have Paralysis blocking too or he locks you down with that and kills you with his 5HKO damage. My guess? Probably a Middle. A gimmicky Middle, like all WA3 bosses. But hey, beats the trail of failure Mid C2!

HP  - 15000
DEF - 147 (Average)
MGR - 141 (Average)
RFX - 176 (Above average. +0.40 SD)
ACC - 183 (High. Misses beating Virginia by only a few points)
EVA - 145 (Average. Everyone hits but Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind when closed (50%)

Lombardia follows a set pattern. She will always use Cerebral Matter, then Epidermal Shell, then Mighty Might before finally attacking. After Mighty Might wears off, she'll wait for the cooldown, then repeat the pattern again. 

Epidermal Shell - Reduces Physical and Magical damage by 1/3 Physicals
Cerebral Matter - +50% RFX and EVA
Might Might - Doubles ATT. After 3 turns, puts user into "Faint" status causing them to take double damage.
Missile Might - 244 damage.

Party Averages - Lv 33
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 1600
DEF: 137
MGR: 123
RFX: 148

Virginia Magic - 115 damage
Jet Attack - 240 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 610 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 298 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 737 damage

Clive Lock On - 878/988/1098 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, would add about 732 with Valiant from pure Missile Might spam and no Might Might. Note that Valiant goes through defense, so the damage works even against his defensive buffing.

Uh, she's really bad in game because you can cast Dispel after Mighty Might and it still puts the timer on her while removing all her buffs. DL, well 566 damage is a low 3HKO, but taking like 6 turns to get there? That's also pretty bad. She's decently tanky, but noting along the lines of Angolmois, so I dunno how long she can really last. And if she doesn't use Mighty Might or you can reduce her to a 4HKO, she's in big trouble. Probably some flavour of Middle. Instant wins against silent protagonists though since after the fight, you need to answer 4 questions correctly or get rekt.

HP  - 18000
DEF - 220 (High)
MGR - 240 (High)
RFX - 204 (Fast. +0.60 SD)
ACC - 165 (Good. Tends to hit)
EVA - 165 (Above average. May make Virginia miss very occasionally (less than 10%))

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind/Weaken (50%)

Unlike the other Guardian Lords, Luceid does not follow a pattern.   

Large Moon - 341 Physical damage.
Dark Destruction - MT 586 Dark elemental magic damage.
Life Drain - Drains 269 HP (about 1% HP for him)
Dark Luceid - 0 damage. Read below to see how this works.

Dark Luceid's damage is dependent on the elemental affinities of the target, so it makes 8 checks in total (one for each element). If the target absorbs the element, add 3. If the target nulls the element, add 2. If resist, add 1. If weak, add -1. The sum of all 8 checks is the multiplier used in the equation to determine damage. The maximum damage Luceid can deal with this move is 4030 assuming a score of 24. Dark Luceid starts beating out Dark Destruction the moment the elemental affinity score is 4 or higher (~610 damage at this point). If someone is neutral to all elements, then score is 0, so damage is 0.

Party Averages - Lv 36
Virginia: TR
Clive: FR/LH
Gallows: AW/MS

HP: 1751
DEF: 148
MGR: 133
RFX: 160

Virginia Magic - 36 damage
Jet Attack - 165 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 557 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 241 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 726 damage

Clive Lock On - 784/882/980 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, would add about 1698 with Valiant. Note that this is actually lethal to everyone in the party sans Gallows, although redistributing mediums differently would let you take advantage of this.

As Meeple noted in the original topic, Luceid is quite tanky, thanks to a combination of good defenses and high HP. Even if you take the Valiant boost, Virginia with a 3-4 hit Gatling here still won't drop him despite the massive damage burst. He's also decently fast and spoils the living crap out of anyone who has permanent elemental blocking (Sup Souji/Yu and Mother). The speed helps him since his damage is a 4HKO at best. My guess is, he could potentially make Low Middle, but it does depend on how good you see his durability. If you think that its not that impressive, he'll struggle. Flip side, if you see it as workable, he'll probably manage to get the kill despite bad offense.

NOTE: Gold mediums are here! In general, Gold mediums are upgraded with FR and AW first (as they have more offense) followed by TR, GC, then LH, CC and MS and FH are last since the HIT and RES boost are the least useful upgrades compared to the other mediums. The Guardian Lords upon defeat also drop their mediums which are Lust Jaw (LJ), Hope Shard (HS), Brave Seal (BS) and Love Charm (LC).

HP  - 16000
DEF - 157 (Above Average)
MGR - 190 (Above Average)
RFX - 236 (Fast. +1.00 SD)
ACC - 206 (Great. Just a couple of points from breaking Virginia's EVA)
EVA - 175 (Above average. May make Virginia miss very occasionally (less than 10%))

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind (100%)

Raftina has several AI quirks. Turn 1 is always spent doing Copy Ability. Turn 2, always MT Weaken, then every 4 turns, she'll always use Sacred Blood. Whether or not you hold her to the pattern, YMMV.   

Copy Ability - MT. Learns base elemental spells from the party. I'm actually not sure if this is required for her to start casting base elemental spells. I've certainly seen her use a base elemental spell from a medium which I didn't have, so this suggests its largely for flavour
Weaken - MT. Makes targets weak to all elemental attacks. Does not override target's Immunities or Resists (but will mesh the mults together on Resist).
Silver Fleuret - 212 Physical damage.
Basic Elemental Spells (Cremate/Vortex/Pressure/Petrify) - MT 380 Fire/Wind/Water/Earth elemental magic damage.
Sacred Blood - Heals 4000 HP (so 25% for her)

Note that both Weaken and base elemental spells can be reflected.

Party Averages - Lv 36
Virginia: TR
Clive: FRG/LH
Gallows: AWG/MS/LJ

HP: 1751
DEF: 148
MGR: 133
RFX: 160

Virginia Magic - 88 damage
Jet Attack - 254 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 723 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 534 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1263 damage

Clive Lock On - 1018/1145/1273 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, would add about 1140 with Valiant. Virginia can use a Gatling and Burst about ~4500 damage this way.

Raftina's an interesting boss. She's spoiled if you have Reflect since that guts most of her nasty tricks, which just leaves her with a pitiful physical. However, if you don't have Reflect, you're in for a fun ride. Weaken -> Any elemental spell results in high 2HKO damage. And since her speed is quite high, she will have no problems usually to slap Weaken on to someone before beginning the pain train. Elemental immunities can also spoil her, but you need good coverage since she can cast a wide variety of them and 50% resistance usually isn't good enough since that gets combined with the Weaken multiplier, which is a 3x in WA3. Not sure when the healing is useful (in-game it forces you to try and blitz), but her speed and durability, it's not terrible and gives her some dimension to stall. Probably a Heavy.

HP  - 18000
DEF - 236 (High)
MGR - 150 (Average)
RFX - 176 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.05 SD)
ACC - 123 (Mediocre. 74% accuracy against average)
EVA - 145 (Average. Everyone hits but Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind/Weaken/Draining (100%)

Justine will always cast Hyper on itself Round 1   

Hyper - Doubles ATT for 4 turns.
Magnarize - 199 ST Non-Elemental Magic damage. Note that the formula for this is different than standard,so I'm not 100% certain if its accurate. It does not use a FP Multiplier.
Heavy Brave - 363 Physical damage.
Justine Attack - MT ID at about a 60% Hit rate.

Party Averages - Lv 37
Virginia: TRG/MS
Clive: FRG/LH
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 1796
DEF: 156
MGR: 175
RFX: 172

Virginia Magic - 166 damage
Jet Attack - 149 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 632 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 651 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1457 damage

Clive Lock On - 884/995/1105 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, would add about 1089 with Valiant. Virginia can use a Gatling and Burst about ~4000 damage this way. If he casts Hyper and then hits you 3 times, the damage would be enough to kill everyone sans Gallows.

I like how the physical warrior boss has LESS Accuracy than the dainty magic caster with a rapier. Anyway, Justine is certainly worse than Raftina, no thanks to weaker speed and damage being nowhere near as impressive. However, he's still physically tanky, can buff himself for a 3HKO and the ID can certainly pick off those without immunity within 2-3 turns. Kneejerk is that he's probably within the Heavy border. If he has to use his magic though, he's probably screwed.

Next of entries are for the 3 bosses you fight at World's Footprint. Similar to before, one set of PC averages,although because one of them does have different defensive stats, I'll make a note of it in there.

HP  - 4800
DEF - 134 (Below Average)
MGR - 128 (Below Average)
RFX - 154 (Below Average. -0.25 SD)
ACC - 66 (Bad. 38% chance to hit on average)
EVA - 135 (Average. Everyone hits sans Gallows)

Weak to Light, Null Dark. Resists the rest.

Vulnerable to Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind/Draining (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Weaken (25)

Scarecrow can be instantly defeated by Requiem. Note that Requiem is a unique WA3 spell in that it only works on undead targets. However, it will instantly one shot the target if it works, bypassing normal death immunity. How you want to hold this against him is up to you. 

Raven - 145 Physical damage.
Hellsize Masquerade - 100% chance to ID on hit
Arcana Disposal - Casts Reflect on self.

HP  - 5400
DEF - 137 (Below Average)
MGR - 131 (Below Average)
RFX - 146 (Below Average. -0.325 SD)
ACC - 150 (Below average. 85% chance to hit on average)
EVA - 118 (Average. Everyone hits sans Gallows)

Weak to Thunder

Vulnerable to Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind/Draining (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Weaken (25)

Grasper Mech - 174 Physical damage.
Undulation Cannon - 122 Magical damage.
Psychedelicor - 100% chance to Confuse on hit

HP  - 3500
DEF - 194 (Above Average)
MGR - 0 (Awful)
RFX - 150 (Below Average. -0.275 SD)
ACC - 154 (Below average. 88% chance to hit on average)
EVA - 121 (Average. Everyone hits sans Gallows)

Leonhardt has Auto-Reflect.
Weak to all elements

Vulnerable to Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Decelerate/Fragile/Feeble Mind/Draining (50%)
Vulnerable to Grav/Weaken (25)

Blade Arm - 159 Physical damage.
Suppressed Curse?! - 382 Dark Magical damage.
Critical Heal - MT Full Healing

Party Averages - Lv 37
Virginia: TRG/MS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 1796
DEF: 160
MGR: 175
RFX: 176

Virginia Magic - 189/321 damage
Jet Attack - 295/209 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 975/889 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 674/806 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1480/1717 damage

(First number is for Scarecrow/Steamgear. Second is for Leonhardt)

Clive Lock On - 1358/1528/1698 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively). Reduce damage by about 10% on Leonhardt.

After 3 rounds, Leonhardt would add about 1140 with Valiant while the other two only about 550. Virginia can use a Gatling and Burst about ~4500 damage.

Hey, it's the bosses with the Wizard of Oz motif, NOT in Wizard of Oz the game! Like the Huskarls, these guys are all over the place, ranging from weirdly gimmicky but effective to a bad, boring clown. So who's the winner of this set? Probably Leonhardt. HP is pretty bad, but Critical Heal forces you to OHKO, or he's more than content to spam it. Despite his weaknesses, you can't hit them with spells because he has Auto-Reflect. Heck Auto-Reflect forces you to use physicals, which runs into his much better defense stat. Not much on damage, but he's probably an effective spoiler Middle, with only the HP holding him back. Scarecrow is also probably weirdly some form of Middle, throwing up Reflect to force the enemy to play the same game as Leonhardt and covering his weakness. The accuracy is shoddy but the ID is guaranteed on hit, so he'll beat those that focus too hard on stalling/defensive tricks. As for Steamgear, well, he sucks. Confusion doesn't translate so all that leaves him is bad damage and a common elemental weakness. Low Light.

NOTE - Clive receives his 7th SHT upgrade at around this point.

HP  - 12000
DEF - 4 (Awful)
MGR - 2 (Awful)
RFX - 135 (Sluggish. -0.475 SD)
ACC - 2 (Irrelevant. Magic only)
EVA - 155 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Weak to Dark

Prepare Interceptors - Readies counter attack. Has initiative (Accelerator still beats it).
Paradigm Pollution - MT 631 Non-Elemental damage. Used as a Counter 100% of the time if attacked after 'Prepare Interceptors'
Interceptors Cancelled - Cancels own counterattacks. Used after about halfway through the round (after Gallows, before Clive)

Note that use of Interceptors Cancelled is involuntary and always happens after Prepare Interceptors.

Party Averages - Lv 38
Virginia: TRG/MS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 1845
DEF: 164
MGR: 179
RFX: 181

Virginia Magic - 329 damage
Jet Attack - 492 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1241 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 828 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1658 damage

Clive Lock On - 1724/1940/2155 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 1893. However, this will typically kill average. One less attack puts this about ~1250, and that can be added to Valiant. A Gatling would do about ~4800.

He 3HKOs so either kill him before, bring healing or have some other trick to stave off his counters as he has no other real vulnerabilities other than his weakness. He does have 1 fatal flaw. Due to the fact that he must cancel interceptors, in-game he is royally owned by Clive due to how slow Clive is. If you translate this weakness, he also auto loses to anybody who has about 70% average speed, literally giving some bad Lights wins due to their stat weaknesses (sup Emma? sup Rahal?) Not sure where he goes. Some form of Middle?

HP  - 19000
DEF - 249 (Good)
MGR - 203 (Above Average)
RFX - 84 (Very Slow. -1.025 SD)
ACC - 144 (Inaccurate. 78% against average)
EVA - 155 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken, Draining (100)

Phantasmal Heart - MT 587 Non-Elemental Magic damage.
Downburst - ST 329 Physical damage.
Exploder - Adds 'Explode' status. ~60% Accuracy.

Exploder status cannot be immuned in-game (even with the comprehensive status coverage of WA3).
In function, it is very similar to FF9 Heat, meaning that once afflicted, the character dies if they take another action (even Reloading counts). However, as an added effect, a character who dies the Exploder effect will distribute his/her CHP/4 as damage to the rest of the party. Note that this CAN cause a chain reaction, resulting in multiple PCs exploding on the same round.

Party Averages - Lv 39
Virginia: TRG/MS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 1896
DEF: 168
MGR: 184
RFX: 185

Virginia Magic - 130 damage
Jet Attack - 149 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 918 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 647 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1506 damage

Clive Lock On - 1266/1424/1583 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 1761 that can be added to Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~6800 damage.

The last of the Guardian Lords and he has a real mean trick up his sleeve: unblockable PC instant death! In-game you get around it with Reflect or you keep afflicted characters defending, but in the DL, it is lethal on hit, and at a 60% chance, this gives most people only about 2 rounds to take him down. That's not that easy given his sturdy defenses and HP. His damage is only a high 4HKO and his slow speed means that if Exploder doesn't work, he'll be in tough spot, but he's probably enough of a nuisance to be Heavy, ala Reno.

HP  - 19000
DEF - 140 (Bad)
MGR - 134 (Bad)
RFX - 108 (Slow. -0.775 SD)
ACC - 130 (Bad. 42% against average)
EVA - 130 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Weak to all elements

Humbaba always uses Headbutt on round 1.

Headbutt - 229 physical damage
The Stench of Death! - Charges up for Humbaba Curse
Humbaba Curse - MT 100% Instant Death. Requires Stench of Death! to be used before turn and resolves about half a turn in (so after Gallows, but before Clive)

Party Averages - Lv 39
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2096
DEF: 181
MGR: 182
RFX: 185

Virginia Magic - 171 damage*
Jet Attack - 307 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1076 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 719 damage*
Gallows' Devastate - 1578 damage

*Theoretical, assumed Non-elemental.

Clive Lock On - 1484/1670/1855 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 687 that can be added to Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~2000 damage.

This boss exists to catch people off guard with his MT 100% ID. Even then, in-game you're not likely to fall for it because Cosmic Cog has a guaranteed 100% Fallen Ward that you can set. In the DL, well, he wins if you give him 2 turns and don't block Instant Death. Otherwise, he is bad and should feel bad. Still ID is a good status! Middle of some sort I guess?

HP  - 14000
DEF - 64 (Very bad)
MGR - 270 (Very High)
RFX - 142 (Slow. -0.775 SD)
ACC - 142 (Inaccurate. 72% against average)
EVA - 138 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Weak to Ice

Vulnerable to Synchronize (100%)
Vulnerable to Decelerate, Feeble Mind, Draining (50%)
Vulnerable to Fragile, Weaken, Exploder (25%)

Lazy Lick - 100% Misery on hit. Only usable when visible.
Backstab - 100% ID on hit. Only usable when invisible.

RICHARD Chameleon Man starts off visible. The moment he is struck by any attack that damages him, he will go to his invisible form and become immune to physical attacks. He will become visible again after the next round.

Party Averages - Lv 40
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2151
DEF: 185
MGR: 186
RFX: 1859

Virginia Magic - 29 damage
Jet Attack - 418 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1186 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 578 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1436 damage

Clive Lock On - 1636/1841/2045 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

This is the best boss because he is literally RICHARD.jpg. Proof? The only way he can kill you is with the attack appropriately named BACKSTAB. If you block Instant Death, he can't kill you as he has no damage. He can however make your life miserable by inflicting Misery, then forcing you into a very long drawn out fight until he eventually loses. Oh and the best part? He's vulnerable to SYNCHRONIZER. This ability inflicts the same status to the target when the caster is afflicted by a status. So if he Backstabs the wrong person, he kills himself. PLAN YOUR BACKSTABS CAREFULLY RICHARD (Middle).

HP  - 16800
DEF - 0 (Awful, but...)
MGR - 203 (Above Average)
RFX - 198 (Negligibly above average +0.10 SD)
ACC - 210 (Decent. Tends not to miss)
EVA - 158 (Average. Everyone can hit sans Gallows)

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Weaken, Synchronize, Draining (100)
Vulnerable to Feeble Mind (75)
Vulnerable to Sleep (50)

Diabolic Claw - 361 Physical damage.
Evil Gaze - 100% chance to Paralyze. Can only be used while in Blob form.

Ose starts off in blob form. While in this form, he is immune to physical attacks. If he is struck by an Ice attack, he loses his physical immunity for the round and cannot use Evil Gaze.

Party Averages - Lv 40
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2151
DEF: 185
MGR: 186
RFX: 201

Virginia Magic - 106 damage
Jet Attack - 523 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1305 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 671 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1555 damage

Clive Lock On - 1788/2012/2235 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 1083 that can be added to Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~5000 damage.

High 6HKO! However, he immunes physicals and getting through his physical immunity is generally difficult for fighters. Other than that, block Paralysis or die slowly. High Middle likely.

Clive picks up his 8th SHT level and Jet gets his 4th. You can probably hyper invest in WGT upgrades on Ginny at this point if you've been using Gella Cards so the damage probably shoots up some more. Keep that in mind.

HP  - 22000
DEF - 300 (High)
MGR - 200 (Average)
RFX - 88 (Very Slow. -1.05 SD)
ACC - 150 (Inaccurate. 71% against average)
EVA - 67 (Very bad. Gallows has 86% chance to hit him)

Weak to Wind

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (75)

Fafnir always begins battles with Contaminated Crust

Might Swing - 350 Physical damage.
Fafnir Horn - Used as a counter only. 100% to counter Wind attacks for 593 Non-Elemental Magic damage.
Contaminated Crust - Creates a field effect that drains all PC's HP by 10% MHP at the end of every round. Lasts 5 rounds before it needs to be recast.

Party Averages - Lv 42
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2263
DEF: 193
MGR: 194
RFX: 197

Virginia Magic - 126 damage
Jet Attack - 145 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 974 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 726 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1666 damage

Clive Lock On - 1316/1481/1645 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 1379 that can be added to Valiant (factors in Contaminated Crust). Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~6500 damage (more if you assume bigger than 5 hit Gatling string).

Similar to Pyrodrake in that he counters people who think his weakness gives them a free lunch. And he has a secondary trick with Contaminated Crust. It doesn't look like much, but since the effect is unblockable, it does add up and Crust + Physical does let him 4HKO those just below average. Decent enough durability, but probaby on the lower end of Middle.

End of Chapter 3. Man what a disappoint finale~ But hey RICHARDman is up. Nom him forever.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 02:27:00 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
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<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2016, 06:31:30 AM »
Chapter 4! We're almost done. Only about 5-6 bosses here although I will say, they are probably the cream of the crop since they all have some interesting gimmick (some still worse than others!). This chapter has a little less variance  than Chapter 3, but needs to deal with Finest Arts which was discussed earlier. As noted, Finest Arts is messy so factor that as you will. On with the show.

HP  - 22000
DEF - 252 (Above Average)
MGR - 164 (Below Average)
RFX - 207 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.05 SD)
ACC - 225 (Decent, doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 129 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Ice, Absorbs Water

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (50)
Vulnerable to Weaken (25)

Hydra Combination - 474 Physical damage. 100% chance of adding Poison on hit
Maelstrom - MT 469 Water Elemental Damage
Vitalizer - Used once below 11,000 HP. Restores 11,000 HP.

Vitalizer decreases in power by 50% every single time Hydra is hit by a Fire attack. This effect is cumulative, so if you hit it with 5 fire attacks, the healing would decrease down to 3% power (at which point it will heal only about 350 HP).

Party Averages - Lv 43
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2318
DEF: 198
MGR: 199
RFX: 202

Virginia Magic - 172 damage
Jet Attack - 226 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1070 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 789 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1755 damage

Clive Lock On - 1436/1616/1795 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, total damage would be about 1422 that can be added to Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~7000 damage (5 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 5 turns total. About 47000 damage in total, resulting in about 9400 damage a turn.

Ignoring Finest Arts aside, Hydra is a tank, and he has tricks to complement the style. Damage is low, but he forces you to block Poison as otherwise the damage adds up really quickly. Then, if you can't do more than 50% of his HP in a hit, he will use Vitalizer and heal away all your damage. Even if you can play to his gimmick, you have to hit him with a few fire attacks before it weakens off the healing and in the meantime, his 5HKO damage will be wearing you down. Tough to place where he is, but I assume he's some form of Heavy.

HP  - 32000
DEF - 232 (Average)
MGR - 207 (Average)
RFX - 217 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.10 SD)
ACC - 184 (Mediocre, about 84% hit rate versus average)
EVA - 149 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Ice, Absorbs Fire

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken, Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (50)

Salamandra always opens with Flaming Zone.

Salamandra Bite - 626 Fire element Physical
Volcannon Trap - MT 463 Firer Elemental Magic Damage
Salamandra Burn - 866 Fire elemental Magic Damage
Flaming Zone - Triples all Fire damage dealt. Halves Ice Damage.

Salamandra has a 100% chance to counter all Ice attacks with Salamandra Burn

Party Averages - Lv 44
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2374
DEF: 202
MGR: 203
RFX: 206

Virginia Magic - 135 damage
Jet Attack - 264 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1125 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 768 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1760 damage

Clive Lock On - 1500/1688/1875 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, most of his attacks would result in fatal damage due to Flaming Zone. At only 1 hit, will add about 1200-1800 with Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~6000-9000 damage (5 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 5 turns total. About 48000 damage in total, resulting in about 9600 damage a turn.

Gives you exactly one turn before he kicks your ass. Flaming Zone into Salamandra Burn = OHKO. AND he can do it every turn until Flaming Zone wears off. He's weak to Ice but its hard to take advantage of it due to Flaming Zone. If you do have one, better make it count and before he puts up Flaming Zone as Salamandra Burn Counter + Salamandra Burn =  Glorious overkill. His ONE problem other than Finest Arts existing? He's all Fire elemental, but that didn't stop Rubicante from being Godlike and it likely doesn't stop him either. Probably the best random monster boss. Too bad Shane wasn't a playable summoner.

HP  - 18000
DEF - 164 (Low)
MGR - 124 (Very Low)
RFX - 212 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.025 SD)
ACC - 167 (Inaccurate, about 75% hit rate versus average)
EVA - 169 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Weak to Light, Null Dark, Neutral Fire, Resists everything else.

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (50)
Vulnerable to Weaken (25)

Phantom Hazard - MT 629 Dark elemental Magic damage
Corpse Claw - 100% chance to ID on hit.

Gespent is undead and thus can be instant killed by Requiem, similar to Scarecrow. How you want to hold this against him is up to you.

Gespent begins battle with a black aura surrounding him. As long as the aura is alive, he is immune to physicals. The aura can be broken by using Light magic (cannot be Light physicals), at which point it will disappear for the rest of the battle.

Party Averages - Lv 45
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2430
DEF: 206
MGR: 207
RFX: 210

Virginia Magic - 233 damage
Jet Attack - 378 per round over 3 rounds
Clive's Attack - 1259 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 883 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1901 damage
Gallows' Dark Luceid - 2919 damage

Clive Lock On - 1668/1877/2085 damage (at 25/50/75 FP respectively).

After 3 rounds, 1887 can be added with Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~9000 damage (5 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 6 turns total. About 48000 damage in total, resulting in about 8000 damage a turn.

Hahaha, what the fuck. The RPGDL, turning complete scrub bosses in-game into unholy terrors in the DL. In-game, he is one shotted by Requiem. I actually had to look up what he could do through multiple FAQs. However, in the DL, what a spoiler package and probably High Heavy from it. Nulls Physicals, then halves most elemental damage. So to beat him, you need strong non-elemental damage, can't be vulnerable to instant death and do it before 4 rounds. ID Blocking and Dark nulling ruin his day, but is otherwise solid.

HP  - 20000
DEF - 175 (Low)
MGR - 220 (Average)
RFX - 220 (Above Average. +0.40 SD)
ACC - 68 (Irrelevant, magic only)
EVA - 172 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

This fight is fought without Clive. However, his stats (with mediums) is considered into the average.

Weak to Light, Null Dark

Vulnerable to Weaken, Synchronize (100)
Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Draining (50)
Vulnerable to Grav (25)

Multitarget Elemental Spell - MT 673 Fire/Earth/Water/Wind elemental Magic damage

Nebiros offers its target 3 choices of its 4 available spells. It will cast the spell selected by the target on its turn.

Party Averages - Lv 46
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2485
DEF: 212
MGR: 217
RFX: 196

Virginia Magic - 138 damage
Jet Attack - 783 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 808 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1857 damage

After 3 rounds, 2019 can be added with Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~12000 damage (6 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 7 turns total (due to Jet's magazine size). About 49000 damage in total, resulting in about 7000 damage a turn.

Nowhere near as strong as his ACF form. This demon prophet is kind of the scrub of the Chapter. Lacking his ACF counter part's elemental choices, counters and the damage nulling. Instead all he does is let you pick an attack (which you can block more often than not) then hit you with it. Obviously, in the DL, this doesn't exactly work either since anyone who can scrounge up some resistance to one of the primary type elements will probably end up mocking his 4HKO even worse. A low Middle likely.

DISASTER (Fire/Water/Earth etc.)
HP  - 24000
DEF - 252 (Above Average)
MGR - 233 (Average)
RFX - 235 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.15 SD)
ACC - 237 (Decent, doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 172 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

There are 6 copies of this boss, each representing one element. They all have the same stats and same attacks. The only thing that changes is their elemental typing. Whatever they are named after is the element they are strong in (which they resist), and will have a weakness to the opposing element.

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (50)

Wings of Death - 412 physical damage
Multitarget Elemental Spell - MT 710 Fire/Earth/Water/Wind/Light/Dark elemental Magic damage (depending on which disaster)

Party Averages - Lv 47
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2541
DEF: 214
MGR: 216
RFX: 219

Virginia Magic - 132 damage
Jet Attack - 263 per round over 3 rounds
Clive Attack - 1236 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 819 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1895 damage

After 3 rounds, 2130 damage can be added with Valiant. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~14000 damage (7 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 5 turns total. About 50000 damage in total, resulting in about 10000 damage a turn.

Kind of boring. High 4HKO damage means that hey, he's not mid-game failure, but is the worst of the Chapter 4 bosses, even more so than Nebiros probably. Hard to tell since while Nebiros lets his enemy pick a spell, he still has a list of 4 to choose. Each of the Disaster's only get one, so in theory, they are likely just as wallable, if not easier. I suspect they are Light/Middle border duelers, but yeah, general apathy. EDIT: Note that Disaster Moon just hits you with a 25% MHP Gravity attack that can be avoided via having higher Luck. It also has no Weaknesses or Resists.

HP  - 24000
DEF - 252 (Above Average)
MGR - 233 (Average)
RFX - 235 (Negligibly Above Average. +0.15 SD)
ACC - 237 (Decent, doesn't tend to miss)
EVA - 182 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

This fight is a form chain. At first, Tiamat takes on the form of Disaster Luck, which is basically a Disaster with a weaker Non-elemental MT attack. However, once it has sustained 24,000 damage, it will change forms into its true form and regain 24,000 HP. The battle is a continuation (so HP/FP levels are what they are when his first form is killed), with the only exception that his death in the first form immediately ends the remainder of the round (so both parties start off the Tiamat form without any free actions).

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken (100)
Vulnerable to Draining (50)

Wings of Death - 406 physical damage. Loses this attack in his True form
Lucky Shot - MT 419 non-elemental magic attack. This attack becomes what is listed below in his true form...
Final Disaster - Performs 6 hits of MT 703 magic damage of Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light and Dark element and 1 hit of MT 419 non-elemental magic damage, cumulative total of 4637 damage. This attack loses an elemental "hit" for each Disaster that is defeated. The element lost is the element of the Disaster defeated. Only usable in his true form.

Party Averages - Lv 48
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2596
DEF: 219
MGR: 220
RFX: 223

Virginia Magic - 141 damage
Jet Attack - 274 per round over 3 rounds
Clive Attack - 1270 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 845 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 1948 damage

His attack is lethal in his true form, but assuming you build up some damage in the first form, its about 1200 damage after 3 rounds. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~8400 damage (7 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: Tough. The optimal way with Finest Arts is 5. This gets rid of both forms but utilizes a Full Carrot and requires party switching of mediums. Total damage ends up about 100000 (due to 2 Finest Arts being used) in total, resulting in about 20000 damage a turn. If you're just using normal FAs, its about 5 turns for each, so 10 turns total, and about 51000 damage per or roughly 10,000 a turn. Why is there a difference? Well, optimal requires both Jet and Clive to use Finest Arts, so the shift in damage is actually from the preceding hits before the final blow in Finest Arts,

Complete dependent on how you treat Final Disaster. If you give him the full thing, that's High Godlike material barring magic immunity or crazy elemental blocking. Nearly 2x PCHP worth of damage that's spammable and goes before average along with an early form before to soak some hits that can also build a little damage? Ouch. However, the intention of the Nightmare castle is that you go around and fight the other Disasters, so if you interp him in other ways, he gets much worse.

If you assume 3 of the Disasters dead, he'll still be nasty, possibly still Godlike since that's a high 2HKO with lots of HP attached to it. If you take him at all Disasters defeated, then he sucks and is basically a normal disaster with about 1/2 the damage but 2x the HP and is Middle in this case. Guess which form I hold him to! He also doesn't like it if you hold him against optimal Finest Arts chicanery but I may be the only person to do this for him (since he's basically the penultimate boss so you've had some time to experiment with FA), in which case his durability is shit and becomes a giant glass cannon.

HP  - 28000
DEF - 185 (Below Average)
MGR - 177 (Below Average)
RFX - 228 (Negligibly Below Average. -0.025 SD)
ACC - 241 (Irrelevant. Magic only)
EVA - 182 (Average. Everyone but Gallows will hit)

Vulnerable to Decelerate, Fragile, Feeble Mind, Weaken, Synchronize, Draining (100)

Feeble Mind - MT Decreases MGR by 1/3
Dark Matter - MT 208 Dark elemental magic damage.
Nightmare - MT 707 Non-Elemental magic damage. Inflict Sleep 100% on hit.

Party Averages - Lv 50
Virginia: TRG/FHG/HS
Gallows: AWG/LJ/LC

HP: 2708
DEF: 227
MGR: 228
RFX: 232

Virginia Magic - 222 damage
Jet Attack - 398 per round over 3 rounds
Clive Attack - 1434 per round over 3 rounds
Gallows' Magic - 966 damage
Gallows' Devastate - 2132 damage

After 3 rounds, Valiant will add 2121 damage. This is barely survivable on Jet, but the others should have a decent margin to live through it. Virginia can burst with Gatling for about ~14847 damage (7 hit string).

Finest Arts turns: 4, due to the fact that all her damage is MT. 2 turns to unload ARM + 1 Mini Carrot with FP Plus set through the rounds guarantees 100 FP.

Updated notes as per NEB's request. Not much change from what we already know. High 4HKO damage, sleep locks people to death, etc. Feeble Mind's effectiveness is bad just because Dark Matter's damage on base is so low and the formula makes it such that Nightmare's mult makes it irrelevant. She's all MT, which is kind of cool, but the vulnerabilities to different status/stat downs is bleh. Middle.

And with that, we are DONE! If there's interest for other bosses, now is the time to name them. Otherwise, happy nomming! I better see noms of RICHARDman!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 04:48:58 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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DragonKnight Zero

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  I'd like to see how Black Box holds up when not killing it with two Finest Arts.  Dummo what level to scale it towards; the boss itself is Lv 80 but I had no problems in the 65-70 range and the approach I use doesn't change much at 60.

  Does Ephren Zein have auto-Reflect or am I mixing it up with some other boss?

  Disaster Moon does not have an elemental magic attack.  It uses a non-elemental gravity attack that does 25% of target's max HP to all.  May miss and/or be evadable with higher Luck.


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You're thinking of a later form of the Floor Bosses in the Abyss. One of them has Auto-Reflect but the earliest one does not.

I made the note on Disaster Moon for all that, I doubt anyone is going to nom any of the Disasters. They're boring (whoo 4HKO slugging) compared to the other gimmicky fun bosses. Thanks though.

I rather not get any Super Boss/Post game boss stats except maybe Ragu3. One big problem is that WA3 in post-game is very open world and there are lots of side quests available. Many of them can give you big boosts in offense (Comet Mark is the big one, as is the idea of farming carrots and maxing out ARM levels) so determining what should be available and what should not be becomes a whole another issue. Ragu3 skips this since allowing everything, scaling to level 100 and being the meme super boss with stat topic notes (since he's in the 4/XF/ACF ones) gives me some reason to grab his data.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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If possible, I would be interested (as least in what PC damage is) of more traditional DL bosses since otherwise I'm not great about really thinking about boss HP.
...into the nightfall.


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Dhyer: I'll see what I can do. For now, an easy way is to just the bosses right before the DL plot bosses and apply the damages listed; it'll be within the same ball park for the most part. Just for reference:

Maya and co. - see RICHARDman
Prophets - literally right after Maya for the team fight.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself