Author Topic: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox  (Read 795 times)


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Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:46:20 AM »
Just a quick mini-topic to pass the week o' downtime between Futurama & CKDL.  I largely used Futurama leftover noms that didn't get in to populate this.

No "DL control" for Heavy, oh well.  (I also figure 4 duelers rather than 3 is reasonable since most people won't be able to vote on all of them, but we'll see.)

Kyril (Suikoden Tactics) - Young lad with a "strong sense of justice" on a quest.  At least he has a canon name, unlike other Suiko heros?
Delphox (Pokemon) - Sets things on fire.  If its flames really reach "5600 degrees Farenheit", um, that's the temp of the surface of the sun.  I don't think "fainted" is really the right word for what that'd do to other Pokes.
Marth (Fire Emblem 12) - Sometimes, to save your sister, you need to collect 5 magical gems.  It's just how these things work.
Sara (Romancing Saga 3) - Shooting people in the face with an arrow is apparently very charming.

Kyril vs. Wren (PS4)
Kyril vs. Redrum (XG)
Kyril vs. Ryu (BoF1)
Kyril vs. Summoner (FF5)
Kyril vs. Lang (Legaia 2)
Kyril vs. Lenny (SH2)
Kyril vs. Jin (XS3)
Kyril vs. Einheria (BD)
Kyril vs. Percival (S3)
Kyril vs. Rose (LoD)
Kyril vs. Raigh (FE6)
Kyril vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)
Kyril vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)

Delphox vs. Wren (PS4)
Delphox vs. Redrum (XG)
Delphox vs. Ryu (BoF1)
Delphox vs. Summoner (FF5)
Delphox vs. Lang (Legaia 2)
Delphox vs. Lenny (SH2)
Delphox vs. Jin (XS3)
Delphox vs. Einheria (BD)
Delphox vs. Percival (S3)
Delphox vs. Rose (LoD)
Delphox vs. Raigh (FE6)
Delphox vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)
Delphox vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)

Marth vs. Wren (PS4)
Marth vs. Redrum (XG)
Marth vs. Ryu (BoF1)
Marth vs. Summoner (FF5)
Marth vs. Lang (Legaia 2)
Marth vs. Lenny (SH2)
Marth vs. Jin (XS3)
Marth vs. Einheria (BD)
Marth vs. Percival (S3)
Marth vs. Rose (LoD)
Marth vs. Raigh (FE6)
Marth vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)
Marth vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)

Sara vs. Wren (PS4)
Sara vs. Redrum (XG)
Sara vs. Ryu (BoF1)
Sara vs. Summoner (FF5)
Sara vs. Lang (Legaia 2)
Sara vs. Lenny (SH2)
Sara vs. Jin (XS3)
Sara vs. Einheria (BD)
Sara vs. Percival (S3)
Sara vs. Rose (LoD)
Sara vs. Raigh (FE6)
Sara vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)
Sara vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)

Random Consonant

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 09:16:01 AM »
Kyril vs. Wren (PS4)
Kyril vs. Redrum (XG)
Kyril vs. Summoner (FF5)
Kyril vs. Lenny (SH2) - Eh on second thought Lenny's early enough that it might be plausible he survives an OHKO and yeah not on board with a turn 1 Kyril dodge.
Kyril vs. Einheria (BD)
Kyril vs. Percival (S3) - dude Snow I think Percy is more like 2.2 PCHP against physicals, that's just horrible here
Kyril vs. Rose (LoD)
Kyril vs. Raigh (FE6)
Kyril vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)
Kyril vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)

Having a shot of OHKO level damage is pretty good I hear, too bad it's only one shot.

Delphox vs. Wren (PS4) - Man Wren even has above average durability against magic damage -before- Barrier.
Delphox vs. Redrum (XG)
Delphox vs. Summoner (FF5) - Purchase Odin's alcoholic beverages
Delphox vs. Lenny (SH2)
Delphox vs. Einheria (BD) - You really need to spoil Jump or something.  Not that Delphox would have much of a shot unless one held the full brunt of Einheria's near -2 SD speed against her.
Delphox vs. Percival (S3) - Probably.
Delphox vs. Rose (LoD)
Delphox vs. Raigh (FE6) - lol
Delphox vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre) - Yep.
Delphox vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1) - uh sure

I think the only thing this pool proves about Delphox to me is that it has a bunch of people who straight up don't care what her game is.

Well the kindest possible interp for Marth12 is basically to assume the levels I took the stat topic at when I made it (I probably wouldn't use those levels if I were making it -now-, but c'est la vie) and not factor in crits at all in a game where all non-recruitable enemies have zero luck, in which case he's a bit shy from 2HKOing!  At least he has that +2 to stats thing so it takes a bit more than fractionally above average speed to keep him from doubling.

Marth vs. Wren (PS4) - Even in the most favorable scenario for Marth my kneejerk strongly trends this way.  Wren goes first, Marth's evade isn't really that hypeable, and Positron Bolt + Flareshot 2HKOs him unless he blows a turn on Falchion healing which definitely doesn't save him from being 3HKO'd, doing so a second time may not either, and since 32 evade is really more like 20% evade it's not like it matters to me (let alone anyone who actually does reward PS4 for evade sucking syphilitic goats).
Marth vs. Redrum (XG) - 104% speed ID.
Marth vs. Summoner (FF5) - oh look, a case where whether or not you factor in crits for non-killer weaponry for FE12 matters.  Per the above disclaimer I am going to be fairly harsh here.
Marth vs. Lenny (SH2) - If Kyril can't manage it, Marth sure as hell can't either.
Marth vs. Einheria (BD) - Hi WTD, glad you could join us today.   Jump does 1.24 PCHP to people who can't defend?  Yeah that's byebye.  May not actually matter if you let him defend against it or automatically take it against Default or whatever, Marth doesn't really care for what WTD does to his damage against physically durable bosses.
Marth vs. Percival (S3) - wtf is this is this seriously going to end in falchion heal/counter hype I think it might but I am too lazy for this right now
Marth vs. Rose (LoD) - Well Marth wins this if you don't let Rose begin with SP I'd think.  But Rose without SP so isn't Heavy.
Marth vs. Raigh (FE6) - Don't think I buy Marth dodging turn 2 here and Raigh likely goes first to boot.
Marth vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre) - Isn't one-rounded no matter what here.  Arycelle speed kind of goes down long term but not enough that Marth gets to lap before he dies.
Marth vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1) - I so do not remember SO1 SNES well enough for this.

I am shocked, shocked by the fact that Marth did the worst out of anyone here to me.  It's like he's not really a Heavy or something.

Sara vs. Wren (PS4) - domo arigato mister roboto
Sara vs. Redrum (XG) - you guys really need to wall ID or something
Sara vs. Summoner (FF5)
Sara vs. Lenny (SH2)  - or petrify for that matter
Sara vs. Einheria (BD) - Sara against a roughly 3 PCHP against physicals boss.
Sara vs. Percival (S3) - Get some fucking damage will you Percy.
Sara vs. Rose (LoD) - Berserk just misses being turn 1 and Rose can block Resonance Weep welp
Sara vs. Raigh (FE6) - Well if Snow thinks this is right I'm not going to argue.
Sara vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre) - Um.  She even has two chances at this to make matters worse.
Sara vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1) - SO1 and status protection.

Hey it's like she has options and junk.  Too bad a lot of those options are status and this pool had a fair amount of immunity floating around.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 01:30:34 AM by Random Consonant »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2015, 12:20:00 PM »
Kyril vs. Wren (PS4 ) - It's possibly not even -necessary-, but Kyril's ability to heal-lock Wren:
Kyril vs. Redrum (XG) - Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.
Kyril vs. Ryu (BoF1) - Ryu may need to transform/detransform once in a while, but this feels well within his grasp.
Kyril vs. Summoner (FFV) - Well, Kyril is faster, OHKO ensues.
Kyril vs. Lang (Legaia 2) - This is actually kinda problematic for Lang: Kyril has a 75% counter rate and Lang's damage is both melee and pretty backloaded, and while his magic could -actually- be an option (it actually scrapes a 2HKO to average!), using Fire on Kyril is quite frankly asking for a Flying Swallow overkill. Given how Lang doesn't avoid being OHKOed by much as is and Kyril can easily avoid Mystic Artes' danger range... uh yeah.
Kyril vs. Lenny Curtis (SH2) - Survive, turn Kyril into stone, I guess? I suppose Kyril has a case with dodging, but I don't think I consider his evade to be turn one.
Kyril vs. Jin Uzuki (XS3) - Ghost Diver not very useful against Kyril to me and he uh OHKOs while being -3HKOed- back.
Kyril vs. Einheria Venus (BD) - There's a wee bit of a durability difference here, honey.
Kyril vs. Percival Fraulein (S3) - Percival's like 1.7 pdur does pretty horrible things to Kyril's game. He might be threatened by the occasional counter, but then those face his evade as well.
Kyril vs. Rose (LoD) - Sigh, no starting SP for me still.
Kyril vs. Raigh (FE6) - lol ohko.
Kyril vs. Arycelle Dania (TO) - More lol ohko.
Kyril vs. Roddick Farrence (SO1) - Roddick's parasitic healing game on paper should be enough here, since he doesn't get OHKOed and staves off potential heal-locks. Range on some of his money attacks also solves problems regarding counters too. GRANTED, Roddick's accuracy sucks and he only 3HKOs, so any miss is potentially lethal. I'll think about this. EDIT: against 25% evade (which is what I see Kyril having in practice), Roddick's likely to miss once, so make that a 4HKO. However, if he misses on the first turn, it really doesn't make much of a difference - only misses from the second turn onwards will prove fatal. I'll just split the difference and say the odds favor him anyway, since Kyril himself has some accuracy issues and then, Roddick's multi-hit nature also grants him -some- holistic advantage for the draining. Sure.

6-7. More or less right: OHKOing average is cool, being below average speed and not being all that hard to avoid the OHKO not so much. The pool also had a couple really tanky healers, which Kyril utterly abhors (as NEB said, Kyril's game sorta plummets into the abyss against good pdur).

Some rough eyeballing sez the current Pokémon Gen 6 averages for damage clock in at nearly 80 - for now, assuming the average is 79.

Delphox vs. Wren - Delphox lacking a truly strong backup for its fire offense really dooms it here, since it can't even pressure Wren with much of anything.
Delphox vs. Redrum - Deathity death death.
Delphox vs. Ryu - Well, this is actually weird. Delphox is faster than Ryu outside the transformation turn... but Ryu probably wants to stay human since he 2HKOs with his physical! Or would, but Burn puts a crimp on this and ew. So he wants to transform. So, Delphox Light Screens/Mystical Fires in response. Now, Ryu currently -4HKOs- the fennec post-Light Screen (probably not much better with Mystical Fire), and Sunny Day Blast Burn+Psychic likely lands a 2HKO... and I'm not sure how Ryu can really get out of this situation, since he starts wasting turns that let Delphox set up. Iunno. A missed Will-o-Wisp is baaaaaaaaaaaad news, but otherwise Ryu having problems against halfway competent mages applies, even though he actually resists Delphox's main damage. Go figure. There's also the stuff about Agni auto-applying weakness, which could turn the fight around, but uh I have no idea how the heck I'd have that interact with Pokémon weaknesses.
Delphox vs. Summoner - Odin/Catoblepas at worst. Delphox doesn't really have the tools to win a fight in a single round.
Delphox vs. Lang - Lang resists Fire, which means Delphox winning in two turns is simply impossible. Will-o-Wisp may buy the fox some time, but - EDIT: Wait, I oversold Lang damage against Delphox. Yeah, Burn => Psychic => Future Sight buys the fennec enough time.
Delphox vs. Lenny Curtis - Stone. Sigh.
Delphox vs. Jin Uzuki (XS3) - Jin is -marginally- faster first turn... but average afterwards, so Delphox scrapes a lap and completes the 2HKO first. Jin has both below average HP and game-worst EDef in XS3, so I can't really imagine him being able to survive two Delphox turns.
Delphox vs. Einheria Venus (BD) - Oh lord, this is an awful durability difference.
Delphox vs. Percival Fraulein (S3) - Well, this depends on how you see Silent Lake interacting with Pokémon, to a degree. Since I've never been much for it smacking Pokéskills (any non-Rune magical attack in S3 bypasses the move and any physical Rune move bypasses it too), Delphox applies Sunny Day and starts pressuring with Flamethrower. Since Percival shouldn't even 3HKO Delphox, this works pretty good. Will-o-Wisp can also be used to waste Kindness Drops charges, since Sunny Day Blast Burn+one turn of residual damage risks a KO on Percy as is, along with making his offense against the fox even more miserable.
Delphox vs. Rose (LoD) - No starting SP rears its ugly head once again. Delphox has no real trouble 2HKOing Rose.
Delphox vs. Raigh (FE6) - Raigh scores both a Dark weakness and a WTA on Delphox, eeeeew. Even Light Screen can't really do anything about it and Raigh has way too much mdur for Delphox to ever 2HKO through Nos counters, even nerfed by Light Screen.
Delphox vs. Arycelle Dania (Tactics Ogre) - Delphox -barely- misses the OHKO on Arycelle... but is faster and isn't OHKOed anyway. It could also Will-o-Wisp => Blast Burn if it cares, but this is less surefire than just Flamethrower => Blast Burn anyway.
Delphox vs. Roddick Farrence (Star Ocean 1) - Ow ow ow ow, Roddick can hit two weaknesses while draining (Water -and- Earth) -and- immunes Fire. This is just horrifying.

6-7. At first, I thought "man, there's no way Delphox is a Heavy" when looking at the stat topic, but huh, it actually doesn't look like much of a stretch in this pool. Certainly not a great performance, but I was expecting it to tank pretty hard and it actually garnered a few pretty significant wins! Interesting bag of tricks, too.

Sara Carson vs. Wren - Nothing Sara has I'd see as having any effect against Wren.
Sara Carson vs. Redrum - Instant death!
Sara Carson vs. Ryu - Ryu's -marginally- slower than Sara, but his first action is -obviously- transforming (lest he wants to eat Charm in his face) and Sara isn't faster by enough to actually lap Ryu before he gets two turns. So, she has two shots. The odds of landing a Shadow Kill in those turns she gets are... 53.8%, roughly. Not quite enough for me, since I go for 66% thresholds.
Sara Carson vs. Summoner - Summoner can immune Charm and should have enough MEvade to make any other status of Sara's turn two... but then, Summoner's -own- status can miss too. THIS SAID, Summoner's status once it lands wins the match instantly, while Sara's still needs her to finish things off. So, the odds favor Summoner, quite honestly.
Sara Carson vs. Lang - Immunes all the relevant statuses AT ONCE (O_o) and 2HKOs. Sara can't really fight this.
Sara Carson vs. Lenny Curtis - Sigh, stone.
Sara Carson vs. Jin Uzuki - Finally, someone status-vulnerable. Resonance Weep, go to town.
Sara Carson vs. Einheria Venus - Oh god.
Sara Carson vs. Percival Fraulein - She has -years- to land even freaking Shadow Kill, let alone anything else.
Sara Carson vs. Rose - Faster and 2HKOs even if status slinging ain't an option. Rose pdur kinda bad.
Sara Carson vs. Raigh (FE6) - Raigh 2HKOs and Sara can't break through the draining, so she -needs- to land Charm by turn two... which, huh, she actually pulls off, methinks. Go her.
Sara Carson vs. Arycelle Dania (Tactics Ogre) - Sara's faster and holy shit Charm against Arycelle status resistance.
Sara Carson vs. Roddick Farrence (Star Ocean 1) - Resonance Weep. Go go go.

6-7. Well, this was pretty much what I expected. Sara's quite good against the status-vulnerable, but pretty miserable in Heavy against the status-immune. Not being 100% out of the woods once she lands one of them doesn't really help either (mattered on her vs. Summoner, for instance), but Charm's still a pretty killer status anyway.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 07:30:34 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 07:26:37 PM »
I guess the duellers are a spectrum of Heavy, so this probably says more about "how good a Heavy is this person" rather than what side of the border they fall on. Which is fine.

Kyril vs. Wren (PS4): Yeah, I don't think Kyril'e OHKO move looks that good on Wren.
Kyril vs. Redrum (XG): Can't avoid the ID limit even if confuse doesn't fuck him up, which it probably does.
Kyril vs. Ryu (BoF1): Dragon Ryu too physically tanky, Kyril kinda falls off a cliff against people with high pdur.
Kyril vs. Summoner (FF5): On the other hand, people without pdur? Hate him.
Kyril vs. Lang (Legaia 2): Counters make up for slight tankishness.
Kyril vs. Lenny (SH2): Yeaah not feeling a Kyril turn 1 evade + him 2HKOing, both are pretty questionable.
Kyril vs. Jin (XS3): OHKOs.
Kyril vs. Einheria (BD): Surely.
Kyril vs. Percival (S3): 1.7 pdur sounds low for Percival if anything, and again Kyril can't deal with that. God help him if you let Breath of Ice create water panels under Kyril (although he can avoid that problem with the storebought change-element-to-wind armour, I think? At least I believe that was storebought...).
Kyril vs. Rose (LoD): No starting SP.
Kyril vs. Raigh (FE6): Kyril back in his element.
Kyril vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre): Again.

Delphox vs. Wren (PS4): Can't see Delphox breaking through here.
Delphox vs. Redrum (XG): If Delphox could dodge the limit normally, confuse would wreck the chances of that.
Delphox vs. Ryu (BoF1): Ryu would like to 2HKO just by staying as a human, and Delphox probably can't 2HKO first... so she will use Burn to ward that off. Okay, this creates a guessing game, but one which Delphox can afford to "guess wrong" with by always opening with Burn. Consider Delphox running Will-o-Wisp/some antimagic move/Psychic/Future Sight. Ryu transforms, Delphox burns (and missess). Delphox will use Light Screen, Ryu now has a 4HKO. Obviously Delphox can outslug this, although Ryu can still destransform-heal... still, that feels like a losing prospect. Alternatively, since this will be a long fight anyway, just Mystical Fire Ryu repeatedly, which will wreck his ability to win while transformed ever. Reburn him if he detransforms in a position where he can't be finished off. Since Delphox is 3HKOing constantly even with just Psychic and Mystic Fire as options (with Future Sight as a healer-busting trump card)... yeah, this feels fairly hopeless for Ryu. His only hope is that burn misses on a turn he stays as human... if Delphox even tries to burn him instead of trying to kill him under those circumstances.
Delphox vs. Summoner (FF5): Odin.
Delphox vs. Lang (Legaia 2): Delphox burns Lang immediately so his damage now fails. Delphox can still very easily 3HKO, but dodging a limit is a bit tricky. Regen mostly offsets burn... but wait, there's still Future Sight! Set that up for a smash-in-the-face move on turn 4, Lang ain't killing or status first.
Delphox vs. Lenny (SH2): Stone.
Delphox vs. Jin (XS3): 2HKOs first.
Delphox vs. Einheria (BD): Probably can't be burned so ew.
Delphox vs. Percival (S3): Can set up lots of pressure. Another fight which Future Sight could easily tilt, as well. Future Sight + Blast Burn on the same turn is one hell of a bitchslap.
Delphox vs. Rose (LoD): Yep.
Delphox vs. Raigh (FE6): Darkness weakness is too much.
Delphox vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre): Arycelle is disturbingly close to OHKOing (before Burn, to be fair), but Delphox is faster and has a very easy 2HKO.

Checking my file, Marth is Level 28... but all but one of my "main team" is 20/18 or higher. So yeah I'd probably be less generous to Marth (or more to everyone else, I suppose, if I feel like focusing on caps more). Using Level 26 because nice round numbers are nice and round.

Marth vs. Wren (PS4): Wren isn't having trouble blowing past that healing.
Marth vs. Redrum (XG): Marth isn't avoiding Murder.
Marth vs. Ryu (BoF1): Marth hits really hard here, but it's only one hit. And Dragon Ryu's def is super-high, so he's only 3HKOed. Of course, he spends one turn on transforming, but 2HKOing Marth isn't a problem. Marth has some evade... but yeah it's really not good enough here to me.
Marth vs. Summoner (FF5): Marth still manages above average damage to me, and barely doubles average, so that's something.
Marth vs. Lang (Legaia 2): 2HKOs with Blazing Smash.
Marth vs. Lenny (SH2): Lenny is even happier for the weak status immunity in this field than Redrum is, and that's saying something.
Marth vs. Jin (XS3): I don't remember XS3 boost gauge mechanics or what attacks are ranged, so I'm trusting Snowfire here.
Marth vs. Einheria (BD): Oh right WTD sucks more for FE11-13 swordsmen than the usual.
Marth vs. Percival (S3): Percy is too fast to double, so that's something, but yeah, Rapier counters... but yeesh they 6HKO because S3 armour is a thing. But Percival can't really make headway ever... the Rapier actually breaks at some point, but whatever, Falchion's not that much worse, and Percival would need to get lucky with crits to win. He can take a more offensive build, but I'd guess it's still hopeless... he can only slightly outpace Falchion healing, and loses all the progress whenever he needs to heal himself.
Marth vs. Rose (LoD): LoD enemies have normal melee counters you can get past with timed hits, though they can't nullify general counters. This is enough for me to give them a pass against being chippershredded by all of FE, which is a nice compromise for no starting SP to me. As such, Rose survives one Marth turn and IDs him.
Marth vs. Raigh (FE6): Doubles and counters offset... both 2HKO, but only one drains.
Marth vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre): Marth might double, here, but won't one-round while Arycelle 2HKOs first.

Delphox. 6-6. Averagish, but a lot of fun. Definitely one of the best Pokemon starters in the DL.
Kyril 6-6. Averagish.
Marth 2-10. Probably isn't Heavy, but could be. Depends a bit on specifics of respect/level-quibbling/etc.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 01:05:37 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 10:34:42 PM »
Elf: Pretty much, this isn't really a PG along the lines of super's old "figure out which side of the line borderliners are" but a more general "excuse to give unranked duelers some matches."  None of these characters seemed super-amazingly close to the border anyway.

FE12, re Random: Hmm, levels are a bit of a mess.  From my Hard playthrough, it's quite easy to hit 20/20 with non-late joiners, which is most of the cast, so arguably amp the levels up...  but that also reduces uniqueness by making stat caps matter quite a bit, so all Paladins become more identical, etc. when there's really a noticeable difference most of the game between someone who caps Speed at 20/10 vs. caps Speed at 20/20.  So I think I'm fine with 20/15 just to amp up uniqueness some.  Marth also hits L30 a good bit sooner than the final mission, and could easily have gotten there 5 missions early if fed a tad, so I'd be fine with him / Thieves at L30 vs. the 20/15ers.  (Although, arguably, an "earlier" interp would also deny Marth his Falchion, which he wouldn't like either...)

I will say that I wouldn't put the 4 Bishops in the averages, and would put some kind of meta-Chris in the averages (average together all possible starting classes & all potential trait selections), although the cast is so huge it barely matters.  It'd adjust all the averages slightly upward, though.

Marth vs. Redrum (XG) - ID, confused Marth isn't dodging the limit whatever it is.
Marth vs. Ryu (BoF1) - Well there's 1 pity spoiler win at least.
Marth vs. Summoner (FF5) - Marth only barely fails to kill against the crit-adjusted average, and he has a 63% chance of getting a crit if he switches to a Killing Edge, so I'm inclined to throw him a bone here.
Marth vs. Lenny (SH2) - Yeah Marth's evade is not turn 1, not clear it'd save him even if it was.
Marth vs. Jin (XS3) - Ghost Diver gives Jin time here, set up Balance Down & buff his attack, then chip away from long distance, since he apparently has that ability.  He may run out of EP but I think he barely makes it if he finishes with a 3 boost-bar ultimate.
Marth vs. Einheria (BD) - If Einheria had an axe, Marth would at least have a fighting chance, though it maybe wouldn't matter vs. the durability.  Alas.
Marth vs. Percival (S3) - Rapier hype?!  But yeah, Marth can't really lose with the free healing + pressure on counters.
Marth vs. Rose (LoD) - Yeah, Rose needs to attack into Marth's counter if she wants to transform.  Bad idea.  Amusing that Falchion weakness hype is kinda irrelevant here.
Marth vs. Raigh (FE6) - Marth, fix your bad Resistance, if you were 3HKO'd you might win but Raigh 2HKOs you and murders you.
Marth vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre) - Boom.

4-6.  Yeah, I remember someone hyping Marth as a more legit Heavy, but he needs slightly more damage to pull it off.  He's got a swordmaster-lite build of usually doubling, but the lack of turn 1 evade and missing a turn 1 double -> OHKO average hold him back a good deal.  So yeah, while I'd kneejerk him as slightly more competent than Random, he's still borderline at best.


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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2015, 06:30:49 AM »
Quick voting for me this time

Kyril vs. Wren (PS4)- Wren
Kyril vs. Redrum (XG)- Redrum
Kyril vs. Ryu (BoF1)- Ryu
Kyril vs. Summoner (FF5)- Kyril
Kyril vs. Lang (Legaia 2)- Kyril
Kyril vs. Lenny (SH2)- Lenny. Not even close to an OHKO for me.
Kyril vs. Jin (XS3)- I seem to remember XS 3 evade being pretty comprehensive against physicals, so you are out of luck on that respect Kyril. Of course, Kyril still comes oddly close with his L1. He needs 4 shots to kill Jin, but Jin only needs 3. of those three needs to be an attack that I haven't listed though (due to the fact that I thought there would be no use) as Jin needs to avoid knocking Kyril below 20% HP. I'm going to assume that there is not an issue with this. So...Jin.
Kyril vs. Einheria (BD)- Einheria
Kyril vs. Percival (S3)- Percival
Kyril vs. Rose (LoD)- Rose. Starting SP for me
Kyril vs. Arycelle (Tactics Ogre)- Kyril
Kyril vs. Roddick (Star Ocean 1)- Roddick. Defense to kill the OHKO, draining to render Kyril's chipping attempts useless, and AoE. Roddick's accuracy is fine enough (especially for me as Kyril is not evasive...beyond the fact that everyone in Suiko Tactics is evasive. Kyril has 50% evade and is still below average!)

Kyril 3-9 (I've always thought of him as a borderliner that struggles in Heavy, but might be overpowering for Middle. This feels about right). I would say Kyril is pretty close the border myself.
...into the nightfall.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds Heavy: Heroic Heavy Heroes, also a firefox
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2015, 07:25:44 PM »
Also, Random: I'm voting on Roddick off SO1PSP. I -have- played SO1o, but I have a far better grasp on the PSP version and a better memory of it as well.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....