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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1525 on: January 19, 2017, 08:54:49 PM »
Honestly?  Mock Rick Perry all you want, but his appointment is positively high-tier in Trump's cabinet picks.  I'm talking top 25% or so.  He's got executive experience and he's publicly eaten crow, which is likely to lead to at least a measure of humility.  Nominating politicians to run technical departments is nothing new, like nominating politicians to be ambassadors rather than State Department employees - you get a different skill set, which is not necessarily bad, as long as you don't have someone who either imposes their will past frantic objections of bureaucrats who actually know better, or even worse, someone who gets bamboozled by the wrong set of bureaucrats.  Perry might literally be the 2nd best nomination Trump has made.  At least he isn't actively trying to destroy the department he's going to run (anymore), which is true of like half of Trump's appointees (DeVos, Puzder, Carson, Pompeo)  and isn't a crony of Trump with no qualifications other than fundraising & loyalty (Mnuchin, Ross, Brietbart if he counts, Puzder & DeVos again).


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1526 on: January 19, 2017, 09:24:08 PM »
Were his governing years great and I just missed out in his lame last two years? I'm not from TX, but time in Austin made me think of Perry as more politically savvy than well-intentioned. Could it work in the environment's favor? Who knows. With his track record I imagine the jokes won't go away.

Someone from TX tell me it's so and that the lawsuits against the EPA or his indictments over abuses of power were just fake news.

His hearing was quite tame. Sanders was Sanders aggravated by one round of questioning. I am shocked by the admission of having one's word allows for the easy deference of direct answers. Histories riddled with folk not living up to their words. Why hold to traditional inquery when everyone's stated this is a so-called nontraditional presidency?

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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1527 on: January 19, 2017, 10:29:08 PM »
Perry was pretty horrible as governor, and only reelected multiple times because the state was super-Red at the time.  The only good thing he did during his many terms was an executive order requiring girls to get a vaccine for HPV, and of course that got overturned by the State Senate.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1528 on: January 19, 2017, 10:49:32 PM »
Perry's tenure?  I dunno, it was "good for a Republican?"  Texas's economy did pretty well under him, but there are lots of reasons for that that have nothing to do with the state government and everything to do with the fact that Texas has tons and tons of cheap land with light regulations to go sprawl over, while California already did that in the 60s and is now out of (good) space.  Right place at the right time, basically.

Doesn't matter.  Perry built his own power base and was a name before Trump.  He's not a random hanger-on like Mnuchin, who would normally easily win "most offensively horrible" choice (like, Goldman Sachs, fine, but can't you pick, like Paulson again?  Someone actually high-up, not a nobody?) if not for real winners like Ross & DeVos.  For a comparison to Clinton, it'd be like Clinton nominating Andrew Cuomo for Dept. Energy; sure, he's a random Dem governor with no particular Energy experience, but he probably has learned SOMETHING about managing government organizations, and he's not a random Democratic fundraiser.  The equivalent of picking Sessions for AG would be like finding some kind of academic radical who's a lawyer-turned-professor and now head of a Gender Studies department, the equivalent of Ross/DeVos would be like a Democratic-supporting millionaire who is a flake and wrong about everything, and the equivalent of Pompeo is like picking Edward Snowden to be head of the CIA.  (And god forbid attempting to find a Breitbart equivalent.  Maybe some unreconstructed Maoist found on DailyKos.)


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1529 on: January 20, 2017, 12:43:51 AM »
as long as you don't have someone who either imposes their will past frantic objections of bureaucrats who actually know better

So, not Rick Perry, then...

Perry's governance was disastrous, and the growth Texas experienced during his years was in spite of him rather than because of him.  When he took office, the state was poised to become "Silicon Valley 2.0".  Not just Austin, but Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and probably other locations were booming with growth - not just the speculative startup kind of growth, but things with long term root potential, like the tech programs at Rice and UT Dallas that my brothers and friends attended.  But over Perry's tenure, all this dried up.  He dismantled the state's education systems, and the university programs collapsed in turn.  HP's meteoric fall wrecked the Houston tech center; the actual fall wasn't Perry's fault specifically, but his lack of action and Fiorina's subsequent welcome into the GOP sure didn't help matters in the minds of workers and prospectives.  Texas has gone from a location that could compete with California to a clearly second class state, where people say things like "Hm, I guess it's not too bad if you stay completely in Austin and can stomach living in Texas..."   

and the equivalent of Pompeo is like picking Edward Snowden to be head of the CIA.

So, Pompeo is a pretty good pick then?  Didn't expect that.

edit: on his way out, Perry (through Dan Patrick) is pushing a Bathroom Bill for Texas.  Just as one final fuck you, in case anyone actually thought the Texas GOP had the state's economic interests at heart.  They have not and do not.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 01:11:42 AM by Sir Alex »

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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1530 on: January 20, 2017, 02:21:37 AM »
So since we're on the subject of Texas Republicans!

The city where I live has a new Republican mayor.  He ran on the platform that he was an engineer, with an engineering degree from Florida State.  And could fix our problems with his engineering knowledge.  Okay sounds good, our roads and infrastructure are shit, so this should be a good thing.

Turns out he's not an engineer.  And never attended Florida State.  When confronted with this news, he resorted to Trump-esque backpedaling on Facebook.  Then he resigned from office via Facebook.

And then we get this brilliant interview:


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1531 on: January 20, 2017, 02:54:10 AM »
Alex: To be 100% clear, I'm far from a Rick Perry fanboy, and I don't doubt anything you said - a lot of Texas's success is for reasons that have nothing at all to do with Perry, and Texas's criminal underinvestment in education is a huge problem.  But that's, like, "speaking as a Democrat" territory.  I'm just saying that he's basically a vanilla Republican so I'm not gonna like everything, but whatever.  He wasn't actively scandalous as a governor.  Low bar, I know.

Trump's other noms are like "wtfno" (albeit, not unshocking for Trump).  As in, if I was a hypothetical Mitt Romney Republican, I'd weep for my party because these are not the best of the best for jobs that freaking demand the best of the best, drain the swamp from filthy Washington elites aside.  Nor are they even kinda sorta okay.  DeVos / Ross / Mnuchin / Pudzer are like some kind of evil Four Horseman of future incompetence and evil.  (Also, if you think Snowden would be a good pick for CIA, then you get my point!  As in, Pompeo isn't *incompetent* or anything, but just as Snowden would be like the leftiest possible pick, Pompeo is like the most archconservative hang-them-all pick you could grab, chillin' with Sessions on the extreme right wing.)

As far as bathroom bills go, yeah, I heard about that.  That said, they were never about economics, and sadly economic rationales aren't really crowd pleasers anyway.  "Transgender people are human too" is the only argument that's gonna work, and we'll see how that ends up.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1532 on: January 20, 2017, 04:56:30 AM »
Appealing to people's good nature is working out really well in politics lately.
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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1533 on: January 20, 2017, 06:47:10 AM »
To the extent you mean that seriously....  I couldn't disagree more.  This is what has been getting the Democrats owned for a long time, possibly some remnant of Marxist professors from the 1930s who believed that every motivation was secretly economic/class-based.  You will see a very common phrase in Democratic op-eds: poor people / country-dwelling folk who vote Republican are "voting against their own interests."  That is, that they'd get all these worldly benefits like healthcare and taxing the rich if they vote for the Democratic Party, but not all of them do!  What's up with that? 

Well...  true as it might be, this is a surprisingly weak argument.  It can essentially be spun to be the equivalent of "we're offering you thirty pieces of silver, why don't you hurry up and betray Jesus?"  Telling people "do it because we coastal elites will deign to not boycott you and deny you precious money" is dangerous business.  No matter how much sense it makes, it's only convincing a few very coolly rational people.  To take a slightly more noble example, the South in the Civil War thought that economic embargo would bring the British to heel.  We'll make them lose money!  Then they'll have no choice but to support us!  Unfortunately for them, the opposition to slavery for religious reasons was prominent among the exact people in the British fabric industry they hoped to influence, so it went over like a lead balloon.  (I don't for a second think that abolishing slavery and teaching transsexual monsters a lesson are remotely equivalent, but all you have to do is believe that to proponents of the bill, it seems that way.)  Or, for another example, from Spanish history...  there was a long perception in Spanish history that Jews and later crypto-Jews used their money to buy influence among the out-of-touch elite in the courts.  This perception was 100% true: the common person was way more psychotically anti-Semitic than educated people at court, and Jews really did band together to make "voluntary donations" of extra taxes and the like to the crown in an effort to win privileges like, say, not having all the Jews in a town be enslaved because one of them was accused of some crime by a former business associate.  And I don't even blame them, they were frantically doing whatever they could.  Still, it played badly; telling people  "Let's accept the bribe from the Jews and spare them of the horrible fate they deserve for being a God-cursed people" is not going to convince many people.

Now, if you tried that in Spain nowadays, you wouldn't need the bribe, because people there understand now that Jews are people and not Satan's accomplices.  Proposing it would get you condemned and ignored.  That's what fixed the problem.  The argument can't be "ignore Jesus, we need the money we'll lose from a boycott;" it needs to be "Jesus loves everyone, including weirdos, and they're not THAT weird if you get to know them.  That's why people are so upset and doing the boycott."  So yes, appealling to people's good nature is what might fix the problem, just like the Spain example.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1534 on: January 20, 2017, 07:37:43 AM »

Edit - Okay now that I am not purely mobile and I guess I can not just make one liner jokes.

The joke was that in current climates appealing to people's good natures clearly isn't working out so well because it resulted in 2017.  Now that I have overthought it I can't parse if "To the extent you mean that seriously....  I couldn't disagree more." meant the raw text of the joke you disagree with or the spirit of the joke.

So I guess I will not badly deconstruct your argument to try and understand it because I am struggling with language today (your points fine, I am just really not functioning today) and state the feels.

I think we need a fuck load more than appealing to people's inherent good nature these days.  I don't think economic sanctions are going to drive the change we want either OR providing economic support is going to do it either.  What I think we badly need is exactly what you have described there, which is not appealing to people's nature and completely about educating people through very direct means.  Consistently the thing that gets people more accepting of social change is getting people familiar with and normalizing each other.  Reducing the "Other" or making "Them" more of "Us". 

Unfortunately it cuts the other way as well.  Right now there is hard push of Othering people and making part of what should be "Us" to people into "Them".  That is in large portions coming from people normalizing bigotry and horrible sentiments, plenty of them already existing prior to 2001 bubbling up and just curdling for the last 15 years to a point where there very clearly was a "Them" that people could latch onto. 

There is a reason you see a burgeoning horde of young right wing people flirting with racism and it is because people between the age of 18-22 were 3-7 and in the entire lifetime that they have been capable of forming solid memories there has been an acceptable normalised target for racism.

I would say the solution is for people to mingle and engage with the people that they spread hate about, but in the current climate I am also scared for those very same people.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 09:06:05 AM by Grefter »
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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1535 on: January 20, 2017, 03:17:33 PM »
I mean the sense of convincing people by over-focusing on the possible negative consequences for them.  "Don't do this or you'll get in trouble with the principal" for a schoolyard example, "don't do this because it violates a treaty / international law" for a politics example.  I interpret that as what you were advocating - don't bother trying to play nice and change people's minds, just inform people of the CONSEQUENCES, bro.  You'll screw yourself over if you do this crazy thing!  Don't do it!  You'll regret it!

This argument works on rational entities like your average business owner, but seems to go down in flames for masses of voters, who will do the 'right' rebellious thing and damn the consequences.  (Brexit an even better example than Trump, perhaps, since Remain campaigners rightly pointed out the coming economic catastrophe from Leave.)  This is both good and bad.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 04:00:19 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1536 on: January 20, 2017, 05:44:09 PM »
Just want to throw in that McCrory lost NC by SIGNIFICANTLY underperforming Trump, who carried the state pretty easily, and the prevailing theory is that, yes, HB2 actually did sink him.
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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1537 on: January 20, 2017, 06:04:59 PM »
You have the group who do emphasize penalties over actions yet to be made. Then you also have a group of people who are not nearly as forgiving to people who've shown themselves to have a track record antithetical to "positive change." Lesser evils be damned, weighing out not so tragic outcomes will be met with the same resistance by them as those who resist logicsplaining.

Trump's inaugration speech was so uncomfortable not for the same old campaign rhetoric but for the clear shitting on of his peers. If he succeeds with his plan over the 4 years, it only shows how hateful the  electoral powers are, how much business talks more than political platforms that maintain the status quo. Sigh, NEH/NEA/privatizing Public Broadcasting/claiming our military lacks the funding is just weighing so heavy atm.*

*not to say public education, healthcare and the whole slew of other things.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 06:06:40 PM by dunie »

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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1538 on: January 20, 2017, 06:16:35 PM »
Edit - Okay now that I am not purely mobile and I guess I can not just make one liner jokes.

Yeah. Congrats, Snowfire. You fell for the laziest Grefter sarcasm ever.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1539 on: January 20, 2017, 10:27:52 PM »
I interpret that as what you were advocating - don't bother trying to play nice and change people's minds, just inform people of the CONSEQUENCES, bro.  You'll screw yourself over if you do this crazy thing!  Don't do it!  You'll regret it!

Oh nah man that isn't people's good nature, that is their self preservation.  I am not saying you should expect rational actors in politics.   Appealing to people's good nature would be like "maybe everyone should be able to use the bathroom" or "There is no such thing as the Deserving Poor.  There is just poor people and they deserve as much as everyone else does; which is peace, love and understanding."

You know, the idea that deep down at the heart of it all we are mostly good people trying to make the world a better place.  (Remembering that this saying it isn't working in Politics right now).
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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1540 on: January 20, 2017, 11:23:39 PM »
Alex: To be 100% clear, I'm far from a Rick Perry fanboy, and I don't doubt anything you said - a lot of Texas's success is for reasons that have nothing at all to do with Perry, and Texas's criminal underinvestment in education is a huge problem.  But that's, like, "speaking as a Democrat" territory.  I'm just saying that he's basically a vanilla Republican so I'm not gonna like everything, but whatever.  He wasn't actively scandalous as a governor.  Low bar, I know.

Trump's other noms are like "wtfno" (albeit, not unshocking for Trump).  As in, if I was a hypothetical Mitt Romney Republican, I'd weep for my party because these are not the best of the best for jobs that freaking demand the best of the best, drain the swamp from filthy Washington elites aside.  Nor are they even kinda sorta okay.  DeVos / Ross / Mnuchin / Pudzer are like some kind of evil Four Horseman of future incompetence and evil.  (Also, if you think Snowden would be a good pick for CIA, then you get my point!  As in, Pompeo isn't *incompetent* or anything, but just as Snowden would be like the leftiest possible pick, Pompeo is like the most archconservative hang-them-all pick you could grab, chillin' with Sessions on the extreme right wing.)

As far as bathroom bills go, yeah, I heard about that.  That said, they were never about economics, and sadly economic rationales aren't really crowd pleasers anyway.  "Transgender people are human too" is the only argument that's gonna work, and we'll see how that ends up.

You know when we're giving Trump credit for his Rick Perry nomination because it's a "low bar", that's exactly how this clusterfuck becomes normalized. Rick Perry is a terrible fucking choice. Stop grading Trump on a curve.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1541 on: January 21, 2017, 02:20:34 PM »
Let's step back a bit.  Perry has no experience or apparent interest in managing nukes.  Why'd the Trump team pick him for this?  His only connection to DOE is saying he wanted to abolish it.  This is a troll pick designed to upset the elites who care about good stewardship, because Trump jerks off to upsetting serious people.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1542 on: January 21, 2017, 03:51:55 PM »
NotMiki: I think you're reading too much into it.  Trump has openly talked about whether someone "looks" the part and believes that just by how someone appears he can tell if they'd be able to do the job.  I don't doubt Trump thought the same thing Perry did - that the Energy Secretary should be some handsome oil guy.  Hey, Texas has oil, and Perry's a Republican.  There you go!  (Advisor: But it's really more about managing nuclear energy.  Trump: But Real Voters don't know nor care about that.)  See also: put the black guy at Housing, not at, say, HHS.  Allegedly Trump was searching for some Latino to be Agriculture Secretary as well, which is why it was so delayed after he apparently failed to find one.

Grefter: Well, if neither self-interest nor some Higher Purpose works in your book, what's left?  Do what the charismatic leader told you to do because he's always right?  That works as long as you mostly agree with said leader, at least...

Anyway.  On a slightly more cheerful (??) note:


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1543 on: January 21, 2017, 10:31:54 PM »

edit* oops, link

The march was a great way to re-energize! Of course, weird incongruities emerge en masse, but it wouldn't be a diverse march if it didn't. Feels good to be out when I can. Got some more energy to put into work at home.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1544 on: January 21, 2017, 10:40:51 PM »
Was in D.C. for the big one. Absurdly packed.

Pretty much same reaction. Good times during bad times.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1545 on: January 26, 2017, 05:13:28 AM »
Not sure if this has been discussed before in chat, but I stumbled across a really interesting article about motivations for gaming for different demographics. Looks a bit more rigorously researched than most gaming articles so I thought it was worth sharing to get the DL's thoughts on it.

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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1546 on: January 26, 2017, 06:23:01 AM »
Completion is a powerful driving factor, and probably the main reason gacha mobile games do so well.  Gotta catch em all.


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1547 on: January 26, 2017, 11:06:16 AM »

Transcripts of conversations between WW2 German POW nuclear physicists when they learned about the atomic bombs used on Japan.  Fascinating stuff.  (When they talk about atomic "engines," they mean power plants/electrical generators)


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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1548 on: January 26, 2017, 03:27:52 PM »
DJ, your link's not working for me.
^ The pattern of conservative patronage and freedom of expression is a bit off here.

You know, he really should have brought up the very important fact that Trump nominated Steven Mnuchin, son of Robert Mnuchin (AKA one of the leading avant-garde galleries), as fucking Secretary of the fucking Treasury. Political and artistic conservatism be damned. NEA defunding/cutting would most certainly give 1%er gallerists even more representative power. Also, there's lots of other disturbing things that resonate with Christo's "earthworks," Trump's "wall" and NODAP just two of them. Institutional protest/artistic freedom/artforartssakemyth in/of US government is the smallest enemy here.

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Re: 2017 Miscellaneous Links: Venti, Tall, Grande
« Reply #1549 on: February 01, 2017, 09:42:16 PM »
Fire Emblem Heroes should be released sometime today for those interested.  Mobile gacha FE.