Author Topic: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information  (Read 6617 times)


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Current Overreaching Plot Arc

(2 3 episode compilations?)
Journey to the Throne of the First to discover the Journal of the First -> Journey to discover the Journal of the Second -> Return to the Throne of the First to open the sealed vault -> Unfortunately, the resources they have are hijacked by the Government -> The Guardians seize control -> The Guardians are defeated, but the Soul of the Second (sealed inside the vault) falls into the hands of the nobles -> (Time Hop, because ripping off FFVI is fun?) -> Power of the Second is defeated, along with theCorrupt Empire -> Erastus Turns -> Fin

More Detailed Plot Arc

Noemi, Mirek, Isolde, Other

Episode 1

Brief Exposition re: Dissonance/Disquiet/History ->

Noemi having had her proposal rejected, turns to Erastus to pursue it independently -> Erastus tests her abilities and dedication -> Arrangements are made to get supplies by Erastus, while Noemi sees to recruiting a ship -> A ship and willing captain are acquired -> Flashback to Noemi's past ->

Swap to Mirek who is harassed by thugs -> Shadowy figures discuss his position and what to do with him ->

Fast forward slightly to the arrival of Noemi and Co -> They head to the Sebrle Estate to meet with Mirek -> The meeting goes poorly -> The group is forced to reconsider their options ->

Mirek is confronted by Orienna -> Night falls -> The Guardians attempt to assassinate him -> Thanks to Eirwen's help, Mirek survives -> Unfortunately, in the wake of things, Mirek is arrested ->

Noemi and Erastus arrange to have him released in exchange for his help -> Erastus needs something that was lost at the Sebrle plantation, and wants to conduct further tests on the group's new members -> The test is passed and the mementos are recovered -> The group departs ->

An introduction to Isolde who arrives after Noemi has left -> Investigating the Guardian affairs -> Gathers info

The seas around the Throne of the First prove amazingly treacherous and dangerous -> The group starts to reconsider the plan, but Noemi is insistent -> The group reaches the island and things are quite nasty there, far worse than expected -> Nevertheless, they press forward -> They discover ruins at the center of the island -> Tempers and endurance strains as Noemi pushes the expedition further than they expected, longer than they expected (3 nights deep into the island?) -> There, in the ruins, they find the Journal of the First -> Unfortunately, it is guarded by a horrible abomination -> The group narrowly escapes -> Noemi is eager to continue the expedition, but needs time to work on the journal -> Return to Zadni

Episode 2

Journal needs to be deciphered -> An incident in Zadni marks the return of the Guardians -> The Journal leads them to the edges of the Empire -> The government has an interest in stopping one of their promising practitioners from going rogue at this time -> The party finds the ancient stronghold of the first Guardians -> Eventually, the Journal of the Second is discovered -> With it, they discover a way to break the seal, but that requires resources that they don't have.

Episode 3

Unfortunately, things do not go as planned and their resources are hijacked -> Someone else manages to break the seal and free the Essence of the Second -> Stuff happens -> Ho Snap
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 11:46:55 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 01:25:57 AM »
Character Stuff

Core PCs
-Noemi Seredova: Prodigy Student/Researcher. Intelligent, Driven, Dedicated. Obsessive, Callous, Self-Absorbed.
--Background: Child of plantation workers who died when she was young (early teens). Raised in the Sebrle Orphanage afterwards. Demonstrated amazing aptitude for Dissonance and was encouraged in her gift, leading to her installment in the capital, where she has worked tirelessly learning everything she can, particularly about Disquiet. Wants to solve the Disquiet problem. Has developed a number of marginally successful countermeasures during her time as both a student and researcher.
--Combat: Knows general self defense techniques and a variety of spells to hinder opponents and help herself. Has learned small bits of destructive magic from Erastus to defend herself. (Swords, other categories?)
--Character Arc: Reaffirmation of her belief in Dissonance/scientific study; Dealing with her obsession and tendency to manipulate/ignore people

-Mirek Sebrle: Former Guardian. Protective, Open, Reliable. Temperamental, Directionless, Unmotivated.
--Background: Younger son of Bohumil Sebrle. Enlisted to the Guardians after demonstrating potential as a practitioner. Proved quite effective there and was a bit of a golden boy. Did not turn during the Betrayal and stayed loyal to the Empire, but was incapacitated prior the attack on his home, resulting in the loss of most of his family. Fought to retain his lands and titles after Erastus dropped them. Has done nothing since.
--Combat: Guardian Style (based in Iaijutsu/Battojutsu). Relaxed and slow, weakening the enemy with sheathed blade strikes, finishing fights with singular, overpowering attacks. Resistant to Dissonance and Disquiet. Can defend allies against the effects to a degree. (Guardian Blade)
--Character Arc: Dealing with his own baggage about the way his life has gone and what he's done; Forming connections to others and, realizing that, as an extension, that he has to be proactive in life (ties to romance w/ Eirwen)

-Isolde Stoltz: Black Ops Military, former Field Commander. Tactical, Clever, Dedicated. Pragmatic, Cold, Forceful.
--Background: Hails from a common family, but distinguished herself in the academy, demonstrating an amazing combination of martial, magical, and tactical skills. She proved incredibly apt in the field and was particularly distinguished in her ability to handle dangerous situations with minimal losses. Unfortunately, her actions during the Betrayal were heavily criticized after the death of a noble's son, forcing military high command to discharge her. She has since focused on working as a freelancer, providing covert aid to the government.
--Combat: Attacks steadily, putting as much energy into each attack as she can afford. Crushes enemies with a combination of heavy weapons and incredible Dissonance. Her attacks aim for brutal efficiency, using the earth and freezing cold to crush individuals and platoons alike. (Heavy Weaponry)
--Character Arc: Question of what loyalty to the Empire really means.

Secondary PCs
-Kasia Jandova: Student/Researcher. Protective, Thoughtful, Supportive. Single-Minded, Gullible, Self-Destructive.
--Background: Coming from similar backgrounds, there is one trait that distinguished Kasia from Noemi: talent. While her childhood friend was incredibly skilled, Kasia had to struggle to achieve even average results. However, her struggles have paid off as she has been able to stay close to and assist her friend, Noemi, going so far as to follow her to the capital for schooling and research work.
--Combat: Not particularly capable in melee but an acceptable archer. Capable with medical Dissonance, meaning she can both heal and interfere with bodily functions. (Bows, Crossbows, Swords)
--Character Arc:

-Erastus Sebrle: Old Practitioner. Funny, Affectionate, Supportive. Cruel, Manipulative, Nihilistic.
--Background: The third son of a noble family, Erastus didn't ever have much going for him. Despite his power as a practitioner, his family did not respect his gifts, school was a bore, and the military didn't suit him. It wasn't until he met Selena that his life had purpose. And then it was there: a woman he loved, children he adored, lands to help tend... then the Betrayal occurred. The matter seemed under control... distant and safe... until, while away on business, Erastus returned to found that he had lost everything. Enlisting briefly with the military, he remained in service just long enough to eliminate the head of the Guardians before retreating into himself. It was only the efforts of Noemi, seeking his help, that he emerged back into the world.
--Combat: Raw, overwhelming power. Destroys his opposition with incredible fire. Enjoys giving shape to the fire and manipulating it. (Not Adept)
--Reverse Character Arc: Inverse of Noemi/Mirek arcs, more or less. Grows more immature over the course of the story.

-Eirwen Glass: Servant. Reliable, Kind, Improves Herself. Sensitive, Inferiority Complex, Reserved.
--Background: The only daughter of Trefor Glass, butler and loyal valet to the Sebrle household, Eirwen grew up as one of the many household servants. However, her father's unique take on his position, as well as his understanding of the dangers of life in the household of a noble, encouraged him to teach her additional skills. It is, after all, a valuable skill for someone in the kitchen to know how to (accurately) throw a knife across the room or disarm an intruder with at hand weaponry. She suffered in the environment, however, as her position earned her little distinction or recognition (in fact, often the opposite), and constantly strives to better herself and earn the recognition she deserves. Nevertheless, she cares for Mirek and has remained at his side through the Betrayal and the aftermath.
--Combat: Trained in martial arts and is quite adept with simple weaponry. In addition, she knows a number of dirty tricks to try and keep her natural disadvantages to a minimum. She has also learned how to use a number of herbs and poultices to great effect. (Quarterstaff, Knives)
--Character Arc: Learning to be the star of her own story and not feel like a third wheel; Coming to terms with her strengths and her limitations.

Tertiary PCs
-Katarine Lebendslust: Black Ops Military. Hard Worker, Devoted, Cunning. Obsessive, Put Upon, Maladjusted.
--Character Arc:

-Bartol Broz: Black Ops Military, Former Naval Commander. Responsible, Experienced, Sturdy, Companionable. Inflexible, Controlling.
--Background: A former Naval Commander in the Imperial Army,
--Character Arc:

-Djai Vaughan: Spy Among the Guardians. Cautious, Level-Headed, Clever. Cowardly, Survivalist, Overly Pragmatic.
--Character Arc:

Core NPCs
-Millicent Argall, Scion of the Argall Family

-Tiercek Zemakov, Current leader of the Guardians

Secondary NPCs

-Orienna Sedlak, Guardian, Mirek's former paramour

-Renate Argall, Younger Brother of Millicent

-The Artefact of the Second (a Choker)

Tertiary NPCs

-The Empress, Emiliana Brandislova

-Various Nobles
-X Theiss (Allied with Argall, family member is married to the Empress)
-X Bodovskov
-X Vahvuus
-X Dessous (Foppish male, 30's-40's; wishy-washy but leaning towards Argall)
-X Costa (Older woman, last surviving member of her family or near last, contemporary to Erastus)
-X Karason
-X Schwartzheide (Allied to Argall)
-X Neidsburg (Younger male as the former lord was found guilty conspiring with the Guardians [sacrificial lamb, not actually involved], Allied to Argall)
-X Oborn
-X Sebest
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 04:54:01 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 01:26:26 AM »
World Stuff

Government/Military Structure
The world is ruled over by an Emperor, chosen via heredity. Ascendency passes to the eldest child of the current Emperor directly if they are of age, and they are given to a steward until the child reaches age if not. Gender is irrelevant. Should contention occur in the claim (due to a lack of offsprings), the matter is decided by vote from the councils after details are examined.

The Emperor oversees two councils who primarily compose and examine laws: the Noble Council (a council of 13 noble families, representing the interests of various regions) and the more recently introduced Common Council (a council of 13 non-nobles, elected to service from the aforementioned regions). In the event of a council deadlock, the Emperor serves as the arbiter.

The Nobles formerly had complete sway over their region (appointment of officials, etc), however, the Common Councilor has been granted purview over many of these appointments to better balance the power.

In the wake of the Betrayal, a majority of members of the Common Council were killed and the Nobles seized control, arranging for the election of a new Common Council that leans with them.

The Flow
The energy which forms all things in the world and the foundation of matter. The manipulation of it is the foundation for all magic in the world. Has a part in everything, from objects to emotions. This energy has been roughly categorized into five groups: Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood. Certain individuals possess a sixth sense that allows them to perceive this energy. The combination of this sixth sense, along with extensive training to allow the manipulation of this energy (changing the manner in which it functions) forms the basis for the magical system known as Dissonance.

Magic which is used to transmute and manipulate Flow. Can expand and transform matter and energy temporarily (as long as some amount already exists), as well as enhance the traits of something far beyond what could naturally be reached (instant healing from mortal wounds, plants growing from seed to adulthood instantly). Dissonance can create from nothing (although it can do so through multiplication), nor can it utterly unmake things.

Although initially used primarily as workman's magic and military, the capabilities of Dissonance have been dramatically expanded since its rediscovery. Dissonance now influences all walks of life and has devoted researchers exploring and refining it's use. Parents of children with Dissonant capabilities are strongly encouraged to send them to the capital where they can receive proper training and find a place in the Empire. Compensation is provided, should the student prove apt.

Dissonant ability seems to have some hereditary trends, but it is not yet fully worked out. The general trend seems to be that, the more ability between the parents, the more likely the child is to have ability as well. Thus the pairing of powerful practitioners almost always results in offspring with ability. Even then, a single powerful practitioner and an untalented individual still are likely to produce offspring with talent.

A disturbance in the Flow, created through the localized use of Dissonance. Causes material to decompose, break down and mutate. Repeated application will eventually irreparably taint the subject/area. Has unusual effects on humans and reacts to strong emotions.

In areas strongly seeped with Disquiet, the air takes on a greasy, misty quality. In areas this contaminated, people will feel uncomfortable, terrified, and concerned.

Sigils are a specialized version of Dissonance, developed in the last couple of decades. By imbuing an object with a specific pattern of energy, it is possible to imprint the effect onto the item permanently (or, at least, for a lengthy period of time). Although sigils can't duplicate powerful effects, they have allowed for the development of conveniences like refrigeration.

The Sixth Sense/Sensing
A necessary part of being able to manipulate the Flow. Allows you to perceive the Flow through one of your normal senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste/Smell, Touch). The most common manifestation tends to be through vision. The Sense typically manifests at puberty. In addition, there are a battery of tests that researchers have developed to test that aptitude of would be practitioners.

The Soul
The soul is the core of all things. Everything in the world possesses a soul (although sizes and strengths vary), and it is the soul that controls the movement of the flow that makes up an object. The soul is naturally resistant to change, and, as such, objects require a certain amount of strength to use Dissonance to effect objects. Similarly, stronger souls are more resilient against Disquiet.

The Path of the Guardian
The Path of the Guardian is a special form of martial arts (stylized after Iaijutsu, Battojutsu, etc). Much like Dissonance, it is reliant on the strength of the user's soul. Unlike Dissonance, however, The Path of the Guardian focuses on stabilizing and enhancing the user's soul, as well as the souls around them. In essence, a Guardian strengthens themselves and stabilizes those around them.

As stated the user must have ability as a practitioner. In addition, they require a series of specialized sigils to blind their sixth sense and then must train extensively to master the techniques.


Tech level is moderate, although most of it stems from magitech using sigils. Expect some conveniences like refrigeration (large scale, rarer in home), indoor plumbing, etc. Long distance communication exists via telegraph-esque, but is limited for people who lack funds.


Daily Life
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 06:14:20 AM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 01:27:23 AM »
Integration Stuff
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 08:37:34 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 01:27:40 AM »
Stuff Andrew Cares About But No One Else Does
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 08:37:54 PM by AndrewRogue »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 01:31:08 AM »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 01:17:53 PM »
Anyway, guess I'll throw out my commentary now, since I was invited to give it after the matter of fighting styles was posted:

-Noemi: Prodigy Student/Researcher. Intelligent, Driven, Dedicated. Obsessive, Callous, Self-Absorbed.
--Combat: Knows general self defense techniques and a variety of spells to hinder opponents and help herself. Has learned small bits of destructive magic from Erastus to defend herself. (Swords?)

-Mirek: Former Guardian. Protective, Open, Reliable. Temperamental, Directionless, Lazy.
--Combat: Guardian Style. Relaxed and slow, weakening the enemy with sheathed blade strikes, finishing fights with singular, overpowering attacks. Resistant to Dissonance and Disquiet. Can defend allies against the effects to a degree. (Guardian Blade)

No real problems with these two for the most part, aside from the idea that some might be convinced that we're going single-weapon-per-PC.  I'd like to avoid that, personally.

-Isolde: Military Associated Mercenary (Ex-Military). Tactical, Clever, Dedicated. Pragmatic, Cold, Forceful.
--Combat: Attacks steadily, putting as much energy into each attack as she can afford. Crushes enemies with a combination of heavy weapons and incredible Dissonance. Her attacks aim for brutal efficiency, using the earth and freezing cold to crush individuals and platoons alike. (Heavy Weaponry)

I've already voiced my issues in chat about it, but I've finally figured out what exactly, in simple terms, sort of problem I have with Earth-element stuff.

Simply put, it's not that fun to watch--it doesn't give as much of a spectacle as the other stuff available (and ice is also largely not known for being particularly flashy on average either, but).  Yeah, it's silly, but it matters to me.

Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I wonder who was the one to originally push her towards Ice/Earth anyway.

-Kasia: Student/Researcher. Protective, Thoughtful, Supportive. Single-Minded, Gullible, Self-Destructive.
--Combat: Not particularly capable in melee but an acceptable archer. Capable with medical Dissonance, meaning she can both heal and interfere with bodily functions. (Bows, Crossbows)

Works.  If her status craziness is the result of magic rather than being able to shoot dudes, we might want to have a few more hybrids so that the cast isn't something like five different pure casters, one hybrid, and two noncasters.  Just as a sidenote.

-Erastus: Old Practitioner. Funny, Affectionate, Supportive. Cruel, Manipulative, Nihilistic.
--Combat: Raw, overwhelming power. Destroys his opposition with incredible fire. Enjoys giving shape to the fire and manipulating it. (Staff)

Why is it that the first thing I think of with him being pure caster and using a staff is simply "I put on my robe and wizard hat"?

-Eirwen: Servant. Reliable, Kind, Improves Herself. Sensitive, Inferiority Complex, Reserved.
--Combat: Trained in martial arts and is quite adept with simple weaponry. In addition, she knows a number of dirty tricks to try and keep her natural disadvantages to a minimum. She has also learned how to use a number of herbs and poultices to great effect. (Quarterstaff)

Something makes me suspect someone's been playing the D3 monk when thinking of her.  That aside...I really don't see Eirwen as a staff user in general.  And by in general I mean "at all".  But that's partly because we already have staves-as-mage-sticks here.

As a sidenote, if we're doing Hi-Item, I'd like there to be a couple more characters who can do it.  We've got (presumably) four more who haven't quite been hashed out yet, figure we can get a couple of Hi-Item users out of it.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 01:26:20 PM by Namagomi »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 04:11:23 PM »
Anyway, guess I'll throw out my commentary now, since I was invited to give it after the matter of fighting styles was posted:

No real problems with these two for the most part, aside from the idea that some might be convinced that we're going single-weapon-per-PC.  I'd like to avoid that, personally.

Clarified in chat, but yeah. This is just story conception. One weapon type per PC is not the goal.

I've already voiced my issues in chat about it, but I've finally figured out what exactly, in simple terms, sort of problem I have with Earth-element stuff.

Simply put, it's not that fun to watch--it doesn't give as much of a spectacle as the other stuff available (and ice is also largely not known for being particularly flashy on average either, but).  Yeah, it's silly, but it matters to me.

Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I wonder who was the one to originally push her towards Ice/Earth anyway.

That was probably me. They've always just felt fitting to me. Both are brutally efficient power sources and both are in line with her character.

Anyhow, I generally disagree here? Not much I can say. But I've never found one element to be more particularly flashy then another.

Works.  If her status craziness is the result of magic rather than being able to shoot dudes, we might want to have a few more hybrids so that the cast isn't something like five different pure casters, one hybrid, and two noncasters.  Just as a sidenote.


Why is it that the first thing I think of with him being pure caster and using a staff is simply "I put on my robe and wizard hat"?

He'd probably say it. More honestly though, I just don't see him using a weapon. And he seems like the kind of guy to play up his age/infirmity. But yeah, more a filler choice there.

Something makes me suspect someone's been playing the D3 monk when thinking of her.  That aside...I really don't see Eirwen as a staff user in general.  And by in general I mean "at all".  But that's partly because we already have staves-as-mage-sticks here.

As a sidenote, if we're doing Hi-Item, I'd like there to be a couple more characters who can do it.  We've got (presumably) four more who haven't quite been hashed out yet, figure we can get a couple of Hi-Item users out of it.

Nah. It was honestly more a consideration for what weaponry types would be casually available and at hand. Staff-like weapons and knives came immediately to mind. When doubly thinking it up, quarterstaves also have the advantage of being reasonable defense weapons too.

That, and quarterstaves never get a legit showing in games. They are always set-up to be worthless mage sticks. We haven't had a Tir in a while!

And that's fine. I don't think too many folks should get it (otherwise it does dilute the uniqueness), but it certainly wouldn't be inadvisable.

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2012, 07:45:09 AM »
Posting this until it can be cleaned up. Plot stuff talked about between Ash and Andrew.

<ARogue> Emperor/ess
<ARogue> Hereditary
<ARogue> Head of Government
<ARogue> Currently fading to figurehead position.
<ARogue> Below the Emperor are the Noble Council (Regional) and the (name to be improved) Merchant Council.
<ARogue> These are the general movers and shakers. They are selected by the Emperor.
<ARogue> Formerly, it was just the Emperor and the Noble Council.
<ARogue> However, the Merchant Council was formed about two reigns back (relatively short reigns, 50ish years, maybe?)
<ARogue> (Er. Combined)
<ARogue> As the Emperor became aware of the growing "merchant" class
<ARogue> And the importance of money in addition t oland and what have you
<ARogue> So, the last three successions have basically gone...
<ARogue> EmperorA (moderate length, father to B and C) -> EmperorB (very short reign) -> EmperorC (current)
<ARogue> In this time, as the reigns have been somewhat short, the Noble Council basically gained a lot of power.
<ARogue> So EmperorC aligns heavily to the merchant Council. Then the Sebrle's (Mirek's family), nobles who were staying current and basically becoming mercantile powerhouses, also align to the Merchant Council
<ARogue> So. Suddenly things became sour for the Nobles.
<ARogue> (Minus the Sebrle's, who were clever)
<ARogue> So, this is the impetus for them to con the Guardians into the Betrayal
<ARogue> sec
<ARogue> So there was that.
<ARogue> Magic has only recently become an everyone thing (i.e. popular among nobility)
<ARogue> As it was formerly more a workhorse type thing.
<ARogue> Uh. Lessee.
<ARogue> We determined that the Sebrle's were likely once (or recently were) the top noble family.
<ARogue> However, they have been making a switch over to mercantile power.
<ARogue> Bohumil (Mirek's father) was the second child, his sister (Selena? Erastus' wife) was the elder child.
<ARogue> However, she lacked power, so Bohumil managed the lands while she mostly did the noble thing.
<ARogue> For some generalized purposes, Mirek likely had a direct, elder sibling, as it makes the most sense for him to become a Guardian (Bohumil was fairly radical and dropping the noble thing, he was pretty much last in line for inheriting the house and lands)
<ARogue> The other reason a lot of this is relevant is I think, like many folks on the noble council, the Sebrle's have a connection to the Imperial line.
<ARogue> Meaning that, despite being way out of whack, Mirek is actually eligible to become Emperor. He's just out there.
<ARogue> This is somewhat relevant because, pending some structure things, this might actually be a relevant plot point, and also creates more authority for the party as, say, the empire starts to fall apart.
<ARogue> Did a fair amount of backstory stuff on Erastus as well.
<ARogue> He is likely the third son of the second strongest noble family, meaning he was more or less completely irrelevant.
<ARogue> And since they were a classic family (unlike the Sebrle's) his power as a practitioner meant very little to him.
<ARogue> So he was left sort of adrift. He studied, joined the military, and left because he hated it.
<ARogue> And sort of drifted as a loose cannon, leaving him to get disowned by his family.
<ARogue> He eventually connected with the world's religion (I've talked little about it, but it is more or less a humanist religion) where he met Selena Sebrle. They fell in love, blah blah, married, kids, etc.
<ARogue> And that became what he lived his life for.
<ARogue> So, when the Sebrle's more or less got annihilated, he lost his purpose.
<ARogue> And u-turned a bit.
<ARogue> And has basically been looking for a way to get back at the world.
<ARogue> Noemi is a surrogate daughter to him, etc
<ARogue> Mirek a surrogate son, etc
<ARogue> Lessee.
<ARogue> Other random clarifications.
<ARogue> Souls. Souls are a big deal.
<@Elecman> In actuality or as a religious thing?
<ARogue> Actuality.
<ARogue> And it is just a decent catch-word
<ARogue> May change it.
<ARogue> (Wasn't sure anyone was still listening!)
<ARogue> So. Flow is the movement of energy in the world and provides shape and substance to everything.
<ARogue> The Soul is basically the rock in the river that is the Flow.
<ARogue> Flow gets caught up around these souls in little eddies and these are things.
<ARogue> People, animals, plants, rocks, dirt, etc
<ARogue> The soul is naturally resistant to change and steadies the shape of things.
<ARogue> However, humans have the most powerful souls.
<ARogue> The soul is, essentially, what they use to manipulate flow. And the raw power of a human's soul allows them to overcome other souls, more or less.
<ARogue> Uh. So basically. Soul defines shape/identity.
<ARogue> Soul is also used to influence the world, so it is the limb used in Dissonance.
<ARogue> What this means is that people are naturally resistant to direct Dissonance.
<ARogue> Hence you can't really use it on someone to shatter their body.
<ARogue> Or why you can't completely unmake things.
<ARogue> Etc
<ARogue> (So the soul is the basis for MDef, more or less)
<ARogue> Guardian Style is all about the Soul as well. They amplify their own to gain extra power, and they amplify others to better resist it, etc
<ARogue> Uh.
<ARogue> Right. Power of the Second, the game's McGuffin or plot item or whatever.
<ARogue> Basically it is the crystalized remains/soul/whatever of the Second, sealed away by the first
<ARogue> However, it is basically the source of the Disquiet. It is more or less indestructable.
<ARogue> In the hands of somebody, it can basically be focused, amplifying the effects of Disquiet/the creation of Disquiet.
<ARogue> So, for example, focusing it on a caster could cause them to be consumed by Disquiet the next time they try
<ARogue> Erastus doesn't go full blown evil until this thing is discovered, at which point he figures that, using it, he and his chosen could become gods, blah, blah
<ARogue> And that's more or less the crib notes of everything we chatted about.
<ARogue> tl;dr version
<ARogue> Emperor underseen by Noble Council and Merchant Council
<ARogue> Noble's falling out of power, so they basically goad the Guardians into action, gutting the Merchant Council
<ARogue> Solidification of the history of the Sebrle's, important points being:
<ARogue> Mirek was the least important son, Mirek is technically a potential heir to the Empire (distant)
<ARogue> Erastus personal history and motivations clarified (Jerk redeemed by love gone back to jerk, more or less)
<ARogue> Place of the Soul in the world (real, influences/resists Dissonance/Disquiet)
<ARogue> Guardian style is based around the Soul.
<ARogue> Power of the Second is ultimately the ability to control the generation of Disquiet (amplification only, possible decrease through particular applications)
<ARogue> *deep breath*
<Demedais> Humans look like cars to me.
<AndrewRogue> That must be confusing in parking lots


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2012, 10:52:02 PM »
Going to focus largely on Episode 1 plot for now, but I figure I'm late for some form of commentary.

Brief Exposition re: Dissonance/Disquiet/History ->

-History class, yay~!  Though I guess it's necessary exposition because we're not leaving everything inside of a separate "backstory" file, so on.

Noemi having had her proposal rejected, turns to Erastus to pursue it independently -> Erastus tests her abilities and dedication

--Intro dungeon here, I presume.  Would we be just using Noemi/Kasia, or would Erastus bring himself along in the party?

Arrangements are made to get supplies by Erastus, while Noemi sees to recruiting a ship -> A ship and willing captain are acquired -> Flashback to Noemi's past ->

--I guess this'll be handled in details, but I presume something in particular triggers this flashback?  Flashbacks tend to need a reason.

Swap to Mirek who is harassed by thugs -> Shadowy figures discuss his position and what to do with him

--Hey look it looks like it's Guardian route boss preview time! had better be, I largely hate unfought antagonists.  :P  In all seriousness, though, this looks like a good place to introduce major players on the Guardian side to a degree, alongside their personalities.

Fast forward slightly to the arrival of Noemi and Co -> They head to the Sebrle Estate to meet with Mirek -> The meeting goes poorly -> The group is forced to reconsider their options ->

--Prime chance for an overworld/wilderness segment of some sort prior to Sebrle Estate arrival..  We need some gameplay to pad out the wall of what feels like largely cutscenes so far.  Also, I presume if we're looking into variables to alter plot later on, the meeting might be a good way to determine some of them, regardless of how poorly it goes.

Mirek is confronted by Orienna -> Night falls -> The Guardians attempt to assassinate him -> Thanks to Eirwen's help, Mirek survives -> Unfortunately, in the wake of things, Mirek is arrested

--Hm.  First thing that comes to mind is "vaguely threatlike assertions" from Orienna.  And...what is Mirek going to be arrested for at this rate?  Sidenote: Assassination attempt is a good point at which to introduce one of the major Guardian antagonists outside of Orienna, I say.

Noemi and Erastus arrange to have him released in exchange for his help -> Erastus needs something that was lost at the Sebrle plantation, and wants to conduct further tests on the group's new members -> The test is passed and the mementos are recovered -> The group departs

Dungeon time, again!  So far we'd be at two dungeons...and possibly at least two overworld/wilderness segments, possibly more.

An introduction to Isolde who arrives after Noemi has left -> Investigating the Guardian affairs -> Gathers info

--Works well enough.  It's a way to intro Isolde and Katarine, at the very least.  Would be interesting to see a gameplay segment with those two here, but eh.

The seas around the Throne of the First prove amazingly treacherous and dangerous -> The group starts to reconsider the plan, but Noemi is insistent

This can be expanded a good bit, gameplay-wise.  Going straight there might be a problem, so island-hopping would be necessitated.

The group reaches the island and things are quite nasty there, far worse than expected -> Nevertheless, they press forward

Need at least another wilderness segment.  Maybe a shoddily-built town, populated by shipwrecked survivors or something, as well.

They discover ruins at the center of the island -> Tempers and endurance strains as Noemi pushes the expedition further than they expected, longer than they expected

Episode 1 Final Dungeon, ho!

There, in the ruins, they find the Journal of the First -> Unfortunately, it is guarded by a horrible abomination

Is there supposed to be a reason for this, or is this basically just a Super Kami Disquieted Abomination?

The group narrowly escapes

So the party can't kill it--or is this a "sneak in, grab it, run like hell" sort of thing?  Because I don't think escape sequences are the easiest thing to run in a RPG maker game normally.

Noemi is eager to continue the expedition, but needs time to work on the journal -> Return to Zadni

And Episode 1 end, I presume.  Er, any specific reason why Zadni, or is it more because it's the only named town so far?
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2012, 11:47:09 PM »
-History class, yay~!  Though I guess it's necessary exposition because we're not leaving everything inside of a separate "backstory" file, so on.

Also that the magic system and history are story important enough that they really need some coverage. I'll check how a few other games did it (FFT), but I think some small amount of exposition is unfortunately necessary. I'll mull over ways to get the info out organically, though.

--Intro dungeon here, I presume.  Would we be just using Noemi/Kasia, or would Erastus bring himself along in the party?

Yus. Intro dungeon here. Noemi and Kasia alone.

--I guess this'll be handled in details, but I presume something in particular triggers this flashback?  Flashbacks tend to need a reason.

Yeah. Discussing heading to Zadni and their respective histories, more or less. Keep in mind there should also probably be gameplay getting to the township and recruiting the ship captain. (This stuff isn't super obvious since I emphasized plot flow, but I am trying to consider where gameplay should go).

--Hey look it looks like it's Guardian route boss preview time! had better be, I largely hate unfought antagonists.    In all seriousness, though, this looks like a good place to introduce major players on the Guardian side to a degree, alongside their personalities.

Yeah. Also tutorial fight for Mirek/Eirwen, more or less.

--Prime chance for an overworld/wilderness segment of some sort prior to Sebrle Estate arrival..  We need some gameplay to pad out the wall of what feels like largely cutscenes so far.  Also, I presume if we're looking into variables to alter plot later on, the meeting might be a good way to determine some of them, regardless of how poorly it goes.

See above about gameplay interjections. The above sections should definitely have gameplay, so not sure about a wilderness battle break here. Thinking on linearity vs non-linearity would indeed be good. I'm always of two minds about it.

--Hm.  First thing that comes to mind is "vaguely threatlike assertions" from Orienna.  And...what is Mirek going to be arrested for at this rate?  Sidenote: Assassination attempt is a good point at which to introduce one of the major Guardian antagonists outside of Orienna, I say.

Orienna is generally aiming to recruit Mirek, but probably a bit ham-handed about it. And the arrest is easy. So long as the disturbance ends up a big deal, even if it is self defense, killing folks is probably enough given that large swaths of the population and people have it out for him at this point. And probably so.

Dungeon time, again!  So far we'd be at two dungeons...and possibly at least two overworld/wilderness segments, possibly more.


--Works well enough.  It's a way to intro Isolde and Katarine, at the very least.  Would be interesting to see a gameplay segment with those two here, but eh.

Yeah. Not sure, here. Would like to get them generally introduced conceptually a least. Can play with this a little, though.

This can be expanded a good bit, gameplay-wise.  Going straight there might be a problem, so island-hopping would be necessitated.

Need at least another wilderness segment.  Maybe a shoddily-built town, populated by shipwrecked survivors or something, as well.

Episode 1 Final Dungeon, ho!

Grabbing all three of these, because they more or less have the same answer. I'm actually thinking the island itself should be a fairly long segment: multiple dungeons, as it were. Allow for a decent amount of building and the sensation that this trip was actually quite difficult.

Is there supposed to be a reason for this, or is this basically just a Super Kami Disquieted Abomination?

Bosses are attracted to Key items.

So the party can't kill it--or is this a "sneak in, grab it, run like hell" sort of thing?  Because I don't think escape sequences are the easiest thing to run in a RPG maker game normally.

Something like that. Possibly several fights or just an attrition sequence representing the party's failing resources.

And Episode 1 end, I presume.  Er, any specific reason why Zadni, or is it more because it's the only named town so far?

Decent enough homebase for the moment.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2012, 07:56:02 PM »
Re: Sigils
Sigils are a specialized version of Dissonance, developed in the last couple of decades. By imbuing an object with a specific pattern of energy, it is possible to imprint the effect onto the item permanently (or, at least, for a lengthy period of time). Although sigils can't duplicate powerful effects, they have allowed for the development of conveniences like refrigeration.

I was reading this and I suddenly got the impression of these objects being like "Echoes" of the Flow. I was curious if we could use this term or something similar to keep with the "Sound" theme we seem to be using for Dissonance/Disquiet effects?
"Echo Sigils" could also work.

And I like the idea of "Artefact" for "The Soul", just due to how well it fits the music metaphor for magic, but I suspect it sounds too modern.
Similarly, "Sensing" could become "Listening", the Guardian's Path could become the "Guardian's Score", and the Abominations could become "Noise" or "Discord" or "Din" or something similar.

Just some naming thoughts for the key ideas that might influence how we want to proceed with theme.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 08:02:47 PM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2012, 09:08:34 PM »
I am generally fine with playing up the sound thematics.

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 04:26:43 PM »
Extensively using music/sound terms for magic seems a bit too close to what Tales of the Abyss did for me, and while it's difficult to avoid having ideas for magic systems that have been used somewhere else before, I think avoiding things very specific to a recent game in the same genre is probably a good idea.

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2012, 09:30:09 PM »
I dunno, apart from the few Hymns that Tear sang, there wasn't an extensively-built system for Fonic Artes in TotA. The only really similar idea here is that I like the use of the word "Score" for a set of instructions. If we avoid any religious connotations that TotA's magic system implied with its Hymns, I don't think it ends up all that similar except on the most basic level of "Magic is explainable in terms related to sound". Andy's Flow system isn't even inherently related to Music, like most sound-related RPG magic systems (a la Ar Tonelico, Eternal Sonata, TotA, Bardic/Dancer magic from various JRPGs).


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2012, 06:29:08 AM »
If you are going to use things like "Score" you are directly tying it into music, so yeah, I don't see how you can really do sound as magic without tying it somewhat into music (Even Chrono Cross jumps directly into that point).

Fun things to draw some influence though if you want to play in that space.  This guy wrote a fairly standard pulp fantasy series about music being used as a form of magic, had wizards utilise instruments in part of their spells and songs to cast spells etc etc.  It is just for a point of reference.

Hands down the best Music is Magic thing you can do though is go read Phonogram in which music IS magic.  First one for a fun interpretation on godhood and a quick look at a few kinds of people that utilise magic full time.  Second run has a more neat way to see the magic in implementation.  Series is just generally good, but would reccomend a browse for inspiration if you go down a music plot like that if you want something that is a bit outside the RPG magic/music system tropes.
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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2012, 01:58:55 AM »
Anyway, ideas for Katarine and ShipCaptain as far as fighting styles go. (Guess at some point we need to give him a name and a new background beyond "ship captain who captains the ship that takes Noemi places," but that'll be neither here or now.

Background--Seeing her as coming from one of the lesser noble families that got crushed, trampled, and swept aside in whatever politics go on in the courts--a family that's been on the decline, if not already hit bottom for years.  On top of that, while she had potential, she didn't quite have the raw talent that some had, but made up for it through study, effort, application, so on--but for the rest we can rely more on what Andy and Soppy have written up; they seem to have a better grasp on where they've taken her character than I do, I must admit.

Combat: Katarine's style I see as being very technical and precise, more based on specific tools for specific situations rather than a general issue--using a mix of weaponry and magic(Seeing Water/Metal/Wood for schools she prefers so far).  If she played WH40k she'd be picking Eldar. (Right now, seeing swords and daggers at the very least)

Background: What to do with this guy?  Well, I've had an idea as of late that I feel would work (and possibly end up creating a dynamic with Isolde and Katarine at some point, which I remember people wanted him for her group): He was one of the higher-ranking Imperial commanders (And yet another frontliner) at the time of the Betrayal, but decided he was sick of things--leaving out of disgust (possibly due to politics, possibly due to the nature of the resultant civil war) and up and went AWOL one day in a form of "Screw this I quit," right after handing full command over to his second-in-command, joining up with a group of pirates and quickly rising to the position of captain largely through asskicking.  And nowadays?  Largely just engaging in piracy...and the odd job should someone be able to convince him to go their way.

Also we need a name for him.

Combat: [SC] has a highly aggressive style to his name, and his main weapon is sheer momentum due to practicing an offshoot of the Fire school of magic--rather than directly using the energy to attack, he frequently uses applied energy induction to increase his or his weapon's momentum manyfold, giving him deceptively fast and hard strikes...but with a remarkable amount of recovery to them.  Since letting go of the military, however, he has been a bit prone to a bit of taunting and showboating.  (Not sure on weapons yet, though I see greatswords as an option for him thus far.)
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2012, 06:19:30 AM »
Bored, hating self, so what the hell?

Not really seeing what nobility adds to the character, especially if it's so minor. The angle the character was going in was that she was a normal citizen who put her all into service, screwed up her health in doing so, and was rewarded with nothing. It fits along with the theme of Isolde's story nicely (the consequences and value of loyalty). Establishing the nobility thing sets a starting motivation other than a desire to serve and actually makes her less sympathetic. Though I'm not sure where Isolde is currently, so something may or may not be worked out along these lines to make them nicely contrast each other. 

Also trying to picture how this army functionally works. Katarine, in all versions I've seen, has at the very least not been an officer, and has undergone advanced mage training. Does this army have all mage units? Do they embed specialists with units as needed like the US Army? Do they work like medics in that they're so specialized their combat effectiveness isn't quite on the level of normal soldiers? (Granted, I'd have to research this more to be accurate). If so, her weapon skills aren't going to be as good as her magic, by far. Totally in agreement with the support mage aspect though.

That's where it gets dicey. Where do you draw the line for what is unique and what is general issue? There's a few ways we can approach it. Technical and precise brings to mind a sort of magical sniper, with high-powered single-target attacks, the top range of which ignore target magic defense. Whereas, the power/support angle would focus more on softening up enemy lines with area spells (possibly rarer than we initially thought?) or creating terrain advantage for people in her unit to take advantage of (can be story fluff or somehow worked in). Either build would call for buffs for improving the combat effectiveness of those in her unit, which we can also tweak to reflect her character. Swords and daggers work, I guess, but in either case her weapons would mostly be for emergency self-defense only. And it's not even really decided if she's seem much combat, so her weapon skills may have fallen way by the wayside as she's studied more magic.

Or at least, this is how she would fall into Isolde's hands. It kind of depends on how long they've been at this line of work, and what they've been doing since then and what kind of training she's been put through by Isolde. She could have worked at it, but after the kind of career Katarine had, it seems like she'd struggle (especially if she's having as much trouble keeping up with her magic as much as she did in the army).

If we're looking for the weapon/magic mix character for that party, Isolde, as an officer, seems to be more the type to at least be cross-trained and combat ready. It's been established she's respected and feared as a commander with tons of combat experience (to my last knoweldge). While as an officer she might not have needed her weapon skills as much, her personality seems to support her keeping up with it, and being able to recognize their need after being let go and excel with them/teach Katarine the basics. Pretty much where the current thrust of her character or her skillset is aimed at the moment, and it contrasts nicely with Katarine. (Also, if you want Isolde to be the calm and pragmatic one... why are you pushing for her spells to be flashy? Pragmatic is the opposite of flashy).

The background actually works well with Isolde's story. Provides the angle of "doing the right thing and true loyalty is more than just loyalty to country" as he comes into the party's fold to help them save the country he abandoned. I'm sort of against the general cliche of high-ranking people in these kinds of settings just being able to go "fuck it I quit" without some sort of consequence. Being run into piracy... would work normally, but I'm not sure why someone like that would be like "screw fighting, know what I need? MORE FIGHTING!" He's essentially quitting for a principled reason to do something... pretty much looked upon as scummy. Might have to change his motivation for leaving? I like the general idea, but any ideas on how this can get worked on? Drawing a blank at the moment. I'd say playing a trader angle, but if he's going AWOL then I think they'd find him before he got prominant enough to own his own ship.

Combat style works. Possibly working with the momentum theme, some sort of multiplier for attacking the same enemy multiple times with the same attack? Though that's kind of unfair against bosses. Possibly making the different attacks situational enough?

I also say Bartholomew for his name ::nodnod::


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2012, 07:32:42 AM »
I also say Bartholomew for his name ::nodnod::

Hey, any DL project should really have a blatant Wild ARMs reference in it.  This seems like a great place for it.
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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2012, 02:50:25 PM »
Largely paraphrasing my responses from chat in here for the most part, and adding a few new comments, but hey, that's what the board's for!

Not really seeing what nobility adds to the character, especially if it's so minor. The angle the character was going in was that she was a normal citizen who put her all into service, screwed up her health in doing so, and was rewarded with nothing. It fits along with the theme of Isolde's story nicely (the consequences and value of loyalty). Establishing the nobility thing sets a starting motivation other than a desire to serve and actually makes her less sympathetic. Though I'm not sure where Isolde is currently, so something may or may not be worked out along these lines to make them nicely contrast each other. 

--Isolde's currently pretty much a very talented commoner who made her name in the military.  I admit I was kind of going for the nobility thing as an attempt for why she puts so much damn effort into it, sort of a "this is all she has" sort of thing.

Also trying to picture how this army functionally works. Katarine, in all versions I've seen, has at the very least not been an officer, and has undergone advanced mage training. Does this army have all mage units? Do they embed specialists with units as needed like the US Army? Do they work like medics in that they're so specialized their combat effectiveness isn't quite on the level of normal soldiers? (Granted, I'd have to research this more to be accurate). If so, her weapon skills aren't going to be as good as her magic, by far. Totally in agreement with the support mage aspect though.

That's where it gets dicey. Where do you draw the line for what is unique and what is general issue? There's a few ways we can approach it. Technical and precise brings to mind a sort of magical sniper, with high-powered single-target attacks, the top range of which ignore target magic defense. Whereas, the power/support angle would focus more on softening up enemy lines with area spells (possibly rarer than we initially thought?) or creating terrain advantage for people in her unit to take advantage of (can be story fluff or somehow worked in). Either build would call for buffs for improving the combat effectiveness of those in her unit, which we can also tweak to reflect her character. Swords and daggers work, I guess, but in either case her weapons would mostly be for emergency self-defense only. And it's not even really decided if she's seem much combat, so her weapon skills may have fallen way by the wayside as she's studied more magic.

--As I said before, while I was a fan of her going melee/magic mixed,  I'm liking the sniper angle myself, so if she does have to be a pure caster, let's go for the sniper setup, at least.  In the old IAQ, she still had some degree of offensive capability despite being a support caster due to her ability to simultaneously buff herself and others.  She kind of loses that here, though, so something else to stand out was definitely needed.  Implementation to make her stand out from other Single Target focused casters will need some work, but we'll deal with that in due time.

I'm calling it here, though.  No more pure casters.  We officially have enough with Katarine being converted into one.  I am going to vehemently oppose any further pure casters.

If we're looking for the weapon/magic mix character for that party, Isolde, as an officer, seems to be more the type to at least be cross-trained and combat ready. It's been established she's respected and feared as a commander with tons of combat experience (to my last knoweldge). While as an officer she might not have needed her weapon skills as much, her personality seems to support her keeping up with it, and being able to recognize their need after being let go and excel with them/teach Katarine the basics. Pretty much where the current thrust of her character or her skillset is aimed at the moment, and it contrasts nicely with Katarine.

--Who's to say we were looking for just one?  I was trying to make her distinct from Isolde insofar that Isolde learned to hybridize her weapon ability and magic, whereas Katarine would've had them more as separate and more situational options, but point's moot now that I'm agreeing with the magic sniper setup.

(Also, if you want Isolde to be the calm and pragmatic one... why are you pushing for her spells to be flashy? Pragmatic is the opposite of flashy)
--I know you've already made the concession, but for those who weren't in chat at the time: Flashy is often visual media codeword for powerful and destructive.  People may hate this narrative split, but it's a RM game and we can't really play up "painful" as much of an angle in attack animations due to this.  So it's largely a concession to the format in this case.

I'm sort of against the general cliche of high-ranking people in these kinds of settings just being able to go "fuck it I quit" without some sort of consequence.

--But you're fine with "ICE QUEEN USES ICE MAGIC".  :P  But in reality, this is more of why he turned to piracy; hard to get consequences when you're off the map.  And I imagine there'd be consequences involved when the plot starts to focus on him in-game.

Being run into piracy... would work normally, but I'm not sure why someone like that would be like "screw fighting, know what I need? MORE FIGHTING!" He's essentially quitting for a principled reason to do something... pretty much looked upon as scummy. Might have to change his motivation for leaving? I like the general idea, but any ideas on how this can get worked on? Drawing a blank at the moment.
--I admit, this is me merging one concept with another, mentally; I was entertaining the idea of an Imperial officer who up and quit during the Betrayal, decided "hey, why not merge it with ShipCaptain?"  So yeah, there might be a bit of disconnect there.  That aside, I imagined the reason for him quitting was getting wind as to why the Betrayal was supposedly happening halfway through (abridged version: it being supposedly part of a power play by the nobles), and being sick of that.  Kind of seeing his take on it as "Yeah, I know, it's still fighting, but at least it's a straightforward reason -why- I'm fighting, rather than trying to clean up after the nobility making asses of themselves," or the like.

Combat style works. Possibly working with the momentum theme, some sort of multiplier for attacking the same enemy multiple times with the same attack? Though that's kind of unfair against bosses. Possibly making the different attacks situational enough?
-- Hm.  Probably didn't explain it too well, then.  Admittedly, he'd translate a lot differently to the old IAQ (high move, among other things) than this.  Here?  I'd be seeing something akin to LoT Yuugi--his big attacks can do some serious damage.  They also have the most painfully long recovery time known to man.  Possibly a dichotomy between his skills--decentish speed, and some skills with average CT/delay that make this evident, but then some hard-hitting ones with some terribly high delay to them.  Basically, were this not a RPG he'd be a Lightning Bruiser of sorts between the speed and power of his attacks, but here he'd probably be closer to a Mighty Glacier type.

I also say Bartholomew for his name ::nodnod::
--no objection here?
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2012, 09:00:11 PM »
Can we still make him a lazy savant? I really want a lazy savant.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2012, 05:06:01 AM »
-Tightening musical/sound teminology
--Artefact/Soul = roughly interchangeable
--Stilled = Area consumed fully by Disquiet

--Government ties/former government ties; promoted out of the way?
--Wants to do good by the country
--Sells the party out to Isolde at some point

--Military state
--Military high command -> Directly to the Emperor

-Argall Family
--2nd strongest Noble family (1st if you fully discount the Sebrle)
--Evil. Grr.

--Guardians have connections to the Nobles
--"Counterfeit" currency

--Evil vegan, sells out allies, wants elimination of casting completely/


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2012, 07:53:14 AM »
Just a little something that floated through my head just now.  If you are sticking with music themes for your magic, I would think about trying to use less used terminology than most of the other RPGs.  Maybe more technical terms?  So you Tune up or some such maybe?  Describe things as off tempo maybe or even utilise Sharp/Flat, out of key and the like.

Just a thought.
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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2012, 08:27:53 AM »
Tune up instead of Level up? I'm in love with this idea.


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Re: Disquiet (Working Title) - Currently Assumed Plot Information
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2012, 11:32:21 PM »
Tune up instead of Level up? I'm in love with this idea.

Sounds like you're trying too hard, and that's bad.