Author Topic: Super Robot Wars Judgment  (Read 5983 times)


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Super Robot Wars Judgment
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:46:50 PM »
Super Robot Wars J has two major things going for it compared to other modern, non-OG SRWs that make it easier to stat topic. The first is the existance of a complete translation patch, providing English names for all the pilots/mechs/attacks and also greatly increasing J's playerbase beyond the core group of Japanese SRW players. The second is that it has a Damage Mechancs Guide on Gamefaqs by Tokiha that lists the damage and accuracy formulas for the game, without which this stat topic would not be possible. In addition, SteveO 528 on the Gamefaqs message boards owns the SRWJ Perfect Bible and was kind enough to translate the remaining formulas for things like Countercut and DoubleImage activation rate, as well as helping me on several other mechanics details.

As J's customization options are different from the OG games in several respects, several significant judgment calls were necessary to create this topic. Thanks to Sage, Xer, Random, and Snow among others for hashing over thes issues with me in chat.

   Major interpretation calls

-All mech stats are taken at the maximum levels possible for a non-favorite series. This best emphasizes the unique aspects of every mech since only 3 of 13 series can be chosen as favorites on an initial playthrough, and caps limiting a mech's primary defensive stat are potentially quite significant on a unit's effectiveness.

-No Full Upgrade Bonuses have been assigned to any unit even though though they are legal based on the above upgrades. Unlike in OG2, all options for FUBs are universal, so there is no good default choice to emphasize uniqueness. The consenus best choice in-game, S rank for all terrains, has the opposite effect of homogenizing everyone. Moreover, picking the same bonus for every unit would have no meaningful impact on DL performance since everyone's getting the same improvement.

-Weapons are taken at 5 upgrade bars. The logic behind this is that there isn't enough cash to fully upgrade both mech stats and weapons for a team of 15-16 units without resorting to gameover abuse for grinding, but capping mechs emphasizes uniqueness more. There still will be enough cash on a typical playthrough to upgrade weapons at least somewhat though, so 5 bars is a compromise.

-All pilots are taken at level 60. This is probably a bit high, but as some pilots get their last spirit in the early 50s and the Brain Powered cast gets their last level of Antibody Reaction anywhere from L48-L58, going up to L60 cuts out any arguments about aftergame skills. In any case, stat gains from level-ups are universal (+1 to all stats, +1 BP, +2 SP) and enemy levels scale up equally so the only practical effect this has is on max SP.

-Every pilot gains 1 BP for each level-up they get, which can then be allocated into any of the six pilot stats. Trying to allocate this for DL purposes creates some headaches. Investing everything in a damage stat or defense will just raise the averages uniformly for no effective change. To actually have an impact on the stat topic, I would have to either give distinct allocations for each pilot based on arbitrarily judgments or put them all in a stat that most people are not going to average against the rest of the cast, which frankly is gaming the system to me. Instead, I chose to just ignore BP entirely, bypassing this issue and maximizing the uniqueness of pilot stats.

-The Originals in this game are a serious interpretation headache. You have two pilots, three mechs (+ one secret one that can be unlocked on the fourth playthrough), and three subpilots that modify the originals' stats, and there's nothing resembling canon on who gets what. Whether you try to go by pilot or by mech, there's no clean way to assign them out, especially since the pilots' stats and skills actually vary depending on which mech you pick. I'll deal with the originals only after the rest of this topic is complete, and they won't be included in the averages no matter what.

   Less important interp calls

-This is mostly cosmetic in a game where about 80% of the pilots locked into their units, but for this topic I'm treating the mechs as the duellers rather than their pilots. This better reflects the general dialogue about units in SRWJ across the internet (i.e. people talk about Mazinkaiser being broken, not Koji being broken) and also avoids any ambiguity about the legality of subpilots, who are a major source of effectivness in-game for units like Nadesico. This also means that I'm not going to list five characters' names and call them a single dueller, which looked really dumb when CK tried it with SRX.

-Due to the huge numbers of reinforcements J likes to pile on you, the vast majority of your units will have over 100 kills by the end of the game, meaning they get double ace bonus for 110 starting will. There are some charaters who join in the later 30s/early 40s for whom double ace is kinda iffy, but all of them can go on the lategame SEED routesplit with a ton of reinforcement waves, so I'm being generous. On the other hand, there are three pilots who join after that pathsplit with only 3-4 stages to go. They get single ace from me for this topic, which still feels lenient to me. Since there are only three of these, I put a (105 starting will) label by their names.

-Unique to J is a feature where several ships let you choose one of two pilots to be the main pilot and have his or her stats count (the subpilot gets stats listed, but they're irrelevant). At endgame, this applies to Nadesico Y-Unit and Eternal. For this topic, I'm using Ruri and Waltfeld as the main pilots as they are better overall than Yurika and Lacus.

-There are two pilots that do not have a default mech to use at endgame - Simone and Sayaka. Neither Layzner nor Mazinkaiser has a spare empty mech, so the only way to use them is to bump someone else out of their default robot. They are excluded completely from this topic, as are any mechs that lack a default pilot like the M1 Astray. I'm also excluding any temps, irrespective of any self-avowed reputation for making the impossible possible. If demand is significant I *might* go back and add temps later, but they won't be included in the averages.

-The only pilot who has legal claims to two separate units and has even a marginal reason to consider both is Sosuke (Arbalest and Bonta-kun). I'm listing both of them, even though only Arbalest will be included in the averages. Besides, anyone with a soul would demand Bonta-kun if I somehow omitted it.

-All Aestivalis units can choose between five frames for any stage. For this topic, everyone is listed with Ground Frame, the best choice for fighting landed targets. 0G and Air Frames suffer from terrain rank issues, Artillery has less damage and significantly less evade, Lunar frame has less evade and severe ammo issues.

-All (C) weapons have been omitted from this topic as they can not even be used 1v1 and are simply weaker duplicates of an existing weapon. MAPs have been left despite being generally lousy in a duel because their ability to ignore counters (and arguably FE doubles) might come in handy once in a blue moon.

-Like the OG stat topics, I'm ignoring any potential will gains from earlier turns in calculating damage averages because in-game the enemies gain will too at similar rates, largely cancelling out the miniscule improvement. Will gains from using SP are factored into damage average, on the other hand.

-Compared to the OG topics, I'm much more willing to burn all or nearly all of a pilot's SP for the 3-turn average. Considering how obnoxious Alert/Wall spam is off large SP pools, they can deal with a slightly higher damage average.

Mechanics explanations

   Mech stats

HP: Self-explanatory.
EN: A variation on MP, some attacks consume this per use.
Mobility: Improves evasion chance.
Armor: Decreases damage taken from all attacks.

Size: Ranges from SS to LL. Smaller sizes improve evasion, but in this game there is a damage penalty when attacking a larger opponent and a damage bonus when attacking a smaller one.

Note that the current patch is bugged and lists SS sized units as S instead. I verified the sizes of everything on an unpatched rom to be safe.

Terrain rank: Impacts evade, armor, and accuracy, listed in order Air/Ground/Water/Space. Unlike the OG games terrain rank only exists for mechs, not pilots. Also, there are no natural S ranks in this game, so everyone has an A in the DL.

   Weapon stats

Weapon power: Multiplied by (Melee/Range + Will) and some factors to determine damage before factoring in enemy defenses. This is the first number listed in parantheses for each weapon, without a label.
P: Attack can be used after moving during a turn.
Beam: Beam attack, subject to beam coats and other anti-beam barriers.
Gravity: Gravity attack, which means it is treated differently by the Distortion Fields on Nadesico units. No other meaningful difference.
Range: Usable attack range for the weapon.
Ammo: One use of a weapon = one ammo, for weapons with this listed. Attacks that have neither an ammo quantity or an energy cost listed are completely free.
Terrain ranks: Modifies damage against a unit currently in the respective terrain, listed in order Air/Ground/Water/Space. A - rank means it can not be used against that terrain. Like with mechs, there are no S natural S ranks in J, which make this a lot less interesting DL-wise.

   Pilot stats

Melee: Increases damage of melee weapons.
Range: Increases damage of ranged weapons.
Defense: Decreases damage taken from all enemy attacks.
Ability: The difference between the pilot's ability stat and the opponent's determines critical rate and the activation rate for Countercut, Shoot Down, Counter, and the game's various incarnations of DoubleImage. Actually sorta useful this time around.
Evade: Decreases the chance of being hit.
Hit: Increases the chance of hitting.
SP: An MP of sorts, used for Spirit Commands.

Will: Necessary to unlock some weapons, pilot skills, and mech abilities. Also a factor in damage dealt and received. Each pilot has will gain rates depending on their personality. As mentioned above, all but three pilots in this topic are assumed to start at 110 will.

Net armor: Armor*(Defense + Will)/200. This basically combines all 3 defensive stats into a single cumulative value, so I don't have to calculate two averages for defense. The divide by 200 part is purely for scaling purposes.

   Pilot skills

Countercut: Chance of avoiding melee weapon and physical projectile attacks independent of the listed evade rate. Activation chance = (Defender's Ability - Attacker's Ability)/2 + Pilot Modifier, capped at 50%. This skill requires a mech with the 'sword equipped' ability to work.

Shoot Down: Chance of avoiding physical projective attacks independent of the listed evade rate. Activation chance = (Defender's Ability - Attacker's Ability)/2 + Pilot Modifier, capped at 50%. This skill requires a mech with the 'gun equipped' ability to work.

These two skills are listed with the activation rate for each pilot against endgame grunts. If they are greyed out instead, that means the mech lacks the necessary sword/gun equip.

Shield Defense: Unfortunately Shield Defense is bugged in this game, so this skill serves no purpose. I've omitted it completely from pilot skill lists.

Counter: Chance of attacking first during a counterattack, similiar to FE9's Vantage. Activation rate = Defender's Ability - Attacker's Ability + 10, with a minimum rate of 10% and a maximum rate of 50%. Activation rate against endgame grunts is listed for each pilot with this skill.

Hit&Away: Allows the character to move after attacking. May or may not be useful in the DL, depending on how you interpret non-P attacks.

Super Mode: +10 to all stats, +5 to base mobility, and +50 to base armor at 120 will.

Clarity: +10 to all stats, +5 to base mobility, and +50 to base armor at 120 will.

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 will above 100. Any pilot with Coordinator who starts at 110 will with have +2 listed in parenthesis for all stats.

IFS: +2 to all stats every 10 will up to 130 will, then +1 for every 10 will past that. Any pilot with IFS who starts at 110 will will have +2 listed in parentheses for all stats.

Blaster Type: +10 to all stats and shifts Tekkaman Blade into Blaster Mode at 130 will, dramatically improving his mech stats and weapons.

Instinct: 125% damage at 120 will.

Antibody: At L9, this is +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, and +400 attack power. Already factored into the listed stats for Brain Powered units.

Potential: Increases accuracy, critical rate, evasion, and armor at low HP. A table of its exact effects is available here.

Command, Support Attack, Support Defend, Combo: DL-useless skills. Omitted because this stat topic is excessively long already.

   Mech abilities

Sword equipped: Enables the Countercut pilot skill.

Gun equipped: Enables the Shoot Down pilot skill.

Shield equipped: Enables the bugged Shield Defense pilot skill. Omitted from mech ability lists for being effectively useless.

Transform: Unit can switch between two forms with no penalty during its turn.

Repair: Unit can heal adjacent ally. DL useless, but I listed it just in case someone uses one of these PCs in RPGmon.

Resupply: Unit can fully restore EN+ammo for an adjacent ally at the cost of 10 will. Not usable post movement. Listed mainly because most really bad combat gets get repair or resupply to help justify their use in-game, so we can all mock something like Greimkaiser for being awful and still not having either Repair or Resupply.

After-Image, God Shadow, ECS, Vital Jump: Activates at 130 will, gives unit a chance of evading an attack independent of the listed evade rate. Activation rate = Defender's Ability - Attacker's Ability + 10, with a minimum rate of 10% and a maximum rate of 50%.

Beam Coat S/M/L: 800/900/1000 damage reduction from Beam weapons, consumes 10 EN.

Phase-Shift Armor: 800 damage reduction from non-energy weapons, consumes 10 EN. Energy includes everything labelled as Beam but also things like Fire Blaster and Thunder Break. In the DL, I would see this applying to any physical attack that doesn't ignore defense.

Laminate Armor: 1200 damage reduction from Beam weapons, consumes 10 EN.

Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks, consumes 5 EN.

Distortion Field: 3 different effects, depending on the attack type:
   -Beam weapons below 1500 damage are nullified, else full damage is taken
   -Gravity weapons below 2500 damage are nullified, else full damage is taken
   -All other weapons are reduced by 1000 damage
In all 3 cases, 10 EN is consumed.

Barrier S: 800 damage reduction from all weapons, consumes 10 EN.

Mazinpower: 125% damage at 130 will.

Lamda Driver: Two-part skill. First, at 120 will a damage multiplier activates that starts at 120% damage and risings by 10% for each 10 will gained, up to 150% at 150 will. This is an amazing ability in-game, but is restricted to long term fights in a DL format.

Second, there is a barrier that nulls any attack below 1400 damage for 5 EN active at the start of the battle; anything that is not nulled out does full damage. At 130 will it improves to nulling attacks below 1600 damage for 10 EN, with an additional +200 to the activation threshold and +5 to the EN cost for every 10 will gained past 130.

V-MAXIMUM: At 120 will, unit gains +10 base mobility, After-Image, and Beam Coat L.

Gravity Wave Beam
Gravity Antenna: Units with this ability will fully regenerate EN each turn they are within 7 tiles of a unit with the Gravity Wave Beam (translation: Nadesico Y-Unit). If not, they lose 5 EN per turn. Whether this applies in the DL or not is up for debate, although it doesn't matter except in really long matches.

DCS: Reduce 1000 damage from all weapons, consumes 10 EN. After-Image style evasion activates at 130 will.

Orgone Cloud: Reduce 1200 damage from all weapons, consumes 10 EN. After-Image style evasion activates at 130 will.

HP Regeneration S/M/L: 10%/20%/30% per turn.

EN Regeneration S/M/L: 10%/20%/30% per turn.

   Spirit Commands

SP costs are listed here because they are universal across pilots, unlike in OG games. Using spirits does not take up a turn. Aside from the ones that affect will and HP, Spirits can not be stacked by using them repeatedly.

Scan (5): Show enemy stats and lowers evasion rate by 10% for 1 turn. Yes, actually they made Scan DL relevant!
Accel (5): +3 movement.
Break (20): Next attack ignores special defensive abilities. The description claims that this excludes AfterImage, although I've never had it activate when I use Break myself.
Wall (15): Take 10 damage from the next attack that hits successfully. If the unit has a barrier that works on this particular attack, take 0 damage instead.
Snipe (20): +2 range, except on range 1 weapons and MAPs.
Assault (25): Any non-MAP weapon can be used after moving in a turn.
Guard (30): Take 1/4th damage for one round. This is applied before factoring in any barriers a unit may have.
Gain (20): 2x experience on next attack.
Cheer (25): Cast Gain on any of your units.
Luck (40): 2x money on next attack.
Bless (45): Cast Cheer on any of your units.
Vigor (20): Heal 30% HP.
Guts (40): Full heal HP.
Trust (30): Heal 3000 HP on any of your units.
Faith (50): Full heal any of your units.
Aid (30): +10 SP for all pilots in targetted unit.
Renew (70): Restore all EN and ammo to target with no will penalty.
Alert (10): Avoid the next attack guaranteed, bypasses even Strike.
Focus (15): +30% Hit and Evade for 1 turn.
Strike (20): 100% hit rate for 1 turn. Bypasses all defensive abilities including AfterImage, but not Alert.
Daunt (50): Halve hit rates for all enemy units for 1 turn.
Tire (40): -10 will on targetted enemy.
Spirit (40): +10 will for unit.
Rouse (70): +10 will for adjacent units.
Fury (25): Automatic critical hits for 1 turn.
Valor (40): 2x damage on next attack. Disables criticals, including via Fury. Does not stack with Soul.
Soul (60): 2.5x damage on next attack. Disables criticals, including via Fury. Does not stack with Valor.
Zeal (50): Allows one more action on the current turn.
Enable (90): Allows a unit that has made an action already this turn to get another one. Can not be self-targetted.
Love (90): Casts Accel, Strike, Alert, Valor, Spirit, Gain, and Luck all at once.

   Damage/Hit mechanics

A simplified version of the damage formula for this game, dropping out Potential boosts (which will generally be either minor or non-existant) and irrelevant factors like terrain effect:

[Attacker's Base Weapon Damage * (Attacker's Melee/Range + Attacker's Will) - (Defender's Armor) * (Defender's Defense + Defender's Will)] / 200 * [100% + (Attacker's Size - Defender's Size) * 5%] - Defense Abilities

Where Size ranges from -2 for SS to 2 for LL.

A similarly simplified version of the hit formula is as follows:

[140% + Weapon Accuracy Bonus + (Attacker's Accuracy - (Defender's Mobility * 125% + Defender's Evade)) * 80% / 100] * (100% + Defender's Size * 20%) + (5 - Distance) * 3

As in the OG games, range 5 seems to be considered the default for some reason. I'm taking all attacks at range 5 out of laziness, like Sage did for OG1.

For enemy side stats, I just used a midrange Fury grunt, the only type of grunt you face for the last 3 stages and with better stats than most grunts. Having denied the cast both FUBs and any BP investment at all, I opted against factoring any bosses into these numbers.

L60 Squire: 167 Def, 235 Ability, 145 Evade, 207 Hit
Dona Lyunpii: Mobility 97, Armor 1495, Hit+40
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 12:23:42 AM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 11:47:26 PM »
   Hades Project Zeorymer

Great Zeorymer

Pilots: Masato Akitsu, Miku Himuro

HP: 13200
EN: 400
Mobility: 120
Armor: 2250

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AAAA
DCS: Reduce all damage by 1000 for 10 EN, 10% chance of dodging non-ITE attacks at 130 will
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration L (30%)

Melee: 209
Range: 206
Defense: 174
Ability: 227
Evade: 139
Hit: 167

Effective evade: -37.28%
Net armor: 3195

Masato (178 SP): Wall (15), Break (20), Strike (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Guard (30)
Miku (158 SP): Accel (5 SP), Trust (30), Alert (10), Snipe (20), Aid (30), Zeal (50)

Will gains
+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


D. Dragon Tornado (4150, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 10 EN, AACA) - 4854 damage, 80.6% hit rate
Atomic Quake (4450, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+10, 2o EN, AABA) - 5287 damage, 80.6% hit rate
Twin Lords (4750, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 30 EN, AACA) - 5785 damage, 90.6% hit rate
J-Kaiser (5050, 3-8 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 40 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 6282 damage, 70.6% hit rate
Proton Thunder (5350, 2-7 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+10, 50 EN, 130 Will, AAAA) - 6864 damage, 70.6% hit rate
Infernal Hades MAP (5600, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+0, Crit+0, 100 EN, 150 Will, AAAA) - 7195 damage, 60.6% hit rate
Infernal Hades (6350, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+0, Crit+0, 80 EN, 140 Will, AAAA) - 8439 damage, 60.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Zealx3, Valor->Twin Lords x4 for a 46280 damage first turn, then two more Twin Lords for an average of 19283. Another turn 1 option would be to drop one of the Valors for Strike, which reduces the damage to a still-overkill 40495 and is ITE now.

For a non-Zeal-on-subpilot average, Spirit, Valor->J-Kaiser would average 13094, but with only a 35% chance that all 3 J-Kaisers actually hit. So I'd rather juse use Valor->Twin Lords x3 for 11570 average.


Mazinkaiser KS

Pilot: Koji Kabuto

HP: 10500
EN: 380
Mobility: 142
Armor: 2375

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Mazin Power: +25% damage at 130 Will
Sword Equipped

Melee: 212
Range: 205
Defense: 184
Ability: 235
Evade: 146
Hit: 167

Effective evade: 13.2%
Net armor: 3491

Potential L8
Countercut: 10% rate

Koji (193 SP): Guts (40), Wall (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Guard (30), Fury (25)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Photon Beam (2750, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+20, 5 EN, AACA) - 2432 damage, 80.6% hit rate
Giant Missle (3150, 3-7 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 99 ammo, AACA) - 2965 damage, 90.6% hit rate
Rust Tornado (3450, 2-6 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+10, 10 EN, AACA, inflict Armor Down) - 2559 damage, 70.6% hit rate
Turbo Smasher Punch (3750, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 20 EN, AABA) - 4042 damage, 100.6% hit rate
Scrander Boomerang (3950, 4-8 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 4 ammo, AABA) - 4365 damage, 80.6% hit rate
Kaiser Blade (4150, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 4686 damage, 90.6% hit rate
Fire Blaster (4850, P, 1-2 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 40 EN, AACA) - 5813 damage, 80.6% hit rate
Final Kaiser Blade (5350, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+10, 50 EN, AABA) - 6618 damage, 70.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Strike+Valor->Fire Blaster x3, 11626 average.

Boss Borot

Pilots: Boss, Nuke, Mucha

HP: 6900
EN: 200
Mobility: 82
Armor: 1650

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Repair, Resupply equipment

Melee: 205
Range: 144
Defense: 177
Ability: 199
Evade: 119
Hit: 161

Effective evade: -68.4%
Net armor: 2367.75

Potential L5

Boss (198 SP): Guts (40), Fury (25), Wall (15), Tire (40), Spirit (40), Faith (50)
Nuke (148 SP): Trust (30), Cheer (25), Alert (10), Strike (20), Gain (20), Tire (40)
Mucha (148 SP): Scan (5), Vigor (20), Accel (5), Valor (40), Luck (40), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Borot Iron Fist (3050, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, -ABA) - 2808 damage, 95.8% hit rate
Borot Chain Attack (3250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, -ABA) - 3123 damage, 85.8% hit rate
Borot Killer Butt Slam (3650, P, 1-2 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 10 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3753 damage, 75.8% hit rate
Borot Home Run (3950, 3-8 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+0, 30 EN, 130 Will, AABA) - 4225 damage, 85.8% hit rate
Borot Rolling Crusher (4450, 1 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+0, 20 EN, 140 Will, -ABA), 50.13 damage, 75.8% hit rate
Self-Destruct (5450, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+50, Crit+50, 1 ammo, 120 Will, AAAA, Null Special Defenses, Suicide Attack) -  6588 damage, 105.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Spiritx3, Strike+Valor->Borot Rolling Crusher x3, 11360 average.

Great Mazinger (True)

Pilot: Tetsuya Tsurugi

HP: 9450
EN: 340
Mobility: 127
Armor: 2250

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA

Melee: 211
Range: 212
Defense: 182
Ability: 241
Evade: 145
Hit: 166

Effective evade: -2.6%
Net armor: 3285

Potential L7
Countercut: 13% rate

Tetsuya (188 SP): Accel (5), Wall (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Guard (30), Fury (25)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Mazinger Blade (3150, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 3060 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Drill Pressure Punch (3350, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 15 EN, AABA) - 3381 damage, 89.8% hit rate
Breast Burn (3950, P, 1-2 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 30 EN, AACA) - 4344 damage, 79.8% hit rate
Thunder Break (4150, 2-6 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+10, 40 EN, AA-A) - 4665 damage, 69.8% hit rate
Double Thunder Break (4650, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+10, 50 EN, 120 Will, AA-A) - 5467 damage, 69.8% hit rate
Great Booster (5050, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+0, 1 ammo, 110 Will, AABA) - 6109 damage, 89.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Great Booster x1, Strike+Valor->Thunder Break x2 for 10293 average.

Million Alpha

Pilots: Lori, Loru

HP: 6400
EN: 280
Mobility: 112
Armor: 1950

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Repair, Resupply equipment

Melee: 182
Range: 199
Defense: 174
Ability: 229
Evade: 144
Hit: 169

Effective evade: -18.4%
Net armor: 2769

Potential L4

Lori (188 SP): Accel (5), Break (20), Strike (20), Valor (40), Guard (30), Enable (90)
Loru (188 SP): Scan (5), Wall (15), Snipe (20), Spirit (40), Aid (30), Renew (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking damage
+0 for taking no damage

EM Cannon (3150, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, Status, AA-A) - 2871 damage, 82.2% hit rate
Million Arm (3250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 2749 damage, 102.2% hit rate
Self-Destruct (5450, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+50, Crit+50, 1 ammo, 120 will, AAAA, suicide attack) - 5961 damage, 112.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Strike+Valor->EM Cannon x3, 5742 average. 3 uses of Spirit would raise this to 6686 damage, but I'm not convince a 16% damage increase is worth emptying Loru of SP for Strike, when Million Alpha's damage is so marginal anyways, so I'm just using the original number.

Venus A

Pilot: Jun Hono

HP: 7500
EN: 300
Mobility: 120
Armor: 2100

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Repair equipment

Melee: 191
Range: 202
Defense: 178
Ability: 231
Evade: 147
Hit: 168

Effective evade: -8%
Net armor: 3024

Potential L4

Jun (198 SP): Gain (20), Alert (10), Strike (20), Valor (40), Rouse (70), Aid (30)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Photon Beam (3050, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+20, 5 EN, AACA) - 2595 damage, 81.4% hit rate
Venus Missles (3250, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 10 ammo, AACA) - 3074 damage, 91.4% hit rate
Melee (3350, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, -ABA) - 3046 damage, 101.4% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Venus Missles x3, 6148 average.

   Super Beast Machine God Dancougar

Final Dancougar

Pilots: Shinobu Fujiwara, Sara Yuki, Masato Shikibu, Ryo Shiba, Alan Igor

HP: 10950
EN: 360
Mobility: 120
Armor: 2100

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Sword equipped

Armored carrier for Dancougar

Melee: 212
Range: 207
Defense: 172
Ability: 229
Evade: 142
Hit: 166

Effective evade: -34.4%
Net armor: 2961

Instinct: +25% damage at 120 will
Potential L8
Countercut: 7% rate

Shinobu (163 SP): Guts (40), Wall (15), Accel (5), Valor (40), Assault (25), Spirit (40)
Sara (153 SP): Trust (30), Focus (15), Spirit (40), Valor (40), Rouse (70), Love (90)
Masato (153 SP): Gain (20), Strike (20), Luck (40), Alert (10), Daunt (50), Renew (70)
Ryou (158 SP): Guard (30), Break (20), Alert (10), Fury (25), Bless (45), Faith (50)
Alan (158 SP): Scan (5), Accel (5), Focus (15), Strike (20), Snipe (20), Valor (40)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Big Gun (3150, 2-5 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AACA) - 3147 damage, 79.8% hit rate
Punch (3350, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+20, AABA) - 3568 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Dancouken (3550, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 10 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 3906 damage, 89.8% hit rate
DancouCannon (3650, 2-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+10, 20 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 3979 damage, 79.8% hit rate
DancouCannon Formation (4050, 3-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+0, 30 EN, 130 Will, AACA) - 4645 damage, 69.8% hit rate
Raging Beast (4250, 1 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 40 EN, 130 Will, AABA) - 5089 damage, 89.8% hit rate
Dancoukogaken MAP (4300, 1-8 range, Melee, Hit+0, Crit+0, 60 EN, 140 Will, AACA) - 5174 damage, 59.8% hit rate
Dancoukogaken (4850, 1-8 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+0, 50 EN, 140 Will, AACA) - 6103 damage, 69.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit x4, Strike+Valor->Dancoukogaken x3 for 17804 average. Dropping down to base Dancougar is never going to improve damage, so I'm listing the average first here.

Separated Dancougar

Pilots: Shinobu Fujiwara, Sara Yuki, Masato Shikibu, Ryo Shiba

HP: 10200
EN: 320
Mobility: 112
Armor: 1950

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AACA

Net armor: 2749.5


Big Gun (2850, 2-5 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AACA) - 2647 damage, 79.8% hit rate
Punch (3050, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+20, AABA) - 3060 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Dancouken (3250, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 10 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 3399 damage, 89.8% hit rate
DancouCannon (3350, 2-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+10, 20 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 3480 damage, 79.8% hit rate
DancouCannon Formation (3750, 3-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+0, 30 EN, 130 Will, AACA) - 4145 damage, 69.8% hit rate
Raging Beast (3950, 1 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 40 EN, 130 Will, AABA) - 4582 damage, 89.8% hit rate
Dancoukogaken MAP (4000, 1-8 range, Melee, Hit+0, Crit+0, 60 EN, 140 Will, AACA) - 4666 damage, 59.8% hit rate
Dancoukogaken (4550, 1-8 range, Melee, Hit+10, Crit+0, 50 EN, 140 Will, AACA) - 5596 damage, 69.8% hit rate

   Super Electromagnetic Robot Combattler V

Combattler V

Pilots: Hyoma Aoi, JUzo Naniwa, Daisaku Nishikawa, Chizuru Nanbara, Kosuke Kita

HP: 11250
EN: 340
Mobility: 105
Armor: 1950

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AABA
Sword equipped

Melee 211
Range: 202
Defense: 175
Ability: 230
Evade: 139
Hit: 165

Effective evade: -55.28%
Net armor: 2778.75

Potential L8
Countercut: 7% rate

Hyoma (163 SP): Vigor (20), Wall (15), Assault (25), Valor (40), Strike (20), Spirit (40)
Juzo (153 SP): Strike (20), Alert (10), Accel (5), Break (20), Snipe (20), Rouse (70)
Daisaku (153 SP): Guts (40), Spirit (40), Guard (30), Gain (20), Faith (50), Valor (40)
Chizuru (158 SP): Trust (30), Alert (10), Luck (40), Aid (30), Renew (70), Aid (30)
Kosuke (153 SP): Scan (5), Gain (20), Vigor (30), Focus (15), Cheer (25), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


V Laser (2750, 1-5 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 10 EN, AACA) - 2409 damage, 89% hit rate
Choudenji Yo-Yo (2950, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, AABA) - 2876 damage, 89% hit rate
Twin Lancer (3250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 110 Will, AABA) - 3381 damage, 99%
Big Blast (3550, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 3 ammo, AACA) - 3719 damage, 89% hit rate
Grandasher (4250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 5067 damage, 89% hit rate
Choudenji Spin (4650, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 50 EN, 130 WIll, AABA) - 5741 damage, 79% hit rate

3 turn average: Spiritx2, Focus+Valor->Choudenji Spin x3 for 12458 average. With "only" two pilots that have Spirit and Valor, unlike Final Dancougar, I didn't feel the very slight damage bump from capping will were worth factoring into the average.

   Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V

Voltes V

Pilots: Kenichi Go, Ippei Mine, Daijiro Go, Hiyoshi Go, Megumi Oka

HP: 11400
EN: 340
Mobility: 105
Armor: 1800

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AABA
Sword equipped

Melee: 209
Range: 208
Defense: 173
Ability: 229
Evade: 139
Hit: 186

Effective evade: -55.28%
Net armor: 2547

Potential L8
Coutnercut: 7% rate

Kenichi (163 SP): Strike (20), Snipe (20), Wall (15), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Rouse (70)
Ippei (153 SP): Focus (15), Accel (5), Fury (25), Vigor (20), Strike (20), Faith (50)
Daijiro (153 SP): Guts (40), Gain (20), Spirit (40), Guard (30), Valor (40), Enable (90)
Hiyoshi (158 SP): Tire (40), Trust (30), Luck (40), Cheer (25), Alert (10), Renew (70)
Megumi (153 SP): Alert (10), Scan (5), Break (20), Accel (5), Focus (15), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Choudenji Strings (2750, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, AABA) - 2510 damage, 105.8% hit rate
Choudenji Tops (2950, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, AABA) - 2845 damage, 95.8% hit rate
Voltes Bazooka (3150, 2-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AABA) - 3163 damage, 95.8% hit rate
Heaven Sword (3350, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 3515 damage, 115.8% hit rate
Heaven Sword V Slash (4150, P, 1-2 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4855 damage, 105.8% hit rate
Choudenji Ball V Slash (4750, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 50 EN, 130 Will, AABA) - 5859 damage, 95.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Spiritx2, Valor->Choudenji Ball V Slash x3 for 12716 average.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 08:07:26 PM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 11:48:15 PM »
   Space Knight Tekkaman Blade

Tekkaman Blade + Pegas

Pilots: Blade (Takaya Aiba), Pegas

HP: 5400
EN: 360
Mobility: 162 (169 after Blaster Type)
Armor: 1650 (1800 after Blaster Type)

Size: S
Terrain Ranks: A--A
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword equipped

Armored Carrier for Tekkaman Blade

Melee: 216
Range: 207
Defense: 149
Ability: 234
Evade: 185
Hit: 197

Effective evade: 71.52% (83.52% after Blaster type)
Net armor: 2054.25 (2331 after Blaster type)

Blaster type: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +100, and massive weapon improvements at 130 will
Potential L8
Countercut: 9% rate (14% after Blaster type activates)

Blade (173 SP): Focus (15), Wall (15), Spirit (40), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Soul (60)
Pegas (168 SP): Accel (5), Strike (20), Snipe (20), Daunt (50), Tire (40), Renew (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Throw Lancer (2950, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, AABA) - 2672 damage, 104.6% hit rate
Crash Intrude (3350, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3291 damage, 114.6% hit rate
Tek Lancer (3450, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3446 damage, 124.6% hit rate
Voltekka MAP (3800, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 3826 damage, 84.6% hit rate
Hi-Coat Voltekka MAP (4300, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 70 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 4579 damage, 84.6% hit rate
Voltekka (4450, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 4805 damage, 94.6% hit rate
Hi-Coat Voltekka (4950, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 5557 damage, 94.6% hit rate

Weapons, Blaster Mode

Throw Lancer (3250, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, AABA) - 3137 damage, 112.6% hit rate
Crash Intrude (3650, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3756 damage, 122.6% hit rate
Voltekka Lancer (3750 power, 3-8 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 3911 damage, 112.6% hit rate
Tek Lancer (3950, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 4221 damage, 132.6% hit rate
Blaster Voltekka MAP (4800, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 70 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 5332 damage, 92.6% hit rate
Blaster Voltekka (5450, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 6310 damage, 102.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, then Valor->Hi-Coat Voltekka x3 for 11586 average. This very narrowly edges out Spirit x2, Valor->Reactor Voltekka x2, Reactor Voltekka x1 which averages 11380, but leaves him dealing more damage from turn 4 on.

If instead Blade wants to empty out all of his SP to maximize turn 1 damage, he can opt for Zeal, Soul->Voltekka x2 for 24025 damage.

Separated Tekkaman Blade

Pilot: Blade (Takaya Aiba)

HP: 4950
EN: 300
Mobility: 156 (162 in Blaster Mode)
Armor: 1500 (1650 in Blaster Mode)

Size: SS
Terrain Ranks: AAAA
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword equipped

Effective evade: 75.04% (83.44% after Blaster type)
Net armor: 1942.5 (2219.25 after Blaster type)


Throw Lancer (2950, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, AABA) - 2531 damage, 104.6% hit rate
Crash Intrude (3350, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3118 damage 114.6% hit rate
Tek Lancer (3450, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3265 damage, 124.6% hit rate
Voltekka MAP (3800, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 3624 damage, 84.6% hit rate
Voltekka (4450, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 4552 damage, 94.6% hit rate

Weapons, Blaster Mode

Throw Lancer (3250, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, AABA) - 2972 damage, 112.6% hit rate
Crash Intrude (3650, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3558 damage, 122.6% hit rate
Voltekka Lancer (3750 power, 3-8 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 3705 damage, 112.6% hit rate
Tek Lancer (3950, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3998 damage, 132.6% hit rate
Blaster Voltekka MAP (4800, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 70 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 5051 damage - 92.6% hit rate
Blaster Voltekka (5450, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 5978 damage - 102.6% hit rate

Tekkaman Rapier

Pilot: Rapier (Miyuki Aiba)

HP: 4950
EN: 260
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1500

Size: SS
Terrain Ranks: AAAA
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration L (30%)
Sword equipped

Melee: 211
Range: 202
Defense: 179
Ability: 224
Evade: 182
Hit: 194

Effective evade: 73.6%
Net armor: 2167.5

Potential L7
Countercut - 4% rate

Rapier (183 SP): Strike (20), Alert (10), Assault (25), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Crash Intrude (3150, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 2754 damage, 112.2% hit rate
Tek Sword (3250, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 2898 damage, 122.2% hit rate
Voltekka MAP (3800, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 3539 damage, 82.2% hit rate
Voltekka (4450, 1-5 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AACA) - 4452 damage, 92.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Love->Voltekka, Valor->Voltekka x2 for 9304 average.

Blue Earth

Pilots: Aki Kisaragi, Miletta Le Rouge

HP: 5250
EN: 220
Mobility: 150
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Barrier S (800 damage reduced for 5 EN)
Repair, Resupply unit

Melee: 194
Range: 203
Defense: 172
Ability: 229
Evade: 180
Hit: 193

Effective evade: 58.72%
Net armor: 2115

Potential L5

Aki (188 SP): Accel (5), Alert (10), Guard (30), Strike (20), Love (90), Aid (30)
Milly (168 SP): Cheer (25), Trust (30), Snipe (20), Bless (45), Enable (90), Renew (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Laser Cannon (2950, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AA-A) - 2490 damage, 101.4% hit rate
Fermion Cannon (3450, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 30 EN, AA-A) - 3233 damage, 91.4% hit rate

3 turn average: Strictly speaking, Lovex2 would yield the highest 3 turn average, but runs Aki completely dry of SP. In practice she probably wants to ignore Love entirely and save all her SP for Focus or Alert. So I'll split the difference and go with Love->Fermion Cannon, Fermion Cannon x2 for an average of 4529.33.

Sol Tekkaman No. 2

Pilot: Noal Vereuse

HP: 4500
EN: 240
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1350

Size: SS
Terrain Ranks: AABA
Gun equipped

Melee: 200
Range: 204
Defense: 177
Ability: 231
Evade: 177
Hit: 189

Effective evade: 70%
Net armor: 1937.25

Potential L6
Shoot Down: 8% rate

Noal (178 SP): Guts (40), Focus (15), Luck (40), Valor (40), Assault (25), Faith (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Laser Rifle (2950, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 20 ammo, AA-A) - 2372 damage, 98.8% hit rate
Fermion Cannon (3450, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 10 EN, AA-A) - 3079 damage, 88.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Fermion Cannon x3, 6158 average.

Sol Tekkaman No. 1

Pilot: Balzac Asimov

HP: 4500
EN: 240
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1350

Size: SS
Terrain Ranks: AABA
Gun equipped

Melee: 199
Range: 205
Defense: 174
Ability: 232
Evade: 178
Hit: 191

Effective evade: 70.48%
Net armor: 1917

Potential L6
Shoot Down: 3% rate

Balzac (178 SP): Scan (5), Focus (15), Fury (25), Valor (40), Wall (15), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Needle Gun (2950, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 20 ammo, AABA) - 2385 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Fermion Diff. Cannon (3450, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 10 EN, AA-A) - 3094 damage, 89.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Fermion Diff. Cannon x3, 6188 average.

   Full Metal Panic!

ARX-7 Arbalest

Pilot: Sosuke Sagara

HP: 6000
EN: 300
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1800

Size: S
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
ECS: 14% chance of dodging non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Lambda Driver: Nullifies damage below 1400 for 5 EN, additional effects at 120+ will (see first post for details)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 214
Range: 213
Defense: 179
Ability: 239
Evade: 184
Hit: 197

Effective evade: 66.08%
Net armor: 2601

Potential L7
Countercut: 12% rate
Shoot Down: 7% rate

Sosuke (173 SP): Alert (10), Focus (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Daunt (50), Soul (60)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Chain Gun (1700, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 712 damage, 114.6% hit rate
Assault Rifle (3200, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 3014 damage, 104.6% hit rate
Monomolecular Cutter (3200, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3029 damage, 124.6% hit rate
"Boxer" Shotcannon (3700, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AABA) - 3781 damage, 114.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->Boxer x2, Valor->Boxer x1 for 8822.33 average.


Pilot: Bonta-kun (Sosuke)

HP: 1950
EN: 160
Mobility: 162
Armor: 750

Size: SS
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Gun equipped

Melee: 214
Range: 213
Defense: 179
Ability: 239
Evade: 184
Hit: 197

Effective evade: 78.16%
Net armor: 1083.75

Potential L7
Shoot Down: 7% rate

Sosuke (173 SP): Alert (10), Focus (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Daunt (50), Soul (60)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Machine Gun (2500, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 1838 damage, 104.6% hit rate
Melee (2800, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 2286 damage, 124.6% hit rate
Grenade Launcher (3000, 2-6 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 8 ammo, AABA) - 2564 damage, 94.6% hit rate
MP Bonta-kun (3200, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 3 ammo, 110 will, AABA) - 2869 damage, 114.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->MP Bonta-kun x2, Valor->MP Bonta-kun for 6694.33 average.

M9 Gernsback (Mao)

Pilot: Melissa Mao

HP: 5700
EN: 200
Mobility: 150
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Sword, Gun Equipped
ECS: 17% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will

Melee: 213
Range: 209
Defense: 182
Ability: 242
Evade: 182
Hit: 194

Effective evade: 60%
Net armor: 2190

Potential L6
Counter: 17% rate
Countercut: 13% rate
Shoot Down: 8% rate

Mao (183 SP): Guard (30), Focus (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Fury (25), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Chain Gun (1450, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit-20, 20 ammo, AABA) - 302 damage, 112.2% hit rate
40mm Assault Rifle (2950, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AABA) - 2574 damage, 102.2% hit rate
Monomolecular Cutter (2950, P, 1 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, -ABA) - 2630 damage, 122.2% hit rate
Anti-Personnel Rifle (3650, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 8 ammo, AABA) - 3635 damage, 92.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Anti-Personnel Rifle x3, 7270 average.

M9 Gernsback (Kurz)

Pilot: Kurz Weber

HP: 5700
EN: 200
Mobility: 150
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Gun Equipped
ECS: 19% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will

Melee: 195
Range: 219
Defense: 169
Ability: 244
Evade: 179
Hit: 209

Effective evade: 58.08%
Net armor: 2092.5

Potential L5
Shoot Down: 14% rate

Kurz (178 SP): Snipe (20), Focus (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Luck (40), Tire (40)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Chain Gun (1450, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit-20, 20 ammo, AABA) - 370 damage, 124.2% hit rate
40mm Assault Rifle (2950, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AABA) - 2714 damage, 114.2% hit rate
57mm Sniper Rifle (3450, 3-9 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 4 ammo, AABA) - 3495 damage, 104.2% hit rate
Anti-Personnel Rifle (3650, 2-7 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 8 ammo, AABA) - 3808 damage, 104.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Anti-Personnel Rifle x3, 7616 damage.

   Martian Successor Nadesico

Nadesico Y-Unit

Pilots: Ruri Hoshino, Yurika Misamaru, Minato Haruka, Megumi Reinard, Jun Aoi

HP: 22200
EN: 600
Mobility: 105
Armor: 1950

Size: LL
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Gravity Wave Beam
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
EN Regeneration S (10%)

Melee: 149 (+2)
Range: 201 (+2)
Defense: 152 (+2)
Ability: 234 (+2)
Evade: 151 (+2)
Hit: 189 (+2)

Effective evade: -65.48%
Net armor: 2574

IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards

Ruri (158 SP): Scan (5), Snipe (20), Alert (10), Strike (20), Zeal (50), Renew (70)
Yurika (163 SP): Tire (40), Cheer (25), Daunt (50), Bless (45), Spirit (40), Love (90)
Minato (153 SP): Accel (5), Alert (10), Guard (30), Trust (30), Aid (30), Enable (90)
Megumi (153 SP): Gain (20), Break (20), Luck (40), Focus (15), Valor (40), Rouse (90)
Jun (153 SP): Vigor (20), Wall (15), Trust (30), Assail (25), Spirit (40), Faith (50)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Missles (2950, P, 1-5 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 ammo, AACA) - 2883 damage, 109.8% hit rate
Gravity Blast MAP (3500, Gravity, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 60 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3829 damage, 79.8% hit rate
Phase Transition Cannon MAP (3800, 3-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 80 EN, 140 Will, AAAA) - 4346 damage, 79.8% hit rate
Gravity Blast (4050, Gravity, 2-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 40 EN, AABA) - 4777 damage, 89.8% hit rate
Phase Transition Cannon (4350, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 60 EN, 130 Will, AAAA) - 5293 damage, 89.8% hit rate

3 turn average: *deep breath*

Spiritx3 (Jun), Zeal, Love->PTC, Zealx2, Valor->PTC x3, Aidx5, Zeal, Valor->PTC. That's a total of 5 Phase Transition Cannons at 150 will for 63940 damage turn 1, with enough SP left for Valor->PTC and Love->PTC on the next two turns. 29838.67 average.

For a non-Zeal-on-subpilot average, take 150 will Valor->PTC x3 for 12788 average.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Akito

Pilot: Akito Tenkawa

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 140
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 207 (+2)
Range: 209 (+2)
Defense: 163 (+2)
Ability: 229 (+2)
Evade: 182 (+2)
Hit: 194 (+2)

Effective evade: 53.28%
Net armor: 2062.5

Potential L5
IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Countercut: 3% rate
Shoot DOwn: 8% rate

Akito (178 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Faith (50), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Soul (60)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Rapid Rifle (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2498 damage, 103.8% hit rate
Immediate Knife (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2772 damage, 123.8% hit rate
Field Lancer (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3224 damage, 113.8% hit rate
Wired Fist (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3374 damage, 113.8% hit rate
Gekigan Flare (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, -ABC) - 3673 damage, 103.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->Gekigan Flare x2, Valor->Gekigan Flare x1 for 8575 average damage.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Ryoko

Pilot: Ryoko Subaru

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 140
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 211 (+2)
Range: 203 (+2)
Defense: 165 (+2)
Ability: 237 (+2)
Evade: 179 (+2)
Hit: 191 (+2)

Effective evade: 51.36%
Net armor: 2077.5

Potential L5
IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Counter: 14% rate
Countercut: 7% rate
Shoot Down: 12% rate

Ryoko (188 SP): Spirit (40), Focus (15), Guts (40), Valor (40), Alert (10), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Rapid Rifle (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2443 damage, 101.4% hit rate
Immediate Knife (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2860 damage, 121.4% hit rate
Field Lancer (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3320 damage, 114.4% hit rate
Wired Fist (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3474 damage, 114.4% hit rate
Distortion Punch (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, -ABC) - 3781 damage, 104.4% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Distortion Punch x3, 7561 average. She could use Spirit once for a very slight damage boost but ehh.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Hikaru

Pilot: Hikaru Amano

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 140
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 205 (+2)
Range: 205 (+2)
Defense: 161 (+2)
Ability: 233 (+2)
Evade: 184 (+2)
Hit: 193 (+2)

Effective evade: 54.36%
Net armor: 2047.5

IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Countercut: 5%
Shoot Down: 10% rate

Hikaru (178 SP): Luck (40), Focus (15), Cheer (25), Valor (40), Trust (30), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Rapid Rifle (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2471 damage, 103% hit rate
Immediate Knife (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2772 damage, 123% hit rate
Field Lancer (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3224 damage, 113% hit rate
Wired Fist (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3374 damage, 113% hit rate
Distortion Punch (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, -ABC) - 3675 damage, 103% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Distortion Punch x3, 7350 average.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Izumi

Pilot: Izumi Maki

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 140
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 203 (+2)
Range: 211 (+2)
Defense: 161 (+2)
Ability: 235 (+2)
Evade: 182 (+2)
Hit: 196 (+2)

Effective evade: 53.68%
Net armor: 2047.5

IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Countercut: 6% rate
Shoot Down: 11% rate

Izumi (183 SP): Focus (15), Break (20), Strike (20), Valor (40), Tire (40), Guard (30)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Rapid Rifle (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2553 damage, 105.4% hit rate
Immediate Knife (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2724 damage, 125.4% hit rate
Field Lancer (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3191 damage, 114.4% hit rate
Wired Fist (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3341 damage, 114.4% hit rate
Distortion Punch (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, -ABC) - 3640 damage, 104.4% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Distortion Punch x3, 7280 average.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Gai

Pilot: Jiro YamadaGai Daigoji

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 140
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 209 (+2)
Range: 201 (+2)
Defense: 167 (+2)
Ability: 227 (+2)
Evade: 177 (+2)
Hit: 189 (+2)

Effective evade: 50.08%
Net armor: 2092.5

Potential L7
IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Counter: 10% rate
Countercut: 2% rate
Shoot Down: 7% rate

Gai (193 SP): Guts (40), Wall (15), Strike (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Soul (60)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Gekigan Shot (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2416 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Gekigan Sword (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2831 damage, 119.8% hit rate
Super Gekigan Sword (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3288 damage, 109.8% hit rate
Gai Super Upper (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3441 damage, 109.8% hit rate
Gekigan Flare (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, -ABC) - 3746 damage, 99.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->Gekigan Flare x3, 9365 average.

Aestivalis Ground Frame - Akatsuki

Pilot: Nagare Akatsuki

HP: 5700
EN: 240
Mobility: 141
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: -AAB
Distortion Field: Null beam damage below 1500, Gravity damage below 2500, reduce all other damage by 1000 for 10 EN
Gravity Wave Antenna: Full EN Regeneration when within 7 squares of the Nadesico Y-Unit, -5 EN per turn otherwise
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 207 (+2)
Range: 207 (+2)
Defense: 159 (+2)
Ability: 231 (+2)
Evade: 180 (+2)
Hit: 192 (+2)

Effective evade: 52.8%
Net armor: 2032.5

IFS: +2 stats for every 10 will up to 130, then +1 will for every 10 will afterwards
Countercut: 4% rate
Shoot Down: 9% rate

Akatsuki (183 SP): Accel (5), Alert (10), Snipe (20), Valor (40), Focus (15), Luck (40)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Rapid Rifle (2900, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABC) - 2498 damage, 102.2% hit rate
Immediate Knife (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, -ABC) - 2801 damage, 122.2% hit rate
Field Lancer (3400, P, 1 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, -ABC, ignore barriers) - 3256 damage, 112.2% hit rate
Wired Fist (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AABC) - 3407 damage, 112.2% hit rate
Distortion Punch (3700, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, -ABC) - 3710 damage, 102.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Distortion Punch x3, 7420 average.

   Blue Comet SPT Layzner

Layzner Mk2

Pilot: Albatro Null Eiji Asuka

HP: 6000
EN: 340
Mobility: 150 (163 under V-MAXIMUM)
Armor: 1350

(Flight Mode:
Mobility: 156, 175 under V-MAXIMUM
Armor: 1200)

Size: S
Terrain: AACA
Transform (Regular <-> Flight Mode)
V-MAXIMUM: Gains +10 base mobility, Beam Coat L, and After-Image at 120 Will
   (Beam Coat L: 1000 damage reduction from Beam weapons for 10 EN
    After-Image: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will)
Gun equipped

Melee: 211
Range: 209
Defense: 153
Ability: 235
Evade: 185
Hit: 197

Effective evade: 61.92% (66.72% in Flight mode, 72.32% after V-MAXIMUM, 81.92% in Flight mode after V-MAXIMUM)
Net armor: 1775.25 (1578 in Flight mode)

Potential L7
Shoot Down: 10% rate

Eiji (173 SP): Focus (15), Accel (5), Alert (10), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Soul (60)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Lasered Rifle (3500, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 3407 damage, 104.6% hit rate
Knuckle Shot (3500, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 3441 damage, 124.6% hit rate
V-MAXIMUM MAP (3800, 1-7 range, Melee, Hit+0, Crit+0, 50 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3898 damage, 84.6% hit rate
V-MaXIMUM (4400, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4355 damage, 104.6% hit rate

Weapons, Flight Mode

Lasered Rifle (3500, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 3407 damage, 104.6% hit rate
V-MaXIMUM (4400, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+20, Crit+10, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4355 damage, 104.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->Knuckle Shot x2, Valor->Knuckle Shot x1 for an average of 8029 damage per turn.


Pilot: Roanne Demitrich

HP: 5550
EN: 340
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1350

Size: S
Terrain: AACA
Gun equipped
Repair unit

Melee: 204
Range: 207
Defense: 161
Ability: 227
Evade: 179
Hit: 193

Effective evade: 61.28%
Net armor: 1829.25

Shoot Down: 6% rate

Roanne (183 SP): Scan (5), Focus (15), Alert (10), Valor (40), Daunt (50), Renew (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Lasered Gun (2850, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 2395 damage, 101.4% hit rate
Knuckle Shot (2850, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 2355 damage, 121.4% hit rate
Shoulder Cannon (3250, Beam, 3-8 range, Ranged, Hit+10, Crit+10, 30 EN, AA-A) - 2998 damage, 91.4% hit rate

Valor->Shoulder Cannon x3, 5996 average.


Pilot: David Rutherford

HP: 5700
EN: 320
Mobility: 152
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: AACA
Gun equipped
Resupply unit

Melee: 209
Range: 202
Defense: 157
Ability: 229
Evade: 181
Hit: 191

Effective evade: 60.96%
Net armor: 2002.5

Potential L6
Counter: 10% rate
Shoot Down: 7% rate

David (183 SP): Guts (40), Focus (15), Accel (5), Valor (40), Faith (50), Love (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Lasered Gun (2850, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 2328 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Knuckle Shot (3050, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 2725 damage, 109.8% hit rate

3 turn average:


Pilot: Albatro Mill Julia Asuka

HP: 6000
EN: 360
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: AACA
Gun equipped
Repair unit

Melee: 199
Range: 203
Defense: 169
Ability: 227
Evade: 179
Hit: 194

Effective evade: 62.08%
Net armor: 2017.5

Shoot Down: 6% rate

Julia (188 SP): Focus (15), Trust (30), Bless (45), Love (90), Zeal (50), Enable (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Lasered Gun (3250, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 2936 damage, 102.2% hit rate
Knuckle Shot (3250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 2874 damage, 122.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Zealx3, Lasered Gun x6 for 5872 damage. No separate average here since she's using Zeal in place of Valor, unlike Nadesico and Great Zeo.


Pilot: Ahmos Gale

HP: 6000
EN: 360
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size: S
Terrain: AACA
Gun equipped

Melee: 209
Range: 211
Defense: 155
Ability: 238
Evade: 184
Hit: 199

Effective evade: 65.28%
Net armor: 1987.5

Potential L8
Counter: 13% rate
Shoot Down: 11% rate

Gale (178 SP): Focus (15), Fury (25), Alert (10), Valor (40), Break (20), Soul (60)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Lasered Gun (3250, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 3059 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Knuckle Shot (3250, P, 1-3 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, AABA) - 3029 damage, 126.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->Lasered Gun x2, Valor->Lasered Gun x1, average damage per turn of 7137.67.

   Brain Powered

Hime Brain

Pilot: Hime Utsumiya

HP: 5100
EN: 240
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 208
Range: 210
Defense: 174
Ability: 229
Evade: 183 (+36)
Hit: 196 (+39)

Effective evade: 87.68%
Net armor: 2130

Antibody L9: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 5% rate
Shoot Down: 5% rate

Hime (178 SP): Focus (15), Cheer (25), Bless (45), Valor (40), Rouse (70), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2816 damage, 145% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3120 damage, 135% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3089 damage, 155% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4146 damage, 145% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2-Handed Brain Bar x3, 8292 average.

Nelly Brain

Pilot: Yuu Isami

HP: 5700
EN: 260
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1800

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 209
Range: 211
Defense: 172
Ability: 229
Evade: 189 (+37)
Hit: 194 (+38)

Effective evade: 92.96%
Net armor: 2538

Antibody L9: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 5% rate
Shoot Down: 5% rate

Yuu (173 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Spirit (40), Valor (40), Strike (20), Soul (60)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2831 damage, 142.6% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3600, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3593 damage, 132.6% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3600, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3559 damage, 152.6% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4300, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4620 damage, 142.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->2-Handed Brain Bar x2, Valor->2-Handed Brain Bar x1 for 10780 average per turn.

Nanga Brain

Pilot: Nanga Silverly

HP: 5100
EN: 220
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1650

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 205
Range: 201
Defense: 172
Ability: 229
Evade: 179 (+35)
Hit: 191 (+38)

Effective evade: 83.68%
Net armor: 2326.5

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 5% rate
Shoot Down: 5% rate

Nanga (183): Guard (30), Focus (15), Trust (30), Valor (40), Strike (20), Renew (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2683 damage, 140.2% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 2979 damage, 130.2% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3042 damage, 150.2% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4089 damage, 140.2% hit rate
Eland Assault (4400, 1-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 3 ammo, 110 Will, AA-A) - 4604 damage, 140.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Eland Assault x3, 9208 average.

Lasse Brain

Pilot: Lasse Lundberg

HP: 5100
EN: 240
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 200
Range: 207
Defense: 172
Ability: 229
Evade: 184 (+36)
Hit: 194 (+38)

Effective evade: 88.32%
Net armor: 2115

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 5% rate
Shoot Down: 5% rate

Lasse (183 SP): Accel (5), Focus (15), Guts (40), Valor (40), Break (20), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2772 damage, 142.6% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3073 damage, 132.6% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 2963 damage, 152.6% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 3994 damage, 142.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2HBB, 7988 damage.

Brain Child (Kanan)

Pilot: Kanan Gimms

HP: 5400
EN: 220
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1650

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 204
Range: 207
Defense: 170
Ability: 229
Evade: 181 (+36)
Hit: 193 (+38)

Effective evade: 85.6%
Net armor: 2310

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 5% rate
Shoot Down: 5% rate

Kanan (183 SP): Focus (15), Guard (30), Gain (20), Valor (40), Snipe (20), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2772 damage, 141.8% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3073 damage, 131.8% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3026 damage, 151.8% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4070 damage, 141.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2HBB, 8140 average.

Brain Child (Higgins)

Pilot: Higgins Saz

HP: 5400
EN: 220
Mobility: 154
Armor: 1650

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 204
Range: 207
Defense: 169
Ability: 228
Evade: 182 (+36)
Hit: 192 (+38)

Effective evade: 86.24%
Net armor: 2301.75

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 4% rate
Shoot Down: 4% rate

Higgins (183 SP): Accel (5), Focus (15), Wall (15), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2772 damage, 141% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3073 damage, 131% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3026 damage, 151% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4070 damage, 141% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2HBB, 8140 average.

Nakki Brain

Pilot: Nakki Guys

HP: 5100
EN: 240
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 207
Range: 208
Defense: 169
Ability: 227
Evade: 181 (+36)
Hit: 193 (+38)

Effective evade: 86.4%
Net armor: 2092.5

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 4% rate
Shoot Down: 4% rate

Nakki (183 SP): Focus (15), Luck (40), Break (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Faith (40)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2787 damage, 141.8% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3089 damage, 131.8% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3073 damage, 151.8% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4127 damage, 141.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2HBB x3, 8254 average.

Kant Brain

Pilot: Kant Kestner

HP: 5100
EN: 240
Mobility: 155
Armor: 1500

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 10% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 197
Range: 204
Defense: 173
Ability: 223
Evade: 183 (+36)
Hit: 195 (+39)

Effective evade: 87.68%
Net armor: 2122.5

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Countercut: 2% rate
Shoot Down: 2% rate

Kant (183 SP): Scan (5), Focus (15), Gain (20), Valor (40), Strike (20), Spirit (40)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Missle Launcher (3100, 2-8 range, Ranged, Hit+30, Crit+10, 6 ammo, AACA) - 2728 damage, 144.2% hit rate
Brain Bar Shot (3300, P, 1-6 range, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3026 damage, 134.2% hit rate
Brain Bar Cut (3300, P, 1-5 range, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 10 EN, AAAA) - 2916 damage, 152.2% hit rate
2-Handed Brain Bar (4000, P, 1-4 range, Melee, Hit+30, Crit+20, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 3937 damage, 144.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->2HBB x3, 7874 average.


Pilot: Jonathan Glenn (105 starting will)

HP: 6000
EN: 300
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1875

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 14% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 208
Range: 206
Defense: 191
Ability: 239
Evade: 182 (+36)
Hit: 196 (+39)

Effective evade: 87.84%
Net armor: 2775

Antibody L9: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Counter: 14% rate
Countercut: 10% rate
Shoot Down: 10% rate

Jonathan (173 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Fury (25), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Chakra Light (3800, range 3-10, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 20 EN, AAAA) - 3717 damage, 134% hit rate
Fin (3800, P, range 1-5, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 20 EN, AAAA) - 3754 damage, 154% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Fin x3, 7508 average.

Iiko Baronz

Pilot: Iiko Isami (105 starting will)

HP: 6000
EN: 300
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1875

Size S
Terrain: AAAA
Vital Jump: 16% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Chakra Shield: 800 damage reduction from all attacks for 5 EN.
HP Regeneration S (10%)
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 207
Range: 214
Defense: 189
Ability: 241
Evade: 185 (+37)
Hit: 199 (+39)

Effective evade: 90.4%
Net armor: 2756.25

L9 Antibody: +20% Hit/Evade, +2 range, +400 weapon power (already factored in)
Counter: 16% rate
Countercut: 11% rate
Shoot Down: 11% rate

Iiko (173 SP): Accel (5), Alert (10), Fury (25), Valor (40), Focus (15), Love (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Chakra Light (3800, range 3-10, Ranged, Hit+20, Crit+20, 20 EN, AAAA) - 3862 damage, 137.4% hit rate
Fin (3800, P, range 1-5, Melee, Hit+40, Crit+30, 20 EN, AAAA) - 3736 damage, 157.4% hit rate
3 turn average: Valor->Chakra Light x3, 7724 average.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 03:28:43 AM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 11:48:33 PM »
   Mobile Fighter G Gundam

God Gundam

Pilot: Domon Kasshu

HP: 7500
EN: 400
Mobility: 150 (157 under Clarity)
Armor: 1875 (1950 under Clarity)

Size: M
Terrain ranks: BABA
God Shadow: 34% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 218
Range: 195
Defense: 164
Ability: 249
Evade: 175
Hit: 185

Effective evade: 44.4% (59.4% under Clarity)
Net armor: 2568.75 (2769 under Clarity)

Potential L7
Clarity: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +50 base armor at 120 will
Counter: 24% rate (34% under Clarity)
Countercut: 17% rate (22% under Clarity)

Domon (178 SP): Guts (40), Focus (15), Wall (15), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Love (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Machine Cannon (1600, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 444 damage, 105% hit rate
God Slash (3100, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3088 damage, 115% hit rate
Chokyu Haoh Denieidan MAP (3300, 1-5 range, Melee, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3416 damage, 75% hit rate
God Slash Typhoon (3300, P, 1-2 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3416 damage, 105% hit rate
Erupting God Finger (4200, P, 1-2 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4892 damage, 105% hit rate
Sekiha Tenkyoken (4800, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +20 hit, +20 Crit, 50 EN, 140 Will, AABA) - 5876 damage, 95% hit rate
Sekiha Tenkyo-God Finger (5400, P, 1 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 70 EN, 150 Will, AABA) - 6860 damage, 95% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Erupting God Finger x3 for 10624 average damage. Get used to this Spirit/Valorx3 setup, you'll be seeing it quite a few more times.

Gundam Maxter

Pilot: Chibodee Crocket

HP: 7200
EN: 380
Mobility: 142 (150 under Super Mode)
Armor: 1875 (1950 under Super Mode)

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: BABA
Gun equipped

Melee: 217
Range: 208
Defense: 167
Ability: 243
Evade: 173
Hit: 187

Effective evade: 34.8% (50.8% under Super Mode)
Net armor: 2596.875 (2798.25 under Super Mode)

Potential L6
Super Mode: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +50 base armor at 120 will
Counter: 18% rate (28% under Super Mode)
Shoot Down: 12% rate (17% under Super Mode)

Chibodee (183 SP): Strike (20), Wall (15), Fury (25), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Faith (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage

Weapons (+400)

Gigantic Magnum (2800, 2-5 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 2456 damage, 106.6% hit rate
Fighting Knuckle (3200, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3236 damage, 116.6% hit rate
Cyclone Punch (3300, 3-7 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3400 damage, 106.6% hit rate
Burning Punch (3400, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 20 EN, AABA) - 3563 damage, 106.6% hit rate
Burning Machine Gun Punch (4000, P, 1-2 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4544 damage, 106.6% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Burning Machine Gun Punch x3, 9888 average damage.

Gundam Rose

Pilot: George De Sand

HP: 7050
EN: 360
Mobility: 142 (150 under Super Mode)
Armor: 1800 (1875 under Super Mode)

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: BABA
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 214
Range: 198
Defense: 166
Ability: 245
Evade: 177
Hit: 189

Effective evade: 38% (54% under Super Mode)
Net armor: 2484 (2681.25 under Super Mode)

Potential L7
Super Mode: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +50 base armor at 120 will
Counter: 20% rate (30% under Super Mode)
Countercut: 15% rate (20% under SUper Mode)

George (173 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Bless (45), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Vulcan (1400, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 160 damage, 108.2% hit rate
Chevalier Saber (3100, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3026 damage, 118.2% hit rate
Rose Screamer MAP (3300, 3-8 range, Melee, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3350 damage, 78.2% hit rate
Rose Bits (3300, 3-8 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 20 EN, AABA) - 3350 damage, 108.2% hit rate
Butler Bensouman (3600, P, 1-2 range, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 3 ammo, 110 Will, AABA) - 3836 damage, 108.2% hit rate
Rose Hurricane (3900, 3-8 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4322 damage, 108.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Rose Hurricane x3, 9424 average.

Dragon Gundam

Pilot: Sai Saichi

HP: 6750
EN: 340
Mobility: 150 (157 under Super Mode)
Armor: 1725 (1800 under Super Mode)

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: BABA
After-Image: 32% chance of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 will
Sword equipped

Melee: 215
Range: 194
Defense: 162
Ability: 247
Evade: 179
Hit: 186

Effective evade: 47.6% (62.6% under Super Mode)
Net armor: 2346 (2538 under Super Mode)

Potential L8
Super Mode: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +50 base armor at 120 will
Counter: 22% rate (32% under Super Mode)
Countercut: 16% rate (21% under Super Mode)

Sai (178 SP): Alert (10), Focus (15), Fury (25), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+1 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Dragon Fire (3000, 2-5 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 20 EN, Inflict Attack Down, AABA) - 2879 damage, 105.8% hit rate
Fei-Long Flag (3400, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3529 damage, 115.8% hit rate
Shin Ryusei Kochoken (4100, P, 1-2 range, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4667 damage, 105.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Shin Ryusei Kochoken x3, 10153 average.

Bolt Gundam

Pilot: Argo Gulskii

HP: 7800
EN: 400
Mobility: 127 (135 under Super Mode)
Armor: 2030 (2100 under Super Mode)

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: BABA
Gun equipped

Melee: 216
Range: 193
Defense: 174
Ability: 241
Evade: 171
Hit: 181

Effective evade: 18.2% (34.2% under Super Mode)
Net armor: 2882.6 (3087 under Super Mode)

Potential L7
Super Mode: +10 to all stats, +5 base mobility, +50 base armor at 120 will
Counter: 16% rate (26% under Super Mode)

Argo (188 SP): Guard (30), Strike (20), Guts (40), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Break (20)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Vulcan (1600, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 428 damage, 101.8% hit rate
Graviton Shoulder (3100, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +40 hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3057 damage, 111.8% hit rate
Graviton Hammer (3300, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 20 EN, AABA) - 3383 damage, 101.8% hit rate
Gaia Crusher (4100, P, 1-2 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4687 damage, 101.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Gaia Crusher x3, 10194 average.

Rising Gundam

Pilot: Rain Mikamura

HP: 6750
EN: 360
Mobility: 142
Armor: 1725

Size: M
Terrain ranks: BABA
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 203
Range: 206
Defense: 172
Ability: 231
Evade: 178
Hit: 191

Effective evade: 38.8%
Net armor: 2432.25

Countercut: 3% rate

Rain (193): Strike (20), Rouse (70), Aid (30), Valor (40), Love (90), Renew (70)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Machine Cannon (1650, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 611 damage, 109.8% hit rate
Heat Naginata (3150, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 2934 damage, 119.8% hit rate
Rising Arrow (3350, 2-8 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 20 EN, AABA) - 3297 damage, 99.8% hit rate
Pointblank Rising Arrow (3950, 1 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4245 damage, 109.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Love->Pointblank Rising Arrow, Valor->Pointblank Rising Arrow x2, 8886 average.

Nobel Gundam

Pilot: Allenby Beardsley

HP: 6600
EN: 360
Mobility: 152
Armor: 1800

Size: M
Terrain ranks: AABA
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 216
Range: 197
Defense: 169
Ability: 247
Evade: 181
Hit: 188

Effective evade: 51.2%
Net armor: 2511

Potential L6
Counter: 22% rate
Countercut: 16% rate

Allenby (183 SP): Fury (25), Focus (15), Alert (10), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Enable (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Vulcan (1450, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 230 damage, 107.4% hit rate
Beam Hoop (3650, 2-6 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3954 damage, 107.4% hit rate
Beam Ribbon (3750, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 4443 damage, 117.4% hit rate

3 turn average: Valor->Beam Ribbon x3, 8886 average. Spirit would raise the damage by about 4%, which I don't consider enough to bother with here.

   Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

Freedom Gundam + Meteor

Pilot: Kira Yamato

HP: 11700
EN: 500
Mobility: 136
Armor: 2100

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Sword, Gun equipped

Armored Carrier for Freedom Gundam

Melee: 207 (+2)
Range: 217 (+2)
Defense: 151 (+2)
Ability: 240 (+2)
Evade: 184 (+2)
Hit: 199 (+2)

Effective evade: 27.04%
Net armor: 2761.5

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 Will
SEED: +10 to all stats at 120 will
Countercut: 8% rate
Shoot Down: 13% rate

Kira (168 SP): Focus (15), Accel (5), Alert (10), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Soul (60)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


93.7cm Conv. Cannons (3750, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 4382 damage, 107.8% hit rate
Erinaceus (3950, 2-6 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AACA) - 4727 damage, 117.8% hit rate
All-Out Attack MAP (4000, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 80 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4813 damage, 87.8% hit rate
120cm Conv. Cannons (4150, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AA-A) - 5072 damage, 97.8% hit rate
Beam Swords (4350, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, AABA) - 5190 damage, 127.8% hit rate
All-Out Attack (4550, 3-8 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 5763 damage, 117.8% hit rate

3 turn average: Soul->All-Out Attack x2, Valor->All-Out Attack x1, 13447 damage average.

If instead Kira wants to go all-out turn 1 he can opt for Zeal, Soul->All-Out Attack, Valor->All-Out Attack for 25933 damage.

Separated Freedom Gundam

HP: 7500
EN: 400
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1950

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Phase Shift armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Sword, Gun equipped

Effective evade: 59.2%
Net armor: 2564.25


Picus 76mm CIWS (1750, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 883 damage, 117.8% hit rate
Lupus Beam Rifle (3250, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 3350 damage, 107.8% hit rate
Lacerta Beam Saber (3250, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3188 damage, 127.8% hit rate
HiMAT Full Burst MAP (3500, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 80 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 3762 damage, 87.8% hit rate
Xiphias (3550, 2-6 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 6 ammo, AABA) - 3844 damage, 97.8% hit rate
Balaena (3650, Beam, 3-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, AA-A) - 4008 damage, 97.8% hit rate
HiMAT Full Burst (4050, 3-8 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 4502 damage, 117.8% hit rate

Justice Gundam + Meteor

Pilot: Athrun Zala

HP: 11700
EN: 500
Mobility: 136
Armor: 2100

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Sword, Gun equipped

Armored Carrier for Justice Gundam

Melee: 209 (+2)
Range: 215 (+2)
Defense: 152 (+2)
Ability: 241 (+2)
Evade: 186 (+2)
Hit: 197 (+2)

Effective evade: 28.96%
Net armor: 2772

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 Will
SEED Mode: +10 to all stats at 120 will
Countercut: 9% rate
Shoot Down: 14% rate

Athrun (168 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Break (20), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Soul (50)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


93.7cm Conv. Cannons (3750, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 4342 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Erinaceus (3950, 2-6 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AACA) - 4686 damage, 116.2% hit rate
All-Out Attack MAP (4000, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 80 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 4771 damage, 86.2% hit rate
120cm Conv. Cannons (4150, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AA-A) - 5029 damage
Beam Swords (4350, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, 30 EN, AABA) - 5235 damage, 126.2% hit rate
All-Out Attack (4550, 3-8 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 5716 damage

3 turn average: Soul->All-Out Attack x2, Valor->All-Out Attack x1, for 13337.33 average.

Max turn 1 output would be Zeal, Soul->All-Out Attack, Valor->All-Out Attack for 25722 damage.

Separated Justice Gundam

HP: 7500
EN: 400
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1950

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Phase Shift armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Sword, Gun equipped

Effective evade: 60.8%
Net armor: 2574


Picus 76mm CIWS (1750, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 865 damage, 116.2% hit rate
Lupus Beam Rifle (3250, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 3318 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Lacerta Beam Saber (3250, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3220 damage, 126.2% hit rate
Bassel (3350, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 3381 damage, 116.2% hit rate
Fortis (3650, Beam, 2-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, AA-A) - 3972 damage, 96.2% hit rate
Fatum-00 (3950, P, 1-2 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 40 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 4462 damage, 106.2% hit rate


Pilots: Murrue Ramius, Miriallia Haw, Sai Argyle

HP: 22500
EN: 540
Mobility: 97
Armor: 1950

Size: LL
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Laminate Armor: 1200 damage reduction from Beam weapons for 10 EN.

Melee: 154
Range: 202
Defense: 149
Ability: 229
Evade: 144
Hit: 185

Effective evade: -86.76%
Net armor: 2525.25

Potential L6

Murrue (163 SP): Wall (15), Focus (15), Guts (40), Alert (10), Spirit (40), Love (90)
Miriallia (153 SP): Cheer (25), Trust (30), Bless (45), Accel (5), Rouse (70), Renew (70)
Sai (153 SP): Scan (5), Vigor (20), Gain (20), Strike (20), Valor (40), Faith (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
+0 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Igelstellung (2750, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 2524 damage, 105% hit rate
Sledgehammers (3150, 1-5 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 10 ammo, AACA) - 3210 damage, 105% hit rate
Lohengrin MAP (3300, Beam, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AA-A) - 3467 damage, 75% hit rate
Valiant Mk.8 (3350, 1-6 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AABA) - 3553 damage, 95% hit rate
Gottfried Mk.71 (3650, Beam, 2-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AA-A) - 4068 damage, 85% hit rate
Lohengrin (3850, Beam, 3-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AA-A) - 4411 damage, 75% hit rate

3-turn average: Focus+Valor->Lohengrin x3, 8822 average.

IWSP Strike Rouge

Pilot: Cagalli Yula Athha

HP: 6750
EN: 400
Mobility: 147
Armor: 1800

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Phase Shift Armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 201
Range: 202
Defense: 161
Ability: 232
Evade: 172
Hit: 189

Effective evade: 39%
Net armor: 2439

Potential L6
SEED Mode: +10 to all stats at 120 Will
Countercut: 3% rate
Shoot Down: 0% rate

Cagalli (188 SP): Wall (15), Focus (15), Fury (25), Valor (40), Zeal (50), Love (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Igelstellung (1600, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 500 damage, 108.2% hit rate
30mm Gatling Gun (3100, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 2840 damage, 98.2% hit rate
Astray Formation (3600, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 3 ammo, AABA) - 3620 damage, 98.2% hit rate
9.1m Anti-Ship Sword (3700, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 3756 damage, 118.2% hit rate
115mm Railgun (3900, 2-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 20 EN, AABA) - 4088 damage, 88.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Several options here. Fury, Zealx3 for 4 auto-crit 115mm Railguns turn 1, then 2 more Railgun shots on the remaining 2 turns yields 9538.67 average, but with only a 47% chance of 6 shots hitting. Spirit, Valor->115m Railgun x3 yields 8956 average damage but also leaves her in the best position long-term since SEED mode is activated, with a more reasonable 89% chance of 3 shots hitting. Or I could just use Valor+Focusx3 for 8176 average but >100% hit rate.

I think I'll go with the middle option and just note that if she can hit 4 times the Fury+Zealx3 option can net her 20440 turn 1 damage.

Buster Gundam

Pilot: Dearka Elsman

HP: 7500
EN: 300
Mobility: 135
Armor: 1800

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Phase Shift Armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Gun equipped

Melee: 201 (+2)
Range: 213 (+2)
Defense: 159 (+2)
Ability: 237 (+2)
Evade: 179 (+2)
Hit: 193 (+2)

Effective evade: 34.2%
Net armor: 2439

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 Will
Shoot Down: 14% rate

Dearka (178 SP): Snipe (20), Focus (15), Alert (10), Valor (40), Guard (30), Love (90)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


6x Missle Pod (2900, 2-6 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AACA) - 2717 damage, 113% hit rate
350mm Gun Launcher (3000, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 2879 damage, 113% hit rate
Convergence Rifle (3100, P, Beam, 2-5 range, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AA-A) - 3042 damage, 103% hit rate
Anti-Armor Cannon MAP (3100, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 3 ammo, 110 Will, AABA) - 3042 damage, 83% hit rate
Long-Range Rifle MAP (3300, Beam, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AA-A) - 3367 damage, 83% hit rate
Anti-Armor Cannon (3700, 2-6 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +0 Crit, 6 ammo, AABA) - 4017 damage, 103% hit rate
Long-Range Rifle (3900, Beam, 4-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 20 EN, AA-A) - 4342 damage, 93% hit rate.

3 turn average: Valor->Long-Range Rifle x3, 8684 average. Replacing one Valor with Love raises the damage minimally, but not worth the bother in my opinion. Better off saving the SP for Focus.


Pilots: Andrew Waltfeld, Lacus Clyne, Martin DeCosta

HP: 21000
EN: 520
Mobility: 112
Armor: 1800

Size: LL
Terrain Ranks: A--A
Repair, Resupply

Melee: 204 (+2)
Range: 204 (+2)
Defense: 169 (+2)
Ability: 234 (+2)
Evade: 154 (+2)
Hit: 189 (+2)

Effective evade: -54.56%
Net armor: 2529

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 Will

Waltfeld (163 SP): Wall (15), Break (20), Strike (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Rouse (70)
Lacus (158 SP): Cheer (25), Trust (30), Bless (45), Love (90), Zeal (50), Renew (70)
DeCosta (153 SP): Accel (5), Focus (15), Scan (5), Guard (30), Snipe (20), Daunt (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage


Beam Cannon (3400, 2-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 20 EN, AA-A) - 3712 damage, 89.8% hit rate
Missles (3700, 1-5 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 10 ammo, AACA) - 4235 damage, 109.8% hit rate

3-turn average: Zealx3, Valor->Missles x4 for 33880 turn 1 damage, then Missles x2 the next two turns for 14116.67 average. Non-Zeal-on-subpilot average would be a mere 8470.

Duel Gundam Assault Shroud

Pilot: Yzak Joule (105 starting will)

HP: 8250
EN: 320
Mobility: 142
Armor: 1950

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Phase Shift Armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Sword, Gun equipped

Armored Carrier for Duel Gundam

Melee: 205
Range: 211
Defense: 155
Ability: 239
Evade: 183
Hit: 195

Effective evade: 42.8%
Net armor: 2486.25

Coordinator: +2 to all stats for every 10 Will
Counter: 14% rate
Countercut: 7% rate
Shoot Down: 12% rate

Yzak (173 SP): Focus (15), Alert (10), Fury (25), Valor (40), Guts (40), Spirit (40)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-2 for failing to cause damage
+0 for taking no damage
+2 for taking damage


Igelstellung (1600, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 532 damage, 113% hit rate
5x Missle Pod (2900, 2-6 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +10 Crit, 8 ammo, AACA) - 2586 damage, 113% hit rate
Beam Rifle (3100, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 2902 damage, 103% hit rate
Beam Saber (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 2809 damage, 123% hit rate
Shiva (3800, 3-7 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 4 ammo, 110 Will, AABA) - 4008 damage, 93% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Shiva x3, 8396 average.

Separated Duel Gundam

HP: 6750
EN: 300
Mobility: 150
Armor: 1800

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: -ACA
Phase Shift Armor: 800 damage reduction from physical attacks for 10 EN
Sword, Gun equipped

Effective evade: 50.8%
Net armor: 2295

Igelstellung (1600, P, 1-3 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, -20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 532 damage, 113% hit rate
Beam Rifle (3100, P, Beam, 1-4 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 ammo, AA-A) - 2902 damage, 103% hit rate
Beam Saber (3100, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 2809 damage, 123% hit rate
Grenade Launcher (3600, 2-6 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 4 ammo, AACA) - 3692 damage, 93% hit rate
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 02:47:59 AM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2011, 11:48:45 PM »

HP: 7702.83
Net armor: 2398.12
Effective evade: 37.81%
3 turn damage average: 9556.60 (kill point: 23891.5)
Average minus Zeal on subpilots: 8945.08 (kill point: 22362.70)

Highest turn 1 damages

1. Nadesico Y-Unit (63940)
2. Great Zeorymer (42680)
3. Eternal (33880)
4. Freedom + Meteor (25933)
5. Justice + Meteor (25722)
6. Tekkaman Blade + Pegas (24025)
(Kill Point: 23891.5 or 22362.7)
7. Strike Rouge IWSP (20440)
8. Aestivalis Akito (18365)
9. Final Dancougar (17804)
10. Layzner MkII (17205)

« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 02:39:40 AM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 05:12:28 PM »
G Gundam cast up. I'll get the Aesties and Layzner cast up later today.

Edit: And the filler Reals are up. Just Brain Powere and SEED left.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 11:18:51 PM by hinode »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment (INCOMPLETE)
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2011, 03:36:53 PM »
Brain Powered cast up. Antibody L9 is an obscenely broken pilot skill.


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2011, 02:44:59 AM »
All casts are up, as are averages. Whew, that was a lot of work.

Informal to-do list remaining:

Get something up for the originals. Tentative plan is to list Granteed w/ Touya and Bellzelute and Coustwell w/ Calvina by default and list the minor differences for using the other main in text, plus Al-Van's Raftclans from the last stage. I'll skip the 4th playthrough Raftclans unless someone asks for it.

If someone asks for temp stats, I'll get around to them eventually. Won't bother otherwise.

See if I can come up with some sort of workable single number representation of concrete durability, or something else to get across how effective a unit's concrete durability is. I don't convert subtraction based defense into division in the DL myself, it tends to exaggerate durability vs heavy hitters like Lenneth and Orlandu because people take weak hits from grunts in-game really well, especially in a game like this with subtraction barriers on top of subtraction defense. Still, those single number durability factors are useful for seeing how durable someone is at a glance, which helps since those net armor numbers I listed throughout this topic are kinda meaningless by themselves.

Look into seeing if I can get art for all the mechs. I know that lineart exists for Great Zeorymer and Layzner MkII at least, and art for all the mains is pretty easy. Dunno if I can find all the secondary Nadesico/Layzner/Brain Powered mechs, though. Sprite rips would be another possibility if I can find a set of every PC mech.

Consider reorganizing the topic, maybe. Supers/Reals-Gundams/Gundams sounded like a good idea on paper, but in practice the Reals post ended up dwarfing the other two in size. Still nothing's cutting off right now, so I probably won't bother unless the board forces my hand later on.

if any of you see some numbers that look fishy, PM me and I'll go doublecheck them. I caught a fair number of calculation errors before posting, but it wouldn't surprise me if a few made their ways in, and this topic is too big at this point for me to doublecheck everything without making my head explode..

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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2011, 06:02:16 AM »
Oh boy rankings.  These are fairly kneejerk/stream of conciousness, so some sanity checking may be nice.  That said, let's get on with the unbalance~

Assuming subpilot with Zeal damage average, for all the difference that makes.

Great Zeorymer: Well it sure can pump out a lot of damage on a Zeal turn that is ITE and it has pretty awesome durability to boot, which means you either go before it and take it out with massive massive damage or you status it out, and I'm not sure how viable I see the latter strategy being out with mecha.  And if you can't do that, you die a horrible death.  Godlike.

Mazinkaiser KS: Koji misses out on the 2HKO by a slim margin but at least can console himself with having an effective 2.11x physical durability (and magic if you see SRW defense as universal) with the option of full healing on top of that, so he can outslug stuff pretty easily, so he pulls some form of High Heavy at the very worst, possibly Godlike on a good day.

Boss Borot: 14 turns of Alert and 12 turns of Wall running off two seperate SP pools is a defensive game of evil, but looking past that hey look ma high 3HKO damage that it can put out while still putting out 14 turns of the evil that is Alert.  So you either weather those turns and run it out of gas, go before it and OHKO, or you multihit/get in doubleturns or you die an inglorious death at the hands of something made out of scrap.  Or you hope a status argument sells.  Godlike, and it's Boss Borot.  What the fuck.

Great Mazinger: It's Mazinkaiser-, not much to say.  Heavy works thanks to the durability.

Million Alpha: Comparatively scrubby.  Hooray for having bad 5HKO damage with Valor.  BUT IT CAN 4HKO IF IT COMPLETELY EMPTIES ITS SP this is the way.  Thankfully if it's feeling smart it can just spam its 12 shots of Wall instead of trying to salvage its bad damage and hope it can plink shit to death in time.  Probably a High Middle.  Cries so very hard against healers but 12 turns of taking minimal damage from everything is nothing to be scoffed at.

Venus A: Spam Alert, poke things to death.  Can run the defensive game for longer than Million Alpha, but the damage is so much worse if she goes that route.  High Middle works.

Final Dancougar: So over the course of three turns it deals a total of roughly 2.25 PCHP damage, and does this while mocking your efforts to kill it.  5-man spirit pools are evil, evil things in a duel, but good healers can run it out of gas eventually since they don't have to deal with the threat of a Zeal turn from it.  Good luck trying to beat it otherwise because oh hey durable and a second lifebar if you allow that sort of thing.  Godlike.

Combattler V: Final Dancougar with less everything.  At least it manages a 2HKO, though, which nets it Low Godlike at the very worst.

Voltes V: See Combattler V, pretty much a clone.  BUT IT HAS MORE ACCURACY.  Low Godlike.

Tekkaman Blade + Pegas: Oh hey a guy with massive evasion and the ability to (narrowly) OHKO on a Zeal turn for those pesky healers that he would otherwise struggle with.  Then he hits 130 Will and gets even better.  Wall works awesomely with the evasion to boot, which is nice since he can't take hits too well and means he don't really fear ITE.  Also gets a second lifebar if you allow that sort of thing.  Godlike.

Tekkaman Rapier: Whoo 73% evasion on top of Alert cheese.  Not winning any awards for damage and getting even that much runs her out of gas quick, though.  So I guess she's just some form of High Heavy, then!

Blue Earth: Damage?  What is this thing you call damage?  Good thing for 18 turns of Alert on top of 50% evasion so it can plink things to death, then.  High Middle at the very worst.

Sol Tekkaman No. 2: No Alert, so Noal just gets to live with 11 turns of having 100% evasion.  And with that damage, he needs all the time he can buy.  Runs screaming from ITE, but at least he can ingloriously gnaw things to death, so at worst he's a High Middle.

Sol Tekkaman No. 1: Balzack gets some way to cope with the ITE, though.  Good for him.  Let's be generous and say that gets him to Heavy on some of the most godawful damage in the game.

ARX-7 Arbalest: Prosuke doesn't really translate.  Ingame the boosts from the Arbalest's Lambda Driver help its poor weaponry but in a duel it's a pretty small boon, for all that it lets him own the likes of Raja for free.  The evasion and Alert game let him stall, though, and he can at least take a hit.  Heavy.

Bonta-kun: Comedy option for Prosuke.  Does no damage and dies to a sneeze, but the sneeze is going to have to connect first.  An inferior option, both in-game and in a duel, but that doesn't really hold it back from Heavy.

M9 Gernsback (both of them): Spam Focus and gnaw things to death, while hoping that the opponent doesn't have ITE.  High Middle for the both of them.

Nadesico Y-Unit: Jesus fucking Christ on a unicycle the SRWJ incarnation of the Nadesico was not balanced for a duel.  Let's review, shall we?  Nearly 3x average durability on raw HP alone, above average defense, and a barrier, just because that HP wasn't overkill enough, and it can keep up a defensive game for entirely too long with Alert, Wall, and Vigor.  Never mind the threat of a ~2.67x PCHP overkill Zeal turn that doesn't run it completely dry.  High Godlike, falls to status and that's about it.

Aestivalis Akito: Well the Zeal turn can handle fragile healers at least.  So he just falls back on patented SRW-style cheese if he can't.  Heavy, though he really doesn't like healers that he can't OHKO on the Zeal turn.

Aestivalis Ryoko: Bad damage, evasion, Alert spam, Heavy.

Aestivalis Hikaru: Doesn't even have the Alert spam.  High Middle.

Aestivalis Izumi: Has enough SP for 12 turns of Focus instead of 11.  Whoo.  High Middle.

Aestivalis Gai: Wall cheese is better than Focus cheese.  Being able to actually 3HKO something if he burns all his gas helps.  Heavy.

Aestivalis Akatsuki: See Ryoko.  Heavy.

Layzner MkII: Eiji wishes he had Spirit.  A pity that he does not, so all he has is his evasion, Alert cheese, and a Zeal turn to handle very frail healers.  Heavy.

Buldy: Well that damage is six shades of pathetic.  Good thing he has Alert, because he's struggling to handle anything without it.  High Middle.

Baybull: Meanwhile David's damage is worse and he doesn't have the decency to get Alert spam.  So he just has to live with 12 turns of 90~% evasion.  High Middle out of laziness, but that's really pushing it.

Bloodykaiser: Good fucking god that is a waste of Zeal.  Whoo hoo burning through most of your SP and not even manage to do 2HKO damage on a Zeal turn.  Still gets 12 turns of 90~% evasion with focus spam, though, so High Middle for her.

Greimkaiser: Fuck Soul, Gale's better off spamming Alert than vainly trying to blitz something.  High Middle.

Hime Brain: Look ma 87% evasion at base on top of 10% HP regen, so bring ITE or hope you OHKO or be mocked forever.  That insane accuracy helps against her fellow dodgewhores.  Low Godlike.

Nelly Brain: Yep, folks, that's nearly 93% evasion right there.  Lv9 Antibody be broked.  Low Godlike

Nanga Brain: OH HEY GUIZE HE HAS GUARD.  Like he needs it.  Low Godlike.

Lasse Brain: OH HEY GUIZE HE HAS GUTS.  Like he needs it.  Low Godlike.

Brain Child (Kanan): OH HEY GUIZE SHE HAS GUARD.  Like she needs it.  Low Godlike.

Brain Child (Higgins): Because the combination of 80%+ evasion and 10% HP regen wasn't enough, they gave somebody Wall.  Low Godlike.

Nakki Brain: OH HEY GUIZE HE HAS FAITH.  Like he needs it.  Low Godlike.

Kant Brain: OH HEY GUIZE wait you don't get anything cool.  Still Low Godlike.

Baronz: OH HEY GUIZE HE HAS DAUNT.  Like he needs it.  Also Baronz is a stupid way of spelling something.  Low Godlike.

Iiko Baronz: Guess where I got tired of rating so many similar units and win a cookie.  Low Godlike.

God Gundam: Gets the skillset of ass-saving and can run with it fairly well, too.  High Heavy may be a little generous but let's give him that for now.

Gundam Maxter: Doesn't run with the skillset of ass-saving as well as Domon.  Heavy ain't bad, though.

Gundam Rose: Oh wow he gets Alert instead of Wall.  Heavy.

Dragon Gundam: Dragon Fire halves attack power for a turn, so he just applies it and applies it and applies it for pseudotanking powers to go with his evasion.  Add that to the skillset of ass-saving and you get a High Heavy.

Bolt Gundam: Having to run Guard for your sole damage mitigation spirit isn't that great in the long run, so he may not even pull Heavy, still, he can do it for a while so I'll call him a High Middle at the end of the day.

Rising Gundam: Has nothing that can be used for defense outside of the expensive Love, so it's clear who the cast scrub is, even if she can pull a 3HKO.  Light/Middle, she can own some scrubs in the latter division with the evasion but she's not make waves there ever.

Sailor MoonNobel Gundam: Vaguely competent damage!  Alert spam!  Evasion!  Heavy!

Aimbot McBeamspamFreedom Gundam + Meteor: The dreaded return of the OHKOing Zeal turn.  Doesn't evade all that well at first but can take hits, and a second lifebar is always welcome.  And thus Jesus Yamato pulls Low Godlike.

What Am I Fighting ForJustice Gundam + Meteor: It's a slightly better Freedom Gundam!  Hurray!  Low Godlike.

Archangel: Disappointing compaired to the Nadesico but still has sickening HP and a 3HKO, for all that it doesn't really handle healers.  Wishes so very very much that half of its SP pool didn't split at the end of midgame.  The durability/defensive game really sickening though.  Low Godlike.

Strike Rouge IWSP: Whoo Mangali can OHKO the frail on a Zeal turn or spam Wall for 12 turns to bolster her unimpressive evasion.  Some flavor of Heavy works.

Buster Gundam: Glorious Alert spam, where would SRW people in a duel be without you.  Heavy.

Eternal: asdf the eternal ohkos on a zeal turn what the fuck is this shit.  Or it could sit smugly and spam Guard with SRW battleship-level durability.  Godlike.

MY FACEDuel Gundam Assault Shroud: Vaguely competent damage!  Alert spam!  Evasion!  Now with a second lifebar that people may not allow!  Heavy!

And if you read all this give yourself another cookie.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 06:19:34 AM by Random Consonant »


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2011, 12:45:25 AM »

For each playthrough of J, you first pick either Touya or Calvina to be your main character, then you pick one of three robots to use (a fourth, VOrlent) is available if you go through the game with all three default choices). The actual stats, spirit commands, and abilities depend of the main character will vary depending on whether you pick a Super Robot (Granteed, Vorlent) or Real Robot (Bellzelute, Coustwell). The differences between Super and Real versions of each pilot are quite significant, much moreso than the difference between SR Touya and SR Calvina or RR Touya and RR Calvina.

During the game, you then choose between one of three subpilots for your chosen Original mech. The subpilot chosen will have a different spirit set and also yield minor stat chances in the mech. The choices are as follows:

Katia Grignard (158 SP): Bless (45), Break (20), Snipe (20), Guard (30), Alert (10), Faith (50)
+10 mobility, +1 range

Festenia Muse (158 SP): Guts (40), Fury (25), Spirit (40), Strike (20), Daunt (50), Rouse (70)
+200 weapon power, +10 critical rate

Melua Melna Meia (158 SP): Cheer (25), Trust (30), Focus (15), Aid (30), Enable (90), Renew (70)
+300 armor, +1 move

The game will automatically cycle through all three subpilot options on the first three stages that the original is available for, then lets you choose between them freely at intermission. However, the upgraded mech only gets to use its finisher if the chosen subpilot has been used at least 20 times before, so you should stick with no more than two girls, and just using one makes things simpler in-game. For the three default mechs, the finisher's stats animation will vary depending on the subpilot chosen, but not the actual stats.

I'm listing Touya as the default pilot for Granteed and Calvina for the two Reals based on their will gains and note how the other character would perform if used instead, since the differences are quite minor, as previously mentioned. For the subpilots, I'm going with who I think makes for the best overall choice for each mech with no regards to averages, since the originals aren't being averaged into anything. Granteed will be listed with Katia purely for Alert spam on a dedicated subpilot, even though her stat boosts are largely worthless, while the two Reals get Festenia for Fury to power up their Zeal turns.

Granteed Dracodeus

Pilots: Touya Shiun, Katia Grignard

HP: 11500
EN: 400
Mobility: 157
Armor: 2160

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AABA
Orgone Cloud: Reduce all damage by 1200 for 10 EN, 10% of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 Will
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Sword equipped

Melee: 211
Range: 206
Defense: 179
Ability: 229
Evade: 169
Hit: 199

Effective evade: 35.92%
Net armor: 3121.2

Potential L8
Counter: 10% rate
Countercut: 2% rate
Shoot Down

Calvina would have 164 Defense and 234 Ability instead, changing the net armor to 2959.2 and raising the Countercut rate to 4%.

Touya (178 SP): Wall (15), Accel (5), Strike (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Love (90)
Katia (158 SP): Bless (45), Break (20), Snipe (20), Guard (30), Alert (10), Faith (50)

Will gains

+1 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
+1 for taking damage

Calvina would have Guard (30) instead of Accel and use the Will gains listed below in Bellzelute Brigandy's section.


Orgone Draco Blaster (3800, 2-8 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AABA) - 4209 damage, 116.2% hit rate
Finger Draco Buster (4300, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 5151 damage, 126.2% hit rate
Orgone Draco Slave (4900, 3-9 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +10 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AACA) - 6033 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Infinity Calibur (5100, P, 1 range, Melee, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 6499 damage, 96.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Valor->Infinity Caliburx3 for 13534 average per turn. All while leaving Katia free to spam Alert as much as she likes.

Bellzelute Brigandy

Pilots: Calvina Coulange, Festenia Muse

HP: 7200
EN: 360
Mobility: 156
Armor: 1650

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Orgone Cloud: Reduce all damage by 1200 for 10 EN, 10% of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 Will
EN Regeneration S (10%)
Gun equipped

Melee: 206
Range: 211
Defense: 154
Ability: 234
Evade: 184
Accuracy: 199

Effective evade: 55.6%
Net armor: 2178

Potential L8
Shoot Down: 0% rate

Touya would have 169 Defense and 229 Ability instead, changing the net armor to 2301.75.

Calvina (178 SP): Focus (15), Snipe (20), Alert (10), Valor (40), Love (90), Zeal (50)
Tenia (158 SP): Guts (40), Fury (25), Spirit (40), Strike (20), Daunt (50), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage

Touya would have Assault (25) instead of Snipe and use the Will gains listed above in Granteed Dracodeus' section.


Orgone Ragna Rifle N (3600, P, 1-4 range, Ranged, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, 10 ammo, AABA) - 3782 damage, 126.2% hit rate
Homing Laser MAP (3800, Beam, 1-5 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +10 Crit, 50 EN, 120 Will, AA-A) - 4103 damage, 86.2% hit rate
Orgone Ragna Rifle B (4100, Beam, 2-6 range, Ranged, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 10 EN, AA-A) - 4585 damage, 116.2% hit rate
Homing Laser (4400, Beam, 3-7 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 30 EN, AA-A) - 5066 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Orgone Buster Cannon (4600, 3-8 range, Ranged, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 40 EN, AABA) - 5387 damage, 96.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Fury, Zealx3, Orgone Buster Cannon x4 turn 1 for 28084 damage. Fury->OBC 2 more times in the next two rounds for 14042 average.


Coustwell Brachium

HP: 8700
EN: 380
Mobility: 168
Armor: 2100

Size: M
Terrain Ranks: AACA
Orgone Cloud: Reduce all damage by 1200 for 10 EN, 10% of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 Will
EN Regeneration S (10%)

Melee: 206
Range: 211
Defense: 154
Ability: 234
Evade: 184
Accuracy: 199

Effective evade: 69.6%
Net armor: 2772

Potential L8
Shoot Down

Touya would have 169 Defense and 229 Ability instead, changing the net armor to 2929.5.

Calvina (178 SP): Focus (15), Snipe (20), Alert (10), Valor (40), Love (90), Zeal (50)
Tenia (158 SP): Guts (40), Fury (25), Spirit (40), Strike (20), Daunt (50), Rouse (70)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage

Touya would have Assault (25) instead of Snipe and use the Will gains listed above in Granteed Dracodeus' section.


Orgone Brachium Shot (3700, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +30 Crit, 10 EN, AAAA) - 3850 damage, 116.2% hit rate
Orgone Brachium Slash (3800, P, 1-3 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +40 Crit, AAAA) - 4008 damage, 126.2% hit rate
Orgone Brachium Blow (4200, P, 1-2 range, Melee, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 30 EN, 110 Will, AAAA) - 4640 damage, 106.2% hit rate
Orgone Brachium Finish (4700, P, 1 range, Melee, +10 Hit, +10 Crit, 40 EN, 120 Will, AAAA) - 5430 damage, 96.2% hit rate

3 turn average: Spirit, Fury, Zealx3, Orgone Brachium Finish x4 turn 1 for 28324 damage. Fury->OBF 2 more times for 14062 average damage.

Last but certainly not least is the Raftclans that Al-Van pilots when he joins deep into the final battle. This has different stats than the Raftclans you get as an upgrade for Vorlent on playthrough 4+, as you can probably imagine when you see the stats. Even though he doesn't have the legality issues that the main character mechs suffer, I don't think anyone will disagree with me omitting him from the averages or the main topic. <_<

Raftclans (Al-Van model)

Pilot: Al-Van Lunks (starting will: 100)

HP: 50000
EN: 300
Mobility: 100
Armor: 1800

Size: L
Terrain Ranks: AAAA
Orgone Cloud: Reduce all damage by 1200 for 10 EN, 14% of dodging all non-ITE attacks at 130 Will
EN Regeneration M (20%)
Sword, Gun equipped

Melee: 239
Range: 239
Defense: 199
Ability: 239
Evade: 169
Hit: 235

Effective evade: -32.48%
Net armor: 2691

Potential L8
Counter: 14% rate
Countercut: 12% rate
Shoot Down: 12% rate

Al-Van (178): Wall (15), Fury (25), Strike (20), Valor (40), Spirit (40), Love (90)

Will gains

+2 for causing damage
-1 for failing to cause damage
+2 for taking no damage
-1 for taking damage


Orgone Rifle (3000, 2-7 range, Ranged, +20 Hit, +20 Crit, 20 ammo, AABA) - 3244 damage, 135% hit rate
Orgone Cannon MAP (3000, 1-8 range, Ranged, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 50 EN, 110 Will, AABA) - 3244 damage, 115% hit rate
Orgone Claw (3200, P, 1-4 range, Melee, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, AABA) - 3600 damage, 145% hit rate
Orgone Sword (3500, P, 1 range, Melee, +40 Hit, +30 Crit, AABA) - 4134 damage, 155% hit rate
Orgone Sword F Mode (4000, P, 1-3 range, +30 Hit, +20 Crit, 30 EN, 120 Will, AABA) - 5023 damage, 145% hit rate

3 turn average: Spiritx2, Valor->Orgone Sword F Mode x2, Orgone Sword F Mode for 9072 average damage.


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Re: Super Robot Wars Judgment
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2015, 09:05:56 PM »
I should note, since I didn't see it actually described anywhere in the topic: "Attack Power Down" as seen on Sai Saici is half base attack power - in other words, it's a pretty massive debuff.