Author Topic: Legend of Legaia (Boss)  (Read 11758 times)


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Legend of Legaia (Boss)
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:46:30 PM »
To do: Rest of the bosses.


HP: 700
Goes last

Physical: 2x15(30)
Jagged Earth: 110, earth?

PC averages(fights Noa and Terra the uber temp wolf)
HP - infinite(299 without Terra)
Damage - 115 (150)

Comments: InfiniteHKO. Yes.


HP: 1000
Goes after Noa, before Vahn

Bite, physical, Flap: 110, 4 hits
Fire Breath: 120, fire, MT

PC averages(faces 2 PCs)
HP - 385
Damage - 170

Comments: First REAL boss of the game (don't listen to Fenrir) isn't much, as is typical of first bosses. PCish durability, averagish speed, 4HKO. Light.


HP: 1200
Goes after Noa, occasionally before Noa
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 160, 3 hits
Thunder Break: 180, lightning

PC averages (faces all 3 PCs, you fight two of them)
HP - 526
Damage - 220

Comments: Caruban trading HP for damage and speed. Light.

Songi 1
"Oh, how pitiful! Your extreme stupidity brings tears to my eyes!"

HP: ~875
Goes after Gala

Physical: 100, 4 hits
Hyper Wave: 210

Gala's stats (duel battle)
HP - 589
Damage - 400

Comments: Epic, eh??? Well, he's thankful he has other forms. Light.

"You should have accepted the mist obediently. Instead, you resist so foolishly."

HP: 5000
Goes after Noa, occasionally after Vahn
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 150, 4 hits
Poisonous Bubbles: 210, water
Call Wave: Charges up for Big Wave next turn
Big Wave: 500, water, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 625
Damage - 370

Comments: Well, Giant Enemy Crab is the first boss that's even remotely decent in the DL. He's not MUCH, but...has close to 2x durability, kills average in 3 turns, and might even OHKO the less magically durable. Of course, he runs screaming from healer/buffers and water blocking. Middle.

Queen Bee

HP: ~875
Goes before Noa
Evades a lot (~30%?)

Physical: 330, 2 hits
Toxic Sting: 250 + Toxic

Killer Bee

HP: 300
Goes before Noa

Physical: 65, 2 hits
Poisonous Sting: 110 + Poison

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 677
Damage - 210

Comments: You fight a Queen Bee and 3 Killer Bees. This optional boss fight is a major pain in game due to them ambushing, their high speed and the ban on magic, which explains the damage drop and is there for a plot reason as you fight in your home village. Well, the magic ban doesn't translate into DL, and the fight itself translates poorly..Queen Bee scrapes Middle and the others are horrible Lights.


HP: 5000
Goes after Noa
Vulnerable to Poison, Confuse, ID

Physical: 350, 4 hits
Poisonous Gas: 100, 3 hits
Spore Gas: 450 + Rot, 4 hits
Unlocked at <50% HP:
Stone Circle: 500, earth, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 695
Damage - 425

Comments: Hey, a boss with damage! Spore Gas is nasty, as it also affects the Rot status which seals off random limbs from being used in attacks, screwing over physical fighters. Solid damage, speed, and 1.5x-ish durability...well, there's one big flaw to him, and that is the status vulnerability (IDable boss...>_>). Solid enough to be the first boss to make Heavy regardless.

"O.K, O.K. I know you want to cheer me on, but just be quiet about it, alright?"

HP: 9500
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 500, 3 hits
Bloody Horns: 600
Bull Charge: Charges up for Terio Punch next turn
Terio Punch: 800, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 943
Damage - 650

Comments: Really straightforward. Tanky, punches things in face. Heavy.

Songi 2
"Well, well. If it isn't my favorite group of idiots! Welcome back!"

HP: 12500
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Hyper Attack, physical: 300, 5 hits
Hyper Lightning: 750, 4 hits, dark
Hyper Crush: 600, dark, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 1175
Damage - 950

Comments: Songi has practiced his legendary backflips and fused his DBZ powers with the might, wisdom and sexiness of UOMs everywhere. Surely the whole DL is doomed now!! His durability, speed, and damage training have paid off, making him a fine Heavy slugfester. Watch out!


HP: 1500
Faster than Speed Ring Vahn
Vulnerable to Poison

2xBite: 175, 2 hits

PC averages (faces Vahn and Gala, you fight two of them)
HP - 1296
Damage - 825

Comments: Supreme epicness. Yes, the local Doglikes get one-rounded by magic in-game. Freaking awesome, might put up a fight against Suikodogs. Puny.

Van Saryu
"You can't "believe" anything! I haven't ordered you to believe!"

HP: 13500
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 250, 4 hits
Earthquake: 650, earth, MT
Jugger Power: "Increases all stats". OPB at <33% HP. Increases physical to 5 hits, 450 damage, and speed to Noa level.

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 1232
Damage - 1250

Comments: First off, the damage spike comes from assuming you got one of the Kemaros. If you see this as unreasonable, the PC damage is unchanged from Songi. Van Saryu really pretty unimpressive. Scraping 2HKO damage with not too hot HP. The speed boost comes far too late to be worth using. Low Heavy?

"Fools! You shall all feel the power of my wrath!"

HP: 17500
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Dohati has a gimmick of growing in size over time. The process becomes faster if he takes damage. When he's at full size, he always uses Chaos Breath and deflates to minimum size. He regains full size on 7th turn after Chaos Breath if left on his own, 2nd if he takes average damage beatdowns. He starts the fight at full size.

Physical: 300-800 depending on size, 4 hits
Chaos Breath: 800 + scrubby odds of Poison/Toxic, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 1291
Damage - 1600

Comments: Uh. His gimmick is a headache and interp mess. Do you force him to use Chaos Breath? Etc. I'll just call him some form of Heavy and move on, okay?

Gaza 1
"I, Gaza, will not let thine evil plot succeed! This I have vowed on my honor, and the mighty Astral Sword! No one who would prevent me from keeping that vow shall be spared!"

HP: 12000
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison
Blocks physicals at ~30% rate

Physical: 400, 5 hits
Astral Slash: 900, 4 hits

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 1372
Damage - 1600

Comments: UOM power strikes again. HP is the lowest of any serious boss so far, at roughly PCHP, but he has consistant solid damage and standard boss immunity stuff. Mm...Middle/Heavy?

Gaza 2
"T-Thou wouldst hinder my path of carnage. You must die! Prepare to die by the steel of the Astral Sword! Prepare to meet thy doom!"

HP: 15000
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison
Blocks physicals at a ~10% rate

Physical: 600, 3 hits
Astral Wave: 850
Neo Star Slash: 1000, MT

PC averages (faces 3 PCs)
HP - 1454
Damage - 1700

Comments: Despite massive improvement in game oddly isn't that great in the DL. Minuscule durability and damage improvements, loss of block rate, and big damage changed to magic. Probably similarly Middle/Heavy.

Che Delilas
"I am Che Delilas! Brute strength and chaos are what I am about!"

HP: 13000
Trades turns with Gala
Vulnerable to Poison
20% chance to block a physical string

Physical: 430, earth, 3 hits
Megaton Press: 800, 11 hits. Used once every 3 rounds.

Gala's stats
HP: 1680
Damage: 2300

Comments: The Delilas battles are all solo fights. Che here has good durability, but completely fails it up on damage if you restrict the supers (and I'd say there is good reason to). Middle.

Lu Delilas
"I am Lu Delilas! I strike with lightning speed!"

HP: 9500
Usually goes after Noa
Vulnerable to Poison
5% physical block rate

Physical: 320, lightning, 7 hits
Plasma Strike: 650, 7 hits. Used once every 3 rounds.

Noa's stats
HP: 1384
Damage: 1500

Comments: Second verse, same as the first. Middle.

Gi Delilas
"I'm Gi Delilas, expert at fatal blows to a killing point on my opponent's body!"

HP: 10500
Usually goes after Vahn
Vulnerable to Poison
20% chance to block a physical string

Physical: 310, fire, 7 hits
Blazing Slash: 750, 13 hits. Used once every 3 rounds.

Vahn's stats:
HP: 1553
Damage: 2150

Comments: The leader has the worst relative offense and durability of the three. Still Middle, but not a good one at any stretch.

"If you want to fight us, come on over. We'll play with you until the explosion comes."

HP: 19500
Trades turns with Gala
Vulnerable to Poison

Blade Breath: 570
Thunder Needle: 570
Gigaton Press: 570
Ultra Charge: Charges Dead End Crisis. Used on turn 4.
Dead End Crisis: 9999, MT. Used on turn 5.

PC stats
HP: 1601
Damage: 2270

Comments: Well it's a time bomb. Quite literally. The DELILASZORD fuses the mediocrity of the three and Seru powers into...a very, very mediocre boss. Just barely above PC HP, sluggish, scrapes 3HKO, kills completely damageless things on turn 5...losing the slugfest against a completely average PC sends this epic display of FUUUUUUUUUSION~ into High Light.

"I am loved and protected by Cort. Surely you didn't just expect me to just hand you the Ra-Seru egg!"

HP: 22400
Usually goes before Gala
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 700, 5 hits
Dark Typhoon: 900, Dark, MT
Glare: 80% Stone

PC stats
HP: 1739
Damage: 2600

Comments: Weeeeell it's a textbook Heavy status boss. One trick, can just barely muster up a 2HKO and above PC durability if that fails. Not much to say here.

Berserker Lv2

HP: 10000
Slower than Gala
Vulnerable to Poison, Confuse, ID

Physical: 230, 3 hits
Poisonous Gas: 150 + fail rate Venom, 3 hits
Spore Gas: 130 + Rot, 4 hits
Usable at <50% HP:
Stone Circle: 210, earth, MT

PC stats
HP: 1880
Damage: 2850

Comments: ...

Caruban Lv2

HP: 4000
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Bitex3: 250, 3 hits
Fire Breath: 150, fire, MT

PC stats
HP: 1880
Damage: 2850

Comments: Um his speed is decent.

Berserker Lv3

HP: 14500
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison, Confuse, ID

Physical: 650, 3 hits
Poisonous Gas: 180 + fail rate Venom, 3 hits
Spore Gas: 400 + Rot, 4 hits
Unlocked at <50% HP:
Stone Circle: 500, earth, MT

PC stats
HP: 1880
Damage: 2850

Comments: Seems to hit full body rot every time so he's a physical spoiler kinda? Woo.

Caruban Lv3

HP: 8000
Vahn-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Bitex3: 450, 3 hits
Fire Breath: 300, fire, MT

PC stats
HP: 1926
Damage: 2850

Comments: Well the party is level 33 so with level scaling these guys are terrors in Godlike.


HP: 28200
Gala-level speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Element Change: Changes Rogue's attack element. Allows Rogue to attack next turn.
Rogue Flame: 1650, fire, MT
Rogue Thunder: 1650, lightning, MT
Rogue Wind: 1550, wind, MT

PC stats
HP: 1951
Damage: 2850

Comments: Nice, solid 2HKO. That can be used once every two turns, starting on turn two. This is a problem when your speed and durability mean you just won't see that turn 4 in most cases. High Light, OHKOs the mdur failures at least.

"Horrible Mist? Ha, ha, ha! The Mist is not horrible... it is divine!"

HP: 35000
Usually goes first
Vulnerable to Poison
10% physical block rate

Physical: 1000, 8 hits
Shadow Break: 900, dark, MT
Clone: Switches places, and creates a fake Jette, which is indistiguishable from the real one until they attack. Fake Jettes have 1 HP and a 10 damage, 2 hits physical. Can have 2 out at once.

PC stats
HP: 2024
Damage: 2850

Comments: Ignoring the Clone nonsense which may be useful against some slow people with only ST...he has 3HKO of both types, and 1.6ish durability. Very standard slugfest boss. Heavy.

"I must punish you, little sister, for trying to destroy the Mist Generator. Bad girl!"

HP: 49000
Goes after Gala
Vulnerable to Poison

Mystic Shield: Cort immunes all basic physical attacks and halves magic damage until the shield breaks (shield breaks after he has lost half his HP). Initiative action on the first turn, OPB.
Guilty Cross: 965
Mystic Circle: 1100, MT
Evil Seru Magic: 1900, MT. Can only be used once Mystic Shield has broken.

PC stats
HP: 2097
Damage: 2850

Comments: Durable, with Mystic Shield on top. Serviceable damage to begin with, and utterly brutal after Shield is down. Only DL flaws are lack of speed and complete magic reliance. We have the game's first Godlike boss, regardless.

"Your face is so manly now! I almost didn't recognize you!"

HP: 9999
Goes first
~10% physical block rate

Physical/Somersault combo: 1116, 8 hits

Vahn stats (solo fight)
HP: 2187
Damage: 1650

Comments: Damage drop is because he's badass at resisting physicals. (You can't use magic here.) Anyway, kicks your ass. Heavy.

Songi 3
"Ha ha ha! The musclebound oaf must have a loose screw!"

HP: 50000
Average speed
Vulnerable to Poison

Physical: 2500, 5 hits, dark
Chaos Flare: 1400, dark magic
Genocidal Cannon: 1800, dark magic, MT. Requires a one or two-hit physical to be used on the preceding turn. Usable at <50% HP.

PC stats
HP: 2171
Damage: 2850

Comments: Y'know, you may be taking this UOM powers thing too far, Songi. One element wonder. Good thing he hits really freaking hard and takes hits well, isn't it? Godlike.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 09:17:01 AM by Tonfa »
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


  • DL
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Re: Legend of Legaia (Boss)
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2008, 09:17:59 AM »
All DL-relevant bosses are now in the stat topic. Still a few more to go on the unranked side.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!