
Author Topic: LFT: An FFT mod (The final release is a lie. Download here!)  (Read 427577 times)


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #100 on: December 05, 2008, 09:13:38 AM »
Yeah...  So far as I can tell, those damage issues aren't gone by the end of Chapter 1, and if you get bad RNG, Algus may be a little hard to kill.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #101 on: December 05, 2008, 09:21:32 AM »
It isn't really so much the damage as the range.   I never really used crossbows before.  And I hope I never have to again.  3 minimum range is terrible.  "But," you say, "you can just target a panel past the enemy for point blank shots!"  Well no, you can't, not if there are height differences involved, or simply no targetable panels past the enemy.

Also, the damage issues partially stem from the fact that it is Chapter 1 and Bow Guns.  With bad zodiac, Charge +1/2 does the exact same damage as a normal shot.

Also also, you're supposed to use shields with crossbows.  But I don't have money for that.

Editing to avoid doublepost.  Should I post progress reports or somewhere else?

Dorter Slums:  ~10 resets

This took some figuring out (as you can probably see from above comments).  Battle Boots on everyone are a must, and I'm actually thinking they'll remain that way for the rest of the game.  With the min range on (cross)bows, it's vital to be able to maneuver away from enemies and into positions where you can actually shoot them.  The improved durability of enemy knights means you can't slug them down quickly, which translates into "You MUST keep everyone alive as long as possible because once you start losing units (and therefore damage ouput) there's no way in heck you'll finish the battle before someone crystallizes."  No one can die until the veeeery end of the battle.

As you can imagine, this is... difficult.  (Wizard spell or knight hit) + any enemy archer hit = death and therefore failure. 
Moving everyone up onto the building seemed to work well.  The long bow archer will naturally die first, preferably before he gets more than one shot off.  I don't recall if the other archers' weapons are preset or not, but they tended towards one having no weapon and the other having bowgun and shield.  The punch archer rushes up onto the building as well and is likewise easily disposed of, while the three ranged enemies inch forward and the knight advances towards your starting position to tangle with Algus.

Now the trick here is that continuing to hang back does not quite work.  The enemies rush in, someone dies, and you can't mop up fast enough.  What you need to do is watch the CT list and move a sacrificial victim out a bit so the wizards come in and start locking on spells... at a time when you have folks in position to shoot them midcharge and kill them before the spell resolves.  The guests work well, if they're cooperative.  Once the wizards are down the rest is easy, just don't let the knight kill anyone.  Twice I got into a situation where just the knight and crossbow archer were left, but someone died, and I had to race to the finish.  Once I failed, second time I did not.  Battle over.  Ugh.  I did however get the long bow drop, which I accepted as luck at the time, but... well, you'll see.


Sand Rat Cellar: 0 resets.

MC mentioned that he wanted to know how this fight would go, since the three knights would be tough to take down.  They are.  But I have the power of archery.

Battle starts, Algus and Delita charge, one knight comes outside.  I move everyone towards the doorway entrance and spray arrows at the lone knight.  Algus dies and the knight gets one hit off on one of my men before doing the same.  I then hop Ramza (with the Long Bow) and another archer up on the wall, cheering for Ignore Height all the while, and retreat everyone else.

.... and the enemy knights and monks all retreat to huddle in the corner of the fort.

The archer, on the other hand, has a long bow and ignore height as well, and jumps up on the other doorpost by the wall.  I discover to my displeasure that bow guns cannot shoot over the doorframe, but long bows can, so a bit of an archery war between this fellow and Ramza ensues.

Then the archer Potions himself, and I start to worry as Ramza's Charge only does 28 to him.

Delita, meanwhile, has run in the side entrance and been soundly whipped after failing his Shield Break.  Oh well.

Fortunately, after his next shot the enemy archer abandons his column to move out further, towards the main group start.  I run the supporting wall man around the door, praying the enemies inside the fort don't decide to come out (they didn't), and manage to get onto the column before the enemy archer can go back.  I take the two non-wounded archers who were hanging back, and they plus Ramza put an end to the archer. 

And then Ramza sits on the wall and snipes the rest of the enemies down with his long bow, slowly but surely, as they continue to do nothing but hide in the corner.  Easy, and I'm even able to snag a couple of drops from the initial knight and the archer (another long bow, saving me some cash). 

Now, had I not gotten that long bow drop at Dorter for super high place sniping abuse, this battle might have gone very differently.   And much more painfully.  I'm not sure it would be all that much harder, but I'd have to deal with the archer more efficiently, and then very, very carefully try to lure out and gun down one enemy at a time, never letting them hit the same person twice and waiting for crystals when necessary.  It's clearly possible, though, the enemies did fan out a bit towards the end of the fight and a monk wandered all the way outside on his lonesome. 

That's all for tonight.  Long bows are now sold at Igros, bout freaking time.   Everyone has (Charge 1 or 2) and (one of Charge 3/4/5).  I'm thinking Concentrate all around comes next, enemy evasion's already putting me at 70% hit rates and it's only going to get worse.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 12:24:50 PM by Sir Alex »


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #102 on: December 05, 2008, 02:54:18 PM »
Just popping in to mention how super-psyched I am about this hack. I'm far from an FFT buff as far as mechanics are concerned, but I love the game and have long wished for a version with more difficulty and a bigger spread of viable classes. Can't wait for the final version so I can start this up.

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #103 on: December 05, 2008, 05:19:35 PM »
...heh, hadn't thought of how much "jump on wall" was going to just break Sand Rat Cellar.

That's all for tonight.  Long bows are now sold at Igros, bout freaking time.   Everyone has (Charge 1 or 2) and (one of Charge 3/4/5).  I'm thinking Concentrate all around comes next, enemy evasion's already putting me at 70% hit rates and it's only going to get worse.
Make sure you get Charge+20 fairly early so you can comment on how much it breaks the earlygame--it's about the same speed as Charge+7 used to be, which means useable in Chapter 1/2 against speed 6 enemies.  Probably do want Concentrate first, still, but >_>
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 05:24:15 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #104 on: December 05, 2008, 06:47:51 PM »
Hmm...something that came up in chat last night:

"Why for did Laggy make Geomancer a BETTER carrier."
"Probably to keep up with the new age retro Squire."
me: "No, no, the Squire came later."

I suppose I should explain a little more.

Geomancer was made better to compete with Wizard/Ninja and to some extent Knight; the thinking went something like follows (heavily paraphrased):

Laggy: "Lets make Elemental a lot better."
mc: "I wouldn't--Elemental already gets used when people use Geo as a carrier."
Laggy: "Yeah, but do you ever see people use Elemental as a secondary?"
mc: "...Does Excal count?"
Laggy: "No."
mc: "At any rate, FFT is split into classes with great skills and classes with great stats; your Calculators vs your Ninjas.  We should keep the focus of Geo where it was designed: stats.  By comparison, does anyone ever use Throw as a secondary?"

(Asside: this mod has actually made me realize that in addition to Skill-focused and Carry-focused there's a third grouping that was just uneremphasized: physicalers.  For instance, new-age-retro-Squire is ahead of Thief in every stat, so they use, say, white magic way better, but Thieves have a much better physical).

Laggy: "Do people really use Geos as carriers, though?"
mc: "The FFT board does."
Laggy: "The same FFT board that advocates Jumping Priests?"
mc: "...point taken >_>"
Laggy: "What do geos offer stat-wise, anyhow?"
mc: "Relative to Ninjas/Wizards...less of every stat that matters, but they do get Shields, Move 4, and HP."
Laggy: "Knights do too now, and they smoke on durability.  I'm upping Geos to 120/120 PA/MA."
mc: "Ehhh...I don't really feel like arguing."

(Insert full playthrough; Geos didn't come to the surface much).

Laggy: "I'm upping Geos to 125/125/125 HP/PA/MA.  Bah, it's annoying trying to make a 'balanced class' good without stepping on all the specialized classes."

(Insert mc sleeping on the subject)

mc: "You know, I just realized that we probably now made Geos better than Wizards, since with Rune Blade + Agies Shied they can match (nerfed) Wizard MA."
Laggy: "That's only in the second half of Chapter 4, right?  I'm okay with that."
mc: "Oh.  ...Right.  The first three chapters where Geos have no answer to Thunder Rod >_>.  ...Yeah, I'm okay with that too."
Laggy: "I guess I'll stop upping Geo stats now, though."

If people want to argue that 110/110/105 Geos were already okay, and not crowded out between Wizard/Ninja/neo-Knight, please do; it'd tone back some of the multiplier inflation that happened with Squire/Mediator in response.  I was having trouble justifying that logically to myself, let alone to Laggy, though >_>
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 08:43:38 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #105 on: December 05, 2008, 08:20:47 PM »
Yeah, I'd say Neo-Knight alone probably warranted much of the improvement. Besides that, your logic train makes sense. Geomancer was a carrier, the one emphasising a combination of magic and durability, or magic and mobility. The problem is that niche has been seriously crowded by all the NEW valid carrier classes - particularly Knight and Squire. And they were already the weakest of the three carriers, so the help seems good to have in a rebalance. I dunno exactly where the stats should fall. 125x3 seems like it might be on the high end, buuut that just means I need to give the class a spin when I play LFT!

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #106 on: December 05, 2008, 10:35:56 PM »
Is there any way you can make the Masamune at least semi gettable instead of a one shot or something you catch from ninjas at super high levels, Laggy?  A rare poach from a tough enemy would work, but it'd be nice to be able to have a little room for error with it.

Oh yeah, Grog hill was a lot of fun. Thanks for the Slasher too, I can use that! *Yoink!* Lots of good reacts to steal there as well if you get lucky with the crystals.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 11:12:40 PM by superaielman »
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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #107 on: December 06, 2008, 12:47:15 AM »
V3. As posted changes, plus documentation. Working out some bugs but they're minor so far.

[link removed]
« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 06:01:38 PM by Laggy »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #108 on: December 06, 2008, 02:49:03 AM »
SMB: Still fears a Ice Brand user like nothing else. Wiped the floor with the fight with a no JP Rafa/Malak, a Priest without holy or Raise 2.. and of course, my thief of doom (Air Knife/Zorlin Shape) and Agrias with an Ice Brand. OHKOing Hydras is fun.
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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #109 on: December 06, 2008, 07:02:31 AM »
Rough summary of monster changes Laggy's been testing:

Most growths *2/3 (50% increase)
Speed growth *3/4 (33% increase)
(Tiamat series excepted).

Apparently monsters don't have fixed reactions, so each monster series now has a unique reaction (instead of all having counter).

Every monster that has space for it gets innate monster skill.

Started making monster abilities more interesting.  (Notably for PC use, Spark now adds reraise in addition to MT fire damage.  Most other changes are more along the lines of "let's make this move not suck", like the various monster abilities that just add blind).

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #110 on: December 06, 2008, 07:33:13 AM »

Does a monster with monster skill affect itself, incidentally?

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #111 on: December 06, 2008, 04:25:19 PM »
Doing the Beowulf sidequest early. Gameplay spoilers for anyone who cares.

Average team level: 26. The first fight wasn't so bad, because I had five fighters with OHKO level offense. Bard Ramza, Geomancer Agrias, a two sword Knight, a Thief wtih a Zorlin shape/Air knife, and a Squire with Jump and a Slasher.

Second fight beat me several times. It'd be much easier if I had someone with blade grasp, but naturally I don't have that.

Rough plan for the fight:

Turn Ramza into a Knight with the Defender (Needs the durability) with Drawout backup. Protect/shell team on first turn. Turn Striker (Knight) into a Bard with Time Magic backup, as he's the only male PC with Haste 2. I have to have haste to keep up with the stupid Mediators. Mustadio will be a Chemist twinked for speed (Nabbed a flash hat in the previous map. Pain in the fucking ass to do, by the way.) and AP. It doesn't quite keep up with the mediator's stone gun physicals, but with protect it willl keep him alive for a while. Considering making him a Knight with throw item as well, just for the durability. But.. I think I need the speed more. Something to chew on though.

Agrias will be a Geomancer with Attack up and Holy sword. She's my main source of damage.  Ramza's also going to get an Ice Shield so the samurai aren't as much of a problem. I need to stay together as a team and keep on top of the revival.. with my one reviver. Fuck me.

*Scraps* Agrias may have to go back to Holy Knight with White Magic backup just for the revival. Hate to lose the offense/speed, but I don't think I have a choice. *Snaps fingers* I do have a Sestimson I poached from the SMB, need to see if I bothered to buy it. Autohaste would really help here. Loss of the bracer blows but I need the speed more.

EDIT: Wait a sec, transparent. Haaaaaahahaha completely forgot that. Suicide offense build for Agrias, go! (I smoke one of those mediators, I probably can overwhelm the fight. Maybe have Ramza sing instead, use the PA+ song to buff my fighters. Mmm, maybe. Options, options. Agrias should have enough JP for weapon break as well.

Excellent design on the fights. I can see why you said it'd be hard to do it early- Cid would utterly destroy fight 2 thanks to autohaste+Allswordskill.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 04:28:04 PM by superaielman »
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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #112 on: December 06, 2008, 05:31:10 PM »
Monster Skill is not self-affecting. It essentially means that monsters get scarier (in some cases, considerably so) when they're next to each other. On the PC side, it encourages using two monsters (or SQUIRES!!). Much like FE supports in a sense.
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #113 on: December 07, 2008, 12:48:46 AM »
Archer progress...

Thieves' Fort
1 abortive reset before getting Concentrate, 0 afterwards.

70% chances to hit Miluda and the thieves wasn't working out.  Once Concentrate was acquired things went much more smoothly.   The outer priest had black magic and was kind enough to charge Fire2 on Algus... which the front thief walked right into range of to hit him.  That about sums the battle up.  Miluda got wailed on when she came out, not hard.

Fought another couple of randoms and got heavy charges on everyone.

Lenalia Plateau
0 resets.

MC and Laggy thought this battle would be hard.  It wasn't.

The wizards move up, one starts charging Bolt 2.  The Time Mage hastes Miluda (this sounds incredibly scary but it wound up not mattering).  I use my first turn to take out both wizards.  Midcharge shots finish one before he gets Bolt 2 off, the other is OHKO'd by a Charge +7 from good compat.  Miluda charges forward and I spread everyone out in a semicircle and use the highest possible charges they can get on her, with total disregard for the other knights and the time mage.  Two rounds of this and she goes down.  Some people get whacked and some stuff gets broken, but it doesn't matter, I have plenty of money from the random battles.

Fovoham Plains
0 resets.

Laggy thought this would also be hard.

Wiegraf moves forward and Split Punches Delita.  Enemies move forward.  My turn.

Charge +7!  Charge +10!  Charge +10!  Charge +20! (for a whopping 84 damage out of Wiegraf's 152 HP, even). 
One rounded.  GG.

In conclusion, lol Archers and assassination battles.  Charge, Concentrate and range make their damage all but guaranteed.

Editing for more!

Fort Zeakden
0 Resets.

Ignore Height Archers, fort towers too high for the enemies to reach, you can pretty much guess what happens here.  The wizards get sniped first.  Algus decides to hide in the corner, which I can't quite reach from the main fort roof, so I have to advance to the other tower.  I take potshots on the way, try to use CHARGE PLUS TWENTY with Ramza again, and Super kills me for it.  How fitting.

Charge +7 fails to break Auto Potion.  Charge +10 does.  A Knight has Potion, though... but Auto Potion fails enough times after a couple of rounds.

On to Chapter 2!  Ending levels ranged 6-8, Ramza being the only 8.  I don't quite recall the level caps offhand but I'm sure this is well under them? Oh and I'm still using Long Bows since the only other bow buyable is Silver, and doing that would break the game when I upgrade to V3.  (Which just now finished downloading.)

1 reset because I wanted to use Charge +20 on SOMETHING, not an actual loss.

Hard to lose with two swordskillers in your party and rooftops to snipe from.  The only thing that bears mentioning here is that the thieves are already too fast to land Charge+20 on.  Sadness.  Andrew is hilarious.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 01:41:54 AM by Sir Alex »


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #114 on: December 07, 2008, 02:40:13 AM »
Working on the Beowulf sidequest.

Uber squires and armies of undead bards are nice, but don't fuck with Knights of Ice. (Resets on Goland 2: 10+. Resets once I stopped fucking around and brought in the KoI:  0.)

Fight 3 was fun but much easier. I just ignored Excal and swarmed MC/Elfboy.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 03:10:17 AM by superaielman »
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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #115 on: December 07, 2008, 03:17:53 AM »
Araguay Woods
Ten billion resets... no.

Ice Bows vs goblins.  Ahyup.

Zirekile Falls
0 resets

Naked Gaffy, joke fight, and more successful uses of Charge+20 on the knights and even Gaffy himself, thanks to a timely Stop inflict from Agrias.

Zaland Fort City
0 resets

All in front line, charge the wall, snipe the wizards first.  I have Arrow Guard now so the archers aren't a problem.  Knights killed one guy but fell to the usual flurry of charge shots.

High point:  Ramza uses Charge+20 on an Archer that Agrias Stopped. 
Critical hit.
245 damage.

Whoooooo archers!

Barius Hill
0 resets

Okay, THIS was a semi-serious fight.   I wound up winning without anyone even dying, but it could easily have swung the other way.  One summoner gets shot down immediately, but doing so requires me to move people up into range of the Knights, and I can't quite reach the other summoner.  Enemy archers run into Arrow Guard now, so they decide to kill Mustadio instead.  Ramza takes one knight hit, and then a Ramuh resolves on him and he... barely survives!  Whew.  Turning point #1. 

Agrias and Ramza kill the other summoner, while the rest of my force goes to work on the knights, trying to spread out and avoid anyone dying.  I'm able to Charge +7 and +10 for around 50 damage a pop, but +20 is sadly impossible even on Knights now without CT shenanigans.  Still... 50 damage 100% arrows kill knights reasonably quickly.  Combined archer damage is really quite impressive now.    The knights get more turns in the middle of my forces, which worries me... but one decides to Potion himself rather than kill someone, and the other attempts a swing from the front and misses.  Turning point #2.  Agrias Cure 2's the wounded, and mopup goes smoothly.

0 resets

Joke battle.  Mustadio going for a swim and getting poisoned dealt more total damage than the enemies.

Goug Slums
0 resets

Another serious fight.  Ramza, being his usual gullible self, loses half his HP to a thief attack at the start of the battle.  No way to prevent this from happening.  The archers are a nonfactor (thank you Arrow Guard) but Ramza can't outmove the thief and the summoners are major threats.  Describing exactly how things unfolded is hard, suffice to say I got Shiva'd twice, lost two men and had to chase down the archers at the end.  Was a little tense.  Charge +20 finish, though.

Barius Valley
0 resets

Turns out I can still Charge +20 knights if they move and act.  Superior firepower and range made this a joke again, Charge 1HKOs weak units with good combat, 2HKOs most things and 3HKOs knights (4HKO if bad compat).

And thus ends the super happy archer funtime.  Next up is what I expect to be one of the hardest battles in the game for our merry men.

Levels!  Ramza is 12, everyone else is 9 or 10.  Everyone has Concentrate, Arrow Guard, and a full or mostly full Charge skillset.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 05:06:44 AM by Sir Alex »

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #116 on: December 07, 2008, 06:19:24 AM »
You know, every time I think "we're pretty much wrapped up here" somehow an AIM conversation between Laggy and me leads to 20 more changes.  I'll comment on most of them when Laggy posts them, but the request response...

Is there any way you can make the Masamune at least semi gettable instead of a one shot or something you catch from ninjas at super high levels, Laggy?  A rare poach from a tough enemy would work, but it'd be nice to be able to have a little room for error with it.
Made a poach; made to be about the right step up in cost from Kikuichimoji (Kiomori's 10k, Muramasa's 15k, Kikuichimoji's 22k, Masamune's 30k (actually 60k, but fur shops cut that in half)).  Put on Dark Behemoth, which is Chapter 4 only (and probably the single most annoying monster to poach now; highest HP, and have I mentioned they have Damage Split?)

The twist, however, is that it's a common poach.  This goes back to design discussions with Laggy in response to the realization "Why on earth are Perfumes common poaches??"  For the answer, I point to Magic the Gathering, which makes a conscious effort to spread its power items between common and rare.  Stuff that lots of people are going to use, like Counterspell, is common.  Stuff that only a few people want to use, like Stasis, is Rare.  In the case of FFT, if I'm fighting monsters randomly and a perfume drops, someone's gonna wear it.  If I'm fighting monsters randomly and a spear drops...I may or may not have a Lancer in my party.  As for more deliberate poaching, if I'm intentionally poaching items, I'm going to want about five perfumes, but probably only one spear, maybe none.

How does this relate back to Masamune?  If you're really going to use it, you probably want four or more Masamunes.  (And if you play aftergame content long enough, you'll keep coming back for more).  It's not like it breaks the game relative to the effort of a common poach (Haste 2 has the same AoE now, and is almost instant.  If you're poaching, just get Setiemsons already).  It really fits the pedigree of a power common.  (Mind you: not ultra-common a la "Elixirs are poached from 10 monsters now"--you won't be tripping over Masamunes.  You'll just be able to stock up without pulling your hair out).
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 06:22:17 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #117 on: December 07, 2008, 06:21:10 AM »
Yeah, Laggy and I were talking about that earlier. Sounds right.
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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #118 on: December 07, 2008, 06:52:03 AM »
Golgorand Execution Site
1 reset (only one?!)

The main challenge, as usual, is not surviving.  No, I easily outgun the enemies.  The trouble is taking care of them all before someone dies and crystallizes.  That is... considerably more difficult.  Everyone has in the neighborhood of 150 HP.  Power Sleeves and Headgear and Lightning Bows. 

Gafgarion dies first, clearly.  50+ guaranteed draining damage from anywhere on the map?  No thank you.  Bad enough that he hits me with it once before I can move, allowing him to do it again would be suicide.  Fortunately he dies in three Charge +7s from the main group (who start as close to the bridge side as possible). 

The Time Mages in both battles used relatively useless spells, thank god, and were easily OHKO'd or at least sent to critical by the two archers in the secondary group (start them forward so they can hop up to the bridge and the guillotine at the start).

Then it's just archers and knights, but in tricky positions.  Ramza's taken a Night Sword right off the bat, one archer in the main group takes a knight hit, and the other will take a hit from the same knight on turn 2 as the main group retreats up the ramp.

Knights... have 4 move now, base.  And mostly Battle Boots.  So 5 move.  This is a problem.  The archers... have charge +3ish and can do the same height exploits I can.  Arrow Guard helps against them, but only sometimes.

The first attempt went very poorly.  An enemy archer got up on the guillotine before I did, since I didn't even think about it at first in my "MUST KILL TIME MAGES" rush, Arrow Guard failed no less than five times, and all the knights had Battle Boots and generally bad zodiac with the archers who needed to kill them.

Second attempt I ran Laggychan, Archer extraordinaire, onto the guillotine immediately, and was generally able to avoid damage better.  At one point I had a knight chasing Ramza up the ramp, certain to kill him.  Ramza had a big charge aimed at the knight's face, but my other archer on the ramp with him couldn't shoot the knight's current position.  So I have him charge on the only square the knight can get to to kill Ramza.  Either the knight goes there and kills Ramza, but then dies, or he doesn't move to that spot and therefore can't reach anyone to attack, but hangs around and will be easily shot down in short order.  Right?

No, Lightning Bow's Bolt triggers from Ramza's shot and puts the knight in critical, so he runs away all the way to the corner.  I get sliced up, Arrow Guard fails and one of the main group dies, and the last perfectly healthy knight chooses to hide in the other corner of the map and do absolutely nothing.  Laggychan is the only one who can reach the corners, so he has to snipe off the critical knight, someone has to snipe the archers, and the knights have to be machinegunned down in the three turns before failure.  I barely make it, killing the last knight by about 2 HP over his total, with 0 turns left on my dead man, and said knight 1 panel away from grabbing a time mages' crystal.  Very intense fight.

Gate of Lionel
6 resets

First try, I discover to my dismay that you in fact cannot Ignore Height up to the battlements, two knights have Weapon Break, and the third knight has Kamaitachi and Don't Acts two people.  Also Ramza loses the duel badly.  Second try, I put Green Beret on Ramza.  Doesn't help, Gaff has 8 speed, I can't get a Charge +10 off on him.  Ramza dies and I can't mop up fast enough.  Third try, I go for Power Wrist on Ramza.  Still doesn't help.

Then I remember Ramza revives when Gaffy dies.  Oops.

Then Gafgarion critical hits Ramza for the 2HKO.

Then all the knights have Weapon Break and Kamaitachi luck AGAIN.

Then the knights have Punch Art, including 100% Death Sentence Secret Fist, and Weapon Break, and Ramza and help still can't take down Gaffy.

FINALLY I get a run where the enemies don't have horribly destructive secondaries, and send three people back to help kill Gaff.  Augh.

8 resets.

As good as Archers may be at dealing damage, they aren't good enough to slaughter Quek due to the height and speed differences and restricted movement.  The usual tactics just didn't work - I could deal about 300 to him, but was losing to Nightmare and physicals.  After some fist shaking in Laggy's direction (and in that of the conventional "don't use Defense Rings" wisdom), I put on Defense Rings all around, and was made very glad I bought them when this resulted in Quek running downstairs and doing nothing but spam Bio 2 for ~30% odds of petrify. 

This was much more conducive to me winning the fight, since Petrify doesn't impose a three turn failure countdown, wasn't 100% at disabling or killing people like everything else he does is, and in fact failed a lot.  Green Beret is not the way to go here, Quek's occasional doubleturning just means I can get Charge +10 off with all the survivors.  Still close, ended with one person alive, but not bad especially considering Ramza is Taurus and only one person had good compat to Scorpio.

Necessary formation for this:

Ramza starts one panel "ahead" of his default formation position, no matter where you place him, so I put him in one of the - and the rest on the + so Quek can only target two people with Bio 2.  Bold is the guy with good compat, which means Quek will run downstairs to target the back two instead of one of the other groups of two.

That's all for tonight.


As far as balance goes, archers are... actually managing to both impress and disappoint me.  They have some big, uniquely useful strengths - good ranged physical damage and Ignore Height mainly - and some weaknesses, pretty frail, NOT good damage vs Knights, and you need both good positioning and good CT manipulation to use them. 

For a normal game I think they definitely do have a place.  One build that I think would be very viable is to have someone go Knight first, get one or two break skills, whichever ones you want to support your party, and then go Archer once Long Bows show up, use the breaks off your bow, and use your Archer JP to go straight to Concentrate and Charge +20.  Don't even bother with the early charges, not enough JP, get Charge +20.

Yeah, I'm hyping Charge +20.  At first it was a novelty but once you get into Chapter 2-ish and speeds standardize, if you're at the same speed as an enemy and they move and act, you can Charge +20 them for ridiculously awesome damage.  It's solid 2HKO on Knights with bows.  150+ against non-Knights in Chapter 2.  Think about that for a while.  I'm not sure at exactly what speed +20 stops working now, but I think it may be possible to do things like, say, go to Thief with it and maybe even OHKO Gaffy and Queklain, or go back to Knight or some other physical class with it and have a 5 Move Concentrate or Ignore Height Knight dish it out.  Substitute (or add) Charge +10 to keep it useful later into the game.  The rest of the Charge skillset I wouldn't really hype as things you would use on other classes, it adds damage to your physical but not reaally that much... but +10 and +20 (early on) are very viable to target and absolutely destroy some chosen enemy that Must Die.

Alternatively, you can just go for the middle charges and keep an archer in your party for a while.  +5/+7, or +3 or so on a midcharge shot are generally sufficient to OHKO enemy casters from a nice long range.  Archer use is very map dependent, though.  There are some maps you'll love them on and some you really won't. 

With all of that said...  4 archer/1 Chemist or 3 archer/2 chemist, with the chemists getting Ignore Height from archer spillover and the archers getting some Item?  That would obliterate the entire game to this point except for Dorter and maybe Queklain.  A pack of ignore height ranged units is just terrifying.  Battles tend to flow very smoothly in this, there's an opening game, midgame and cleanup, and if anyone dies before cleanup they're going to crystallize... but if I had any revival at all I could still easily outgun everything on the map with three or four healthy archers in good position.  Of course this would still be mainly an Archer not-quite-SCC and I'm sure there are some better ways to go about doing things.

Arrow Guard is a bit similar.  It's saving my bacon a lot right now, because I have it on everyone, but ONLY because I have it on everyone.  Enemy archers generally have their choice of targets, so if you only have Arrow Guard on one or two people, they'll just shoot at the ones who don't have it.  Still better than Speed Save, though.  Remind me again why SS is still 400 JP in Archer?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 11:13:22 AM by Sir Alex »

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #119 on: December 07, 2008, 03:52:45 PM »
I'm not sure at exactly what speed +20 stops working now
Speed 7, sort-of.

Charge+20 is 15 ctr.

Speed 7 takes

15 clockticks to get turn 1 (irrelevant; don't have someone to C+20 on turn 0)
14 clockticks to get turn 2
14 clockticks to get turn 3
15 clockticks to get turn 4 (Zomg, can hit if both you and the enemy have stayed in-sync)
14 clockticks to get turn 5
14 clockticks to get turn 6
14 clockticks to get turn 7
15 (repeat pattern here, go back to turn 1).

Alternatively, if both you and the enemy move-wait turn 1...
15 clockticks to get turn 1 (irrelevant)
11 clockticks to get turn 2
14 clockticks to get turn 3
15 clockticks to get turn 4 (Okay, so nothing gained turn-wise; oh well).

If both you and the enemy move-wait on the first two turns...
15 clockticks to get turn 1 (irrelevant)
11 clockticks to get turn 2
12 clockticks to get turn 3
14 clockticks to get turn 4 (well...that was useless in the end).

So...yeah; Chapter 3.  If you manage to stay perfectly in-sync, you should be able to C+20 on turn 3.

But...yeah, Laggy and I were aware that C+20 might break Chapter 2.  We're still allowing people to use Thunder Rod, MA+4, Ramuh setups in Chapter 2, so this didn't really bother us.

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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #120 on: December 07, 2008, 04:28:13 PM »
Laggy and I were discussing "man, there aren't enough Oracles in FFT battles."  "Mediators, what about Mediators?"  So...went through and tabulated how much each class is actually used in FFT.

Total Unit Count:
Knight: 62
Archer: 44
Wizard: 20
Summoner: 15
Thief: 15
Squire: 10
Time Mage: 10
Monk: 9
Ninja: 8
Chemist: 8
Lancer: 7
Priest: 3
Mediator: 3
Oracle: 3
Geomancer: 2
Samurai: 2

Total Battle Count:
Knight: 24
Archer: 21
Wizard: 11
Summoner: 10
Thief: 8
Chemist: 6
Ninja: 5
Monk: 5
Time Mage: 5
Lancer: 3
Squire: 3
Oracle: 2
Priest: 2
Mediator: 2
Geomancer: 1
Samurai: 1

By Chapter:

Chapter 1 unit count
Knight: 13
Squire: 8
Archer: 7
Wizard: 6
Thief: 4
Monk: 4
Chemist: 2
Priest: 2
Time Mage: 1

Chapter 1 Battles:
Knight: 7
Archer: 3
Wizard: 3
Squire: 2
Chemist: 2
Thief: 2
Monk: 2
Priest: 1
Time Mage: 1

Chapter 2 unit count:
Knight: 15
Archer: 13
Summoner: 5
Thief: 4
Wizard: 4
Time Mage: 2

Chapter 2 Battles:
Archer: 6
Knight: 5
Summoner: 3
Thief: 2
Wizard: 2
Time Mage: 1

Chapter 3 unit count:
Knight: 10
Archer: 7
Thief: 5
Chemist: 5
Time Mage: 4
Summoner: 3
Wizard: 3
Lancer: 3
Ninja: 3
Monk: 2
Squire: 2
Mediator: 1

Chapter 3 battles:
Knight: 4
Chemist: 3
Archer: 3
Thief: 2
Summoner: 2
Wizard: 2
Mediator: 1
Monk: 1
Lancer: 1
Chemist: 1
Time Mage: 1
Squire: 1
Ninja: 1

Chapter 4 unit count:
Knight: 24
Archer: 17
Wizard: 7
Summoner: 7
Ninja: 5
Lancer: 4
Oracle: 3
Thief: 3
Monk: 3
Time Mage: 3
Geomancer: 2
Mediator: 2
Samurai: 2
Priest: 1
Chemist: 1

Chapter 4 battle count:
Archer: 9
Knight: 8
Summoner: 5
Wizard: 4
Lancer: 2
Ninja: 4
Oracle: 2
Thief: 2
Monk: 2
Time Mage: 2
Priest: 1
Geomancer: 1
Mediator: 1
Samurai: 1
Chemist: 1


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #121 on: December 07, 2008, 06:32:28 PM »
My conclusion from the above is that there needs to be more bards.

And knights.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #122 on: December 07, 2008, 06:41:37 PM »
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #123 on: December 07, 2008, 08:58:07 PM »
Wow, only 3 Priests? That's... surprising, but now that I look back, I don't remember many Priests at all.

Needs more Priests, Samurais and Bards. Those would make for more interesting fights.
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If we believed in that, we wouldn't be forcing world-saving hero to fight eachother to the death for our amusement.


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Re: FFT Changes
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2008, 09:35:11 PM »
Because Knights are so woefully underrepresented I think you should buff the overall survivability of the class to make them really leave an impression on the player.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.