
Author Topic: Final Fantasy X  (Read 11626 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Final Fantasy X
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:00:38 AM »
This is the third incarnation of the FFX stat thread, and the second made by me. It should provide all the pertinent information about FFX in the DL, as well as providing you with oodles of mechanical information for those who like the stuff (there has to be more than just me...). If you're familiar with FFX's system, you can probably get away with just skipping down to the characters below (though you may want to at least glance over them; there's some useful info in there, including all the equipment options). But the first sections are here for those interested, anyway. Enjoy.

Thanks go to everyone who helped with the first two FFX stat thread: Super, Meep, Sage, Crystalgate, Cmdr. King, Monkeyfinger, metroid composite, OblivionKnight, Dhyerwolf, and anyone else slipping my mind.

Part I: General mechanics information and Equipment

About the stats

Every stat thread needs one of these.

HP: Lose these and die.
MP: Skills, Magic, and Specials cost these. If you can't afford the cost, you can't use the ability.
STR/Strength: The stat upon which many attacks (mainly physical) are based. Note that damage rises cubicly with Strength.
DEF/Defence: Reduces physical damage to the character. FFX defence is not linear, but instead operates on a sort of reverse quadratic, with higher defence getting progressively less significant from an absolute standpoint. If you don't know what that means, don't worry about it.
MAG/Magic: The stat upon which many attacks (mainly magical) are based. Most magic damage rises quadratically with magic, but there are exceptions with use Strength's cubic formula (such as Nova, Pain, and Aeon Overdrives).
MDEF/Magic Defence: See Defence, substitute physical with magical.
AGI/Agility: Speed. Slightly more complicated than it looks. Having higher Agility is only worth more at whenever certain benchmarks are reached; beyond that, it is good only for tie-breaking. Besides that detail, having more FFX Agility is always better, and makes for turns earlier in the battle, as well as doubleturns down the line.
EVA/Evade: Allows character to evade physical attacks. The exact dodge rate based on Evade hasn't been determined (too many factors involved), as far as I know, but it's not a percentage. (That said, make no mistake, Lulu evades the vast majority of physical attacks sent her way, with her ridiculous Evade score).
ACC/Accuracy: Allows character to overcome enemy evasion with his or her physical attacks and skills. Having low Accuracy isn't necessarily bad, as a character with no evade will still be hit 100% of the time. It does indicate a major struggling with even small enemy evade, however. Take this stat as you will. For what it's worth, Wakka (the most accurate character by far) very rarely misses in-game, even against the most evasive targets.

About FFX Commands

Not including the mechanical options of Item, Substitute, Defend, Escape, and Switch Equipment, every character has access to several of six command lists (except Yuna, who has a command all to herself). They are:

Attack: Physical attack. You know how these work. Evadable, physical damage. Subject to physical defence UNLESS the character is using a Celestial weapon. Does damage based off Strength.

Skills: Skills are physical attacks with added properties. Most Skills add a status (or steal attempt, in Mug's case) if and only if they successfully hit; in fact, the lone exception to this is Quick Hit, which is for all purposes a normal attack. Skills inherit all the properties of a physical attack, as well as the weapon used in the attack (in particular, the weapon's element, added status, and Celestial bonuses/penalties (see below)). As such, they are all physical, evadeable damage based off Strength. Note that Skills have an attached MP cost but are NOT magic in any sense.

White Magic: A kind of magic. White Magic spells cost MP, are sealed off by the Silence status, and are invariably subject to being Reflected. Healing and damaging White Magic is based off the Magic stat, and damaging magic is subject to target Magic Defence and is magical damage (duh). Note that FFX has no Magic Evade; whether or not you allow offensive magic abilities to be evaded by other games' magic evade is up to you (personally, I do without exception).

Black Magic: Black Magic, despite the name, is actually identical to White Magic in all ways but one: it can be used with Doublecast, one of Lulu's abilities. Other than that, see White Magic. However, Black magic has two exceptional spells: Demi, and Ultima. Neither are subject to Reflect (unlike all other Magic), and Demi has the additional unusual property of ignoring any and all magic defence (though it can still be reduced by Shell and Shield status). Another exceptional Black Magic, Osmose, has the unique property of having no attached MP cost.

Specials: Special commands are neither physical or magical. They have unique effects. Although they are neither physical nor magical, some may do damage that is reduced by defence or magic defence. All Specials ignore evade and Protect/Shell/Reflect, and the equipped weapon of the character, though. Most Specials have no MP cost, but there are a few exceptions.

Overdrives: Overdrives are in most senses Specials (even triggering the same counters, in-game). They inherit the properties of Specials, such as being neither physical nor magical (note: this is sometimes counterintuitive, see Blitz Ace, Fire Fury, etc.) and ignoring evade and Protect/Shell/Reflect, as well as ignoring the equipped weapon of the character (again, counterintuitive for some Overdrives). Of course, Overdrives have a catch. They can only be used when the character has a full Overdrive gauge, and using them fully drains the Overdrive gauge. See below for more information on the Overdrive Gauge.

Defend: Halves all physical damage taken until next turn, which comes 50% faster than usual.

Switch Equipment: Change equipped armour or weapon (but not both) to another equip in inventory. Next turn comes three times faster. (I generally don't consider this in the DL.)

Summon: The seventh command, available only to Yuna. When Yuna uses Summon, an Aeon (essentially another PC from a mechanics standpoint, or three in the case of the Magus Sisters) takes the place of Yuna and her party on the battlefield. Most Aeons have First Strike (exceptions: Sandy and Mindy) so the Aeon will immediately get a turn after summoning. If the Aeon is killed, then, at the end of the turn that the killing blow is delivered, Yuna (and party, if applicable) return to the battlefield, their previous status preserved exactly. An Aeon once killed can not be resummoned during that battle. Yuna has eight Aeons available to be summoned. Of note, Summon can not be blocked by Silence.

About Celestial Weapons

Every FFX PC has a Celestial Weapon. These are markedly different from normal weapons in that, not only are they loaded with powerful abilities, they have two special properties:

-Attacks and Skills used with the weapon ignore defence. This does NOT apply to Overdrives used with the weapon.
-Attacks and Skills used with the weapon use a special formula to modify damage based on the wielder's HP or MP. This formula varies by Celestial weapon, and will be detailed with each individual character. Again, this special formula does not apply to Overdrives, meaning Overdrives will do identical damage regardless of whether or not its user has a Celestial weapon equipped.

Additionally, every Celestial weapon has the following two abilities:

-Break Damage Limit: Character can do up to 99999 damage per hit, instead of the default 9999. This cap-breaking applies not only to attacks with the Celestial weapon, but to ANY damage done by the character, for example Overdrives, magic (even Demi), and healing.
-Triple Overdrive: Character gains Overdrives at 3x normal speed (see below).

Note that, since Celestial weapons are assumed as default in this thread, that I'll also be assuming Break Damage Limit and Triple Overdrive for all characters. If the character should opt for a non-Celestial weapon then, remember that his/her damage will be capped at 9999 per hit, and Overdrives will fill at one third the listed speed, below.

Finally, ever Celestial weapon comes with two other abilities.

About the Overdrive Gauge

The Overdrive Gauge is what allows FFX PCs (and Aeons) to use Overdrives. It starts at 0%, and ODs can only be used when the gauge reaches 100%. Note that in-game, it is possible to start any battle with any/all PCs and Aeons at full Overdrive, but I think everyone agrees this does not apply in the DL.

FFX characters can choose between a few different Overdrive modes. I personally allow only the very common modes that will be gotten naturally in a normal playthrough of FFX (in particular, I disallow Loner). Here are some of the methods of gaining Overdrive. Note that the PC must choose ONE method, and stick with it for the battle.

The following figures assume Triple Overdrive:

Stoic: The most basic Overdrive mode. OD gauge charges at (DamageReceived / MaxHP * 90%) per hit taken. Note that only healers can OD with this mode.

Warrior: Gain OD gauge by dealing damage. OD gauge charges based on 30% every time a character deals damage equal to the damage he or she would do to an enemy with 0 defence. This ranges from 30% to 3% per attack for Wakka, Tidus, and Rikku's physicals; 15% to 64% per attack for Auron, and a somewhat more difficult number to determine for Yuna and Lulu (their Magic stat is used instead of Strength, so their damage is measured relative to damage done by a physical with STR equal to their Magic. Very weird). Counters contribute to Warrior Overdrive.

Tactician: Every time character connects with a status attack, he or she gains 48% Overdrive. This includes reapplied status (hellooo, Wakka!).

Dancer: Every time character evades an attack, he or she gains 48% Overdrive.


In general: Wakka, Auron, and Tidus should definitely use Warrior, or possibly Tactician in Wakka's case. Rikku probably wants Stoic, though Warrior may be appropriate in certain battles. Yuna can get away with using just about any mode. Lulu too, but her Overdrives are worthless so it doesn't matter.

About status

Most of it is fairly self-explanatory, and I'll detail anything I feel necessary when it comes up. I will say this, though, to save me time: All status effects, positive or negative, are PERMANENT unless denoted otherwise.

About Recharge rates

Using certain attacks in FFX causes your subsequent turn to come at different rates. For instance, using Quick Hit, which has 3x recharge time, causes your next turn to come three times as quickly as it would normally. Similarly, Power Break has a 0.75x recharge time, meaning your next turn comes only 3/4 as fast as your turn would normally. Most noteworthy are Overdrives, which tend to be very laggy after being used, and thus are best employed as finishers.

About equipment

There's lots of equipment in FFX, and people disagree on what's legal. So I'm going to try to list just about anything people might allow, explain how each item is obtained, and let people judge from there.


First of all, as discussed earlier, there are the Celestial weapons. Each of these is unique, and no equivalent can be made via customisation. The argument for them is their total uniqueness. The argument against them is most are a fair pain to get without a FAQ or take a lot of time. Most people, but not all, allow these.

Second, some weapons come pre-made for characters, and are unique to the character. These are found in treasure chests, or available in stores, or (in the case of Tidus' Brotherhead) gained by plot.

The third group of weapons is the less clearly legal, and it is weapons that are storebought, but that copies exist for every character of each weapon. In other words, there is no uniqueness at all. This group has a few offensive weapons in it (highly accurate status for one).

The fourth group of weapons is similar to the third, and it is weapons created by customising storebought stuff onto an armour or weapon. Arguably this is still just storebought.

Only weapons with conceivable DL use shall be listed (i.e. no Sensor or Capture and the likes).

Since these weapons are character-unique, I'll list them by character. Since there's quite a lot of stuff here, very significant weapons for each character are bolded:

-"Brotherhood": Waterstrike + Strength+15% (plot, unmissable)
-First Strike + Strength+3% (O'aka at Macalania)
-Counterattack (O'aka at Operation Mi'ihen, chest in Macalania, chest in Via Purifico)
-Slowtouch (O'aka at Luca)
-Firestrike + Icestrike (O'aka at Moonflow, Wantz at Gagazet)
-Waterstrike + Lightningstrike (O'aka at Guadosalam)
-Magic Booster + Magic+15% (Wantz at Gagazet, Djose Temple shop post-Yunalesca)
-Sleeptouch (chest in Macalania)
-Deathtouch (O'aka at Guadosalam)
-Deathstrike (*** after point of no return ***)
-Alchemy + Strength+10% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Poisonstrike (chest in Mi'ihen Ruins)
-Evade&Counter (chest in Via Purifico)
-Sleeptouch + Silencetouch + Darktouch (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Poisontouch (O'aka in Luca)
-Stonetouch (O'aka at Operation Mi'ihen)
-Icestrike + Strength+5% (Moonflow shop)
-Firestrike + Icestrike + Lightningstrike + Waterstrike (chest in City of Dying Dreams)
-One MP Cost (chest in Besaid Ruins)
-Darktouch (Moonflow shop)
-Silencestrike + Stonestrike (*** after point of no return ***)
-Lightningstrike (chest in Mi'ihen Highroad)
-Half MP Cost (prize in Zanarkand Cloister of Trials)
-SOS Overdrive (chest in City of Dying Dreams)
-Magic+13% (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-Darktouch (O'aka at Macalania)
-Poisontouch + Magic+5% (O'aka at Guadosalam)
-Evade&Counter + Magic Counter (chest at Besaid Falls)
-Strength+8% + Magic+8% (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-Strength+18% (prize in Bevelle Cloister of Trials)
-Magic+18% (chest in Sea of Sorrow)
-Poisontouch + Magic+5% (O'aka at Moonflow)
-Firestrike + Icestrike (Moonflow shop)
-Firestrike + Icestrike + Lightningstrike (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Waterstrike (chest in Luca)

Whew. I think that's everything relevant.

And of course, here are, the universal equips (groups 3 and 4):

-Magic+15% (except for Lulu and Yuna)
-Sleeptouch + Silencetouch + Darktouch
-Magic Counter + Strength+10%
-Silencestrike + Zombietouch *

*this costs over 120000 gil, which many might see as too expensive for a universal item.

Weapons with three slots are available for simple customisation, and they cost almost nothing. Weapons with four slots are available but cost 100000 gil.

Customised equips can contain the following abilities using storebought items:

-Darktouch (60 Eye Drops)
-Silencetouch (60 Echo Screen)
-Poisontouch (99 Antidote)
-Zombietouch (70 Holy Water)

As you see, remarkably little is gained from this list not available from the previous. This list will be more significant for armour.

As for what is legal? Make up your own mind. I personally do not allow the equips from groups 3 or 4. Yes, they're storebought, but frankly some of those equips are offensive (sleepstrike, anyone?) for universal gear. This is a pure judgement call. I do, however, allow everything listed that is unique, EXCEPT the equips found after the point of no return (it'd help their cause, if, y'know, you could actually inflict those statuses on anything worth inflicting them on at that point. But you can't).

Some notes on weapon abilities:
* Elemental -strike weapons make the characters attack and skills that element. In the case of multi-elemental weapons, the best case always wins. For instance, Tidus attacking Rubicant (absorb Fire, weak Ice) with his weapon that includes both Firestrike and Icestrike would hit Rubicant's Ice weakness and ignore his Fire absorption utterly.
* Status -touch weapons inflict their status 50% of the time (30% in the case of Dark/Silence/Sleep, since natural resistance for those statuses in FFX is 20%).
* Status -strike weapons inflict their status 100% of the time (80% in the case of Dark/Silence/Sleep, see above).
* Dark/Silence/Sleep last for three rounds, other status effects are permanent.
* Strength+X% increases damage done by attacks and skills (not Overdrives) by X%. It does not directly modify Strength.
* Magic+X% increase damage and healing done by Magic and Lancet (not Overdrives) by X%. It does not directly modifiy Magic.
* I personally throw out the boosts granted by Strength and Magic +X% abilities, since they affect everyone equally. That's just a personal quirk of mine, though.
* Alchemy doubles the effect of healing items, both those accessed by the Item command and those accessed by Use.
* SOS Overdrive acts like Double Overdrive, but only when the character is below half HP.
* See various Celestials for descriptions on more abilities, such as Triple Overdrive, Counterattack, Evade&Counter, and Magic Booster.


There's no Celestials this time around, but there's still a variety of groups of equips to be considered. Again, there are the semi-unique equips (those that are storebought or found in chests, excluding storebought equips of which there are copies for everyone). Again, there are storebought equips that include copies for every character. And again, there are storebought customisations.

Again, bolding means it's important!

-HP+10% + Def+10% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Magic Counter (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca) ***
-SOS NulBlaze (chest in Kilika)
-Iceproof (Luca shop post-Yunalesca)
-Lightningproof (Thunder Plains, on ground)
-Darkward + Def+5% (Moonflow shop)
-Poisonward + MDef+5% (Moonflow shop)
-Confuseward + Berserkward (Ronso shop)
-HP+20% (chest in Mushroom Rock)
Fire Eater + Ice Eater + Water Eater (chest at Battle Site)
-Darkward (chest in Djose)
-Confuseward + Berserkward (Ronso shop)
-Stoneproof + Silenceproof (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-SOS Shell (Wantz at Gagazet)
-HP+15% (O'aka at Macalania)
-Fireproof + Iceproof + Lightningproof (chest in Besaid Ruins)
-Confuseward + Berserkward (Ronso shop)
-SOS Haste (Wantz at Gagazet)
-SOS Shell (Lake Macalania)
-Auto-Med (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-HP+10% + MP+10% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-SOS NulBlaze + SOS NulFrost + SOS NulShock (chest in Gagazet)
-Iceward + Waterward (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-Lightningproof (Luca shop post-Yunalesca)
-Confuseward + Curseproof (Ronso shop)
-Stoneward + MDef+5% (Moonflow shop)
-MP+35% (Calm Lands shop pre-Yunalesca)
-Iceward + MDef+5% (Moonflow shop)
-Waterward + Def+5% (Moonflow shop)
-Fireproof (Luca shop post-Yunalesca)
-Poisonward + SOS NulShock (O'aka at Moonflow)
-Slowward (O'aka at Mushroom Rock)
-Berserkward + HP+5% (chest in Mushroom Rock)
-Zombieward + HP+10% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Confuseward + Curseproof (Ronso shop)
Poisonproof + Stoneproof (chest in Gagazet)
Darkproof + Deathproof (chest in City of Dying Dreams)
-Fire Eater + Lightning Eater + Water Eater (chest in Sea of Sorrow)
-Poisonward + Silenceward + Confuseward (chest in Bevelle)
-Berserkward + Curseproof (Ronso shop)
-Zombieward + MDef+15% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Stoneproof (Djose)
-SOS Shell + SOS Regen (Mushroom Rock)
-HP+10% + Def+10% (Wantz at Gagazet)
-Fireward + Iceward + Lightningward (prize in Kilika Cloister of Trials)
-Waterward + HP+5% (O'aka at Macalania)
-Iceproof (Luca shop post-Yunalesca)
-Darkward + Berserkward (chest in Mushroom Rock)
-Silenceward (O'aka at Macalania)
-Sleepward (O'aka at Operation Mi'ihen)
-Stoneward + Def+5% (Moonflow shop)

*** Magic Counter can not be normally customised onto armours, so this is completely unique to Tidus. Normally worthless given his Celestial, though.

-Def+5% (except Rikku)
-MDef+3% (except Rikku)
-Confuseward + Berserkward
-SOS Shell
-SOS Protect + Lightningproof


Same as with weapons.

-Darkward (40 Eye Drops)
-Silenceward (30 Echo Screens)
-Poisonward (40 Antidotes)
-Stoneward (30 Softs)


Given that people are often slightly generous towards statusblockers, these are worth pointing out. All are available BOTH as common drops AND through customisation using stolen items. They're all pretty reasonable to get.

-Berserkward, Confuseward, Sleepward, Deathward, Stoneproof

I probably allow everything on these lists except universal non-statusblockers. If you agree, then FFX has the following universal status protection:

-Immunity to Petrify
-50% resistance to Blind, Silence, Sleep, Poison, Confuse, Berserk, and Death

Some notes on armour abilities:
* Element and status -ward abilities half elemental damage, or half the hit rate of a status. In the case of status, -wards do not affect statuses with perfect accuracy (254%), such as Yunalesca's Mega Death.
* Element and status -proof abilities null the element or status in question. This does override perfect accuracy.
* Elemene -eaters absorb elemental damage as healing.
* HP+X% and MP+X% raise the maximums of those stats, obviously.
* Def+X% reduces physical damage taken by X%, and does not modify Defence.
* MDef+X% reduces magical damage taken by X%, and does not modify Magic Defence.
* I personally throw out the boosts granted by all the +X% abilities, since they affect everyone equally. That's just a personal quirk of mine, though. You could also view the HP boosts as standard, in which case, the cast takes a ~9% HP cut to use any armour but their HP booster.
* SOS- status inflicts that status when the character is below half HP. The status does not kick in in the middle of a multi-hit attack, and in the case of Haste, does not kick in until the PC gets a turn due to how FFX Haste works. Haste doubles speed, Protect halves physical damage taken, and Shell halves magical damage taken. NulBlaze, etc., act as Elementproofs when in effect.
* Auto-Med allows an item to be used immediately as a free action to heal from the following statuses: Zombie, Curse, Poison, Silence, and Darkness. The items that power this ability are storebought.

Think that does it for the information. In the next post, PCs!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2007, 05:04:19 AM »
Part II: Playable Characters and Stat Analysis


HP 3120
MP 142
STR 54
DEF 34
MAG 11
AGI 40
EVA 29
ACC 29

Celestial weapon: Caladblog
-Evade & Counter (User has perfect physical evade rate, and perfect counter rate to physical attacks whether or not attack is evadable)
-Magic Counter (User has a perfect counter rate to magical attacks)

Default armour: Yellow Shield (Lightningproof)

Notable alternates: Sonic Steel (First Strike), White Shield (Iceproof), NulBlaze Shield (SOS NulBlaze)

Attack: 4950 damage at full HP. Drops linearly to 450 damage when Tidus is at 1 HP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without Caladblog: 4100 damage.

SKILL Quick Hit (12 MP): Physical attack with 3x recharge time.

WHITE MAGIC Haste (8 MP): Doubles target speed. 0.75x recharge time.
WHITE MAGIC Slow (12 MP): Halves target's speed.

OVERDRIVE Blitz Ace: 14500 damage (spread over 9 hits), subject to physical defence. 0.42x recharge time.

Note: Since Haste and Slow are both statuses, they are not stackable. However, casting one will nullify the other in addition to adding the appropriate status.

COMMENTS: Tidus has a brutal speed game. Haste + Quick Hit + Slow = 12 turns to enemy's one. Blitz Ace is a fine finisher. Also, if you allow it, Tidus has a weapon with First Strike, a real boon to his speed game. And he has the almighty Evade and Counter weapon ability. Only real weakness is his low magic defence, and being pure physical himself. A Heavy, in my opinion.


HP 2580
MP 432
STR 14
DEF 54
MAG 54
AGI 21
EVA 84

Celestial weapon: Onion Knight
-Magic Booster (Magic damage and healing is multiplied by 1.5x, and MP cost is doubled)
-One MP Cost (Any ability that costs MP is reduced to a cost of 1 MP)

Default armour: Phantom Bangle (Fire/Ice/Water Eater)

Notable alternates: Fatal Cait Sith (Deathtouch), Saviour Bangle (Silence/Stoneproof)

Attack: 115 damage at full MP. Drops linearly to 10 damage when Lulu is at 0 MP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without Onion Knight: 95 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Flare (54 MP): 10250 magic damage. 0.6x recharge time without Doublecast.
BLACK MAGIC Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Waterga (16 MP): 6900 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage. With the Phantom Bangle, Lulu can cast any of these but Thundaga on herself for full (4200) healing.
BLACK MAGIC Bio (10 MP): Poisons target with perfect probability. FFX Poison tears off 25% max HP per turn afflicted char gets, after action is taken.
BLACK MAGIC Death (20 MP): Instant death. 80% base hit rate.
BLACK MAGIC Demi (32 MP): Reduce target's current HP by 3/8. Ignore Reflect.

SPECIAL Doublecast: Cast two Black Magic spells in a row, ignore abnormal recharge times for either. Unuseable if Silenced. MP costs must be paid for both spells.
SPECIAL Focus: Lulu and any allies get +1 MAG for rest of battle, and magic damage taken is reduced by 1/15. Stackable to a total of +5 MAG and 5/15 magic damage reduction. 1.5x recharge time.

Note: One MP Cost and Magic Booster compound for a 2 MP cost spell. Doublecast means Lulu will spend 4 MP a turn. (Yes, this means she takes 108 rounds to run out of MP.)

COMMENTS: Damage monster with brutal defensive stats (sans HP). She might not have Evade & Counter, but her evade is so good she might not care. Doublecast with Phantom Bangle allows for a brutal parasitic healing strategy, too. Now if only she weren't so damn slow... Still, Heavy, and a solid one.


HP 3560
MP 205
STR 35
DEF 25
MAG 28
AGI 59
ACC 17

Celestial weapon: Godhand
-Double AP (User gains twice as much AP after battles. Useless, here.)
-Gillionaire (User gains twice as much gold after battles. USELESS AGAIN.)

Default armour: Victorious (Fire/Ice/Lightningproof)

Notable alternates: *Survivor (Alchemy), Sonar (Poisonstrike), Curative Targe (Auto-Med)
*Frankly, this should be her default.

Attack: 1400 damage at full HP. Drops linearly to 125 damage when Rikku is at 1 HP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without Godhand: 1150 damage.

SPECIAL Use: Use an special item unique to this command. 1.5x recharge time. There are only two storebought items useable with this, though...
-Al Behd Potion = 1000 healing to party, cures Petrify/Poison/Silence. With Alchemy weapon, healing is instead 2000.
-Grenade = 350 damage to all enemies (ignores all stats/status).

OVERDRIVE Mix: Combine two items for a unique Overdrive. 0.5x recharge time. Using only storebought items, here are some of her more interesting Mixes:
-Flash Flood = 6 hits against random enemy targets dealing 700 Water damage each. Against a single enemy, that's 4200 damage.
-Hazardous Shell = 2300 damage to all enemies (ignores all stats/status). Inflict Darkness, Poison, Silence, and Sleep with perfect probability. All except Poison last for four of target's turns (Poison is permanent).
-Potato Masher = 2500 damage to all enemies (ignores all stats/status).
-Mighty G = Haste, Protect, and Shell to entire party.
-Vitality = Doubles the max HP of a random ally (including Rikku).
-Mega Elixir = Full HP and MP healing to party.

Note: If you allow Rikku to use common steals in Use and Mix, she becomes a far more devastating force. I may add some of these if people are interested.

COMMENTS: Rikku's power lies mainly in her status weapons, which I haven't included yet. She's also fast, and her healing is solid backed by Alchemy. However, her damage is pathetic. Definite Light, though not a terrible one.


HP 4418
MP 190
STR 54
DEF 30
MAG 33
AGI 36
EVA 18
ACC 50

Celestial weapon: World Champion
-Double AP (User gains twice as much AP after battles. Useless, here.)
-Evade & Counter (User has perfect physical evade rate, and perfect counter rate to physical attacks whether or not attack is evadable)

Default armour: Yellow Armguard (Lightningproof)

Notable alternates: T.K.O. (Stonetouch), Pep Talk (SOS NulBlaze/Frost/Shock), White Armguard (Ice/Waterward)

Attack: 4950 damage at full HP. Drops linearly to 450 damage when Wakka is at 1 HP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without World Champion: 4100 damage.

SKILL Dark Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Darkness with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Silence Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Silence with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Sleep Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Sleep with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Triple Foul (24 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Darkness, Silence, and Sleep, each with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.

BLACK MAGIC Drain (12 MP): 850 magic damage. Wakka regains HP equal to damage dealt. 1.5x recharge time.
BLACK MAGIC Osmose: 400 magic damage to MP. Wakka regains MP equal to damage dealt. Note that FFX average PC MP is 244; take that as you will. 1.5x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Attack Reels: 12 hits against random enemy targets dealing 2500 damage each. Against a single enemy, that's 30000 damage. Subject to physical defence. 0.75x recharge time.
OVERDRIVE Status Reels: 8700 damage to all enemies and inflicts one of the following (at Wakka's discretion) with perfect probability to all: Petrify, all four "Breaks" (see Auron), OR Darkness/Poison/Silence/Sleep. Subject to physical defence. 0.75x recharge time.

Note: FFX Darkness is utterly devastating to hit rate (I'd generously say Blinded characters hit 1/4 of the time). FFX Silence seals off magic but not special skills. FFX Sleep is cancelled by receiving physical damage. Magical or non-typed damage (e.g. Poison) do not remove it.

COMMENTS: Scary. Above average speed, deadly status, kills mages with Osmose, kills fighters with physical immunity. Good on durability, too, and has the most damaging non-Aeon Overdrives in the game. Lacking the punch of a Godlike, but a terror in Heavy.


HP 4630
MP 153
STR 56
DEF 37
MAG 11
AGI 17
EVA 15

Celestial weapon: Masamune
-Counterattack (User has perfect counter rate to physical attacks whether or not attack is evadable)
-First Strike (User gets a free first turn at the start of the battle)

Default armour: Defending Bracer (Dark/Deathproof)

Notable alternates: Red Bracer (Fireproof), White Bracer (Iceward), Blue Bracer (Waterward), Defending Bracer (Poison/Stoneproof)

Attack: 2750 damage at full HP. Rises linearly to 12000 damage when Auron is at 1 HP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without Masamune: 4600 damage.

SKILL Armor Break (12 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Armor Break with 100% base hit rate, reducing his or her defence to 0 in FFX terms. This is roughly a 20% increase in physical damage taken compared to 25 defence. 0.75x recharge time.
SKILL Magic Break (8 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Magic Break with 100% base hit rate, cutting in half the damage/healing dealt by his or her Magic. 0.75x recharge time.
SKILL Mental Break (12 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Mental Break with 100% base hit rate, reducing his or her magic defence to 0 in FFX terms. This is roughly a 20% increase in magic damage taken compared to 25 magic defence. 0.75x recharge time.
SKILL Power Break (8 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Power Break with 100% base hit rate, cutting in half the damage dealt by his or her physical-typed attacks. 0.75x recharge time.
SKILL Zombie Attack (10 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Zombie with 100% base hit rate.

OVERDRIVE Shooting Star: 7000 damage and inflicts Eject with perfect probability (Eject is essentially a special type of unrevivable instant death). If enemy is immune, do 7800 damage instead. Subject to physical defence. 0.6x recharge time.
OVERDRIVE Banishing Blade: 8000 damage and inflicts Full Break (all four Break attacks, see above) with perfect probability. If enemy is immune, do 8600 damage instead. Subject to physical defence. 0.5x recharge time.
OVERDRIVE Tornado: 11500 damage to all enemies. Subject to physical defence. 0.42x recharge time.

Note: Zombied characters have the following properties: immunity to (but not healed by) instant death, any healing to them is reversed and does damage instead, any revival abilities used on them instantly KOs them (unless they are Death immune, in which case they lose 1/2 max HP), and any parasitic healing, either used by them or against them, is reversed.

COMMENTS: First Strike and stat breaks go a long way. Sadly, that's about all he has. His best bet is to cripple the opponent as best he can then build to Shooting Star, for an Eject. Good durability, at least, but speed is sad and damage lacking. The low accuracy is a bad note, too. Probably a low Heavy.


HP 3075
MP 344
STR 15
DEF 15
MAG 63
AGI 46
EVA 68

Celestial weapon: Nirvana
-Double AP (User gains twice as much AP after battles. Useless, here.)
-One MP Cost (Any ability that costs MP is reduced to a cost of 1 MP)

Default armour: Phantom Ring (Fire/Lightning/Water Eater)

Notable alternates: Soft Ring (Stoneproof, if you don't allow it anyway)

Attack: 135 damage at full MP. Drops linearly to 12 damage when Yuna is at 0 MP. Ignores defence.
Attack, without Nirvana: 110 damage.

WHITE MAGIC Holy (85 MP): 16000 magic damage. Technically, it's non-elemental, but I treat it as Holy. 0.75x recharge time.
WHITE MAGIC Auto-Life (97 MP): Gives target Auto-Life status (if target is ever KOed, he/she is revived at 1/4 max HP and Auto-Life is removed).
WHITE MAGIC Curaga (20 MP): Full (5700) healing.
WHITE MAGIC Dispel (12 MP): Removes all positive status from target.
WHITE MAGIC Esuna (5 MP): Full status healing.
WHITE MAGIC Life (18 MP): Revives a KOed target at 1/4 max HP.
WHITE MAGIC Protect (12 MP): Gives target Protect status (halves all physical damage taken).
WHITE MAGIC Reflect (14 MP): Gives target Reflect status (any reflectable magic cast on target bounces to a random opponent).
WHITE MAGIC Shell (10 MP): Gives target Shell status (halves all magical damage as well as magical healing taken).

SUMMON: Call one of Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima, or the Magus Sisters out to fight for Yuna. Aeon can not be re-summoned if killed.

OVERDRIVE Grand Summon: Summon an Aeon with a full Overdrive Gauge.

Well, from Yuna, it's only fitting we move onto the Aeons. They're all listed below. First, though...

All Aeons have the following abilities: First Strike (with two exceptions), Piercing (irrelevant), Sensor (irrelevant), Break HP/MP Limit, Break Damage Limit, Warrior/Dancer/Stoic Overdrive modes (yep, they cheat), and full status immunity.

All Aeons (except Yojimbo and Magus Sisters) possess the following commands:

Shield: Until next turn, all damage is reduced by 3/4 (including damage that could not normally be reduced, such as Demi). Overdrive Gauge does not charge.
Boost: Until next turn, all damage taken is increased by 1/2. Overdrive gauge charges twice as quickly as it would for attacks taken before Boost damage bonus is factored in.
Dismiss: Aeon forfeits a turn, and Yuna returns to the battlefield in its place. Aeon can be resummoned again later, and retains its current state (HP, MP, Overdrive gauge, etc.).

Note that Aeons do not have a Defend command, merely Shield.

Final, all Aeons have a unique AEON ABILITY. All of these ignore evade.


HP 2619
MP 79
STR 56
DEF 73
MAG 67
AGI 39
EVA 47
ACC 30

Attack: 4000 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Water (4 MP): 1900 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.

AEON ABILITY Sonic Wings: 2300 physical damage, and delays target's turn by half a round. 1.5x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Energy Ray: 32000 magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.38x recharge time.
OVERDRIVE Energy Blast: 44000 magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.33x recharge time.

Note: Used against an equal-speed non-status-immune opponent, Valefor will get 6 turns to her opponent's one spamming Sonic Wings (!!!). If she holds a 4/3 speed advantage or better over her opponent, the opponent will never get a turn if spammed with Sonic Wings.

Absorbs Fire.

HP 3822
MP 76
STR 59
DEF 91
MAG 66
AGI 34
EVA 24
ACC 30

Attack: 5400 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Fire (4 MP): 1800 Fire magic damage. Ifrit can cast this on himself for 1400 healing.

AEON ABILITY Meteor Strike: 5700 damage. Non-typed, but subject to physical defence. 0.75x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Hellfire: 33000 Fire magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.38x recharge time.

Absorbs Lightning.

HP 3695
MP 83
STR 62
DEF 81
MAG 64
AGI 29 (why is the LIGHTNING Aeon the game's slowest? -_-)
EVA 27
ACC 33

Attack: 6200 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Thunder (4 MP): 1700 Lightning magic damage. Ixion can cast this on himself for 1000 healing.
BLACK MAGIC Thundara (8 MP): 3500 Lightning magic damage. Ixion can cast this on himself for 2100 healing.

AEON ABILITY Aerospark: 6200 physical damage, and removes target's positive status. 0.75x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Thor's Hammer: 31000 Lightning magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.38x recharge time.

Absorbs Ice.

HP 3234
MP 90
STR 59
DEF 53
MAG 74
AGI 60
EVA 75
ACC 30

Attack: 4700 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzard (4 MP): 2300 Ice magic damage. Shiva can cast this on herself for 1600 healing.
BLACK MAGIC Blizzara (8 MP): 4700 Ice magic damage. Shiva can cast this on herself for 3200 healing.

AEON ABILITY Heavenly Strike: 5700 physical damage, and freezes target. (Lasts about half a round or so... needs more testing.) 0.75x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Diamond Dust: 48000 Ice magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.38x recharge time.


HP 5413
MP 117
STR 71
DEF 85
MAG 57
AGI 39
EVA 50
ACC 30

Attack: 9400 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Waterga (16 MP): 5100 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.

AEON ABILITY Impulse: 9400 physical damage to all enemies. 0.5x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Megaflare: 26000 magic damage to all enemies, ignore defence. 0.38x recharge time.


HP 6362
MP 146
STR 104
DEF 81
MAG 71
AGI 34
EVA 50
ACC 30

Attack: 29000 damage. (No. This is not a typo.)

SKILL Dark Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Darkness with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Silence Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Silence with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Sleep Attack (5 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Sleep with 100% base hit rate. Added status lasts three of target's turns.
SKILL Zombie Attack (10 MP): Physical attack. If it hits, target receives Zombie with 100% base hit rate.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Waterga (16 MP): 7700 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.
BLACK MAGIC Bio (10 MP): Poisons target with perfect probability. FFX Poison tears off 25% max HP per turn afflicted char gets, after action is taken.

AEON ABILITY Pain: 14000 magic damage, ignore defence. Inflicts instant death at perfect probability. 0.5x recharge time.

OVERDRIVE Oblivion: 99999 damage to all enemies. Non-typed damage, but subject to physical defence. (Against average defence it would do 140000, were it not for the damage cap. O_O) 0.38x recharge time.

Magus Sisters

The Magus Sisters are Cindy, Sandy, and Mindy. Of the three, only Cindy has First Strike, so the others must wait a turn after summoning before taking their first actions.

Also, Magus Sister actions can be governed to a wide degree, but never totally controlled. I'll deal with this after covering their stats.


HP 10720 (yep, Break HP Limit)
MP 161
STR 89
DEF 100
MAG 68
AGI 39
EVA 50
ACC 30

Attack: 18500 damage.

WHITE MAGIC Auto-Life (97 MP): Gives target Auto-Life status (if target is ever KOed, he/she is revived at 1/4 max HP and Auto-Life is removed).
WHITE MAGIC Cure (4 MP): 1100 healing.
WHITE MAGIC Cura (10 MP): 2200 healing.
WHITE MAGIC Curaga (20 MP): 5900 healing.
WHITE MAGIC Full-Life (60 MP): Revives a KOed target at full HP.
WHITE MAGIC Holy (85 MP): 18000 magic damage. Technically, it's non-elemental, but I treat it as Holy. 0.75x recharge time.
WHITE MAGIC Life (18 MP): Revives a KOed target at 1/4 max HP.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Waterga (16 MP): 7100 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.
BLACK MAGIC Flare (54 MP): 10400 magic damage. 0.6x recharge time.
BLACK MAGIC Osmose: 1600 magic damage to MP. Cindy regains MP equal to damage dealt. Note that FFX average PC MP is 244; take that as you will. 1.5x recharge time.
BLACK MAGIC Ultima (90 MP): 12300 magic damage to all enemies. 0.5x recharge time. Ignore Reflect.

SPECIAL Mighty Guard: Party gains Protect, Shell, and NulAll (see Sandy).
SPECIAL Pray: 300 healing to party.

AEON ABILITY Camisade: 24000 physical damage. 0.6x recharge time.


HP 8822
MP 117
STR 129
DEF 82
MAG 77
AGI 39
EVA 43
ACC 34

Attack: 56000 damage.

WHITE MAGIC Haste (8 MP): Doubles target speed. 0.75x recharge time.
WHITE MAGIC Protect (12 MP): Gives target Protect status (halves all physical damage taken).
WHITE MAGIC Reflect (14 MP): Gives target Reflect status (any reflectable magic cast on target bounces to a random opponent).
WHITE MAGIC Shell (10 MP): Gives target Shell status (halves all magical damage as well as magical healing taken).

SPECIAL NulAll: Sandy and each ally gains four statuses: NulBlaze, NulFrost, NulShock, and NulTide. Each status completely protects the affected character from damage of one of Fire/Ice/Lightning/Water element once, then is removed.

AEON ABILITY Razzia: 73000 physical damage. 0.6x recharge time.


HP 6282
MP 201
STR 71
DEF 76
MAG 89
AGI 48
EVA 56
ACC 32

Attack: 9400 damage.

BLACK MAGIC Blizzara, Fira, Thundara, Watera (8 MP): 6700 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.
BLACK MAGIC Blizzaga, Firaga, Thundaga, Waterga (16 MP): 12000 Ice/Fire/Lightning/Water magic damage.
BLACK MAGIC Bio (10 MP): Poisons target with perfect probability. FFX Poison tears off 25% max HP per turn afflicted char gets, after action is taken.
BLACK MAGIC Death (20 MP): Instant death. 80% base hit rate.
BLACK MAGIC Drain (12 MP): 5600 magic damage. Mindy regains HP equal to damage dealt. 1.5x recharge time.
BLACK MAGIC Flare (54 MP): 17000 magic damage. 0.6x recharge time.
BLACK MAGIC Ultima (90 MP): 20300 magic damage to all enemies. 0.5x recharge time. Ignore Reflect.

SPECIAL Lancet: 1650 magic damage to both target's HP and MP. Mindy regains HP and MP equal to HP and MP damage dealt, respectively. 1.5x recharge time.

AEON ABILITY Passado: 15 hits of 1200 physical damage each to one target. Total damage is thus 18000. 0.6x recharge time.


OVERDRIVE Delta Attack: 69000 damage to all enemies. Non-typed, but subject to physical defence. (The hell? Razzia is stronger.) Requires Overdrive Gauges of all three Sisters be full to be used, and empties the gauges of all three when used. Causes a recharge time of 0.6x for all three.

Now, about control of the Magus Sisters. They can not directly be told to do any particular attacks, and in fact, some of the attacks on their list I have never seen. What they do have is commands they can be given, which results in certain probabilities of attacks. This is complicated incredibly by the fact that not every command will always show up (exception: Do as you Will, Combine Powers, and Dismiss) and the action taken will depend not only on randomness but also on the state of the battle. Bah. The best I can do for now is give rough odds of how they work based on observation. I'm only listing commands that I've found or consider useful for each sister.

Before we begin: Targets are generally random, exceptions noted. Every action has a slight chance of causing "taking a break..." or a forfeited turn. Also, in general, in any situation that encourages a sister to use an attack she does not have MP for, or for which there are no legal targets, odds of taking a break rises considerably.

>>> "Help each other!": Almost always shows up. Very high chance of healing any Sister below half HP with Cure/Cura/Curaga or reviving a defeated one with Life/Full-Life. If no sisters are injured, Auto-Life may be used. As a first attack, this seems to cause Auto-Life 60% of the time, Camisade 20% of the time, and Taking a Break 20% of the time. As more healing options open up, odds of these all go down, particularly Auto-Life.
>>> "Go, go!": Shows up about 80% of the time. About even odds of Camisade, physical attack, and taking a break at full MP, one of these happening around 75% of the time. The other 25% will be a Black Magic (high-end ones being more common), Holy, or Pray. If Cindy is at below half MP, there is a very high (60%?) chance of Osmose which drives down the odds of everything else.
>>> "Fight!": Shows up about 60% of the time. Fairly even odds of Camisade, physical attack, and taking a break, though the latter is least common (maybe a 40%/40%/20% distribution?).
>>> "Do as you will": A terrible option, overall. It more or less mimics the effects of "Help each other!" but with increased odds of attacks and Camisade, as well as taking a break. The most likely action to cause taking a break (seems to happen around 40% of the time?).

Summary: The least reliable sister, in general. Works best when the sisters are in trouble.

>>> "Fight!": Only shows up about 2/3 of the time. High odds of either Attack or Razzia. Slight chance of taking a break. (10%?)
>>> "Defence!": Shows up around 3/4 of the time. Roughly even odds of Protect, Shell, Haste, or NulAll, the first three on a random sister. Choosing this command consecutively all but ensures that the same spell will be recast unless there are no legal targets. Odds of taking a break initially low, but will rise the more positive statuses Sandy heaps on the sisters.
>>> "Do as you will": Casts Reflect on Cindy if possible. Otherwise, high probability of attacking or Razzia. Very low odds of taking a break.

Summary: Excellent commands, reliable when called upon, but getting those commands to show up can be annoying.

>>> "Fight!": Shows up most of the time, and causes Mindy to use either Attack or Passado, favouring Attack sligtly. Odds of taking a break are low.
>>> "Offence!": Unreliable command. Mindy may attack, use Passado, or use one of her umpteen attack spells. Taking a break seems rare, but I don't use this command much because at higher levels (where the sisters see more play) Mindy's magic is totally outclassed by physicals.
>>> "Are you all right?": Shows up only when Mindy is below half HP, but then almost always shows up. Mindy will most likely use Drain (if HP is low) or Lancet (if MP is low). 20% chance or so of taking a break.
>>> "Do as you will": If Cindy is under Reflect status, there is a very high probability of Mindy casting a non-Ultima Black Magic on her, usually a Level 3. Low odds of taking a break, Passado, or attack. If, however, Cindy is not under Reflect status, Mindy has a very high chance of using Passado or attack, favouring Passado. Odds of taking a break rises, but still not high (about equal to "Fight!")

Summary: The most consistent attacker of the three. Only flaw is not taking care of herself quite as well as could be desired, but she's never unreliable by the standards of the trio.

Universal commands:
>>> "One more time!" The Aeon repeats its previous action. Very small chance of taking a break. However, if the Aeon used one of its unique Aeon Ability or an Attack command, there is a chance it may use the other (less often then a true repetition, though).
>>> "Combine powers!": Only shows up if all three Sisters are alive with full Overdrive Gauges, but then it always shows up, and for every sister. Uses Delta Attack. Taking a break is rare, but possible.
>>> "Dismiss": Identical to normal Aeon dismiss command. This can not fail, I believe.


COMMENTS: Yuna is utterly ridiculous. Fast, and then she calls, say, Anima. Who utterly rapes the damage curve, not to mention durability and status immunity. Oh, and if Anima gets killed off, there are seven more Aeons. One of which is the Magus Sisters, who are just terrors. Definitely a top-tier PC Godlike. Her only danger is getting caught out before she can summon, usually by a perfect-accuracy high-power physical attack (her terrific Evade, Magic Defence, and equip options take care of most other threats).


Damage, 1st turn
Lulu (20500) > Yuna (16000) > Tidus = Wakka (4950) > Kimahri (3650) > Auron (2750) > Rikku (1400)
Average: 7700

Note that Quick Hit has a fast recharge time. Note also that Holy and Ultima have slow recharge times. Note also that aeons and Overdrives exist.

*See below for Kimahri

Auron (4630) > Wakka (4418) > Rikku (3560) > Tidus (3120) > Yuna (3075) > Lulu (2580)
Average: 3563

Lulu (432) > Yuna (344) > Rikku (205) > Wakka (190) > Auron (153) > Tidus (142)
Average: 244

Lulu (84) > Yuna (68) > Tidus (29) > Wakka (18) > Auron (15) > Rikku (5)
Average: 36

Wakka (50) > Tidus (29) > Rikku (17) > Yuna (7) > Lulu (5) > Auron (4)
Average: 18

Effective defence:
Lulu (0.83) > Auron (0.96) > Tidus (0.98) > Wakka (1.01) > Rikku (1.05) > Yuna (1.14)
[Anima = 0.65]

Effective magic defence:
Lulu (0.62) > Yuna (0.80) > Rikku (1.09) > Auron (1.13) > Wakka (1.16) > Tidus (1.18)
[Anima = 0.73]

Effective physical durability:
Auron (0.74) > Wakka (0.82) > Rikku (1.06) > Tidus (1.12) > Lulu (1.15) > Yuna (1.33)
[Anima = 0.37]

Effective magical durability:
Lulu (0.86) > Auron (0.87) > Yuna (0.93) > Wakka (0.94) > Rikku (1.10) > Tidus (1.35)
[Anima = 0.41]

Effective speed, first turn:
Rikku 1.45 > Yuna 1.19 > Tidus 1.13 > Wakka 1.01 > Kimihari 0.88 > Lulu 0.71 > Auron 0.62

Effective speed, doubleturning:
Rikku 1.25 = Yuna 1.25 > Tidus 1.07 = Wakka 1.07 > Kimihari 0.94 > Lulu 0.75 > Auron 0.68
[Anima = 0.94]


I treat Kimahri as average in all stats. Not only do I feel it's the best reflection of his in-game self (where he can become anything easily) but it keeps me from recalculating averages (besides damage).

His damage is 3650 with Ultima (Ultima has a terrible 0.5x recharge time, though... and costs 90 MP), and 230 HP/MP drain with Lancet (Lancet has 1.5x recharge, and again, note that 230 MP is almost the FFX PC average). Spirit Lance does 1750 (full HP) to 160 (1 HP) damage, and non-Celestial physicals do 1450.

His Celestial weapon is identical to Wakka's (Evade & Counter, Double AP).

His recommended armour is the Red Armlet, which allows him to half Fire, Ice, and Lightning.

His other notable equips are the Dragoon Lance (Evade & Counter, Magic Counter), Blue Armlet (Waterward), and White Armlet (Iceproof).

His Overdrives include a variety of high-accuracy status (Bad Breath, Stone Breath, Doom), as well as Nova, which does 5000 defence-ignoring magic damage.

There are altnernate interpretations of Kimahri, including taking him at the stats from his own sphere section only (in which case he massively sucks and the rest of the cast looks much better!) or scaling him in some way from what he looks like when he finishes the grid (he looks a bit like a skillless Auron variant, then). More on this in a later post.

About Accuracy

Accuracy's a little annoying to interpret, based on numbers alone. So here are the hit rates of characters against various enemies in FFX, to give you an idea.

Ahriman: The most evasive normal enemy encountered in the game. 18 Evade.
Wakka 100%
Tidus 30%
Rikku, Yuna, Lulu, Auron 25%

Imp: Lategame flyer. 16 Evade.
Wakka 100%
Tidus 40%
Rikku, Yuna, Lulu, Auron 25%

Evil Eye: Midgame flyer. 13 Evade.
Wakka 100%
Tidus 80%
Rikku 30%
Yuna, Lulu, Auron 25%

Skoll: Lategame wolf. Condor: Earlygame flyer. 10 Evade.
Wakka, Tidus 100%
Rikku 50%
Yuna, Lulu 30%
Auron 25%

Iguion: Midgame wolf. 8 Evade.
Wakka, Tidus 100%
Rikku 80%
Yuna, Lulu 40%

Dingo: Earlygame wolf. 5 Evade.
Tidus, Wakka, Rikku 100%
Yuna, Lulu 60%
Auron 50%

Everyone 100%

Fenrir: Superboss with high evasion. 60 Evade.
Everyone 25%

About Evasion

As scary as it sounds, the Evade score listed IS a raw percentage, against average enemy attacks. Some enemy attacks are extra accurate, such as Jecht Sword, which has 150 Accuracy. In the specific case of Jecht Sword, -50 is effectively applied to the target's evade; hence, only Lulu (34%) and Yuna (18%) have a chance of evading the attack. Vast majority of cases, though, attack accuracy is close to 100 (90-110 range seems typical), making evasion a raw percentage. Take this as you will, but I'd say Lulu and Yuna are quite the scary evaders.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2007, 05:09:17 AM »
Part III: Bosses and Temporary PCs

Bosses first! I'll be doing the three most relevant DL-bosses for now: Yunalesca, Seymour Omnis, and Braska's Final Aeon. Some scaling notes: I consider levels for each boss to be as follows
Yunalesca: DL standard - 1/32 of the full spheregrid
Seymour Omnis: DL standard + 1/32 of the full spheregrid
Braska's Final Aeon: DL standard + 1/16 of the full spheregrid

Additionally, I'll assume HP+10% armour for Yunalesca (storebought) and HP+30% for Omnis and BFA (you get 99 Stamina Tonics for capturing the three very common fiends found on Besaid, which means HP+30% can be easily installed in any armour). I don't include Celestial weapons in the numbers, since part of the point is to illustrate their defences at work along with their HP scores. That, and I myself missed every Celestial before finishing the game, so *shrug*.

I chose those numbers because they ended up generating figures remarkably consistent with my notes from my first playthrough. Anyway, it's pretty easy to scale a little one way or the other if you're inclined to disagree with me. On with the show.

Final note concerning Yunalesca and Jecht... both have multiple stages, but in each case the multiple stages are clearly the same boss, retaining all the stats and status changes from previous forms, as well as keeping any old attacks (and gaining new ones). Overdrive gauge also carries over in the case of Jecht, and the boss retains its exact position in the CTB order. Basically, the different forms are more graphical than anything else. Though, they do add a bit of an HP buffer (whether or not this carries over to the DL is up to you).

Lady Yunalesca

HP 132000 (Stage 1 = 24000; Stage 2 = 48000; Stage 3 = 60000)
Agility 40 (PC average = 31)
Defence 50 (81% damage taken compared to 25 Defence)
MDefence 50 (81% damage taken compared to 25 MDefence)
Immune to all status except Threaten (75% resistance)

Comments on Yunalesca's stats: Her HP is definitely the highest of any boss relative to her point in the game, as is her speed. Defences are both above average, but not exceptional. Status immunity is effectively flawless (due to the uber-crappiness of Threaten), which is again the best of any required boss in FFX.

Damage done to Yunalesca at the time:
Lulu's Doublecast Blizzaga, etc.: 2x3300 = 6600
Auron's Attack: 2800
Tidus' Attack: 2500
Wakka's Attack: 2500
Rikku's Attack: 600
Yuna's Attack: 40 (!!!)
Average: 2500

PC average HP, for reference: 3252

Stage 1:
Attack - 230 physical damage, and remove all positive status from target. Ignore evade.
Absorb - Draining. Damage is calculated based off 50% target's max HP, though against bosses I just scale this as I would 50% damage to an average PC.

Stage 2: All of the above, plus...
Hellbiter: 230 physical damage to all enemies, and inflict Zombie with 100% base hit rate. Ignore evade.
Regen: Adds Regen to target. On Yunalesca, this heals 4000 a round (5000 in Stage 3). On Zombies, it tears off roughly 1/8 max HP a round. Rounds measured in terms of Yunalesca's turns, which, bear in mind, are fast.
Cura: 1400 healing, or zombie damage.

Stage 3: All of the above, plus:
Mega Death: Inflicts instant death on all enemies with perfect probability.
Mind Blast: 720 magic damage to all enemies, and inflicts Confusion, Sleep, and Curse (seals Overdrives), each at 50% base hit rate, except Curse which is inflicted with perfect probability. Confusion causes the target to physically attack either himself or allies, and is cured only by physical damage.
Curaga: 4400 healing, or zombie damage.
Osmose: 330 magic damage to MP, draining.

During Stage 1, Yunalesca will counter as follows...
-Physical attacks and Skills with Blind (Reflectable, 100% base hit rate of inflicting Darkness)
-Magic with Silence (Reflectable, 100% base hit rate of inflicting Silence)
-Specials and Overdrives with Sleep (Reflectable, 100% base hit rate of inflicting Sleep)
During Stages 2 and 3, Yunalesca will counter anything with a physical attack.
As Stage 1 is defeated, Yunalesca will use Hellbiter.
As Stage 2 is defeated, Yunalesca will use Mega Death.

Overall assessment:
Godlike, no question. Fast, durable, draining, healing, horrifying status game, dispel. Her regen/drain game on top of her massive HP makes her one of the toughest Godlikes to drop for other bosses, and she all but has a free pass against PCs.

Seymour Omnis

HP 80000
Agility 40 (PC average = 41)
Defence 180 (18% damage taken compared to 25 Defence)
MDefence 100 (51% damage taken compared to 25 MDefence)
Immune to all status except Armour Break and Mental Break (no resistance)
Weak to ICE, Absorbs FIRE

Comments on Seymour's stats: HP isn't so hot, and agility is probably at best average, but magic defence is solid and physical defence is nothing short of phenomenal. Unless his opponent has a method of dropping Seymour's defence, he's going to be practically immune to anything subject to that stat.

Damage done to Seymour at the time:
Yuna's Holy: 9000
Lulu's Doublecast Flare: 2x4000 = 8000
Auron's Attack: 1000
Tidus' Attack: 900
Wakka's Attack: 900
Rikku's Grenade: 350
Average: 3500

PC average HP, for reference: 5420

Quadracast Firaga - 4 fire magic spells dealing 2000 damage each. Reflectable. Targets are chosen randomly from among enemies, spreading as much as possible, and spells do not retarget if an earlier spell in the chain kills. Basically, this is 8000 damage to a lone PC. If you allow him to cast this on himself (I don't, due to the nature of quadracast's targetting) it would be 4x1100 = 4400 healing.
Ultima - 3700 magic damage to all enemies. Ignores Shell, and Ultima's normal long recharge time, but is otherwise identical to the PC spell. Ignores Reflect.
Dispel - Remove positive status and Reflect from all enemies.
Element Shift - Rotates his elemental affinity in the following order: Fire (starting) -> Ice -> Water -> Thunder -> Fire (repeat). Elemental affinity determines the element of -ga spell that is used in quadracast, element Seymour absorbs, and element Seymour is weak to (the last being the one that opposes his elemental affinity, Ice opposing Fire and Lightning opposing Water).

NB: Element Shift is arguably illegal, since it does involve Seymour's support. His support might as well not be considered otherwise, though; it never acts and is immune to all attacks.

Overall assessment:
Loads of damage, and physical defence which is nothing short of godly. Of course, he gets a bit messed up by elemental defence, but Ultima is still some of the best damage any FFX boss has. Magic defence is decent too. Defence-ignoring attacks are a fear, but considering his overkill damage, he's definitely another Godlike.

Braska's Final Aeon, Jecht

HP 180000 (Stage 1 = 60000; Stage 2 = 120000)
Agility 44 (PC average = 47)
Defence 100 (51% damage taken compared to 25 Defence)
MDefence 100 (51% damage taken compared to 25 MDefence)
Immune to Delay, Darkness, Death, Demi, Doom, Eject, Petrify, Regen, Sleep, Slow, and Threaten.
Vulnerable to Berserk, Confuse, Zombie, Poison, Provoke, Silence, and all four Breaks.

(Status note: When subjected to FFX Poison, Jecht loses 1% of his max HP per turn instead of the usual 25%. Similarly, any attempt to revive Jecht after he is Zombied tears off only 2% of his max HP instead of the usual 50%; normal HP healing is unaffected.)

Comments on Jecht's stats: He's a tank. His HP score is great, and he's got terrific defences to back it up. Speed's not so hot, however. More concerning for the DL is his status weaknesses. Though not major issues in-game, due to his support, bereft of them they are damning. Berserk and Confuse are of the greatest concern, of course.

Damage done to Jecht at the time:
Yuna's Holy: 9999
Lulu's Doublecast Flare: 2x4500 = 9000
Auron's Attack: 4000
Tidus' Attack: 3700
Wakka's Attack: 3700
Rikku's Attack: 1300
Average: 5300

PC average HP, for reference: 6208

Stage 1:
Attack - 2100 physical damage, and delays target's turn by half a round. Ignore evade.
Jecht Beam - 700 magic damage, and inflicts Petrify with a 100% base hit rate.
OVERDRIVE Triumphant Grasp: 2x1600 = 3200 defence-subject non-typed damage, and inflicts Zombie with a 100% base hit rate.
OVERDRIVE Jecht Bomber: 3200 defence-subject non-typed damage.

Stage 2:
Attack - 2900 physical damage, and delays target's turn by half a round. Ignore evade.
Jecht Sword - 2900 physical damage to all enemies, and delays their turns by half a round. 150% Hit Rate (Target's Evade is -50% absolute for this attack.)
Jecht Beam - 700 magic damage, and inflicts Petrify with a 100% base hit rate.
OVERDRIVE Triumphant Grasp - 2x2600 = 5200 defence-subject non-typed damage. Oddly, unlike weaker version of Triumphant Grasp, does not inflict Zombie.
OVERDRIVE Jecht Bomber: 4400 defence-subject non-typed damage.
OVERDRIVE Ultimate Jecht Shot: 4000 defence-subject non-typed damage to all enemies. (Useable only below 60000 HP.)

About Jecht's Overdrives: Without Yu Pagodas to help him out, he gains them slowly. I think he just has normal Warrior and Stoic Overdrive modes. In particular, this means:
-He gains 1% Overdrive for every 2000 damage taken in Stage 1, and every 4000 damage in Stage 2. This means that doing all the damage necessary to KO him will charge up his OD gauge to 60% when he's at 1 HP.
-He gains 10% Overdrive for every total damage he could do to 0 defence, which is nearly 4000 damage for him. In other words, he gains 1% Overdrive for every 400 damage dealt.
-In practice, Jecht should be able to hit Overdrive if he is brought to near death AND does at least 16000 damage (KOing an average PC nearly 3x) in one battle. Might be helpful against healers.

(Note of interest: If you're wondering why Jecht Bomber even exists, it's because Triumphant Grasp's animation... wouldn't look right on Aeons. Bomber if functionally an identical attack to a status-immune foe, so he uses that instead. Simple, no?)

Overall assessment:
Well, delay is a great trick against those vulnerable (PCs, at least), allowing him frequent doubleturns if used constantly. Despite that, the damage is still failing to 2HKO an average PC, the Overdrives are impractical in many fights, leaving him about two things: his solid durability, and Jecht Beam, slaying any foe hapless enough not to access stone protection. All things considered, I see him as a good Heavy rather than a Godlike, without his support.

And lastly, the temps. Well, one temp and one sort-of-temp.

PC Seymour
From Monkeyfinger, notes added by Dark Holy Elf

By the time I hit Gui, Auron had just gotten Magic Break, and Lulu was just a copule levels short of her -aras, to give a general idea. Kimahri was given the strength sphere won from the first blitzball game. The affect this has on the averages is fine by me, since SOMEONE should have that sphere by then.

Seymour's skillset, 34 Magic:
-ara spells: 1300 damage of any FFX element, 8 MP
L1 spells: 620 damage of any FFX element, 4 MP
Cura: Full (1480) healing, 10 MP
Cure: 700 healing, 4 MP
NulBlaze, NulShock, NulTide: Nulls element for one attack, 2 MP
Scan: 1 MP
Seymour has 999 MP.

Damages to Gui's body, with the arms destroyed:
Seymour's -ara: 1300
Kimahri's physical: 525
Auron's physical: 471
Lulu's magic: 360
Tidus's physical: 350
Wakka's physical: 211
Yuna's physical: 51

Average with seymour factored in: 467
Average with Seymour not in: 328

EDIT: HP values. I made sure to remove all HP modifying equips before recording these.
Auron: 2030
Kimahri: 1644
Yuna: 1475
Wakka: 1418
Lulu: 1180
Tidus: 1120

Seymour'd average: 1438
Seymourless average: 1478

Tidus 16
Kimahri 15
Yuna 15
Wakka 11
Lulu 7
Auron 7

Speed averages are meaningless in FFX; this is just to give a relative idea. Seymour was faster than Yuna, and doubled Auron a few times.

I have no idea how Seymour's defenses are. He was never hit by anything but Demi.

Kimahri upon finishing his own grid
From OblivionKnight

After a chat a few nights ago regarding Kimarhi ( or however you spell know what?  I'll call him Blue13.  That'll make it easier ), I thought about where he might end up on the Sphere Grid section that he has access to without breaking locks.  The following stats detail where all the characters are right when Blue13 activates the final node on his tiny unlocked section, at the end of Macalania Woods.  This might be fun for people to scale if they want, or not.

HP - 2044
MP - 178
STR - 27
DEF - 24
MAG - 23
MDEF - 7
AGI - 13
LUK - 18
EVA - 5
ACC - 12

HP - 1520
MP - 72
STR - 23
DEF - 17
MAG - 11
MDEF - 7
AGI - 20
LUK - 18
EVA - 18
ACC - 18

HP - 1475
MP - 164
STR - 9
DEF - 7
MAG - 36
MDEF - 36
AGI - 22
LUK - 17
EVA - 36
ACC - 3

HP - 2230
MP - 73
STR - 28
DEF - 21
MAG - 7
MDEF - 7
AGI - 9
LUK - 17
EVA - 7
ACC - 4

HP - 2018
MP - 90
STR - 23
DEF - 16
MAG - 20
MDEF - 5
AGI - 15
LUK - 19
EVA - 8
ACC - 33

HP - 1380
MP - 212
STR - 5
DEF - 24
MAG - 28
MDEF - 46
AGI - 7
LUK - 17
EVA - 54
ACC - 3

HP - 1560
MP - 145
STR - 14
DEF - 10
MAG - 13
MDEF - 10
AGI - 23
LUK - 18
EVA - 5
ACC - 9


Well, that's it. Once again, thanks to everyone who contributed.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 05:03:33 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 05:37:59 PM »
From MC:

I was vaguely thinking of the Rikku debates on common steals in a chat a night or so ago, and vaguely scanning through the item lists this morning; this is by no means a complete list (needs damage comparisons on all sorts of junk) but I figured I'd put something together. This isn't a very carefully compiled list since it's just an outcome of procrastination, so Elfboy can feel free to rearange/reuse the stuff here however he sees fit, or restart from scratch, or whatever.

The general arguments for common steal items are that...
1. Only Rikku can use them (unless you give someone else Use)
2. They're easy to get lots of just in the normal game, and often 60-99 extra are given for completing a task. You can also essentially buy them by fighting the arena monster, and using steal then flee (this costs about 1k-2k a pop in most cases...not much more than an Al Bhed potion).
3. Rikku's the one who's doing the stealing to start with.

The general arguments against common steal items are...
1. They're consumables.
2. Some of them are obnoxious in a duel (*coughPetrifyGrenadecough*)

Anyway, I'll split this into three lists; the interesting stuff which you may or may not have experimented with, the obnoxious status, and the boring elemental damage, I only really put the details into the first one and tossed the others in on the side.

LIST 1: Vaguely interesting stuff.

Star Curtain*
Usage- casts Reflect on a single character
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Dark Flan (Mt. Gagazet) and Barbatos (Inside Sin)
* 99 for catching 3 of every elements

Stamina Tablet*
Usage- max HP x 2 a single character in battle
(Note: Doesn't stack--no 9999 HP Rikku)
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Ogre (Calm Lands)
* 60 for catching 4 of every eyeballs

Shadow Gem*
Usage- reduces all enemies HP by 1/2
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Sand Worm (Sanubia Desert)
* 99 for catching one of every monsters at Sanubia Desert

Lunar Curtain*
Usage- casts Shell on a single character
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Larvae (Thunder Plains) Defender (Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) Defender Z (Yevon Dome, Omego Ruins)
* 99 for catching one of every monsters at Inside Sin

Light Curtain*
Usage- casts Protect on a single character
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Iron Giant (Thunder Plains) Gemini (Inside Sin, Omega Ruins)
* 99 for catching 5 of every horned monsters

Chocobo Feather/Chocobo Wing*
Chocobo Feather*
Usage- casts Haste
Feather is commmon steal fromg Quctuar (Thunder Plains). Cactuar (Sanubia Desert) drops each 50% of the time in my experience.
* 99 feathers for catching one of every monsters at Thunder Plains
* 99 wings for catching 3 of every wolves

Soul Spring
Usage- drains 1500 HP & 1500 MP from a single enemy
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Bashura (Mt. Gagazet)
* 99 for catching one of every monsters at Mi'ihen Highroad

Healing Water*
Usage- recovers full HP for all characters in battle
Claims to legality:
Common steal from Adamantoise (Inside Sin, Omega Ruins)
Claims to Illegality:
Inside Sin steal; personally I ended up getting a bunch of these first-time through the game, and they're useful, so I didn't drop them from the list. Form your own conclusions naturally.

Reject Pile for List 1:

Healing Spring (Adds regen; Common steal from Behemoth King Inside Sin. As if you're going to steal a ton of stuff from Behemoth Kings...and it also sucks).
Mana Spring (1000 MP drain; common steal inside sin; worthless compared to Soul Spring)
Stamina Spring (400 HP drain; common steal inside sin; worthless compared to Soul Spring)

LIST 2: Lame status whore stuff.

Smoke Bomb (Darkness)
Sleeping Powder
Dream Powder
Silence Grenade
Poison Fang
Petrify Grenade
Frag Grenade (Armor break)
Farplane Shadow (Death)
Candle of Life (Doom)

Note: Near as I can tell both Gold Hourglass and Silver Hourglass aren't common steals; no Slow for Rikku. She also has singletarget and multitarget versions of some of these items; didn't feel inclined to list everything, especially when some multitarget ones were borderline anyway....

LIST 3: Bland elemental damage.

Lightning Gem
Lightning Marble
Ice Gem
Fish Scale
Fire Gem
Electro Marble
Dragon Scale
Bomb Fragment
Bomb Core
Arctic Wind
Antarctic Wind
Water Gem

All you get from list 3 is 3,000 damage for the gems (on the plus side, ignores defence and Use is fast). Average damage posted earlier in this thread for reference: 7,700. ...The only way she might kill fast is if stuff on List 1 is strong (Shadow Gem's gravity would allow killing most PCs in four Use-turns, for instance since 3k will deal 1/8 of most PC's HP; that's probably about it since I assume the draining ones do poor damage).


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2009, 03:10:03 AM »
She's already lightning fast and use is even quicker than just attacking.  4HKO damage on her speed with use would actually be pretty solid in middle.  She fries to bosses though.


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 03:35:29 AM »
That would be 7HKO damage Mep. Damage isn't the reason she gets better. Haste, healing, protect/shell, and status are the reasons she gets better.

With buffs like that, she most certainly does not "fry to bosses". Hell, she probably takes down a fair number of Godlike bosses.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 08:50:35 PM by Pyro »

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 06:53:30 AM »
I assume he's referring to Rikku's "gravity, gravity, gravity, kill", which yeah, is a 4HKO against most PCs.  Or as far as raw offence goes, probably more like "haste, gravity, gravity, gravity, kill".

This will happen on average by clocktick 37.5 for her (13.5 for first turn, +6 x4 for the four additional haste Use-turns).  Which is...before the "above average speed" Wakka gets his second turn, for example (clocktick 41).

So...yeah, against gravity-vulnerable opponents her Use offence is...pretty fast for Middle.  (Mind you, unremarkable by Heavvy standards).
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 06:56:41 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2009, 02:49:14 AM »
Yeah referring to gravity for 4HKO, and it's lack of working on most bosses.  But yeah, I guess if you allow all this stuff then she can only be OHKOed or statused out.  The full healing + her speed is pretty insane.  (Plenty of Magic/Physical Godlikes and Heavies can OHKO her though.

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2009, 05:38:27 PM »
But yeah, I guess if you allow all this stuff then she can only be OHKOed or statused out.  The full healing + her speed is pretty insane.

This is kinda true even if you don't allow Common Use items.  I mean "no stolen items" Rikku is basically

"Spam 2000 HP healing over and over with effective 2x average speed.  If she lives until overdrive, she wins."  (Well...unless there are people who don't allow her overdrives).

You...basically need to OHKO or status that too.  (Unless you happen to be above average speed and happen to deal 80%-95% of her HP in one hit, but not 100%).  The big difference in allowing her use items is that...she has more than one viable move pre-overdrive (and by extension more than one viable strategy).
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 05:54:03 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2009, 06:02:42 PM »
Being able to wall someone who would otherwise OHKO her with either physical/magical damage is an enormous boon, as is the ability to ID/stone/mute/whatever PCs off of 145% speed. And her overdrives without common steals are highly unimpressive, to say the least. Rikku with items is a far, far nastier force than Rikku without them.

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2009, 09:09:56 PM »

Hmm...looking over the topic, these haven't been covered as closely as they could have been.  I'll try to split this into storebought mixes, common steal mixes, and general mixes.  (EDIT: discounting Clear Spheres for storebought since they can't be bought until aftergame).  Not sure what category to recommend here; on the one hand, my logical brain says "be consistent with Use effects."  On the other hand, my intuitive brain is saying "Trio of 9999 is Rikku's most famous signature move, and completely unique to her."

Storebought Mixes

Mega Elixir (Antd + Map): Full HP/MP heal to party.
Mega Phoenix (Potn + Phnx Dwn): Revive all allies to 50% health.
Pancea (Potn + Antd): Full status curing to party.
Note: Full status healing = Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow and Zombie statuses.  Doesn't count Breaks or Doom.
Vitality (High Potn + High Potn ): Doubles max HP of one party member at random (doesn't stack).
Mighty Guard (Pwr Distl + Pwr Distl): Haste, Shell, Protect to all party members.
Potato Masher (Map + Map): one hit for 2500 damage (CRIT - 5000) VS all enemies
Hazardous Shell (Grnd + Map): one hit for 2300 damage (CRIT - 4600) VS all enemies, also inflicts Sleep, Darkness, Silence (these last for four fiend's turns) and Poison
Flash Flood (Grnd + Grnd): Six randomly targetted water hits for 700 (4200 total).
(only water elemental available to storebought)

Common Steal Mixes

Final Elixir (Heal Wtr + Frpln Wind): Full HP/MP/Status healing to entire party, revives all allies to full HP/MP.
Ultra Null-All (Heal Wtr + Choc Fthr): all party members; all four Nul-Spells and Cheer x 5, Aim x 5,
Focus x 5 and Reflex x 5
Mega Vitality (Potn + Stmn Tblt): Doubles max HP of all party members (doesn't stack).
Mega Mana (Ether + Ether): Doubles max MP of all party members (doesn't stack).
Super Mighty Guard (Bomb Core + Lunar Crtn): Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen to all party members.
Freedom X (Ether + Musk): All party members, 0 MP consumption.
Calamity Bomb (Dream Pwdr + Clear S.): one hit for 3600 damage (CRIT - 7200) VS all enemies, also inflicts Sleep, Darkness, Silence (these last for five fiend's turns), Poison and Full Break
Nega Burst (Pwr Distl + Shdw Gem): all enemies; HP reduced to 1/4th
Fire Storm (Antd + Fire Gem): Six randomly targetted fire hits for 700 (4200 total).
(repeat equivalent for all four elements)
Abaddon Flame (Fire Gem + Musk): three fire hits, each for 900 damage (2700 total), on random targets in enemy party, also inflicts Full Break, Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Silence (latter three statuses last for three fiend's turns)
(repeat equivalent for all four elements)

Note: Cheer x5 means take 66% damage from physical attacks, and +5 strength (effective 50% boost to Rikku's physical attack).  Focus does the same thing for magic.  Aim and Reflex probably have something to do with accuracy/evasion; never seen a formula for them.

Rare Mixes

Hyper Vitality (Potn + Stmn Tonic): Cheer x5 and Doubles max HP of all party members (doesn't stack).
Hyper Mana (Potn + Mana Tblt): Focus x5 and Doubles max MP of all party members (doesn't stack).
Hyper Mighty Guard (Choc Wing + Pendulum): Haste, Shell, Protect, Regen, Reraise to all party members.
Miracle Drink (Lit Mrbl + Fortune S.): High critical hit rate to all party members.
Trio of 9999 (Lev 3 K S. + Pendulum): All party members deal at least 9999 with each of their hits.
Eccentric (Elix + Door Tmrw): All party members overdrive gauge rises twice as fast.
Chaos Grenade (Frag Grnd + Lev 3 K S.): one hit for 7250 damage (CRIT - 14500) VS all enemies, also inflicts Sleep, Darkness, Silence (these last for eight fiend's turns), Poison, Full Break and Slow
Black Hole (Shdw Gem + Pendulum): all enemies; HP reduced to 1/16th
Supernova (Fire Gem + Dark Matter): all enemies; 19998 damage
Burning Soul (Bomb Frag + Lev 3 K S.): Nine randomly targetted fire hits for 900 (8100 total).
(repeat equivalent for all four elements)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 02:45:01 AM by metroid composite »

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2009, 10:09:04 PM »
Double-post, but I want to separate the discussion posts from the info posts.

Being able to wall someone who would otherwise OHKO her with either physical/magical damage is an enormous boon,

Well yes: she's better, including being better at turtling.  I was more saying "she has more than one good move pre-overdrive now".

And her overdrives without common steals are highly unimpressive, to say the least.

Ehh...against anyone who hasn't managed to kill her before overdrive, overdrive basically guarantees victory.  Say someone is constantly dealing damage, and Rikku is constantly healing it (heal locked).  When she gets overdrive, she can instead do Haste/Shell/Protect; this mix in the short term (one turn) does about as much for keeping you alive as healing 50% HP (depending on your current HP), so if 55% healing has been keeping her alive, this should as well.  In the long-term, if the opponent wasn't killing before, Haste/Shell/Protect probably seal a victory.  If Haste/Shell/Protect don't win it, then the status mix can clean out people without immunity (poison deals 25% damage and doesn't cancel sleep; sleep lasts for 4 turns).

Thing is, allowing all mixes doesn't change mix much here; two of the three worthwhile mixes for 1v1 are still slight variations on haste/shell/protect, and "status grenade".  The third worthwhile mix is Trio of 9999...which is generally suicidal in a close 1v1 (instead of healing, do something with no immediate effect that leaves you vulnerable for two turns).  ...Granted, Trio of 9999 does break some stalemates that would otherwise be broken by "Rikku can't kill, and eventually runs out of items".
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 10:11:25 PM by metroid composite »

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2009, 10:15:54 PM »
I'm hurt; you completely ignored the fact that I already had a list of storebought mixes!

A note about Clear Spheres - they aren't available until after you've captured five of EVERY fiend, including Omega Ruins dudes. This treads into aftergame territory to me so I probably wouldn't allow it. However this has no effect on anything except the fact that Rikku can no longer statusheal with her fullheal Mix... and I can't think of a match where this matters.

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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2009, 02:33:32 AM »
I'm hurt; you completely ignored the fact that I already had a list of storebought mixes!

I...saw it, but I was confused by Flash Flood (didn't realize it was possible to get any of the elemental mixes through storebought items; that's...random).

A note about Clear Spheres - they aren't available until after you've captured five of EVERY fiend, including Omega Ruins dudes. This treads into aftergame territory to me so I probably wouldn't allow it. However this has no effect on anything except the fact that Rikku can no longer statusheal with her fullheal Mix... and I can't think of a match where this matters.
Well...yeah, a lot of the mixes I listed are pretty irrelevant advantages outside of, say, 2v2, but in that position the revival on Final Elixir is pretty cool.  I'll edit my post for the non-clear sphere versions of revival....
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 02:36:38 AM by metroid composite »


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2009, 03:01:13 PM »
Because there was some minor discussion in chat, figured I'd bring it up here, just to make it clear.

Holy is elemental in every sense of the word, and its a hidden 5th element FF10 doesn't tell you about that you'd only know through Trial and Error.  The most obvious example is Nemesis who absorbs Holy; worth noting Omega Weapon does too, but he sucks so much I doubt people actually bother trying <_<

It was proposed that Nemesis absorbing Holy might just be a special "Absorbs Holy spell" thing and nothing else.  So...decided to look up on it and there are a variety of enemies with special resists to Holy.  None of them exist until Cavern of the STolen Fayth, but there, Ghosts are weak to Holy (while randomizing their other resists at the beginning of fight.)  After them, there's a plethora of enemies with special resists like Master Tonberry who resists it, or Spectres whom are weak in Omega Ruins.  There's an enemy or two (Demonlith for example) in Inside Sin that have special resists too.

Cactuar King immunes all elements *INCLUDING* Holy as well.  He does not flat out immune Magic, IIRC, as Flare and Ultima still deal damage (spells that are truly Non-Elemental.)

So yeah, just making it clear if there's any doubt, but Holy is a normal element in FF10, just an obscure one cause the game never tells you about it, and only a hand full of enemies actually have special reactions to it.  Furthermore, its hard to tell in some cases cause when you first get Holy, its almost insured 9999 off Yuna's magic, so anything weak goes unnoticed until you get Break Damage Limit , and even resisted, the spell hits about 8k damage, so many probably just attribute that to good magic defense.

Just thought it couldn't hurt to note this in case there was any doubt that Holy was Elemental, and it wasn't just a case of Nemesis cheating; Holy is indeed elemental, just you wouldn't know it without enough trial and error, or consulting a FAQ.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2009, 03:09:14 AM »

A while back I was messing around with a few ideas to more accurately balance out FFX's DL issues. (i.e. Yuna) Well, in doing so, I compiled a bunch of stat related data. (based on this stat topic) And since it seems that we have an FFX PC in the upcoming season. I thought it might be a good idea to post some of it now.

I can only guess at how unpopular the (complete group) straight averages view is. But...only one Aeon at a time, or something like that, may not be so controversial. And at the very least this should make PC-Aeon stat comparisons easier.


*Note: I'm also going to post the count totals, for easy calculation.


1. Sandy (73000)
2. Anima (29000)
3. Cindy (24000)
4. Lulu (20500)
5. Mindy (20300)
6. Yuna (16000)
7. Bahamut (9400)
8. Ixion (6200)
t9. Ifrit (5700)
t9. Shiva (5700)
t11. Tidus (4950)
t11. Wakka (4950)
13. Valefor (4000)
14. Kimahri (3650)
15. Auron (2750)
16. Rikku (1400)

Average: 14468.75 [231500 / 16] (Old average - 7742.8 [54200 / 7])
Kill Point: 36171.87 (Old kill point - 19357)

(Average without Yuna or Aeons - 6366.6 [38200 / 6])

(Yuna <-> Sandy, Cindy and Mindy - 17277.7 [155500 / 9])
(Yuna <-> Anima - 9600 [67200 / 7])
(Yuna <-> Bahamut - 6800 [47600 / 7])



1. Cindy (10720)
2. Sandy (8822)
3. Anima (6362)
4. Mindy (6282)
5. Bahamut (5413)
6. Auron (4630)
7. Wakka (4418)
8. Ifrit (3822)
9. Ixion (3695)
10. Rikku (3560)
11. Shiva (3234)
12. Tidus (3120)
13. Yuna (3075)
14. Valefor (2619)
15. Lulu (2580)

Average: 4823.46 [72352 / 15] (old - 3563.83 [21383 / 6])



1. Cindy (100)
2. Ifrit (91)
3. Bahamut (85)
4. Sandy (82)
t5. Ixion (81)
t5. Anima (81)
7. Mindy (76)
8. Valefor (73)
9.Lulu (54)
10. Shiva (53)
11. Auron (37)
12. Tidus (34)
13. Wakka (30)
14. Rikku (25)
15. Yuna (15)

Average: 61.13 [917 / 15] (old - 32.5 [195 / 6])



1. Ixion (87)
t2. Lulu (84)
t2. Bahamut (84)
t4. Mindy (83)
t4. Sandy (83)
t4. Cindy (83)
7. Shiva (71)
8. Valefor (69)
9. Anima (67)
10. Ifrit (62)
11. Yuna (56)
12. Rikku (18)
13. Auron (13)
14. Wakka (9)
15. Tidus (7)

Average: 58.4 [876 / 15] (old - 31.16 [187 / 6])



1. Shiva (60)
2. Rikku (59)
3. Mindy (48)
4. Yuna (46)
5. Tidus (40)
t6. Sandy (39)
t6. Valefor (39)
t6. Bahamut (39)
t6. Cindy (39)
10. Wakka (36)
t11. Ifrit (34)
t11. Anima (34)
13. Ixion (29)
14. Lulu (21)
15. Auron (17)

Average: 38.6 [580 / 15] (old - 36.5 [219 / 6])



1. Lulu (84)
2. Shiva (75)
3. Yuna (68)
4. Mindy (56)
t5. Bahamut (50)
t5. Cindy (50)
t5. Anima (50)
8. Valefor (47)
9. Sandy (43)
10. Tidus (29)
11. Ixion (27)
12. Ifrit (24)
13. Wakka (18)
14. Auron (15)
15. Rikku (5)

Average: 42.73 [641 / 15] (old - 36.5 [219 / 6])



1. Wakka (50)
2. Sandy (34)
3. Ixion (33)
4. Mindy (32)
t5. Cindy (30)
t5. Valefor (30)
t5. Ifrit (30)
t5. Shiva (30)
t5. Bahamut (30)
t5. Anima (30)
11. Tidus (29)
12. Rikku (17)
13. Yuna (7)
14. Lulu (5)
15. Auron (4)

Average: 26.06 [391 / 15] (old - 18.6 [112 / 6])


When antelopes cross a river crocodiles will eat some of them, but the majority will still make it through.
Because there are 500 antelope and three crocodiles. Not because the crocodiles are enviornmentalists.


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2009, 03:26:43 AM »
The big problem with that damage average is that the sisters are given their best damage in it despite the fact that they can't spam it, or even control their moves at all, like the other Aeons can. It's kind of impossible to work them into a damage average.

Not everyone even allows them, anyway.

Average damage if you throw them out and count all the others becomes about 8800.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 03:32:31 AM by Monkeyfinger »


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2009, 05:15:02 AM »
A while back I was messing around with a few ideas to more accurately balance out FFX's DL issues. (i.e. Yuna) Well, in doing so, I compiled a bunch of stat related data. (based on this stat topic) And since it seems that we have an FFX PC in the upcoming season. I thought it might be a good idea to post some of it now.

There are ways to view make Yuna saner without completely wreaking havoc with averages. I compare Aeon damages to the full party (meaning about 20K is average for them). We only tend to count damage boost from transformations into averages (as opposed to all stats), and Aeons are even less solid than transformations in a way.

PC-Aeon comparison are easy enough either way. At least, the few little hiccups aren't things that would at all be affected by scaling this way anyways (IE: Aeons are worse against ST damage. Should be factored into and such? Minorly altering stat curves won't remove any underlying mechanic differences).
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2013, 03:34:16 AM »
Tidus' blitzing:

With Sonic Steel, here is a chart of what damage Tidus should do by what clocktick via different strategems.

Strat 1: Spam Quick Hit from the start
Strat 2: Cast Slow first, then spam QH
Strat 3: Cast Haste first, then spam QH
Strat 4: Cast Slow, Cast Haste, then start QHing

Note that TIdus runs out of MP somewhere in here, which is accounted for.
Note that if you give half an Overlimit bar to start, Tidus can get an Overdrive when he does >24750 damage after defense. >49500 without the half bar.
Just divide 1 by the clocktick to see what speed gets their first turn at that clocktick.

Strategy:        1           2           3           4
0.0000      4100    0            0            0
0.3115      8200    0            0            0
0.4673      8200     4100     0             0
0.6231      12300   8200    4100     0
0.7788      12300   12300   8200     4100
0.8567      12300   12300   8200     8200
0.9346      16400   16400   12300   12300
1.0125      16400   16400   12300   16400
1.0903      16400   20500   16400   20500
1.1682      16400   20500   16400   24600
1.2461      20500   24600   20500   28700
1.3240      20500   24600   20500   32800
1.4019      20500   28700   24600   36900
1.4975      20500   28700   24600   41000
1.5576      24600   32800   28700   45100
1.7134      24600   36900   32800   45100
1.7913      24600   36900   32800   49200
1.8692      28700   41000   36900   49200
2.0249      28700   45100   41000   53300
2.1807      32800   45100   45100   53300
2.2586      32800   45100   45100   57400
2.3364      32800   45100   49200   57400
2.4922      36900   49200   49200   61500
2.7259      36900   49200   49200   65600
2.8037      41000   49200   53300   65600
2.9595      41000   53300   53300   69700

Of note: Tidus can do 16400 damage before average speed acts
Can do 20500 before 91% speed acts
24600 before 85% acts, 28700 before 80%, 32800 before 75%, and 36900 before 71%
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 03:39:45 AM by Pyro »


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Re: Final Fantasy X
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2014, 04:13:51 PM »
Now that FFX HD is out in the US, I figured I'd post some notes on stat differences between versions.  (Yes, they exist, even if you use Original Sphere Grid and not Expert.  Expert, naturally, changes even more.)

At baseline, using Original Sphere Grid in FFX HD, the following changes happen to people's stats (assuming you stay exclusively in their personal grids).  (These stat differences are also true of FFX International JP and the original PS2 PAL release, by the way.)
Tidus gains 10 MP.
Yuna gains 2 Luck.
Wakka gains 4 Magic.
Lulu gains 2 Strength, Defense, Magic, and Magic Defense.
Rikku gains 2 Magic Defense and 1 Agility.

There's also the following changes to skillsets:
Quick Hit costs 36 MP instead of 12.  It's also now a Rank 2 ability instead of a Rank 1 ability with respect to recharge times (if I'm reading the mech FAQ right, this means that the recovery time after it is twice as long as it used to be.  Still faster than a regular attack, though - those are rank 3.)
There is a new PC skill, Full Break.  It applies all four stat breaks in one hit, at base success 100%.  It costs 99 MP and is a Rank 5 ability for recharge time (same as Flare).  On the OSG, it's near the start of Auron's grid placed behind a L2 lock and  three L4 locks.  However, Wakka can also reach it fairly easily with the same quantity of locks, so its legality might be questionable.
Some other characters gained skills (mostly Rikku), but none are relevant to the DL.
Wakka's Overdrives now all get a bonus to damage based on the amount of time left on the timer, similar to Tidus' and Auron's.  The modifier is 1 + [Time Remaining / (2 * Time Allotted)].
Auron's Tornado now does two hits with a damage constant of 20, rather than one with a damage constant of 25.  (I'm not sure how it changed if you fail to input the command correctly.)
Anima's Oblivion now does 16 hits with a damage constant of 4, rather than one with a damage constant of 75.
Magus Sisters' Delta Attack now does 6 hits with a damage constant of 10, rather than one with a damage constant of 60.
Yojimbo's base compatibility was raised from 50 to 128, motivation by Gil was doubled, and compatibility in the initial steps of the formula is divided by 4 instead of by 30, and full overdrive now adds 20 to the final motivation instead of 2.  All these combine to make Zanmato far easier to perform.

If you use the Expert Sphere Grid, this is how it changes the characters' stats (relative to the International/Remaster original sphere grid, NOT to the original US version) when staying exclusively in each PC's own path:

Tidus gains 3 Magic, 1 Magic Defense, 50 MP, and 2 Luck.  He loses 600 HP, 8 Strength, 3 Defense, and 1 Accuracy.
Yuna gains 6 Strength and 12 Defense.  She loses 800 HP, 2 Magic, 3 Magic Defense, 40 MP, 6 Agility, 10 Luck, 10 Evasion, and 4 Accuracy.
Auron gains 11 Strength and 14 Magic Defense.  He loses 80 MP, 1 Agility, 1 Luck, and 2 Evasion.  [NOTE: This means that Expert Sphere Grid's Auron doesn't have sufficient max MP to use Full Break without branching!]
Wakka gains 6 Magic, 1 Luck, and 2 Accuracy.  He loses 400 HP, 9 Strength, 3 Defense, 60 MP, 13 Agility, and 3 Evasion.
Lulu gains 1 Agility and 8 Accuracy.  She loses 200 HP, 2 Strength, 16 Defense, 6 Magic, 12 Magic Defense, 100 MP, 4 Luck, and 1 Evasion.
Rikku gains 80 MP, 8 Luck and 4 Evasion.  She loses 7 Strength, 6 Defense, 3 Magic, 1 Magic Defense, 2 Agility, and 1 Accuracy.

Some ability placements are also relevantly different in the ESG:

Zombie Attack is positioned squarely in Wakka's grid rather than Auron's (behind a L3 lock branching off Silence Attack).
Full Break is squarely in Auron's grid (behind a L2 lock and two L4 locks branching off Power Break).  However, ESG doesn't give him enough MP to use it without outside help.
Flare is stuck back at the end of Rikku's grid for some reason.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 09:50:47 PM by Reiska »