Asch the Bloody... appropriate name! He's certaintly going to bleed a lot after Evil Gaia's through with him! I mean, what can Asch do? Just use his crappy swordskills ad nauseum. Evil Gaia has Poizn, Howl, Burn... a gallery of mighty, versatile attacks that put Asch's puny attempts to shame. And let's not forget the massive, massive HP advantage that Evil Gaia enjoys, thanks to Asch falling over to a stiff breeze. Sleep won't work too well here, true, but the previously discussed advantages should be more than enough to put Evil Gaia on top. After all, in a Light like this, a true master of evil should prove his strength, right? There's no telling when Evil Gaia will stop, but it certaintly isn't going to be against this pasty redheaded loser!