
Author Topic: Growlanser III (PCs)  (Read 1368 times)


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Growlanser III (PCs)
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:55:38 AM »
From Unoriginal

Stats are taken at level 50.  Probably on the high side, but it shouldn't matter too much.  While stat gains are fairly random, they're generaly slanted to whatever stat that character specialises in.  I should also mention I pretty much cheesed through the game to get these, so my memory of the actual mechanics may be a bit rusty in some cases.

Armor and Skill stat bonuses are already included into the stat totals, initial Ring and Gem bonuses are not.

Skill levels indicate the relitive size of the bonus, Spell levels indicate the maximum level the spell can be charged to, Tech levels indicate how many times per day the skill may be used.

One round = 100 Clockticks

ATW: This is how many clockticks the character has to wait after preforming a physical attack or tech before they can act again.  The lower the number, the better.

Resistances- Comes in Fire, Water, Ground, Wind, Thunder, Physical, Holy, Dark, Spirit.  Physical resistance pertains to physical-element magic *only*(Blast, for example), physical attacks are uneffected.  Death magic falls under Dark resist, and most statuses and MP drains fall under Spirit.
1: Weakness
2: Normal
3: 25% resist
4: 50% resist
5: 75% resist
6: Immunity
*: Absorbtion

Stat buffs/debuffs can stack up to x3, with each level adding/subracting about 10% of the base.

The Defense Techs add a +2 to that particualr resistance for a set time.

It should be noted that most of the non-attack Techs are free actions.

Annette Burns
HP: 628
MP: 65
Str: 307
Int: 214
Dex: 258
Atk: 473
Def: 408
Mov: 237
Hit: 192
ATW: 68
All resistances set to 3

Ring: 2/2/1  +6 HP
Gems: none
Louve Armor- +255 Def, +1 all resistances

Max HP Up 6  (4% per skill level)
Movement Up 5
Equip Limit Up 7
Hit Up 6
ATW Down 6
Item Orginization 6
Critical Hit 7
Doppelganger 5
Cooperation 3

Blast 3
Attack Up 9
Shield 9
Refine 9

Dash 4
Counter 3
Bait 5
Fire Defence 4
Water Defence 4
Ground Defence 4
Wind Defence 4
Thunder Defence 4
Physical Defence 4
Spirit Defence 4
Perimeter Pulse 4
Penetration Attack 4
Critical Blow 5
Synapse Blow 4
Knock Back 6
Soul Crush 6
Aria Disturbance 3
Psychic 3
Ability Analysis 9

Hugh Foster
HP: 502
MP: 203
Str: 270
Int: 302
Dex: 294
Atk: 416
Def: 379
Mov: 286
Hit: 221
ATW: 44
Wind at 5, everything else at 3

Ring:  3/2/1 +4 Dex
Gems: L3 Quickness(+25% Mov), L2 Wind Weapon(Physical is changed to Wind element), L1 Spirit Shield(+2 Spirit resist)
Royal Gauntlet: 244 Def, +1 all resists

Max HP Up 6
Movement Up 6
Equip Limit Up 6
Hit Up 7
ATW Down 7
Quicken Aria 7
Critical Hit: 7
Doppleganger: 5
Aria Defense: 7
HP Recovery 5
Cooperation 4

Ice Barrage 7
Fire Arrow 7
Wind Cutter 7
Blast 4
Silence 9
Invisibility 1
Cycle Up 9
Cure 6
Teleport 1
Return 1

Silent Steps 9
Night Vision 9
Dash 5
Bait 7
Fire Defense 5
Water Defense 5
Wind Defense 5
Thunder Defense 5
Inferno 5
Critical 5
Synapse Blow 4
Knockback 5
Soul Crush 6
Thievery 4
Psychic 4
Judge Ring 9

Monika Allenford
HP: 359
MP: 141
Str: 258
Int: 264
Dex: 298
Atk: 365
Def: 341
Mov: 266
Hit: 204
ATW: 56
Wind 2, Ground/Spirit 4, rest at 3

Ring: 4/1/1 +6 Int
Gems: L4 Parry(recieve 10% less damage from physicals), L1 HP Recovery(regen 3 HP per round)
Purity Dress: 212 Def, +2 Spirit, +1 everything else

Max MP Up 5
Movement Up 6
Hit Up 7
ATW Down 7
Item Orginization 7
MP Cost Down 6
MP Range Up 5
Indirect Range Up 9
Critical Hit 7
Status Defense 5 (Grants partial resistance to Poison, Venom, Silence, Bind, and Sleep)
Doppelganger 5
Aria Defense 7
Cooperation 4

Fire Arrow 7
Wind Cutter 7
Blast 4
Bind 9
Rust 9
Atrophy 9
Fear 9
Attack Up 9
Shield 9
Resistance 9
Cure 5
Refine 9

Fire Def 5
Water Def 5
Ground Def 5
Wind Def 5
Thunder Def 5
Time Bomb 4
Perimeter Pulse 3
Critical Blow 5
Synapse Blow 3
Ability Analysis 9
Quicken Aria 4
Soul Focus 4
Judge Ring 9

Yayoi Tachibana
HP: 386
MP: 481
Str: 276
Int: 303
Dex: 254
Atk: 497
Def: 370
Mov: 177
Hit: 205
ATW: 141
Water/Dark 4, Spirit 5, rest at 3

Ring: 8/7/4 +10 Atk, +14 Def, +25 Hit
Gems: L7 Magic Level(Maximum spell level +3, max of 9), L5 Logical Blade(Physicals deal 30% more damage, costs 4 MP per shot.  If MP is insufficient, damage goes down by 30%), L3 MP Recovery(regen 2 MP per round)
Fenril Garb: 232 Def, +2 Water, +1 everything else

Max MP Up 6
Hit Up 6
ATW Down 6
Quicken Aria 6
MP Range Up 6
Indirect Range Up 9
Critical Hit 7
MP Absorbtion 5 (5% of damage dealt is converted to MP)
MP Recovery 6
MP Cost Down 7
Cooperation 4

Stone Shot 7
Ice Barrage 7
Holy Flame 7
Death 6
Magic Vortex 8
Blast 4
Sleep 9
Silence 9
Cycle Down 9
Bind 9
Rust 9
Atrophy 9
Fear 9
Attack Up 9
Shield 9
Resistance 9
Invisibility 1
Cycle Up 9
Healing 6
Cure 6
Refine 9
Raise 9
Return 1

Silent Steps 9
Night Vision 9
Water Def 5
Ground Def 5
Physical Def 5
Holy Def 5
Dark Def 5
Spirit Def 5
Inferno 5
Critical Blow 5
Soul Crush 6
Quicken Aria 4
Soul Focus 5
Strengthen Magic 4
Capacitor Magic 6  (Ground/Water/Holy 7)
Judge Ring 9

Victor Hugo
HP: 328
MP: 247
Str: 257
Int: 305
Dex: 233
Atk: 475
Def: 364
Mov: 158
ATW: 134
Dark 4, rest at 3

Ring:8/8/3 +18 Int
Gems: L7 Arms Might(Physicals deal 30% more damage), L6 Parry (Recieve 20% less damage from physicals), L3 Vampire (10% of damage dealt is converted to HP)
Master Garb: 236 Def, +2 Dark, +1 everything else

Hit Up 5
Quicken Aria 5
Item Orginization 5
MP Cost Down 7
MP Range Up 6
Indirect Range Up 9
Critical Hit 6
Poison Attack 9
Venom Attack 5
Paralysis 5
Petrify 3
HP Absorbtion 5 (15% of damage dealt is converted to HP, stacks with Gem for 25% total)
Cooperation 4

Stone Shot 7
Ice Barrage 7
Fire Arrow 7
Wind Cutter 7
Blast 4
Sleep 9
Silence 9
Cycle Down 9
Bind 9
Rust 9
Atrophy 9
Fear 9
Return 1

Fire Def 5
Water Def 5
Ground Def 5
Air Def 5
Thunder Def 5
Physical Def 5
Holy Def 5
Dark Def 5
Spirit Def 5
Time Bomb 4
Fatal Attraction 3
Berserk 3
Ability Analysis 9
Deadly Curse 4
Soul Focus 4
Strengthen Magic 4
Capacitor Magic (Ground/Water/Wind/Fire 7)
Judge Ring 9

Breaking for now, I'll have some boss notes up later(don't expect too much from them though).  Might fill in skill descriptions if I ever get around to it.  Probably won't do much more than this due to rampant laziness, so if anyone wants to take over, be my guest.