
Author Topic: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!  (Read 7728 times)


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Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« on: August 04, 2008, 05:46:34 AM »
Yep, another FF4 Stat topic by me, etc.  Anyway, this one is of the remake!  Right now, only have the 5 endgame PCs, but I'll get bosses (the ranked ones anyway), and the temps in due time, so be patient.

FF4DS changed a lot of stuff.  Most importantly, game mechanics and stats and such.  Basically, remember how little magic defense did anything? Remember how Defense only mattered if it was incredible bulk, and often, HP was more indicative of durability than anything else?

FF4DS changes that some!  Stats matter a lot more now.  First off, everyone taken at level 70.  Is this high? Only a little; FF4DS has inflated EXP growth in general.  Level 70 works best since its the effective maximum stats before level ups start being based off augments.
Speaking of augments, they're a new system in FF4DS that lets you customize your characters! THANKFULLY, none of them are remotely legal.  No character has any special claim to a specific augment, so basically, they'll resemble their FF4o selves as far as skills go.

Damage and status rates were tested on Blue Dragons in the final dungeon.  Thankfully, FF4DS is nice enough to tell us status rates on specific enemies (though not nice enough to tell us if they're immune until you cast a successful spell...but suppose that beats the whole "Missing and Immuning have the same animation!" style).  Comparing Hold to several enemies, Blue Dragons seemed pretty standard in that regard.  Defensively, they're above average, the same amount for both physicals and magic, based on my observations, which is a good thing here since it means less worrying about hitting the damage cap for one specific character (guess who!).  FURTHERMORE, the only element they resist is Ice, which plays no significant impact one way or another here (lots of enemies in the final dungeon resist holy, which makes testing several attacks a *****), since all noteworthy Ice moves have an identical version of a different element, so no worries.

For equipment, everything is more or less the same for legality, barring a few specific things.  First off, Rosa's White Robe? Not legal; it has actual uses on Cecil that matter now given how stats work, I can't find myself actually allowing Rosa to use that.  Next off, rare equips are easier to get in general, though, Artemis Bow is still a whore to get.  Axes are no longer two handed for Rune Axe and Poison Axe, both of which are easier to get.  Worth noting you get at least one Poison Axe in a chest, so you only have to get one from an enemy (admittedly, Drop Rate is a bit lowish, but...enemy isn't uncommon either.)
Also, Bows were made unique to Rosa now, so there's really no arguments about her being able to equip that stuff.  Artemis Bow, as I said, is still rare as fuck, so I didn't consider it legal.  Kain's Blood Lance still exists, but its still a piece of shit.  It now only heals at a 1 to 10 Ratio for damage, and it still offers the same godlike stat losses, so its not listed.  Kain is using Dragon stuff since despite Cecil being able to use them, there's almost not scenario where Cecil will want them; best one he might want is the Dragon Gloves, which again, happen to be the sole Dragon Equip you can get multiple of; this is especially the case in FF4DS where Cecil has LESS of a reason to drop that Crystal Helm, since blocking Confusion can be covered through other various methods (admittedly, he'd get a damage boost from the Headband...but probably not enough to offset his defense loss.)
Edge got Genji stuff too.  The helmet and glove anyway; Armor is obsolete for him, so no worries.  Cecil and Kain have stuff that is better than Genji stuff in EVERY WAY, and neither have any use for any of the equips as a result (and there's two pairs of Genji equips anyway)...except the shield, which Edge can't use anyway.

Item Casting i consider legal in FF4DS. In order to cast a spell through an item, you must equip said item.  As a result, you can only item cast spells from weapons you can equip.  The only noteworthy Item casts are from weapons that are unique anyway (Rydia's Stardust Rod and Edge's Masamune to name two), so they're practically unique abilities in this game.

Charge times are actually significant and are estimates.  Basically, anything that was 2 or less was considered too minor a charge time; 01 is near instant, 02 is probably going to be outsped by PC physicals only if you input them with pinpoint speed.  03 is when I started holding them against PCs, and each one up is noticiably higher than the last.  Its close to every point above 02 is 33%~ of a turn, though not exactly.  Just know that if a spell sounds like its charge time is ridiculously long, that's cause it actually is; someone in chat even said they had a spell with Fast Talk (Augment that halves Charge Times) that STILL took forever to come off.  Yeah, charge times actually matter this game, unlike FF4o where it was basically "there's Meteor, and a few minor ones, and then everything else might as well be instant."  Note that yes, I eyeballed charge times.  Charge time rates were compared to how fast they were going compared to Cecil's speed...who wasn't as close to average as I thought.  Make of this as you will, though effectively, this makes Edge's relative charge times to his own speed worse, and Rydia/Rosa's better (if slightly.)

Some default equips might be considered questionable given what I decided,, if you think I chose the wrong one, speak up and such.  Anyway, for what stats do!

HP: Lose these, you die.
MP: Loses these, you can't cast magic.  Yes, Kain has a stat in this, no, he can't make use of it in the DL.
Strength: Effects physical damage.  Does not seem to play any sort of impact on throw, near as I can tell.
Speed: How fast you are.  Seems to be linear too.  Might be worth noting that while PC actions stop the ATB gauge, enemy attacks do not...yeah, FF4DS is screwed up like that, buts its FF4, they can't fix ALL issues!  Also plays a role in physical accuracy, near as I can tell; my guess is 2 points of speed is 1% more accuracy, but I can't say that with confidence.  I just know that Edge > Kain > Cecil for accuracy (which the game is nice enough to list!) against the same enemy using the same accuracy weapons.  Might effect speed as well, since Edge seems to crit far more often than the rest of the team (for whatever help THAT does for him ._.)
Stamina: Plays a role in how much physical damage you receive. Its a pretty significant role, since Cecil has a pretty big edge on Kain in this stat for most of the game,
Intellect: Effects magic damage! Seems to play a role in status accuracy for magic as well, be it white or black magic.  2 points of INT seem to add 1% more hit.
Spirit: Effects Healing Magic, Holy's damage, and your magic defense.  This plays a huge role on magic defense, as you'll see what I mean when I say Edge gets plastered by magic in game far more than anyone else.
Attack: More physical damage factoring!  This one is entirely based on your weapon.
Accuracy: Base accuracy before speed and evade factored in.  Not to be taken 100% literally in the slightest, just there to give you an idea.
Defense: More physical damage and such.  Seems to play an equally large role as Stamina, for all that the differences aren't as drastic.
Evasion: Physical evasion.  unlike the ORIGINAL FF4, this stat seems to be rather effective.  Enemies were actually missing Edge late game a lot more often than other characters, where as anybody whose played FF4 might forget that missing existed at all beyond the early game, at least on the enemy end.
Magic Defense: Defense, but magical! Pretty much the same deal, though the DL, magic defense differences aren't exactly large enough to make an impact.  In general, Spirit is a lot better indicator of it, but Magic Defense isn't completely useless, so can't be completely neglected.
Magic Evasion: Stat that effects how good you are at avoiding Magic!  Actually, it seems to do jack all against damage.  So is this stat useless? No, its not.  The stat plays a role in status hit rates, defensively.  So basically, its like FF5's Magic Evasion stat! ...except you can actually see the damned thing in game.

FF4 DS also added in more elements.  Ice and Water are now distinctively different elements, Arrows and Spears do not count as Wind/Flying/Throw elemental, and Wind now works like a normal element with actual spells, Earth is now an actual element instead of a pseudo "misses fliers only!" element, and that's about it.  Fire, Ice, Lightning, Dark and Holy all still exist, for all that Dark elemental attacks are pretty much nonexistent for DL purposes.

Anyway, onto the characters!!!

Cecil Harvey:
Ragnarok (150 Attack, 110 Accuracy, +15 Strength, +15 Stamina, +15 Spirit, Holy Elemental)
Crystal Shield (7 Defense, 40 Evasion, 4 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade, halves Dark damage, grants immunity Poison, Death, Sleep, and Curse)
Crystal Helm (12 Defense, 8 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evade, +3 Spirit, Halves Fire, Ice and Lightning damage)
Crystal Armor (25 Defense, 10 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade, +3 Spirit, grants immunity to Silence, Mini, Toad, Blind Pig, Berserk)
Crystal Gloves (11 Defense, 7 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evade, +3 Spirit)

HP: 4677
MP: 290
Attack: 150
Accuracy: 110
Defense: 55
Evasion: 40
Magic Defense: 29
Magic Evasion: 21
Strength: 73 (88)
Speed: 41
Stamina: 70 (85)
Intellect: 36
Spirit: 41 (65)

Equip Options:

Poison Axe: 105 Attack, 95 Accuracy, +7 Strength, +7 Stamina, -4 Speed, -4 Intellect, -4 Spirit, 25% chance of inflicting Poison, does 50% more damage against Giants
Rune Axe: 110 Attack, 90 Accuracy, +8 Strength, +8 Stamina, -5 Speed, -5 Intellect, -5 Spirit

Aegis Shield: 4 Defense, 34 Evasion, 5 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evasion, grants Immunity to Stone, Sleep, Paralyze, Death, and Stop
Diamond Shield: 4 Defense, 32 Evasion, 2 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evasion, halves Lightning damage, grants immunity to Paralyze and Confusion
Genji Shield: 5 Defense, 36 Evasion, 3 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evasion, grants immunity to Pig, Frog, Stone, Blind, Mini, and Stop
Mithril Shield: 3 Defense, 26 Evasion, 2 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Evasion, grants immunity to Silence and Confusion
Headband: 1 Defense, 10 Evasion, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, grants immunity to Confusion

Luminous Robe: 12 Defense, 10 Evasion, 9 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evasion, +5 Intellect, +5 Spirit, halves Lightning

Dragon Gloves: 9 Defense, 6 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evasion, halves Fire, Ice, and Lightning damage

Attack (Ragnarok): 4044 damage, Holy elemental
Attack (Poison Axe): 2542 damage, 25% chance of inflicting Poison
Cura: 1965 Healing, 9 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed for half efficiency
Protect: Raises Defense by 50%, this amounts to roughly 33% physical damage reduction under his default set up, 15 MP, negligible charge time, can be used MT
Shell: Raises Magic Defense by 50%, this amounts to roughly 15% magical damage reduction under his default set up, 15 MP, negligible charge time, can be used MT
Esuna: Full status healing, 15 MP, negligible charge time
Raise: Resurrects someone with 10% Health, 25 MP, 70% turn charge time

Note: If Cecil REALLY wants to, he can use Fira and Blizzara through the Flame Sword and Ice Brand respectively as item casts.  The problem? The damage is so god awful, it's not worth noting.  By god awful, I mean low triple digits.  I don't have Rune Axe values cause I can't seem to get one, though if I had to guess, they'd be hovering in the 2800 area.

Comments: Never Dies!  The durability is insane, he resists 4 elements, including the big 3, some passable healing, gained Shell and Protect to his skillset compared to his original form, and has so many status immunities at once that very few people can actually find holes in!  Unfortunately, he's a lot slower than his FF4o self, and his damage still isn't remarkable.  A bit disappointing considering how dominating he was in game.  Probably wants this form overall though, since he's more durable, harder to status, and has better back up options for fighting rather than pure slug festing.

Kain Highwind:
Holy Lance (140 Attack, 110 Accuracy, Holy Elemental, Item Casts Holy)
Dragon Shield (6 Defense, 38 Evasion, 3 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evasion, Halves Fire, Ice and Lightning damage, immunes Paralyze, Sleep and Stop)
Dragon Helm (11 Defense, 7 magic Defense, 4 Magic Evasion, halves Fire, Ice and Lightning damage)
Dragon Mail (23 Defense, 8 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evasion, halves Fire, Ice and Lightning damage)
Dragon Gloves (9 Defense, 6 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evasion, halves Fire, Ice and Lightning damage)

HP 3790
MP: 89
Attack: 140
Accuracy: 110
Defense: 49
Evasion: 38
Magic Defense: 24
Magic Evasion: 18
Strength: 71
Speed: 54
Stamina: 56
Intellect: 12
Spirit: 39

Wyvern Lance: 110 Attack, 100 Accuracy, does 50% more damage against Dragons
Poison Axe: 105 Attack, 95 Accuracy, +7 Strength, +7 Stamina, -4 Speed, -4 Intellect, -4 Spirit, 10% chance of inflicting Poison, does 50% more damage against Giants
Rune Axe: 110 Attack, 90 Accuracy, +8 Strength, +8 Stamina, -5 Speed, -5 Intellect, -5 Spirit

Diamond Shield: 4 Defense, 32 Evasion, 2 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evasion, halves Lightning damage, grants immunity to Paralyze and Confusion
Genji Shield: 5 Defense, 36 Evasion, 3 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evasion, grants immunity to Pig, Frog, Stone, Blind, Mini, and Stop
Mithril Shield: 3 Defense, 26 Evasion, 2 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Evasion, grants immunity to Silence and Confusion

Headband: 1 Defense, 10 Evasion, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, grants immunity to Confusion

Attack (Holy Lance): 2972 damage, Holy elemental
Attack (Wyvern Lance): 2460 damage
Attack (Poison Axe): 2446 damage
Jump: Sacrifices First turn, during which time he's invincible, on second turn, he comes down and does double damage.
Holy (Item cast from Holy Lance): 2230 Holy elemental magic damage, long charge time (estimate that it takes about a turn and a half)

See Disclaimer regarding Rune Axe. Estimate it does in the 2700 damage area.

Comments: The good news is his damage isn't completely garbage anymore! The bad news is he's less durable, and takes magic a whole lot worse than his FF4o form.  More status immunities however...probably better overall is my kneejerk since his damage isn't as bad, but the durability loss is going to hurt.

Rosa Farrel
Yoichi Bow (60 Attack, 100 accuracy)
Artemis Arrow (50 Attack, 90 accuracy, 1.5x damage vs. Dragons)
Gold Hairpin (7 Defense, 10 Evade, 10 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, halves Lightning damage)
Luminous Robe (12 Defense, 10 Evade, 9 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, +5 Intellect, +5 Spirit, halves Lightning damage)
Rune Armlet (5 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit, grants immunity to Silence)

HP: 2944
MP: 416
Attack: 110
Accuracy: 95
Defense: 24
Evasion: 30
Magic Defense: 27
Magic Evasion: 26
Strength: 48
Speed: 32 (38)
Stamina: 42
Intellect: 22 (30)
Spirit: 73 (81)

Equip Options:
Sage's Staff: 38 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +7 Spirit
Dancing Dagger: 28 Attack, 110 Accuracy, 10 Evasion, +2 Speed

Angel Arrows: 20 Attack, 90 Accuracy, 10% chance of inflicting confusion, 1.5x damage to Giants
Blinding Arrows: 20 Attack, 80 Accuracy, 10% chance of inflicting Blind
Medusa Arrows: 2 Attack, 80 accuracy, 10% chance of inflicting Stone
Silence Arrows: 20 Attack, 80 Accuracy, 10% chance of inflicting Silence
Poison Arrows: 20 Attack, 80 Accuracy, 10% chance of inflicting Poison

She has some elemental arrows, but they're too weak to really be worth using, but know she can hit Fire, Ice, Lightning and Holy weakness in case she faces some weakness drastic enough to make them worth nothing.

Note about Rosa's accuracy: It seems to take the average of the Bow and the Arrow for whatever hit is, near as I can tell, so if she uses an 90 accuracy Bow and a 100 accuracy arrow, she'll have 95 accuracy.
Note 2: Rosa actually has a stronger weapon called the Artemis Bow, but it’s a 0.8% Drop rate *WITH* Treasure Hunt, which is too rare for me.  If you're wondering, its stats are 80 Attack, 90 accuracy, +7 Speed, +2 Spirit.

Headband: 1 Defense, 10 Evasion, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, grants immunity to Confusion

Gaia Gear: 5 Defense, 12 Evade, 3 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade, grants immunity to Slow Petrify
Minerva Bustier: 20 Defense, 40 Evade, 5 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evade, +15 Strength, +15 Stamina, +15 Speed, -15 Intellect, -15 Spirit, grants immunity to paralysis

Diamond Armlet: 6 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade

Attack: 1509 (2242 w/ Minerva Bustier) damage
Aim: Is identical to Attack except that it cannot miss, has a negligible charge time.  This does *NOT* get around Perfect Evasion, mind (see Spinning Valvalis)
Pray: Heals about 10% HP and 10% MP, negligible charge time, can fail though its rare
Hold: Inflicts Paralysis, 7% accuracy, 5 MP, negligible charge time
Slow: Halves enemy speed, cannot miss, works on Bosses, 10 MP, negligible charge time
Berserk: Inflicts Berserk, cannot miss, 15 MP, negligible charge time
Blink: Grants immunity to the next two physical attacks, 10 MP, negligible charge time
Confuse: Inflicts Confusion, 22% accuracy, 5 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed
Dispel: Dispels all positive status effects and a few negative ones like Slow, 15 MP, negligible charge time, and yes, this one ACTUALLY WORKS ON REFLECT
Silence: Inflicts Silence, 22% accuracy, 5 MP, negligible charge time
Float: Grants immunity to all ground based attacks, 8 MP, negligible charge time.  Do note it can also be used to heal from Float status, can be MTed,
Haste: Doubles speed and halves charge times,
Mini: Inflicts Mini status, 62% accuracy, 10 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed
Cura: 2100 Healing, 9 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed for half healing
Curaga: 3000 Healing, 18 MP, takes about 1/4th of a turn charge time, can be MTed for half healing
Curaja: 6000 Healing, 40 MP, 70% of a turn charge time, can be MTed for half healing
Protect: Raises defense by 1.5x, on Rosa's default set up, this translates to roughly 15% damage reduction to physicals
Shell: Raises Magic Defense by 1.5x, on Rosa's default set up, this translates to roughly 15% damage reduction to magic
Reflect: Grants Reflect status in usual FF style (so yes, it nails healing too), 30 MP, negligible charge time
Holy: 4500 Holy elemental magic damage, 50 MP, over 2 turn charge time

Comments: A whole lot worse than her FF4o form its not even funny.  Lets analyze for a moment what she lost.  Decent status rates? Check. Worse healing overall due to charge times? Check.  Frailer? Very much so.  Holy having high 2HKO damage? Yep.  So what did she gain? Well, DISPEL NOW UNDOES REFLECT!!! That's...about it.  Yes, Rosa was hit with a giant nerf stick and is pretty bad in this form.  Well, ok, Haste is a lot better, but not enough to make up for all that she's lost.  She's still relying on status tricks, and she has a lot less of them now since her rates were nerfed so badly.  Pretty much never wants this form, ever.

Rydia of Myst:
Dragon Whisker (110 Attack, 90 Accuracy, +3 Speed, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit, 25% chance of inflicting paralysis, 1.5x damage vs. Dragons)
Gold Hairpin (7 Defense, 10 Evade, 10 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, halves Lightning damage)
Luminous Robe (12 Defense, 10 Evade, 9 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, +5 Intellect, +5 Spirit, halves Lightning damage)
Rune Armlet (5 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit, grants immunity to Silence)

HP: 2870
MP: 472
Strength: 36
Speed: 33 (36)
Stamina: 34
Intellect: 72 (83)
Spirit: 54 (65)
Attack: 110
Accuracy: 90
Defense: 24
Evasion: 30
Magic Defense: 27
Magic Evasion: 26

Equip Options:
Stardust Rod: 45 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +10 Intellect, Item Casts Comet
Dancing Dagger: 28 Attack, 110 Accuracy, 10 Evasion, +2 Speed
Fairy Rod: 30 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +7 Intellect, item casts Confuse (hit rate unknown, I suspect pretty poor though)

Headband: 1 Defense, 10 Evasion, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, grants immunity to Confusion

Gaia Gear: 5 Defense, 12 Evade, 3 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade, grants immunity to Slow Petrify
Minerva Bustier: 20 Defense, 40 Evade, 5 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evade, +15 Strength, +15 Stamina, +15 Speed, -15 Intellect, -15 Spirit, grants immunity to paralysis

Diamond Armlet: 6 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade

Attack: 1200 damage, 25% chance of paralysis, 1.5x damage to Dragons
Break: Inflicts Stone status, 100% accuracy, 20 MP, negligible charge time, 
Stop: Inflicts Stop Status, 100% accuracy, 30 MP, takes about a turn to charge
Sleep: Inflicts Sleep Status, 70% accuracy, 15 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed
Toad: Inflicts Toad status, 100% accuracy, 10 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed
Tornado: Drops enemies HP to single digits, 85% accuracy, 30 MP, over a turn charge time (call it 1 and 1/3rd)
Poison: Inflicts Poison, 95% accuracy, 2 MP, damn near instant, can be MTed
Pig: Inflicts Pig status, 100% accuracy, 2 MP, negligible charge time, can be MTed
Death: Instant Death, 45% Accuracy, 45 MP, 70% turn charge time
Flare: 5313 Non Elemental Magic damage, 55 MP, about 70% turn charge time
Meteor: 8301 Non Elemental magic damage, 99 MP, over 2 turn charge time, ignores Reflect, forced MT but ignores split damage
Quake: 3652 Earth elemental magic damage, 30 MP, 70% turn charge time, ignores Reflect, forced MT, but ignores Split damage
Aga Spells do the same as Quake, but have about 50% more charge time (…), different element, and can be STed if they wish, and are reflectable.  Not posting them since they're practically useless, but just remember they're there.
Drain: 996 Damage, heals Rydia equal to damage done, 15 MP, 33% turn charge time
Osmose: Deals 99 MP damage, heals Rydia's MP for equal to that amount, 5 MP, 70% turn charge time

All Summons ignore Reflect; this is just to make things easier to Read!  They otherwise are like normal spells.  Also, all MT Summons ignore split damage, and are forced at MT too.
Bahamut: 8301 Non Elemental magic damage, 99 MP, MT, over 2 turn Charge time
Dragon:  4248 Holy elemental Magic damage, 35 MP, MT, about a turn and a half charge time
Leviathan: 6640 Water Elemental Magic damage, 75 MP, MT, over 2 turn charge time
Ifrit: 3922 Fire Elemental Magic damage, 30 MP, ignores reflect, about a turn and a half charge time, forced MT but ignores split damage
NOTE: Rydia also has Shiva, Ramuh and Titan, which are the same thing as Ifrit, but are Ice, Lightning and Earth elemental respectively.
Odin: Instant Death, 100% Accuracy, 55 MP, 2 turn charge time, MT
Asura: Randomly heals Party for about 2000~ HP, casts Protect on entire party (150% Defense, translates to about 15% less physical damage for Rydia), or MT 10% HP revival, at equal rates, 40 MP, 2 turn charge time
Cockatrice: 1508 Non Elemental magic damage, Inflicts Stone status if target is vulnerable, 20 MP 33% turn charge time
Mind Flayer: 1508 Non Elemental magic damage, Inflicts Paralysis status if target is vulnerable, 20 MP, 33% turn charge time
Sylph: 1810 Wind Elemental Magic Damage, heals party equal to damage done/# of living party member, 25 MP, 70% turn charge time
Whyt: Summons Whyt to fight for Rydia, 50 MP, 33% turn charge time.  Whyt is a massive Headache in the DL, and best left alone, since its stats and skill set are exactly dependant how much time you're willing to put into it (Read: Playing mini games), and its HP is based off Rydia's.  Furthermore, like Umaro of FF6, its actions are randomized (though you can give it specific actions to draw upon in battle), AND unlike any of Yuna's summons, when it dies, Rydia dies too. End Result? Best pretend this spell doesn't exist for these purposes.

Rydia's damage with Stardust Rod is roughly 7000 damage based on it's spell power compared to Flare and factoring in the Intellect Boost; its charge time is about on par with Bahamut's, mind, so the spell isn't really practical in most scenarios.   Her magic damage drops proportionately with her Intellect for her spells. Near as I can tell, the game uses an average of the two stats, however, in most scenarios, Rydia's equips boost both stats equally anyway, so not a huge deal.
Fairy Rod's confusion, basing it off Sleep's accuracy (5 less base), would probably clock in at roughly 75% accuracy, and has a negligible charge time.

…yeah, Rydia has way too many damn skills ;_;.

Comments: FF4DS does not like mages.  First Rosa got nerfed, now Rydia.  Rydia's still got a nasty status game since most of her status is still very good! However,  she now got a lot slower effectively since charge times hit her hard.  She's also somehow frailer (...) than her FF4o form given how much more defensive stats matter.  But that's not all she lost; look at her damage.  See, while Bahamut is reminiscent of its old self doing big nasty now has an idiotic charge time...and it STILL doesn't OHKO.  Flare, meanwhile, not only having a charge time (instead of being a Charge time 00 spell in the original) ALSO got its damage nerf so badly its not even funny.  Parasitic Healing is worse, to top it all off, as Sylph is slower and no longer fully healing, and is now elemental (good against ARGILLA I GUESS?) Basically, its Rydia with charge times who MUST rely on status to win things, instead of having options in Parasitic Healing to outlast bosses, or just nuking things dead with damage.

Edward "Edge" Geraldine:
Moonring Blade (45 Attack, 100 Accuracy, +4 Speed, Ranged)
Masamune (60 Attack, 120 Accuracy, +3 Speed, +1 Strength, Item Casts Haste)
Genji Helm (10 Defense, 6 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evasion)
Black Garb (24 Defense, 70 Evade, 15 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Speed)
Diamond Armlet (6 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade, Halves Lightning)

HP: 3592
MP: 230
Strength: 61 (62)
Speed: 72 (82)
Stamina: 48
Intellect: 35
Spirit: 24
Attack: 105
Accuracy: 110
Defense: 40
Evasion: 80
Magic Defense: 29
Magic Evasion: 17

Like Rosa, his accuracy is the average of his two equipped weapons.  Also note that the weapon order I chose was randomized; it matters not which hand equips what.

Equip Options:
Murasame: 55 Attack, 120 Accuracy, +3 Strength, +1 Speed
Dancing Dagger: 28 Attack, 110 Accuracy, 10 Evasion, +2 Speed

Headband: 1 Defense, 10 Evasion, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, grants immunity to Confusion
Green Beret: 3 Defense, 12 Evade, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evasion, +5 Strength, +200 HP

Genji Gloves: 8 Defense, 5 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evasion
Rune Armlet: 5 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit, grants immunity to Silence

Throw Fuma Shuriken: 8893 Physical damage,
Throw Ogre Killer: 4811 physical damage
Throw Shuriken: 3331 physical damage
Haste (through Masamune): Doubles speed and halves charge times, negligible charge time
Shadow Bind: Adds Paralysis, 49% Accuracy, 15 MP negligible charge time
Mirage: Grants immunity to the next two physical attacks, 5 MP, negligible charge time
Flame: 1102 Fire elemental magic damage, 20 MP, 33% turn charge time, MT, ignores split damage and reflect

Edge has Flood, Blitz, Tremor, Frost, and Gale which are all identical to Flame, but Water, Lightning, Earth, Ice and Wind elemental respectively.

I have yet to test this, but I believe Edge can do elemental damage through his Throws.  If this is true, he can throw Flame Sword and Ice Brand (and their spear equivalents) for Fire and Ice damage respectively, which should be a little better than Shurikens. 

NOTE: Fumas are store-bought but incredibly expensive (cost the same as in FF4 original, BUT you have less money.) For simplicity sake, I allowed them.  Ogre Axe listed is the strongest weapon that is store-bought in FF4 otherwise, Shurikens are the strongest Throw Specific weapon and the best you can get in massive bulk (they're dirt cheap.)
Edge has a physical, but its worse than Throw in just about all cases, thus not worth mentioning.

Comments: Hits things hard and fast, and has actual evasion!  Not sure how it happened, but Edge and Rydia more or less traded damage between versions.  Lost his status whoring game, though.  Also, remember that legendary magic durability that ended up being a misunderstanding due to FF4 Elemental resists? Well, it now applies to this form!  Edge takes magic damage so god awful in this game, its not even funny; he's envious of Kongol's ability to take magic.  Basically, this form reams fighters that can't ignore evade, but if he faces a decent mage in a higher division he can't OHKO, he's pretty much shit out of a luck.  Though, this form also can't ignore evade either (yes, Throw can be dodged), so some evasion whores can be problems for him *waves hi to E+C whores of FFX* as useless as ever; at least SOME things are consistent!  Probably overall better than his FF4o form? Hard to say; its different, nonetheless.

Stat Averages and such:

1. Cecil 4467
2. Kain 3790
3. Edge 3592
4. Rosa 2944
5. Rydia 2870
Average: 3532
...Cecil's HP is disappointing, considering how much higher it feels in game.

1. Rydia 472
2. Rosa 416
3. Cecil 290
4. Edge 230
5. Kain 89
Average: 299

1. Edge's Throw Fuma Shuriken 8893
(Rydia's Bahamut/Meteor 8301)
2. Rydia's Flare 5313
(Rosa's Holy 4500)
3. Cecil's Physical 4044
4. Kain's Physical 2972
5. Rosa's Aim 1509
Average: 4546
Moves in Parantheses are those with high charge times to the point where the spell is unreasonable.

Comments: See what I mean about Edge and Rydia changing damage between versions?  Well, no, Rydia's damage is relatively better than FF4o Edge's, and Edge's damage is relatively worse than FF4o Rydia's, but shh!

1. Edge 81
2. Kain 54
3. Cecil 41
4. Rosa 38
5. Rydia 36
Average: 50
Comments: Edge rapes the average, to be blunt. SO much that Cecil is slow.  Mind, if you factor in Charge times for speed, everyone gets a bit faster except Rydia whose now a lot slower.

Functional Physical Defense (Defense + Stamina + Level):
1. Cecil 210 (75.7%)
2. Kain 175 (90.8%)
3. Edge 158 (100.6%)
4t. Rosa 136 (116.9%)
4t. Rydia 128 (124.2%)
Average: 159
NOTE: This stat is effectively how defense is worked.  The percentages next to them are how well characters take damage compared to average (before factoring in HP), so lower = better, and 100% = Average. 

Functional Magic Defense (Magic Defense + Spirit + Level):
1. Rosa 179  (84.9%)
2. Cecil 164 (92.6%)
3. Rydia 162 (93.8%)
4. Kain 133 (114.3%)
5. Edge 123 (123.6%)
Average: 152
NOTE: This stat is just the magic version of the Functional Defense and such.  May also be indicative to some degree of status hit rates, but I'm honestly not sure.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 02:07:23 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 08:52:38 AM »
What about status claws, can Edge still rock those? They are a huge part of his FF40 form, he really wasn't that good a slugger... and now that the MDef means something, he still kind of isn't.

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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 09:10:24 AM »
Claws in FF4DS are unique to Yang. Edge can't even equip them.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2008, 04:03:23 PM »
Did you test the Jump time?  Seems to me that in this version of the game, it's a lot more than just "one turn charge time"  In fact when I tested it, it was closer to 2-3 full turns of charge time


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2008, 03:17:40 AM »
Temps and such!  Basically, I go in depth for that character, and then list only relevant info for characters who aren't important, just to get an idea for averages.

IOWs, you won't see stuff like Cecil's Status or Healing or Elemental Resists cause they don't matter, just her HP, etc.  This applies to other characters; only relevant average stuff matters!

Also, because they're all temps, I am forcing them to use their EDIT: Slightly less crappy GBA portraits!  Actually found usable shots of temps in their full body work, but wanna see how this post turns out before I add about 7 of those or something.

Note: Stats are all after equips; I've listed relevant info for NON equip based stats (ie the core 5), so you can change them yourselves.  Stuff like Defense, Magic Defense, etc. which is entirely equipment related doesn't largely matter.

Edward Damcyan
Level 16
HP: 281
MP: 54
Attack: 13
Accuracy: 100
Defense: 5
Evasion: 23
Magic Defense: 9
Magic Evasion: 4
Strength: 16
Speed: 14
Stamina: 13
Intellect: 9
Spirit: 6

Lamia Harp (13 Attack, 100 Accuracy, low chance of inflicting confusion)
Feathered Cap (2 Defense, 3 Evade, 2 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade)
Bard's Tunic (4 Defense, 10 Evade, 1 Magic Defense)
Iron Armlet (2 Defense, 10 Evade, 2 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evade)

Ruby Ring also exists, which is 10 Evade, 3 Magic Defense and 2 Magic Evade.  Rosa can use this too (initial equips, etc.)  Typically felt it was inferior to the Iron Armlet though.

He also has the Dreamer Harp which is 6 Attack, and adds Sleep Status.  Generally not useful though, just know its there.

Attack: 68 damage, low chance of adding confusion, I'd estimate 10%
Salve: Takes one item and uses it on the entire party; requires number of items equal to number of targets (meaning all of one in a duel!)  When he's in the party, most status healing items are available, as well as Phoenix Downs, for party purposes, in terms of Storeboughts.  For healing purposes, only Potions are store bought at this point, which are 100 Healing.
Hide: Edward leaves battle field, and cannot be targeted.  He cannot act while under this either until he comes out of this status.  This is totally useless outside of people who rely solely on charge times <_<

All Bardsongs seem to have about a 70% hit rate, given they consistently would status 2 out of 3 enemies on average.  They are also MT.  The Bard songs he has are...

Alluring Air: Confuses Targets
Lullaby: Puts Targets to sleep
Silence Verse: Inflicts silence status
Life's Anthem: Adds Regen for as long as the ability is used.  Much like many FF5 Supporting songs, it puts Edward in a status where he can't do anything, but once hit, he's broken out of it.  The rate of Regen seems to be about 5% healing every half a turn.  This would be totally useless if not for Lullaby <_<

These spells all have charge times but they're relatively negligible.

Here are songs Edward doesn't have when he leaves, but accessible in Bardsong (through the Augment and all that.)  I suspect he'd learn them at higher levels but unsure.  Note all SUPPORT songs work in a manner similar to Life's Anthem (and thus make them generally worthless.)

Hastemarch: Increases speed while Edward sings.
Hero's Rime: Increases all attributes by 10% while Song is in effect
Hog Call: Inflicts Pig status; according to the FAQ, its hit rate is 55% at base, given how close the other status songs ended up in practice (FF4DS uses some sort of stat to add bonuses and penalties and such, so its merely a BASE accuracy), this would probably have that accuracy
Toad Song: Inflicts Toad status, see note about Hog Call accuracy

Characters at the time!

Level 21
HP 569, 57 MP, 27 Strength, 21 Speed, 22 Stamina, 14 Intellect, 0 Spirit (NOTE: He has 3 at a base, not 5 <_<)
21 Defense, 24 Evade, 4 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Evade

Death Bringer (+5 to Strength, Speed, Stamina, Intellect, -5 to Spirit), Demon Shield, Demon Helm, Demon Armor, Demon Glove

Damage: 370, doubled if under Darkness Status

Damage comes from his physical, obviously.

Level 20
345 HP, 137 MP, 17 Strength, 14 Speed, 15 Stamina, 18 Intellect, 12 Spirit
9 Defense, 23 Evade, 7 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade

Ice Rod (+2 Intellect), Feathered Cap, Leather Cloth, Silver Armlet

Damage: 180

Damage comes from Item Casting Ice Rod, though, her magic and Chocobo at the time are the same anyway, so doesn't matter.

Level 16
HP 260, MP 97, 15 Strength, 10 Speed, 10 Stamina, 11 Intellect, 28 Spirit
10 Defense, 18 Evade, 9 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade

Power Bow (Strength+3), Holy Arrow, Feathered Cap, Sage's Surplice (Spirit+5), Iron Armlet

Damage: 153

She's using Aim here, naturally.

Level 21
HP 918, MP 17, 26 Strength, 13 Speed, 27 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 3 Spirit
8 Defense, 35 Evade, 5 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade

Flame Claws (+2 Stamina), Flame Claws (+2 Stamina), Leather Cap, Kenpo Gi (+3 Strength), Iron Armlet

Damage: 495, double damage if used right after Focus

He's using his physical too, of course.


Yang 918 > Cecil 568 > Rydia 345 > Edward 281 > Rosa 261
Average: 474

(Yang w/ Focus 990 > Cecil w/ Darkness 740 >) Yang 495 > Cecil 370 > Rydia 180 > Rosa 153 >  Edward 68
Average: 253
Average w/ Darkness: 327

I'm not factoring in Focus cause it doesn't change damage per turn, where as Darkness lasts several.

Note: Yang can use Lightning Claws and Ice Claws too instead of Fire, as they're identical in power, though, more expensive hence why I defaulted to Flame Claws; basically, doesn't matter which you choose.

Cecil 21 > Edward 14 = Rydia 14 > Yang 13 > Rosa 10
Average: 14.4

Cecil 21 >Rosa 10 > Rydia 9 >Edward 8 = Yang 8
Average: 11.2

Magic Defense:
Rosa 9 > Rydia 7 > Edward 5 = Yang 5 > Cecil 4
Average: 6

Yang 27 > Cecil 22 > Rydia 15 > Edward 13 > Rosa 10
Average: 17.4

Rosa 28 > Rydia 12 > Edward 6 > Yang 3 > Cecil 0
Average: 9.8

The other stats are irrelevant for average purposes.

End result regarding Edward?
He's better than his FF4o form, that's for sure!  Durability is a little better (though still bad), status is more reliable, and uhh...ok, he's still pretty crappy.  To his credit, his healing isn't total garbage, being actually registrable instead of complete fail.

If you're wondering why Edward's level is so low?
When he joins, Cecil is about level 17 or so and Rydia is level 14.  He joins at level 9.  Yang joins at level 20 on Mt. Hobbs, and Rosa before then joins about level 15, which is where Edward is likely to end up around that time; Cecil and Rydia naturally will be higher as well.  There's really no way to justify Edward having equal levels as it'd inflate him compared to his in game self.  FF4DS stats are relatively linear, mind, so you can gauge him compared to Rosa and scale him to her based on her endgame performance, I suppose.



Note that to save space, I'm shorthanding their status, listing what they are and rates only; for MP/Charge times, just reference Rosa/Rydia.  Same applies to Tellah and FuSoYa when we get to them.  Doing the same for support spells as well.

Level 23
HP: 542
MP: 201
Attack: 12
Accuracy: 80
Defense: 12
Evasion: 29
Magic Defense: 12
Magic Evasion: 12
Strength: 13
Speed: 13
Stamina: 13
Intellect: 29
Spirit: 13

Thunder Rod (12 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +2 Intellect, Lightning Elemental, Item Casts Thunder)
Wizard's Hat (3 Defense, 7 Evade, 5 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evade)
Gaia Gear (5 Defense, 12 Evade, 3 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade, grants immunity to Slow Petrify)
Silver Armlet (4 Defense, 10 Evade, 4 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evade)

Note he can use the Headband for Confusion immunity, but its worse defensively than Wizard's hat.

Physical: So god awful its not worth mentioning; if he's forced to use this, he's lost, plain and simple.
Fira/Thundara/Blizzara: 700 damage of respective element, slight charge time, 15 MP
Bio: 550 damage, negligible charge time, adds Sap status, 20 MP
Status: Sleep (63%), Pig (100%), Toad (100%), Break (100%), Poison (100%)
Drain: 400 Parasitic Healing, 15 MP.  This spell is learned at level 26, so he doesn't know it yet, but since he leaves somewhere close to it, thought I'd toss it up there.
Osmose: 99 Parasitic MP Healing, seems immuned by various eneies, 10 MP, half~ turn charge time
Bluff: Doubles damage of next spell cast by Palom.

Level 23
HP: 504
MP: 184
Attack: 9
Accuracy: 80
Defense: 16
Evasion: 32
Magic Defense: 17
Magic Evasion: 16
Strength: 11
Speed: 13
Stamina: 11
Intellect: 13
Spirit: 30

Healing Staff (9 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +3 Spirit, item casts Heal (really crappy MT healing)
Gold Hairpin (7 Defense, 10 Evade, 10 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, Resists Lightning)
Gaia Gear (5 Defense, 12 Evade, 3 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade, grants immunity to Gradual Petrify)
Silver Armlet (4 Defense, 10 Evade, 4 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evade)

Note that Gold Hairpin is a unique helmet for her at this moment (females only), though, giving it to her for Cagnazzo means you can't use give it to Rosa when she rejoins (Rosa can get it later at the Feymarch, mind, but that's much later), so you might be skeptical on allowing it.  You get Gold Hairpin at Mist, should you care.  If you don't allow it, her best helmet is the Wizard's Hat, the same thing Palom uses.  Similarly, she can use the Headband as well.

Physical: 26!!!!!
Cure: 350 Healing, 3 MP, nigh instant
Cura: Full Healing, 9 MP, negligible charge time
Status: Silence (52%), Hold (37%), Slow (100%)
Cry: Lowers target's defense by 50%, this raises Porom's damage by about that same amount, meaning she does nearly 40!!!  Works on Bosses
Support Spells known: Shell, Protect, Esuna, Blink

Level 18
HP 1159 HP, 79 MP, 25 Strength, 20 Speed, 25 Stamina, 13 Intellect, 25 Spr
21 Defense, 24 Evade, 4 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Evade

Mythgraven Blade (+3 Spirit), Lustrous Shield, Lustrouos Helm, Knight Armor (+3 Spirit), Gauntlets (+3 Spirit)

Note that Cecil can opt for Headband to boost his damage, but generally not worth the defensive loss.  Also can use mage stuff but again, usually inferior to his armors.  he can use Kenpo Gi as well, but again, not generally worth it.

Damage: 250

Uses his physical, naturally.  If you're wondering why his damage is so much worse than Dark KNight form, its cause Level factors directly into damage and you can plainly see he's underleveled.  Furthermore, enemy defenses are going up.

Level 24
459 HP, 90 MP, 5 Strength, 6 Speed, 7 Stamina, 37 Intellect, 32 Spr
11 Defense, 25 Evade, 10 Magic Defense, 10 Magic Evade

Thunder Rod (+2 Intellect), Feathered Cap, Gaia Gear, Silver Armlet

Note that Tellah can use Healing Staff if he wants to Spirit twink for defensive purposes, which is +3 Spirit instead of +2 Intellect from Thunder Rod.  And yes, odd as it sounds, Tellah can't use the Wizard's Hat.

Damage: 2000

This comes from his Aga spells, naturally; they have a bit of a charge time, but not TOO horrendous and usually only matters against Cagnazzo's Wave Gathering.  For damage through Aras, if you think Agas are a bit too expensive (he has 3 shots), just take Palom's damage and raise by a factor proportionate to their Intellect difference.

Level 23
HP 1006, MP 19, 33 Strength, 14 Speed, 29 Stamina, 2 Intellect, 3 Spirit
10 Defense, 40 Evade, 7 Magic Defense, 6 Magic Evade

Flame Claws (+2 Stamina), Flame Claws (+2 Stamina), Headband (+5 Strength), Kenpo Gi (+3 Strength), Silver Armlet

Damage: 480, double damage if used right after Focus (more damage if more Focuses used, but we'll stop at one for now.)

He's using his physical too, of course.

Yang's doing less damage for similar, though less extreme, reasons than Cecil (mainly lacks the level issue), mainly just Yang hasn't upgraded weapons since Fabul.  And as a reminder, his Ice and Thunder claws are identical to Flame Claws for these purposes.

Averages and such!

Damage: Tellah 2000 > (Palom w/ Bluff 1400 > Yang w/ Focus 960 >) Palom 700 > Yang 480 > Cecil 250 > Porom 26
Average: 691

HP: Cecil 1159 > Yang 1009 > Palom 542 > Porom 504 > Tellah 493
Average: 740

Defense: Cecil 25 > Porom 16 > Palom 12 > Tellah 11 = Yang 10
Average: 14.8

Magic Defense: Porom 17 > Palom 12 > Tellah 10 > Cecil 7 = Yang 7
Average: 10.6

Stamina: Yang 29 > Cecil 25 > Palom 13 > Porom 11 > Tellah 7
Average: 17

Spirit: Tellah 32 > Porom 30 > Cecil 25 > Palom 13 > Yang 3
Average: 20.6

Speed: Cecil 20 > Yang 14 > Palom 13 = Porom 13 > Tellah 6
Average: 13.2

Comments: Palom and Porom are...somewhat unchanged in the grand scheme of things, if you scaled based on the time they left.  Porom can take hits better due to defense mattering more, I guess, but her damage is unsalvage able, even with Cry.  Palom is not fond of Tellah gaining actual magic stats thus making his damage EVEN BETTER, though he still has several status to play with.  Clearly, they want their Advanced forms though.


For Cid and Tellah, I'm getting every PC available in Tower of Zot's stats, which means yes, that includes Rosa and Kain.  I'm aware Tellah is not available with those two, but I figure adding more PCs yields better perspective, etc.

Level 33
HP: 1430
MP: 0
Attack: 75
Accuracy: 90
Defense: 30
Evasion: 26
Magic Defense: 10
Magic Evasion: 8
Strength: 36
Speed: 14
Stamina: 36
Intellect: 5
Spirit: 5

Gaia Hammer (75 Attack, 90 Accuracy, +3 Strength, +4 Stamina, item casts Quake, Earth Elemental)
Mithril Shield (3 Defense, 26 Evade, 2 Magic Defense, 2 MEvade, grants immunity to Silence and Confuse)
Mithril Helm (8 Defense, 2 Magic Defense, 2 MEvade)
Mithril Armor (13 Defense, 4 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evade)
Mithril Glove (6 Defense, 2 Magic Defense, 2 Magic Evade)

If Cid needs non elemental damage, his best weapon is the Mithril Hammer which is 10 less attack and 3 less strength, but also 50% more damage vs. Ghosts.  The damage drop is roughly proportionate to the attack drop, a little bit more due to loss of strength though.
Iron Shield can be used if he needs Blind Immunity.  Headband and Kenpo Gi can be equipped for Damage Twinking but both are noticiable drops to defense and probably not worth it, Headband also grants Confusion immunity.

Physical: 950 Damage, physical, Earth Elemental
Upgrade: Uses an Attack Item to grant the same element to Cid's Weapon (so a Zeus Wrath makes his weapon Lightning elemental.) Of the storebought items, he can get access to Fire, Ice and Lightning.
Anaylze: See's target's stats!!!!
Quake Item cast: 250!!!! magic damage Earth elemental.

Level 35
HP: 942
MP: 90
Attack: 20
Accuracy: 80
Defense: 12
Evasion: 21
Magic Defense: 12
Magic Evasion: 12
Strength: 4
Speed: 6
Stamina: 5
Intellect: 50
Spirit: 48

Polymorph Rod (20 Attack, 80 Accuracy, +4 Intellect, Item casts Pig)
Feathered Cap (2 Defense, 6 Evade, 3 Magic Defense, 3 Magic Evade)
Sage's Surplice (6 Defense, 5 Evade, 5 Magic Defense, 5 Magic Evade, +5 Spirit)
Silver Armlet (4 Defense, 10 Evade, 4 Magic Defense, 4 Magic Evade)

Tellah can opt for Healing Staff if he really needs a Spirit boost.  He can also use Elemental Rods for free casting of level 1's, as well as a Rod for a Non Elemental verison called Mage Arrows, but at this point, they suck for dueling purposes (useful in game for giving him free turns of something not total fail); just know they're there in case he gets his MP nuked or something.  He can use Headband for PHYSICAL TWINKING!!! ...or more realistically, Confusion immunity. 

Physical: So god awful, he's lost if he ever is forced into it.  Lets just call it like 50 damage now and that's being generous.
Firaga: 2600 Fire Elemental magic damage, 30 MP, half~ turn charge time.  Also has Blizzaga and Thundaga for Ice and Thunder elemental versions of this spell respectively
Bio: 830 non elemental Magic damage, adds Sap status, 20 MP
Healing: 1270 w/ Cura (9 MP), 530 w/ Cure (3 MP).  Naturally gets more with Curaga and Curaja, but they cost more, have a longer charge time, and generally worthless in a duel; just remember they're there for Team Fights or something.
Drain: 700~ Parasitic Healing, 1/3rd~ turn charge time, 15 MP
Osmose: Deals 99 MP damage, heals Tellah's MP for equal to that amount, 5 MP, 70% turn charge time
Status: Tornado (86%), Break (100%), Pig (100%), Toad (100%), Poison (96%), Sleep (71%), Silence (76%), Confuse (76%), Hold (61%), Mini (100%), Slow (100%), Berserk (100%)
Miscellaneous Other spells: Shell, Protect, Haste, Esuna, Float, Dispel, Reflect, Blink, Raise, and Arise

Recall: Uses a random spell from his Black Magic list.  Sometimes can pull spells you can't normally cast like Bravery, but the rate is too low its not worth mentioning.

...yeah, finally done with him, yay!

Characters at the time!

Level 35
2017 HP, 148 MP, 41 Str, 27 Spd, 20 Int, 30 Spr, 40 Sta
25 Def, 28 Eva, 8 MDef, 6 Mevade

Flame Sword, Mithril Shield, Mithril Helm, Knight's Armor (+3 Spirit), Gauntlet (+3 Spirit)

Damage: 900

Cecil can twink his stats in various ways through a bunch of different equipment options, making more extreme builds, but this set up is generally his most balanced overall, and thus, felt its best middle ground.

Level 35
1634 HP, 28 MP, 44 Str, 20 Spd, 45 Sta, 2 Int, 3 Spr
10 Def, 40 Eva, 7 MDef, 6 Mevade

Faerie Claws (+3 Stamina), Hell Claws (+4 Stamina), Headband (+5 Strength), Kenpo Gi (+3 Strength), Silver Armlet

Damage: 1050, doubled after use with Focus.

Believe Yang can use Feathered Cap for slightly higher defenses, but...the damage boost he gets from Headband is more valuable, especially with Confusion immunity (note that contrast to Cecil, Kain and Cid, the defense loss there is MUCH higher given Mithril Helm >> Feathered Cap, so yeah, magnitude matters and such!)

Level 32
1059 HP, 41 MP, 35 Str, 27 Spd, 26 Sta, 8 Int, 22 Spr
30 Def, 26 Eva, 10 MDef, 8 MEvade

Sleep Blade, Mithril Shield, Mithril Helm, Mithril Armor, Mithril Gloves

Damage: 650, doubled with Jump

Level 26 (-_-)
539 HP, 156 MP, 19 Str, 16 Spd, 16 Sta, 13 Int, 38 Spr
17 Def, 25 Eva, 19 MDef, 18 Mevade

Great Bow (+2 Spd), Silence Arrows, Gold Hairpin, Sage's Surplice (+5 Spr), Silver Armlet

Damage: 200


Damage: Tellah 2600 > (Yang w/ Focus 2100 > Kain w/ Jump 1300 >) Yang 1050 > Cid 950 > Cecil 900 > Kain 650 > Rosa 200
Average: 1058
For the record, Tellah just BARELY misses a OHKO

HP: Cecil 2017 > Yang 1634 > Cid 1430 > Kain 1059 > Tellah 942 > Rosa 539
Average: 1270
...Rosa is really glad that she isn't taken based on the Valvalis fight alone <_<

Defense: Cid 30 = Kain 30 > Cecil 25 > Rosa 17 > Tellah 12 > Yang 10
Average: 20.7

Magic Defense: Rosa 19 > Tellah 12 > Cid 10 = Kain 10 > Cecil 8 = Yang 7
Average: 11

AS A REMINDER, Stamina and Spirit play equally heavy role, as does Level for that matter, in defensive equations as the respective defensive stat, so these values alone are misleading!  Which is exactly why I'm about to list...

Stamina: Yang 45 > Cecil 40 > Cid 36 > Kain 26 > Rosa 16 > Tellah 5
Average: 28

Spirit: Tellah 48 > Rosa 38 > Cecil 30 > Kain 22 > Cid 5 > Yang 3
Average: 24.3

Speed: Cecil 27 = Kain 27 > Yang 20 > Rosa 16 > Cid 14 > Tellah 6
Average: 18.33
...yeah, this value makes me rethink about FF4DS speed being linear, cause Tellah definitely is NOT that slow in game

Cid Comment: He's a tank, he's got below average but passable enough damage, and can shift elements for DDS spoiling or something.  He's slow and doesn't like magic though!  Actually, you know what?  Cid is best described as FF4DS' version of Kongol, even down to the Earth Elemental aspect.

Tellah's Comment: If you don't factor Rosa and Kain into the averages, he looks even worse, first of all.  Anyway, he's slow and dies to a physical sneeze, though magic durability isn't too bad since his spirit kicks ass.  He's got variety up the wazzu, almost OHKOs, and lots of status to play with.  I think he's best described as ACF Emma+, but maybe I'm underselling her.


Level 41
HP: 2003
MP: 33
Attack: 71
Accuracy: 95
Defense: 11
Evasion: 50
Magic Defense: 11
Magic Evasion: 10
Strength: 51
Speed: 28
Stamina: 53
Intellect: 5
Spirit: 6

Hell Claws (5 Attack, 95 Accuracy, +4 Stamina, 30% chance of Poison)
Cat Claws (5 Attack, 95 Accuracy, +5 Stamina, +5 Speed, 30% chance of adding Sleep)
Headband (1 Defense, 10 Evade, 1 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evade, +5 Strength, grants immunity to confusion)
Kenpo Gi (5 Defense, 10 Evade, 2 Magic Defense, 1 Magic Evade, +3 Strength)
Rune Armlet (5 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit, grants immunity to Silence)

Other options:
He has Elemental Claws of the 3 Basic Elements which are equal in power to his other claws, and grant +2 Stamina each.  He also has a Faerie Claw which is the same deal, but adds Confusion and gives +3 Stamina, and does 50% more damage vs. Giants.  Thunder Claw, for that matter, does 50% more damage vs. Machines (in ADDITION to hitting weakness if they have it.)
He can use Feathered Cap for slightly higher defenses, but the damage loss is generally not worth it.

Physical: 1100 damage, 30% chance of adding confusion or sleep, individual checks
Kick: Does physical damage to multiple enemies, each subsequent enemy hit after the first has a damage decrease equal to standard split damage (seems to be about 10% per enemy, but I'm not 100% confident; 5 enemies yields roughly half damage.)
Focus: Increases Yang's damage by a factor equal to number of turns this is used (so first used doubles, second triples, etc.), maxes out on the 3rd use, meaning 4x damage total, lasts until next physical.
Brace: Lowers all damage by 75%, lasts until next action (basically, its Defend+)

Characters at the time!

Level 41
2321 HP, 168 MP, 50 Str, 27 Spd, 21 Int, 31 Spr, 49 Sta
24 Def, 36 Eva, 13 MDef, 11 Mevade

Dwarven Axe (+5 Str/Sta, -2 Spd/Int/Spr), Flame Shield, Sage Miter, Knight Armor (+3 Spr), Gauntlet (+3 Spr)

As usual, Cecil is going for a more balanced build, and can twink his defenses as he sees fit to be more extreme one way or another, also potential damage twinking.  Cecil's best weapon that doesn't alter his stats at this point is Ice Brand, which while usable by Kain, is generally worthless due to Blizzard Lance being better in every way.

Damage: 1300.

using his physical of course.

Level 36
873 HP, 244 MP, 23 Str, 30 Spd, 21 Sta, 54 Int, 33 Spr
24 Def, 30 Eva, 27 Mdef, 26 Mevade

Polymorph Rod (+5 Int), Gold Hairpin, Luminous Robe (+5 Int/Spr), Rune Ring (+3 Int/Spr)

Note: Luminous Robe is her default equip, hence why she's using it and Rosa is not.  This is DL legal after all!

Damage: 2500

She's using Mist Dragon here, in case you're curious.

Level 39
1454 HP, 50 MP, 47 Str, 30 Spd, 37 Sta, 7 Int, 23 Spr
32 Def, 26 Eva, 10 Mdef, 8 Mevade

Dwarven Axe (+5 Str/Sta, -2 Spd/Int/Spr), Flame Shield, Mithril Helm, Flame Armor, Mithril Glove

Like Cecil, Kain has a weapon that doesn't screw with his stats, best at this point is Blizzard Lance.  This is generally less useful (hitting weakness aside) than Dwarven Axe though.

Damage: 1150 damage, double with Jump obviously

Level 36
923 HP, 215 MP, 25 Str, 22 Spd, 22 Sta, 18 Int, 50 Spr
18 Def, 25 Eva, 23 Mdef, 22 Mevade

Killer Bow (Spd+4), Silencing Arrows, Gold Hairpin, Sage Surplice (+5 Spr), Rune Armlet (+3 Int/Spr)

Damage: 425


Damage: Rydia 2500 > (Kain w/ Jump 2300 > Yang w/ Focus 2200) > Cecil 1300 > Kain 1150 > Yang 1100 > Rosa 425
Average: 1295

HP: Cecil 2321 > Yang 2003 > Kain 1454 > Rosa 923 > Rydia 873
Average: 1514

Defense: Kain 32 > Cecil 24 = Rydia 24 > Rosa 18 > Yang 11
Average: 21.8
Fun Fact: Yang's defense doesn't suck this much in game cause he's using Green Beret + Black Belt combo...issue? Every other character can use that, and at very least, Cecil and Kain have theoretical use for it (just less than Yang), and its not store bought.  Yeah, not fond of the DL.

Magic Defense: Rydia 27 > Rosa 23 > Cecil 13 > Yang 11 > Kain 10
Average: 16.8

Stamina: Yang 53 > Cecil 49 > Kain 37 > Rosa 22 > Rydia 21
Average: 36.4

Spirit: Rosa 50 > Rydia 33 > Cecil 31 > Kain 23 > Yang 6
Average: 28.6

Speed: Kain 30 > Yang 28 > Cecil 27 > Rosa 22 > Rydia 20
Average: 25.4

Comments: Yang's worse in just about everyway in this form.  Worse status, worse speed (though he's still above average), probably worse damage, and most of all, immense magic defense woes.  At least he can be antihealing with Focusx3 Physicals, but...yeah, he generally doesn't like this form.

For the sake of my own sanity, I tested FuSoYa on the moon; levels can vary and such, and enemies in the Giant itself are really not fun to test against.  So yeah, make of this as you will.

Level 50
HP: 2006
MP: 190
Attack: 30
Accuracy: 80
Defense: 22
Evasion: 26
Magic Defense: 24
Magic Evasion: 24
Strength: 10
Speed: 20
Stamina: 10
Intellect: 55
Spirit: 48

Fairy Rod (30 attack, 80 accuracy, +7 Intellect, item casts for Confusion)
Sage's Miter (5 Defense, 8 Evade, 7 Magic Defense, 7 Magic Evade)
Luminous Robe (12 Defense, 10 Evade, 9 Magic Defense, 9 Magic Evade, Halves Lightning, +5 Intellect, +5 Spirit)
Rune Armlet (5 Defense, 10 Evade, 8 Magic Defense, 8 Magic Evade, +3 Intellect, +3 Spirit)

He has a few equip options, like Headband if he needs Confusion immunity, Diamond Armlet if he REALLY needs more defense (its +1, whoo?), and Aura Staff if he wants to boost White Magic

Abilities (god help me ;_;):
Attack: Really freaking bad; he's never winning with this, ever.  If he needs nonMP damage, he will opt for some lesser rod and use level 1 like damage...they do about 500 damage, whoo!
Flare: 4700 Non Elemental magic damage, half a turn charge time, 55 MP
Firaga: 3300 Fire Elemental magic damage, full turn charge time, 30 MP, can be cast MT for decreased damage, also has Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Quake for Ice, Lightning and Earth versions of these spells (note that Quake is forced MT and ignores split damage)
Meteor: 6800 Non Elemental magic damage, over 2 turn charge time, 99 MP, no, this is never practical, much like Rydia's
Holy: 3600 Holy Elemental magic damage, over 2 turn charge time, note this spell runs off Spirit, not Intellect, like other damage spells, 50 MP
Drain: 800~ Parasitic Healing, 1/2rd~ turn charge time, 15 MP
Osmose: 99 Parasitic MP Healing, seems immuned by various enemies, 10 MP, half~ turn charge time
Status Spells: Poison (95%), Sleep (70%), Stop (100%), Pig (100%), Toad (100%), Break (100%), Death (45%), Tornado (85%), Hold (60%), Slow (100%), Silence (75%), Berserk (100%), Confuse (75%), Mini (100%)
Miscellaneous Other spells: Shell, Protect, Haste, Esuna, Float, Dispel, Reflect, Blink, Raise, and Arise
Healing: Cura (1400), Curaga (2100), Curaja (3750), check Rosa's DL entry for other relevant data.
Bless: Adds MP regen to party, works about the same as Lifesong does on HP

Other members!

Level 58
3630 HP, 241 MP, 72 Str, 36 Spd, 31 Int, 35 Spr, 60 Sta
37 Def, 34 Eva, 14 MDef, 11 Mevade

Excalibur (+10 Str), Aegis Shield, Diamond Helm, Ice Armor, Diamond Gloves

Cecil can, as usual, alter his equips for whatever purpose; this is his most balance set for a number of reasons (well, ok, Diamond armor exists, but negligibly better than Ice Armor and gives a redundant elemental resist).  Genji Stuff is technically available, but the game wants you to go get them AFTER you get Kain (and the dungeon is harder than Bab-il to boot.)  Note that Giant Gloves exist too, which only Cecil and Edge can use in this party, but...given Kain's existence and all that, decided to not factor them in.

Damage: 3500, with his physical naturally

Level 58
2018 HP, 392 MP, 31 Str, 28 Spd, 29 Sta, 76 Int, 52 Spr
24 Def, 30 Evade, 27 MDef, 26 MEvade

Faerie Rod (+7 Int), Gold Hairpin, Luminous Robe (+5 Int/Spr), Rune Armlet (+3 Int/Spr)

Damage: 4500, this is her damage from Mist Dragon and level 3's.
Damage w/ Leviathan: 6900, note it has a massive charge time attached and is generally not worth it, just know its there

Its possible to get Bahamut by now, but I personally don't feel its intended (the game more or less says "Face him with Kain!" in the Feymarch, after all)  Its about 25% stronger than Leviathan, for those curious, based on its spell power.

Level 57
2047 HP, 339 MP, 39 Str, 33 Spd, 34 Sta, 27 Int, 69 Spr
24 Def, 30 Evade, 27 MDef, 26 MEvade

Yoichi Bow (+6 Speed), Yoichi Arrows, Gold Hairpin, Luminous Robe (+5 Int/Spr), Rune Armlet (+3 Int/Spr)

Damage: 1000, this is with Aim

Level 56, 2692 HP, 184 MP, 59 Str, 66 Spd, 39 Sta, 32 Int, 20 Spr
18 Def, 52 Evade, 12 MDef, 11 MEvade

Dancing Dagger (+2 Spd), Moonring Blade (+2 Spd), Green Beret (+5 Str, +200 HP), Black Belt Gi (+5 Str), Rune Armlet (+3 Int/Spr)

Damage: 3200, this is his average with Throw Shuriken, which seemed to Fluctuate


Damage: (Rydia's Leviathan 6900 > FuSoYa's Meteor 6800 >) FuSoYa 4700 > Rydia 4500 > Cecil 3500 > Edge 3200 > Rosa 1000
Average: 3380

HP: Cecil 3630 > Edge 2692 > Rosa 2047 > Rydia 2018 > FuSoYa 2006
Average: 2478

Speed: Edge 66 > Cecil 36 > Rosa 33 > Rydia 28 > FuSoYa 20
Average: 36.6

Defense: Cecil 37 > Rydia 24 = Rosa 24 > FuSoYa 22 > Edge 18
Average: 24.8

Magic Defense: Rydia 27 = Rosa 27 > FuSoYa 24 > Cecil 14 > Edge 12
Average: 20.8

Spirit: Rosa 69 > Rydia 51 > FuSoYa 48 > Cecil 35 > Edge 20
Average: 44.6

Stamina: Cecil 60 > Edge 39 > Rosa 34 > Rydia 29 > FuSoYa 10
Average: 34.4

Comments: FuSoYa's slow and frail to physicals, and magic durability isn't too special one way or the other.  He does have variety up the wazzu, and with stuff like Slow and Haste, and very good status rates, he's well set on ending things fast.  In general, fights with him end quickly one way or another.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 07:39:44 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 03:33:04 AM »
Bosses and such!

The usual stuff applies.  Note that given the...immense difference in defensive stats, its hard to get perfect results.  As such, I am trying my best to take middle ground and all that.

Also, note that unless specified otherwise, bosses are immune to all status but Defense Down and Slow, from what I've seen.   Furthermore, Weakness = 1.5x damage.  Defenses...are hard to tell, in general, bosses have defenses about on par with enemies around the same area; they might be a little worse/better, but when I say average, know they fall in that general ballpark.

Oh yeah, I am ONLY getting bosses people genuinely care about...not joke care, actually care.  So that means Mist Dragon, Baigan, the Fiends, Golbez, and Zeromus.  Maybe another here and there, but don't start requesting every god damn boss cause that just gets excessive; I'm getting people that have actually appeared in the DL or NR, if that's not obvious.  So none of this "GET OCTOMAMMOTH!" nonsense, IOWs.

Itallics = Hitting resistance (ie 1/2 damage than usual)
Bolded = Hitting weakness (150% usual damage)

you can make these adjustments yourself; its easier than me constantly saying "Level 1 damage without weakness" which yields a sloppy topic, etc.  Resistance is only being noted in circumstances where its unavoidable (like DK Cecil vs. Milon)

So lets get started!

Mist Dragon
HP: 556
Average HP: 220
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Unknown; only way to test this would be constantly reuse those oddball items which...uh, no.  Assume average, I guess.
Speed: Below average; trades turns with Cecil/Kain for the most part, but will get lapped every now and then
Weak to Darkness, Absorbs Holy

Physical: 64 physical damage
"Dragon Turns into Mist!": Grants form that is immune to physicals (damage?), lasts about 3 turns from my tests
Freezing Mist: 97 Damage, magical, possibly Ice Elemental, only used as a counter in Mist form

Damage's done to it:
Cecil's Physical: 38 damage
Cecil's Physical under Darkness: 72 damage
Kain's Physical: 32 damage
Kain's Jump: 64 damage

Comments: He's better! A lot better! He actually 4HKOs now!  And he's reasonable durable, I guess.  What was this about Mist Dragon for Heavy hype? Not really justified.  The fact that 4HKOing is an upgrade just shows how sad the original Mist Dragon was.  Given Boss HP and Immunities, he's probably enough to get him into Middle, mind, which alone is probably a moral victory for him!  He also kills Patriarch without trying.

HP: 1230
Average HP: 434
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Slow; Cecil getting double turns was happening fairly frequently against him.
Weak to Fire and Holy, Resists Dark, Absorbs Ice

He is undead, so Healing hurts him

Physical: 200 damage
Thunder: 200 damage, lighting elemental, magical

He can use Thunder as a counter to any damage done to him UNLESS its damage through Healing.  Counters seemed to be 100%

Damage's done to him:
Cecil's Physical: 170
Cecil's Physical under Darkness: 340
Palom's Fira: 650
Palom's Fira after Bluff: 1300
Tellah's Fire: 420
Tellah's Cura: 950 damage
Porom's Cura: 650 damage

Comments: The HP is complete fail its not even funny, and he gained some weaknesses to boot, and he's slow.  At least he FINALLY has damage though!  That's...something?  And counters!  Uh, yeah, the fail durability condemns him to lower divisions, unfortunately.

HP: 7460
Average HP: 454 (Tellah and Cecil gained a level between fights, yes)
Defense: Above Average; seems to take about 30% less damage from Cecil's physicals
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Average
Weak to Fire and Holy, Resists Dark, Absorbs Ice and Earth

Like his previous form, he is undead in this form, thus same rules apply.

Physical: 333 damage, low chance of adding Blind status.  Note in FF4, Dark seems to have accuracy *AFTER* evasion, but could be wrong; just know its effect is noteworthy
Gas: Adds Silence, Sleep, Poison and Blind, Multitarget, used as a counter to Offensive Magic only at about 50% rate (so he doesn't counter Healing spell damage, IOWs), seems to be perfect or damn close to it
Cursed Elegy: Adds Slow status, seems to have perfect hit rate or damn close to it, used as a counter to Physicals only at about 50% rate

Damage's done to him are somewhat unchanged; Cecil gained a level so his damage goes up SLIGHTLY, but the higher defense offsets that, so lower Cecil's damage by the amount I noted.  Magic damage is pretty much unchanged, Tellah's being a hair higher.

Comments: I...think Hrist has some competition for BIGGEST UPGRADE EVER.  Milon hits hard, and has counters to fuck with those not geared to deal with them.  Being undead does hurt him some, and said strategy fails against healers with 100% Healing (you can OHKO him in game with an Elixir, yes), but...damn.  Hits hard and status, and durability isn't too shabby either.  Needless to say, he needs to least twice <_<

HP: 4444 (Arms have about 2k)
Average HP: 715
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Above average
Weak to Ice, Halves Fire and Lightning

If you played the original FF4, you know how Baigan works, so I'll split his attacks up like such:

Main Body:
Physical: 250 damage, about 50% chance of inflicting Mini
Haste: Doubles speed, only targets allies (ie his arms, not the main body)
Reflect: Reflects Magic for a good part of the battle (lasts like 6 turns or so), used only as a counter to Magic, multitarget

Arms (both arms have the same attacks):
Physical: 200 damage, low chance of inflicting Blind
Constrict: Adds Paralysis.  The rate is...hard to say.  The Twins and Tellah never got hit once by it, Cecil was never targetted, and Yang was always hit by it.  FF4DS takes magic defensive stats heavily into status hit rates so...uh...yeah.
Bloodfeast: 70 damage, magical, inflicts Sap status.  Sap drains HP gradually as the fight goes on, though its typically not dramatic loss (usually only matters if the character barely lives through an attack, Sap will kill them.)

Damages done to him:
Cecil's Physical: 225
Yang's Physical w/ Ice Claws: 660
Yang's Physical with Fire or Thunder Claws: 220
Yang's Focused Physical w/ Ice Claws: 1320
Yang's Focused Physical  w/ Fire or Thunder Claws: 440
Tellah's Blizzaga: 2850
Palom's Blizzara: 975
Palom's Blizzara w/ Bluff: 1950
Porom's Physical:

Note: Palom and Porom can do about 2000~ damage with Twin Cast here.  I bring this up cause they can totally bypass reflect in this game since Pyroblast (what use to be Twin Flare) now ignores Reflect, unlike in FF4o.  Didn't bring it up against Milon cause it was generally not worth it considering the Charge Time, MP Cost, and how it costs 2 characters turns.

Comments: Really depends on if you take the arms or not.  His main new thing is better damage and status.  Naturally, his little quirk is still nice...though, the HP is really awful regardless however.  Half Milon Z's HP against higher damage, most particular is Tellah's gaining his whole slew of spells.

Before someone questions Cecil's damage drop, I'll note its cause FF4DS actually scales level into damage both offensively AND defensively.  While Tellah and Palom are getting more levels roughly at the same rate as enemies, thus offsetting the defensive boost from enemies, Cecil, due to starting at level 1 as a Paladin, is generally under leveled at this point, so the enemy level boost is actually offsetting his higher stats and weapon somewhat compared to when he was on Ordeals, where he was actually over leveled if anything.

HP: 10624
Average HP: 740
Defense: Reduces physicals by about 25%
Magic Defense: Reduces magic by about 25%
Speed: Slow; failed to lap slowed PCs, and when he himself was slowed (with the entire party slowed down), he was often getting lapped
Weak to Ice, Halves Fire, Absorbs Water

Physical: 440 damage, rare chance of adding poison (I'd say about 10%)
Slow: Halves target's speed and doubles charge times, is used MT in game
Silence: Adds Silence status, seems roughly 50% accuracy, used only as a Counter to magic, at 100% rate
Hold: Inflicts Paralysis, used only as a counter to physicals at about a 10% chance, the move never hit
Sleep: Inflicts Sleep status, practically never hits, used MT
Wave Gathering: Puts him in a form where he loses Ice Weakness in favor of absorption, and gains Thunder weakness.  If hit with Thunder magic, he is forced out of this form.  After using this, he's forced to use...
Tsunami: 550 Magic damage, water elemental, 50% chance of instant death, takes Cagnazzo out of Wave Gathering Form
Withdraw into shell: Lowers all physical damage by amount equal to about 1/3rd of what he normally takes.  He CANNOT ACT IN THIS FORM outside of counters and Healing.
Healing: Supposedly has this, but never saw it.  Based on his refight form, this would be really bad (that fight, it healed him for 1200~ and he's got massive stat boosts in general to scale him up).  If I had to guess, I'd say its about 300 or so.  Only usable when Withdrawn into the shell.

NOTE: Regarding Hold and Silence.  Hold just sucks.  There's no getting around that; despite YANG being one of the prominent targets, and he has absolute crap defenses in all regards magically, the move never hit.  This could be really wonky luck, but...frankly, I'm inclined to just say the move sucks; it probably can hit! But the rate at which he counters and the hit rate, its pretty much a non factor.  For Silence, its hard to peg cause while Tellah got hit by it only twice in the long fight, dodging the other shots (he got targeted a lot), Palom got hit quite a few times though he dodged a few hits.  Keep in mind Palom's Spirit is somewhat worse than Tellah's, which is probably the decisive factor, so 50% is probably about as good an estimate as you'll get.

Damages done to him:
See Baigan, adjust damage accordingly to his defenses, and raise it a notch to factor in the higher levels.  Not worth typing out the damages all over again.

Comments: Somewhat better than his original form.  He now has some status, on counters to boot, and his weaknesses are FAR less painful than before.  Having Slow compensates for his own sluggishness, and he can hurt things outside of Tsunami now, given his Basic Physical is a nice solid 2HKO.  Admittedly, in game, Cecil + Counter Augment + Healing = You Auto Win! but that's an aside.

Dark Elf
HP: Unknown, if I had to guess, I'd say about 5000, but I can't find it listed anywhere.
Average HP: 1227
Defense: Reduces physicals by about 20%~
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: average
Weak to Holy, vulnerable to Silence

Fira: 225 damage, magical, fire elemental forced Multitarget; note this damage is the damage done when MTed, but I don't know the split damage.  If I had to guess, I'd say targetting 4 PCs = 70% of max, 321 effectively, but not certain!
He also has Blizzara and Thundara which are the same thing, but Ice and Lightning elemental respectively
Bio: 200 damage, magical, non elemental, adds Sap status, see notes on Fira about the nature of this move
Hex: Adds Pig status, never missed.

Damages done to him:
*Cecil's physical: 733/550
Tellah's Agas: 2300/2300
Cid's Physical: 533/400
Cid's Physical w/ Damage Twinking: 760/570~
Yang's Physical: 700/525

First value is damage to average, second is damage to him.

*Cecil can use Mythgraven Blade to hit weakness, but the damage difference is unnoticed; this is his damage with Sleep Blade.  Note he can also physical twink, but generally not worth it given how much defense he has to sacrifice and Cecil's NOT a character you want to sacrifice defenses for more damage.
**Estimate, didn't test, but based on damages he did to enemies in the cave and weapon he's using, this seems about right

Dark Dragon
HP: 7854
Average HP: 1227
Defense: Reduces physicals by about 20%~
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: average
Weak to Fire and Holy, Resists Earth

Physical: 740 damage
Dark Breath: 500 damage, forced mutlitarget, seems to ignore split damage, magical, possibly Dark Elemental (will test this later.  yes, its possible to test given Cecil DOES have a Dark resistant equip in Lustrous Shield)

NOTE: If you've played the original, you know this works.  He starts the fight as Dark Elf, and chains directly into Dark Dragon after taking a certain number of damage.

Damage's done to him are the same as his base form, just know that Yang and Tellah can now hit weaknesses with Flame Claw and Firaga respectively, so add 1.5x damage there.

Comments: Well, he's unchanged in HOW he fights, just he's A LOT BETTER AT IT, since he does actual damage now.  First form sucks outside of Pig status for screwing over mages, but its a free extra HP bar, the second form has solid 2HKO damage with his physical and 3HKO magic damage back up off a not commonly blocked element.  Of course, those with Buffs and Silence Status completely ream him given the first form is completely butchered by Silence, offensively, but whose counting?

HP: 12371
Average HP: 1336
Defense: Reduces physicals by about 25%
Magic Defense: I'm going to say average by default cause your only magic damage is through item casts from characters who universally have really bad Intellect.  To give you an idea, Cecil has the highest INT.
Speed: Above average (numerically, she's fast, but see comment in later post about how its slower in practice)
Halves Earth and Wind
Vulnerable to Blind, Paralyze, Poison, Sap, Silence, and Slow

She seems to count as a flier, which makes her take 50% more damage from Rosa, but unsure.

Physical: 800 damage, low chance of inflicting Silence
Lightning: 700 Lightning elemental Magic damage, Forced MT, ignores split damage, ignores Reflect, does *NOT* get blocked by Silence, used only as a counter to physicals about 50% of the time
Mimic Nitori (aka SPIN!): Grants Immunity to all physical damage, including that which ignores evade (See Aim), EXCEPT for Jump, which never misses.  Also allows her to use Lightning as a free action instead of purely as a counter.  Cannot use her Physical while in this form.  If hit with Jump, she loses this form.
Stone Touch: Adds Gradual Petrify (after two turns or so, target is petrified), 90~% hit rate (missed once against Rosa, hit all other times), usable only while Spinning
Tornado: Lowers HP to Single Digits, 80~% hit rate (hits consistently, but missed every now and then), usable only while Spinning

In game, she starts the fight not spinning, and using Spin requires a turn.  She also does not get a free action physical after breaking out of Spin like in the original game.

Damages done to her:
Cecil's Physical: 900/725
<b>Rosa's Aim: 200/200</b>
<i>Cid's Physical: 950/356</i>
Yang's Physical: 1050/787, can be raised up to 4x this value with each level of Focus
Kain's Physical: 650/487
Kain's Jump: 1300/954

She seems to have a little bit of evasion outside of Spin, but its not incredible.  I'd call it about 10% or so.

Comments: Its the Wind Fiend now with more damage, a magic attack, and a BETTER Spin!  However, she's also vulnerable to Paralyze which kind of hurts her a lot against those who can apply it.  Otherwise, I wanna say this form is slightly better than the original due to being able to actually being able to outslug things.

*HP: 9999
Average HP: 1230
Defense: Reduces physical damage by about 60%; yes, its that disgusting
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Above average (see Valvalis)
Weak to Holy
Vulnerable to Sap and Slow

*This value is a bit inflated actually.  The damage Rydia gets on him at the end of the Scripted Sequence with Mist Dragon *DOES* count towards this value. Proof? He died to two summons and a couple of Yang hits (check damages below) after it, which mathematically shouldn't have killed him. I think he fully heals from the initial damage done to him BEFORE he summons Shadow Dragon, mind.  The damage Rydia did with Mist Dragon is about 2900, so make of this as you will.

Fira: 500~ Fire Elemental Magic damage, can be cast MT for reduced damage based on number of targets
Thundara: 500~ Thunder elemental Magic damage, can be cast MT for reduced damage based on number of targets
Blizzara: 500~ Ice Elemental Magic damage, can be cast MT for reduced damage based on number of targets

Bio: 400~ Non elemental Magic damage, adds Sap status, can be cast MT for reduced damage based on number of targets
Osmose: 124 MP damage, he only cast it on Rydia during this fight.  Cecil's MP which is roughly average around now was 160~.
Barrier Change: Makes Golbez absorb all FF4 Elements except one, which he becomes weak too.  In game, he opens with this move after being hit with Mist Dragon, and will only use it when his weakness is applied through Magic. Make of this as you will.

Note that Golbez's spells are ALWAYS cast MT in game, though they function like normal spells otherwise (Reflectable, split damage, etc.)  Willing to call that an AI thing.

Damage's done to him:
Cecil's Physical: 1000/400
Kain's Physical: 700/280
Kain's Jump: 1400/560
Rosa's Physical: Too low to give a shit at this point
*Rydia's Mist Dragon: 2900
Rydia's Titan/Ifrit/Shiva/Ramuh: 2700
Yang's Physical: 1200/480

*Rydia's summons can only do damage when hitting weakness, so I assumed they were hitting weakness here.

Golbez starts the fight just sitting there for about, oh, 4 turns or so.  You can wail on him all you want, buff yourself, etc.  After a while, be it a damage or time trigger, think the latter, he'll eventually do Binding Cold or whatever, which is MT Paralysis That Ignores Immunity (proof? Cecil w/ Flame Shield immunes Paralysis, and still got hit.)  Kain can avoid with this Jump like in the original game, mind.  Naturally, the usual Summon Dragon -> He kills off everyone but Cecil (and a Kain if he's aireborne) -> Rydia pops in and saves the day applies.

So basically, the plot aspect is effectively unchanged, just they gave you the chance to buff and such, and hit him with Slow.  Admittedly, the buffs mean nothing for Non Cecil (and possibly Kain) characters, since they WILL die regardless.  Make of this as you will.

Comments: Massive Defense helps him against Fighters, Osmose and Barrier Change helps him against Mages.  He has 3HKO Elemental damage, with a high 4HKO Non Elemental back up.  Needless to say, massive improvement over that original form.  The HP, however, is really bad.  Rydia's damage is much better than any of the characters who faced Barbariccia (in fairness, you JUST lost Tellah and her damage is somewhat worse than his.)  Of course, there's still the plot BS beforehand, which can keep him from being ranked, given it was the main reason he got punted in the DL to begin with.

HP: 30000
Average HP: 1734
Defense: Reduces Physicals by about 33%
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Below average; see other fiends and such, only this time, we now have Edge in the mix whose much faster than any other character in this game, thus skewing things.
Weak to Ice and Water, Absorbs Fire

*Inferno: 2500 Fire Elemental Magic damage, forced MT, heals him for 1700 HP, only usable when Cape is Open
Close Cape: Grants absorption to Ice and Water damage, instead of weakness, also lowers all damage from other attacks by about 33%
Physical: 800 damage, this is an estimate since due to Draw Attacks, he only attacked Cecil, who took 500 damage, only usable when Cape is closed
Blizzara: 430 healing to self, only used as a counter to Summons and ONLY when the Cape is closed (Yes, they made the AI oddity make sense, yay!)
Open Cape: Reverses the effects of Close Cape! Allows him to use Inferno and...absolutely nothing else!
Fira: 650 Fire Elemental Magic damage, forced MT and does less damage per targets, used only as a counter to Physicals at 100% rate.  Note that unlike the rest of his moves, he can use this both when the cape is open and closed!
Reveal Voluptuous Legs: 99999 damage, Omni Elemental (always hits weakness if a weakness can be hit, never hits a resistance/absorption), Ignores Defense, Ignores Evade, Instant Death to all Pharmacy Majors, grants Haste status to Yaoi Fiends, Quick Hit effect!!1!!!11!!!

*From what I can tell, Inferno actually is just a full screen attack ala FF6 Merton and such, but given Rubicante only fights alone and he absorbs Fire, it works as a healing move.  Make of this as you will, there's no way to prove or disprove this given he's the only one who uses it, as far as I know (the PC version seems to be a different move.)

No, I didn't bother testing if he does MT revival on your team if you hit him with a Fire attack; wouldn't shock me if he still does that, mind.

Damages done to him:
Cecil's Physical: 2500/1700
Kain's Physical: 1800/1200
Kain's Jump: 3600/2400
Rydia's Mist Dragon: 3600/3600
Rydia's Shiva: 3300/4950
Rosa's Physical: 500/300; I may or may not have actually bothered to test this <.<
Edge's Shuriken: 2800; note this was only against him when the Cape was closed, and I'm unsure exactly how Shurikens work, especially since he only has 2 at the moment.
Edge's Physical: 1000/650
Edge's Flood: 700/1050

NOTE: All of these assume Cape is open, since that's his default position.  Cecil, Kain and Rosa can all opt for Ice Elemental weapons that are weaker than what they have, which can boost their damage some.  Hard to say the exact boost, but given 1.5x weakness being offset by higher attack and strength (especially in Cecil's case since he's using the stronger Ogre Axe), the boost shouldn't be much more than 1.25x.  No, not bothering with Rosa cause she should never be on the offensive <_<

Comments: Its Rubicante, we know how he works, he's pretty much the same guy as before.  His less HP is offset by the higher durability, closing Cape has more applications given the defensive boost it gives, but he has less damage than his original form...for all that he still OHKOs.  A bit slower in practice too.  Effectively, same guy with some variations on how he worked, though, Ice and Water attacks don't hit him nearly as hard as they did before...for all that Kyogre probably still murders him.

The Fiends Refight!!!!! ...not going to get it.  Its a pain in the ass and, frankly, it adds absolutely nothing to them one way or another.  The fight is basically just the original 4 fights fought consecutively, but scaled up to deal with higher levels and equipment.  In general, they're statistics are unchanged relative to their original forms, some minor changes (Rubicante changes Fira to Firaga, obviously for damage scaling purposes, for example), but overall less HP (obviously to balance the fact that you FIGHT ALL 4 OF THEM.)  So yeah, didn't really feel it was necessary to get them in these forms...despite how I got them in their FF4o forms!

Speed: Average
Defense: Reduces damage by about 25%
Magic Defense: Average
Absorbs Flare (yes, he literally absorbs the spell Flare and nothing else.

Zeromus has the whole plot thing before the fight, where Cecil needs to use the Crystal on him and all that.  Note that the ATB Gauge STILL MOVES while Zeromus does his little plot transformation, and he very clearly does not start off with a full gauge the way Kefka does.    Make of this as you will, of course.  And naturally, I throw this stage out of the fight entirely, since he's 100% invincible, but just sits there shaking and doing nothing; its exactly like the original fight in this regard, you know how it works, etc.

Black Hole: Field effect Dispel.  This gets both positive and negative status alike (well, it undoes Slow and Sap; those are the only negative status effects that are likely to play a role here, given he uses the latter and can be hit with the former.)
*Shakes*: Nothing! This is really just an indicator that he's charging Big Bang, just like in FF4o!
Big Bang: 3700 damage, magical, adds Sap status, can only be used after he shakes, forced MT, does not focus
Flare: 2000 damage, magical, can be used either ST or MT at decreased damage (Yes, he either has Omnicast or he cheats <.<.)  Only usable as a counter to indirect magic, near as I can tell, like status or Osmose, OR at 50%~ HP.  Note the counter is always Single Target.
Osmose: 100 MP damage, heals his own MP for that amount (cause he really needs it <_<), is always used Multitarget for decreased damage (see note about him cheating!), usable at will *AND* as a counter when hit with Summons
Meteor: 3400 damage, magical, forced Multi target, only usable at HP<20% (one could say this move was improved dramatically from the original <_<)
Whirl: Lowers HP to Single Digits, its either 100% accuracy or close to it, since I never saw it miss applicable targets, used only at HP<20% or as a counter to the spell Holy (MAYBE Holy elemental spells in general, but I forgot to see what he counters Rydia's Mist Dragon summon with, so...), always used Multitarget when used normally, is Single Target and affected by Draw Attacks when used as a Counter.

NOTE: Regarding PCHP and damage?  At minimum, it should be what the stat topic has.  However, there are some things that the stat topic doesn't account for, primarily Augments, Apples, etc.  Average HP should go up about 15% considering all the Golden/Silver Apples in the game and the HP+50% Augment, so make of that as you will.  For related augments? A few stick out.  First off Item Lore lets Rydia do 9999 with Stardust Rod item casts, though, Zeromus doesn't seem targettable by it, so you can dismiss this.  Darkness lets any PC double their damage for some time (Note Darkness is *NOT* Susceptible to Black Hole); makes a fairly large deal if given to any characters not Edge (can hit damage cap naturally through some late game throws, or get close to it), or Rosa (damage sucks too much outside of Holy, which is not practical.) Furthermore, a few of Rydia's spells like Bahamut are a bit more practical in game due to Fast Talker, and there's the potential Dualcast Augment to double Rydia's damage (and Rosa's w/ Holy) when using Flare/Meteor (for all that he absorbs Flare, go figure.)  Lastly, a few DL Illegal equips that are not unlikely to have are worth considering, such like the Giant's Glove for Cecil and Kain (+10 Strength; Edge can use it too, but doesn't do much to boost his damage since Throw seems independent of that), Rosa using the White Robe for increased Holy damage, etc.  There's also the Onion Sword to boost Kain's damage some (at level 70, its worse than Ragnarok in every way, barring Holy resistance), but I don't consider that standard.
LASTLY, something I definitely don't consider is Limit Break.  This kind of does matter as Rydia, Kain and Edge all have ways to do over 9999 damage somewhat consistently.  Limit Break is a REPLAY ONLY Augment, which should be obvious why its illegal.

Comments: In short, Zeromus lost a fair amount of speed, but gained a fuck load more damage, and Meteor is no longer this pointless low HP attack, but something killer.  He has MP damage as well to hopefully screw around with some duelers, though its probably not quite high enough to be practical (he wishes it was used against all Magic attacks, then it'd be worth something.)  He's a more interesting fight in game, but as a dueler, hard to say how he compares to his original self, given the drastic shift from speed to damage orientation.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 12:09:25 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2008, 11:50:35 PM »
Does Cursed Elegy also add the -20% stats effect that it does when the PC command is used?


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 01:29:45 AM »
Ok, just added a bunch of stuff, Valvalis and Golbez soon to be up as well!

Apparently, my speed values  See, FF4DS rigs things in favor of PCs in this regard.  ATB Gauge stops when a PC does an action, but when an enemy acts, the gauges still move.  Personally? I hold this against the enemy since it yields more accurate results in game.

To give you an idea...
See average speed with Palom/Porom?  See how I said Cagnazzo is Slow?  Apparently he has 21 speed, which is actually pretty fast!  But apparently not fast enough to offset this aspect, so yeah, make of this as you will.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 06:03:20 PM »
Odd, Cagnazzo's hold hit Yang and Cecil quite a bit for me, and you said it never hit you once.

Porom in this version reminds me of Mint :P


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 09:19:45 PM »
Barbariccia also has some sort of Maelstorm counter, which is just an MT version of Tornado. Not sure when she uses that, though.


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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2008, 06:02:24 AM »

Analyze sucks less now in that it examines every enemy.

Mindflayer also inflicts Sap.

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Re: Final Fantasy 4...the DS version!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 06:10:28 AM »
Barbariccia also has some sort of Maelstorm counter, which is just an MT version of Tornado. Not sure when she uses that, though.

According to Action's FF4DS guide, he says that Maelstorm is a counter to magical attacks.  Another guide is unspecific, just that she uses it while being attacked while spinning.