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Messages - Celdia

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General Chat / RHDN and Data Crystal
« on: July 30, 2017, 07:00:45 PM »
Just dropping a quick link and heads-up from across the way. Figured some of you might be sympathetic to the cause.

Help Save RHDN and Data Crystal!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled silence.

T'is the season and it's been a couple years so I'm back to spam your forum. At least I think I only post here around the holidays. Anyways...

A good friend of mine and fellow retro-game-enthusiast is working on a game project and since you folks here play games I figured I'd try promoting over here as well.

Short version/tl;dr: 1st-person horror-themed dungeon-crawler a la Wizardry/Etrian/etc. but with a darker tone.

Long version: Take 5 minutes and watch the video over at and you can see it in action and get a much better idea of what's on offer. I'd appreciate any help in getting the word out via whatever social media you've got handy or even just a quick click for it on Steam Greenlight.

Thanks for your time, folks!


And on a shameless SELF-promotional idea, I've recently finished all of the main story ENTD setups for CCP 2nd if anyone was still interested in that project. No side-quest stuff yet, but maybe I'll get around to it in the next couple years. Updates on that are still over at FFH in the usual place.

Laggy are you a wizard who consults magic beings for assistance in your dark rituals?

Asking for a friend.

What, you need some magic in your life? ;)

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Celdia's Complete Patch: 2nd [Beta]
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:05:38 PM »
@Grefter: A little of both. I build CCP1 while learning how to make a patch and there was a lot of bad choices in how to apply things on top of the whole patch being a disorganized mess and having almost no notes on what changes I'd actually made. Also, in the year or so it took me to make that many more and cleaner hacks have been produced to do the same things I was already doing, usually in more stable ways. On top of that there are just more options for changing things than I had before [like binding Act commands to skillsets and equipment or applying +Brave and +Faith modifiers to equipment] in ways I really wanted to experiment with. There have been a few jobs that got reworked or replaced entirely as well as many more modifications to monster families as well.

@Bobbin: I can't promise balance like LFT or even much better than Vanilla...which is really the major reason for releasing a beta version. I need to get feedback from people that understand balance better than I do so I can find out if my planning worked even half as well as I hoped.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Celdia's Complete Patch: 2nd [Beta]
« on: December 27, 2012, 07:54:39 AM »
Did a few more fixes on various text issues and a bigger fix to repair the Immunity status as well as get the Fitting Room working again.

Game Design and Modifications / Re: Celdia's Complete Patch: 2nd [Beta]
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:44:10 AM »
I have a habit of posting a patch and forgetting something in it then reposting nearly the same patch with a tiny fix. This habit strikes again. If you want to have proper War Trophies in Chapter 2, follow the above link and go re-download the patch.  :'( Sorry about that.

Game Design and Modifications / Celdia's Complete Patch: 2nd [Beta]
« on: December 25, 2012, 12:49:21 PM »
As some of you who were aware of my FFT hack - Celdia's Complete Patch - may know, I've been working on rewriting my original patch into something a bit more balanced and a bit less broken on a coding level. Well I've finally finished a playable demo of the new version, CCP 2nd. I'm too tired to put up much in the way of info about it right now, but I did promise I'd let people know when I posted it. This is me letting you know.

You can get the patch over here:

The innate Gained JP Up idea may well make it into the next update. I hadn't thought of it before and it does seem to be a nice easy fix to a lot of complaints surrounding JP.

Re: Move vs. Jump - This is very likely just me not paying attention to costs of things or changing items and skills around without modifying their costs when I do it. Going back to what I said before, balance is not my strong suit nor has it been something I've focused a lot on yet. That will come with the final polish I put on the patch when I feel like everything else is where I want it to be.

What few notes I've posted are over on the FFH forum in the CCP subforum which you can get to here:  The Master Guide is a half-broken WIP. I'd have better resources for players available if I weren't so burnt out on my own project. -_-

Also, apologies to everyone else for the potential derail of my posts. I'll try to keep any other posts on CCP out of here and in its own thread somewhere. If there is a specifically appropriate place for that, please let me know.

FFT - Celdia's Complete Patch

Downloaded this, played through chapter 1 and Dorter 2. Don't know if I'll play any more. I enjoy the classes, I like alot of the concepts, but so many of the design decisions make me want to rip my hair out. The last few fights have felt more "rocket tag" based then even vanilla FFT(which is not my prefered style of play), the lack of univeresal access to gained JP up so job building(to unlock and play with the new classes) is horribly slow, and now I get to the next set of equipment to find that the clothes upgrade gives innate Gained Exp Up. exactly the opposite of what I want. My clothes units are already surpassing my armor units becuase of Gained JP Up from Training Vest, I don't want them to end up higher leveled as well. Especially since from what I've heard enemy levels scale to yours(I would assume based on your highest level people? Dunno exact mechanics here), and my team is already getting high 2HKOd by basically every enemy, so I don't want to put an even BIGGER gap between the enemies and the armor units that are supposed to be my frontliners.

Mostly it's just that the playstyle the patch encourages and the playstyle I want to use are two ENTIRELY different things. It's like my gripe about the TO remake. Don't give me a ton of interesting classes that I want to mess around with to see which ones I want to use and then punish me for doing that.

Short version: I have been SO fucking spoiled by LFT. <_<;

Hello there! I was informed it wouldn't be out of place to reply to this here.  Someone brought up your post in IRC so I thought I'd see what was said. First off, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy CCP further. I've been getting some very different feedback since I started hearing opinions from DL's members on CCP and you all take things into consideration with FFT that I never even thought of. I would like for my patch to reach to a larger audience and be fun for everyone to play, but I realize that's technically impossible. That doesn't mean I can't try to modify for a wider player base though. I appreciate any and all feedback, positive, constructive and negative. That said, let me try and explain why some of what you ran into happened in the first place.

Things like the Gained Exp Up clothing existing is because I got my hands on pretty tools for editing equipment and I let the possibilities run away with me. I tried to throw just about everything onto some piece of gear just to DO it. Equipment is undergoing modifications as I continue to update and any suggestions - be it RSMs on gear to elemental Str./Weak/etc or even HP/MP balance - are VERY welcome. I'm usually the first to note that I have very poor skills when it comes to balancing things for my patch (just look at Loremaster) and the more help I can get, the better. As for enemies scaling, if the ASM hacks I'm using are working right, the enemy units should be limited to shop-available equipment no matter how high of a level you go. I would hope this would limit some of the gear scaling problems found in other hacks where overleveling makes the game virtually unwinnable, but if their stats just plain being higher is the issue more than gear then that's something else I'll have to take into consideration. I don't find myself with a lot of time to really sit and play my own hack from the start to the end to get a good feel for the difficulty curve of differing playstyles. I just work from what feedback I get from playtesters on FFH and that's a fairly limited bit of information. Getting people to post about the hack is like pulling teeth sometimes.

If you had other specific questions I'd be happy to address them. I don't lurk around here as much as elsewhere but I'm always a PM or post away over on FFH and I'm usually logged into IRC ( #ffh) most hours of the day even if I'm AFK. If anyone else has given CCP a try and has questions or suggestions, please let me know! I'm trying to make something that's fun to play, no matter how you approach it and the more people that show me how they look at it, the better it will be in the end. ^_^  (How many times did I just repeat myself in that whole post? -_- )

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