Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 53726 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #350 on: March 27, 2017, 04:36:28 AM »
Like half the reviews couldn't shut up about the seals back in the day.  You're not alone; some people really, really hated those seals!  (I obviously didn't, but everybody acknowledges there was a backlash - there was a reason why the Stylus mechanics were a bit different in PoR / OoE.)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #351 on: March 27, 2017, 08:12:59 AM »
Trails of Cold Steel
Beaten.  Well, CS 1.  Short version: It's great!  Very, very well done.  A bit of a pleasant surprise, as I was skeptical of Yet Another High School type story, but dang if they didn't somehow make it mostly work.  As per CK / Sopko, if I had a complaint about it, it's that it's a little too anime pandery.  Oh well.  Still, I'm a person who managed to play all the way through Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time (still sketchy weeb award winner for me), so I can deal, and Rean being a good protagonist salvages the worst of this kind of game.

If I had to mention one thing that's worth hyping about the game, it's that it is possibly the most player-friendly RPG out there in terms of interface, accurate records, and respecting the player's time.  Not sure what you're doing?  Check a quest list.  Need to get around town for shopping or chatting or events?  Press square and warp to wherever you want to go.  Want to know enemy stats?  We'll reveal all of the data over time, and you never lose it once you have it, but even at first, we'll always show status and elemental susceptibilities and current HP (well, after a single hit).  And you can look it up easily afterward.  You always have a helpful minimap that takes no time to check, shows recent player movement (so even if you turn the Vita off then turn it back on, you can see which way you came from and which way you were going), lets you zoom in and out, shows people to talk to / monsters / event trigger locations.  If you lose a fight, you can just press retry.  Forget which armor / orbment / etc. it was you just picked up from a treasure chest?  It's cool, new stuff has a nice "new" marker on it until you hover over it once.  Most of the outdoor encounters are skippable if you are even vaguely good at dodging, just run right past them, so if you're not in the mood for randoms they are generally not an issue, barring a few close-quarters dungeons, which is fine.  And even then, you still have a run command.  But fights are *fun* in this game, so not even a big deal!

But yeah, good times.  This was a ~100 hour game for a completionist like me, and it's amazing how much more stuff I still wanted in the game - people talking more (read: at all) about what happened on the crazy other field studies that Rean didn't go on, people asking Olivert how the hell he convinced our rivals in Liberl to help him out, more details on the Reinford Company, etc. 

A few random positive notes:
* A lot of the cast had a bit of a weak start - the Class VII females especially, who basically were introduced as anime archetypes.  However, the game built 'em up into characters worth caring about by the end.  I will take that any day over "cool concept that we do nothing with." 
* The gigantic cast of NPCs that you can stalk all through their daily lives and struggles, a Trails tradition, is still totally here.  And most of them are p. great.
* I liked Rean, Elliot, Gaius, Laura, Jusis, Crow, Sara and all the instructors.  Fie, Emma, & Machias, took some time to find their groove but got there.  This is, like, most of the main cast, so this is a good sign.
* The plots to almost every chapter are pretty good.  There's definitely some convenient luck that various evil plans just happen to go into effect when Our Heroes stop by, but that's just how games roll, it's cool.

Some nitpicks:

* A lot of Japanese video games are really into the "person who voluntarily serves another character with complete adoration and dedication" trope.  (Oddly enough, not Final Fantasy, at least, but certainly your average Suikoden game has a few of these.)  With modern anime tropes, this has kinda half-merged with the maid/butler fetish.  Now if you want to serve this trope for people who are into it, fine, but I do find it mildly annoying that every maid/butler at the Academy seems to be utterly dedicated to their patron with no thought for themselves.  You'd think they could include a few maids who just shrug and say "it's my job" then go home at night, and a butler who has grown resentful of their boss and is seeking a way out as soon as they pay off their debt or whatever. 
* Millium started off annoying, but the writing eventually sorta smoothed it over.  Sorta.  Towa felt like another fanservice character, but the kind that I'd find tolerable, so she was okay-if-not-spectacular. 
* There's definitely some hanging plot threads I suspect won't be answered in CS2 because they're a little too local.  Notably, the big dramatic Prologue confrontation at Garrelia Fortress ends up a tad anticlimatic and nonsensical based on later events (and the incident at Legram still needs some explanation too...).  Badass and exciting, sure, but still nonsensical.
* THE TWIST: Okay, it was cool, and yes it's hinted at early (heck, was even telling Sopko about it in C4), but it still doesn't REALLY work.  I respect not wanting to hint the player TOO hard, but...  this was a pretty cataclysmic failure on the part of the good guys.  Kinda like Harry Potter book 4?  I'm sorry, but there should have been more signs - a lot more.  Recruiting an international terrorist organization takes time; so does cultivating contacts and supporters.  Yes, I've seen Code Geass, so I know that high schools are secretly great places to run a rebellion and it's a more impressive reveal, but you need "this person is absent for an entire week and comes back with some crazy excuse/story" type events.  There was also a body in the helicopter according to the Imperial Chronicle...  who was that?
* Ouroboros: What are you idiots doing again?  Well, Cold Steel keeps you on your toes if you're a Skies player, I'll give it that much.  (The Chancellor was their guy.  Why the hell are they selling bots to the Imperial Liberation Front which is trying to kill their ally.  Or having the 2nd Anguis help C get a super mech.  I kept expecting that some Cunning Plan would be revealed that made this make sense, but no such luck.  I can only hope that in CS2 it's revealed they had some falling-out with the Chancellor, or else that the 2nd Anguis just hated the Chancellor personally while Sharon was his ally, or something.  Honestly I'll be happy if they're extremely awkward allies in CS2 a la ME2 Cerberus, it'd make sense, although I doubt it.)
* Alisa R.  When she's being a normal person, being a mild techie, having Ferris rivalry fun, she's fine.  Having Rich Girl problems and ranting about Reinford being too big, eh, not my cup o' tea, but fine.  But when the writers are like "you know what, people love jealous tsunderes, let's go with that," she's miserable, because the game has such terrible excuses to set her off.  Rean goes to meet a contact - one who you've met before - for purely business reasons, with another person, and is also uh "out of his league", and this sets you into a jealous fit?  That MIGHT make vague sense if she was openly Rean's girlfriend and Rean had been "bad" lately and she was just looking for an excuse to dump on him, but she isn't, and this is an utterly harmless incident.  Sheesh.  She helps drag down the Prologue, too.
* Sopko asked me to guess when I started the game how many of Class VII's parents would still be alive.  Come on, game.  I get that your cast is way way way too big already, but you can merely acknowledge the existence of other relatives off-screen.  (While I'm at it, a few too many of C7's parents are Big Shots.  This is fine for the nobles like Laura & Jusis, and I guess Alisa R fills the important role of "richer than a noble" commoner that sets off noble jealosuy.  And Machias gives you some insight into the merits of the Reformists.  But...  you need some commoners who are just random commoners, whose parents were petty merchants or something.  Gaius's family shows how "normal" people can be perfectly interesting too, but...  Rean/Fie/Crow/Millium all have unique situations, Elliot's dad is a surprise big shot, Emma has a presumably weird situation, etc.  I guess having at least one normal family is something, but it does make you wonder.

And some negative ones:

* The last chapter is weirdly weak, especially since I checked with Sopko and he confirmed that there's no particular extra explanation for the dungeon in it in CS2.  I don't mean the final fireworks, but the dungeon is the slowest and biggest of any dungeons, and there's not a great plot excuse for what's going on, just a noisy invitation for some hardcore training or something.  Not even sure why Celine is hissing at it.  Granted, it's still *okay*, just considering how good the excuses for dungeons are everywhere else, it's an obvious letdown to basically say "hey surprise dungeon time."
* Elise Schwarzer.  The *idea* of her is fine.  "Happens to be classmates and friends with princess at exclusive boarding school for nobles" is actually one of the better excuses for RPG heroes to get to meet a princess on instantly good terms.  But, aside from that, she exists solely for very poorly-sold siscon.  Ugh.
* Gwyn.    I think Donald Trump may have ruined "pervy old guy who can't shut up about how hot his relatives are."
* Angelica.  Look, I'm not the Christian right.  I'm not gonna complain about lesbians, and I'm not going to complain about lesbians who aren't shy about it and are very, uh, forthright.  That said, if you imagine Angelica was a guy and give her the same lady-hunting lines, you can see what an utter creep she'd be.  She just can't shut up about how she's going to deflower every delicious maiden in sight.  This might be fine for 25% of your lines, but not 75% of them when you're a reasonably major character.
* While on the above note, Rex.  Yeah, minor character so no big deal, and I guess they did gave him a moment of seriousness in the very final chapter, but ugh, "takes surreptitious pictures of pretty women" is such a pathetic and odious gimmick trait to have.  I guess this is more a JAPAN complaint since that's an issue they have there and just don't seem to treat very seriously.

* V & C in C6 probably the hardest fights.  S, a mere one chapter earlier, the easiest plot fight, although Nosferatu was very dangerous in the same chapter (probably not if you equip the right status resistance before, though).  Earlygame bosses in general pretty badass too.  Loa Erebonius not so bad, really, and midgame bosses generally pretty easy.
* Final party was Rean/Jusis/Fie/Laura/Emma/Alisa/Machias.  Jusis shouts at people with Noble Command.  Fie & Laura unload a bunch of damage (had Domination & Gladiator Headband on Fie for huge random clearing).  Alisa has Angel which is basically the best MQ in event of dangerous boss (totally saved the day vs. both V & C).  Emma's a solid mage, and Machias is the best "oh crap" support to bring in if things go south due to having tankiness + EP healing + time shotgun.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 08:14:59 AM by SnowFire »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #352 on: March 27, 2017, 10:45:53 AM »
Like half the reviews couldn't shut up about the seals back in the day.  You're not alone; some people really, really hated those seals!  (I obviously didn't, but everybody acknowledges there was a backlash - there was a reason why the Stylus mechanics were a bit different in PoR / OoE.)

If you ask LordDirtyBrit, he'll tell you that I can't shut up about the seals to this day.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #353 on: March 27, 2017, 02:11:12 PM »
Yeah, Lemon spends a good few mins crying about the seals to this day  :P

Pokemon Silver: Beaten Red. Just like the rest of the game, Red didn't put up a challenge. I didn't even need to use the level 70 Ho-oh on the fight that often, I only really used it on Venusaur to beat it quickly. All in all, I can't understand why the Johto games get so much love. RSE manages to both update the game mechanically and create a solid core adventure, the latter of which was not accomplished by GSC. I'll explain my thoughts on RSE's strengths when I update my progress on those games.

My final team:

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Metal Gear Solid 2: I have the game on the Xbox 360 so I decided to try it out. I've met Peter Stillman. I kinda wish I was playing this game back in 2001, the fact that you are playing as a protagonist (Raiden) who wasn't even the one advertised must've been legendary. Speaking of Raiden, I don't think he's as bad as everyone says. Then again, it seems to be 'cool' on the internet to claim that any protagonist who isn't from the 80s/90s or isn't hyper masculine is 'whiny' or 'emo'. In terms of gameplay; while crawling is still a bitch, the combat mechanics are so much better than in the first game. If only because the game actually allows you to shoot properly without having to take dazepalm.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 02:16:28 PM by LordDirtyBrit »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #354 on: March 27, 2017, 02:48:00 PM »
Raiden is fine it's Rose constantly trying to dredge up their relationship drama that starts sourly influencing opinions of him.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #355 on: March 27, 2017, 03:13:34 PM »
Rose seems quite clingy right now, but some the codec calls can make for some funny comedy relief lines from Raiden "Lobster, woo hoo".


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #356 on: March 27, 2017, 03:41:02 PM »
I like SOTN a lot but this one part doesn't deserve the rose-tinted spectacles treatment.

Which is funny considering it's a game that gives you rose-tinted spectacles as equipment (did those do anything?)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 04:37:57 PM by NotMiki »
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #357 on: March 27, 2017, 08:52:01 PM »
Rose seems quite clingy right now, but some the codec calls can make for some funny comedy relief lines from Raiden "Lobster, woo hoo".

I eagerly await your response to the endgame calls.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #358 on: March 27, 2017, 09:10:04 PM »
Y'know, it was kinda annoying at the time, but looking back, there's too many perfect happy Hollywood romances out there in video games.  MGS2 at least acknowledges that super-soldier child killers probably have more screwed up relationships than non-weird ones.  (And the weirdness isn't "damsel in distress" either.)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #359 on: March 28, 2017, 03:12:04 AM »
Just going to say that the Stylus problems in DoS were a legitimate flaw.  You can argue they aren't a big deal, which is fair, but the way I look at it, it's a mechanic that at best is "something extra you have to do" and at worst a legitimate flaw with the game.  It's exactly like QTEs in games like God of War.  I just spent all this time killing the boss, now you're asking me to do this ONE EXTRA THING to finally kill him, which if I fail, I get penalized and have to fight him again (I guess that's better than the usual "Press X to not die!", but that's not saying much.)

My thought is if a mechanic can only serve to hurt the game, and it's at best giving you a net gain of 0 value on the game, why even bother?  It was clearly forced in because it was an early DS game and EVERYTHING had to find an excuse for the stylus.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #360 on: March 28, 2017, 10:34:08 AM »
The game's title even has DS as an acronym. I would complain about this more but the SNES and N64 had a similar treatment.

Yeah, you pretty much summed up my problems with the touch controls in DoS. It gets to a point where it seems as though the game got the 3D Zelda treatment, a pre-existing title with a gimmick which doesn't bring anything new to the table. I thought these Castlevania titles were above this type of game design. I'd be lying if I said that I enjoyed CotM and HoD but they at least try new ideas.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #361 on: March 28, 2017, 11:31:07 AM »
It ain't no Dream Drop Distance.  That made me want to log on to the forums on my phone so I could throw my phone in disgust when I worked that one out when CK was posting about it.

Mass Effect Andromeda - It is good, has some seriously intense quest bloat, it I think you just do the ones you want to max out Habitation viability rather than Hoover them all up.  It is good, feels like a more polished ME1 really.  Similar tone and world building.

Default Female Ryder is great and the internet is trash garbage.  I should review some of the other premise choices at some point.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #362 on: March 28, 2017, 08:03:59 PM »
By 'more polished ME1', do you also mean the gameplay? Or is it still more of a 3rd person cover shooter like ME2 and 3?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #363 on: March 28, 2017, 09:37:54 PM »
It is still a third person shooter like 2/3.  It is better shooter mechanics than 3, but it is still a shooter.  ME1 wanted to be a cover based shooter as well, it just is really fucking bad at it.

Main refinements are that cover is automatic now just contextual with the environment and sprinting and stuff is on multiple buttons instead of everything being on Use.  Powers no longer have shared cooldown, but are each independent ones, but you can only set 3 at a time (CD is tracked around your cross hair).

If you want more crunchy western RPG stuff, you will want to pick up Tyrrany or Torment instead.  If you like ME as a shooter RPG hybrid, it is pretty good.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #364 on: March 28, 2017, 10:31:09 PM »
It is still a third person shooter like 2/3.  It is better shooter mechanics than 3, but it is still a shooter.  ME1 wanted to be a cover based shooter as well, it just is really fucking bad at it.

Main refinements are that cover is automatic now just contextual with the environment and sprinting and stuff is on multiple buttons instead of everything being on Use.  Powers no longer have shared cooldown, but are each independent ones, but you can only set 3 at a time (CD is tracked around your cross hair).

If you want more crunchy western RPG stuff, you will want to pick up Tyrrany or Torment instead.  If you like ME as a shooter RPG hybrid, it is pretty good.
Speaking of Torment:

I have zero time but I want to pick up Tides of Numenera at some point.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #365 on: March 28, 2017, 11:06:02 PM »
I have been waiting and was paranoid it was stuck in some licensing hell.

Chris Avellone, Lead Designer on Planescape Torment, has partnered with Beamdog

That was all I needed.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #366 on: March 29, 2017, 01:23:48 AM »
Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward: Well, the HW Main Storyline is finally done, so figured I might as well post that HW is "beaten" and now I need to wait until Stormblood comes out.

Overall, the HW storyline is probably one of the best stories the series has had to date.  FF11 hipsters will rave about Chains of Promathia, but I just found that story convoluted and hard to follow, with a lot of tedious nonsense, characters that didn't really go anywhere, the annoying as **** FF11 dialect forcing (reading any dialog involving Goblins is the worst thing ever), so many terms that are hard to understand, and even forced comic relief that blatantly detracted from the main story (no, go die in a ditch, Chebukki-kids.)  By contrast, Heavensward's story kept all the comic relief to side-stories (Hildibrand) and was played straight the entire way, with a clear main plot, and understood how you handle arcs.  The Dragonsong War stuff was just great, the Warriors of Darkness started kind of dumb and implied they wanted to do more but I think the developers realized how overdone "Dark Hero Doppelgangers!!!" are and solved it in one dedicated patch which worked as a vehicle to re-introduce Alisaie and make her actually DO SOMETHING, and the Stormblood set up was generally well handled with some stylish moments, and glad they didn't pull another Empire Strikes Back ending, since unlike ARR, HW is in a point where you want to see the characters expanded upon, not "delete cast, replace and reintroduce!"

I'm wondering what Stormblood is going to do to try and top this. 
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #367 on: March 29, 2017, 02:01:47 AM »
I have been waiting and was paranoid it was stuck in some licensing hell.

Chris Avellone, Lead Designer on Planescape Torment, has partnered with Beamdog

That was all I needed.
I'm curious if he's planning on adding in quests or characters like has been done in the other Beamdog EEs. I don't know if there was a lot of note that was unused but whatever, it will hopefully be more polished, non-awkward Torment. I haven't played it in years.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #368 on: March 29, 2017, 02:46:02 AM »
There is some stuff, but off the top of my head the Torment Unfinished Busibess mod is a bit less dense than BG2 one for all that Torment is falling under its own weight more than BG2 is.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #369 on: March 29, 2017, 03:37:43 AM »
Let the record show that on March 27th in the year of our lord 2017, user Gatewalker ACTUALLY finished a game that he began playing.

SO I've been playing the Odin Sphere PS4 remake. Gameplay in the original was just not something I could handle, but once I got into the flow of Lifthrasir(sp?), I really got into it and just kinda powered through the whole thing in a week-ish.

Cornelius was easily my favorite character, both for character worth(though I like Velvet and Gwen just fine, and Oswald has his moments) and for being the most fun to play as. Easily pulling 500+ hit combos off with lightning rabbit was Good Times. I wouldn't call it effortless, it took some real doing to keep the timing of stringing the right moves together down, but I clicked with it fairly early.  Mercedes was the char I was not having fun with, character wise she's alright if a bit annoying for awhile(doesn't help that she likes Ingway. Man I dislike that guy), but mostly I just did noooooot click well with her style. I'll grant she's probably the actual best character, gameplay wise...I just can't use her for beans.

The strengt of the game is probably the same as the original, though. Story presentation is amazing, each chapter answers questions(often only partially) raised before it and raises new ones and everything ties up neatly in the end. It's a great modern take on the style of the old Epics. All of the major players, not just the PCs, felt like real Heroes in the mythological sense and no one felt like the story could have worked without them. Even the Fire Kingdom which got the least amount of real plot feels needed.

The final fight sequence I had heard a loooot of negative about in the original, but in the remake none of the fights feel too tedious, even if only the Fire King truly felt HARD.The Cauldron was the only one that failed to make me heal multiple times, but Velvet was also using Maury's Bell(highest def in the game and basically doubles your HP), soooooo yeah.

Also, Maury is Kier's new favorite NPC from anything ever.

I may look up the Hidden Trophies and try to 100% this one. Good game, glad I got it, glad it got the remake at all.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #370 on: March 29, 2017, 04:29:16 AM »
Let the record show that on March 27th in the year of our lord 2017, user Gatewalker ACTUALLY finished a game that he began playing.

All it took was a literal fascist in office.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #371 on: March 29, 2017, 04:45:27 AM »
Cornelius was easily my favorite character, both for character worth(though I like Velvet and Gwen just fine, and Oswald has his moments) and for being the most fun to play as. Easily pulling 500+ hit combos off with lightning rabbit was Good Times. I wouldn't call it effortless, it took some real doing to keep the timing of stringing the right moves together down, but I clicked with it fairly early.  Mercedes was the char I was not having fun with, character wise she's alright if a bit annoying for awhile(doesn't help that she likes Ingway. Man I dislike that guy), but mostly I just did noooooot click well with her style. I'll grant she's probably the actual best character, gameplay wise...I just can't use her for beans.

Interesting.  I'm up to the final bosses and my opinions on character (combat) worth are pretty different.  Had the least fun with Cornelius - he was good but kinda boring.  Velvet I generally agree - had no fun with her until I abandoned the idea of playing from distance like the game intends and embraced her melee options, which are surprisingly good.  Still, felt pretty clearly like a character that was designed to be good at a thing (long-range combat) and was not given the tools to make that thing both good and fun.  Overall...Gwendolyn=Mercedes>Oswald>Velvet>Cornelius, I think.  Gwen's reportoire of air moves is a joy, and the control scheme makes it really intuitive and easy to execute, too.  Knocking a dude up ion the air, then executing 3 or 4 fast swooping attacks, then knocking them on the ground never got old.  Mercedes I thought they did the best job of making her play really differently from the others, encouraging you to play keepaway and giving her a few tools to make that style fun.  Her evasive ground slide while strafing dudes directly above her was a very good addition.

(as for character worth, I really like Gwendolyn and Oswald's stories, and I'm not sure whether the fact that they are complete doofuses helps or hurts my opinion.  I admire how the story is filled with self-interested dickheads; really gives it that Norse Edda feel.)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 04:47:37 AM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #372 on: March 29, 2017, 04:33:14 PM »
Gwen I'd have probably liked more if she didn't come first while I was still getting the hang of things, I'll grant. The swooping attacks were fun but I had a hard time scooping enemies back up to continue the combo after the third swoop -> knockdown. I could probably do a lot better with her if I picked her story back up now. FOrtunately the rust with her didn't matter much for her final boss, since they're all very non-standard fights. Hell, for Cornelius's final boss I had to completely redo my skill shortcuts since only 1 of my usual set skills was any good there.

Thinking on my own gameplay preferences with OS chars, I'm finding myself a bit amused here. Cornelius is very much the character that can, if you're good with the timing and using the right skills, just keep a combo going almost forever. This is something I love doing in brawler style games...but haaaaaate this kind of playstyle in fighting games. Gwen meanwhile seems to go for short combos into hard knockdowns that send her back to the neutral game, which is how I play fighting games but not how I like to play brawlers. :V Just kind of amusing to think about.

Gwen and Oswald *are* complete doofs and...Gwen is adorable about it, while Oswald is in that very mythologicaly appropriate grey space of being Not A Good Person while also being sympathetic due to his background. He does get my single favorite line in the game though, "You must have mistaken me for a better man". That was a GREAT scene.

Actually, a question since you're on the final fights yourself. Do the finals besides the fire king feel oddly unaggressive to you at all? Dragon seemed like it also got to what I considered normal levels of boss aggression by the end of the fight, and I guess the cauldron is just a weird fight, but the first two specifically felt like they just...didn't really attack that much compared to what I was used to.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #373 on: March 29, 2017, 07:14:09 PM »
Grefter don't try to tempt us with your Ubisoft Open World'd Mass Effect, we know better

Nier Automata: Path C! Just cleared the factory!
The main game is pretty short, but like Nier/Drakengard you haven't really finish d the game without going for the other endings.

I knew pretty much immediately upon seeing it that Pascal's village was going to burn, but that was a little overkill. Oh my god.
At least I'm glad I wasn't controlling the one destroying the village in a stupid rage like 9S would, because I was expecting that and dreading it already.
Also! Main character death somewhat in the middle of the game! Nice!

Have I mentioned how completing sidequests often make the world shittier? I think I have. This is such a small, lovely subvertion of RPG tropes. Because you are not making things better by being an errand boy and killing a bunch of things.

Persona 5 is out on tuesday BTW


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #374 on: March 29, 2017, 09:17:39 PM »
Actually, a question since you're on the final fights yourself. Do the finals besides the fire king feel oddly unaggressive to you at all? Dragon seemed like it also got to what I considered normal levels of boss aggression by the end of the fight, and I guess the cauldron is just a weird fight, but the first two specifically felt like they just...didn't really attack that much compared to what I was used to.

Haven't actually started them yet, but I'll let you know what I think when I do.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!