Author Topic: What Games are you Playing 2017?  (Read 53509 times)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #50 on: January 08, 2017, 08:07:41 AM »
Some games I finished playing in 2016 but didn't get around to writing up in the previous thread:

PONCHO - played through

The central conceit of this game is that you can jump back and forth between layers. That is, say you might have a background layer and a foreground layer, and there's a wall in the middle of the foreground layer, you might just to the background layer and walk past it, then return to the foreground layer. Which is a fine enough thing to base a game around.

Except the people making the game don't seem to have really had anything in mind to put around it?

In each level, you have an exit to reach, which is sometimes blocked off by locked doors which require keys. (And sometimes the doors aren't actually blocking the exit.) Some keys can be collected in the wilderness (it's not clear whether there are enough for every door), and some keys can be purchased from a shady fellow (it feels like there are more available there than there are doors in the game). To purchase keys you need gems, which are strewn about the place. This is the only use for them. Keys essentially go up in price as you buy them and I'm not sure if you can actually get enough gems to buy all of them.

Early on, you pick up a skill to do a ground-pound style manoeuvre, so you get the impression that you're going to have an ever-expanding skillset. But this is actually essentially the only skill in the game. There's another one somewhere I didn't find, but apparently all it's used for is repairing NPC characters for an achievement. Incidentally, there are no enemies and the only use for the ground-pound skill is to open secret passages.

To complain about something different, the final level is a dramatic step up in difficulty from the preceding levels, and is very aggravating. There are two different endings but I have no desire to replay the final level to see the other one.

Zenge - played through

Slide pieces on rails around and use various abilities on them in order to form them into a particular pattern without them getting in the way of each other.

It's short enough and doesn't get complicated enough to overstay its welcome, although it was getting close to verging on the latter.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments Of The Forgotten Past - played through

Most of the time, it was pretty enjoyable.

I had started losing interest during the final sections of the game, however, so it could have done with being a bit shorter. I was going to say that maybe everything related to Orgodemir masquerading as the Almighty could've been cut but that would've led to the loss of Villa Priores among other things, so probably not the best solution.

Game does suffer from the seemingly general DQ issue of ignoring dangling plot points, assuming I didn't miss anything. How did the Roamers get tricked into living for the sake of freeing Orgodemir? What's the point in saving Dan D. Lion if the city is still going to die anyway? Game never really does anything with what it sets up for the pirate captain's wife - I mean, I'm pretty sure she appears at one point in the present but she doesn't say anything there. I would've at least expected to have been able to talk to her in Scoober's area or something. In some cases the issues are more tolerable due to the vignettisode style the game is in, such as the dropping of the story of the siblings and the guard captain in past Alltrades, but not every case.

I went through a few traveller's tablets but ultimately that system is a pain to deal with. Never bothered creating any of my own.

Got to the bottom of the (first?) postgame dungeon, but didn't have any interest in fighting the boss there. Golf clap for how in lieu of fighting it you're forced to be teleported somewhere outside the dungeon.

Epistory - Typing Chronicles - played through

Ultimately it gets more complicated and frantic than I'd prefer at times, but it's still fairly good. Story isn't great though.

I feel like it could probably have had more varied level endings than monster gauntlets, although I don't have any ideas for that offhand.

Fortix 2 - played through

Not a lot to say about it, apparently it's somewhat based on a game called Qix which I haven't played.

It's mostly pleasant when I'm not overestimating how far I can walk before something catches up to me or hits me, which is more often than ideal.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #51 on: January 08, 2017, 02:10:09 PM »
Diablo III: I'm a monk but I'm presently using The Zweihander. Yes, The Zweihander, dudes knew what they were on about.

Excuse plot gonna be excuse plot, but for a while I had some pretty credible Lenneth cosplay going, so that's alright.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #52 on: January 08, 2017, 09:11:00 PM »
Final Fantasy 13 - Cleared Chapter 11 on the secondary role challenge. Pretty much every boss fight has been nightmarishly difficult and I die a lot otherwise. I've fought far more and gained far more CP than is normal, but a lot of that gets wasted on the secondary roles' high costs, so I'm still somewhat underlevelled, and certainly underskilled, though it does feel by now that I very much have a full, true party, just a weak one.

Lightning: Dodgetanks as sentinel, which remains neat. She also has SAB for Deprotect/Deshell/Imperil/Poison (this has been useful against only one enemy so far, the barrier-spamming Vetala who is much tougher than normal since I only have one Ravager), and SYN for the offensive buffs and the En- spells. Having Lightning tends to enable my highest damage potential since En- spells Commando double damage against a weakness, Imperil can make a weakness exist if one isn't there yet, and Deprotect/Deshell raise it by 89%.

Fang: Fang is near essential much of the time and obviously the MVP. She's the only Ravager (and fortunately is good at it), and her SYN setup is great, as Protecta/Shellra can provide great protection for only a short time, just as Bravera/Faithra do for offence. At the end of chapter 11 she even picked up Haste, being my only PC with that. Lots of great buffs, the difficulty is figuring out which ones to use due to their short duration. She also has MED but isn't very good at it and just has Cure.

Snow: He has declined in importance relatively since he no longer has a unique claim to Protect/Shell, but sometimes keeping one of those on a long time is worth it. He also has the defensive SAB spells (finally got Slow, yay), Pain/Fog are nice for certainly lower-durability randoms so I can ignore them while my Commando beats down other threats. He's a decent enough Medic due to fast casting times and Cura (MT, but often better than Cure). Still, losing any of Lightning/Fang/COM is a notable hit to my offence so he only comes out when Protect/Shell or his specific spells would be really useful, for the most part.

Hope: Commando. Nothing else really matters. He has SAB but honestly this has been useful in exactly one battle (but essential then).

Vanille: Commando. Her Magic isn't as high as Hope's but she has access to the Bar- spells if I need them, and sometimes those are really useful.

Sazh: Hasn't seen use in a while, but now that I have the final maingame crystarium he has access to Curasa, and will pick that up shortly. Besides that he has Lightning's SAB skills and some trashy SEN ability, so he'll probably be Curasa or bust... but that may well be essential in some later fights; we'll see.

Boss notes:

Hecatoncheir: Terrifying obviously, like the other post-C4 eidolons I had to use shrouds. I unlocked Vanille's SEN just for this fight and did a lot of time with SEN/RAV and spamming Potions off the Doctor's Code, did COM/RAV when I felt I could.

Dahaka: Used a party of Fang/Snow/Hope, controlled Snow. He has a powerful ITD attack which dispels and I need to keep my leader in top shape. He always uses it on whoever has the lowest HP so it very often kills someone. Aside from that he periodically uses massively powerful MT magic attacks, which also cause Imperil (ARGH). Shell is essential, and Esuna should also be used immediately (this is why I control Snow) since there's no item-healing for it, otherwise his spells will wreck. Lightning's less useful than the norm because Dahaka will shift his elemental defences making the only En-spells I have at this point (thunder and fire) a potential liability, so I'm forced into a slower fight due to no Deprotect/Deshell (Fang's Ravager is much more useful, and anyway she has Faithra). Periodically Dahaka will buff himself with Haste/Faith, dispelling these is ESSENTIAL so Hope switches to SAB every time I see that. Since he hits hard in general I need loads of healing, but fortunately I have two Medics and Doctor's Code potions. Finally later in the fight he starts using Diluvial Plague which inflicts loads of status everywhere, so I make sure to keep Veil up with Fang. Protect/Shell/Faithra/Esuna can heal off whatever relevant status sneaks through. He also starts using an Aeroga which has a base damage of ~2700 MT, which is nutty! Never mind if Deshell, Faith, or Imperil is active; I only have somewhere around 2500 HP so this illustrates how much keeping control of the buff situation matters.

Barthandelus: I have some hopes he will be easier, but no, he's terrifying too. His things is firing LASERS constantly, this laser damage seems low but it adds up. He'll also use MT Daze/Poison/Curse, which are more frustrating than they are game-changing but make it harder to keep control of the fight (Veil is essential again). After 3 minutes pass he'll mix in two nasty moves periodically, in alternation with each other (while still doing his normal moves otherwise): Thanatosian Laughter which is big MT non-typed damage and Apoptosis which heals all his debuffs and removes all my buffs, unless Lightning gets lucky and dodges since it is evadable at least! Anyway I settle on Lightning/Fang/Hope for this one, controlling Fang to get out Faithra and Veil. I experiment with Protect/Shell a bunch (including with Snow) but later in the fight Apoptosis makes maintaining those too much of a pain. Deshell is absolutely worth it, though; I actually really need the offence here (my most successful run with Snow was probably headed towards Doom before I finally screwed up and died). Anyway it's again mostly a matter of applying the right buffs/debuffs after Apoptosis, then trying to squeeze in damage while healing a bunch, with Lightning usually staying in Sentinel to attract the lasers (which mercifully are evadable; only the status spells are not).

I have also now beaten all the missions up to #28 (some of the tougher ones, like 27, I saved until after Bart), so I'm probably going to head to Cocoon now.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #53 on: January 09, 2017, 02:03:10 AM »
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag: Just started this up.  Seems like it could be neat, but definitely need to get use to how the game works, prioritizes things, etc.  One thing I already don't like is any sort of stalking scenarios, since following people slowly just isn't fun to me.  Hopefully the game doesn't overuse this feature (I no doubt expect it to return because they wouldn't have focused on it the way they did early if it was a one time thing.)
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2017, 02:44:21 AM »
Been playing this slowly, half in Japanese as well. We're coming up on the final few chapters and the plot is picking up its melodrama levels, but honestly it's all good fun.

Lunafreya is a waste of the idea of a good heroine. I just needed to complain about that. Like, even in a game that is explicitly about bromance, she has a solid role in the plot apart from all of that and really could have been a good character. The actual plot surrounding her is pretty competent - she's a public figure with some cool powers and a strong sense of duty and strong possibly complex feelings for our main character.

But even after watching the Kingsglaive movie where she gets plenty of time to be on screen and do stuff I still have no fucking clue who this mannequin of a human being is.

It stands out a lot when compared to just how well I know our four main guys plus the handful of temps and even a bunch of the shopkeepers and quest-givers.

Lunafreya is a disappointment and failure as a character who had the potential to actually be one of the best FF heroines.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2017, 03:09:45 AM »
Bloodborne: this town'sgame's finished!

Game was amazing.  Thoughts later.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2017, 03:40:45 AM »
Been playing this slowly, half in Japanese as well. We're coming up on the final few chapters and the plot is picking up its melodrama levels, but honestly it's all good fun.

Lunafreya is a waste of the idea of a good heroine. I just needed to complain about that. Like, even in a game that is explicitly about bromance, she has a solid role in the plot apart from all of that and really could have been a good character. The actual plot surrounding her is pretty competent - she's a public figure with some cool powers and a strong sense of duty and strong possibly complex feelings for our main character.

But even after watching the Kingsglaive movie where she gets plenty of time to be on screen and do stuff I still have no fucking clue who this mannequin of a human being is.

It stands out a lot when compared to just how well I know our four main guys plus the handful of temps and even a bunch of the shopkeepers and quest-givers.

Lunafreya is a disappointment and failure as a character who had the potential to actually be one of the best FF heroines.

Just saying I absolutely agree with you on everything you said about Lunafreya.  It's a character who really could have gotten the point across that Non-combatants can be strong in their own right, since it's not about how much ass you can kick, but your ability to stand up threats, and they definitely suggest Luna is totally capable of that, but then...decide to do absolutely nothing with it.

NOTE: Don't know what Chapter you're on, but if you haven't gotten through the Altissia stuff, don't read the spoiler stuff.  Given your comments, I assume you did.

Watching Gamexplain's podcast about FF15, where most of them were overall positive about the game, they all agree that Luna's death is completely wasted due to her utter lack of presense, and Noctis' reaction is hard to really feel for because we never see the two of them together before that point.  It also would have been very easy to fix this.  Simply put, all you need to do is give us one scene in Altissia where Luna and Noctis meet up and just kind of go on a date or something, as a pre-wedding meet up, to let us explore their relationship, and show just how close they are, how much they feel for one another, etc. such that when the big event occurs, we've had THAT much to feel for them and it actually has an impact.

But as it stands, Luna is basically a Damsel in Distress without actually being in trouble, and seeing a she was by far the most promoted female in the game, this is a really bad thing.  I was totally fine with what I was hearing about with Luna (and constantly on the "Stella fanboys, SHUT UP" side), Kingsglaive as you said showed promise...but they completely botched her in game.  To FF15's credit with females, Iris is shockingly competent for a 15 year old girl, and Aranea's clearly bad ass enough to hold her own against the entire team single handedly and was NOT given a "STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN DON'T NEED NO MAN!!!" personality (actually, she came off as a REAL PERSON, in many respects, not a trope, which considering her limited screen-time is impressive), and they even made the lead politician of Altissia female, and the way she conducts herself demonstrated she was competent and strong (she's clearly controlling the conversation with Noctis, Noctis is mostly just trying to not give a bad impression), but when it comes to Luna, they completely failed, and when the game is already getting the ire for being so Pro-Male, the last thing they could afford is their designated Female Lead to be so...well...absent...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2017, 02:58:36 PM »
PokeSun:  Filling out my pokedex.  Fuck Eeveelutions.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #58 on: January 11, 2017, 10:19:11 AM »
FFD Black mage SCC: Just beat Gehenna.

X potions are in, they cost a leg and a half but I have a ton of money selling all useless equipment gotten from dungeons.
New spells include:
Quake: Here is an MT earth spell.  Also: here are floating enemies, as far as the eye can see
Comet: Rules
Meteor: Rules more

Once the two teams are reunited, I got to pick which 5 characters I can use out of 8. 4 can use Meteor. 4 cannot. This wasn't a very difficult choice!
 The 5th character I chose was Sol, because he was the fastest and had the highest HP of the loser team; meant he was the best item boy.

Randoms haven't changed much. They go like this: 1) Withstand one round of enemy attacks, charging badass spells 2) Black mage retalation, fight over 3) Heal with potions afterwards
Meteor is very MP taxing, but opportunities to save and refill MP are everywhere so I never really run into trouble. FFD is nice about that!

Bosses are starting to become very difficult. They die very fast to black mage spells (Around 8-12 castings / boss overall?), but we die very fast too. We only have two options in battle: Meteor (a real commitment, considering their charge time) and X Potions (but we can never afford to stall for long)
Once a character is down, he's down for the rest of the fight; I cannot possibly afford to spend three turns using one phoenix potion and two x potions. No fucking way.
This has led to insanely intense amazing fights lately, especially Leviathan, Elder, Cocytus, and Imperio+Gehenna. That last fight was a ridiculously close win, with only Sol alive at 500 / 3500 HP throwing one last Comet. (Sol can't cast Meteor, remember)

All temps have been used exclusively for healing, including the ninja.
Yes I used the ninja only for his healing pills because his damage was too low.

Honestly I'm a bit worried about the upcoming chapters, since bosses will likely continue to ramp up in difficulty, while we'll only get more max HP and slightly more damage.
At least I've been hoarding all these elixirs. If all else fails I hope there's an easy way to farm them.

My new idea for a FFD challenge is the "Ruin Your Savefile Lol" challenge. Here are the rules:
- You can only spend JP on whichever jobs has the lowest JP
- No temps (temps are too good)
This means having access to a lot of jobs but they're all garbage!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 10:30:27 PM by Fenrir »


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #59 on: January 11, 2017, 10:23:53 AM »
Bravely Second -  I have neglected some updates I think.  Last thing was do I side with giving money to charities or literally Objectivist Randian Dream.  Going with I will pick the things I regret the most would have made me get Dark Knight though so fuck that noise.

Going to go invade the sky castle and save the princess.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #60 on: January 11, 2017, 03:54:48 PM »
Diablo III: I'm a monk but I'm presently using The Zweihander. Yes, The Zweihander, dudes knew what they were on about.

Excuse plot gonna be excuse plot, but for a while I had some pretty credible Lenneth cosplay going, so that's alright.

I've been playing d3 a lot recently. Let's link up. What's system are you playing on? PS4 I hope.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #61 on: January 11, 2017, 09:10:07 PM »
Yep, PS4.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2017, 09:12:28 PM »
Fenrir: Your FFD challenge is pretty fun to read about. It'd be cool to see how other SSCs for this game would go.

Your lolrun idea I am skeptical of. How do you determine where to put the first Job Points to make that interesting?


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #63 on: January 11, 2017, 09:39:10 PM »
Roll the dice I guess if what you are after is Nuzlocke style challenge.  I also think picking which job would be the. Ore interesting part of the strategy to it if you leave it up to the player though.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #64 on: January 11, 2017, 10:26:24 PM »
No the idea is that all jobs have basically the same jp
Let's say your five classes are
Fighter 5
Monk 5
WM 5
BM 5
Thief 4

You get 3 JP
You have to upgrade Thief first, put one point is some job of your choice, then one point in a different job of your choice

So at endgame all your characters have 8 JP in every job and your save is ruined because no one has mastered anything and all your jobs give garbage stat bonuses


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #65 on: January 11, 2017, 11:08:49 PM »
FFD SCCs aren't too workable unless you do the basic classes, I think.
BM is probably the most fun
Summoner would be really really easy
WM would be easy but most boring
Monk, RM have potential as interesting challenges IMO
Warrior sounds fun in a brainless way
Thief would be absolute hell


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #66 on: January 12, 2017, 12:26:27 AM »
Hmmm you could do a double class challenge. Like one base job and one advanced job from each team. Or try it Fiesta style.

You roll one base job that everyone gets to use. And then one job for each pair of chapters. Could be hilarious if one team gets all their advanced jobs while the other is stuck SCCing it.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #67 on: January 12, 2017, 02:59:43 AM »
You could make FFD job system into FF13!

Get out.
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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #68 on: January 12, 2017, 08:45:10 AM »
Eh, FF13's job divisions and assignment are one of the few things about that game that I don't have a problem with. And rarely see any complaints about iirc. At least I didn't independently come up with an element system that perfectly copied SaGa's or anything. ;)


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #69 on: January 12, 2017, 03:45:03 PM »
"It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed by the thousands."

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #70 on: January 13, 2017, 05:41:53 AM »
Fire Emblem Fates - Completed Birthright Lunatic. Not that hard overall, until Chapter 23 onwards. 23 (Camilla), 24 (Hans), 25 (Iago), and 27 (human Garon) were all nasty maps, especially Iago.

It was a bloodbath. Kaden, Azura, Kaze (via plot), Oboro, Takumi, and Asugi were deaths I accepted in earlier chapters, then in the run of actually challenging chapters I was forced to accept the deaths of Yukimura, Kiragi, Hisame, and Scarlet (OHKOed by a sorcerer). Then in C25 I had two deaths of massive hax: first Hinata was struck by a 30% hit / 3% crit (not THAT low but still surprising; whatever Hinata sucked) and then Ryoma who was doubling and killing Iago; he first failed to activate a crit (~25% chance) or Astra (~15% chance), then got hit (~20% chance) and killed by a Vengeance proc (~24% chance) which of course only happened because I botched the quick mental math and thought Ryoma would survive. Oh well. No Ryoma made Garon's map tougher, certainly. Final boss I one-turned easily; kill the general with a couple PCs then three more dealt with him.

MVP overall was Ryoma probably because Ryoma, but Hinoka was more or less right there as a great tank with no bad stats; later in the game (when flight stops being useful) I switched her to Spearmaster where the better bulk/crit evade/power was nice; she was essential for just surviving though she had to choose different weapons rather than having a near-perfect one like Raijinto. Also very notable were Saizo (good overall stats + shuriken are nice), Hana (dodgy cannon), and Reina (went for a Replicate build late which works well, since her + clone can murder two enemies on the player phase nicely; Surefire Yumi is really nice for fixing up her only offensive weakness). Corrin (+spd, -luck, had Sniper/Hero skills too) was also very solid individually; I married Takumi because I am a twisted individual.

Good fun. The endgame was absolutely worth it; it doesn't have the great map design that some Conquest maps but there are still some neat map design aspects iike Camilla's fireballs and the Entrap staff madness, along with a decent array of powerful enemies to deal with, and in significant numbers. As is often the case with Fates at its best, it definitely brought out the advantages of both attack stance and pairup. The midgame was still way too easy considering it's Lunatic, but oh well.

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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #71 on: January 13, 2017, 10:22:52 AM »
Yep, PS4.

Send me your handle.

Pretty sure we're already friends on PSN (look for the Flonne avatar). In fact, yesterday I got ambushed by a monster titled "Killer of [Scar's PSN ID]." That was weird.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #72 on: January 13, 2017, 10:45:55 AM »
FFD Black Mage SCC: :(

Every boss until the final was easy. But Elgo is finally getting his revenge from me stealing his shoes way back then. I cannot beat him.
First form is easy enough, as he only has ST damage.
Second form is too fast, has too many multitarget attacks, including Ultima. It's not very easy to recover from Ultima.
I can beat normal Elgo but this burns through like all my elixirs, which are very much needed for Chaos Elgo.

I have searched for ways to farm elixirs. Guides say that Tot Aevis drop them. I have looked at places where Tot Aevis is supposed to be and have only found Toteibis, a color swap. Maybe Tot Aevis got replaced after Chapter 6. I do not want to load an earlier save to look at this.

Good old fashioned grinding is getting me nowhere. +32 HP per level!! Almost no other stat boost!

At least I've beaten Bahamut with nothing but Meteors, X Potions, and DEFEND, so that's something

I think I'm done.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #73 on: January 13, 2017, 08:03:17 PM »
Super Smash Bros for Wii U: Playing this game with ThatMasterLemon. We're trying to unlock some of the characters and complete the events. We've only got Duck Hunt left to unlock.

Metal Gear Solid: Beaten Grey Wolf. Boy is the combat barebones in this game. Grey Wolf in particular reminds me of most 3D Zelda fights, in that most of your opponents are based around waiting for openings.


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Re: What Games are you Playing 2017?
« Reply #74 on: January 13, 2017, 08:20:06 PM »
Yep, PS4.

Send me your handle.

Pretty sure we're already friends on PSN (look for the Flonne avatar). In fact, yesterday I got ambushed by a monster titled "Killer of [Scar's PSN ID]." That was weird.

Oh ok. Yeah. Hate that guy!

Do you have a hardcore character by chance?
"It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed by the thousands."

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