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Tournaments / Proving Grounds Godlike, Unicorn Overlord
« on: May 16, 2024, 02:42:06 AM »
Alain: Fast and damaging, really tanky, immune to status, self-healing.
Amalia: Supreme damage.
Dinah: Evasion on top of evasion. Literally.

Alain   vs.   Rubicant
Alain   vs.   Marcello (DQ8)
Alain   vs.   Sierra
Alain   vs.   Emily
Alain   vs.   Celes
Alain   vs.   Yuri
Alain   vs.   Nailah
Alain   vs.   Lashiec
Alain   vs.   Teepo
Alain   vs.   Jessica
Alain   vs.   Alena
Alain   vs.   Chaz
Alain   vs.   Artea
Alain   vs.   Eirika
Amalia   vs.   Rubicant
Amalia   vs.   Marcello (DQ8)
Amalia   vs.   Sierra
Amalia   vs.   Emily
Amalia   vs.   Celes
Amalia   vs.   Yuri
Amalia   vs.   Nailah
Amalia   vs.   Lashiec
Amalia   vs.   Teepo
Amalia   vs.   Jessica
Amalia   vs.   Alena
Amalia   vs.   Chaz
Amalia   vs.   Artea
Amalia   vs.   Eirika
Dinah   vs.   Rubicant
Dinah   vs.   Marcello (DQ8)
Dinah   vs.   Sierra
Dinah   vs.   Emily
Dinah   vs.   Celes
Dinah   vs.   Yuri
Dinah   vs.   Nailah
Dinah   vs.   Lashiec
Dinah   vs.   Teepo
Dinah   vs.   Jessica
Dinah   vs.   Alena
Dinah   vs.   Chaz
Dinah   vs.   Artea
Dinah   vs.   Eirika

Unranked Games / Unicorn Overlord
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:17:32 PM »
Unicorn Overlord. Levels taken at 43. Enemy stats were an average of endgame enemies.

Unicorn Overlord utilizes an "Encounter" system where, when two units encounter each other on the map, they engage in a turn-based battle.
The turn-based battle consists of characters taking actions in initiative order from highest to lowest. Taking an action consumes "Action Points", and the battle only ends when all combatants have used all of their action points.
If a combatant runs out of AP they can no longer take actions in a round, but there continues to be rounds until all combatant AP is spent.
Given this, it is safest to assume a DL bout would go as a series of encounters until one dueler wins. I assume 3 AP is standard, so once every 3 turns a dueler would be 'refreshed' AP and PP, and use end of battle/start of battle passives. This also means using a 2AP skill would represent 'borrowing' a future turn's action to use a more powerful move immediately.
Additionally, characters have "Passives" abilities that activate when conditions are met. For example countering an attack, increasing defense before being hit, or covering an ally. These consume "Passive Points", and can only be used if the user has enough passive points to do so.
Units are arranged in a 3x2 grid on their side (3 columns, front/back row). In a duel this doesn't matter. In-game units in the back row can't be struke with melee attacks while there are front row units.
I am taking the cast as the recruitable story characters (all of them). I am not including Generics in this. Note that the game does not 'balance' the classes with story characters. There are 4 Great Knights but only 1 Sergeant for example.

Equipment: Characters have 4 equipment slots of varying types depending on their class. I've made the following assumptions:
- Vorpal Weapons are a good representative endgame weapon. There are a fair number of them of the 5 weapon types, and there are a fair number of better things too.
- Steel Shields and Greatshields are assumed where relevant. There are a lot of shield users and not that many great shields.
- I assumed Lapis and Carnelian Pendants as available, and are generally default.
- Where reasonable, I assigned a Gold Bangle or Royal Scarf to a unit, depending on whether they were defense or evasion-oriented. Other relevant game equipment is Silken Scarf (+20 Evade), Veteran Eyepatch (+30 Crit), Elite Beret/Sage's Hood (+12% base P/M Atk).
- Status Blockers: There are some status blocker accessories in the game that guard against Poison, Blind, Burn, Freeze, Passive Seal, Guard Seal.
Game Stats:
Damage: Damage is just (Attack stat - Defense Stat) * Potency/100. There are other modifiers that can come into play but this is the basic formula.
Critical Hit: A Critical hit happens at the character's Crit% rate. These are 1.5x damage (or healing). Some skills increase this damage multipler. Adding 50% to it would make it a 2x crit instead for example.
Evasion: Evade in Unicorn Overlord works against any type of attack (physical/magical/otherwise) unless that attack is specifically a "Truestrike" that ignores evade and evade skills. Hit rate % is simply Accuracy - Evade. One note is that when a move has less than 100% accuracy, that is multiplied by the final hit-rate.
Guarding: Units can 'guard' against physical damage. This happens based upon the unit's Guard Rate %. If an attack is guarded, the physical damage is reduced by 25%. If the unit has a shield equipped, it is a 50% reduction. If a Greatshield is equipped it is a 75% reduction. This has no effect on ITD/magic damage.
Unit Type Bonuses/Penalties:
In Unicorn Overlord, some unit types have advantages over others. These are extreme (double damage or halved accuracy) so it might be reasonable to ascribe half of it to the unit on both ends (for example 41% damage boost or 71% hit rate in the DL against types the unit is strong or weak against).
- Cavalry units on horses deal double damage against Infantry units that are on foot. Infantry includes Beastfolk and elves that are on foot, but does not include winged characters.
- Flying units halve the hit-rate of melee attacks from units on the ground.
- Arrow attacks do double damage to flying units.
- MOUNTED flying units (Gryphon and Wyvern riders) deal double damage to cavalry units. This is in addition to being flying typed and halving accuracy against ground units.
These bonuses are multiplied on top of any specific weakness-hitting skill a unit might have. For example Gryphon Knights have a skill that increases Potency to Cavalry units. That increased damage is then doubled from being mounted flying type against them.
None of these bonuses are included in damage figures, although one could argue that Cavalry face mostly Infantry both in-game and in the DL.
I assumed enemy stats to be an average of the endgame enemies on Tactical mode.
P/M Atk: 60
P.Def: 34
M.Def: 39
Evade: 40. Accuracy: 138.
I include an estimate of physical and magical durability based upon HP% and how effective the unit's defensive stat is. 200% = Unit can take twice as much punishment as a unit with 100%.

For move types. I list the Move, how much PP/AP it costs, and what benefits it has. Almost all moves are more than just damage!

Afflictions (Status effects)
Burn: Unit takes 20 damage before taking an action (using an Action Point). This stacks, so if Burn is inflicted again (Lvl 2 Burn) it is 40 damage. A 3rd stack would make the target unit take 60 damage before it takes an action.
Freeze: A frozen unit can't act to spend AP. It also can't use Passives, dodge, or Guard. If the unit is attacked it unfreezes. If a unit is the last unit with AP but is still Frozen, then it can't use the AP and loses it. This makes Freezing a slower opponent incredibly potent as a dueling strategy!
Stun: A unit that is stunned can't act, guard, or use passives. The condition is cleared after the unit's turn comes up in combat (it loses the turn but not any AP and clears Stun). This means if a unit inflicts Stun and uses all their AP, the foe that was stunned will get to use their AP once their final stun clears.
Blind: The unit's attacks automatically miss. Even Truestrike attacks. The status is cleared after the unit takes a turn.
Poison: The unit takes 30% of their max HP before taking an action. If they were stunned they still take the damage.
Instant Death: Brings a character to 0 HP immediately if it triggers.
Passive Seal: Prevents a unit from using Passive skills (Auto-evade, counters, counter-healing, covering for other units, etc)

Debuffs: Debuffs include AP/PP Draining or damage. Stat-downs which last till the end of an encounter, and Afflictions like above (Afflictions are classified as debuffs).
Debuffs and buffs work on the final equipped stat value in-battle and are very potent (distinct from equipment boost %s that only impact the base unequipped value)
Priests, Ramona, and Featherstaves are not included in averages on account of having no effective attacks. Selvie wouldn't normally have an attack but there is one staff that gives Druids an attack. There is one for Priests and that would be HILARIOUS but unfortunately there are 3 priests.

HP: 87.8
P.Def: 31.7
M.Def: 34.8
Initiative: 31, Stdev 10.8
Accuracy: 140
Evade: 55.7
Guard Rate: 28.4%

3-turn damage average: 43 per turn (107 2.5x kill point). [Cavalry with +41% damage assumed is 45 dmg/turn, With +100% damage assumed it is 48]

I've already included into the damage effects of moves that partially ignore a target's defense or that add raw damage (like Yunifi's sonic arrow).

I'll include a dueler's type. If there are no notes they are just infantry.

Bestral units' get a +20% base stat buff at night time. I haven't included this.

Equipment: Holy Unicorn Blade, Steel Shield, Ring of the Unicorn, Gold Bangle
Type: Cavalry
HP: 104   P.Atk: 71   P.Def: 52   M.Atk: 42   M.Def: 48   Init: 45   Acc:152   Evade: 66   Crit: 24   Guard Rate: 57   AP: 4   PP: 3
HP%: 113%    Physical Durability: 399%    Magical Durability: 237%    Evasion%: 28%    Init Stdev: +1.29
Base Accuracy: 112%
Note: Holy Unicorn Blade grants Debuff (immunity to Status, stat-downs, AP/PP damage)
Active Skills:
Lean Edge (1): 37 Damage to one. 25% HP Restoration if attack hits. 50% if attack kills. [100 Phys Potency]
Cavalry Slayer (1): 37 Damage to one. Inflicts -1AP, -1PP, and Guard Seal on Cavalry [100 Phys Potency]
Spinning Edge (2): 65 Damage row attack. Ignores 50% of target Defense [60 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Noble Guard (1) : Guard a physical attack (50% reduction). Grants +20% defense for the rest of the battle (not on the triggering damage). +1 PP if Alain is below 50% HP
Luminous Guard (1) : Guards a physical attack for an ally (50% reduction), Grants ally +20% Physical Defense
Rapid Order (1) : Activates at start of battle. +20 Initiative to entire team.

"Comments: Tank who heals himself for 25% with his attacks. Has solid damage in Spinning Edge. Noble Guard makes a mockery of
Physicals while Rapid Order gives him fabulous initiative. Heavy?"

Equipment: Papal Croier, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 73   P.Atk: 20   P.Def: 27   M.Atk: 66   M.Def: 49   Init: 20   Acc:138   Evade: 95   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 11   AP: 4   PP: 4
HP%: 83%    Physical Durability: 71%    Magical Durability: 190%    Evasion%: 57%    Init Stdev: -1.02
Base Accuracy: 98%

Active Skills:
Holy Light (1): 27 Magic Damage. Removes all target buffs. [100 Mag Potency]
Curing Call (1): 33 Healing to a row. Removes all debuffs [50 Mag Potency]
Innocent Ray (2): 41 Magic damage to a row. Removes all target buffs. [150 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Passive Miracle (1) : Actiavtes after receiving an ally's passive skill: Healing and one PP to that ally
Saint's Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally or user is attacked. Reduces damage taken by 50% for one attack. Prevents debuffs/status from that attack. Does not trigger on debuff/status-only moves.
Divine Blessing (1) : Activates at start of battle: Grants all allies 25% HP Regen and +10% Defense.

Note: 78% Pdur with Divine Blessing

Comments: Saint's Barrier is very good, halving damage coming at her. She has Divine Blessing's Regen to help survive too. It's a pity Curing Call isn't stronger healing but she might eke out wins in Middle?

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 103   P.Atk: 72   P.Def: 40   M.Atk: 30   M.Def: 29   Init: 33   Acc:124   Evade: 16   Crit: 22   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: 158%    Magical Durability: 91%    Evasion%: -22%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 38  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 30  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 57  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 97   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 43   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 33   Init: 32   Acc:130   Evade: 19   Crit: 21   Guard Rate: 46   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 174%    Magical Durability: 98%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: +0.09
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 34  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 27  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 51  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Type: Cavalry
Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
HP: 100   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 45   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 33   Init: 30   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 19   Guard Rate: 49   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 108%    Physical Durability: 203%    Magical Durability: 101%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 34  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 27  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 51  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note:  Each use of  Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 14, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 21.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Shield, Lapis Pendant, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 105   P.Atk: 76   P.Def: 38   M.Atk: 34   M.Def: 27   Init: 30   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 45   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 114%    Physical Durability: 146%    Magical Durability: 87%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Assaulting Lance (1): 42  Damage to one. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [100 Phys Potency]
Wild Rush (1): 34  Damage to a column. Inflicts Stun. [80 Phys Potency]
Pile Thrust (2): 63  Damage. Grants 1 AP to user if target is defeated [50 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Cavalier Call (1) : Activates before attacking with a skill. Grants +20% Attack to user and cavalry allies in same row.
Knight's Pursuit (1) : Activates after another Cavalry Ally attacks: Follow-up attack to the same column.

Note: Each use of Cavalier Call increases Assaulting Lance by 15, Wild Rush by 12, and Pile Thrust by 23.

Comments: Cavalry good. Physical attacks are wasting time (Quick Guard and good physical durability see to that).Cavalry Call adds 20% of P.Atk and Knight P.Atk is good. It stacks too so they keep getting stronger. Wild Rush spam can win a match while leaving foes stunned... if their accuracy doesn't sink them.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant, Elite Beret
HP: 85   P.Atk: 64   P.Def: 39   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 36   Init: 33   Acc:134   Evade: 53   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 14   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 91%    Physical Durability: 122%    Magical Durability: 95%    Evasion%: 15%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 94%

Active Skills:
Long Thrust (1): 30 Damage to a column. Cavalry unit's can't guard it and it deals +50% damage to them. [100 Phys Potency]
Javelin (1): 30 Damage to a target. Ranged Attack.. +50% damage to flying targets. [100 Phys Potency]
Honed Spear (2): 39 Damage to a column. Cavalry unit's can't guard it. +50 Potency if user is buffed [130 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
First Aid (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Restores 25% HP to an ally
Keen Call (1) : Activates before another ally attacks. Grants 100% Critical rate.
Active Gift (2) : Activates after another ally uses an active skill. Grants them 1 AP

Comments: A support unit with no one else to support. Throwing her a bone (and an Elite Beret) doesn't help too much. She might 4HKO and get a bit of healing at the end of round 3. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Gold Bangle, Carnelian Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 97   P.Atk: 61   P.Def: 49   M.Atk: 27   M.Def: 21   Init: 29   Acc:134   Evade: 27   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 56   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 269%    Magical Durability: 68%    Evasion%: -11%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 94%

Active Skills:
Warding Slash (1): 27 Damage. Grants the user +20% physical defense. [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Bash (1): 14 Damage. Inflicts Stun. [50 Phys Potency]
Defender (2): 41 Damage. Grants the user +50% Physical defense. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Arrow Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is hit by a ranged attack. Blocks ranged attack and negates damage.
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Provoke (1) : Activates at start of battle. Force a row of enemies to focus attacks on user (but doesn't force them to use attacks). Grants +50% Guard Rate.

Comments: Not too much point going at him with physicals with the Guard Rate, physical defense, and buffing physical defense. But god help him if a mage has at him.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle
Type: Armored
HP: 86   P.Atk: 59   P.Def: 49   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 21   Init: 31   Acc:141   Evade: 29   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 56   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 92%    Physical Durability: 236%    Magical Durability: 59%    Evasion%: -9%    Init Stdev: 0
Base Accuracy: 101%

Active Skills:
Warding Slash (1): 25 Damage. Grants the user +20% physical defense. [100 Phys Potency]
Shield Bash (1): 13 Damage. Inflicts Stun. [50 Phys Potency]
Defender (2): 38 Damage. Grants the user +50% Physical defense. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [75 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Arrow Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is hit by a ranged attack. Blocks ranged attack and negates damage.
Quick Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%)
Provoke (1) : Activates at start of battle. Force a row of enemies to focus attacks on user (but doesn't force them to use attacks). Grants +50% Guard Rate.

Comments: Not too much point going at him with physicals with the Guard Rate, physical defense, and buffing physical defense. But god help him if a mage has at him.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 103   P.Atk: 59   P.Def: 62   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 2   Init: 12   Acc:127   Evade: 5   Crit: 12   Guard Rate: 71   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: -1581%    Magical Durability: 49%    Evasion%: -33%    Init Stdev: -1.76
Base Accuracy: 87%

Active Skills:
Sting (1): 25 Damage. +50 Potency (50% damage) if the user is below 50% HP. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Protection (1) : Grants allies in the user's row +50% Physical defense.
Greatshield (1) : Grants the user +50% Physical defense and +2 PP.

Passive Skills:
Heavy Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers the ally with a Heavy Guard (75% physical damage reduction)
Guardian (1) : Activates after being hit by a physical attack. Grants the user +20% physical attacck and +20% Guard Rate (stacks in a battle)
Row Cover (2) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers a row of allies with a Medium Guard (50% physical damage reduction)

Comments: Bring magic or ITD. The damage is so terrible that a suitable healer could somehow eke it out but it would take for-ever.

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Armored
HP: 107   P.Atk: 53   P.Def: 68   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 7   Init: 13   Acc:127   Evade: 10   Crit: 8   Guard Rate: 73   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: -409%    Magical Durability: 55%    Evasion%: -28%    Init Stdev: -1.67
Base Accuracy: 87%

Active Skills:
Sting (1): 19 Damage. +50 Potency (50% damage) if the user is below 50% HP. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Protection (1) : Grants allies in the user's row +50% Physical defense.
Greatshield (1) : Grants the user +50% Physical defense and +2 PP.

Passive Skills:
Heavy Cover (1) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers the ally with a Heavy Guard (75% physical damage reduction)
Guardian (1) : Activates after being hit by a physical attack. Grants the user +20% physical attacck and +20% Guard Rate (stacks in a battle)
Row Cover (2) : Activates before another ally is attacked. Covers a row of allies with a Medium Guard (50% physical damage reduction)

Comments: Bring magic or ITD. The damage is so terrible that a suitable healer could somehow eke it out but it would take for-ever.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 77   P.Atk: 75   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 17   Init: 36   Acc:139   Evade: 34   Crit: 14   Guard Rate: 43   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 82%    Physical Durability: 77%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: -4%    Init Stdev: +0.46
Base Accuracy: 99%

Active Skills:
Smash (1): 41 Damage. Inflicts Phys. Defense – 20% [100 Phys Potency]
Rolling Axe (1): 49 Damage to a row. 75% accuracy. Inflicts phys. Defense – 15% [40 Phys Potency][ 3 Hits]
Wide Breaker (2): 41 Damage to a row Inflicts Phys. Defense -30%. +50 Potency vs Debuffed Targets [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Parting Blow (1): 31 Activates at the end of battle. Attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Frenzied Strike (1): 21 Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Inflicts Phys. Defense -15%. [50 Phys Potency]
War Horn (2) : Activates at the start of battle. Makes all ally attack skills unguardable.

Note: Def -20% increases Aubin's damage by 7 (17%)

Comments: Smash reduces enemy defense by 20% (plus 12 damage for a 100 Potency attack). So Smash -> Smash -> Smash. If he survives his foe's third action he might get in a Parting Blow, and he counters with Frenzied Strike. His durability is terrible however... Light? Rolling Axe might punish those with no evasion to speak of.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
HP: 81   P.Atk: 64   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 38   Init: 30   Acc:173   Evade: 82   Crit: 23   Guard Rate: 13   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 87%    Physical Durability: 55%    Magical Durability: 99%    Evasion%: 44%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 133%

Active Skills:
Single Shot (1): 30 Damage. Ranged. (Most basic move in the game!) [100 Phys Potency]
Dual Shot (1): 21 Damage to two enemies. Ranged. [70 Phys Potency]
Row Shot (2): 30 Damage to a row. Ranged. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Eagle Eye (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes next attack a Truestrike
Pursuit (1): 23 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Aerial Snipe (1): 15 Damage. Actives after an ally (including self) is hit with an attack. +100 potency (x3 dmg) vs flying enemies. [50 Phys Potency]

Comments: A weak counter and a weak attack add up to a meager 3HKO? With attrocious durability. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
HP: 76   P.Atk: 63   P.Def: 17   M.Atk: 28   M.Def: 41   Init: 30   Acc:173   Evade: 82   Crit: 24   Guard Rate: 10   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 53%    Magical Durability: 107%    Evasion%: 44%    Init Stdev: -0.09
Base Accuracy: 133%

Active Skills:
Single Shot (1): 29 Damage. Ranged. (Most basic move in the game!) [100 Phys Potency]
Dual Shot (1): 20 Damage to two enemies. Ranged. [70 Phys Potency]
Row Shot (2): 29 Damage to a row. Ranged. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Eagle Eye (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. Makes next attack a Truestrike
Pursuit (1): 22 Damage. Activates after another ally attacks with an active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [75 Phys Potency]
Aerial Snipe (1): 15 Damage. Actives after an ally (including self) is hit with an attack. +100 potency (x3 dmg) vs flying enemies. [50 Phys Potency]

Comments: A weak counter and a weak attack add up to a meager 3HKO? With attrocious durability. Light.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 104   P.Atk: 92   P.Def: 36   M.Atk: 15   M.Def: 19   Init: 20   Acc:130   Evade: 25   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 113%    Physical Durability: 133%    Magical Durability: 69%    Evasion%: -13%    Init Stdev: -1.02
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 87 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 58 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 81 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 58 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk +20% Increases Bereneice's Heavy Slash damage by 28 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 151 damage to a full HP target. [198 after Vengeful Guard]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 108   P.Atk: 95   P.Def: 35   M.Atk: 18   M.Def: 18   Init: 18   Acc:124   Evade: 30   Crit: 18   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 117%    Physical Durability: 132%    Magical Durability: 70%    Evasion%: -8%    Init Stdev: -1.2
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 92 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 61 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 85 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 61 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk+20% Increases Heavy Slash by 29 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 158 damage to a full HP target. [207 after Vengeful Guard]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 107   P.Atk: 91   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 14   M.Def: 20   Init: 21   Acc:124   Evade: 27   Crit: 20   Guard Rate: 47   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: 142%    Magical Durability: 73%    Evasion%: -11%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Heavy Slash (1): 86 Damage.  [150 Phys Potency]
Killing Chain (1): 57 Damage. Grants +1AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Bastard's Cross (2): 80 Damage. Potency based on target's HP%, (100% → 60 Potency increase (85.8% damage increase), 0% → 0%) [70 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Following Slash (1): 57 Damage. 90% Hit-rate. Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack (not status-only). Counterattacks a single enemy. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Vengeful Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Guards an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Grants user +20% Phys Attack (Stacks)
Bull Force (2) : Activates after using an Active skill. Grants user +1AP, +20% Phys Attack, and +20 Initiative

Note: Each stack of P.Atk +20% Increases Jeremy's Heavy Slash damage by 28 (31%)
Bastard's Cross does 151 damage to a full HP target. [198 w/ Atk+20%]

Comments: Meet pain and death and one of the reasons most units have bad damage. Bastard's Cross opener can OHKO. They have counters, a Guard Skill, and Bull Rush that can actually make them lap an enemy (get 2nd turn before foe)... poor magic durability is the only weakness. Heavy.

Equipment: Vorpal Rod, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle
HP: 63   P.Atk: 10   P.Def: 18   M.Atk: 74   M.Def: 51   Init: 21   Acc:131   Evade: 75   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 2
HP%: 66%    Physical Durability: 44%    Magical Durability: 184%    Evasion%: 37%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 91%

Active Skills:
Icebolt (1): 35 Magic damage. Inflicts Freeze [100 Mag Potency]
Magick Missile (1): 25 Magic damage. Attack two enemies with magic. [70 Mag Potency]
Ice Coffin (2): 35 Magic damage to a row. Inflicts Freeze. +50 Potency vs Frozen targets. [100 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Magick Conferral (1) : Activates before an ally's physical attack with an active skill. Adds a magic attack to it with 50 Potency.
Accurate Conferral (1) : Activates before another ally attacks with an active skill. Makes the attack a Truestrike.
Quick Cast (2) : Activates at the start of battle. Grants user max initiative for next action and -50% Crit rate.

Comments: Go first with Quick Cast. Freeze Enemy. Repeat until victory. If a foe ignores her Freeze she is in a tight spot indeed as then her speed and damage and durability are all horrifically bad. So a flavorful Middle or something.

Equipment: Vorpal Rod, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 59   P.Atk: 6   P.Def: 20   M.Atk: 74   M.Def: 53   Init: 21   Acc:130   Evade: 37   Crit: 10   Guard Rate: 2   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 62%    Physical Durability: 44%    Magical Durability: 223%    Evasion%: -1%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Fireball (1): 42 Magic damage. Inflicts 1 level of burn if any hits connect. (but no more than 1) [40 Mag Potency][ 3 Hits]
Thunderous Strike (2): 35 Magic damage to a row. 90% Accuracy. Inflicts Stun. [100 Mag Potency]
Volcano (2): 53 Magic damage to a column. 90% Accuracy. Inflicts Burn. [150 Mag Potency]

Passive Skills:
Magick Counter (1): 53 Magic Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with a 150 potency magic attack [150 Mag Potency]
Magick Pursuit (1): 35 Magic Damage. Activates after an ally uses a magick attack active skill. Follow-up attacks a single enemy with magick. [100 Mag Potency]
Concentrate (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants user +1AP and +40 Accuracy.

Comments: Auch... has no physical durability. An average physical almost OHKOs him probably. But he has okay damage (borderline 2HKO magic counter), so he might get a chance to kill. And his magic durability is great.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 57   P.Atk: 49   P.Def: 11   M.Atk: 30   M.Def: 29   Init: 52   Acc:151   Evade: 123   Crit: 29   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 59%    Physical Durability: 34%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: 85%    Init Stdev: +1.94
Base Accuracy: 111%

Active Skills:
Passive Steal (1): 15 Damage. Steal off of the enemy's PP (does not apply if they guard the first hit. DOES apply if the evade the first hit and get hit by the second) [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Toxic Throw (1): 8 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [25 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Shadowbite (2): 5 Damage to a row. Inflicts Blindness. [15 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Evade (1) : Activates before an attack that would hit the user. Evades a single hit in that attack string.
Sneaking Edge (1): 15 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Guard Seal and Passive Seal if either hit connects. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Comments: Sneak Edge seals off enemy counters/passive skills. A crazy high evasion stat keeps him in the fight. The Evade skill is so good it feels like cheating (but only works vs a single-hit vs multi-hit attacks... if those attacks can get through the ordinary evade).  Poisoning an enemy lets him kill them. Middle/Heavy? One of those cases that might want a Silken Scarf to make the evade even higher.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 55   P.Atk: 44   P.Def: 12   M.Atk: 25   M.Def: 30   Init: 55   Acc:151   Evade: 126   Crit: 29   Guard Rate: 4   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 57%    Physical Durability: 34%    Magical Durability: 48%    Evasion%: 88%    Init Stdev: +2.22
Base Accuracy: 111%

Active Skills:
Passive Steal (1): 10 Damage. Steal off of the enemy's PP (does not apply if they guard the first hit. DOES apply if the evade the first hit and get hit by the second) [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Toxic Throw (1): 5 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [25 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]
Shadowbite (2): 3 Damage to a row. Inflicts Blindness. [15 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Evade (1) : Activates before an attack that would hit the user. Evades a single hit in that attack string.
Sneaking Edge (1): 10 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. Inflicts Guard Seal and Passive Seal if either hit connects. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Comments: Sneak Edge seals off enemy counters/passive skills. A crazy high evasion stat keeps him in the fight. The Evade skill is so good it feels like cheating (but only works vs a single-hit vs multi-hit attacks... if those attacks can get through the ordinary evade).  Poisoning an enemy lets him kill them. Middle/Heavy? One of those cases that might want a Silken Scarf to make the evade even higher.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 103   P.Atk: 57   P.Def: 31   M.Atk: 46   M.Def: 54   Init: 29   Acc:133   Evade: 14   Crit: 5   Guard Rate: 50   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 112%    Physical Durability: 109%    Magical Durability: 469%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 93%

Active Skills:
Hache (1): 23 Damage. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Heal (): 46 Restores HP to a row of allies. [100 Mag Potency]
Saint's Blade (1): 23 Damage. +25 Potency (+50% damage) if user is at 100% HP. Grants user +1PP if attack hits. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Magick Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage deal to an ally. Also negates any afflictions.
Holy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Prevents Debuffs/status from the attack.
Row Barrier (2) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage to a row of allie. Also negates any afflictions.

Comments: Don't attack with magic. Withthat said, Holy Guard protects against physicals nad she has healing. Middle/Heavy?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Steel Shield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Cavalry
HP: 107   P.Atk: 54   P.Def: 34   M.Atk: 43   M.Def: 56   Init: 29   Acc:132   Evade: 19   Crit: 3   Guard Rate: 50   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 116%    Physical Durability: 126%    Magical Durability: 729%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: -0.19
Base Accuracy: 92%

Active Skills:
Hache (1): 20 Damage. Grants +1PP if attack hits. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Heal (): 43 Restores HP to a row of allies. [100 Mag Potency]
Saint's Blade (1): 20 Damage. +25 Potency (+50% damage) if user is at 100% HP. Grants user +1PP if attack hits. [50 Phys Potency][ 2 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Magick Barrier (1) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage deal to an ally. Also negates any afflictions.
Holy Guard (1) : Activates before being hit by a physical attack: Blocks an enemy attack string (reduces damage by 50%). Prevents Debuffs/status from the attack.
Row Barrier (2) : Activates before an ally (including user) is hit by a magick attack. Negates magic damage to a row of allie. Also negates any afflictions.

Comments: Don't attack with magic. Withthat said, Holy Guard protects against physicals nad she has healing. Middle/Heavy?

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant
HP: 62   P.Atk: 66   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 21   M.Def: 35   Init: 55   Acc:160   Evade: 124   Crit: 38   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 65%    Physical Durability: 41%    Magical Durability: 65%    Evasion%: 86%    Init Stdev: +2.22
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 32 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 58 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 48 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage (2x instead of 1.5x).

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 62   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 15   M.Atk: 24   M.Def: 35   Init: 54   Acc:158   Evade: 119   Crit: 40   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 65%    Physical Durability: 41%    Magical Durability: 65%    Evasion%: 81%    Init Stdev: +2.13
Base Accuracy: 118%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 34 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 61 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 51 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage.

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Sword, Icefall Blade, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf
HP: 65   P.Atk: 73   P.Def: 14   M.Atk: 29   M.Def: 34   Init: 52   Acc:160   Evade: 118   Crit: 36   Guard Rate: -11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 68%    Physical Durability: 42%    Magical Durability: 66%    Evasion%: 80%    Init Stdev: +1.94
Base Accuracy: 120%

Active Skills:
Keen Edge (1): 39 Damage. Truestrike. Critical rate +50% [100 Phys Potency]
Impale (1):  Damage. Grants +1PP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Meteor Slash (2): 70 Damage. Critical Rate +30% [20 Phys Potency][ 9 Hits]

Passive Skills:
Hastened Strike (1): 59 Damage. Activates at the start of battle. Attack a single enemy. With a truestrike. [150 Phys Potency]
Parry (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit in the attack. Grants +1 AP to user.
Charged Impetus (2) : Activates after using an active skill. Grants the user +1 AP and +50% critical damage.

Comments: damage, good evade, and truestrike to deal with foe's evasion. Parry can help against accurate single melee attacks (not from flying enemies though!).  Hastened Strike into Meteor Slash KOs. Another case where they might want to sacrifice the Carnelian Pendant (and use Charged Impetus to get the 3rd AP) for a Silken Scarf.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 143   P.Atk: 67   P.Def: 18   M.Atk: 2   M.Def: 23   Init: 17   Acc:124   Evade: 14   Crit: 10   Guard Rate: 14   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 157%    Physical Durability: 106%    Magical Durability: 107%    Evasion%: -24%    Init Stdev: -1.3
Base Accuracy: 84%

Active Skills:
Wide Smash (1): 50 Damage to a row of enemies. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency (1.33x dmg) if the user is at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]
Mounting Charge (1):  Restores 30% HP to user. Grants user +30% Phys attack
Grand Smash (2): 33 Damage. Attack all enemies on the ground. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency if user is at 100% HP. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Bulk Up (1) : Activates after being hit by an attack. Recovers 40% HP.
Wide Counter (1): 33 Damage. 75% Accuracy. Counterattack a row of enemies. [100 Phys Potency]
Berserk (1*) : Consume all PP to grant user +1AP. User will survive one lethal attack with 1 HP.

Note: Mounting Charge increases his Wide Smash by 30 (60%)

Comments: Okay durability and counters attacks with a 40% heal. Also has a 30% Self-heal. This is really good! The accuracy is very bad however.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant, Gold Bangle
HP: 146   P.Atk: 70   P.Def: 16   M.Atk: 6   M.Def: 21   Init: 13   Acc:118   Evade: 19   Crit: 15   Guard Rate: 11   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 161%    Physical Durability: 103%    Magical Durability: 104%    Evasion%: -19%    Init Stdev: -1.67
Base Accuracy: 78%

Active Skills:
Wide Smash (1): 54 Damage to a row of enemies. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency (1.33x dmg) if the user is at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]
Mounting Charge (1):  Restores 30% HP to user. Grants user +30% Phys attack
Grand Smash (2): 36 Damage. Attack all enemies on the ground. 80% Accuracy. +50 potency if user is at 100% HP. [100 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Bulk Up (1) : Activates after being hit by an attack. Recovers 40% HP.
Wide Counter (1) : Damage. 75% Accuracy. Counterattack a row of enemies.
Berserk (1*) : Consume all PP to grant user +1AP. User will survive one lethal attack with 1 HP.

Note: Mounting Charge increases Wide Smash by 32 (60%)

Comments: Okay durability and counters attacks with a 40% heal. Also has a 30% Self-heal. This is really good! The accuracy is very bad however.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 97   P.Atk: 84   P.Def: 40   M.Atk: 16   M.Def: 36   Init: 31   Acc:130   Evade: 36   Crit: 7   Guard Rate: 19   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 105%    Physical Durability: 148%    Magical Durability: 110%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: 0
Base Accuracy: 90%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 60 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 75 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+17 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 101   P.Atk: 88   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 20   M.Def: 33   Init: 32   Acc:129   Evade: 34   Crit: 4   Guard Rate: 20   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 109%    Physical Durability: 134%    Magical Durability: 101%    Evasion%: -4%    Init Stdev: +0.09
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 54 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 54 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 65 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 81 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+18 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Gold Bangle, Lapis Pendant
HP: 99   P.Atk: 84   P.Def: 39   M.Atk: 16   M.Def: 35   Init: 34   Acc:129   Evade: 36   Crit: 5   Guard Rate: 20   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 107%    Physical Durability: 144%    Magical Durability: 108%    Evasion%: -2%    Init Stdev: +0.28
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
Heavy Smash (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Ignores damage against armored enemies (damage = attack stat) [100 Phys Potency]
Assaulting Blow (1): 50 Damage. Unguardable. Grants user +1 AP if target is defeated. [100 Phys Potency]
Row Smash (2): 60 Damage. Unguardable and uncoverable. Attacks a row of enemies. Ignores defense against armored type enemies (Damage = attack stat) [120 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Binding Guard (1) : Activates before attacking with an active skill. The attack inflicts Guard Seal (which will stop subsequent attacks from being guarded)
Enrage (1) : Activates after an ally (including self) is hit by an attack. Grants user +20% Attack and +20 accuracy.
Heavy Counter (1): 75 Damage. Activates after an enemy attacks user with an active skill. Counterattacks with an unguardable attack. Ignores defense against armored enemies (damage = 1.5x attack stat) [150 Phys Potency]

Note: Enrage increases damage by 34% (+17 damage to Heavy Smash per use)

Comments: Hits hard and counters harder. The end result will be a probably dead enemy. Really good. Note that they can use EITHER enrage or Heavy Counter in response to an attack. Not both.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (mounted)
HP: 76   P.Atk: 69   P.Def: 24   M.Atk: 26   M.Def: 40   Init: 27   Acc:129   Evade: 103   Crit: 16   Guard Rate: 7   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 81%    Physical Durability: 64%    Magical Durability: 102%    Evasion%: 65%    Init Stdev: -0.37
Base Accuracy: 89%

Active Skills:
High Swing (1): 35 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard this attack. Potency +50 vs cavalry... [100 Phys Potency]
Fatal Dive (2):  Unguardable defense-ignoring attack to a column of enemies. Damage = 50% of the user's current HP. Attack can not critical hit.
Aerial Smite (2): 53 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard the attack. Inflicts AP-1 on a target if the target was at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Wing Rest (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Recovers 25% HP. (50% HP if user has a status ailment)
Feathering (1) : Activates after attacking with an active skill. Grants allies in the user's row +15 Initiative.
Gryphon Glide (2) : Activates before being hit by a ranged attacks (which includes melee attacks from flying creatures). Evade a single hit of the ranged attack. Grants user +1 AP.

Comments: The evasion helps with the bad durability. Gryphon Glide can help deal with the arrow weakness (it also works on flyer's melee and ranged magic). Wing Rest is good for an end of battle heal. Opening with Aerial Smite is usually a good idea as it reduces a full HP enemy's AP by 1.

Equipment: Vorpal Axe, Carnelian Pendant, Royal Scarf, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (Mounted)
HP: 80   P.Atk: 63   P.Def: 30   M.Atk: 19   M.Def: 46   Init: 28   Acc:128   Evade: 103   Crit: 12   Guard Rate: 9   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 85%    Physical Durability: 80%    Magical Durability: 153%    Evasion%: 65%    Init Stdev: -0.28
Base Accuracy: 88%

Active Skills:
High Swing (1): 29 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard this attack. Potency +50 vs cavalry... [100 Phys Potency]
Fatal Dive (2): 0 Unguardable defense-ignoring attack to a column of enemies. Damage = 50% of the user's current HP. Attack can not critical hit.
Aerial Smite (2): 44 Damage to a row. Cavalry targets can't guard the attack. Inflicts AP-1 on a target if the target was at 100% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Wing Rest (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Recovers 25% HP. (50% HP if user has a status ailment)
Feathering (1) : Activates after attacking with an active skill. Grants allies in the user's row +15 Initiative.
Gryphon Glide (2) : Activates before being hit by a ranged attacks (which includes melee attacks from flying creatures). Evade a single hit of the ranged attack. Grants user +1 AP.

Comments: The evasion helps with the bad durability. Gryphon Glide can help deal with the arrow weakness (it also works on flyer's melee and ranged magic). Wing Rest is good for an end of battle heal. Opening with Aerial Smite is usually a good idea as it reduces a full HP enemy's AP by 1.

Equipment: Vorpal Bow, Steel Greatshield, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
HP: 81   P.Atk: 71   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 17   M.Def: 34   Init: 21   Acc:156   Evade: 28   Crit: 13   Guard Rate: 62   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 87%    Physical Durability: 107%    Magical Durability: 84%    Evasion%: -10%    Init Stdev: -0.93
Base Accuracy: 116%

Active Skills:
Power Bolt (1): 44 Damage. Ranged. [120 Phys Potency]
Toxic Bolt (1): 30 Damage. Ranged. Inflicts Poison. [80 Phys Potency]
Heavy Bolt (2): 74 Damage. Ranged. (only 100 Potency (½ dmg) if in back row) [200 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Medical Aid (1) : Activates at the end of battle. Restores 15% HP to a row. Healing doubles if target is below 50% HP.
Quick Reload (1): 19 Damage. Activates after attacking. Follow-up attacks a single enemy. [50 Phys Potency]
Aid Cover (1) : Activates before an ally is attacked. Covers ally with medium guard (50% damage reduction) and restores 25% HP to that ally.

Comments: Good physical durability and good damage. Heavy Bolt -> Quick Reload -> Power Bolt -> Quick Reload is likely a 2HKO off good accuracy. Toxic Bolt can help even more. Her magic durability isn't good however. Middle?

Equipment: Vorpal Spear, Royal Scarf, Carnelian Pendant, Lapis Pendant
Type: Flying (Mounted)
HP: 89   P.Atk: 68   P.Def: 37   M.Atk: 11   M.Def: 21   Init: 33   Acc:140   Evade: 98   Crit: 17   Guard Rate: 13   AP: 3   PP: 3
HP%: 96%    Physical Durability: 118%    Magical Durability: 62%    Evasion%: 60%    Init Stdev: +0.18
Base Accuracy: 100%

Active Skills:
Diving Thrust (1): 34 Damage. Cavalry units can't guard the attack. +50 Potency vs Cavalry [100 Phys Potency]
Fire Breath (2): 26 Damage to a row. Inflicts Burn. [75 Phys Potency]
Tempest Drive (2): 51 Damage to a column. Cavalry targets can't guard this. Becomes a Truestrike and Critical if user is below 50% HP. [150 Phys Potency]

Passive Skills:
Ground Counter (1): 17 Damage. Activates after being attacked with an active skill. Counterattacks. Does +100 Potency (x3 dmg) to cavalry targets. [50 Phys Potency]
Deflect (1) : Activates before being hit by a melee attack (melee attacks from flying creatures are considered ranged). Negate melee damage for a single hit. Grants the user +20 Evasion (effect stacks)
Dragon's Roar (2) : Activates at start of battle. Inflicts Initiative -20 on all enemies.

Comments: A variety of interesting options. Dragon's Roar on foes faster than her. Deflect for ground based melee (whose accuracy she already reduces). Tempest Dive becomes a Truestrike and powerful damage below 50% HP... Fire Breath probably won't see use but vs enormous physical defense.

Unranked Games / Chained Echoes
« on: October 22, 2023, 08:04:08 PM »
Solace's Guide was invaluable:

80 enemy Def/Mdef
41 GS
Forged Tier 10 weapons
Tier 9 forged armor
No Class Emblems.
No accessories
No Crystals

- 8 Usable abilities can be equipped. 5 Passive Abiltiies. PCs can switch these between battles
- Damage goes as Atk or Mag ^2 divided by target defense. This means that Atk/Mag Buffs/debuffs are highly effective.
- I assumed L3 for each ability. It's easier than worrying about it and you can just set the ones you care about to level up (and swap them out normally to keep them all up)
- The PCs have a shared 'Ultra' meter that charges with their attacks. It enables a super-move unique to each PC that will be noted. Boss battles start with this full.
- The assumption that no Accessories or Class Emblems are used is difficult, as that renders the Call of Nature passive on Siena/Mikah very potent (10%) with the option of getting extreme (+25% Atk/Agi but die to a breeze)
- I assumed the Stat Up passives as default for the purposes of stats. These are generally the best choice no matter what.
- Basic physicals generate 10 TP.
- Defending reduces damage by ~45%

Status Notes:
In general, status is 100% the first time. Then it takes 2 attempts to apply it the second time. Then 3 attempts to apply it the 3rd time...
Sleep: Target can't take actions... but has a 50% chance of wearing off at the beginning of each of their turns.
Paralyze: Target has a 33% chance of losing their turn.
Blind: Target's physical attacks all miss.
Silence: Target can't use magic attacks (but can use healing...)
Poison/Toxic/Bleed: Applies a Damage effect that takes place at the start of the target's turn. Note that this works on every enemy, from animals to giant robots.

Relevant Averages:
HP:   339
TP:   139
Def:   100 (Physical defense stat)
Mnd:   101 (Magical Defense Stat/Healing stat)
Agi:   26.5 (CTB style speed. I'm unsure of the absolute effectiveness)
Damage, 3-turn: 657 (2.5x KO point of 1643)
Damage, Consistent: 624 (2.5x KO point of 1561)

HP: 456 (134.5%)
TP: 120
Atk: 143
Mag: 20
Def: 109
Mnd: 93
Agi: 31
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 146.5%
Magical Durability: 123.7%

Attack: 256 Physical damage.
Cross Slash (20 TP): 613 Physical damage over 3 hits
Fire Strike ( 35 TP): 511 Fire physical damage.
Whirlwind Slash (30 TP): 332 MT Physical damage.
Oil Slash (10 TP): 256 Physical Damage. Inflicts Oil for 3 turns (next fire damage is doubled, then clears)
Lend Energy (50 TP): Restores 70 TP to an ally
Attack Stance (15 TP): Raises Atk/Mag by 25%. Lowers Def/Mnd by 20%
Armor Break (25 TP): 256 Physical damage. Reduces target Def/Mnd by 20% for 5 turns.
Arms Break (25 TP):  256 Physical damage. Reduces target Atk/Mag by 20% for 5 turns
All Break (25 TP):  256 Physical damage. Reduces target Atk/Mag/Def/Mnd by 15% for 5 turns.
Decoy (30 TP): Raises chance of being attacked
Restrain (20 TP): Lowers Overdrive by 20

Ultra Move:  767 MT Physical damage. Reduces enemy Atk/Mag/Def/Mnd by 25% for 3 turns

Fire Resistance: 25% Fire resistance
HP UP: HP up by 30%
ATK Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
Human Killer: Damage up 20% against Humans.
Dispel Hit: 10% of dispel on each hit (3 chances on Cross Slash)
SOS Def Up: Buffs Def by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%
Counter Attack: 50% chance to counter singletarget physical with a base attack
Sleep Resistance: Enemies take 3 turns longer to apply Sleep.
Inact Resistance: Enemies take 3 turns longer to apply Inact
Counter Def Up: 30% chance to increase Def by 10% when attacked an ST physical
Shield Ally: 100% chance to take ST phys damage for an ally under 50% HP
Auto Shield: Start battle with 10-turn Shield buff (lowers Phys damage by 15%)
HP Drain: Drains 15% of damage done as HP.
TP Cost Down: Reduces TP cost of skills by 40%

Comments: He'll use All Break and Cross Slash to get good parasitic healing going. This is very effective. All Break ->Oil Strike -> Flame Strike is a good setup to try and score a KO on something that heals and doesn't resist fire. Middle/Heavy?

HP: 269 (79.3%)
TP: 195
Atk: 122
Mag: 158
Def: 87
Mnd: 87
Agi: 24
Crit%: 15
Physical Durability: 68.9%
Magical Durability: 68.3%

Attack: 214 Physical damage.
Spear Rush (25 TP): 706 Physical damage average over 4-7 hits
All is One (5 TP): Restores 100 TP to self
Third Eye (20 TP): Damage of next move is increased by 150% (to 2.5x), but lowers Def/Mnd by 25% until then...
Fire Coat (20 TP): Adds Fire element to physical attack for party (6 turns)
Cleanse (15 TP): 214 Physical damage. Dispels target's buffs
Elemental Pact (All TP): Next 3 magic attacks do 100% more damage...
Heaven's Tear (30 TP): 718 Magic damage. Always takes element foe is weakest to!
Fire/Wind/Water Jump (35 TP): 467 MT magic fire/water/wind damage.

Ultra Move:  1077 MT magical damage.

TP Up: Raises TP by 30%
Clothes Bonus: Lowers damage by 20% when equipping Clothes
MAG Up: Increases Mag by 30% before equips.
Wind Resistance: 25% wind resistance
Flying Killer: 20% more damage to flying monsters
Machine Killer: 20% more damage to machines
Counter Mag Up: 30% chance to counter ST physicals by increasing Mag by 10% (1.21x damage)
Doom Resistance: Negates first 3 tries to inflict Doom (not Instant Death)
Counter TP Regen 50% chance to counter ST Physicals with 10% self TP regen.
Ultra Move Up: Raises Ultra move from 3x mult to 4x mult.
TP Sacrifice: Loses 5 TP per attack/magic hits but attacks/magic get stronger by 15%.
Save TP: 15% chance for moves to consume no TP.

Comments: Clothes bonus saves her durability from the trash heap, making her just 'bad'. She's not got much going for her. Okay-ish damage isn't enough. Light.

HP: 270 (79.6%)
TP: 115
Atk: 139
Mag: 20
Def: 92
Mnd: 88
Agi: 26
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 73.2%
Magical Durability: 69.3%

Attack: 278 Physical damage.
Power Shot (30 TP): 611 Physical damage.
Barrage (35 TP): 361 MT Physical damage.
Explosion Trap (25 TP): 833 Physical damage to whoever attacks Robb's Trap target.
Charging (10 TP): Next attack deals 175% more damage. This does not apply to the Poison/Toxic.
Herbal Medicine (15 TP): Cures all Status Ailments
Ailment Trap (25 TP): Inflicts 2 irresistible random Ailments to whoever attacks Robb's Trap Target.
Poison Shot (20 TP): 278 Physical Damage. Inflicts Poison that does 1.5x the base damage for 6 turns. Can't be resisted/immuned.
Paralyze Shot (30 TP): 278 Physical Damage. Inflicts Paralyze for 3 turns.
Throat Cut (30 TP): 278 Physical Damage. Inflicts Silence for 1 turn.
Leg Shot (30 TP): 278 Physical Damage. Lowers target Agility by 25% for 5 turns.
Toxic Shot (25 TP): 278 Physical Damage. Inflicts Toxic that does 1.8x the base damage for 6 turns. Can't be resisted/immuned.
Sleep Powder (20 TP): Inflicts Sleep for 4 turns, but Sleep sucks.

AGI Up: +15% Agi
ATK Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
Water Resistance: 25% Resistance
Human Killer: Damage up 20% against Humans.
Water Attack: Makes attacks water elemental for the purposes of weakness. Increases enemy weakness by 10% if weakness is present
Beast Killer: Damage up 20% against Beasts
Flying Killer: 20% more damage to flying monsters
Counter Cure: 50% Chance to counter ST physical by curing a random ailment on self
SOS HP Regen: Triggers 4 turns of 25% HP Regen when HP is below 25%.
TP Sacrifice: Loses 5 TP per attack/magic hits but attacks/magic get stronger by 15%.

Comments: Paralyze isn't as good as one would hope. SOS HP Regen is a nice trick. He's generally going to try to get by on Charging -> Power Shot. But Toxic Shot -> Defending is a cheap trick that pairs with SOS HP Regen. I think Light/Middle?

HP: 298 (87.9%)
TP: 135
Atk: 109
Mag: 130
Def: 106
Mnd: 105
Agi: 21
Crit%: 15
Physical Durability: 93.1%
Magical Durability: 91.3%

Attack: 149 Physical damage.
Valor Minuet (20 TP): Grants 8TP regen for 6 turns, MT
Healing Hymn (35 TP): Grants 66 HP Regen for 8 turns, MT
Shielding Mazurka (40 TP): Grants a shield that absorbs 50 damage, MT.
Meditation Song (20 TP): Cures all Status Ailments
Poetic March (25 TP): Increases Atk/Mag by 14% for 8 turns, MT
Requiem (25 TP): Increases Def/Mnd by 14% for 8 turns, MT
Heroic Ode (40 TP): Increases Atk/Mag/Def/Mnd/Agi/Crit% by 15% for 5 turns, MT
Bee Sting (20 TP): 356 Physical Damage. Inflicts Paralyze for 3 turns.
A Sylph's Tale (25 TP): Lowers target's Wind and Earth Resistance by 35% for 5 turns.
Earth Drums/Pressure Point (25 TP): 465 Magical Earth/Wind damage.
Ballad of the Wind/Earth (30 TP): 254 Magical Earth/Wind damage, MT

Ultra Move:  Restores all TP. Grants small HP/TP Regen

Heavy Armor Bonus: Lowers damage by 20% when equipping Heavy Armor
DEF Up: Increase defense by 30% (before equips)
MND Up: Increase Mnd by 30% (before equips)
Earth Resistance: 25% Resistance
Earth Attack: Makes attacks earth elemental for the purposes of weakness. Increases enemy weakness by 10% if weakness is present
Silence Hit: 10% chance of triggering Silence on a hit
SOS Mag Up: Buffs Mag by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%... a 96% increase in magic damage
Silence Resistance: Negates first 3 tries to inflict Silence
TP Cost Down: Reduces TP cost of skills by 40%
Auto Aura: Grants Aura buff for 10 turns. Aura reduces magic damage by 15%
Specialist: Hitting an elemental weakness raises Ultra bar 4x faster... but Victor's Ultra is useless.

Comments: Buffs out the wazoo, and he can have multiple types too. Heroic Ode and Poetic March yield a 66% increase in damage, for example. Healing Hymn isn't going to be enough to keep him going however, so he's probably a Light.

HP: 302 (89.1%)
TP: 128
Atk: 143
Mag: 18
Def: 93
Mnd: 90
Agi: 37
Crit%: 35
Physical Durability: 82.8%
Magical Durability: 79.3%

Attack: 256 Physical damage.
Yoko Giri (40 TP): 332 Physical Damage, MT. 35% chance to enable Petal Storm
Petal Storm (10 TP): 869 Physical Damage. Must be enabled by another move before each use.
Kesa Giri (40 TP): 562 Physical Damage. 35% chance to enable Petal Storm
Iaijutsu (25 TP): 869 Physical damage to a paralyzed taret. 35% chance to enable Petal Storm
Dragonfang(30 TP): 767 Physical damage average. 1 hit + 0-4 other hits. Other hits have a 25%+Agi/3% chance of triggering.
Nukitsuke (35 TP): Raises Crit chance by 15% for 7 turns
Shadowstep (20 TP): Evades the next 2 physical attacks.
Calm Water (30 TP): Raises Evasion by 20% + AGI% for 6 turns.
Quickstep (20 TP): Raises Agi by 75% until targeted by an attack.
X-Slash (20 TP): 256 Physical damage. Inflicts Bleed that repeats the damage for 7 turns.
Blade Reflection (25 TP): Inflicts Blind on all enemies for 1 turn. Once per battle.
Pilfer (20 TP): Steals an item.
Lightning Rod (20 TP): Blocks next magic damage. Oddly canceled by taking physical damage.

Ultra Move:  1278 Physical damage to one target. Buffs Agility/Crit% by 25% for 5 turns

Crit Up: Raises crit chance by 15%
Atk Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
Crit Damage Up: Raises Critical Hit damage from 1.5x to 2x
Agi Up: +15% Agi
Call of Nature: Raises stats based on how many equip slots are empty (+2% for 1, +10% for 2, +25% for 3...)
Human Killer: Damage up 20% against Humans.
Dragon Killer: Damage up 20% against Dragons
Counter Agi Up: 30% chance to counter ST physical attacks by buffing Agi by 10%
SOS Agi Up: Buffs Agi by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%
Counter Attack: 50% chance to counter singletarget physical with a base attack
Evasion Master: 50% chance to get a stack of evade after an evasion...
Evasionist: 20% chance to dodge a physical attack

Comments: Really hinges on Call of Nature and whether or not she can use it. Dragonfang is unreliable, but multiple hits have a good chance of triggering her high crit rate on some of them?

HP: 345 (101.7%)
TP: 155
Atk: 125
Mag: 158
Def: 93
Mnd: 93
Agi: 23
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 94.5%
Magical Durability: 93.6%

Attack: 195
Metal Dagger (30 TP): 488 Physical damage. Grants 1 summon
Revenge (25 TP): 391 Physical damage at full HP. Increases linearly to 2x that at 1 HP
Berserker (20 TP): Grants Berserk for 6 turns (1.5x damage taken and received, reduce TP costs by 5)
Heaven or Hell (30 TP): Triples damage done for the next 2 turns. At the start of the third turn, user dies.
Elemental Orbs (30 TP): Increases Elemental Resistance by 30% for 8 turns (MT)
Dispel: 195 Physical damage. Dispels target's buffs
Summoned Attack (30 TP): 312 Magic damage. If any summons are out, it deals that damage again for each summon. Ends summons.
Summoned Ether: (20 TP): Restores TP by number of summons x 25 (MT). Ends summons.
Summoned Heal (40 TP): Restores HP by number of summons x 70 (MT). Ends summons.
Light Sword/Dark Spear (35 TP): 593 Magical Light/Dark damage. Grants 1 summon.
Light Claymore (40 TP): 406 Magical Light damage, MT

Ultra Move:  1560 Magical damage to one target.

MAG Up: Increases Mag by 30% before equips.
Atk Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
HP UP: HP up by 30%
Crit Damage Up: Raises Critical Hit damage from 1.5x to 2x
Machine Killer: 20% more damage to machines
Counter HP Regen: 50% chance to counter ST physical by granting 10% HP regen buff.
SOS Atk Up: Buffs Atk by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%
SOS Mag Up: Buffs Mag by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%... a 96% increase in magic damage
Silence Resistance: Negates first 3 tries to inflict Silence
Silver Lining: If an attack would kill when user has full HP, survive with 100 HP. (Does NOT trigger SOS)
TP Gain Up: Raises TP gain through normal attacks by 20 (to 30 total).

Comments: Getting triple damage on turn 2 is nasty. He has some other tricks, such as the SOS offense skills and a finisher with Summoned Attack. Middle?

HP: 394 (116.2%)
TP: 130
Atk: 140
Mag: 130
Def: 124
Mnd: 106
Agi: 31
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 144%
Magical Durability: 121.9%

Attack: 245
Hard Swing (35 TP): 539 Physical damage.
Spinning Swirl (35 TP): 294 Damage per hit. 1-5 random hits. Staggers Tomke for 4 turns. (Stagger is no action in a duel)
Rushing Anchor (40 TP): 368 MT Physical damage.
Broken Accordion (30 TP): 1078 Physical damage at 1 HP. Scales linearly to 1 damage at full HP.
Sharing is Caring (10 TP): Restores amount of TP equal to a random value between 1 and max TP...
Clap on the Back (10 TP): Grants 5 HP/TP regen for 6 turns.
Spinach Power (40 TP): Grants Shield/Aura to party for 7 turns.
Sailor's Song (10 TP): Raises Ultra Move Bar by 50%. Once per battle
Convert (10 TP): Switches HP and TP in % for one ally.
Treasure Mark (10 TP): Resets Overdrive bar. Once per battle
Run Aground (40 TP): 296 MT magical Earth damage
Freak Wave (40 TP): 296 MT magical Water damage.
Cigarette's Light (40 TP): 254 MT Fire damage.... don't smoke.

Ultra Move:  735 MT Physical damage.

HP UP: HP up by 30%
DEF Up: Increase defense by 30% (before equips)
TP Up: Raises TP by 30%
Human Killer: Damage up 20% against Humans.
Beast Killer: Damage up 20% against Beasts
Flying Killer: 20% more damage to flying monsters
Dragon Killer: Damage up 20% against Dragons
Machine Killer: 20% more damage to machines
Aquatic Killer: 20% more damage to aquatic enemies.
Inact Immunity: Immunity to Inact status.
Silence Resistance: Negates first 3 tries to inflict Silence
TP Cost Down: Reduces TP cost of skills by 40%
Silver Lining: If an attack would kill when user has full HP, survive with 100 HP.

Comments: He's got good stats and Broken Accordion makes a nice finisher at low HP. Middle?

HP: 233 (68.7%)
TP: 158
Atk: 108
Mag: 125
Def: 88
Mnd: 134
Agi: 23
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 60.4%
Magical Durability: 91.1%

Attack: 146
Multi-Shot (20 TP): 160 MT Physical damage.
Piercing Shot (30 TP): 292 Physical damage.
Heal (30 TP): 248 Healing to one.
Heal All (40 TP):  100 MT Healing.
Risky Heal (50 TP): 166 MT Healing. Unable to act next turn.
Raise (25 TP): Revives one with 100% HP. (they act as if they never left the turn order)
Concentration (10 TP): Regenerates 100 TP to self.
Revival (40 TP): Grants Reraise (to 50% HP). Lasts 7 turns or till triggered.
Raise All (50 TP): MT Revival to 50% HP.
All Cure (25 TP): Cures all Status Ailments
Shield (35 TP): Grants Shield to party for 7 turns. Shield reduces phys damage by 15%
Aura (35 TP): Grants Aura to party for 7 turns. Aura reduces magic damage by 15%
Cres Command (10 TP): Switches Cres between attacking (default) and small healing.
Cres Transformation (30 TP): Raises Cres' damage by a factor of 2 (including Best Friend).

DEF Up: Increase defense by 30% (before equips)
MND Up: Increase Mnd by 30% (before equips)
TP Up: Raises TP by 30%
Dark Resistance: 25% Resistance
Light Resistance: 25% Resistance
Dragon Killer: Damage up 20% against Dragons
Defend Gain TP: Restores 20 TP when defending.
SOS Mnd Up: Buffs Mnd by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%
SOS Status Heal: Cures random ailment when below 25% HP.
Cres Block: 20% chance for Amalia to take no damage from an attack.
TP Cost Down: Reduces TP cost of skills by 40%
Best Friend: When Amalia Defends, Cres attacks for 1.5x her base physical damage.
Silver Lining: If an attack would kill when user has full HP, survive with 100 HP. Note that *IF YOU DO NOT TAKE ONE OF HER HP+ STAT BOOSTS, SHE CAN HAVE < 100 MAX HP AND BE HILARIOUSLY DIFFICULT TO KILL WITHOUT TAP DAMAGE.

Comments: Light. She's got horrific stats, but can heal for a long time and has the 20% Damage negation and default damage every turn to help her get into a different groove. Don't buy her HP+15 or HP+20 stat bonus and she ends up hilarious.

HP: 291 (85.8%)
TP: 123
Atk: 161
Mag: 19
Def: 84
Mnd: 84
Agi: 36
Crit%: 13
Physical Durability: 72%
Magical Durability: 71.3%

Attack: 324
Tiger Punch (30 TP): 583 Physical damage. Enables 1 use of Tiger Rush for next 2 turns.
Tiger Rush (30 TP): 972 Physical damage. Enables 1 use of Final Blossom for next 2 turns.
Falling Dragon (40 TP): 324 MT Physical damage. Enables 1 use of Rising Dragon for next 2 turns.
Rising Dragon (35 TP): 648 MT Physical damage. Enables 1 use of Final Blossom for next 2 turns
Final Blossom (35 TP): 1004 MT Physical damage.
Opener (10 TP): 1296 Physical damage if a target has not taken a turn yet.
Starfall (30 TP): 648 Physical damage over 5 hits.
Spinning Kick (20 TP): 454 Physical damage. Increases by ½ a base physical's damage with each consecutive use (up to 5x)
Heavenly Kick (30 TP): 778 Physical damage.
Charging Revenge (25 TP): Next turn, attacks are boosted by 130% (to 2.3x)
Double Steps (30 TP): Increases agility by 25% for 8 turns, MT
Strength Dance (25 TP): Increases Atk/Mag by 14% for 8 turns, MT
Vigor Dance (25 TP): Increases Def/Mnd by 14% for 6 turns, MT
Head Attack (20 TP): 324 Physical damage. Inflicts Bleed that repeats the damage for 7 turns.
Larynx Attack (30 TP): 324 Inflicts Silence for 1 turn.

Ultra Move:  1620 Physical damage to one target.

Agi Up: +15% Agi
Atk Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
Call of Nature: Raises stats based on how many equip slots are empty (+2% for 1, +10% for 2, +25% for 3...)
Crit Damage Up: Raises Critical Hit damage from 1.5x to 2x
Toxic Hit: 10% chance of triggering Toxic on each hit (toxic deals 2x base physical damage each enemy turn)
Dispel Hit: 10% of dispel on each hit
Counter Attack: 50% chance to counter singletarget physical with a base attack
Counter Crit Up: 30% chance to counter ST physical by buffing crit chance by 10%
Ultra Move: Charges Ultra Move 3x faster
Strike First: 100% chance of gaining initiative in fight. This doesn't lend itself to instant-doubles very easily as enemies and allies start with some randomized CT. But with no armor and Call of Nature she reliably does it most of the time...

Comments: Lightning bruiser. Opener -> Heavenly Kick is a solid start to any fight. If she forgoes equips she becomes an extreme glass cannon, being hyperfast and dealing OHKO damage but dies to a breeze. Middle/Heavy?

HP: 495 (146%)
TP: 110
Atk: 129
Mag: 97
Def: 132
Mnd: 100
Agi: 22
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 192.6%
Magical Durability: 144.4%

Attack: 208
Stab (10 TP): 416 Physical damage.
Unload All (30 TP): 187 Physical damage per loaded Bullet. Expends all bullets.
Whirling Spear (30 TP): 270 MT Physical damage.
First Aid (25 TP): Fully heals Egyl.
Self-Made Medicine (25 TP): Cures all status ailments and raises resistances so next status attempt fails (self)
Load Gunspear (30 TP): Loads 6 bullets, which makes attacks do 25% more damage (except Unload All)
Iron Will (30 TP): Survive any attack until next turn with 1 HP
Shield Stance (20 TP): Raises def by 35% for 5 turns
Disarm (25 TP): 208 Physical damage. Lowers target Atk by 25% for 5 turns (43.7% decrease in physical damage...)
Phoenix Rise (30 TP): 235 MT magic fire damage at 6 bullets. Empties all ammo. Heals Egyl for 70% HP. (Damage decreases by 1/8th for each less bullet, healing by 10% for each les bullet)

DEF Up: Increase defense by 30% (before equips)
Mnd up: Increase Mnd by 30% (before equips)
Wind Resistance: 25% wind resistance
Earth Resistance: 25% Resistance
Water Resistance: 25% Resistance
Fire Resistance: 25% Fire resistance
Atk Up: Increase attack by 30% (before equips)
Light Resistance: 25% Resistance
Dark Resistance: 25% Resistance
HP UP: HP up by 30%
SOS Def Up: Buffs Def by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%
Shield Ally: 100% chance to take ST phys damage for an ally under 50% HP
Heroic Tank: 60% chance to halve damage when shielding an ally
Warcry: Increases chance of being targeted by enemies.

Comments: Healing and buffing and great durability make me want to say he's a decent Middle?

HP: 249 (73.4%)
TP: 187
Atk: 116
Mag: 175
Def: 84
Mnd: 107
Agi: 21
Crit%: 15
Physical Durability: 61.6%
Magical Durability: 77.7%

Attack: 168
Throwing Cards (20 TP): 555 Physical damage over 3 hits. High variance.
Blind Draw (30 TP): Raises a random stat by 40% for 6 turns (MT)
Wild Card (20 TP): Card played next turn will deal double damage and cannot fail.
Shuffle (20 TP): 651 Magic damage of a random element (Rolls 1-10 as any other card)
Falfalaran (5 TP): Transforms for 5 turns. All cards roll 8 or higher. Once per Battle
Inferno Nine (35 TP): 574 Fire Magic damage. RNGs a 1-10 number. 1: Fail, 2-6: ST damage. 7-9: MT. 10: Triple MT damage
Tsunami Eight (35 TP): Water Card
Earthquake Jack (35 TP): Earth Card
Tornado Ten (35 TP): Wind Card
Cosmos Queen (35 TP): Light Card
Chaos King (35 TP): Dark Card
Lunatic Joker (35 TP): Non-Elemental Card
Eclipse Ace (25 TP): 459 Magic damage. Always takes element foe is weakest to!
Lucky Seven (20 TP): Deals 7, 77, or 777 ITD non-elemental damage...
Fireworks (30 TP): 1531 MT magic non-elemental damage at full Ultra gauge. Falls linearly to 0 at 0 Ultra Gauge...

Ultra Move: 1148 MT Magic damage.

MAG Up: Increases Mag by 30% before equips.
TP Up: Raises TP by 30%
Light Resistance: 25% Resistance
Dark Resistance: 25% Resistance
SOS Mag Up: Buffs Mag by 40% for 3 turns when HP is under 25%... a 96% increase in magic damage
Counter Mag Up: 30% chance to counter ST physicals by increasing Mag by 10% (1.21x damage)
Silence REsistance: Negates first 3 tries to inflict Silence
TP Cost Down: Reduces TP cost of skills by 40%
Auto Aura: Grants Aura buff for 10 turns. Aura reduces magic damage by 15%
Silver Lining: If an attack would kill when user has full HP, survive with 100 HP.
Ultra Move Up: Raises Ultra move from 3x mult to 4x mult.
Save TP: 15% chance for moves to consume no TP.
Specialist: Hitting an elemental weakness raises Ultra bar 4x faster.

Comments: Horrible durability stats and nothing to stop her from just dying quickly. Light.

HP: 467 (137.7%)
TP: 120
Atk: 142
Mag: 25
Def: 109
Mnd: 126
Agi: 23
Crit%: 10
Physical Durability: 150%
Magical Durability: 171.6%

Attack: 252
Celestial Light (30 TP): 302 MT Physical Light damage.
Absolution (30 TP): Releases a spirit (which does Celestial Light damage and vanishes...)
Heavy Swing (30 TP): 328 MT Physical damage.
Light Burst (30 TP): 504 Physical Light damage.
Stinger (10 TP): 907 Average physical damage over 1-5 random hits (3 avg).
All-Out (20 TP): 630 Physical damage to one. All stats lowered for next turn...
Strong Belief (20 TP): Raises Mnd by 35% for 10 turns
Exorcise (20 TP): Nullifies next magic damage (MT), Once per Battle
Soul Eater (15 TP): Grants allies a buff that regenerates 15 TP when they are hit by magic for 5 turns.
Offensive Crush (30 TP): 252 MT physical damage. Lowers targets' Atk and Mag by 20% for 7 turns (36% damage reduction)
Defensive Crush (30 TP): 252 MT Physical damage. Lowers targets' Def and Mnd by 20% for 7 turns
Holy Spirit (30 TP): Summons a Holy Spirit that randomly restores an allys' TP by 30 at the start of Raphael's turns
Devilish Spirit (30 TP): Summons a Devlisih Spirit that randomly hits an enemy for 1.2x basic physical damage at the start of Raphael's turns

Ultra Move: Grants 2 instances of ignoring magical damage, MT

Wind Resistance: 25% wind resistance
Fire Resistance: 25% Fire resistance
HP UP: HP up by 30%
MND Up: Increase Mnd by 30% (before equips)
Light Resistance: 25% Resistance
Earth Resistance: 25% Resistance
Water Resistance: 25% Resistance
Dark Resistance: 25% Resistance
SOS HP Regen: Triggers 4 turns of 25% HP Regen when HP is below 25%.
Counter Cure: 50% Chance to counter ST physical by curing a random ailment on self
HP Drain: Drains 15% of damage done as HP.
Fear Chains: Raises Def/Mnd by 5% equipped value for every enemy targetting Raphael
Warcry: Enemies target Raphael at the start of battle.

Comments: What's up with Stinger? It's the best move in the game by far. Odd. He's tanky, has parasitic healing, debuffs, and great damage. Heavy.

Damage, 3-turn: 657 (2.5x KO point of 1643)
Glenn: Cross Slash x3:    613
Lenne: Heaven's Tear x3:   718
Robb: Charging-> Power Shot, Power Shot   717
Note: TP Sacrifice and Chaging's bonus stack additively, not by multiplying   
Victor: Pressure Point x3   465
Sienna: Dragonfang x 3:   767
Ba'Thraz: Dark Spear x2 → Summoned Atk   707
Tomke: Hard Swing x3   539
Amalia: Piercing Shot x3+Cresx3   438
Mikah: Tiger Punch → Tiger Rush- >Blossom   853
Load Ammo → Unload All → Stab   512
Magnolia: Shuffle x3   651
Raphael: Stinger x 3 (WTF)   907

Damage, Consistent: 624 (2.5x KO point of 1561)
Glenn: Cross Slash x3:    613
Lenne: Heaven's Tear x3:   718
Robb: Power Shot   611
Victor: Pressure Point x3   465
Sienna: Dragonfang x 3:   767
Ba 'Thraz: Dark Spearx3   593
Tomke: Hard Swing x3   539
Amalia: Piercing Shot x3+Cresx3   438
Mikah: Heavenly Kick   778
Egyl: Stab   416
Magnolia: Shuffle x3   651
Raphael: Stinger x 3 (WTF)   907

Unranked Games / Octopath Traveler 2
« on: September 01, 2023, 02:15:50 AM »

- Snowfire's original Octopath topic described the system better than I could:

- There's a nice public spreadsheet on moves/monsters/stats:

- Octopath 2 includes "Latent Powers" for the characters. These are special abilities that activate based on a gauge that fills up as the characters take damage or break enemies. This is filled to full on staying at an Inn so is assumed to start full in a duel. Latent Power gauge is otherwise gained at a rate of 1.3* %HP lost, rounding down. Some characters get their Latent power at 125 Latent gauge (Ochette/Agnea/Temenos/Hikari), and others at 100 (Castii/Throne/Osvald/Partitio). [Hikari's Latent Power Up skill brings him back down to 100]

- For armor, I've assumed that everyone uses the same armor/helm/shield. The Swift Shield raises speed and has good defenses. The Helm "Art of Disguise" raises SP significantly and has good defenses, giving the cast much more resource depth. The Royal Guard's Mail raises HP significantly and has great defensive stats.

- For weapons, I've assumed the best storebought equipment available. I've assumed that everyone has a minimum of a +300 Magic boost as there are a plethora of significant Element Attack boosting weapons but not much in the way of storebought stuff. In-game everyone would have access via subclasses or non-storebought weapons, so it isn't right to render the 6/8th of the cast's unique magic obsolete on a technicality.

- Characters have 'default weapons' that they always start battle with. Magic attacks use the highest stats and moves of a particular weapon type use the relevant equipped weapon's stats. Otherwise the character can change weapons on their turn freely.

- I assumed two Protective Bracelets in the accessory slot of the characters. This seems like the best storebought accessory outside of maybe HP boosting.

- I assumed an enemy defensive stat of 480 for both Pdef and Magic defense.

- I assumed Level 60 stats as that's what I ended up at abusing the game's healthy helping of Exp boosts and doing just about everything (not the optional superbosses).

- Temenos and Throne benefit *enormously* from fighting at night time. The game gives you the power to switch between night and day at a button press, and there aren't any situations where you must fight in the day... I included Throne's self-buffs in the damage averages but did not include Temenos' debuffs in the damage average.

- I list damage for each move as four numbers for  0BP/1BP/2BP/3BP spent.

HP: 3961
Def: 594
Elem Def: 646
Speed: 301.375 (stdev 58.37) [This is the forced-default weapons]

Damage Averages: (Method used for each PC at the bottom of topic)
Damage average, 2-turn: 2980
Damage average, 3-turn: 3146
Damage average, 4-turn: 2687
Damage average, 5-turn: 2499


Sacred Flame Staff: 160 Atk, 319 Matk, 94 Mdef
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Elemental Augmentation: +50 Elem Atk
Advanced Magic Master: Gives an extra use of Advanced Magic.

Latent Power: Osvald's MT magic instead targets one foe and twice the normal damage.

HP: 3207 (81%)
SP: 253
Physical Attack: 354
Elemental Attack: 649
Physical Defense: 591 (99.5% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 780 (139.4% Modifier)
Accuracy:  216
Speed:  241 (-1.03 stdevs)
Critical:  172
Evade:  216

Physical Durability: 80.5%
Magical Durability: 112.8%

Attack: 103

Fireball (14 SP):497/947/1392/1842  Fire Magic Damage
Icewind (14 SP):497/947/1392/1842 Ice Magic Damage
Lightning Bolt (14 SP):497/947/1392/1842 Lightning Magic Damage

Elemental Barrage (10 SP): 1005/1728/2638/3738 Damage over 3-5 hits of random fire/lightning/ice magic. +1 Hit per BP spent, already accounted for in damage
Advanced Magic (15 SP): Boost Intensity of Spells 2/3/4/5 times (+1 for the passive boost)
Alephan's Wisdom (30 SP, 3 BP): Grants access to 3 castings of high level spells.
One True Magic (75 SP): 970/1844/2717/3590 MT non-element damage. Reduces Shield Points by 1

Tier 2 Spells (After Advanced Magic):
Fire Storm( 14 SP):848/1492/2141/2785 Fire magic damage over 2 hits
Blizzard (14 SP):848/1492/2141/2785 Ice Magic Damage over 2 hits
Lightning Blast (14SP):848/1492/2141/2785 Lightning magic damage over 2 hits
One True Magic II (75 SP):1262/2232/3396/4561 Non-elemental magic damage over 2 hits. Reduces shield Points


(Hallowed Rod: 152 Atk, 304 MAtk, +30% Light damage)
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Passive Skills:
Resilience: Increases Healing by 30%
Inner Strength: Increases Max SP by 50
Evil Ward: Easier Fleeing
Rise Again: Revive with 25% HP when killed in battle, OPB

Temenos' Personal Skill: Nightime Debuffs: All enemies fought at night start with 3 turns of Def Down/Mdef Down and one turn of Blindness at the start of every fight.

HP: 3514 (88.7%)
SP: 316
Physical Attack: 368
Elemental Attack: 563
Physical Defense: 613 (103.8% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 707 (114.7% Modifier)
Accuracy:  216
Speed:  219 (-1.41 stdevs)
Critical:  151
Evade:  172

Physical Durability: 92.1%
Magical Durability: 101.8%

Physical: 115

Heal Wounds (15 SP): 1737/2606/3474/4343  MT Healing
Holy Light (6 SP): 719/1438/2157/2876  Light Magic Damage
Luminescence (14 SP): 514/980/1440/1906  MT Light Magic Damage
Prayer to the Flame (8SP): Increases Elemental and Physical Def for 2/3/4/5 turns)
Mystical Staff (6SP):370/666/963/1259  Physical damage over 2 staff thwacks. Restores 10% of damage dealt as SP
Etheral Healing (15SP): Grants 10% Regen to all allies for 2/4/6/8 turns
Sacred Shield (10SP): Reduces damage from next hit taken by 50/65/80/100%
Revive (40SP): Revive all allies
Aelfric's Blessing (30SP, Must have 3BP to use): Grant a single ally the ability to act again at the end of a turn for 3 turns. No extra BP is generated, however.
Prayer for Plenty (20SP):2988/4219/5449/6855  Healing. Can Heal to values that exceed Max HP if not already over max HP

Heavenly Shine (All SP): 2092/3985/5858/7751 MT Holy damage. Decreases linearly to 86% of that at 180 SP, and then linearly to  24.6%  at 1 SP.

Latent Power: All of Temenos' hits take off an enemy shield point that turn.


Sanctum Sword: 319 Atk, 98 Speed
Diamond Dagger: 315 Atk (default)
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Incidental Attack: 50% chance to do a basic attack when doing an otherwise nondamaging move
Fleetfoot: +50 Speed
Ensnare: Inflict a random stat-down on an enemy after taking physical damage
Life in the Shadows: +50% Exp/JP when winning battles at night...)

Throne's Personal Skill: All teammates (including Throne) get 3 turns of Atk/Elem Atk/Speed Up at the start of every battle at night. (In damage averages but not in numbers below)

HP: 3822 (96.5%)
SP: 198
Physical Attack: 556
Elemental Attack: 516
Physical Defense: 569 (95.5% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 599 (91% Modifier)
Accuracy:  237
Speed:  356 (0.94 stdevs)
Critical:  216
Evade:  259

Physical Durability: 92.2%
Magical Durability: 87.8%

Physical, Sword: 284
Physical, Dagger: 281

Steal (2SP): Chance to steal an item
Darkest Night (7SP):484/969/1453/1938  Darkness damage.
HP Thief (6SP): 826/1486/2147/2807 Damage over 2 knife hits. Heals HP equal to half the damage dealt
Surprise Attack (12SP): 1024/2048/3072/4096 Damage Sword attack. Half that if Throne is going last instead of 1st in the round.
Swift Step (4SP): Increase own speed for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Armor Corrosive (4SP):  Reduce Enemy Def for 2/4/6/8 turns
Shackle Foe (4SP): Reduce Enemy Patk for 2/4/6/8 turns
Aeber's Reckoning (30SP): 6238 MT Dagger damage in one hit. Damage varies with speed (Dmg*(1+Speed/400))

Veil of Darkness (25SP): 340/680/1021/1361  MT Darkness damage. Adds a debuff to enemies that forces them to miss their next physical attack.
Decoy (10SP): Makes Throne copy the skillset of the ally she targets with this move for 2/4/6/8 turns.

Latent Power: Take an additional turn immediately after her current one. No extra BP is generated.


Royal Hatchet: 319 Atk, 97 Speed
Ancient Bow: 286 Atk, 87 Speed (Default)
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Heigten Senses: 10% chance to ambush enemies in random encounters.
Eagle Eye: +50 Crit
More Rare Monsters: Higher chance of encountering Rare (Cait/Octopuff) monsters.
Salt the Wound: 50% chance to take another turn when breaking an enemy...

HP: 3822 (96.5%)
SP: 198
Physical Attack: 578
Elemental Attack: 516
Physical Defense: 569 (95.5% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 599 (91% Modifier)
Accuracy:  259
Speed:  350 (0.83 stdevs)
Critical:  287
Evade:  237

Physical Durability: 92.2%
Magical Durability: 87.8%

Physical Attack, Axe: 304
Physical Attack, Bow: 296

Precise Shot (6SP): 666/999/1332/1666 Over 2/3/4/5 arrow attacks.
Thunderbird (7SP): 484/969/1453/1938 Thunder Magic Damage
Cleaving Blow (12SP): 642/1284/1926/2568  Damage over an axe attack. Get a buff depending on class of enemy.
Mercy Strike (4SP): 370/740/1110/1481  Bow damage. Can not KO.
Take Aim (8SP): Raise Crit/Accuracy for entire party for 2/4/6/8 turns.
Leghold Trap (10SP): Moves an enemy's turn back in the turn order next turn.
Abating Orb (9SP): Nullify 1/2/3/4 positive statuses on an enemy.

Draefendi's Bow (30SP, 3BP): 3202 MT damage over 3 bow hits.

Indomitable Beast (18SP): Raise Patk, Evasion, and Crit rate for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Provoke Beasts (48SP): Use 3/4/5/6 monsters from the monster list at once (no individual boost on them though, nor can she use 3BP only monsters)
[There is a glitch where if Ochette uses Provoke Beasts with 3BP, then activates/cancels her Latent Power, she can use her regular Provoke for free, and do 6 summons, including the ones that are meant to be 3BP only...]

Monster List:

Acta: One random buff to an ally
Glacis:4050 Ice/Wind damage. Usable only at 3BP
Terra:4050 Staff/Fire damage. Usable only at 3 BP

My Select 6:
Furious Fungoid (600 HP healing + 2 turns 10% HP regen, stacks by number of turns)
Curator Mk 2 (60 SP healing + 2 turns 10 SP Regen)
Accursed Armor (2 stacks of magic reflect because why not)
Kingfisher (Axe Attack + 1 stack of Perfect Evade)
Dreadwing (MT Magic Wind + 20% ID chance)
Wind Revenant: 5960 damage, MT Wind. Party Pdef/Edef Up 4 turns. Usable only at 3BP
(If no glitch sub for Wind Revenant): Headless Horseman: 580 MT Sword damage, All allies get 2 turns Crit/Atk+

Latent Power: Use one of 3 beast moves:
Beastly Claws: 880/1760/2640/3520 MT physical damage.
Beastly Howl: Reduce Physical/elemental defense of all foes for 3/4/5/6 turns. 1 Shield damage
Beastly Fangs:1212/2425/3637/4849 ST Physical damage.


Royal Hatchet: 319 Atk, 97 Speed
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Vigorous Victor: Restores 30% HP/SP after winning a battle
Hale and Hearty: +500 HP
Inspiriting Break: Restore 20SP when breaking a foe
Preventative Measures: Grants Immunity to Enfeebling Effects 3 times (game lies and says for 3 rounds).

HP: 4936 (124.6%)
SP: 226
Physical Attack: 556
Elemental Attack: 516
Physical Defense: 613 (103.8% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 643 (99.3% Modifier)
Accuracy:  216
Speed:  316 (0.25 stdevs)
Critical:  216
Evade:  194

Physical Durability: 129.4%
Magical Durability: 123.8%

Physical: 284

Healing Touch (6SP):2315/3125/3935/4745  Healing. Revives.
Icicle (7SP): 484/969/1453/1938  Ice damage
Rehabilitate (10SP): Renders ally immune to status for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Sweeping Cleave (9SP): 418/794/1170/1546  MT axe damage
Poison Axe (12SP): 607/1215/1822/2429  Axe damage. Poisons for 2 turns (1/6th max HP damage, 5% NPC duels, 1% on bosses)
Replenish Health (9SP): Grant 20% regen to ally for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Dohter's Charity (30SP, 3BP only): For the next 3 turns, targets' items affect all.
Weak to Poison (4SP): Make an enemy weak to poison for 2/4/6/8 turns (as in, they lose a shield point when they take poison damage)
Drastic Measures (18SP): 607/1215/1822/2429  Axe damage. Cancels negative status/debuffs on enemy and increases damage with the # of statuses/debuffs cancelled [1: 1.75x, 2: 2.25x, 3: 2.75, 3: 3.0, 4: 3.25, 5: 3.5, 6: 3.65

Concoct: Use 2/3/4/5 Items. Castii's Latent Power makes this cost no ingredients.
Medicinal Concoction:
Grape Leaf: Restores 450 (2000) HP
Plum Leaf: Restores 45 (200) SP
Pomegrante Leaf: Restores 1 (2) BP
Mighty Leaf: Raises Patk for 2 (5) turns
Cleansing Leaf: Nullifies 1 (all) status ailments
Warding Leaf: Raises Mdef for 2 (5) turns
Diffusing Serum: Makes Concoction MT
Strengthening Serum: Makes Concoction effects stronger, effects in parenthesis

Hazardous Concoction:
Blusterbloom: Deal Wind damage
Lily of the Light: Deal Light damage
Darkdelion: Deal dark damage
Forget-Me-Do: Nullifies 1 (all) bufs
Sticky Flower: Reduces speed and evasion for 1 (4) turns
Fumbling Flower: Reduces crit rate for 2 (5) turns
Dreamy Flower: Puts target to sleep for 2 (5) turns
Enfeebling Flower: Extends Status ailment duration by 1 (3) turns.
Dual Flower: Blinds target [confuses during daytime] for 2 (5) turns
Diffusing Serum: Makes Concoction MT
Strengthening Serum: Makes Concoction effects stronger, effects in parenthesis

Strengthened Flower+Elemental: 1450 Element damage


Sanctum Sword: 319 Atk, 98 Speed
Gravity Lance: 375 Atk, -75 Acc, -90 Evade
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

Bolstering Break: Boosts Patk for 2 turns when Hikari breaks an enemy.
Summon Strength: Strength +50
Latent Power Plus: Gain more Latent Power.
Deal More Damage: Can exceed the 9999 damage cap (becomes 99999)

HP: 4743 (119.7%)
SP: 198
Physical Attack: 628
Elemental Attack: 494
Physical Defense: 634 (108.3% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 599 (91% Modifier)
Accuracy:  237
Speed:  361 (1.02 stdevs)
Critical:  216
Evade:  172

Physical Durability: 129.7%
Magical Durability: 108.9%

Physical: Sword 349
Physical: Lance: 400

Aggressive Slash (9SP): 538/987/1570/2288  Damage over ¾/5/6 sword attacks
Piercing Thrust (12SP):692/1384/2076/3459  Spear damage. 25/50/75/100% chance to critical hit.
Abide (4SP): Raise Physical Attack for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Enervating Slash (7SP): 366/732/732/1098 Dispel's Hikari's buffs and does more damage based on how many are dispelled.
Stout Wall (4SP): Raise physical defense for 3/5/7/9 turns
Incite (4SP): Become target of enemy's single-target attacks for 3/5/7/9 turns
Vengeful Blade (6SP): Counterattack physicals 2/3/4/5 times.
Eye for an Eye (The counter):1715///  Physical sword damage. Reduces enemy shield by 1.
Brand's Blade (30SP, 3BP only): 5581///

Shinjumonjigiri (32SP: 1720/3441/5161/6881  Sword damage over two hits, the first of which is MT

Latent Power: Hikari can use one of the following:
Hienka: 1441/2883/4324/5766  damage over 2 sword hits. Hikari gets another turn at the end of the round (No additional BP is generated)

Learned Skills: Hikari can have 5 skills from NPCs by dueling them. Below are a few
Sumptous Feast: 20 SP, 2 turns increased Def/Mdef, 1250/1500/1750/2000 Healing
Take Cover (12 SP): Dodge a physical attack 1/2/3/4 times.
Deep Sleep (2SP): Recover 50%/65%/80%/100% HP/SP. Inflicts Sleep on self for 4 turns (undone by damage, so no lost turns if enemy attacks...)
Merciless Blade(80 SP): 3000/5000/7000/9999 ITD physical damage
Forlorn Requiem (15 SP):341/682/1023/1364  MT Ice damage and a 50% chance to inflict Sleep to all enemies
Break Bedrock (23 SP): 769/1538/2307/3076  Physical axe damage, and reduce target P.Def for 3 turns
Right Hook (60 SP):883/1766/2649/3532  Physical damage. Reduces target Shields by 2 regardless of weaknesses.
Prattle On (15SP): Confuses target for 1/2/3/4 turns.

Gravity Lance: 375 Atk, -75 Acc, -90 Evade (default)
Ancient Bow: 286 Atk, 87 Speed
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

More Money: +10% Leaves at the end of battle.
Jump Start: Begin the fight with one extra BP
Hang Tough: When not near death (<25% HP), otherwise fatal attacks will leave user with 1 HP (multihit attacks bypass this if the last hit is at critical HP)
Full Power: Start every fight with the Latent Power Gauge full.

Latent Power: Immediately Gain 5 BP (This will only give enough to get 5 BP before he takes an action)

HP: 4129 (104.2%)
SP: 226
Physical Attack: 523
Elemental Attack: 537
Physical Defense: 613 (103.8% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 643 (99.3% Modifier)
Accuracy:  216
Speed:  241 (-1.03 stdevs)
Critical:  194
Evade:  194

Physical Durability: 108.2%
Magical Durability: 103.6%

Physical, Lance: 335
Physical, Bow: 255

Hired Help: (Partitio can take 20% off these with his path action hiring)
Mercenary (150): Weak sword attack, Party Def up for ½/3/4 turns
Ruffian (800): Reduce all enemy P.Atk/P.Def for ½/3/4 turns
Thesbian (2000): Raise party Element Attack for ½/3/4 turns, restore 30/60/90/120 SP
Guard (7000): 1025/2050/3075/4100 MT Staff damage. Delay action enemy next turn
Beastling (15000):2263/4526/6789/9052 MT physical damage. Reduce Shield Points
Veteran Soldiers: (30000)4156/8312/12468/16624 MT Random weapon damage.
Foreign Assassins: (50000)4863/9726/14589/19452 MT dagger Damage. 1043 HP/34SP MT Healing

Arrow of Fortune (12 SP): 555/1000/1444/1888
Rest (0SP): 1845/2713/3581/4449  Healing. Restores 25/50/75/100 SP
Ember (7 SP):515/1030/1545/2060  Fire magic damage.
Donate BP (6 SP):
Sidestep (10 SP): Dodge the next ½/3/4 pysical attacks.
Bifelgan's Bounty (30 SP):3091///  Non-elemental magic damage. Gain Leaves equal to damage dealt (or enemy remaining HP if this reduces them to 0)

Share SP: Give 25/50/75/100% of SP to each ally.
Negotiate Schedule: Bribe an enemy to give Partitio their turn... 50,000 for the final boss! Boosting reduces this to 90/75/50%

Diamond Dagger: 315 Atk
Swift Shield: 79 Def, 97 Mdef, 47 Speed
Art of Disguise: 90 SP, 58 Pdef, 70 Mdef
Royal Guard's Mail: 750 HP, 160 Pdef, 160 Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef
Protective Bracelet: +50 Def/Mdef

The Show Goes On: Buffs from Agnea last one turn longer
Ever Evasive: Increases chance to evade
Hard Worker: 10% More JP gained after battle
Invigorate and Inspire: Slightly fills Latent Power Gauge when giving buffs

Latent Power: Makes skills Multitarget (if they are not self-only or Divine skills)

HP: 3514 (88.7%)
SP: 226
Physical Attack: 531
Elemental Attack: 559
Physical Defense: 548 (92% Modifier)
Elemental Defense: 599 (91% Modifier)
Accuracy:  216
Speed:  327 (0.44 stdevs)
Critical:  216
Evade:  237

Physical Durability: 81.6%
Magical Durability: 80.7%

Physical: 262

Lion Dance (4 SP): Increases Physical Attack for ally for 2/4/6/8 turns.
Ruinous Kick (10 SP): 625/1249/1874/2499  physical damage. Reduces target shield by 1.
Peacock Strut (4 SP): Increases Elemental Attack for ally for 2/4/6/8 turns
Sweeping Gale (7 SP): 547/1095/1642/2189  Wind magic damage.
Stimulate (5 SP): Move ally up in turn order  1/2/3/4 spaces next turn
Dagger Dance (9 SP): 387/735/1083/1431  MT dagger damage.
Bewildering Grace (25 SP): Random effects, sometimes good, sometimes very bad
Sealticge's Seduction (30 SP, 3 BP): Make ally's skills MT for 3 turns

Windy Refrain (18 SP):547/1040/1532/2025  MT Wind magic damage. Moves all target's turns to last next turn.
Song of Hope (32 SP): Extends all allies' buffs by 1/2/3/4 turns. Not counting divine skills

Agnea can Allure NPCs to join her in battle (same with Ochette/Partitio/Temenos).
Agnea's partner, even unsummoned, will always join her with an added effect on her Dances (Lion/Peacock/Dagger)
Some of the effects are below. They are never boosted or made MT.

Calming Rhythm: 500 HP and 50 SP restored.
Celestial Chorus: Restore 1 BP
Sacred Flame Serenade: Reflect 1 Elemental/Magic attack
All For You: Gives 1 stack of physical evade (like Sidestep)
Soothing Serenade: Restores 1250 HP

Damage Strategies:
This doesn't include debuffs being inflicted on enemies. I'm not counting Partitio having money available from Hired Help (He makes it himself). The arrows denote turns taken. "Latent" means activating a latent power. "B1/2/3" refers to how much BP is used on the move.

2-turn:   Advanced Magic → Latent B2 OTM2
2-turn Damage:   6792
3-turn:   Adv Magic → OTM2 → Latent-B3-OTM2
3-turn Damage:   10384
4-turn:   Adv Magic → OTM2 → OTM2 →Latent-B3-OTM2
4-turn Damage:   11646
5-turn:   Adv Magic → Elemental Barrage → OTM2 →Latent-B3-OTM2 → B1 OTM2
5-turn Damage:   13621
2-turn:   Holy Light → B2 Heavenly Shine
2-turn Damage:   6500.5913043478
3-turn:   Holy Light → Holy Light → B3 Heavenly Shine
3-turn Damage:   7143.1826086957
4-turn:   Holy Light → Holy Light → Holy Light → B3 Heavenly Shine
4-turn Damage:   7785.7739130435
5-turn:   Holy Light-> Holy Light → Holy Light → B1 Holy Light → B3 Heavenly Shine
5-turn Damage:   9147.3652173913

2-turn:   HP Thief → Latent HP Thief → B2 HP Thief
2-turn Damage:   5698.5
3-turn:   HP Thief → Latent HP Thief → HP Thief → Aeber's Reckoning
3-turn Damage:   13716
4-turn:   HP Thief → Latent HP Thief → HP Thief → Aeber's Reckoning → HP Thief (unbuffed)
4-turn Damage:   14542
5-turn:   HP Thief → Latent HP Thief → HP Thief → Aeber's Reckoning → HP Thief (unbuffed) → HP Thief (Unbuffed)
5-turn Damage:   15368
2-turn:   Provoke Beasts Headless Horsemanx3 → Latent B2 Beastly Fangs
2-turn Damage:   7195.5
3-turn:   Provoke Beasts Headless Horsemanx3 → Repeat →  Latent B3 Beastly Fangs
3-turn Damage:   10753.5
4-turn:   Provoke Beasts Headless Horsemanx3 → Repeat →  Latent B3 Beastly Fangs → Precise Shot
4-turn Damage:   12493.5
5-turn:   Provoke Beasts Headless Horsemanx3 → Repeat →  Latent B3 Beastly Fangs → Provoke Beasts → B1 Provoke Beasts
5-turn Damage:   14813.5
2-turn:   Poison Axe->Latent Hazardous Concoct (3x Blusterbloom, 1x Strengthen):
2-turn Damage:   4957
3-turn:   Poison Axe → Poison Axe → Latent Hazardous Concot (4x Blusterbloom, 1x Strengthen)
3-turn Damage:   7014
4-turn:   Poison Axe → Poison Axe → Latent Hazardous Concot (4x Blusterbloom, 1x Strengthen) → Poison Axe
4-turn Damage:   7621
5-turn:   Poison Axe → Poison Axe → Latent Hazardous Concot (4x Blusterbloom, 1x Strengthen) → Poison Axe → B1 Poison Axe
5-turn Damage:   8836
2-turn:   Latent Hienka → Abide→ B2 Shinjumongijiri
2-turn Damage:   9183
3-turn:   Abide-> latent hienka -> shinjumongijiri -> B3 shinjumongijiri
3-turn Damage:   15063
4-turn:   Abide-> latent hienka -> shinjumongijiri -> B3 shinjumongijiri → Shinjumongijiri
4-turn Damage:   16783
5-turn:   Abide-> latent hienka -> shinjumongijiri -> B3 shinjumongijiri → Abide → B1 Shinjumongijiri
5-turn Damage:   20224.5
2-turn:   B2 Arrow of Fortune → Latent B3 Bifelgan's Bounty
2-turn Damage:   4535
3-turn:   Arrow of Fortune → Bifelgan's Bounty → Latent Bifelgan's Bounty
3-turn Damage:   6737
4-turn:   Arrow of Fortune → Bifelgan's Bounty → Latent Bifelgan's Bounty →B2 Guard
4-turn Damage:   9812
5-turn:   Arrow of Fortune → Bifelgan's Bounty → Latent Bifelgan's Bounty → Arrow of Fortune → B3 Guard
5-turn Damage:   11392

2-turn:   Lion Dance → B2 Ruinous Kick
2-turn Damage:   2811
3-turn:   Lion Dance → Ruinous Kick → B3 Ruinous Kick
3-turn Damage:   4686
4-turn:   Lion Dance → Ruinous Kick → B3 Ruinous Kick → Ruinous Kick
4-turn Damage:   5311
5-turn:   Lion Dance → Ruinous Kick → B3 Ruinous Kick → Lion Dance → B1 Ruinous Kick
5-turn Damage:   6559.5

Unranked Games / Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
« on: January 02, 2023, 08:48:15 PM »
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth

- Level taken at 39.
- This SRPG's core mechanic is "Zeal" and "Action Chains". Action chains are a series of moves that can be stopped midway. Zeal is a resource that fluctuates between 0 and 100. Action Chains may generate or cost Zeal, and other conditions like counters or reaction defenses may increase or cost Zeal.
- When a character ends their turn with 100 Zeal, they enter 'Overzeal" and immediately get another turn. Then, at the end of every turn, they lose a certain amount of Zeal. If that places them at 0 Zeal they exit Overzeal. Executing a "Fatal Strike" attack that is only accessible in Overzeal will also end Overzeal immediately. While in Overzeal, any Zeal costs for actions or reactions is set to 0.
- Depending on a character's innate element, they get different bonuses for Overzeal. By far the most significant is Fire, which gets a +25% bonus to damage. (Wind = Slightly faster, Earth slightly less damage taken, and Water lengthens buff durations).
- Action Chains are effectively attacks/spells that have multiple components. A character has between 3-4 Action Chains and each action chain has between 2-4 parts. An action chain can be cut short at any time if the conditions demand it (for example, if the 4th action would decrease Zeal and prevent Overzeal, or if the 3rd action has a "no Counter" tag and the attacker wants to avoid a counter).
- Reaction skills trigger when the unit is attacked. The % chance of the reaction triggering is provided. If a "Damage reduced by 50%" skill triggers on 1 of 2 attacks in an enemy action chain, then the effect would be a 25% reduction on the damage. Some defensive skills have an "And Ends Action Chain" tag that may be worth more than the nominal rate. If a PC generates 100 Zeal on a counter/defensive skill, they go into Overzeal and get an immediate turn!
- Some PCs (Rulutieh, Atuy, Jachtwald, Munechika, Fumirul kinda) have a "Zone of Control" that prevents an enemy's movement. Exceptions are if the enemy is larger than a single space, has a action that moves them or their foe while attacking, or has a passive skill that negates the zone of control.. This means that, if at any time a unit starts it's turn or enters the space next to these characters, that enemy unit is trapped there, unable to move. So ranged-only characters are out of luck in such a situation. Munechika in particulare can abuse this to ensure she utilizes her "Act twice if not moving" skill...
- BP expenditure: BP are points that can be used to increase stats outside the normal level-up progression. I assumed a BP build that focused on Atk for the most part. This doesn't matter too much since I assumed everyone did the same thing. Perhaps the low durability folks are slightly more durable if you assume everyone spends BP on lots of HP (not a bad idea).
- I included a 'path' of damage to get the highest damage on turns 2-5. Note that these are different paths and don't 'flow' together (So turn 5 might use different moves on turns 1-4 then the best turn 4 damage path).

- Stats:
HP: Per standard. No permadeath but no in-battle revival outside of the main character's OPB auto-revive.
Atk: Attack power for everything including healing and magic.
Def: Stat that reduces Physical/Magical damage. Opposes Atk subtractively, with level a factor as well.
Spd: CTB speed. 200 double-turns 100 speed for example.
Defensive Durability: My accounting of how durable a PC is factoring in HP and defense.
- Criticals: The game utilizes a Timed Hit system. I assumed that players hit these since they aren't too hard, and yield +4 Zeal per action and +20% damage/healing if all are hit. The exception is the "Hidden Critical" system, which gives tiny hard-to-time options for minor increases in damage (4% per one hit) and Zeal gain (2 Zeal gain per hidden crit hit). I ignored this system because it is hard to time and can interfere with the regular crit timing. Ougi and Kiwiru, and Kuon are the ones who would clamor for it the most.

Enemy stats assumed to be Level 39, 65 Atk, 53 Def.

PC stat averages:
HP: 738
Atk: 70.4
Def: 48.9
Spd: 103.23
3-turn damage: 546 (1365 2.5x KO point)
5-turn damage: 526 (1315 2.5x KO point)

Main Character:
Element: None (-35 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 714 (97%)
Atk: 59
Def: 52
Spd: 102 (99%)
Defensive Durability: 104% (210% after debuffing enemy Def)

Reversal of Fate: OPB Auto-revive with full HP. Overkill damage does Not carry over.            
Tactical Command: Irrelevant ina  duel (negates mental status ailments for allies)            
Morale Boost 3: Irrelevant in a duel. (Allies get +15% stats)            
Law of the Lords: Reduces damage received from 'demihumans' by 20% (most things)            
Sever (Sword Only): Increases damage to demihumans by 20% (the game's humanoid enemies are 'demihumans')            
Quick Rebound 2: Advances Turn Order by 1/3rd of a turn when attacked.                  
Rejuvenate 2: 25% to dodge an attack and cure self of status ailments. 9 Zeal gain. Usable 2PB      

Action Chains:
Sosei Oubu: 345 Healing. Cures status ailments/debuffs. Costs 10 Zeal but generates 35. Can't send him into Overzeal by itself. (Needs 10 Zeal at turn start)
Ougeki Kyozan: 259 damage. +42 Zeal. Chance to poison target (-20 Zeal/ - 10% HP per turn)
Touou Gekiha (1): 157 damage. +9 Zeal. -25% Atk 2 turns. No Counters.
Touou Gekiha (2): 188 damage. +13/-5 Zeal. -25% Atk 2 turns. No Counters.
Touou Gekiha (3): 197 damage. +17/-55 Zeal. -25% Atk 2 turns. Draws Sword and grants an instant turn. (Needs 50 Zeal at turn start)
Hakuen Ranbu (Sword Only): 305 damage. +12 Zeal. 1 turn Def Debuff (Factored into damage)
Fatal Strike: 554 damage chaining from Hakuen Ranbu's 1-turn Def Debuff.

Turn 2 Damage:  1269
Ougeki Kyogzan -> Ougeki Kyozan -> Touou Gekiha->  Fatal Strike:
Turn 3 Damage: 1771
Turn 4 Damage: 2030
Turn 5 Damage: 2736

Comments: MC's stats are not very impressive but he does have a nice trick alternating healing and an attack that debuffs defense and builds his Zeal. His Touou Gekiha->Hakuen Ranbu is cool but just doesn't have the stats to back it up. He also has a OPB auto-revive and poison.

Element: Earth (default) (-50 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 732 (99%)
Atk: 68
Def: 52
Spd: 110 (106.6%)
Defensive Durability: 103% (118% after buffing)

Permeating Vigor: +10 Zeal at the start of turn for Kuon and allies within 3 squares of her
Eye of Courage: Ignores Zones of Control
Resonance of Heaven and Earth: Immediately heals (i.e. negates) damage from elements of her type
Unyielding: After taking an attack, X% chance to raise Atk by 20%

Solidify: 20% chance to reduce physical damage by 60%, 14 Zeal gain
Inner Alchemy: 75% chance to reduce magic damage by 25% and heal self by 25%, 14 Zeal Gain. 3 Uses Per Battle.

Action Chains:
Kawasami (3): 292 damage, +32 Zeal, drains Zeal = 5% of damage dealt. No counters. Turns Kuon element = fire.
Kawasami (4): 324 damage. drains Zeal = 5% of damage dealt. +36/-10 Zeal

Jushimatsu (2): 267 damage. +23 Zeal. Decreases enemy Def by 20% for 2 turns (increases her damage by ~14.8%, including for this attack. Factored in)
Jushimatsu (3): 307 damage. +27/-5 Zeal. Decreases enemy Def by 20% for 2 turns (increases her damage by ~14.8%, including for this attack. Factored in)

Nuedori: Costs 20 Zeal. Buffs Atk/Def for 2 turns by 20%, sends Kuon into Overzeal. Reduces max HP by 45% for 1 turn. Turns her back to Earth element.

Fatal Strike: 771 damage chaining from Jushimatsu (with the Def down baked in). Inflicts Fear but that is not terribly useful except on Melee-only enemies (they have to run away, but can attack before doing so).

Turn 2 damage: 1373
Jushimatsu (2) -> Kawasami (3) -> Jushimatsu+FS
Turn 3 damage: 1830
Turn 4 damage: 2600
J2->K3->J+FS-> K4 ->N3 -> FS
Turn 5 damage: 3123

Comments: Kuon wishes she could heal herself. Without that, she has okay damage (should manage a 2HKO with her def debuff in play). Magic hits her Inner Alchemy which is pretty good. Ocassionally she will buff her own attack after being hit but it isn't something she can count on (~25% of the time, ~25% damage boost?). Nuedori won't see much unless she wants to finish something off on turn 4. She has a limited game of elemental nulling via changing her innate element to match the element attacking her, but she can't access water unless she has something to heal.

Element: Wind (-50 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 925 (125%)
Atk: 61
Def: 48
Spd: 92 (89.1%)
Defensive Durability: 123.9%

Apparitions's Birdsong 3: Reduces enemy speed by 10% if they are within 3 squares of Rulutieh
Frightful Aura: Enemies lose 10 Zeal at the beginning of their turn, if within 2 squares of Rulutieh
Breaker: +20% damage to objects
Law of Blood: +20% damage to beasts
Natural Healing: Recovers 20% HP at the start of her turn
Eye of the Fighter II: Enemies that come within 1 square of Rulutieh are trapped there.
Quick Rebound 2: Advances Turn Order by 1/3rd of a turn when attacked.

Pulsation of Life: 25% chance to reduce damage by 25%, and increase max HP by 30% for 2 turns, 14 Zeal Gain
Sixth Sense: 50% chance to dodge ranged attacks (ranged attacks can be at melee range!), 14 Zeal Gain, Increases movement range

Action Chains:
Otome Tsubaki (2): 233 Damage. +38 Zeal. Reduces target Def by 20% for 2 turns (increases damage by 16.5%, factored in)
Otome Tsubaki (3): 272 damage. +42/-5 Zeal. Also applies slight turn delay effect to target.

Yuri-Ne (2): 242 Damage. +41/-12 Zeal. No Counter, applies slight delay to target.
Yuri-Ne (3): 275 Damage. +60/-36 Zeal. No Counter. Knocks enemy away.

Fatal Strike: 583 damage (chaining from Otome Tsubaki)

Hanakagura: 213 Healing. +22 Zeal. Increases movement, and all skill activation rates up for 2 turns.

Turn 2 damage: 1088
Otome Tsubaki (3) ->OT2 ->FS:
Turn 3 damage: 1409
Turn 4 damage: 1730
Turn 5 damage: 2498

Comments: She's very anti-archer, with a zone of control and the 50% evade. Otherwise she has skills/delay to make up for her poor speed (making it very hard to doubleturn her) and regeneration/healing to try and stay in a fight against something without too much damage. 20% regen on good durability is always a sweet bonus.

The Twins, Ururuu and Sarana:
Element: Dark (-60 Zeal/turn OZ, but moot by dark OZ doubling Zeal gains)
HP: 542 (73.4%)
Atk: 80 (88 while Mothmoth summoned)
Def: 31 (34 while Mothmoth summoned)
Spd: 90 (87.2%) (99 while Mothmoth summoned)
Defensive Durability: 60.3%

Soul Crush: Deals +20% damage to divine beings
Law of the Origin: Takes 20% less damage from divine beings

Vestige of the Abyss: 75% chance to reduce an attack's damage by 85% and summon a Mothmoth. 14 Zeal Gain
[Mothmoth increases their damage by ~25%]
Foresight: 25% chance to dodge an attack and end the attacker's action chain. 14 Zeal Gain

Action Chains:
Soei Musou (4): 284 damage. +40 Zeal. No Counters. Next turn comes slighly faster (5%?)
Soei Musou (5): 312 damage. +44/-18 Zeal. Summons Mothmoth Next turn comes slighly faster (5%?)

Rekka Sohazan: 325 damage. +38 Zeal. Inflicts Curse (no Heal/Zeal gains). Heals twins for 25% of the damage done. No Counters.

Sobu Gekishoha (1): 380 damage. +28/-20 Zeal. Decreases target spd by 20%. No Counters/Dodge.
Sobu Gekishoha (2): 488 damage. +41/-60 Zeal. Decreases target speed by 20%, Inflicts Fear (only useful if enemy is melee and started next to Twins that turn). No Counters/Dodge/Block.

Fatal Strike: 542 damage. Reduces target Max HP by 10% (kinda meaningless).

Turn 2 damage: 1193
Rekka Sohazan->RS->RS->FS
Turn 3 damage: 1627
Turn 4 damage: 2115
Turn 5 damage: 2712

Comments: Terrible speed/durability. Their hope is to trigger Vestige of the Abyss or Foresight, and the Mothmoth to buff their damage enough (and not be KO'd by full MT damage) that it helps they themselves scratch out a KO before a foe gets a 3rd turn.

Element: Fire (-65 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 651 (88.2%)
Atk: 70
Def: 41
Spd: 112 (108.5%)
Defensive Durability: 80.4%

Dire Awakening: +30% damage when under 25% HP
Desperation: Instantly gain 100 Zeal when below 25% HP. Note that this gives her an instant turn.

Perfect Far Dodge: 75% chance to evade a ranged attack and end attacker's action chain. +14 Zeal. 3 uses per battle

Action Chains:

Harran Reppu (3): 279 damage, +34 Zeal

Shippu Dotou (2):  193 damage. +50 Zeal. Inflicts Confuse (Enemy randomly attacks allies/enemies)

Rakuyoko Kikon (1): 258 damage. +4 Zeal. No Counter/Dodge.
Rakuyoko Kikon (2): 258 damage. +8/-15 Zeal. No Counters. 246 Healing. Buffs attack by 20% for next 2 turns (+37% damage. Doesn't factor in this turn)
Rakuyoko Kikon (3): 456 damage. +12/-25 Zeal. 246 Healing. Buffs attack by 20% for next 2 turns (+37% damage. Does factor in this turn)

Final Strike: 564 damage, including the fire Overzeal damage bonus.

Turn 2 damage: 1042
HR3 -> SD2 -> RK3
Turn 3 damage: 1813
HR3-> SD2 -> RK3 -> Fatal Strike
Turn 4 damage: 2196
HR3-> SD2 -> RK3 -> Fatal Strike->HR3
Turn 5 damage:  2841

Comments: Nosuri is above average speed, has a limit range, and some healing/attacking/status. But her inability to be consistent about her healing and the status not being good hurts what would otherwise be a solid package. She can use Shippu Dotou to trigger Overzeal every other turn, and then use two Rakuyo Kikon's while in Overzeal. This lets her use her healing 2 out of every 3 turns, which may help stave off KOs or save her against low damage dealers. Being fire elemental gives her the damage buff in Overzeal.

Element: Fire (-75 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 775 (105%)
Atk: 65
Def: 51
Spd: 122 (118.2%)
Defensive Durability: 107.7%

Shadow Run: Can run through enemies and ignore ZoCs
Ambush: Attacking from behind target increases damage/status odds by 25%. Damage numbers assume this is the case.
Art of Revenge 2: 75% chance to counterattack

Enkan: 65% chance to negate enemy close-range attack and stop action chain. Costs 35 Zeal, 14 Zeal restored.

Action Chains:

Shiden Issen (4):  344 damage. +46 Zeal. No Dodge. Inflicts Slow (movement down). Inflicts Stupefy 1 turn (Only 1 action in an Action Chain).
Shiden Issen (5): 372 damage. +50/-10 Zeal. No Dodge, Inflicts Slow/Stupefy.

Unjoh Ryuhen (3): 307 Damage. +47/-15 Zeal. Inflicts Daze for 1 turn (No actions/move, no passives work, no counters/reactions). No Counter/Dodge/Blocking. 2/3rds Magic 1/3rd physical.

Fatal Strike (Chains from either): 581 damage (includes Fire Overzeal bonus). Drains half damage dealt as HP.

Yakumozan (2): 121 damage. +12 Zeal. Inflicts Venom (-20 Zeal/-10% HP per turn)
Yakumozan (3): 149 damage. +18/-10 Zeal. Inflicts Venom.

Turn 2 damage:  1269
Turn 3 damage:  1762
Turn 5 damage: 2967

Comments: Fast deblitiating status. Counters. Enkan for blocking melee attacks. Fire Overzeal yields +25% damage so his HP draining isn't too bad. In point of fact it isn't hard to get two of his *7* hidden Criticals on Shiden Issen (4), so he could in theory get 50+ Zeal/turn and Overzeal every other turn, if one allows that.

Element: Water (-75 Zeal/turn Overzeal)
HP: 601 (81.4%)
Atk: 62
Def: 39
Spd: 102 (98.8%)
Defensive Durability: 72.7% (81.4% with Def Buff)

Terrain Advantage: Negates terrain effects
Stance of Offense and Defense: Can take both an offensive action and a healing action on the same turn. Yes.
Shikigami Companion: At the beginning of the unit's turn, summons a Kiripon Type 1 (Which just takes a space and can draw enemy attacks/block enemy movement)

Shikigami Artifice: 75% chance to reduce damage by 85% and summon a Kiripon Type-II unit. 14 Zeal Gain, 1 use per battle (Kiripon 2 acts immediately, goes next to enemy, and traps them in a Zone of Control, but is easy to OHKO).

Action Chains:
Yuzutsu (2): 203 fire magic damage. +28/-4 Zeal No Blocking. Places a flame sigil on enemy (does ~100 damage at start of enemy's turn)
Waisei (2): 257 wind magic damge. +28/-8 Zeal. No Counters. Inflicts Hex (No healing/Zeal gains). Places a Windhole Sigil on enemy space (Enemy takes +15% damage, already included in this damage)

Seigetsu (2): 458 healing. +24/-6 Zeal. Removes Status. Places a defense tile on target (-20% damage)
Seigetsu (3): 480 healing. +28/-16 Zeal. Same as above.

Hakko (1): +25% Defense for 3 turns. +4 Zeal
Hakko (2): 174 healing. +25% defense for 3 turns. +8/-10 Zeal. Places a cross of Heal Sigils (recover 25% at start of turn if standing in one).
Hakko (3): 174 Healing/+25% Def/Heal Sigils. +12/-25 Zeal. Gain 20 Zeal. Increase max HP by 20% for 2 turns.

"Fatal" Strike: Chains off of one of the healing moves. Fullheal to an area and buffs speed by 15% for 6 turns.

Turn 2 damage: 771
Wasei x3
Turn 3 damage: 1028
Wasei x4
Turn 4 damage: 1542
Wasei x6
Turn 5 damage: 1799
Wasei x7

Comments: Nekone is slow and frail but can attack and heal every turn, and buffs herself in the process. In her Overzeal turns, she should start off with her Fatal Strike heal to end it and then immediately use the Attack part of her turn to start generating Zeal again, so she can enter Overzeal every other turn. Her Shikigami Artifice helps make sure she can get this wheel going.

Element: Earth (-50 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 682 (92.4%)
Atk: 61
Def: 46
Spd: 104 (100.7%)
Defensive Durability: 89.2% (99% after buffing Defense)

Hunt: +20% damage to beasts
Serenity 1: -25% Zeal Costs. Have 25 Zeal after a Fatal Strike.
Stance of Immovable Attack Chain: If unit doesn't move, get 2 actions instead of 1...

First Aid 3: 50%  after a physical attack to heal self for 40% and gain 14 Zeal. 3 times per battle
Rejuvenate 3: 50% chance to dodge a physical attack, remove status on self, and gain 14 Zeal. 3 times per battle.

Action Chains:

Hachiku (3): 220 damage. +26/-3 Zeal. Reduces target speed by 15% for 2 turns.
Hachiku (4): 242 damage. +30/-12 Zeal. Reduces target speed by 15% for 2 turns. No Counter.

Fukuryubai (1): No Move ranged only. Does 183 fixed ITD Earth damage. +9 Zeal.
Fukuryubai (2): No Move ranged only. 230 damage. +13/-11 Zeal. Decreases target move. No Counter.
Fukuryubai (3): No Move Ranged Only. 275 damage. +17/-29 Zeal. No Counter/Dodge. Delays target's turn slightly.

Fatal Strike: 375 Earth magic damage.

Matsukasa (2): +8/-10 Zeal. Increases def by 20% for 2 turns. 127 Healing. Recovers status. (Can be used twice in a row).

Turn 2 damage: 484
Hachiku (4)x2
Turn 3 damage: 726
H4 x3
Turn 4 damage: 1596
Turn 5 damage: 1838
H4x3->H3->F3+FS ->H4

Comments: Kiwiru wants his enemy to stay put so he can get two turns consistently. Sadly this isn't likely to be the case, so Kiwiru is underwhelming. What's more, he really wants to get the single hidden crit on Hachiku (3) so that he can get +25 Zeal/turn. This would allow him to get to Overzeal faster. On an Overzeal turn, Kiwiru can act twice (since presumably he would have entered it from attack range). His healing is too weak to help him much.

Element: Water (-50 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 754 (102.1%)
Atk: 82
Def: 53
Spd: 107 (105.2%)
Defensive Durability: 107.4% (135% with Def Up, 189.5% after debuffing enemy Atk, tink tink tink if both are in effect).

Enhanced Formation: 50% chance to get another turn after defeating an enemy. Or Object.
Eye of the Fighter I: Can trap 1 unit next to Atuy in a Zone of Control.
Art of Revenge 2: 75% chance to counterattack
Stance of Far Sprinting: Can use two move actions in a row if no attack action is used.

Energize: 40% chance to reduce physical damage by 60% and increase defense by 30% (the higher def applies to the attack). +14 Zeal
Vicissitudes: 25% chance to dodge a close attack and raise attack power by 25% (+44% damage) for 1 turn. +14 Zeal

Action Chains:

Isana (3): 391 Water physical damage. +43 Zeal.
Isana (4): 453 Water physical damage. +47/-8 Zeal.

Makajiki (3): 411 Water physical damage. +30/-12 Zeal. No Counter. Lowers target Atk by 20% for 2 turns. Reduces target Max HP by 15%, which applies before the damage does.

Fatal Strike (chains from either): 708 water physical damage. Applies a 20% speed debuff for 2 turns.

Tokishirazu (1): 212 damage. +12 Zeal.
Tokishirazu (2): 283 damage. +16/-8 Zeal. Inflicts Daze (~50%?)

Turn 2 damage: 1552
Turn 3 damage: 2005
Turn 4 damage: 2458
Turn 5 damage:  3557

Comments: Atuy has solid stats and can probably KO by turn 2. She can debuff Attack very effectively. She has good anti-physical reactions that buff her own stats and can ensure mages eat her counters via ZoC. Her counterattacks might inflict Daze, eating foes' turns. Considering her selling point (free turns when she KOs something) is pointless in a duel, she is a good fighter. Opening with her debuff skill can help complete a 3HKO by reducing the target's max HP by 15% before the damage is applied (so adds 15% of target max HP to the 1st turn damage).

Element: Fire (-50 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 844 (114.3%)
Atk: 94 (...)
Def: 33
Spd: 111 (107.5%)
Defensive Durability: 95.9%

Tiger's Providence: If killed while in Overzeal, survive with 1 HP and end Overzeal.
Resist All: 50% resistance to status effects
Dire Awakening 2: If health is less than 10%, damage increases by 50%
Art of Revenge 1: 50% chance to counterattack

Tiger's Bloodlust: 25% chance to increase a hit's damage by 40% but increase Zeal by 54

Action Chains:

Seiten Heikireki (3): 429 damage. +24 Zeal. No Blocking.

Gouten Daha (2): 875 damage. +40 Zeal. 49% HP in self damage (can be fatal)

Tenka Fubu (1): 268 damage. +22 Zeal. No Counter/Block. Knockback.
Tenka Fubu (2): 429 damage. +36 Zeal. 11% Self-damage. No Counter/Block.
Tenka Fubu (3): 501 damage. +46 Zeal. 20% (31% total) self-damage. No Counter/Block.

Fatal Strike (from Seiten Heikireki): 894 fire physical damage. Regains Health = Damage dealt.

Kyokujitsu Shouten: 322 damage. +28 Zeal. No Counter/Dodge/Block.

Turn 2 damage: 858
Turn 3 damage: 2181 (11% self-damage)
Turn 4 damage: 2610
Turn 5 damage: 3147

Comments: Anju has a game of "Figure out how to get to Overzeal to wreck something and fullheal. It's... kind of hard. She'll generally only reach it on turn 3, and can't reliably get to it without considerable self-damage or triggering counters after the first time. Tiger's Bloodlust is very dangerous. Her counters are unreliable. Going Tenka Fubu->Seitenx2 to get Overzeal turn 3 involves taking 11% self-damage... which isn't great, and Tenka Fubu3->TF2 means taking 42% self-damage... It is worth pointing out that if Anju is the last fighter on the field and DOES KO herself and the enemy at the same time, she wins in-game.

Element: Wind (-50 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 824 (111.6%)
Atk: 73
Def: 62
Spd: 94 (91.1%) (80, 77.5%, in Reppu Stance) ('80', but 131.7% speed in Shippu Stance)
Defensive Durability: 132.6% (172% in Reppu stance)

Skill Tutor 3: Increase Skill/reaction activation for nearby allies by 10%
Eye of Courage: Ignores Zones of Control
Art of Revenge 2: 75% chance to counterattack
Eye of the Fighter 2, can lock down 2 enemies close to Jachtwald
(Stance Only): AoR3: 100% counterattack

Close Dodge: 25% chance to dodge a close attack. Zeal +9
Far Dodge: 25% chance to dodge a ranged attack. Zeal+9
(Stance Only, Replaces the above)
(Stance) Perfect Dodge: 50% chance to evade an attack, advance in turn order (gets a turn now) and end the foe's action chain. Zeal+9

Action Chains:

Kagematsuba (2): 290 Wind/Phys damage. +32 Zeal
Kagematsuba (3): 327 damage. +42 Zeal. Enters 'Reppu' Stance', setting speed to 80, Def to 77 and enabling stance counter/dodge.

Tsukuyozuru (2): 404 Wind/Phys damage. +8/-12 Zeal. No Counter/Dodge. Reduces target Def by 20% (+13% damage) for 2 turns (included in damage)
Tsukuyozuru (3): 430 Wind/Phys damage. +12/-12 Zeal. No Dodge. Enters Sheathed Stance 'Shippu', which enables Sheathed Dodge/Counter, it sets speed to '80' but reduces wait time to give a speed equivalent to 136 [131.7%].

Fatal Strike: 518 wind physical damage. Can be triggered from Kagematsuba or a counter if in Overzeal.

Counter: (Range 2)
Senranzakura (3): 260 damage. +24 Zeal. Reduces target Def by 20% (Included in damage). [If in a Stance, this instead does 317 damage]

Turn 2 damage: 1173
Turn 3 damage: 1712
Turn 4 damage: 2186
Turn 5 damage: 2673

Comments: Jachtwald is solid on all fronts but speed. And that speed is complicated by one of his stances reducing it even futher. And that is complicated by one of the stances incresing his speed. And that is complicated by him getting a turn regardless of speed if he gets an evade off. It is all... complicated. It is generally a bad idea to let Jachtwald get going however.

Element: Earth (-60 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 870 (117.8%)
Atk: 72
Def: 80
Spd: 104 (100.7%)
Defensive Durability: 189% ...

Ground Wall Barrier 2: Allies within 3 squares of Munechika reduce damage by 15% (Not Munechika herself)
Indomidatble Spirit: Prevents Knockback Effects
Eye of the Fighter 3: Can lock down 3 enemies close to Munechika
Code of Honor: When an ally is next to Munechika, they take 20% less damage.
Stance of Immovable Attack Chain: If unit doesn't move, get 2 actions instead of 1...
Quick Rebound 1: Advances Turn Order slightly when attacked.
Art of Revenge 2: 75% chance to counterattack

Earth God's Perfect Defense: 100% chance to negate Earth elemental damage for self and nearby allies. +14 Zeal
United Defense: 35% chance to reduce damage by 75% for self and nearby allies. +14 Zeal

Action Chains:

Saizuchi (3): 307 Earth physical damage. +30 Zeal. Removes target's buffs.

Taizan (2): 271 Earth damage. +28/-18 Zeal. No Counter/Dodge. Applies Taunt (Enemy must chase after and attack Munechika)

Kazan Tairei (1): 91 healing, +4/-10 Zeal. Places a defense tile (20% damage reduction)
Kazan Tairei (2): 342 healing, +8/-20 Zeal. Places defense tile. Increase max HP to 1348 (155%) for 3 turns.

Shinken Sekisen (2): 216 fixed ITD earth damage. +32 Zeal. Drains 10 Zeal.

Fatal Strike: 620 damage.  Reduces enemy Move to 0.

Turn 2 damage: 1848
Turn 3 damage: 2461
Turn 4 damage: 3389
Turn 5 damage:  4002
Same as turn 4 + S3+S3

IF ENEMY IS NOT TRAPPED AFTER TURN 1 (larger, various skills)
Turn 2 damage: 614
Turn 3 damage: 1848
Turn 4 damage: 2154
S3->S3->S3->FS+S3 -> S3
Turn 5 damage: 2461
S3->S3->S3->FS+S3 -> S3 ->S3

Comments: The Wall herself. In most battles, Munechika will be attacking twice every turn, except for perhaps the first turn. Enemies trapped by her will have to take her counters 75% of their attacks. Her defensive skill increases her durability further... Munechika is probably the best dueler in the cast. She's tanky enough to just heal/attack her way through even big damage, with counters and the defensive skill and overzeal turns to help.

Element: Light (-80 Zeal/turn OZ)
HP: 686 (92.9%)
Atk: 68
Def: 48
Spd: 92 (89.1%)
Defensive Durability: 91.9% (229% after debuffing enemy Atk...)

Inescapable Charms: Puts nearby enemy male units in a taunted state
Wink of Destruction: Establishes a Zone of Control for enemy Male units.
Morale Surge 2: Male allies within 2 squares get +10% Atk/Def/Spd
Exorcize: +20% damage against undead enemies
Stance of Offense and Defense: Can take both an offensive action and a healing action on the same turn. Unfortunately useless for her in a duel
Grateful Heart 2: Echoes Healing on her by utilizing her own healing chain when healed... Useless in a duel...

Defensive Healing: 25% chance to reduce damage by 35% and heal for 102 HP.

Action Chains:

Mitsugetsu (3): 345 Wind/Light damage. +36/-8 Zeal. No Counter. Reduces Enemy Atk by 30% (massive effect)

Suika (2): 183 Magic Water damage. Applies Stupefy (only 1 action/Action chain), and reduces enemy Move by 2. Not usable after moving, ranged only.

Fatal Strike: 497 damage. (Chains from Mitsugetsu)

Turn 2 damage: 690
Turn 3 damage: 1531
Turn 4 damage: 1876
Turn 5 damage: 2221

Comments: Fumirul is probably the best character in the game, but in a duel she is badly underpowered. Her attack debuff is so effective that it might save her in a duel, but only just.

Unranked Games / Rise of the Third Power
« on: July 17, 2022, 11:41:49 PM »
Rise of the Third Power:

Combat is turn-based but there are no double-turns and actions are chosen when the character's turn comes up. In practice, this just determines the initial turn order which repeats indefinitely after that.
Special System: There are 3 different special systems. MP, Rage, and Stamina. Each PC will have the note for that system.
Cooldowns: The number of turns of cooldown refer to how many turns after it is used that it can't be used. So a '2 turn cooldown' could be used every 3 turns. a 1 turn cooldown every other turn.
Crits do 1.5x damage (Opportunist Bangle turns that to 2.25x, if worthwhile)
Defense: Of the cast of 8, only 1 character has any significant physical defense and only 1 character significant magic defense. I'll note it.
The cast has a statusblocker but it only blocks Stun. Otherwise I assumed either a generic offensive stat boost accessory or the Opportunist Bangle for high crit rate PCs (Corrina and Natasha)

HP: 678
Damage: 785 (3-turn with Natasha annihilating Assasinating the average)
Speed: (79.875, 26.8 stdev)

HP: 1030 (152%)
Agility: 95 (+0.56 stdev)
Crit: 18%   
Dodge: 24%   
Strength: 174   

(Special System: Rage: Rowan starts with 10 Rage, has a max of 50. Generates 9 Rage whenever he takes damage from an enemy
(Alternate Equip: Blood Drinker: Deals 80% normal damage, but restores 30% as HP)

Slash: 208 damage, Inflicts a Bleed for 54 damage/turn for 4 turns. +10 Rage
Pistol: 614 damage to one, 2 turn cooldown
Taunt (5):Forces enemies to target Rowan if they use a singletarget attack
Kick (10): 30 damage, cancels a charge-move
Valor: 25% MHP healing, +20% damage. Stacks to +100%
Fury (30): 1305 damage to one target

Comments: Great HP with Healing/buffing, and a parasitic healing option on top of that. Fury gets to an OHKO with 2-3 uses of Valor. Rowan is just... solid.

HP: 540 (79.7%)
Agility: 96 (+0.6 stdev)
Crit: 41%   
Dodge: 19%   
Strength: 201   
Passive: Survive a fatal hit with 1 HP once per battle

(Special System: Stamina. Starts with 100, regains 10 per round)
(Alternate Equip: Razor Blades. 80% normal damage, but Bleeding damage increases by 250%, so 2x what is listed)

Quick Slice: 300, Deals +50% to bleeding targets, 50% chance to Sunder Armor
Eviscerate (5): 100 damage, deals 160 damage/turn for 3 turns bleeding damage
Sleeping Powder (10): Puts a target to sleep for 2 turns. 3 turn cooldown
Sunder Armor (5): Removes defensive buff from target and increases damage by 20% for 2 turns
Death Blow (60): 1004 damage, restores 20 Energy if the target dies
Coup de Grace (25): 783 damage to to one target that has a status effect. (602 base, +30% damage/status)

Comments: She kills on turn 3 and has Speed, Sleeping Powder and her Survival passive to make sure she sees that turn.
She wants the Opportunist Bangle instead of a basic stat booster because her crit rate is so high.

HP: 540 (79.7%)
Speed: 78 (-0.07 stdev)
Crit: 10%   
Dodge: 17%   
Strength: 187   
Alternate Equip: -20% Cannon damage, +20% Grapeshot/Explosive Shell)

(Special System: Energy. Starts with 100, regains 10 per round)      
Preparation: The next attack deals double damage   
Cannon (40): 655 30% chance to stun, 50% chance to Sunder Armor
Reload:   Restores full Energy   
Grapeshot (20): 281 MT damage
Explosive Shell (70): 468 MT damage

Comments: Abysmal. Bad on all fronts. The first lesson she'll teach her subjects is how to handle disappointment.

HP: 540 (79.7%)
MP Regen: 32   
Speed: 51 (-1 stdev)
Critical: 14%   
Dodge: 13%   
Spell: 207   
Alternate Equip: Empyrean Edge. Lowers magic by 20%, but Retribution does 3x      

(Special System: MP. Starts full, regens per round based on Wisdom)   
Retribution: 248, restores 50% of MP
Heal (40): 1035 healing
Shield (30): 1035 shielding. 3-turn cooldown. It's like a buffer added to her HP. Overflow damage goes on to hurt her.
Dispel (20): Negative Status/debuff removal for the entire party
Blessing of Empyrea (20): +20% Healing/damage (And Shielding) for 4 turns
Blessing of Starlight (20): Increases Evade/speed/Crit for 4 turns. Not very potent
Celestial Flare (80): 1055 damage, 1 turn Cooldown

Comments: Infinite fullhealing, with Shield to help get out of heal-locks. Her damage isn't too bad considering Celestial Flare is so good.

HP: 540 (79.7%)
MP Regen: 10   
Speed: 33 (-1.75 stdev)
Crit: 27%   
Dodge: 9.00%   
Spell: 216   

(Special System: MP. Starts full, regens per round based on Wisdom)      
Drain: 648 Damage, with parasitic healing equal to that amount...
Plague (20): Adds 2 Stacks of Plague for 3 turns. Each does .7x at the start of target's turns. Each uses refreshes and stacks 9x
Detonate (10): Damages targets with Plague (per plague stack) and removes condition
Blind (30): Reduces target damage by 10% and speed by 80% for 4 turns
Summon Demon (50): Summons a demon that acts next turn. It's low damage but has 100% Instant Death. Aden spends a Soul to use this. He gets a Soul by killing an enemy, which he keeps until he uses this...

Comments: Infinite Full Parasitic healing. Not much going for him other than that but “That” is a lot!

HP: 870 (128.4%)
MP Regen: 3   
Speed: 87 (+0.27 stdev)
Crit: 20.00   
Dodge: 5.00%   
Strength: 142   
Alternate Equip: Paladin's Fire. Damage is 90% normal, Except for Sunray which does 150% Normal       
Defense: Takes 75% physical damage compared to other PCs      

Sunray: 341 MT damage [511 with Paladin's Fire]
Lure: Stacks 3x Lures      
Counter Attack:   Counters with a 1x mult attack for 3 turns. Adds a Lure stack
Reactive Armor: Applies 166 Damage/Time to attackers for 3 turns. DoT Stacks.  Adds a lure stack.
Radiant Explosion: 852 Consumes 5 Lure stacks (the Max) to deal damage to all foes
Radiant Restoration (10): 284 healing immediately. 213 regen for the next 2 turns. Adds a Lure stack.
Cover: Takes damage for an ally (even MT damage) for the next 3 turns.

Comments: Good durability with some healing. He's not going to do much other than that but it's really good. He might want the Paladin's Fire, since even though it reduces his healing it significantly boosts his damage.

HP: 550 (81.2%)
Speed: 118 (+1.42 stdev)
Crit: 103% (why not)   
Dodge: 40%   
Strength: 185   
Alternate Equip: Estoc. -10% damage, but ignores defensive effects/defense      
*Accessory: Opportunist Band. Crits are 2.25x instead of 1.5x. Because it's obviously better for her than a generic stat boost.
Passive: 10% chance to take 2 turns in a single round.

(Special System: Energy. Starts with 100, regains 10 per round)   
Rapier Strike: 500 damage to one, extends damage over time effects by 1 turn.
Silence (10 MP): Silences enemy for 2 turns. 2 turn cooldown
Mark (10 MP): Marks an enemy for 4 turns (+25% crit...). Enables Assassinate
First Aid (10 MP): 1665 healing and removes status effects/debuffs.
Poison Weapon (10MP): Applies poison to weapon for 3 turns. Attacks add a stack of 78 damage/turn when that weapon hits.
Asssassinate (30MP): 2081 damage to a Marked target.

Comments: Infinite Fullhealer with an OHKO when she Marks and 40% evade to secure her position as gamebest. Silence too, to Silence->Mark->Assassinate a target who might otherwise do something annoying. Also has the 10% double-turn trick and the Estoc for piercing defensive tricks. fantastic, only held back by her poor durability.

HP: 810 (120%)
Speed: 81 (+0.04 stdev)
Crit: 20%   
Dodge: 9%   
Strength: 154   
Spell: 183   
Magic Defense: Takes 1/3rd the magic damage other PCs do...      
Default Equip: Oath of the Templar, Increases lightning damage by 25%      
Alternate Equip: Noraskov Family Spear: Increases Spearhead by 25%      

(Special System: Rage: Gage starts with 10 Rage, has a max of 50. Generates 3 Rage whenever he takes damage from an enemy   
Spearhead: 231
Spark (5): 229 MT lightning damage
Taunt:   Generates 25 Rage. Forces enemies to target Gage if they use single-target attacks
Lightning Strike (15): 1144 lightning damage. 10% of that to all other enemies. Marks all enemies.
Thunderclap (15): Silences all enemies for 2 turns.
Storm Shield (50): 1601 MT lightning damage.

Comments: Durable and can put out “okay” Lightning damage. Having to Taunt round 1 is really too bad.

Unranked Games / Tales of Berseria brainstorming topic
« on: August 03, 2020, 05:39:20 PM »
I kind of feel bad for Tales of Berseria not having a stat topic, and wanted to attack that, even though it's a bit of a mess. I wanted to poll some questions from any players to avoid making unpopular interpretations.

1. Should Adamantine equipment (Katz Corner shop) stuff be allowed? This requires getting ~5000 Katz souls over the course of the game and unlocking chests with them.

2. To what extent should equipment enhancement be allowed?
[My initial thought was that this would be limited to a certain number of items per PC... 2 Adamantine, 5 Gold, 12 Mythril, 16 Topaz, 25 Quartz, 30 Feldspar, 14 Silver, 37 Amphibole, 40 Flourite/Amber/Bronze/Calcite]

3. With regards to equipment enhancement, most gear has a 'secondary skill' that unlocks when you enhance it, with the exact # enhancements randomized. Which equipment secondary skills should be allowed, since the better gear generally requires higher Enhancement levels, but it's random what # it unlocks at.
[ Initial thought was to allow secondary skills for equipment for stuff other than Gold/Adamantine]

4. Should other things in the DL be considered to have a changeable "Soul" level? If a PC uses a Soul Break it normally drops their souls by one level and increases the target's by one. Vice versa for inflicting status/stun. Should we assume enemies have 3 starting souls and can get moved around by the actions of the Berseria PCs, or just lock them to 3 souls always?

5. How should Stun be handled? It normally takes 1000 stun 'damage' to stun, and the formula is (relatively) known, along with averagish enemy Focus. Should we maintain the 1000 Stun threshold, and does that make the cast too good if they can all hit it in one turn? Should Stun's damage doubling be factored into a damage average?

6. Starting BG. The resource to use Mystic Artes (BG) is restored when staying at an inn. Should this mean it it starts full in the DL? Or should it be half-full or even start at 0? This matters because Mystic Arte damage is so huge that starting with BG will inevitably mean the cast is defined by unleashing a murderous (probably Stun-boosted) Mystic Arte.

7. Arte * Levels. The best titles (Combo Artist) boost artes based on their * level, or number of uses. I was thinking 2.5 Stars for everything would be fair (since you'll have some that are above this, and some below, and if you even out your arte usage without much favoritism you probably end up around here). I wasn't sure how to approach this and it matters to a certain extent, but 2-2.5 stars feels right.

8. Enemy difficulty affects enemy stats slightly. I think "Moderate" is the right difficulty to take (3rd choice out of 6, since it goes Easy-Normal-Moderate-Hard-***-Chaos). This shouldn't matter too much.

9. On a related comment, should bosses be considered for the enemy Focus average? (which affects status/stun infliction). Normally bosses aren't included in determining status accuracy in other games, and I'm not sure if it's a penalty to the cast to do so (and then also allow them to be immuned).

10. Is there any objection to just assuming all the equipment Master Skills are known? It might be difficult but your PCs will know a mix of them and it shouldn't matter too much.

Unranked Games / Wintermoor Tactics Club
« on: July 20, 2020, 02:28:09 AM »
Wintermoor Tactics Club:

An SRPG game about a group of Dungeons and dragons (Curses and Catacombs) players having snowball fights and crushing the hopes and dreams of others.
HP: Standard. Doesn't change.
PDef: Physical defense. Reduces physical damage by that amount. Usually 0
MDef: Magicla defense. Reduces magic damage by that amount. Usually 0.
Threat Range: The range that a unit can attack from turn 1. Made a bit complicated by diagnol movement oddities but we can ignore that.
Physical/Magical durability. The ability to take a physical hit, taking into account HP and how much damage a character takes from magical/physical attacks. (For these, I made a list of enemies and compared everyone's defenses against them).

- Enemy Pdef/Mdef is considered to be '0.5', since for the mosts part half of enemies have at least 1 Pdef, and half have at least 1 Mdef. A few enemies have 0 of either, and average enemy defenses gives approximately 0.5.
- Tactics Powers. There are 'special moves' called Tactics Powers that consume a resource called Tactics Points (TP). These TP are a shared resource amongst the 3 deployed PCs, and the gauge always starts a battle at 5 and maxes out at 15. For the most part, a single (non Tactic Power) attack generates 1 TP. There are rare exceptions, only one of which is viable in a duel. Tactic Powers have a cooldown of 1 turn, so even with enought TP can't be used in succession. I'll list damage and Threat range averages with 2 starting TP and 5 starting TP.

Fire Tile: Some moves leave a fire tile, which deals 1 magical fire damage at the end of the player phase. Standing in fire reduces physical defense by 1 regardless. Since an Mdef of '1' or greater will negate the damage, this counts as 0.5 magic fire damage.
Magmist Tile: Some moves leave a Magmist Tile, and any creature standing in it after creation suffers -1 to Mdef (Mdef can go negative)
Brambles TIle: Some moves leave a Bramble Tile, and any creature starting their turn in it takes 1 (0.5 after Mdef average) magic damage, and has their movement set to '1'.
Taunt: Taunt forces the afflicted to target the one who inflicted the status. This extends to healing and buffing moves... so if a Taunted character would want to heal or buff themselves or an ally they would be unable to do so.
Weaken/damage down: Some moves reduce the damage (both physical and magical) dealt by the target. These always work.

HP: 6.9
Damage (0/2 starting TP) : 2 (5 Kill Point)
Damage (5 starting TP):  2.48 (6.19 Kill Point)
Threat Range (0/2 TP): 5.29
Threat Range (5 TP): 6.43

Anjaya (played by Alicia):
HP: 5 (72.9%)
Pdef: 0 (90.2% durability modifier)
Mdef: 0 (80.3% durability Modifier)
0/2TP Threat Range: 4   
5TP Threat Range: 8   
Phys durability: (65.8%)   
Mag Durability: (58.6%)   
Brightfire Breath: 1.5 Fire Damage to a cone. Leaves 'fire' tiles that deal 0.5 magic damage at the end of player phase)      
[ Can instead opt for Spark: 1.5 magic damage, (chain AoE effect) ]      
Tactic Power:      
Brilliant Beam (5TP): 4.5 magic damage, 8 threat range, leaves behind 'Fire' (which deals 0.5 magic damage at the end of the Player's turn)      

Comments: Without TP, she tries to use Brightfire Breath to KO a target. But her durability is attrocious, and utterly average damage isn't going to cut it. With 5 starting TP, she can score a 2HKO via Brilliant Beam -> Brightfire Breath with above-average turn 1 threat range. The durability is always going to be horrific though.

Roguey (Played by Banksy Jacob):
HP:  7 (102%)
Pdef: 0 (90.2% durability modifier)
Mdef: 0 (80.3% durability Modifier)
0TP Threat Range: 5 (4 with Shadow Shove, 7 with Grappling Hook/Smoke Bomb)
5TP Threat Range: 5
Phys durability: (92%)   
Mag Durability:    (82%)   
Damage: (If Roguey opts to make both magical, he loses the '+1 if target at full HP' feature)
Shadow/Spirit Shove: 2.5 (+1 if target has full HP) Magic or Physical damage, pushes target 2 away
Grappling Hook: 1.5 (+1 if target has full HP) Physical or magic damage. If magic, reduces target Mdef by 1 for 1 turn.   
Smokeblight Bomb (5TP): 2.5 physical damage AoE, leaves Smoke behind (-1 damage while in it)
Super Hard Kick (10TP):   7.5 physical damage, Push effect

Comments: With 0 TP averages, he has either a physical or magical 2HKO, with the Ambush effect being good against healers, along with Super Hard Kick's OHKO waiting in the wings. With 5 TP his damage is lower but he works the same way. Either way, he is frail.

Eodwald: (Played by Colin)
HP:  8 (117%)   
Pdef: 1 (137% modifier) [284% modifier attacking, nigh infinite if Dazing enemy]
Mdef: 0 (80.3% Modifier) [149% after attacking, 400%+ if Dazing enemy]
0TP Threat Range: 5      
5TP Threat Range: 5      
Phys durability: 160% ( 331% after attacking)
Mag Durability: 93.7% (174% after attacking)
Hammer Hook:   1.5 damage, Target deals 1 less damage for 1 turn. Gives 3 Tactic Points instead of 1 if Eodwald took damage before this turn. Taunts target
Tactic Power:
Stunhammer Slam: (5TP): 3.5 physical damge. Dazes enemy for 2 turns (Deals 2 less damage, 1 less move). Hits adjacent enemies to target.
Absolution (10TP): 1.5 physical damage to a wide AoE. Taunts enemies, and raises Eodwald's P/Mdef by 3 for 2 turns   
Eodwald is all about tanking and lining up Stunhammer Slams, then tanking... more. He's fragile to magic before attacking, but not after. If he has 5 starting TP, he may want to sacrifice trade Hammer Hook out (for a melee 1.5 damage attack with Taunt) and gain a 7 threat range 1.5 damage attack that Dazes a target for 1 turn.

Janya: (Played by Jania)
HP: 6 (87.5%)   
Pdef: 0 (90.2% modifier) [137% modifier after attacking]
Mdef: 1 (149% modifier) [418% modifier after attacking]
0TP Threat Range: 5      
5TP Threat Range: 5      
Phys durability: 78.9%   (119% after attacking)
Mag Durability: 130%   (366% after attacking)
Psychic Shout:   1.5 magic damage to a cone, leaves “Magmist” that makes anyone inside of it take 1 extra damage from magic attacks. Reduces target's damage by 1 for 1 turn.      
Power Word: Fortiify Grants 3 extra Def/Mdef to one ally for one turn (virtual invulnerability)

Tactic Powers:
Confusion powers, which are useless in a duel.

Comments: Hopes she fights a mage. She'd also appreciate it if one assumed targets didn't just move out of Magmist to attack her, giving her an extra point of damage every turn after the first.

Sir Ardemaine (Played by Batu):         
HP: 9 (131%)   
Pdef: 0 (90.2% modifier)   
Mdef: 1    (149% modifier)   
0TP Threat Range: 9      
5TP Threat Range: 9      
Phys durability: 118%      
Mag Durability:   196%      
Trample: 1.5 physical damage to a line (moves Sir Ardemaine to a new location). Taunts enemy, and inflicts -1 Movement for 2 turns on targets.
[Alternate: Astral Trample: 1.5 Magical damage to a line as above. Leavs behind Magmist Tiles]
Tactics power:         
Arrow (5TP): 2.5 physical damage to a large AoE. Leaves fire tiles (0.5 damage at end of player turn, -1 Pdef while in them)
Valiant Charge (10TP): 3.5 physical damage to a large AoE. Reduces targets Pdef by 1 for 2 turns

Comments: Magic tank. Hopes to get to loose an Arrow, or for one to see targets as unable to avoid the Magmist (which may be true, epsecially for melee units)

Hecate (played by Sarah Baphomet):      
HP: 7 (102%)
Pdef: 0 (90.2% modifier)
Mdef: 1 (149% modifier)
0TP Threat Range: 4   
5TP Threat Range: 5   
Phys durability: 92.08% (68.70% if in fire)
Mag Durability: 152.10%
Hellburst: 1.5 magic damage to an AoE surrounding Hecate. +2 damage if Hecate took damage last turn. Targets suffer -1 Mdef for one turn.
[Alternatively: Leave Fire Panels, which deal 0.5(+1 due to the -1Mdef) damage at the end of turn, but effectively reduces Hecate's Physical Defense by 1 because she is in the fire]
Tactic Powers:      
Soul Vortex (5TP): 3.5 Magic damage to a wide AoE surrounding Hecate. +2 damage if Hecate took damage last turn.

Comments: Hecate has good magical durability, and if the physical durability hit is acceptable she can improve her damage significantly with fire tiles that deal 1.5 instead of 0.5 due to the Mdef debuff. Soul Vortex doing 3.5+2+1 = 6.5 damage if she took damage and got off Hellburst the turn before is also pretty crazy. Dependent on whether you allow 5 starting TP or not, and whether she faces someone who can make her pay for suffering the physical durability hit of using fire. Note that for damage averages I ignored the Mdef debuff, assumed no fire (because of the massive Pdef hit), and counted only one attack as benefitting from the +2 Vengeance damage.

Yin (played by Duncan)      
HP: 6 (87.50%)
Pdef: 1 (137% modifier) [284% after attacking]
Mdef: 0 (80.3% Modifier) (149% after attacking)
0TP Threat Range: 5      
5TP Threat Range: 8      
Phys durability: 119.88% (248.50% after attacking
Mag Durability:   70.26%   (130.38% after attacking)
Plague Bite: 2.5 physical damage to a target. Target's damage is reduced by 1 for one turn.
Tactic Power:         
Seed Disepersal (5TP): 3 range, 1.5 magical damage over an area. Leaves 'brambles' (enemies take 0.5 magic damage and also have 1 move). Creates a Snipesprout.      
(Snipesprout: Can act the turn summoned, Can attack a target for 1.5 physical damage, and Taunts target so they can only target Snipesprout!)         

Comments: Solid damage (and durability after turn 1). His Tactic Power is quite brutal, since the Snipesprout that it creates will Taunt a target, so that they can't attack Yin unless they use MT (they can't even heal/buff). So with or without starting TP he's relatively solid.

RPG Stats Forum / Dragon Quest 8 DS
« on: November 02, 2018, 01:38:07 AM »
Wasn't sure whether to append this to the original Dragon Quest 8 Topic or not, so I'll just link it for now:

In addition, I'll link the following:
Thread on Red/Morrie skillsets:

Thread on new equipment:

Thread on small changes to the original PC's skillsets:

Some notes:
- Liquid Metal Armor is the best armor for defense (101) and elemental resistance (33% to Fire/Ice/Wind).
  This may be questionable as it is a universal armor that costs 50k Casino tokens. Casino tokens are easy
  to farm as this game's casino allows 50/50 bets of tens of thousands of tokens along with a quicksave/load.
- Elements in Dragon Quest are always screwy. There is Magical Fire (Frizz/Sizz), Explosion (Bang), Magical Ice (Crack), Magic Air (Whoosh)...
  and then there is non-magical Fire (Flame) and non-magical Ice (Ice). PC side resistances to this may be a raw subtraction or a % resistance.
  On the PC side there is some inconsitency (equips that say "reduce magic" may also reduce Ice/Flame, or not).
- I included 10 extra skill points from skill seeds.
- There are some judgement calls on skill point distribution. I'll note what I think are points that might be better one way or another for DL purposes.
- I defaulted to the agility-raising equipment for PCs because Agility tends to be so important for DL purposes.
- Evade is weird.

HP:   380.6
Agility:   151.33
(Stand Dev):   38.9
Defense:   242
(Sans Liquid Metal Armor): 236.6
Damage:   377.5
Less 95 if Jess is assumed to be using Kafrizzle instead of Magic Bursting   
Less 50 if Red isn't allowed to use Dosh Toss due to the 2500 Gold price tag per use.

Averages for the Original Cast (and TDL being un-nerfed):
HP: 388
Agility: 136.5
Agility Stdev: 27.89
Defense: 246.25
Defense (no Liquid Metal Armors): 237.5
Damage: 255 (Jessica doing TDLx2+MB)

PC Stats:         
HP: 416 (109%)
MP: 203      
Strength: 126      
Agility: 132 (including Mercury Bandanna) [-0.5 stdev]
Resilience: 58      
Wisdom: 173      
Attack: 241 (251 with Spears)   
Defense: 230 (221 with Mirror Armor)
SP:   206      
Blizzard Blade      
Liquid Metal Armor (Mirror Armor)      
Silver Shield      
Mercury's Bandana      
Agility Ring      
Flametang Boomerang - +63 Attack, fire, hits all targets; found
Dragonsslayer - +83 Attack, 60% more damage to dragons; storebought
Blizzard Blade - +90 Attack, ice; storebought
Hero Spear - +100 Attack, heals 10% of damage done; beat Monster Arena Rank A

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Mirror Armour - +92 Defense, 20% random chance of reflecting spells (Hero, Angelo); storebought
Spiked Armor: +68 Def, Inflicts 25% recoil damage on physical attackers (Hero, Yangus)
Gothic Coat - 72 Defense (Hero), 25% Evade; Acquire 155/267 Stamps (via new 3DS side quests)

Silver Shield - +48 Defense, fire magic and breath attacks do 20 less damage (Hero, Angelo, Yangus); Alchemy
Power Shield - +38 Defense, fire and ice breath attacks do 15 less damage, casts Midheal when used (Hero, Yangus, Angelo); storebought
Mirror Shield - +43 Defense, 20% chance of reflecting spells (Hero, Angelo); storebought
Ice Shield - +33 Defense, ice magic and breath attacks do 10 less damage, casts an ice-specific Insulate when used (Hero, Angelo); storebought

Mercury's Bandana - +23 Defense, +15 Agility (Hero); Alchemy
Great Helm - +45 Defense (Yangus, Hero); storebought
Gothic Miter - 36 Defense (Hero), reduces chance of being affected by Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, and Death by 50%,  25,000 Token in Baccarat Casino (3DS)

Skill loadout: 100 Swords, 100 Courage. [Alternatively, 100 Spears, 90 Courage, 7 Fisticuffs]

Passives: Atk+25 with Sword, Half MP cost for all skills (already factored in)   [Atk+25 with Spears instead if spears are used]

Attack:   79 Ice damage [84 damage with 100 in Spears instead of swords]


Falcon Slash (0MP):   119   Ice damage over two hits
Flame Slash (0 MP)   103   Fire physical damage in one hit
Metal Slash (0MP): 1-2 damage to Metal enemies      
Dragon Slash:    79.25   Deals 50% more damage to Dragons
Miracle Slash (2MP):   99   Damage. Recovers half HP equal to half damge done.
Gigagash (10 MP):   255   Lightning damage, GT
(Spear)   [If he opts for Spear instead of Sword]   
Mercurial Thrust:   67   Initiative damage
Multithrust (2MP):   148   Hits 3-4 times for ½ damage each hit.
Lightning Thrust (2MP):   251   ITD damage, 50% chance to miss
Lightning Storm (13MP):   205   Lightning damage, MT
(Fisticuff)   [If he opts for Spears]   
Defending Champion:   1/10th damage when defending (must unequip weapon that round)
Call Team (5MP): Initiative (beats out other kinds of initiative in the game, excepting surprise). Selects one of two pre-made teams of 3 monsters, who stay for 3 turns (4 for certain special teams). Both teams can be summoned once per fight.      
See below for relevant Monsters:

Kasizzle (5MP): 89 fire damage to a group      
Fullheal (3MP): Full Healing to one      
Squelch (1MP): Cures poison      
Zing (4MP): 50% chance to revive ally with 50% HP      

Tingle (1MP): Cures party members of Sleep and paralysis      
Fizzle: (2MP): 50% chance of silence, targets each enemy in a group.      
Kazap (9MP): 130 Lightning damage to a group      
Omniheal (16MP): Full healing to all party members      
Monsters:   HP:   MP:   Atk:   Def:   Agi:   Dmg   Average Damage
Steropes   888      278   149   108   98   
Brontes   801      277   150   92   97   
Pa Troll   999      348   74   90   133   
Octurion:    571      182   158   137   50   
Arges:   730      249   120   137   83   
Archfiend:   926   38   304   132   102   111   

Cybot:    525      210   175   125   64   (157 average damage/turn)
Roborg:    504      197   203   185   57   (144 average damage/turn)
Nohi:   630      225   200   125   71   (172 average damage/turn)
[Robots are fully status immune]
[Robots double-act and have an even chance of a 56 damage MT laser, a 1.25x attack, a 1.5x attack, or a 1.3x attack)

Deadnobl: 455      211   201   140   64   
Orcus:   373   28   208   166   140   63   
Talos:   801      316   243   116   117   (131 average damage/turn)
[50% chance of a 1.25x attack]

Skeledoid: 563      310   238   168   114   (181 average damage/turn)
[50% double-act rate, 25% chance of a 1.25x attack]

Stoneman:585      278   260   101   98   
Brickman:   575      240   228   121   79   
Goldman:    357      226   179   75   72   
Hackzilla:   768      287   201   122   102   (114 average damage/turn)
[40% chance of a 1.5x attack, but a 10% chance of a piddly 20]

There are some special teams:
Cybot/Roborg/Nohi: Triple Trouble. Stays 4 turns. Opens ~90% of the time with Stream Killer Attack, a combo that does 577 ITE Physical damage off the highest Agility. Subsequently, They do it ~10-25% of the time, along with Triple Sword (288 combo attack). The rest of the time they act independently.
Brickman/Goldman/Stoneman: Stays 4 turns. Can combine into Talos, who has 999 HP, negates all status but sleep/Blind (50% resist), and does ~300 damage per attack. They do this about 50% of the time.
Steropes/Brontes/Archfiend: Stays 4 turns. Steropes/Brontes have a chance of an ITE 293 damage combo attack.

Comments: Guv's initiative summon is sweet, as it takes him out of the picture and lets him put out status/elementally resistant tanky monsters with damage that is solid when added up. Triple Trouble are fully status immune to deal with status slingers. A variety of other teams suits his needs (usually a good damage/durability combo). He may want Spears intead of Swords for the MT damage, ITD option, and defend-turtling. After that he has acceptable durability (and status blocking/evade options in the 3DS version) and more fullhealing than you can shake a stick at, with Tension to beat out other healers. Also the Spiked Armor/Fullheal forever gimmick.      

HP: 440   (116%)   
MP: 88      
Agility: 99 (-1.35 stdev)
Resilience: 67      
Wisdom:   103      
Attack:   268      
Defense: 261 (255 W/ Gigant Armor)
SP:   219      
Bardiche of Binding       
Liquid Metal Armor (Gigant Armor)      
Silver Shield
Great Helm      
Agility Ring   

Bardiche of Binding- +83 ATK, 25% more damage to demons; inflicts silence; found
Conqueror's Axe - +103 Attack; found
Megaton Hammer - +108 Attack, increased critical hit rate; Alchemy
Heavy Hatchet- +110 Attack; storebought

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Gigant Armour - +95 Defense, fire and ice Breath/magic attacks do 30 less damage (Yangus); storebought
Spiked Armor: +68 Def, Inflicts 25% recoil damage on physical attackers (Hero, Yangus)
Dark Robe: +87 Defense, +25% Evade

Flame Shield - +34 Defense, fire (not explosive) magic and breath attacks do 10 less damage, casts a fire-specific Insulate when used (Jess, Yangus); storebought
Power Shield - +38 Defense, fire and ice breath attacks do 15 less damage, casts Midheal when used (Hero, Yangus, Angelo); storebought
Silver Shield - +48 Defense, fire magic and breath attacks do 20 less damage (Hero, Angelo, Yangus); Alchemy
Big Boss Shield - +50 Defense, casts Kasap when used (Yangus); acquired from trading with Dodgy Dave

Great Helm - +45 Defense (Yangus, Hero); storebought

Skill Loadout: 100 Scythes, 100 Humanity, 19 Axes   
Passives: Atk+25 with Scythes   
Attack:   93   

Wind Sickles: 106 Wind damage (ITD but evadable), ST
Grimmer Reaper (3MP): 93 Damage, ~6% chance of ID. GT
Stainless Steal Sickle: 111 Damage, chance of stealing.
Big Banga (30MP): 200 Fire magic damage, MT.
Helm Splitter: 95 damage, Lowers def by 25%, stacks to -100% (Adds ~10 damage per debuff)
Hatchet Man (3MP): 50% chance of a miss, 25% chance 95 damage, 25% for 273 ITD physical damage   
Warcry:   25% Chance of stun, MT   
Kabuff (3MP): Raises Def by 25%, MT. Stacks to +200%. Lasts 7-10 turns.   
Underpants Dance: 25% Chance of stun, MT   
Midheal (3 MP):   Heals 85 HP (70-100)   
Kerplunk (All MP): Revives and fully restores all team members, Then Kills user. Note this affects reserve party members!   
Golden Oldies (15 MP): 262 non-elemental damage over 4 hits (4 hits of 1.6x Level) [4x 1.2xlvl=196  in the original]. Does NOT benefit from Tension   
Comments: It's really unfortunate that Yangus' speed and damage don't pan out. His 1/8th-1/16th chance of ID isn't saving him.  At least he has Tension to deal with Light healers.      

HP: 322   (84.6%)   
MP: 273      
Strength: 86      
Agility: 161   (+0.25 stdev)
Resilience: 48      
Wisdom:   240      
Attack:   163      
Defense: 238   (231 with Princess' Robe)
SP:   217      
Staff of Ressurection      
Liquid Metal Armor (Princess' Robe)      
Saintess Shield      
Golden Tiara      
Agility Ring      
Dragonsslayer - +83 Attack, 60% more damage to dragons; storebought
Staff of Resurrection - +77 Attack, casts Zing when used; storebought
Blizzard Blade - +90 Attack, ice; storebought
Gringham Whip - +117 Attack, hits all targets; casino

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Hexlet's Skirt: +61 Defense, reduces non-Zap spell damage by 1/3 (Jess); Alchemy (3DS)
Magical Skirt - +55 Defense, reduces non-Zap spell damage by 1/3 (Jess); Alchemy
Princess's Robe - +94 Defense, Non-Zap spells do 30 less damage (Jess); Alchemy
Divine Bustier - +105 Defense, raises evasion by 25% (Jess); Alchemy
Classic Blazer - 102 Defense (Jess, 3DS), reduces chance of being affected by Poison, Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, Blind, and Death by 50%

Flame Shield - +34 Defense, fire (not explosive) magic and breath attacks do 10 less damage, casts a fire-specific Insulate when used (Jess, Yangus); storebought
Saintess Shield - +46 Defense (Jess), reduces fire and ice breath damage by 1/3rd; Alchemy

Golden Tiara - +43 Defense, resists silence, sleep, confusion and death (Jess); Alchemy
Witch's Hat - 44 Defense (Jess), +15 Intelligence, reduces chance of being affected by Sleep and Confusion by 1/3 (3DS Alchemy)

Skill Loadout: 100 Fists (for Magic Burst), 84 Staves (for MP+100, which is 200 more Magic Burst damage), and 28 Sex Appeal (for the superior Fuddle)
Alternative: 100 Fisticuffs, 44 Staves (MP+50 instead of 100, no Caduceus), 68 Sex Appeal (Kasnooze's 70% status rate)

Passives: +100 MP with staff equipped, +3-10 MP per turn with staff equipped, +10 Agi when no weapon equipped, +Evade when no weapon equipped (but this seems bugged to do nothing without overhwelming levels still in the 3DS version!), 1/16th chance to causes enemies attacking her to lose a turn (sex appeal)   
Attack:   40   [65 with Gringham whip]

Caduceus:   Restores 85 HP (75-100) to one ally.   
(Whips)    [For Reference if Jessica sacrifices Fuddle for this]
Twin Dragon Lash (3MP):   117 [Was 195 in the original]
Whiplash (4MP):   65   With a 12.5% chance of paralysis
Thin Air (3MP): 88 Wind magic physical damage to all enemies      
(Sex Appeal)   
Blow Kiss : 40.25 damage, 1/16th chance of paralysis.
Puff-Puff:   25% Chance of causing turn-loss in target   
Hip-Drop:   1.3x Physical attack (52 with Staff) [Does not get boosted by Oomph for some stupid reason]   
Sexy Beam (3MP): 70 non-elemental magic Damage + 1/8th chance of confusion   
Oomph (6MP): Doubles damage done by physical attacks (but only the 1st hit of a mult-hit attack)   
Kacrackle (12MP): 92 Ice magic damage, MT
Kafrizzle (10MP): 175 Fire magic Damage, ST
Snooze (3MP): 50% Chance of inflicting sleep   
Kaboom (15 MP): 120 Fire/Explosion magic damage, MT
Sap (2 MP): Reduces target Def by 50% (stacks to -100%, or about 20 base damage added per cast)   
Accelerate (3MP): Doubles all allies' Agility   
Magic Barrier (3MP): Lowers Elemental and status accuracy by ~25%   
Kasap (4MP): Lower enemy group Def by 25% (stacks to 100%)   
Bounce (4MP): Reflects spells cast by others   
(Sex Appeal):         
Fuddle (5MP):   ~50% chance of inflicting Confusion   
Kasnooze (8MP):   ~70% chance of inflicting Sleep   [Only if sacrificing Caduceus and 50 max MP]
Magic Burst (All MP):   Inflicts Mpx2 Flame damage to all enemies. [Flame is the element of breath attacks, as separate from 'magic' like Frizz/Sizz/Boom, so it ignores magic tags such as Bounce]. Benefits from Tension   
Comments: Jessica's 3DS version is slower and less damaging than the original. Twin Dragon Lash being nerfed is unfortunate but I am uncertain it was ever a 6x mult to begin with (it was a 3x mult, now a 1.8x). Jessica's speed is worse because of Red breaking the curve ala DQ4's Alena, but also because the Hero/Angelo are assumed to be using their speed boosting equips. Magic Burst is of course amazing MT damage, but fire (even a weird non-magic fire) is a terrible element to be... which is also true in-game. I am uncertain whether 50 more MP (100 MB damage) and Caduceus is better than the 70% Kasnooze that Sex-Appeal provides. But sleep potentially only lasting 2 turns makes it a fairly weak status compared to Confusion.      

HP: 373   (98%)   
MP: 195      
Strength: 122      
Agility: 154   (+0.07 stdev)
Resilience: 59      
Wisdom: 239      
Attack: 205      
Defense: 256 (243 with Oriental War Wear)
SP:   213 [improved from PS2 version]   
Mercury's Rapier      
Liquid metal Armor (Oriental War Wear)      
Silver Shield      
Phantom Mask      
Agility Ring   

Staff of Resurrection - +77 Attack, casts Zing when used; storebought
Mercury's Rapier - +78 Attack, +20 Agility; Alchemy
Shamshir of Light - +110 Attack; Alchemy
Odin's Bow - +125 Attack; Alchemy

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Crimson Robe - +82 Defense, ice breath attacks do 20 less damage (Jess, Angelo); Alchemy
Mirror Armour - +92 Defense, 20% random chance of reflecting spells (Hero, Angelo); storebought
Oriental War Wear: 88 Defense (Angelo), Non-Zap spells and breath attacks do 35 less damage.
Dancer's Mail: +57 Defense, +25% Evade

Silver Shield - +48 Defense, fire magic and breath attacks do 20 less damage (Hero, Angelo, Yangus); Alchemy
Power Shield - +38 Defense, fire and ice breath attacks do 15 less damage, casts Midheal when used (Hero, Yangus, Angelo); storebought
Mirror Shield - +43 Defense, 20% chance of reflecting spells (Hero, Angelo); storebought
Ice Shield - +33 Defense, ice magic and breath attacks do 10 less damage, casts an ice-specific Insulate when used (Hero, Angelo); storebought

Phantom Mask - +48 Defense, raises evasion (Angelo); Alchemy
Thinking Cap - +38 Defense, +15 Wisdom (Jess, Angelo); storebought

Skill Loadout: 9 Swords [for Flame Slash], 100 Staves [for MP regen], and 100 Charisma [For Kafuddle and Pearly Gates]   
Passives: +3-10 MP/turn when equipped with a staff, +50 MP when equipped with a staff, +5 Atk when equipped with a sword   
Attack:   61 Damage [77 with Shamshir of Light]
Flame Slash (0 MP): 79 fire physical damage   [100 with the Shamshir of Light]
Ban Dance (4MP): Negates enemy dances   
Chilling Chuckle (3MP): Negates one level of enemy tension, GT   
Charming Look (4MP): 85 MT damage, 12.5% chance of paralysis   
Tingle (2MP): Cures party members of Sleep and paralysis   
Buff (2MP): Raises Def by 50%, ST. Stacks to +200%. Lasts 7-10 turns.   
Kabuff (3MP): Buffs Dense by 25%, MT. Stacks to +100%   
Fullheal (6MP): Full healing to one      
Multiheal (10MP): Heals ~120 HP to all allies      
Kaswoosh (8MP): 121 GT Wind magic damage   
Kazing (15MP): Revive one ally with 100% HP      
Dazzle (5MP): 50% chance to blind enemies, GT      
Fizzle: (4MP): 50% chance of silence, targets each enemy in a group.      
Bounce (4MP): Reflects spells cast by others   
Drain Magic: Absorbs 15 MP from each target of a group   
Caduceus: Heals 85 HP (70-100)   
Kathwack (15MP): 60% Instant Death on all enemies   
Oomph (6MP): Doubles damage done by physical attacks (but only the 1st hit of a mult-hit attack)   
Squelch (2MP): Cures poison      
Fuddle (5MP): 50% chance of inflicting confusion   
Divine Intervention (4MP): 50% chance to give targets a 25% weakness to all elements.      
Kafuddle (10MP): 85% chance to inflict confusion on enemies, MT. Confused Enemies can not attack PCs, and confusion lasts at least 3 turns (and more often than not turns into paralysis). [Went 80%, but guide lists 85%]
Pearly Gates (20MP): 195 Wind magic damage. 30% more to undead enemies.   
Comments: Tons of healing, acceptable speed,  accurate debilitating status with Instant-Death backup (MT even), buffing, magic reflection... Angelo's skillset is amazing. The 3DS version gave him a ton more SP to play with than the original, so he can go for Staves/Charisma and still have room for some Flame Slash fire/physical damage to buff up with Oomph if he wants.      

HP: 348 (91.4%)   
MP: 187      
Strength: 115      
Agility: 217 (+1.69 stdev)
Resilience: 51      
Wisdom:   194      
Attack:   235      
Defense: 234      
SP: 205      
Blizzard Blade      
Kunoichi Costume      
Saintess Shield      
Kunoichi Headband      
Agility Ring      

Divine Monarch's Fan - 90 Attack, 1.6*Damage to Aquatic Type Enemies; Chest in new main-game Dungeon
Stellar Fan - 74 Attack, 1/6 Chance of Fuddling Enemy
Blizzard Blade - +90 Attack, ice; storebought
Dragonsslayer - +83 Attack, 60% more damage to dragons; storebought
Gringham Whip - +127 Attack, hits all targets; casino

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Princess's Robe - +94 Defense, Non-Zap spells do 30 less damage (Jess); Alchemy
Kunoichi Costume - 99 Defense (Red), +20 Agility, 25% Evade, Acquire 208/267 Stamps
Magical Skirt - +55 Defense, reduces non-Zap spell damage by 1/3 (Jess); Alchemy

Saintess Shield - +46 Defense (Jess), reduces fire and ice breath damage by 1/3rd; Alchemy
Ice Shield - +33 Defense, ice magic and breath attacks do 10 less damage, casts an ice-specific Insulate when used (Hero, Angelo); storebought

Golden Tiara - +43 Defense, resists silence, sleep, confusion and death; Alchemy
Kunoichi Headband - 38 Defense (Red), +15 Agility,  Made via Alchemy: Iron Headgear+Gale Bandana

Skill Loadout: 66 Fans [for Death Dance/Fandango], 100 Swords [for Blade Cascade], and 39 Roguery [for Fullheal/Dosh Toss]

Alternatively, if Dosh Toss's 2500 Gold cost for 500 ST damage is prohibitive, 100 Roguery instead of swords to get Fire in the Ole.

Passives: +25 Atk when a fan is equipped, +30 Atk when a sword/dagger is equipped, Max HP+20 (Factored in) [HP+30 if Roguery is maxed]
Attack:   76 [74 with Divine Monarch Fan]
Toxic Sword (3MP): 76 damage, 12.5% chance of Poison   
Assasin's Stab (8MP): 76 damage, 12.5% chance of Instant Death   
Miracle Cleavage (4MP):   95 damage, restores 50% of damage dealt as HP   
Blade Cascade (6MP): 214 damage over ~7 hits (6-8 hits, .4x mult each)   
Flower Power: ~25% chance of inflicting a turn-loss, GT   
Water Slaughter: A 1.5x damage Fan strike to Aquatic enemies (stacks with Divine Monarch fan, but Fan Dango is still better]
Fan Dango:  149 damage over 4 hits (4 hits of 0.5x)   
Death Dance (5MP): ~60% chance of Death to all enemies   
Dosh Toss: Expends 10% of gold to do 1/5th of that in damage (capped at 500 damage, costing 2500 Gold, when party gold > 25,000)   
Snooze (3MP): 50% Chance of inflicting sleep   
Drain Magic: Absorbs 15 MP from each target of a group   
Fuddle (5MP): 50% chance of inflicting confusion   
Accelerate (3MP): Doubles all allies' Agility, can stack to 999 Agi   
Fullheal (6MP): Full healing to one      
Comments: Hyperfast with full healing, some evasion (which Accelerate can buff), status (although only 50%), status resistance, and maybe an ITD 2HKO with Dosh Toss if it is allowed. If not, she may prefer Fire in the Ole to Blade Cascade. Decent, although having a turn 1 status would have helped.      

HP:385 (101%)   
MP: 165      
Strength: 136      
Agility: 145 ( -0.16 stdev)
Resilience: 54      
Wisdom: 153      
Attack: 256      
Defense: 234 (233 with Jester Costume)   
SP: 174
Beast Talon      
Liquid Metal Armor (Jester Costume)      It's all about smashing with Hand of God on turn 3 for 1000 damage.
Silver Shield      
Pirate Hat      
Agility Ring      
King Cobra Claw - 91 Attack; 1.6*Damage to Demon Type Enemies; Made via Alchemy:
Beast Talon - 95 Attack, 1.6*Damage to Beast Type
Flametang Boomerang - +63 Attack, fire, hits all targets; found
Megaton Hammer - +108 Attack, increased critical hit rate; Alchemy

Liquid metal Armor: +101 Defense. Cuts Non-Zap Magic damage by 33%
Jester Costume - 100 Defense (Morrie), Cuts Non-Zap magic by 1/3rd; Deliver 107 Mini Medals to Princess Minnie
Dark Robe: +87 Defense, +25% Evade

Silver Shield - +48 Defense, fire magic and breath attacks do 20 less damage (Hero, Angelo, Yangus); Alchemy
Mirror Shield - +43 Defense, 20% chance of reflecting spells (Hero, Angelo); storebought

Pirate's Hat - +36 Defense

Skill Loadout: 100 Claws [For Godhand Strike], 68 Gusto [for GRANDE GUSTO]

Passives: Atk+25 with Claw, Higher crit rate than normal      
Attack:   87   
Propeller Blades: 128 damage over two hits, 41 of which is wind-elemental ITD   
Can Opener: 130 damage to machines/Material enemies.   
Hardclaws: 130 damage over three hits (0.5x mult each)   
Rake 'n' Break (3MP): 87 damage and removes status/debuffs/buffs from enemy.   
Hand of God (10MP): 160   ITD damage to one target in one hit [a 1.25x Phys attack, ITD] (Oomph doubles it)
Arena of Flames (5MP):   50 MT fire damage   
Intenso: Raises an allies tension by one or two levels (50% chance each)      
Pit Stop (3MP): Heals ~85 HP and removes all status afflictions. Does not benefit from Tension      
GRANDE GUSTO: Raises tension by 2 levels (still needs a ~20% check to reach 100 Tension)      
Midheal (3 MP):   Heals 85 HP (70-100)   
Sap (3MP): Reduces target Def by 50% (stacks to -100%, or about 20 damage added per cast... but Godhand Strike is ITD anyway)   

Oomph (6MP): Doubles damage done by physical attacks (but only the 1st hit of a mult-hit attack)   
Comments: GRANDE GUSTO → Oomph → Hand of God for a turn 3 OHKO is the game. Which is... admittedly not a great selling point off sub-par speed. With GRANDE GUSTO his healing is closer to 255 every second turn (Grande Gusto-> Midheal).... it's just still not good.      

Unranked Games / Bravely Second: End Layer
« on: September 15, 2018, 03:20:29 PM »

I am looking at a Bravely Second topic and wanted some input real quick:

- Does Level 75 sound good?
- Does Job Level 11 for a jobs topic sound right? You need Yokai's Awakening to reach it but it's unique to each job and once you get it you no longer need the Awakening skill.
- Is there any interest in bosses? If so, which ones and at what point? There are... issues... with bosses past a certain point where the forecast calls for excessive meteor showers.
- Is there any interest in a "Characters get the jobs they are the advertisement for" topic ala what Snowfire did for Bravely Default? This game doesn't divvy up the jobs equally so it isn't quite as clean.
- It is fairly standard to gauge the effectiveness of defensive stats against enemy offense stats in subtraction systems. In Bravely Second on Normal, this is an issue because enemy M.Atk is so pathetic as to make even default storebought equipment nearly null it out, and a little buffing results in virtual magic immunity on Normal. Some classes can even pull this off with physicals (330-350 enemy P.Atk AND magic (140 enemy M.Atk + 100 spell power assumed). Are there any thoughts on an efficient way to handle this? It really is the case that in Normal defensive buffing (or debuffing enemy Offense) is incredibly effective, and that some classes laugh off magic damage when so equipped.

Shoutout to this battle mechanics guide.

Spreadsheet below. The entries are in the Asterisks tab, a little to the bottom and right.

Unranked Games / Record of Lodoss War (SNES)
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:11:29 AM »
Record of Lodoss War (SNES):

Prototypical JRPG!

- Combat takes place on a 3x5 grid, where the PCs start at the bottom and enemies at the top. Creatures can move by 1 (sometimes 2) and take an action/cast a spell. Attacks are range 1 while spells/projectiles have unlimited range.

- Stats:
LP: This game's version of HP.
MP: Casts spells/use abilities with this.
AT: Attack power. AT - DF = Damage (heavily randomized)
DF: Defense power
Dodge: Evasion rate. Real evasion rate is higher than listed here.
Agility: Determines who goes first in battle. Actions are decided when a turn is taken, so this is only good for going first or reapplying status.
Magic: Not sure what this does. The game features a system where enemies/PCs can 'save' against a spell and take half damage or resist an effect. But this doesn't seem to correlate.

- Level taken as 77. Enemy AT assumed to be 325 in practice (higher than randoms, lower than final boss), enemy DF assumed to be 216.

- PCs can equip a weapon, Armor, Shield, and Accessory. Accessories are non-unique and most would want the "Move 2 spaces" one.

- Some enemies can resist PC spells for 50% damage or not being hit with status, but everything is ~100% vs. regular foes at endgame (and through most of the normal game).

- Averages up top:
HP:   331
DF:   255
Dodge:   11
Agility:   196.1667 (Stdev 69.8)
Damage: 379 (2.5x KO point of 948)

LP:   382   (115%)   
MP:   210      
AT:   567      
DF:   268   (122.5%))
Dodge: 30      
Agility: 131 (-.68 stdev)   
Magic:   130      
Physical Durability: 141%      
Lawful Blade: 200 Attack         
Justice Coat: 70 Def, Regens 10% HP/turn         
Reflect Shield: 30 Dodge, 10% chance to reflect damage         
(Alternate Shield: Anti Fire, ½ fire damage, 20 Dodge)         
Attack:   351      (464 after Strongest)
Battle Cry (10): ~75% chance to cancel foes' next turn, MT      
Magic Ward (5):   Halves physical damage taken for the rest of the battle.      
Strongest (10):   Raises AT by 20% for the rest of the battle.      
Comments: Parns' physical durability, Evade, Reflection, Regen, and Magic Ward combine to make him a tough cookie to crack physically. Beyond that he can cast Strongest to get more damage. He's slow on turn 1 and he has little recourse against magic. Feels like an interesting enough Middle.   
LP:   300   (90.7%)
MP:   303      
AT:   414      
DF:   255   (99.8%)
Dodge:   20      
Agility: 200 (+0.04)   
Magic:   293      
Physical Durability: 90.5%      
Heavy Mace + 2: 120 AT         
Invincible: 50 Def, 10% chance to negate physical damage         
Anti Fire: 20 Dodge, ½ fire damage         
Attack:   198   (280 after Holy Weapon)   
Turn Undead (10):   Kills undead enemies.      
Holy Force (10)   50 magic damage to one      
Clear Mind (10)   Cures Confusion      
Bless (15):   All Allies AT+10%      
Detoxify (5): Removes poison from one ally      
Holy Weapon (10) +20% AT for one ally      
Remedy (10)   Removes abnormal status      
Sunshine (10):   Reduces def for all enemies?      
Full Heal (10):   Cures all LP and status      
Punish (40): 400 magic damage to all enemies.         
Comments: Etoh has lots of healing (~28 shots if he buffs his AT too). Beyond that, he has magic damage... and not much else.         
LP:   230   (69.5%)   
MP:   473   (143% compared to HP)   
AT:   235      
DF:   227   (71.3%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 129 (-0.7 Stdev)   [258 / +0.65 stdev after Quick]
Magic:   368      
Physical Durability:   ***   1.0187991569   (Accounting for taking hits from MP)
Dagger +1: 20 AT         
Harmless: 30 Def, damage taken is removed from MP instead of LP.         
Attack:   19   (66 after Strongest)   
Dispel (10):   Cancels field effects.      
Numb Cloud (8): Puts enemy to sleep, 50% chance of sleep wearing off at the end of every round.         
Spider Web (10): Puts enemy in a web (Can't move or take actions). 50% chance of wearing off at the end of every round.         
Magic Blast (10): 100 magic damage to one.         
Drain (5): Reduces target def         
Elec Bolt (15):   100 Lighting damage to a line      
Quick (5):   Increases speed for the rest of the battle, seems to be double speed      
Fireball (20)   200 Fire damage to a 2x2 area      
Omni Shield (10): Increases def by 20% for all party members.         
Shrivel (10):   Reduces target Def      
Elec Bind (25)   150 Lighning damage to a 2x2 area. Those squares take 150 damage at end of round for 3 turns      
Blizzard (30):   250 Ice damage to a 2x2 area      
Disintegrate (25):    100% Instant Death to endgame enemies vulnerable to it (many endgame enemies are boss rehashes that are immune to ID, but several are susceptible and it is amazing throughout the game)      
Meteostrike (30): 400 magic damage to a 3x3 area (on a 3x5 board!)         
Magic Ward (5):   Halves physical damage taken for the rest of the battle. (Does not stack with Omni Shield)      
Strongest (10):   Raises AT by 20% for the rest of the battle.      
Comments:100% ID is his selling point. He has other statuses (Sleep, Spider Web), but their function requires him to be faster than an enemy so he can reapply it if it wears off. Quick can help with that. Feels like a Middle/Heavy? Being slow on turn 1 is not good.         
LP:   470   (142%)   
MP:   131      
AT:   565      
DF:   260   (107%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 123 (-0.77 stdev)   
Magic:   130      
Physical Durability: 153%      
Maul+2:   180 AT, 2-handed (No Shield), can attack diagnoly.      
Regeneration: 50 Def, regens 10% HP at the end of every round         
Attack:   349      
Riot Attack (10): 349 Damage to all surrounding enemies.      
Comments: Low 3HKO with good physical durability and is slow to the draw. Regen + Pdur is a nasty combo for middling fighters so he makes Middle?         
LP:   300   (90.7%)   
MP:   237      
AT:   410      
DF:   265 (116%)
Dodge: 20      
Agility: 223 (+0.28 stdev)   
Magic: 293      
Physical Durability: 106%      
Silver Rapier:   120 AT      
Elven Mail:   60 DF      
Medium+2   20 Dodge      
Attack:   194   (317 after Fanaticism)   
FireBlast (10):   100 fire damage to a single target      
Silence (8):   100% Silence to one target      
Fire Shroud (10)   Creates a shroud for ~3 turns that halves fire/cold damage and makes nearby foes take ~50 damage at the end of a round.      
Snare (10):   Locks enemy in position. They can act but not move. 50% chance of wearing off at the end of a round.      
Blink (5):   Move anywhere on the field.      
Fire Column (20):   100 Fire damage to a single target. Foes remaining in that area take 100 damage at the end of a round for ~3 turns.      
Fanaticism (25): +30% AT, -20% DF         
Valk Lance (25): 350 Magic Lightning damage to one target         
Ice Column (25): 150 Magic damage, freezes target (50% chance of unfreezing at end of each round, failing to unfreeze takes ~75 damage). Works. On. Bosses.      
Firestorm (30):   200 Fire damage to a 2x2 area      
Vortex (25): 100% Instant Death to endgame enemies vulnerable to it (many endgame enemies are boss rehashes that are immune to ID, but several are susceptible and it is amazing throughout the game)      
Earthquake (40): 350 magic earth damage to a 3x3 area      
Summons: They suck and are OHKO'd by pretty much anything and do no damage. But they replace her on the field so may take a called shot for her or waste time for 10 MP.
Comments: Above average speed and has Instant Death is good. Ice Column works on bosses (barring sufficent magic/ice res) but requires her to be faster. Snare and Blink can give some melee immunity arguably (Snare if she is faster only). Fanaticism is really only good for extending her damage with an Ice Column run. Heavy with the ID alone, the rest is just extra.         
LP:   303   (92%)
MP:   251      
AT:   429      
DF:   256   (101%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 371 (+1.83 stdev)   
Magic: 141      
Physical Durability: 92.7%      
Heavy X-Bow +2   120 AT      
Hard Leather +2   40 DF      
Attack:   213 [426/turn with Fleetfoot]      
Fleetfoot (10):   Act and move twice in one turn (so gets 2x attacks/turn)      
Comments: A little bit above average damage (by attacking twice) and he tends to go first round one. Makes a Light/Middle borderliner?         

Unranked Games / Eternal Filena
« on: December 03, 2017, 03:30:06 AM »
Eien no Filena      

SNES RPG that never made it to the West. Probably because lesbians.

- Stats:
HP: What you'd expect
TP: Used for skills
Atk: Damage
Def: Defense, I've attached the modifier where higher = better
Str: Component of Atk
Stm: Component of Def
Spd: How fast the ATB gauge fills up (NOT how fast moves charge). Included seconds to charge at min battle speed.
Skl: Related to accuracy. Evade theoretically but that is rare enough to not matter much.

- Skills in Eien no Filena are tied to weapons equipped. A PC can equip and freely cycle-through 3 weapons and when using those gets that access to that class of skills. Stats for weapons only matter if the PC is using it that turn.

- Turns in Eien no Filena are based upon a CTB gauge filling, selecting an attack, and then having a charge time for the attack. Recharge on the next ATB gauge will be the same.
For average speed, I used the best attack moves the PCs had access to.

- Row: PCs can select to be forward or back. Being back halves damage taken and recieved except for some PC moves which do full damage from back row.
Since mileage may vary on this, I will list damage values for the front row, (noting which moves ignore row) and include optional def values for the best row selections...
Best row selections would be: Filena->Back, Lila-> Back, Hunter->Forward, Nest->Forward.

- I included charge times by each move. Since few are likely to care much, I'm not formatting this very nicely.

- * I am putting a '*' by moves that are multi-hit as opposed to having a multiplier. For these moves, I already factored accuracy into the damage.

- Status notes:
Paralysis. This stops enemy turns until they take an attack... But HP-halving doesn't count as an attack and won't knock them out of it. So any PC except Hunter who inflicts Paralysis will win through spear skill HP-halving -> KO.
Confusion: I can't make out that this does... anything.
Freeze: Is Instant Death in a duel, otherwise like Paralysis (which is basically Instant Death ANYWAY).
Atk-Debuffing: Atk Debuffing is 20% and can stack to 90% damage reduction (20->40->60->80->90)...

HP:   5282.5   
Action Time: 16.55 (Jump Rays, Lunatic Act, and Bloody Stab) [This is for ATB charge + Attack Charge]
Damage: 1880 (2084 not factoring in accuracy for Lila/Hunter)
Filena:   Queen of Filosera   
HP:   6015 (113.9%)
TP:   710   
Atk:   669   
Def:   921   (116%)
Str:   239   
Stm:   237   
Spd:   218   (6.7 seconds)
Skl:   224   
Accuracy:   100.00%   
Phys Durability:   1.3208518694   
(Back Row Durability):   1.7330487459   
Crystal Sword: 230 Atk      
Medical Kit: 1Atk      
White Spear: 225 Atk      
Filena Shield: 185 Def      
Banded Bandana: 148 Def      
Filena Armor: 5 Atk, 241 Armor, 3 Skl      
Diamond Gauntlet: 45 Atk      
Alternate Equips:      
White spear: 225 Atk (allows Spear skills)      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-45 Atk)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-45 Atk)      
Filena Sword: 255 Atk      
Neutralise (8): Cures poison      2
Recover X (20): Heals all HP to one      2
MiraCure (18): Recovers from any negative statuses      2
LifeAid X (30): Revives one ally with 1000 HP      2
Swords: 356   
F. Ripper (5):534   2.8
Accel Slash: (11): Claims to lower enemy hit-rate   534   3.2
BoltSlash (20): Electric damage, ignores row.   534   1.3
S. Return (12):712   4.6
ColdSlash (25): 50% chance to Inflict freeze on target, if attack hits.    534   7.1
Reverb S. (25):1780   7.3
Random S (30): Randomly distributed MT   1780   10.7
VacuumCut (50):MT 1424   8.6
Spears:   438   
Double Thrust (8):876   6.5
Triple Thrust (15):1314   10.6
HellishStb (15): Ignores evade. 25% chance to halve target's HP      12.7
Charge (10):1314   11.1
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate,1314   8.5
BloodyStb (20):2190   12.9
Pierce (25):1x Attack, 25% chance to Halve enemy HP.438   7.2
BoneCrush (20): Attack, 75% chance of Paralysis if it connects, 542   6
Weapon Crush (8): Ignores evade. 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Lunatic Act (40): 1625   3.1
Crystal Weapons:   456   
White Ray (7):   Ignores Row, 684   4.4
Heavy Ray (30):   Ignores Row, 1140   7.5
Jump Ray (50): Ignores Row,   2280   9
ShowerRay (80): Ignores Row,MT 1824   13
Comments: Durable, damaging, lots of fast healing, fast status... Heavy.
Lila: Queen Consort of Filosera.      
HP:   4770 (90.3%)
TP:   769   
Atk:   498   
Def:   716   (90%)
Str:   146   
Stm:   151   
Spd:   175   (7.9 seconds)
Skl:   197   
Accuracy:   80.00%   
Front Row Durability:   81.2%   
(Back Row Durability):   107%   
Medical Kit: 1Atk      
Crystal Sword: 230 Atk      
White Spear: 225 Atk      
Gaia Shield: 123 Def      
Banded Bandana: 148 Def      
Combat Clothes: 226 Def      
Topaz Earring: 15 Atk, 22 Def      
Alternate Equips:      
Makhaira: 226 Atk, allows Sword skills      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-15 Atk, -22 Def)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-15 Atk, -22 Def)      
Recover X (20): Heals all HP to one      2
Neutralise (8): Cures poison      2
MiraCure (18): Recovers from any negative statuses      2
Paralyse (8): 90% chance to inflict paralysis, ignores evade.    4.2
Vaccinate (10): Prevents Poison + Paralysis (+ other statuses?)      2
Swords:   253   
Accel Slash: (11): Lowers enemy hit-rate 379.5   3.2
BoltSlash (20): Row-ignoring Electric damage 379.5   1.3
*Reverb Slash (25): 1012   7.3
Random S (30): Unfocuses, 1012   10.7

Spears:   325   
DblThrust (8): 520   6.5
TriThrust (15): 780   10.6
HellishStb (15): 25% chance to Halve target HP      12.7
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate   975   8.5
BloodyStb (20): 1300   12.9
Pierce (25): 25% chance to Halve enemy HP, attacks   325   7.2
Eye Gouge (5): Reduce target accuracy      3.6
Weapon Crush (8): 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Crystal: 340   
White Ray (7): 510   4.4
Heavy Ray (30): 850   7.5
Jump Ray (50): 1700   9
ShowerRay (80):MT 1360   13
Comments: While she isn't very durable (not too frail from the back row), Lila has lots of fast healing and fast evade-ignoring status. A little debuffing too. Middle/Heavy. The fast status is a bit much for Middle.
Hunter: Royal pet.   
HP:   5129 (97.1%)
TP:   683   
Atk:   726   
Def:   822   (103%)
Str:   304   
Stm:   220   
Spd:   192   (7.3)
Skl:   178   
Accuracy: 85.00%   
Phys Durability: 100%   
(Durability accounting for Filena/Lila in Back Row): 65.4%   
Wolf claw: 226 Atk      
Lassie Helm: 243 Def      
Lassie Armour: 249 Def      
Kings Mane: 120 Str (180 Atk), 50 Stm (75 Def)      
Eye Gouge (5): Reduce target accuracy      3.6
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)    689   6
Weapon Crush (8): Ignores evade. 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Throat Crush (30): 1034   5
Lunatic Act (40): 2068   3.1
Wolf Claw: 525   
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)   1050   8.6
Throat Crush (30): 1575   8
Lunatic Act (40): 3152   5.5
Comments: While his raw stats aren't impressive, Hunter's Lunatic Act is amazingly fast and damaging. With options like Bone Crush or unarmed Lunatic Act to help too. Decent Middle?
Nest: Writer and Rebel.      
HP: 5216 (98.7%)
TP: 595   
Atk: 539   
Def: 753 (94%)
Str: 194   
Stm: 172   
Spd: 108 (11.3 seconds)
Skl: 151   
Accuracy: 65.00%   
Phys Durability: 92.8%   
(Durability accounting for Filena/Lila in Back Row): 61.2%   
Aida Spear: 211 Atk      
Sento Sword: 240 Atk      
Kvelt Hammer: 240 Atk      
Gaia Shield: 123 Def      
Crystal Helm: 132 Def      
Lamelle Armour: 240 Def      
Diamond Gauntlet: 30 Str (45 Atk)      
Alternate Equips:      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-45 Atk)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-45 Atk)      
Sword Skills: 301   
BoltSlash (20): Row-ignoring Electric damage 451.5   1.3
ColdSlash (25): 50% chance to Inflict freeze on target, if attack hits. Freeze is Instant Death in a duel.   451.5   7.1
*Reverb Slash (25): 978   1.3
*Random S (30): Randomly distributed MT 978.25   10.7
Spear Skills: 379   
DblThrust (8): 758   6.5
TriThrust (15): 1137   10.6
HellishStb (15): 25% chance to Halve target HP, ignores evade      12.7
Charge (10): 1137   11.1
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate 1137   8.5
*BloodyStb (20): 1231.75   12.9
Pierce (25): 25% chance to Halve enemy HP, attacks   379   7.2
Hammer Skills: 303   
*Chain Buster (15): 590.85   8.7
*Random Hammer (25): 5 hits, MT, unfocuses randomly   984.75   12.4
CrushBlow (15): 25% chance to halve target HP      11
PulseWave (30):1x hit, MT   303   8
Quake (40): 2x mult attack, MT   606   12
Unarmed Skills:      
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)   431   6
Comments: His accuracy and speed are terible. Durability as well taking into account row. His only chance is to land BoneCrush which at 17.3 seconds is only... a little bit slow turn 2 status! Light.

Unranked Games / Cosmic Star Heroine
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:01:41 PM »
Cosmic Star Heroine:

- Character Level taken at 57, which is fighting all enemies but not using the VR grinding.

- Stats:
   HP: Yep.
   Physique: The base value impacts HP and defense. The equipped value impacts physical damage done
   Hackitude: Impacts damage done with Tech and Pierce attacks. High Hackitude allows access to skills that come on universal Shields.
   Sparke: The base value impacts magic (elemental) defense. The equipped value impacts magic damage done.
   Cunning: Impacts turn-order (only between even speed which all PCs are). Higher Cunning leads to better status odds and better status resistance.
- Style:
   A % value that shows how much damage is boosted by. Starting Style is Sparke/2, rounded down to the nearest 5 (i.e. 69 sparke -> 30 Starting style).
   Style increases by taking actions in combat. Most actions add 25 style. Healing moves tend to give 0. Non-25 style abilities will be noted.
   Style can go up to 300% but above 100% does not add to damage (so the maximum normal style mult is 2x at 100+ style). Burst abilities are an exception.
   Most moves add a value to style (25 normally). This number is added to current style before damage is calculated. A (+25 style) 1x mult attack at 50% style would give 1.75
   Above 50 Style, a PC that takes fatal damage will enter 'desperation' mode with negative HP. This immediately subtracts 50 from Style.

- Depseration Mode:
   Desperation mode grants a 1.5x bonus to damage, and the PC can't be killed before they take an action. But they die immediately after that action.
   Healing is halved in Depseration, but if the PC can still heal up to positive HP they will survive (they don't get back the 50 Style though).
- Burst abilities are special abilities that reduce style to 0 on use and generate 0 style for the turn, but the damage boost from style is enhanced.
  Burst style bonus goes as Style 1 Bonus (normal style bonus) multipled by style 2 bonus (Style bonus with NO CAP, so up to 4x instead of capping at 2x).
  For reference, this means a 50% Burst bonus is 1.5 * 1.5 = 2.25. While a 100% Burst bonus is 2*2 = 4, and a 200% Burst bonus is 2*3 = 6
  If a move is 'turned into' a bust ability by a passive skill or a buff, it doesn't give style for the turn it is used before damage is calculated.
- Abilties: PCs have 7 abilities they can use in battle, and one defend command. Once an ability has been used, a PC must defend before they can use it again.
            Multiple abilities can be recharged at once by defending. Most defend commands give 25% damage reduction. Some PCs have unique defend commands.
- Hyper: Every few turns (varies from PC to PC), a PC will go into "Hyper" mode which doubles damage, healing, and status effectiveness for that turn.
       The turn # where a PC gets Hyper is pre defined. Except for Clarke where it is randomly every 1-5 turns.
       Buffs and defending do not get impacted by Hyper turns.
- Buffs: Buffs usually last a set # of turns. If it says "3 turns" then the buff wears off at the start of the 4th turn the PC gets after a buff.
         i.e. a 3 turn def buff used on turn 1 will wear off at the beginning of the PC's fifth turn.
- Equipment: Equipment includes weapons, Shields, and accessories. Weapons and accessories are unique. Shields are universal (excepting Alyssa's unique shield).
            - Assumed the "Titan" storebought shield for everyone since it has the best defenses (205 pdef/mdef) and +20 Physique helps a bunch of physical PCs.
         - The other option was the "Trickster" shield which had inferior defense but offered a minor speed boost for everyone. I ignored this.
Statuses: CSH status is not a raw % chance rolled via RNG each time. A status move does status 'damage' of the type in question.
        When a target's "Status HP" for the relevant ailment is depleted, it gets that status inflicted on it.
        So a '75% Stun" move does stun damage of 0.75 x Cunning x Style bonus *Hyper bonus. Not a 75% chance of inflicting stun.
        Once an enemy has a status inflicted, it becomes more difficult to inflict the same status again (i.e. ain't happening in a duel)
        Here are the statuses:
        1. Stun: Target loses a single turn.
        2. Vulnerable: Next attack on target does double damage. Only for one attack on an enemy.
        3. Poison: Biological enemies only. Target takes poison damage every round (not much). Lasts whole battle.
        4. Disarm: Reduces enemy attack by 35%. This is before defense, so it is quite potent. Only a single turn duration.
        5. Charm. Enemy attacks itself or another enemy for ~2500 damage. Only a single turn.
        6. Enrage: Foe focuses all attacks on PC who inflicted Enrage. MT attacks suffer a 25% damage penalty (quite potent reduction).
        7. Rust: Cuts defense by half and slows mechanical enemies. Lasts whole battle.
        8. Curse: Only impacts Astral enemies. 15% damage penalty (decently potent) and increases ailment susceptibility.
- Durabilities: I estimated approximate % defense modifier based upon physical or magic damage done to ~40% PCHP (~160 HP). This shows
- Damage formula:
      Damage goes as ~(Weapon Power + Level*2) * (15 + Stat) * * Style Bonus * Hyper Bonus * Ability Mult * 0.75 /60 - 35.
      The '* 0.75' and '-35' represent enemy defense.
- Healing formula: Healing is simply Move mult * Style Bonus * Sparke.
Averages up Top:
HP: 397
Base Physique: 57.3
Base Sparke: 58.4
3-turn Damage Average: 4537/turn (11342 2.5x KO point) [4769/11923 assuming Sue kills himself to deal damage]
5-turn Damage Average: 4403/turn (11008 2.5x KO point) [4577/11442 assuming Sue kills himself to deal damage]

Alyssa L'salle:         
HP: 414 (1.04)
Physique: 87      
Hackitude: 88      
Sparke: 88 (40 starting style)   
Cunning: 88      
Weapon Power: 247      
Defense: 232      
Magic Defense: 232      
Natural Physique: 67      
Natural Sparke: 68      
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.227 (5.265 with Heroine Aura)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.18 (4.71 with Heroine Aura)
Physical Durability: 1.28 (5.49 with Heroine Aura)   
Magical Durability: 1.23 (4.91   with Heroine Aura)
(Base Phys damage): 460
(Base Mag Damage): 465   
(Base Pierce Damage): 620   
Hyper 2nd turn, then every third turn.         
Heroine Bo: 247 (+200 Style at start of combat. Yes, 200)   
Heroine Shield: 232 Mdef, 232 Pdef, +5 Stats      
Lovecraft Satchel: +20 to all stats (Overwrites rather than stacks with +5 Stats)      
Other Weapon options:         
Excalibo: 255 Atk, Stats+10, Status immunity, Hyper damage is 2.5x instead of 2x         
Safety Bo: 218 Atk, Auto-Revive once per battle (instead of going into Depseration mode, Alyssa is fully healed with no style loss)         
Other Accessory Options:         
Leader Satchel: Damage increased 20% if all allies are alive         
Aqua Satchel: Water abilities do 50% more damage.         
Bash: 1x Physical, reusable         
Laser: 1.8x Pierce ITD damage.         
Drown: 1.5x Water Magic damage         
First Aid: 1.5x Healing magic (0 Style)         
Inspire: Damage+40% for 3 turns. Only +20% if used on self.         
Knock Out: 0.75 Physical, 0.75 Stun and 0.75 Vulnerable          
Flood: 1.0 Magic water to all         
Delegate: Grant an ally a turn! (0 Style)         
Pacifist Smash: 2.5x physical atk, but can't reduce below 1 HP         
Surprise Stash: Next Item use is free! (best item would be Buffz, which gives +30% to all 4 stats)      
Spy Sense: Increase party Cunning by 35% for 3 turns         
Final Blow: 1.5x physical. 3X if foe HP < 50%         
Revive: Revives ally if Alyssa Style > 100. Zeroes out Alyssa style         
Typhoon: 1.2x Water magic to all. BURST         
All-Out: Next attack or move has Burst property         
Heroine Aura: +50% damage, Def, and Mdef for 3 turns         
Data Storm: 3x ITD Pierce damage to all. Once per battle. 0 Style.         
Defend Command: Vigilance: +15 Style, Recharges abilities and reduces damage by 50%
Defend Command: Rally: 0.25x Heal to all, 40% damage reduction (0 style)
3-turn Damage: 28909      
Turn 1: All-Out         
(Hyp) Turn 2: Data Storm    27515      
Turn 3: Laser: 1394      
5-turn Damage: 57962      
Surprise Stash → Heroine Aura → Buffz → All-Out → Data Storm         

Comments: Kills things dead turn 2. Can also opt to go Heroine Aura -> Hyper Knock Out (Stun + Vulnerable) -> All-Out -> Data Storm for more damage while being under Heroine Aura's defense boosts. She has good alternate weapons but they can't beat that +200 Style with All-Out Data Storm waiting in the wings. And starting with 200 Style gives her a guaranteed Desperation attack. If she can get off an All-Out before that she will put out even more damage turn 2.

HP: 398 (1.00)
Physique: 80   
Hackitude: 64   
Sparke: 79 (35 starting style)
Cunning: 38   
Weapon Power: 247   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 55   
Natural Sparke: 74   
Approx Phys Modifier 0.97 (1.27 after Barrier)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.17   (1.56 after Barrier)
Physical Durability: 0.97 (1.27 after Barrier)
Magical Durability:   1.17 (1.57 after Barrier)
(Base Phys damage): 429   
(Base Mag Damage): 424   
(Base Pierce Damage): 475
(Base Gunmancy Damage):   426 [Gunmancy averages Physique and Sparke for damage]
Hyper 3rd turn, then every 4th turn.      
Regentama: 247 Atk, Stats+5, Party Regen (25/turn)      
Titan: 205/205 Def/Mdef, +20 Physique.
Gold Headband: Healing +35%      
Other Weapon options:      
Blazetama: 205 Atk, Fire Up, Physique+10      
Other Accessory Options:      
Bright Headband: Sparke+3      
Pistol: Gunmancy. 1.0x Physical      
Heal Blaster: Gunmancy. 2X Heal to one.    (25 style)
Focus: Next move is MT.      
Echo: Repeat last Gunmancy.      
Pick-Me-Up-Gun: Gunmancy. Cures ailments/boosts Ailment Res      
Fortify: Boosts Party Defenses      
Revive Ray: Gunmancy. Heals 2.5x to one and revives. OPB.      
Sharing: Self Buff. When healed, allies recover 33% of that value      
Psionic Suppress: Inflicts Disarm (200%). Bonus against spectrals      
Arsenal Maelstrom: Gunmancy. 65%-358% damage from 0-6 spent abilities      
Explosion: 1.5x Fire magic to an area.      
Sealing Ritual: 1.5x Magic to an area. Spectral Bane/Inflicts Curse on ghost      
Sniper: Gunmancy. 200% ITD to one target      
Orbital Assault: Gunmancy. 1.8x damage to one. Burst      
Enthusiasm: Gives style to allies. Burst      
Silver Bullets: Party damage +15% and gets Spectral Bane. 3 turns.      
Purification Torch: Gunmancy. 2X Fire damage to one.      
Unleash: 75 Style. Self buff to use abilities freely for 3 turns.   
Alternate Defend: Cheer: 25% damage reduction, recharges abilities, +10 style
Protective Barrier: Like Normal defend, but 25% damage reduction for entire party.
3-turn Damage: 9454   
Sniper: 2274   
Orbital Assault: 7180   
5-turn Damage:      
Unleash->Sniper->Orbital Assault-> Purification Torch → Echo: 11730   

Comments: Chahn kind of sucks at damage. But she can permanently buff her (and any teammates) durability and follow that up with lots of good healing (that she can make MT!). Her MO in a duel will be to stall with healing and so on until she can get enough style for a Burst Orbital assault to KO. Probably Middle. Desperation isn't likely to be of much use for her.

HP: 350 (0.88)
Physique: 53   
Hackitude: 78   
Sparke: 25 (10 starting style)
Cunning: 75   
Weapon Power: 248   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 33   
Natural Sparke: 25   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.82   
Approx Magic Modifier 0.78   
Physical Durability: 0.72   
Magical Durability:   0.68   
(Base Phys damage):   308   
(Base Mag Damage):   181   
(Base Pierce Damage):   561
(Base Tech Damage)   421   
Hyper every 3rd turn      
Pwnpad: 248 Atk, Auto-pwn, Immunity, Rust Up      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Sleek Specs: Hackitude +3      
Other Weapon options:      
Cheatpad: 225 Atk, Hack/Cunning+10      
Robo Wrecker: 193 Atk, Robot Bane      
Other Accessory Options:      
Supreme Specs: Cunning+20      
Hacker Specs: Ailment boost vs. Robots      
Eco Specs: Enviro-hack abilities more effective      
Zap: 1.35x Lightning magic damage      
Grind: +40 Style (instead of usual 25). Reusable      
Enviro-Hack: Effect based on environment. Final dungeon is a 2.5x Pierce attack to one.   
Confound: 1x Stun damage      
Patch: 1.5x Heal to one ally. (0 style). Ignores desperation healing penalty      
System Crash: 1.5x Tech. 1x Rust damage to robot      
Troll: 1.5x Enrage damage.      
Hack: 0.5x Charm damage. Effect+ vs. Robots      
Bandwidth: Increase Program effectiveness by +50% (moot)      
FAQ: Buffs Cunning by 60% for 3 turns.      
Breach: 1.5x Vulnerable damage to one enemy.      
Buffer Zone: 0.8x Heal. Max HP +20% (0 Style)      
Cheat Code: Next move used by target gets +70% damage.      
DDOS: 50 stun damage to all enemies      
RNG: 0.25-3x Random Pierce damage      
Reboot: Heals (1x), revives, and cures party. Burst. Once per battle      
Pwn: Self buff. Next ailment has +150% success rate      
Null: 3.25x Pierce damage to one. Makes all abilities spent (requires Rest to restore)      
3-turn Damage: 10850
Cheat Code      
Null: 10850
5-turn Damage: 14498
Grind->Cheat Code->Null → Rest → Null   14498   

Comments: Dave is too frail to survive to his higher damage turn, unless he can trigger Desperation, which is why he wants to use Grind turn 1. He may want to use his Auto-Pwn to either inflict Breach or Stun on a target and hope he can survive.

HP: 437 (1.1)
Physique: 100   
Hackitude: 42   
Sparke: 34 (15 starting style) [40 with Platinum Fists]
Cunning: 59   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 80   
Natural Sparke: 34   
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.2 (1.793 after Rock Solid)
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.791   
Physical Durability: 1.32 (1.97 after Rock Solid)
Magical Durability: 0.87    
(Base Phys damage): 530.4375   
(Base Mag Damage): 226.0125   
Hyper every 4th turn      
Platinum Fists: Style Break (Can utilize up to 120 Style in normal/burst attacks instead of 100), Style+25, Physique+15      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Black Tie: Increases Earth damage and resistance by 50%      
Other Weapon options:      
Flow Fists: 238 Atk, Damage boost after Defending      
Other Accessory Options:      
Flag Tie: Attacks also do Disarm damage.      
Dad Tie: Physique +3      
Face Punch: 1x Physical damage. 0.75x Disarm damage      
Feint: 0.75x Physical damage, Next attack has +35% damage      
Bolo Punch: 1.4x Physical damage. 40 Style instead of +15 extra Style if enemy KO'd      
Uppercut: 2x Physical damage.      
Rock Solid: Def +25% and Attacks gain Earth Element for 4 turns.      
Showboat: +1 Hyper bar. Next Hyper turn has bonus damage (2.5x damage instead of 2x)      
Counter: For 9 turns, counter with a 1x physical when hit.      
Combo: 1x Physical. May recharge a random ability      
Ground Slam: 1.4x Earth magic damage      
Below The Belt: 1.25x Physical damage and 1x Vulnerable damage      
Bum Rush: 2.75x Physical, but -50% Def for 3 turns.      
Laugh: 0.5x Vulnerable damage to all enemies      
Turnabout: (0 Style) 1.75x Physical. 3.5x when Desperate      
Adjust Tie: 40 Style,  Next attack has Burst      
Avenge Me: 4x Physical, 2x Vulnerable and Disarm damage. KO's self. Sue wins if this KO's last enemy.      
Call in a Favor: Nothing, but several turns later an attack happens to a single enemy.   
Alternate Defend command: Clinch: 40% damage reduction, recharges abilities. 1x Disarm damage to a target.
Alternate Defend command: Taunt: 40% damage reduction. More likely to be targetted. Recharges abilities. +20 style when hit.
3-turn Damage:      
Adjust Tie      
Bum Rush: 15282   (22248 Avemge Me)
5-turn Damage: 26463 (35135)
Rock Solid      
Uppercut: 2971
Adjust Tie      
Bum Rush: 22099 (32164.415 Avenge Me)
Bolo Punch: 1392 (0 if Avenge Me used because Sue would be dead)

Comments: Physically tanky and can put out a lot of damage on turn 3. Desperation is a helpful tool if it applies. Middle.

HP: 363 (0.91)
Physique: 62   
Hackitude: 25   
Sparke: 71   
Cunning: 97   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 42   
Natural Sparke: 71   
Approx Phys Modifier: (0.841)   
Approx Magic Modifier: (1.151)   
Physical Durability: 0.769   
Magical Durability:   1.053   
(Base Phys damage):   355   
(Base Mag Damage):   397   
Hyper 1st Turn, then every 3rd turn      
Siren's Edge: 255 Atk, Siren (all enemy ailment res is reduced), Cunning+10      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Cutesy Mic: Charm Up (Charm is easier to inflict)      
Other Weapon options:      
Blood Shank: 205 Atk, Desperate (More damage when Desperate), Immunity (Status immunity)      
Other Accessory Options:      
Standard Mic: Phowned (Microphowned is more effective)      
Megaphone: Poison Up (Poison deals more damage)      
Snake Strike: 0.9x physical. 0.9x Poison status damage      
Opening Slash: 1x Physical damage. 3X if enemy is at max HP.      
Mesmerize: 0.8x Charm damage      
Microphowned: 0.85x Physical. 0.75x Stun damage      
Cutting Winds: 1.25x Wind magic damage      
Solo Act: Steals up to 35 style from each ally. (useless in a duel)      
Disable: 1.1x physical. 1x Disarm damage      
Spotlight: (40 style), Extra turn and Hyper mode. Allies lose a bar of hyper (Awesome in a duel)      
Swift Breeze: Adds wind to attacks and buffs speed by 33% for 3 turns.      
Desperate Stab: 1.25x physical attack. 3.75x when at negative HP      
Sudden Stab: 1x physical attack. Speed Up.      
Soul Stealer: Burst. Inflicts Curse. Ignore resistance & enemy type when style is maxed.      
Plague: 1.3x poison status damage to a group.      
Tornado: (0 style), 1.4x Wind magic to a large area.      
Siren Shriek: 0.8x Curse damage and 0.4x Stun damage to all enemies.      
Encore: Recharge abilities and get another turn immediately. Once per battle.      
Assassinate: 1.25x physical. +1.25x for each ailment on enemy.      
Alternate Defend: Mic Drop: 50% damage reduction, recharges abilities. Burst, speed up depending on how much style Lauren had.
3-turn Damage: 7747   
Opening Slash: 3375   
Spotlight → Tornado 2186   
Encore → Spotlight → Tornado: 2186   
5-turn Damage: 9934   
Same as above, then      
Spotlight->Tornado: 2186   

Comments: For all her ability to get consistent Hyper turns, Lauren has crappy damage. She'll want to use Charm in there to add ~2500 damage and maybe score KOs. Desperation Stab can be a decent enough finisher if she is lucky enough to get it with Hyper. But she is a status whore in a game where status is underwhelming. Decent enough Light.

HP: 429 (1.08)   
Physique: 95      
Hackitude: 34      
Sparke: 50 (25 starting style)   
Cunning: 52      
Weapon Power: 255      
Defense: 205      
Magic Defense: 205      
Natural Physique: 75      
Natural Sparke: 50      
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.218   (Inf with Defensive Stance)   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.931 (7.75 with Defensive stance, more with Anti-Element)   
Physical Durability: 1.32   (Inf with Defensive Stance)   
Magical Durability:   1.01   (8.38 with Defensive Stance)   
(Base Phys damage): 507      
(Base Mag Damage): 300      
Hyper 5th turn, then every 2 turns thereafter         
Flamethrower: 255 Atk, Fire Up (Fire Damage/Res up 50%), Anti-Elem (Element Res up...)         
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20         
Captain Badge: Start battle with Defense Stance already in effect         
Other Weapon options:         
Super Gun: 244 Atk, +60 HP, More damage to disarmed foes         
Other Accessory Options:         
Recruit Badge: HP +20         
Megaphone: Poison Up (Poison deals more damage)         
Sherrif Badge: Arrest can be reused (without needing to defend)         
Shoot: 1.25x Physical         
Cover Fire: 0.5x Physical. 1x Disarm damage to all enemies.         
Hide: Makes an ally of choice less likely to be targetted. Reusable         
Stinging Fly: 10% damage buff for 8 turns. Attacks also inflict Enrage         
Defense Stance: Defense and magic defense +75% for 4 turns. Amazing. Practically invincibility to ~averagish attacks.         
Heat Up: 0.8x Fire magic damage to all enemies. Increases to 1.6x after enough uses.         
Second Wind: 1x Healing and cures ailments. (0 style)         
Arrest: 1x Disarm damage and 0.5x Stun damage to one enemy.         
Burn: 1.4x Fire magic damage to a small area.         
Flawless Shot: 1.4x Physical. 2.8x if Finn is at 100% HP.         
Combust: 2x Fire magic damage to one. Burst.         
Energy Wave: 1.1x Magic. Increased damage if everyone is at max HP         
Impending Doom: Delayed 5x Physical. User is put in Desperate. (??? Bugged???)         
Martyr: Kills Finn. 3X Healing to all allies and buffs their phys/magic defenses by 50% for 2 turns.         
3-turn Damage: 4861      
Shoot: 916      
Flawless Shot: 1243      
Combust: 2702      
5-turn Damage: 12934      
Stinging Fly         
Burn 1177      
Shoot: 1360      
Flawless Shot: 1528      
Combust: 8869      

Comments: Finn starts the battle in Defensive Stance and he's likely to stay in that stance forever. In-game it takes a long, long time for enemy natural damage boosts/turn to start to overcome his defenses, so I'd qualify it as making a mockery of defense-subject physicals. In the long term he can build up Style for a powerful Combust on a Hyper Turn. Bring ITD or status to a fight with Finn. The gimmick gets him in Heavy probably.

HP: 452 (1.14)
Physique: 107   
Hackitude: 50   
Sparke: 50 (25 starting style)
Cunning: 34   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 87   
Natural Sparke: 50   
Approx Phys Modifier: 1.275   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.931   
Physical Durability: 1.45   
Magical Durability: 1.06   
(Base Phys damage): 563   
(Base Mag Damage):   300   
(Base Pierce Damage): 400   
Hyper 2nd turn, then every third turn.      
Heart Ripper: 255 Atk, Damage Up X% (bugged? Doesn't work?)
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Bloody Cape: Deal extra damage (+50%) to organic enemies      
Other Weapon options:      
Paw Claws: 234 Atk, Auto-Revive!      
Other Accessory Options:      
Fur Cape: Ice damage and resistance up 50%      
Nice Cape: Physique +10      
Superior Cape: Hitting weakness deals bonus damage      
Cut: 1x physical to an enemy      
Brutalize: 2x physical to an enemy (0 style)      
Bloodlust: 1x heal to self. (ability will refresh on defend or when an enemy dies) [does get 25 style]      
Infect: 1.1x Poison status damage to an enemy.      
Brink of Defeat: 1.4x Physical. Using while Desperate allows Z'xorv to survive in deperation an additional round.      
Cornered Beast: Damage increases (linearly?) from 1x to 2.5x as Z'xorv HP gets low.      
Freezing Touch: 1.25x Ice magic damage. 2x Stun damage to ice weak enemies      
Rebirth: Will Auto-revive if KO'd within 6 turns. (No style loss, no Desperation, full HP restored on reduction to <0 HP)      
Die or Die: 2x Physical Burst. Z'xorv HP drops to 1      
Relentless: Auto-attack with 2x physicals until target is dead. 35 style/attack (attacks start turn this is used)      
Insult and Inury: 1.1x Physical. 1x Enrage status damage      
Acid Cloud: 1.85x Pierce damage to an area. Poisons Z'xorv      
Hod Blooded: Increases damage by 50% for 3 turns. Poisons Z'xorv      
Injection: 3x Heal (233 HP) . Reduces max HP to 75% of normal (339)      
Snow Breath: 1.5x Ice magic to a medium area      
Mincemeat: 1.5x physical attack. 2.25X to Organics      
Sub-Zero: 2.2x Ice magic to all. Poisons Z'xorv      
Murder: 1.8x physical. Instant Death if enemy is in critical      
Risky Assault: random damage of 1x-5x physical. Poisons Z'xorv      
3-turn Damage: 8441   
- Relentless 1801   
- Relentless 4389   
- Relentless 2251   
5-turn Damage:   22228   
- Mincemeat 1231   
- Murder 3510   
- Hot Blooded      
- Bring of Defeat 2328   
- Die or Die 15159   

Comments: Z'Xorv brings some healing (odd healing but basically) and good physical durability to a fight, along with his propensity to last long enough to get a Desperation attack off (or two, with Brink of Defeat!). The Organic bonus damage is sure to be a good thing in most fights. Building up to a fatal Die or Die is his MO. It doesn't happen fast though. Probably a Middle/Heavy due to the lack of base damage.

HP: 379 (0.96)
Physique: 80   
Hackitude: 69   
Sparke: 69 (30% Starting Style)   
Cunning: 60   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 50   
Natural Sparke: 59   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.966   
Approx Magic Modifier: 0.944   
Physical Durability: 0.923   
Magical Durability: 0.902   
(Base Phys damage): 438   
(Base Mag Damage): 387   
(Base Tech Damage) 387   
Hyper is on a random turn (1-5). Once done, it is again on a random 1-5 turns.      
Star Boots: 255 Atk, Auto-Save (Self destruct and Waltz don't kill Clarke the first time they are used), Auto Morte(Allies do 25% more damage if Clarke is dead), Stats+10)      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Crazy Stache: Self Destruct has Burst property.      
Other Weapon options:      
Dancing Boots: Style +25, Speed Up      
Other Accessory Options:      
Bushy Stache: Regen HP based on current Style (X HP/Style)      
Kick: 1x Physical damage. 50 Style instead of 25 if it kills enemy.      
Self-Destruct: 3.5x Tech damage. Kills Clarke (unless Save is in effect)      
Chillax: Party gets an extra 20% damage reduction for 6 turns when defending.      
Jazz Hands: Removes ailments from self. 100 Style if effective, 25 otherwise      
Petty Theft: Steals a few credits (30 style)      
Waltz: 1x Heal to entire party. Clarke dies (unless Save is in effect)      
Mortify: If Clarke dies after using this, allies will do 25% more damage.      
Oil Spill: Target takes 100% more Fire or Elec damage on the next attack      
Para Para: Removes elemental resistances from one enemy.      
Electrify: 0.75x Electric magic damage to one random foe. Increases by X% per usage.      
Jitterbug: Brief burst of speed (2 turns). (~150% speed)      
Spin Spin Spin: 1x Tech damage over a large area.      
Save/Quit: The next time Clarke uses an ability that would kill himself, it doesn't.      
Too Cool: +35 style (instead of 25). +70 if style is 0      
Rocket Boot: 1.5x Tech damage to a small area      
Dance Party: Increase party style by 15 (including Clarke)      
Dance Off: 0.8x Tech damage to all enemies, 25 Style, Burst.      
Glitch: 0.8x Electric magic to all enemies. Triple to robots      
Limiter Release: Boosts Clarke's damage by 100%. Dies after 3 turns.      

Various turn Hyper damage layouts:
Turn 1 Hyper:   10518   Limit Release → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
Turn 2 Hyper:   14415   Limit Release → Self Destruct → Rocket Boost
Turn 3 Hyper:   19306   Limit Release → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
(No Hyper 3 turn 3 turn damage strat)   10518   
Turn 4 Hyper   28749   Limit Release → Kick → Rocket Boot → Self-Destruct
Turn 5 Hyper:   29490   Spin Spin Spin → Limiter Release → Kick → Rocket Boot → Self Destruct
~3 turn damage average:   13055   (average of turn 1-3 hyper or no Hyper strat)
~5 turn damage average:   20496   

Comments: Wins by blowing himself up. Which turn that happens (and how much damage it does) is random! Isn't that fun? The randomness makes it a bit of a headache, but could be interesting to think about in Middle. Desperation may help him last to the turn in question although it hurts to lose 50 style on a Burst move. (since below 100 Style it falls off fast)

HP: 357 (0.90)
Physique: 54   
Hackitude: 90   
Sparke: 81 (40 starting Style)
Cunning: 34   
Weapon Power: 248   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 34   
Natural Sparke: 66   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.816   (1.682 after Exoskeleton)
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.18   
Physical Durability: 0.734 ( 1.51 after Exoskeleton)
Magical Durability: 1.06   
(Base Phys damage): 312   
(Base Mag Damage): 434   
(Base Pierce Damage): 634   
Hyper is on every 3rd turn      
ZXDY-300: 248 Atk, Hackitude+15, Sparke+15      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Book of Poems: Poet (Crescendo and Cacophony skills have Burst, note that means they do not give Style the turn they are used)      
Other Weapon options:      
ZXDY-200NT: 214 Atk, Absorb (Reduces damage from first attack taken)      
ZXDZ-1: 200 Atk, Heal abilities 35% more effective, Increased Song effects      
Other Accessory Options:      
Ancient Lore: Bard (Songs don't end even after Cacophony/Crescendo)      
Forbidden Lore: Offering (Share Life targets all allies but for less HP      
Slash: 1.2x Physical to one      
Share Life: Restores HP equal to user's current HP (can self target) (0 Style)      
Rebirth Song: Regenerates ~39 HP to the party when the song gets a turn (coincides with Psybe's starting next turn)      
Pain Song: 1x Magic damage starting right before Psybe's next turn and repeats.      
Sonic Scream: 0.7x Pierce damage to all enemies.      
Crescendo: 1x Heal to whole party. Ends current song (must have a song active)      
Wireless: Self-buff. Next program does not get de-activated after use (not of much value without unique shields)      
Cacophony: 2.5x Magic damage to all enemies. Ends current song (must have a song active)      
Hyper Awareness: Hyper mode damage increased by 40%      
Exoskeleton: Defense +75% for 5 turns (tink tink tink)      
Hive Mind: Buffs party. They will share Psybe's style if Psybe's style is higher (doesn't work for Burst moves though)      
Earthquake: 1.25x Earth magic damage to all enemies.      
Digest: 3.2x physical damage to one enemy. Stuns Psybe for one turn.      
Brisk Song: Raises party's speed while active.      
Hypercharge: An ally gains hyper next turn. Burst (reduces Psybe's style to 0)      
Balance: Self-buff. +25% stats for 3 turns.      
Avatar: 2.5x Damage on Psybe's next move, but stuns all other allies... (wicked sweet in a duel, huh?)      
3-turn Damage:   20931   
Pain Song: 682   
Avatar: 682   
CACOPHONY: 19567   
5-turn Damage: 23108   
Pain Song: 682   
Avatar: 682   
CACOPHONY: 19567   
Earthquake: 679   
Digest: 1499   

Comments: That is a lot of damage on turn 3! Unfortunately he isn't likely to stay alive till that happens. His healing song and Desperation might help. The 50 style cost for Desperation eats into his Cacophony damage even with the 1.5x Desperation bonus though.

HP: 389 (0.98)
Physique: 70   
Hackitude: 50   
Sparke: 87   (40 starting Style)
Cunning: 24   
Weapon Power: 255   
Defense: 205   
Magic Defense: 205   
Natural Physique: 50   
Natural Sparke: 87   
Approx Phys Modifier: 0.966   
Approx Magic Modifier: 1.22   
Physical Durability: 0.947   
Magical Durability:   1.196   
(Base Phys damage):   392   
(Base Mag Damage):   470   
(Base Pierce Damage)   400   
Hyper on every 4th turn (3rd with Crystla Holster)      
Decimator: 255 Atk, Wind/Fire/Ice Up (+50% damage, also resists these elements)      
Titan: 205/205, Physique+20      
Crystal Holster: Hyperspeed (hyper interval reduced from 4 to 3)      
Other Weapon options:      
Corpse Maker: Auto-Chant (start battle with Chant's +75% damage in effect)      
Other Accessory Options:      
Leather Holster: Sparke +10      
Rock Holster: Shrug Off (No style loss for going into Desperation mode)      
Flexible Holster: Flexible (Spirit Walk is re-usable)      
Spectral Shot: 1x physical. 2X vs. Spectral enemies.      
Wind Slice: 1.25x Wind. (35 style instead of 25)      
Spirit Walk: 1x Healing to self. Removes status ailments (0 style)      
Accuse: Next ailment on target is more successful.      
Gumshoe Shift: Hitting weakness deals bonus damage (1.5x)      
Chant: +75% damage next turn.      
Tempest: 1.1x Wind magic to a large area      
Shadow Shift: Buff. Elements of attacks are reversed.      
Anvil Drop: 1.6x physical to a small area      
Fireball: 1.6x fire magic damage to a small area.      
Lightning Bolt: 2x lightning magic damage to one enemy.      
Astralize: makes an enemy spectral-typed.      
Gravity Blast: 1.2x magic damage. 2.4x when in Hyper mode (so a total of 4.8x in Hyper)      
Blizzard: 0.6x Wind and 0.6x Ice magic damage to a large area.      
Meteor: 0.9x Wind and 0.9x Fire magic damage to a small area      
Ultimate Curse: Inflicts curse on all spectral enemies.      
Nether Tendrils: 1.5x pierce damage to one. 3X if enemy is Cursed.      
Gaea's Rage: 3x Omni-elemental magic attack to all enemies.      
Three-turn damage: 16259
Wind Slice: 1491   
Gaea's Rage: 14767   
Five-Turn damage: 20493   
Wind Slice: 1491   
Gaea's Rage: 14767   
Blizzard: 1694   
Meteor: 2541   

Comments: Much like Psybe he has a killer turn 3. He is more durable so more likely to live to see that turn, but not by much. Desperation helps him more comparatively because his best considerable damage isn't even a Burst attack.  He may be able to get by with healing infinitely but it is only ~44% of his HP at 100+ Style. Low Middle.

RPG Stats Forum / Breath of Fire 4 PCs
« on: January 16, 2017, 04:48:04 PM »
Breath of Fire 4:

Redone with some changed assumptions and more knowledge of the mechanics.

- Level taken at 40, which might be high but should still work fine for most.

- Stats:
HP: Per usual.
AP: Used for magic and physical abilities.
Strength: Sum of innate stat + Weapon power. Damage is roughly 10*(Str-Def).
Defense: Reduces physical damage. Same as above except enemies get ~260 added on to their physicals that this can't reduce.
Agility: Determines turn order. Standard Turn-based game with no doubles (unlike BoF3). This is Base - Equipment Weight (already factored in).
Wisdom: Impacts magic offense (~linearly with 100+Wisdom) and magic defense (%reduction = 100-0.2*Wisdom, no better than 50% though).
Also impacts status defense (% base rate multiplied by (75%-0.2*Wisdom%). This resist/weakness is multiplied by their innate or armor resistance.
ALSO impacts status infliction rate on offense for both physical and magic status (Base Rate = 50% + 0.2*Wisdom). Phew.
Def modifier: How good a PC is at taking physicals from a bunch of endgame enemies (doublecounting bosses). Higher = better.
Mdef Modifier: Same as Def modifier but for magic attacks.
Phys Durability: Defense modifier * % of average HP
Mag durability: Mdef modifier * % of average HP.

- 'Element' levels: The game features resistance levels for elemntal damage and status attacks as most games do.
What is different in BoF4 is that There are Physical, Ranged, and generic 'magic' resistance/weaknesses too.
So something might be weak to fire (150% damage) and also weak to magic (150%) for a fire magic weakness of 225% (150%*150%)
Also, if you are weak to or resist the element of a move that inflicts status, the status infliction rate gets mulitplied by it too.
BoF4 has the following elements: Fire, Water/Ice, Wind, Earth, Mind (Stat downs), Status (Sleep/Confuse/etc), Death (ID), Holy (holy damage/healing)...
*IMPORTANT NOTE: Multi-element spells take the averge of two resistances. Thunder is considered Wind/Ice.
It also features Physical (Melee physicals), Ranged (Ranged physicals), and magic (any magic at all).
Elemental ratings work on a number system, with '2' typically as the 'default':
For Elements, Magic, and Physicals, its
0: 200%
1: 150%
2: 100% (IOWs, normal damage)
3: 75%
4: 50%
5: 25%
6: 0%
7: -100% (meaning absorption)

For Holy, 'default' is a value of 5:
0: -100% Healing, 200% damage (Generally Undead)
1: 0% Healing, 200% damage
2: 25% Healing, 175% Damage
3: 50% Healing, 150% damage
4: 75% Healing, 125% Damage
5: 100% Healing, 100% Damage (IOWs, normal healing and damage)
6: 200% Healing, 50% Damage
7: 300% Healing, 0% Damage

The PCs can change these resistances through equipment. One could argue that Physical/Magic resistance should go into the durability average but I did not do this.

- Statuses:
  - Sleep: Enemy can't act/dodge/counter. Removed when taking damage. Each round (including the round it is cast), sleep has a 30% chance of wearing off naturally.
  - Confuse: Enemy uses a physical against a random target (not self), or has a ~25% chance of doing nothing. Wears off when damage is taken.
  - Stun: The enemy can't take any action for the round this is inflicted on.
- Enemy stats:
To determine PC defense effectiveness, I created a chart of endgame enemies (doublecounting bosses), and averaged how much they would do to a PC with that def.
Because of the way the game works (enemies have base ITD damage of ~260) getting higher and higher defense stops being as effective, but dropping lots of def is horrifying.

 Enemy Def assumed to be 125. Whatsmore, enemy Physical resistance is assumed to be ~24%. Every endgame boss resists physicals a bunch and so do some randoms.
 Enemy Wis assumed to be 125. Whatsmore, enemy Magic weakness is assumed to be 22% (122% dmg taken). Tons of enemies are 'weak' to magic so this makes sense.
 Enemy status resistance was calculated by listing non-boss enemies (minus most 'demons') and averaging the hit-rate.
(Exceptions: Goo King, Orochi (demon randomly weak to snatus), Black Goo/Shadows for ID, some misc. others)

- Equipment: I allow most equipment (assume the best defensive 'accessory'/helm). Some notable exceptions, namely stuff you have no way of knowing exists and is really hard to get even if you do:
- Ryu's Royal Sword and Armor. Steals from the final boss and... not very useful against it at all!
- Ryu's Cursed Sword. Requires taking down an optional superboss. A really nasty one.
- Nina/Ursula's Angel Vest. super rare steal from an enemy that only shows up one at a time in one area and is annoying.
- Ryu and Scias' Slicer. A super-rare drop from an endgame enemy and they both want it to some degree.
- Ershin's Mass Drive is a super-rare steal.
- Scias' King's Armor. rare Steal from the same nasty one as the Cursed Sword.

Accessories: Best storebought status blockers are Light Bangles/Diamond Rings/Barrier Rings, which resist Status/Mind/Death (pick 1) by 75%.

Averages up Top:
HP: 1892
Def: 245
Wis: 149
Agi: 128.2 (Stdev 38.5)
Damage (3-turn):  2107 (5268 kill point) [2174/5435 if Ershin has Primus]

Let's get started!:

HP: 1960 (103.6%)
AP: 212
Power: 234 (x2)
Defense: 251 (109% pdef mod)
Agility: 128 (-0.00 stdev)
Wisdom: 140 (~97% mdef mod, 4% status weakness)
Physical durability: 113.6%
Magical Durability: 101%

Firangi (58 Atk, 2 weight, 2 hits)
Dragon Armor (96 Def, 8 weight, Takes 50% damage from breath attacks)
Dragon Helm (22 Def, 4 Weight, 25% resistance to status/Mind/Death)

Attack: 1328 damage over two hits.

Dragon Evocations: Usable once per battle (requires an Inn/Rest to use again).
Status rates are 52% in human form, increase in Dragon form.
Damage is multiplied by Current HP / Max HP (so being hurt reduces the damage linearly).
Rainstorm: 3702 ITD Holy damage. Damage is also multiplied by TARGET CHP/MHP, in addition to Ryu CHP/MHP.
Mud Flow: 3916 ITD water/earth damage. 52% Chance of Stun.
Onslaught: 3916 ITD WInd damage. 52% Chance of confusion.
Flood Tide: 3204 ITD Water damage.
Fulguration: ~25% Current HP Gravity Damage to target. Works on bosses. Checks physical resistance.
Healing Wind: Full healing, MT.
Holy Circle: Makes allies invulnerable until the end of the current round (i.e. useless if Ryu doesn't go 1st)

Meditation: Turns Ryu into one of his dragon forms. They cost AP to turn into, and then consume 1/4 the transformation cost every turn after he transforms.
Dragons can not be healed, and if Ryu is killed in a dragon form he reverts to his original state but can't re-transform into that dragon.
The bonus to stats is a multiplier of Ryu's base stats (without equips), and then equipment bonuses get added on.

-Ryu greatly resists Fire by 50% ('4' Rating)
-Ryu Takes 150% damage from Water/Ice ('1' rating)
-10% Counter Attack Rate, 6% Critical Hit Rate, 6% Evasion, 100% Hit Rate

- Can opt for the Blizzard Mail to get +2 Wind (50% reduction) and Water/Ice (25% reduction), but goes to 25% fire Resist and 25% earth weakness.
- Can opt for Magma Armor to take 0% from Fire and 50% from Earth, but 200% from Ice/Water, 125% from Wind
Both of these move his physical durability to 85.4%
- Can opt for the Mist armor to gain +2 Status/Mind/Death (+50% Res to status/stat-downs/ID, so 75% with Dragon Helm). Pdur becomes 110%
- Can opt for the Dragon Sword, which reduces Agi by 6 and basic physical damage but makes Kaiser's Aura 3053 and Knight's Metastrike 4674 (both +50% v Dragons).
- If Ryu opts to completely negate a status/ID (accessory+Mist Armor) Pdur becomes 90%

Kaiser: 80 AP to transform, 20AP/turn to maintain: (Bonuses: 300% HP, 200% Str, 150% Def, 150% Agi, 200% Wis))
HP: 5880 (311%)
Pwr: 370
Def: 318 (158% modifier)
Agi: 199 (+1.84 stdev)
Wisdom: 280 (140% Modifier)
Physical durability: 491%
Magical Durability: 436%
Fully immune to status, Debuffs, and Instant Death.
(Evocation status accuracy: 63%)

Physical: 3548 physical damage over two hits.
Kaiserbreath: 6818 ITD damage. Decreases linearly with HP.
Aura Smash (3AP): 2607 Holy ITD damage in one hit.
Hwa Jeh (3 AP): 2432 fire magic damage over two hits.
Patoh Pah (3 AP): 2010 Earth magic damage to all.
Ahryu P'ung (3AP): 2010 Wind magic damage to all.
Ressurect (30AP): Fully revive one ally.
Sanctuary (8 AP): Field effect Dispel.

Notes: (422% Pdur if Ryu is wearing element armor)

Weyr: 60 AP to transform, 15AP/turn to maintain. (Bonuses: 200% HP, 180% Str, 170% Def, 150% Agi, 200% Wis))
HP: 3920 (207%)
Def: 344
Agi: 199 (+1.84 stdev)
Wisdom: 280 (140% modifier)
Physical Durability: 355%
Magical Durability: 291%
Resists status/Mind/Death by 50% (Stacks with Ryu's equipment)
Same elemental Resists/weaknesses as base Ryu (including Equipment)
(Evocation status accuracy: 63%)

Physical: 3110 physical damage over two hits.
Gigaflame: 3230 ITD fire Breath damage. Decreases linearly with HP
Flame Strike (2AP): Physical with fire elemental attached.
Hwajeh (3 AP): 2432 fire magic damage over two hits.
Might (3 AP): +20% Physical Attack. Stackable to +100%. Lost if Ryu is slain in Weyr, but maintained if he Reverts.
(Might improves damage by ~30% per cast)
Protect (2 AP): +20% Physical defense. Pretty worthless.

Note: (322% Pdur if wearing element armor)

Mammoth: 60 AP to transform, 15AP/turn to maintain. (Bonuses: 350% HP, 160% Atk, 160% Def, 50% Agi, 50% Wis)
HP: 6860 (363%)
Pwr: 307
Def: 330
Agi: 57
Wis: 70
Physical durability: 597%
Magical Durability: 296%
Replaces Ryu's 50% Water weakness with Wind weakness and Ryu's 50% Fire Resistance with Earth resistance (before armor resists)
Resists status/Mind/Death 50% (Stacks with equipment)

Physical: 2674 damage over two hits.
Meteorstrike: 4199 Earth damage, somewhat subject to physical defense.
Counter (1AP): Auto-counter any attacks for 1 turn.
Blitz (0AP, -25% CHP): No. Just no. Don't ever use this. (638 dmg)

Knight (60 AP to transform, 15AP/turn to maintain. (Bonuses: 180% HP, 140% Atk, 130% Def, 150% Agi, 120% Wis)
HP: 3528 (187%)
Pwr: 276
Def: 290
Agi: 199 (+1.84 stdev)
Wis: 168
Physical durability: 258%
Magical Durability: 197%
Replaces Ryu's 50% Water weakness with Earth weakness, 50% Fire res becomes 50% Wind res (before armor resists play in)
Resists status/Mind/Death 50% (Stacks with equipment)

Physical: 2238 damage over two hits
Metastrike: 3746 ITD Wind damage (Breath typing). NOT dependent on Knight's HP!
Wind Strike (2 AP): 3746 Wind physical
Ahryu P'ung (3 AP): 1425 Wind magic damage.
Shadowalk (12 AP): 4420 damage over two hits (2282 of which is ITD). Does not ignore evade.

Punk: 50 AP to transform, 13AP to maintain (Bonuses: 50% HP, 50% Pwr, 250% Wisdom, Reduces magic by 25% and physicals by 75%)
HP: 980 (51.8%)
Pwr: 136
Defense: 251 (109% pdef mod)
Agility: 128 (-0.00 stdev from avg...)
Wisdom: 350
Physical Durability: 226%
Magical Durability: 97%
Resists status/Mind/Death 50% (Stacks with equipment)
[Dragon Evocation status rate: 68%]

Physical: Don't.
Stardrop: 3409 ITD damage. Inflicts an 80% stat-down on each enemy stat (65% chance each stat, checked individually).
Snap/Chlorine (2AP): Do not use these (neglible damage, ~60% chance of -20% Def or Poison).
Sleep (3AP): 71% chance to inflict Sleep on all enemies.
Silence (3AP): 71% chance to inflict Silence on all enemies.
Howling (0AP): 71% chance to confuse all enemies.
Curse (13AP): 50% chance to halve enemy HP.

Comments: Ryu has decent durabilities, and can use the Mist Armor to mock status/ID. He may be able to pull above average speed if he sacrifices defense, but not by much if so. Kaiser is a monster and it is a very bad idea to let Ryu get into it, so fast and hard non-elemental damage is the way to go.

Nina Wyndia:
HP: 1445 (76.4%)
AP: 255
Power: 221
Defense: 221 (110% modifier after phys resist vs melee, 82.4% v Ranged physicals)
Agility: 183 (+1.42 stdev)
Wisdom: 215 (123% modifier, 29% status resistance)
Physical Durability: 84% v Melee, 63% v Ranged
Magical Durability: 94%

Ouroborus: +96 Power, Weight 2, Casts Raise Dead, Ranged. +2 Status/Mind/Death
Star Dress: 92 Defense, 6 Weight
Spats: 17 Def, 0 Weight

Attack: 719 physical damage.
Cyclone (6AP): 820 Wind magic damage to all enemies.
Typhoon (12AP): 1429 Wind magic damage to all enemies.
Heal (5AP): 630 healing to one.
Purify (3AP): Removes Poison
Rejuvenate (9AP): 1260 healing to one.
Raise Dead (18 AP): 75% chance to revive an ally with 25% HP
Remedy (6AP): Removes status ailments.
Vitalize (20AP): 630 healing to all.
Kyrie (9AP): ~60% chance to inflict Death on Demons
Restore (18 AP): 3780 Healing to one.
Ressurect (30AP): Revives one ally with full HP.
Vigor (50AP): 3780 healing to all.
Inspire (2AP): Increases Wisdom by 20%. Stackable up to 100%. [Increases damage/healing by 13.6%/cast, one cast brings mdur to 107%]
Barrier (4AP): Reduces magic damage by 50% for three turns.

-Nina has an innate '3' in Wind, resisting it by 25%
-Nina has an innate '3' in physicals. This is factored into her physical durability above.
-20% Evasion, 0% Crit-rate, 100% Hit Rate

- Nina can opt for the Blessed Staff, which reduces her physical to 631, but gives +1 Holy. This doubles Nina's healing to herself and she takes 50% from Holy.
- Nina can opt for the Warding Staff, which reduces her physical to 425, but gives +1 Magic. This makes Nina take 75% damage from magic attacks (also extra 25% magic status resist)
- Nina can opt for the Mage's Robes. This ALSO gives her +1 Magic (stacks with Warding Staff for 50% Magic reduction), but makes her pdur a paltry 40%.
- Nina can also use the Robe of Wind (Wind res -> 75%) or Ranger's Garb (Fire Res -> 50%), but these similarly tank her physical durability.
- Nina can opt for the Diana's Dress, which gives +2 Status/Mind Death (stacks with Ouroboros for immunity). Makes her pdur 75.8% melee/56.8% ranged.
- If Nina needs the Blessed Staff for healing efficiency AND status/ID immunity, she can use Diana Dress + Accessory, but pdur drops to 63% (47% ranged)

Comments: Nina4 is a fast healer with lots of resources (Blessed Staff + Inspire = She fullheals with just 5AP Heals). She also has status immunity if she wants it and various ways of surviving magic damage. Her physical durability isn't too horrible (except vs Ranged). The speed, Evade, resource depth, and status immunity let her hang out in Heavy? But she abhors foes with healing.

HP: 2095 (110%)
AP: 83
Power: 276
Defense: 280 (173% after extra 25% Phys/Ranged resist)
Agility: 104 (-.63 stdev)
Wisdom: 134 (127% modifier after 25% Mag resist, Resists status 20% after Mag resist)
Physical Durability: 191%
Magical Durability: 141%

Power Glove: 95 Power, at 1/4 HP, Critical Hit Rate up +20%
Chopam's Plate: 50 Defense, 8 Weight, +1 to Magic and physical resistance
Damascus Helm: +19 Defense, Weight 4

Attack: 1117 physical damage (90% accuracy)

Inferno (10 AP): 1374 fire magic damage to one.
Tornado (12 AP): 1068 Wind magic damage to all enemies.
Quake (12 AP): 1136 Earth magic damage to all enemies.
Blizzard: 1107 ice magic damage to all enemies.
Death (13 AP): 39% chance of Instant Death
*Primus (15 AP): 1775 magic damage (type is breath, but checks magic res not breath).
* (Primus is gotten past Level 40).
Risky Shot: Critical hit at ~45% accuracy. [2206 on a crit]
Wild Shot: Physical attack with damage between 0-200% of nominal.

- Ershin has innate resistance 50% resistance vs. Status, Mind, and Death attacks. Stacks with equipment.
- Ershin has an innate '3' in ranged physicals and resists them by 25% (factored in already)
-4% Critical Hit Rate, 90% Hit Rate

Ershin has the following equipment options:
- Homing Bomb: 40 Power, Ignores Evade, raises Ershin's Accurracy to 100%
- Ghost Buster: 85 Power, 1.5x damage against undead
- Advanced Elemental Armors: 30 Defense, 5 Weight, +3(25% taken) to Respective element, -2 (200% taken) to Opposite element
Fire-Water and Earth-Wind)
- Quicksilver: 30 Defense, 5 Weight, Starts battle with automatic casting of Speed
(basically, starts battle at 50% speed she has, though, this effect CAN be dispelled)
- Defender: 30 Defense, 5 weight, starts battle with casting Barrier (So takes 50% from magic for 3 turns)

- Physical durability with non-Chopam armors: 128%
- Magical durability with non-Chopam armors: 106% (Double with Defender for 3 turns)
Agility, Quicksilver: 156 (+0.55 stdev taking itself into consideration)
- Ershin can bring her innate 50% Status/Death resistance to 100%, by dropping Damascus Helm, but this lowers Pdur to 172% (111% with non Chopam armors)

Comments: Ershin has a lot of durability and elemental options in addition to the ability to mock status/ID.
The damage is unimpressive but she has Turn 3 Instant Death to back it up, and did I mention the durability was awesome?
Makes a good Middle on account of the decent slugging and status resistance.

HP: 2395 (127%)
AP: 65
Defense: 262 (117% modifier)
Agility: 70 (-1.51 stdev)
Wisdom: 89 (85% modifier, 27% weakness to status)
Physical Durability: 149%
Magical Durability: 108%

Linked Pole: +133 Power, Weight 8. 125% damage vs. higher level foes, 75% vs. Lower (everything endgame in BoF4 is high-lvl, so this is always assumed at 125%)
Gideon's Garb: +93 Defense, +10 Power, Weight 10
Damascus Helm: +19 Defense, Weight 4

Attack: 1889 physical damage (With Linked Pole's bonus factored in)

Quake (12AP): 921 Earth magic damage to all enemies.
Shield (6AP): All allie's def +20%
Might (3AP): Raises Pwr by 20%, stackable (each usage increases damage by ~30% of base)
Protect (2AP): Raises Def by 20%, stackable (197% pdur first cast, 221% second cast)
Speed (2AP): Agility +50%. Can stack once up to +100%
Slow (1AP): 43% chance of reducing one target's Agility by 50%. Stackable to -80%
Blunt (1AP): 43% chance of reducing one target's Atk by 20%, stackable to -80%... Not better than Protect.

-Cray has innate 25% Earth Damage reduction ('3' in Earth) before any armor bonuses.
- 15% Counter attack Rate, 4% Critical hit rate, 4% Dodge Rate, 100% HIt Rate

- Cray can opt for the Mist Armor, which has the same def but +2 Agi and 50% Status/Mind/ID resistance ('+2' to each).
- If Cray goes for full immunity to Status or ID or Mind (Mist Armor+ Accessory), his pdur becomes 129%.
- Can opt for the Blizzard Mail to get +2 Wind and Water/Ice (50% reduction) and -1 Fire/Earth, gains a 50% fire weakness and becomes Neutral to Earth.
- Can opt for Magma Armor to get +2 Fire/Earth and -1 Water/Ice. 50% Fire Resistance, 75% Earth, but 50% Water/Wind weakness.
- Opting for the Blizzard Mail or Magma Armor drops his pdur to only 121%, Gets him +4 Agi
- Using armor options other than Gideon's reduces his Damage to 1802
- Cray can opt for the Flail, which is 5 more Weight and deals only 1772 damage, but improves by 39% for each casting of Might (making it better for Might buffing -> OHKO)

Comments: Cray has good durability and some nice armor options, but is slow and his damage is unimpressive. His buffs are really only good against damageless healers, letting him heal lock and solve his speed problem. Probably a Middle.

HP: 1791 (94.6%)
AP: 129
Power: 225
Defense: 238 (98% Mod)
Agility: 148 (+0.51 stdev)
Wisdom: 146 (99% modifier, 1% status weakness)
Physical Durability: 93%
Magical Durability: 94%

Render: Render: +50 Power, 2 hits, Weight 6, Ice Damage, +1 Power every 20 Encounters (assumed to have 85 Pwr)
Mist Armor: 93 Defense, 8 Weight, Mind, Status, and Death resistance +2 (50% resistance)
Damascus Helm: +19 Defense, Weight 4

Attack: 1496 ice physical damage over 2 hits.

Shining Blade (10AP): Auto critical hit. 3422 Ice physical damage, 1926 of which is ITD. Does NOT ignore evade.
Blizzard (12AP): 1163 Ice magic damage to all enemies.
Heal (5AP): 492 healing
Rejuvenate (9AP): 984 healing
Restore (18AP): 2952 healing
Vitalize (20AP): 492 healing to all
Purify (2AP): Removes Poison
Remedy (6AP): removes all status ailments.
Raise Dead (18AP): 75% chance of reviving target with 25% HP.
Sleep (3AP): 59% chance to inflict sleep against each enemy.
Confuse (2AP): 59% chance to inflict Confuse on one enemy.
Lifestealer: ~40% chance to inflict HP-1 on a single enemy. Drops Scias' max HP by 10% regardless.

- Scias has 25% Ice/water damage reduction (innate '3' in Ice/water)
- 100% hit Rate, 15% Evasion, 20% Counter Attack Rate, 8% Critical hit Rate
- If Scias is knocked below 25% HP, he has a 50% chance of triggering Rahkasa. His Def is added to his Pwr and set to 0.
  His physical becomes 4796 damage and Shining Blade 7912 (3116 of which is ITD)
  He physical durability goes to 17% (i.e. he dies from the next hit)
- Scias can opt for the Firangi (58pwrx2, 2wgt)), which is non-elemental and increases Agi by 2, but does 1100 physical/2890 Shining Blade.
- Can opt for the Blizzard Mail to get +2 Wind and Water/Ice (75% Water reduction, 50% Wind) and -1 Fire/Earth (50% weakness).
- Can opt for Magma Armor to get +2 Fire/Earth and -1 Water/Ice. 50% Fire/Earth Resistance, but 50% Wind weakness and Neutral to Water/Ice.
- Opting for the Blizzard Mail or Magma Armor drops his pdur to 70%, Gets him +2 Agi
- If Scias wants Status or Mind or ID immunity (Mist Armor+Accessory), his pdur becomes 76%

Comments: Scias is above average speed with solid 2HKO physical damage, a big chunk of which is ITD. Beyond that, he has good healing and mediocre turn 2 status. But his damage/speed elevates him to Heavy and his healing won't see much use there, although it can make sure his limit range is threatening. His limit is pain and death so most will have to avoid it.

HP: 1674 (88%)
AP: 157
Power: 225
Defense: 220 (82% modifier)
Agility: 127 (+0.2 stdev)
Wisdom: 171 (107% modifier, 10% status resistance)
Physical Durability: 72%
Magical Durability: 94%

Repeater: +82 Power, Weight 6, +1 Hits, Ranged
Diana's Dress: 83 Defense, 5 weight, +2 to Mind, Status, and Death resistance (50% resistance)
Spats: +17 Defense, Weight 0

Attack: 1496 damage over two hits (80% accuracy averages 1198)
Inferno (10AP): 1586 fire magic damage.
Cyclone (6AP): 707 Wind magic damage.
Silence (3AP): 63% chance to silence each enemy.
Drain (3AP): ~43% chance to drain ~20% of a target's HP, healing Ursula by that much. Checks... Death resistance.
Confuse (2AP): 63% chance to confuse an enemy.
Weaken (1AP): 53% chance to lower target def by 20%. Stackable to -80% (pretty weak)
Enfeeble (1AP): 53% chance to lower target Wis by 20%. Stackable to -80% (pretty weak)
Leech Power: 43% chance to absorb ~20% of a target's AP. Checks... Death resistance.
Death (13AP): 43% chance to inflict Instant Death on a target.

-Ursula has a 50% chance of reviving when she falls to 0 HP, coming back with 1 HP. Reviving in this manner nulls Ursula's turn if she is slower than the enemy.
-Resists Fire by 25% (Natural '3') in addition to any equipment bonuses.
-80% Hit Rate, 10% Evasion, 2% Critical Hit Rate
- Can opt for the WInd Robe to gain 50% wind reduction (and +5% Evade), but tanks her Pdur to 47%
- Can opt for the mage robes to gain 25% magic resist (125% mdur) but drop pdur to 37%...
- Ursula can drop to a damageless, Light weapon to get 140 agility (+0.29 stdev). Meh.
- If Ursula wants status or Mind or ID immunity (Diana's Dress +Accessory), her pdur becomes a paltry 58%...

Comments: Ursula hopes she is faster and can lay down the Instant Death (as her 4HKO magic damage isn't going to cut it). Fortunately against those slower she has Instant Death and her 50% auto-revive to hedge the odds in her favor a bit.

Damage (3-turn):  2107 (5268 kill point) [2174/5435 if Ershin has Primus]
Scias: 3422 (Shining Blade x3)
Ryu: 2947 (Meditate -> Knight, Shadowwalkx2)
Cray: 1889 (Linked Pole thwackx3)
Ursula: 1585 (Infernox3)
Nina: 1429 (Typhoonx3)
Ershin: 1374 (Infernox3) [1775 Primusx3]

HP: 1892
Def: 245
Wis: 149
Agi: 128.2 (Stdev 38.5)

Unranked Games / Tales of Phantasia (PSX)
« on: June 24, 2016, 03:34:42 AM »
Tales of Phantasia PSX:
- Levels taken at ~56 (Right before final boss with minimal Holy Bottle use). Arche is taken at L55 (she misses Treant Forest stuff). Cress taken at 57 (Colloseum and some solo battles). Mint/Klarth at L56. Chester is taken at 52 as he misses a lot of exp, and Suzu at L50 as she misses even more.

- Ignoring Pirate Treasure, Moria Depths, and Treant Forest Depths. These are fairly aftergame-y stuff as they are far far superior to the final dungeon and require entering the final dungeon, leaving, and going to certain specific locations with no hints.

- Tales of phantasia has an element system with a variety of resistances to elements. Fire/Water/Earth/Wind/Thunder/Holy/Dark are all present. There is also a 'non-elemental' element that I'll simply refer to as 'Void'. Meteor Storm and so on represent this element and can be resisted.

- Cress is the only PC who can 'combo' in this game and chain attacks from one to another. I've included this for him although it really only has one good combo. He can chain A stab->Thrust->L1 Arte->L2 Arte. Or he can replace the L2 Arte with a temporary Attack Buff. More info below.

- Arche is controllable and when so controlled can freely climb to an elevation that makes her safe from basic melee attacks (and a fair number of 'straight' projectile attacks such as Dhaos' Infamous Laser). I would consider her immune to melee that isn't flying as a result.

- I am assuming default accessories of Fight Symbol/Black Onyx for fighters and Mystic Symbol/Black Onyx for mages, this is +10% atk/+30% HP for fighters and half-casting time / +30% HP for mages. This is the loadout you use at endgame. The game features stone/paralysis blockers that would require sacrificing one of those. Note that Fight Symbols can be stacked so fighters can get a bit more damage in exchange for the 30% HP. There are also Moon Crystals (interchanable with Black Onyx's ) which are TP + 30%. This really would only have one valid application...

- If you read the SNES topic I did for ToP physicals there were used twice per tech/spell. That isn't the case in ToPr. One per 'turn' is right.

- Enemy stats taken as 205 Defense and 512 attack. Evade and Accuracy are relatively minor things that don't bear much mentioning. Some PCs can twink up accuracy significantly to ignore evade (as a few enemies have a good bit of it), but most enemies don't evade much at all.

- Stats:
-Attack/Slash/Thrust: Basic attack stat. (Attack - Defense) * multiplier = damage is the way it works in this game.
- Defense: Same as above but for PCs. A rather ineffective stat at endgame.
- Physical Durability: A measure of HP as a percentage of average times how good a PC is at taking physical damage. Higher is better.

HP: 5210
TP: 463
Def: 138
Acc: 195
Evade: 120
Damage: 7073 (2.5x kill point of 17682)

Cress Albane:
HP:   6448 (124%)
TP:   458   
Str: 94   
Stam: 40   
Agi: 72   
Slash: 1533.4   
Thrust: 1313.4   
Def: 164 (1.07 modifier)
Acc: 182   
Eva: 127   
Pdur: 132.9%   
Doom Blade: 1300 Slash, 1100 Thrust, 10 Acc, Darkness Element.      
Mumbane: 60 Def, Resist void/water/fire/thunder 30%, resist Light 70%      
Star Shield: 23 Def, 25 Eva      
Star Helm: 26 Def      
Rare Gauntlets: +15 Def, Resist Earth 50%      
Fight Symbol: +10% Slash/Thrust      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Eternal Sword: 1050 Slash, 1140 Thrust, 10 Acc. [87.5% damage]      
Arc Wind: 860 Slash, 720 Thrust, 50 Acc Wind Elemental [63.2% damage]      
Laser Blade: 850 Slash, 650 Thrust, 60 Acc, Holy elemental [60.3% damage]      
Rare Shield: 15 Def, 20 Eva, Resists water 50%      
Rare Helm: 20 Def, Resists Thunder 20%      
Fight Symbol: +10% Slash/Thrust [n place of Black Onyx's 30% HP, +10.5% more damage]      
Combo (29TP): Slash->Thrust->Tiger Fang->Claw Storm: 17830 damage, of which 2657 is Thunder.

Focus (16 TP): Attack up 30% for ~20 seconds [35% damage increase]
Focus can be tacked on to the end of a short combo:
Slash->Thrust->Thunder Claw->Focus (24 TP): 7086 damage, 2657 of which is thunder elemental.
Slash->Thrust->Shining Strike->Focus (26 TP): 8415 damage, 2600 of which is thunder elemental.
Slash->Thrust->Thunder Claw->Focus (24 TP): 7086 damage, 3188 of which is Holy elemental.
Slash->Thrust->Thunder Claw->Focus (28 TP): 4654 damage

Meditate (10TP): 35% HP healing.

Below 25% HP, for 100 TP Cress can tack on his Mystic Arte's 21254 damage.
Mystic Arte Combo (129TP): Slash->Thrust->Tiger Fang->Claw Storm->Blade of Ascension: 39084

Comments: Cress can block some elements, is failry durable, has OHKO damage, a buff, and a limit that inflicts pain and agony. He also has a little bit of healing that won't help him much in Heavy.

Mint Adenade:      
HP:   5066   (97.2%) (3897/74.8% with Moon Crystal)
TP: 565 (735 W/ Moon Crystal)
Str: 56   
Stam: 29   
Agi: 53   
Attack: 476   
Def: 135 (0.99 mod)
Acc: 163   
Eva: 108   
Pdur: 96.4%   
Blue Crystal Rod: 420 Atk, 10 Acc      
Star Cloak: 55 Def, Resist Void/Water 50%      
Ring Shield: 20 Def, 25 Eva      
Star Beret: 16 Def      
Pretty Mittens: 15 Def, Resist fire 20%      
Mystic Symbol: Double casting speed.      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Holy Cloak: 25 Def, resist thunder 50%      
Mithril Mesh: 18 Def, 50% chance to negate Holy      
White Gloves: 10 Def, 50 Luck, Resist Water/Fire/Holy 20%      
Moon Crystal: +30% TP (may want to sacrifice HP for this....)      
Attack:   271   (414 after Sharpness)
First Aid (5TP): 30% healing      
Pow Hammer (4TP): 60% chance to inflict Stun (2 attacks)      
Charge (5 TP): restores 5-10TP to an ally.      
Deep Mist (3TP): Reduces enemy accuracy by 25%       
Heal (10 TP): Restores 60% HP      
Acid Rain (12 TP): Reduces Enemy Def 20%       
Antitode (8 TP): Cures POIZN      
Silence (6 TP): 50% chance to silence target for remainder of battle.      
Nurse (20 TP): 45% Healing to all      
Sharpness (12 TP): Attack up 30% for remainder of battle.      
Recover (18 TP): Removes Poison/Paralysis/Petrify)      
Dispel (14 TP):: Cures all magic status ailments for one.      
Cure (22 TP): 100% healing to one.      
Pow Pow Hammer (20 TP): 75% chance to stun all enemies.      
Barrier (15 TP): 15% Def up for one ally for remainder of battle.      
Raise Dead (26 TP): Revive one ally to 25% HP      
Ressurection (32 TP): Heals 65% HP to all allies.      
Time Stop (50 TP): Stop time for ~5 seconds. Can cast 2 spells under Time Stop. Or attack ~5 times, or attack 3 times and cast a spell... Time Stop stacks with itself, adding time to the invisible 'stopped time' counter with every casting. Time Stop does not work on significantly powerful bosses. Enemies can not block/evade/defend while frozen in time. Using this method involves a few castings/attacks to 'pin' a target to a wall and then keep pounding them.      
Wasting all TP on Time Stop with a Moon Crystal:      
14 Time Stops for 38 attacks and a Sharpness casting: 15732   
Wasting all TP on Time Stop without a Moon Crystal:   
11 Time Stops for 31 attacks and a Sharpness casting: 12834   

Comments: Mint is legendary for having bad damage and loads of good healing. She has both of those in spades, with even her buffed damage falling below 1/17th of average damage! But she also Time Stop and with the expensive-but-clearly-optimal-at-endgame Mystic Symbol can spam it relentlessly. And she has Silence! Too bad she still loses to a perfectly average fighter even with all those staff thwacks! Light. But a really really cool one.

Klarth F. Lester      
HP: 5252 (100.8%)
TP: 512   
Str: 66   
Stam: 36   
Agi: 58   
Attack: 766   
Def: 127 (0.97 mod)
Acc: 208   
Eva: 113   
Pdur: 97.8%   
True Magick: 700 Atk, 50 Acc      
Star Cloak: 55 Def, Resist Void/Water 50%      
Ring Shield: 20 Def, 25 Eva      
Star Beret: 16 Def      
Real Men Don't Wear Sissy Gloves.
Mystic Symbol: Double casting speed.      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Holy Cloak: 25 Def, resist thunder 50%      
Mithril Mesh: 18 Def, 50% chance to negate Holy      
Pact Rings: Reduce One of Water, Dark, Wind, Fire, Earth, Thunder, or Light by 50%
Moonstone Ring: HP + 30% (he can sacrifice double casting speed for this I guess....)      
Attack:   561   
Origin (36 TP): 4000 non-elemental damage to all      
Aska (30 TP): 4500 Holy elemental damage to all      
Volt (26 TP): 3000 Lightning elemental damage to all      

Comments: If Klarth seems bad, that's because he is. At least he has some elemental resists. Light.

Arche Klein
HP: 4848 (93.1%)
TP: 520   
Str: 63   
Stam: 35   
Agi: 58   
Attack: 703   
Def: 143 (1.01 mod)
Acc: 168   
Eva: 123   
Pdur: 94.2%   
Star Broom: 640 Atk, 10 Acc      
Star Cloak: 55 Def, Resist Void/Water 50%      
Ring Shield: 20 Def, 25 Eva      
Pretty Ribbon: 18 Def, 10 Eva      
Pretty Mittens: 15 Def, Resist fire 20%      
Mystic Symbol: Double casting speed.      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Witch Dress: 50 Def, 15 Eva, Reduce Earth/Water/Fire/Wind/Lightning by 30%       
Mithril Mesh: 18 Def, 50% chance to negate Holy      
Mother's Gloves: 8 Def, Reduce Earth/Water/Fire/Wind/Lightning by 10%      
Attack:   498   broom-elemental damage.
Meteor Storm (50 TP): 7500 damage over 5 hits (all meteors connect on center target if not forced against a wall)
Tidal Wave (35 TP): 4500 damage to all, water      
Indignation (30 TP): 2500 damage to all, Lightning       
Explode (32 TP): 4000 fire damage to all      
God Breath (32 TP): 4000 wind elemental damage to all      
Earthquake (27 TP): 3000 Earth damage to all.      

Comments: Arche flies and has pretty clear melee immunity in this game. Beyond that her damage isn't horrible and is the right element (i.e. none). She has backup damage if she faces a severe weakness? She has some elemental resists herself which pare nicely with melee immunity, although she doesn't have the crazy absorb-everything that she did in the SNES version. Middle of some flavor.

Chester Barklight:
HP: 5586.1   (107.2%)
TP: 369   
Str: 75   
Stam: 38   
Agi: 68   
Attack: 1181   
Def: 149 (1.03 mod)
Acc: 248   
Eva: 123   
Pdur: 110.4%   
Merciless Bow: 999 Atk, 80 Acc      
Mumbane: 60 Def, Resist void/water/fire/thunder 30%, resist Light 70%      
Ring Shield: 20 Def, 25 Eva      
Star Beret: 16 Def      
Rare Gauntlets: +15 Def, Resist Earth 50%      
Fight Symbol: +10% Atk      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Elven Bow: 808 Atk, 200 Acc (!) [78.5% damage]      
Crescent Arrow: 750 Atk, 65 Acc, Holy elemental [72% damage]      
Aqua/Flare/Gale/Sand spread: 680 Atk, 50 Acc, Water/Fire/Wind/Earth elemental [64% damage]      
Mithril Mesh: 18 Def, 50% chance to negate Holy      
Attack:   976
Dragon Slayer (45 TP): 6344   
Roaring Thunder (8 TP): 2928 Lightning damage
Grand Fang (20 TP): 4880

Comments: Well. He's probably a bit better than his original incarnation. He resists elements, and he at least can claim to 3HKO. Barely. Light. Still has a very sad story about a little sister.

Suzu Fujibayashi:      
HP: 4059 (77.9%)
TP: 354   
Str: 63   
Stam: 32   
Agi: 60   
Attack: 1004   
Def: 112 (0.93 mod)
Acc: 200   
Eva: 125   
Pdur: 72.8%
Ninto Kuroyuri: 750 Atk, 40 Acc, Dark elemental      
Nagatsuki: 45 Def, 5 Eva      
Ring Shield: 20 Def, 25 Eva      
Mask: 5 Def, 5 Eva      
Claw Gauntlets: 100 Atk, 10 Def      
Fight Symbol: +10% Atk      
Black Onyx: +30% HP      
Ninto Ayame: 420 Atk, 20 Acc, Water elemental [54.5% damage].
Pretty Mittens: 15 Def, Resist fire 20%      
Attack:   799   weapon elemetnal damage (dark).
Whirlwind (15 TP): 5992 wind-elemental physical damage      
Red Spider Lily (10 TP): 2996 fire-elemetal physical damage      
Thunderbolt (12 TP): 1598 lightning elemental physical damage      
Fox Drop (8 TP): 2556 weapon elemental (dark) damage.      

Comments: Little girls don't belong on a battlefield. Bad damage and worse durability. Light.

RPGDL Discussion / DL Overview topic #3: Reasonableness
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:33:39 AM »
Do you think about whether something is "reasonable" when you decide to allow an equipment or ability  for a PC or cast? Do you make subjective judgements about this sort of thing or apply a fairly strict test?

Consider some sample cases:

1. An ability that requires levels far above normal endgame to get.

2. A piece of equipment that is unique to A PC but is a very rare drop or requires a lot of grinding to get.

3. n ability that is storebought and usable by a portion of the cast but is clearly a defining class feature.

4. A piece of equipment that one would not get without knowledge outside of the game (i.e. a craxy hidden missable skill)

5. An ability that requires leaving the final dungeon right at the end to get from some other location or dungeon.

Unranked Games / Celestian Tales: Old North
« on: February 18, 2016, 03:29:11 AM »
Celestian Tales: Old North

- A game on Steam that is quite good. While it is ostensibly the first of a 3-part series, it may be a while before other games come out, and if they never do then here you have a stat topic for the 6 PCs.

- The game's combat system is turn-based where PC's actions are determined at the time of their turn and turn order is not re-randomized after the first turn. There is an 'Initiative' stat that is used to determine who goes first. This is randomized to some degree.

- It is worth noting that both PC and enemy skills seem to ignore blocking/evasion techs.

- The PCs' get access to several 'passive' skills that are automatically active. They can only take 2 into battle at a time.

- The game's resource system is 'Stamina'. Each PC starts with 3 Stamina and gains 1 stamina by making an attack, or 2 stamina by defending. Stamina is used for skills in combat. Each PC has several (~6) skills for use in combat, but can only bring in 4 to any one battle. Using an attack skill does not get 1 stamina as does using a basic attack.

- Stats:
HP: Standard
Power: Base stat used to calculate Attack
Technique: Base stat used to calculate Pierce
Vitality: Base stat used to calculate HP/Def
Dexterity: Base stat used to calculate Def/Initiative
Attack: Physical damage stat.
Pierce: Physical damage stat part 2 (explained below)
Defense: Reduces incoming damage
Initiative: Stat that dictates who goes first in combat (randomized with +0-9)
Critical: Critical hit % chance. Critical hits are only for basic physicals and are 1.5x damage
Durability: A number I calculated to compare PCs' ability to take defense-subject damage. Higher is better. 1.5x = can take 50% more damage than average, 0.5 = Can only take half as much

- Damage is calculated as (4xAtk - 2xDef) + 4xPierce. 4xAtk-2xDef can't be <0, but this almost never is a concern. Special moves are multipliers on this.

- Accessories: Old North allows PCs to equip one of 3 weapons unique to each PC, an armor (storebought armors are only +40 Def), and 2 accessories. These accessories are fairly important to the characters' strategies because at endgame there is a +1 starting stamina accessory. I've allowed the 3 most important ones to be included in the PCs' setups, and listed what each setup will do. This helps PCs use their stronger moves turn 1 or turn 2 instead of having to build up to them, at the cost of damage optimization. It is easy to use the storebought ones and makes things more like how the PCs actually fight.
  - Willpower Amulet: +1 Starting Stamina
  - Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Power (+22 Atk)
  - Jade Earring: +3 Technique (~+10 Pierce)

- Enemy stats used were 625 for enemy 'base damage' in regards to defense effectiveness, and 150 Def to compare to the PCs' attacks.

- I'm discounting one PCs' initiative+ passive skill on account of being kind of insanely ridiculous (as in, makes all 5 other PCs below avereage). The skill just guarantees she goes first, much like initiative in other games that isn't taken into a speed average ala FFX/Saga Frontier

-Averages up top:
HP: 1181.7
Def: 192.8
Initiative: 5.333333 (2.16 stdev) [8.6666 and 9.2 if you take Ylianne's +20 as default and literally...)
Damage: 1434.1 (2.5x kill point of 3585)

On with the Show:

Issac Goldenlake:
HP: 1025 (86.7%) [1165 (98.6%) with Kukri]
Power: 23
Technique: 17
Vitality: 15
Dexterity: 10
Attack: 270
Pierce: 52
Defense: 164 (80.58% modifier)
Initiative: 4 (-.62 stdevs)
Critical: 19
Durability: 69.9% [79.5% with Kukri]

Misericorde: +72 Atk, -140 HP
Gambeson: Def+40
Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Power (+23 Atk)
Willpower Amulet: +1 Stamina at start of battle

Alternate Equips:
Dagger: +48 Atk, 25% chance of regular attacks inflicting 3-turn Poison
Kukri: Attack + 48, Critical Hit damage x 1.25

Attack: 1235   
Shatter (1): 618 damage, Halves enemy Def for 3 turns (Increases damage by ~15.2%)
Pointed Thrust (1): 1544, 70% chance of inflicting Poison
Burst Attack (3): 2779   
Enmity (4): 2470 (3705 damage vs. Humanoids)
Sudden Strike (6): 3705 damage or 25% chance of Instant Death   
Toxic Touch (2): Grants basic physicals a 70% chance to inflict poison for 3 turns.
Crouch (4); Reduces aggro. For 1 turn Issac's basic physical has a 100% crit rate.
Passive Skills:      
Early Wyrm: Increases damage by 25% the first 4 actions in battle, after which it decreases it by 10% for the remainder of the battle
Swift Steps: 20% chance to evade an attack      
Life Leech: Issac regenerates 10% of max HP when he uses a basic physical.
Exploit: Increases critical hit-rate by +33% when enemy is inflicted with Poison/Bleed/Stun      

Damage with Kukri: 90.28%   
Damage with 2x Gauntlets: 108.91%   
Damage with 2x Willpower Amulets: 91.09%   
Damage with Kukri, 2x Gauntlets: 99.60%   
Damage with Kukri, 2x WPAs: 80.97%   
HP With Kukri: 98.59%   
Durability with Kukri: 79.45%   
Optimum Turn 1 damage...      
Misericorde+E.Gauntlet+Willpower Amulet      
vs. Humanoid: 3705   
vs. Other: 2977   
Optimum 2-turn damage:      
vs. Humanoid:
Attack + Enmity: 5380   
Vs. Other:
Attack + Burst Attack: 4371   
Optimum 3-Turn Damage:      
Vs. Humanoid:
Misericorde + E.Gauntletx2
Attack + Enmity + Attack: 6725
Vs. Other:
Attack+Burst Attackx2: 6188   
For averages he'll use Kukri (Gets more % HP than %Damage)      
Attack+Burst Attackx2: 5500   

Comments: Issac can certainly put out decent damage, but he lacks the speed, durability, or status resistance to capitlize on this. If a foe can waste Issac's first 4 turns somehow his damage becomes significantly worse. Still, the damage is great. High Middle? Being so frail and not fast... it's a good thing his one big damage is so big.

HP: 1215 (102.82%)
Power: 13
Technique: 20
Vitality: 17
Dexterity: 15
Attack: 170   
Pierce: 60   
Defense: 195   (101.84% modifier)
Initiative:   5 (-0.15 stdev)
Critical: 19%   
Durability: 104.7%   

Flamberge: Attack+48, Deus' Wrath damage +25%
Breastplate: +40 Def
Willpower Amulet: +1 Stamina at start of ocmbat
Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Str (+22 Attack)

Alternate Equips:
Longsword: Attack+48, Extra +1 Stamina when defending below 40% HP
Ritual Blade: Attack+30, Healing skills +25%

Attack: 620

Deus' Wrath (4): 1938 Damage and Silence for 3 turns.   
Heal (1): 475 healing      
Protection (2): Grants Aria a shield which absorbs 3 hits or up to 50% of her HP. Overflow damage on the hit that destroys the shield is dealt to Aria. Status attached to damage that is fully blocked is stopped. Status attached to damage that has some portion go through still gets through.      
Remedy (2): Removes Poison/Bleed/Blind/Silence from 1 target.       
Benediction (3): Heals 475 to all allies.      
Awaken (4): Revives Ally with 50% HP.       
Divine Intervention (6): Restores 945 HP to all allies and removes status.      
Caregiver: Boosts healing skills by 25% (This + Ritual Blade is x1.5625)         
Early Protection: Aria (and allies) start with a shield that will take one hit or 50% HP (overflow damage affects Aria)
Crystal Affinity: Crystals heal 25% more HP         
Sparks of Life : Allies revived with Awaken gain 2 Stamina instead of 3.
Notes: (compared to Default)         
Damage with 2x E. Guantlets: 114.84%      
Ritual Blade Damage: 88.39% (70.7% damage on Deus' Wrath)
Ritual Blade + 2x E Gauntlets: 102.58% (82.06% damage on Deus' Wrath)
Optimum Turn 1 Damage:   1938      
Default Setup         
Optimum Turn 2 Damage:   2937      
Physical + Deus' wrath         
Optimum Turn 3 Damage:   3649      
Physical*2 → Deus' Wrath         

Comments: Aria is a non-frail infinite healer. That's something to celebrate, and she also brings a perfect silence attack that doubles as her best damage. She wishes she had status immunity, but hopefully she can beat status-slingers to the punch, and if it is attached to damage she can null it out that way for turn 1. Generally solid. High Middle?

HP: 1365 (115.5%)
Power: 31
Technique: 7
Vitality: 25
Dexterity: 5
Attack: 306   
Pierce: 22   
Defense: 176 (87.7% modifier)
Initiative: 2 (-1.54 stdevs)
Critical: 16%   
Durability: 101.3%

Hunter's Axe: Atk+48, +25% damage vs. Beasts
Breastplate: +40 Defense
Enhance Gauntlet: +3 Power (+23 Atk)
Enhance Gauntlet: +3 Power (+23 Atk)

Alternate Equips:
Hatchet: +42 Atk (+60 on normal attacks)
Greataxe: +72 Atk, - 48 Defense

Attack: 1012

Wild Axe (2): 2024 (Only has a 70% hit-rate)
Rage (3): Raises attack 50% and reduces Def 25% for 3 turns (Reynard gets 3 actions at +50% Atk)   
Frantic Charge (4): 2024 damage,  and deals 62.5% of Reynard's current HP. Reynard's current HP is then halved.
Adrenaline Rush (3): Reynard's HP can not be reduced below 1 in the next 3 turns. REFRESHABLE. But with a hole: Poison and Bleed damage can kill him.   
Wide Swing (5): 1012 to all foes.
Provoke (5): Lowers all enemy defense by 50% for 3 turns, increases Aggro to Reynard (~15% more damage)
Berserk (6): Normal attack deals double damage for 3 turns. Reynard takes 2x damage for 3 turns...   

Passive Skills:
Combat Inertia: Reynard gains bonus damage of 25% when Stamina is 7 or greater.
Tempered In Combat: Reduces damage from Beast type enemies by 25%
Slow Burn: Reynard's Max HP is reduced by 10%. Staring on his 5th turn, Reynard deals 25% more damage
Trophy Collector: No stamina gain for attacking. Killing gives Reynard 3 Stamina

Damage compared to Default:   
While under Rage: 164.8%
Greataxe: 109.49%
Willpower Amulet + Enhanced Gauntlet: 91.30%
Greataxe + Amulet + Gauntlet: 100.79%
Phys. Durability with Greataxe: 74.92%
Phys. Durability under Rage: 76.58%
Phys Durability, Rage+Greataxe: 64.75%

Best turn 1 Damage:   2040 (Plus half of remaining HP * 1.25)
Greataxe + Amulet + Gauntlet      
Optimum 2 turn Damage: 3324 (Plus half of remaining HP * 1.25 on turn 2)
Attack + Frantic Charge   
Optimum 3 turn Damage: 4048 (Plus half of remaining HP * 1.25 on turn 3)
Attack+Attack+Frantic Charge      

Comments: Reynard can make himself basically immune to damage, and can refresh it indefinitely by Adranline Rush -> Defend -> Attack -> Repeat. Some passives to improve his damage late-fight work well with this vs. infinite healers and the like. Unfortunately he has no answer to status, and is rather slow. Heavy. Also hates even the weakest of poizns.

HP: 1265 (107.1%)
Power: 18
Technique: 10
Vitality: 20
Dexterity: 17
Attack: 220   
Pierce: 30   
Defense: 215 (122.7% modifier)
Initiative: 6 (+0.31 stdevs)
Critical: 15%
Durability: 131.4%

Trident: +60 Atk, +20% Counter Chance (Duelist Stance)
Breastplate: +40 Def
Willpower Amulet: +1 Stamina at start of combat
Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Power (+22 Atk)

Alternate Equips:
Guisarme: +48 Atk, 25% chance of Stun on regular attack
Voulge: +30 Atk, +5 Vit ( +100 HP, +17 Def)

Attack: 700

Impale (1): 1225   
Power Surge (4): 1575 And reduces target Stamina to 0
Shield Bash (5): 1400 And Stuns target for 1 turn.
Body Perfection (3): Removes Poison/Bleed/Blind from Self. Heals 25% HP      
Battlefield Tyrant (3): Raises Lucienne's Def by 25% for 3 turns. Raises enemy Aggro      
Realm Protector (5): For 3 turns, half of damage dealt to allies is redirected to Lucienne      
Stand Your Ground (6): Raises all allies' Def by 50% and grants 183 HP regen for 3 turns      
Duelist Stance: 40% chance of countering an attack with a basic physical (20% w/o Trident)      
Shield Mastery: 20% chance of blocking a basic attack with her shield, where X is 0% because of a bug      
Defensive Stance: Additional damage reduction while Defending (+25% Def)   
Aggressive stance: Doubles enemy aggro gain towards Lucienne

Damage, 2x Gauntlets: 112.6%
Damage, 2x Amulets: 87.4%
Damage, Voulge: 82.9%
Damage, Volgue/2x Amulets 70.3%
Damage, Voulge/2x Gauntlets: 95.4%
Durability at +25% Def: ~270%
Durability at +50% Def: ~300% (Capped by enemy Pierce)
HP% of Average with Voulge: 115.5%
Durability with Voulge: 171.7%

Optimum Turn 1 Damage:   1575
Default Setup   
Power Surge   
Optimum 2 Turn Damage:   2758
2x Gauntlets/Trident   
Impale x 2   
Optimum 3 turn Damage:   4137
2x Gauntlets/Trident   
Impale x 3   

Comments: She'll usually want to open up a fight with Power Surge to make her foe resourceless, and she has better than average initiative. Beyond that her damage isn't impressive at all, but her durabilty can get quite excellent. A good Middle/Heavy. Setting enemy resources to 0 is very powerful in a duel...

HP: 1065 (90.1%)
Power: 21
Technique: 15
Vitality: 10
Dexterity: 22
Attack: 230   
Pierce: 45   
Defense: 202 (108.3% modifier)
Initiative: 7 (+0.77) [27/Initiative with Dawn Treader]
Critical: 18%   
Durability: 97.6%
Composite Bow: +48 Atk, Power Shot/Volley damage +25%
Gambeson: +40 Def
Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Power (+22 Atk)
Enhanced Gauntlet: +3 Power (+22 Atk)

Alternate Equipment:
Elven Bow: +48 Atk, 25% chance to gain 2 stamina instead of 1 on regular attack
Recurve Bow: +60 Atk, +25% damage on regular attack if regular attack was used the previous turn

Attack: 800

Power Shot (5): 3000 Damage to a row
Regeneration (2): Regenerates 233 HP every turn for 3 turns.      
Mark Enemy (6): All allies get +50% Atk for 3 turns. After the buff, all allies (but not ylliane) get an instant attack on the enemy targetted that does not consume their turns.      
Stamina Boost (2): Give 3 Stamina to an ally      
Volley (4) 1000 Damage to all enemies
Nature's Caress (5): Revives fallen ally and gives 20% HP regen for 3 turns      
Cleanse (1): Removes Poison and Bleed from target      

Passive Skills:
Dawn Treader: +20 Initiative. This is just “Always go first no matter what” so I haven't used it in the averages (Precedent: FFX, Saga Frontier)
Nature's Blessing: All allies (including Ylianne) start with +1 Stamina
Offspring of the Tree: Ylliane regenerates 68 HP per turn (Stacks with Regeneration skill)
Purity: Grants immunity to Poison and Bleed.

Damage Amulet+Gauntlet: 89.00%      
Damage Recurve:   106.00%   (84.8% damage on Power Shot/Volley though)
Damage Amulet+Amulet: 78.00%      
Optimum Turn 1 Damage: 2670      
Gauntlet + Amulet         
Power Shot         
Optimum 2-turn Damage: 3800      
Attack → Power Shot         
Optimum 3-turn Damage: 4600      
Attackx2 → Power Shot         

Comments: Well, she can pull out a decent amount of initiative damage (~75%) to instagib the frail. Besides that she'll probably just try for a light 2HKO. Her regeneration game probably won't see much use against competent foes. A good Middle, and can be awesome in a team fight.

HP: 1015 (85.90%)
Technique: 25
Vitality: 7
Dexterity: 25
Attack: 92   
Pierce: 99   
Defense: 205 (111.3% modifier)
Initiative: 8 (+1.23 stdev)
Critical: 20
Durability: 95.6%   

Arbalest: Atk+30, Pierce+24
Gambeson: Def+40
Willpower Amulet: +1 Starting Stamina
Willpower Amulet: +1 Starting Stamina

Alternate Equips:
Crossbow: Atk+60, 25% chance to inflict -50% def to target of regular attack for 3 turns
Lockbow: Atk+60, 25% Chance to remove status buffs from target

Attack: 464

Aim Shot (5): 2376 Defense ignoring damage
Sharpened Bolt (1): 990 Defense ignoring damage + 70% chance of inflicting Bleed for 3 turns.
First Aid (3): Restores 25% HP, reduces Aggro      
Purge (2): Removes positive buffs from target      
Observation (1): Reveals enemy HP/stamina for remainder of battle      
Explosive Bolt (6): 812   to all foes +70% chance to inflict Bleed for 3 turns.
Foist (5): 928 (+1188 defense ignoring damage if target is bleeding)

Camille's Bleed inflicts 122HP at the start of target's turn.

Passive Skills:
Physiology Study: Add 1 turn to all inflicted status (4 instead of 3)
Projectile Study: Increases status odds by 20% (90% rate)
Peacekeeper: 100% Success on run attempts for every party member.
Persevarance: Camille is immune to Blind and Silence when this is equipped.

Damage, Crossbow: 105.2%
(Pierce skills, Crossbow): 75.8%
Damage, Crossbow/Gauntlets: 143.1%
Damage, Amulet/Gauntlet/Crossbow: 124.1%
Damage, 2x Gauntlets: 137.9%
Damage, 2x Jade Earrings: 115.5%
Pierce skills, 2x Jade Earring: 118.2%
Damage, Jade Earring/Amulet: 107.8%
Pierce skills, Jade Earring/Amulet: 109.1%

Optimum Turn 1 Damage: 2376
Aim Shot   
Optimum 2-turn damage: 3092
Jade Earring/Amulet   
Attack->Aim Shot   
Optimum 3-turn damage: 3880
Jade Earringsx2   
Attack->Attack->Aim Shot   
Default' 3-turn damage: 3830 (In practice +366 for Bleed damage, hence default)
Sharpened Bolt → Attack → Aim Shot   
Best damage in a single turn: 2808
Jade Earringx2 Aim Shot:   

Comments: The cast's scrub, unfortunately. Camille's selling point is her damage ignoring defense, but it just isn't all that impressive. Her best hope is to face down foes she can 2 or 3HKO down in Light. Too bad, as she's quite cool.

Unranked Games / Dragon Age Origins
« on: January 03, 2016, 07:14:30 PM »
Dragon Age Origins:

- Assumed Level 21 for PCs
- Doing companions only, no Warden main char
- I didn't use the Auto-Level function as it makes for some rather poor dueling builds.
 -Alistair: Joins at L4. From then on optimize Strength, as it is crucial to his disable/accuracy rates. Temlar/Sword&Shield + Warrior talents
 -Morrigan: Joins L7. Optimized Magic+Strength. This helps her dueler-defining nuke and improves her debuff hexes (and so more damage).
           Strength lets her wield a 2-handed weapon for her big physical alternate or equip armor for a little better durability...
  Talents were from the spells she had, Master Shapeshifter + Entropic Death Combo + Hexes + Cone of Cold + Nightmare combo.
 -Dog: Joins L7. Strength is damage and accuracy and the reliability of his status. Talents are dog talents.
 -Leliana: Joins L7. Put points into Dex since that is evade/accuracy/damage... this is everything for her.
  Talents for Leliana are Archer talents, Lethality, and Combat Stealth. This gives her the ID-arrow and an evade game.
 -Sten: Joins L8. Wants to put points into Strength because that is damage/Accuracy/Status rates. Warrior+2-Handed talents.
 -Zevran: Assuming L11 join. Wants to put some points to Dex and some to Strength to dual-wield swords for best damage and a good knockdown rates
               This probably isn't very "Normal" for Zevran but it is the best for a duel where he isn't sneaking in Backstabs behind an enemy.
 -Wynne: Assuming L11 Join. Wants to put points into Magic for status rate and then into Constitution for survivability, since she needs to take hits.
  Spells for Wynne are the Earth series, Glyphs, her default buffs/heals, and I gave her the Ice L1 spell since she uses it in plot...
 -Shale: Assuming L11 join. Wants to optimize Strength since that is damage/status. Enough Dex for Perfect Striking
  Talents are the Warrior series and her Golem talents.
 -Ohgren: Assuming L13 join (hardest quest and joins later on in it). Wants to optimize Strength for damage/status/accuracy.
  Ohgren talents are 2-H, Berserker, and a few Warrior (but no Perfect Striking)
- Stats:
 -Health: Typical HP, lose these and you get knocked out.
 -Stamina/Mana: The points used for physical abilities (stamina) or spells (mana). Fighters/Rogues have stamina, Mages Mana.
 -Strength: Stat used for physical attacks. It contributes 0.5 pts to accuracy/physical resistance.
         Used to determine equippable armor/weapons. Contributes to Ranged accuracy despite what the game says.
         This stat is commonly used as the status effect rate determiner for physical special attacks.
 -Dexterity: Stat used for Evasion/piercing attacks. It contributes 0.5 pts to accuracy/physical resistance and 1 point to Def.
            Used to determine equippable Bows/Daggers. Contributes only 0.5 pts to ranged accuracy despite the description.
 -Willpower: Gives +5 Stamina or Mana per point. Contributes 0.5 pts to Mental Resistance.
 -Magic: A stat that contributes to magic damage and Health Poultice effect. Contributes 0.5 points to Mental Res.
 -Cunning: A stat useful to a main character for story dialog reasons, as well as unlocking chests/doors and disarming traps.
           Contributes 1/7th point to Armor Penetration per, and 0.5 pts Mental Res.
 -Constitution: Contributes 5 Health per and 0.5 pts Physical Res.

-Derived/Secondary stats:
 -Defense: This is a measure of evasion. Attack stat - Defense stat + 54% = Hit rate.
 -Missile Defense: Same as Defense but for Ranged attacks. Really only matters for Alistair
 -Armor: This is how much one reduces damage by. It is randomized down so one point = 0.85 points damage reduction. Subtractive.
 -Armor Penetration: How much of a target's Armor is ignored. This is applied AFTER Armor is randomized down, and overflow AP is 'wasted'.
 -Physical Resistance: Chance of resisting a physical status (petrify/paralysis/knockdown/etc). Goes as status rate(always over 100) - Phys Res
 -Mental Resistance: Same as physical resistance but for mental status (sleep/fear/mental stun/distraction/mind control)
 -Spell Resistance: This is essentially magic evade... a % chance to ignore a magic spell cast on the character.
 -Fatigue: A factor that increases costs of Talents/spells by that %. Increased when wearing heavy armor or activating modal talents.
 -Spellpower: Magic - 10 + Some other stats. Used as a save for status and most magic damage goes as (100+Spellpower)
 - I will list damage taken from a 'standard' physical attack. I will also list the modifier from average (higher= better)
 - I will list total 'physical durability'. This is just HP% * Def modidfier. Higher = Better. (1.5 = 50% more durable).
- Modal Abilities: Dragon Age Origins has a variety of 'Modal' abilities that are activated once and then remain passively active but reduce maximum Stamina/Mana and increase Fatigue. While these CAN be activated and kept in place before combat, some situations remove them before battle, and most people don't consider pre-buffing in battles so I don't note them as 'default' activated before a fight. Despite this, some modes are 'instant' and can be activated as a free action at anytime, while others (spell modal abilities) require a casting time to initiate.
- Talent/Spell CDs: All talents and spells have a 'CD' time that must pass before a move can be used again. This is usually longer than a duel will last.
- Timing/Turns: I used video-capturing software to get the time (down to tenths of a second) for the attacks/moves in Dragon Age that are relevant. I will list the 'time to effect' and 'total time', where 'total time' is the time from start of move until another move cna be started.    For turn 1 purposes, I will list the average 'initiative time' for damage actions, and the three-turn time (time till third action). NOTE: I added a one second 'close to melee' time for fighters on turn 1. This is both for distance and the annoying 'positioning' aspect.

- PC/Console differences: There are a few minor differences between PC and console versions of Dragon Age. Most of these don't matter for a stat topic but bow times deserve mention... on console they are more than twice as fast... Yeah..

- Enemy Stats assumed: 96.8 Atk, 60 Def, 50 Physical Resistance, 40 Mental Resistance, 18.4 Armor, 5 Armor Penetration, 53.6 physical 'damage'.

- Enemy types: There are 2 types of standard (non-boss) enemies: "Normal" and "Elite".
  -Normal enemies are the majority of enemies throughout the game. They have white names and are run-of-the-mill randoms.
  -Elite enemies are not bosses in their own right but tougher than 'normal' enemies. They have higher resists and status effects don't last as long.
   Elite enemies have yellow names and more Stats/Health/etc. This is usually what a non-generic enemy who is not a boss will be.
  -I considered Elite enemies for status hit-rates because at the very endgame most 'serious' non-OHKOable enemies are Elites. But I am using the-mill
   "Normal" enemy status durations. Dragon Age Origins increases status times when a PC is by themselves so to balance this out with Elites I am just
   considering the "Normal" enemy status times. Some status attacks have a perfect hit-rate when used on normal enemies. I'll note these.
- Equipment: Storebought 'generic' stuff with two exceptions:
  - A 'midrange' elemental damage increasing gauntlet for mages, and a +10% crit gauntlet for rogues.
  - Optimizing for 'Def' instead of "Armor" allows for Senior Enchanter's Robes and Dalish Boots (+9 Def total).
- Averages up top:
Health: 259.9
Defense: 66.4
Damage Taken from Physical: 41
Physical Resistance: 30.7
Mental Resistance: 24.1
Three-turn Damage: 286.7
Initiative Time: 2.24
3-Turn Time: 7.04
(IoW, 2.24s to an action is turn 1, then 2.4 seconds to the next action (Counting the winddown of a first action and the windup of a second) is average)
(Bear in mind that on turn 1 fighters expend 1 second to 'close to melee')

"What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I'm stranded somewhere without any pants."
Health: 290 (111.6%)
Stamina: 265
Str: 64
Dex: 26
Wil: 24
Mag: 12
Cun: 11
Con: 19
Attack: 101
Defense: 73 (22% Evade)
Missile Defense: 82 (31% evade)
Armor: 30.03
Damage Taken from Physical:   33.1 (1.24 modifier)
Physical Durability: 1.39
Physical Resistance: 42.5
Mental Resistance: 51.5
Armor Penetration: 4.6
Fatigue: 27.95%
Critical Hit Rate: 6.2%
Hit-Rate: 95%

Dragonbone Sword:    11.2 Base Dmg, 4.5 Armor Penetration, +3.2% Crit
Knight Commander Plate: 18.4 Armor, 26.25% Fatigue, +5 Willpower, +40% Spell Resistance, +10 Mental Resistance
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Helm: 3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Boots: 3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Gloves: 3.13 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Duncan's Shield: 12 Def, +9 Missile Def, +3 Willpower, +1 Stamina Regen/sec, 6% fatigue
Runic Worry Token: +1 Willpower, + 10 Mental Resistance

Relevant Skills: Master Combat Training, Massive Constitution

Physical Attack: 46 damage, 1.3sec to damage, 2sec total.

Talents: (costs include fatigue)
Overpower (38 Stamina, 20sec CD): 86 damage over 3 shield hits, third hit has a 104% chance of knocking down target. [Timing: .8s to dmg1, 1.3s to dmg2, 2.2s to dmg3, 2.9s total]
Assault (40 Stamina, 20sec CD): 100 damage over 4 hits. [Timing: .8s dmg1, 1.5s dmg2, 2.2s dmg3, 2.7s dmg4, 3.2s total]
Shield Pummel (28 stamina, 20sec CD): 144 damage over 3 hits (sword/shield/shield). +10 Atk/Accuracy. Last hit has a 104% chance of Stun for 4 seconds. [Timing: 0.8s to dmg1, 1.6s to dmg2, 2.5s to dmg3/stun, 3s total]
Shield Bash (32 Stamina, 20s CD): 41 damage, 104% chance of knockdown. [Timing: 1s to Knockdown, 1.6s total]
Holy Smite (89 mana, 40sec CD): ranged AoE attack deals 23 Spirit-element damage to target and 64% chance of 10sec Stun. Spellcasters take an additional 23 damage and 46 Mana damage if they get stunned. [Timing: 1.2s to dmg/stun, 2.2s total]
Cleanse Area: (51 Stamina, 30sec CD): Dispels all dispellable effects, no effect on user (though it can dispel area effects affecting user) [Timing: 1.2s to effect, 2.2s total]
Perfect Striking (77 stamina, 30s CD): +100 attack for 15 seconds. Instant.

Modal Abilities (all Instant):
Shield Wall: (55 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +5 Armor, +10 Def, +10 Missile Def
Shield Defense (35 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +15 Def, +10 Missile Def
Precise Striking (40 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): -10% Attack speed (base physical only), +13% Crit Rate.

Notable Passive Talents:
Powerful: +25 Health, -10% Fatigue
Bravery: +3.5% Crit, +3 Phys/Ment Resist, +1 Damage
Righteous Strike: Deals mana damage equal to 1/4th the physical damage dealt by regular physicals or Assault
Mental Fortress: +20 Mental Resistance

3-turn Average: 330
Close to Melee->Shield Pummel->Assault → Overpower   
Initiative Time: 2.6
Total Time: 9.4

Comments: Hard to damage, Hard to status, and has a NASTY chain of Knockdown/Stun on anything stupid enough to let him start whacking away. So Alistair can totally go Perfect Striking -> Shield Bash -> Overpower -> Shield Pummel -> Assault to a helpless target... Combine the durability with the difficulty in statusing (40% Spell Evasion, great resists!) and you have a Heavy.
 "You look upon the world around you and you think you know it well. I have smelled it as a wolf, listened as a cat, prowled shadows that you never dreamed existed."
Health: 175 (67.3%)
Mana: 290
Str: 20
Dex: 16
Wil: 21
Mag: 66
Cun: 12
Con: 12
Attack: 64
Defense: 58
(Missile Defense): 58
Armor: ~0
Damage Taken from Physical: 53.6 (0.766 Modifier)
Physical Durability: 0.5157598006
Physical Resistance: 9
Mental Resistance: 44.5
Armor Penetration: 35
Fatigue: 1.08%
Critical Hit Rate: N/A
Hit-Rate: N/A
Spellpower: 66

Rod of Heaven (or eq): +5 Spellpower, 6.0 Damage, 35 Armor Penetration
Robes of Posession: +5 Magic, +12 Def, +8% Spell Resistance, -1 Willpower, +20% Cold Damage
Spirit Gloves: 1 Armor, 1.08% Fatigue, +10% Spirit damage
No Boots/Helm (No point, Armor won't go above Armor Penetration)   
Wildstone Clasp: +1 WIllpower, +10 Mental Resistance

Relevant Skills: Master Combat Training, Master Herbalism, Massive Mana

Basic Staff Attack: 21.9 damage. Can be lightning/Fire/Ice/Nature.

Winter's Grasp (20 Mana, 8s CD): 72 Ice magic damage. 5% chance to freeze target for 2.5sec [Timing: 1.1s to Frost, 1.9s total]
Cone of Cold: (40 Mana, 15s CD): 68 Ice magic damage. Perfect never-fails Freeze for 10sec if spell hits. [Timing: 1.1s to damage/freeze, 2.2s total]
Lightning Bolt: (20 Manag, 8s CD): 50 Lightning damage to enemy Health AND stamina/Mana. [Timing: 1.1s to dmg, 1.3s total]
Mind Blast (20 Mana, 30s CD): 3 second stun, Always Succeeds barring stun immunity [Timing: 1.3s to stun, 2s total]
Force Field (40 Mana, 30s CD):Stops target from taking action, makes them immune to Damage for 18 seconds. Always works. [Timing: .6s to effect, 2.1s total]
Crushing Prison (60 Mana, 60s CD): Stops target from taking action for 9sec. Always works barring boss immunity. Deals 228 damage over those 9 seconds (Bosses take ~50% less and are not stopped). [Timing: .8s to effect, 2.1s total]
Vulnerability Hex (20 Mana, 20s CD): Target resistances reduced by 50%. +20% Mental status hit-rate too. 20 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Affliction Hex (40 Mana, 20s CD): Target and nearby foes resistances reduced by 33%. 20 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Misdirection Hex (45 Mana, 40s CD): All Target's hits will miss except for Critical Hits, which become regular. 20 seconds [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Death Hex (60 Mana, 60s CD): For 20 seconds all attacks against Target are critical hits. No synergy with Overwhelm. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Horror (40 Mana, 20s CD): 106% chance of immobilizing target with Fear for 10 seconds. [Timing: 1.8s to effect, 1.8s total]
Sleep (35 Mana, 50s CD): 106% chance of putting targets in AoE to sleep for 12 seconds. [Timing: 1.2s to effect, 1.7s total]
Drain Life (20 Mana, 10s CD): 37 draining Spirit-elemental damage. [Timing: .8s to effect, 2.2s total]
Curse of Mortality (40 Mana, 60s CD): Makes target immune to healing (but not regen spells) for 20 seconds. Deals 91 spirit damage in total over that time. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Death Cloud (50 Mana, 60s CD): Creates an AoE field that does 18 spirit every 2 seconds for 30 seconds... [Timing: 4.8s to effect, 5.3s total]
Bear Shape: 5.5s Transform time. Only all that valuable for the following
Rage (5 Mana, 60s CD): +10 Str, -15Def for 30sec.
Overwhelm (15 Mana, 60s CD): 11 physical attacks. Switching to a Maul before transform yields 295 damage against a human sized foe after Rage. Nothing to non-standard sized foes.

Flying Swarm Shape: Immune to arrows. 5.5s Transform time. 40% Evade to melee attacks. Deals ~33 Nature damage every 2 seconds to an AoE. Damage taken while in this form is subtracted from Mana. When Mana is depleted Morrigan shifts to human form...
SPELL COMBOS: Casting one spell after another yields the following FABULOUS bonuses!
Improved Drain [Vulnerability Hex + Life Drain]: Doubles power of drain (so 3x with Vuln Hex too).
Nightmare [Sleep + Horror]: 183 Spirit damage. No resistance check for Horror if Sleep is cast first.
Entropic Death [Death Hex + Death Cloud]: 365 spirit damage. Dispels Death Hex.
Shattering [Cone of Cold + Crushing Prison]: Instant Death. Perfect hit rate on "Normal" enemies. 25% vs. Elites.

Optimum Damage: 437
Winter's Grasp → Death Hex → Death Cloud (Entropic Death)   
Initiative Time: 1.1
3-Turn Time: 8.6

Comments: Oh sweet mother of god (SWIDT?). Morrigan can lay down a Force Field (Which works great even on magic immunes!) and line that up with a Debuff-fueled Nuke to smite something with >700 damage before it gets a chance to try anything again. That is even ignoring her plethora of brutal status, or her oppportunity to turn into a bear and kill something that magic won't. She'd have durability issues if Force Field wasn't so ridiculously fast to come out. Godlike.

*Happy Bark!*
Health: 269 (103.5%)
Mana: 94
Str: 64
Dex: 21
Wil: 14
Mag: 10
Cun: 10
Con: 16
Attack: 97.5
Defense: 56
(Missile Defense): 56
Armor: 10
Damage Taken from Physical: 50.1
Physical Durability: 0.85
Physical Resistance: 35.5
Mental Resistance: 2
Armor Penetration: 3
Fatigue: 0
Critical Hit Rate: 11.00%
Hit-Rate: 91.5

Mabari War Harness: +8 Armor, +2 Armor Penetration
Kaddis of the Trickster: +3 Damage

Alternate equips:   
Elemental Resistance Kaddis: 30% Cold/Electric/Fire/Nature/Physical/20% Nature+Spirit
Pure Bitch Braid: -2 Armor Penetration, +8 Attack

Basic Physical Attack: 48 damage [Timing: 0.8 sec to damage, 1.75 Sec total]

Growl (10 Stamina, 30s CD): -15 Def to target for 20 seconds, 114% Rate (Str vs. Mental). [Timing: 3s total]
Dread Howl (30 Stamina, 40s CD): 5sec Stun, 114% Rate (Str vs. Mental) [Timing: 1.9s to stun, 2.2s total]
Overwhelm (40 Stamina, 60s CD): Knocks foe down instantly and attacks 7x. Only works vs. Human sized enemies. 339 damage total. [Timing: 0.3s to knockdown(!), 8s total]
Charge (20 Stamina, 30s CD): 73 damage and Knocks down enemy at a 104% rate (if it hits) [Timing: 0.7s to dmg/knockdown, 1.7s total]
Shred (40 Stamina, 20s CD): 73 damage to target and twice that in bleeding damage over the next 10 seconds [Timing: 1.2s to dmg, 3s total]

Notable Passive Talents:               
Combat Training: +5% Crit, +5 Attack, +2 Armor
Fortitute: +10% Fire/Cold/Elec Resistance
Nemesis: +25 Health, +0.5 Health/Stamina Regen

Three-Turn Average: 195
Close to Melee-> Charge → Attack → Shred   
Initiative Time: 1.7
3-Turn Time: 5.65

Comments: Dog is not terribly impressive at hurting things that aren't human-sized. Charge, Shred, and Dread Howl work rather well together to kill a foe that can bleed. He can get some elemental resistances. Now let's talk about what Dog does to people.  Overwhelm is a brutally unfair way of taking them out. And it is really rather fast Heavy

"Dying while in the company of a lovely seductress... tell me that isn't a good death."
Health: 190 (73.1%)
Stamina: 220
Str: 18
Dex: 64
Wil: 18
Mag: 16
Cun: 29
Con: 10
Attack: 92
Defense: 113 (62% Evade)
(Missile Defense): 113
Armor: 0
Damage Taken from Physical: 53.6 (0.766)
Physical Durability: 0.56
Physical Resistance: 31
Mental Resistance: 26.5
Armor Penetration: 11.5
Fatigue: 1.66%
Critical Hit Rate: 4.6
Hit-Rate:   86%

Marjolaine's Recurve: 9.6 Damage, 8.8 Armor Penetration, +3 Cunning, +3 Damage, Rapid Aim, 1.6% Crit
Senior Enchanter's Robe:   +6 Defense, +2 Willpower, +2 Magic
Dalish Leather Boots: 2.25 Armor, 0.58% Fatigue, +3 Defense
Backhands: 1 Armor, 1.08% Fatigue, +10% Crit/Backstab damage
Seeker's Circle: +1 Cunning, +10 Mental Resistance

Armor Optimized: 14.3 Armor (Sacrifices 9 Def/2Wil/2Mag)

Skills: Master Stealing, Master Combat Training, Master Poison Making, Massive Cunning

Basic Physical: 38 damage [Timing: 1.2s to dmg, 1.6s total]

Pinning Shot (15 Stamina, 15s CD): 38 damage, pins target for 8.5sec (damage cancels pin). Perfect rate vs. Normal enemies, 69% vs. Elites. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Crippling Shot (25 Stamina, 10s CD): 38 damage (+20 Attack/accuracy). -10 Atk/Def on victim for 20 seconds. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Critical Shot (40 stamina, 10s CD): 63 damage, +10 Atk/Accuracy. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Arrow of Slaying (80 Stamina, 60s CD): 234 damage to non-bosses. Does 101 less to bosses. +30 Attack/Accuracy. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Shattering Shot (25 Stamina, 15s CD): 38 damage. -20 Armor to target for 20 seconds. Perfect knockdown on Normal enemies. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Scattershot (50 Stamina, 40s CD): 53 damage to target and surrounding enemies. Perfect rate stun for 2 seconds. [Timing: 3.6s to dmg, 4s total]
Dirty Fighting: (25 Stamina, 25s CD): Melee attack with perfect rate stun for 4 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to stun, 1.9s total]
Combat Stealth (10s CD): Goes into Stealth mode as a free action. This makes all ST attacks miss. Cancelled by action or bosses.

Modal Abilities:
Defensive Fire (40 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +30 Defense. +1.5sec to basic physical attacks.
Aim (35 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +15 Attack, +3 Damage, +5 AP, +3% Crit rate. +1.5s to basic physical attacks.
Suppressing Fire (60 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): All attacks reduce target's Attack stat (accuracy) by 7.5 for 10 seconds. Stacks.

Notable Passive Talents:            
Lethality: Allows Cunning to substitue for Strength in damage calculations (bows are ½ Str and ½ Dex)
Melee Archer: Prevents archer from being canceled out of a shot by damage.

3-turn: 208.8889990974
Arrow of Slaying → Basic Attack → Basic Attack   
Initiative Time: 3.6
3-turn Total: 6.8

Comments: Leliana is better on the console version of Dragon Age because arrow talents come out much faster. As it stands she is very slow at killing... but Arrow of Slaying is nice,  and Dirty Fighting, Defensive Fire, Suppressing fire, and her natural high evade help her a lot. When using talents she can use Defensive Fire/Aim without fear of consequence. Surprisingly good all things considered. High Middle

“Either you have an enviable memory, or a pitiable life, to know nothing of regret.”
Health: 260 (100%)
Stamina: 230
Str:   73
Dex:   18
Wil:   16
Mag:   11
Cun:   10
Con:   13
Attack: 101.5
Defense: 53
(Missile Defense): 53
Armor: 33.4
Damage Taken from Physical: 30.21 (1.36)
Physical Durability: 1.36
Physical Resistance: 40
Mental Resistance: 6.5
Armor Penetration: 14
Fatigue: 29%
Critical Hit Rate: 3.8%
Hit-Rate: 95.5%

Dragonbone Maul: 14.4 Base Damage, 14 Armor Penetration, 0.8% Critical
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Armor: 21.8 Armor, 27.3% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Helm: 3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Boots: 3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Gloves: 3.13 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue

Skills: Master Combat Training, Survival, Improved Herbalism, Combat Tactics, Massive Strength

Basic Physical Attack: 73 damage. [Timing: 2s to dmg, 2.55s total]

Sunder Armor (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 146 damage over 2 hits. -20 target armor for 20sec, 113% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s dmg1, 2s dmg2, 2.8s total]
Sunder Arms (32 Stamina, 10s CD): 146 damage over 2 hits. -10 target Atk for 10sec. 113% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s dmg1, 2s dmg2, 2.8s total]
Mighty Blow (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 106 damage crit hit. +10 Atk/accuracy. [Timing: 1.4s to dmg, 2.2s total]
Critical Strike (52 stamina, 60s CD): 106 damage crit hit. +5 Atk/Accuracy. Instant Death below 20%HP. [Timing: 1.4s to dmg, 2.2s total]
Pommel Strike (26 stamina, 10s CD): Knockdown, 113% rate. [Timing: 1.1s to impact, 1.9s total]
2-Handed Sweep (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 75 damage to nearby foes. Knockdown at 113% rate. [Timing: 1.6s to impact, 2.4s total]
Perfect Striking (77 stamina, 30s CD): +100 Attack for 15sec.

Modal Abilities:
Precise Striking (40 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): -10% Attack Speed (Base Phys only), +13% Crit rate
Powerful Swings (30 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +5 Damage/Hit, -5 Attack, -5 Defense
Indomitable (60 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +1 Damage/Hit, Knockdown and Stun Immunity

Notable Passive Talents:
Powerful: +25 Health, -10% Fatigue
Bravery: +3.5% Crit, +3 Phys/Ment Resist, +1 Damage
Stunning Blows: 50% Chance of Stun for 3 seconds when a Critical Hit occurs.
Destroyer: -5 Armor to target for 3 seconds on a critical hit. Fairly worthless.
Shattering Blows: Supposed to add 32 damage/Hit to 'Constructs' like Golems/Trees/Undead... Bugged and does nothing!

Three-Turn Average: 399
Mighty Blow → Sunder Armor → Sunder Arms   
Initiative Time: 2.4
3-turn Total: 8

Comments: STEN SMASH! Really he's just a hard hitter with Knockdown. He can hang in High Middle.

“I will not lie motionless in a bed with coverlets up to my chin, waiting for death to claim me.”
Health: 260
Mana: 340
Str: 14
Dex: 14
Wil: 31
Mag: 43
Cun: 16
Con: 29
Attack: N/A
Defense: 44
(Missile Defense): 44
Armor: 10
Damage Taken from Physical:   50.1 (0.82)
Physical Durability:   0.82
Physical Resistance: 13.5
Mental Resistance: 30
Armor Penetration: 35
Fatigue:   3.80%
Critical Hit Rate: N/A
Hit-Rate: N/A

Rod of Heaven (or eq): +5 Spellpower, 6.0 Dmg, 35 AP, Electric/Fire/Ice/Nature/Physical
Hardened Leather Armor: 6 Armor, 2.15% Fatigue
Hardened Leather Helm: 1.5 Armor
Hardened Leather Boots: 1.5 Armor, 0.54% Fatigue
Charged Mitts (or eq): 1 Armor, 1.08% Fatigue, +10% Electric Damage
Silver Apron: +2 Magic

Alternate Equips:
Def-Optimized (Senior Enchanter Robe/Dalish Boots): -6.5 Armor, +9 Def, +2 Willpower, +2 Magic

Skills: Master Combat Tactics, Master Herbalism

Staff attack: 22 damage. [Timing: 1.3s to damage, 1.7s total]
VotS Staff Attack: 44 damage.

Winter's Grasp (21 Mana, 8s CD): 51 ice damage, 5% Chance of freeze for 2.5sec [Timing: 1.1s to Frost, 1.9s total]
Arcane Bolt (16 Mana, 6s CD): 43 spirit damage. [Timing: 1.4s to Damage, 1.7s total]
Group Heal (42 Mana, 20s CD): 72 healing to all party members. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Revival (62 Mana, 120s CD): Revives with 43 HP [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Lifeward (57 Mana, 30s CD): 43 healing to target when it drops below 33% HP. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Stonefist (31 Mana, 15s CD): 43 physical (ITD) damage. 83% Knockdown Rate [Timing: 1.2s to effect, 1.5s total]
Earthquake (42 Mana, 40s CD): Knockdown anything that moved in AoE every 4s, 83% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Petrify (42 Mana, 40s CD): Petrifies one for 20 seconds. 83% Rate. [Timing: 1.2s to effect, 1.5s total]
Heal: (21 Mana, 5s CD): 57 healing to one. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Rejuvenate: (26 Mana, 45s CD): Restores 8 Mana every 2 seconds. 10Sec Duration [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Regeneration: (26 Mana, 5s CD): Restores 29 Health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Mass Rejuvenation: (42 Mana, 90 CD): Restores 5 mana every 2 seconds for 15 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Glyph of Paralysis (26 Mana, 40s CD): Paralyzes whomever is in Glyph. 83% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Glyph of Warding (42 Mana, 30s CD): +30 Defense, +30 Missile Def, +50 Mental Res for 20seconds to allies [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Glyph of Repulsion (36 Mana, 30s CD): Flings and knocks down enemies inside or entering Glyph. 83% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Glyph of Neturalization (62 Mana, 60s CD): -100,000 Mana to anyone in or entering Glyph.  Dispels effects inside Glyph. No casting possible inside Glyph. Magic Immunity to those inside. Can be used defensively or offensively [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Heroic Offense (21 Mana, 5s CD): +14 Attack/accuracy to one for 20 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Heroic Aura (31 Mana, 5s CD): +30 Missile Deflection for 20 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Heroic Defense (42 Mana, 10s CD): +29 Def and +14% Elemental resists for 20 seconds. +5% Fatigue too. [Timing: 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total]
Spell Combos:
Paralysis Explosion ( Repulsion + Paralysis Glyphs): 20 sec paralysis to all in area (7.5 Meters). No resistance check. Can be tagged onto the end of a GoP Paralysis to extend it...
Shattering (Petrify + Stonefist): Perfect Instant Death to 'Normal' enemies. 25% to Elites.

Modal Abilities: (Spell modal abilities have to be 'cast' and are not instant. 1.1s to effect, 1.9s total)
Rock Armor (40 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +11.25 Armor (+12.25 Armor if activated under VotS)
Arcane Shield (30 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +14 Def.
Vessel of the Spirit (60 Upkeep, 15% Fatigue): Activating this knocks down nearby enemies. Instantly restores all Health/Mana. Increases Spellpower by 62(!).Restores 10 Mana every 2 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds. At the end of which Wynne suffers -20 Def for 30 seconds. 300sec Cooldown. Most spells are improved by 43%. Status rates go up by 62% (!).

Three-Turn Average: 137
Stonefist → Arcane Bolt → Winter's Grasp   
Initiative Time: 1.2
3-Turn Time: 4.3

Comments: Wynne has unfortunate damage and physical durability. She makes up for this by owning the MP-reliant, having status, having a couple defensive games (including Melee immunity), and having an OPB fullrestore that buffs her. Combined with the fact that she is rather fast at it all, I think she can parlay this into a Heavy ranking.

"Death happens," as we like to say. And when I get paid for it, death happens more often."
Health: 190 (73.1%)
Stamina: 220
Str:   44
Dex:   46
Wil:   20
Mag:   14
Cun:   15
Con:   10
Attack:   101
Defense:   91 (40% evade)
(Missile Defense):   91
Armor:   30.7
Damage Taken from Physical:   32.5 (1.26)
Physical Durability: 0.923
Physical Resistance: 38
Mental Resistance: 9.5
Armor Penetration: 5.2
Fatigue: 36.18
Critical Hit Rate: 22.9

Dragonbone Sword:   11.2 Base Dmg, 4.5 Armor Penetration, +3.2% Crit
Dragonbone Sword:   11.2 Base Dmg, 4.5 Armor Penetration, +3.2% Crit
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Armor: 21.8 Armor, 27.3% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Helm: 3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Backhands: 1 Armor, 1.08% Fatigue, +10% Crit/Backstab damage
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Boots: 3.13 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Mixed Metal Rounds: +2 Dexterity

Alternate equips:   
Def-Optimized:   +9 Def, -16.4 Armor
Dragonbone Daggers: 6.4 Base Damage, +4.8% Crit, 8 Armor Penetration
Dalish Leather Boots: -2 Armor, +4% Spell resistance (for status resistance maybe?)

Skills: Master Combat training, Master Poison-Making, Survival, Massive Dexterity

Basic Physical attack: 21 damge (24 with crits) [1.1s to dmg, 1.4s total]
Backstab: 37 damage
Dual-Striking: 41 damage over two hits. 1/3rd chance of a dual-attack having no effect. Same timing
(Dagger/Sword Dual Striking): 37 damage. [0.8s to dmg, 1s total]. 1/3rd chance of dual-attack having no effect.

Punisher ( 68 Stamina, 40s CD): 121 damage over 4 hits (2 regular, 2 crits). Each hit can inflict -10 Atk/Def as a debuff (but this won't stack). It is an 84% rate for each if it hits. The very last hit can inflict knockdown (84% Rate). [Timing: .9s dmg1, 1.5s dmg2, 2.3s dmg3/4/KD, 2.6s total ]
Riposte (54 Stamina, 20s CD): 48 damage over two hits. The first hit can stun target for 4 seconds (55% rate). If the stun lands, then the second hit is a critical, dealing a total of 61 damage. [Timing: .6s to dmg1/stun, .9s to dmg 2, 1.4s total ]
Flurry (54 Stamina, 20s CD): 73 damage over three hits. [Timing: dmgs at .9s, 1s, 1.4s, 2.3s total ]
Cripple (48 Stamina, 30s CD): 37 damage critical hit. (+5 Atk/Accuracy). 86% chance of target suffering -10 Atk/Def for 10sec. [Timing: .8s to effect, 1.5s total ]
Dual-Weapon Sweep (27 Stamina, 15s CD): 62 physical damage in two hits. Can not miss or crit. [Timing: .6s to damage, 1.3s total ]
Dirty Fighting (34 Stamina, 25s CD): Perfect rate stun for 4 seconds. [Timing: 1.1s to stun, 1.9s total]
Mark of Death (54 Stamina, 60s CD): Target takes 1.2x damage for 20 seconds [Timing: 1.9s Total]
Combat Stealth (10s CD): Goes into Stealth mode as a free action. This makes all ST attacks miss. Cancelled by action or bosses.

Modal Abiltiies:
Momentum (50 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): Reduces time for basic melee attacks by 30% (1second becomes 0.7s, etc).
Dual-Striking (50 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): Makes user attack with both weapons simultaneously instead of one at a time. The weapons can not crit or inflict backstabs. Due to a bug, 1/3rd of all attack strings in this mode will do nothing.
Notable Passive Talents:               
Evasion: 20% Chance to dodge any attack (Checked before regular evade). If evaded, the attack has a 50% chance to cancel Zevran's current action
Lethality: +10% Melee Crit rate, Can use Cunning instead of Str for damage (doesn't apply here)
Coup-De-Grace: +1% Meele crit rate, All hits against stunned foes are backstabs (Critical Hits)
Dual-Weapon Finesse: +5 Atk/Def when using two weapons
Dual-Weapon Expert:   +2.5% Melee Crit Rate, Hits maintain 1 damage/second bleed on target.

Three-Turn Average: 231
Close-to-Melee->Riposte->Punisher->Dual-Weapon Sweep   
Initiative Time: 1.9
Total Time: 5.6

Comments: Zevran has some evade, some status, and can whore out stealth to annoy things. With Momentum and Dirty Fighting he can sneak some rapid backstabs into his fighting style but his money move remains Punisher. The knockdown effect on it is just gravy. Considering his few tricks he probably works in High Middle. Doesn't like bosses.

"If you've ever heard of me before, it's probably all been about how I piss ale and murder little boys who look at me wrong. And that's mostly true..."
Health:   320 (123.1%)
Stamina: 250
Str: 58
Dex: 18
Wil: 20
Mag: 14
Cun: 15
Con: 23
Attack: 94
Defense: 53
(Missile Defense): 53
Armor: 33.4
Damage Taken from Physical: 30.21 (1.36 mod)
Physical Durability: 1.6732987373
Physical Resistance: 47.5
Mental Resistance: 12.5
Armor Penetration: 14.7
Fatigue: 29
Critical Hit Rate: 3.8
Hit-Rate: 88%

Dragonbone Maul   14.4 Base Damage, 14 Armor Penetration, 0.8% Critical
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Armor   21.8 Armor, 27.3% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Helm   3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Boots   3.75 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
Dragonbone Heavy Plate Gloves   3.13 Armor, 3.9% Fatigue
One for the Ditch   +1 Constitution, +10 Physical Resist

Skills: Master Combat Training, Master Combat Tactics, Massive Constitution

Basic physical attack: 62 damage [Timing: 2s to dmg, 2.55s total]

Sunder Armor (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 124 damage over 2 hits. -20 target armor for 20sec, 98% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s dmg1, 2s dmg2, 2.8s total]
Sunder Arms (32 Stamina, 10s CD): 124 damage over 2 hits. -10 target Atk for 10sec. 98% Rate. [Timing: 1.1s dmg1, 2s dmg2, 2.8s total]
Mighty Blow (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 89 damage crit hit. +10 Atk/accuracy. [Timing: 1.4s to dmg, 2.2s total]
Critical Strike (52 stamina, 60s CD): 89 damage crit hit. +5 Atk/Accuracy. Instant Death below 20%HP. [Timing: 1.4s to dmg, 2.2s total]
Pommel Strike (26 stamina, 10s CD): Knockdown (ignores evade), 98% rate. [Timing: 1.1s to impact, 1.9s total]
2-Handed Sweep (52 Stamina, 20s CD): 64 damage to nearby foes. Knockdown at 98% rate. [Timing: 1.6s to impact, 2.4s total]
Final Blow (6 Stamina, 60s CD): 62 normal attack damage, and all stamina is consumed. Stamina consumed/2 is added to damage. [Timing: 1.5s to dmg, 2.6s total]

Modal Abilities:
Berserk (20 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): This takes 2 seconds to activate. +8 Damage/Hit, +10 Mental Resistance, +1.5 Health/Sec Regen.
Precise Striking (40 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): -10% Attack Speed (Base Phys only), +13% Crit rate
Powerful Swings (30 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +5 Damage/Hit, -5 Attack, -5 Defense
Indomitable (60 Upkeep, 5% Fatigue): +1 Damage/Hit, Knockdown and Stun Immunity

Notable Passive Talents:               
Powerful: +25 Health, -10% Fatigue
Bravery: +3.5% Crit, +3 Phys/Ment Resist, +1 Damage
Stunning Blows: 50% Chance of Stun for 3 seconds when a Critical Hit occurs.
Destroyer: -5 Armor to target for 3 seconds on a critical hit. Fairly worthless.
Shattering Blows: Supposed to add 32 damage/Hit to 'Constructs' like Golems/Trees/Undead... Bugged and does nothing!

Three-Turn Average: 338
Mighty Blow → Sunder Armor → Sunder Arms   
Initiative Time: 2.4
3-turn Total: 8

Comments: Oghren is physically tanky (though can't dodge well) and hits hard. His MO in a duel is to use Knockdown and kill with Sunder Arms -> Final Blow. Unlike Sten he lacks Perfect Striking but it is still a relatively solid strategy. High Middle.
"Now, let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?"
Health:   385
Stamina:   220
Str: 63
Dex: 22
Wil: 14
Mag: 14
Cun: 14
Con: 38
Attack: 92.5
Defense: 57
(Missile Defense): 57
Armor: 26.5
Damage Taken from Physical: 36.075 (1.14)
Physical Durability: 1.69
Physical Resistance: 49.5
Mental Resistance: 34
Armor Penetration: 10.6
Fatigue: 18.6%
Critical Hit Rate: 7.3%
Hit-Rate: 86.5%

Equipment: (Set bonus, +10% Spirit Res)   
Small Brilliant Spirit Crystal: 8 base dmg, 8 AP, 0.8% crit, +3 Str/Dex/Wil/Mag/Cun/Con, +2 AP, +30% Spirit Dmg, Melee attacks are spirit element.
Large Brilliant Spirit Crystal: 22.5 Armor, 28.6% Fatigue, +1 Str/Dex/Wil/Mag/Cun/Con, +50% Spirit Resistance, +16% Spell Resistance, +25 Mental Res

All alternate Small/Large crystals have the same base dmg/AP/crit and Armor/Fatigue as above.
Alternate equips: (Matching Small/Large of the same element gives +10% Resistance to that element)   
Small Brilliant Fire Crystal   +5% Crit, +5 Damage, +30% Fire Damage, Melee Attacks are Fire element
Small Brilliant Ice Crystal   +3 Armor Penetration, +15% Crit damage, +30% Cold damage, Melee attacks are ice/cold
Small Brilliant Lightning Crystal   +6 Dex, +10 Attack, +30% Electric damage, Melee attacks are lightning element
Small Brilliant Nature Crystal   +6 Con, +6 Health regen/sec, +30% Nature damage, Melee attacks are Nature element
Large Brilliant Fire Crystal   +4 Str, +9 Def, +50% Fire Res, +3 Stamina regen/sec
Large Brilliant Ice Crystal    1.25 Health regen/sec, +15 Def, +50% Cold Resistance
Large Brilliant Lightning Crystal   +4 Dex, +50% Electrical Resistance, +15% Dodge, +15% Missile Dodge
Large Brilliant Nature Crystal:   +2 Con, +4 Armor, +50% Nature Res, +25 Physical Resistance

Skills: Massive Strength

Basic Physical Attack: 62 damage. (80 with Pulverizing Blows). [Timing: 1s to dmg, 1.7s total]

Talents: (Shale must be in the appropriate mode to use the 3 talents listed below it.
Pulverizing Blows Mode: +11 Damage/hit, +3 AP, -10 Def. [Timing: 1.3s total to activate]
Slam (24 Stamina, 20s CD): 108 damage and knocks foe BACK (not as good as knockdown). [Timing: 1.7s to effect, 2.7s total]
Quake (47 Stamina, 40s CD): 129 physical damage over 3 hits. Ignores armor. [Timing: .8s dmg1, 1.3s dmg2, 2s dmg 3, 2.2s total]
Killing Blow (71 Stamina, 120s CD): 108 damage. Consumes all stamina after base cost. 50% is added to damage. [Timing: 1.8s to effect,  2.5s total]

Stoneheart Mode: +12 Armor, +20% Element Res's, +6 HP/Sec regen, +3 Stamina/Sec [Timing: 1.3s total to activate]
Bellow (30 Stamina, 30s CD): 5 second stun to an area, 113% rate (Mental res vs. Strength) [Timing: 1.2s to effect, 1.5s total]
Stone Roar (59 Stamina, 40s CD): Makes enemies target Shale.
Regenerating Burst (95 stamina, 90s CD): 61 damage and 5 second stun to nearby foes (103% rate) [Timing: 3.9s to effect, 4.4s total]

Rock Mastery Mode: +40 Missile Deflection, -5 Armor, -10% Crit Chance [Timing: 1.3s total to activate]
Hurl Rock (36 Stamina, 20s CD): 107 damage to an area. Knockdown to targets (103% rate). [Timing: 3.6s to effect,  4.4s total]
Earthen Grasp (59 Stamina, 40s CD): Enemies in AoE are immobilized for 10 seconds (including bosses). 103% rate. [Timing: 2.1s to effect, 2.3s total]
Rock Barrage (71 Stamina, 60s CD): Sets a field of falling rocks. targets hit (including Shale) are knocked down at a 103% rate. Each rock does 61 damage. Field lasts for 20 seconds. [Timing: 3s total, 3.3s to effect (Shale is freed up before damage)]

Stone Aura Mode: +15 Armor, +25% Spell Resistance, -50 Def, -5 Stamina/Sec, Shale is immobilized. Party gains the following: +10 Attack, +10 Def, +10 Spellpower, +5% Crit, +3 AP, +3 Damaage, +4 Stamina/Mana regen/sec, +6 Health regen/sec, +4% Spell Resistance.  Enemies within range suffer -5 Attack/-5 Def

Perfect Striking (77 stamina, 30s CD): +100 attack for 15 seconds. Instant.

Notable Passive Talents:               
Powerful: +25 Health, -10% Fatigue
Bravery: +3.5% Crit, +3 Phys/Ment Resist, +1 Damage

Three-Turn Average: 303
Pulverizing Blows → Close to Melee → Quake → Killing Blow   
Initiative Time: 3.3
3-Turn Time: 8

Comments: Having to activate a mode before starting to attack is annoying. Fortunately Shale has enough in the way of options to overcome that. Shale can get great elemental resistance, can incapacitate foes for long enough to kill them, and has solid damage/status res. Middle/Heavy?

RPG Stats Forum / Arc The Lad 2 (Updated Mechanics)
« on: August 21, 2015, 03:49:48 AM »
Arc the Lad 2:

- Redoing this topic with some more well-known mechanics now.

-Levels taken around 100. A little higher or lower for some depending on initial EXP and what their level-rate is (e.g. Elc/Poco/Lieza level fast, Gogen levels slow).

- I'll be including the non-human PCs because they are PCs in every sense including equippable armor. The exception is Paundit, who can't equip armor and probably wants a form that no one would recognize as being Paundit (he'd rather be an Undead Werewolf...)

- Stats:
HP: Lose em and all of humanity dies instead of just ALMOST all of humanity.
MP: USed for special abilities of all types, physical/magical/non-typed.
Atk: Physical attack power. Used for basic physical attacks and specials
Def: Defense stat. Used to reduce damae from basic physicals and physical special attacks (this is done in different ways though)
Mag: Magic stat. Increases damage and healing done with magic, and can reduce incoming magic damage.
Agility: Stat for determining turn-order. No doubles are possible and all actions are decied when the turn actually comes up, so this is only good for initiative. While AtL2 is an SRPG, almost all fights have enemies 'in-range' turn 1 so this does matter.
Physical Durability: How good a PC is at taking physical damage. 200% = PC can take twice as much physical damage as an average PC. This includes HP.
Magical Durability: Same as above but for magic. Higher = better.
Evade rate: Chance to fully evade a physical attack.
Block rate: Chance to reduce an incoming physical attack to 10% damage.

Accuracy: Chance to NOT be evaded.
Precision: Chance that an enemy does NOT block (reduce damage to 10%)

-Note that stats do in fact have hidden fractional parts (i.e. agility can be '21.4') and these fractional parts do matter. I'll be listing them.

-Some PC's can 'Charge' their physical. Using a Charge skill gives +1 Charge to the Charge gauge, which goes up to 7. Charge level effect on basic physical attack damage goes as 1.75x/2x/2.25x/2.5x/4x/4.5x/6x. A physical attack after Charge ignores Evade (but not Blocking). Counterattacks do not use the Charge (or get it's benefits).

-Some mechanics information for the curious:

1. Basic attack damage.
Base: (Atk Stat / 2  + (Tech_Level * Innate Atk/16) ) * 1.25
Additional: Atk Stat * 1.5 + (Tech_Level * Innate Atk * 3/16) – Def*1.5
Where Tech_Level is a number from 0-7, and the chance of each depends on weapon skill. At weapon level 13, the average is ~2.5
Innate Attack is the attack stat without equipment on.
Base damage is ITD, but enemy def can zero out the 'additional damage' part.

2. Magical Special attack.
Magic X 2.395 X Move Mult (Usually 1) x (1 + MP_used/100) x Defense Mult * 0.5
Where Defense Mult is:
100% + (Attacker's Mag – Defender's Mag) * 2.5% . Value Min/Max is 50%/150%

3. Physical Special attack:
Attack X 2.395 X Move Mult (Usually 1) x (1 + MP_used/100) x Defense Mult * 0.5
Where Defense Mult is:
100% + (Attacker's Mag – Defender's Defense) * 2.5% . Value Min/Max is 50%/150%
Yes, physical specials are comparing Attacker Mag to Defender Def.

4. Physical attack accuracy.
  -Chance to Dodge an attack is Base Rate + (Defender_Level - Attacker_Level)/2.
  -Chance to Block an attack (1/10th damage) is Base Rate + (Defender_Level - Attacker_Level)/2.
  - Base rates vary from PC to PC.

5. Status accuracy.
   -Chance to inflict status = Base Rate + (Attacker_Level - Defender_Level).
   Base rate is determined only by the type of status it is, not by any other factors.

6. Status duration.
   -Status duration for abilites is determined by the level of the ability used. Level 2 gets +1 turn duration, Level 3 gets +2 turns duration. Durations will be listed.

7. - 'Divide' skill notes: The Divide skill is special in that it drains a percentage of the target's CHP to the user, or the user's Mag*1.25, whichever is greater. The kicker is that it works on bosses, and the % of CHP is based on the target's Magic stat relative to the user's. It does 26%, 52%, 77%, or 100% when the Atk Mag > Def Mag by a factor of 1, 2, 3, and 4. I'll explain what this means for the 3 PCs with the spell, but basically one would need a lot of Mdef to reduce the base (26%) draining, but it takes nary a peep of below average Mdef to start losing 52% of your health to the spell per casting.

-Elemental Resistances. Every PC has a 20% resistance to their own innate element. There is no corresponding innate weakness to an opposing element!

-Jump/Counter/Catch/Throw: All PCs counter basic physicals with their own. But these counters do not benefit from Charge.

-Equipment: Allowed storebought equipment at maximum levels. This seems fair enough. Allowing L13 for weapon proficiency levels. No smithing on extra abilities as that can be headachy as to what is optimal. Not allowing the PCs to equip magic apples (+75% physical damage...) because honestly that is so obscure as to be comical. Allowing a 21 Def armor for both men and women (Slayer Suit for men, Illusion Robe +0 for women). There is a slightly better one for men but it is considerably costlier in my estimation. I'm not allowing any rare drops, as they are just the right combination of annoyingly hard to get, obscure, and something everyone wants something from.

- Status resistance: Every PC can equip a Cure-All (storebought healing item) that has 1 def and grants status (but not Instant Death) immunity. I'll list what this does to physical durablity when it is opted for. It's worth noting that equipment can be changed on the PC's turn as a free action, which may impact how this could be used.

- As far as 'innate' status/ID resistance goes, it varies with Level. I'll list how much they add/subtract from incoming status rates. Add this to their "Status Type" which describes their innate status resistances/weaknesses.

-Add-On Skills: Allowing the Mother Claire add-on skills. They are available throughout the game and each PC has their own unique lists. Note that only two skills are possible at any one time, but they can be swapped up. I'll underline what I think ought be default. Also note that I am only allowing the "base" levels of these skills... so if they come at L2, I don't allow the PC the L3 version.

-Dieckbeck: I'm including the optional robot Dieckbeck, with the best of his power units that are gotten from the Sealed Ruins... but not the one gotten from the Undersea Shrine. It is difficult to trigger the event that unlocks this. I've played the game several times (insert snide comments here) and only gotten the thing to trigger once. He is still pretty decent without it.

-Status notes:
1. Invincible: PC is immune to damage, status, weapon-breaking, and anything else you might think of, including positive things like healing and buffing. Since AtL2 doesn't have a proper Dispel, there is no testing that against it directly.
2. Magic Shield: Cancel one incoming special (either physical/magic, good or bad).
3. Poison: Does random damage between 0-10% of max HP/turn. Reduces Atk/Def by 15%
4.Paralysis: Can't take action. Can't dodge. Can't evade.
5. Confusion: Just move around in a random direction on your turn. No attacking or specials possible. Counters still happen.
6. Sleep: No action/evade/block possible. Wake upon taking damage.
7. Silence: Special abilities can't be used (whether physical/magical/untyped).
8. Petrify: No actions possible for the duration of Petrify. Defense x1.5.
9. Stat buffs: +25% of the base stat. Agility is +50%, but can only serve to shift turn order and can't grant doubles, so usually worthless in a 1v1 fight.
10. Stat debuffs: -25% of the base stat. Agility is -50%, but can only serve to shift turn order and can't grant doubles.
11. Weak Enemy: The contribution of levels to stats is reduced to 1/4th. This does not affect level's contribution to accuracy/evade/status resistance. It does tank stats (especially offensive stats) to laughable levels. It also nerfs Agility, which has the useful feature of allowing the Weak-Enemy inflicter to 'lap' the inflictee right after applying it (but if it wears off, the inflictee will then 'lap' the inflicter before it can be re-applied, so the inflicter would want to re-apply it while it was still active).

-Averages up top:
HP: 271
MP: 204
Atk: 77.7
Def: 67.5
Mag: 43.1
Agi: 24.1 (stdev 1.97)
Evade: 9%
Blocking:  6%
Accuracy: 83%
Precision: 74%

Damage Average: 128.8 (KO point of 322)

(Note: I need to figure the exact mechanics of Mind Buster against lowish to average Mdef)

Level: 100 (+1.44% to status odds)
HP: 225 (83.1%)
MP: 116
Atk: 45.8 (92.8 equipped)
Def: 69.6
Mag: 42.6
Agi: 23.2 (-.44 stdev)
Evade: 4.5%
Block: 10.75%
Status Typage: -7% Hit-rate to 'nuisance' status like Silence/Poison, -12% to debilitating status.

Spirit Blade (+47 Atk)
Brave Crest (+5 Def, +5MP/turn)
Slayer Suit (21 Def)

Physical Durability: 91.9%
Magical Durability: 83.7%

Accuracy: 84.55%
Precision: 76%
Physical: 142 (94 average damage)

Burn Ground (8/16/32MP): magic fire damage 66/71/81
Gale Flash(8/16/32MP): magic Light damage 66/71/81
Meteor Fall (8/16/32MP): magic earth damge 66/71/81
Tornado (10/20/40MP): magic wind damage 67/73/86
Magic Shield (8/24/72MP): Cancels one special move (beneficial or harmful) on the target, Lasts 2/3/4 turns
Weak Enemy (4/8/16MP): Reduces enemy base stats to ~33%, lasts 3/4/5 turns
Slow Enemy (2/4/8 MP): Reduces enemy Aglity by 50%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns
Total Healing (8/16/32 MP): Heals 213 HP and removes all negative status effects.

Add-On skills:
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns. (Increase magic damage by 35%, healing by 25%)
Expand Range
Fire Storm (6/14/32MP): Magic fire damage, 65/70/81
Explosion (10/20/40MP): Magic Fire damage, 67/73/86
Invincible (8/24/72MP): Renders user Invincible for 1/2/3 turns.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Weak Enemy: 291% Pdur, 426% Mdur, x1.2 magic damage, x1.43 physical damage.
Weak Enemy + Might Mind: 445% Mdur, x1.56 Magic damage.
Might Mind: 99.3% Mdur, x1.35 damage.

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 85.9%
(Cure All + Brave Crest): 63.8%

Comments: Arc catches a break in getting Invincible and the Brave Crest, letting him put out some good damage with impunity (~751 average physical damage, but only ~395 magic damage...). He also has the "Weak Enemy" Spell, which is a nice always-works way to completely trash enemy stats on non-bosses. See the Weak Enemy stat entry for details on the 'turn lapping' dynamic, but know that it is NOT a good idea to let Arc put out Weak Enemy unless you bring Instant Death to bear on him. Even if Arc is opting for a Cure-All, he'll still mock physical damage if the target has Weak-Enemy.  Arc can heal for a long time while countering physical attacks, and he has a tiny bit of status resistance. His durability and speed are lacking, which is his major flaw considering the skillset puts him so high up in ranking. Heavy/Godlike

Level:  108( -6.5% to status odds)
HP: 240 (88.6%)
MP: 232
Atk: 45.8 ( 92.8 equipped)
Def: 52.4
Mag: 74.2
Agi: 24.4 ( +0.166 stdev)
Evade: 8.5%
Block: 14.75%
Element: Water (20% resistance to Ice/Water)
Status Typage:
+12% Hit-rate for inflicting fire-weakness
-50% hit-rate for inflicting water/ice weakness

Microbomber: 47 Atk [Can opt for the Panic Wave for a Confusion chance]
Music Book: +7 Def, +6 Mag
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 71.2%
Magical Durability: 140.2%

Accuracy: 87.7%
Precision: 71.9%
Physical: 142 water elemental damage ( 102 average damage)
[60.7 water damage with a 40% chance to inflict confusion if attack isn't evaded, 35.1% Effective]

Battle Drum (4/8/16MP): Increases base Atk by 25% (physical up 22%). Lasts 3/4/5 turns
Lion Drum (8/16/32MP): 145/145/165 magic damage to a line
Cheer Trumpet (8/16/32 MP): 162/174/198 magic damage to a single-target.
Atrophy Horn (10/20/40MP): 137/150/175 magic damage to an area
Healing Harp (4/12/36MP): 371 healing (Level increases range/area)
Mind Buster (8/16/32MP):
Speed Ocarina (4/8/16MP): Increases Agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Orchestra Hit (8/16/32MP): 135/145/165 magical damage to an area

Add-On skills:
Jump High
Jump Low
Ice Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Ice/water damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Diamond Dust (8/16/32MP): 135/145/165 ice magic damage
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns. Damage up 30%. Mdur up to 167.7%
Blizzard (10/20MP): 137/150 Ice magic damage

Buffed Notes:
Might MInd: Magic Damage x1.3, Mdur up to 167.7%

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 64.7% Pdur
(Cure All + Music Book): 52.6% Pdur

Without the Music Book, Poco's magic damage is 90%,  Mdur down to 132.9% (1.19/1.6 Might Mind)

Comments: Poco is pretty solid. Has good 2HKO damage, can buff that damage up along with his magic durability, has healing and MP busting. His physical attack is actually okay, which works well with the counter game. His big obvious flaw is the bad physical durability. He'll often just be heal-locked by a physical until something goes awry for him. But the counters and healing might make that work in his favor, as well as a chance to block/evade. Note that the Panic Wave can NOT inflict confusion on counters. A decent high Middle.

Level: 100 ( +1.44% to status odds)
HP: 225 (83%)
MP: 116
Atk: 66.4 ( 113.4 equipped)
Def: 68.6
Mag: 24.6
Agi: 24 ( -0.04 stdev)
Evade: 17%
Block: 0% (-1.75%)
Element: Fire, 20% resistance to fire.
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for Lowering Jump Level, -50% Hit-rate for lowering counter-attacks

Spirit Blade: +47 Atk
Yukari Crest: +5 Def, +1 Charge at the start of every turn including the first.
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 90.5%
Magical Durability: 65.7%

Accuracy: 84.6%
Precision: 76%
Physical:  199 fire elemental damage [348 with innate Charge], ( 273 average damage)

Ouka-Raibaku-Zen (8/16/32MP): 84/90/103 Physical special damage to one.
Jubabkuken (6/12/24MP): 26/28/31 magic damage. 49% chance of paralysis for 2/3/4 turns
Shinku-Zen (8/16/32MP): 84/90/103 physical damage to one, ranged.
Koei-Zen (8/16/32MP): 84/90/103 physical damage to one, 61% chance of def-down for 3/4/5 turns
Toha-Zen (8/16/32 MP): 26/28/31 Magic damage.Disables target's weapon for 3/4/5 turns
Kishino (16/31/64MP): Stores damage taken for 1/2/3 turns.
Ryugaken (31MP): Releases damage stored by Kishino. Kishino can store damage indefinitely even through multiple uses/fights/deaths until it is released by Ryugaken.
Monji Slash (8/24/72MP): 26/31/43 magic damage. Reduces all base enemy stats to 35% for 2/3/4 turns.

Add-On skills:
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Speed Down
Expand Range
Fire Storm (6/14/32MP): 26/28/33 Magic fire damage
Explosion (10/20/40MP): 27/30/35 Magic Fire Damage
Swing (8/16/32MP): 87/94/107 Physical damage

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Target under Weak Enemy: 291% Pdur, x1.31 physical damage, 301% Mdur, x1.56 magic damage, x1.97 physical special damage.

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 84%
(Cure All + Yukari Crest): 62.8%

TOSH SMASH. His first turn damage is OHKO-level and ITE... albeit if he spams this he's going to be Blocked fairly quickly. If he sees a turn and he doesn't OHKO a target he'll want to use Monji Slash to inflict Weak-Enemy, nerfing the target's stats in a most brutal way. To add insult to injury, Tosh accumulates an extra level of Charge when he does this. This means when Tosh uses Monji Slash he's likely to follow it up with a horrifying 521 physical damage... which unfortunately is fire elemental. But if Tosh does land Weak Enemy he can rejoice in the fact that Swing becomes a solid enough 2HKO and the enemy probably won't be landing much damage at that point. His stat-down and paralysis aren't all that promising since anything vulnerable to them will be hit by Weak-Enemy. But perhaps his Weapon-Breaking could find some use. OHKO damage and Weak-Enemy is his bread-and-butter strategy however. It's a good one, as long as he doesn't have to deal with decent magic damage. Heavy

Level: 100 ( +1.44% to status odds)
HP:  325 (120%)
MP: 114
Atk: 66 ( 92 equipped)
Def: 55.8
Mag: 42.2
Agi: 23.8 ( -.14 stdev)
Evade: 4.5%
Block: 10.75%
Element: Earth, -20% earth damage.
Status Typage: +12% hit-rate for Def-down reduction, -50% Hit-rate for Atk-down reduction

Knuckle (+26 Atk)
Round Arm (+12 Def)
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 102%
Magical Durability: 120%

Accuracy: 84.5%
Precision: 76%
Physical:  151 Earth Elemental damage, ( 100 average damage)

Shingan-Ho (5/10/20MP): Inflicts Shingan-Ho on foe (paralysis) for 2/3/4 turns. Never fails barring boss immunity
Taima-Kodan (8/16/32 MP): 70/75/86 Magic damage.
Senpu-Gekishu (8/16/32MP): 85/92/104 Physical damage to surrounding enemies
Ryusei-Baku (8/16/32 MP): 85/92/104 Physical damage
Kijinryu-Eiha (8/16/32MP): 85/92/104 Physical damage to one
Messho-Reppa (8/16/32MP): Kills surrounding enemies of lower level than Iga.
Amaidar Fist (10/20/40MP): 66/72/84 Magic damage and inflicts 'Amaidar Fist', which shaves off between 30% and 40% of the target's MAX HP at the start of every turn (Lasts 3/4/5 turns, each of which is damage). The Status infliction never fails outside of boss immunity.
Cure (7/14/28MP): Restores HP (7/14/28MP): Heals 211 HP.

Add-On skills:
Power Loss (3/6/12MP): 61% chance of reducing enemy base attack power by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Ground Shield (3/9/28MP): Reduces Earth damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns.
Strike Power (3/6/12MP): Increases base Atk by 25% for 3/4/5 turns [Basic physical x1.3, Special physicals x1.18]
Mud Storm (8/16/32MP): 65/70/80 Magic Earth Damage
Earthquake (10/20/40MP): 66/72/84 Magic Earth Damage
Extract (8/16/32MP): 85/92/104 Physical damage to surrounding foes

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 85.5%

Shingan-Ho -> Amaidar fist, smoke a blunt until victory. It's worth noting that obnoxious as it is, Shingan-Ho is a separate status from Paralysis that does not care about resistance (and presumably immunity) to it. When Iga faces a boss, he has decent durability and Cure to fall back on, along with his counters. Amaidar Fist is a cool pressure move for those who immune Shingan-Ho but not all status, which may or may not be common. Heavy regardless. Having a perfect matchwinning status and no particular durability holes leaves you with nothing less.

Level:  95 (+6.44 % to status odds)
HP: 212 (78.2%)
MP: 300
Atk: 23.8 ( 61.8 equipped)
Def: 48.4
Mag: 69.2
Agi: 21.4 ( -1.36 stdev)
Evade: 8.25%
Block: 0% (-4.25%)
Element: Non-elemental
Status Typage: +19% Hit-rate for Paralysis, -43% hit-rate for Sleep.

Morning Star (+38 Atk)
Armor (21 def)
Prayer Beads (+6 Def, +8 Mag)

Physical Durability: 59%
Magical Durability: 118.5%

Accuracy: 82.4%
Precision: 73.5%
Physical:  65 damage, ( 41 average damage)

Explosion (10/20/40MP): 126/138/161 Magic fire damage
Dream Knock (4/8/16MP): 44% chance of inflicting sleep for 3/5/6 turns.
Diamond Dust (8/16/32MP) 124/133/151 Magic ice damage
Wind Slash (8/16/32MP): 124/133/151 Wind magic damage
Rob Mind (0/1/2MP):
Thunder storm (8/16/32MP): 124/133/151 Wind/Thunder magic damage
Teleport (4/8/16MP): Teleports 2/3/4 squares away...
Earthquake (10/20/40MP): 126/138/161 Magic earth damage

Add-On skills:
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25% (28.6% increase in damage) Lasts 3/4/5 turns.
Destruction (3/6/12MP): 56% to lower enemy base magic by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Magic Shield (8/24/72MP): Cancels one special move (beneficial or harmful) on the target, Lasts 2/3/4 turns
Mud Storm (8/16/32MP): 124/133/151 Magic Earth Damage
Blizzard (10/20/40MP): 126/138/161 Magic Water/Ice damage
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 126/138/161 Magic Light damage

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Might Mind: x1.29 magic damage, Mdur to 140%
Destruction: x1.06 magic damage, Mdur to 191%
Might Mind+Destruction: x1.32 magic damage, Mdur to 212%

Sacrificing Prayer Beads: x0.85 magic damage, Mdur to 109%
PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 54.6%
(Cure All + Prayer Beads): 43.9%

Gogen has decent damage. And he's old. And slow. And very physically frail. Those last two are not a good combination for someone with no decent tricks. Light and not a good one. I suppose if he faces someone with limited resources he could use Magic Shield a lot to prevent them from using specials but he'd still be a sitting duck to basic physical attacks, which would likely shred him.

Level: 106 ( -4.5% to status odds)
HP:  331 (122%)
MP: 216
Atk: 46 ( 106 equipped)
Def: 78.4
Mag: 53.4
Agi: 28.4 (+2.2 stdev)
Evade: 1.25%
Block: 20%
Element: Fire, Resists Fire by 20%
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for inflicting ice-weakness, -50% hit-rate for inflicting fire weakness

Hell Axe (+52 Atk) [Crescent Axe for 44 Atk and a Light elemental physical instead of fire]
Bravery Wings (8 Atk, +8 Mag, +4 Agi, +1 Mov, +11 Def)
Armor (21 def)
[Magic Canceller: +7 Def, halves all 'special' damage, including both physical and magic]

Physical Durability: 150%
Magical Durability: 147%

Accuracy: 86.9%
Precision: 70.5%
Physical:  171 Fire Elemental damage, ( 121 average damage)

Fire Storm (6/14/32MP): 88/95/110 Fire magic damage
Fire Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Fire damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1 (can't be used under Invincible)
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.
Expand Range
Explosion (10/20/40MP): 91/99/116.2 Fire Magic damage
Invincible (8/24/72MP): Renders user Invincible for 1/2/3 turns.

Add-On skills:
Protection (4/8/16MP): Raises base defense by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Strike Power (3/6/12MP): Increases base Atk by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Mind Buster (8/16/32MP):
Divide (12/24/48MP): Drains 26% of target's current HP, or 66 HP (whichever is higher). If target Mdef is below average such that it increases damage by ~10%, this spell will drain 52% of target's HP. If target's Mdef is so good as to reduce magic by 29%, the spell will only drain 66HP. <Under Might Mind, the target will be drained for 52%HP if it is just barely below average Mdef, and the target would need to reduce magic damage by 49% to stop the 26% draining>
Extract (8/16/32MP): 121/130/148 Physical damage to surrounding enemies
Swing (8/16/32MP): 126/135/154 Physical damage to one target (ranged)

Buffed notes:
Protection Pdur: 157%
Strike Power: x1.19 Basic physical damage, x1.11 special physical damage.
Might Mind: 178% MDur, x1.275 Magic Damage, x1.245 Special Physical damage.
Might Mind/Strike Power: x1.38 Special Physical Damage.

Alternate Equipments:
Without Bravery Wings: 89.5% Physical damage, 82% magic damage, 80.4% Swing/Extract damage, 128.3% MDur [156% with Might Mind] <Enemies need only 15.5% magic reduction to negate the gravity of Divide>
WCrescent Axe: 89.5% Physical Damage (Light Elemental), 92.5% Special Physical damage.

Physical Durabilities:
Bravery Wings+Cure All: 109%
Bravery Wings + Magic Canceller: 123%
Armor + Magic Canceller: 145%
Armor + Cure All: 132.5%
Cure All + Magic Canceller: 101.6%

Elc has excellent durability and speed. He also has an assortment of abilities that stack up very nicely. Invincible is obviously a big deal, as Elc can cast it 9 times and thus put out ~1200 damage under Invincible. Alternatively 704 fire magic damage, or 880 evade-ignoring non-elemental physical damage. These are pretty decent numbers for damage under Invincible. Beyond that he has Divide for some gravity draining that works on bosses. Might Mind works nicely to improve his damage and magic durability, and the Magic Canceller brings his durability up to boss-caliber levels against special attacks. Charge and Mind Buster let him work around most healers. Not overwhelming in any one area but taken altogether the package is quite solid. Godlike

Level: 106 ( -4.5% to status odds)
HP:225  (83%)
MP: 322
Atk: 24.4 ( 70.4 equipped)
Def: 56.2
Mag: 46
Agi: 24.2 ( +.06 stdev)
Evade: 7.5%
Block: 13.75%
Element: Earth, -20% damage from earth attacks.
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for inflicting wind weakness, -50% hit-rate for inflicting Earth Weakness

Death Needle (+46 Atk, Dark-element) [Salamander: +47 Atk, Fire element]
Raila's Mirror: +11 Def, Conf/Sleep/Poison/Blind Immunity.
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 71.4%
Magical Durability: 88%

Accuracy: 86.9%
Precision: 70.5%
Physical:  81 Dark Elemental damage, ( 57 average damage)

Search (0/1/2): Reveals enemy stats.
Power Loss (3/6/12MP): 67% chance of reducing enemy base attack power by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Cure (7/14/28MP): Restores 230 HP
Ground Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Earth damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Ravish (16/31/96MP): May recruit an enemy monster.
Weakness (6/12/24MP): Gives targets 3 random elemental weaknesses (+25% damage) for 3/4/5 turns. Can stack more with repeated uses
Earthquake (10/20/40MP): 77/83/97Magic earth damage
Spinster (4/8/16MP): 79/82/88 Physical damage to melee range foes

Add-On skills:
Counter Hang (3/6/12MP): 67% chance to reduce counter rate to 0 for 3/4/5 turns.
Trans Enemy (6/12/24MP): Teleports enemy to random location.
Distract Range (4/8/16MP): 67% chance to cut enemy base movement to 1 for 3/4/5 turns.
Hold Enemy (3/6/12MP): 55% chance to paralyze targets for 2/3/4 turns.
Dispel (8MP): Low Chance to kill undead.
Mud Storm (8/16/32MP): 75/80/92Earth magic damage.

Enemy Debuffed notes:
Power Loss: Physical Durability: 124%

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 60.5%

Lieza is a frail healer. She has some options such as healing and relying on counters to build damage, trying to use Distract Range to keep melee types in place, and inflicting Atk-Down to become a lot tankier. She has a turn 2 paralysis spell but that isn't likely to see too much use. She makes a decent enough Middle.

Level: 99 ( +2.4% to status odds)
HP: 215 ( 79.4%)
MP: 302
Atk: 23.6 ( 49.6 equipped)
Def: 53.8
Mag: 44.6
Agi: 22.6 ( -.75 stdev)
Evade: 10.25%
Block: 4%
Element: Water, Takes 20% less damage from Ice/Water
Status Typage: -6% Transform, -18% Petrify, -12% Paralysis, -18% Confusion, -37% Sleep, -38% Silence

Refreshing Shoes: +26 Atk, +2HP/+7MP per turn.
Memory Necklace: +9 Def, Status Immunity.
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 65.4% [69% Pdur if she trades her Necklace for a Round Protector]
Magical Durability: 82.3%

Accuracy: 84.2%
Precision: 65.6%
Physical:  45 water Elemental damage, ( 30 average damage)

Cure (7/14/28MP): Restores 223 HP
Silent (4/8/16MP): 60% chance to inflict silence on targets for 2/3/4 turns.
Ice Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Ice damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Refresh (4/8/16MP): Removes negative statuses and debuffs on targets.
Dispel (8MP): Low Chance to kill undead.
Divide (12/24/48MP): Drains 26% of target's current HP, or 56 HP (whichever is higher). If target Mdef is very significantly below average, this spell will drain 52% of target's HP. If target's Mdef is so good as to reduce magic by 14%, the spell will only drain 56HP.
Diamond Dust (8/16/32MP): 71/77/87 Ice magic damage
Ressurection (16/31/96 MP): Revives on dead party member with 50% HP

Add-On skills:
Destruction (3/6/12MP): 60% chance of lowering enemy base magic by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Divine Judgement (8/16MP): 71/77 Light magic damage
Sleep Wind (9/18MP): 72/78 Dark magic damage and an 48% chance to inflict Sleep for 2/3 turns
Blizzard (10/20/40MP): 73/79/93 Ice magic damage
Rob Mind (0/1/2MP):

Enemy Debuffed notes:
Destruction: Magic damage dealt x1.08, Magic Durability to 133%

A status immune infinite healer. That's a good byline but unfortunately Shante doesn't have stats to back it up. Her durability is very poor, so she'll frequently be heal locked... but it's not like she has to worry about running out of resources, and she has counters... Her own status doesn't have a high rate of infliction unfortunately.  She makes for a decent enough Middle.

Level: 99 ( +2.4% to status odds)
HP: 311 (114.7%)
MP: 105
Atk: 43.8 ( 68.8 equipped)
Def: 89.6
Mag: 22.8
Agi: 25 (+0.47 stdev)
Evade: 41.5%
Block: 0% (-2%)
Element: Wind
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for inflicting earth-weakness, -50% hit-rate for inflicting wind weakness
Dimension Canceller: +25 Atk, ranged.
Round Armor: +12 Def)
Black Suit: +34 Def, +25% Evade (factored into above)

Physical Durability: 147.6%
Magical Durability: 89.3%

Accuracy: 84.1%
Precision: 75.5%
Physical:  88 Wind Elemental damage, ( 58 average damage)

Steal (4/8/16MP): Chance to steal an enemy's stealable item.
Plasma Shock (4/8/16MP): 60% chance to reduce target base defense by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Wind Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Wind/Lightning damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Scapegoat (2/4/8MP): Gives ally scapegoat status (Shu takes regular physicals for them) for 3/4/5 turns.
Time Bomb (8/16/32MP): Places a Time Bomb on a single enemy that will go off in 3/2/1 turns, damaging the target and everything around it including allies or Shu for 50% Max HP. (so L3 will hit Shu for 50% Too)
Random Attack (8/16/32MP): 50/54/61 Physical damage to all surrounding melee range enemies.
Wind Slash (8/16/32MP): 24/26/29 Wind magic damage

Add-On skills:
Jump High
Power Loss (3/6/12MP): 60% chance of reducing enemy base attack power by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1 (can't be used under Invincible)
Thunder storm (8/16/32MP): 24/26/29 Magical wind/lightning damage
Tornado (10/20/40MP): 24/26/31 Magical wind damage
Extract (8/16/32MP): 50/54/61 Physical damage to all surrounding targets

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Plasma Shock: x1.25 physical damage, x1.08 special physical damage.
Power Loss: Pdur to 195%

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Black Suit + Cure-All): 141.6%

Shu is a physical tank with a great evade stat and decent first turn speed... unfortunately he backs this up with pathetically anemic damage. So anemic that he is better off using Time Bomb's effective 4HKO for offense. Two Time Bombs gives a dead enemy. Against the slightly physically frail, he may want to go for an L2 Time Bomb -> Charge -> KO with a 153 damage physical. The chance of a target blocking (even though they can't evade) means he can't rely on his own evasion as much with this strategy. But this is a turn 3 KO strategy that doesn't pass muster on average durability foes. Shu may also want to say "Screw it" and go with a Time Bomb 2 -> TIme Bomb 1 attempt, hoping that the enemy doesn't do half his life in the process. This isn't that bad against physically reliant enemies, since he has that evade and can cast Power Down to augment his chances. He's in a bad situation should he face down a halfway decent mage though. Light/Middle? Very unique style of fighting a duel.

Level: 100 ( +1.4% to status odds)
HP: 211 (77.9%)
MP: 405
Atk: 22.8 ( 29.8 equipped)
Def: 55.8
Mag: 68
Agi: 22.8 ( -0.65 stdev)
Evade: 4.5%
Block: 4.5%
Element: Dark, resists dark-elemental by 20%
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for inflicting Light Weakness, -50% hit-rate for inflicting dark-weakness

Magic Card: +7 Atk, +4 Mag <Death Illusion: +42 Atk>
Round Armor: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 66.4%
Magical Durability: 116.6%

Accuracy: 84.6%
Precision: 76%
Physical: 25.3 Dark Elemental damage, ( 17 average damage) <69/ 46 avg with Death Illusion>

Shuffle Shot (10/20/40MP): 123/135/157 Dark magic damage
X-Cryte (8/16/32MP): Inflicts X-Cryte status on targets (100%), such that they will take the same damage that Sania does from any attack.
Random Dice (10/20/40 MP): Deals random damage. Usually low damage, sometimes ~100, and sometimes heals the enemy.
Dark Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Dark damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Trans Enemy (6/12/24MP): Teleports enemy to random location.
Transfer (0/1/2 MP): Transfers turn to an ally (ally still gets regular turn that round). Level is range of target.
Dark Destructor (16/31/64MP): Inflicts Instant Death at a very low rate
Rob Mind (0/1/2MP):

Add-On skills:
Poison Wind(8/16 MP): 141/151 Dark magic damage and an 61% chance to inflict poison for 3/4 turns
Sleep Wind (9/18MP): 122/132 Dark magic damage and a 49% chance to inflict Sleep for 2/3 turns
Paralyze Wind (12/24MP): 126/139 Dark magic damage and a 49% chance to inflict paralysis for 2/3 turns.
Petro Wind (10/20MP): 123/135 Dark magic damage and a 49% chance to inflict petrify for 2/3 turns.
Divide (12/24/48MP): Drains 26% of target's current HP, or 85 HP (whichever is higher). If target Mdef is below average such that itincreases damage by 3.5%, this spell will drain 52% of target's HP or 85 HP. If target's Mdef is so good as to reduce magic by 54.4%, the spell will only drain 85HP.
Death (8/24/72MP): Very low chance of Instant Death

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor + Cure-All): 55.5% Pdur

Magic stats without Magic Card: Deals 92.8% magic damage, 113% PDur.

It's a pity for the best PC in the game to be so unimpressive. She is slow and frail, so she'll want to Divide and hope she can last to a KO. This might work if the enemy doesn't have a lot of damage, and Sania has a nasty surprise for anyone with subpar Mdef (52% draining via Divide). If she does go first she cuold use a trick in the form of a status wind or X-Cryte to give her an advantage. But the speed and physical durability are just really bad. Light/Middle.

Level: 100 ( +1.44% to status odds)
HP: 323 (119.2%)
MP: 104
Atk: 64 (121 equipped)
Def: 75.4
Mag: 22.2
Agi: 23.8 ( -.14 stdev)
Evade: 4.5%
Block: 10.75%
Element: Light, Takes 20% less damage from Light-elemental attacks.
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for inflicting Dark Weakness, -50% hit-rate for inflicting Light-weakness

Hell Axe: +52 Atk
Emblem of Tery: +9 Def, +5 Atk
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 143%
Magical Durability: 92.3%

Accuracy: 84.6%
Precision: 76%
Physical:  215 Light Elemental damage ( 142 average damage)

Gruga Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1 (can't be used under Invincible):
Gruga Tackle (10/20/40MP): 83/97/114 Physical Light elemental damage
Confusion (8/16/32 MP): 26/27/31 Magical damage and a 49% chance of Confusion for 2/3/4 turns.
Rolling Sabot (8/16/32MP): 88/94/107 Physical light elemental damage
Distract Range (4/8/16MP): 61% chance to cut enemy base movement to 1 for 3/4/5 turns.
Extract (8/16/32MP): 88/94/107 Physical special damage to surrounding enemies.
Gruga Special (12/24/48MP): 91/101/120 Physical Light elemental damage. Moves target.
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 26/28/33 Light magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Power Loss (3/6/12MP): 61% chance of reducing enemy base attack power by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.:
Expand Range:
Counter Hang (3/6/12MP): 61% chance to reduce counter rate to 0 for 3/4/5 turns.
Protection (4/8/16MP): Raises base defense by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.
Strike Power (3/6/12MP): Increases base Atk by 25% for 3/4/5 turns:
Invincible (8/24MP): Renders user Invincible for 1/2 turns.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Strike Power: x1.21 basic physical damage, x1.13 special physical damage
Protection: Phyical Durabiltiy up to 152%
Power Loss on Enemy: Pdur to 199%

Damage without Emblem of Tery: Physical to 94.7%, Specials to 95.8%

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 127%
(Cure All + Emblem of Tery): 101%

Gruga looks like a manly man who hits things. And that's pretty much what he would be except his last Add-On skill (Level 96...) is Invincible. That lets him put out 5 physicals free from enemy smiting. Lacking that, he is a slow but physically durable character who can effectively snag a low 2HKO via Charge -> Attack for 376 damage that is ITE... but trying to do this more than once will likely see Gruga get Blocked, so he'd want to make it count vs. Healers (Strike Power can help put the damage higher for undamaging durable healers). Invincible and Confusion could see some use together perhaps, and the chance of it hitting may help his odds of winning since probability features into his damage so strongly. The unimpressive magic durabiltiy is a gaping whole against mages, but an Invincible string and the Charge -> KO along with the physical durability secure him a spot in Heavy.

Level: 106 ( -4.6% to status odds)
HP: 232 (85.6%)
MP: 224
Atk: 25.4 ( 61.4equipped)
Def: 58.4
Mag: 46.4
Agi: 25.4 (+0.67 stdev)
Evade: 7.5%
Block: 7.5%
Element: Light, 20% less damage from light elemental attacks.
Status Typage: +19% Confusion hit-rate, -50% Poison hit-rate

Halberd: +36 Atk (ranged)
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 76.6%
Magical Durability: 91.5%

Accuracy: 87%
Precision: 70.5%
Physical:  65 Light Elemental damage, ( 45 average damage)

Cure (7/14/28MP): Restores 232 HP:
Refresh (4/8/16MP): Removes negative statuses and debuffs on targets.
Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1 (can't be used under Invincible):
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Slow Enemy (2/4/8 MP): Reduces enemy Aglity by 50%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns
Acid Breath (8/16/32MP): 62/67/76 Earth elemental physical damage and 67% chance of 2/3/4 turns of def-down (reduce base def by 25%)
Dispel (8MP): Low Chance to kill undead.
Triple Attack (10/20/40 MP): 96/104/122 Magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.
Silent (4/8/16MP): 67% chance of Silence for 2/3/4 turns.
Divide (12/24/48MP): Drains 26% of target's current HP, or 58 HP (whichever is higher). If target Mdef is very significantly below average, this spell will drain 52% of target's HP. If target's Mdef is so good as to reduce magic by 16%, the spell will only drain 58HP.
Holy Breath (9/18/36MP): 63/68/78 Light elemental physical damage. 67% chance of Silence for 2/3/4 turns.
Magic Shield (8/24/72MP): Cancels one special move (beneficial or harmful) on the target, Lasts 2/3/4 turns
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 77/84/98 Light magic damage

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Might Mind: x1.3 magic damage, x1.232 special phys damage, Mdur to 112%
Def-Down Enemy: x1.29 physical damage, x1.3 special physical damage.
Might Mind + Def-Downed Enemy: x1.58 special physical damage

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 63.5%

Kelak is pretty decent. Healing, buffing/debuffing, some status (Silence), nonfail speed.. But he lacks durability and damage that isn't resource-intensive. he doesn't have a way to handle his own poor physical durability, but counters mean he isn't hopeless in a heal-lock situation. Makes a passable Middle.

Level: 106 ( -4.6 % to status odds)
HP: 232 ( 85.6%)
MP:  321
Atk: 25.4 ( 51.4 equipped)
Def: 57
Mag: 47.4
Agi: 24.2 ( +0.06 stdev)
Evade: 7.5%
Block: 7.5%
Element: Earth, Takes 20% less damage from earth elemental attacks.
Status Typage: +7% Hit-rate for Agility-down.

Brass Knuckles: +26 Atk
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 74.7%
Magical Durability: 92.9%

Accuracy: 87%
Precision: 70.5%
Physical:  48 Elemental damage, ( 34 average damage)

Make Bolt (8/16/32MP): 78/83/95 Magic damage.
Creation (12/24/48MP): 97/107/128 Magic damage
Ground Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Earth damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Expand Range:
Distract Range (4/8/16MP): 67% chance to cut enemy base movement to 1 for 3/4/5 turns.
Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1
Mud Storm (8/16/32MP): 78/83/95 Earth magic damage
Earthquake (10/20/40MP): 79/86/101 Earth magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.:
Hold Enemy (3/6MP): 55% chance to paralyze targets for 2/3 turns.
Sleep Wind (9/18MP): 78/85 Dark magic damage and a 55% chance to inflict Sleep for 2/3 turns :
Confusion (8/16/32 MP): 87/93/106 Magical damage and a 55% chance of Confusion for 2/3/4 turns.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Might Mind: x1.31 magic damage dealt, Mdur to 114.6%

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 62.2%

Mofly is a lot like Kelak statwise, only slower and with no way to heal. His best bet is to throw out Confusions and hope that it lands, giving him 3 free turns to finish the enemy (With plenty of confusion re-apply chances in there too. Where Confuison is negated, he'll want to try for Sleep Wind. He can play in Middle.

Level: 101 ( +0.4% to status odds)
HP: 315 (116.3%)
MP: 114
Atk: 44.6 ( 82.6 equipped)
Def: 77
Mag: 24.6
Agi: 23 ( -0.55 stdev)
Evade: 5%
Block: 5%
Element: Water, Takes 20% less damage from water/ice
Status Typage: +19% hit-rate for Petrify, -43% hit-rate for Transformation

Morning Star: +38 Atk
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 141.3%
Magical Durability: 92%

Accuracy: 85%
Precision: 67%
Physical:  119 Ice/Water Elemental damage, ( 79 average damage)

Hemo-Ji Finger (4/8/16MP): 50% chance to inflict Hemo-Ji status on target for 3/4/5 turns.
Confusion (8/16/32 MP): 30/32/37 Magical damage and an 50% chance of Confusion for 2/3/4 turns.
Change Enemy (5/10/20MP): Changes an enemy monster's 'class'. Unpredictable and of little to no use.
Mind Buster (8/16/32MP): 24 MP damage to one target.
Magic Shield (8/24/72MP): Cancels one special move (beneficial or harmful) on the target, Lasts 2/3/4 turns
Dark Breath (8/16/32MP): 61/66/75 Dark physical damage and a 62% chance of inflicting darkness for 2/3/4 turns.
Rob Mind (0/1/2MP): 6 MP drain.
Chongara Bomb (16/31/64 MP): 29/32/41 Full MT magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Destruction (3/6/12MP): 62% chance to lower enemy base magic by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.:
Distract Range (4/8/16MP): 62% chance to cut enemy base movement to 1 for 3/4/5 turns.
Expand Range:
Cold Breath (8/16/32MP): 61/66/75 Water physical damage and a 62% chance to inflict Agility-down on target.
Blizzard (10/20/40MP): 27/30/35 Water/Ice magic damage.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Might Mind: x1.43 magic damage dealt, x1.06 Special phys damage, Mdur to 97.8%
Destruction: Mdur to 132%, damage done with magic x1.16
Might Mind + Destruction: Mdur to 152%, Damage done with magic x1.64

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 121%

Hemoji's goal in a duel is to turn his foe into a Hemo-Ji and hope he can kill in that time. He really has nothing worthwhile to back him up... his damage is lacklustre and he has no other way to stop foes. His own decent physical durability probably will help though, and (bad) physicals are all the target can do when he turns them.

Level:  96 ( +5.4% to status odds)
HP: 308 ( 113.7%)
MP: 101
Atk: 62 ( 91 equipped)
Def: 76.6
Mag: 22
Agi: 23 ( -0.55 stdev)
Evade: 15%
Block: 0% (-4%)
Element: Wind, takes 20% less damage from wind/lightning attacks.
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for Movement Reduction, -50% hit-rate for Magic Power Debuff

Qatar: +29 attack, ranged.
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 137.7%
Magical Durability: 87.9%

Accuracy: 83%
Precision: 63.5%
Physical:  147 Wind Elemental damage, ( 93 average damage)

Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1
Strike Power (3/6/12MP): Increases base Atk by 25% for 3/4/5 turns:
Wind Slash (8/16/32MP): 23/24/28 Wind magic damage:
Tornado (10/20/40MP): 23/25/29 Wind magic damage.
Nice Catch:
Destruction (3/6/12MP): 57% chance to lower enemy base magic by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Furaiha: <Combo move with Raijin, can't be used solo>
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 23/25/29 Light magic damage

Add-On skills:
Wind Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Wind/Lightning damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Jump High:
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Expand Range:
Petro Wind (10/20MP): 23/25 Dark magic damage and a 45% chance to inflict petrify for 2/3 turns.
Extract (8/16MP): 66/71 Physical damage to all surrounding targets.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Strike Power: x1.3 physical damage, x1.17 special physical damage
Destruction: Mdur to 125%, Damage with magic x1.17

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 117.6

Fujin is very boring, with almost nothing worthwhile to do in a duel. His best bet is probably Charge ->Strike Power -> Pray for an OHKO. Light

Level: 96 ( +5.4% to status odds)
HP: 300 ( 110.7%)
MP: 101
Atk: 44.6 ( 73.6 equipped)
Def: 97.6
Mag: 22
Agi: 21 ( =1.56 stdev)
Evade: 0% (-4%)
Block: 15%
Element: Wind, takes 20% less damage from Wind/Lightning attacks
Status Typage: +12% Hit-rate for Movement Reduction, -50% hit-rate for Magic Power Debuff

Qatar: +29 Attack, ranged
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 144.3%
Magical Durability: 85.6%

Accuracy: 83%
Precision: 63.5%
Physical:  99 Wind Elemental damage, ( 63 average damage)

Charge (2MP): Increases Charge meter by 1
Protection (4/8/16MP): Raises base defense by 25% for 3/4/5 turns.:
Thunder storm (8/16/32MP): 23/24/28 Wind/Lightning magic damage
Thunder Breath (8/16/32MP): 53/57/65 Physical Wind/Lightning damage and an 57% chance to inflict Atk-Down for 2/3/4 turns.
Miss Catch: 57% chance to eliminate target's ability to catch thrown items.
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.
Furaiha: <Combo move with Fujin, can't be used solo>
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 23/25/29 Light magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Wind Shield (3/9/28 MP): Reduces Wind/Lightning damage by 20% for 3/4/5 turns
Jump High:
Speed Up (2/4/8MP): Increase base agility by 50% for 3/4/5 turns.
Expand Range:
Paralyze Wind (12/24MP): 23/26 Dark magic damage and a 45% chance to inflict paralysis for 2/3 turns.
Extract (8/16MP): 53/57 Physical damage to all surrounding targets.

Buffed/Enemy Debuffed notes:
Atk-Down: Pdur to 190%
Might Mind: Magic damage done x1.41, Mdur to 90%, Physical Special damage x1.05

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 141%

Well, trying to inflict Attack Down may not be a bad strategy. Or Paralysis, for all that it only buys him 2 turns... Raijin is an even sadder Light than his bro.

Level: 102 ( - 1% to status odds)
HP:  (117.4%)
MP: 115
Atk: 46 ( 93 equipped)
Def: 76.4
Mag: 24.8
Agi: 23.8 ( -0.14 stdev)
Evade: 6%
Block: 6%
Element: Darkness, takes 20% less damage from dark elemental attacks.
Status Typage: +19% hit-rate for Sleep, -43% hit-rate for Paralysis

Spirit Blade: +47 Atk
Round Protector, +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 141.9%
Magical Durability: 93%

Accuracy: 85.3%
Precision: 67.7%
Physical:  142 Dark Elemental damage, ( 96 average damage)

Transfer (6MP): Copies one skill from enemy target's list at seemingly random. Makes Odon look like enemy but does not change stats...

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 120.8%

Boring and bad straight fighter. Light.

Level: 106 ( -4.5% to status odds)
HP: 225 ( 83%)
MP: 322
Atk: 26.4  ( 66.4 equipped)
Def: 57
Mag: 69.4
Agi: 24.4 ( +0.17 stdev)
Evade: 13.75%
Block: 7.5%
Element: None
Status Typage: +12% hit-rate for Blindness, -50% hit-rate for Silence

Red Shoes: +40 Atk, +2 Move
Round Protector: +12 Def
Armor (21 def)

Physical Durability: 72.4%
Magical Durability: 126%

Accuracy: 87%
Precision: 70.5%
Physical:  74 damage, ( 52 average damage)

Pasha-Pasha (16/31/64MP): 133/151/189 Water magic damage
Meki-Meki (16/31/64MP): 133/151/189 Earth magic damage
Hyururu (16/31/64MP): 133/151/189 Wind magic damage
Mera-Mera (16/31/64MP): 133/151/189 Fire magic damage
Poko-Poko (16/31/64MP): 160/181/226 Magic damage
Kira-Kira (16/31/64MP): 144/163/204 Light magic damage.

Add-On skills:
Earthquake (10/20MP): 127/138 Earth magic damage
Blizzard (10/20MP): 127/138 Water/Ice magic damage
Explosion (10/20MP): 127/138 Fire magic damage
Tornado (10/20MP): 127/138 Wind magic damage
Supernova (10/20MP): 127/138 Light magic damage
Death (8/24/72MP): 127/138 Very low chance to instantly kill enemy.

PDur opting for Cure-All:
(Armor+Cure All): 60.3%

Choko's entire MO is "Kill things with magic". That's the whole of the ballgame. She benefits more than anyone else from transferring data from AtL1 (assuming you found her), as her base stats shoot through the roof and she ends up looking amazing. AtL2-only Choko is... very unimpressive relative to that. Still, solid magic damage and decent magic durability along with speed that doesn't suck are a good combo. The physical durability is attrocious and will frequently lead her to be 2HKO'd with physicals, but she can 2HKO with magic damage so it'd be a race to see who does it first. Middle works well enough.

Level: 1 ( +100.4% to status odds. Yes, +100.4%)
HP: 375 (138.4%)
MP: 245
Atk: 1 (59 equipped)
Def: 79
Mag: 53
Agi: 29 ( +2.5 stdev)
Evade: hahaha no. (-32.5%)
Block: hahaha no (-32.5%).
Element: None
Status Typage: -7% 'nuisance status and -12% debilitating status... So 'Only' +93% and +88%!

Dieck Gun (Physical becomes ranged)
Power Unit 17: +187 HP, +122MP, +29 Atk, +39 Def, +26 Mag, +14 Agi
Power Unit 18: +187 HP, +122MP, +29 Atk, +39 Def, +26 Mag, +14 Agi

Physical Durability: 171.1%
Magical Durability: 165.1%

Accuracy: 45.2%
Precision: 26.5%
Physical:  50 damage, ( 8 average damage)

Protection (4/8/16MP): Raises base defense by 25% for 3/4/5 turns (Dieck's bases are 1...)
Strike Power (3/6/12MP): Increases base Atk by 25% for 3/4/5 turns
Might Mind (2/4/8MP): Increases base magic by 25%. Lasts 3/4/5 turns.
Invincible (8/24/72MP): Renders user Invincible for 1/2/3 turns.
Supernova (10/20/40MP): 90/99/115 Light magic damage.
Divine Judgement (8/16/32MP): 89/95/109 Light magic damage
Happy Ray: All base stats x1.25... again with the "Dieckbeck has no bases stats" thing.

Alternate Abilities: <Equipping Different Power Units, see stat hits below to do so, damages factor these in>
Paralyze Wind (12/24/48MP): 78/86/103 Dark magic damage and a 0% chance to inflict paralysis for 2/3 turns.
Explosion (10/20/40MP): 68/75/87 Magic Fire damage
Confusion (8/16/32 MP): 75/81/92 Magical damage and a 0% chance of Confusion for 2/3/4 turns.
Fire Storm (6/14/32MP): 66/71/82 Magic Fire damage

Alternate Stats with other Power Units (to get the above abilities):
Units 17+16 (Paralyze Wind, no more Holy Magic):
HP: 300 (110.7%)
MP: 210
Speed: 25 (+0.47 stdev)
Pdur: 136.9%
Mdur: 117.4%

Units 18+14 (Explosion/Confusion):
HP: 278 (102.6%)
MP: 195
Speed: 24 (-0.04 stdev)
Pdur: 121.4%
Mdur: 103.9%

Dieckbeck prays he can kill with holy magic damage before he has to let down Invincible and let that shiny +100% status weakness show. He can also try to whore out some Dark magic damage, although at the cost of speed. If Dieckbeck faces a healer with status he may as well throw in the towel. If Diecbeck faces a boss that can tank his ~712 of holy magic damage under Invincible, he's probably in a bad spot. His good durability is a selling point, but with that horrifically glaring status weakness, it's usually a very very bad idea to let Invincible lapse to try and take advantage of it. Heavy? He crashes and burns hard but Invincible and the speed work together to roll non-healers well enough.

Unranked Games / Crimson Gem Saga
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:02:14 AM »
Crimson Gem Saga:

- RPG for the Playstation Portable and some mobile platforms.

- 6 PCs, 4 of which can be in the party at any one time. The endgame suddenly takes away 2 for a leg of the final dungeon, then after two bosses takes away another 2 and gives you back one of the original PCs for a bunch of plotty fights. I'll be taking stats right before that split to keep things sane.

- Tested on the skeleton enemies in the final dungeon for physical attacks, and the average of the skeletons/Wizard enemies for magic attacks.

- For equipment, I allowed everyone at endgame ~200K to purchase gear. This notably locks out Killian from getting his best sword (which is like ~400K by itself, even before armor...). It also locks out Lahduk from having his best gear (again, prohitively expensive). I'm also not including the 'ultimate' armor and sword for Killian as it requires the defeat of very powerful optional superbosses.

- Crimson Gem Saga has an elemental resistance system wherein each piece of equipment adds to or subtracts from elemental resist stats. They range from -10 to 10, although you won't see anything more than -2 to 6 or so. These resist stats reduce the attack stat of the incoming elemental attack by 10% for every point. This makes them quite potent. I've allowed the game's best cheap storebought boots, which give +2 to every element. I am assuming that is the 'baseline' resistance. This means that the element resistances on weapons are purely a helpful boon, like most games considered in the DL. Please note that 'elemental defense modifier' includes both the elemental resistance and the PC's defense effectiveness (since that is for both magic and physicals, near as I can tell).

- Crimson Gem Saga has status resistance accessories but none are purchasable at endgame... you have to grind for cash at a limited-time-only store. Same for just about every desirable accessory, so I am ignoring them entirely.

- The game allows you to "Rank Up" healing and damage skills. There are limited means to do so throught the game as you must use a "Bronze Medallion" to rank a skill up from 1 to 2, then "silver" to go from 2 to 3, Gold for 3 to 4, and Platinum for 4 to 5. As there are a limited number of these (ironically bronzes are rather restrictive), I've allowed one R3 skill and one R4 skill for each PC. Notable odd cases with this include Killian wanting to R4 his least expensive damage tech for the ability to actually kill things if he uses up his MP. I'm not entirely confident about my choices for Gelts/Killian (maybe they'd prefer 70% healing for 20MP than 100% for 50MP). But that's what I chose and it is easy enough to adjust if you want... Healing is straight up +10% MHP per rank.

- Levels taken at 70. This is about right for right before the party split.

- Stats:
HP: Duh
MP: Casts spells/physical abilities
Atk: Attack stat. Determines damage by physical attacks. Some hidden formulas to this too.
Str: Strength stat. Improves Attack stat.
Int: Intelligence. Improves magic damage.
Agi: Agility. Turn order depends on this. This only matters for the first turn, as actions are decided when a PC gets a turn, and doubles are not possible.
Def: Defense. Applies to both Physicals and Magic by the looks of it (not testing this extensively). Damage to PCs is (incoming attack power * Resistance mult) - Defense.
Vit: Vitality . Influences HP and defense.
Wil: Willpower. Actually serves to set critical hit rate. Varies with enemy targetted.
Crit Chance: I'll be listing the average crit chance for the PC averaged against enemies.

- Critical Hit Continues: When performing a normal physical, if an attack criticals the player can execute a timed hit to add an additional attack. If that second attack criticals then the player can execute another timed hit for a third attack. There can't be a 4th attack though.

- I will be showing damages with Critical Hits already factored into the damage.

- I will include physical durability (which is also non-elemental magic durability in this format) along with durabilities to elements. Higher = better.

- When I say a buff lasts '3 turns', then that means at the beginning of the PC's third turn after using/recieving the buff, it wears off.

Poison: Rips off ~10% MHP a turn.
Confusion: Forces the inflicted to physically attack it's allies for 5 turns. If no allies are present, the target just sits there. Lasts about 5-6 turns.
Disease: At the beginning of the target's third turn after being inflicted, they die. This means they get two actions before death.
Sleep: Target is asleep until it recieves damage. The first hit of an attack against it deals triple damage (but only the first hit of a multi-hit attack).
Silence: Prevents spellcasting by target. Permanent.

- One of the PCs has overkill Agility. I've 'clipped' it to account for the fact that anything above 38 is meaningless. Agility is a constant stat, so there is no conceivable use for it to be above that.

- Averages up Top:
HP:   816
Agi:   26.17 (8.9 stdev)
Def:   141

- I suggest using the 5-turn damage average as the cast is rather egregious about running out of damage after 3 turns.
- 5 turn damage average: 2025 (5063 2.5x kill point)
- Three turn damage averae: 2414 (6034 2.5x kill point)

HP:   1010   (123.7%)   
MP:   296      
Atk:   480      
Str:   100      
Int:   44      
Agi:   25   (-0.13 stdevs)   
Def:   190   (1.37 modifier)   (1.69 pdur) [1.29 pdur with Gold Scale Mail]
Vit:   179      
Wil:   58      
Crit Chance:   15.00%      

Fire:   3   (1.667 mod, 2.063 durability) [2.165 durability with Gold Scale]
Ice:   4   (2.489 mod, 3.080 durability) [2.165 durability with Gold Scale]
Water:   3   (1.667 mod, 2.063 durability) [1.279 durability with Gold Scale]
Lightng:   3   (1.667 mod, 2.063 durability) [1.279 durability with Gold Scale]
Holy:   5   (4.910 mod, 6.076 durability) [2.165 durability with Gold Scale]
Dark:   1   (1.004 mod, 1.243 durability) [2.165 durability with Gold Scale]

30000 Sword (300 Atk, +1 F/I/W/L/H/D) [Makes all damage look like it does '30000'. It doesn't.]
Crusader Armor (+110 Def, +1 I, +2H, -2 D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Gold Scale Mail: 71 Def, +1 F/I/H/D, -1 W/L)

Attack: 320

Quick Fix (10 MP): 15% healing
Heal (20 MP): 30% healing
(R3) Revitalize (50 MP): 95% Healing

Holy Armor (30 MP): Improves Killian's defense by 84 (Physical Defense Mod/ Physical Durability to 2.164/2.678 for 3 turns)

Cleanse/Nostrum/Awaken/Vox Donare/Clarity (15 MP): Removes Poison/Plauge/Sleep/Silence/Confusion. 1 ability for each.

(R4) Justice Blade (15 MP): 603 damage to one in one hit
Cross Slash (45 MP): 410 damage over 2 hits, MT.
Blade of Fury (80 MP): 794 damage in one hit, MT.

Comments: Well, Killian is durable. And he has healing. He doesn't have any damage though. Light/Middle.

HP:   765   (93.7%)   
MP:   449      
Atk:   611      
Str:   110      
Int:   79      
Agi:   38   (+ 1.33 stdevs)   
Def:   121   (0.900 modifier)    (0.844 durability)
Vit:   81      
Wil:   135      
Crit Chance:   60.00%      

Elements: 4 Fire, 4 Ice, 5 Water, 4 Lightning, 2 Holy, 2 Dark         
Fire:   4   (1.455 modifier,   1.364 durability)
Ice:   4   (1.455 modifier,   1.364 durability)
Water:   5   (2.044 modifier,   1.915 durability)
Lightng:   4   (1.455 modifier,   1.364 durability)
Holy:   2   (0.923 modifier,   0.865 durability)
Dark:   2   (0.923 modifier,   0.865 durability)

Notusbolg (360 Atk, +1 F/I/L, +2W, -1 H/D)
Shadow Suit (86 Def, +1 F/I/W/L/H/D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Attack: 481 (690 on a crit). Averages 1186 with the way the 'crit repeat' works.

Shadow Strike (20 MP):
(R3) Deadly Attraction (30 MP): 1024 physical damage with a 25% chance of Confusion
Toxic Needles (35 MP): 721 physical damage with a 25% chance of poison
Eviscerate (55MP): 674 damage with a 30% chance of Instant Death
(R4) Illusion Assault (100 MP): 3102 physical damage over 10 hits

Venom (25MP): 19% chance of Poison
Toxic Cloud (50MP): 19% chance of poison, MT
Mute (25 MP): 19% chance of mute
Tranquility (50MP): 19% chance of Mute, MT
Infect (25MP): 19% chance of disease
Pestilence (50MP): 19% chance of Disease, MT
Sleep (25MP): 19% chance of Sleep
Somnambulator (50MP): 19% chance of Sleep,  MT
Bewilder (25MP): 19% chance of confuse
Hysteria (50MP): 19% chance of Confuse, MT
Wheel of Fate (80MP): ~19% chance of 1 random status ailment, MT

Tempt Fate (25MP): 1/3rd chance of Restoring all party's HP. 1/3rd chance of removing all party's status effects, 1/3rd chance of doing 50% CHP self-damage to all party members.

Comments: Spinel is fast and has damage. Her status is pathetic, but it might help in a status slinging fight. Middle.

HP:   466   (57.1%)
MP:   597      
Atk:   160      
Str:   74      
Int:   206      
Agi:   15   (-1.25 stdevs)   
Def:   93   (0.791 modifier,   0.451 durability) [ 0.415 durability with Enchanted Robe]
Vit:   45      
Wil:   87      
Crit Chance:   33.00%      
Fire:   6   2.456 modifier,    1.402 durability [1.96 with Enchanted Robe]
Ice:   6   2.456 modifier,    1.402 durability [1.96 with Enhanted Robe]
Water:   6   2.456 modifier,    1.402 durability [1.96 with Enhcnated Robe]
Lightng:   6   2.456 modifier,    1.402 durability [1.96 with Enchanted Robe]
Holy:   3   0.999 modifier,    0.570 durability [0.445 with Enchanted Robe]
Dark:   3   0.999 modifier,    0.570 durability [0.83 with Enchanted Robe]

Necromancer Staff (86 Atk, +3 F/I/W/L, -1 H, +2 D, dark elemental)
Robe of Wizardry (70 Def, +1F/I/W/L, +2 H, -1 D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Enchaned Robe (50 Def, +2 F/I/W/L, +1 H/D)

Attack: If you are looking to know what this is, Henson loses.

Passive: Wizard Aura (Regen 17 MP/turn)
Channel (5 MP):

Shout (20MP): +50% Damage buff, ST. Lasts for 2 of target's turns...
Fortify (20MP): + ~50% defense. Lasts till start of 3rd turn after casting
Focus (20 MP): Inceases crit rate by ~25% (so 50->75%)
Battle Cry (40MP): +50% damage buff, MT, lasts for 2 of target's turns
Inspire (40 MP): +~50% defense, MT. Lasts still start of 3rd turn after casting.
Rally (40 MP): +~15% crit rate, MT Lasts for 2 of target's turns

(R3) Cyclone (110MP): 2251 wind magic damage, MT
Fire & Brimstone (120MP): ~1470 fire magic damage, MT. 90% chance of inflicting confusion
Ice Age (100 MP): ~1470 ice magic damage, MT. If it can inflict Sleep I never saw it.
(R4) Mjolnir's Might (70 MP): 3100  lightning magic damage.

Tempt Fate (25MP): 1/3rd chance of Restoring all party's HP. 1/3rd chance of removing all party's status effects, 1/3rd chance of doing 50% CHP self-damage to all party members.

Annihilate (150 MP): 50% chance of Instant Death, MT

Comments: Henson is ridiculously frail. And slow. He is going to either win off his accurate Confusion or be splattered like a bug. Admittedly that Confusion is pretty good. Light.

HP:   887   (108.7%)   
MP:   370      
Atk:   570      
Str:   105      
Int:   96      
Agi:   18   (-0.917 stdevs)   
Def:   144   (1.016 modifier,   1.104 durability)
Vit:   125      
Wil:   77      
Crit Chance:   20.00%      

Fire:   4   (1.689 modifier,   1.835 durability)
Ice:   4   1.689 modifier,   1.835 durability)
Water:   3   1.265 modifier,   1.375 durability)
Lightng:   3   1.265 modifier,   1.375 durability)
Holy:   6   5.100 modifier,   5.543 durability)
Dark:   0   0.722 modifier,   0.785 durability)

The Admonisher (370 Atk, +1 F/I/W/L/H/D, Dark Elemental)
Cleric Armor (95 Def, +1 F/I, +3 H, -3 D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Attack: 442

Gelts Crush (25 MP): 518 danage to one
(R4) Doom Hammer (80 MP): 2459 damage over 11 hits, MT

Incantation (35 MP): Reduces all enemy crit rates.
War Blessing (55 MP): Attack up (+46% damage for Gelts) to the entire party.

Quick Fix (10 MP): 20% healing
Heal (20 MP): 35% healing
(R3)Revitalize (50 MP): 100% healing

Poison/Disease/Sleep/Muddle/Silence Shield (25 MP): Immunity to the appropriate status ailment for 3 turns.
Poison/Disease/Sleep/Muddle/Silence Barrier (50 MP): Immunity to the appropriate status ailment for 3 turns, MT.

Cleanse/Nostrum/Awaken/Vox Donare/Clarity (15 MP): Removes Poison/Plauge/Sleep/Silence/Confusion. 1 ability for each.
Panacea (55 MP): Removes all status ailments from all party members.

Status Shield (40 MP): Immunity to all status for 3 turns
Status Barrier (80 MP): Immunity to all status for 3 turns, MT

Comments: Well, Gelts has decent damage, durability, status resistance abilities, and some healing. But he is slow and the damage is costly, which conflicts with his healing resources... Low Middle?

HP:   843   (103.3%)   
MP:   216      
Atk:   624      
Str:   146      
Int:   22      
Agi:   39   (+1.44 stdevs)   (Ostensibly 45, but this has no meaning)
Def:   74   (0.730 modifier,   0.754 durability)
Vit:   41      
Wil:   115      
Crit Chance:   50.00%

Fire:   4   (1.134 modifier,   1.171 durability)
Ice:   4   (1.134 modifier,   1.171 durability)
Water:   3   (0.926 modifier,   0.956 durability)
Lightng:   3   (0.926 modifier,   0.956 durability)
Holy:   4   (1.134 modifier,   1.171 durability)
Dark:   2   (0.782 modifier,   0.808 durability)

Power Glove (270 Atk, +1 F/I/W/L/H/D)
Master Gi (53 Def, +1 F/I/H, -1 D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Attack: 493 (1048 average with the 'crit repeat timed hits' system)

(R3) Tiger Fist (20 MP): 1089 physical damage.
(R4) Way of the Dragon (70 MP): 2942 physical damage over 8 hits.

Shout (20MP): Strength up. Increases damage by ~60% for next 2 of Lahduk's actions.
Fortify (20MP): Increase defense for 3 turns. Not much affect for Lahduk.
Inspire (40 MP): Increase defense for 3 turns, MT.
Focus (20 MP): Increase crit rate, inferior to Meditation for Lahduk.
Meditation (25 MP): Increase crit rate by ~25%
Lion's Roar (45 MP): Decrease enemy defense, MT. Barely notable.

Comments: Fast (turn 1 at least) with damage and the ability to buff that damage up quite nicely. Durability isn't good, but he'll generally kill before the target can. Middle.

HP:   926   (113.5%)               
MP:   298                  
Atk:   687                  
Str:   129                  
Int:   123                  
Agi:   22   (-0.468 stdevs)               
Def:   225 (1.855 modifier, 2.105 durability) [1.327/ 1.5058616254 with Gold Scale]
Vit:   53                  
Wil:   46                  
Crit Chance:   10.00%                  

Fire:   5   (17.011 modifier, 19.300 durability) [45.1/51.1 with Gold Scale]
Ice:   6   (nigh immune)
Water:   4   (3.894 modifier,4.417 durability) [1.622/1.841 with Gold Scale]
Lightng:4   (3.894 modifier, 4.417 durability) [1.622/1.841 with Gold Scale]
Holy:   5   (17.011 modifier, 19.300 durability) [2.391/2.712 with Gold Scale]
Dark:   1   (1.175 modifier, 1.333 durability) [1.622/1.841 with Gold Scale]

Schiavona (400 Atk, 90 Def, +3F/I, +2 W/L, +1H/D)
Crusader Armor (+110 Def, +1 I, +2H, -2 D)
Elemental Boots (+8 Def, +2 F/I/W/L/H/D)

Gold Scale Mail: 71 Def, +1 F/I/H/D, -1 W/L)

Attack: 552

Passive: Divine Aura: Status/ID immunity
(R3) Smite (40MP): 1153 physical damage over 5 hits.
(R4) Final Judgement(110 MP): 2257 physical damage over 11 hits

Venom/Mute/Infect/Bewilder/Sleep (25MP): 55% chance of Poison/Silence/Disease/Confusion/Sleep
Toxic Cloud/Tranquility/Pestilince/Hysteria/Somnambulator (50MP): 55% chance of Poison/Silence/Disease/Confusion/Sleep, MT
Wheel of Fate (80MP): ~55% chance of a single random status ailment.

Deathstrike (80MP): 42% chance of Instant Death to one
Annihilate (150 MP): 42% chance of Instant Death to all.

Comments: Status and ID immune tank from hell. Her damage isn't particularly good, but she has status and ID of her own to throw around and win that way. She lacks healing and she runs out of damage rather easily, so she won't do much better than Middle/Heavy.

HP:   816
Agi:   26.17 (8.9 stdev)
Def:   141

- I suggest using the 5-turn damage average as the cast is rather egregious about running out of damage after 3 turns.
- 5 turn damage average: 2025 (5063 2.5x kill point)
3100: Henson, Mjolnir's Might x5
2686: Spinel, Illusion Assaultx4, Deadly Allure.
2317: Lahduk, Shout, Way of the Dragonx2, Tiger Fistx2.
2071: Gelts, Doom Hammerx4, Gelts Crush
1373: Acelora, Final Judgementx1, Smitex4
603: Killian, Justice Bladex5

- Three turn damage average: 2414 (6034 2.5x kill point)
3138: Lahduk, Shout, Way Of The Dragonx2 [Basically out of decent damage]
3102: Spinel, Illusion Assaultx3 [ Can fit in one more Illusion Assault, is then empty]
3100: Henson, Mjolnir's Mightx3 [Would be fine on resources but is certainly dead]
2459: Gelts, Doom Hammerx3 [Can fit in One more Doom Hammer and then is dry]
1889: Acelora, Final Judgementx2, Smitex1 [Completely empty]
794: Killian, Sword of Justicex3 [Complete empty, not even close to killing enemy].

So half the cast is dry after 3 turns, and 5/6 are dry after 4. 5 turn average seems pretty fair for this cast. And it's not like they can front-load their damage.

Unranked Games / Paladin's Quest (Lennus)
« on: January 24, 2015, 03:48:59 AM »
Paladin's Quest:

- Paladin's Quest is a turn-based RPG for the SNES. In Japan it was called 'Lennus'.

- The game has 2 main PCs (Chezni and Midia), and a number of 'mercenaries' that can be hired to fill out the last 2 slots of a 4 person party. This stat topic will feature all mercenaries. It should be noted that some of the ones which are available early are quite bad if you keep them around. Even though these mercenaries level up and gain stats as normal, their equipment is locked.

- Paladin's Quest has the following stats:
HP: Hit Points. Deplete to 0 and the PC is out of the fight.
Power: A measure of physical attack. This + an offset depending on the attack - Enemy Defense = damage.
Speed: Base speed stat.
Endurance: Base defense stat
Luck: A measure of chances to hit and inflict status and gain critical hits. I think.
Attack: Power + All equipment attack bonuses. This stat is actually worthless in determining damage! The listed equipment bonuses don't tell the whole story.
Defense: This is straight subtractive defense. Enemy attack power - Defense = Damage.
Attack Speed: This is speed + bonuses. This is used to figure out turn order, with a healthy dose of randomization.

- You will notice that there is no MP stat in PQ. This is because all spells take HP to cast. Damage averages will be adjusted to account for the HP damage inflicted.

- All equipment in the game is usable. Usually it will only result in a weak physical attack, but some equipment has an itemcast associated with it. I'll list this with the equipment.

- Level taken at 55. Enemy defense taken at 230 (averaging endgame enemies), Assumed attack power of enemies is 535 (This is both close to the real average/median of enemy attacks and is .4 PCHP against average def with a multiplier of 2)

- Using a boot or unarmed foot appears to be attacking with a weapon equal in power to the PC's level. This makes kicking things in the face a shockingly good option for large parts of the cast.

- Elements: Paladin's Quest features 8 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Sky, Lightning, Air, Heart, and Sphere. Over the course of the game Chezni and Midia learn all elements (except Midia and Fire), but the mercenaries come with a set of elements and they can not learn new ones. Elements have 'levels' on each PC, and using spells that include the corresponding element increase those levels. For the purposes of this topic I've assumed everyone maxes out the elements they have. This impacts the damage done by the corresponding spells, but it also serves as a base elemental magic resistance. Enemey spells tend to be weaker than physical attacks, so these elemental defenses actually represent a sizable reduction in damage as a percentage. I am assuming that a spell would deal 250 damage to an 'average' defense and adjusting from there. I'll include the durability modifiers for every element.

-PCs can heal in Paladin's Quest by using either itemcasts or "Bottles". Bottles are items that are equipped on each PC, and hold 9 shots of healing. These are refilled in towns at item shops/inns. I'd allow them to be 9 shots of the appropriate level of healing to the relevant people. Chezni and Midia would use Giga-Bottles, which is MT full healing. Of course the MT part is meaningless here. Important to note that using a Bottle grants a significant speed boost, while using a healing item-cast actually results in a speed penalty for that round.

-Status effects: There are no blockers in PQ, but I believe the elemental resistances serve as a form of status defense. Statuses involve Confusion (Daze), which makes you randomly physical a target that is not yourself, Freeze (Think 'stop', not 'icicle', which stops the PC from acting, Poison, which does damage whenever a turn is taken, and Paralysis, which stops a PC from taking an action just like Freeze. Freeze and Confusion have a 1/3rd chance of wearing off whenever the target gets a turn with the effect (so Freeze will always cancel at least one turn). On the turn Confuse wears off it simply acts like a turn cancel.

- Averages Up Top:
HP: 1539
Def: 227
Atk Speed: 268 (Stdev 48)
Damage 93 (kill point of 234)

Element averages:
Earth: 34.6, Water: 52.7, Fire: 25.3, Sky: 46.2, Light: 34.6, Air: 34.6, Heart: 52, Sphere: 34.6

HP:   1474 (95.76%)
Power:   267   
Speed:   280   
End:   187   
Luck:   280   
Attck:   305   
Defense: 332   (1.52)
Attk Speed: 291 (+0.48 stdevs)
Earth:   127   (1.77)
Water   127   (1.54)
Fire:   143   (2.25)
Sky:   127   (1.62)
Light:   127   (1.77)
Air   127   (1.77)
Heart:   127   (1.55)
Sphere   127   (1.77)
Head:   Sun Helm (24 Def, +16 Fire)   
RH:   Wind Sword (+38 Atk, Attacks Twice)   
LH:   Gabnid Shield (+52 Def, casts HealUp )   
Body:   Storm Armor (+58 Def, Casts Daze )   
Legs:   Gravity Boots (+11 Def, +11 Speed, casts SPUp)   
Belt:   Giga Bottle (MT full-heal)   

Alternate Equipment:
Gabnid Shield for Wind Sword, for an extra 52 defense and a durability modifier of 2.02

Attack: 222 damage over 2 hits. (358 after Power Up) [452 after Defense Down] <586 Both>

AntiPS (4 HP): Removes poison from 1 ally
AT S (1 HP): Causes enemies to target caster
Atback (30 HP): Grants a shield that deals 50% of physical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced. Reflected damage is ITD
Blowup (80 HP): 40% Chance of inflicting 127 ITD damage on an enemy. MT
BoltA (40 HP): 54 lightning damage to all
BoltG (24 HP): 60 lightning damage to a group
BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
BreakA (36 HP): 57 sky damage to all
BreakG ( 30 HP): 62 Sky damage to a group
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
Bury (110 HP): 143 physical damage to all. Reduced by physical defense, not element res.
Crush (130 HP): Chance of 113 physical damage to all. Reduced by physical defense, not elemental/magic res
Daze (60 HP): 70% Chance of confusion
DFDown (60 HP): 80% chance to halve enemy def (~115 extra damage per physical)
DFT A (5 HP): Instantly kill one enemy (0% Chance <_<)
Dft P (100 HP): Kills caster and restores other PCs to full health (does not revive)
Dft S (20 HP): Instantly kills all enemies (0% chance)
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%
Escape (100 HP): Teleports out of a dungeon
FireA (28 HP): 41 fire damage to all
FireG (18 HP): 46 fire damage to a group
FireS (12 HP): 56 fire damage to one
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)
Healup (8 HP): Cures Paralysis/Confusion to one ally
Heat (95 HP): 61 fire damage to all
Hire (150 HP): Hires a mercenary out of combat from anywhere in the world
Lstorm (120 HP): 123 physical damage to all. Reduced by physical defense, not element res.
Mgdown (50 HP):  Grants a shield that deals 50% of magical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced
MGWall (40 HP): Increases Magic Defense by 100, MT. Roughly equivalent to adding '85' to all element defenses. Very potent.
Peace (60 HP): Negate encounters with weak enemies.
Spirit (250 HP): 320 omni-elemental magic damage. Note that the HIGHER the target's elemental resists/defenses, the MORE damage this does.
Spup (32 HP): Increases speed ~15% for the entire party.
Storm (100 HP): 144 ice magic damage to all enemies.
STRup (70 HP): Increases attack power (hidden stat!) by 20%. Damage boost listed.
TakeHP (2 HP): 44 parasitic healing. Yes, 44.
Wall (70 HP): Raises party Physical Defense by 40.
Warp (80 HP): Teleports to the most recently visited town.

Comments: Chezni is fast, durable, very damaging (having roughly OHKO damage with his physical and overkill damage , and has a bevy of backup ablities with 9 shots of full healing. Godlike. Buffing, healing, damage, status... His flaws are middling HP (like everyone who isn't Nails) and a lack of status defense (like everyone period). Special mention to ATBack and MGDown, as the HP-damage scales in PQ mean reflecting even half damage is a LOT.

HP:   1413 (91.80%)
Power:   203   
Speed:   337   
End:   177   
Luck:   302   
Attck:   203   
Def:   302 (1.32)
Atk Sp:   349 (+1.69 stdevs)
Earth:   127 (1.77
Water   127 (1.54
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   127 (1.77)
Air   127 (1.77)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   127 (1.77)
Head:   Sophie's Crown (+18 Def, heals 800 HP)   
RH:   Sophie's Ring (+30 Def, Casts BreakS)   
LH:   Mgt (+28 Atk, +16 Def)   
Body:   Bib (+49 Def)   
Legs:   Sophie's Boots (+12 Def, +12 Speed)   
Belt:   Giga Bottle (MT Fullheal)

Alternate Equipment:
Adult Clothes (0 Def armor, but has auto AT-Back!. And when used as an item in battle, full heal)
Sophie's Sword (16 less Def for more physical attack damage)
Life Corsage (16 less Def, but when used in battle full-heals).

Attack: 33 (87 with Power Up) [148 after Def Down] <202 with both>
Attack (Sophie's Sword): 62 (112 after Power Up) [ 177 after Def Down] <227 after both>

AntiPS (4 HP): Removes poison from 1 ally
Atback (30 HP): Grants a shield that deals 50% of physical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced. Reflected damage is ITD
Blowup (80 HP): 40% Chance of inflicting 127 ITD damage on an enemy. MT
BoltA (40 HP): 54 lightning damage to all
BoltG (24 HP): 60 lightning damage to a group
BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
BreakA (36 HP): 57 sky damage to all
BreakG ( 30 HP): 62 Sky damage to a group
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
Bury (110 HP): 143 physical damage to all. Reduced by physical defense, not element res.
Crush (130 HP): low chance of 113 MT damage. Reduced by physical defense, not element res
Daze (60 HP): 70% Chance of confusion
DFDown (60 HP): 80% chance to halve enemy def (~115 extra damage per physical)
Dft P (100 HP): Kills caster and restores other PCs to full health (does not revive)
Dft S (20 HP): Instantly kills all enemies (0% chance)
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%
Escape (100 HP): Teleports out of a dungeon
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)
Healup (8 HP): Cures Paralysis/Confusion to one ally
Hire (150 HP): Hires a mercenary out of combat from anywhere in the world
Lstorm (120 HP): 123 physical damage to all. Reduced by physical defense, not element res.
Mgdown (50 HP):  Grants a shield that deals 50% of magical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced
MGWall (40 HP): Increases Magic Defense by 100, MT. Roughly equivalent to adding '85' to all element defenses. Very potent.
Peace (60 HP): Negate encounters with weak enemies.
Spup (32 HP): Increases speed ~15% for the entire party.
Storm (100 HP): 144 ice magic damage to all enemies.
STRup (70 HP): Increases attack power (hidden stat!) by 20%. Damage boost listed.
Wall (70 HP): Raises party Physical Defense by 40.
Warp (80 HP): Teleports to the most recently visited town.

Comments: She's fast. She's durable. She has lots and lots of options. She can heal forever. For amusement, she can equip the Adult Clothes and cast MGDown first, then any average attack on her will result in OHKO damage for the attacker. Her backup physical can get good with buffing/debuffing... doesn't win decisively turn 1 unless Freeze kicks in and gives it to her, but she is hard to deal with sans Status. Heavy/Godlike.

HP:   1444 (93.81%)
Power:   221   
Speed:   166   
End:   208   
Luck:   182   
Attck:   238   
Def:   230 (1.01)
Atk Sp:   169 (-2.06 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Hat (+5 Def)   
RH:   Pick Axe (+7 Atk)   
Body:   Work Clothes (+14 Def)   
Legs:   Short Boots (+3 Def/Speed)   
Belt:   Bomb Bottle   

Attack (Kick): 46 damage.
Bomb Bottle: 11 MT physical damage.

Comments: Scccrruuuub: Light.

HP:   1483 (96.35%)
Power:   221   
Speed:   320   
End:   140   
Luck:   261   
Attck:   261   
Def:   157 (0.81)
Atk Sp:   321 (+1.10 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
RH:   Tonfa (+10 Atk)   
LH:   Tonfa (+10 Atk)   
Body:   HTH Clothes (+17 Def)   
Legs:   Iron Boots (+1 Speed, Atk +30)   

Attack (Iron Boot): 83 damage.
Attack (Tonfas): 56 damage over 2 hits.

Comments: Well, he's fast but his damage is sub-par and his durability is poor. Light

Zuran :      
HP:   1427 (92.71%)
Power:   225   
Speed:   265   
End:   156   
Luck:   328   
Attck:   233   
Def:   175 (0.85)
Atk Sp:   265 (-0.06 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   127 (1.54)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
RH:   Boomerang (+8 Atk)   
Body:   Mid Armor (+19 Def)   

Attack (legs): 50 damage.
Attack (Boomerang): 39 damage

Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%

Comments: And another scrub. Light

HP:   1402 (91.08%)
Power:   222   
Speed:   227   
End:   162   
Luck:   305   
Attck:   238   
Def:   206 (0.94)
Atk Sp:   231 (-0.77 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   16 (0.96)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Power Helmet (+6 Def)   
RH:   Battle Cutlass (+16 Atk)   
LH:   Fire Shield (+15 Def, Casts FireS, +16 Fire)
Body:   Mid Armor (+19 Def)   
Legs:   Long Boots (+4 Def/Spd)   

Attack (Battle Cutlass): 39
Attack (Long Boots): 48

BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
BreakA (36 HP): 57 sky damage to all

Comments: Slow, undamaging, not durable. Light. Punk robs you so I'd like to see his face beat in Light, which should happen decently often enough if he were to fight!

HP:   1394 (90.56%)
Power:   195   
Speed:   164   
End:   206   
Luck:   229   
Attck:   215   
Def:   259 (1.11)
Atk Sp:   168 (-2.08 stdevs)
Earth:   127 (1.77
Water   127 (1.54
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Power Helmet (+6 Def)   
RH:   Heavy Sword (+20 Atk)   
Body:   Heavy Armor (+22 Def)   
Legs:   Long Boots (+4 Def/Spd)   
Belt:   Mini Bottle (heals 300 HP)

Attack (Long Boots): 20
Attack (Heavy Sword): 17

Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%
AntiPS (4 HP): Removes poison from 1 ally
Wall (70 HP): Raises party Physical Defense by 40.

Comments: Another slow, one, and this time excrutiatingly undamaging. Light

Mean Ma      
HP:   1499 (97.39%)
Power:   171   
Speed:   221   
End:   170   
Luck:   236   
Attck:   193   
Def:   199 (0.92)
Atk Sp:   225 (-0.90 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   127 (1.77)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   127 (1.77)
RH:   Gauntlet (+8 Def, +13 Atk)   
LH:   Razor (+9 Atk)   
Body:   Mid Dress (+18 Def)   
Legs:   Mid Boots (+3 Def, +4 Spd)   
Belt:   High Bottle (Heals 800 HP)   

Attack (anything): 1

BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
MGdown (50 HP):  Grants a shield that deals 50% of magical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)

Comments: Well, she is slow, but the healing is fast enough and not bad. She has MGdown to do mean things to mages if she can sneak it in, and her damage isn't utterly horrible even if it is all Thunder magic. Light/Middle?

HP:   1513 (98.30%)
Power:   174   
Speed:   276   
End:   141   
Luck:   315   
Attck:   204   
Def:   157 (0.81)
Atk Sp:   276 (+0.17 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   143 (1.74)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
RH:   Glow Bow (+30 Atk)   
LH:   Glow Bow (+30 Atk)   
Body:   Rain Clothes (+16 Def, heals 300 HP when used)   
Belt:   Mini Bottle (heals 300 HP)

Attack (anything): 1

BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%
BreakG ( 30 HP): 77 Sky damage to a group

Comments: Her healing is really bad, but it might help her out down in Light!

HP:   1527 (99.21%)
Power:   217   
Speed:   261   
End:   167   
Luck:   295   
Attck:   244   
Def:   167 (0.84)
Atk Sp:   261 (-0.15 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   127 (1.77)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
RH:   Battle Cutlas (+16 Atk)   
LH:   Demon Whip (+11 Atk)   
Body:   Actors Clothe's (+0 Def)   

Attack (Legs): 42 damage
Attack (Battle Cutlass): 28 damage

ATback (30 HP): Grants a shield that deals 50% of physical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced. Reflected damage is ITD

Comments: His damage is horrible, so he is left with only ATback to deal with enemies. This spell does a good job (remember, average incoming physical damage = the enemy eats OHKO damage), but the problem is his speed. His name lies, and he is actually not fast. That means he will have to take 2 hits from an enemy. Not impossible but not exactly safe. And he's boned vs mages. [/b]Light[/b]

HP:   1505 (97.78%)
Power:   262   
Speed:   183   
End:   193   
Luck:   222   
Attck:   309   
Def:   222 (0.98)
Atk Sp:   183 (-1.77 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
RH:   Giant Tree (+15 Atk)   
LH:   Rock Crag (+32 Atk)   
Body:   Combat Clothes (+29 Def)   

Attack (Rock Crag): 99 damage
Attack (G Tree): 82 damage to a group.
Attack (legs): 87 damage

Comments: Great strength, but bad speed and unimpressive durability mean he is in practice just an 'okay' slugger in Light.

HP:   1447 (94.01%)
Power:   217   
Speed:   245   
End:   168   
Luck:   120   
Attck:   293   
Def:   236 (1.03)
Atk Sp:   245 (-0.48 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Antique Helmet (+9 Def)   
RH:   Antique Sword (+39 Atk)   
Body:   Antique Armor (+28 Def)   
Legs:   Antique Boots (+7 Def, Atk+7)   
Belt:     Pray Staff (Banishes Ghosts when used)

Attack (Antique Sword): 71 damage
Attack (Antique Boots): 42 damage

Comments: Sub-par speed and damage, with middling durability. Light

J. Rasav      
HP:   1440 (93.55%)
Power:   215   
Speed:   274   
End:   169   
Luck:   279   
Attck:   340   
Def:   258 (1.11)
Atk Sp:   274 (+0.12 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Rage Helmet (+23 Def, Casts BoltG)   
RH:   HST (+80 Atk)   
LH:   Wind Sword (+38 Atk, Attacks Twice)   
Body:   Storm Armor (+58 Def, Casts Daze)   
Legs:   Savant Boots (+8 Def, +7 Atk, Casts SpUp)
Belt:   Mini Bottle (Heals 300 HP)

Attack (Wind Sword): 118 damage over 2 hits.
Attack (HST): 105 damage.

Comments: Above average speed and scrapes a 2HKO. While his 2-hit damage is susceptible to defense, he can swap to the HST to be less impacted by high defense. Middle.

G. Rasav      
HP:   1520 (98.75%)
Power:   231   
Speed:   285   
End:   177   
Luck:   290   
Attck:   308   
Def:   293 (1.27)
Atk Sp:   290 (+0.46 stdevs)
Earth:   127 (1.77)
Water   127 (1.54)
Fire:   127 (1.92)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Face Mask (+24 Def, +5 Atk)   
RH:   Seed Sword (+70 Atk, May Freeze)   
LH:   Good Shield (+51 Def, Casts Freeze)   
Body:   Bib (+49 Def)   
Legs:   Shoe Soles (+2 Def, +5 Spd, +2 Atk, May Freeze)   
Belt:   Stuffed Gubo (Casts Daze)   

Attack (Seed Sword): 105 damage (172 after StrUp)
Attack (Shoe Soles): 68 damage

STRup (70 HP): Increases attack power (hidden stat!) by 20%. Damage boost listed.
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
BreakG ( 30 HP): 62 Sky damage to a group
Heat (95 HP): 61 fire damage to all
AT S (1 HP): Causes enemies to target caster
DFT A (5 HP): Instantly kill one enemy (0% Chance <_<)
FireS (12 HP): 56 fire damage to one
Wall (70 HP): Raises party Physical Defense by 40.
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%
AntiPS (4 HP): Removes poison from 1 ally

Comments: Good durability, speed, and above average damage. He can buff to really solid 2HKO damage, and he can buff his defense a bit for all that it doesn't help much without a way to heal. Itemcast status tends to suck, but Stuffed Gabo is actually pretty decent at it. A decent Middle.

HP:   1456 (94.59%)
Power:   236   
Speed:   280   
End:   141   
Luck:   271   
Attck:   276   
Def:   250 (1.08)
Atk Sp:   287 (+0.39 stdevs)
Earth:   127 (1.77)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   16 (0.96)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   127 (1.77)
Head:   Flame Helmet (+15 Def, +16 Fire)   
RH:   Z Eraser (+40 Atk)   
LH:   Gabnid Shield (+52 Def, casts HealUp )   
Body:   Energy Clothes (+34 Def, Heals 800 HP)   
Legs:   Combat Socks (+8 Def, +7 Spd)   
Belt:   High Bottle (Heals 800 HP)

Attack (Z Eraser): 84 damage
Attack (Combat Socks): 64 damage

SPup (32 HP): Increases speed ~15% for the entire party.
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)
Dft P (100 HP): Kills caster and restores other PCs to full health (does not revive)
Crush (130 HP): Chance of 113 physical damage to all. Reduced by defense, not element res.
AntiPS (4 HP): Removes poison from 1 ally

Comments: Kinda speedy and okay durability, with healing, a bit of status and damage that isn't horrible. A Middle?

HP:   1419 (92.19%)
Power:   216   
Speed:   284   
End:   159   
Luck:   294   
Attck:   286   
Def:   211 (0.95)
Atk Sp:   292 (+0.50 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   127 (1.92)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   127 (1.77)
Air   127 (1.77)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Hair Ornament (+14 Def, +2Atk, Casts Daze   
RH:   Life Whip (+35 Atk, recovers ½ damage done)   
LH:   Life Corsage (+15 Atk, Fully heals)   
Body:   Dream Dress (+31 Def)   
Legs:   Wonder Boots (+7Def, +8 Spd, +12Atk)   

Attack (Life Whip): 52 damage, heals 26 HP.
Attack (Wonder Boots): 55 damage

TakeHP (2 HP): 44 parasitic healing. Yes, 44.
Dft S (20 HP): Instantly kills all enemies (0% chance)
Atback (30 HP): Grants a shield that deals 50% of physical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced. Reflected damage is ITD
FireA (28 HP): 41 fire damage to all
Blowup (80 HP): 40% Chance of inflicting 127 ITD damage on an enemy. MT
BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
BoltA (40 HP): 54 lightning damage to all
FireS (12 HP): 56 fire damage to one

Comments: Speedy with ATback. That is already nasty for physical attackers. Beyond that she has the ability to indefinitely fully heal with the Life Corsage. Her durability and damage, while subpar, are good enough to keep her afloat in Middle.

HP:   1488 (96.67%)
Power:   216   
Speed:   278   
End:   182   
Luck:   322   
Attck:   254   
Def:   245 (1.06)
Atk Sp:   283 (+0.31 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   127 (1.54)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   127 (1.77)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Combat Helmet (+12 Def)   
RH:   Morningstar (+28 Atk, +16 Def)   
Body:   Combat Clothes (+29 Def)   
Legs:   Knife Boots (+6 Def, +5 Spd, +10 Atk)   

Attack (Knife Boots): 56
Attack (Morningstar): 46

Lstorm (120 HP): 123 physical damage to all. Reduced by defense, not element res.
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
BreakG ( 30 HP): 62 Sky damage to a group
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%

Comments: While he is above average speed and has a 2HKO, it isn't much of a 2HKO and it costs him his own HP to use. No healing makes DFUp a less viable strategy. Lowish Middle.

HP:   1522 (98.88%)
Power:   333
Speed:   296   
End:   153   
Luck:   258   
Attck:   333   
Def:   182 (0.87)
Atk Sp:   296 (+0.58 stdev)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Body:   Combat Clothes (+29 Def)   

Attack (legs): 177
Attack (punch): 144

Comments: He's fastish and he hits really hard. His durability is wanting but not horrible. Middle.

HP:   1477 (95.96%)
Power:   247   
Speed:   262   
End:   178   
Luck:   280   
Attck:   314   
Def:   257 (1.11)
Atk Sp:   267 (-0.02 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   127 (1.54)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   127 (1.77)
Air   127 (1.77)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   127 (1.77)
Head:   Sun Helm (+24 Def, Casts FireG)
RH:   Giga Sword (+60 Atk)   
LH:   Natrec (+0, Casts DftS)   
Body:   Soa's Armor (+49 Def, Fullheals when used)   
Legs:   Combat Boots (+6 Def, +5 Speed)   
Belt:   Mega bottle (Fullheals)

Attack (Gigasword): 113

Storm (100 HP): 144 ice magic damage to all enemies.
MGdown (50 HP):  Grants a shield that deals 50% of magical damage received back to the attacker. Incoming damage is not reduced
MGWall (40 HP): Increases Magic Defense by 100, MT. Roughly equivalent to adding '85' to all element defenses. Very potent.
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)
LStorm (120 HP): 123 physical damage to all. Reduced by defense, not element res.
Daze (60 HP): 70% Chance of confusion
BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
BoltA (40 HP): 54 lightning damage to all
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%

Comments: Gramps here does a good job. Fullheals, defensive buffing, MGdown to screw over attacking mages, Freeze, damage is decent... Makes for a Middle/Heavy. He'd have been good if he had been fast.

HP:   3000 (194.90%)
Power:   260   
Speed:   300   
End:   200   
Luck:   250   
Attck:   445   
Def:   200 (0.92)
Atk Sp:   300 (+0.67 stdevs)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   0 (0.82)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   0 (0.80)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Energy Beam (+0Def, +50Atk)   
RH:   Missile (+10 Atk)   
LH:   Energy Draw (+20 Atk, heals ½ damage inflicted)   
Body:   Iron Torso (+0 Def, +30 Atk)   
Legs:   Stout Legs (+0)   
Belt:   Flame Thrower (+100 Atk, casts FireA)   

Attack (Stout Legs): 122 damage
Attack (Energy Draw): 82 damage, heals Nails for 41.
Attack (Missile): 76 MT damage.

Comments: Meet the reason why everyone else has bad HP. Perhaps this is a little unfair, because Nails is actually incapable of healing outside of his piddly Energy Draw (you need to re-recruit him to refill his HP). So when you recruit him he has 3000 HP, but in general has less by the time you get through a dungeon... And of course is worthless in a boss fight because he can't be healed. Regardless, very durable, somewhat fast, rather damaging. High Middle. Just a normal Middle if you halve his HP as penalty for not being healable.

HP:   1518 (98.62)%
Power:   228   
Speed:   314   
End:   175   
Luck:   297   
Attck:   338   
Def:   236 (1.03)
Atk Sp:   324 (+1.16 stdev)
Earth:   0 (0.86)
Water   0 (0.80)
Fire:   0 (0.89)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   0 (0.86)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   127 (1.77)
Head:   Winged Helmet (+12 Def, +10 Spd)   
RH:   Blood Whip (+45 Atk)   
LH:   Bow Gun (+65 Atk)   
Body:   Battle Clothes (+49 Def)   
Belt:   Mega Bottle (Fully heals)

Attack (Bowgun): 104 damage
Attack (Blood Whip): 81 damage to a group

DFDown (60 HP): 80% chance to halve enemy def (~115 extra damage per physical)
Freeze (24 HP): 70% chance of inflicting Freeze status (magic paralyze)
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
BreakA (36 HP): 57 sky damage to all
Crush (130 HP): paltry chance of 113 MT physical. Reduced by defense not element res

Comments: Fast with decent damage, full healing, and Freeze too. DFDown turns his 'decent' damage into 'awesome'. High Middle.

HP:   1495 (97.13%)
Power:   206   
Speed:   294   
End:   163   
Luck:   285   
Attck:   206   
Def:   227 (1.00)
Atk Sp:   300 (+0.67 stdev)
Earth:   127 (1.77)
Water   127 (1.54)
Fire:   127 (1.92)
Sky:   127 (1.62)
Light:   127 (1.77)
Air   0 (0.86)
Heart:   127 (1.55)
Sphere:   0 (0.86)
Head:   Soa's Crown (+7 Def, Casts BoltS)   
RH:   Sing Staff (+0, Casts Freeze)   
Body:   Power Robe (+54 Def, Casts StrUp)   
Legs:   Leather Shoes (+3 Def, +6 Speed)   
Belt:   Mega Bottle (Fully heals)

Attack (Leather Shoes):    32 damage (92 with StrUp)

Dft P (100 HP): Kills caster and restores other PCs to full health (does not revive)
TakeHP (2 HP): 44 parasitic healing. Yes, 44.
BreakS (24 HP): 77 Sky damage to one
BreakG ( 30 HP): 62 Sky damage to a group
BreakA (36 HP): 57 sky damage to all
Dft S (20 HP): Instantly kills all enemies (0% chance)
DFT A (5 HP): Instantly kill one enemy (0% Chance)
Healup (8 HP): Cures Paralysis/Confusion to one ally
Daze (60 HP): 70% Chance of confusion
Blowup (80 HP): 40% Chance of inflicting 127 ITD damage on an enemy. MT
BoltS (18 HP): 74 lightning damage to one
BoltG (24 HP): 60 lightning damage to a group
Heat (95 HP): 61 fire damage to all
AT S (1 HP): Causes enemies to target caster
FireS (12 HP): 56 fire damage to one
STRup (70 HP): Increases attack power (hidden stat!) by 20%. Damage boost listed.
Wall (70 HP): Raises party Physical Defense by 40.
Dfup (55 HP): Increases defense by ~25%

Comments: Hawk has decent speed, full healing, buffing, confuse status (the itemcast Freeze isn't backed up by any Sphere Spirit, so it is worse than the spell)... And yet for all those Spirits he lacks the ability to put out decent damage. At least he can try with Strength Up -> Kick. Otherwise he's left with below average damage. He still has plenty of healing and speed so he yet works in Middle.

RPG Stats Forum / Tales of Symphonia (now in HD!)
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:47:34 AM »
Why remake the ToS topic? Mostly I want to include EX skills, which make the cast more interesting while preserving uniqueness. Every PC has 16 EX skills, some of which aren't completely unique but give a good appreciating for what a PC can do, and there are several unique EX skills that are valid.

 I also wanted to list (in the main topic) more accurate combo damage numbers, since the original didn't account too well for combos actually working in practice or for the "Repeated attack penalty" that makes long combos less damaging than you'd think.

Otherwise there are some minor notes such as elemental resistances needing to be +5 for nullification instead of +4, and the species weakness weapons being +12.5% damage instead of +100%!

So here's what we're about:

- Levels taken at 65

- Damage taken against 200 Enemy Def.

- Equipment is almost all unique so that makes it pretty easy.Not doing the Level 80+ only gear.

- Elemental resists are handled by 'points' in that element. Everyone's default prior to equips/skills is 0. Less than negative 2 is a weakness to the element. Negative 1 to 1 is neutral, 2-4 is halving an element. 5-6 is nulling it, and 7 is absorbing it! There are accessories that boost elemental resistances... and outside of that there won't be much chance to null or absorb elements.

Accessories of Interest:
Drain Charm: Prevents Curse and Weak. (+2 Dark)
Paralysis Charm: Prevents Paralysis (+2 Lightning)
Poison Charm: Prevents Poison (+2 Water)
Stone Charm: Prevents Petrify and Heavy (+2 Earth)
Stun Charm: Prevents Stun (+2 Light)
Rune Cape: Def +14, Int +10, Evade +7
Rune Boots: Def +15, Int +10
Black Onyx: +30% HP, +5 Def
Moonstone: +30% TP, +5 Int

It goes without saying that two Black Onyx's are the optimum. This means there is an 18.75% HP hit to remove one Black Onyx, and double that to remove 2. This is expensive but the money is there for it at endgame and it is storebought in a normal town.

HP: 6031
Def: 253
(HD, with Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 5044
(Gamecube, without Sheena's Force Seal loop): 4117
(HD, Without Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 4025
(Gamecube, with Sheena's Force Seal Loop): 5135

Lloyd Irving:
HP: 6970
TP: 346
STR: 343
DEF: 166
ACC: 140
EVA: 128
INT: 143

Slash: 1343
Thrust: 1263
Defense: 275
Accuracy: 150
Evasion: 128

Kusanagi Blades (+930 Slash, +850 Thrust, +12.5% damage to undead)
Armor: Mumbane (+70 defense, +2 Earth/Lightning/Darkness/Ice resistance)
Headgear: Rare Helm (+24 defense, +2 Lightning Resistance)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 defense, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Material Blade ( +820 Slash/Thrust, enables Falcon Crest)
Ninja Sword (+860 Slash/820 Thrust, Darkness Element)
Star Mail (+65 Defense, +2 Fire)
Rare Gauntlets (+18 defense, +2 Earth)

EX Skill Set:
Ability Plus: Allows two L1 techs in a row.
Strong: +20 Str
Personal: Increase walking speed (For crit+)
Vitality: +5% HP
Compound Skills:
Critical Up: Slightly raises critical hit rate

Ideal Combo:   
Physical Combo ->Tiger Blade ->Sword Rain → Fierce Demon Fang → Beast Sword Rain: 4596 damage, Knocks down enemy

Special: Must be at less than 16% HP, equip Material Blades, 100TP   
Falcon Crest:   8955 damage.

Physical Combo: 1462
Base Skills:   
Demon Fang (4TP)   566
Sonic Thrust (5TP)   604
Sword Rain (5TP)   647
Tiger Blade (9TP)   754
Tempest (8TP)   754
(T) Double Demon Fang (16TP):   990
(S) Fierce Demon Fang (16TP)   1132
(T) Tiger Rage (19TP)   1132
(S) Heavy Tiger Blade (19TP)   1179
(T) Sword Rain: Alpha (16TP)   1037
(S) Sonic Sword Rain (16TP)   1367
(T) Hurricane Thrust (14TP)   1037
(S) Super Sonic Thrust (14TP)   1132
(T) Omega Tempest (17TP)   1179
(S) Psi Tempest (17TP)   1132
Beast (12TP):   1226
(T) Demonic Chaos (34TP)   1839
(S) Demonic Circle (38TP)   2122
(T) Raging Beast (25TP)   1556
(S) Hunting Beast (24TP)   1697
Rising Falcon (32TP)   1556
Demonic Thrust (30TP)   1556
Demonic Tiger Blade (32TP)   1650
Raining Tiger Blade (36TP)   1697
Beast Sword Rain (38TP)   1886
Tempest Thrust (32TP)   1886
Tempest Beast (35TP)   1886
(S) Twin Tiger Blade (35TP) 1886
(T) Sword Rain: Beta (38TP) 1839

Colette Brunel:
HP: 5652
TP: 481
STR: 222
DEF: 133
ACC: 121
EVA: 126
INT: 169

Attack: 1072 (1179 with Battle Cry)
Defense: 231 (254 with Battle Cry)
Evasion: 126 (139 with Battle Cry)

Weapon: Angel Halo (+850 Atk)
Armor: Elemental Guard (66 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (20 Def)
Armguard: Drapnir (12 Def)

EX Skill Set:
Personal: Holy Bottles last longer (For Battle Cry)
Stat Boost: Improves stat buff effectiveness
Sky Combo: Able to chain attacks in the air
Vitality: +5% HP
Compound Skills:
Battle Cry: +10% stats. Passive effect.
Life Siphon: Regenerate 1% HP for every 2 hits in a combo

Ideal combo:
Physical combo → Para Ball → Whirlwind Rush: 3705 damage, 36 TP, regenerates 6% HP

In the HD Version (where Para Ball has been nerfed):
Physical Combo → Para Ball → Whirlwind Rush: 2971 damage, regnerate 6% HP

For maximum regeneration:
Physical Combo → Ray Satellite → Torrential Para Ball: 2809 damage, 7% regeneration.

Physical Combo:   721   
Ray Thrust (5TP):   506   
Pow Hammer (8TP)   623   
(T) Dual Ray Thrust (10TP)   779   
(S) Ray Satellite (14TP)   896   
(T) Pow Pow Hammer (15TP)   935   
(S) Para Ball (14TP)   1792   (only 896 in the HD version)
Item Thief (10TP)   779   
Ring Whirlwind (11TP)   818   
(T) Triple Ray Thrust (22TP)   1325   
(S) Triple Ray Satellite (26TP)   1169   
(T) Hammer Rain (30TP)   1169   
(S) Torrential Para Ball (30TP)   1403   
(T) Ring Cyclone (22 TP)   1091   
(S) Whirlwind Rush (22TP)   1403   
Item Rover (22TP)   1169   
Grand Chariot (24TP)   1247   
Stardust Cross (34TP)   818   
Useful Magic:      
Angel Feather (20TP):    1031   

Genis Sage
HP: 4642
TP: 427
STR: 174
DEF: 132
EVA: 102
INT: 350

Attack: 854
Defense: 240
Accuracy: 99
Evasion: 102

Weapon: One World (+680 Atk, +14 INT)
Armor: Star Cloak (+60 Def, +2 Fire)
Headgear: Rune Hat (+15 Def, +10 Int)
Armguard: Draupnir (+12 Def)

EX Skill Set:
Magical: +20 Int
Tough: +5% Def
E.Guard: Increased elemental resistance (doesn't do much)
Immunity: Chance to resist status ailments
Compound Skills:
Magic Boost: Boosts magic damage sometimes.
Self Cure: Automatically be cured of status effects after a brief time of not taking action.
Mag Status immunity: Immunity to magical status ailments (debuffs)

Best damage done in a reasonable time frame:
Prism Sword (58TP)   4250

Physical Combo:   454
Fire Ball (7TP)   460
Stone Blast: (7TP)   540
Wind Blade: (8TP)   450
Aqua Edge: (8TP)   520
Lightning: (9TP)   440
Icicle: (10TP)   470
Dreaded Wave (34TP)   1210
Meteor Storm (80TP)   4950
(T) Stalagmite (20TP)   1470
(S) Grave (22TP)   1800
(T) Spread (22TP)   1700
(S) Aqua Laser (20TP)   1860
(T) Air Thrust (22TP)   1410
(S) Air Blade (22TP)   1860
(T) Eruption (24TP)   1550
(S) Flame Lance (24TP)   1900
(T) Thunder Blade (28TP)   1870
(S) Spark Wave (26TP)   2000
(T) Ice Tornado (30TP)   1880
(S) Freeze Lancer (29TP)   1920
(T) Raing Mist (38TP)   2140
(S) Spiral Flare (38TP)   2010
(T) Tidal Wave (60TP)   1400
(S) Atlas (42TP)   2120
(T) Gravity Well (42TP)   2390
(S) Thunder Arrow (42TP)   2440
(T) Ground Dasher (46TP)   2600
(S) Absolute (46TP)   3100
(T) Cyclone (50TP)   2580
(S) Earth Bite (44TP)   2370
(T) Explosion (55TP)   3870
(S) Prism Sword (58TP)   4250
(T) Indignation (60TP)   4750

Raine Sage:
TP: 531
STR: 201
DEF: 130
ACC: 95
EVA: 83
INT: 389

Attack: 201
Defense: 232
Accuracy: 65
Evasion: 83

Heart of Chaos (+0 Atk, +50 Int, -30 Acc, -30 Luc)
Armor: Spirit Robe (+60 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth/Lightning/Ice/Light/Dark [Every ToS element])
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Drapupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Blue Crystal Rod (+640 Atk)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 Def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Magical: +20 Int
Guard Plus: Reduces damage while guarding
E.Guard: Reduces elemental damage taken.
Spirit: Increases TP by 5%
COmpound Skills:
Blood Spirit: +1TP for every 1% of total HP in damage taken (1547 damage taken, half her total, is +50 TP for example)
Technical: Reduces TP required for Artes by 10%

Optimum Spell:
(S) Holy Lance (40 TP):   3562

First Aid (8TP): 30% healing   
Charge (24TP): Transfers TP to another party member   
Barrier (8TP): +10% defense   
Recover (8TP): Heals phys status ailment   
Sharpness (12TP): +10% Attack   
Dispel (8 TP): Heals magic status   
Photon (16 TP):   2625
Ressurection (48TP): Revives one with 25% HP   
(T) Nurse (28TP): 40% MT healing   
(S) Heal (20 TP): 60% ST healing   
(T) Field Barrier (48TP) +10% defense, MT   
(S) Permaguard (40TP): +15% Def, ST   
(T) Purify (24TP): Heals phys status, MT   
(S) Restore (24TP): Heals phys status. Immunizes against phys status infliction   
(T) Acuteness (32TP): +10% Attack, MT   
(S) Keenness (32TP): +15% Attack, ST   
(T) Nullify (28TP): Heals magic status, MT   
(S) Anti-Magic (28TP): Heals magic status and immunizes against mag status infliction   
(T) Healing Circle (56 TP): 60% healing to an area   
(S) Cure (64TP): 100% healing to one   
(T) Ray (35TP):    
(S) Holy Lance (40 TP):   3562
(T) Revitalize (96TP): 90% healing, MT   
(S) Revive (96TP): Revives one to 100% HP   

Sheena Fujibayashi:
TP: 494
STR: 269
DEF: 143
ACC: 150
EVA: 125
INT: 230

Attack: 1079
Defense: 245
Accuracy: 150
Evasion: 125

Weapon: Divine Judgement (+810 Atk, x1.2 dmg to Undead)
Armor: Kannazuki (+60 def, +2 Wind)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Draupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Aclanatha (+720 Atk, Fire, +2 Fire/Darkness, x1.2 damage to Undead)
Card of Ice (+430 Atk, Ice, +2 Ice, x1.2 damage to humans)
Card of Wind (+380 Atk, Wind, +2 Wind, x1.2 damage to birds)
Card of Lightning (+350 Atk, Lightning, +2 Lightning, x1.2 damage to insects)
Card of Earth (+240 Atk, Earth, +2 Earth, x1.2 damage to plants)
Card of Water (+175 Atk, Water, +2 Water, x1.2 damage to aquatics)
Shaman Dress (+54 Def, +4 Light, +2 Dark)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 Def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Dash: Move faster in battle
Prolong: Card effects last longer
Add Combo: One extra hit to ground combo
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Hard Hit: Enemy staggers for longer.
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Best combo:
Physical Combo → Power Seal → Serpent Seal Pinion → Demon Seal (53 TP): 2852 damage.

With Force Seal, Sheena can chain together an excessively long combo by repeating her Serpent Seal Pinion move. Whether this is doable in one turn or requires a turn to use Force Seal is up for debate.
Force Seal → Physical combo ->Power Seal->Serpent Seal Pinion → Repeat Combo/PS/SSP 3x → Combo->Power Seal->Serpent Seal Pinion → Demon Seal (100TP): 11000 damage.

Physical Combo   1154
L1 Artes:   
Power Seal (5TP):   272
Mirage Seal (5TP):   272
Serpent Seal (5TP):   272
L2 Artes:   
(S) Power Seal Absolute (22TP):    407
(T) Power Seal Pinion (18TP):   679
(S)Mirage Seal Absolute (24TP):   407
(T) Mirage Seal Pinion (12TP):   679
(S) Serpent Seal Absolute (20TP):   407
(T) Serpent Seal Pinion (12TP):   679
L3 Artes:   
Pyre Seal (15TP):   849
Demon Seal (35TP):   1019
Cyclone Seal (35TP):   1307
Force Seal (25TP):   
Purgatory Seal (40TP): Revives a character with '0' HP. Any hits kill them but they can be otherwise healed as normal.   
S/T Elemental seal (14TP): Grant an element to one character's attacks. Any of the 8 ToS elements are available.   
Summons (All 100 TP), only usable in Overlimit:   
Fire:           3656
Water:   3469
Wind:   3938
Light:   3094
Lightning:   4875
Earth:   3375
Ice:           1313
Dark:   3516
Origin:   8203
Birth:   2297

Zelos Wilder:
TP: 399
STR: 323
DEF: 153
ACC: 127
INT: 109

Attack: 1293
Defense: 267
Accuracy: 127
Evasion: 109

Weapon: Last Fencer (920 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to humans)
Armor: Golden Armour (+70 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Light)
Headgear: Rare Helm (+24 Def, +2 Lightning)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 Def, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Armguard: Rare Gauntlet (+18 def, +2 Earth)
Armguard: Star Shield (+35 Def, +2 Fire/Dark)

EX Skill Set:
Super Chain: Order Artes however you want (3-2-1, 2-3-1, etc...)
Slasher: Makes basic physical chain 6 hits, but can't use Artes past 3rd...
Eternal: Used for Compound EX skills
Taunt: Taunt the enemy! Very Zelos-y.
COmpound Skills:
Super Blast: Negates the downside of Slasher.
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Optimum Combo:
Physical Combo ->Super Lightning Blade->Lightning Blade->Sonic Thrust (61TP): 5510 damage.
Non-elemental alternate:
Fierce Demon Fang, Light Spear Cannon, Sonic Thrust (47TP): 4907 damage.

Physical Combo:   2009
L1 Artes:   
Demon Fang (4TP):    536
Sonic Thrust (5TP):    625
L2 Artes:   
(T)Double Demon Fang(16TP):   938
(S) Fierce Demon Fang(16TP):   1072
(T)Hurricane Thrust(14TP):   982
Light Spear(18TP_:   982
Lightning Blade(22TP):   1473
L3 Artes:   
(T)Victory Light Spear(26TP):    1429
(S)Light Spear Cannon(26TP):   1473
Demon Spear(30TP):   1340
Hell Pyre(22TP):   1563
Super Lightning Blade(34TP):   1674
First Aid (8TP): 30% healing   
Healing Wind(35TP): 30% healing to an area   
Healing Stream (45TP): 45% healing to an area   
Fire Ball (7TP)   291
Wind Blade: (8TP)   281
Stone Blast: (7TP)   366
Lightning(9TP):   347
Air Thrust(22TP):   1041
Thunder Blade(28TP):   1313
Eruption(24TP):   1106
Grave(22TP):   1247
Judgement(40TP):   1078

Presea Combatir:
HP: 7617
TP: 373
STR: 362
DEF: 175
ACC: 100
EVA: 108
INT: 231

Attack: 1332
Defense: 277
Accuracy: 110
Evasion: 108

Weapon: Pow Hammer DX (+900 Atk, +30 Acc, +20 Luk, x1.2 damage to humans)
Armor: Star Guard (+62 P.Def, +2 Light/Dark)
Headgear: Pretty Ribbon (+20 Def)
Armguard: Claw Gauntlet (+10 Def, +50 Atk)

Alternate Equipment options:
Bahamut's Tear (+920 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to dragons)
Ogre Axe (+830 P.Atk, x1.2 damage to plants)
Prism Guard (+66 Def, +2 Water/Wind/Fire/Earth/Lightning/Ice/Light, -2 Dark, -2 Non-Elemental including physicals)
Solar Guard: Def 50, Def (Fire,Light) +2
Rare Gauntlets (+18 defense, +2 Earth)
Kitchen Mittens (+3 def, +2 Fire)
Penguinist Gloves (+3 Def, +2 Ice)

EX Skill Set:
Strong: +20 Strength
Heavy Hit: Increased chance of staggering target.
Personal: Enables finding food in dungeons (for Variable)
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Variable: Raises P.Atk by 10% (+14.3% damage) for every 25% HP lost.
Critical Up: Increases critical hit chances.

Optimum combo:
Physical Combo → Destruction → Dual Punishment → Endless Infliction (50TP): 4492 damage.

Physical Combo:   844
Destruction(6TP):   1368
Infliction(4TP):   684
Punishment(5TP):   798
Devastation(8TP):   912
L2 Artes:   
(T) Dual Infliction(13TP):   1254
(S)Resolute Infliction(15TP):   1254
(T) Dual Punishment(16TP):   1140
(S)Finality Punishment(12TP):   1596
(T)Deadly Destruction(10TP):   1961
(S)Fiery Destruction(12TP):   1459
(T)Finite Devastation(11TP):   1368
(S)Mass Devastation(12TP):   1642
L3 Artes:   
(T)Endless Infliction(28TP):   1824
(S)Eternal Devastation(26TP):   1824
(T)Rising Punishment(28TP):   2098
(T)Infinite Destruction(38TP):   1870
Beast(14TP):   2280

Regal Bryant:
HP: 6535
TP: 404
STR: 335
DEF: 145
ACC: 153
EVA: 144
INT: 249

Attack: 1215
Defense: 258
Accuracy: 153
Evasion: 144

Kaiser Greaves (+880 P.Atk, +16 Def, Light element)
Amror: Mortality Cloak (+60 Def)
Headgear: Rune Hat (+15 Def, +10 Int)
Armguard: Drapupnir (+12 Def)

Alternate Equipment options:
Weapon: Glory Artes (+850 P.Atk, +30 Acc/Eva/Luck)
Armor: Phoenix Cloak (+54 P.Def, +4 Fire)

EX Skill Set:
Sky Combo: Enables combos in midair
Flash: Prevent stagger for small windows when attacking
Add Combo: Increase basic physical combo string by 1
Vitality: +5% HP
COmpound Skills:
Combo Force: Combo diminishing returns are 90% instead of 85%

Optimum combo:
Physical Combo → Swallow Dance → Eagle Rage → Wolverine (62TP): 3969 damage.

Physical Combo   1100
Spin Kick (6TP)   530
Heaven's Charge (14TP)   815
Triple Kick (14TP):   978
Wolverine (28TP):   1426
Swallow Kick (8TP)   611
Rising Dragon (10TP)   611
Crescent Moon 8TP)   652
(T) Swallow Dance (16TP)   774
(T)Dragon Fury (18TP)   978
(S)Dragon Rage (24TP)   1060
(S)Dragon Dance (16TP)   1060
Crescent Dark Moon (30TP)   1386
Eagle Dive (8TP)   611
(S)Eagle Fall (18TP)   978
(T)Eagle Rage (18TP)   1060
Triple Rage Kick (26TP)   1345

RPG Stats Forum / Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies
« on: April 23, 2014, 03:06:27 AM »
Bravely Default, Flying Fairy:

- This stat topic will cover the 24 available jobs as their own PCs, with averages being the averages of the jobs.

- The Norende sidequest gear up to the Bloody Shield for the armor shop was considered as fair game. I am including the compounding shop mixes for Salve-Maker, and used Desert Rose mixes in the averages.

-  Sequipment is considered for the cast. No chests/drops/steals... with the exception of the Giant Axe, of which you are assured to have 5 of by the true ending.

HP: Lose these, die in obscurity
MP: Used for physical and magical special abilities.
P.Atk: Physical attack power. (P.Atk-target P.Def) *multiplier = damage
P.Def: Physical defense. See above
M.Atk: Magic attack power. Not as simple as P.Atk
M.Def: Magic defense, not as simple as P.Def
Aim: raw chance to hit, Hit% = Aim - target evade. Note that this only applies to the 'attack' command... all physical special skills ignore evade.
Evade: Same as above! Including the note about all physical skills ignoring it.
Mind: a base stat for deriving M.Def, included because it represents status resistance
Speed: Speed in traditional turn-based fashion.

- Listed attack damage will factor in accuracy.

- Buffs/Debuffs. Bravely Default buffs cap out at +50% stats and debuffs cap out at -25% stats. Durations are 'refreshed' upon using a buff, so a 25% buff that lasts 5 turns will turn into a 50% buff that lasts 5 more turns if it used again on the 5th turn.

- Brave/Default system: Bravely Default is uniqe from other Turn Based games in that it features a Brave Point sytem. Combatants start with 0 BP and gain 1 at the end of every round. Using any action consumes a BP. In a round, a PC can 'default' to store 1 BP, halving damage for that round (a traditional defend command that catches magic too). PCs may also 'brave' to spend a BP to take 2 actions instead of 1, and obviously they can't Brave and Default in the same turn. The catch is that PCs can do this 3 times to quadra-act in a single turn, AND the PCs can go 'negative' on BP... basically borrowing 3 future turns to quadra-act in one turn. The maximum actions/round is 4, and the minimum BP that a PC can go to is -4 (so a PC can not start off by quadra-acting a move that costs 2 BP instead of the normal 1).

- Without some balance this would result in a rather insane dueling cast, so a 3-turn average was constructed, where the jobs attempt to squeeze as much damage in as possible in those 3 turns without regard to resources/recharge turns afterwards.

In general, what this means is that the damage average will be a three turn average where a PC's turns go something like attack->attack->4x attack. Then the PC would have 3 turns where they could take no actions. This doubles the 'nominal' damage average or so, but being able to squeeze out frontloaded damage is probably more than enough to make up for it in the cast.

- Level was taken at 80. Enemy stats used were averaes of optional bosses and final bosses (randoms stop mattering really). These final endgame numbers used are...
90 P.Def
140 M.Def
380 P.Atk (for defense effectiveness).
33 Evade

- Some skills cost BP to use. This price is in addition to the 1 BP that it always costs to use an action. Again the minimum BP that a PC can go down to is -4, so these can't be quadra-acted turn 1 or anything like that.

- Equipment: Every class has a series of 'ranks' in equipment. These result in multipliers to the P.Def and P.Atk stats that the weapon uses. For example someone with an 'E' in Shields will get +45 Pdef from the Bloody Shield, but someone with an 'S' will get 2x that... 90 pdef. So while anyone can equip any weapon, weapon ranks can make even a 'stronger' weapon yield a lower P.Atk.

Sword: (90% hit)
Claymore: 40 P.Atk
Defender: 27 P.Atk, +10 Def

Giant Axe: 58 P.Atk, 60% Hit
Heavy Axe: 52 P.Atk, 85% Hit

Crimson Spear: 37 P.Atk, 90% Hit

Poison Rod: 19 P.Atk, 19 M.Atk, 50% chance to poison on attack
Rod of Ice: 15 P.Atk, 15 M.Atk, 10% more ice/water damage
Rod of Fire: 12 P.Atk, 12 M.Atk, 10% more fire damage

Staves (90% Hit)
Diamond Staff: 38 P.Atk
Yggdrasil Staff: 17 P.Atk, +7 Mind

Daggers (95% Hit):
Gladius: 32 P.Atk
Main-Gauche: 22 P.Atk, +20% Evade

Bows (95% Hit), 2 handed weapons:
Elven Bow: 72 P.Atk, 25% chance of Confuse

Katanas (90% Hit, +15% Crit rate)
Masamune: 39 P.Atk

Knuckles (90% Hit), 2-handed weapons
Divine Fists: 60 P.Atk, Deals Light damage

Bloody Shield: 45 P.Def, 23 M.Def, -100 Evade
Adamant Shield: 27 P.Def, 14 M.Def, 26 Evade

Adamant Helm: 10 P.Def, 2 M.Def

Red Cap: 7 P.Def, 2 M.Def, +5 Str, +5 Agi (speed!)
Adamant Hat: 9 P.Def, 2 M.Def, 5 Evade
Black Cowl: 8 P.Def, 2 M.Def, 10 Evade
Lambent Hat: 5 P.Def, 3 M.Def, 2 M.Atk, +25% Lightning damage
Headband: 6 P.Def, 1 M.Def, +10 Str (P.Atk)

Adamant Armor: 36 P.Def, 9 M.Def

Adamant Vest: 29 P.Def, 7 M.Def
Gaia Gear: 25 P.Def, 6 M.Def, 4 M.Atk, +50% Earth damage
White Robe: 22 P.Def, 5 M.Def, 4 M.Atk, +20 Mind (M.Def)
Power Sash: 22 P.Def, 5 M.Def, +5 Strength (P.Atk)
Black Robe: 20 P.Def, 5 M.Def, 3 M.Atk, +20 Int (M.Atk)
Mirage Vest: 19 P.Def, 5 M.Def, 20 Evade
Rainbow Dress: 14 P.Def, 3 M.Def, 3 M.Atk, Confusion immunity
Tabby Suit: 13 P.Def, 3 M.Def, 2 M.Atk, Poison immunity

Accessories of interest:
Hermes Sandals: +10 Agility (Speed)
Adamant Gauntlest: 8 P.Def, 1 M.Def
Adamant Bangle: 2 M.Def, +500 HP
Power Bracers: +10 Strength (P.Atk)
Star Pendant: Immunity to Poison
Silver Glasses: Immunity to Blind
White Cape: Immunity to Silence
Clothespin: Immunity to Sleep
Earthing Rod: Immunity to Paralysis
Peace Ring: Immunity to Confuse
Rebuff Locket: Immunity to Charm
Courage Ring: Immunity to Dread
*Safety Ring: Immunity to Instant Death
* Safety Rings aren't storebought but there are 4 in the game

- Also of note: PCs can dual-wield weapons at half weapon power for each. This tends to be impractical due to subtractive defenses. But mages can get double the M.Atk bonus from rods (+19 M.Atk in the case of the best storebought rod). and some PCs can get away with more damage this way anyway. Shields can't be dual-wielded without a specific (awesome) skill though!

- Bravely Default features a 'passive' skill system, which allows PCs to equip passive skills such as "P.Atk 20% Up" or "Dual Shields" or even "MP free below 20% HP". Each Job has one 'default' skill that is always active when in that job. The PC further has up to 5 points that can be spent to equip other skills, which cost between 1-3 points each. Point values for skills will be listed.

PC averages:
HP: 5756.
MP: 557.
P.Def: 174.
M.Def: 90.
Aim: 101.
Evade: 1
MND: 61.
SPD: 78.33 (stdev 16.78)
Damage: 5966    (Kill point 14915) [5872 (kill point 14696) without compounding ingredients]

-I will list a durability modifier for defense. This is how much the PC divides incoming physical damage by.

HP:   5652 (98%)
MP:   595
P.Atk:   159
P.Def:   215 (1.25) [1.84 after 1 Endure, 3.57 after 2 Endures]
M.Atk:   61
M.Def:   97
Aim:   96
Evade:   0
MND:   58
SPD:   74
3-turn Damage:   886

(Default): Late Bloomer: +1% P.Atk/M.Atk/P.Def/M.Def for each class mastered
Stand Ground (3): 75% chance of surviving with 1 HP when KOd. Does not work at 1 HP.
Poison Immunity (1): Immunity to poison
MP 10% Up (1): Increases MP by 10%

Alternate Passives:
Divining Rod (1): Tells you how many treasures are in a dungeon floor
Dungeon Master (1):  Ignore Dungeon Trap floors
JP Up (1): Increase earned JP by 20%
Lure Enemy (1): Increase field encounter rate by 100%

Heavy Axe
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Armor
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 443 physical damage

Examine: Learn enemy weaknesses, stats, and see their HP bar.
Treat: Restore 20% Max HP
Mislead: Less likely to be targetted
Prayer (8 MP): Chance based abilities are 1.5x more likely to succeed for 10 turns
Endure: Raise P.Def and M.Def by 25% for 4 turns
Flee: Run away
Mimic: Repeat the last ally action (including your own) at no cost to BP/MP/HP

Comments: Endure and Treat, hope for a victory over a long, long time. In Light.

HP:   8817 (153%)
MP:   368
P.Atk:   520
P.Def:   71 (0.665)
M.Atk:   38
M.Def:   50
Aim:   102
Evade:   3
MND:   50
SPD:   70
Damage: 12016

(Default): Knuckle Lore: S rank in Knuckles. Also, when no weapon is equipped, a fist type weapon is assumed with level (80) P.Atk
HP 30% Up (3): Increases HP by 30%
P.Atk 10% Up (1): Increases P.Atk by 10%
Natural Talent (1): When nothing at all is equipped, double P.Atk

Alternate Passives:
Blind Immunity (1): Immunity to Blind status
HP 20% Up (2): Increases HP by 20%
HP 10% Up (1): Increases HP by 10%

Equipment: See that Natural Talent passive? Monk is NAKED!

Attack: 3316

Quigong Wave (12 MP): 6008 physical damage
Hidden Dragon: 6008 physical damage. Acts at end of round.
Inner Alchemy (5 MP): Remove status from self (Poison, Blind, Silence, Dread, Confuse)
Invigorate: Raise P.Atk by 25% for 2 turns. 25% chance of not raising P.Atk and instead doing 20% MHP Self-damage.
Strong Strike: 50% chance of 2x damage, 50% chance of none.
Pressure Point (1 BP): 9999 ITD damage.
Phoenix Flight: Deal Current HP in set ITD damage to foe. Reduce HP to 1 after move is used.

*Alternate Setup: Monk may instead opt for a setup featuring
9699 HP (168%), 266 P.Atk, 135 P.Def (0.839), 85 Speed (+.4 stdevs)...
but Quigong Wave will only do 2936, and Pressure Point 6619

Comments: Monk smash! It's hard to argue with 4x Quigong Waves, or even 2 Pressure Points. Beyond that, Monk may opt to go for more durability/speed but sacrifice half the damage... Except for Phoenix Flight, and if Monk gets the drop on something that can lead to a one-rounding.

White Mage:
HP:   5330 (92.6%)
MP:   653
P.Atk:   78
P.Def:   130 (0.82) [1.936 after 2 Protects]
M.Atk:   115
M.Def:   153
Aim:   99
Evade:   0
MND:   78
SPD:   74 (-.26 stdevs)
3-turn Damage: 4336

(Default): Self-Healing: Remove Blind/Silence/Poison at the end of battle
M.Defense 30% Up (3): Increase M.Defese by 30%
M.Defense 10% Up (1): Increase M.Defense by 10%
Angelic Ward (1): 50% chance of halving any attack's damage, regardless of what kind of attack it is (even ITD)

Alternate Passives:
Staff Lore (1): S rank in Staff
Abate Water (1): Take 50% damage from water/ice
Epic Group-Cast (3): Casting spells as MT does not reduce their effectiveness
Conservation of Life (3): Upon dying, White Mage will ressurect any other dead party members, OPB.

Poison Rod
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1

White Magic:
Holy (80 MP): 2168 holy magic damage
Curaga (60 MP): 4204 healing
Arise (80 MP): Fully ressurect a fallen ally
Esunaga (20 MP): Removes status effects from all party members.
Curada (27 MP): 2721 healing
Aeroga (45 MP): 1362 wind magic damage
Reflect (16 MP): Reflects magic back at caster for 4 turns.
Dispel (8 MP): Dispels Buffs/Debuffs.
Aerora (15 MP): 531 wind magic damage
Cura (9 MP): 1935 healing
Raise (18 MP): Revive a fallen ally at low HP.
Esuna (8 MP): Removes all status effects from one
Protect (5 MP): Raises P.Def by 25% for 5 turns
Shell (5 MP): Raises M.Def by 25% for 5 turns
Aero (5 MP): 1 wind magic damage
Cure (4 MP): 1126 healing
Poisona (4 MP): Removes poison from one
Blindna (4 MP): Removes blind from one

*Note: White Mage can twink for ~30% more healing but sacrifices 300 damage off Holy with the White Robe
*Note: Diamond Staff can give White Mage a weak physical (~300) that doesn't take MP!

Hopes she can Default ->Heal/Attack until she kills the opponent rather than running out of MP. Angelic Ward is pretty cool! But yeah she's probably running out of damage.

Black Mage:
HP:   5347 (92.9%)
MP:   647
P.Atk:   81
P.Def:   131 (0.825)
M.Atk:   142
M.Def:   99
Aim:   100
Evade:   0
MND:   69
SPD:   74
3-turn Damage:10858

(Default): Black Resonance: Raise Black Magic damage when multiple uses of this skill are fighting (1-> +10%, 2->+15% 3-> +20%)
Pierce M.Defense (3): Ignore Enemy M.Def when figuring damage.
M.Attack 20% Up (2): Raise M.Attack by 20%

Alternate Passives:
Rod Lore (1): Raise rod rank to S
Abate Fire (1): Take 50% damage from fire
Damage Dispersion (1): Each ally will take 15% of the damage of a single target attack in user's place (so Black Mage takes 55%, the other 3 take 15%)
Silence Immunity (1): Immunity to silence status
Group-Cast All (3): Makes even single-target only spells group castable (status magic for BM)

Poison Rod
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1 damage

Black Magic: (status rates are listed at 75%, but are closer to ~95%)
Dark (80 MP): 5430 dark magic damage
Kill (16 MP): Kills an enemy, but grants no rewards.
Death (15 MP): Kills an enemy, nominally 60% chance but much higher.
Firaga (45 MP): 4107 fire magic damage
Blizzaga (45 MP): 4107 water magic damage
Thundaga (45 MP): 4107 thunder magic damage
Drain (8 MP): 1962 parasitic healing.
Aspir (1 MP): 53 MP draining
Fear (5 MP): Inflicts Fear. Fear sets BP down to 0, and prevents Brave/Default
Fira (15 MP): 2775 Fire magic damage
Blizzara (15 MP): 2775 water magic damage
Thundara (15 MP): 2775 thunder magic damage
Silence (5 MP): Silences target
Poison (4 MP): Poison targets (poisoned target takes 10% MHP damage/round, can be fatal)
Sleep (5 MP): Puts foe to sleep... 2-5 rounds. Not awoken by magic damage.
Fire (5 MP): 1961 fire magic damage
Blizzard (5 MP): 1961 fire magic damage
Thunder (5 MP): 1961 fire magic damage

Comments: Undurable, but lots of status and plenty of (ITD!) damage to level something with.

HP:   6277 (109%)
MP:   421
P.Atk:   78
P.Def:   486 (Immune to defense subject physicals)
M.Atk:   43
M.Def:   122
Aim:   9
Evade:   0
MND:   65
SPD:   64 (-0.85 stdevs)
3-turn Damage: 8665

(Default) Protect Ally: Take single-target physical attacks for allies with less than 20% HP
Dual Shields (1): Enables equipping a shield in right and left hands
P.Defense 30% Up (3): Raises P.Def by 30%
P.Defense 10% Up (1): Raises P.Def by 10%

Alternate Passives:
Two-Handed (1): Double a weapon's P.Atk power by using it in both hands
Shield Lore (1): Raise Shield rank to S
Sword Lore (1): Raise Sword rank to S
Chivalrous Spirit (1): Raise P.Def by 25% for 5 turns whenever taking a hit for an ally

Bloody Shield
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Armor
Hermes Sandals

Attack: Knight can't do a basic physical with 2 Shields!

Super Charge (1 BP): Double P.Def, add it to P.Atk, and attack. 8665 physical damage. 9999 after defense buffing. Practically ignores defense
Full Cover: Takes hits for selected ally throughout the entire round.
Vengeance (1 BP): Physical attack at 1.5x if 1 KO'd ally, 2x if 2 KO'd allies, 2.5x if 3 KO'd allies
Shield Strike (8 MP): Basic physical attack. Boost P.Def by 25% for two turns.
Ironclad (5 MP): Initiative. Put defense at 1.5x for the round
Stomp: Physical attack at 1.25x. For two round P.Def and M.Def are reduced to 75%. 1 damage.

*Note: If Knight wants, the shields can be foregoed in favor of two-handing a Claymore... but this only leads to 228 P.Def and 1719 damage Stomps

Comments: Does not take physical damage, is magically durable enough, and can one-round. Knight is rather awesome.

HP:   5347 (92.9%)
MP:   511
P.Atk:   96
P.Def:   178 (1.02)
M.Atk:   39
M.Def:   69
Aim:   107
Evade:   0
MND:   37
SPD:    150 (+4.27 stdevs ...)
3-turn Damage: 6666

(Default) Master Thief: Doubles the success rate of stealing skills (Including Life Thief)
Speed 30% Up (3): Raises Speed by 30%
Speed 20% Up (2): Raies speed by 20%

Alternate Passives:
Abate Wind (1): Take 50% damage from wind elemental attacks.
Speed 10% Up (1): Raises Speed by 10%
Raid (1): Raise party's BP by 1 when party triggers First Strike or 1BP at start of combat bonus.
Dagger Lore (1): Raises Dagger rank to S
Rob Blind (2): Takes two items instead of 1 when stealing
Burgle and Buff (1): Increases P.Atk by 25% for 5 turns after a successful steal (including Life Thief!)

Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Vest
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1

Steal: 25% (50%) chance of stealing an item
Life Thief (8 MP): 75% (100%) chance of draining HP equal to a basic physical attack
Mug (16 MP): Deal a regular physical attack with a 25% (50%) chance to steal an item.
Godspeed Strike (2 BP): 9999 (10708) physical ITD damage.

*Alternate Setup: Ancient Bow for weapon, Speed 10% Up and Burgle&Buff in place of Speed 20% Up)
P.Def: 123 (0.799), M.Def: 46, Aim: 112, Speed: 137 (+3.5 stdev)
God Speed Strike: 9845 ITD damage,
Life Thief: 1385 parasitic healing [2056 after 1 Bugle&Buff] <2726 after two>

Comments: Amazing speed! That doesn't help KO things much faster. Default twice and then unleash two God Speed Strikes, hoping that proves fatal. The alternate setup is less durable but has competent parasitic healing.

HP:   5347 (92.9%)
MP:   511
P.Atk:   96
P.Def:   168 (0.969)
M.Atk:   71
M.Def:   90
Aim:   102
Evade:   0
MND:   58
SPD:   74 (-0.26 stdev)
Damage: 10667

(Default) More Money: +50% money per fight. (This does not stack with itself)
White Knight (1): An ally with the most HP takes an ST physical attack when below 20% HP

Optional Passives
Speculate (1): 50% chance to deal double damage and 50% chance to do 0

Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Vest
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1 damage

Pay to Play: Spend 4000 pg to raise crit rate by 300%
Salesman: Sell an item to an enemy at 2.4x the selling price
Pharmacy: Purchase a recovery item and use it instantly.
X-Potion (1500 pg): 1500 HP healing
Remedy (800 pg): Removes status
Turbo Ether (5000 pg): Recovers 150 MP
Hedge Risk: For 5 turns, suffer 50% damage by paying half the damage that would have been done.
Takeover: Spend 4000 pg to do 4000 damage
BP Drink: spend 1000 pg to increase BP for an ally by 1 (10000 pg for 2, 100000 for 3)
Big Pharma: Restore enemy HP to full, and receive that much HP in pg.
Full Leverage: For 5 turns, all ally/enemy damage/healing will be doubled, and the costs in BP/MP/HP (and pg!) are doubled.
Low Leverage: For 5 turns, all ally/enemy damage/healing will be halved, and the costs in BP/MP/HP are doubled.
Payoff: Pay2Win (Wouldn't consider this seriously... takes >100k to win a RANDOM encounter!)

Comments: Hedge Risk an X-Potion allow for poor healing if allowed, but really it's all about quadra-acting High Leverage->Takeoverx3 for 24000 fixed damage. That's hard to argue with.

Spell Fencer:
HP:   5805 (101%)
MP:   557
P.Atk:   152
P.Def:   224 (1.32)
M.Atk:   63
M.Def:   97
Aim:   101
Evade:   0
MND:   63
SPD:   74 (-0.26 stdev)
3-turn Damage: 2068

(Default) Anti-Magic: When hit by a magic attack of any kind, raise M.Defense by 50% for 4 turns
Phantom Weapon (3): Damage from currently equipped weapon is added to magic attack.
Sword Magic Amp (1): Doubles MP cost of Sword Magic but damage done is x1.25
Firewall (1): 50% chance to counter an ST physical attack with Fire (1350 damage with Phantom Weapon, 1 otherwise)

Alternate Passives:
Auto-Aspir Blade (1): Start battle with Sword Magic Aspir active.
Magic Armor (1): When an elemental Sword Magic is cast, damage from that element is halved for 4 turns.
Memento (3): Upon dying, other allies have 50% MP restored.
M.Def Specialize (1): Reduce P.Def by 25%, Increase M.Defense by 50%

Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Armor
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 448

Sword Magic: Imbues physical attacks with magic for 10 turns, status odds are nominally 75%
Holy (160 MP): Imbues weapon with holy damage. Physical does 1241 after this.
Dark (160 MP): Imbues weapon with dark damage. Physical does 951 after this
Death (30 MP): Imbues weapon with an Instant Death chance. 560 physical damage after this.
Firaga/Thundaga/Blizzaga (90 MP): Imbues weapon with Fire/Ice/Thunder. 783 damage after this.
Drain (16 MP): Imbues sword with drain, making all physical attacks parasitic healing. 560 damage after this.
Aspir (2 MP): Imbues sword with Apsir, making all physical attacks do 10% MP parasitic heailng.
Fear (10 MP): Imbues sword with Fear chance.
Silence (10 MP): Imbues sword with Silence chance
Poison (8 MP): Imbues sword with poison chance
Sleep (10 MP): Imbues sword with sleep chance.

Comments: Status whore and that's really all folks. Not going to be winning with damage, and the draining is laughable... but that status game isn't too bad. Turn 1 Instant Death for starters.

Time Mage:
HP:   5330 (0.926)
MP:   653
P.Atk:   64
P.Def:   130 (0.821)
M.Atk:   171
M.Def:   103
Aim:   99
Evade:   0
MND:   73
SPD:   74 (-0.26 stdev)
Damage: 18028

(Default) Time Slip: If the party is defeated in battle, Return back to the start of the battle instead of game-overing.
M.Attack 30% Up (3): Increases M.Attack by 30%
M.Attack 10% Up (1): Increases M.Attack by 10%
Slow Parry (1): 50% chance to counter a single target physical attack with Slow

Alternate Passives:
Stop Immunity (1): Immunity to Stop status
Save TM MP (2): Reduce Time Magic MP costs by 25%
Slow World (2): At the end of every other round, reduce all combatant's BP by 1.
Hasten World (2): At the end of every round, increase all combatants BP by 1.

Poison Rod
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1 damage

Time Magic:
Graviga: 50% chance to deal 75% HP damage to a target (max 9999)
Reraise (80 MP): Revive with low HP upon being Kod.
Meteor (99 MP): 9014 non-elemental magic damage over 4 hits. Targets random enemies (focuses in a duel)
Quick (20 MP): Raise Attack Hit# by 50% (Max 16, so this doesn't do much)
Stop (10 MP): 75% chance to inflict Stop status on target
Quaga (45 MP): 2523 earth magic damage
Hastega (32 MP): Raise party's Speed by 50% for 4 turns
Veilga (24 MP): Raise party's Evade by 50% for 4 turns
Gravity (12 MP): 50% chance of dealing 50% MHP damage to a target (max 9999)
Veil (8 MP): Raise target's evade by 50% for 4 turns
Slowga (16 MP): Lower all enemy's speeds by 25% for 4 turns
Haste (8 MP): Raise one target's speed by 50% for 4 turns
Teleport (20 MP): Escape a dungeon or battle.
Slow (4 MP): Reduce target's speed by 25% for 4 turns.
Regen (5 MP): Restore 3% of HP to one target at the end of each turn

*Time Mage can change out the Bloody Shield for a Poison Rod to hit 9999 with Meteor, at the cost of going down to 85 Pdef (0.696 pdur mod), and 80 Mdef
* Time Mage can equip a Main Gauche, Adamant Shield, Mirage Vest, and Black Cowl for 73 Evade, and then buff it up to perfect with Veil.

Comments: Drop Meteors and kill the foe. The evade buff gimmick isn't likely to see much use but when you dump that much damage in a single turn you don't generally worry. Heavy/Godlike.

HP:   5360 (93%)
MP:   501
P.Atk:   216
P.Def:   125 (0.805)
M.Atk:   49
M.Def:   59
Aim:   218
Evade:   4
MND:   50
SPD:   86 (+0.457)
3-turn Damage: 5834

(Default) Hawkeye: Aim +100
Precision (2): Damage up 3% for every hit in a conventional attack (60.5%)
Bow Lore (1): Sets Bow Rank to 'S'
Paralyze Immunity (1): Immunity to paralysis

Elven Bow
Red Cap
Adamant Vest
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 2917 physical damage

Targeting (12 MP): 2273 physical damage to one.
Slayer* (8 MP): Regular physical attack. 2727 physical damage if species weakness hit.
(Species include Plants/Aerial/Dragon/Demon/Bug/Beast/Aquatic/Undead)
Multiburst (1 BP): 4363 physical damage over 4 attacks that hit random enemies.

Comments: A unique fighter in the cast! Because no one else has that good of a basic physical. It doesn't really HELP too much with the poor durability and damage that isn't one-rounding or even 2-rounding much of anything! But hey, a powerful basic physical is kind of cool.

HP:   5347 (92.9%)
MP:   694
P.Atk:   62
P.Def:   91 (0.711)
M.Atk:   138
M.Def:   76
Aim:   101
Evade:   3
MND:   69
SPD:   64 (-0.854 stdev)
3-turn Damage: 6705

(Default) Convert MP: Converts 1% of damage taken into MP.
Summoning Amp (2): MP Costs and damage for summon x1.25 (factored in)
Summoning Surge (3): Every time summoning is used, damage x1.1

Alternate Passives:
Abate Lightning (1): Take 50% from Lightning damage
Friendship (1): Raise friendship level when summoning friends
Summon Substitute (1): Use a random Summon when KO'd (useless in duel)
Summon in Pinch (2): Use a random summon when placed below 20% HP
Amp Friends (1): Summoning Friends is increased in power/duration/etc

Poison Rod
Poison Rod
Red Cap
Black Robe
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 1 damage

Summoning: (All summons are MT, but do not focus)
Susano-o (75 MP): 2607 non-elemental magic damage.
Deus Ex (50 MP): 2014 lightning damage.
Promethean Fire (50 MP): 2014 fire damage
Ziusudra's Sin (50 MP): 2014 water damage
Hresvelgr (50 MP): 2014 wind damage
Girtablulu (50 MP): 2014 earth damage

Note: Can twink for 2400 Earth damage with Girtablulu and Gaia Gear
Note: Can get 45 more Def (136, 0.842 mod) in exchange for 20% less damage

Comments: Summoner hopes to fight someone frail and without much damage. You can find lots of that in Light/Middle!

HP:   5805 (101%)
MP:   466
P.Atk:   152
P.Def:   224 (1.32)
M.Atk:   43
M.Def:   77
Aim:   101
Evade:   0
MND:   43
SPD:   80 (+0.1 stdevs)
3-turn Damage: 2289

(Default) Soul Mates: P.Atk and M.Atk up 25% for 5 turns whenever an ally is Kod
Aerials (1): Increase number of turns in the air by 1 for jumps. Increase BP cost by 1 (excepting Sky High), and increase damage by 1.5x [Factored in!]
Sky High (2): Start the battle in the air and come diving down to attack on turn 1 (2 with Aerials), does 2x damage or 3x with a spear
Pierce Default (2): Ignores damage reduction from Defaulting/Defending. Ha-ha.

Alternate Passives:
Spear Lore (1): Raises Spear rank to S
BP Skill Amp (3): Increase BP cost of skills by 1, but raise damage by 1.5x

Crimson Spear
Bloody Shield
Red Cap
Adamant Armor
Hermes Sandals

Attack: 445

Crescent Moon (1 BP):  654 physical damage, MT
Jump (2 BP): Jump at end of turn. Come down two turns later and deal 2943 damage
Judgement (2 BP): 1962 physical damage to one
Spirit Barrier (10 MP): For 10 turns, take damage from MP instead of HP
Soul Crush (16 MP):  Deal 65 MP damage.
Decimate: Field Effect: any with 10% or less HP will be Kod (or take 9999).
High Jump (3 BP): Jump into the air. Come down two turns later and deal 4415 physical damage
Super Jump (4 BP): Jump into the air. Come down 3 turns later and deal 2943 damage to all.

(In case you were wondering what the 3-turn is, it's Come down turn 2 from Aerials, then Judgementx2 on turn 3)

Comments: Rather anemic on damage sadly, so not very good. Can't quadra-act damage like other classes can. That said, Spirit Barrier helps as a kind of second lifebar, and jumping at least helps somewhat... Not enough to get out of Light though.

RPGDL Discussion / Bravely Default stat topic ideas
« on: March 13, 2014, 02:41:46 AM »
For those who have played it, what do you think about the following issues regarding a stat topic of Bravely Default: Where The Fairy Flies.

1. Job stat topic (where the PCs are Monk/White Mage/Black Mage/Knight/etc...) or PC-specific stat topic (Tiz/Agnes/Ringabel/Edea)? The former is the same as FF5's job stat topic or the FFT/XF generic stat topics. The latter would involve allowing some kind of jobs... probably the ones that the PCs are 'advertised' as upon obtaining a new job.

2. Normal or Hard mode stat topic. This affects PCs because it impacts the relative value of defense (Hard mode makes high-def PCs less tanky, for example). Obviously it has a pretty huge impact on bosses.

3. Norende village. An optional minigame that unlocks equips and special moves. Getting far in this minigame involves connecting to the internet and leaving your DS in Sleep Mode rather than shutting it off when not in use.

4. Endgame Level. Job Levels are easy enough to max, but the the actual level the game is beaten at will vary depending on when the game is beaten and how much, if any, grinding is done. Endgame level will affect damage scales due to varying PC attack stats but constant enemy defense stats.

5. The usable form of certain bosses will be in question, along with some boss' actions in combat that may be construed as not usable by them in a 'legal' battle.

Use spoiler size font as appropriate.

Unranked Games / The Last Story
« on: January 24, 2014, 10:49:23 PM »
The Last Story:

- The Last Story is an RPG with a real-time combat system in which only one player (normally Zael, the main character) is controllable. Movement is in real-time and AI controls the other party members. The game is kind of messy to stat topic due to the system, but I gave it a shot.

- The PCs have 5 'stock' per fight, which is the number of times they can be killed. They automatically revive some time after being killed, but I ignore this for the purposes of this topic.

- Spells have a charge time associated with them. I have included the charge time in speed averages, but I don't consider the mages being knocked out of their spellcasting. For reason's sake, I consider two physicals a 'turn' and one spell... physicals are still faster. Note that I am including an average 'AI time' to account for the characters to move in to attack/start casting a spell. This makes it more realistic and doesn't give physicals an even grosser edge than they deserve. Note that Zael has a move that reduces ally casting times, but this was not considered in their spellcasting times.

- The main character, Zael CAN be faster at attacking then other PCs when he is under player control, but other PCs benefit just as much when they themselves are under player control, so I consider his speed no better than anyone else using physicals. I don't give him an advantage with is crossbow, either. Restricting that to 10 arrows/round.

- There is a "Command Gauge" that fills up automatically from the start of combat (takes ~12.5 seconds, and always starts empty). When this gague is full, one of 4 commands can be issued to every PC.
1. Super Spirit move (requires full Spirit Gauge)
2. {Fighters: Specific offense-oriented buff} [Mages: Rapid-cast Spell #1]
3. {Fighters: Specific defensive-oriented moves} [Mages: Rapid-cast Spell #2] {Lowell: Berserker: +30% physical damage, take 10% more damage}
4. Retreat: Gets away from the enemy. Useless in a duel, obviously.

There is a special note about this for mages (including Lowell). Mages always cast their default spell (Spell #1) until ordered to do otherwise. This means that they must Rapid-Cast a spell before they can use it regularly. Lowell must user Berserker before he will attack physically at all.

'Rapid-Casting' means that when a spell is cast from the command menu, it takes only 5 seconds to get it out.

- The "Spirit Gauge" is a meter that builds up by performing attacks and taking damage. It carires over from battle to battle (so it can start at anywhere from empty to 100% full). This is only likely to be useful in longer matches.

- Levels were taken at 64 (65 for Zael, who is forced for some fights that let him be higher). This is in the epilogue so that all 6 PCs can be considered. Levels are a bit lower (62) for the final boss.

- I included fully upgraded Hunter armor for everyone. Hunter Armor is the best choice at full upgrade because a set of it increases HP by 50%. 12 Fully upgraded armors are probably out of reach at the normal endgame, but since everyone benefits equally this doesn't have much of an effect.

- Rune Blades and Sorceror (+5)s were the weapons considered. At endgame one may not have 3 Rune Blades, but there are a large variety of weapons that reach it's attack power or slightly lower. The Sorceror is storebought and just decent at what it does.

- Recovery Circles: Recovery Circles are area-effect healing zones created by casting a healing spell. These remove negative statuses heal HP at ~20%/sec. Standing in one makes it very difficult to be killed, and it is impossible to be statused while standing inside one. Healers will always cast a recovery spell as soon as they are able (assuming they aren't going on offense) so these are faster than the offense spells, which have a cooldown associated with them. Quick-casting them is the same. Healing circles last for 25 seconds.

- Stats:
HP: Hit Points. Lose these and the PC is downed.
Atk: Physical attack stat.
Def: Physical defense. Not too effective but worth noting.
M.Atk: Magical attack stat.
M.Def Magic defense. Not too effective but worth noting (especially for Syrenne)
Agi: Agility. Helps to determine attack speed and casting speed. Not to be taken literally.

HP: 10531
Def: 970
M.Def: 1325

Damage (3-turn with Power Chains): 3218
[2.5x kill point: 8045]

HP: 12676
Atk: 2115
Def: 1072
M.Atk: 687
M.Def: 1029
Agi: 769

Rune Blade: 890 Atk, 5% chance of doing double damage.
Sniper Crossbow: Fires Arrows. 30% chance of doing 12x damage, failing that 3x damage for headshots

Attack: 2832 damage, 9 seconds [132% speed]
Crossbow shot: 85 damage (30% chance of x12 damage). x10 = 3655 damage per 12 seconds. This damage does not benefit from Power Chain.
Wizard Slayer (99 shots): An arrow with x25 damage vs. spellcasters [healers included]...
Paralysis Arrow (99 shots): 0 damage, Paralyzes enemy. This can be reapplied, so anyone vulnerable to paralysis is done for. Only requires one hit to apply, Guarding against the arrow does not prevent paralysis.

Accelerate (requires full Spirit gauge): Entire party's speed is doubled. Applies to all actions except crossbow shots.
Power Strike: +30% Melee for 20 seconds
Gale: Does 60 non-elemental magic damage and diffuses any magic circles.

Gathering: Zael can instantly activate this mode at any time (essentially free action). Under it, enemies are very slightly slowed, and all enemies who can target Zael. Any spellcasting allies of Zael have their casting times halved. Zael heals for 20% of any damage he does in this mode.

Gathering Burst: If Zael cancels Gathering after having taken 3 hits, he will unleash slight MT damage and significantly slow all enemies for ~10 seconds. If he takes 6 hits and cancels Gathering he will do slight MT damage and very nearly stop all enemies for ~10 seconds. Most major bosses immune this, although not all do.

Comments: Zael has excellent speed (being one of only 2 fighters). His Paralysis arrows are a free win vs. anyone vulnerable to paralysis (and those are fast too). Wizard Slayer arrows make mincemeat out of spellcasters so badly it's almost comical. His parasitic healing isn't really worth much but it could swing a fight. Mostly a PC killer.

HP: 10878
Atk: 2048
Def: 1022
M.Atk: 425
M.Def: 789
Agi: 775

Rune Blade: 890 Atk, 5% chance of doing double damage.
Rune Blade: 890 Atk, 5% chance of doing double damage.

Attack: 6672 damage, 9 seconds [132% speed]

Shadow Stitch (requires full Spirit gauge): 3792 damage to an area, inflicts Paralysis.
Power Chain: Makes it easier to establish damage chains on an enemy. Mostly a team feature.
Full Guard: Assume a defensive stance until Commanded otherwise.

Comments: Syrenne is really straightforward. Hurt things fast until they die. She's rather good at this course of action, being the group's resident damage cannon. High Middle? Fun fact: Syrenne dual-wields but when she strikes the enemy she gets 3 hits in.

HP: 9825
Atk: 527
Def: 916
M.Atk: 2326
M.Def: 1567
Agi: 770

Sorceror (+5): +20% casting speed.

Spell 1: Shining. 2356 light magic damage, 15 seconds. [79% speed]
Spell 2: Recover. Creates a healing circle, 10 seconds [119% speed]

Ancient Barrier (Requires full spirit gauge): Creates a barrier that reduces damage to 20% of normal, and grants significant regeneration [Targets Zael in-game].

Comments: Throw out a Shining spell, Rapid-cast a Recover circle, and then alternate between the two until she or the enemy is dead. Low Middle?

HP: 9824
Atk: 607
Def: 916
M.Atk: 2426
M.Def: 1567
Agi: 770

Affection Dagger: +80% spellcasting speed.

Spell 1: Prominence. 2451 fire magic damage, 12 seconds [99% speed]
Spell 2: Reverse. Turns enemy heal circles into damage circles, cancels their damage circles.

Meteor (Requires full spirit gauge): 4852 fire magic damage. Inflicts Guard Break (enemy can not defend/block)

Comments: Rar fire mage. He's pretty good in-game where he can be boosted further by Zael's Gathering and you can use his fire circles to Guard Break enemies. Not so much in a duel. Light.

HP: 9824
Atk: 527
Def: 916
M.Atk: 2326
M.Def: 1567
Agi: 770

Sorceror (+5): +20% casting speed

Spell 1: Recover. Creates a healing circle, 10 seconds [118% speed]
Spell 2: Forest. 2356 Nature magic damage, 15 seconds [79% speed]

Revive (Requires full spirit gauge): Removes all status, revives, fully heals, and restores one stock if any was lost. MT.

Comments: The dedicated healer of the group. She's just like Callista in a fight, except she leads off by casting Recover instead of going for damage first. Low Middle?

HP: 10157
Atk: 839 (1684 with Rune Blade)
Def: 977
M. Atk: 2115 (1875 with Rune Blade)
M.Def: 1432
Agi: 678

Sorceror (+5): +20% casting speed
[Alternate: Rune Blade: 890 Atk, 5% chance of double damage]

Spell 1: Blizzard, 2078 ice magic damage, 15 seconds [79% speed]

Glacier (Requires full spirit Gauge): 4441 magic ice damage, and inflicts Slip on enemy (makes them slip continously, making them easy prey).
Berserker: +30% physical damage, +10% damage taken. Allows Lowell to start using physicals.

Berserk Physical: 1945 physical damage, 9 seconds [132% speed]

Comments: Lowell can try out a Glacier spell and then switch to physicals, as this may give him a damage/time edge over a fight. Either way he's just not going to cut it against anyone competent. Light.

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