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Messages - Fudozukushi

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DioField Chronicle - About three hours in. The characters aren't grabbing me and the gameplay is... interesting? Like a more real-timeish SRPG? I don't think it'll be as good as actual SRPGs but it's intriguing enough to keeo playing.

I'd say the closest qualifier would be Suikoden V's war battles.

That's because Agria has GREAT SCENES everytime she's on camera.  100% of the time.  Should be 1000%.

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: August 23, 2020, 10:37:54 PM »
I'm not even sure if Claude's hating on Edelgard's methods is either TREEHOUSE or just him bullshiting to paint himself better because that boy was flat-out planning to conquer Fodlan violently himself.

You can actually sell straight stuff from the Storehouse.

Discussion / Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« on: June 28, 2020, 09:28:02 PM »
While I never was around for the FFT heydey I semi-recently (5 years!) was going over the game with a detail-comb for... reasons.

Ramza Beoulve 7.5/10 Good boy who is caught between the ideals of nobility and chivalry imparted into him by his father and the cruel reality.  Symbolic throws away his nobility by taking mother's name but realizes he can't turn a blind eye to injustice and retakes his name.  I really like how he's trying to save Ovelia to assuage his own guilt.  Gets dragged into painfully simplistic demon plot and weirdly comes to terms with just doing justice regardless of names or lineage and saving what's important to him above recognition.
Agrias Oaks 6/10 Cool and all but suffers from FFT recruitment.  What's really nice is she is blatantly in charge while she's a guest character.
Mustadio Bunansa 2/10 he exists to be Ramza's new buddy until he's recruited and made irrelevant.
Rafa Galthana 3/10 that sure is a plot
Malak Galthana 1/10 how is he the older one again?
Cidolfas Orlandu 4/10 he's cool and all as an example of the "ideal knight" kind of thing but he's kinda irrelevant...
Meliadoul Tingel 3/10 hey not all templars are evil.

Alma Beoulve 4/10 she uh tries at least.  The "wish I was a dude" line is one of those eyebrow raisers because well women are kicking plenty of ass as fighters.  Yeah they're not the main plot movers but that's also not what Alma was gripping about.  Her being battle ready right after dying and getting stone revived is hilarious though.
Olan Durai 5/10 he has enough neat scenes that I'd put him above dead old dad.

Ovelia Atkascha 8.1/10 8?  The hell?  See, thing is, on looking back over the game, while Ovelia's lack of agency is a critical plot point (she is just escapes ~sexy lamb shade~) she's always damn near trying to fight.  Delita has to KO her, she protects herself at the falls, accepts Mustadio and defies the church after they drop their bombshell.  She ultimatly stabs Delita after everything she learned from spying on him and defying him as best she could.

Following on weather she's real or fake.  Plotwise it doesn't matter, since just floating the idea is enough to completely shatter her.  After the news she's even more powerless then before and latches unto the one person she can remotely rely on because she has even less choice yet still ultimately rejects that.

Also as part of my fine-combing I came to the conclusion that she probably is the real Ovelia.  Too much of the dates and age would be insane otherwise.  If she was replaced as an infant that meant the old men feared the 13-year-old Rouvellia lol while Ovelia's dad was still perfectly healthy.  If they replaced Ovelia when Rouvellia was crowned then Ovelia would have been like 7 which would be strange she's suddenly being called princess despite not being one just yesterday.

Also inadvertently sets off Ramza to get involved in Lucavi plot so true hero of Ivalice?

Anyway that's entirely why I did this.  To give her an 8 aw yeah.

Beowulf Cadmus 3/10 typically knightly guy.  "Debt of steel" is a good line.
Reis Duelar 0/10 she has no personality.  malak awful as he is does.  Barely.

Delita Hyral 8/10 meh he's ok i guess.

Algus Sadalfas 7/10 Algus is such a spiteful little twerp that even at his most powerless he still knows he's more powerful than dopey commoners like Delita.  It's easy to engender sympathy with him then it fades so fast.
Gaff Gaffgarion 6/10 He has some neat quick plot bristling with character.
Weigraf Folles 7/10 is right but ultimatly succumbs to power to provide a more simple mirror to Delita and Ramza.  Bonus point for showing Ramza's connected to the same stone I guess?
Gelkanis Barinten 1/10
Dycedarg Beoulve 7/10 Dycedarg is great because he is always perfectly clearly saying exactly what everyone wants and needs to hear to forward his own goals of ultimate power.  Only when he does have ultimate power does he let his guise drop and revel in the fact that he doesn't believe in law, order or justice just domination and control.

Zalbaag: 3/10 Hey good brother why did you shoot Teta and the game never follows up on it.

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: May 24, 2020, 04:24:37 AM »
As usual the gayness of it all was subdued compared to the JP.  Along with a lot of general purpose flirting too.  One of Edelgard's Tea Time lines where she flirts with Byleth was outright cut in half.

Also apparently Shamir's first love was ambiguous in Jp.

Petra's broken speaking is another ENG thing.  Since she otherwise just takes it slow and steady.

I think part of the reason for a lack of diverse body types is due to the lazy way the game handles class changing.  All class-changed PCs just use modified generic classes for their own.  This normally isn't that big a deal because everyone has that same body type.  But it came to my intention when Constance suddenly doubled in width because her uniform model is actually incredibly skinny.

The comment on Edelgard's height is by far one of my favorite bits.  The way the game's camera focuses her, as either in command and powerful or vulnerable just on the tilt of the view is amazing.

I think as it is only maybe one PC doesn't have his father mentioned at some point (though I'm including lumping parents in as a mention).  Certain characters definitely feel like they should have some relationship with their mother considering how completely opposite their father they act.  And someone like Sylvain should have an incredibly strained relationship with his.

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: March 11, 2020, 07:25:15 AM »
I'd rather disagree on her finding Linhardt useless.  She actually highly values his capabilities she's just frustrated he has no desire to put them to use.

Almost all her supports are actually about her thinking of the positions of other people.  Yes, they're viewed in a lens of "I'm going to make sure X has a fair shot" but she's always trying to keep her conversations focused on the other party.  It's the rarer ones that focus on her (like Byleth).

I can (and have) written many boring words on Byleth/Edelgard.  Even just in the paralogue she latches unto them due to an infatuation both because they saved her an an idealization of Byleth basically being her dream come true.  This even carries over to the other Part 2s where they don't interact as much and you get that ridiculous AI change for Hegemon Husk.

The Lucifer parallels are probably intended and I saw a good analysis why a while back.  But Edge of Dawn doesn't have much to do with it, because, well that's not the name of the song whatsoever.  Only Treehouse could somehow get that from a song named: Hresvelgr no Shoujo.  I think even the most barebones hint of sanity can tell you that doesn't mean Edge of Dawn.  (Guess what other Edelgard-related song also got translated wrong...)  Though since Dawn is part of the lyrics continuing on from that I'd still find it shaky as Byleth is the one positioned as dawn due to their roll as the sun.

Translation rant continued addressing a prior point.  The Chapter 11 scene was much worse in English.  Just to shorten it, her ultimate line is supposed to be "reaching out my (Edlegard's) hand when it came time for you (Byleth) to move forward".  Not the English's "reach out my hand when it comes time for me (Edelgard) to move forward" which is kind of... insane.

Also Solon was totally robbed of #1.  He's got a really creepy voice and his staff is named the Circe staff and all it does his weigh him down and he kills all the peasants and no one suspects him and he's all greek and stuff and he's a dark mage like Hubert and he hates the sun like I do and he kills the enemy of our dad what's not to like.  He's also almost as pale as I am and his eyes are cool black and he's got like the prison teardrop tatoos except they're more badarse.

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: February 29, 2020, 11:21:27 PM »
I've read that Edelgard/Hubert were actually made much more romantic in the English translation.  The Japanese was apparently pretty platonic.  Though like 90% of this I can't for the life of me ever find that post again.

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: February 11, 2020, 02:35:04 PM »
Edelgard's lifespan is somewhat muddled.  We obviously have Lysithea for loads of evidence for the limitations linking it.  However Lysithea's circumstances can be attributed to her Crests being at odds compared to Edelgard's being more in-sync.  Their paired ending specifically talks about returning their lost time!  In the ENG.  It isn't mentioned in the JP and otherwise not mentioned anywhere else whatsoever.  But considering how closed off Edelgard is, it makes some sense why she wouldn't go blabbing this, even to Lysithea and Byleth.  Her ending with Linhardt also sort of alludes to it.

Like certain specifics of Claude's outlook and goals, or the splitting of the Empire, I think there's enough evidence for Edelgard to be suffering from Twin Crests timespan even if it's not stated outright.  A lot of the lyrics in Edge of Dawn also allude to this.  Not that it's part of game story but eeg....

Discussion / Re: Three Houses and Politics
« on: February 05, 2020, 06:27:19 AM »
Your words are good.  But have my less good words.

-A lot of people will point out that Gerreg Mach is where it is because of the Holy Tomb.  But the point is that the three countries split around it and I am always glad when someone gets that correct.

-Rhea absolutely hands out the Relics if it furthers her own position.  We blatantly see this going on with Byleth and the SotC then get a repeat with the oath she gets from Sylvain and the Lance.  I fully do think she used it to get Loog and later Leicester to rebel.

-Rhea has been sending out royalty to due her biding for years.  No one even really bats an eye at the thought of the House Leads going to do the church's deeds.  She is so far above them it's scary.

-Heck, I'm pretty sure it's in the Alois/Shamir paralogue where they say the Eastern Church controls eastern Fodlan.

-In the English it said Dimitri submitted to Rhea in CF but the JP has it has an equal partnership.

-The Southern Church just didn't try to cause chaos, it tried to cause an outright coup.  The emperor only expelled the bishop and church too, it didn't eradicate them.  Either under mercy or under the idea of crossing Rhea.

-Jeralt's age is sorta more nebulous, I think, but whatever.  Seteth says another archbishop was responsible for the Fodlan's Locket construction (or Officers Academy) so either Rhea steps aside from public view once in a while or he's lying.

-Faerghus and Sreng are still at war.  Faerghus just conquered the southern half of it in its war.  Now its just those mountains dividing them.

-There's also outright violent inner-border conflicts within the Alliance (Hi Acheron!)

-Also House Goneril's Almyran slaves that Rhea blatantly knows about because of Cyril.

-House Hyrm territory has bandit troubles its own.  As did Remire at the start, but uhhh, you know...  Though Jeralt talks about how strange it is bandits would be there.  He also talks about unrest in the western reaches.

-Additional wrinkle to Dorothea's awful circumstances was she was conceived on the chance of being a Crest baby.  Yep!  What a lovely system...

-Claude is seeking the Sword of the Creator and constantly talking about how its power can destroy mountains and guess what kind of geographical feature separates Fodlan and Almyra?

-"As long as I'm the boot everything is fine!"

-All the factions are willing to side with shady or outright garbage people to get what they want so siding with the molemen means Edelgard is the worst is just a shit argument.  Faerghus is Faerghus and I would honestly argue worse than the molemen, Claude allies with Almyra who uses actual pre-teen child soldiers and all three side with the church which is the church.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: September 25, 2019, 11:01:05 PM »

Rhea: Hey Loog, want this army-destroying spear from the goddess that your tragic hero ancestor wielded?  He was totally not a fuckwit bandit genocidal monster btw.  It also won't turn you into a dragon if you overuse it, promise.  How about you break from the Empire in return, hm?  They just got done with a failed invasion of a foreign nation where the goddess's light doesn't shine.  Can't have them questioning her totally legit existence!

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: September 04, 2019, 11:50:12 AM »
More or less the same just without an Azure Moon perspective.

General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars! Re-branded for Maximum Profit
« on: September 04, 2019, 11:46:55 AM »

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: July 29, 2019, 01:42:44 AM »
Three Houses: This is going to take the rest of my life to play to completion.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:33:19 PM »
I have a Tiki expy in my head, and she is a sassy bitch.

Anyone would be bitchy living in the head of a dope like Byleth.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: February 11, 2019, 11:55:28 PM »
Mobile Games are the future.  Even real games are now just vehicles into driving into them.

General Chat / Re: What games are you playing 2019?
« on: February 11, 2019, 01:35:39 AM »
The in-cutscene gesturing in this game is a little off. The subtlety of Suikoden III’s facial gestures and expressions is gone and replaced with wild hand flapping and overdramatized cutscenes. I think that’s the only real black mark plot/character wise so far. Translation is a lot better than Suikoden I-III (no comment on 4, been too long). The voice acting in cutscenes is actually a bit better than I was fearing, although the voice acting in the battles is poorly mixed.

Interesting experience so far!

IV's translation is generally fine for base understanding but the sentence structure is incredibly stiff and overwordy.  Too many broken contractions and examples of dialog no person would speak.  Tactics and V really shoot way, way ahead on translation and text quality it's kind of insane.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017 (Ha) Round 7
« on: February 04, 2018, 02:47:29 PM »
Shovel Knight- Strike the Earth! Plans of Passage vs White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower (Violin Version)

Bravely Default- Wicked Flight vs NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate

Tournaments / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017 Round 6
« on: January 25, 2018, 12:48:26 AM »
Granblue Fantasy- New World Order vs Shovel Knight- Strike the Earth! Plans of Passage
Chrono Trigger- Battle with Magus vs White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower (Violin Version)
Bravely Default- Wicked Flight vs Undertale- Megalovania
NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate vs Xenogears- Small Two of Pieces

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017 Round 5
« on: January 09, 2018, 12:44:16 AM »
Granblue Fantasy- New World Order vs Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals- For the Savior
Mega Man 2- Wily Stage 1+2 vs Shovel Knight- Strike the Earth! Plans of Passage
Chrono Trigger- Battle with Magus vs Persona 5- Rivers in the Desert
White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower (Violin Version) vs Star Control 2: Yehat Theme

Hollow Knight- City of Tears  vs Bravely Default- Wicked Flight
Undertale- Megalovania vs Undertales- Hopes and Dreams
NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate vs Steins;Gate- Gate of Steiner
Persona 3- The Battle for Everyone’s Souls vs Xenogears- Small Two of Pieces

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017 Round 4
« on: December 26, 2017, 01:59:34 PM »
Granblue Fantasy- New World Order vs Trails of Cold Steel II- Phantasmal Blaze
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria- How Wicked Ruler vs Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals- For the Savior
Mega Man 2- Wily Stage 1+2 vs Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies- Megalith ~Agnus Dei~
Deemo- The Witch’s Invitation vs Shovel Knight- Strike the Earth! Plans of Passage

Berserk Millennium Empire Arc: Chapter of the Holy Demon War- Sign vs Chrono Trigger- Battle with Magus
Persona 5- Rivers in the Desert vs Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth- Footsteps of Time
Halo Wars- Insignificantia (All Sloppy- No Joe) vs White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower (Violin Version)
Wild ARMs 5- At the Frozen Depths of the Heart vs Star Control 2: Yehat Theme

.hack//GU Vol 1- Gentle Hands (English) vs Hollow Knight- City of Tears
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals- Battle 2 vs Bravely Default- Wicked Flight
Front Mission 4- Pride and Honor vs Undertale- Megalovania
  Undertales- Hopes and Dreams vs Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Seas- Flying Clouds, Drifting Haze

NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate vs Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Just a Coffin and an Automaton
Steins;Gate- Gate of Steiner vs Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Tasogare
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- Dracula’s Castle vs Persona 3- The Battle for Everyone’s Souls
Deemo- Evolution Era vs Xenogears- Small Two of Pieces

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017 Round 3, Week 2
« on: December 11, 2017, 12:55:27 AM »
Megamari- Title Theme vs .hack//GU Vol 1- Gentle Hands (English)
Hollow Knight- City of Tears vs Xenoblade Chronicles- Mechanical Rhythm
Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals- Battle 2 vs Super Metroid- Lower Brinstar
Bravely Default- Wicked Flight vs Undertale- Spear of Justice

Tokyo 7th Sisters- Fire and Rose vs Front Mission 4- Pride and Honor
Bravely Default- Fighting to the End vs Undertale- Megalovania
Undertales- Hopes and Dreams vs Deemo- Parallel Universe
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Seas- Flying Clouds, Drifting Haze vs NieR Automata- Wretched Weaponry

NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate vs Final Fantasy XV- Stand by Me
Dark Souls- Gwyn, Lord of Cinder vs Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Just a Coffin and an Automaton
Steins;Gate- Gate of Steiner vs Mass Effect 2- Suicide Mission
Drakengard 3- The Upcoming Battle/Armaros vs Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Tasogare

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- Dracula’s Castle vs Metal Gear Solid 2- Main Theme
Persona 3- The Battle for Everyone’s Souls vs Caligula- Distorted Happiness
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War- Zero vs Deemo- Evolution Era
Sid Meier's Civilization IV - Baba Yetu vs Xenogears- Small Two of Pieces 

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017- Round 3, Topic 1
« on: November 30, 2017, 07:08:13 PM »
Dark Souls- Nameless Song vs Granblue Fantasy- New World Order
Undertale- Death by Glamour vs Trails of Cold Steel II- Phantasmal Blaze
Ys: The Oath in Felghana- The Strongest Foe vs Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria- How Wicked Ruler
Fire Emblem Fates- The End of All vs Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals- For the Savior

Mega Man 2- Wily Stage 1+2 vs Wild ARMs XF- Intrude Upon Happiness, Plunder the Future
Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies- Megalith ~Agnus Dei~ vs Tales of Xillia 2- If It’s For You ~Song 4 u~: Capstone of a good game vs the only redeeming thing of another.  The latter gets it. 
Chrono Trigger- Singing Mountain vs Deemo- The Witch’s Invitation
Shovel Knight- Strike the Earth! Plans of Passage vs Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War- The Unsung War

Imperishable Night- Love-Colored Master Spark vs Berserk Millennium Empire Arc: Chapter of the Holy Demon War- Sign
Chrono Trigger- Battle with Magus vs NieR- The Wretched Automatons
BlazBlue Continuum Shift- Condemnation Wings vs Persona 5- Rivers in the Desert
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Guidance vs Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth- Footsteps of Time

Halo Wars- Insignificantia (All Sloppy- No Joe) vs Tales of Graces- To a Sea of Dancing Snow
White Knight Chronicles 2 - The Battlefield Flower (Violin Version) vs Adventures of Mana- Battle II
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy- God In Fire vs Wild ARMs 5- At the Frozen Depths of the Heart
Xenoblade Chronicles- Snowy Valak Mountain vs Star Control 2: Yehat Theme

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017- Round 2, Topic 8
« on: November 30, 2017, 02:56:12 PM »
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- Dracula’s Castle vs No More Heroes 2- Philistine
Bastion- Settling Sail, Coming Home vs Metal Gear Solid 2- Main Theme
Fire Emblem Fates- Thorn In You vs Persona 3- The Battle for Everyone’s Souls
Caligula- Distorted Happiness vs Ducktales Remastered- Mount Vesuvius Theme

Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War- Zero vs Final Fantasy XIII- Blinded by Light
Deemo- Evolution Era vs Undertale - Another Medium
Sid Meier's Civilization IV - Baba Yetu vs Bravely Default- That Person’s Name Is
Drakengard 3- The Final Song vs Xenogears- Small Two of Pieces : ARGHHHH.  Definitely finals-quality match.   Giving it to Xenogears because it's slightly more on my mind than Drakengard.

Music Tournament / Re: Music Tournament of DOOM 2017- Round 2, Topic 7
« on: November 30, 2017, 01:11:42 AM »
Legend of Mana- City of Flickering Destruction vs NieR- Song of the Ancients ~ Fate
Gradius 3 Arcade- Departure for Space vs Final Fantasy XV- Stand by Me
Dark Souls- Gwyn, Lord of Cinder vs Xenosaga: Also Sprach Zarathustra- Godsibb
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Just a Coffin and an Automaton vs Final Fantasy VII- One Winged Angel

Steins;Gate- Gate of Steiner vs Castlevania: Harmony of Despair- Lost Paintings
Megamari- Patchy’s Castle Stage 1+2 vs Mass Effect 2- Suicide Mission
Drakengard 3- The Upcoming Battle/Armaros vs Malicious Fallen- Abandoned City ~Convergence of Wisdom~
Scott Pilgrim vs The World- Leo’s Place vs Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk- Tasogare

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