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Terra Branford vs Ness Reno vs Slade Robo vs Garr Kelvin Sue vs Poshul
Royce vs Tir McDohl Nina Wyndia vs Bebedora Alma Beoulve vs Kwanda Rosman Alfred Schroedinger vs Cai
Kefka vs Piastol Sierra Mikain vs Rika Cid Highwind vs Ayame Cyan Garamonde vs Aeris Gainsborough
Nate Nanjo vs Ultimecia Alis Landale vs Scias Momo vs Midboss Flonne vs Gijimu
Week 2 - Eliminations

Terra Branford (FF6) Terra Branford vs Ness Ness (EB)

Terra knew she couldn't hurt Ness. No, not in that Ness was stronger than she, she just literally didn't have the guts to go against everything she believed in and hurt a child. So she decided to confront her friends, and ask for a strategy that would insure victory, but at the same time, insure Ness would still be ok.

When the match appeared, Ness walked into the Arena first, and awaited Terra's arrival, Legendary Bat in hand and all. Terra, however, came in holding a Big Black Mallet, which was, well, out of character, but that's not what Ness was afraid of. Seeing that Mallet reminded him of his days in Super Smash Brothers, and reminded him what such things could do, and thus, he forfeited upon sight of the object.

Even though Terra succeeded in winning and not harming Ness in anyway, she still felt very wrong using an empty threat.

Terra Branford: 27
Ness: 13

Sir Donald 3.1
Jeff and Paula wondered why Ness was bringing a Trick Yo-yo rather than his Legendary Bat. The Trick Yo-yo was a worse weapon by half than the Legendary Bat, and has thrice the error ratio.

They, and the arena, soon found out.

Ness won the quick-draw between the Uber PCs and cast PSI Hypnosis. But at the same time, he began to flick his Trick Yo-yo so that it was moving like a pendulum.

As expected, Terra began to nod off. But, not as expected, Terra's eyes didn't close fully. Some expected Terra to be faking, and thus readying a counterattack... but it didn't come.

Ness smiled. His plan was working perfectly. At this point, Ness threw in a PSI Flash, just for good measure. It didn't kill her, but that was okay, it was better this way. Time to give the Arena a show.

For Terra's part, all she could think about was how sleepy she was. And after the Flash, any attempt she had at trying to rouse herself from the psychic induced drowsiness was scattered like so much dust. The only thing she could focus on was the swinging yo-yo. And Ness' voice as he began to speak.

"You are very tired," Ness said in a slow tone, and as low a tone as his early-pubescent chords could manage.

"I am very tired", she said in a voice almost as monotone as when she was wearing Kefka's slave crown.

"You are tired of fighitng," Ness continued.

"I am tired of fighting." How right the voice was... she didn't want to fight unless it was against some diabolical tyrant or destroyer.

"Very tired."

"very tired." She would much rather be in Mobliz, taking care of the still orphaned children. And napping alongside them.

"When I say 'Fly', you will go straight to your room, where you will sleep until tommorow morning."

"sleep until tommorow morning."

"Of this battle, you will only remember being put to sleep."

"only remember being put to sleep."

"Okay..." Ness was ready, but he suddenly had a thought. Many thougths indeed...

"act like a chocobo for five minutes when I hear the word 'chicken'."

"scream 'Treasure Hunter!' when someone yells 'Thief!'"

"morph and hit Edgar over the head with a sledgehammer when I see him flirting with more than one girl in a week."

"only until next season. Except the sledgehammer."

Satisfied, and a little cheeky, Ness then said, "Okay, then, Fly!"

With that, Terra morphed and then flew into her dorm, crashing through her window, demorphed, and settled on her bed to sleep.

As for Ness' companions, Jeff was amazed, Poo gave a "was that really necessary?" look, and Paula... well, if Ness didn't know better, he would've sworn he saw a "playful" look amid her scowl.

Royce (Lunar1) Royce vs Tir McDohl Tir McDohl (Suikos)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
Against anyone else, Tir McDohl would be a force to be reckoned with. His Deadly Fingertips spell obliterates PC's with all the ease of a child knocking down a tower of blocks. Hell provided even more deadliness with its night impossibility of missing. And Judgment, used for those truly tough nuts to crack, spills forth scarily lethal damage to whoever gets in its way. His innate quickness and proficiency with a bo staff can also be considered to make one of the most lethal PC's in all of Dueling-dom.

So, as he sat inside his Firebird cocoon, McDohl thought to himself, "If I have all this going for me, why am I getting beaten like a mugging victim inside a burlap bag?"

That thought was quickly interrupted as a Shot Lancer ripped through the Firebird and proceeded to knock out the bearer of the True Rune of Life and Death.

Royce dismissively flicked her wrist as she began to exit the arena upon being called the victor. She shot back a seductive smile as she looked at the burnt out unconscious form of Tir McDohl. She was happy with herself and her performance against the Toran Republic leader. But now she would have to look to the future at her next opponents. As a fortuneteller, she should easily be able to tell who her next "victim" would be. And that was... well, you should already know by now, right?

Royce: 20
Tir McDohl: 19

Kefka (FF6) Kefka vs Piastol Piastol (SoA)

Infinity Dragon
Unlike Evil Clowns, Angels of Death are actually employed and must meet a certain quota per week. Piastol regretfully informed the judge that work is more important than play, and that she'd have to wait for a later day to pound Kefka into the dirt.

A relieved Kefka won by default.

Kefka: 13
Piastol: 12

Nate Nanjo (Pers) Nate Nanjo vs Ultimecia Ultimecia (FF8)

Sage Acrin
Nate walked out onto the field, only to discover a lack of a opponent. Evidently, she'd called a 15 minute delay, for no apparent reason. During the wait, Ellen, Nate's friend, came out to talk to him.

Ellen: "You know she's plotting something, right? She can't possibly win, after all, you aren't effected by any magic she has..."

Nate: "Of course. I'd be a idiot if I hadn't looked up her history, she has a history of making grand schemes and plots. Of course, her plots have a way of screwing totally up. Even total idiots can thwart them. I'm not particularly worried."

Ellen started to reply...but a figure walked out onto the field. A figure staring vaguely about, with a long staff and a distinctive bandanna...

"What is this about? Where is Ultimecia?" Nate demanded irritably.

"I...am Ultimekia, you foolish boy!" Tir was heard to say in the stunned silence of the arena. "My abilities of possession have improved, I no longer need to possess people with the power of Sorkery. Kall out to your puny Persona for help, it won't save you now!"

Ultimecia/Tir raised her/his hand to the sky, and the Soul Eater Rune flashed brightly.

However, the Soul Eater was not pleased with losing it's old master, certainly not without a choice in the matter. As the Rune glinted in the sun, Ultimecia screamed...

"No! This kan not be! I...kontrol...AHHHHH!"

Tir/Ultimecia slumped to the ground...just as several people started to see if he was alive, he got up and stared vaguely around. Cleo and Gremio, talking with him, found that Tir was evidently back in his body, not remembering anything since Ultimecia had walked into his room.

As for Ultimecia...she had simply disappeared. The judges, baffled, declared Nate the winner.

"Told you." Nate said simply to Ellen, as he walked out of the arena.

Nate Nanjo: 15
Ultimecia: 6

Reno (FF7) Reno vs Slade Slade (SF2)

Genocide Heart
Poor Slade. He COULD pull off an upset... if only Reno didn't have Pyramid. See ya, rat ninja. ;_;

Reno: 27
Slade: 12

Ah, Slade, your Gisarme could cut down anything, even the likes of Ghaleon and Ultimecia in a single blow...pity it doesn't help when your opponent traps you in a nice shiny Pyramid.

Nina Wyndia (BoF4) Nina Wyndia vs Bebedora Bebedora (AtL4)

Bebedora's mind control has two problems here. One, that Nina it will fall for her simple commands. Two, that Typhoon won't have blown Bebedora outside of the arena before she can attack.

One way or the other, Bebedora meets her doom.

Nina Wyndia: 13
Bebedora: 7

Sierra Mikain (S2) Sierra Mikain vs Rika Rika (PS4)

Hunter Sopko
With a confident look on her face, Sierra threatens to bite Rika if she doesn't back down. Prudently, Rika does so, as who really wants to remain a 1 year old forever?

Sierra Mikain: 21
Rika: 20

Rika burst onto the Arena grounds, exploding with energy and enthusiasm.

"OooOOOoooh GOODY! ^_~ It has been SO long since I've foughten anybody, I was almost starting to get rusty! Kekekeke! ^___^"

Sierra Mikain, however, entered with all the reserved dignity of any noble vampire.

"Get ready to taste my sting, vampy ^^! No, wait, um, FEEL my sting! No, err... ^^;;... oh, whatever! ELIMINATE!"

A hush fell over the crowd as the peppy Numan charged Sierra head-on, her claws extended, the fiery rage of the ages burning deep within her eyes...

... and completely missed her target, which had simply stepped to one side. To her credit, though, Rika did manage to inflict Instant Death on a small ant that had been scuttling across the Arena grounds. Realizing her egregious error, Rika rolled on to her back and stared up at Sierra, doe-eyed.

"Ooooooh x_X. Are you gonna... gonna... gonna suck my blood now, Miss Evil Vampire woman? oO;;;"

Sierra smiled warmly. "Oh no, my dear."

Rika gasped. "Oh GOODY! Then I get to try again, keke! ^|^"

Sierra's smile grew wider, her eyes subtly darkening. "I'm afraid not. Though the taste of your blood would be quite offensive to my pallet, dear girl, I have no qualms about forcibly shuffling off your mortal coil in another fashion."

Rika scrunched up her nose, obviously thinking very hard. "Shuff... shuff-a-luff... wait, I'm not wearing a coil! "

The vampiress sighed, shaking her head as a dark aura slowly enveloped her. "Be a dear and take a little nap, would you?"

As the power of the Darkness Rune sucked the energy from Rika's pathetic husk, all she managed to squeak out was a meek little... ";_;."

"Eliminat!" Rika yelled, hitting Sierra...and it missed. "Ha! Did you really think Instant Death would work on the undead like myself?" Sierra exclaimed Rika then smacked Sierra dead with the Silver Tusk "Nope, but that's why I always have a back up plan"

Alis Landale (PS1) Alis Landale vs Scias Scias (BoF4)

When the bell rang, before Scias drew his sword, he said one quick thing to Alis.

"If you win, I...I...I...will eat Myau!"

Alis immidiatly cried at the thought of losing her kitty that helped her beat Lassic, and gave up the match. Scias was shocked that Alis believed that he'd do such a barbaric thing, but then again, he's a dog, and Myau's a cat.

Alis Landale: 3
Scias: 21

Robo (CT) Robo vs Garr Kelvin Garr Kelvin (ToD)

For most characters, it can be a real hassle. Some of their moves are arbitrarily decided by chance, the degree of health determining the potency of their attacks. And for most characters, it's nearly impossible to determine with a degree of accuracy just how powerful their techniques will be.

Robo is not most characters.

He is a machine, born and bred of iron and steel. He can access all his diagnostic programs at a moment's notice, interpreting his exact health and power at will. He can decide when to use his moves to get the most out of them. In short, he is not affected by his transfer to this setting at all.

Garr Kelvin doesn't know this. That is why he seems so confident after getting the first swordstrike in. After all, he can't see that he's done 350 damage to Robo. He can't tell that Robo's weapons systems are still at maximum potential. He believes that he has managed to successfully neutralize Robo's greatest advantage.

He will not get a chance to reflect on his tactical error before his face hits the only Uzzi Punch Robo will have to use.

Robo: 16
Garr Kelvin: 15

Alma Beoulve (FFT) Alma Beoulve vs Kwanda Rosman Kwanda Rosman (S1)

Hunter Sopko
Has a big, burly knight EVER beaten an innocent little girl? Wait... don't answer that... umm... let's just say Alma wins this match and leave it at that, okay?

Alma Beoulve: 30
Kwanda Rosman: 10

"Mediocre Physical" my butt.

Cid Highwind (FF7) Cid Highwind vs Ayame Ayame (S3)

---Last night---

The shadowy figure slinked down the hallways, and subtly creeped into the room. With absolutely no noise, a practiced hand eased open a drawer. The man slept peacefully. Unaware that as he rested, the figure slowly replaced every last object inside a box of his, with a similar object from a box of the figure's. Then, as silent as before, the figure closed the drawer, left the room, and faded into the night.

Ayame and Cid casually entered their halves of the RPGDL arena. As fanfare played and the contestants were introduced, Ayame stood at ease, ready for anything, and the ever-offensive Cid waved to his fans, flipping them off to their delight. The two fighters were instructed to begin.

---Two Weeks Ago---
Cid Highwind took a long drag on his cigarette, as he read over the seeding chart for the RPG Duelling League."Well, $#!^, Looks like I'm gonna fight this season," he said. "I guess I'd better get my ass in gear and do some &*@%ing training."

The contestants sprang into action, and to the great pleasure of the entire audience, both seemed to be putting on a show. Cid's constant stream of vulgar taunts, and masterful spear handling was offset by the quiet ninja's graceful style. Ayame threw in the occasional backflip, and bent her body at seemingly impossible angles to avoid some attacks she could have easily sidestepped. There was an unspoken desire to please the crowd, and the secret pact the fighters had made was being carried out extroardinarily well. The fans were standing up and cheering for their battle.

---One Week Ago---
"Wow, Cid is really putting his heart into all of his training. I don't think I've seen him in such good shape." The speaker, Tifa Lockheart, and her friend, Yuffie Kisaragi, observed the excersizing of the pilot. Both young women were genuinely impressed by his performance. "That's not the only thing," Tifa went on. "He's even cut back on his smoking! Why, he's taken to counting to five, before lighting up a new cigarette. And he uses Mississippis! Isn't that wonderful? I think he could really win, this season." "I dunno," Yuffie said, skeptically. "We ninja can be tricky. He'd better stay on his toes mentally, too."

Some time had passed, and the two fighters had traded their share of blows. Cid had cuts and scrapes across his body from many thrown shuriken, and there were even a few lodged in the side of his spear. Ayame had not gone unharmed either, and her body held multiple bruises from places where she had been hit with the shaft of the pilot's weapon: a testament to how much his training had helped him. But Cid must have been hurt a bit more than he let on, for he suddenly held his hand up to the audience, and glowed softly, indicating he had reached his limit. He reached his hand into his coat, producing a stick of dynamite. It wasn't his strongest limit, but it was a crowd favorite, and so far, the crowd had came first this day. Indeed, as they saw what he held, everyone else in the arena seemed to cheer. Even Ayame, for her part, smiled.

---Four Days Ago---
"A...Ayame?" The young master of Budehuc castle, approached the ninja cautiously, not wanting to bother her. "Excuse me, but this package just arrived. Something from the... 'Acme Corporation'. It's adressed to you." Ayame gave Thomas an obliging nod, and he turned to leave her to her solitude. She considered her package for several minutes.

Audience roaring in his ears, Cid raised his dynamite to the sky. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, and a smile at his opponent, he brought the wick to the end of his cigarette. And promptly exploded. In the silence of the deafening blast, Ayame gave what was either a respectful nod, a solemn bow, or perhaps both. Then she casually left the arena before the real applause had a chance to begin.

Cid Highwind: 10
Ayame: 28

Momo (BoF3) Momo vs Midboss Midboss (Disgaea)

"A-hahahahahahahaa!!!!" Midboss laughed as he entered the arena and stared at his opponent. "The Dark Adonis has fought far worthier enemies than this. How dare they pit moi against such rabble?"

Several atomic rounds from Momo's bazooka later, and Midboss ran out of the arena, complaining about stomache cramps that popped up at the last second.

Momo: 15
Midboss: 12

Sue (G1) Sue vs Poshul Poshul (CC)

Hunter Sopko
Little does anyone know, but Sue is actually the head of the local Mafia syndicate. Let's just say she arranges for Poshul to be "put to sleep."

Sue: 25
Poshul: 9

Match began, and Sue did something Drastic...

"Go DO IT!" she yelled, throwing Puffy at blinding fast speed outside of the ring. This sparked up Poshul's hyperactive canine "Chase anything that flies" instincts, and clearly ran straight out of the arena.

Alfred Schroedinger (WA3) Alfred Schroedinger vs Cai Cai (Brig)

Cai has issues as a dueller. Bad defense, worse HP, limited MP. What ge doesn't have issues with is dealing with scrub damage dealers like Alfred. A few shots of Exa-Blast, and the youngest Schroedinger is turned into a bloody paste.

Alfred Schroedinger: 5
Cai: 14

Cyan Garamonde (FF6) Cyan Garamonde vs Aeris Gainsborough Aeris Gainsborough (FF7)

Cyan vs. Aeris is going to be the end of Disc 1 all over again.

Cyan Garamonde: 46
Aeris Gainsborough: 6

Heathens! Cyan is not that weak!

What's the problem with Charge times? It takes you forever to do anything.

What's the problem with being reliant on Limits? It takes time for the enemy to hurt you into doing anything.

And thus, since this match was totally dependant on what Cyan did, he clearly wins, since while he can control how long he wants to charge, Aeris has no way of forcing Cyan to hit her into Limit range.

Sir Donald 3.1
The good news for Aeris is that there is a storebought accessory that protects against Instant Death in FF7. The bad news: It's not available until after she herself is dead.

Flonne (Disgaea) Flonne vs Gijimu Gijimu (S2)

Hunter Sopko
Gijimu teaches Flonne that the Power of Love is nothing compared to a blow with the Power of Thievery to the back of the head.

Flonne: 6
Gijimu: 18

When in Rome...


King Lance withdrew his blades from the Green Dragoon's dead body. It had taken attack after attack to fell him, but he and his teammates had managed to do it. Bart Fatima lay where he was felled almost as soon as the fight started, by Windblade Waltz and Flame. He nary had a chance to even move.

Roan made a valiant stand. True Dragon Rise had badly wounded Darc. Sadly for the prince, Air Blade and Wing Slash had found it's mark at the same time, literally blowing him out the arena.

Albert had gone Dragoon at point, and had fought furiously against the combined might of the three fighters. His immunity to Kharg and Darc's wind attacks meant that the majority of the fighting was left to him. With his healing and Kharg and Darc's support magic, it was only a matter of time until the minor cuts and stratches added up to Albert falling...

Lance looked back to thank his teammates, and what he saw put a slightly frustrated look on his face. Kharg and Darc were arguing.. again. Sighing, Lance thanked the two, tipped his blades toward the pair, and walked out the arena.

Nidellia: 14
Serdio: 12