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Dark Force vs Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) Red vs Dycedarg Beoulve Rudolf Steiner vs Kyra Tierny Gryz vs Marivel Armitage
Choko vs Grahf Ryudo vs Rydia Strago Magus vs Hahn Mahlay Shante vs Jelanda Artolia
Albedo vs Fei Fong Wong Shadow vs Wakka Raijin vs Demi Lani vs Chu-Chu
Deis vs Kuja Alys Brangwin vs Artea Kimahri Ronso vs Elena Nina Wyndia vs Elly van Houten
Week 2 - Eliminations

Dark Force (PSs) Dark Force vs Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau) (XG)

Citan overcame his own Profound Darkness, and the darkness in other people, to save his world. If Citan can handle Mother, Id, and Solaris without cracking, what makes you think something as minor as Dark Force will stop him?

Dark Force: 9
Citan Uzuki (Hyuga Ricdeau): 10

Citan defeats Dark Force with the power of Light and Persuasion, proving once again, as all the stories tell us that Light > Darkness, and Persuasion > Force, beating Dark Forces total name sake once and for all.

Choko (AtLC) Choko vs Grahf Grahf (XG)

You know how Grahf seeks power? Well, he found it. And as soon as he regains consiousness, we'll let him know about it.

Choko: 11
Grahf: 1

As Grahf found out, It's hard to talk about divine breath after getting knocked out by a Choko physical..

Albedo (XS) Albedo vs Fei Fong Wong Fei Fong Wong (XG)

Fei, thanks to his screwed up memories, sometimes thinks of himself as a child. And while he doesn't think of himself as a little girl, he does have an innate fear of Albedo simply because even a little boy Fei could be mistaken for a homely little girl.
Thus, Fei never even shows up to the match, instead choosing to quiver uncontrollably in Elly's arms over his quaking fear.

Albedo: 10
Fei Fong Wong: 6

"Mwahahahaha!" Albedo laughed as he fired another Fallen Angel at Fei, who barely managed to get out of the way "What's the matter, you little contact, too afraid to fight me?"
"I told you, I hate Fighting..." and under his breath he followed up with "and gears"
"Well, if you don't fight, you might as well just admit defeat, or you could just let me kill you. I'll be satisfied either way. Hahaha!" Albedo chuckled
"Well...I haven't been beaten yet. I have one trick up my sleeve..." with that, Fei grabbed 'Porta Canvas' and within a manner of minutes, drew a full portrait of ALbedo in all his glory.

"What's this? You've captured my very esscence! Its magnificent!"

"You can have it, if you do me one favor"

"Oh, what is that?"

"Take one step back, will you?"

"Is that all? Very well" Albedo took his step back...not realizing he was standing right at the exact edge of the Arena, all those Fallen Angel blasts had pushed him back that far. Upon taking that step back, and not noticing, he tripped, and fell right out of the arena

"Well, looks like I win...here's your painting"

"What? Outsmarted by the like of you? That can't be!" Albedo shouted, breaking into laughter, while Fei walked off ready to prepare for the next round.

The door to Albedo's apartment opened, and an inorganic lifeform walked through hesitantly.

"Ah, if it isn't Ma Peche. How good of you to finally submit to me," said Albedo as he looked out his window. Turning to face MOMO...

"Hey! You're not Ma Pec..." Albedo's statement slowly faded away as he found himself being blown away by an Anemo Omega attack.

Outside, Emerelda waved to Fei. "That's my girl," he said with a smile, as he advanced without having to fight.

Deis (BoFs) Deis vs Kuja Kuja (FF9)

Right. You've got two self-centered pretty mages, both of whom have severe cases of the 'creepies' when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex, and you expect this to be solved by a _fight_? Once the tape of this match airs, I don't think people will even remember the name "Paris Hilton".

As for the match, Deis takes it. After all, there are potentially four of her, and only one Kuja. And if worst come to worst, she can always just take Kuja's body.

Deis: 9
Kuja: 8

Kuja and Deis were battling it out, Spell for Spell, blow for blow, but Kuja had an idea that would win this for him

"Say, Sorcerress, your best form of attack is Magic, isn't it?"

"Yes, what's it to you" as she threw a small fireball at Kuja, who flew out of the way

"Then perhaps you won't like to see this!" Kuja yelled, casting Reflect on himself

"What the? You stupid monkey boy! It'll take more than a simple Reflect spell to beat me!"

"Oh? I have just taken out your best means of Offense, what are you going to do about it?"

"You shall see"

Kuja blasted Deis with a few flares, while Deis reacted back with a few of her physical energy blasts from her wand. Kuja indeed had the edge, as Deis could not match Kuja blow for blow

"So, it looks like I end things here, how do you plan to beat me without the aide of your impressive magic?"

Deis started cracking up, as Kuja played right into her trap

"Oh, don't you see Kuja? I expected you to cast reflect, however" she smiled looking up at Kuja "if you had done your homework, you'd know that I'm far from out"

Kuja didn't recall ever hearing about Deis having a great finisher, or some sort of healing spell. HE thought she was bluffing, so he charged a flare star until...

"Shed!" Deis yelled, and she popped out of her skin...literally, and she was back up and rearing for more

"What the...you were just...how did you do that?"

"Shall we continue?"

Thus the battle raged on, everytime Kuja thought he was about to win, Deis would Shed, and heal herself. Until Finally, Kuja's resiliance ran thin, and he fell to the ground unconcious, giving Deis the victory.

Deis stands a nice chance of winning this, although if she was to lose I see no reason to work over everyone's face with a scalpel though. If anyone calls her Bleu it will be a totally different story though. Remember, you have to sleep sometime.

Red (Saga) Red vs Dycedarg Beoulve Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT)

Dycedarg is a strong FFT character, with lots of versataility.

However, Red quite simply outslugs him, with Re-Al-Phoenix and Lifesprinkler. He also has a HP advantage, due to being fully healed when he goes Alkaiser.

Sorry Dyce, but you'll have to wait until another season.

Red: 11
Dycedarg Beoulve: 5

"Only one true superhero"? Hell, Red won't even survive to the match if he keeps up that posturing. After sampling a Soul Blade and a Death Reborn Revolution, Alkaiser will learn that he isn't the only show in town...

As strong as Dycedarg is, there is one thing he can't stop: The power of Fandom. Now, one might ask how Red has this power? Well, you see, Alkaiser is really a Power Ranger Reject, or rather, one that cut last minute due to budgetting, the Bronze Ranger, to be exact. Therefore, once Red does his Alkaiser change, all the Die hard fans of Power Rangers that once were will start cheering him on in such a way, that Dycedarg will be annoyed out of his mind, and quit on shear fact that whatever left of his sanity is running thin.

Red can 2HKO Dycedarg. Dycedarg cannot 2HKO Red. Not to mention Alkaiser transformation has initiative. Victory to Red

Ryudo (G2) Ryudo vs Rydia Rydia (FF4)

Ryudo: Sworn enemies...take that! Sky Dragon...

Rydia: Bahamut, Megaflare now!

*Ryudo gets blasted against the stadium wall, all charred up*

Ryudo: *Inaudibly* ...slash... *Collapses*

Rydia: Now YOU shall be defeated *winks*

Ryudo: 7
Rydia: 11

Shadow (FF6) Shadow vs Wakka Wakka (FFX)

Shadow vs. Wakka "I'm suppose to fight you, yah? Lets have a good time, alright?"


"Don't want to be a good sport? Alright, just so you know, I do my best, and I try for Victory! So don't expect me to pull any punches, ya hear?"


"Alright, here's my ultimate secret! Triple Foul! Booya!"

Wakka threw the ball right at SHadow...only to see it go right through

"What the...my hit was dead on, how did you manage to dodge it"

"You'll have to try harder to hit me than that, you fool"

"Hey, I take offense to that, ya know? Lets get this show on the road!"

"Your drawing my patience thin...INTERCEPTOR, Attack!"

"Ha, my Evade and Counter will let me dodge a simple dogs attack, even if he's pulling out all the...OWWW!" He yelled, just as Interceptor jumped up and bit him

"Its a shame that interceptor can't be dodged unless you fly, and you don't fly"

Wakka, running around like a maniac from being bitten by Interceptor, didn't notice Shadow's lack of concern other than the easy target. One Falchion in the back Side, Wakka fell down, signalling Shadow's victory.

Shadow: 17
Wakka: 8

25% chance to break through the image status. Technically, he needs 4 hits to do it. He's not getting a 4th turn. Advantage: Shadow.

Evade and counter won't work on throws if you ask me...

Alys Brangwin (PS4) Alys Brangwin vs Artea Artea (Lufia2)

Confident in his belief that Bunny Ring was a legal piece of equipment, Artea faced Alys without fear. After all, the ring was the key to this match. And he was right.

One problem - it was the one thing that would lose him the match.

Not one to get cocky, Artea simply began his attack physically, leaving Alys wounded before she could cast Death, and miss.

"Oh dear, that's not good," said Alys quietly. Quickly trying to figure out the quickest way to escape from the arena, she took up a defensive posture as Artea went for the kill with Zap... only to stop. He had heard something from outside the arena. It was faint, but still coherent.

"Yoo-hoo! Barney!"

Unwillingly, Artea found his hand being tugged towards the voice. As his eyes widened in shock, Alys could only stare.

It continued. "Come here Barney!" "Hey Barney!"

At this point, Artea was slowly being dragged along the arena floor. He pawed at the ring, trying to take it off, but then he got a glimpse of Alys, smiling wickedly. She had surmised that the ring had stopped her first instant death attack, and as soon as it was off, it wouldn't stop a second.

"Barney! Get over here!"

The ring could resist it no longer. Throwing Arty with it, it flew through the air to outside the arena, where Claude and company were trying to hitch a ride. "My precious!"

Alys Brangwin: 11
Artea: 10

Sage Arcin
*Alys Brangwin walks calmly into the arena, as a impatient Artea stands waiting, spear in hand.*

Artea: "Where in the name of Zophar have you been? The match was delayed 30 minutes because of you!"

Alys: "Oh, just making some arrangements."

*Artea starts to make a angry retort, but is cut short by the announcer telling both sides to get ready for the start of the match.*

*The announcer calls out to start the match. Alys, with deadly speed, pulls out a silvery Slasher and aims it at Artea's throat.*

Alys: *Laughing.* "Let's see how well you handle this!"

*Alys launches the Slasher...only to have Artea calmly snatch it out of the air. Total silence fills the arena, except for one sound..*

Alys: *Still laughing.*

Artea: "What's so fu..."

*A loud ringing sound is heard throughout the arena. In a flash, Artea is kneeling on the ground, clenching his hand in pain.*


Alys: "That was my arrangement. I had figured you'd try something like trying to get illegal equipment in, like that silly Bunny Ring. So, I had a little talk with the judges, and they agreed to let me handle it my own way."

"With a little help from Meliadoul, of course.", she adds, waving to a blond-haired woman in the stands.

*Alys proceeds to pull out her second Slasher.*

Artea: "But...why not just have the match called?"

*Alys throws the Slasher, sending Artea into oblivion.*

*Alys walks over to stand over Artea.*

Alys: "Because it wouldn't have been as fun."

Alys came in, thinking she could win this fight the way she trounced through middle. A simple death spell was all she needed, no biggy, right?

Yes, considering Artea, surrendering to his affeminite side, came in dressed like a bunny.

Alys wondered what kind of Strategy this is, and after feeling Artea's opening Fry spell, she used Death on him...

Strange, somehow, this Bunny form made him immune that attack. But that makes no sense, how is a simple bunny costume superior to her mighty trick?

Well, whatever the reason, Alys was still pondering it while she was nuked to death with Artea's follow up Fry spell.

Artea is immune to ID. Artea has healing. Artea badly outdamages Alys. Nothing else needs to be said.

Rudolf Steiner (PS2) Rudolf Steiner vs Kyra Tierny Kyra Tierny (PS4)

Pipe Dreamer
Imagine a teenage girl. Imagine what a big gun will do to that girl. Not pretty, right?

Imagine a man wearing metal armor and holding a big gun. Imagine what a blast of thunder will do to that man. Not that pretty, either.

Imagine which of the two will be faster.

Rudolf Steiner: 2
Kyra Tierny: 10

Strago Magus (FF6) Strago Magus vs Hahn Mahlay Hahn Mahlay (PS4)

Strago uses Blow Fish, which, thanks to its fixed damage value, deals more than the HP cap in PSIV. Strago likes fixed damage attacks, don't he?

Strago Magus: 11
Hahn Mahlay: 7

Raijin (FF8) Raijin vs Demi Demi (PS4)

When Fujin kicks Raijin in the shins, it hurts. And she's only human. Just think of the pain when Demi does it. It has to be said that this is one Demi that works on bosses.

Raijin: 4
Demi: 11

Kimahri Ronso (FFX) Kimahri Ronso vs Elena Elena (G2)

"Huff, I can't...seem to beat this Ronso. Oh Granas, please help me..."

Suddenly, the voice of Millenia appeared in Elena's head

"Your still praying to that god of yours? Oh come on, I thought you were smarter than that."

"Millenia! Look, I'm trying to have a match here, I do not need your oppinions on the matter"

"Oh, so you don't want to hear a way of disposing of this hairy ugly beast, and its completely legal too? Well, alright, but don't come crying to me when you are sent into a Downgrade pool"

"What? You know a way of beating him? How? he's already drained my Magic sources completely, and with his weapon, he dodges all my attacks!"

"Not all of them, you silly girl. DId you forget of those little mystical bubbles that magically put people to sleep? And while he's asleep, yehah! Time for some Deep Fried, Goodness...which means use White Apocolypse while he's asleep, in case you didn't know, haha!"

"My Nightmare Ball! Of Course! Why didn't I think of that!" Elena thought to herself

"Good, now, go send this vicious beast back to his cage like a good little girl"

"Kimahri's patience is growing weary, come, back to battle!" Kimahri said as he charged Elena head on

"Well, hear goes nothing. Staf...of Nightmares!" She shouted, putting Kimahri to sleep

A few White Apocolypses later, Kimahri was down and out, and Elena had won a match, and it went exactly how Millenia said it would.

Though, Elena wasn't really happy in the idea that she used Valmar's help again to win this match, but a wins a win, and that's a different story altogether.

Kimahri Ronso: 2
Elena: 13

Gryz (PS4) Gryz vs Marivel Armitage Marivel Armitage (WA2)

Marivel didn't need any of her skills to win this match. Instead, she drew herself up in her cloak, posed dramatically, and said in her best Romanian accent: I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD! BLEH! BLEH! Gryz had a heart attack from laughing so hard.

Gryz: 5
Marivel Armitage: 8

Shante (AtLC) Shante vs Jelanda Artolia Jelanda Artolia (VP1)

Jelanda was getting worried. Shante had shrugged off her best attack magic, and had beaten her to near death with her staff.

"I shall not go quietly into the night!"

Shante's silence spell argued otherwise.

Shante: 10
Jelanda Artolia: 2

The question isn't "Will Shante's Silence work on Jelanda?" The question is, "Why didn't anyone else think of doing it before?"

Lani (FF9) Lani vs Chu-Chu Chu-Chu (XG)

Lani may not be much of a fighter, but she does have some attack magic. A few shots of her middling attack magic should dispatch the furball.

Lani: 10
Chu-Chu: 7

If a bunny rabbit can lay waste to most of King Arthur's troops, I think a little puffball can beat a single bounty hunter.

Nina Wyndia (BoF3) Nina Wyndia vs Elly van Houten Elly van Houten (XG)

Even if Nina can stop Sleep, it won't help her cause. Elly laughs at her magical damage, and she can't heal the damage Elly will inflict with her physicals.

Nina Wyndia: 5
Elly van Houten: 12

Nina 3 is far from the strongest Nina out there, but she still has that trademark Nina speed. A few Mjolinirs should fix Elly up pretty quick.

Elly never saw the HiddenDagger coming...

Prima Donna, First Lady of the Stage

All right now, let's do this alphabetically. You're all here to audition for the role of the Sorceress Talia? Excellent. Celes Chere, you're up first.

"Oh my hero..."

THANK YOU! My dear, I'm sorry, but you cannot sing worth a damn. That tinny MIDI quality, that lack of expression in your words, it's terrible. Sure, it might've been breathtaking back in the 90's on the SNES, but this is an opera, not some trashy bait job. NEXT!

Next is... Elena.

"Thank you. For my audition piece, I will be singing a hymn to Lord Granas."

Go on.

*thirty seconds in*

THANK YOU! I'm sorry dear, but your voice is much too fragile for an opera. It might be fine for some silly church where the choir drowns you out, but this is a major event. NEXT!

Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, you're up.

...wait a minute... how old are you?


I'm sorry, but we can't have a minor auditioning for the lead. It just makes no sense, but you'd be perfect for the role of the Emperor's daughter.

"Well, alright."


Hmmm... Miss... Lucia?

"Correct. May I begin."

Go ahead. Can't ruin this day further.

"When I was alone as one, my heart..."

THANK YOU! For the love of God, learn to lower your voice an octave or three. Right now, you're so sugary and high pitched that either you do that, or drop seventy pounds, and move into a casino. NEXT!

Hmmm... Luna of Burg, you're up.

"Wishing on a dream that seems far off
Hoping that it will come today.

Into the starlit night,
Foolish dreamers turn their gaze,
Waiting on a shooting star.

But, what if that star is not to come?
Will their dreams fade to nothing?
When the horizon darkens most,
We all need to believe in hope.
Is an angel watching closely over me?
Can there be a guiding light I've yet to see?
I know my heart should guide me, but
There's a hole within my soul.
What will fill this emptiness inside of me?
Am I to be satisfied without knowing?

I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need,


Is my star to come..."


...well, that's what I would be saying if I hadn't recieved THESE! These pictures! Young lady, this is a serious opera, and we can't have somebody who appears to perform in bondage on the side. NEXT!

You're Shiho, aren't you?

"Yes sir."

I'm sorry to inform you of this, but I've heard your past work. And, frankly, I'd hire Lezard before you. NEXT!

"Uh, sir, you've run out of applicants..."

Damn it to hell, Kain, isn't there anyone who can-

"Am I late?"

And you are?

"Auditioning for the part."

...can you sing?

"Of course I can!"

...I'm waiting.

"Of course you are. I'm going to sing my most renowned song, in the original Japanese."

Two languages. Not bad. I'm listening.

"Kamiyori Tsuyori
Akuma wa Kerai
Dare yori mo Bijin
Megami yori mo
Osoroshii Osoroshii
Jibun-no Miryoku
Atashi wa Sekai de

INCREDIBLE! I'm sorry for interrupting you, but you are the absolute best singer that's come here all day! No, all week! I can't believe it! You're hired!

"Of course I am."

* * * * * * * * Celes: Of all the nerve. I can't believe we have to stand in line with these losers.

Luna: Well, we do want to see it.

Elena: Like it or not, none of us are going to pass up a chance to see an opera.

Lucia: I'm happy for Garnet. She at least got a role.

Shiho: Could someone read out the program to me? Who's playing what?

Celes: "Tochter des Geistes

Cast (In order of appearance):

Act One:

Emperor Fritz II - Kuja
Princess Laurelina - Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
Commander of the Guard, Lenoir - Sephiroth
Sir Radion - Futch
Sir Ranulf - Lavitz
Sir Valika - Alys Brangwin
Fortunetellers - Royce, Deneb, Bandiger

Sorceress Talia-"

Elena: That's my role.

Luna: Oh, be quiet. I want to hear who got that.

Celes: ...

Luna: Celes, spit it out. Say something.

Celes: Tal-Tal-Tal-Talia is played... by...

Lucia: Oh, give me that! Sorceress Talia is played by...

Elena: What's wrong, Lucia?

Luna: WHAT?! They said YOUNG! How can you consider HER young?!

Shiho: Um, who's not young?

Celes: *between gritted teeth* The lead went to her royal highness, she who did not show up on time, Marjoly.

Edward: That's right ladies! I chose someone who actually has a repertoire! Sorry to sneak up behind you, but you're right in front of the entrance to the box seats. Ta-ta.

Shiho: Wow. This might be a good show after all. I heard Marjoly's fantastic.

Celes, Elena, Lucia, Luna: SHUT UP!

Elena: 5
Lucia: 1
Luna: 1
Shiho: 3
Celes: 2
Garnet: 0
All: 5
None: 6

Edward follow a rather simple principal when making this decision. "Girls are like Voltron, the more you connect together the better it is"