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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Rika vs Choko Delita Hyral vs Edgar Roni Figaro Jessica Philomele vs Virginia Maxwell Jane Maxwell vs Slash
Berle vs Terra Branford Lyn vs Odin Umaro vs Heath Thomas vs Rennac
Ryu vs Id Dias Flac vs Hero Vivi Ornitier vs Sheela Cinnamon vs Lucia
Belial vs Myria Percival Fraulein vs Athos Cleo vs Alhazad Nina Wyndia vs Luke fon Fabre
Week 2 - Eliminations

Rika (PS4) Rika vs Choko Choko (AtLC)


Such a simple word.

One strike, and it would all be over.


Rika, giggling happily, walked out of the arena.

Choko, head shaking, looked after her.

"Wow, Choko might be silly sometimes, but even she doesn't think that you can make attacks into other meanings of their words." Choko noted.

Sure enough, Rika's mighty Eliminate stroke had, without killing her opponent, simply eliminated them in the lower rounds.

Well, whatever. It worked for Choko. The alternative sounded a lot less fun.

For starters, she wouldn't have gotten to kick Rika down a flight of stairs a minute later.

Rika: 22
Choko: 13

Berle (SO2) Berle vs Terra Branford Terra Branford (FF6)

"...ok, I can understand what's happening here, but can someone explain one thing to me?" said Bartz, puzzled as he watched the fight.

"What is it?" responded Squall.

"Why are they fighting in this style?" said Bartz

"In what style?"

"I mean, like an Action RPG!"

"Well, from what I gather, Berle thought he'd have the leg up, being from one himself, and didn't think that a minor fighting game appearance would do much good for his opponent." Zidane responded

"And Berle somehow completely didn't factor in that Terra, like the rest of us, can stay aireborne as long as she wants using Air Dodging, while he's always suck on the ground" followed up Cloud

"Well, at least its an easy win, but don't opponents do their homework before fighting?" Onion Knight pondered.

"You'd be surprised how many obvious factors duelists overlook. Though, I will admit it makes this place less dull at times..." Squall said, as the rest of the Cosmos Heroes watched their only female member slowly defeat her robotic opponent...without ever once touching the ground.

Berle: 10
Terra Branford: 44

DragonKnight Zero
"If you attack me, your precious shortcake will be destroyed. Surrender and you may have it back whelp" Berle taunted his opponent. He was confused about the unphased reaction from Rena (just as he'd been confused that she'd dyed her hair green and worn it longer). The incoming Ultima blast cleared up the confusion - by knocking him unconscious.

If only Berle had read the match printout more closely. Rena Lanford and Tina Branford have similar sounding names but the two aren't all that alike, especially when it comes to fighting ability. Maybe he's dyslexic. He's not telling though Cyril insists he is. Cyril also spreads rumors that Indelacio plays with My Little Pony so it's hard to say if he's truthful.

Berle may have caught a small break. Claude and Rena are on the hunt for whoever stole her shortcake stash. They have to find him before they can beat him down and Ultima atomized him into component parts too small to attack.

Ryu (BoF2) Ryu vs Id Id (XG)

Id somehow convinced the DL to allow him to use his Gear. He didn't think he needed it, but it let him cause mayhem and destruction! Needless to say, one minor little lizard couldn't be a problem, right?

...little did Id know, though, that by getting access to that, Ryu was allowed to use his little plot trump card in Anfini.

Which meant that Ryu was allowed to erase time and bring back lost loved ones...and suddenly, a huge freaking white dragon foot was found crushing Id, along with his gear, in no time.

Yes, Ryu actually summoned his MOTHER fight for him, but really, when you're facing off against a Slayer of God in a giant robotic suit, who WOULDN'T "cry" for their mama? Especially when she happens to be a huge Dragon capable of holding off death gods for a decade in her sleep.

As a side note, after the fight, Id tried to claim that dropping a Dragon on him is cheating, and they should take back the fight. Unfortunately, the crowd he appealed to happen to contain the likes of Fou-lu in it...

Ryu: 38
Id: 12

Belial (WA4) Belial vs Myria Myria (BoFs)

Chisa Mikami
Most gods hate each other. Despite this, they have their annual get-together somewhere around this time. This usually ends up in a huge holy war, but the gods keep doing it because it's a tradition. This year, they held GodsCon in Filgaia.

Among them, Myria is one of the most hated. It's not hard to see why. Any god who likes dragons, or for that matter, is a dragon, already wants to see her wiped off the face of the universe.
In addition, the gods of destruction and protection hate her because she plays both side of the fence, and the other snake gods hate her because she's another snake god.

But if there's one thing gods hate more than other gods, it's someone who is taken seriously as a god, yet isn't actually one.

So when Belial walked into the hotel with Scythe, just looking for a place to shack up for a few days away from the whole Brionac thing, the assembled mass of gods simply smote them where they stood.

And due to this, Belial never made it to the match, so Myria advanced.


"So...did you..."
"Ana, you know me better than that."
"You did."
"Of COURSE I did! That buffoon disgraces the proud name of the Crimson Nobles!"
"You know Belial's gonna be pissed when she finds out who recommended the hotel."
"Oh, don't worry. I'll just beat her at her own game."
"...you're insane, Mariabelle."

Belial: 9
Myria: 38

Delita Hyral (FFT) Delita Hyral vs Edgar Roni Figaro Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)

DragonKnight Zero
What's a panel of judges to do when they know nothing about the duelers and happen to lean toward pacifism?

Why not complete both goals at once? Hire someone to observe the duelers and choose a winner for them. No need to bother with a bloody arena battle.

Due to someone's idea of a twisted joke, the judges chose Anna Zirski to gather intelligence on the duelers (Megaman X and Noel both agreed. Juan didn't care one way or another and no one wanted to wake him up to ask his opinion.) Which ever one of the royal figures she liked better would be declared the winner. Or as the case may be, hated less. Whatever.

Both kings ended up trying to charm her. One could argue Delita would have the advantage here since he ended up with Ovelia while Edgar is still single at the end of his quest. However, Delita succeeded mostly because Ovelia was particularly insecure, vulnerable, and desperate for comfort and reassurance. Really, there's the isolation in a monestary, guilt and helplessness that people are dying because she's a princess, and then finding out she isn't one. Anna, as a Phantasy Star 2 character, doesn't have any background or self-doubt crap going on. One could argue that she lacks the personality to be distressed but that's an argument for another time and place. Thus, whatever Delita did with Ovelia fails here.

Edgar? His flirtations actually end up failing just as hard. It's not flirting which wins him the match but that he took part in a quest to overthrow a insane clown and has an interest in technology. Anna took part in a quest to overthrow an insane computer and comes from a technologically advanced society. Thus, she relates better to Edgar and he advances to the next round.

Delita Hyral: 15
Edgar Roni Figaro: 51

Lyn (FE7) Lyn vs Odin Odin (VP2)

This was really just a good old fashioned fight. Good clean fighting, best two out of three matches.

Well, when Lyn mopped Odin up in the first round, he decided to take a moment to brush up on his techniques, not wanting to get washed out without a single win.

It didn't really help him though. Despite his attempts to stall, Lyn wiped him out a second time to make it a sweep.

Lyn: 29
Odin: 16

Dias Flac (SO2) Dias Flac vs Hero Hero (Lufia1)

Unwise idea: Interfering with Dias's fights. Really unwise idea: Ignoring his small army of fangirls and trying to hit on him. Rinoa thinks it's stupid: Bringing up his dead sister.


Nicole Mimi Tithel's not only not the brightest girl around, she's brand new. Nikki didn't notice Ultimecia, Deis, and Alys all sending appreciative looks in Dias's direction.

All she knew was action. Putting on a song called 'Dying in your Arms' and then going up to Dias and asking about his sister seemed like such a good idea! It sounds soooooooo romantic and manly!

Dias was understandably furious at having his sister's name thrown around by some stupid new girl. He took out that focused rage on the Lufia hero, killing him in a horrific display of attacks more suited to a slasher film than an arena fight.


Nikki's strong, fast, and hits like a sherman tank. She had no chance against upset fangirls.

She was beaten so badly that it turned Zidane away from acts of perversion for an entire week, a feat previous thought impossible without extreme physical harm.

Dias Flac: 26
Hero: 20


"... Kid, I told you. I'm not re-enacting Aeris's death, especially while she's in the audience."

"You wanna win this match or not? If you want it, do as I sa-gruble."

And thus did Dias stab the Hero(?) and walk away with the victory.

Percival Fraulein (S3) Percival Fraulein vs Athos Athos (FE7)

Alot of mages in the DL have things they can do besides cast spells. Many of them have physical attacks, however weak. Some of them have secondary skills they can use. Fire Emblem mages, however, do not. No physical attacks, no skillsets at all. Nothing but magic.

So what is the most powerful FE mage, the legendary Archsage Athos, to do when confronted with Silent Lake?

Whatever the actual answer to that question, no one expected him to smash his Forblaze tome into Percival's face hard enough to break the knight's nose.

This action ultimately didn't do him any good, of course. Percival still managed to get over his surprise and easily dispatch the old sage with his superior physical prowess. And even if the knight somehow lost that scrap, Athos would have been disqualified for using a physical attack he's not supposed to have.

Still, losing the match or no, it'll be some time before any young whippersnappers go traipsing around on Athos's lawn after that little display...

Percival Fraulein: 34
Athos: 20

Jessica Philomele (MK) Jessica Philomele vs Virginia Maxwell Virginia Maxwell (WA3)


"And in today's final science fair entry, we have Jessica Philomene and Virginia Maxwell's entry!" the announcer bellowed. The two beamed at each other, before unveiling...

what looked like a rather large handgun. "Uh..."

"The Wingplosion mk. III!" Jessica proclaimed with a flourish. Virginia coughed. "Capable of firing any style of bullets, including alchemical ones. Fire, lightning, ice, stun..."

"We're hoping to allow gunners who train in other areas to achieve techniques such as those that Lagaardian Gunners use without training!" Jessica chirped.

"And what about the match?"

"Wingplosion mk. I blew up in her face first so I won." Jessica replied instantly, as Virginia flushed. "You pointed it at me!"

Jessica Philomele: 22
Virginia Maxwell: 11

Umaro (FF6) Umaro vs Heath Heath (FE7)

Nobody's quite sure which one was more surprising, the fact that Nino managed to convince Heath to dress up in a moogle suit for his match...or the fact that Umaro was actually confused by it.

Either way, Heath picked up an easy win when he ordered Umaro to get back to the caves where he was supposed to be(kupo), and the dumb yeti actually went.

Umaro: 26
Heath: 32

Vivi Ornitier (FF9) Vivi Ornitier vs Sheela Sheela (SF2)

Vivi's a smart lad. He's learned well not only from his own successes and failures, but that of his friends. Zidane's repeated and brutal curb stompings for perverted behavior and general problem causing has ingrained in him the habit of fighting in as much a straightforward fashion as possible. Sheela's skimpy outfit and attempts at pantyshotting and other fanservicey attempts to distract Vivi did nothing, to her shock. The little black mage ran her out of MP and slowly ground her to dust with attack and status spells, proving yet again that he was really the brains of the outfit in his cast.

Vivi Ornitier: 35
Sheela: 9

Cleo (S1) Cleo vs Alhazad Alhazad (WA)

Perhaps it would be Alhazad's resistance to fire that would win him this match?


His mighty Super Transmitted Mega Blast?

No. I mean, come on, how can you win with something with a name like that?

(Of course, one might argue that you can't possibly lose with something like that, but if so, it's a form of higher truth.)

No, Alhazad literally did nothing.

It turns out that this was a good course of action. After ten solid minutes of poking at Alhazad, trying to figure out what the hell his demon form was, Cleo told the judges she was going to leave until her opponent came in, and walked out too quickly for the stunned and bored judges to react.

And to think, Cleo's still not sure what he is.

Well, neither am I.

Cleo: 13
Alhazad: 35

Jane Maxwell (WA:ACF) Jane Maxwell vs Slash Slash (CT)

Slash prepared for this match in a truly villianous fashion. No, he didn't research Miss Maxwell's weaknesses nor prepare counts for What Could You Do? Slash used his excellent speed to sneak into Jane's rooms and destroy her date book and planner, along with sending Ozzie to distract Magdalen before the fight started so Jane wouldnl't show up. Jane's bright and wily enough, but distracable in the extreme. Flea sent to her rooms right before the fight kept Calamity Jane occupied and made sure he didn't come to the arena, making Slash the winner by default.

Just like the old saying goes, Slash had no place in the Diary of Jane.

Jane Maxwell: 16
Slash: 26

Thomas (S3) Thomas vs Rennac Rennac (FE8)

A little kid.
A skilled, but easily brow-beaten thief.
"And once you're done plundering Ghaleon's castle, you can swing by Zophar's tower and swindle him out of everything!" Cecile happily chirped as Thomas just stared at the mountains of loot in Budehuc Castle.

"Yes, ma'am." Rennac grumbled. "Better than L'arachel, at least."

Thomas just rubbed his head. "All I asked was that he let me win without bothering to fight... why'd he... whatever."

Thomas: 39
Rennac: 13

Cinnamon (MMXCM) Cinnamon vs Lucia Lucia (SH2)


Beat-boxing match. Turns out Cinnamon's better at it than Lucia.

But Andre's better at it than both of them combined, plus the rest of the MMXCM cast.

Yuri beats Andre...

Kato beats Yuri...

Zidane, oddly, beats Kato...

But the champion of the beat-boxing tournament?

Hellion. Lady throwed down some -mean- beats.

Cinnamon: 24
Lucia: 9

Nina Wyndia (BoF3) Nina Wyndia vs Luke fon Fabre Luke fon Fabre (TotA)

We need to find a male fighter who has no trouble beating down a poor defenseless lady...

In recent news: After Luke's surprisingly brutal beat down of Princess Nina it was revealed that he had just finished taking lessons from Chris Brown's schol of hard knocks.

Ladies of light beware, he was trained by the best!

Nina Wyndia: 9
Luke fon Fabre: 41