Jessica Philomele
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (MK)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.47
Wins: 3
Losses: 2

Girls just wanna have fun!

Jessica isn't a complicated young lady. She doesn't have ambitions and conflicting emotions. Jessica just wants to have fun. Unfortunately for everyone around her, Jessica is a pyromaniac and tends to have fun by blowing the crap out of things. She also enjoys testing out medicines with side effects that may include: Drowsiness, insomnia, vomitting, halucination, dementia, muscle spasms, falling in love, and agonizing death.

Jess' alchemical knack for mayhem and destruction may not be a godsend for her social life, but it certainly makes her more effective in the arena. With skills that will fry, roast, freeze, silence, and otherwise maim an enemy, Jessica is always dangerous. That she has a healing spell that takes on a life of it's own and continues to heal her is just icing on the (explosive-laden) cake.

Season 50 Week 2 Middle Defeated Virginia Maxwell, 22 to 11
Season 50 Week 3 Middle Defeated by Heath, 25 to 23
Season 62 Week 1 Middle Defeated Lucia, 19 to 4
Season 62 Week 3 Middle Defeated Rouge, 12 to 8
Season 62 Week 5 Middle Defeated by Rudy Roughknight, 15 to 9