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Empyrea vs Zenon Millenia vs Fenril MOMO vs Zidane Tribal Chisato Madison vs Imoen
Week 5 - Semifinals

Empyrea (DQ8) Empyrea vs Zenon Zenon (Disgaea2)

Godbird vs Overlord God. Epic. So who wins?

Let's all remember one thing: For all his hype, Zenon's a bag of wind. Empyrea isn't. When a windbag and the real deal collide...a lot of hot air gets spewed out. Curse or not, Zenon's going down.

Empyrea: 19
Zenon: 16

Empyrea's way of handling this was quite simple.

She wandered over to the Cave of Ordeals.

No, no, it's not quite what you think.

With the simplest of cunning, she simply taunted Zenon by saying he couldn't possibly beat a single Zombie.

Then recruited a Zombie King.

Needless to say, Zenon was not terribly happy.

How does a mystical bird recruit a Zombie King?

You'd be amazed how annoyed those things get when you back off and snipe them with magic on their little island.

...Well, I didn't say which Cave of Ordeals she went to.

Millenia (G2) Millenia vs Fenril Fenril (OB)

Jo\'ou Ranbu
In a match of a mage against a high-profile fighter, you'd usually expect the mage to get fried by the fighter's blitzing offense, taking advantage of the trademark poor durability sported by most of them. Well, Millenia certainly fits the build, and Fenril certainly has the right mix of speed and strength to brutalize most who try to stand against her.

However, things sorta shift a little when the mage has something like Spellbinding Eye. Millenia, managing to survive the Sky Dragoon's assault, proceeded to cast this horrifying little skill, keeping Fenril in place and completely at the mercy of the Wings of Valmar, who then simply made a finely ground hamburger out of her.

This may be pretty simple and boring, but Millenia is hardly one to complain about her blessings. That Heavy championship trophy certainly will look good in her classroom, and the kids will talk about it for days. Anything to get them to stop staring at her cleavage will do.

Millenia: 30
Fenril: 10

When it comes to crushing women under her heels, there's no one like Millenia.

The duelling league, at large, knows it.

There are...various cliches about what should have happened here.

But screw them, let's have a beach volleyball party!


"What exactly are you judging here, though?" Asked a disgusted Terra, as she watched Fenril and Millenia play out their match on the sands.

"...huh? I'm supposed to be judging something?" Zelos muttered, his eyes fixed on the match.

Ultimately, the battle was decided simply and intelligently.

Terra tied up Zelos and told the two to beat the crap out of him.

Millenia, due to having much higher raw damage, beat Zelos senseless much faster than Fenril for an easy win.

Fenril got to take home a souvenier of one of his kidneys, though, so it's not all bad.

MOMO (XS) MOMO vs Zidane Tribal Zidane Tribal (FF9)

Jo\'ou Ranbu
Zidane's victory may seem like a big step for his Duelling League fame, but the truth of it is that it's a rather embarassing story.

You see, MOMO's never quite recovered from her battle with Kain. When she tried transforming against Zidane, she once again went berserk as the frightening Man-MOMO, pink goatee and everything. However, she managed to grow even bigger, and, once she transformed, her giant body simply couldn't fit the arena. So, a group of thoroughly embarassed judges gave Zidane a technical victory due to MOMO going out of the arena bounds during battle. The news made her so infuriated that she simply stepped on the thief repeatedly until he was nothing more than a genome pancake, plastered in bloody remains onto the floor.

Zidane had a championship, but sheer luck (or maybe the lack of it) kept him from enjoying his spoils. Meanwhile, Garnet is making sure to spend all her boyfriend's winnings on that new gala dress for summoners.

MOMO: 22
Zidane Tribal: 30

Zidane's throat was slit before even entering the arena.

There are...many reasons this could have happened.

But in this case, it was a simple case of intelligent logic.

MOMO was a girl.

Zidane has woeful taste and is a pervert.

No one wanted to take the risk of letting these events proceed to any possible conclusions. None of them could end well. At all.

Unfortunately, MOMO was kidnapped for her own safety before the match, by other, equally well-meaning people.

So screw it, let's have a beach volleyball party!


"Now, repeat after me. Any idea that I got from Zelos is getting me a mouthful of sand." Hrist Valkyrie said calmly, standing firmly on Sten's back.

"Mrfg iga I gah fum zerwush ih gen m' eh muffl ub sn." Sten repeated.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't clear enough. Try again." Hrist said, prodding Sten with her lance. "And if you get turned on by this, you're going to lose the parts involved with getting turned on."

Ultimately, the beach volleyball was a flop. However, lacking any better ideas-Sten hadn't had a clue on how he was going to judge the volleyball match in order to get any real results for the match out, he just wanted women in bikinis-the judges decided to give the match to the person that would have appreciated it more.

After all, Zidane was going to suffer enough hearing he'd missed it.

MOMO still disagrees that being kidnapped by Albedo counts as "for her protection" though.

Chisato Madison (SO2) Chisato Madison vs Imoen Imoen (BGs)










I mean, Imoen's not totally boned here, but she's outgunned and out varietied. She can't compete with a super technological reporter girl with just some sneaking stabbing stunts. Sorry girl.

Chisato Madison: 22
Imoen: 13

Chisato is intelligent.

Chisato is blindingly fast.

And Chisato can sense a pattern.


"Why is Chisato beating Imoen senseless with Odin?" Kurando asked curiously from his judges box. "Isn't he one of the judges?"

"Something about beach volleyball." Miguel shrugged. "I didn't really follow it."

It turns out that Odin makes an excellent bludgeon. His incredibly hard head and high weight, combined with Chisato's primal fury-which was being taken out on Imoen-meant the poor girl never stood a chance.

Oddly, Chisato doesn't remember any of it, according to her. Something about blacking out in pure rage after someting Odin said. Oh well, there's worse ways to win a finals.

Crash Master Jam

The problem is, most of these people tried too hard.

Yuki attempted to smash his plane into a mountain.

He was likely to walk away from it, having done more or less the same thing before. It worked, too.

But it was dull.

Cid attempted to overload all the engines on his airship, take the craft as high as possible, and go out in a spectacular blaze of glory.

Unfortunately, he forgot the whole walking away from it part. This cost him points.


Rika loves crashes.

Rika's excellent at crashes.

Rika, given a chance, is overjoyed to crash something. This is great!

However, sadly, she can't actually fly anything.

While her airship exploded spectacularly on the runway, it was considered a loss on technicality.

The Onion Knights won for a very simple reason.

They just acted naturally.

Five minutes later, they'd been hit by Lexis' experimental clothing disintigrator, caught in a way between New Almekia and Norgard's aerial divisions, had their ship be an attempted meal by three massive beasts-one of which was a sea monster, no one could figure that one out-rammed by a floating city, and crashlanded in a spectacular explosion on a deserted island.

Naturally, they were unharmed, so they had a beach volleyball party.

I mean, they were attired for it after the disintegrator.

And that's how the Onion Knights won their match, and lost their dignity. Now let us never speak of it again.

Yuki: 5
Cid: 12
Rika: 11
Onion Knights: 17

Hunter Sopko
Rika ends slightly behind on points, but the judges award her a bonus she gets her performance commentated by Raja. First place for Rika, hilarity for all.

I've gotta go with experience here. Yuki knows more about crashing planes than the rest of them put together, and is theoretically a more skilled pilot anyway and can thus push the envelope better.