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Godlike Heavy Middle Light
Melfice vs Songi Arngrim vs Cliff Fittir Bart Fatima vs Dekar Ace vs Red Wizard
Choko vs Xorn Ayla vs Kika Mog vs Jean Ernest Raviede vs Jun
Nate Nanjo vs Sierra Mikain Garnet til Alexandros vs Knight Jade Curtiss vs Shoon Gengen vs Nina Wyndia
Cyril vs Jade Bruiser Khang vs Ike Lufia vs Haschel Relm Arrowny vs Taloon
Week 2 - Eliminations

Melfice (G2) Melfice vs Songi Songi (LoL)

I really REALLY wanted to bet Songi... hell I could make a compelling Argument to vote Songi but lets fact the facts. Their is no way Songi can win any argument I make in Songi's favor is just stretching the truth to the point of breaking. So Melfice wins booo

Melfice: 27
Songi: 16

Choko (AtLC) Choko vs Xorn Xorn (G3)

You'd think that the last thing Xorn could stand would be an overly cheerful demon girl with a cute smile...

Well, you'd be right! Except, Xorn isn't the type to be driven insane. When he sees something he doesn't like, he KILLS IT! KILLS IT DEAD! THEN KILLS IT AGAIN! ALL WHILE YELLING VARIOUS UNNECESSARY LINES!

...there was much mourning of Choko the next day. Or there would have been if all those who had witnessed Xorn's wrath weren't obliterated as well.

Choko: 12
Xorn: 26

Nate Nanjo (Pers) Nate Nanjo vs Sierra Mikain Sierra Mikain (S2)

Nate could not possibly lose to Sierra. If it's really a problem, he can just use his starting Persona which is strong against magic and immune to darkness, to boot.

Nate Nanjo: 28
Sierra Mikain: 18

Cyril (SO2) Cyril vs Jade Jade (BoF1)

Jade was angry. Having lost that bet to Hrist last season, he was forced him to join the NDF, humiliating him for all time, and now he knows that he's never going to regain his title as Myria's #1 whipping boy!

(no one knows why Jade wants that title, one can only assume Teepo has this kind of effect on the mentally weak. Which is to say, good thing Hrist knows how to ignore him.)

But of course, he also learned his opponent is immune to his trademark BoltX.

So what does Jade do in this really pissed off state?

...somethings are best not described. Lets just say that when a giant bug gets really damned angry, things don't get pretty. The best way to describe this fight is that the end of the fight ended in Cyril having an unnatural fear of beetles for the rest of his life.

Cyril: 25
Jade: 38

Arngrim (VPs) Arngrim vs Cliff Fittir Cliff Fittir (SO3)

"So what's it like, being undead and all?" asked Cliff from over his bottle.

"Eh. Can't complain. You'd be surprised how lively things can be," Arngrim muttered to his new drinking buddy, "What's is like finding out you're actually a video game character?"

Cliff cocked an eyebrow, wondering how best to answer the question. He'd only just met Arngrim after the two had a rousing melee in the arena that afternoon. He'd sensed a kindred spirit in the fellow warrior, and he wasn't quite sure how to break the news to him about Arngrim's own fictional status.

"Well...?" Arngrim insisted, banging his empty class on the table between them.

Cliff grinned, "How about we have a re-match? If you can beat me this time, I'll let you know."

Arngrim: 31
Cliff Fittir: 37

Lezard Valeth
Arngrim Vs Cliff. Human/ Einherjer Vs Clausian. One is good, the other can outperform 10 or 20 top human athletes in an unfair match.

Even a 10 year old knows how this match goes.

Ayla (CT) Ayla vs Kika Kika (S4)

A proud, handsome pirate woman.

Strong, confident, self-assured.

A proud, handsome tribal leader.

Strong, confident, self-assured.

Only one could succeed in this battle.

The one with more drive...


"...Ayla!?" Marle gasped, as she looked at her friend.

"Ayla make good pirate!" Ayla nodded, as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Aren't you supposed...to..." Marle sputtered.

"To hear her tell it, Kika blew her off, Ayla got mad, and Kika basically compromised. Something about having something more important to do, and her planning finally being ready, and this being a bad time or something." Lucca chuckled. "She's right, she does make a good pirate."

"Ayla strong, strong pirate! Raid seas for booty!" Ayla grinned slyly.

"I know exactly which way she means that, too." Marle noted.


Kika smiled.

It'd taken a while, but she finally had gotten the resources to finish the job.

"All Rune Cannons, open fire!" Kika called out, laughing.


"Why's Gilgamesh a pile of ashes, Chief?" Morte asked curiously.

"Nate said something about Kika needing to kill him twice to restore honor or something. Does it really matter?" Chisato shrugged.

"Well, no. It is Gilgamesh." Morte nodded.

"Besides, she has a point. If I got beat by Gilgamesh, I'd have to kill him every day." Chisato noted, as she prepared for Behind the Scenes. "We'll just sweep him up and get some healer in here before the show. No hurry."

"Man, I really need to find some way to get her upgraded a few times, just for that." Morte muttered.

Ayla: 31
Kika: 27

Garnet til Alexandros (FF9) Garnet til Alexandros vs Knight Knight (FF1)


There really wasn't much to this match. Garnet challenged Knight to a game instead of fighting. Knight agreed, but on one condition; it was an athletic match. Garnet paused at this, before agreeing - as long as she chose the game.

Final score was Garnet 15, Knight 10. Letting the girl with fighting experience with racquets choose racketball as the sport was not one of Knight's shining moments.

Garnet til Alexandros: 48
Knight: 24

Bruiser Khang (ToD) Bruiser Khang vs Ike Ike (FE9)



"So someone wanna explain to me why Bruiser actually agreed to take on Ike in a battle of Brawl?" remarked Lambda.

"It was easier than deciding the outcome of the fight through shear force, I guess?" replied Rolf.

"Kyogre! Ky! Ky-ky-kyogre!"

"Yes, that's what I find weird. Ike actually having been in the game holds an unnatural advantage, and one can only wonder why Bruiser chose Captain Falcon...well, no, I know why." Lambda said.

At this point, on the screen, Ike wielding a Golden Hammer could be seen knocking Captain Falcon off the edge of Luigi's Mansion.

"Well, if nothing else, at least they didn't play tournament rules, so the fight was at least kind of fun to watch, right?" Rolf said.


Bruiser Khang: 8
Ike: 34

Ike fights for his friends, gg.

Bart Fatima (XG) Bart Fatima vs Dekar Dekar (Lufia2)

DragonKnight Zero
This battle ended up being "fought" in the locker room.

Poison damage doesn't charge up IP. So Bart saw a winning strategy with the Cobra Cracka. Dekar counters with putting on the Camu armor, which nulls poison. Bart switches to the Death Adder to which Dekar responds with Metal Mail.

This went on for hours, well past the time the match was scheduled to start. Finally, the judges made an announcement that the first to reach the arena would be the winner. With his speed advantage, Bart made it first.

Bart Fatima: 33
Dekar: 25

Mog (FF6) Mog vs Jean Jean (BoF2)

"AUTO-KILL THIS, PUNK-A** ***** ************ *** ********! KUPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

These were the only words heard before Mog piloted the Falcon into the stadium, crushing his opponent Jean and, well, the entire stadium. Of course, since Setzer owns the Falcon, Mog was disqualified and Jean awarded the match after being reassembled.

Jean was unavailable for comment. Mog just hit the cameraman with a beer bottle and is reported as saying "You ****** kupoing ********! I'm gonna ******* kupo ********** steel wool ****** your face!"

Needless to say, the Happy Fun Moogle Show is reconsidering their contract again.

Mog: 24
Jean: 44

Jade Curtiss (TotA) Jade Curtiss vs Shoon Shoon (S5)

Shoon knew about Jade's reputation. The Necromancer was known far and wide as one of the most intelligent, calculating and underhanded men in the entire Dueling League. The pit fighter didn't know what manner of trick, trap or loophole the colonel of Malkuth would pull out, but he did know that the one thing he shouldn't expect was a fair fight.

Which made it a bit surprising when that was exactly what he got.

Jade came into the ring, stonefaced and focused, his spear already in hand. Nodding politely to his opponent as he took his stance, he said nothing as he waited for the bell to signal the start of the match.

Though the fighters moved quickly, the fight itself wore on. Keeping on the defensive, Shoon waited for some kind of trick to come out of the mage's sleeve while he blocked spear thrusts and dodged quick spells, occasionally launching into a few counters of his own. But this time, Shoon's caution would prove to be his undoing. He had let the fight go on a little too long.

Taking a quick leap backwards, the Necromancer started chanting as an impossible amount of energy built up around him, "I, who stand in the full light of the heavens command thee, who opens the gates of hell, come forth divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!"

Shoon, for all his speed and training, was helpless before such a powerful spell. Thrown backwards by the lighting, the gladiator hit the wall hard and slumped into a still heap.

Dusting his hands off and putting away his spear, Jade took a humble bow and watched as the medics started to see to his opponent, calling out "Oh, someone thank him for me when he wakes up. I was hoping to get a chance to use that, but didn't expect anyone to give me the time."

As he got a few puzzled looks from the healers, the crowd and even the judges, the Necromancer simply smiled, "Well, is it not traditional for Jades to win these fights with excessive amounts of lightning?"

Jade Curtiss: 31
Shoon: 22

Lufia (Lufia1) Lufia vs Haschel Haschel (LoD)

An old man.

Mighty in physical prowess. Capable of overcoming and controlling anyone and everyone with his scheming intelligence and his muscles. Domination incarnate.

A young girl.

Innocent, new, unable to fight off the older man's advances, and too innocent to understand his devilish plans.

A simple battle, isn't it?


"And then we had to fight that damned Divine Dragoon Spirit. I swear, it was the only battle I wasn't sleeping through! His breath damn near toasted me through my armor, I tell you! We had to use a Healing Rain every time he did that, but it didn't do anything for the damned pain! But that damned ghost didn't stop me! I eventually got him in a headlock! And his head exploded! There was ghost goo everywhere, I'll tell you! And the-...Oh, damn, that took forever." Haschel cut off his maunderings, as he finally heard Lufia snore softly.

"Didn't think I'd have to get 75% of the way through my life story." He muttered, as he carefully picked up Lufia and placed her in the stands, as she still peacefully slept. "Never did like hurting little girls."

Lufia: 13
Haschel: 31

Ace (S3) Ace vs Red Wizard Red Wizard (FF1)

When there are ways to settle things in a match besides for risking his precious skin, Ace is usually all for it. Even though wounds inflicted here are never permanent, they still hurt and he's been a mercenary for a bit too long to go charging headlong into a painful situation.

Having shared a few drinks with Kazan in the past and heard all about his success in season 36 by getting his opponents to take him on in drinking contests, Ace decided to give that a shot himself and broached the idea to the Red Wizard.

RW, being a generic fantasy hero type, of course loved to drink and happily accepted the challenge.

However, Ace made one small error in judgment when he set this match up. Red Wizard, being generic, has no real personality to speak of. When someone literally has no personality, they aren't effected normally by external mood effectors such as, say, alcohol. So, it came to pass that after they had imbibed enough booze to get a horse tipsy, Ace was nearly passing out and the Red Wizard was still mechanically reaching for another cup while he chatted about how much he liked swords and the number of guards in the castle.

Of course, Ace isn't the type to leave anything empty handed. He had set it up so the winner picked up the tab, insuring that no matter which way it landed, he at least got something that he wanted. He'd have preferred the win, but he certainly isn't objecting to getting completely hammered on the generic's gil.

Ace: 30
Red Wizard: 31

Ernest Raviede (SO2) Ernest Raviede vs Jun Jun (VP1)

"Mugen no Kens-ARGH." Jun shrieked, as roses slashed from the ground.

Ernest chuckled. "Been waiting for that. I can stun lock you out of doing that all day long. It's a pity you take so long to use those and make those stupid quotes."

"..." Jun stared blankly at Ernest, a glimmer of hatred shining in his eyes, as Ernest laughed at his predicament.

Then a glimmer of light slashed across the arena.

Ernest stopped, mid-laugh, and slowly crumpled to the ground.

"You fool. Flower petals always help samurai." Jun muttered, sheathing his sword. "Don't you know anything?"

Ernest Raviede: 29
Jun: 31

Gengen (S2) Gengen vs Nina Wyndia Nina Wyndia (BoF3)

Starphoenix das Helpoemer
In a battle of who fails less, we must first assess the statistics:

In one corner, we have a warrior. In the other, we have a mage.

Now normally, the warrior should be able to smite the mage at lower levels of ability... however, adding Suikoden Kobold to the mix (who is not named Ridley or Gau), and you bring down the overall success rate of our warrior.

End equation: Gengen is made of fail.

Gengen: 14
Nina Wyndia: 53

Relm Arrowny (FF6) Relm Arrowny vs Taloon Taloon (DW4)

It was bound to happen someday.

The Ramus Corporation was finally overperformed by Taloon Enterprises, Inc, in this quarter's performance reviews. Taloon Enterprises have furthermore managed to creep just over Ramus Corp.'s stock price at 59,191.26 zengold to 59,184.92 zengold at the closing of last week's session.

Asked for the reason to his success, Taloon simply chuckled. Ramus declined to be interviewed at this shocking turn of events, but his spokesman, Nall Whitdrake, had this to say:

"We still believe ourselves to be the highest-performance company of the DLverse. This sudden upswing in art gallery profits is aberrative and we believe Taloon Enterprises to have suspicious dealings with forgery-makers in order to obtain such high prices, and we have asked the Dueling League Council to investigate this situation."

Asked to reply to Nall's claim, Nate Nanjo of Nanjo Corp. simply laughed and stated:

"Once the two can get close to 100,000.00 as their ticker price, I'll worry. But for now? Hah."

Nall angrily retorted that Nanjo Corp., being the holder of a monopoly on inter-universal trade, would obviously not be counted.

In unrelated news, Taloon threw his match in the Light division to Relm Arrowny, who was not seen this entire week.

Finally, no further reports have come in regarding the mysterious illness plaguing some of the citizens of the city. Over two hundred wealthy individuals have been found unconscious in their homes since last Monday, each near their art galleries. The largest scare was when ten were found unconscious in Luther Lansfeld's airship house on Friday. All affected are in St. Whatsit Hospital and are in stable condition.

Relm Arrowny: 45
Taloon: 10