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Ted vs Jade Claus F. Lester vs Gades Peter vs Karin Koenig Mia Ausa vs Gepetto
Kratos Aurion vs Yuna Nina Wyndia vs Yuber Bright vs Lute Ricardo Gomez vs Frank Goldfinger
Jenna Angel vs Wren Surt vs Vulcanus Guy vs Sara Lowen vs Spar
Ellen Kirishima vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Demi vs Kharg Canas vs Nino Lani vs Cyan Garamonde
Week 3 - Quarterfinals

Ted (S4) Ted vs Jade Jade (BoF1)

Ted never showed up. Ted was found in his locker room clawing at the side of his head claiming to be looking for the lock so that he could let his brain out so that it would stop his kidneys from trying to strangle them. The gouges in his upper arms are presumably where he got the blood to draw the swirling circular texts warning of the things within the walls. Ted has been hospitalised and is now in a stable condition after the lobotomy.

Victory to Jade.

Ted: 12
Jade: 35

Kratos Aurion (ToS) Kratos Aurion vs Yuna Yuna (FFX)

Kratos vs. Yuna was expected to be quite boring, mostly involving Kratos being blown out of the arena by Anima. There were a few diehard Kratos fans, though, who speculated that Kratos would pull the complete unexpected and take Yuna down, surely a most unusual event.

When the match began, a most unusual event did end up happening. But no one ever expected it.

Not a single aeon was summoned. Kratos wore his best holy protection gear.

Yuna ended up winning the match after spending what seems to be an eternity bludgeoning Kratos with blinding staff whacks. Kratos was caught completely off guard, and was unable to penetrate Yuna's white magic defenses.

When all was said and done, Kratos had to admit he would have preferred facing Anima.

Kratos Aurion: 19
Yuna: 36

Jenna Angel (DDS) Jenna Angel vs Wren Wren (PS4)

It's funny - for all her savvy, meeting an actual robot was something Jenna never thought she'd see. Being a scientist, such a being was endlessly fascinating. Imagine how they could help repair her world! The feats they could do! The speed with which they could continue her research! And she's hardly unfamiliar with such machines, herself.

So of course she took it apart and began determining how it functioned right in the arena, over the protests of the judges and the odd stare from the opposing duelist itself. However, once she explained it was for saving a race of people who might die otherwise, Wren shrugged and agreed to go along with it. The Wrenartifax, new and improved model, is set to go on release in 2010.

Jenna Angel: 31
Wren: 7

Ellen Kirishima (Pers) Ellen Kirishima vs Yuri Volte Hyuga Yuri Volte Hyuga (SHs)

For the Children!

...it's a shame that Ellen's not a child. Ow. That's one helluva splatter.

Ellen Kirishima: 10
Yuri Volte Hyuga: 31

Claus F. Lester (ToP) Claus F. Lester vs Gades Gades (Lufias)

The votes are in. Gades wins this wet T-Shirt competition in a landslide. You know you want him.

Claus F. Lester: 14
Gades: 30

Nina Wyndia (BoF2) Nina Wyndia vs Yuber Yuber (S3)

Now we move onto the interesting fight Yuber vs Nina, Of course Yuber wins this battle but I believe he desrves a special prize for this win. After all Nina has nothing in her arsenal capabel of beating Yuber, she has strong spells good for her she's slow as shit where as Yuber is fast as hell not only will he strike first he'll probally hit her multiple times more then likley wittling away what little life she has *indeed its very possible for Yuber to kill her in one hit* a slaught of Epic proportions. But what else is to be expected?

Nina Wyndia: 16
Yuber: 38

Surt (VP1) Surt vs Vulcanus Vulcanus (Disgaea)

Let's compare.

Surt has excellent fire damage. Vulcanus has excellent fire damage. Advantage: Neither.

Surt does not resist fire. Vulcanus does not resist fire. Advantage: Neither(and really guys, the hell is up with this?)

Vulcanus has healing. Scrubby, but healing. Surt does not. Advantage: Vulcanus.

Surt has Might Reinforce to make his attacks stronger. Vulcanus has no such thing. Advantage: Surt.

The extra boost from Might Reinforce is a whole hell of alot more then Vulcanus' scrubby healing. Game: Surt.

Vulcanus might be a pretty powerful angel, but full Gods think twice before picking fights with the lord of the Vanir.

Surt: 42
Vulcanus: 8

Demi (PS4) Demi vs Kharg Kharg (AtL4)

Regular Airship Maintenance - 1250g/month

A full compliment of spirit stones - 2g a pop at Yewbell

Nuking the arena with a giant laser - 15,000g in damages and fines

Proving that if a human built it, a human can take it out - Priceless

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

Demi: 16
Kharg: 17

Peter (SF2) Peter vs Karin Koenig Karin Koenig (SH2)

Yuri can't just catch a break.

There he was, chilling after his most recent victory, when Karin pirouettes in, chipper about the new man who swept her off her feet and turned her head over heels that afternoon, with his resplendent looks and perfect manners. Whine whine whine why can't Yuri be like that complain complain complain she bets he'd make dinner for her whine whine whine why can't Yuri ever help her and Alice out complain complain complain the clothes are stacking up in the washbin moan moan moan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

In the end, Yuri caved in and bought her a diamond ring - because nothing else says "shut up" as well as expensive things. Of course, Karin never brought up the name of this mysterious fellow, which is perhaps just as well.

He did have cute tailfeathers, though.

Peter: 25
Karin Koenig: 17

Bright (S3) Bright vs Lute Lute (FE8)

Hunter Sopko
Once upon a midnight dreary, while Lute pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While Lute nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at her chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," Lute muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."

Turned did Lute upon the door, unbeknownst what lie in store,
Thrilled her— filled her with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of her heart, she stood repeating,
"'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door —
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; —
This it is, and nothing more."

Presently her soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said Lute, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"— here she opened wide the door; —
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long she stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Artur?"
This she whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Artur!" —
Merely this, and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all her soul within her burning,
Soon again she heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," said Lute, "surely that is something at my window lattice:
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore —
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; —
'Tis the wind and nothing more."

Open here Lute flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately dragon of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above her chamber door —
Perched upon a bust of Alice just above her chamber door —
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ivory creature beguiling her sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," Lute said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient dragon wandering from the Nightly shore —
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
Quoth the Dragon, "Nevermore."

A smart and irksome beast was he that stood there perched,
Perched upon Lute's chamber door. Like angel or devil preparing for
What lies beyond mortal lore. Disturb this did, and Lute went asking,
"My sweet, lost Artur, is he well?" she asked, nay did implore
"Has he found peace upon God's far shore?"
Quoth the Dragon, "Nevermore."

"Prophet!" said Lute, "thing of evil - prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted man whom the angels name Artur-
Clasp a rare and radiant man whom the angels name Artur."
Quoth the Dragon, "Nevermore."

"Be that word our sign in parting, bird or fiend," Lute shrieked, upstarting —
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!— quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
Quoth the Dragon, "Nevermore."

And the Dragon, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Alice just above Lute's chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And Lute's soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted — never...

So awoke Lute fitting, starting and shifting, affirming
"I've got to stop reading poetry before matches..." with head still sore;
Back to sleep to awake next day, with nothing but thoughts of winning,
winning over her foe of dreams. But a few spells it took and nothing more.
"Take that, foul beast and begone from my nighttime snore;
You shall win — Nevermore!"

Bright: 20
Lute: 36

Lol Mighty Bright aganst some innocent girl? One tiny fireball shot off his nose would be enuff to ruin her beautifully laid out hairstyle and fancy wardrobe, hehehe.

Go Bright!!! PWN that silly girl, stomp her and chomp her!!!! In the name of Spyro and all dragons!!!

Guy (Lufia2) Guy vs Sara Sara (BoF1)

Draconic representation of one of the last of her kind. A generic swordsman.

Really, the result was obvious; Guy kept stalling his swings whenever Sara screamed "Help! Help!" and then getting slapped in the face for his efforts. Finally, in frustration, he inverted his blade in order to knock her out... and wound up getting a face full of dragon foot to finish him off.

To be fair, being Zog's mindslave for a while taught Sara all she needed to know about dirty fighting, at least in practice.

Guy: 14
Sara: 33

Canas (FE7) Canas vs Nino Nino (FE7)

Canas couldn't beat on Nino. Really, hitting a little girl, especially such a bright and promising young mage, just goes against everything that Canas believes in. And Nino wasn't really interested in fighting an ally either, especially not the cool shaman guy who taught her how to read and gave her fun books. But fortunately for these two, there are many ways to decide a match besides for fighting.

But Canas would surely win any game he would pick, and Nino would surely win any game she would pick. So there was nothing for it but to take this to an impartial third party.

Of course, this IS the DL. Around here, "impartial" tends to mean "hates everyone equally". Keeping this in mind, it's no surprise that the person responsible for picking the contest was Melfice. And the game? Creative Suicide. Whoever could kill themselves in the most amusing manner got to win.

Nino made an impressive showing, of course. Prank calling Luther until he gets so irritated that he uses his amazing plot powers to hack you into a lemming and sick the suikodogs on you is a pretty good laugh. But this was Melfice that they were trying to impress, and while that would tickle him quite a bit, there are things he just finds more amusing.

Like collateral damage, for one. And running gags for another. It took some doing, but Canas was able to smuggle both Selphie and an entire crate of pixie sticks onboard the Delphinus while the crew was away lending their support to the Pirates vs Ninjas battle. To make a long story short, the end result was effectively the same as the Shooting Stars Airship Wreck Challenge all over again, with Selphie plowing the Delphinus into a train and dragging it through half of a city before managing to stop.

Well, "stop" anyway. Technically she stopped, as once the Moonstone Cannon was discharged in her panic, there wasn't enough of the Delphinus left to go any more. There also wasn't enough left of the city to crash into even if it could.

The good news is that Melfice is still laughing his fool head off about that one, and Canas took the match hands down.

The bad news is that the DL healers aren't sure they'll be able to reconstruct Canas in time for his next match.

Canas: 47
Nino: 14

Mia Ausa (Lunar1) Mia Ausa vs Gepetto Gepetto (SH2)

The weakness of any old man and doll is...tanks. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think I was going to say fire? Sure, Mia's fire magic would burn Gepetto to a crisp just like -that-. Really, though, this lacks imagination. You saw Berg and the Grindery? The world of Lunar has plenty of magi-tech machines at it's beck and call, and who better to get her hands on them than Mia? Ergo, Gepetto is flattened under the treats of a crystalline magi-tank.

Whatever works, you know?

Mia Ausa: 31
Gepetto: 16

Ricardo Gomez (SH3) Ricardo Gomez vs Frank Goldfinger Frank Goldfinger (SH3)



To: Duelling League Staffing Administration

As of this night of 03/14, we now move to forbid Dark Force from assigning proxies to judging duels that he had been assigned to judge, either directly or as a proxy himself, for a period of time indeterminable until he has shown proof that he will not assign proxies in such a manner that will create a large-scale disturbance amongst the audience. This has been determined after the observation of events that have occurred as of tonight's Quarterfinal Light match, of one Gomez, Ricardo, versus one Goldfinger, Frank.

To elaborate upon the match, the original designated judge, one Etna, had, in what could arguably be labeled as a bout of laziness, assigned one Dark Force as a proxy to the match in question, claiming that she had "important business to attend to" upon the time of the match. Upon the initialization of the match, it appears as if Dark Force had assigned three proxies to judge the match in question: one Magimel, Pierre, one Magimel, Gerard, and one Buigen, whose last name could not be determined. The audience entry gates had been sealed and guarded as per Security Procedure B for containment of audience riot outbreaks during a match, by order of Dark Force.

This act of containment was then followed by both combatants in the match in question being forced to strip down to their undergarments, manually apply oil liberally to their bodies, and then poledance, overall being judged by the three proxies previously mentioned in the document. As a result of this, several damages have accrued throughout the two-hour duration that the "fight" had taken: Roughly twenty-five percent of the audience had self-inflicted grievous wounds, most notably to the eyes or eyelids, most likely in an attempt to cease watching the match. Another ten percent of the audience had attempted or committed suicide during the process. The majority of the remaining sixty-five percent of the audience had injured or killed each other in a riot outbreak of a desperate attempt to escape the premises of the arena in question. Furthermore, one Queen Brahne was sighted in the front row, cheering on the "combatants" in the arena.

This last detail is what has caused us to forward this motion. Scientific studies have not yet determined the level of psychological damage the visage of Brahne has inflicted upon our duelists. While the damage to the audience is temporary, repairable, and of some degree of importance, the duellers must be capable of fighting at least once a week, if not more, and our psychological hospital is woefully behind in comparison to our standard League Hospital. Furthermore, it is not that the duellers in question have been traumatized at all, but the fact that they have experienced unmeasurable psychological trauma as the result of a third party--specifically, one Brahne. Therefore, in addition to the motion stated in the beginning of this notice (that Dark Force be disallowed from assigning any proxy to a match he has been forced to judge, either as a proxy himself, or directly, for a period of time indeterminable until he has proven that he will not assign proxies in such a manner in the future), we also hereby motion that all proxies in the future be screened twice minimum prior to their judging the match that they have been assigned as a proxy to judge for. In addition to that, we motion that Etna be forced to judge over two (2) seasons' worth of matches, with priority given to those in Light featuring Stars of Destiny, or those who have been acquainted with one Serge or one Lynx. Failure to comply will be responded to with a court notice for a day as of yet unspecified.

If there are any issues to discuss, one may call the Duelling League Disciplinary Administration at 555-006-5535.

Ricardo Gomez: 31
Frank Goldfinger: 8

Lowen (FE7) Lowen vs Spar Spar (BoF2)

Spar, for all his...er...'power'...is really little more then a walking talking vegetable.

Lowen is a cook in knight's clothing who is so obsessed with proper nutrition and dining that he will stop to whip out a full picnic in the middle of a pitched battle.

Spar is a very large walking, talking, and rather unique vegetable.

Lowen has been running out of new recipes lately.

Do I really need to finish this line of thinking for you, or can you get where this is going?

Lowen: 29
Spar: 18

Lani (FF9) Lani vs Cyan Garamonde Cyan Garamonde (FF6)

Magic Fanatic
Lani and Cyan could be similar, as they both have moves that can really put the hurting on their enemies.

The difference?

Lani's moves don't require years of waiting to access.

Lani: 47
Cyan Garamonde: 18

It had to happen

A flashing blade.

A glint of light.

And then all was still.


"...Edge, why'n the hell did you..." Yuffie trailed off, shaking her head. "Man, that's just cold."

"Pirates never have the right to challenge the mighty art of the ninja." Edge said solemnly, serious for a change.

"...even to me, this is an atrocity." Shadow shook his head, seconded by the generic Ninja.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! Old FRANK is here, saving the day for NINJAS EVERYWHERE! My BRAZEELIAN NINJA ARTS are too much for you foolish pirates!" Frank cried, rushing away from Vyse's body, as he single-handedly bludgeoned and smashed his way through the ranks of the pirates.

"...seriously, did we have to status all of them out? Couldn't we have given them some chance? I mean, this is just...so...wrong." Yuffie shook her head, as Frank single-handedly and slowly killed paralyzed and sleeping pirates.

"Never." Edge repeated grimly.

Ninjas: 32
Pirates: 25

Alright, let's break this down.

The ninjas have Edge(awesome), Shadow(pretty cool), Yuffie(awesome), Frank(...counts against them...) and an FFT Ninja(awesome, but generic).

The pirates have Vyse(awesome), Aika(pretty cool), Gilder(awesome), Fina(...counts against them...) and Drachma(awesome UOM).

So that's 3.5 awesomes for the ninjas...minus Frank. And 3.5 awesomes for the pirates...minus Fina. So this battle comes down to the Generic factor of the FFT ninja vs the UOMness of Drachma.

And come on now, is that really even a question?

Vyse is an accomplished leader with a plethora of victories to his name. In short, he is competent.

Edge is the prince of a devastated land whose biggest point of interest is charging head-first at a mighty Fiend that could have roasted him effortlessly.

Arr matey. Arr.

Tylor H
An ninjas, fast, graceful, lethal. Sure they're generally frail, but what kind of pirate could possibly survive long enough in order to take advantage of that.

Pirates with Delta Shield seem to be a good answer.

One physical immune round later, and the Blue Rogues are well on their way to another sound victory.

I say the pirates win simply because I like the word "roguery."